Each board is fully supported with three basic system options: Debian Wheezy, Jessie and Ubuntu Trusty desktop build per board.
# Which kernel to use?
All stable kernels are production ready, but you should use them for different purpuses:
* for headless server or light desktop operations use vanilla kernel (linux-image-next-[kernelfamily](http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/211-kernel-update-procedure-has-been-changed/))
* for using video acceleration, audio, IR, NAND, ... you should stick to legacy (linux-image-[kernelfamily](http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/211-kernel-update-procedure-has-been-changed/))
Unzipped .raw images can be written with supplied imagewriter.exe on Windows XP/2003/Win7, with [Rufus](https://rufus.akeo.ie) on Windows 8.x / 10 or with DD command in Linux/Mac:
Make sure you use **good & reliable** SD card. If you encounter boot troubles, check them with [F3](http://oss.digirati.com.br/f3/) or [H2testw](http://www.heise.de/download/h2testw.html).
Insert SD card into a slot and power the board. First boot takes around 3 minutes than it reboots and you will need to wait another one minute to login. This delay is because system updates package list and creates 128Mb emergency SWAP on the SD card.
Normal boot (with DHCP) takes up to 35 seconds with a class 6 SD CARD and cheapest board.
# How to login?
Login as **root** on console or via SSH and use password **1234**. You will be prompted to change this password at first login. This is the only pre-installed user.
Desktop images starts into desktop without asking for password. To change this add some display manager:
apt-get install lightdm
... or edit the contents of file:
and change the autologin user.
# How to update kernel?
For Armbian 4.2 and newer.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
For all other cases. Note that this procedure upgrades only kernel with hardware definitions (bin, dtb, firmware and headers. Operating system and modifications remain as is.
wget -q -O - http://upgrade.armbian.com | bash
You will be prompted to select and confirm some actions. It's possible to upgrade **from any other distribution**.
If you broke the system you can try to get in this way. You have to get to u-boot command prompt, using either a serial adapter or monitor and usb keyboard.
After switching power on or rebooting, when u-boot loads up, press some key on the keyboard (or send some key presses via terminal) to abort default boot sequence and get to the command prompt:
Enter these commands, replacing root device path if necessary. Select setenv line with ttyS0 for serial, tty1 for keyboard+monitor (these are for booting with mainline kernel, check boot.cmd for your device for commands related to legacy kernel):
- [Fix a Jessie systemd problem due to upgrade from 3.4 to 4.x](https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/issues/111)
# How to unbrick the system?
When something goes terribly wrong and you are not able to boot the system, this is the way to proceed. You need some linux machine, where you can mount the failed SD card. With this procedure you will reinstall the u-boot, kernel and hardware settings. In most cases this should be enought to unbrick the board. It's recommended to issue a filesystem check before mounting:
fsck /dev/sdX -f
Than mount the SD card and download those files (This example is only for Banana R1):
This is just an example for: **Ubuntu Trusty, Lamobo R1, Vanilla kernel** (next). Alter packages naming according to [this](http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/211-kernel-update-procedure-has-been-changed/).
Mount SD card and extract all those deb files to it's mount point.
dpkg -x DEB_FILE /mnt
Go to /mnt/boot and link (or copy) **vmlinuz-4.x.x-sunxi** kernel file to **zImage**.
Unmount SD card, move it to the board and power on.
* pre-installed system on NAND (stock Android or other Linux)
* any kernel
* pre-partitioned SATA or USB storage
Start the install script:
and follow the guide. You can create up to three scenarios:
* boot from SD, system on SATA / USB
* boot from NAND, system on NAND
* boot from NAND, system on SATA / USB
# How to change network configuration?
There are five predefined configurations, you can find them in those files:
By default **/etc/network/interfaces** is symlinked to **/etc/network/interfaces.default**
1. DEFAULT: your network adapters are connected classical way.
2. HOSTAPD: your network adapters are bridged together and bridge is connected to the network. This allows you to have your AP connected directly to your router.
3. BONDING: your network adapters are bonded in fail safe / "notebook" way.
4. Router configuration for Lamobo R1 / Banana R1.
5. Switch configuration for Lamobo R1 / Banana R1.
You can switch configuration with re-linking.
cd /etc/network
ln -sf interfaces.x interfaces
(x = default,hostapd,bonding,r1)
Than check / alter your interfaces:
nano /etc/network/interfaces
# How to set fixed IP?
By default your main network adapter's IP is assigned by your router DHCP server.
iface eth0 inet dhcp
change to - for example:
iface eth0 inet static
# How to set wireless access point?
There are two different hostap daemons. One is **default** and the other one is for some **Realtek** wifi cards. Both have their own basic configurations and both are patched to gain maximum performances.
5. To change parameters, edit /etc/hostapd.conf BTW: You can get WPAPSK the long blob from wpa_passphrase YOURNAME YOURPASS
# How to connect IR remote?
Required conditions:
- IR hardware
- loaded driver
Get your [remote configuration](http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/) (lircd.conf) or [learn](http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Setup_Lirc#Learning_Commands). You are going to need the list of all possible commands which you can map to your IR remote keys:
irrecord --list-namespace
To start with learning process you need to delete old config: