727 lines
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727 lines
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/* NeoStats - IRC Statistical Services
** Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond
** http://www.neostats.net/
** Portions Copyright (c) 2000-2001 ^Enigma^
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
** USA
** NeoStats CVS Identification
** $Id$
#ifndef STATS_H
#define STATS_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#define __USE_GNU
#include <string.h>
#undef __USE_GNU
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "config.h"
#ifdef HAVE_DB_H
/*#define USE_BERKELEY*/
/* Temp disable for upcoming release until all external modules
* have been released with warnings fixed
#if 0
#define __attribute__(x) /* NOTHING */
/* If we're not using GNU C, elide __attribute__ */
#ifndef __GNUC__
#define __attribute__(x) /* NOTHING */
#include "version.h"
#include "adns.h"
#include "pcre.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "ircstring.h"
#include "events.h"
#if UNREAL == 1
#include "Unreal.h"
#elif ULTIMATE == 1
#include "Ultimate.h"
#elif HYBRID7 == 1
#include "hybrid7.h"
#elif NEOIRCD == 1
#include "neoircd.h"
#elif MYSTIC == 1
#include "mystic.h"
#elif IRCU == 1
#include "Ircu.h"
#elif BAHAMUT == 1
#include "Bahamut.h"
#elif QUANTUM == 1
#include "QuantumIRCd.h"
#elif LIQUID == 1
#include "liquidircd.h"
#elif VIAGRA == 1
#include "Viagra.h"
#error Error, you must select an IRCD to use. See ./configure --help for more information
#ifndef TS_CURRENT /* Allow IRCd to overide */
#define TS5
#ifdef TS5
#define TS_CURRENT 5 /* current TS protocol version */
#define TS_CURRENT 3 /* current TS protocol version */
#endif /* TS_CURRENT */
#ifndef TS_MIN /* Allow IRCd to overide */
/* #define TS5_ONLY */ /* Should not be defined globally! */
#ifdef TS5_ONLY
#define TS_MIN 5
#define TS_MIN 3 /* minimum supported TS protocol version */
#endif /* TS_MIN */
/* SecureServ wants CHANADMIN but only a few ircds support it so we have to "fake" it */
/* Flag for new sjoin call to avoid duplicate case value */
/* Temp for backwards compatibility */
/* Temp for backwards compatibility
* HAVE_TOKEN_SUP renamed to GOTTOKENSUPPORT so it matches other
* feature set defines.
#include "numeric.h"
/** this is a security hack to give the coders the right levels to debug NeoStats.
* Don't define unless we ask you to
#define CONFIG_NAME "neostats.cfg"
#define MOD_PATH "dl"
#define RECV_LOG "logs/recv.log"
#define MOTD_FILENAME "neostats.motd"
#define ADMIN_FILENAME "neostats.admin"
#define PID_FILENAME "neostats.pid"
#define BUFSIZE 512
#ifndef MAXHOST
#define MAXHOST 128
#ifndef MAXPASS
#define MAXPASS 32
#ifndef MAXNICK
#define MAXNICK 32
#ifndef MAXUSER
#define MAXUSER 15
#define MAXREALNAME 50
#ifndef CHANLEN
#define CHANLEN 50
#ifndef TOPICLEN
#define TOPICLEN 307
#define MODESIZE 53
#define MAXCMDSIZE 15
#define MAXINFO 128
#define B64SIZE 16
* the max length a string can be that holds channel lists
#define MAXCHANLIST 1024
* used to determine buffer sizes for file system operations
#ifndef MAXPATH
#define MAXPATH 1024
#endif /* MAXPATH */
* used to determine buffer sizes for time formatting buffers
#define TIMEBUFSIZE 80
* size of a time_t converted to a string.
#define STR_TIME_T_SIZE 24
ModuleInfo will allow any length since it is merely a char *
functions displaying ModuleInfo contents will display the full string.
NeoStats core will truncate to this length for use internally.
