1749 lines
61 KiB
1749 lines
61 KiB
/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington
** http://www.neostats.net/
** Portions Copyright (c) 2000-2008 ^Enigma^
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
#ifndef _NEOSTATS_H_
#define _NEOSTATS_H_
#ifdef WIN32
/* Disable some warnings on MSVC 2005 */
#include "configwin32.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#else /* WIN32 */
#include "config.h"
#endif /* WIN32 */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* HAVE_STDDEF_H */
#include <stdio.h>
#endif /* HAVE_STDIO_H */
#include <sys/types.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H */
#include <errno.h>
#endif /* HAVE_ERRNO_H */
#include <sys/socket.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H */
#include <netdb.h>
#endif /* HAVE_NETDB_H */
#include <netinet/in.h>
#endif /* HAVE_NETINET_IN_H */
#include <unistd.h>
#endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
#include <sys/time.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_TIME_H */
#include <sys/resource.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H */
#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
#include <time.h>
#endif /* HAVE_TIME_H */
#include <string.h>
#endif /* HAVE_STRING_H */
#include <stdarg.h>
#endif /* HAVE_STDARG_H */
#include <stdlib.h>
#endif /* HAVE_STDLIB_H */
#include <ctype.h>
#endif /* HAVE_CTYPE_H */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_STAT_H */
#include <setjmp.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SETJMP_H */
#include <assert.h>
#endif /* HAVE_ASSERT_H */
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#endif /* HAVE_ARPA_INET_H */
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#endif /* HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H */
#ifdef WIN32
#else /* WIN32 */
typedef int OS_SOCKET;
#define SOCKET_ERROR -1
#endif /* SOCKET_ERROR */
#endif /* INVALID_SOCKET */
#endif /* WIN32 */
/* These macros handle DLL imports and exports for win32 module support */
#ifdef WIN32
#define EXPORTFUNC __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPORTVAR __declspec(dllexport)
#else /* NEOSTATSCORE */
#define EXPORTVAR __declspec(dllimport)
#define EXPORTFUNC __declspec(dllimport)
#define MODULEFUNC __declspec(dllexport)
#define MODULEVAR __declspec(dllexport)
#endif /* NEOSTATSCORE */
#else /* WIN32 */
#include "version.h"
#endif /* WIN32 */
#ifdef WIN32
#define MODULECONFIG "modconfigwin32.h"
#else /* WIN32 */
#define MODULECONFIG "modconfig.h"
#endif /* WIN32 */
/* No language support under win32 */
#ifndef WIN32
/* when db stuff is working, change this back */
/* #ifdef HAVE_DB_H */
#if 0
#else /* HAVE_DB_H */
/* so our defines for _(x) are not active */
#endif /* HAVE_DB_H */
#endif /* WIN32 */
char *LANGgettext( const char *string, int mylang );
/* our own defines for language support */
/* this one is for standard language support */
#define _( x ) LANGgettext( ( x ), me.lang )
/* this one is for custom langs based on chan/user struct */
#define __( x, y ) LANGgettext( ( x ), ( y )->lang )
#else /* USEGETTEXT */
#define _( x ) ( x )
#define __( x, y ) ( x )
#endif /* USEGETTEXT */
/* If we're not using GNU C, elide __attribute__ */
#ifndef __GNUC__
#define __attribute__( x ) /* NOTHING */
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
/* va_copy handling*/
#ifndef HAVE_VA_COPY
#define va_copy( dest, src ) __va_copy( ( dest ), ( src ) )
#else /* HAVE___VA_COPY */
#define va_copy( dest, src ) memcpy( &( dest ), &( src ), sizeof( dest ) )
#endif /* HAVE___VA_COPY */
#endif /* HAVE_VA_COPY */
#include "pcre.h"
#include "adns.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "numeric.h"
#define ARRAYLEN( a ) ( sizeof( a ) / sizeof( *( a ) ) )
#define PROTOCOL_NOQUIT 0x00000001 /* NOQUIT */
#define PROTOCOL_TOKEN 0x00000002 /* TOKEN */
#define PROTOCOL_SJOIN 0x00000004 /* SJOIN */
#define PROTOCOL_NICKv2 0x00000008 /* NICKv2 */
#define PROTOCOL_SJOIN2 0x00000010 /* SJOIN2 */
#define PROTOCOL_UMODE2 0x00000020 /* UMODE2 */
#define PROTOCOL_NS 0x00000040 /* NS */
#define PROTOCOL_ZIP 0x00000080 /* ZIP - not actually supported by NeoStats */
#define PROTOCOL_VL 0x00000100 /* VL */
#define PROTOCOL_SJ3 0x00000200 /* SJ3 */
#define PROTOCOL_VHP 0x00000400 /* Send hostnames in NICKv2 even if not sethosted */
#define PROTOCOL_SJB64 0x00000800 /* */
#define PROTOCOL_CLIENT 0x00001000 /* CLIENT */
#define PROTOCOL_B64SERVER 0x00002000 /* Server names use Base 64 */
#define PROTOCOL_B64NICK 0x00004000 /* Nick names use Base 64 */
#define PROTOCOL_UNKLN 0x00008000 /* Have UNKLINE support */
#define PROTOCOL_NICKIP 0x00010000 /* NICK passes IP address */
#define PROTOCOL_KICKPART 0x00020000 /* KICK also generates PART */
#define PROTOCOL_P10 0x00040000 /* Protocol is IRCu P10 based */
#define PROTOCOL_EOB 0x00080000 /* Protocol supports End Of Burst Info */
#define PROTOCOL_CLIENTMODE 0x80000000 /* Client mode */
#define FEATURE_SWHOIS 0x00000001 /* SWHOIS */
#define FEATURE_SVSTIME 0x00000002 /* SVSTIME */
#define FEATURE_SVSHOST 0x00000004 /* SVSHOST */
#define FEATURE_SVSJOIN 0x00000008 /* SVSJOIN */
#define FEATURE_SVSMODE 0x00000010 /* SVSMODE */
#define FEATURE_SVSPART 0x00000020 /* SVSPART */
#define FEATURE_SVSNICK 0x00000040 /* SVSNICK */
#define FEATURE_SVSKILL 0x00000080 /* SVSKILL */
#define FEATURE_UMODECLOAK 0x00000100 /* auto cloak host with umode */
#define FEATURE_USERSMODES 0x00000200 /* User Smode field */
#define FEATURE_SMO 0x00000400 /* SMO */
/* cumodes are channel modes which affect a user */
#define CUMODE_CHANOP 0x00000001
#define CUMODE_VOICE 0x00000002
#define CUMODE_HALFOP 0x00000004
#define CUMODE_CHANOWNER 0x00000008
/* Following are mutually exclusive in current IRCd support so share bits.
* If this changes, all these must change.
#define CUMODE_CHANPROT 0x00000010
#define CUMODE_CHANADMIN 0x00000010
/* Channel modes available on all IRCds */
#define CMODE_PRIVATE 0x00000020
#define CMODE_SECRET 0x00000040
#define CMODE_MODERATED 0x00000080
#define CMODE_TOPICLIMIT 0x00000100
#define CMODE_BAN 0x00000200
#define CMODE_INVITEONLY 0x00000400
#define CMODE_NOPRIVMSGS 0x00000800
#define CMODE_KEY 0x00001000
#define CMODE_LIMIT 0x00002000
/* Channel modes available on most IRCds */
#define CMODE_EXCEPT 0x00004000
#define CMODE_RGSTR 0x00008000
#define CMODE_RGSTRONLY 0x00010000
#define CMODE_LINK 0x00020000
#define CMODE_NOCOLOR 0x00040000
#define CMODE_OPERONLY 0x00080000
#define CMODE_ADMONLY 0x00100000
#define CMODE_STRIP 0x00200000
#define CMODE_NOKNOCK 0x00400000
#define CMODE_NOINVITE 0x00800000
#define CMODE_FLOODLIMIT 0x01000000
/* Other channel modes available on IRCds cannot be easily supported so
* should be defined locally beginning at 0x02000000
/* Cmode macros */
#define is_hidden_chan( x ) ( ( x ) && ( ( x )->modes & ( CMODE_PRIVATE | CMODE_SECRET | CMODE_ADMONLY | CMODE_OPERONLY ) ) )
#define is_pub_chan( x ) ( ( x ) && !( ( x )->modes & ( CMODE_PRIVATE | CMODE_SECRET | CMODE_RGSTRONLY | CMODE_ADMONLY | CMODE_OPERONLY | CMODE_INVITEONLY | CMODE_KEY ) ) )
#define is_priv_chan( x ) ( ( x ) && ( ( x )->modes & ( CMODE_PRIVATE | CMODE_SECRET | CMODE_RGSTRONLY | CMODE_ADMONLY | CMODE_OPERONLY | CMODE_INVITEONLY | CMODE_KEY ) ) )
/* User modes available on all IRCds */
#define UMODE_INVISIBLE 0x00000001 /* makes user invisible */
#define UMODE_OPER 0x00000002 /* Operator */
#define UMODE_WALLOP 0x00000004 /* send wallops to them */
/* User modes available on most IRCds */
#define UMODE_LOCOP 0x00000008 /* Local operator -- SRB */
#define UMODE_REGNICK 0x00000010 /* umode +r - registered nick */
#define UMODE_DEAF 0x00000020 /* Dont see chan msgs */
#define UMODE_HIDE 0x00000040 /* Hide from Nukes */
#define UMODE_BOT 0x00000080 /* User is a bot */
#define UMODE_RBOT UMODE_BOT /* Registered Bot */
#define UMODE_SBOT UMODE_BOT /* Server Bot */
#define UMODE_SADMIN 0x00000100 /* Services Admin */
#define UMODE_ADMIN 0x00000200 /* Admin */
#define UMODE_SERVICES 0x00000400 /* services */
#define UMODE_NETADMIN 0x00000800 /* Network Admin */
#define UMODE_COADMIN 0x00001000 /* Co Admin */
#define UMODE_TECHADMIN 0x00002000 /* Technical Administrator */
#define UMODE_CLIENT 0x00004000 /* Show client information */
#define UMODE_FCLIENT 0x00008000 /* receive client on far connects.. */
#define UMODE_KIX 0x00010000 /* protected oper, only ulines can kick */
#define UMODE_HELPOP 0x00020000 /* Help system operator */
#define UMODE_RGSTRONLY 0x00040000 /* only registered nicks may PM */
/* Other user modes available on IRCds cannot be easily supported so
* should be defined locally beginning at 0x00080000
/* Smodes */
#define SMODE_SSL 0x00000001 /* ssl client */
#define SMODE_COADMIN 0x00000002 /* co admin on a server */
#define SMODE_ADMIN 0x00000004 /* server admin */
#define SMODE_COTECHADMIN 0x00000008 /* co-tech admin */
#define SMODE_TECHADMIN 0x00000010 /* tech administrator */
#define SMODE_CONETADMIN 0x00000020 /* Co-Network Admin */
#define SMODE_NETADMIN 0x00000040 /* Network Admin */
#define SMODE_GUESTADMIN 0x00000080 /* Guest Admin */
EXPORTVAR extern unsigned int ircd_supported_umodes;
EXPORTVAR extern unsigned int ircd_supported_smodes;
EXPORTVAR extern unsigned int ircd_supported_cmodes;
EXPORTVAR extern unsigned int ircd_supported_cumodes;
#define HaveUmodeRegNick() ( ircd_supported_umodes & UMODE_REGNICK )
#define HaveUmodeDeaf() ( ircd_supported_umodes & UMODE_DEAF )
/* Umode macros */
#define IsOper(x) ( ( x ) && ( ( x->user->Umode & ( UMODE_OPER | UMODE_LOCOP ) ) ) )
#define IsBot(x) ( ( x ) && ( x->user->Umode & UMODE_BOT ) )
#define IsServerOperMode( mode ) ( mode & ( UMODE_ADMIN | UMODE_COADMIN | UMODE_OPER | UMODE_LOCOP ) )
#define IsServerOperSMode( mode ) ( mode & ( UMODE_ADMIN | UMODE_COADMIN | UMODE_OPER | UMODE_LOCOP ) )
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int UmodeCharToMask( unsigned char mode );
EXPORTFUNC const char *GetUmodeDesc( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int SmodeCharToMask( unsigned char mode );
EXPORTFUNC const char *GetSmodeDesc( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int UmodeStringToMask( const char *UmodeString );
EXPORTFUNC char *UmodeMaskToString( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned char UmodeMaskToChar( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int SmodeStringToMask( const char *UmodeString );
EXPORTFUNC char *SmodeMaskToString( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned char SmodeMaskToChar( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int CmodeStringToMask( const char *UmodeString );
EXPORTFUNC char *CmodeMaskToString( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC char *CmodeMaskToPrefixString( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int CmodeCharToMask( unsigned char mode );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned char CmodeMaskToChar( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int CmodeCharToFlags( unsigned char mode );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int CmodePrefixToMask( unsigned char prefix );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned char CmodePrefixToChar( unsigned char prefix );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned char CmodeMaskToPrefix( unsigned int mask );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned char CmodeCharToPrefix( unsigned char mode );
#define TS5
#ifdef TS5
#define TS_CURRENT 5 /* current TS protocol version */
#else /* TS5 */
#define TS_CURRENT 3 /* current TS protocol version */
#endif /* TS5 */
#define TS5_ONLY
#ifdef TS5_ONLY
#define TS_MIN 5
#else /* TS5_ONLY */
#define TS_MIN 3 /* minimum supported TS protocol version */
#endif /* TS5_ONLY */
#define TS_ONE_MINUTE ( 60 )
#define TS_ONE_HOUR ( TS_ONE_MINUTE * 60 ) /* 3600 */
#define TS_ONE_DAY ( TS_ONE_HOUR * 24 ) /* 86400 */
#define TS_ONE_WEEK ( TS_ONE_DAY * 7 ) /* 604800 */
#define MOD_PATH "modules"
#define BASE64NICKSIZE 5
#define BUFSIZE 512
/* this is like a recvq setting. Going over this, we are getting flooded */
#define LINEBUFSIZE 2048
/* this is the max data we read from a sock at once */
#define READBUFSIZE 4096
#define MAXHOST (128 + 1)
#define MAXPASS (32 + 1)
#define MAXNICK (32 + 1)
#define MAXUSER (15 + 1)
#define MAXREALNAME (50 + 1)
#define MAXCHANLEN (50 + 1)
#define MAXTOPICLEN (307 + 1)
#define CLOAKKEYLEN (40 + 1)
/* the max number of calls we will print out in a backtrace */
#define HOSTIPLEN ( 15 + 1 ) /* Size of IP address in dotted quad */
/* Size of nick!user@host mask */
#define MODESIZE 53
#define B64SIZE 16
#define KEYLEN (32 + 1)
* the max length a string can be that holds channel lists
* used to determine buffer sizes for file system operations
#ifndef MAXPATH
#define MAXPATH 1024
#endif /* MAXPATH */
* used to determine buffer sizes for time formatting buffers
#define TIMEBUFSIZE 80
* size of a time_t converted to a string.
