* Add support for ZSH / TMUX / oh-my-zsh
* Selecting default shell at 1st run
* Install ZSH by default except on minimal image
* Lets rather create armbian-zsh package
* - fix remaining ZSH problems
- add systemd timer to remove default desktop autologin feature
- change DESKTOP_AUTOLOGIN to disabled by default
* Few small improvements
* Oneliner for revering all users back to BASH if package is uninstalled
* Properly escape variables
* Fixing chmod
* More cryptic awk magic to fix permissions for all normal users that are getting zsh magic
* Change Ubuntu Eoan to Ubuntu Groovy and enable it as CSC
Tested CLI and desktop image, but needs cache creation and repository before it will be possible to build without error.
* Update Groovy compiler for chroot
* Adjust pkg dependencies for groovy
Sadly htop doesn't build
- remove Debian stretch from image creations.
- if LOCAL_MIRROR is defined use just that, not armbian upstream packages
- move aptly web server from 8080 to 80
- adjust welcome motd
- remove Ubuntu Eoan from distribution selection menu
There are currently two questionable variables.
They are the keys in the structures:
'if [[ $FORCE_CHECKOUT == yes ]]; then' in the function 'fetch_from_repo()'
which is set by default by the script 'main.sh'
Next in the script 'main.sh'
if [[ $IGNORE_UPDATES != yes ]]; then
display_alert "Downloading sources" "" "info"
fetch_from_repo "$BOOTSOURCE" "$BOOTDIR" "$BOOTBRANCH" "yes"
This key has aged. It can't work properly today.
We should always clear the sources before starting the build.
For this reason, these two keys in these places do not make any sense.
You can just delete them.
* Working offline for sources
This is useful when building recursively for multiple platforms,
when some resource on the Internet is frozen.
To do this, I entered a new variable 'OFFLINE_WORK'
* New ability to work in offline mode
* Skip check prepare host
* Add unset OFFLINE_WORK in lib/build-all-ng.sh
Sources, time and host will not be checked
Now you can collect packages without accessing the Internet
* Rework packages install that they can be installed from repository instead of local compile. Handy for making releases.
* Don't build ATF if you don't build u-boot
* meson-sm1: use amlogic-boot-fip to generate boot binary for SM1
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <narmstrong@baylibre.com>
* patch: add Linux and U-Boot patches
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <narmstrong@baylibre.com>
* configs: enable Odroid-C4
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <narmstrong@baylibre.com>
* Add exceptions to support native Ubuntu 20.04 building, fix small bug related to SD card write verification.
* Improve first install steps by installing Dialog and lsb_release first. This left out since we moved host install after we choose what we will do ... dialog is essential for this. Second we don't wait properly for APT manager to finish the process. Fixed with this commit
* Suppress output
* Update OdroidXU4 dev config & patches
Currently, invoking compile.sh will run its mono task of building all the
components into a final image.