#define MAX_MOD_NAME 32
/* Buffer size for version string */
#define VERSIONSIZE 32
/* doesn't have to be so big atm */
#define NUM_MODULES 20
#define S_TABLE_SIZE -1
#define U_TABLE_SIZE -1
#define C_TABLE_SIZE -1
#define CHAN_MEM_SIZE -1
#define T_TABLE_SIZE 300 /* Number of Timers */
#define B_TABLE_SIZE 100 /* Number of Bots */
#define MAXMODES -1
#define DNS_QUEUE_SIZE 300 /* number on concurrent DNS lookups */
#define MAX_TRANSFERS 10 /* number of curl transfers */
#define bzero(x, y) memset(x, '\0', y);
#define is_synced me.synced
/* Early creation of unified return values and error system */
/* These are program exit codes usually defined in stdlib.h but
if not found will be defined here */
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
#endif /* EXIT_FAILURE */
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#endif /* EXIT_SUCCESS */
#define NS_SUCCESS 1
#define NS_FAILURE -1
/* these defines are for the flags for users, channels and servers */
#define NS_FLAGS_EXCLUDED 0x00000001 /* this entry matched a exclusion */
#define NS_FLAGS_ME 0x00000002 /* indicates the server/user is a NeoStats one */
#define NS_FLAGS_SYNCHED 0x00000004 /* indicates the server is now synched */
#if 0
#define NS_FLAGS_NETJOIN 0x00000008 /* indicates the user is on a net join */
/* Specific errors beyond SUCCESS/FAILURE so that functions can handle errors
* Treat as unsigned with top bit set to give us a clear distinction from
* other values and use a typedef ENUM so that we can indicate return type */
typedef enum NS_ERR {
NS_ERR_NICK_IN_USE = 0x8000001,
NS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x8000002,
/* Error value for incompatible version */
/* Temporarily done as #define for forward port */
/* NS_ERR_VERSION = 0x8000003,*/
#define NS_ERR_VERSION 0x8000003
/* do_exit call exit type definitions */
typedef enum {
/* NeoStats levels */
#define NS_ULEVEL_ROOT 200
#define NS_ULEVEL_ADMIN 185
#define NS_ULEVEL_OPER 50
#define NS_ULEVEL_REG 10
/* transfer stuff */
typedef enum NS_TRANSFER {
#define SET_SEGV_LOCATION_EXTRA(debug_text)
#define SET_SEGV_LOCATION() ircsnprintf(segv_location,SEGV_LOCATION_BUFSIZE,"%s %d %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
#define SET_SEGV_LOCATION_EXTRA(debug_text) ircsnprintf(segv_location,SEGV_LOCATION_BUFSIZE,"%s %d %s %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,(debug_text));
#define CLEAR_SEGV_LOCATION() segv_location[0]='\0';
#define SET_SEGV_INMODULE(module_name) strlcpy(segv_inmodule,(module_name),SEGV_INMODULE_BUFSIZE);
#define CLEAR_SEGV_INMODULE() segv_inmodule[0]='\0';
/* temporary define while module settings are ported to macro system */
#define segvinmodule segv_inmodule
/* macros to provide a couple missing string functions for code legibility
* and to ensure we perform these operations in a standard and optimal manner
/* set a string to NULL */
#define strsetnull(str) (str)[0] = 0
/* test a string for NULL */
#define strisnull(str) ((str) && (str)[0] == 0)
#define ARRAY_COUNT (a) ((sizeof ((a)) / sizeof ((a)[0]))
extern int servsock;
extern char recbuf[BUFSIZE];
extern char s_Services[MAXNICK];
extern const char ircd_version[];
extern const char services_bot_modes[];
extern char segv_location[SEGV_LOCATION_BUFSIZE];
extern char segv_inmodule[SEGV_INMODULE_BUFSIZE];
extern jmp_buf sigvbuf;
extern hash_t *sh;
extern hash_t *uh;
extern hash_t *ch;
/* this is the dns structure */
extern adns_state ads;
/* version info */
extern const char version_date[], version_time[];
/** @brief Server structure
* structure containing all details of a server
typedef struct Server {
char name[MAXHOST];
char name64[B64SIZE];
int hops;
