# Copyright (c) 2015 Igor Pecovnik, igor.pecovnik@gma**.com # # This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public # License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any # warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. # This file is a part of the Armbian build script # https://github.com/armbian/build/ # Main program # if [[ $(basename $0) == main.sh ]]; then echo "Please use compile.sh to start the build process" exit -1 fi # default umask for root is 022 so parent directories won't be group writeable without this # this is used instead of making the chmod in prepare_host() recursive umask 002 # destination DEST=$SRC/output TTY_X=$(($(stty size | awk '{print $2}')-6)) # determine terminal width TTY_Y=$(($(stty size | awk '{print $1}')-6)) # determine terminal height # We'll use this title on all menus backtitle="Armbian building script, http://www.armbian.com | Author: Igor Pecovnik" # if language not set, set to english [[ -z $LANGUAGE ]] && export LANGUAGE="en_US:en" # default console if not set [[ -z $CONSOLE_CHAR ]] && export CONSOLE_CHAR="UTF-8" [[ -z $FORCE_CHECKOUT ]] && FORCE_CHECKOUT=yes # Load libraries source $SRC/lib/debootstrap-ng.sh # System specific install source $SRC/lib/distributions.sh # System specific install source $SRC/lib/desktop.sh # Desktop specific install source $SRC/lib/compilation.sh # Patching and compilation of kernel, uboot, ATF source $SRC/lib/makeboarddeb.sh # Create board support package source $SRC/lib/general.sh # General functions source $SRC/lib/chroot-buildpackages.sh # Building packages in chroot # compress and remove old logs mkdir -p $DEST/debug (cd $DEST/debug && tar -czf logs-$(<timestamp).tgz *.log) > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f $DEST/debug/*.log > /dev/null 2>&1 date +"%d_%m_%Y-%H_%M_%S" > $DEST/debug/timestamp # delete compressed logs older than 7 days (cd $DEST/debug && find . -name '*.tgz' -mtime +7 -delete) > /dev/null # Script parameters handling for i in "$@"; do if [[ $i == *=* ]]; then parameter=${i%%=*} value=${i##*=} display_alert "Command line: setting $parameter to" "${value:-(empty)}" "info" eval $parameter=$value fi done if [[ $BETA == yes ]]; then IMAGE_TYPE=nightly elif [[ $BETA == no && $BUILD_ALL == yes && -n $GPG_PASS ]]; then IMAGE_TYPE=stable else IMAGE_TYPE=user-built fi if [[ $PROGRESS_DISPLAY == none ]]; then OUTPUT_VERYSILENT=yes elif [[ $PROGRESS_DISPLAY == dialog ]]; then OUTPUT_DIALOG=yes fi if [[ $PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE != yes ]]; then unset PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE; fi SHOW_WARNING=yes CAN_BUILD_STRETCH=yes if [[ $USE_CCACHE != no ]]; then CCACHE=ccache export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH" # private ccache directory to avoid permission issues when using build script with "sudo" # see https://ccache.samba.org/manual.html#_sharing_a_cache for alternative solution [[ $PRIVATE_CCACHE == yes ]] && export CCACHE_DIR=$SRC/cache/ccache else CCACHE="" fi # optimize build time with 100% CPU usage CPUS=$(grep -c 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo) if [[ $USEALLCORES != no ]]; then CTHREADS="-j$(($CPUS + $CPUS/2))" else CTHREADS="-j1" fi # Check and install dependencies, directory structure and settings prepare_host # if KERNEL_ONLY, KERNEL_CONFIGURE, BOARD, BRANCH