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2003-01-23 10:53:38 +00:00

646 lines
17 KiB

/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id: chans.c,v 1.40 2003/01/23 10:53:38 fishwaldo Exp $
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include "stats.h"
#include "dl.h"
#include "hash.h"
/** @brief initilize the channel data
* Initilizes the channel data and channel hash ch.
* @return Nothing
void init_chan_hash()
ch = hash_create(C_TABLE_SIZE, 0, 0);
/** @brief Process a Topic Change
* Processes a Channel topic Change for particular channel and updates internals
* Also triggers off a TOPICCHANGE event for modules
* @param owner Char of who changed the topic. Can't be a userstruct as the user might not be online anymore
* @param c Channel Struct of channel who's topic is being changed
* @param time when the topic was changed (might have been in the past
* @param topic the new topic
* @return Nothing
extern void Change_Topic(char *owner, Chans *c, time_t time, char *topic) {
char **av;
int ac = 0;
strncpy(c->topic, topic, BUFSIZE);
strncpy(c->topicowner, owner, MAXHOST);
c->topictime = time;
AddStringToList(&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList(&av, owner, &ac);
AddStringToList(&av, topic, &ac);
Module_Event("TOPICCHANGE",av, ac);
// FreeList(av, ac);
/** @brief Compare channel modes from the channel hash
* used in ChanMode to compare modes (list_find argument)
* @param v actually its a ModeParm struct
* @param mode is the mode as a long
* @return 0 on match, 1 otherwise.
int comparemode(const void *v, const void *mode) {
ModesParm *m = (void *)v;
if (m->mode == (long)mode) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
/** @brief Process a mode change on a channel
* process a mode change on a channel adding and deleting modes as required
* @param origin usually the server that sent the mode change. Not used
* @param av array of variables to pass
* @param ac number of variables n av
* @return 0 on error, number of modes processed on success.
int ChanMode(char *origin, char **av, int ac) {
char *modes;
int add = 0;
int j = 2;
int i;
int modeexists;
Chans *c;
ModesParm *m;
lnode_t *mn;
c = findchan(av[0]);
if (!c) {
return 0;
modes = av[1];
while (*modes) {
switch (*modes) {
case '+' : add = 1; break;
case '-' : add = 0; break;
default : for (i=0; i < ((sizeof(cFlagTab) / sizeof(cFlagTab[0])) -1);i++) {
if (*modes == cFlagTab[i].flag) {
if (add) {
if (cFlagTab[i].nickparam) {
ChangeChanUserMode(c, finduser(av[j]), 1, cFlagTab[i].mode);
} else {
if (cFlagTab[i].parameters) {
mn = list_first(c->modeparms);
modeexists = 0;
while (mn) {
m = lnode_get(mn);
/* mode limit and mode key replace current values */
if ((m->mode == MODE_LIMIT) && (cFlagTab[i].mode == MODE_LIMIT)) {
strncpy(m->param, av[j], PARAMSIZE);
modeexists = 1;
} else if ((m->mode == MODE_KEY) && (cFlagTab[i].mode == MODE_KEY)) {
strncpy(m->param, av[j], PARAMSIZE);
modeexists = 1;
} else if (((int *)m->mode == (int *)cFlagTab[i].mode) && !strcasecmp(m->param, av[j])) {
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Mode %c (%s) already exists, not adding again", cFlagTab[i].flag, av[j]);
modeexists = 1;
mn = list_next(c->modeparms, mn);
if (modeexists != 1) {
m = smalloc(sizeof(ModesParm));
m->mode = cFlagTab[i].mode;
strncpy(m->param, av[j], PARAMSIZE);
mn = lnode_create(m);
if (list_isfull(c->modeparms)) {
log("Eeek, Can't add additional Modes to Channel %s. Modelist is full", c->name);
} else {
list_append(c->modeparms, mn);
} else {
c->modes |= cFlagTab[i].mode;
} else {
if (cFlagTab[i].nickparam) {
ChangeChanUserMode(c, finduser(av[j]), 0, cFlagTab[i].mode);
} else {
if (cFlagTab[i].parameters) {
mn = list_find(c->modeparms, (int *)cFlagTab[i].mode, comparemode);
if (!mn) {
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Can't find Mode %c for Chan %s", *modes, c->name);
} else {
list_delete(c->modeparms, mn);
m = lnode_get(mn);
if (!(cFlagTab[i].mode == MODE_LIMIT || cFlagTab[i].mode == MODE_KEY))
} else {
c->modes &= ~cFlagTab[i].mode;
return j;
/** @brief Process a mode change that affects a user on a channel
* process a mode change on a channel that affects a user
* @param c Channel Struct of channel mode being changed
* @param u User struct of user that mode is affecting
* @param add 1 means add, 0 means remove mode
* @param mode is the long int of the mode
* @return Nothing
void ChangeChanUserMode(Chans *c, User *u, int add, long mode) {
lnode_t *cmn;
Chanmem *cm;
cmn = list_find(c->chanmembers, u->nick, comparef);
if (!cmn) {
if (me.coder_debug) {
chanalert(s_Services, "ChangeChanUserMode() %s doesn't seem to be in the Chan %s", u->nick, c->name);
cm = lnode_get(cmn);
if (add) {
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Adding mode %ld to Channel %s User %s", mode, c->name, u->nick);
cm->flags |= mode;
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Deleting Mode %ld to Channel %s User %s", mode, c->name, u->nick);
cm->flags &= ~mode;
/** @brief Create a new channel record
* And insert it into the hash, mallocing required memory for it and so on
* also check that the channel hash is not full
* @param chan name of the channel to create
* @returns c the newly created channel record
* @todo Dynamically resizable channel hashes
Chans *new_chan(char *chan) {
Chans *c;
hnode_t *cn;
strcpy(segv_location, "new_chan");
c = smalloc(sizeof(Chans));
strncpy(c->name, chan, CHANLEN);
cn = hnode_create(c);
if (hash_isfull(ch)) {
log("Eeek, Channel Hash is full");
} else {
hash_insert(ch, cn, c->name);
return c;
/** @brief Deletes a channel record
* frees any memory associated with the record and removes it from the channel hash
* @param c the corrosponding channel structure you wish to delete
* @returns Nothing
void del_chan(Chans *c) {
hnode_t *cn;
lnode_t *cm;
strcpy(segv_location, "del_chan");
cn = hash_lookup(ch, c->name);
if (!cn) {
log("Hu, Deleting a Non Existand Channel?");
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Deleting Channel %s", c->name);
cm = list_first(c->modeparms);
while (cm) {
cm = list_next(c->modeparms, cm);
hash_delete(ch, cn);
/** @brief Parts a user from a channel
* Parts a user from a channel and raises events if required
* Events raised are PARTCHAN and DELCHAN
* if its one of our bots, also update bot channel lists
* @param u the User structure corrosponding to the user that left the channel
* @param chan the channel to part them from
* @returns Nothing
void part_chan(User *u, char *chan) {
Chans *c;
lnode_t *un;
char **av;
Chanmem *cm;
int ac = 0;
strcpy(segv_location, "part_chan");
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Parting %s from %s", u->nick, chan);
if (!u) {
log("Ehh, Parting a Unknown User %s from Chan %s: %s", u->nick, chan, recbuf);
if (me.coder_debug) {
chanalert(s_Services, "Ehh, Parting a Unknown User %s from Chan %s: %s", u->nick, chan, recbuf);
c = findchan(chan);
if (!c) {
log("Hu, Parting a Non existant Channel? %s", chan);
} else {
un = list_find(c->chanmembers, u->nick, comparef);
if (!un) {
log("hu, User %s isn't a member of this channel %s", u->nick, chan);
if (me.coder_debug) {
chanalert(s_Services, "hu, User %s isn't a member of this channel %s", u->nick, chan);
} else {
cm = lnode_get(un);
lnode_destroy(list_delete(c->chanmembers, un));
AddStringToList(&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList(&av, u->nick, &ac);
Module_Event("PARTCHAN", av, ac);
ac = 0;
// FreeList(av, ac);
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Cur Users %s %d (list %d)", c->name, c->cur_users, list_count(c->chanmembers));
if (c->cur_users <= 0) {
AddStringToList(&av, c->name, &ac);
Module_Event("DELCHAN", av, ac);
ac = 0;
// FreeList(av, ac);
un = list_find(u->chans, c->name, comparef);
if (!un) {
log("Hu, User %s claims not to be part of Chan %s", u->nick, chan);
if (me.coder_debug) {
chanalert(s_Services, "Hu, User %s claims not to be part of Chan %s", u->nick, chan);
if (findbot(u->nick)) {
/* its one of our bots, so add it to the botchan list */
del_bot_from_chan(u->nick, c->name);
lnode_destroy(list_delete(u->chans, un));
/** @brief Change channel records when a nick change occurs
* goes through the channel members list, changing users nicks after a nickname change occurs
* @param c the channel to check (as called by the user functions)
* @param newnick the New Nickname of the client
* @param oldnick the old nickname of the client
* @returns Nothing
* @todo What happens if one of our bots change their nick?