int numeric;
time_t connected_since;
int ping;
char uplink[MAXHOST];
char infoline[MAXINFO];
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
long flags;
} Server;
/** @brief me structure
* structure containing information about the neostats core
struct me {
char name[MAXHOST];
char nameb64[B64SIZE];
int port;
int r_time;
int numeric; /* For Unreal and any other server that needs a numeric */
char uplink[MAXHOST];
char pass[MAXPASS];
char services_name[MAXHOST];
char infoline[MAXHOST];
char netname[MAXPASS];
char local[MAXHOST];
char user[MAXUSER]; /* bot user */
char host[MAXHOST]; /* bot host */
char realname[MAXREALNAME]; /* bot real name */
time_t t_start;
unsigned int allbots;
unsigned int maxsocks;
unsigned int cursocks;
unsigned int want_privmsg:1;
unsigned int onlyopers:1;
unsigned int die:1;
unsigned int debug_mode:1;
unsigned int want_nickip:1;
#if defined(ULTIMATE3) || defined(QUANTUM)
unsigned int client:1;
unsigned int setservertimes;
int action;
char chan[BUFSIZE];
unsigned int onchan:1;
unsigned int synced:1;
Server *s;
int requests;
long SendM;
long SendBytes;
long RcveM;
long RcveBytes;
time_t lastmsg;
int pingtime;
time_t now;
char strnow[STR_TIME_T_SIZE];
#ifdef SQLSRV
char sqlhost[MAXHOST];
int sqlport;
char version[VERSIONSIZE];
char versionfull[VERSIONSIZE];
} me;
/** @brief Bans structure
typedef struct Ban {
char type;
char user[MAXUSER];
char host[MAXHOST];
char mask[MAXHOST];
char reason[BUFSIZE];
char setby[MAXHOST];
time_t tsset;
time_t tsexpires;
} Ban;
/** @brief User structure
typedef struct User {
char nick[MAXNICK];
char nick64[B64SIZE];
char hostname[MAXHOST];
char username[MAXUSER];
char realname[MAXREALNAME];
char vhost[MAXHOST];
char awaymsg[MAXHOST];
char swhois[MAXHOST];
Server *server;
int flood;
int is_away;
time_t t_flood;
char modes[MODESIZE];
int ulevel;
long Umode;
list_t *chans;
struct in_addr ipaddr;
time_t TS;
time_t servicesstamp;
long Smode;
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
long flags;
} User;
/** @brief Chans structure
typedef struct Chans {
char name[CHANLEN];
char name64[B64SIZE];
long cur_users;
long modes;
list_t *chanmembers;
list_t *modeparms;
char topic[BUFSIZE];
char topicowner[MAXHOST]; /* because a "server" can be a topic owner */
time_t topictime;
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
time_t tstime;
long flags;
} Chans;
/** @brief ModesParm structure
typedef struct ModesParm {
long mode;
char param[PARAMSIZE];
void *moddata[NUM_MODULES];
} ModesParm;
/** @brief ping structure
struct ping {
time_t last_sent;
int ulag;
} ping;
/* Comand list handling */
/** @brief flags for command list
* flags to provide more information on a command to the core
#define CMD_FLAG_SET 0x00000001
/** @brief bot_cmd_handler type
* defines handler function definition
typedef int (*bot_cmd_handler) (User * u, char **av, int ac);
/** @brief bot_cmd structure
* defines command lists for bots
typedef struct bot_cmd {
const char *cmd; /* command string */
bot_cmd_handler handler; /* handler */
int minparams; /* min num params */
unsigned int ulevel; /* min user level */
const char** helptext; /* pointer to help text */
const char* onelinehelp;/* single line help for generic help function */
/** @brief flags for bots
* flags to influence how bots are managed
* e.g. restrict to opers
/* Restrict module bot to only respond to oper requests
* when ONLY_OPERS is set in the config file
* E.g. StatServ
#define BOT_FLAG_ONLY_OPERS 0x00000001
/* Restrict module bot to only respond to oper requests
* regardless of ONLY_OPERS setting in the config file
* E.g. Connectserv
#define BOT_FLAG_RESTRICT_OPERS 0x00000002
/* Stop bot listening to channel chatter when they do not need to
* E.g. Connectserv
#define BOT_FLAG_DEAF 0x00000004
/* SET Comand handling */
typedef enum SET_TYPE {
SET_TYPE_INT, /* valid integer */
SET_TYPE_STRING, /* single string */
SET_TYPE_MSG, /* multiple strings to be treated as a message and stored in one field */
SET_TYPE_NICK, /* valid nick */
SET_TYPE_USER, /* valid user */
SET_TYPE_HOST, /* valid host name */
SET_TYPE_REALNAME, /* valid realname */
SET_TYPE_CHANNEL, /* valid channel */
SET_TYPE_IPV4, /* valid IPv4 dotted quad */
#if 0
/* For future expansion */
SET_TYPE_CUSTOM, /* handled by module */
/** @brief bot_setting structure
* defines SET list for bots
typedef struct bot_setting {
char *option; /* option string */
void* varptr; /* pointer to var */
SET_TYPE type; /* type of var */
unsigned int min; /* min value */
unsigned int max; /* max value */
unsigned int ulevel; /* min user level */
char *confitem; /* config string for kptool */
const char *desc; /* description of setting for messages e.g. seconds, days*/
const char** helptext; /* pointer to help text */
bot_cmd_handler handler; /* handler for custom/post-set processing */
/* sock.c */
int sock_connect (int socktype, unsigned long ipaddr, int port, char *sockname, char *module, char *func_read, char *func_write, char *func_error);
int sock_disconnect (char *sockname);
/* conf.c */
int ConfLoad (void);
void rehash (void);
int ConfLoadModules (void);
/* main.c */
void do_exit (NS_EXIT_TYPE exitcode, char* quitmsg) __attribute__((noreturn));
void fatal_error(char* file, int line, char* func, char* error_text) __attribute__((noreturn));;
#define FATAL_ERROR(error_text) fatal_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,(error_text));
/* misc.c */
void strip (char * line);
void *smalloc (long size);
char *sstrdup (const char * s);
char *strlwr (char * s);
void AddStringToList (char ***List, char S[], int *C);
void strip_mirc_codes(char *text);
char *sctime (time_t t);
char *sftime (time_t t);
void debugtochannel(char *message, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2))); /* 1=format 2=params */
/* ircd.c */
void parse (char* line);
char *joinbuf (char **av, int ac, int from);
int split_buf (char *buf, char ***argv, int colon_special);
int flood (User * u);
int join_bot_to_chan (const char *who, const char *chan, unsigned long chflag);
/* (M) For backwards compatibility only, bots are moving to a new interface */
int init_bot (char * nick, char * user, char * host, char * realname, const char *modes, char * modname);
int del_bot (char * nick, char * reason);
void privmsg_list (char *to, char *from, const char **text);
void prefmsg (char * to, const char * from, char * fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
void privmsg (char *to, const char *from, char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
void notice (char *to, const char *from, char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
void globops (char * from, char * fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
void chanalert (char * from, char * fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
int wallops (const char *from, const char *msg, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
int numeric (const int numeric, const char *target, const char *data, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
/* Temp for backwards compatibility */
#define snumeric_cmd numeric
/* function declarations */
int ssjoin_cmd (const char *who, const char *chan, unsigned long chflag);
int sjoin_cmd (const char *who, const char *chan);
int spart_cmd (const char *who, const char *chan);
int squit_cmd (const char *who, const char *quitmsg);
