* Docker: a chance to rebuild docker image
when Dockerfile is updated, docker image will not be rebuilt,
let armbian docker image tag with framework version, thus has
a chance to rebuild it.
V2: use VERSION file to track build script version.
Signed-off-by: Zhang Ning <832666+zhangn1985@users.noreply.github.com>
* Docker: use upgrade instead of dist-upgrade to speed up docker build
this patch also change to use apt instead of apt-get
when compile in docker, it will run apt update&&upgrade everytime.
this is very time consuming.
apt-get dist-upgrade will not upgrade packages, thus will make build framework
do upgrade each time.
Signed-off-by: Zhang Ning <832666+zhangn1985@users.noreply.github.com>
- change console welcome text
- changed display manager to lightdm by default and remove nodm completly
- desktop login manager enabled by default, toogle can be done with armbian-config
- added URL to the build script and commit hash to /etc/armbian-release file
- added debconf-utils,html2text,mmc-utils,sunxi-tools to the base and additional pkg list
- added synaptic package manager and onboard keyboard to the desktop base
- changed motd console welcome text to: Welcome to Debian Stretch with Armbian Linux 5.1.6-sunxi
- added "logout" to the panel/menu
- added normal users to additional groups: disk tty users games
* Adjust tabs and alter displaying build options at the end - hide empty ones
* Fix wrong MOTD message, adjust logic to autologin by default and request login for both notebooks
* Making fs cache naming more intuitive, rename script
* Move additional kernel drivers into separate file. Add AUFS for K5.1 this way, attach wireguard sources to last known working tag. master is broken atm
* Add two more extra wireless drivers 88x2BU, (improved) 8811EU and introduce switch EXTRAWIFI which is enabled by default
* Move 8812AU to the same version we have now. More recent has some performance issues in AP mode. Adjust configuration, add mvebut-dev 5.1.y kernel
* Enable Wireguard also on 3.10.y since it was fixed upstream. Attach bach to master branch since its working now
* Rockchip64 & RK3399 - upstream patches and remove deprecated patches, mvebu64 add DEV kernel attached to 5.1.y
* Enable BT on Tinkerboard CLI images as well
* cubox-i move to 5.1.y and enable missing HDMI
* Bugfixes for adding wireless driver to Kconfig. Adjusted RK3399 kernel due to upstream changes at FriendlyARM - does not boot yet. Changes has to be extract from their commits. Removed patches with RTL8188EU since we add more recent driver with a new precedure. Small fixes mvebu-default, udoo-next, s56818-next, ... remove deprecated patches.
* Boot-able RK3399-default config, add upstream patches for K4.4.y mvebu-default/udoo-next
* Adjust overclocking patch to meet upstream changes
* Odroid XU4 - remove deprecated kernel patches
- changed display manager to lightdm by default and remove nodm completly
- desktop login manager enabled by default, toogle can be done with armbian-config
- added URL to the build script and commit hash to /etc/armbian-release file
- added debconf-utils,html2text,mmc-utils,sunxi-tools to the base and additional pkg list
- added synaptic package manager and onboard keyboard to the desktop base
- changed motd console welcome text to: Welcome to Debian Stretch with Armbian Linux 5.1.6-sunxi
- added "logout" to the panel/menu
- added normal users to additional groups: disk tty users games
- set to `google` to use mirror provided by Google, the same as
- set to `tuna` to use mirror provided by tsinghua university.
- leave it unset to use offical `git.kernel.org`.
* downloader aria2 replace curl
aria2 is a fast downloader and it can do much more than curl
- skip download when target file exists
- restart an interrupted download session
- multithreading
* remove duplicate download item
* change btrfs compression to zstd and no force compression
* mkfs.btrfs options '--data single --metadata single --label btrfs'
disable dup(duplication) on microsd card
* [fstab] change mountopts[btrfs] compression method to zstd
lzo is no fater than zstd because the low 4k write performance on my
Samsung EVO+ 32GB microsd card.
meanwhile the best io size is above 32k based on benchmark
* replace dd with truncate, create a sparse disk image
* create btrfs subvolume by default
subvolume @ as rootfs, mount at /
subvolume @home as /home, mount at /home
* fix extraargs in armbianEnv.txt
* remove tmpfs mount on /tmp
A zram block device will mount on /tmp by
And instead, mount /media as tmpfs.
* [rsync] add '--inplace' option, optimize for btrfs
* [general.sh] change ntp server to pool.ntp.org
* [general] new option to setup btrfs compression method
for support old and boring 3.x kernels
* [general] set btrfs space cache based kervel version
kernel version above 4.5 select 'v2' as default
* [btrfs] BTRFS_COMPRESSION accept compression ratio
BTRFS_COMPRESSION=zstd:12 are acceptable
* [btrfs] set btrfs compression to lzo when input is illegal
* [general] new option DOWNLOAD_MIRROR to select download mirror
current DOWNLOAD_MIRROR=china is used
the mirror is provided by tsinghua university
MAINLINE_MIRROR=google, use google provided mirror
MAINLINE_MIRROR=tuna, use tsinghua provided mirror
leave it empty, use official git.kernel.org
* fix btrfs default compression
* display $fscreateopt
* display_alert BTRFS_COMPRESSION
* try fix BTRFS_COMPRESSION variable not working
* debug fetch_from_repo
* configuration.sh debug BTRFS_COMPRESION
* update logic
* debug checking btrfs compression
* fix variable check,fix local variable usage
MAINLINE_MIRROR=google, use google provided mirror
MAINLINE_MIRROR=tuna, use tsinghua provided mirror
leave it empty, use official git.kernel.org
* [general] new option DOWNLOAD_MIRROR to select download mirror
current DOWNLOAD_MIRROR=china is used
the mirror is provided by tsinghua university
* Revert "try fix BTRFS_COMPRESSION variable not working"
This reverts commit 9814cfb054f6abe87b15ff3675ec8d3cfa68008d.
* Revert "debug fetch_from_repo"
This reverts commit ba571f0d890b0d62a2c7c2ec738f5c362e91fca2.
* add default compression method for mountopts
* remove useless var
* remove debug
* remove debug
* [general] set btrfs space cache based on kernel version
kernel version above 4.5 select 'v2' as default,
below 4.5 select 'v1' as default
* [general] reintroduce USE_MAINLINE_GOOGLE_MIRROR
* [general] case replaces 'if xx ;elif xxx;fi'
* [general] fix always downloading linux-firmware.git
clone to new dir 'linux-firmware-git' instead the old '$plugin_dir/lib/firmware'
,and then copy files as hardlinks.
* [general] create soft link instead of moving directory
* [btrfs] change rootfs subvolume name to @$RELEASE
now, the rootfs subvolume looks like @stretch,@bionic
it is possible to use different distribution in the same btrfs