1120 lines
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1120 lines
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/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
#include "stats.h"
#include "ircd.h"
#include "dl.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "users.h"
#include "chans.h"
#include "exclude.h"
#ifdef SQLSRV
#include "sqlsrv/rta.h"
/** @brief Chanmem structure
typedef struct Chanmem {
char nick[MAXNICK];
time_t jointime;
long flags;
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
} Chanmem;
hash_t *ch;
/** @brief Process the Channel TS Time
* Addes the channel TS time to the channel struct
* @param c Channel Struct of channel who's ts is being changed
* @param tstime ts time of the channel
* @returns Nothing
SetChanTS (Chans * c, const time_t tstime)
c->tstime = tstime;
/** @brief Process a Topic Change
* Processes a Channel topic Change for particular channel and updates internals
* Also triggers off a TOPICCHANGE event for modules
* @param owner Char of who changed the topic. Can't be a userstruct as the user might not be online anymore
* @param c Channel Struct of channel who's topic is being changed
* @param time when the topic was changed (might have been in the past
* @param topic the new topic
* @return Nothing
ChanTopic (const char* chan, const char *owner, const char* ts, const char *topic)
char **av;
int ac = 0;
Chans *c;
time_t time;
c = findchan (chan);
if (!c) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "ChanTopic: can't find channel %s", chan);
if(ts) {
time = atoi (ts);
} else {
time = me.now;
if(topic) {
strlcpy (c->topic, topic, BUFSIZE);
} else {
c->topic[0] = 0;
strlcpy (c->topicowner, owner, MAXHOST);
c->topictime = time;
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList (&av, (char*)owner, &ac);
if(topic) {
AddStringToList (&av, (char*)topic, &ac);
} else {
AddStringToList (&av, "", &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_TOPICCHANGE, av, ac);
free (av);
/** @brief Check if a mode is set on a Channel
* used to check if a mode is set on a channel
* @param c channel to check
* @param mode is the mode to check, as a LONG
* @returns 1 on match, 0 on no match, -1 on error
CheckChanMode (Chans * c, long mode)
ModesParm *m;
lnode_t *mn;
if (!c) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "CheckChanMode: tied to check modes of empty channel");
return -1;
if (c->modes & mode) {
/* its a match */
return 1;
/* if we get here, we have to check the modeparm list first */
mn = list_first (c->modeparms);
while (mn) {
m = lnode_get (mn);
if (m->mode & mode) {
/* its a match */
return 1;
mn = list_next (c->modeparms, mn);
return 0;
/** @brief Compare channel modes from the channel hash
* used in ChanModes to compare modes (list_find argument)
* @param v actually its a ModeParm struct
* @param mode is the mode as a long
* @return 0 on match, 1 otherwise.
static int
comparemode (const void *v, const void *mode)
ModesParm *m = (void *) v;
if (m->mode == (long) mode) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
/** @brief Process a mode change on a channel
* process a mode change on a channel adding and deleting modes as required
* @param origin usually the server that sent the mode change. Not used
* @param av array of variables to pass
* @param ac number of variables n av
* @return 0 on error, number of modes processed on success.