In some situation, especially when developing with Kernel or U-Boot, it is
handy to run a portion of that great task like:
export BOARD=firefly-rk3399
export BRANCH=dev
# more to avoid the popup of dialog
./compile.sh 'fetch_from_repo "$BOOTSOURCE" "$BOOTDIR" "$BOOTBRANCH" "yes"'
./compile.sh 'compile_uboot'
or use a profile to keep things simple:
./compile.sh default BRANCH=dev 'compile_uboot'
AR-1 - Adding support category for distributions
AR-4 - Remove Allwinner legacy
AR-5 - Drop Udoo family and move Udoo board into newly created imx6 family
AR-9 - Rename sunxi-next to sunxi-legacy
AR-10 - Rename sunxi-dev to sunxi-current
AR-11 - Adding Radxa Rockpi S support
AR-13 - Rename rockchip64-default to rockchip64-legacy
AR-14 - Add rockchip64-current as mainline source
AR-15 - Drop Rockchip 4.19.y NEXT, current become 5.3.y
AR-16 - Rename RK3399 default to legacy
AR-17 - Rename Odroid XU4 next and default to legacy 4.14.y, add DEV 5.4.y
AR-18 - Add Odroid N2 current mainline
AR-19 - Move Odroid C1 to meson family
AR-20 - Rename mvebu64-default to mvebu64-legacy
AR-21 - Rename mvebu-default to mvebu-legacy
AR-22 - Rename mvebu-next to mvebu-current
AR-23 - Drop meson64 default and next, current becomes former DEV 5.3.y
AR-24 - Drop cubox family and move Cubox/Hummingboard boards under imx6
AR-26 - Adjust motd
AR-27 - Enabling distribution release status
AR-28 - Added new GCC compilers
AR-29 - Implementing Ubuntu Eoan
AR-30 - Add desktop packages per board or family
AR-31 - Remove (Ubuntu/Debian) distribution name from image filename
AR-32 - Move arch configs from configuration.sh to separate arm64 and armhf config files
AR-33 - Revision numbers for beta builds changed to day_in_the_year
AR-34 - Patches support linked patches
AR-35 - Break meson64 family into gxbb and gxl
AR-36 - Add Nanopineo2 Black
AR-38 - Upgrade option from old branches to new one via armbian-config
AR-41 - Show full timezone info
AR-43 - Merge Odroid N2 to meson64
AR-44 - Enable FORCE_BOOTSCRIPT_UPDATE for all builds
In fetch_from_repo() from general.sh, when ref uses `head` as value, the ref_name
will be set to `HEAD`, which is later used as a subdir:
local workdir=$dir/$ref_name
This commit makes the directories consistent with the workdir above.
* Introducing build-all-ng
* Implementing REBUILD_IMAGES='board1,board2,...' for rebuilding certain images only
* Add optimisations when building kernels - only cycle trough needed targets. Adding variable for defining whether an image is build, otherwise only BSP is made.
* repository manipulating RFC
* Add bianco deb file that is added by default if repository is clean
* Switch to gpg2 signing method, small bugfix
* Create subdir for debs and debs-beta
* Synaptic bugfix: installing indexing tools https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8021-orange-pi-one-synaptic-package-manager-search-very-slow/?do=findComment&comment=74918
* add all modules by default to Odroid N2, but leave them commented
* Bugfix: not making any builds when selecting kernel_only
* Remove EXTERNAL=yes ... move armbian-config and armbian-firmware into main compilation area, drop others since they are deprecated anyway. This will also enable multi threaded images making
* Move armbian.list to create_sources_list function. Replace NTP by Chrony. Remove armbian-firmware from PACKAGE_LIST and RockPi 4A (#1528)
* Replace NTP by chrony. Remove installion of outdated armbian-firmware from reposity.
* added RockPi 4A
* New format for board config
* Fix Bluetooth dependencies for minimal package - add rfkill to family related installs
* Moving networkd-dispatcher from minimal image
* Cubox-i: update default config
* Improving umount process
* Add purgesource feature
* Add FULL_DESKTOP to install few more applications on top of our desktop - notebooks should * rk3399 default: adjust patches and configuration
* Enable full desktop on most powerfull boards and notebooks
Signed-off-by: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@gmail.com>
* Minimal build setup (#1463)
* Netplan folder check & armbian-tools dependency on expect (and tcl) solved (#1464)
* Prevent netplan configration if it is not installed
* Resolved expect dependecy of armbian-tools
* More packages added for armbian-tools
* Added python3-apt and rsyslog to minimal installation
* Debootstrap variant doesn't play nice. We loose networking and it affects standard builds as well. Removing.
* Python-to-Bash conversion (#1470)
* Remove python3-apt dependency from BSP package, fix netplan error also on Disco and putting back varint=minbase ... tested Disco, Bionic
* Distinguish package list: *-minimal.list and *-desktop.list
* Enable Wireguard back which was removed by mistake. https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/1471
* Having minbase debootstrap variant for all will require further adjustements with current package base - backward compatibility. Minimal image is now Python free but need further testings ...
