mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 09:34:37 +00:00
Merge git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/davem/net
net/sched/cls_api.c has overlapping changes to a call to nlmsg_parse(), one (from 'net') added rtm_tca_policy instead of NULL to the 5th argument, and another (from 'net-next') added cb->extack instead of NULL to the 6th argument. net/ipv4/ipmr_base.c is a case of a bug fix in 'net' being done to code which moved (to mr_table_dump)) in 'net-next'. Thanks to David Ahern for the heads up. Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>
This commit is contained in:
114 changed files with 569 additions and 876 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
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@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
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@ -10161,7 +10161,6 @@ L: netdev@vger.kernel.org
T: git git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/klassert/ipsec.git
T: git git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/klassert/ipsec-next.git
S: Maintained
F: net/core/flow.c
F: net/xfrm/
F: net/key/
F: net/ipv4/xfrm*
@ -13101,7 +13100,7 @@ SELINUX SECURITY MODULE
M: Paul Moore <paul@paul-moore.com>
M: Stephen Smalley <sds@tycho.nsa.gov>
M: Eric Paris <eparis@parisplace.org>
L: selinux@tycho.nsa.gov (moderated for non-subscribers)
L: selinux@vger.kernel.org
W: https://selinuxproject.org
W: https://github.com/SELinuxProject
T: git git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/pcmoore/selinux.git
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
NAME = Merciless Moray
@ -478,15 +478,15 @@ static const struct coproc_reg cp15_regs[] = {
/* ICC_SGI1R */
{ CRm64(12), Op1( 0), is64, access_gic_sgi},
/* ICC_ASGI1R */
{ CRm64(12), Op1( 1), is64, access_gic_sgi},
/* ICC_SGI0R */
{ CRm64(12), Op1( 2), is64, access_gic_sgi},
/* VBAR: swapped by interrupt.S. */
{ CRn(12), CRm( 0), Op1( 0), Op2( 0), is32,
NULL, reset_val, c12_VBAR, 0x00000000 },
/* ICC_ASGI1R */
{ CRm64(12), Op1( 1), is64, access_gic_sgi},
/* ICC_SGI0R */
{ CRm64(12), Op1( 2), is64, access_gic_sgi},
/* ICC_SRE */
{ CRn(12), CRm(12), Op1( 0), Op2(5), is32, access_gic_sre },
@ -966,6 +966,12 @@ static int armv8pmu_set_event_filter(struct hw_perf_event *event,
return 0;
static int armv8pmu_filter_match(struct perf_event *event)
unsigned long evtype = event->hw.config_base & ARMV8_PMU_EVTYPE_EVENT;
return evtype != ARMV8_PMUV3_PERFCTR_CHAIN;
static void armv8pmu_reset(void *info)
struct arm_pmu *cpu_pmu = (struct arm_pmu *)info;
@ -1114,6 +1120,7 @@ static int armv8_pmu_init(struct arm_pmu *cpu_pmu)
cpu_pmu->stop = armv8pmu_stop,
cpu_pmu->reset = armv8pmu_reset,
cpu_pmu->set_event_filter = armv8pmu_set_event_filter;
cpu_pmu->filter_match = armv8pmu_filter_match;
return 0;
@ -64,6 +64,9 @@
#include <asm/xen/hypervisor.h>
#include <asm/mmu_context.h>
static int num_standard_resources;
static struct resource *standard_resources;
phys_addr_t __fdt_pointer __initdata;
@ -206,14 +209,19 @@ static void __init request_standard_resources(void)
struct memblock_region *region;
struct resource *res;
unsigned long i = 0;
kernel_code.start = __pa_symbol(_text);
kernel_code.end = __pa_symbol(__init_begin - 1);
kernel_data.start = __pa_symbol(_sdata);
kernel_data.end = __pa_symbol(_end - 1);
num_standard_resources = memblock.memory.cnt;
standard_resources = alloc_bootmem_low(num_standard_resources *
for_each_memblock(memory, region) {
res = alloc_bootmem_low(sizeof(*res));
res = &standard_resources[i++];
if (memblock_is_nomap(region)) {
res->name = "reserved";
res->flags = IORESOURCE_MEM;
@ -243,36 +251,26 @@ static void __init request_standard_resources(void)
static int __init reserve_memblock_reserved_regions(void)
phys_addr_t start, end, roundup_end = 0;
struct resource *mem, *res;
u64 i;
u64 i, j;
for_each_reserved_mem_region(i, &start, &end) {
if (end <= roundup_end)
continue; /* done already */
for (i = 0; i < num_standard_resources; ++i) {
struct resource *mem = &standard_resources[i];
phys_addr_t r_start, r_end, mem_size = resource_size(mem);
start = __pfn_to_phys(PFN_DOWN(start));
end = __pfn_to_phys(PFN_UP(end)) - 1;
roundup_end = end;
res = kzalloc(sizeof(*res), GFP_ATOMIC);
if (WARN_ON(!res))
return -ENOMEM;
res->start = start;
res->end = end;
res->name = "reserved";
res->flags = IORESOURCE_MEM;
mem = request_resource_conflict(&iomem_resource, res);
* We expected memblock_reserve() regions to conflict with
* memory created by request_standard_resources().
if (WARN_ON_ONCE(!mem))
if (!memblock_is_region_reserved(mem->start, mem_size))
reserve_region_with_split(mem, start, end, "reserved");
for_each_reserved_mem_region(j, &r_start, &r_end) {
resource_size_t start, end;
start = max(PFN_PHYS(PFN_DOWN(r_start)), mem->start);
end = min(PFN_PHYS(PFN_UP(r_end)) - 1, mem->end);
if (start > mem->end || end < mem->start)
reserve_region_with_split(mem, start, end, "reserved");
return 0;
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ void unwind_frame_init_task(struct unwind_frame_info *info,
r.gr[30] = get_parisc_stackpointer();
regs = &r;
unwind_frame_init(info, task, &r);
unwind_frame_init(info, task, regs);
} else {
unwind_frame_init_from_blocked_task(info, task);
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
* user access blocked by key
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ typedef struct {
unsigned short sock_id; /* physical package */
unsigned short core_id;
unsigned short max_cache_id; /* groupings of highest shared cache */
unsigned short proc_id; /* strand (aka HW thread) id */
signed short proc_id; /* strand (aka HW thread) id */
} cpuinfo_sparc;
DECLARE_PER_CPU(cpuinfo_sparc, __cpu_data);
@ -427,8 +427,9 @@
#define __NR_preadv2 358
#define __NR_pwritev2 359
#define __NR_statx 360
#define __NR_io_pgetevents 361
#define NR_syscalls 361
#define NR_syscalls 362
/* Bitmask values returned from kern_features system call. */
@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ static int auxio_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
auxio_devtype = AUXIO_TYPE_SBUS;
size = 1;
} else {
printk("auxio: Unknown parent bus type [%pOFn]\n",
printk("auxio: Unknown parent bus type [%s]\n",
return -ENODEV;
auxio_register = of_ioremap(&dev->resource[0], 0, size, "auxio");
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <asm/cpudata.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/atomic.h>
#include <linux/sched/clock.h>
#include <asm/nmi.h>
#include <asm/pcr.h>
#include <asm/cacheflush.h>
@ -927,6 +928,8 @@ static void read_in_all_counters(struct cpu_hw_events *cpuc)
sparc_perf_event_update(cp, &cp->hw,
cpuc->current_idx[i] = PIC_NO_INDEX;
if (cp->hw.state & PERF_HES_STOPPED)
cp->hw.state |= PERF_HES_ARCH;
@ -959,10 +962,12 @@ static void calculate_single_pcr(struct cpu_hw_events *cpuc)
enc = perf_event_get_enc(cpuc->events[i]);
cpuc->pcr[0] &= ~mask_for_index(idx);
if (hwc->state & PERF_HES_STOPPED)
if (hwc->state & PERF_HES_ARCH) {
cpuc->pcr[0] |= nop_for_index(idx);
} else {
cpuc->pcr[0] |= event_encoding(enc, idx);
hwc->state = 0;
cpuc->pcr[0] |= cpuc->event[0]->hw.config_base;
@ -988,6 +993,9 @@ static void calculate_multiple_pcrs(struct cpu_hw_events *cpuc)
cpuc->current_idx[i] = idx;
if (cp->hw.state & PERF_HES_ARCH)
sparc_pmu_start(cp, PERF_EF_RELOAD);
@ -1079,6 +1087,8 @@ static void sparc_pmu_start(struct perf_event *event, int flags)
event->hw.state = 0;
sparc_pmu_enable_event(cpuc, &event->hw, idx);
static void sparc_pmu_stop(struct perf_event *event, int flags)
@ -1371,9 +1381,9 @@ static int sparc_pmu_add(struct perf_event *event, int ef_flags)
cpuc->events[n0] = event->hw.event_base;
cpuc->current_idx[n0] = PIC_NO_INDEX;
event->hw.state = PERF_HES_UPTODATE;
if (!(ef_flags & PERF_EF_START))
event->hw.state |= PERF_HES_STOPPED;
event->hw.state |= PERF_HES_ARCH;
* If group events scheduling transaction was started,
@ -1603,6 +1613,8 @@ static int __kprobes perf_event_nmi_handler(struct notifier_block *self,
struct perf_sample_data data;
struct cpu_hw_events *cpuc;
struct pt_regs *regs;
u64 finish_clock;
u64 start_clock;
int i;
if (!atomic_read(&active_events))
@ -1616,6 +1628,8 @@ static int __kprobes perf_event_nmi_handler(struct notifier_block *self,
start_clock = sched_clock();
regs = args->regs;
cpuc = this_cpu_ptr(&cpu_hw_events);
@ -1654,6 +1668,10 @@ static int __kprobes perf_event_nmi_handler(struct notifier_block *self,
sparc_pmu_stop(event, 0);
finish_clock = sched_clock();
perf_sample_event_took(finish_clock - start_clock);
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ static int power_probe(struct platform_device *op)
power_reg = of_ioremap(res, 0, 0x4, "power");
printk(KERN_INFO "%pOFn: Control reg at %llx\n",
op->dev.of_node, res->start);
printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Control reg at %llx\n",
op->dev.of_node->name, res->start);
if (has_button_interrupt(irq, op->dev.of_node)) {
if (request_irq(irq,
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ static void __init sparc32_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = rprop->value;
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
regs->which_io, regs->phys_addr);
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ static void __init sbus_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ static void __init pci_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
devfn = (regs->phys_hi >> 8) & 0xff;
if (devfn & 0x07) {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
devfn >> 3,
devfn & 0x07);
} else {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x",
devfn >> 3);
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ static void __init ebus_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
regs->which_io, regs->phys_addr);
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ static void __init ambapp_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
device = prop->value;
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn:%d:%d@%x,%x",
dp, *vendor, *device,
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s:%d:%d@%x,%x",
dp->name, *vendor, *device,
*intr, reg0);
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ char * __init build_path_component(struct device_node *dp)
tmp_buf[0] = '\0';
__build_path_component(dp, tmp_buf);
if (tmp_buf[0] == '\0')
snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), "%pOFn", dp);
strcpy(tmp_buf, dp->name);
n = prom_early_alloc(strlen(tmp_buf) + 1);
strcpy(n, tmp_buf);
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ static void __init sun4v_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = rprop->value;
if (!of_node_is_root(dp->parent)) {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
(unsigned int) (regs->phys_addr >> 32UL),
(unsigned int) (regs->phys_addr & 0xffffffffUL));
@ -97,17 +97,17 @@ static void __init sun4v_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
const char *prefix = (type == 0) ? "m" : "i";
if (low_bits)
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%s%x,%x",
dp, prefix,
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%s%x,%x",
dp->name, prefix,
high_bits, low_bits);
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%s%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%s%x",
} else if (type == 12) {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x",
dp, high_bits);
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x",
dp->name, high_bits);
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ static void __init sun4u_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
if (!of_node_is_root(dp->parent)) {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
(unsigned int) (regs->phys_addr >> 32UL),
(unsigned int) (regs->phys_addr & 0xffffffffUL));
@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ static void __init sun4u_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
if (tlb_type >= cheetah)
mask = 0x7fffff;
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
*(u32 *)prop->value,
(unsigned int) (regs->phys_addr & mask));
@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ static void __init sbus_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ static void __init pci_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
devfn = (regs->phys_hi >> 8) & 0xff;
if (devfn & 0x07) {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
devfn >> 3,
devfn & 0x07);
} else {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x",
devfn >> 3);
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ static void __init upa_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
if (!prop)
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
*(u32 *) prop->value,
(unsigned int) (regs->phys_addr & 0xffffffffUL));
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ static void __init vdev_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x", dp, *regs);
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x", dp->name, *regs);
/* "name@addrhi,addrlo" */
@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ static void __init ebus_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
(unsigned int) (regs->phys_addr >> 32UL),
(unsigned int) (regs->phys_addr & 0xffffffffUL));
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ static void __init i2c_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
/* This actually isn't right... should look at the #address-cells
* property of the i2c bus node etc. etc.