ChanMode (char *origin, char **av, int ac)
char *modes;
int add = 0;
int j = 2;
int i;
int modeexists;
Chans *c;
ModesParm *m;
lnode_t *mn;
char **data;
int datasize = 0;
c = findchan (av[0]);
if (!c) {
return 0;
AddStringToList(&data, origin, &datasize);
for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) {
AddStringToList(&data, av[i], &datasize);
ModuleEvent(EVENT_CHANMODE, data, datasize);
modes = av[1];
while (*modes) {
switch (*modes) {
case '+':
add = 1;
case '-':
add = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ircd_cmodecount; i++) {
if (*modes == chan_modes[i].flag) {
if (add) {
if (chan_modes[i].nickparam) {
ChanUserMode (av[0], av[j], 1, chan_modes[i].mode);
} else {
if (chan_modes[i].parameters) {
mn = list_first (c->modeparms);
modeexists = 0;
while (mn) {
m = lnode_get (mn);
/* mode limit and mode key replace current values */
if ((m->mode == CMODE_LIMIT) && (chan_modes[i].mode == CMODE_LIMIT)) {
strlcpy (m->param, av[j], PARAMSIZE);
modeexists = 1;
} else if ((m->mode == CMODE_KEY) && (chan_modes[i].mode == CMODE_KEY)) {
strlcpy (m->param, av[j], PARAMSIZE);
modeexists = 1;
} else if (((int *) m->mode == (int *) chan_modes[i].mode) && !ircstrcasecmp (m->param, av[j])) {
nlog (LOG_INFO, LOG_CORE, "ChanMode: Mode %c (%s) already exists, not adding again", chan_modes[i].flag, av[j]);
modeexists = 1;
mn = list_next (c->modeparms, mn);
if (modeexists != 1) {
m = smalloc (sizeof (ModesParm));
m->mode = chan_modes[i].mode;
strlcpy (m->param, av[j], PARAMSIZE);
mn = lnode_create (m);
if (list_isfull (c->modeparms)) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "ChanMode: modelist is full adding to channel %s", c->name);
do_exit (NS_EXIT_ERROR, "List full - see log file");
} else {
list_append (c->modeparms, mn);
} else {
c->modes |= chan_modes[i].mode;
} else {
if (chan_modes[i].nickparam) {
ChanUserMode (av[0], av[j], 0, chan_modes[i].mode);
} else {
if (chan_modes[i].parameters) {
mn = list_find (c->modeparms, (int *) chan_modes[i].mode, comparemode);
if (!mn) {
nlog (LOG_INFO, LOG_CORE, "ChanMode: can't find mode %c for channel %s", *modes, c->name);
} else {
list_delete (c->modeparms, mn);
m = lnode_get (mn);
lnode_destroy (mn);
free (m);
if (!(chan_modes[i].mode == CMODE_LIMIT))
} else {
c->modes &= ~chan_modes[i].mode;
return j;
/** @brief Process a mode change that affects a user on a channel
* process a mode change on a channel that affects a user
* @param c Channel Struct of channel mode being changed
* @param u User struct of user that mode is affecting
* @param add 1 means add, 0 means remove mode
* @param mode is the long int of the mode
* @return Nothing
ChanUserMode (const char* chan, const char* nick, int add, long mode)
lnode_t *cmn;
Chanmem *cm;
Chans * c;
User * u;
u = finduser(nick);
if (!u) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "ChanUserMode: can't find user %s", nick);
c = findchan(chan);
if (!c) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "ChanUserMode: can't find channel %s", chan);
cmn = list_find (c->chanmembers, u->nick, comparef);
if (!cmn) {
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "ChanUserMode: %s is not a member of channel %s", u->nick, c->name);
ChanDump (c->name);
UserDump (u->nick);
cm = lnode_get (cmn);
if (add) {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "ChanUserMode: Adding mode %ld to Channel %s User %s", mode, c->name, u->nick);
cm->flags |= mode;
} else {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "ChanUserMode: Deleting Mode %ld to Channel %s User %s", mode, c->name, u->nick);
cm->flags &= ~mode;
/** @brief Create a new channel record
* And insert it into the hash, mallocing required memory for it and so on
* also check that the channel hash is not full
* @param chan name of the channel to create
* @returns c the newly created channel record
* @todo Dynamically resizable channel hashes
static Chans *
new_chan (const char *chan)
char **av;
int ac = 0;
Chans *c;
hnode_t *cn;
c = calloc (sizeof (Chans), 1);
strlcpy (c->name, chan, CHANLEN);
cn = hnode_create (c);
if (hash_isfull (ch)) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "new_chan: channel hash is full");
} else {
hash_insert (ch, cn, c->name);
c->chanmembers = list_create (CHAN_MEM_SIZE);
c->modeparms = list_create (MAXMODES);
c->cur_users = 0;
c->topictime = 0;
c->modes = 0;
c->tstime = me.now;
c->flags = 0;
/* check exclusions */
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_NEWCHAN, av, ac);
free (av);
return c;
/** @brief Deletes a channel record
* frees any memory associated with the record and removes it from the channel hash
* @param c the corrosponding channel structure you wish to delete
* @returns Nothing
del_chan (Chans * c)
hnode_t *cn;
lnode_t *cm;
cn = hash_lookup (ch, c->name);
if (!cn) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "del_chan: channel %s not found.", c->name);
} else {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "del_chan: deleting channel %s", c->name);
cm = list_first (c->modeparms);
while (cm) {
free (lnode_get (cm));
cm = list_next (c->modeparms, cm);
list_destroy_nodes (c->modeparms);
list_destroy (c->modeparms);
list_destroy (c->chanmembers);
hash_delete (ch, cn);
hnode_destroy (cn);
free (c);
/** @brief Process a kick from a channel.