#define STR_TIME_T_SIZE 24
ModuleInfo will allow any length since it is merely a char *
functions displaying ModuleInfo contents will display the full string.
NeoStats core will truncate to this length for use internally.
#define MAX_MOD_NAME 32
/* Buffer size for reason string */
#define MAXREASON 128
/* Buffer size for version string */
#define VERSIONSIZE 128
/* Maximum number of modules that can be loaded */
#define NUM_MODULES 40
#define IsNeoStatsSynched() me.synched
/* Unified return values and error system */
/* NeoStats general success failure return type */
#define NS_SUCCESS 1
#define NS_FAILURE -1
/* NeoStats boolean return type */
#define NS_TRUE 1
#define NS_FALSE 0
/* Specific errors beyond SUCCESS/FAILURE so that functions can handle errors
* Treat as unsigned with top bit set to give us a clear distinction from
* other values and use a typedef ENUM so that we can indicate return type */
typedef enum NS_ERR {
NS_ERR_NICK_IN_USE = 0x8000001,
NS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x8000002,
NS_ERR_VERSION = 0x8000003,
NS_ERR_SYNTAX_ERROR = 0x8000004,
/* General flags for for clients (users and servers) and channels */
#define NS_FLAG_EXCLUDED 0x00000001 /* matches a exclusion */
/* Flags for clients (users and servers) */
#define CLIENT_FLAG_EXCLUDED NS_FLAG_EXCLUDED /* client is excluded */
#define CLIENT_FLAG_ME 0x00000002 /* client is a NeoStats one */
#define CLIENT_FLAG_SYNCHED 0x00000004 /* client is synched */
#define CLIENT_FLAG_SETHOST 0x00000008 /* client is sethosted */
#define CLIENT_FLAG_DCC 0x00000010 /* client is connected via DCC */
#define CLIENT_FLAG_ZOMBIE 0x00000020 /* client is zombie */
#define CLIENT_FLAG_GOTVERSION 0x00000040 /* got version reply */
#define NS_FLAGS_NETJOIN 0x00000080 /* client is on a net join */
#define CHANNEL_FLAG_EXCLUDED NS_FLAG_EXCLUDED /* channel is excluded */
#define CHANNEL_FLAG_ME 0x00000002 /* channel is services channel */
#define IsServicesChannel( x ) ( ( x )->flags & CHANNEL_FLAG_ME )
#define IsNetSplit( x ) ( ( x )->flags & NS_FLAGS_NETJOIN )
#define ClearNetSplit( x ) ( ( x )->flags &= ~NS_FLAGS_NETJOIN )
/* NeoStats levels */
#define NS_ULEVEL_ROOT 200
#define NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN 185
#define NS_ULEVEL_OPER 50
#define NS_ULEVEL_REG 10
/* transfer stuff */
typedef enum NS_TRANSFER {
NS_FILE = 0,
#define SET_SEGV_LOCATION() ircsnprintf( segv_location, SEGV_LOCATION_BUFSIZE, "%s %d %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );
#define SET_SEGV_LOCATION_EXTRA( debug_text ) ircsnprintf( segv_location, SEGV_LOCATION_BUFSIZE, "%s %d %s %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, (debug_text) );
#define CLEAR_SEGV_LOCATION() segv_location[0]='\0';
EXPORTVAR extern char segv_location[SEGV_LOCATION_BUFSIZE];
/* this is the dns structure */
extern adns_state nsads;
/* version info */
EXPORTVAR extern const char version_date[];
EXPORTVAR extern const char version_time[];
/* Forward references for cyclic structs */
typedef struct Module Module;
typedef struct Bot Bot;
/* to avoid warnings for Sock */
struct Sock;
/** @brief Server structure
* Client extension structure for server specifics
typedef struct Server {
unsigned int users;
unsigned int awaycount;
int hops;
int numeric;
time_t ping;
time_t uptime;
} Server;
/** @brief User structure
* Client extension structure for user specifics
typedef struct User {
char hostname[MAXHOST];
char username[MAXUSER];
char vhost[MAXHOST];
char awaymsg[MAXHOST];
char swhois[MAXHOST];
char userhostmask[USERHOSTLEN];
char uservhostmask[USERHOSTLEN];
unsigned int flood;
int is_away;
time_t tslastmsg;
time_t tslastnick;
time_t tslastaway;
time_t servicestamp;
char modes[MODESIZE];
unsigned int Umode;
char smodes[MODESIZE];
unsigned int Smode;
int ulevel;
list_t *chans;
Bot *bot;
} User;
/** @brief Client structure
typedef struct Client {
User *user;
Server *server;
char name[MAXNICK];
char name64[B64SIZE];
char uplinkname[MAXHOST];
struct Client *uplink;
char info[MAXREALNAME];
char version[MAXHOST];
unsigned int flags;
time_t tsconnect;
struct in_addr ip;
char hostip[HOSTIPLEN];
int lang;
void *modptr[NUM_MODULES];
void *modvalue[NUM_MODULES];
int port;
struct Sock *sock;
} Client;
/** @brief me structure
* structure containing information about the neostats core
typedef struct tme {
char name[MAXHOST];
int numeric;
char protocol[MAXHOST];
char rootnick[MAXNICK];
char dbm[MAXHOST];
char uplink[MAXHOST];
char infoline[MAXHOST];
char netname[MAXPASS];
char local[MAXHOST];
char servicehost[MAXHOST];
int port;
int lang;
time_t ts_boot;
unsigned int usercount;
unsigned int awaycount;
unsigned int channelcount;
unsigned int servercount;
unsigned int maxsocks;
unsigned int cursocks;
unsigned int want_nickip:1;
char servicescmode[MODESIZE];
unsigned int servicescmodemask;
char servicesumode[MODESIZE];
unsigned int servicesumodemask;
char serviceschan[MAXCHANLEN];
unsigned int synched:1;
Client *s;
struct Sock *servsock;
int requests;
long SendM;
long SendBytes;
long RcveM;
long RcveBytes;
time_t lastmsg;
time_t now;
char strnow[STR_TIME_T_SIZE];
char version[VERSIONSIZE];
int dobind;
struct sockaddr_in lsa;
struct sockaddr_in srvip;
time_t tslastping;
time_t ulag;
unsigned int versionscan;
} tme;
EXPORTVAR extern tme me;
#define NSGetChannelCount() me.channelcount
#define NSGetServerCount() me.servercount
#define NSGetUserCount() me.usercount
#define NSGetAwayCount() me.awaycount
/** @brief Bans structure
typedef struct Ban {
char type[8];
char user[MAXUSER];
char host[MAXHOST];
char mask[MAXHOST];
char reason[BUFSIZE];
char setby[MAXHOST];
time_t tsset;
time_t tsexpires;
} Ban;
/** @brief ModeParams structure
typedef struct ModeParams {
unsigned int mask;
char param[PARAMSIZE];
} ModeParams;
/** @brief ChannelMember structure
typedef struct ChannelMember {
Client *u;
time_t tsjoin;
unsigned int modes;
} ChannelMember;
/** @brief Channel structure
typedef struct Channel {
char name[MAXCHANLEN];
char name64[B64SIZE];
unsigned int users;
unsigned int neousers;
unsigned int persistentusers;
int lang;
unsigned int modes;
list_t *members;
char topic[BUFSIZE];
char topicowner[MAXHOST]; /* because a "server" can be a topic owner */
time_t topictime;
int limit;
char key[KEYLEN];
list_t *modeparams;
time_t creationtime;
unsigned int flags;
void *modptr[NUM_MODULES];
void *modvalue[NUM_MODULES];
} Channel;
typedef struct bot_cmd bot_cmd;
typedef struct CmdParams {
Client *source; /* pointer to client triggering command */
Client *target; /* pointer to client command acts on */
Bot *bot; /* pointer to associated bot where appropriate */
char *param; /* command parameter */
char *cmd; /* command */
bot_cmd *cmd_ptr; /* pointer to associated command structure */
Channel *channel; /* pointer to channel struct where appropriate */
char **av; /* command parameter list */
int ac; /* count of command parameter list */
int eventid; /* the event that triggered this */
} CmdParams;
/* Comand list handling */
/** @brief bot_cmd_handler type
* defines handler function definition
/* SET_REASON is passed to SET command callback funtions
* so the callback knows why it triggered
typedef enum SET_REASON {
typedef int (*bot_cmd_handler) ( const CmdParams* cmdparams );
typedef int (*bot_set_handler) ( const CmdParams* cmdparams, SET_REASON reason );
/* Command will only respond to privmsg. !command in channel is ignored.