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
dp, regs[0], regs[1]);
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
dp->name, regs[0], regs[1]);
/* "name@reg0[,reg1]" */
@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ static void __init usb_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf)
regs = prop->value;
if (prop->length == sizeof(u32) || regs[1] == 1) {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x",
dp, regs[0]);
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x",
dp->name, regs[0]);
} else {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%x,%x",
dp, regs[0], regs[1]);
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%x,%x",
dp->name, regs[0], regs[1]);
@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ static void __init ieee1394_path_component(struct device_node *dp, char *tmp_buf
regs = prop->value;
if (regs[2] || regs[3]) {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%08x%08x,%04x%08x",
dp, regs[0], regs[1], regs[2], regs[3]);
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%08x%08x,%04x%08x",
dp->name, regs[0], regs[1], regs[2], regs[3]);
} else {
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%pOFn@%08x%08x",
dp, regs[0], regs[1]);
sprintf(tmp_buf, "%s@%08x%08x",
dp->name, regs[0], regs[1]);
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ char * __init build_path_component(struct device_node *dp)
tmp_buf[0] = '\0';
__build_path_component(dp, tmp_buf);
if (tmp_buf[0] == '\0')
snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), "%pOFn", dp);
strcpy(tmp_buf, dp->name);
n = prom_early_alloc(strlen(tmp_buf) + 1);
strcpy(n, tmp_buf);
@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ __handle_signal:
ldx [%sp + PTREGS_OFF + PT_V9_TSTATE], %l1
sethi %hi(0xf << 20), %l4
and %l1, %l4, %l4
andn %l1, %l4, %l1
ba,pt %xcc, __handle_preemption_continue
andn %l1, %l4, %l1
srl %l4, 20, %l4
/* When returning from a NMI (%pil==15) interrupt we want to
* avoid running softirqs, doing IRQ tracing, preempting, etc.
@ -90,4 +90,4 @@ sys_call_table:
/*345*/ .long sys_renameat2, sys_seccomp, sys_getrandom, sys_memfd_create, sys_bpf
/*350*/ .long sys_execveat, sys_membarrier, sys_userfaultfd, sys_bind, sys_listen
/*355*/ .long sys_setsockopt, sys_mlock2, sys_copy_file_range, sys_preadv2, sys_pwritev2
/*360*/ .long sys_statx
/*360*/ .long sys_statx, sys_io_pgetevents
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ sys_call_table32:
.word sys_renameat2, sys_seccomp, sys_getrandom, sys_memfd_create, sys_bpf
/*350*/ .word sys32_execveat, sys_membarrier, sys_userfaultfd, sys_bind, sys_listen
.word compat_sys_setsockopt, sys_mlock2, sys_copy_file_range, compat_sys_preadv2, compat_sys_pwritev2
/*360*/ .word sys_statx
/*360*/ .word sys_statx, compat_sys_io_pgetevents
#endif /* CONFIG_COMPAT */
@ -173,4 +173,4 @@ sys_call_table:
.word sys_renameat2, sys_seccomp, sys_getrandom, sys_memfd_create, sys_bpf
/*350*/ .word sys64_execveat, sys_membarrier, sys_userfaultfd, sys_bind, sys_listen
.word sys_setsockopt, sys_mlock2, sys_copy_file_range, sys_preadv2, sys_pwritev2
/*360*/ .word sys_statx
/*360*/ .word sys_statx, sys_io_pgetevents
@ -33,9 +33,19 @@
#define TICK_PRIV_BIT (1ULL << 63)
"ta 0x6d;" \
"sub %%g0, %%o0, %%o0;" \
"bcs,a 1f;" \
" sub %%g0, %%o0, %%o0;" \
"ta 0x10;" \
"bcs,a 1f;" \
" sub %%g0, %%o0, %%o0;" \
"f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", \
@ -262,7 +262,9 @@ static __init int vdso_setup(char *s)
unsigned long val;
err = kstrtoul(s, 10, &val);
if (err)
return err;
vdso_enabled = val;
return err;
return 0;
__setup("vdso=", vdso_setup);
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
@ -436,14 +436,18 @@ static inline struct kvm_svm *to_kvm_svm(struct kvm *kvm)
static inline bool svm_sev_enabled(void)
return max_sev_asid;
return IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_KVM_AMD_SEV) ? max_sev_asid : 0;
static inline bool sev_guest(struct kvm *kvm)
struct kvm_sev_info *sev = &to_kvm_svm(kvm)->sev_info;
return sev->active;
return false;
static inline int sev_get_asid(struct kvm *kvm)
@ -1572,8 +1572,12 @@ static int vmx_hv_remote_flush_tlb(struct kvm *kvm)
goto out;
* FLUSH_GUEST_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_SPACE hypercall needs the address of the
* base of EPT PML4 table, strip off EPT configuration information.
ret = hyperv_flush_guest_mapping(
to_vmx(kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, 0))->ept_pointer);
to_vmx(kvm_get_vcpu(kvm, 0))->ept_pointer & PAGE_MASK);
@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ static void scale_up(struct rq_wb *rwb)
rwb->unknown_cnt = 0;
rwb_trace_step(rwb, "scale up");
@ -318,7 +319,6 @@ static void scale_down(struct rq_wb *rwb, bool hard_throttle)
rq_depth_scale_down(&rwb->rq_depth, hard_throttle);
rwb->unknown_cnt = 0;
rwb_trace_step(rwb, "scale down");
#define VDC_TX_RING_SIZE 512
#define MAX_XFER_BLKS (128 * 1024)
#define WAITING_FOR_LINK_UP 0x01
#define WAITING_FOR_GEN_CMD 0x04
@ -450,7 +454,7 @@ static int __send_request(struct request *req)
struct vdc_port *port = req->rq_disk->private_data;
struct vio_dring_state *dr = &port->vio.drings[VIO_DRIVER_TX_RING];
struct scatterlist sg[port->ring_cookies];
struct scatterlist sg[MAX_RING_COOKIES];
struct vdc_req_entry *rqe;
struct vio_disk_desc *desc;
unsigned int map_perm;
@ -458,6 +462,9 @@ static int __send_request(struct request *req)
u64 len;
u8 op;
if (WARN_ON(port->ring_cookies > MAX_RING_COOKIES))
return -EINVAL;
if (rq_data_dir(req) == READ) {
@ -984,9 +991,8 @@ static int vdc_port_probe(struct vio_dev *vdev, const struct vio_device_id *id)
goto err_out_free_port;
port->vdisk_block_size = VDC_DEFAULT_BLK_SIZE;
port->max_xfer_size = ((128 * 1024) / port->vdisk_block_size);
port->ring_cookies = ((port->max_xfer_size *
port->vdisk_block_size) / PAGE_SIZE) + 2;
port->max_xfer_size = MAX_XFER_SIZE;
port->ring_cookies = MAX_RING_COOKIES;
err = vio_ldc_alloc(&port->vio, &vdc_ldc_cfg, port);
if (err)
@ -1434,8 +1434,16 @@ static void __init sun4i_ccu_init(struct device_node *node,
/* Force the PLL-Audio-1x divider to 1 */
val = readl(reg + SUN4I_PLL_AUDIO_REG);
* Force VCO and PLL bias current to lowest setting. Higher
* settings interfere with sigma-delta modulation and result
* in audible noise and distortions when using SPDIF or I2S.
val &= ~GENMASK(25, 16);
/* Force the PLL-Audio-1x divider to 1 */
val &= ~GENMASK(29, 26);
writel(val | (1 << 26), reg + SUN4I_PLL_AUDIO_REG);
@ -567,9 +567,9 @@ int drm_mode_setcrtc(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
struct drm_mode_crtc *crtc_req = data;
struct drm_crtc *crtc;
struct drm_plane *plane;
struct drm_connector **connector_set = NULL, *connector;
struct drm_framebuffer *fb = NULL;
struct drm_display_mode *mode = NULL;
struct drm_connector **connector_set, *connector;
struct drm_framebuffer *fb;
struct drm_display_mode *mode;
struct drm_mode_set set;
uint32_t __user *set_connectors_ptr;
struct drm_modeset_acquire_ctx ctx;
@ -598,6 +598,10 @@ int drm_mode_setcrtc(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
drm_modeset_acquire_init(&ctx, DRM_MODESET_ACQUIRE_INTERRUPTIBLE);
connector_set = NULL;
fb = NULL;
mode = NULL;
ret = drm_modeset_lock_all_ctx(crtc->dev, &ctx);
if (ret)
goto out;
@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ static const struct edid_quirk {
/* AEO model 0 reports 8 bpc, but is a 6 bpc panel */
/* BOE model on HP Pavilion 15-n233sl reports 8 bpc, but is a 6 bpc panel */
{ "BOE", 0x78b, EDID_QUIRK_FORCE_6BPC },
/* CPT panel of Asus UX303LA reports 8 bpc, but is a 6 bpc panel */
{ "CPT", 0x17df, EDID_QUIRK_FORCE_6BPC },
@ -4279,7 +4282,7 @@ static void drm_parse_ycbcr420_deep_color_info(struct drm_connector *connector,
struct drm_hdmi_info *hdmi = &connector->display_info.hdmi;
dc_mask = db[7] & DRM_EDID_YCBCR420_DC_MASK;
hdmi->y420_dc_modes |= dc_mask;
hdmi->y420_dc_modes = dc_mask;
static void drm_parse_hdmi_forum_vsdb(struct drm_connector *connector,
@ -1580,6 +1580,25 @@ unlock:
static bool drm_fb_pixel_format_equal(const struct fb_var_screeninfo *var_1,
const struct fb_var_screeninfo *var_2)
return var_1->bits_per_pixel == var_2->bits_per_pixel &&
var_1->grayscale == var_2->grayscale &&
var_1->red.offset == var_2->red.offset &&
var_1->red.length == var_2->red.length &&
var_1->red.msb_right == var_2->red.msb_right &&
var_1->green.offset == var_2->green.offset &&
var_1->green.length == var_2->green.length &&
var_1->green.msb_right == var_2->green.msb_right &&
var_1->blue.offset == var_2->blue.offset &&
var_1->blue.length == var_2->blue.length &&
var_1->blue.msb_right == var_2->blue.msb_right &&
var_1->transp.offset == var_2->transp.offset &&
var_1->transp.length == var_2->transp.length &&
var_1->transp.msb_right == var_2->transp.msb_right;
* drm_fb_helper_check_var - implementation for &fb_ops.fb_check_var
* @var: screeninfo to check
@ -1590,7 +1609,6 @@ int drm_fb_helper_check_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
struct drm_fb_helper *fb_helper = info->par;
struct drm_framebuffer *fb = fb_helper->fb;
int depth;
if (var->pixclock != 0 || in_dbg_master())
return -EINVAL;
@ -1610,72 +1628,15 @@ int drm_fb_helper_check_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
return -EINVAL;
switch (var->bits_per_pixel) {
case 16:
depth = (var->green.length == 6) ? 16 : 15;
case 32:
depth = (var->transp.length > 0) ? 32 : 24;
depth = var->bits_per_pixel;
switch (depth) {
case 8:
var->red.offset = 0;
var->green.offset = 0;
var->blue.offset = 0;
var->red.length = 8;
var->green.length = 8;
var->blue.length = 8;
var->transp.length = 0;
var->transp.offset = 0;
case 15:
var->red.offset = 10;
var->green.offset = 5;
var->blue.offset = 0;
var->red.length = 5;
var->green.length = 5;
var->blue.length = 5;
var->transp.length = 1;
var->transp.offset = 15;
case 16:
var->red.offset = 11;
var->green.offset = 5;
var->blue.offset = 0;
var->red.length = 5;
var->green.length = 6;
var->blue.length = 5;
var->transp.length = 0;
var->transp.offset = 0;
case 24:
var->red.offset = 16;
var->green.offset = 8;
var->blue.offset = 0;
var->red.length = 8;
var->green.length = 8;
var->blue.length = 8;
var->transp.length = 0;
var->transp.offset = 0;
case 32:
var->red.offset = 16;
var->green.offset = 8;
var->blue.offset = 0;
var->red.length = 8;
var->green.length = 8;
var->blue.length = 8;
var->transp.length = 8;
var->transp.offset = 24;
* drm fbdev emulation doesn't support changing the pixel format at all,
* so reject all pixel format changing requests.
if (!drm_fb_pixel_format_equal(var, &info->var)) {
DRM_DEBUG("fbdev emulation doesn't support changing the pixel format\n");
return -EINVAL;
return 0;
@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(i2c_put_adapter);
* Return: NULL if a DMA safe buffer was not obtained. Use msg->buf with PIO.
* Or a valid pointer to be used with DMA. After use, release it by
* calling i2c_release_dma_safe_msg_buf().
* calling i2c_put_dma_safe_msg_buf().
* This function must only be called from process context!
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/nospec.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <rdma/ib.h>
@ -1120,6 +1122,7 @@ static ssize_t ib_ucm_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf,
if (hdr.cmd >= ARRAY_SIZE(ucm_cmd_table))
return -EINVAL;
hdr.cmd = array_index_nospec(hdr.cmd, ARRAY_SIZE(ucm_cmd_table));
if (hdr.in + sizeof(hdr) > len)
return -EINVAL;
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/nsproxy.h>
#include <linux/nospec.h>
#include <rdma/rdma_user_cm.h>
#include <rdma/ib_marshall.h>
#include <rdma/rdma_cm.h>
@ -1676,6 +1678,7 @@ static ssize_t ucma_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf,
if (hdr.cmd >= ARRAY_SIZE(ucma_cmd_table))
return -EINVAL;
hdr.cmd = array_index_nospec(hdr.cmd, ARRAY_SIZE(ucma_cmd_table));
if (hdr.in + sizeof(hdr) > len)
return -EINVAL;
@ -320,9 +320,12 @@ int bcmgenet_mii_probe(struct net_device *dev)
phydev->advertising = phydev->supported;
/* The internal PHY has its link interrupts routed to the
* Ethernet MAC ISRs
* Ethernet MAC ISRs. On GENETv5 there is a hardware issue
* that prevents the signaling of link UP interrupts when
* the link operates at 10Mbps, so fallback to polling for
* those versions of GENET.
if (priv->internal_phy)
if (priv->internal_phy && !GENET_IS_V5(priv))
dev->phydev->irq = PHY_IGNORE_INTERRUPT;
return 0;
@ -452,6 +452,10 @@ struct bufdesc_ex {
* initialisation.
#define FEC_QUIRK_MIB_CLEAR (1 << 15)
/* Only i.MX25/i.MX27/i.MX28 controller supports FRBR,FRSR registers,
* those FIFO receive registers are resolved in other platforms.
