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# Copyright (c) 2015 Igor Pecovnik, igor.pecovnik@gma**.com
# This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any
# warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.
# This file is a part of the Armbian build script
# Functions:
# debootstrap_ng
# create_rootfs_cache
# prepare_partitions
# update_initramfs
# create_image
2017-09-07 12:22:50 +03:00
# debootstrap_ng
display_alert "Starting rootfs and image building process for" "${BRANCH} ${BOARD} ${RELEASE} ${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED} ${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} ${BUILD_MINIMAL}" "info"
[[ $ROOTFS_TYPE != ext4 ]] && display_alert "Assuming $BOARD $BRANCH kernel supports $ROOTFS_TYPE" "" "wrn"
# trap to unmount stuff in case of error/manual interruption
trap unmount_on_exit INT TERM EXIT
# stage: clean and create directories
mkdir -p $SDCARD $MOUNT $DEST/images $SRC/cache/rootfs
# stage: verify tmpfs configuration and mount
# default maximum size for tmpfs mount is 1/2 of available RAM
2017-08-18 16:59:06 +03:00
# CLI needs ~1.2GiB+ (Xenial CLI), Desktop - ~2.8GiB+ (Xenial Desktop w/o HW acceleration)
# calculate and set tmpfs mount to use 2/3 of available RAM
local phymem=$(( $(awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo) / 1024 * 2 / 3 )) # MiB
2017-08-18 16:59:06 +03:00
if [[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]]; then local tmpfs_max_size=3500; else local tmpfs_max_size=1500; fi # MiB
2016-05-08 16:10:11 +03:00
if [[ $FORCE_USE_RAMDISK == no ]]; then local use_tmpfs=no
elif [[ $FORCE_USE_RAMDISK == yes || $phymem -gt $tmpfs_max_size ]]; then
local use_tmpfs=yes
2017-08-18 16:59:06 +03:00
[[ $use_tmpfs == yes ]] && mount -t tmpfs -o size=${phymem}M tmpfs $SDCARD
# stage: prepare basic rootfs: unpack cache or create from scratch
# stage: install kernel and u-boot packages
# install distribution and board specific applications
2016-06-15 19:44:14 +03:00
# install locally built packages
[[ $EXTERNAL_NEW == compile ]] && chroot_installpackages_local
# install from
[[ $EXTERNAL_NEW == prebuilt ]] && chroot_installpackages "yes"
# stage: user customization script
# NOTE: installing too many packages may fill tmpfs mount
2016-03-19 17:26:15 +03:00
# create list of installed packages for debug purposes
Adding minimal image (#1504) * Minimal build setup (#1463) * Netplan folder check & armbian-tools dependency on expect (and tcl) solved (#1464) * Prevent netplan configration if it is not installed * Resolved expect dependecy of armbian-tools * More packages added for armbian-tools * Added python3-apt and rsyslog to minimal installation * Debootstrap variant doesn't play nice. We loose networking and it affects standard builds as well. Removing. * Python-to-Bash conversion (#1470) * Remove python3-apt dependency from BSP package, fix netplan error also on Disco and putting back varint=minbase ... tested Disco, Bionic * Distinguish package list: *-minimal.list and *-desktop.list * Enable Wireguard back which was removed by mistake. * Having minbase debootstrap variant for all will require further adjustements with current package base - backward compatibility. Minimal image is now Python free but need further testings ... * Add wireless-regdb and crda to the pakage base, fix Ubuntu keyring warning while debootstrap. * Add figlet to sort out missing fonts * Moving few packages here and there. Bugfix when creating a cache package list * Manually compared base images - they are the same with small insignificant difference. Minimal image has to be futher tuned * Adjustements for bash powered lsb_release, adding some needed packages * Fixed (no) network problems on Bionic/Disco * Add rsync to debootstrap_list and few minor fixes * Adjust text in lsb_release * Olimex Micro A20: fix wrong boot config * Remove duplicate depenedency * Odroid C1: adjust kernel config
2019-08-16 19:21:12 +02:00
chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg --get-selections" | grep -v deinstall | awk '{print $1}' | cut -f1 -d':' > $DEST/debug/installed-packages-${RELEASE}$([[ ${BUILD_MINIMAL} == yes ]] && echo "-minimal")$([[ ${BUILD_DESKTOP} == yes ]] && echo "-desktop").list 2>&1
# clean up / prepare for making the image
umount_chroot "$SDCARD"
if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == fel ]]; then
display_alert "Starting FEL boot" "$BOARD" "info"
source $SRC/lib/
# stage: unmount tmpfs
umount $SDCARD 2>&1
Build all targets RFC (#1515) * Introducing build-all-ng * Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only * Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made. * repository manipulating RFC * Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean * Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix * Create subdir for debs and debs-beta * Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools * add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented * Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only * Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making * Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528) * Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity. * added RockPi 4A * New format for board config * Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs * Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image * Cubox-i: update default config * Improving umount process * Add purgesource feature * Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration * Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <>
2019-09-01 22:13:13 +02:00
if [[ $use_tmpfs = yes ]]; then
while grep -qs "$SDCARD" /proc/mounts
Build all targets RFC (#1515) * Introducing build-all-ng * Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only * Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made. * repository manipulating RFC * Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean * Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix * Create subdir for debs and debs-beta * Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools * add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented * Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only * Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making * Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528) * Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity. * added RockPi 4A * New format for board config * Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs * Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image * Cubox-i: update default config * Improving umount process * Add purgesource feature * Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration * Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <>