* Use of this flag is discouraged.
#define CMD_FLAG_PRIVMSGONLY 0x00000001
/* Command will only respond to !command in channel. privmsg is ignored.
* Use of this flag is discouraged.
#define CMD_FLAG_CHANONLY 0x00000002
/** @brief bot_cmd structure
* defines command lists for bots
struct bot_cmd
const char *cmd; /* command string */
bot_cmd_handler handler; /* handler */
int minparams; /* min num params */
int ulevel; /* min user level */
const char **helptext; /* pointer to help text */
int flags; /* command flags */
void *moddata; /* pointer for module use */
Module *modptr; /* NeoStats internal use only */
#define NS_CMD_END() { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL }
/** @brief flags for bots
* flags to influence how bots are managed
* e.g. restrict to opers
/* Restrict module bot to only respond to oper requests
* when ONLY_OPERS is set in the config file
* E.g. StatServ
#define BOT_FLAG_ONLY_OPERS 0x00000001
/* Restrict module bot to only respond to oper requests
* regardless of ONLY_OPERS setting in the config file
* E.g. Connectserv
#define BOT_FLAG_RESTRICT_OPERS 0x00000002
/* Stop bot listening to channel chatter when they do not need to
* E.g. Connectserv
#define BOT_FLAG_DEAF 0x00000004
/* Mark bot as a root bot that will manage commands and settings
* for the module. Limited to one per module.
* E.g. Connectserv
#define BOT_FLAG_ROOT 0x00000008
/* Temp while flag is deprecated across modules */
/* Mark bot as persistent even when no users are left in a channel
* If not set, and there are no bots with this flag set, when all
* users leave a channel, the bot will automatically leave aswell.
* You should watch the NEWCHAN event to join channels when they
* are created.
#define BOT_FLAG_PERSIST 0x00000010
/* Bot becomes CTCP master for version requests and replies
* E.g. SecureServ issuing CTCP VERSION rather than NeoStats
/* This defines a "NULL" string for the purpose of BotInfo structures that
* want to inherit the main host used by NeoStats and still make the info
* readable
#define BOT_COMMON_HOST ""
/* SET Comand handling */
typedef enum SET_TYPE {
SET_TYPE_NONE = -1, /* ON or OFF */
SET_TYPE_INT, /* valid integer */
SET_TYPE_STRING, /* single string */
SET_TYPE_MSG, /* multiple strings to be treated as a message and stored in one field */
SET_TYPE_NICK, /* valid nick */
SET_TYPE_USER, /* valid user */
SET_TYPE_HOST, /* valid host name */
SET_TYPE_REALNAME, /* valid realname */
SET_TYPE_CHANNEL, /* valid channel */
SET_TYPE_IPV4, /* valid IPv4 dotted quad */
SET_TYPE_CUSTOM, /* handled by module */
/** @brief bot_setting structure
* defines SET list for bots
typedef struct bot_setting {
char *option; /* option string */
void *varptr; /* pointer to var */
SET_TYPE type; /* type of var */
int min; /* min value */
int max; /* max value */
int ulevel; /* min user level */
const char *desc; /* description of setting for messages e.g. seconds, days*/
const char **helptext; /* pointer to help text */
bot_set_handler handler; /* handler for custom/post-set processing */
void *defaultval;/* default value for setting */
/** @brief Message function types
typedef int (*timer_handler) ( void * );
/* Event system flags */
#define EVENT_FLAG_DISABLED 0x00000001 /* Event is disabled */
#define EVENT_FLAG_IGNORE_SYNCH 0x00000002 /* Event triggers even if not synched */
#define EVENT_FLAG_USE_EXCLUDE 0x00000004 /* Event observes global exclusions */
#define EVENT_FLAG_EXCLUDE_ME 0x00000008 /* Event excludes neostats bots and servers */
#define EVENT_FLAG_EXCLUDE_MODME 0x00000010 /* Event excludes module bots */
#define EVENT_FLAG_PERLCALL 0x00000020 /* Event is for a perl Module/Extension */
#ifdef USE_PERL
/** @brief Forward declaration of perl events
struct PerlEvent;
#endif /* USE_PERL */
/** @brief Event function types
typedef int (*event_handler) ( const CmdParams *cmdparams );
/** @brief ModuleEvent functions structure
typedef struct ModuleEvent {
Event event;
event_handler handler;
unsigned int flags;
#ifdef USE_PERL
struct PerlEvent *pe;
#endif /* USE_PERL */
#define NS_EVENT_END() { EVENT_NULL, NULL, 0 }
typedef int ModuleProtocol;
typedef int ModuleFeatures;
typedef int ModuleFlags;
#define MODULE_FLAG_NONE 0x00000000
#define MODULE_FLAG_AUTH 0x00000001
#define MODULE_FLAG_CTCP_VERSION 0x00000004
typedef enum MOD_TYPE {
/* standard C Modules */
/* Perl Modules */
/** @brief Module Info structure
* This describes the module to the NeoStats core and provides information
* to end users when modules are queried.
* The presence of this structure is required but some fields are optional.