or RELEASE are not set, display selection menu if [[ -z $KERNEL_ONLY ]]; then options+=("yes" "U-boot and kernel packages") options+=("no" "Full OS image for flashing") KERNEL_ONLY=$(dialog --stdout --title "Choose an option" --backtitle "$backtitle" --no-tags --menu "Select what to build" \ $TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}") unset options [[ -z $KERNEL_ONLY ]] && exit_with_error "No option selected" fi if [[ -z $KERNEL_CONFIGURE ]]; then options+=("no" "Do not change the kernel configuration") options+=("yes" "Show a kernel configuration menu before compilation") KERNEL_CONFIGURE=$(dialog --stdout --title "Choose an option" --backtitle "$backtitle" --no-tags --menu "Select the kernel configuration" \ $TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}") unset options [[ -z $KERNEL_CONFIGURE ]] && exit_with_error "No option selected" fi if [[ -z $BOARD ]]; then WIP_STATE=supported WIP_BUTTON='CSC/WIP/EOS' STATE_DESCRIPTION=' - Officially supported boards' [[ $EXPERT = yes ]] && DIALOG_EXTRA="--extra-button" temp_rc=$(mktemp) while true; do options=() if [[ $WIP_STATE == supported ]]; then for board in $SRC/config/boards/*.conf; do options+=("$(basename $board | cut -d'.' -f1)" "$(head -1 $board | cut -d'#' -f2)") done else for board in $SRC/config/boards/*.csc; do options+=("$(basename $board | cut -d'.' -f1)" "\Z1(CSC)\Zn $(head -1 $board | cut -d'#' -f2)") done for board in $SRC/config/boards/*.wip; do options+=("$(basename $board | cut -d'.' -f1)" "\Z1(WIP)\Zn $(head -1 $board | cut -d'#' -f2)") done for board in $SRC/config/boards/*.eos; do options+=("$(basename $board | cut -d'.' -f1)" "\Z1(EOS)\Zn $(head -1 $board | cut -d'#' -f2)") done fi if [[ $WIP_STATE != supported ]]; then cat <<-'EOF' > $temp_rc dialog_color = (RED,WHITE,OFF) screen_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) tag_color = (RED,WHITE,ON) item_selected_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) tag_selected_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) tag_key_selected_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) EOF else echo > $temp_rc fi BOARD=$(DIALOGRC=$temp_rc dialog --stdout --title "Choose a board" --backtitle "$backtitle" --scrollbar --colors \ --extra-label "Show $WIP_BUTTON" $DIALOG_EXTRA --menu "Select the target board. Displaying:\n$STATE_DESCRIPTION" \ $TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}") STATUS=$? if [[ $STATUS == 3 ]]; then if [[ $WIP_STATE == supported ]]; then [[ $SHOW_WARNING == yes ]] && show_developer_warning STATE_DESCRIPTION=' - \Z1(CSC)\Zn - Community Supported Configuration\n - \Z1(WIP)\Zn - Work In Progress\n - \Z1(EOS)\Zn - End Of Support' WIP_STATE=unsupported WIP_BUTTON='supported' else STATE_DESCRIPTION=' - Officially supported boards' WIP_STATE=supported WIP_BUTTON='CSC/WIP/EOS' fi continue elif [[ $STATUS == 0 ]]; then break fi unset options [[ -z $BOARD ]] && exit_with_error "No board selected" done fi if [[ -f $SRC/config/boards/${BOARD}.conf ]]; then BOARD_TYPE='conf' elif [[ -f $SRC/config/boards/${BOARD}.csc ]]; then BOARD_TYPE='csc' elif [[ -f $SRC/config/boards/${BOARD}.wip ]]; then BOARD_TYPE='wip' elif [[ -f $SRC/config/boards/${BOARD}.eos ]]; then BOARD_TYPE='eos' fi source $SRC/config/boards/${BOARD}.