2019-09-01 22:13:13 +02:00
umount $SDCARD
Build all targets RFC (#1515) * Introducing build-all-ng * Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only * Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made. * repository manipulating RFC * Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean * Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix * Create subdir for debs and debs-beta * Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools * add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented * Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only * Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making * Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528) * Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity. * added RockPi 4A * New format for board config * Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs * Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image * Cubox-i: update default config * Improving umount process * Add purgesource feature * Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration * Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <>
2019-09-01 22:13:13 +02:00
sleep 5
rm -rf $SDCARD
# remove exit trap
} #############################################################################
# create_rootfs_cache
# unpacks cached rootfs for $RELEASE or creates one
if [[ "$ROOT_FS_CREATE_ONLY" == "force" ]]; then
local cycles=1
local cycles=2
# seek last cache, proceed to previous otherwise build it
for ((n=0;n<${cycles};n++)); do
local packages_hash=$(get_package_list_hash "$(($ROOTFSCACHE_VERSION - $n))")
local packages_hash=$(get_package_list_hash "$(date -d "$D +${FORCED_MONTH_OFFSET} month" +"%Y-%m-module$ROOTFSCACHE_VERSION" | sed 's/^0*//')")
local cache_type="cli"
[[ ${BUILD_DESKTOP} == yes ]] && local cache_type="xfce-desktop"
[[ -n ${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} ]] && local cache_type="${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT}"
[[ ${BUILD_MINIMAL} == yes ]] && local cache_type="minimal"
local cache_name=${RELEASE}-${cache_type}-${ARCH}.$packages_hash.tar.lz4
local cache_fname=${SRC}/cache/rootfs/${cache_name}
local display_name=${RELEASE}-${cache_type}-${ARCH}.${packages_hash:0:3}...${packages_hash:29}.tar.lz4
display_alert "Checking for local cache" "$display_name" "info"
if [[ ! -f $cache_fname && "$ROOT_FS_CREATE_ONLY" != "force" ]]; then
display_alert "searching on servers"
download_and_verify "_rootfs" "$cache_name"
if [[ -f $cache_fname && -f $cache_fname.aria2 && $USE_TORRENT="no" && -z "$ROOT_FS_CREATE_ONLY" ]]; then
rm ${cache_fname}*
download_and_verify "_rootfs" "$cache_name"
if [[ -f $cache_fname.aria2 && -z "$ROOT_FS_CREATE_ONLY" ]]; then
display_alert "resuming"
download_and_verify "_rootfs" "$cache_name"
if [[ -f $cache_fname ]]; then
display_alert "not found: try to use previous cache"
if [[ -f $cache_fname && ! -f $cache_fname.aria2 && "$ROOT_FS_CREATE_ONLY" != "force" ]]; then
local date_diff=$(( ($(date +%s) - $(stat -c %Y $cache_fname)) / 86400 ))
2016-04-18 19:20:15 +03:00
display_alert "Extracting $display_name" "$date_diff days old" "info"
pv -p -b -r -c -N "[ .... ] $display_name" "$cache_fname" | lz4 -dc | tar xp --xattrs -C $SDCARD/
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && rm $cache_fname && exit_with_error "Cache $cache_fname is corrupted and was deleted. Restart."
rm $SDCARD/etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver $NAMESERVER" >> $SDCARD/etc/resolv.conf
create_sources_list "$RELEASE" "$SDCARD/"
display_alert "... remote not found" "Creating new rootfs cache for $RELEASE" "info"
# stage: debootstrap base system
2016-05-04 17:16:39 +03:00
if [[ $NO_APT_CACHER != yes ]]; then
# apt-cacher-ng apt-get proxy parameter
2016-05-28 15:10:29 +03:00
local apt_extra="-o Acquire::http::Proxy=\"http://${APT_PROXY_ADDR:-localhost:3142}\""
local apt_mirror="http://${APT_PROXY_ADDR:-localhost:3142}/$APT_MIRROR"
2016-05-27 13:14:16 +03:00
local apt_mirror="http://$APT_MIRROR"
2016-05-04 17:16:39 +03:00
# fancy progress bars
[[ -z $OUTPUT_DIALOG ]] && local apt_extra_progress="--show-progress -o DPKG::Progress-Fancy=1"
Adding minimal image (#1504) * Minimal build setup (#1463) * Netplan folder check & armbian-tools dependency on expect (and tcl) solved (#1464) * Prevent netplan configration if it is not installed * Resolved expect dependecy of armbian-tools * More packages added for armbian-tools * Added python3-apt and rsyslog to minimal installation * Debootstrap variant doesn't play nice. We loose networking and it affects standard builds as well. Removing. * Python-to-Bash conversion (#1470) * Remove python3-apt dependency from BSP package, fix netplan error also on Disco and putting back varint=minbase ... tested Disco, Bionic * Distinguish package list: *-minimal.list and *-desktop.list * Enable Wireguard back which was removed by mistake. * Having minbase debootstrap variant for all will require further adjustements with current package base - backward compatibility. Minimal image is now Python free but need further testings ... * Add wireless-regdb and crda to the pakage base, fix Ubuntu keyring warning while debootstrap. * Add figlet to sort out missing fonts * Moving few packages here and there. Bugfix when creating a cache package list * Manually compared base images - they are the same with small insignificant difference. Minimal image has to be futher tuned * Adjustements for bash powered lsb_release, adding some needed packages * Fixed (no) network problems on Bionic/Disco * Add rsync to debootstrap_list and few minor fixes * Adjust text in lsb_release * Olimex Micro A20: fix wrong boot config * Remove duplicate depenedency * Odroid C1: adjust kernel config
2019-08-16 19:21:12 +02:00
display_alert "Installing base system" "Stage 1/2" "info"
Adding minimal image (#1504) * Minimal build setup (#1463) * Netplan folder check & armbian-tools dependency on expect (and tcl) solved (#1464) * Prevent netplan configration if it is not installed * Resolved expect dependecy of armbian-tools * More packages added for armbian-tools * Added python3-apt and rsyslog to minimal installation * Debootstrap variant doesn't play nice. We loose networking and it affects standard builds as well. Removing. * Python-to-Bash conversion (#1470) * Remove python3-apt dependency from BSP package, fix netplan error also on Disco and putting back varint=minbase ... tested Disco, Bionic * Distinguish package list: *-minimal.list and *-desktop.list * Enable Wireguard back which was removed by mistake. * Having minbase debootstrap variant for all will require further adjustements with current package base - backward compatibility. Minimal image is now Python free but need further testings ... * Add wireless-regdb and crda to the pakage base, fix Ubuntu keyring warning while debootstrap. * Add figlet to sort out missing fonts * Moving few packages here and there. Bugfix when creating a cache package list * Manually compared base images - they are the same with small insignificant difference. Minimal image has to be futher tuned * Adjustements for bash powered lsb_release, adding some needed packages * Fixed (no) network problems on Bionic/Disco * Add rsync to debootstrap_list and few minor fixes * Adjust text in lsb_release * Olimex Micro A20: fix wrong boot config * Remove duplicate depenedency * Odroid C1: adjust kernel config
2019-08-16 19:21:12 +02:00
eval 'debootstrap --variant=minbase --include=${DEBOOTSTRAP_LIST// /,} ${PACKAGE_LIST_EXCLUDE:+ --exclude=${PACKAGE_LIST_EXCLUDE// /,}} \
--arch=$ARCH --components=${DEBOOTSTRAP_COMPONENTS} $DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTION --foreign $RELEASE $SDCARD/ $apt_mirror' \
${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Debootstrap (stage 1/2)..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 || ! -f $SDCARD/debootstrap/debootstrap ]] && exit_with_error "Debootstrap base system for ${BRANCH} ${BOARD} ${RELEASE} ${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED} ${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} ${BUILD_MINIMAL} first stage failed"
cp /usr/bin/$QEMU_BINARY $SDCARD/usr/bin/
mkdir -p $SDCARD/usr/share/keyrings/
cp /usr/share/keyrings/*-archive-keyring.gpg $SDCARD/usr/share/keyrings/
display_alert "Installing base system" "Stage 2/2" "info"
eval 'chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "/debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage"' \
${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Debootstrap (stage 2/2)..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 || ! -f $SDCARD/bin/bash ]] && exit_with_error "Debootstrap base system for ${BRANCH} ${BOARD} ${RELEASE} ${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED} ${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} ${BUILD_MINIMAL} second stage failed"
mount_chroot "$SDCARD"
# policy-rc.d script prevents starting or reloading services during image creation
printf '#!/bin/sh\nexit 101' > $SDCARD/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg-divert --quiet --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl"
chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg-divert --quiet --local --rename --add /sbin/start-stop-daemon"
printf '#!/bin/sh\necho "Warning: Fake start-stop-daemon called, doing nothing"' > $SDCARD/sbin/start-stop-daemon
printf '#!/bin/sh\necho "Warning: Fake initctl called, doing nothing"' > $SDCARD/sbin/initctl
chmod 755 $SDCARD/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
chmod 755 $SDCARD/sbin/initctl
chmod 755 $SDCARD/sbin/start-stop-daemon
# stage: configure language and locales
display_alert "Configuring locales" "$DEST_LANG" "info"
[[ -f $SDCARD/etc/locale.gen ]] && sed -i "s/^# $DEST_LANG/$DEST_LANG/" $SDCARD/etc/locale.gen
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "locale-gen $DEST_LANG"' ${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "update-locale LANG=$DEST_LANG LANGUAGE=$DEST_LANG LC_MESSAGES=$DEST_LANG"' \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
2016-05-08 16:10:11 +03:00
if [[ -f $SDCARD/etc/default/console-setup ]]; then
2016-05-08 16:10:11 +03:00
sed -e 's/CHARMAP=.*/CHARMAP="UTF-8"/' -e 's/FONTSIZE=.*/FONTSIZE="8x16"/' \
-e 's/CODESET=.*/CODESET="guess"/' -i $SDCARD/etc/default/console-setup
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "setupcon --save --force"'
2016-05-08 16:10:11 +03:00
# stage: create apt-get sources list
create_sources_list "$RELEASE" "$SDCARD/"
# add armhf arhitecture to arm64
[[ $ARCH == arm64 ]] && eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg --add-architecture armhf"'
2016-10-11 20:01:03 +03:00
# this should fix resolvconf installation failure in some cases
chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c 'echo "resolvconf resolvconf/linkify-resolvconf boolean false" | debconf-set-selections'
# stage: update packages list
display_alert "Updating package list" "$RELEASE" "info"
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "apt-get -q -y $apt_extra update"' \
${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Updating package lists..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] && display_alert "Updating package lists" "failed" "wrn"
2016-05-04 17:16:39 +03:00
# stage: upgrade base packages from xxx-updates and xxx-backports repository branches
2016-05-01 14:24:40 +03:00
display_alert "Upgrading base packages" "Armbian" "info"
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -q \
$apt_extra $apt_extra_progress upgrade"' \
${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Upgrading base packages..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
# Myy: Dividing the desktop packages installation steps into multiple
# ones. We first install the "ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES" in order to get
# access to software-common-properties installation.
# THEN we add the APT sources and install the Desktop packages.
# TODO : Find a way to add APT sources WITHOUT software-common-properties
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] && display_alert "Upgrading base packages" "failed" "wrn"
2016-05-04 17:16:39 +03:00
# stage: install additional packages
display_alert "Installing the main packages for" "Armbian" "info"
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -q \
$apt_extra $apt_extra_progress --no-install-recommends install $PACKAGE_MAIN_LIST"' \
${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Installing Armbian main packages..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] && exit_with_error "Installation of Armbian main packages for ${BRANCH} ${BOARD} ${RELEASE} ${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED} ${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} ${BUILD_MINIMAL} failed"
