2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# Copyright (c) 2015 Igor Pecovnik, igor.pecovnik@gma**.com
# This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any
# warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.
# This file is a part of tool chain https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib
2015-12-18 12:22:42 +03:00
# Functions:
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
# install_common
2015-12-18 12:22:42 +03:00
# install_distribution_specific
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
display_alert "Applying common tweaks" "" "info"
# create modules file
if [[ $BRANCH == next || $BRANCH == dev ]]; then
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$MODULES_NEXT" > $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/modules
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$MODULES" > $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/modules
# remove default interfaces file if present
# before installing board support package
rm $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/network/interfaces
# copy hostapd configurations
# TODO: move to hostapd package
install $SRC/lib/config/hostapd/hostapd.conf $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hostapd.conf
install $SRC/lib/config/hostapd/hostapd.realtek.conf $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hostapd.conf-rt
# console fix due to Debian bug
sed -e 's/CHARMAP=".*"/CHARMAP="'$CONSOLE_CHAR'"/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/default/console-setup
# change time zone data
echo $TZDATA > $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/timezone
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata >/dev/null 2>&1"
# set root password
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "(echo $ROOTPWD;echo $ROOTPWD;) | passwd root >/dev/null 2>&1"
# force change root password at first login
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "chage -d 0 root"
# tmpfs configuration
if [[ -f $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/default/tmpfs ]]; then
sed -e 's/#RAMTMP=no/RAMTMP=yes/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/default/tmpfs
sed -e 's/#RUN_SIZE=10%/RUN_SIZE=128M/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/default/tmpfs
sed -e 's/#LOCK_SIZE=/LOCK_SIZE=/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/default/tmpfs
sed -e 's/#SHM_SIZE=/SHM_SIZE=128M/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/default/tmpfs
sed -e 's/#TMP_SIZE=/TMP_SIZE=1G/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/default/tmpfs
# add custom bashrc loading
cat <<-EOF >> $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/bash.bashrc
if [[ -f /etc/bash.bashrc.custom ]]; then
. /etc/bash.bashrc.custom
# display welcome message at first root login
touch $CACHEDIR/sdcard/root/.not_logged_in_yet
[[ $(type -t install_boot_script) == function ]] && install_boot_script
# initial date for fake-hwclock
date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' > $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/fake-hwclock.data
# set hostname
echo $HOST > $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hostname
# this is needed for ubuntu
rm $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/resolv.conf
# set hostname in hosts file
echo " localhost $HOST" > $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hosts
echo "::1 localhost $HOST ip6-localhost ip6-loopback" >> $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hosts
echo "fe00::0 ip6-localnet" >> $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hosts
echo "ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix" >> $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hosts
echo "ff02::1 ip6-allnodes" >> $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hosts
echo "ff02::2 ip6-allrouters" >> $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/hosts
# install custom root package
display_alert "Installing board support package" "$BOARD" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/$RELEASE/${CHOSEN_ROOTFS}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb > /dev/null"
# extract kernel version
VER=$(dpkg --info $DEST/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb | grep Descr | awk '{print $(NF)}')
# we need package names for dtb, uboot and headers
display_alert "Installing kernel" "$CHOSEN_KERNEL" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/${CHOSEN_KERNEL}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb >/dev/null 2>&1"
display_alert "Installing u-boot" "$CHOSEN_UBOOT" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "DEVICE=/dev/null dpkg -i /tmp/${CHOSEN_UBOOT}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb > /dev/null"
display_alert "Installing headers" "$HEADERS_TMP" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/${HEADERS_TMP}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb > /dev/null"
# install firmware
#if [[ -f $CACHEDIR/sdcard/tmp/${FW_TMP}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]]; then
# display_alert "Installing firmware" "$FW_TMP" "info"
# chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/${FW_TMP}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb > /dev/null"
if [[ -f $CACHEDIR/sdcard/tmp/armbian-firmware_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]]; then
display_alert "Installing generic firmware" "armbian-firmware" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/armbian-firmware_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb > /dev/null"
if [[ -f $CACHEDIR/sdcard/tmp/${DTB_TMP}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]]; then
display_alert "Installing DTB" "$DTB_TMP" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/${DTB_TMP}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb > /dev/null"
# copy boot splash image
cp $SRC/lib/bin/armbian.bmp $CACHEDIR/sdcard/boot/boot.bmp
# execute $LINUXFAMILY-specific tweaks from $BOARD.conf
[[ $(type -t family_tweaks) == function ]] && family_tweaks
# enable firstrun script
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "update-rc.d firstrun defaults >/dev/null 2>&1"
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
# remove .old on new image
rm -rf $CACHEDIR/sdcard/boot/dtb.old
2015-12-26 10:25:00 +01:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
display_alert "Applying distribution specific tweaks for" "$RELEASE" "info"
2016-03-06 14:13:34 +03:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
case $RELEASE in
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
wheezy) # Debian Wheezy
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# add serial console
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
echo T0:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty -L $SERIALCON 115200 vt100 >> $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/inittab
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# don't clear screen on boot console
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
sed -e 's/getty 38400 tty1/getty --noclear 38400 tty1/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/inittab
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# disable some getties
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
sed -e 's/5:23:respawn/#5:23:respawn/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/inittab
sed -e 's/6:23:respawn/#6:23:respawn/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/inittab
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# install ramlog