void change_user_nick(Chans *c, char *newnick, char *oldnick) {
lnode_t *cm;
Chanmem *cml;
strcpy(segv_location, "change_user_nick");
cm = list_find(c->chanmembers, oldnick, comparef);
if (!cm) {
log("change_user_nick() %s isn't a member of %s", oldnick, c->name);
if (me.coder_debug) {
chanalert(s_Services, "change_user_nick() %s isn't a member of %s", oldnick, c->name);
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Change_User_Nick(): NewNick %s, OldNick %s", newnick, oldnick);
cml = lnode_get(cm);
strncpy(cml->nick, newnick, MAXNICK);
/** @brief Process a user joining a channel
* joins a user to a channel and raises JOINCHAN event and if required NEWCHAN events
* if the channel is new, a new channel record is requested and defaults are set
* if its one of our bots, also update the botchanlist
* @param u The User structure of the user joining the channel
* @param chan the channel name
* @returns Nothing
void join_chan(User *u, char *chan) {
Chans *c;
lnode_t *un, *cn;
Chanmem *cm;
char **av;
int ac = 0;
strcpy(segv_location, "join_chan");
if (!u) {
log("ehhh, Joining a Unknown user to %s: %s", chan, recbuf);
if (!strcasecmp("0", chan)) {
/* join 0 is actually part all chans */
#ifdef DEBUG
log("join_chan() -> Parting all chans %s", u->nick);
list_process(u->chans, u, part_u_chan);
c = findchan(chan);
if (!c) {
/* its a new Channel */
#ifdef DEBUG
log("join_chan() -> New Channel %s", chan);
c = new_chan(chan);
c->chanmembers = list_create(CHAN_MEM_SIZE);
c->modeparms = list_create(MAXMODES);
c->cur_users =0;
c->topictime = 0;
c->modes = 0;
AddStringToList(&av, c->name, &ac);
Module_Event("NEWCHAN", av, ac);
ac = 0;
// FreeList(av, ac);
/* add this users details to the channel members hash */
cm = smalloc(sizeof(Chanmem));
strncpy(cm->nick, u->nick, MAXNICK);
cm->joint = time(NULL);
cm->flags = 0;
cn = lnode_create(cm);
#ifdef DEBUG
log("adding usernode %s to Channel %s", u->nick, chan);
if (list_find(c->chanmembers, u->nick, comparef)) {
log("Adding %s to Chan %s when he is already a member?", u->nick, chan);
if (me.coder_debug) {
chanalert(s_Services, "Adding %s to Chan %s when he is already a member?", u->nick, chan);
if (list_isfull(c->chanmembers)) {
log("ekk, Channel %s Members list is full", c->name);
} else {
list_append(c->chanmembers, cn);
un = lnode_create(c->name);
if (list_isfull(u->chans)) {
log("eek, User %s members list is full", u->nick);
} else {
list_append(u->chans, un);
AddStringToList(&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList(&av, u->nick, &ac);
Module_Event("JOINCHAN", av, ac);
// FreeList(av, ac);
#ifdef DEBUG
log("Cur Users %s %d (list %d)", c->name, c->cur_users, list_count(c->chanmembers));
if (findbot(u->nick)) {
add_bot_to_chan(u->nick, c->name);
/** @brief Dump Channel information
* dump either the entire channel list, or a single channel detail. Used for debugging
* sends the output to the services channel
* @param chan the channel name to dump, or NULL for all channels