* In fact, this does nothing special apart from call part_chan, and processing a channel kick
* @param kickby, the user nick or servername doing the kick
* @param chan, channel name user being kicked from
* @param kicked, the user nick getting kicked
* @param kickreason the reason the user was kicked
kick_chan (const char *kickby, const char *chan, const char *kicked, const char *kickreason)
char **av;
int ac = 0;
Chans *c;
Chanmem *cm;
lnode_t *un;
User *u;
u = finduser (kicked);
if (!u) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "kick_chan: user %s not found %s %s", kicked, chan, kickby);
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "kick_chan: user %s not found %s %s", kicked, chan, kickby);
ChanDump (chan);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "kick_chan: %s kicking %s from %s for %s", kickby, u->nick, chan, kickreason ? kickreason : "no reason");
c = findchan (chan);
if (!c) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "kick_chan: channel %s not found", chan);
} else {
un = list_find (c->chanmembers, u->nick, comparef);
if (!un) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "kick_chan: %s isn't a member of channel %s", u->nick, chan);
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "kick_chan: %s isn't a member of channel %s", u->nick, chan);
ChanDump (c->name);
UserDump (u->nick);
} else {
cm = lnode_get (un);
lnode_destroy (list_delete (c->chanmembers, un));
free (cm);
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList (&av, u->nick, &ac);
AddStringToList (&av, (char *)kickby, &ac);
if (kickreason != NULL) {
AddStringToList (&av, (char*)kickreason, &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_KICK, av, ac);
free (av);
ac = 0;
if (findbot (u->nick)) {
/* its one of our bots, so add it to the botchan list */
del_bot_from_chan (u->nick, c->name);
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList (&av, u->nick, &ac);
AddStringToList (&av, (char *)kickby, &ac);
if (kickreason != NULL) {
AddStringToList (&av, (char*)kickreason, &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_KICKBOT, av, ac);
free (av);
ac = 0;
un = list_find (u->chans, c->name, comparef);
if (!un) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "kick_chan: %s not found in channel %s", u->nick, chan);
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "kick_chan: %s not found in channel %s", u->nick, chan);
ChanDump (c->name);
UserDump (u->nick);
} else {
lnode_destroy (list_delete (u->chans, un));
nlog (LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_CORE, "kick_chan: cur users %s %ld (list %d)", c->name, c->cur_users, (int)list_count (c->chanmembers));
if (c->cur_users <= 0) {
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_DELCHAN, av, ac);
free (av);
ac = 0;
del_chan (c);
/** @brief Parts a user from a channel
* Parts a user from a channel and raises events if required
* Events raised are PARTCHAN and DELCHAN
* if its one of our bots, also update bot channel lists
* @param u the User structure corrosponding to the user that left the channel
* @param chan the channel to part them from
* @param reason the reason the user parted, if any
* @returns Nothing
part_chan (User * u, const char *chan, const char *reason)
Chans *c;
lnode_t *un;
char **av;
Chanmem *cm;
int ac = 0;
if (!u) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "part_chan: trying to part NULL user from %s", chan);
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "part_chan: trying to part NULL user from %s", chan);
ChanDump (chan);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "part_chan: parting %s from %s", u->nick, chan);
c = findchan (chan);