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
cp $SRC/lib/bin/ramlog_2.0.0_all.deb $CACHEDIR/sdcard/tmp
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/ramlog_2.0.0_all.deb >/dev/null 2>&1"
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# enabled back at first run. To remove errors
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "service ramlog disable >/dev/null 2>&1"
rm $CACHEDIR/sdcard/tmp/ramlog_2.0.0_all.deb
sed -e 's/TMPFS_RAMFS_SIZE=/TMPFS_RAMFS_SIZE=512m/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/default/ramlog
sed -e 's/$remote_fs $time/$remote_fs $time ramlog/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init.d/rsyslog
sed -e 's/umountnfs $time/umountnfs $time ramlog/g' -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init.d/rsyslog
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
# Debian Jessie
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# enable root login for latest ssh on jessie
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin without-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/ssh/sshd_config
# fix selinux error
mkdir $CACHEDIR/sdcard/selinux
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# add serial console
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
cp $SRC/lib/config/ttyS0.conf $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/$SERIALCON.conf
sed -e "s/ttyS0/$SERIALCON/g" -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/$SERIALCON.conf
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "systemctl --no-reload enable serial-getty@$SERIALCON.service >/dev/null 2>&1"
mkdir -p "$CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@$SERIALCON.service.d"
2016-05-01 15:01:42 +03:00
printf "[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -L 115200 %%I $TERM" > "$CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@$SERIALCON.service.d/10-rate.conf"
2015-12-19 13:01:14 +03:00
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# don't clear screen tty1
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
mkdir -p "$CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/"
2016-05-01 14:24:40 +03:00
printf "[Service]\nTTYVTDisallocate=no" > "$CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/10-noclear.conf"
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
2015-12-18 21:52:33 +01:00
# seting timeout
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service.d/
2016-05-01 14:24:40 +03:00
printf "[Service]\nTimeoutStopSec=10" > $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service.d/10-timeout.conf
2016-01-31 15:05:17 +03:00
# handle PMU power button
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/udev/rules.d/
cp $SRC/lib/config/71-axp-power-button.rules $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/udev/rules.d/
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
# Ubuntu Trusty
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# add serial console
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
cp $SRC/lib/config/ttyS0.conf $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/$SERIALCON.conf
sed -e "s/ttyS0/$SERIALCON/g" -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/$SERIALCON.conf
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# don't clear screen tty1
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
sed -e s,"exec /sbin/getty","exec /sbin/getty --noclear",g -i $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/tty1.conf
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# disable some getties
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
rm -f $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/tty5.conf
rm -f $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/tty6.conf
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# enable root login for latest ssh on trusty
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin without-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/ssh/sshd_config
# fix selinux error
mkdir $CACHEDIR/sdcard/selinux
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
2016-05-17 15:37:07 +02:00
# remove legal info from Ubuntu
[[ -f $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/legal ]] && rm $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/legal
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
# that my custom motd works well
2016-04-29 12:54:41 +03:00
if [[ -d $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/update-motd.d ]]; then
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
mv $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/update-motd.d $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/update-motd.d-backup
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
# remove what's anyway not working
2016-04-29 12:54:41 +03:00
#chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "apt-get remove --auto-remove ureadahead"
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
rm $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/ureadahead*
rm $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/init/plymouth*
2015-12-02 20:33:32 +01:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
2016-03-08 21:22:35 +03:00
# enable root login for latest ssh on jessie
2016-04-05 16:04:48 +03:00
sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/ssh/sshd_config
2016-03-08 21:22:35 +03:00
# fix selinux error
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
mkdir $CACHEDIR/sdcard/selinux
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
2016-05-17 15:37:07 +02:00
# remove legal info from Ubuntu
[[ -f $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/legal ]] && rm $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/legal
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "systemctl --no-reload enable serial-getty@$SERIALCON.service >/dev/null 2>&1"
2016-05-08 20:27:26 +03:00
# Fix for PuTTY/KiTTY & ncurses-based dialogs (i.e. alsamixer) over serial
# may break other terminals like screen
#printf "[Service]\nEnvironment=TERM=xterm-256color" > /etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service.d/10-term.conf
2016-03-08 21:22:35 +03:00
# don't clear screen tty1
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
mkdir -p "$CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/"
2016-05-01 14:24:40 +03:00
printf "[Service]\nTTYVTDisallocate=no" > "$CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/10-noclear.conf"
2016-03-08 21:22:35 +03:00
# seting timeout
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service.d/
2016-05-01 14:24:40 +03:00
printf "[Service]\nTimeoutStopSec=10" > $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service.d/10-timeout.conf
2016-03-08 21:22:35 +03:00
# handle PMU power button
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/udev/rules.d/
cp $SRC/lib/config/71-axp-power-button.rules $CACHEDIR/sdcard/etc/udev/rules.d/
2016-03-11 21:52:54 +03:00
# disable ureadahead
2016-05-08 20:27:26 +03:00
# needs kernel tracing options that AFAIK are present only in mainline
2016-03-17 20:16:26 +01:00
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "systemctl --no-reload mask ureadahead.service >/dev/null 2>&1"
chroot $CACHEDIR/sdcard /bin/bash -c "systemctl --no-reload mask setserial.service etc-setserial.service >/dev/null 2>&1"
2016-03-08 21:22:35 +03:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
2016-03-08 21:22:35 +03:00
2016-06-24 17:30:39 +03:00
exit_with_error "Unknown OS release selected"
2016-01-22 16:10:59 +07:00