#define FEC_QUIRK_HAS_FRREG (1 << 16)
struct bufdesc_prop {
int qid;
@ -91,14 +91,16 @@ static struct platform_device_id fec_devtype[] = {
.driver_data = 0,
}, {
.name = "imx25-fec",
}, {
.name = "imx27-fec",
.driver_data = FEC_QUIRK_MIB_CLEAR,
}, {
.name = "imx28-fec",
}, {
.name = "imx6q-fec",
@ -2162,7 +2164,13 @@ static void fec_enet_get_regs(struct net_device *ndev,
memset(buf, 0, regs->len);
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(fec_enet_register_offset); i++) {
off = fec_enet_register_offset[i] / 4;
off = fec_enet_register_offset[i];
if ((off == FEC_R_BOUND || off == FEC_R_FSTART) &&
!(fep->quirks & FEC_QUIRK_HAS_FRREG))
off >>= 2;
buf[off] = readl(&theregs[off]);
@ -433,10 +433,9 @@ static inline u16 mlx5e_icosq_wrap_cnt(struct mlx5e_icosq *sq)
static inline void mlx5e_fill_icosq_frag_edge(struct mlx5e_icosq *sq,
struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq,
u16 pi, u16 frag_pi)
u16 pi, u16 nnops)
struct mlx5e_sq_wqe_info *edge_wi, *wi = &sq->db.ico_wqe[pi];
u8 nnops = mlx5_wq_cyc_get_frag_size(wq) - frag_pi;
edge_wi = wi + nnops;
@ -455,15 +454,14 @@ static int mlx5e_alloc_rx_mpwqe(struct mlx5e_rq *rq, u16 ix)
struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq = &sq->wq;
struct mlx5e_umr_wqe *umr_wqe;
u16 xlt_offset = ix << (MLX5E_LOG_ALIGNED_MPWQE_PPW - 1);
u16 pi, frag_pi;
u16 pi, contig_wqebbs_room;
int err;
int i;
pi = mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2ix(wq, sq->pc);
frag_pi = mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2fragix(wq, sq->pc);
if (unlikely(frag_pi + MLX5E_UMR_WQEBBS > mlx5_wq_cyc_get_frag_size(wq))) {
mlx5e_fill_icosq_frag_edge(sq, wq, pi, frag_pi);
contig_wqebbs_room = mlx5_wq_cyc_get_contig_wqebbs(wq, pi);
if (unlikely(contig_wqebbs_room < MLX5E_UMR_WQEBBS)) {
mlx5e_fill_icosq_frag_edge(sq, wq, pi, contig_wqebbs_room);
pi = mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2ix(wq, sq->pc);
@ -290,10 +290,9 @@ dma_unmap_wqe_err:
static inline void mlx5e_fill_sq_frag_edge(struct mlx5e_txqsq *sq,
struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq,
u16 pi, u16 frag_pi)
u16 pi, u16 nnops)
struct mlx5e_tx_wqe_info *edge_wi, *wi = &sq->db.wqe_info[pi];
u8 nnops = mlx5_wq_cyc_get_frag_size(wq) - frag_pi;
edge_wi = wi + nnops;
@ -348,8 +347,8 @@ netdev_tx_t mlx5e_sq_xmit(struct mlx5e_txqsq *sq, struct sk_buff *skb,
struct mlx5e_tx_wqe_info *wi;
struct mlx5e_sq_stats *stats = sq->stats;
u16 headlen, ihs, contig_wqebbs_room;
u16 ds_cnt, ds_cnt_inl = 0;
u16 headlen, ihs, frag_pi;
u8 num_wqebbs, opcode;
u32 num_bytes;
int num_dma;
@ -386,9 +385,9 @@ netdev_tx_t mlx5e_sq_xmit(struct mlx5e_txqsq *sq, struct sk_buff *skb,
num_wqebbs = DIV_ROUND_UP(ds_cnt, MLX5_SEND_WQEBB_NUM_DS);
frag_pi = mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2fragix(wq, sq->pc);
if (unlikely(frag_pi + num_wqebbs > mlx5_wq_cyc_get_frag_size(wq))) {
mlx5e_fill_sq_frag_edge(sq, wq, pi, frag_pi);
contig_wqebbs_room = mlx5_wq_cyc_get_contig_wqebbs(wq, pi);
if (unlikely(contig_wqebbs_room < num_wqebbs)) {
mlx5e_fill_sq_frag_edge(sq, wq, pi, contig_wqebbs_room);
mlx5e_sq_fetch_wqe(sq, &wqe, &pi);
@ -636,7 +635,7 @@ netdev_tx_t mlx5i_sq_xmit(struct mlx5e_txqsq *sq, struct sk_buff *skb,
struct mlx5e_tx_wqe_info *wi;
struct mlx5e_sq_stats *stats = sq->stats;
u16 headlen, ihs, pi, frag_pi;
u16 headlen, ihs, pi, contig_wqebbs_room;
u16 ds_cnt, ds_cnt_inl = 0;
u8 num_wqebbs, opcode;
u32 num_bytes;
@ -672,13 +671,14 @@ netdev_tx_t mlx5i_sq_xmit(struct mlx5e_txqsq *sq, struct sk_buff *skb,
num_wqebbs = DIV_ROUND_UP(ds_cnt, MLX5_SEND_WQEBB_NUM_DS);
frag_pi = mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2fragix(wq, sq->pc);
if (unlikely(frag_pi + num_wqebbs > mlx5_wq_cyc_get_frag_size(wq))) {
pi = mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2ix(wq, sq->pc);
contig_wqebbs_room = mlx5_wq_cyc_get_contig_wqebbs(wq, pi);
if (unlikely(contig_wqebbs_room < num_wqebbs)) {
mlx5e_fill_sq_frag_edge(sq, wq, pi, contig_wqebbs_room);
pi = mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2ix(wq, sq->pc);
mlx5e_fill_sq_frag_edge(sq, wq, pi, frag_pi);
mlx5i_sq_fetch_wqe(sq, &wqe, &pi);
mlx5i_sq_fetch_wqe(sq, &wqe, pi);
/* fill wqe */
wi = &sq->db.wqe_info[pi];
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static void eq_pf_process(struct mlx5_eq *eq)
/* WQE based event */
pfault->type =
be32_to_cpu(pf_eqe->wqe.pftype_wq) >> 24;
(be32_to_cpu(pf_eqe->wqe.pftype_wq) >> 24) & 0x7;
pfault->token =
pfault->wqe.wq_num =
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ static void *mlx5_fpga_ipsec_cmd_exec(struct mlx5_core_dev *mdev,
return ERR_PTR(res);
/* Context will be freed by wait func after completion */
/* Context should be freed by the caller after completion. */
return context;
@ -418,10 +418,8 @@ static int mlx5_fpga_ipsec_set_caps(struct mlx5_core_dev *mdev, u32 flags)
cmd.cmd = htonl(MLX5_FPGA_IPSEC_CMD_OP_SET_CAP);
cmd.flags = htonl(flags);
context = mlx5_fpga_ipsec_cmd_exec(mdev, &cmd, sizeof(cmd));
if (IS_ERR(context)) {
err = PTR_ERR(context);
goto out;
if (IS_ERR(context))
return PTR_ERR(context);
err = mlx5_fpga_ipsec_cmd_wait(context);
if (err)
@ -435,6 +433,7 @@ static int mlx5_fpga_ipsec_set_caps(struct mlx5_core_dev *mdev, u32 flags)
return err;
@ -110,12 +110,11 @@ struct mlx5i_tx_wqe {
static inline void mlx5i_sq_fetch_wqe(struct mlx5e_txqsq *sq,
struct mlx5i_tx_wqe **wqe,
u16 *pi)
u16 pi)
struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq = &sq->wq;
*pi = mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2ix(wq, sq->pc);
*wqe = mlx5_wq_cyc_get_wqe(wq, *pi);
*wqe = mlx5_wq_cyc_get_wqe(wq, pi);
memset(*wqe, 0, sizeof(**wqe));
@ -39,11 +39,6 @@ u32 mlx5_wq_cyc_get_size(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq)
return (u32)wq->fbc.sz_m1 + 1;
u16 mlx5_wq_cyc_get_frag_size(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq)
return wq->fbc.frag_sz_m1 + 1;
u32 mlx5_cqwq_get_size(struct mlx5_cqwq *wq)
return wq->fbc.sz_m1 + 1;
@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ int mlx5_wq_cyc_create(struct mlx5_core_dev *mdev, struct mlx5_wq_param *param,
void *wqc, struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq,
struct mlx5_wq_ctrl *wq_ctrl);
u32 mlx5_wq_cyc_get_size(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq);
u16 mlx5_wq_cyc_get_frag_size(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq);
int mlx5_wq_qp_create(struct mlx5_core_dev *mdev, struct mlx5_wq_param *param,
void *qpc, struct mlx5_wq_qp *wq,
@ -140,11 +139,6 @@ static inline u16 mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2ix(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq, u16 ctr)
return ctr & wq->fbc.sz_m1;
static inline u16 mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2fragix(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq, u16 ctr)
return ctr & wq->fbc.frag_sz_m1;
static inline u16 mlx5_wq_cyc_get_head(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq)
return mlx5_wq_cyc_ctr2ix(wq, wq->wqe_ctr);
@ -160,6 +154,11 @@ static inline void *mlx5_wq_cyc_get_wqe(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq, u16 ix)
return mlx5_frag_buf_get_wqe(&wq->fbc, ix);
static inline u16 mlx5_wq_cyc_get_contig_wqebbs(struct mlx5_wq_cyc *wq, u16 ix)
return mlx5_frag_buf_get_idx_last_contig_stride(&wq->fbc, ix) - ix + 1;
static inline int mlx5_wq_cyc_cc_bigger(u16 cc1, u16 cc2)
int equal = (cc1 == cc2);
@ -1055,6 +1055,7 @@ int mlxsw_core_bus_device_register(const struct mlxsw_bus_info *mlxsw_bus_info,
if (!reload)
@ -1088,6 +1089,7 @@ void mlxsw_core_bus_device_unregister(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
if (mlxsw_core->driver->fini)
if (!reload)
@ -359,6 +359,10 @@ static inline int mlxsw_hwmon_init(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
return 0;
static inline void mlxsw_hwmon_fini(struct mlxsw_hwmon *mlxsw_hwmon)
struct mlxsw_thermal;
@ -303,8 +303,7 @@ int mlxsw_hwmon_init(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
struct device *hwmon_dev;
int err;
mlxsw_hwmon = devm_kzalloc(mlxsw_bus_info->dev, sizeof(*mlxsw_hwmon),
mlxsw_hwmon = kzalloc(sizeof(*mlxsw_hwmon), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!mlxsw_hwmon)
return -ENOMEM;
mlxsw_hwmon->core = mlxsw_core;
@ -321,10 +320,9 @@ int mlxsw_hwmon_init(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
mlxsw_hwmon->groups[0] = &mlxsw_hwmon->group;
mlxsw_hwmon->group.attrs = mlxsw_hwmon->attrs;
hwmon_dev = devm_hwmon_device_register_with_groups(mlxsw_bus_info->dev,
hwmon_dev = hwmon_device_register_with_groups(mlxsw_bus_info->dev,
"mlxsw", mlxsw_hwmon,
if (IS_ERR(hwmon_dev)) {
err = PTR_ERR(hwmon_dev);
goto err_hwmon_register;
@ -337,5 +335,12 @@ int mlxsw_hwmon_init(struct mlxsw_core *mlxsw_core,
return err;
void mlxsw_hwmon_fini(struct mlxsw_hwmon *mlxsw_hwmon)
@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ static inline int ocelot_vlant_wait_for_completion(struct ocelot *ocelot)
unsigned int val, timeout = 10;
/* Wait for the issued mac table command to be completed, or timeout.
* When the command read from ANA_TABLES_MACACCESS is
* MACACCESS_CMD_IDLE, the issued command completed successfully.
/* Wait for the issued vlan table command to be completed, or timeout.