typedef struct ModuleInfo {
* name of module e.g. StatServ */
const char *name;
* one line brief description of module */
const char *description;
* pointer to a NULL terminated list with copyright information
* NeoStats will automatically provide a CREDITS command to output this
* use NULL for none */
const char **copyright;
* pointer to a NULL terminated list with extended description
* NeoStats will automatically provide an ABOUT command to output this
* use NULL for none */
const char **about_text;
* version of neostats used to build module
const char *neostats_version;
* string containing version of module */
const char *version;
/* REQUIRED: string containing build date of module
* should be __DATE__ */
const char *build_date;
/* REQUIRED: string containing build time of module
* should be __TIME__ */
const char *build_time;
* Module control flags,
* use 0 if not needed */
const ModuleFlags flags;
* Protocol flags for required protocol specfic features e.g. NICKIP
* use 0 if not needed */
const ModuleProtocol protocol;
* Protocol flags for required protocol specfic features e.g. SETHOST
* use 0 if not needed */
const ModuleFeatures features;
typedef int (*mod_auth) ( const Client *u );
/* Module type macros */
#define IS_STANDARD_MOD( mod ) ( ( mod )->type == MOD_TYPE_STANDARD )
#ifdef USE_PERL
#define IS_PERL_MOD( mod ) ( ( mod )->type == MOD_TYPE_PERL )
#else /* USE_PERL */
#define IS_PERL_MOD( mod ) ( 0 )
#endif /* USE_PERL */
#ifdef USE_PERL
/* forward decleration (in perlmod.h) for perl module info
* we don't include any perl includes here because it screws up
* some of the existing system defines (like readdir) */
struct PerlModInfo;
/* to save some chars while typing */
#define PMI PerlInterpreter
#endif /* USE_PERL */
#define MODULE_STATUS_SYNCHED 0x00000001
#define MODULE_STATUS_INSYNCH 0x00000002
#define MODULE_STATUS_ERROR 0x00000004
#define MODULE_STATUS_ROOTBOT 0x00000008
/** @brief Module structure
struct Module {
/** type of module */
MOD_TYPE type;
/** Pointer to info structure */
ModuleInfo *info;
/** Pointer to event list */
ModuleEvent **event_list;
/** Optional module supplied auth callback for modules to authorise
* module commands not handled by core auth modules (e.g. SecureServ helpers) */
mod_auth authcb;
/** Auth callback for auth modules */
mod_auth userauth;
/** Exclude list */
list_t *exclude_list;
/** Exclude command list */
bot_cmd *exclude_cmd_list;
/** Dynamic library handle */
void *handle;
/** index */
unsigned int modnum;
/** status flag for synch, error, etc */
unsigned int status;
/** moddata flags */
unsigned int userdatacnt;
unsigned int serverdatacnt;
unsigned int channeldatacnt;
#ifdef USE_PERL
struct PerlModInfo *pm;
#endif /* USE_PERL */
/* Set module status */
#define SetModuleSynched( m ) ( ( m )->status |= MODULE_STATUS_SYNCHED )
#define SetModuleInSynch( m ) ( ( m )->status |= MODULE_STATUS_INSYNCH )
#define SetModuleError( m ) ( ( m )->status |= MODULE_STATUS_ERROR )
#define SetModuleRootBot( m ) ( ( m )->status |= MODULE_STATUS_ROOTBOT )
/* Test module status */
#define IsModuleSynched( m ) ( ( m )->status & MODULE_STATUS_SYNCHED )
#define IsModuleInSynch( m ) ( ( m )->status & MODULE_STATUS_INSYNCH )
#define IsModuleError( m ) ( ( m )->status & MODULE_STATUS_ERROR )
#define IsModuleRootBot( m ) ( ( m )->status & MODULE_STATUS_ROOTBOT )
#define ModuleSynched() ( GET_CUR_MODULE()->status & MODULE_STATUS_SYNCHED )
/* Simple stack to manage run level replacing segv_module used in
* previous versions. This makes it easier to determine where we are
* running and avoids the need for modules to manage this or the core to
* have to set/reset when a module calls a core function which triggers
* other modules to run (e.g. AddBot)
/* Run level stack */
EXPORTVAR extern Module *RunModule[10];
/* Run level stack index */
EXPORTVAR extern int RunLevel;
/* Macros to manage run level stack */
/* Set current run level */
#define SET_RUN_LEVEL( moduleptr ) { if( RunLevel < 10 ) { RunLevel++; RunModule[RunLevel] = moduleptr; } }
/* Reset run level */
#define RESET_RUN_LEVEL() { if( RunLevel > 0 ) { RunLevel--; } }
/* Get current run level module pointer */
#define GET_CUR_MODULE() RunModule[RunLevel]
/* Get current run level module index */
#define GET_CUR_MODULE_INDEX() RunModule[RunLevel]->modnum
/* Get current run level module name */
#define GET_CUR_MODNAME() RunModule[RunLevel]->info->name
/* Get current run level module version */
#define GET_CUR_MODVERSION() RunModule[RunLevel]->info->version
/** @brief Socket function types
/* socket interface type */
typedef enum SOCK_TYPE {
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
typedef int (*sockcb)(int, void *data);
typedef int (*sockfunccb)(void *, void *, int);
/** @brief Module socket list structure
typedef struct Sock {
/** Owner module ptr */
Module *moduleptr;
/** Socket number */
OS_SOCKET sock_no;
/** Socket name */
char name[MAX_MOD_NAME];
/** socket interface (poll or standard) type */
int socktype;
/** data */
void *data;
/* if socktype = SOCK_STANDARD, function calls */
/** Socket read function */
/** rmsgs */
long rmsgs;
/** rbytes */
long rbytes;
/** smsgs */
long smsgs;
/** sbytes */
long sbytes;
union {
struct bufferevent *buffered;
struct event *event;
} event;
union {
struct linemode {
char *readbuf;
size_t readbufsize;
sockfunccb funccb;
sockcb errcb;
size_t recvq;
} linemode;
struct listenmode {
int port;
sockcb funccb;
} listenmode;
struct standmode {
sockfunccb readfunc;
sockcb writefunc;
} standmode;
} sfunc;
} Sock;
typedef enum TIMER_TYPE {
/* Called at the specified interval */
/* Called at the beginning of the day (midnight) */
/* Called at the beginning of the week */
/* Called at the beginning of the month */
/* One shot countdown which is removed after trigger */
/** @brief Module Timer structure
typedef struct Timer {
/** Owner module ptr */
Module *moduleptr;
/** Timer type */
/** Timer name */
char name[MAX_MOD_NAME];
/** Timer interval */
time_t interval;
/** Time last run */
time_t lastrun;
/** Timer handler */
timer_handler handler;
/** Pointer to user suplied context */
void *userptr;
/** Next Run at time */
time_t nextrun;
} Timer;
/** @brief BotInfo structure
typedef struct BotInfo {
/* REQUIRED: nick */
char nick[MAXNICK];
/* OPTIONAL: altnick, use "" if not needed */
char altnick[MAXNICK];
/* REQUIRED: user */
char user[MAXUSER];
/* REQUIRED: host */
char host[MAXHOST];
/* REQUIRED: realname */
char realname[MAXREALNAME];
/* OPTIONAL: flags */
unsigned int flags;
/* OPTIONAL: bot command list pointer */
bot_cmd *bot_cmd_list;
/* OPTIONAL: bot command setting pointer */
bot_setting *bot_setting_list;
} BotInfo;
/** @brief Bot structure
struct Bot
/** Owner module ptr */
Module *moduleptr;
/** Nick */
char name[MAXNICK];
/* bot flags */
unsigned int flags;
/* hash for command list */
hash_t *botcmds;
/* hash for settings */
hash_t *botsettings;
/* hash for bot_info settings */
bot_setting *bot_info_settings;
/* min ulevel for settings */
int set_ulevel;
/* Link back to user struct associated with this bot*/
Client *u;
/* link back to BotInfo struct so if we have a module that needs to free it, it can be referenced */
BotInfo *botinfo;
/* pointer for module use */
void *moddata;
/* current state */
typedef enum MQS_STATE {
/* connection strategy */
typedef enum MQS_CONNECT {
/* this is the NeoNet details */
typedef struct updateserver {
MQS_STATE state;
MQS_CONNECT connect;
char username[MAXUSER];
char password [MAXUSER];
char hostname[MAXHOST];
int port;
Sock *Sockinfo;
/* max of 8 groups so far */
char groups[8][MAXUSER];
int nogroups;
extern updateserver mqs;
/* MQ Server update sending functions */
typedef enum MQ_MSG_TYPE {
/* load configuration associated with this bot_setting list */
EXPORTFUNC void ModuleConfig( bot_setting *bot_settings );
/* Add a new timer callback to NeoStats */
EXPORTFUNC int AddTimer( TIMER_TYPE type, timer_handler handler, const char *name, int interval, void *userptr );
/* Delete a timer callback from NeoStats */
EXPORTFUNC int DelTimer( const char *timer_name );
