Options for developers - add a .wip configuration option for boards that are under development. They are not shown in selection menu by default but when pressing WIP button.

This commit is contained in:
Igor Pecovnik 2016-12-19 18:14:03 +01:00
parent a22e983ea4
commit 5634e57c71

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@ -94,27 +94,34 @@ fi
# if KERNEL_ONLY, BOARD, BRANCH or RELEASE are not set, display selection menu
# add extra button if we have wip conf files
if [[ ! -z `ls $SRC/lib/config/boards/*.wip 2> /dev/null` ]]; then EXTRAFIELD="--extra-button --extra-label WIP"; fi
if [[ -z $KERNEL_ONLY ]]; then
options+=("yes" "Kernel and u-boot packages")
options+=("no" "OS image for installation to SD card")
KERNEL_ONLY=$(dialog --stdout --title "Choose an option" --backtitle "$backtitle" --no-tags --menu "Select what to build" \
KERNEL_ONLY=$(dialog ${EXTRAFIELD} --stdout --title "Choose an option" --backtitle "$backtitle" --no-tags --menu "Select what to build" \
$TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}")
if [ $? == 3 ]; then PATTERN="*.wip"; else PATTERN="*.conf"; fi
unset options
[[ -z $KERNEL_ONLY ]] && exit_with_error "No option selected"
if [[ -z $BOARD ]]; then
for board in $SRC/lib/config/boards/*.conf; do
for board in $SRC/lib/config/boards/$PATTERN; do
options+=("$(basename $board | cut -d'.' -f1)" "$(head -1 $board | cut -d'#' -f2)")
BOARD=$(dialog --stdout --title "Choose a board" --backtitle "$backtitle" --scrollbar --menu "Select the target board" \
$TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}")
unset options
[[ -z $BOARD ]] && exit_with_error "No board selected"
source $SRC/lib/config/boards/$BOARD.conf
source $SRC/lib/config/boards/$BOARD.conf 2> /dev/null || source $SRC/lib/config/boards/$BOARD.wip
[[ -z $KERNEL_TARGET ]] && exit_with_error "Board configuration does not define valid kernel config"