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NeoStats 2.5.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------- PLEASE READ THE 'BETA' FILE NOW --------------------------------------- Thanks for Downloading NeoStats. NeoStats is a powerfull and extendable set of *services* for IRC. By Services, we do not mean NickServ/Chanserv etc (although those are being developed) but additional services. Things like StatServ which give you information on the number of users/operators/channels/ servers... basically IRC statistics, or MoraleServ, which is a *fun* module, to send funny messages to users, to utility modules. Some modules have a usefull function on your network, other modules are developed for fun, and to make your IRC network more attractive to users (thats whats it all about right?, IRC users?) With the release of 2.5 series of NeoStats, several changes have taken place compared to the old version of NeoStats 2.0 series (don't ask me what happened to versions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.4, I don't know!) A detailed list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog file, but a brief summary is: -ServiceRoots support -External MOTD files -Module Segfault protection -CrossIRCD support. We now support Other IRCD's apart from just Unreal -StatServ supports dumping Statistics to a HTML file for output (the output of the HTML file is based on a template) -Changes to the ModuleAPI that make it nicer -Channel Support! -StatServ supports Channel Statistics now! -Many bugfixes and changes to the internal NeoStats core -Many updates to the various Modules Anyway, enough ranting, its time to move on.... Table of Contents: [1] Installation [1.1] Getting Started. [1.2] Running configure [1.3] Compiling NeoStats [1.4] Installing NeoStats [1.5] Setting up the neostats.cfg file [1.6] Finished! [2] NeoStats Bot Help [2.1] neostats.cfg options [2.2] Available commands [2.3] INFO [2.4] VERSION [2.5] LEVEL [2.6] SHUTDOWN [2.7] RELOAD [2.8] LOGS [2.9] LOAD [2.10] UNLOAD [2.11] MODLIST [2.12] JUPE [2.13] RAW [3] StatServ Bot Help [3.1] neostats.cfg options [3.2] Available Commands [3.3] SERVER [3.4] MAP [3.5] NETSTATS [3.6] DAILY [3.7] TLD [3.8] TLDMAP [3.9] OPERLIST [3.10] BOTLIST [3.11] VERSION [3.12] FORCEHTML [3.13] RESET [3.14] STATS [3.15] HTML Template Syntax [4] Support Information [4.1] Where to get support [4.2] What information you should provide for support [1] Installation: ------------- [1.1] Getting Started. First off, you're going to want to uncompress NeoStats to do this type the following: tar xvfz NeoStats2.0.tar.gz (this may vary depending on the version you run of Neo change the NeoStats2.0.tar.gz to match your filename ) ** Note: For some systems that don't run a new version of tar you may have to do this: gzip -d NeoStats2.0.tar.gz tar xvf NeoStats2.0.tar [1.2] Running configure The configure script has been changed compared to the old 2.0.x releases and you must now make sure you supply the right arguments to configure. What is required: ----------------- IRCD Support: To specify the IRCD you are compiling for. eg: --enable-unreal for UnrealIRCD --enable-ultimate2 for UltimateIRCD 2.x.x Series --enable-ultimate3 for UltimateIRCD 3.x.x Series (Note, at the time of release of this version of NeoStats Ultimate 3.x.x was still in alpha, it is possible that Ultimate3 compatibility might break in future releases of Ultimate as it matures) What is optional: ----------------- Privledge System: Originally, NeoStats was based on Operator Flags on a network. If you had TechAdmin on Unreal, you were basically allowed full control to Neostats. Now though, you can enable what is called External Authentication. This allows different ways of the NeoStats Privledge system. The Currently available options are: --enable-auth=sr This Enables a ServiceRoots option, which a user must be identified to services (with the +r