if [[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == "yes" ]]; then
# FIXME Myy : Are we keeping this only for Desktop users,
# or should we extend this to CLI users too ?
# There might be some clunky boards that require Debian packages from
# specific repos...
display_alert "Adding apt sources for Desktop packages"
local apt_desktop_install_flags=""
if [[ ! -z ${DESKTOP_APT_FLAGS_SELECTED+x} ]]; then
apt_desktop_install_flags+=" --install-${flag}"
# Myy : Using the previous default option, if the variable isn't defined
# And ONLY if it's not defined !
apt_desktop_install_flags+=" --no-install-recommends"
display_alert "Installing the desktop packages for" "Armbian" "info"
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -q \
$apt_extra $apt_extra_progress install ${apt_desktop_install_flags} $PACKAGE_LIST_DESKTOP"' \
${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Installing Armbian desktop packages..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] && exit_with_error "Installation of Armbian desktop packages for ${BRANCH} ${BOARD} ${RELEASE} ${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED} ${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} ${BUILD_MINIMAL} failed"
# Remove packages from packages.uninstall
display_alert "Uninstall packages" "$PACKAGE_LIST_UNINSTALL" "info"
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -qq \
$apt_extra $apt_extra_progress purge $PACKAGE_LIST_UNINSTALL"' \
${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' >> $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Removing packages.uninstall packages..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] && exit_with_error "Installation of Armbian packages failed"
# stage: purge residual packages
display_alert "Purging residual packages for" "Armbian" "info"
PURGINGPACKAGES=$(chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg -l | grep \"^rc\" | awk '{print \$2}' | tr \"\n\" \" \"")
eval 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -q \
$apt_extra $apt_extra_progress remove --purge $PURGINGPACKAGES"' \
${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Purging residual Armbian packages..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
[[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] && exit_with_error "Purging of residual Armbian packages failed"
Adding minimal image (#1504) * Minimal build setup (#1463) * Netplan folder check & armbian-tools dependency on expect (and tcl) solved (#1464) * Prevent netplan configration if it is not installed * Resolved expect dependecy of armbian-tools * More packages added for armbian-tools * Added python3-apt and rsyslog to minimal installation * Debootstrap variant doesn't play nice. We loose networking and it affects standard builds as well. Removing. * Python-to-Bash conversion (#1470) * Remove python3-apt dependency from BSP package, fix netplan error also on Disco and putting back varint=minbase ... tested Disco, Bionic * Distinguish package list: *-minimal.list and *-desktop.list * Enable Wireguard back which was removed by mistake. * Having minbase debootstrap variant for all will require further adjustements with current package base - backward compatibility. Minimal image is now Python free but need further testings ... * Add wireless-regdb and crda to the pakage base, fix Ubuntu keyring warning while debootstrap. * Add figlet to sort out missing fonts * Moving few packages here and there. Bugfix when creating a cache package list * Manually compared base images - they are the same with small insignificant difference. Minimal image has to be futher tuned * Adjustements for bash powered lsb_release, adding some needed packages * Fixed (no) network problems on Bionic/Disco * Add rsync to debootstrap_list and few minor fixes * Adjust text in lsb_release * Olimex Micro A20: fix wrong boot config * Remove duplicate depenedency * Odroid C1: adjust kernel config
2019-08-16 19:21:12 +02:00
# stage: remove downloaded packages
chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "apt-get clean"
Adding minimal image (#1504) * Minimal build setup (#1463) * Netplan folder check & armbian-tools dependency on expect (and tcl) solved (#1464) * Prevent netplan configration if it is not installed * Resolved expect dependecy of armbian-tools * More packages added for armbian-tools * Added python3-apt and rsyslog to minimal installation * Debootstrap variant doesn't play nice. We loose networking and it affects standard builds as well. Removing. * Python-to-Bash conversion (#1470) * Remove python3-apt dependency from BSP package, fix netplan error also on Disco and putting back varint=minbase ... tested Disco, Bionic * Distinguish package list: *-minimal.list and *-desktop.list * Enable Wireguard back which was removed by mistake. * Having minbase debootstrap variant for all will require further adjustements with current package base - backward compatibility. Minimal image is now Python free but need further testings ... * Add wireless-regdb and crda to the pakage base, fix Ubuntu keyring warning while debootstrap. * Add figlet to sort out missing fonts * Moving few packages here and there. Bugfix when creating a cache package list * Manually compared base images - they are the same with small insignificant difference. Minimal image has to be futher tuned * Adjustements for bash powered lsb_release, adding some needed packages * Fixed (no) network problems on Bionic/Disco * Add rsync to debootstrap_list and few minor fixes * Adjust text in lsb_release * Olimex Micro A20: fix wrong boot config * Remove duplicate depenedency * Odroid C1: adjust kernel config
2019-08-16 19:21:12 +02:00
# DEBUG: print free space
local freespace=$(LC_ALL=C df -h)
echo $freespace >> $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log
display_alert "Free SD cache" "$(echo -e "$freespace" | grep $SDCARD | awk '{print $5}')" "info"
display_alert "Mount point" "$(echo -e "$freespace" | grep $MOUNT | head -1 | awk '{print $5}')" "info"
# create list of installed packages for debug purposes
chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg --get-selections" | grep -v deinstall | awk '{print $1}' | cut -f1 -d':' > ${cache_fname}.list 2>&1
Build all targets RFC (#1515) * Introducing build-all-ng * Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only * Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made. * repository manipulating RFC * Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean * Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix * Create subdir for debs and debs-beta * Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools * add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented * Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only * Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making * Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528) * Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity. * added RockPi 4A * New format for board config * Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs * Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image * Cubox-i: update default config * Improving umount process * Add purgesource feature * Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration * Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <>