/* Change timer callback interval counter */
EXPORTFUNC int SetTimerInterval( const char *timer_name, int interval );
/* Find timer from name */
EXPORTFUNC Timer *FindTimer( const char *timer_name );
EXPORTFUNC Sock *AddSock( SOCK_TYPE type, const char *sock_name, int socknum, sockfunccb readfunc, sockcb writefunc, short what, void *data, struct timeval *tv);
EXPORTFUNC int UpdateSock( Sock *sock, short what, short reset, struct timeval *tv );
EXPORTFUNC int DelSock( Sock *sock );
EXPORTFUNC Sock *FindSock( const char *sock_name );
EXPORTFUNC OS_SOCKET sock_connect( int socktype, struct in_addr ip, int port );
EXPORTFUNC Sock *add_listen_sock( const char *sock_name, const int port, int type, sockcb acceptcb, void *data );
EXPORTFUNC Sock *add_linemode_socket( const char *sock_name, OS_SOCKET socknum, sockfunccb readcb, sockcb errcb, void *arg );
EXPORTFUNC int send_to_sock( Sock *sock, const char *buf, size_t buflen );
/* Add a new bot to NeoStats */
EXPORTFUNC Bot *AddBot( BotInfo *botinfo );
/* Find bot from name */
EXPORTFUNC Bot *FindBot( const char *bot_name );
/* main.c */
EXPORTFUNC void fatal_error( char *file, int line, const char *func, char *error_text ) __attribute__( ( noreturn ) );
#define FATAL_ERROR( error_text ) fatal_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ( error_text ) );
/* nsmemory.c */
EXPORTFUNC void *ns_malloc( size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC void *ns_calloc( size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC void *ns_realloc( void *ptr, size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC void _ns_free( void **ptr );
#define ns_free( ptr ) _ns_free( ( void **) &( ptr ) );
/* misc.c */
EXPORTFUNC unsigned hrand( const unsigned upperbound, const unsigned lowerbound );
EXPORTFUNC void strip( char *line );
EXPORTFUNC char *sstrdup( const char *s );
EXPORTFUNC char *ns_strlwr( char *s );
EXPORTFUNC void AddStringToList( char ***List, char S[], int *C );
EXPORTFUNC void strip_mirc_codes( char *text );
EXPORTFUNC void clean_string(char *text, size_t len);
EXPORTFUNC char *sctime( time_t t );
EXPORTFUNC char *sftime( time_t t );
EXPORTFUNC char *make_safe_filename( char *name );
EXPORTFUNC char *joinbuf( char **av, int ac, int from );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int split_buf( char *buf, char ***argv );
EXPORTFUNC unsigned int ircsplitbuf( char *buf, char ***argv, int colon_special );
/* For use by modules to report command information channel which
* takes account of neostats reporting options
EXPORTFUNC void CommandReport( const Bot *botptr, const char *fmt, ... );
/* IRC interface for modules
* Modules use these functions to perform actions on IRC
* They use a similar naming convention to the same actions as IRC commands
* issued by users from an IRC client.
/* Messaging functions to send messages to users and channels
EXPORTFUNC int irc_prefmsg( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_prefmsg_list( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char **text );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_privmsg( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_privmsg_list( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char **text );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_notice( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_chanprivmsg( const Bot *botptr, const char *chan, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_channotice( const Bot *botptr, const char *chan, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_dccmsgall( const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2))); /* 1=format 2=params */
/* Specialised messaging functions for global messages, services channel
* alerts and numeric responses
EXPORTFUNC int irc_chanalert( const Bot *botptr, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_globops( const Bot *botptr, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_wallops( const Bot *botptr, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_numeric( const int numeric, const char *target, const char *data, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_smo( const char *source, const char *umodetarget, const char *msg );
/* General irc actions for join/part channels etc
EXPORTFUNC int irc_nickchange( const Bot *botptr, const char *newnick );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_quit( const Bot *botptr, const char *quitmsg );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_join( const Bot *botptr, const char *chan, const char *chanmodes );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_part( const Bot *botptr, const char *chan, const char *quitmsg );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_kick( const Bot *botptr, const char *chan, const char *target, const char *reason );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_invite( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *chan );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_topic( const Bot *botptr, const Channel *channel, const char *topic );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_cloakhost( const Bot *botptr );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_setname( const Bot *botptr, const char *realname );
/* Mode functions
EXPORTFUNC int irc_umode( const Bot *botptr, const char *target, unsigned int mode );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_cmode( const Bot *botptr, const char *chan, const char *mode, const char *args );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_chanusermode( const Bot *botptr, const char *chan, const char *mode, const char *target );
/* Oper functions
* Require an opered bot to operate
EXPORTFUNC int irc_kill( const Bot *botptr, const char *target, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_akill( const Bot *botptr, const char *host, const char *ident, const unsigned long length, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,5,6))); /* 5=format 6=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_rakill( const Bot *botptr, const char *host, const char *ident );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_sqline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_unsqline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_sgline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_unsgline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_gline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_remgline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_zline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_unzline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_kline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_unkline( const Bot *botptr, const char *mask );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_swhois( const char *target, const char *swhois );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_sethost( const Bot *botptr, const char *host );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_setident( const Bot *botptr, const char *ident );
/* Other */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_stats( const char *source, const char type, const char *target );
int irc_ping( const char *source, const char *reply, const char *to );
int irc_pong( const char *reply, const char *data );
/* SVS functions
* these operate from the server rather than a bot
EXPORTFUNC int irc_svsnick( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *newnick );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_svsjoin( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *chan );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_svspart( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *chan );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_svshost( const Bot *botptr, Client *target, const char *vhost );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_svsmode( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *modes );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_svskill( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