flag) and they will have full access to NeoStats. if you do not specify --enable-auth then it uses IRCD flags for access to NeoStats Default is IRCD This reverts back to the old NeoStats Privledge system, where Authenication is based on the users flags (+oOANs etc etc) Modules Support: NeoStats has a expanding set of modules. Some Modules have their own --enable options, while other modules do not. To enable a module at compile time (or multi modules) use the following option: --enable-modules="statserv spam" (this would enable the statserv and spam modules). Defaults are no modules are compiled. NeoStats ships by default with StatServ and Spam modules (as well as the version module, which is really a useless module. Its a example of the API for module coders to use. if you have downloaded additional modules from the NeoStats website, DO NOT specify them in the enable-modules option. Each module has its own configure script, and must be configured and installed after NeoStats is installed. Debuging: Most users will never look at this option. It compiles NeoStats with debuging turned on. I would only suggest using this if you have problems are are about to fill out a bug form. --enable-debug Enables Debugging [1.3] Compiling NeoStats Ok, you should now be back at a shell prompt, now type: make it will go through the source and compile it into an executable binary file. If you get some warnings, please ignore them -- we are working on the warnings. [1.4] Installing NeoStats with version 2.5.0 and higher, NeoStats now needs to be "installed" into its own directory if you wish to use additional modules. By default NeoStats will install into ~/NeoStats/ (in your home directory, eg, /home/fish/NeoStats/) if you wish to change the install location, please see the section 2. To install NeoStats type: make install This will create the necessary files, and copy them to the installation directory. [1.5] Setting up the neostats.cfg file Now you should change to the installation directory (~/NeoStats/, or whatever you specified in ./configure) once in this directory, you need to create a configuration file. You can run the makeconf script (./makeconf) or edit the template provided called neostats.cfg.dist then copy this file to neostats.cfg and edit the file. All the options are pretty self explainatory. if you have a question please feel free to ask me.. Once you are done editting the file save it. NOTE: some additional modules, like StatServ or scriptserv have additional configuration options that must be specified in the neostats.cfg file. Please see the documentation for the individual modules on available configuration options The available options are: SERVER_NAME - Specifies the name of the NeoStats Server as it will apear on the network. eg: SERVER_NAME -When it links, it will apear as SERVER_PORT - Specifies the port to connect to on the IRC Server eg: SERVER_PORT 6667 -When connecting, NeoStats will connect to port 6667 CONNECT_TO - Specifies the IP address to connect to. eg: CONNECT_TO - This will force stats to connect to CONNECT_PASS -Specifies the password used to connect. This must match your CN lines in your IRCD configuration eg: CONNECT_PASS linkpass - Send "linkpass" as the password to connect SERVER_INFOLINE -Specify the description of the server that appears when you do /links eg: SERVER_INFOLINE Network Auxilurary Services SERVICES_CHAN -Specify the channel that all bots on NeoStats will automatically join, and echo out any important information eg: SERVICES_CHAN #services -Makes NeoStats, and all the other bots join #services channel on startup/load. WANT_PRIVMSG -Specify if the bots should send all messages as privmsg's or as notices (Most Services use notice) eg: WANT_PRIVMSG - if present, will send all messages as Privmsg's (if commented out, it will send as Notices) NO_LOAD - If this is in the neostats.cfg your NeoStats WILL NOT START UP. To