2019-09-01 22:13:13 +02:00
# creating xapian index that synaptic runs faster
if [[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]]; then
display_alert "Recreating Synaptic search index" "Please wait" "info"
chroot $SDCARD /bin/bash -c "[[ -f /usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index ]] && /usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index -u"
Build all targets RFC (#1515) * Introducing build-all-ng * Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only * Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made. * repository manipulating RFC * Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean * Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix * Create subdir for debs and debs-beta * Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools * add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented * Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only * Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making * Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528) * Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity. * added RockPi 4A * New format for board config * Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs * Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image * Cubox-i: update default config * Improving umount process * Add purgesource feature * Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration * Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <>
2019-09-01 22:13:13 +02:00
# this is needed for the build process later since resolvconf generated file in /run is not saved
rm $SDCARD/etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver $NAMESERVER" >> $SDCARD/etc/resolv.conf
# stage: make rootfs cache archive
display_alert "Ending debootstrap process and preparing cache" "$RELEASE" "info"
# the only reason to unmount here is compression progress display
# based on rootfs size calculation
umount_chroot "$SDCARD"
tar cp --xattrs --directory=$SDCARD/ --exclude='./dev/*' --exclude='./proc/*' --exclude='./run/*' --exclude='./tmp/*' \
--exclude='./sys/*' . | pv -p -b -r -s $(du -sb $SDCARD/ | cut -f1) -N "$display_name" | lz4 -5 -c > $cache_fname
# sign rootfs cache archive that it can be used for web cache once. Internal purposes
if [[ -n $GPG_PASS ]]; then
echo $GPG_PASS | gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --detach-sign --pinentry-mode loopback --batch --yes $cache_fname
# used for internal purposes. Faster rootfs cache rebuilding
if [[ -n "$ROOT_FS_CREATE_ONLY" ]]; then
[[ $use_tmpfs = yes ]] && umount $SDCARD
rm -rf $SDCARD
# remove exit trap
mount_chroot "$SDCARD"
} #############################################################################
# prepare_partitions
# creates image file, partitions and fs
# and mounts it to local dir
# FS-dependent stuff (boot and root fs partition types) happens here
display_alert "Preparing image file for rootfs" "$BOARD $RELEASE" "info"
# possible partition combinations
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
# /boot: none, ext4, ext2, fat (BOOTFS_TYPE)
# root: ext4, btrfs, f2fs, nfs (ROOTFS_TYPE)
# declare makes local variables by default if used inside a function
# NOTE: mountopts string should always start with comma if not empty
# array copying in old bash versions is tricky, so having filesystems as arrays
# with attributes as keys is not a good idea
declare -A parttype mkopts mkfs mountopts
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
parttype[f2fs]=ext4 # not a copy-paste error
# parttype[nfs] is empty
# metadata_csum and 64bit may need to be disabled explicitly when migrating to newer supported host OS releases
# add -N number of inodes to keep mount from running out
2021-03-15 00:41:47 +00:00
# create bigger number for desktop builds
if [[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]]; then local node_number=4096; else local node_number=1024; fi
if [[ $(lsb_release -sc) =~ bionic|buster|bullseye|cosmic|groovy|focal|hirsute|sid ]]; then
2021-03-15 00:41:47 +00:00
mkopts[ext4]="-q -m 2 -O ^64bit,^metadata_csum -N $((128*${node_number}))"
elif [[ $(lsb_release -sc) == xenial ]]; then
2021-03-15 00:41:47 +00:00
mkopts[ext4]="-q -m 2 -N $((128*${node_number}))"
mkopts[fat]='-n BOOT'
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
# mkopts[f2fs] is empty
mkopts[btrfs]='-m dup'
# mkopts[xfs] is empty
# mkopts[nfs] is empty
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
# mkfs[nfs] is empty
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
# mountopts[ext2] is empty
# mountopts[fat] is empty
# mountopts[f2fs] is empty
# mountopts[xfs] is empty
# mountopts[nfs] is empty
# default BOOTSIZE to use if not specified
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
# stage: determine partition configuration
if [[ -n $BOOTFS_TYPE ]]; then
# 2 partition setup with forced /boot type
local bootfs=$BOOTFS_TYPE
local bootpart=1
local rootpart=2
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
elif [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE != ext4 && $ROOTFS_TYPE != nfs ]]; then
# 2 partition setup for non-ext4 local root
local bootfs=ext4
local bootpart=1
local rootpart=2
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
elif [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == nfs ]]; then
# single partition ext4 /boot, no root
local bootfs=ext4
local bootpart=1
[[ -z $BOOTSIZE || $BOOTSIZE -le 8 ]] && BOOTSIZE=${DEFAULT_BOOTSIZE} # For cleanup processing only
elif [[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]]; then
# 2 partition setup for encrypted /root and non-encrypted /boot
local bootfs=ext4
local bootpart=1
local rootpart=2
2017-04-23 16:56:19 +03:00
# single partition ext4 root
local rootpart=1
# stage: calculate rootfs size
local rootfs_size=$(du -sm $SDCARD/ | cut -f1) # MiB
display_alert "Current rootfs size" "$rootfs_size MiB" "info"
if [[ -n $FIXED_IMAGE_SIZE && $FIXED_IMAGE_SIZE =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
display_alert "Using user-defined image size" "$FIXED_IMAGE_SIZE MiB" "info"
local sdsize=$FIXED_IMAGE_SIZE
# basic sanity check
if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE != nfs && $sdsize -lt $rootfs_size ]]; then
2016-03-06 13:01:05 +03:00
exit_with_error "User defined image size is too small" "$sdsize <= $rootfs_size"
local imagesize=$(( $rootfs_size + $OFFSET + $BOOTSIZE )) # MiB
2017-08-28 09:19:57 -07:00
case $ROOTFS_TYPE in
# Used for server images, currently no swap functionality, so disk space
if [[ $BTRFS_COMPRESSION == none ]]; then
local sdsize=$(bc -l <<< "scale=0; (($imagesize * 1.25) / 4 + 1) * 4")
# requirements are rather low since rootfs gets filled with compress-force=zlib
local sdsize=$(bc -l <<< "scale=0; (($imagesize * 0.8) / 4 + 1) * 4")
2017-08-28 09:19:57 -07:00
# Hardcoded overhead +25% is needed for desktop images,
# for CLI it could be lower. Align the size up to 4MiB
2018-03-01 22:44:39 +01:00
if [[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]]; then
local sdsize=$(bc -l <<< "scale=0; ((($imagesize * 1.30) / 1 + 0) / 4 + 1) * 4")