* @returns Nothing
void chandump(char *chan) {
hnode_t *cn;
lnode_t *cmn;
hscan_t sc;
Chans *c;
Chanmem *cm;
char mode[10];
int i;
ModesParm *m;
strcpy(segv_location, "chandump");
if (!chan) {
sendcoders("Channels %d", hash_count(ch));
hash_scan_begin(&sc, ch);
while ((cn = hash_scan_next(&sc)) != NULL) {
c = hnode_get(cn);
strcpy(mode, "+");
for (i = 0; i < ((sizeof(cFlagTab) / sizeof(cFlagTab[0])) - 1); i++) {
if (c->modes & cFlagTab[i].mode) {
snprintf(mode, 10, "%s%c", mode, cFlagTab[i].flag);
sendcoders("Channel: %s Members: %d (List %d) Flags %s", c->name, c->cur_users, list_count(c->chanmembers), mode);
sendcoders(" Topic Owner %s, TopicTime: %d, Topic %s", c->topicowner, c->topictime, c->topic);
cmn = list_first(c->modeparms);
while (cmn) {
m = lnode_get(cmn);
for (i = 0; i < ((sizeof(cFlagTab) / sizeof(cFlagTab[0])) - 1); i++) {
if (m->mode & cFlagTab[i].mode) {
sendcoders(" Modes: %c Parms %s", cFlagTab[i].flag, m->param);
cmn = list_next(c->modeparms, cmn);
cmn = list_first(c->chanmembers);
while (cmn) {
cm = lnode_get(cmn);
strcpy(mode, "+");
for (i = 0; i < ((sizeof(cFlagTab) / sizeof(cFlagTab[0])) - 1); i++) {
if (cm->flags & cFlagTab[i].mode) {
snprintf(mode, 10, "%s%c", mode, cFlagTab[i].flag);
sendcoders("Members: %s Modes %s Joined %d", cm->nick, mode, cm->joint);
cmn = list_next(c->chanmembers, cmn);
} else {
c = findchan(chan);
if (!c) {
sendcoders("Can't find Channel %s", chan);
} else {
strcpy(mode, "+");
for (i = 0; i < ((sizeof(cFlagTab) / sizeof(cFlagTab[0])) - 1); i++) {
if (c->modes & cFlagTab[i].mode) {
snprintf(mode, 10, "%s%c", mode, cFlagTab[i].flag);
sendcoders("Channel: %s Members: %d (List %d) Flags %s", c->name, c->cur_users, list_count(c->chanmembers), mode);
sendcoders(" Topic Owner %s, TopicTime: %d Topic %s", c->topicowner, c->topictime, c->topic);
cmn = list_first(c->modeparms);
while (cmn) {
m = lnode_get(cmn);
for (i = 0; i < ((sizeof(cFlagTab) / sizeof(cFlagTab[0])) - 1); i++) {
if (m->mode & cFlagTab[i].mode) {
sendcoders(" Modes: %c Parms %s", cFlagTab[i].flag, m->param);
cmn = list_next(c->modeparms, cmn);
cmn = list_first(c->chanmembers);
while (cmn) {
cm = lnode_get(cmn);
strcpy(mode, "+");
for (i = 0; i < ((sizeof(cFlagTab) / sizeof(cFlagTab[0])) - 1); i++) {
if (cm->flags & cFlagTab[i].mode) {
snprintf(mode, 10, "%s%c", mode, cFlagTab[i].flag);
sendcoders("Members: %s Modes %s Joined: %d", cm->nick, mode, cm->joint);
cmn = list_next(c->chanmembers, cmn);
/** @brief Find a channel
* Finds the channel structure for the channel named chan, or NULL if it can't be found
* @param chan the channel name to find
* @returns The Channel structure for chan, or NULL if it can't be found.
Chans *findchan(char *chan) {
Chans *c;
hnode_t *cn;
strcpy(segv_location, "findchan");
cn = hash_lookup(ch, chan);
if (cn) {
c = hnode_get(cn);
return c;
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
log("FindChan(%s) -> Not Found", chan);
return NULL;