disable this simply comment this line out. eg: NO_LOAD <- NeoStats will not load. eg2: #NO_LOAD <- NeoStats will load. RECONNECT_TIME -If NeoStats server gets split from the network, how long to wait before attempting to reconnect to the network eg: RECONNECT_TIME 10 -Specifies wait 10 seconds before trying to reconnect LOAD_MODULE -what module to load at startup. Multiple instances of LOAD_MODULE may be specified eg: LOAD_MODULE statserv -Will load up StatServ at boot if you have enabled the ServiceRoots authentication module, the the additional configuration options are available: SERVICE_ROOTS -Who should get access to NeoStats regardless of their O line flags (apart from having the Umode +r, which means they identified to Nickserver) You can specify this option upto 10 times to specify different nicks who will be allowed this priveledge. eg: SERVICE_ROOTS fish -Will give "fish" access to NeoStats privledged commands if fish has Umode +r SERVICE_ROOTS_AUTH -Should we only give access to NeoStats privledged command to the nicks listed in SERVICE_ROOTS and ignore users O line flags? eg: SERVICE_ROOTS_AUTH 1 -Enable, and only let fish access NeoStats, regardless of O line flags [1.6] Finished! Ok, your all done now. ** Note: Make sure your server(S) have U: lines for your stats server. Please Please Please! Remember to add the proper C & N lines on your server as well! Once your C/N/U lines are setup, you need to start stats. That is as simple as ./neostats If anything goes wrong, there *might* be a error message in the log files. Have a look in ~/NeoStats/logs/stats.log it might give you a clue to whats wrong! ** FINAL NOTICE ** ** FINAL NOTICE ** ** FINAL NOTICE ** I WILL NOT ASSIST YOU WITH ADDING C: N: AND U: LINES TO YOUR SERVER, YOU SHOULD READ THE IRCd's DOCUMENTATION IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO IT!!! [2] NeoStats Bot Help [2.1] neostats.cfg options The following options are available for NeoStats bot in neostats.cfg: NEOSTATS_HOST - Specifies the Hostname that NeoStats comes from eg: NEOSTATS_HOST -Means the bot will apear as NeoStats! NEOSTATS_USER - Specifies the User/ident of the NeoStats Bot: eg: NEOSTATS_USER neo - Means the bot will apear as NeoStats!neo@Host [2.2] Available Commands Available to Everyone regardless of access levels INFO -Displays Basic information about NeoStats and its uptime VERSION -Display NeoStats Version information LEVEL -Display your Permissions level as far as NeoStats is concerned. 0 is the lowest, 200 is the highest access level. Available to ServiceRoots (Level 180 or higher users) SHUTDOWN -Allows you to shutdown NeoStats RELOAD -Reload NeoStats. It unloads all modules, and squits, and re-connects LOGS -Display NeoStats log file (~/NeoStats/logs/stats.log) LOAD -Load a module UNLOAD -Unload a Module MODLIST -List Loaded Modules JUPE -Jupiter a Server RAW -Send a raw command from NeoStats Other commands are available, but only really usefull for Debuging, use the source luke, to find them out! [2.3] INFO command /msg neostats info Returns: =NeoStats= Statistics Information: =NeoStats= Statistics up 1 minute, 48 seconds =NeoStats= Sent 49 Messages Totaling 2526 Bytes =NeoStats= Recieved 69 Messages, Totaling 1887 Bytes =NeoStats= Reconnect Time: 10 =NeoStats= Statistic Requests: 4 =NeoStats= Use SMO for Debug?: Disabled =NeoStats= Debugging Mode is Disabled! =NeoStats= End of Information. [2.4] Version Command /msg neostats version Returns: =NeoStats= NeoStats Version Information =NeoStats= NeoStats Version: NeoStats-2.5_RC2 =NeoStats= [2.5] Level Command /msg neostats level Returns: =NeoStats= Your Level is 185 [2.6] Shutdown Command /msg neostats shutdown for upgade Returns: *** Global -- from StatServ Module Unloaded *** Global -- from NeoStats: Fish requested SHUTDOWN for for upgrade *** LocOps -- Received SQUIT from[] ( [2.7] Reload Command /msg neostats reload Your lagged