* When the command read from ANA_TABLES_VLANACCESS is
* VLANACCESS_CMD_IDLE, the issued command completed successfully.
do {
val = ocelot_read(ocelot, ANA_TABLES_VLANACCESS);
@ -399,12 +399,14 @@ nfp_fl_set_ip4(const struct tc_action *action, int idx, u32 off,
switch (off) {
case offsetof(struct iphdr, daddr):
set_ip_addr->ipv4_dst_mask = mask;
set_ip_addr->ipv4_dst = exact;
set_ip_addr->ipv4_dst_mask |= mask;
set_ip_addr->ipv4_dst &= ~mask;
set_ip_addr->ipv4_dst |= exact & mask;
case offsetof(struct iphdr, saddr):
set_ip_addr->ipv4_src_mask = mask;
set_ip_addr->ipv4_src = exact;
set_ip_addr->ipv4_src_mask |= mask;
set_ip_addr->ipv4_src &= ~mask;
set_ip_addr->ipv4_src |= exact & mask;
@ -418,11 +420,12 @@ nfp_fl_set_ip4(const struct tc_action *action, int idx, u32 off,
static void
nfp_fl_set_ip6_helper(int opcode_tag, int idx, __be32 exact, __be32 mask,
nfp_fl_set_ip6_helper(int opcode_tag, u8 word, __be32 exact, __be32 mask,
struct nfp_fl_set_ipv6_addr *ip6)
ip6->ipv6[idx % 4].mask = mask;
ip6->ipv6[idx % 4].exact = exact;
ip6->ipv6[word].mask |= mask;
ip6->ipv6[word].exact &= ~mask;
ip6->ipv6[word].exact |= exact & mask;
ip6->reserved = cpu_to_be16(0);
ip6->head.jump_id = opcode_tag;
@ -435,6 +438,7 @@ nfp_fl_set_ip6(const struct tc_action *action, int idx, u32 off,
struct nfp_fl_set_ipv6_addr *ip_src)
__be32 exact, mask;
u8 word;
/* We are expecting tcf_pedit to return a big endian value */
mask = (__force __be32)~tcf_pedit_mask(action, idx);
@ -443,17 +447,20 @@ nfp_fl_set_ip6(const struct tc_action *action, int idx, u32 off,
if (exact & ~mask)
if (off < offsetof(struct ipv6hdr, saddr))
if (off < offsetof(struct ipv6hdr, saddr)) {
else if (off < offsetof(struct ipv6hdr, daddr))
nfp_fl_set_ip6_helper(NFP_FL_ACTION_OPCODE_SET_IPV6_SRC, idx,
} else if (off < offsetof(struct ipv6hdr, daddr)) {
word = (off - offsetof(struct ipv6hdr, saddr)) / sizeof(exact);
nfp_fl_set_ip6_helper(NFP_FL_ACTION_OPCODE_SET_IPV6_SRC, word,
exact, mask, ip_src);
else if (off < offsetof(struct ipv6hdr, daddr) +
sizeof(struct in6_addr))
nfp_fl_set_ip6_helper(NFP_FL_ACTION_OPCODE_SET_IPV6_DST, idx,
} else if (off < offsetof(struct ipv6hdr, daddr) +
sizeof(struct in6_addr)) {
word = (off - offsetof(struct ipv6hdr, daddr)) / sizeof(exact);
nfp_fl_set_ip6_helper(NFP_FL_ACTION_OPCODE_SET_IPV6_DST, word,
exact, mask, ip_dst);
} else {
return 0;
@ -511,7 +518,7 @@ nfp_fl_pedit(const struct tc_action *action, struct tc_cls_flower_offload *flow,
struct nfp_fl_set_eth set_eth;
enum pedit_header_type htype;
int idx, nkeys, err;
size_t act_size;
size_t act_size = 0;
u32 offset, cmd;
u8 ip_proto = 0;
@ -569,7 +576,9 @@ nfp_fl_pedit(const struct tc_action *action, struct tc_cls_flower_offload *flow,
act_size = sizeof(set_eth);
memcpy(nfp_action, &set_eth, act_size);
*a_len += act_size;
} else if (set_ip_addr.head.len_lw) {
if (set_ip_addr.head.len_lw) {
nfp_action += act_size;
act_size = sizeof(set_ip_addr);
memcpy(nfp_action, &set_ip_addr, act_size);
*a_len += act_size;
@ -577,10 +586,12 @@ nfp_fl_pedit(const struct tc_action *action, struct tc_cls_flower_offload *flow,
/* Hardware will automatically fix IPv4 and TCP/UDP checksum. */
*csum_updated |= TCA_CSUM_UPDATE_FLAG_IPV4HDR |
} else if (set_ip6_dst.head.len_lw && set_ip6_src.head.len_lw) {
if (set_ip6_dst.head.len_lw && set_ip6_src.head.len_lw) {
/* TC compiles set src and dst IPv6 address as a single action,
* the hardware requires this to be 2 separate actions.
nfp_action += act_size;
act_size = sizeof(set_ip6_src);
memcpy(nfp_action, &set_ip6_src, act_size);
*a_len += act_size;
@ -593,6 +604,7 @@ nfp_fl_pedit(const struct tc_action *action, struct tc_cls_flower_offload *flow,
/* Hardware will automatically fix TCP/UDP checksum. */
*csum_updated |= nfp_fl_csum_l4_to_flag(ip_proto);
} else if (set_ip6_dst.head.len_lw) {
nfp_action += act_size;
act_size = sizeof(set_ip6_dst);
memcpy(nfp_action, &set_ip6_dst, act_size);
*a_len += act_size;
@ -600,13 +612,16 @@ nfp_fl_pedit(const struct tc_action *action, struct tc_cls_flower_offload *flow,
/* Hardware will automatically fix TCP/UDP checksum. */
*csum_updated |= nfp_fl_csum_l4_to_flag(ip_proto);
} else if (set_ip6_src.head.len_lw) {
nfp_action += act_size;
act_size = sizeof(set_ip6_src);
memcpy(nfp_action, &set_ip6_src, act_size);
*a_len += act_size;
/* Hardware will automatically fix TCP/UDP checksum. */
*csum_updated |= nfp_fl_csum_l4_to_flag(ip_proto);
} else if (set_tport.head.len_lw) {
if (set_tport.head.len_lw) {
nfp_action += act_size;
act_size = sizeof(set_tport);
memcpy(nfp_action, &set_tport, act_size);
*a_len += act_size;
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ static int qed_grc_attn_cb(struct qed_hwfn *p_hwfn)
attn_master_to_str(GET_FIELD(tmp, QED_GRC_ATTENTION_MASTER)),
QED_GRC_ATTENTION_PRIV_VF) ? "VF" : "(Ireelevant)",
QED_GRC_ATTENTION_PRIV_VF) ? "VF" : "(Irrelevant)",
@ -380,8 +380,6 @@ static void fm93c56a_select(struct ql3_adapter *qdev)
qdev->eeprom_cmd_data = AUBURN_EEPROM_CS_1;
ql_write_nvram_reg(qdev, spir, ISP_NVRAM_MASK | qdev->eeprom_cmd_data);
ql_write_nvram_reg(qdev, spir,
((ISP_NVRAM_MASK << 16) | qdev->eeprom_cmd_data));
@ -6528,17 +6528,15 @@ static int rtl8169_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int budget)
struct rtl8169_private *tp = container_of(napi, struct rtl8169_private, napi);
struct net_device *dev = tp->dev;
u16 enable_mask = RTL_EVENT_NAPI | tp->event_slow;
int work_done= 0;
int work_done;
u16 status;
status = rtl_get_events(tp);
rtl_ack_events(tp, status & ~tp->event_slow);
if (status & RTL_EVENT_NAPI_RX)
work_done = rtl_rx(dev, tp, (u32) budget);
work_done = rtl_rx(dev, tp, (u32) budget);
if (status & RTL_EVENT_NAPI_TX)
rtl_tx(dev, tp);
rtl_tx(dev, tp);
if (status & tp->event_slow) {
enable_mask &= ~tp->event_slow;
@ -7071,20 +7069,12 @@ static int rtl_alloc_irq(struct rtl8169_private *tp)
unsigned int flags;
switch (tp->mac_version) {
if (tp->mac_version <= RTL_GIGA_MAC_VER_06) {
RTL_W8(tp, Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Unlock);
RTL_W8(tp, Config2, RTL_R8(tp, Config2) & ~MSIEnable);
RTL_W8(tp, Cfg9346, Cfg9346_Lock);
/* This version was reported to have issues with resume
* from suspend when using MSI-X
} else {
@ -831,12 +831,8 @@ static int geneve_xmit_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
if (IS_ERR(rt))
return PTR_ERR(rt);
if (skb_dst(skb)) {
int mtu = dst_mtu(&rt->dst) - GENEVE_IPV4_HLEN -
skb_dst_update_pmtu(skb, mtu);
skb_tunnel_check_pmtu(skb, &rt->dst,
GENEVE_IPV4_HLEN + info->options_len);
sport = udp_flow_src_port(geneve->net, skb, 1, USHRT_MAX, true);
if (geneve->collect_md) {
@ -881,11 +877,7 @@ static int geneve6_xmit_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
if (IS_ERR(dst))
return PTR_ERR(dst);
if (skb_dst(skb)) {
int mtu = dst_mtu(dst) - GENEVE_IPV6_HLEN - info->options_len;
skb_dst_update_pmtu(skb, mtu);
skb_tunnel_check_pmtu(skb, dst, GENEVE_IPV6_HLEN + info->options_len);
sport = udp_flow_src_port(geneve->net, skb, 1, USHRT_MAX, true);
if (geneve->collect_md) {
@ -2267,8 +2267,9 @@ static void virtnet_freeze_down(struct virtio_device *vdev)
/* Make sure no work handler is accessing the device */
if (netif_running(vi->dev)) {
@ -2304,7 +2305,9 @@ static int virtnet_restore_up(struct virtio_device *vdev)
return err;
@ -2262,11 +2262,7 @@ static void vxlan_xmit_one(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
ndst = &rt->dst;
if (skb_dst(skb)) {
int mtu = dst_mtu(ndst) - VXLAN_HEADROOM;
skb_dst_update_pmtu(skb, mtu);
skb_tunnel_check_pmtu(skb, ndst, VXLAN_HEADROOM);
tos = ip_tunnel_ecn_encap(tos, old_iph, skb);
ttl = ttl ? : ip4_dst_hoplimit(&rt->dst);
@ -2303,11 +2299,7 @@ static void vxlan_xmit_one(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
goto out_unlock;
if (skb_dst(skb)) {
int mtu = dst_mtu(ndst) - VXLAN6_HEADROOM;
skb_dst_update_pmtu(skb, mtu);
skb_tunnel_check_pmtu(skb, ndst, VXLAN6_HEADROOM);
tos = ip_tunnel_ecn_encap(tos, old_iph, skb);
ttl = ttl ? : ip6_dst_hoplimit(ndst);
@ -485,7 +485,13 @@ static int armpmu_filter_match(struct perf_event *event)
struct arm_pmu *armpmu = to_arm_pmu(event->pmu);
unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id();
return cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, &armpmu->supported_cpus);
int ret;
ret = cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, &armpmu->supported_cpus);
if (ret && armpmu->filter_match)
return armpmu->filter_match(event);
return ret;
static ssize_t armpmu_cpumask_show(struct device *dev,
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/timekeeping.h>
#include <linux/nospec.h>
#include "ptp_private.h"
static int ptp_disable_pinfunc(struct ptp_clock_info *ops,
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@ long ptp_ioctl(struct posix_clock *pc, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
err = -EINVAL;
pin_index = array_index_nospec(pin_index, ops->n_pins);
if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&ptp->pincfg_mux))
pd = ops->pin_config[pin_index];
@ -266,6 +269,7 @@ long ptp_ioctl(struct posix_clock *pc, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
err = -EINVAL;
pin_index = array_index_nospec(pin_index, ops->n_pins);
if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&ptp->pincfg_mux))
err = ptp_set_pinfunc(ptp, pin_index, pd.func, pd.chan);
@ -690,8 +690,6 @@ static void afs_process_async_call(struct work_struct *work)
if (call->state == AFS_CALL_COMPLETE) {
call->reply[0] = NULL;
/* We have two refs to release - one from the alloc and one
* queued with the work item - and we can't just deallocate the
* call because the work item may be queued again.