if (!c) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "part_chan: channel %s not found", chan);
} else {
un = list_find (c->chanmembers, u->nick, comparef);
if (!un) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "part_chan: user %s isn't a member of channel %s", u->nick, chan);
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "part_chan: user %s isn't a member of channel %s", u->nick, chan);
ChanDump (c->name);
UserDump (u->nick);
} else {
cm = lnode_get (un);
lnode_destroy (list_delete (c->chanmembers, un));
free (cm);
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList (&av, u->nick, &ac);
if (reason != NULL) {
AddStringToList (&av, (char*)reason, &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_PARTCHAN, av, ac);
free (av);
ac = 0;
if (findbot (u->nick)) {
/* its one of our bots, so add it to the botchan list */
del_bot_from_chan (u->nick, c->name);
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList (&av, u->nick, &ac);
if (reason != NULL) {
AddStringToList (&av, (char*)reason, &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_PARTBOT, av, ac);
free (av);
ac = 0;
un = list_find (u->chans, c->name, comparef);
if (!un) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "part_chan: user %s not found in channel %s", u->nick, chan);
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "part_chan: user %s not found in channel %s", u->nick, chan);
ChanDump (c->name);
UserDump (u->nick);
} else {
lnode_destroy (list_delete (u->chans, un));
nlog (LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_CORE, "part_chan: cur users %s %ld (list %d)", c->name, c->cur_users, (int)list_count (c->chanmembers));
if (c->cur_users <= 0) {
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_DELCHAN, av, ac);
free (av);
ac = 0;
del_chan (c);
/** @brief Change channel records when a nick change occurs
* goes through the channel members list, changing users nicks after a nickname change occurs
* @param c the channel to check (as called by the user functions)
* @param newnick the New Nickname of the client
* @param oldnick the old nickname of the client
* @returns Nothing
* @todo What happens if one of our bots change their nick?
ChanNickChange (Chans * c, const char *newnick, const char *oldnick)
lnode_t *cm;
Chanmem *cml;
cm = list_find (c->chanmembers, oldnick, comparef);
if (!cm) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "ChanNickChange: %s isn't a member of %s", oldnick, c->name);
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "ChanNickChange: %s isn't a member of %s", oldnick, c->name);
ChanDump (c->name);
UserDump (oldnick);
} else {
nlog (LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_CORE, "ChanNickChange: newnick %s, oldnick %s", newnick, oldnick);
cml = lnode_get (cm);
strlcpy (cml->nick, newnick, MAXNICK);
/** @brief Process a user joining a channel
* joins a user to a channel and raises JOINCHAN event and if required NEWCHAN events
* if the channel is new, a new channel record is requested and defaults are set
* if its one of our bots, also update the botchanlist
* @param u The User structure of the user joining the channel
* @param chan the channel name
* @returns Nothing
join_chan (const char* nick, const char *chan)
User* u;
Chans *c;
lnode_t *un, *cn;
Chanmem *cm;
char **av;
int ac = 0;
u = finduser (nick);
if (!u) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: tried to join unknown user %s to channel %s", nick, chan);
if (!ircstrcasecmp ("0", chan)) {
/* join 0 is actually part all chans */
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: parting %s from all channels", u->nick);
list_process (u->chans, u, UserPart);
c = findchan (chan);
if (!c) {
/* its a new Channel */