* Add wireless-regdb and crda to the pakage base, fix Ubuntu keyring warning while debootstrap.
* Add figlet to sort out missing fonts
* Moving few packages here and there. Bugfix when creating a cache package list
* Manually compared base images - they are the same with small insignificant difference. Minimal image has to be futher tuned
* Adjustements for bash powered lsb_release, adding some needed packages
* Fixed (no) network problems on Bionic/Disco
* Add rsync to debootstrap_list and few minor fixes
* Adjust text in lsb_release
* Olimex Micro A20: fix wrong boot config
* Remove duplicate depenedency
* Odroid C1: adjust kernel config
* Default config as symlink for comfort switching between several custom boards.
* Better metadata for kernel packages.
* Local changes with detailed git diff.
* Support for gz and bz2 compression (supported by balenaEtcher).
Support for generation sha without 7z compression.
Bug fix for current directory changing in 7z compression.
* Remove bzip2 and use fast pigz for gziping.
* Deleted typo with "gz" in 7z section.
Separated parameter for gpg.
* Information about exit command.
- change console welcome text
- changed display manager to lightdm by default and remove nodm completly
- desktop login manager enabled by default, toogle can be done with armbian-config
- added URL to the build script and commit hash to /etc/armbian-release file
- added debconf-utils,html2text,mmc-utils,sunxi-tools to the base and additional pkg list
- added synaptic package manager and onboard keyboard to the desktop base
- changed motd console welcome text to: Welcome to Debian Stretch with Armbian Linux 5.1.6-sunxi
- added "logout" to the panel/menu
- added normal users to additional groups: disk tty users games
* Adjust tabs and alter displaying build options at the end - hide empty ones
* Fix wrong MOTD message, adjust logic to autologin by default and request login for both notebooks
* Making fs cache naming more intuitive, rename script
* Move additional kernel drivers into separate file. Add AUFS for K5.1 this way, attach wireguard sources to last known working tag. master is broken atm
* Add two more extra wireless drivers 88x2BU, (improved) 8811EU and introduce switch EXTRAWIFI which is enabled by default
* Move 8812AU to the same version we have now. More recent has some performance issues in AP mode. Adjust configuration, add mvebut-dev 5.1.y kernel
* Enable Wireguard also on 3.10.y since it was fixed upstream. Attach bach to master branch since its working now
* Rockchip64 & RK3399 - upstream patches and remove deprecated patches, mvebu64 add DEV kernel attached to 5.1.y
* Enable BT on Tinkerboard CLI images as well
* cubox-i move to 5.1.y and enable missing HDMI
* Bugfixes for adding wireless driver to Kconfig. Adjusted RK3399 kernel due to upstream changes at FriendlyARM - does not boot yet. Changes has to be extract from their commits. Removed patches with RTL8188EU since we add more recent driver with a new precedure. Small fixes mvebu-default, udoo-next, s56818-next, ... remove deprecated patches.
* Boot-able RK3399-default config, add upstream patches for K4.4.y mvebu-default/udoo-next
* Adjust overclocking patch to meet upstream changes
* Odroid XU4 - remove deprecated kernel patches
With some docker CLI version, `stty size` in the container will return `0 0`,
which causes `dialog` to fail. This commit fixes that by setting the actual
terminal size.
For more infor, see:
- changed display manager to lightdm by default and remove nodm completly
- desktop login manager enabled by default, toogle can be done with armbian-config
- added URL to the build script and commit hash to /etc/armbian-release file
- added debconf-utils,html2text,mmc-utils,sunxi-tools to the base and additional pkg list
- added synaptic package manager and onboard keyboard to the desktop base
- changed motd console welcome text to: Welcome to Debian Stretch with Armbian Linux 5.1.6-sunxi
- added "logout" to the panel/menu
- added normal users to additional groups: disk tty users games