@ -199,11 +199,9 @@ static struct afs_server *afs_install_server(struct afs_net *net,
ret = 0;
goto out;
return server;
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ try_again:
trap = lock_rename(cache->graveyard, dir);
/* do some checks before getting the grave dentry */
if (rep->d_parent != dir) {
if (rep->d_parent != dir || IS_DEADDIR(d_inode(rep))) {
/* the entry was probably culled when we dropped the parent dir
* lock */
unlock_rename(cache->graveyard, dir);
@ -666,6 +666,8 @@ struct page *dax_layout_busy_page(struct address_space *mapping)
while (index < end && pagevec_lookup_entries(&pvec, mapping, index,
min(end - index, (pgoff_t)PAGEVEC_SIZE),
indices)) {
pgoff_t nr_pages = 1;
for (i = 0; i < pagevec_count(&pvec); i++) {
struct page *pvec_ent = pvec.pages[i];
void *entry;
@ -680,8 +682,15 @@ struct page *dax_layout_busy_page(struct address_space *mapping)
entry = get_unlocked_mapping_entry(mapping, index, NULL);
if (entry)
if (entry) {
page = dax_busy_page(entry);
* Account for multi-order entries at
* the end of the pagevec.
if (i + 1 >= pagevec_count(&pvec))
nr_pages = 1UL << dax_radix_order(entry);
put_unlocked_mapping_entry(mapping, index, entry);
if (page)
@ -696,7 +705,7 @@ struct page *dax_layout_busy_page(struct address_space *mapping)
index += nr_pages;
if (page)
@ -682,6 +682,7 @@ int fat_count_free_clusters(struct super_block *sb)
if (ops->ent_get(&fatent) == FAT_ENT_FREE)
} while (fat_ent_next(sbi, &fatent));
sbi->free_clusters = free;
sbi->free_clus_valid = 1;
@ -70,20 +70,7 @@ void fscache_free_cookie(struct fscache_cookie *cookie)
* initialise an cookie jar slab element prior to any use
void fscache_cookie_init_once(void *_cookie)
struct fscache_cookie *cookie = _cookie;
memset(cookie, 0, sizeof(*cookie));
* Set the index key in a cookie. The cookie struct has space for a 12-byte
* Set the index key in a cookie. The cookie struct has space for a 16-byte
* key plus length and hash, but if that's not big enough, it's instead a
* pointer to a buffer containing 3 bytes of hash, 1 byte of length and then
* the key data.
@ -93,20 +80,18 @@ static int fscache_set_key(struct fscache_cookie *cookie,
unsigned long long h;
u32 *buf;
int bufs;
int i;
cookie->key_len = index_key_len;
bufs = DIV_ROUND_UP(index_key_len, sizeof(*buf));
if (index_key_len > sizeof(cookie->inline_key)) {
buf = kzalloc(index_key_len, GFP_KERNEL);
buf = kcalloc(bufs, sizeof(*buf), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!buf)
return -ENOMEM;
cookie->key = buf;
} else {
buf = (u32 *)cookie->inline_key;
buf[0] = 0;
buf[1] = 0;
buf[2] = 0;
memcpy(buf, index_key, index_key_len);
@ -116,7 +101,8 @@ static int fscache_set_key(struct fscache_cookie *cookie,
h = (unsigned long)cookie->parent;
h += index_key_len + cookie->type;
for (i = 0; i < (index_key_len + sizeof(u32) - 1) / sizeof(u32); i++)
for (i = 0; i < bufs; i++)
h += buf[i];
cookie->key_hash = h ^ (h >> 32);
@ -161,7 +147,7 @@ struct fscache_cookie *fscache_alloc_cookie(
struct fscache_cookie *cookie;
/* allocate and initialise a cookie */
cookie = kmem_cache_alloc(fscache_cookie_jar, GFP_KERNEL);
cookie = kmem_cache_zalloc(fscache_cookie_jar, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!cookie)
return NULL;
@ -192,6 +178,9 @@ struct fscache_cookie *fscache_alloc_cookie(
cookie->netfs_data = netfs_data;
cookie->flags = (1 << FSCACHE_COOKIE_NO_DATA_YET);
cookie->type = def->type;
/* radix tree insertion won't use the preallocation pool unless it's
* told it may not wait */
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ extern struct fscache_cache *fscache_select_cache_for_object(
extern struct kmem_cache *fscache_cookie_jar;
extern void fscache_free_cookie(struct fscache_cookie *);
extern void fscache_cookie_init_once(void *);
extern struct fscache_cookie *fscache_alloc_cookie(struct fscache_cookie *,
const struct fscache_cookie_def *,
const void *, size_t,
@ -143,9 +143,7 @@ static int __init fscache_init(void)
fscache_cookie_jar = kmem_cache_create("fscache_cookie_jar",
sizeof(struct fscache_cookie),
0, 0, NULL);
if (!fscache_cookie_jar) {
pr_notice("Failed to allocate a cookie jar\n");
ret = -ENOMEM;
@ -975,10 +975,6 @@ static void gfs2_iomap_journaled_page_done(struct inode *inode, loff_t pos,
struct gfs2_inode *ip = GFS2_I(inode);
if (!page_has_buffers(page)) {
create_empty_buffers(page, inode->i_sb->s_blocksize,
(1 << BH_Dirty)|(1 << BH_Uptodate));
gfs2_page_add_databufs(ip, page, offset_in_page(pos), copied);
@ -1061,7 +1057,7 @@ static int gfs2_iomap_begin_write(struct inode *inode, loff_t pos,
if (gfs2_is_jdata(ip))
if (!gfs2_is_stuffed(ip) && gfs2_is_jdata(ip))
iomap->page_done = gfs2_iomap_journaled_page_done;
return 0;
@ -96,7 +96,9 @@ struct ocfs2_unblock_ctl {
/* Lockdep class keys */
static struct lock_class_key lockdep_keys[OCFS2_NUM_LOCK_TYPES];
static int ocfs2_check_meta_downconvert(struct ocfs2_lock_res *lockres,
int new_level);
@ -2337,8 +2337,8 @@ late_initcall(ubifs_init);
static void __exit ubifs_exit(void)
WARN_ON(atomic_long_read(&ubifs_clean_zn_cnt) == 0);
WARN_ON(atomic_long_read(&ubifs_clean_zn_cnt) != 0);
@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ struct detailed_timing {
#define DRM_EDID_HDMI_DC_Y444 (1 << 3)
/* YCBCR 420 deep color modes */
#define DRM_EDID_YCBCR420_DC_48 (1 << 6)
#define DRM_EDID_YCBCR420_DC_36 (1 << 5)
#define DRM_EDID_YCBCR420_DC_30 (1 << 4)
#define DRM_EDID_YCBCR420_DC_48 (1 << 2)
#define DRM_EDID_YCBCR420_DC_36 (1 << 1)
#define DRM_EDID_YCBCR420_DC_30 (1 << 0)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ extern int mincore_huge_pmd(struct vm_area_struct *vma, pmd_t *pmd,
unsigned char *vec);
extern bool move_huge_pmd(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long old_addr,
unsigned long new_addr, unsigned long old_end,
pmd_t *old_pmd, pmd_t *new_pmd, bool *need_flush);
pmd_t *old_pmd, pmd_t *new_pmd);
extern int change_huge_pmd(struct vm_area_struct *vma, pmd_t *pmd,
unsigned long addr, pgprot_t newprot,
int prot_numa);
@ -1027,6 +1027,14 @@ static inline void *mlx5_frag_buf_get_wqe(struct mlx5_frag_buf_ctrl *fbc,
return fbc->frags[frag].buf + ((fbc->frag_sz_m1 & ix) << fbc->log_stride);
static inline u32
mlx5_frag_buf_get_idx_last_contig_stride(struct mlx5_frag_buf_ctrl *fbc, u32 ix)
u32 last_frag_stride_idx = (ix + fbc->strides_offset) | fbc->frag_sz_m1;
return min_t(u32, last_frag_stride_idx - fbc->strides_offset, fbc->sz_m1);
int mlx5_cmd_init(struct mlx5_core_dev *dev);
void mlx5_cmd_cleanup(struct mlx5_core_dev *dev);
void mlx5_cmd_use_events(struct mlx5_core_dev *dev);
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <linux/export.h>
#include <linux/rbtree_latch.h>
#include <linux/error-injection.h>
#include <linux/tracepoint-defs.h>
#include <linux/percpu.h>
#include <asm/module.h>
@ -430,7 +431,7 @@ struct module {
unsigned int num_tracepoints;
struct tracepoint * const *tracepoints_ptrs;
tracepoint_ptr_t *tracepoints_ptrs;
struct jump_entry *jump_entries;
@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ struct arm_pmu {
void (*stop)(struct arm_pmu *);
void (*reset)(void *);
int (*map_event)(struct perf_event *event);
int (*filter_match)(struct perf_event *event);
int num_events;
bool secure_access; /* 32-bit ARM only */
@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ struct tracepoint {
struct tracepoint_func __rcu *funcs;
typedef const int tracepoint_ptr_t;
typedef struct tracepoint * const tracepoint_ptr_t;
struct bpf_raw_event_map {
struct tracepoint *tp;
void *bpf_func;
@ -99,6 +99,29 @@ extern void syscall_unregfunc(void);
static inline struct tracepoint *tracepoint_ptr_deref(tracepoint_ptr_t *p)
return offset_to_ptr(p);
#define __TRACEPOINT_ENTRY(name) \
asm(" .section \"__tracepoints_ptrs\", \"a\" \n" \
" .balign 4 \n" \