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: new channel %s", chan);
c = new_chan (chan);
/* add this users details to the channel members hash */
cm = smalloc (sizeof (Chanmem));
strlcpy (cm->nick, u->nick, MAXNICK);
cm->jointime = me.now;
cm->flags = 0;
cn = lnode_create (cm);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: adding usernode %s to channel %s", u->nick, chan);
if (list_find (c->chanmembers, u->nick, comparef)) {
nlog (LOG_WARNING, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: tried to add %s to channel %s but they are already a member", u->nick, chan);
if (me.debug_mode) {
chanalert (s_Services, "join_chan: tried to add %s to channel %s but they are already a member", u->nick, chan);
ChanDump (c->name);
UserDump (u->nick);
if (list_isfull (c->chanmembers)) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: channel %s member list is full", c->name);
lnode_destroy (cn);
free (cm);
} else {
list_append (c->chanmembers, cn);
un = lnode_create (c->name);
if (list_isfull (u->chans)) {
nlog (LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: user %s member list is full", u->nick);
lnode_destroy (un);
} else {
list_append (u->chans, un);
AddStringToList (&av, c->name, &ac);
AddStringToList (&av, u->nick, &ac);
ModuleEvent (EVENT_JOINCHAN, av, ac);
free (av);
nlog (LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: cur users %s %ld (list %d)", c->name, c->cur_users, (int)list_count (c->chanmembers));
if (findbot (u->nick)) {
nlog(LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_CORE, "join_chan: joining bot %s to channel %s", u->nick, c->name);
add_bot_to_chan (u->nick, c->name);
/** @brief Dump Channel information
* dump either the entire channel list, or a single channel detail. Used for debugging
* sends the output to the services channel
* @param chan the channel name to dump, or NULL for all channels
* @returns Nothing
static void
dumpchan (Chans* c)
lnode_t *cmn;
Chanmem *cm;
char mode[10];
int i;
int j = 0;
ModesParm *m;
bzero (mode, 10);
mode[0] = '+';
for (i = 0; i < ircd_cmodecount; i++) {
if (c->modes & chan_modes[i].mode) {
mode[++j] = chan_modes[i].flag;
debugtochannel("Channel: %s", c->name);
debugtochannel("Mode: %s tstime %ld", mode, (long)c->tstime);
debugtochannel("TopicOwner: %s TopicTime: %ld Topic: %s", c->topicowner, (long)c->topictime, c->topic);
debugtochannel("PubChan?: %d", is_pub_chan (c));
debugtochannel("Flags: %lx", c->flags);
cmn = list_first (c->modeparms);
while (cmn) {
m = lnode_get (cmn);
for (i = 0; i < ircd_cmodecount; i++) {
if (m->mode & chan_modes[i].mode) {
debugtochannel("Modes: %c Parms %s", chan_modes[i].flag, m->param);
cmn = list_next (c->modeparms, cmn);
debugtochannel("Members: %ld (List %d)", c->cur_users, (int)list_count (c->chanmembers));
cmn = list_first (c->chanmembers);
while (cmn) {
cm = lnode_get (cmn);
bzero (mode, 10);
j = 0;
mode[0] = '+';
for (i = 0; i < ircd_cmodecount; i++) {
if (cm->flags & chan_modes[i].mode) {
mode[++j] = chan_modes[i].flag;
debugtochannel(" %s Modes %s Joined: %ld", cm->nick, mode, (long)cm->jointime);
cmn = list_next (c->chanmembers, cmn);
ChanDump (const char *chan)
hnode_t *cn;
hscan_t sc;
Chans *c;
if (!chan) {
debugtochannel("Channels %d", (int)hash_count (ch));
hash_scan_begin (&sc, ch);
while ((cn = hash_scan_next (&sc)) != NULL) {
c = hnode_get (cn);
} else {
c = findchan (chan);
if (c) {
} else {
debugtochannel("ChanDump: can't find channel %s", chan);
/** @brief Find a channel
* Finds the channel structure for the channel named chan, or NULL if it can't be found
* @param chan the channel name to find
* @returns The Channel structure for chan, or NULL if it can't be found.
