Armbian supports starting with release 5.04 all available H3 based Orange Pi boards (also [One]( and Lite when available). Compared to the preliminary releases the following has been fixed:
- 1-Wire useable (we chose to stay compatible to loboris' images so the data pin is 37 by default. You can change this in the [fex file](
- changing display resolution and choosing between HDMI and DVI now possible with the included _h3disp_ tool (should also work in the [stand-alone version]( with Debian based OS images from loboris/Xunlong)
- Ethernet issues fixed (combination of kernel and fex fixes)
- USB-to-SATA bridge on the Orange Pi Plus works
- stability problems on Orange Pi One fixed (due to undervoltage based on wrong fex settings)
- problems with 2 USB ports on the PC fixed (wrong kernel config)
- 1st boot takes longer (up to 5 minutes). Please do not interrupt while the red LED is blinking, the board reboots automatically one time
- CPU frequency settings are 648-1200 MHz on OPi One/Lite and 480-1296 MHz on the other boards (cpufreq governor is _interactive_ therefore the board only increases CPU speed and consumption when needed)
- These are still test images regarding everything beyond headless/server usage
- In case you experience instabilities, think about installing [RPi-Monitor for H3]( to get an idea whether you suffer from overheating
- improve software support for Orange Pi One by [testing DRAM reliability](!
- get back to us with [feedback regarding our OS images](
- camera support. We included [@lex' patches]( but miss [phelum's basic patches]( Fixes welcome
- HW accelerated video decoding. Fixes welcome (anyone willing to port the stuff from the [H3 OpenELEC port](