" .long __tracepoint_" #name " - . \n" \
" .previous \n")
static inline struct tracepoint *tracepoint_ptr_deref(tracepoint_ptr_t *p)
return *p;
#define __TRACEPOINT_ENTRY(name) \
static tracepoint_ptr_t __tracepoint_ptr_##name __used \
__attribute__((section("__tracepoints_ptrs"))) = \
#endif /* _LINUX_TRACEPOINT_H */
@ -253,19 +276,6 @@ extern void syscall_unregfunc(void);
return static_key_false(&__tracepoint_##name.key); \
#define __TRACEPOINT_ENTRY(name) \
asm(" .section \"__tracepoints_ptrs\", \"a\" \n" \
" .balign 4 \n" \
" .long __tracepoint_" #name " - . \n" \
" .previous \n")
#define __TRACEPOINT_ENTRY(name) \
static struct tracepoint * const __tracepoint_ptr_##name __used \
__attribute__((section("__tracepoints_ptrs"))) = \
* We have no guarantee that gcc and the linker won't up-align the tracepoint
* structures, so we create an array of pointers that will be used for iteration
@ -527,4 +527,14 @@ static inline void skb_dst_update_pmtu(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 mtu)
dst->ops->update_pmtu(dst, NULL, skb, mtu);
static inline void skb_tunnel_check_pmtu(struct sk_buff *skb,
struct dst_entry *encap_dst,
int headroom)
u32 encap_mtu = dst_mtu(encap_dst);
if (skb->len > encap_mtu - headroom)
skb_dst_update_pmtu(skb, encap_mtu - headroom);
#endif /* _NET_DST_H */
@ -159,6 +159,10 @@ struct fib6_info {
struct rt6_info * __percpu *rt6i_pcpu;
struct rt6_exception_bucket __rcu *rt6i_exception_bucket;
unsigned long last_probe;
u32 fib6_metric;
u8 fib6_protocol;
u8 fib6_type;
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ static inline __u16 sctp_data_size(struct sctp_chunk *chunk)
__u16 size;
size = ntohs(chunk->chunk_hdr->length);
size -= sctp_datahdr_len(&chunk->asoc->stream);
size -= sctp_datachk_len(&chunk->asoc->stream);
return size;
@ -876,6 +876,8 @@ struct sctp_transport {
unsigned long sackdelay;
__u32 sackfreq;
atomic_t mtu_info;
/* When was the last time that we heard from this transport? We use
* this to pick new active and retran paths.
@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ enum sctp_sinfo_flags {
SCTP_SACK_IMMEDIATELY = (1 << 3), /* SACK should be sent without delay. */
/* 2 bits here have been used by SCTP_PR_SCTP_MASK */
SCTP_SENDALL = (1 << 6),
SCTP_PR_SCTP_ALL = (1 << 7),
SCTP_NOTIFICATION = MSG_NOTIFICATION, /* Next message is not user msg but notification. */
SCTP_EOF = MSG_FIN, /* Initiate graceful shutdown process. */
@ -192,11 +192,8 @@ static int xsk_map_update_elem(struct bpf_map *map, void *key, void *value,
old_xs = xchg(&m->xsk_map[i], xs);
if (old_xs) {
/* Make sure we've flushed everything. */
if (old_xs)
sock_put((struct sock *)old_xs);
return 0;
@ -212,11 +209,8 @@ static int xsk_map_delete_elem(struct bpf_map *map, void *key)
return -EINVAL;
old_xs = xchg(&m->xsk_map[k], NULL);
if (old_xs) {
/* Make sure we've flushed everything. */
if (old_xs)
sock_put((struct sock *)old_xs);
return 0;
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
* Copyright (C) 2018 Joel Fernandes (Google) <joel@joelfernandes.org>
#include <linux/trace_clock.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/irq.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <linux/ktime.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/printk.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(test_mode, "Mode of the test such as preempt or irq (default ir
static void busy_wait(ulong time)
ktime_t start, end;
start = ktime_get();
u64 start, end;
start = trace_clock_local();
do {
end = ktime_get();
end = trace_clock_local();
if (kthread_should_stop())
} while (ktime_to_ns(ktime_sub(end, start)) < (time * 1000));
} while ((end - start) < (time * 1000));
static int preemptirq_delay_run(void *data)
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
#include <linux/sched/task.h>
#include <linux/static_key.h>
extern struct tracepoint * const __start___tracepoints_ptrs[];
extern struct tracepoint * const __stop___tracepoints_ptrs[];
extern tracepoint_ptr_t __start___tracepoints_ptrs[];
extern tracepoint_ptr_t __stop___tracepoints_ptrs[];
@ -371,25 +371,17 @@ int tracepoint_probe_unregister(struct tracepoint *tp, void *probe, void *data)
static void for_each_tracepoint_range(struct tracepoint * const *begin,
struct tracepoint * const *end,
static void for_each_tracepoint_range(
tracepoint_ptr_t *begin, tracepoint_ptr_t *end,
void (*fct)(struct tracepoint *tp, void *priv),
void *priv)
tracepoint_ptr_t *iter;
if (!begin)
const int *iter;
for (iter = (const int *)begin; iter < (const int *)end; iter++)
fct(offset_to_ptr(iter), priv);
} else {
struct tracepoint * const *iter;
for (iter = begin; iter < end; iter++)
fct(*iter, priv);
for (iter = begin; iter < end; iter++)
fct(tracepoint_ptr_deref(iter), priv);
@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ static void ida_check_conv(struct ida *ida)
IDA_BUG_ON(ida, !ida_is_empty(ida));
static DEFINE_IDA(ida);
static int ida_checks(void)
IDA_BUG_ON(&ida, !ida_is_empty(&ida));
@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@ static pmd_t move_soft_dirty_pmd(pmd_t pmd)
bool move_huge_pmd(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long old_addr,
unsigned long new_addr, unsigned long old_end,
pmd_t *old_pmd, pmd_t *new_pmd, bool *need_flush)
pmd_t *old_pmd, pmd_t *new_pmd)
spinlock_t *old_ptl, *new_ptl;
pmd_t pmd;
@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@ bool move_huge_pmd(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long old_addr,
if (new_ptl != old_ptl)
spin_lock_nested(new_ptl, SINGLE_DEPTH_NESTING);
pmd = pmdp_huge_get_and_clear(mm, old_addr, old_pmd);
if (pmd_present(pmd) && pmd_dirty(pmd))
if (pmd_present(pmd))
force_flush = true;
@ -1822,12 +1822,10 @@ bool move_huge_pmd(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long old_addr,
pmd = move_soft_dirty_pmd(pmd);
set_pmd_at(mm, new_addr, new_pmd, pmd);
if (new_ptl != old_ptl)
if (force_flush)
flush_tlb_range(vma, old_addr, old_addr + PMD_SIZE);
*need_flush = true;
if (new_ptl != old_ptl)
return true;
@ -2885,9 +2883,6 @@ void set_pmd_migration_entry(struct page_vma_mapped_walk *pvmw,
if (!(pvmw->pmd && !pvmw->pte))
mmu_notifier_invalidate_range_start(mm, address,
address + HPAGE_PMD_SIZE);
flush_cache_range(vma, address, address + HPAGE_PMD_SIZE);
pmdval = *pvmw->pmd;
pmdp_invalidate(vma, address, pvmw->pmd);
@ -2900,9 +2895,6 @@ void set_pmd_migration_entry(struct page_vma_mapped_walk *pvmw,
set_pmd_at(mm, address, pvmw->pmd, pmdswp);
page_remove_rmap(page, true);
mmu_notifier_invalidate_range_end(mm, address,
address + HPAGE_PMD_SIZE);
void remove_migration_pmd(struct page_vma_mapped_walk *pvmw, struct page *new)
@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ unsigned long do_mmap(struct file *file, unsigned long addr,
if (flags & MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE) {
struct vm_area_struct *vma = find_vma(mm, addr);
if (vma && vma->vm_start <= addr)
if (vma && vma->vm_start < addr + len)
return -EEXIST;
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ static pte_t move_soft_dirty_pte(pte_t pte)
static void move_ptes(struct vm_area_struct *vma, pmd_t *old_pmd,
unsigned long old_addr, unsigned long old_end,
struct vm_area_struct *new_vma, pmd_t *new_pmd,
unsigned long new_addr, bool need_rmap_locks, bool *need_flush)
unsigned long new_addr, bool need_rmap_locks)
struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
pte_t *old_pte, *new_pte, pte;
@ -163,15 +163,17 @@ static void move_ptes(struct vm_area_struct *vma, pmd_t *old_pmd,
pte = ptep_get_and_clear(mm, old_addr, old_pte);
* If we are remapping a dirty PTE, make sure
* If we are remapping a valid PTE, make sure
* to flush TLB before we drop the PTL for the
* old PTE or we may race with page_mkclean().