Chans *
findchan (const char *chan)
Chans *c;
hnode_t *cn;
cn = hash_lookup (ch, chan);
if (cn) {
c = hnode_get (cn);
return c;
nlog (LOG_DEBUG3, LOG_CORE, "findchan: %s not found", chan);
return NULL;
/** @brief Returns if the nick is a member of the channel
* Returns 1 if nick is part of the channel, 0 if they are not
* @param chan the channel to check
* @param u the user to check
* @returns 1 if they are, 0 if they are not
IsChanMember (Chans *c, User *u)
if (!u || !c) {
return 0;
if (list_find (c->chanmembers, u->nick, comparef)) {
return 1;
return 0;
/** @brief Returns if the nick has a particular channel status e.g. ChanOp
* @param chan the channel to check
* @param nick the nick to check
* @returns 1 if they are, 0 if they are not
int test_chan_user_mode(char* chan, char* nick, int flag)
User* u;
Chans* c;
lnode_t *cmn;
Chanmem *cm;
u = finduser(nick);
c = findchan(chan);
if (!u || !c) {
return 0;
cmn = list_find (c->chanmembers, nick, comparef);
if (!cmn) {
return 0;
cm = lnode_get (cmn);
if (cm->flags & flag) {
return 1;
return 0;
#ifdef SQLSRV
/* display the channel modes */
/* BUFSIZE is probably too small.. oh well */
static char chanmodes[BUFSIZE];
void *display_chanmodes (void *tbl, char *col, char *sql, void *row)
Chans *c = row;
lnode_t *cmn;
char tmp[BUFSIZE];
int i;
int j = 1;
ModesParm *m;
chanmodes[0] = '+';
for (i = 0; i < ircd_cmodecount; i++) {
if (c->modes & chan_modes[i].mode) {
chanmodes[j++] = chan_modes[i].flag;
chanmodes[j++] = '\0';
cmn = list_first (c->modeparms);
while (cmn) {
m = lnode_get (cmn);
for (i = 0; i < ircd_cmodecount; i++) {
if (m->mode & chan_modes[i].mode) {
ircsnprintf(tmp, BUFSIZE, " +%c %s", chan_modes[i].flag, m->param);
strlcat(chanmodes, tmp, BUFSIZE);
cmn = list_next (c->modeparms, cmn);
return chanmodes;
/* its huge, because we can have a *LOT* of users in a channel */
static char chanusers[BUFSIZE*10];
void *display_chanusers (void *tbl, char *col, char *sql, void *row) {
Chans *c = row;
lnode_t *cmn;
char sjoin[BUFSIZE];
char mode[BUFSIZE];
char final[BUFSIZE*2];
int i;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
Chanmem *cm;
chanusers[0] = '\0';
cmn = list_first (c->chanmembers);
while (cmn) {
cm = lnode_get (cmn);
j = 0;
k = 1;
mode[0] = '+';
for (i = 0; i < ircd_cmodecount; i++) {
if (cm->flags & chan_modes[i].mode) {
if (chan_modes[i].sjoin != 0)
sjoin[j++] = chan_modes[i].sjoin;
mode[k++] = chan_modes[i].flag;
mode[k++] = '\0';
sjoin[j++] = '\0';
if (k > 2)
ircsnprintf(final, BUFSIZE*2, "%s %s%s,", mode, sjoin, cm->nick);
ircsnprintf(final, BUFSIZE*2, "%s%s,", sjoin, cm->nick);
strlcat(chanusers, final, BUFSIZE*10);
cmn = list_next (c->chanmembers, cmn);
return chanusers;
COLDEF neo_chanscols[] = {
offsetof(struct Chans, name),
"The name of the channel"
offsetof(struct Chans, cur_users),
"The no of users in the channel"
offsetof(struct Chans, modes),
"The modes of the channel"
offsetof(struct Chans, chanmembers),
"The users of the channel"
offsetof(struct Chans, topic),
"The topic of the channel"
offsetof(struct Chans, topicowner),
"Who set the topic"
offsetof(struct Chans, topictime),
"When the topic was set"
offsetof(struct Chans, tstime),
"when the channel was created"
offsetof(struct Chans, flags),
"Flags for this channel"
TBLDEF neo_chans = {
NULL, /* for now */
sizeof(struct Chans),
sizeof(neo_chanscols) / sizeof(COLDEF),
"The list of Channels on the IRC network"
#endif /* SQLSRV */
/** @brief initialize the channel data
* initializes the channel data and channel hash ch.
* @return Nothing
init_chan_hash ()
ch = hash_create (C_TABLE_SIZE, 0, 0);
return NS_FAILURE;
#ifdef SQLSRV
/* add the server hash to the sql library */
neo_chans.address = ch;
return NS_SUCCESS;