2018-03-01 22:44:39 +01:00
local sdsize=$(bc -l <<< "scale=0; ((($imagesize * 1.25) / 1 + 0) / 4 + 1) * 4")
2018-03-01 22:44:39 +01:00
2017-08-28 09:19:57 -07:00
# stage: create blank image
display_alert "Creating blank image for rootfs" "$sdsize MiB" "info"
if [[ $FAST_CREATE_IMAGE == yes ]]; then
truncate --size=${sdsize}M ${SDCARD}.raw # sometimes results in fs corruption, revert to previous know to work solution
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M status=none count=$sdsize | pv -p -b -r -s $(( $sdsize * 1024 * 1024 )) -N "[ .... ] dd" | dd status=none of=${SDCARD}.raw
# stage: calculate boot partition size
local bootstart=$(($OFFSET * 2048))
local rootstart=$(($bootstart + ($BOOTSIZE * 2048)))
local bootend=$(($rootstart - 1))
# stage: create partition table
display_alert "Creating partitions" "${bootfs:+/boot: $bootfs }root: $ROOTFS_TYPE" "info"
parted -s ${SDCARD}.raw -- mklabel ${IMAGE_PARTITION_TABLE}
if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == nfs ]]; then
# single /boot partition
parted -s ${SDCARD}.raw -- mkpart primary ${parttype[$bootfs]} ${bootstart}s 100%
elif [[ $BOOTSIZE == 0 ]]; then
# single root partition
parted -s ${SDCARD}.raw -- mkpart primary ${parttype[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} ${rootstart}s 100%
# /boot partition + root partition
parted -s ${SDCARD}.raw -- mkpart primary ${parttype[$bootfs]} ${bootstart}s ${bootend}s
parted -s ${SDCARD}.raw -- mkpart primary ${parttype[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} ${rootstart}s 100%
# stage: mount image
# lock access to loop devices
exec {FD}>/var/lock/armbian-debootstrap-losetup
flock -x $FD
LOOP=$(losetup -f)
[[ -z $LOOP ]] && exit_with_error "Unable to find free loop device"
2016-01-10 18:55:02 +03:00
check_loop_device "$LOOP"
losetup $LOOP ${SDCARD}.raw
# loop device was grabbed here, unlock
flock -u $FD
partprobe $LOOP
# stage: create fs, mount partitions, create fstab
rm -f $SDCARD/etc/fstab
if [[ -n $rootpart ]]; then
local rootdevice="${LOOP}p${rootpart}"
if [[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]]; then
display_alert "Encrypting root partition with LUKS..." "cryptsetup luksFormat $rootdevice" ""
echo -n $CRYPTROOT_PASSPHRASE | cryptsetup luksFormat $CRYPTROOT_PARAMETERS $rootdevice -
echo -n $CRYPTROOT_PASSPHRASE | cryptsetup luksOpen $rootdevice $ROOT_MAPPER -
display_alert "Root partition encryption complete." "" "ext"
# TODO: pass /dev/mapper to Docker
rootdevice=/dev/mapper/$ROOT_MAPPER # used by `mkfs` and `mount` commands
check_loop_device "$rootdevice"
display_alert "Creating rootfs" "$ROOTFS_TYPE on $rootdevice"
mkfs.${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} ${mkopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} $rootdevice >> "${DEST}"/debug/install.log 2>&1
[[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == ext4 ]] && tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback $rootdevice > /dev/null
if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == btrfs && $BTRFS_COMPRESSION != none ]]; then
local fscreateopt="-o compress-force=${BTRFS_COMPRESSION}"
mount ${fscreateopt} $rootdevice $MOUNT/
# create fstab (and crypttab) entry
if [[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]]; then
# map the LUKS container partition via its UUID to be the 'cryptroot' device
echo "$ROOT_MAPPER UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${LOOP}p${rootpart}) none luks" >> $SDCARD/etc/crypttab
local rootfs=$rootdevice # used in fstab
local rootfs="UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value $rootdevice)"
echo "$rootfs / ${mkfs[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} defaults,noatime${mountopts[$ROOTFS_TYPE]} 0 1" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab
2016-10-11 20:01:03 +03:00
if [[ -n $bootpart ]]; then
display_alert "Creating /boot" "$bootfs on ${LOOP}p${bootpart}"
check_loop_device "${LOOP}p${bootpart}"
mkfs.${mkfs[$bootfs]} ${mkopts[$bootfs]} ${LOOP}p${bootpart} >> "${DEST}"/debug/install.log 2>&1
mkdir -p $MOUNT/boot/
mount ${LOOP}p${bootpart} $MOUNT/boot/
echo "UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${LOOP}p${bootpart}) /boot ${mkfs[$bootfs]} defaults${mountopts[$bootfs]} 0 2" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab
[[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == nfs ]] && echo "/dev/nfs / nfs defaults 0 0" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab
echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0" >> $SDCARD/etc/fstab
# stage: adjust boot script or boot environment
if [[ -f $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]]; then
if [[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]]; then
echo "rootdev=$rootdevice cryptdevice=UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${LOOP}p${rootpart}):$ROOT_MAPPER" >> $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
echo "rootdev=$rootfs" >> $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
echo "rootfstype=$ROOTFS_TYPE" >> $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
elif [[ $rootpart != 1 ]]; then
local bootscript_dst=${BOOTSCRIPT##*:}
sed -i 's/mmcblk0p1/mmcblk0p2/' $SDCARD/boot/$bootscript_dst
sed -i -e "s/rootfstype=ext4/rootfstype=$ROOTFS_TYPE/" \
-e "s/rootfstype \"ext4\"/rootfstype \"$ROOTFS_TYPE\"/" $SDCARD/boot/$bootscript_dst
2016-10-11 20:01:03 +03:00
# if we have boot.ini = remove armbianEnv.txt and add UUID there if enabled
if [[ -f $SDCARD/boot/boot.ini ]]; then
sed -i -e "s/rootfstype \"ext4\"/rootfstype \"$ROOTFS_TYPE\"/" $SDCARD/boot/boot.ini
if [[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]]; then
local rootpart="UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${LOOP}p${rootpart})"
sed -i 's/^setenv rootdev .*/setenv rootdev "\/dev\/mapper\/'$ROOT_MAPPER' cryptdevice='$rootpart':'$ROOT_MAPPER'"/' $SDCARD/boot/boot.ini
sed -i 's/^setenv rootdev .*/setenv rootdev "'$rootfs'"/' $SDCARD/boot/boot.ini
if [[ $LINUXFAMILY != meson64 ]]; then
[[ -f $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]] && rm $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
# if we have a headless device, set console to DEFAULT_CONSOLE
if [[ -n $DEFAULT_CONSOLE && -f $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]]; then
if grep -lq "^console=" $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt; then
sed -i "s/console=.*/console=$DEFAULT_CONSOLE/" $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
echo "console=$DEFAULT_CONSOLE" >> $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
2016-10-14 22:04:32 +03:00
# recompile .cmd to .scr if boot.cmd exists
[[ -f $SDCARD/boot/boot.cmd ]] && \
mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d $SDCARD/boot/boot.cmd $SDCARD/boot/boot.scr > /dev/null 2>&1
2016-01-04 18:20:53 +03:00
# create extlinux config
if [[ -f $SDCARD/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf ]]; then
echo " APPEND root=$rootfs $SRC_CMDLINE $MAIN_CMDLINE" >> $SDCARD/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
[[ -f $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]] && rm $SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
