diff --git a/debootstrap.sh b/debootstrap.sh index 9697f22f4..b45f70d9b 100644 --- a/debootstrap.sh +++ b/debootstrap.sh @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ if [ -f "$DEST/cache/rootfs/$RELEASE.tgz" ]; then currtime=`date +%s` diff=$(( (currtime - filemtime) / 86400 )) display_alert "Extracting $RELEASE from cache" "$diff days old" "info" - pigz -dc "$DEST/cache/rootfs/$RELEASE.tgz" | tar xpf - -C $DEST/cache/sdcard/ + pv -p -b -r "$DEST/cache/rootfs/$RELEASE.tgz" | pigz -dc | tar xp -C $DEST/cache/sdcard/ if [ "$diff" -gt "3" ]; then chroot $DEST/cache/sdcard /bin/bash -c "apt-get update" | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --title "Force package update ..." --progressbox 20 70 fi @@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ KILLPROC=$(ps -uax | pgrep ntpd | tail -1); if [ -n "$KILLPROC" ]; then k KILLPROC=$(ps -uax | pgrep dbus-daemon | tail -1); if [ -n "$KILLPROC" ]; then kill -9 $KILLPROC; fi display_alert "Closing debootstrap process and preparing cache." "" "info" -tar cpf - --directory=$DEST/cache/sdcard/ --exclude='dev/*' --exclude='proc/*' --exclude='run/*' --exclude='tmp/*' \ ---exclude='mnt/*' --exclude='sys/*' . | pigz > $DEST/cache/rootfs/$RELEASE.tgz +tar cp --directory=$DEST/cache/sdcard/ --exclude='dev/*' --exclude='proc/*' --exclude='run/*' --exclude='tmp/*' \ +--exclude='mnt/*' --exclude='sys/*' . | pv -p -b -r -s $(du -sb $DEST/cache/sdcard/ | cut -f1) | pigz > $DEST/cache/rootfs/$RELEASE.tgz fi # # mount proc, sys and dev