EXPORTFUNC int irc_svstime( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const time_t ts );
/* CTCP functions to correctly format CTCP requests and replies
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_version_req( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_version_rpl( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *version );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_ping_req( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_finger_req( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_action_req( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *action );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_action_req_channel( const Bot *botptr, const Channel *channel, const char *action );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_time_req( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_unhandled_req( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *ctcp_command );
EXPORTFUNC int irc_ctcp_unhandled_rpl( const Bot *botptr, const Client *target, const char *ctcp_command, const char *ctcp_parameters );
/* bots.c */
EXPORTFUNC int GenerateBotNick( char *nickbuf, size_t stublen, int alphacount, int numcount);
/* users.c */
EXPORTFUNC Client *FindUser( const char *nick );
EXPORTFUNC int UserLevel( Client *u );
/* server.c */
EXPORTFUNC Client *FindServer( const char *name );
EXPORTFUNC Client *FindClient( const char *name );
/* chans.c */
EXPORTFUNC Channel *FindChannel( const char *chan );
EXPORTFUNC int test_cmode( const Channel *c, unsigned int mode );
EXPORTFUNC int IsChannelMember( const Channel *c, const Client *u );
EXPORTFUNC int test_cumode( const Channel *c, const Client *u, unsigned int mode );
EXPORTFUNC Channel *GetRandomChannel( void );
EXPORTFUNC Client *GetRandomChannelMember( const Channel *c, int uge );
EXPORTFUNC char *GetRandomChannelKey( int length );
#define IsChanOp( chan, nick ) test_cumode( chan, nick, CUMODE_CHANOP )
#define IsChanHalfOp( chan, nick ) test_cumode( chan, nick, CUMODE_HALFOP )
#define IsChanVoice( chan, nick ) test_cumode( chan, nick, CUMODE_VOICE )
#define IsChanOwner( chan, nick ) test_cumode( chan, nick, CUMODE_CHANOWNER )
#define IsChanProt( chan, nick ) test_cumode( chan, nick, CUMODE_CHANPROT )
#define IsChanAdmin( chan, nick ) test_cumode( chan, nick, CUMODE_CHANADMIN )
EXPORTVAR extern unsigned char UmodeChRegNick;
/* dns.c */
EXPORTFUNC int dns_lookup( char *str, adns_rrtype type, void (*callback) ( void *data, adns_answer *a), void *data );
/* services.c */
EXPORTFUNC int add_services_cmd_list( bot_cmd *bot_cmd_list );
EXPORTFUNC void del_services_cmd_list( const bot_cmd *bot_cmd_list );
EXPORTFUNC int add_services_set_list( bot_setting *bot_setting_list );
EXPORTFUNC void del_services_set_list( const bot_setting *bot_setting_list );
EXPORTFUNC int add_bot_cmd_list( Bot *bot_ptr, bot_cmd *bot_cmd_list );
EXPORTFUNC void del_bot_cmd_list( const Bot *bot_ptr, const bot_cmd *bot_cmd_list );
EXPORTFUNC int add_bot_setting_list( Bot *bot_ptr, bot_setting *bot_setting_list );
EXPORTFUNC void del_bot_setting_list( const Bot *bot_ptr, const bot_setting *bot_setting_list );
EXPORTFUNC Client *FindValidUser( const Bot *botptr, const Client *u, const char *target_nick );
/* transfer.c stuff */
typedef void (transfer_callback) ( void *data, int returncode, char *body, int bodysize );
EXPORTFUNC int new_transfer( char *url, char *params, NS_TRANSFER savetofileormemory, char *filename, void *data, transfer_callback *callback );
/* Is the client excluded */
#define IsExcluded( x ) ( ( x ) && ( ( x )->flags & NS_FLAG_EXCLUDED ) )
/* Is the client a NeoStats one? */
#define IsMe( x ) ( ( x ) && ( ( x )->flags & CLIENT_FLAG_ME ) )
/* Is the client synched? */
#define IsSynched( x ) ( ( x ) && ( ( x )->flags & CLIENT_FLAG_SYNCHED ) )
/* Mark server as synched */
#define SetServerSynched( x ) ( ( ( x )->flags |= CLIENT_FLAG_SYNCHED ) )
/* Mark Server as Unsynced */
#define SetSynching(x) ( ( ( x )->flags &= ~CLIENT_FLAG_SYNCHED ) )
/* Has NeoStats issued a SETHOST for this user? */
#define IsUserSetHosted( x ) ( ( x ) && ( ( x )->flags & CLIENT_FLAG_SETHOST ) )
/* Is the client marked away? */
#define IsAway( x ) ( ( x ) && ( x->user->is_away ) )
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateString (const char *string);
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateNick( const char *nick );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateNickWild( const char *nick );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateUser( const char *username );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateUserWild( const char *username );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateHost( const char *hostname );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateHostWild( const char *hostname );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateUserHost( const char *userhost );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateUserHostWild( const char *userhost );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateURL( const char *url );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateChannel( const char *channel_name );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateChannelWild( const char *channel_name );
EXPORTFUNC int ValidateChannelKey( const char *key );
EXPORTFUNC int IsJustWildcard( const char *mask, int ishostmask );
/* DBA */
#define CONFIG_TABLE_NAME "config"
/* Row fetch handler type */
typedef int (*DBRowHandler) ( void *data, int size );
/* Row fetch handler type version 2 (returns key as well) */
typedef int (*DBRowHandler2) ( char *key, void *data, int size );
/* DB API */
EXPORTFUNC int DBAOpenDatabase( void );
EXPORTFUNC int DBACloseDatabase( void );
EXPORTFUNC int DBAOpenTable( const char *table );
EXPORTFUNC int DBACloseTable( const char *table );
EXPORTFUNC int DBAStore( const char *table, const char *key, void *data, int size );
EXPORTFUNC int DBAFetch( const char *table, const char *key, void *data, int size );
EXPORTFUNC int DBADelete( const char *table, const char * key );
EXPORTFUNC int DBAFetchRows( const char *table, DBRowHandler handler );
EXPORTFUNC int DBAFetchRows2( const char *table, DBRowHandler2 handler );
/* DB API Macros to wrap common types */
#define DBAStoreBool( table, key, data ) DBAStore( table, key, ( void * )data, sizeof ( int ) )
#define DBAStoreInt( table, key, data ) DBAStore( table, key, ( void * )data, sizeof ( int ) )
#define DBAStoreStr( table, key, data, size ) DBAStore( table, key, ( void * )data, size)
#define DBAFetchBool( table, key, data ) DBAFetch( table, key, ( void * )data, sizeof ( int ) )
#define DBAFetchInt( table, key, data ) DBAFetch( table, key, ( void * )data, sizeof ( int ) )
#define DBAFetchStr( table, key, data, size ) DBAFetch( table, key, ( void * )data, size)
/* DB API Macros to wrap common config types */
#define DBAStoreConfigBool( key, data ) DBAStoreBool(CONFIG_TABLE_NAME, key, data)
#define DBAStoreConfigInt( key, data ) DBAStoreInt(CONFIG_TABLE_NAME, key, data)
#define DBAStoreConfigStr( key, data, size ) DBAStoreStr(CONFIG_TABLE_NAME, key, data, size)
#define DBAFetchConfigBool( key, data ) DBAFetchBool(CONFIG_TABLE_NAME, key, data)
#define DBAFetchConfigInt( key, data ) DBAFetchInt(CONFIG_TABLE_NAME, key, data)
#define DBAFetchConfigStr( key, data , size) DBAFetchStr(CONFIG_TABLE_NAME, key, data, size)
/* log.c API export */
/* define the log levels */
typedef enum NS_LOG_LEVEL {
LOG_CRITICAL=1, /* critical crash type notices */
LOG_ERROR, /* something is majorly wrong */
LOG_WARNING, /* Hey, you should know about this type messages */
LOG_NOTICE, /* did you know messages */
LOG_NORMAL, /* our normal logging level? */
LOG_INFO, /* lots of info about what we are doing */
/* define debug levels */
typedef enum NS_DEBUG_LEVEL {
/* this is for the neostats assert replacement. */
/* Version 2.4 and later of GCC define a magical variable _PRETTY_FUNCTION__'
which contains the name of the function currently being defined.
This is broken in G++ before version 2.6.
C9x has a similar variable called __func__, but prefer the GCC one since
it demangles C++ function names. */
/* Not all compilers provide __STRING so define it here if it is unknown */
#ifndef __STRING
#define __STRING(x) #x
#endif /* __STRING */
#define __ASSERT_VOID_CAST ( void)
#endif /* __ASSERT_VOID_CAST */
extern void nassert_fail( const char *expr, const char *file, const int line, const char *infunk );
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define nassert(expr) \
(__ASSERT_VOID_CAST ((expr) ? 0 : \
(nassert_fail((__STRING((expr))), __FILE__, __LINE__, __NASSERT_FUNCTION), 0)))
#else /* NDEBUG */
#define nassert(expr) (__ASSERT_VOID_CAST (0))
#endif /* NDEBUG */
EXPORTFUNC void CaptureBackTrace (const char *file, const int line, const char *func);
EXPORTFUNC void nlog( NS_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
EXPORTFUNC void dlog( NS_DEBUG_LEVEL level, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
/* List walk handler type */
typedef int (*ChannelListHandler) ( Channel *c, void *v );
EXPORTFUNC int ProcessChannelList( const ChannelListHandler handler, void *v );
/* List walk handler type */
typedef int (*ChannelMemberListHandler) ( Channel *c, ChannelMember *m, void *v );
EXPORTFUNC int ProcessChannelMembers( Channel *c, const ChannelMemberListHandler handler, void *v );
/* List walk handler type */
typedef int (*UserListHandler) ( Client *u, void *v );
EXPORTFUNC int ProcessUserList( const UserListHandler handler, void *v );
/* List walk handler type */
typedef int (*ServerListHandler) ( Client *s, void *v );
EXPORTFUNC int ProcessServerList( const ServerListHandler handler, void *v );
/* List walk handler type */
typedef void( *ServerMapHandler )( const Client *s, int isroot, int depth, void *v );
EXPORTFUNC void ProcessServerMap( const ServerMapHandler handler, int useexclusions, void *v );
/* List walk handler type */
typedef int (*ModuleListHandler) ( Module *module_ptr, void *v );
EXPORTFUNC int ProcessModuleList( const ModuleListHandler handler, void *v );
/* List walk handler type */
typedef int (*BanListHandler) ( Ban *ban, void *v );
EXPORTFUNC int ProcessBanList( const BanListHandler handler, void *v );
EXPORTFUNC int HaveFeature( int mask );
EXPORTFUNC void AddEvent( ModuleEvent *eventptr );
EXPORTFUNC void AddEventList( ModuleEvent *eventlistptr );
EXPORTFUNC void DeleteEvent( Event event );
EXPORTFUNC void DeleteEventList( const ModuleEvent *eventlistptr );
EXPORTFUNC void SetAllEventFlags( unsigned int flag, unsigned int enable );
EXPORTFUNC void SetEventFlags( Event event, unsigned int flag, unsigned int enable );
EXPORTFUNC void EnableEvent( Event event );
EXPORTFUNC void DisableEvent( Event event );
/* String functions */
/* vs[n]printf replacements */
EXPORTFUNC int ircvsprintf( char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args );
EXPORTFUNC int ircvsnprintf( char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args );
/* s[n]printf replacements */
EXPORTFUNC int ircsprintf( char *buf, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)) ); /* 2=format 3=params */
EXPORTFUNC int ircsnprintf( char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4)) ); /* 3=format 4=params */
/* str[n]casecmp replacements */
EXPORTFUNC int ircstrcasecmp( const char *s1, const char *s2 );
EXPORTFUNC int ircstrncasecmp( const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC int match( const char *mask, const char *name );
* Portability wrapper functions
/* File system functions */
EXPORTFUNC int os_mkdir( const char *filename, mode_t mode );
EXPORTFUNC int os_create_dir( const char *dirname );
EXPORTFUNC FILE *os_fopen( const char *filename, const char *filemode );
EXPORTFUNC int os_fclose( FILE *handle );
EXPORTFUNC int os_fseek( FILE *handle, long offset, int origin );
EXPORTFUNC long os_ftell( FILE *handle );
EXPORTFUNC int os_fprintf( FILE *handle, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)) ); /* 2=format 3=params */
EXPORTFUNC int os_fputs( const char *string, FILE *handle );
EXPORTFUNC size_t os_fread( void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *handle );
EXPORTFUNC char *os_fgets( char *string, int n, FILE *handle );
EXPORTFUNC size_t os_fwrite( const void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *handle );
EXPORTFUNC int os_fflush( FILE *handle );
EXPORTFUNC int os_rename( const char *oldname, const char *newname );
EXPORTFUNC int os_stat( const char *path, struct stat *buffer );
EXPORTFUNC int os_access( const char *path, int mode );
EXPORTFUNC int os_write( int fd, const void *buffer, unsigned int count );
EXPORTFUNC int os_close( int fd );
EXPORTFUNC int os_mkstemp( char *ftemplate );
EXPORTFUNC int os_write_temp_file( char *ftemplate, const void *buffer, unsigned int count );
EXPORTFUNC int os_file_get_size( const char *filename );
EXPORTFUNC int os_chmod( const char *filename, int pmode );
EXPORTVAR extern int os_file_errno;
EXPORTFUNC char *os_strerror( void );
EXPORTFUNC size_t os_strftime( char *strDest, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *timeptr );
EXPORTFUNC struct tm* os_localtime( const time_t *timer );
/* Socket functions */
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_close( OS_SOCKET sock );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_write( OS_SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_sendto( OS_SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr* to, int tolen );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_read( OS_SOCKET s, char *buf, int len );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_recvfrom( OS_SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlen );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_set_nonblocking( OS_SOCKET s );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_connect( OS_SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr* name, int namelen );
EXPORTFUNC OS_SOCKET os_sock_socket( int socket_family, int socket_type, int protocol );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_bind( OS_SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr* name, int namelen );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_listen( OS_SOCKET s, int backlog );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_setsockopt( OS_SOCKET s, int level, int optname, const char *optval, int optlen );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_ioctl( OS_SOCKET s, int cmd, void *argp );
EXPORTVAR extern int os_sock_errno;
EXPORTFUNC char *os_sock_getlasterrorstring( void );
EXPORTFUNC char *os_sock_strerror( int sockerrno );
EXPORTFUNC int os_sock_select( int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout );
/* Memory functions */
EXPORTFUNC void *os_memset( void *dest, int c, size_t count );
EXPORTFUNC void *os_memcpy( void *dest, const void *src, size_t count );
EXPORTFUNC void *os_malloc( size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC void os_free( void *ptr );
#ifdef WIN32
#else /* WIN32 */
#endif /* WIN32 */
* Module interface
/* Module basic interface */
MODULEVAR extern ModuleInfo module_info;
MODULEFUNC int ModInit( void );
MODULEFUNC int ModSynch( void );
MODULEFUNC int ModFini( void );
/* Module event interface */
MODULEVAR extern ModuleEvent module_events[];
/* Module auth interface */
MODULEFUNC int ModAuthUser( const Client *u );
/* Module exclude interface */
EXPORTFUNC int ModIsServerExcluded( const Client *s );
EXPORTFUNC int ModIsUserExcluded( const Client *u );
EXPORTFUNC int ModIsChannelExcluded( const Channel *c );
/* Module data pointer interface */
/* Module data pointer interface channel */
EXPORTFUNC void *AllocChannelModPtr( Channel *c, size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC void FreeChannelModPtr( Channel *c );
EXPORTFUNC void *GetChannelModPtr( const Channel *c );
/* Module data pointer interface user */
EXPORTFUNC void *AllocUserModPtr( Client *u, size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC void FreeUserModPtr( Client *u );
EXPORTFUNC void *GetUserModPtr( const Client *u );
/* Module data pointer interface server */
EXPORTFUNC void *AllocServerModPtr( Client *s, size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC void FreeServerModPtr( Client *s );
EXPORTFUNC void *GetServerModPtr( const Client *s );
/* Module data pointer interface bot */
EXPORTFUNC void *AllocBotModPtr( Bot *pBot, size_t size );
EXPORTFUNC void FreeBotModPtr( Bot *pBot );
EXPORTFUNC void *GetBotModPtr( const Bot *pBot );
/* Module data value interface */
/* Module data value interface channel */
EXPORTFUNC void ClearChannelModValue( Channel *c );
EXPORTFUNC void SetChannelModValue( Channel *c, void *data );
EXPORTFUNC void *GetChannelModValue( const Channel *c );
/* Module data value interface user */
EXPORTFUNC void ClearUserModValue( Client *u );
EXPORTFUNC void SetUserModValue( Client *u, void *data );
EXPORTFUNC void *GetUserModValue( const Client *u );
/* Module data value interface server */
EXPORTFUNC void ClearServerModValue( Client *s );
EXPORTFUNC void SetServerModValue( Client *s, void *data );
EXPORTFUNC void *GetServerModValue( const Client *s );
/* Module data value interface bot */
EXPORTFUNC void ClearBotModValue( Bot *pBot );
EXPORTFUNC void SetBotModValue( Bot *pBot, void *data );
EXPORTFUNC void *GetBotModValue( const Bot *pBot );
/* these defines collide with modules that include neostats.h */
#undef PACKAGE
#undef VERSION
#undef DEBUG
#endif /* _NEOSTATS_H_ */