2016-01-04 18:20:53 +03:00
} #############################################################################
# update_initramfs
# this should be invoked as late as possible for any modifications by
# customize_image (userpatches) and prepare_partitions to be reflected in the
# final initramfs
# especially, this needs to be invoked after /etc/crypttab has been created
# for cryptroot-unlock to work:
# since Debian buster, it has to be called within create_image() on the $MOUNT
# path instead of $SDCARD (which can be a tmpfs and breaks cryptsetup-initramfs).
# see:
local chroot_target=$1
update_initramfs_cmd="update-initramfs -uv -k ${VER}-${LINUXFAMILY}"
display_alert "Updating initramfs..." "$update_initramfs_cmd" ""
cp /usr/bin/$QEMU_BINARY $chroot_target/usr/bin/
mount_chroot "$chroot_target/"
chroot $chroot_target /bin/bash -c "$update_initramfs_cmd" >> $DEST/debug/install.log 2>&1
display_alert "Updated initramfs." "for details see: $DEST/debug/install.log" "info"
display_alert "Re-enabling" "initramfs-tools hook for kernel"
chroot $chroot_target /bin/bash -c "chmod -v +x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools" >> "${DEST}"/debug/install.log 2>&1
umount_chroot "$chroot_target/"
rm $chroot_target/usr/bin/$QEMU_BINARY
} #############################################################################
# create_image
# finishes creation of image from cached rootfs
# stage: create file name
2016-08-30 19:25:32 +03:00
[[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]] && version=${version}_desktop
Adding minimal image (#1504) * Minimal build setup (#1463) * Netplan folder check & armbian-tools dependency on expect (and tcl) solved (#1464) * Prevent netplan configration if it is not installed * Resolved expect dependecy of armbian-tools * More packages added for armbian-tools * Added python3-apt and rsyslog to minimal installation * Debootstrap variant doesn't play nice. We loose networking and it affects standard builds as well. Removing. * Python-to-Bash conversion (#1470) * Remove python3-apt dependency from BSP package, fix netplan error also on Disco and putting back varint=minbase ... tested Disco, Bionic * Distinguish package list: *-minimal.list and *-desktop.list * Enable Wireguard back which was removed by mistake. * Having minbase debootstrap variant for all will require further adjustements with current package base - backward compatibility. Minimal image is now Python free but need further testings ... * Add wireless-regdb and crda to the pakage base, fix Ubuntu keyring warning while debootstrap. * Add figlet to sort out missing fonts * Moving few packages here and there. Bugfix when creating a cache package list * Manually compared base images - they are the same with small insignificant difference. Minimal image has to be futher tuned * Adjustements for bash powered lsb_release, adding some needed packages * Fixed (no) network problems on Bionic/Disco * Add rsync to debootstrap_list and few minor fixes * Adjust text in lsb_release * Olimex Micro A20: fix wrong boot config * Remove duplicate depenedency * Odroid C1: adjust kernel config
2019-08-16 19:21:12 +02:00
[[ $BUILD_MINIMAL == yes ]] && version=${version}_minimal
2016-08-30 19:25:32 +03:00
[[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == nfs ]] && version=${version}_nfsboot
if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE != nfs ]]; then
display_alert "Copying files to" "/"
rsync -aHWXh --exclude="/boot/*" --exclude="/dev/*" --exclude="/proc/*" --exclude="/run/*" --exclude="/tmp/*" \
--exclude="/sys/*" --info=progress2,stats1 $SDCARD/ $MOUNT/ >> "${DEST}"/debug/install.log 2>&1
display_alert "Creating rootfs archive" "rootfs.tgz" "info"
tar cp --xattrs --directory=$SDCARD/ --exclude='./boot/*' --exclude='./dev/*' --exclude='./proc/*' --exclude='./run/*' --exclude='./tmp/*' \
--exclude='./sys/*' . | pv -p -b -r -s $(du -sb $SDCARD/ | cut -f1) -N "rootfs.tgz" | gzip -c > $DEST/images/${version}-rootfs.tgz
# stage: rsync /boot
display_alert "Copying files to" "/boot"
if [[ $(findmnt --target $MOUNT/boot -o FSTYPE -n) == vfat ]]; then
# fat32
rsync -rLtWh --info=progress2,stats1 $SDCARD/boot $MOUNT >> "${DEST}"/debug/install.log 2>&1
# ext4
rsync -aHWXh --info=progress2,stats1 $SDCARD/boot $MOUNT >> "${DEST}"/debug/install.log 2>&1
# stage: create final initramfs
update_initramfs $MOUNT
# DEBUG: print free space
local freespace=$(LC_ALL=C df -h)
echo $freespace >> $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log
display_alert "Free SD cache" "$(echo -e "$freespace" | grep $SDCARD | awk '{print $5}')" "info"
display_alert "Mount point" "$(echo -e "$freespace" | grep $MOUNT | head -1 | awk '{print $5}')" "info"
# stage: write u-boot
write_uboot $LOOP
2018-09-05 12:40:43 -07:00
# fix wrong / permissions
chmod 755 $MOUNT
2018-09-05 12:40:43 -07:00
# unmount /boot first, rootfs second, image file last
[[ $BOOTSIZE != 0 ]] && umount -l $MOUNT/boot
[[ $ROOTFS_TYPE != nfs ]] && umount -l $MOUNT
[[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]] && cryptsetup luksClose $ROOT_MAPPER
Build all targets RFC (#1515) * Introducing build-all-ng * Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only * Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made. * repository manipulating RFC * Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean * Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix * Create subdir for debs and debs-beta * Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools * add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented * Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only * Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making * Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528) * Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity. * added RockPi 4A * New format for board config * Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs * Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image * Cubox-i: update default config * Improving umount process * Add purgesource feature * Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration * Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <>