* PTE.
* This check has to be done after we removed the
* old PTE from page tables or another thread may
* dirty it after the check and before the removal.
* NOTE! Both old and new PTL matter: the old one
* for racing with page_mkclean(), the new one to
* make sure the physical page stays valid until
* the TLB entry for the old mapping has been
* flushed.
if (pte_present(pte) && pte_dirty(pte))
if (pte_present(pte))
force_flush = true;
pte = move_pte(pte, new_vma->vm_page_prot, old_addr, new_addr);
pte = move_soft_dirty_pte(pte);
@ -179,13 +181,11 @@ static void move_ptes(struct vm_area_struct *vma, pmd_t *old_pmd,
if (force_flush)
flush_tlb_range(vma, old_end - len, old_end);
if (new_ptl != old_ptl)
pte_unmap(new_pte - 1);
if (force_flush)
flush_tlb_range(vma, old_end - len, old_end);
*need_flush = true;
pte_unmap_unlock(old_pte - 1, old_ptl);
if (need_rmap_locks)
@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ unsigned long move_page_tables(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
unsigned long extent, next, old_end;
pmd_t *old_pmd, *new_pmd;
bool need_flush = false;
unsigned long mmun_start; /* For mmu_notifiers */
unsigned long mmun_end; /* For mmu_notifiers */
@ -229,8 +228,7 @@ unsigned long move_page_tables(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
if (need_rmap_locks)
moved = move_huge_pmd(vma, old_addr, new_addr,
old_end, old_pmd, new_pmd,
old_end, old_pmd, new_pmd);
if (need_rmap_locks)
if (moved)
@ -246,10 +244,8 @@ unsigned long move_page_tables(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
if (extent > next - new_addr)
extent = next - new_addr;
move_ptes(vma, old_pmd, old_addr, old_addr + extent, new_vma,
new_pmd, new_addr, need_rmap_locks, &need_flush);
new_pmd, new_addr, need_rmap_locks);
if (need_flush)
flush_tlb_range(vma, old_end-len, old_addr);
mmu_notifier_invalidate_range_end(vma->vm_mm, mmun_start, mmun_end);
@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ static void shutdown_umh(struct umh_info *info)
if (!info->pid)
tsk = pid_task(find_vpid(info->pid), PIDTYPE_PID);
if (tsk)
tsk = get_pid_task(find_vpid(info->pid), PIDTYPE_PID);
if (tsk) {
force_sig(SIGKILL, tsk);
info->pid = 0;
@ -928,6 +928,9 @@ static noinline_for_stack int ethtool_get_rxnfc(struct net_device *dev,
return -EINVAL;
if (info.cmd != cmd)
return -EINVAL;
if (info.cmd == ETHTOOL_GRXCLSRLALL) {
if (info.rule_cnt > 0) {
if (info.rule_cnt <= KMALLOC_MAX_SIZE / sizeof(u32))
@ -2392,13 +2395,17 @@ roll_back:
return ret;
static int ethtool_set_per_queue(struct net_device *dev, void __user *useraddr)
static int ethtool_set_per_queue(struct net_device *dev,
void __user *useraddr, u32 sub_cmd)
struct ethtool_per_queue_op per_queue_opt;
if (copy_from_user(&per_queue_opt, useraddr, sizeof(per_queue_opt)))
return -EFAULT;
if (per_queue_opt.sub_command != sub_cmd)
return -EINVAL;
switch (per_queue_opt.sub_command) {
return ethtool_get_per_queue_coalesce(dev, useraddr, &per_queue_opt);
@ -2769,7 +2776,7 @@ int dev_ethtool(struct net *net, struct ifreq *ifr)
rc = ethtool_get_phy_stats(dev, useraddr);
rc = ethtool_set_per_queue(dev, useraddr);
rc = ethtool_set_per_queue(dev, useraddr, sub_cmd);
rc = ethtool_get_link_ksettings(dev, useraddr);
@ -312,7 +312,6 @@ void netpoll_send_skb_on_dev(struct netpoll *np, struct sk_buff *skb,
/* It is up to the caller to keep npinfo alive. */
struct netpoll_info *npinfo;
npinfo = rcu_dereference_bh(np->dev->npinfo);
@ -357,7 +356,6 @@ void netpoll_send_skb_on_dev(struct netpoll *np, struct sk_buff *skb,
skb_queue_tail(&npinfo->txq, skb);
@ -315,8 +315,6 @@ int mr_table_dump(struct mr_table *mrt, struct sk_buff *skb,
e = 0;
s_e = 0;
list_for_each_entry(mfc, &mrt->mfc_unres_queue, list) {
@ -1184,11 +1184,6 @@ route_lookup:
skb_dst_set(skb, dst);
if (encap_limit >= 0) {
init_tel_txopt(&opt, encap_limit);
ipv6_push_frag_opts(skb, &opt.ops, &proto);
if (hop_limit == 0) {
if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP))
hop_limit = ip_hdr(skb)->ttl;
@ -1210,6 +1205,11 @@ route_lookup:
if (err)
return err;
if (encap_limit >= 0) {
init_tel_txopt(&opt, encap_limit);
ipv6_push_frag_opts(skb, &opt.ops, &proto);
skb_push(skb, sizeof(struct ipv6hdr));
ipv6h = ipv6_hdr(skb);
@ -2436,17 +2436,17 @@ static int ip6_mc_leave_src(struct sock *sk, struct ipv6_mc_socklist *iml,
int err;
/* callers have the socket lock and rtnl lock
* so no other readers or writers of iml or its sflist
if (!iml->sflist) {
/* any-source empty exclude case */
return ip6_mc_del_src(idev, &iml->addr, iml->sfmode, 0, NULL, 0);
err = ip6_mc_del_src(idev, &iml->addr, iml->sfmode, 0, NULL, 0);
} else {
err = ip6_mc_del_src(idev, &iml->addr, iml->sfmode,
iml->sflist->sl_count, iml->sflist->sl_addr, 0);
sock_kfree_s(sk, iml->sflist, IP6_SFLSIZE(iml->sflist->sl_max));
iml->sflist = NULL;
err = ip6_mc_del_src(idev, &iml->addr, iml->sfmode,
iml->sflist->sl_count, iml->sflist->sl_addr, 0);
sock_kfree_s(sk, iml->sflist, IP6_SFLSIZE(iml->sflist->sl_max));
iml->sflist = NULL;
return err;
@ -517,10 +517,11 @@ static void rt6_probe_deferred(struct work_struct *w)
static void rt6_probe(struct fib6_info *rt)
struct __rt6_probe_work *work;
struct __rt6_probe_work *work = NULL;
const struct in6_addr *nh_gw;
struct neighbour *neigh;
struct net_device *dev;
struct inet6_dev *idev;
* Okay, this does not seem to be appropriate
@ -536,15 +537,12 @@ static void rt6_probe(struct fib6_info *rt)
nh_gw = &rt->fib6_nh.nh_gw;
dev = rt->fib6_nh.nh_dev;
idev = __in6_dev_get(dev);
neigh = __ipv6_neigh_lookup_noref(dev, nh_gw);
if (neigh) {
struct inet6_dev *idev;
if (neigh->nud_state & NUD_VALID)
goto out;
idev = __in6_dev_get(dev);
work = NULL;
if (!(neigh->nud_state & NUD_VALID) &&
@ -554,11 +552,13 @@ static void rt6_probe(struct fib6_info *rt)
} else {
} else if (time_after(jiffies, rt->last_probe +
idev->cnf.rtr_probe_interval)) {
work = kmalloc(sizeof(*work), GFP_ATOMIC);
if (work) {
rt->last_probe = jiffies;
INIT_WORK(&work->work, rt6_probe_deferred);
work->target = *nh_gw;
@ -766,11 +766,9 @@ static int udp6_unicast_rcv_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
ret = udpv6_queue_rcv_skb(sk, skb);
/* a return value > 0 means to resubmit the input, but
* it wants the return to be -protocol, or 0
/* a return value > 0 means to resubmit the input */
if (ret > 0)
return -ret;
return ret;
return 0;
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ _decode_session6(struct sk_buff *skb, struct flowi *fl, int reverse)
fl6->daddr = reverse ? hdr->saddr : hdr->daddr;
fl6->saddr = reverse ? hdr->daddr : hdr->saddr;
while (nh + offset + 1 < skb->data ||
pskb_may_pull(skb, nh + offset + 1 - skb->data)) {
while (nh + offset + sizeof(*exthdr) < skb->data ||
pskb_may_pull(skb, nh + offset + sizeof(*exthdr) - skb->data)) {
nh = skb_network_header(skb);
exthdr = (struct ipv6_opt_hdr *)(nh + offset);
@ -734,6 +734,7 @@ void llc_sap_add_socket(struct llc_sap *sap, struct sock *sk)
llc_sk(sk)->sap = sap;
sock_set_flag(sk, SOCK_RCU_FREE);
sk_nulls_add_node_rcu(sk, laddr_hb);
hlist_add_head(&llc->dev_hash_node, dev_hb);
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ struct rxrpc_call *rxrpc_new_incoming_call(struct rxrpc_local *local,
struct rxrpc_skb_priv *sp = rxrpc_skb(skb);
struct rxrpc_connection *conn;
struct rxrpc_peer *peer;
struct rxrpc_peer *peer = NULL;
struct rxrpc_call *call;
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ static int rxrpc_open_socket(struct rxrpc_local *local, struct net *net)
udp_sk(usk)->gro_complete = NULL;
if (local->srx.transport.family == AF_INET6)
@ -572,7 +572,8 @@ void rxrpc_reject_packets(struct rxrpc_local *local)
ret = kernel_sendmsg(local->socket, &msg, iov, 2, size);
ret = kernel_sendmsg(local->socket, &msg,
iov, ioc, size);
if (ret < 0)
trace_rxrpc_tx_fail(local->debug_id, 0, ret,
@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ void rxrpc_error_report(struct sock *sk)
rxrpc_store_error(peer, serr);
rxrpc_free_skb(skb, rxrpc_skb_rx_freed);
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