out Returns: *** Global -- from NeoStats: Fish requested RELOAD for your lagged out *** Global -- from StatServ Module Unloaded *** LocOps -- Received SQUIT from[] ( *** Notice -- (link) Link ->[@] established *** Notice -- Link -> is now synced [secs: 0 recv: 0.1015 sent: 1.431] *** Global -- from Link with Network Complete! [2.8] Log Command /msg neostats logs Returns: =NeoStats= (11:02[03/21/2002]) RemoveLock() called: We must be segging! =NeoStats= (11:02[03/21/2002]) Statistics Started (NeoStats-2.5_Alpha6). =NeoStats= (11:02[03/21/2002]) New Server: =NeoStats= (11:02[03/21/2002]) Connecting to =NeoStats= (11:02[03/21/2002]) Sendings pings... (etc) [2.9] Load Command /msg neostats load <module> Returns: *** StatServ ( has joined #services *** Mode change [+oa StatServ StatServ] on #services by =NeoStats= Module statserv Loaded, Description: Statistical Bot For NeoStats <NeoStats> Fish Loaded Module statserv [2.10] Unload Command /msg neostats unload <module> Returns: <NeoStats> Unloading Module statserv <NeoStats> Module statserv has timer DelOldStatServChans Registered. Deleting.. <NeoStats> Module statserv has timer Save_Stats_DB Registered. Deleting.. <NeoStats> Module statserv has timer Daily_Stats_Reset Registered. Deleting.. <NeoStats> Module statserv has timer TimerWeb Registered. Deleting.. <NeoStats> Module statserv had bot StatServ Registered. Deleting.. *** StatServ ( has left IRC [Module Unloaded] <NeoStats> Fish Unloaded Module statserv [2.11] ModList Command /msg neostats modlist Returns: =NeoStats= Module: statserv (3.1) =NeoStats= Module Description: Statistical Bot For NeoStats =NeoStats= End of Module List [2.12] JUPE Command /msg neostats jupe <servername> Returns: <NeoStats> Fish Wants to JUPE this Server [2.13] Raw command /msg neostats raw <raw command> Returns: <NeoStats> RAW COMMAND Fish Issued a Raw Command!(:neostats invite fish #blah) *** NeoStats ( invites you to #blah [3] StatServ Help [3.1] neoStats.cfg config options STATSERV_NICK -Sets the nickname of the StatServ bot. If not specified, defaults to statserv eg: STATSERV_NICK stats -Set statserv bot to appear as 'stats' STATSERV_USER -Sets the username portion of the statserv bot eg: STATSERV_USER stats -Sets the statserv bot to have the username/ident portion set to stats STATSERV_HOST -Sets the hostname that statserv appears to come from eg: STATSERV_HOST -sets the statserv bot to apear to connect from LAG_NOTICE -Specifies if a server is lagged out longer than this period, to broadcast a message eg: LAG_NOTICE 60 -Any server that doesn't respond to a ping within 60 seconds gets broadcast out that its lagging HTML_STATS -Enable StatServ to output a HTML file to the filesystem with some statistics eg HTML_STATS -If define, enables this option HTML_PATH -Where to write the HTML file to. Include path and filename. Make sure you have permissions to write to this directory/file eg: HTML_PATH /var/www/html/stats/index.html -Write the statistics file to this location. [3.2] Available Commands SERVER -Display a list of all servers that statserv has ever known about, or individual server information MAP -Display a Network map of all connect servers NETSTATS -Display Statistics about the network DAILY -Display Statistics about the network today TLD -Find out what country a TLD represents TLDMAP -Display a breakdown of users and what countries they come from OPERLIST -Display a list of operators BOTLIST -Display a list of online bots (only if your IRCD supports a BOT flag) VERSION -Display the version of the currently running statserv Commands available to Administrators: FORCEHTML -Force a update of the HTML file RESET -Delete all stats, and start from scratch STATS -Delete/copy server information [3.3] Server Command /msg statserv server Returns: =StatServ= Error, the Syntax is Incorrect. Please Specify a Server =StatServ= Server Listing: =StatServ= Server: (*) =StatServ= Server: (*) =StatServ= Server: (*) =StatServ= Server: (*) =StatServ= Server: (*) =StatServ= ***** End of List (* indicates Server is online at the moment) ***** /msg statserv server <servername> Returns: =StatServ= Statistics for since [Mar (Thu 21) 2002 08:47 [PM/SGT]] =StatServ= Current Users: 7 (70%) =StatServ= Maximum Users: 7 at [Mar (Thu 21) 2002 08:47 [PM/SGT]] =StatServ= Current Opers: 5 =StatServ= Maximum Opers: 5 at [Mar (Thu 21) 2002 08:47 [PM/SGT]] =StatServ= IRCop Kills: 0 =StatServ= Server Kills: 0 =StatServ= Lowest Ping: 0 at [Jan (Thu 01) 1970 07:30 [AM/SGT]] =StatServ= Higest Ping: 0 at [Jan (Thu 01) 1970 07:30 [AM/SGT]] =StatServ= Current Ping: 0 =StatServ= has never split from the Network. =StatServ= ***** End of Statistics ***** [3.4] Map Command /msg statserv map Returns: =StatServ= [NAME] [USERS/MAX] [OPERS/MAX] [LAG/MAX] =StatServ= [2/2] [0/0] [0/0] =StatServ= \ [1/1] [0/1] [0/0] =StatServ= | \ [7/7] [5/5] [0/0] =StatServ= | | \ [0/0] [0/0] [0/1] =StatServ= | \ [0/0] [0/0] [0/1] =StatServ= --- End of Listing --- [3.5] Netstats Command /msg statserv netstats Returns: =StatServ= Network Statistics:----- =StatServ= Current Users: 10 =StatServ= Maximum Users: 10 [[Mar (Thu 21) 2002 08:47 [PM/SGT]]] =StatServ= Current Channels 0 =StatServ= Maximum Channels 2 [[Mar (Fri 22) 2002 09:46 [PM/SGT]]] =StatServ= Current Opers: 5 =StatServ= Maximum Opers: 6 [[Mar (Thu 21) 2002 08:47 [PM/SGT]]] =StatServ= Users Set Away: 0 =StatServ= Current Servers: 5 =StatServ= Maximum Servers: 5 [[Mar (Thu 21) 2002 08:47 [PM/SGT]]] =StatServ= --- End of List --- [3.6] Daily Command /msg statserv daily Returns: =StatServ= Daily Network Statistics: =StatServ= Maximum Servers: 5 [Mar (Wed 27) 2002 12:31 [PM/SGT]] =StatServ= Maximum Users: 10 [Mar (Wed 27) 2002 12:31 [PM/SGT]] =StatServ= Maximum Chans: 0 [Jan (Thu 01) 1970 07:30 [AM/SGT]] =StatServ= Maximum Opers: 5 [Mar (Wed 27) 2002 12:31 [PM/SGT]] =StatServ= All Daily Statistics are reset at Midnight =StatServ= End of Information. [3.7] Tld Command /msg statserv tld <domain> Returns: -> *statserv* tld sg =StatServ= Singapore (sg) [3.8] Tldmap Command /msg statserv tldmap Returns: =StatServ= Top Level Domain Statistics: =StatServ= net 9 (90%) -> Generic Top Level Domain (net) ---> Daily Total: 33 =StatServ= num 1 (10%) -> UnResolved (num) ---> Daily Total: 25 =StatServ= End of List [3.9] OperList Command /msg statserv operlist Returns: =StatServ= For Help: /msg StatServ HELP OPERLIST =StatServ= On-Line IRCops: =StatServ= [ 1] OperServ +ioSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 2] SS +iSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 3] ChanServ +oSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 4] StatServ +d 200 =StatServ= [ 5] HelpServ +Sqd 200 =StatServ= [ 6] MemoServ +oSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 7] NeoStats +d 200 =StatServ= [ 8] Global +ioSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 9] NickServ +oSqd 200 =StatServ= [10] Fish -a 185 =StatServ= End of Listing. /msg statserv operlist noaway Returns: =StatServ= On-Line IRCops (Not Away): =StatServ= [ 1] OperServ +ioSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 2] SS +iSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 3] ChanServ +oSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 4] StatServ +d 200 =StatServ= [ 5] HelpServ +Sqd 200 =StatServ= [ 6] MemoServ +oSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 7] NeoStats +d 200 =StatServ= [ 8] Global +ioSqd 200 =StatServ= [ 9] NickServ +oSqd 200 =StatServ= End of Listing. /msg statserv operlist <server> Returns: =StatServ= On-Line IRCops on Server =StatServ= [ 1] Fish -a 185 =StatServ= End of Listing. [3.10] BotList Command /msg statserv botlist Returns: =StatServ= On-Line Bots: =StatServ= End of Listing. [3.11] Version Command /msg statserv version Returns: =StatServ= StatServ Version Information =StatServ= ---------------------------- =StatServ= StatServ Version: 3.1 Compiled Mar 27 2002 at 12:22:27 =StatServ= =StatServ= ---------------------------- =StatServ= HTML Stats is: /web/stat/index.html [3.12] Forcehtml Command /msg statserv forcehtml Returns: <StatServ> Fish Forced the NeoStats Statistics HTML file to be updated with the most current statistics [3.13] Reset Command /msg statserv reset Returns: <StatServ> Fish Wants me to RESET the databases.. here goes.. [3.14] Stats Command /msg statserv stats list Returns: =StatServ= Statistics Database: =StatServ= [1 ] =StatServ= [2 ] =StatServ= [3 ] =StatServ= [4 ] =StatServ= [5 ] =StatServ= End of List. /msg statserv stats del <servername> Returns: =StatServ= Removed from the database. /msg statserv stats copy <name> <newname> =StatServ= Copied Server data from <name> to <newname> [3.15] HTML Syntax By Default, StatServ uses a file called index.tpl in your data directory as the template for your output. Currently, the template system is very basic, and will output tables containing the information requested. All Template variables are enclosed by "!" The available template variables are: !MAP! -Outputs a network Map similar to /msg statserv map in a table format !SRVLIST! -Outputs a complete list of servers that StatServ has ever seen, which are linked to detailed server information provided by the template variable !SRVLISTDET! !NETSTATS! -Outputs Network Statistics similar to /msg statserv netstats !DAILYSTATS! -Outputs the Daily Statistics similar to /msg statserv daily !DAILYTOPCHAN! -Outputs the top10 channels based on number of members !TOP10CHAN! -Outputs the top10 channels ever based on number of joins !TOP10KICKS! -Outputs the top10 kicking channels !TOP10TOPICS! -Outputs the top10 topic changing channels !VERSION! -Outputs the version of NeoStats StatServ also puts out some information on when the page was created, and what software created it by default at the end of your HTML page. This option can not be disabled. (Sorry, but its our little advertisment for all the hard work we have done to create NeoStats for you to use!) A example template is provided for you so you don't have to waste time getting your own template ready. If you wish to create your own template, replace the index.tpl file in the data directory with your version. [4] Support Information [4.1] Where to get support You can get Support for NeoStats a number of different ways. First way is via our message boards available at: You can also try our IRC channel, irc:// but be warned that we are not always available on the channel to help you. There is a bot there called neoserv that contains the latest bugs/support information (duplicated from the NeoStats board) Finally, you can email [4.2] What to provide when requesting support. It always helps to provide as much information about your enviroment when asking for help. Please make sure you include the following information: Operating system version (ie, Redhat, Mandrake etc) gcc version (found via gcc -v) Version of NeoStats you are using and if the problem is with a module, the version of the module (found via /msg neostats modlist) The type of IRCD you are attempting to connect to (and version number) We may request that you enable debugging and submit us the results of debugging. if this is the case, we need you to re-run configure with the following option: ./configure --enable-debug (any other options you need, like IRCD type and module lists) "make" ./neostats When it crashes, or the bug has been reproduced, send us: logs/stats.log logs/recv.log and it will help us to be able to reproduce the bug Anyway, thats it for the Manual, Thanks for taking the time to read it (took me a few hours to make!) and enjoy NeoStats. If you would like to submit a feature request, please go to our forums at The NeoStats Team is: Shmad ( (Current Developer) Fish ( (Current Developer) ^Enigma^ ( (Past Developer)