2019-09-01 22:13:13 +02:00
# to make sure its unmounted
while grep -Eq '(${MOUNT}|${DESTIMG})' /proc/mounts
display_alert "Unmounting" "${MOUNT}" "info"
sleep 5
losetup -d $LOOP
rm -rf --one-file-system $DESTIMG $MOUNT
Build all targets RFC (#1515) * Introducing build-all-ng * Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only * Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made. * repository manipulating RFC * Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean * Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix * Create subdir for debs and debs-beta * Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools * add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented * Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only * Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making * Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528) * Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity. * added RockPi 4A * New format for board config * Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs * Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image * Cubox-i: update default config * Improving umount process * Add purgesource feature * Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration * Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <>
2019-09-01 22:13:13 +02:00
mkdir -p $DESTIMG
mv ${SDCARD}.raw $DESTIMG/${version}.img
if [[ $BUILD_ALL == yes ]]; then
if [[ "$BETA" == yes ]]; then
2020-12-24 11:51:53 +01:00
install -d -o nobody -g nogroup -m 775 ${FINALDEST}
if [[ -z $SEND_TO_SERVER ]]; then
elif [[ $COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE == yes ]]; then
if [[ $COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE == *gz* ]]; then
display_alert "Compressing" "${FINALDEST}/${version}.img.gz" "info"
pigz -3 < $DESTIMG/${version}.img > ${FINALDEST}/${version}.img.gz
if [[ $COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE == *xz* ]]; then
display_alert "Compressing" "${FINALDEST}/${version}.img.xz" "info"
# compressing consumes a lot of memory we don't have. Waiting for previous packing job to finish helps to run a lot more builds in parallel
2021-03-15 00:41:47 +00:00
[[ ${BUILD_ALL} == yes && $(free | grep Mem | awk '{print $4/$2 * 100.0}' | awk '{print int($1)}') -lt 5 ]] && while [[ $(ps -uax | grep "pixz" | wc -l) -gt 4 ]]; do echo -en "#"; sleep 20; done
pixz -8 -p 12 < $DESTIMG/${version}.img > ${FINALDEST}/${version}.img.xz
if [[ $COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE == *img* || $COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE == *7z* ]]; then
mv $DESTIMG/${version}.img ${FINALDEST}/${version}.img || exit 1
if [[ $COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE == *sha* ]]; then
display_alert "SHA256 calculating" "${version}.img${compression_type}" "info"
sha256sum -b ${version}.img${compression_type} > ${version}.img${compression_type}.sha
if [[ $COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE == *gpg* ]]; then
if [[ -n $GPG_PASS ]]; then
display_alert "GPG signing" "${version}.img${compression_type}" "info"
echo $GPG_PASS | gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --detach-sign --pinentry-mode loopback --batch --yes ${FINALDEST}/${version}.img${compression_type} || exit 1
display_alert "GPG signing skipped - no GPG_PASS" "${version}.img" "wrn"
fingerprint_image "${FINALDEST}/${version}.img${compression_type}.txt" "${version}"
if [[ $COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE == *7z* ]]; then
display_alert "Compressing" "${FINALDEST}/${version}.7z" "info"
7za a -t7z -bd -m0=lzma2 -mx=3 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on \
${FINALDEST}/${version}.7z ${version}.key ${version}.img* >/dev/null 2>&1
find ${FINALDEST}/ -type \
f \( -name "${version}.img" -o -name "${version}.img.asc" -o -name "${version}.img.txt" -o -name "${version}.img.sha" \) -print0 \
| xargs -0 rm >/dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf $DESTIMG
2017-01-15 23:10:47 +03:00
display_alert "Done building" "${FINALDEST}/${version}.img" "info"
2017-06-11 16:28:24 +03:00
# call custom post build hook
[[ $(type -t post_build_image) == function ]] && post_build_image "${FINALDEST}/${version}.img"
2017-06-11 16:28:24 +03:00
# write image to SD card
if [[ $(lsblk "$CARD_DEVICE" 2>/dev/null) && -f ${FINALDEST}/${version}.img ]]; then
# make sha256sum if it does not exists. we need it for comparisson
if [[ -f "${FINALDEST}/${version}".img.sha ]]; then
local ifsha=$(cat ${FINALDEST}/${version}.img.sha | awk '{print $1}')
local ifsha=$(sha256sum -b "${FINALDEST}/${version}".img | awk '{print $1}')
display_alert "Writing image" "$CARD_DEVICE ${readsha}" "info"
# write to SD card
pv -p -b -r -c -N "[ .... ] dd" ${FINALDEST}/${version}.img | dd of=$CARD_DEVICE bs=1M iflag=fullblock oflag=direct status=none
# read and compare
display_alert "Verifying. Please wait!"
local ofsha=$(dd if=$CARD_DEVICE count=$(du -b ${FINALDEST}/${version}.img | cut -f1) status=none iflag=count_bytes oflag=direct | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}')
if [[ $ifsha == $ofsha ]]; then
display_alert "Writing verified" "${version}.img" "info"
display_alert "Writing failed" "${version}.img" "err"
elif [[ `systemd-detect-virt` == 'docker' && -n $CARD_DEVICE ]]; then
# display warning when we want to write sd card under Docker
display_alert "Can't write to $CARD_DEVICE" "Enable docker privileged mode in config-docker.conf" "wrn"
} #############################################################################