int skick_cmd (const char *who, const char *chan, const char *target, const char *reason);
int sinvite_cmd (const char *from, const char *to, const char *chan);
int schmode_cmd (const char *who, const char *chan, const char *mode, const char *args);
int snewnick_cmd (const char *nick, const char *ident, const char *host, const char *realname, long mode);
int sumode_cmd (const char *who, const char *target, long mode);
int skill_cmd (const char *from, const char *target, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,3,4))); /* 3=format 4=params */
int sping_cmd (const char *from, const char *reply, const char *to);
int spong_cmd (const char *reply);
int snick_cmd (const char *oldnick, const char *newnick);
int sswhois_cmd (const char *target, const char *swhois);
int ssvsnick_cmd (const char *target, const char *newnick);
int ssvsjoin_cmd (const char *target, const char *chan);
int ssvspart_cmd (const char *target, const char *chan);
int ssvshost_cmd (const char *who, const char *vhost);
int ssvsmode_cmd (const char *target, const char *modes);
int ssvskill_cmd (const char *target, const char *reason, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,2,3))); /* 2=format 3=params */
int sakill_cmd (const char *host, const char *ident, const char *setby, const int length, const char *reason, ...);
int srakill_cmd (const char *host, const char *ident);
int ssvstime_cmd (const time_t ts);
/* users.c */
User *finduser (const char *nick);
int UserLevel (User *u);
/* server.c */
Server *findserver (const char *name);
/* chans.c */
Chans *findchan (const char *chan);
int CheckChanMode (Chans * c, long mode);
int IsChanMember(Chans *c, User *u);
int test_chan_user_mode(char* chan, char* nick, int flag);
#define is_chanop(chan, nick) test_chan_user_mode(chan, nick, CMODE_CHANOP)
#define is_chanhalfop(chan, nick) test_chan_user_mode(chan, nick, CMODE_HALFOP)
#define is_chanvoice(chan, nick) test_chan_user_mode(chan, nick, CMODE_VOICE)
#define is_chanowner(chan, nick) test_chan_user_mode(chan, nick, CMODE_CHANOWNER)
#define is_chanprot(chan, nick) test_chan_user_mode(chan, nick, CMODE_CHANPROT)
#define is_chanadmin(chan, nick) test_chan_user_mode(chan, nick, CMODE_CHANADMIN)
/* dns.c */
int dns_lookup (char *str, adns_rrtype type, void (*callback) (char *data, adns_answer * a), char *data);
/* services.c */
int init_services(void);
int add_services_cmd_list(bot_cmd* bot_cmd_list);
int del_services_cmd_list(bot_cmd* bot_cmd_list);
void services_cmd_help (User * u, char **av, int ac);
int is_target_valid(char* bot_name, User* u, char* target_nick);
/* transfer.c stuff */
typedef void (transfer_callback) (void *data, int returncode, char *body, int bodysize);
void transfer_status();
int new_transfer(char *url, char *params, NS_TRANSFER savetofileormemory, char *filename, void *data, transfer_callback *callback);
/* exclude */
#define IsExcluded(x) ((x) && ((x)->flags & NS_FLAGS_EXCLUDED))
/* Is the user or server a NeoStats one? */
#define IsMe(x) ((x) && ((x)->flags & NS_FLAGS_ME))
/* Is the user or server synched? */
#define IsSynched(x) ((x) && ((x)->flags & NS_FLAGS_SYNCHED))
/* Mark server as synched */
#define SynchServer(x) (((x)->flags |= NS_FLAGS_SYNCHED))
/* Some standard text help messages */
extern const char *ns_help_set_nick[];
extern const char *ns_help_set_user[];
extern const char *ns_help_set_host[];
extern const char *ns_help_set_realname[];
int validate_nick (char* nick);
int validate_user (char* user);
int validate_host (char* host);
int DBOpenDatabase(void);
void DBCloseDatabase(void);
void* DBGetData(char* key);
void DBSetData(char* key, void * data, int size);