#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2015 Igor Pecovnik, igor.pecovnik@gma**.com # # This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public # License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any # warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. # # This file is a part of the Armbian build script # https://github.com/armbian/build/ # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE # use configuration files like config-default.conf to set the build configuration # check Armbian documentation for more info SRC="$(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" # check for whitespace in ${SRC} and exit for safety reasons grep -q "[[:space:]]" <<<"${SRC}" && { echo "\"${SRC}\" contains whitespace. Not supported. Aborting." >&2 ; exit 1 ; } cd "${SRC}" || exit if [[ -f "${SRC}"/lib/general.sh ]]; then # shellcheck source=lib/general.sh source "${SRC}"/lib/general.sh else echo "Error: missing build directory structure" echo "Please clone the full repository https://github.com/armbian/build/" exit 255 fi # Add the variables needed at the beginning of the path check_args () { for p in "$@"; do case "${p%=*}" in LIB_TAG) # Take a variable if the branch exists locally if [ "${p#*=}" == "$(git branch | \ gawk -v b="${p#*=}" '{if ( $NF == b ) {print $NF}}')" ]; then echo "Setting $p" eval "$p" else echo "Skip $p Set as LIB_TAG=\"\"" eval LIB_TAG="" fi ;; esac done } check_args "$@" update_src() { cd "${SRC}" || exit if [[ ! -f "${SRC}"/.ignore_changes ]]; then echo -e "[\e[0;32m o.k. \x1B[0m] This script will try to update" CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --name-only) if [[ -n "${CHANGED_FILES}" ]]; then echo -e "[\e[0;35m warn \x1B[0m] Can't update since you made changes to: \e[0;32m\n${CHANGED_FILES}\x1B[0m" while true; do echo -e "Press \e[0;33m\x1B[0m or \e[0;33mexit\x1B[0m to abort compilation, \e[0;33m\x1B[0m to ignore and continue, \e[0;33mdiff\x1B[0m to display changes" read -r if [[ "${REPLY}" == "diff" ]]; then git diff elif [[ "${REPLY}" == "exit" ]]; then exit 1 elif [[ "${REPLY}" == "" ]]; then break else echo "Unknown command!" fi done else git checkout "${LIB_TAG:-master}" git pull fi fi } TMPFILE=$(mktemp) chmod 644 "${TMPFILE}" { echo SRC="$SRC" echo LIB_TAG="$LIB_TAG" declare -f update_src echo "update_src" } > "$TMPFILE" #do not update/checkout git with root privileges to messup files onwership. #due to in docker/VM, we can't su to a normal user, so do not update/checkout git. if [[ $(systemd-detect-virt) == 'none' ]]; then if [[ "${EUID}" == "0" ]]; then su "$(stat --format=%U "${SRC}"/.git)" -c "bash ${TMPFILE}" else bash "${TMPFILE}" fi fi rm "${TMPFILE}" if [[ "${EUID}" == "0" ]] || [[ "${1}" == "vagrant" ]]; then : elif [[ "${1}" == docker || "${1}" == dockerpurge || "${1}" == docker-shell ]] && grep -q "$(whoami)" <(getent group docker); then : else display_alert "This script requires root privileges, trying to use sudo" "" "wrn" sudo "${SRC}/compile.sh" "$@" exit $? fi # Check for required packages for compiling if [[ -z "$(command -v dialog)" ]]; then sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y dialog fi if [[ -z "$(command -v fuser)" ]]; then sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y psmisc fi if [[ -z "$(command -v getfacl)" ]]; then sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y acl fi if [[ -z "$(command -v uuidgen)" ]]; then sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y uuid-runtime fi # Check for Vagrant if [[ "${1}" == vagrant && -z "$(command -v vagrant)" ]]; then display_alert "Vagrant not installed." "Installing" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y vagrant virtualbox fi if [[ "${1}" == dockerpurge && -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then display_alert "Purging Armbian Docker containers" "" "wrn" docker container ls -a | grep armbian | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker container rm &> /dev/null docker image ls | grep armbian | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker image rm &> /dev/null shift set -- "docker" "$@" fi if [[ "${1}" == docker-shell ]]; then shift #shellcheck disable=SC2034 SHELL_ONLY=yes set -- "docker" "$@" fi # Install Docker if not there but wanted. We cover only Debian based distro install. Else, manual Docker install is needed if [[ "${1}" == docker && -f /etc/debian_version && -z "$(command -v docker)" ]]; then # add exception for Ubuntu Focal until Docker provides dedicated binary codename=$(lsb_release -sc) codeid=$(lsb_release -is | awk '{print tolower($0)}') [[ "${codeid}" == "linuxmint" && "${codename}" == "debbie" ]] && codename="buster" && codeid="debian" [[ "${codename}" == "focal" || "${codename}" == "ulyana" ]] && codename="bionic" && codeid="ubuntu" display_alert "Docker not installed." "Installing" "Info" echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/${codeid} ${codename} edge" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list # minimal set of utilities that are needed for prep packages=("curl" "gnupg" "apt-transport-https") for i in "${packages[@]}" do [[ ! $(command -v "${i}") ]] && install_packages+=${i}" " done [[ -z "${install_packages}" ]] && apt-get update;apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends "${install_packages}" curl -fsSL "https://download.docker.com/linux/${codeid}/gpg" | apt-key add -qq - > /dev/null 2>&1 export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends docker-ce display_alert "Add yourself to docker group to avoid root privileges" "" "wrn" "${SRC}/compile.sh" "$@" exit $? fi # Create userpatches directory if not exists mkdir -p "${SRC}"/userpatches # Create example configs if none found in userpatches if ! ls "${SRC}"/userpatches/{config-example.conf,config-docker.conf,config-vagrant.conf} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then # Migrate old configs if ls "${SRC}"/*.conf 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then display_alert "Migrate config files to userpatches directory" "all *.conf" "info" cp "${SRC}"/*.conf "${SRC}"/userpatches || exit 1 rm "${SRC}"/*.conf [[ ! -L "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-example.conf ]] && ln -fs config-example.conf "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-default.conf || exit 1 fi display_alert "Create example config file using template" "config-default.conf" "info" # Create example config if [[ ! -f "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-example.conf ]]; then cp "${SRC}"/config/templates/config-example.conf "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-example.conf || exit 1 ln -fs config-example.conf "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-default.conf || exit 1 fi # Create Docker config if [[ ! -f "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-docker.conf ]]; then cp "${SRC}"/config/templates/config-docker.conf "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-docker.conf || exit 1 fi # Create Docker file if [[ ! -f "${SRC}"/userpatches/Dockerfile ]]; then cp "${SRC}"/config/templates/Dockerfile "${SRC}"/userpatches/Dockerfile || exit 1 fi # Create Vagrant config if [[ ! -f "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-vagrant.conf ]]; then cp "${SRC}"/config/templates/config-vagrant.conf "${SRC}"/userpatches/config-vagrant.conf || exit 1 fi # Create Vagrant file if [[ ! -f "${SRC}"/userpatches/Vagrantfile ]]; then cp "${SRC}"/config/templates/Vagrantfile "${SRC}"/userpatches/Vagrantfile || exit 1 fi fi if [[ -z "${CONFIG}" && -n "$1" && -f "${SRC}/userpatches/config-$1.conf" ]]; then CONFIG="userpatches/config-$1.conf" shift fi # usind default if custom not found if [[ -z "${CONFIG}" && -f "${SRC}/userpatches/config-default.conf" ]]; then CONFIG="userpatches/config-default.conf" fi # source build configuration file CONFIG_FILE="$(realpath "${CONFIG}")" if [[ ! -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]]; then display_alert "Config file does not exist" "${CONFIG}" "error" exit 254 fi CONFIG_PATH=$(dirname "${CONFIG_FILE}") display_alert "Using config file" "${CONFIG_FILE}" "info" pushd "${CONFIG_PATH}" > /dev/null || exit # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "${CONFIG_FILE}" popd > /dev/null || exit [[ -z "${USERPATCHES_PATH}" ]] && USERPATCHES_PATH="${CONFIG_PATH}" # Script parameters handling while [[ "${1}" == *=* ]]; do parameter=${1%%=*} value=${1##*=} shift display_alert "Command line: setting $parameter to" "${value:-(empty)}" "info" eval "$parameter=\"$value\"" done if [[ "${BUILD_ALL}" == "yes" || "${BUILD_ALL}" == "demo" ]]; then # shellcheck source=lib/build-all-ng.sh source "${SRC}"/lib/build-all-ng.sh else # shellcheck source=lib/main.sh source "${SRC}"/lib/main.sh fi