${BOARD_TYPE} [[ -z $KERNEL_TARGET ]] && exit_with_error "Board configuration does not define valid kernel config" if [[ -z $BRANCH ]]; then options=() [[ $KERNEL_TARGET == *default* ]] && options+=("default" "Vendor provided / legacy (3.4.x - 4.4.x)") [[ $KERNEL_TARGET == *next* ]] && options+=("next" "Mainline (@kernel.org) (4.x)") [[ $KERNEL_TARGET == *dev* && $EXPERT=yes ]] && options+=("dev" "\Z1Development version (4.x)\Zn") # do not display selection dialog if only one kernel branch is available if [[ "${#options[@]}" == 2 ]]; then BRANCH="${options[0]}" else BRANCH=$(dialog --stdout --title "Choose a kernel" --backtitle "$backtitle" --colors \ --menu "Select the target kernel branch\nExact kernel versions depend on selected board" \ $TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}") fi unset options [[ -z $BRANCH ]] && exit_with_error "No kernel branch selected" [[ $BRANCH == dev && $SHOW_WARNING == yes ]] && show_developer_warning else [[ $KERNEL_TARGET != *$BRANCH* ]] && exit_with_error "Kernel branch not defined for this board" "$BRANCH" fi if [[ $KERNEL_ONLY != yes && -z $RELEASE ]]; then options=() options+=("jessie" "Debian 8 Jessie") [[ $EXPERT == yes && $CAN_BUILD_STRETCH == yes ]] && options+=("stretch" "Debian 9 Stretch") options+=("xenial" "Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS") RELEASE=$(dialog --stdout --title "Choose a release" --backtitle "$backtitle" --menu "Select the target OS release" \ $TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}") unset options [[ -z $RELEASE ]] && exit_with_error "No release selected" fi if [[ $KERNEL_ONLY != yes && -z $BUILD_DESKTOP ]]; then options=() options+=("no" "Image with console interface (server)") options+=("yes" "Image with desktop environment") BUILD_DESKTOP=$(dialog --stdout --title "Choose image type" --backtitle "$backtitle" --no-tags --menu "Select the target image type" \ $TTY_Y $TTY_X $(($TTY_Y - 8)) "${options[@]}") unset options [[ -z $BUILD_DESKTOP ]] && exit_with_error "No option selected" fi source $SRC/lib/configuration.sh start=`date +%s` [[ $CLEAN_LEVEL == *sources* ]] && cleaning "sources" # ignore updates help on building all images - for internal purposes # fetch_from_repo <url> <dir> <ref> <subdir_flag> if [[ $IGNORE_UPDATES != yes ]]; then display_alert "Downloading sources" "" "info" fetch_from_repo "$BOOTSOURCE" "$BOOTDIR" "$BOOTBRANCH" "yes" BOOTSOURCEDIR=$BOOTDIR/${BOOTBRANCH##*:} fetch_from_repo "$KERNELSOURCE" "$KERNELDIR" "$KERNELBRANCH" "yes" LINUXSOURCEDIR=$KERNELDIR/${KERNELBRANCH##*:} if [[ -n $ATFSOURCE ]]; then fetch_from_repo "$ATFSOURCE" "$ATFDIR" "$ATFBRANCH" "yes" ATFSOURCEDIR=$ATFDIR/${ATFBRANCH##*:} fi fetch_from_repo "https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools" "sunxi-tools" "branch:master" fetch_from_repo "https://github.com/armbian/config" "armbian-config" "branch:dev" fetch_from_repo "https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rkbin" "rkbin-tools" "branch:master" fi compile_sunxi_tools install_rkbin_tools # define package names DEB_BRANCH=${BRANCH//default} # if not empty, append hyphen DEB_BRANCH=${DEB_BRANCH:+${DEB_BRANCH}-} CHOSEN_UBOOT=linux-u-boot-${DEB_BRANCH}${BOARD} CHOSEN_KERNEL=linux-image-${DEB_BRANCH}${LINUXFAMILY} CHOSEN_ROOTFS=linux-${RELEASE}-root-${DEB_BRANCH}${BOARD} for option in $(tr ',' ' ' <<< "$CLEAN_LEVEL"); do [[ $option != sources ]] && cleaning "$option" done # Compile u-boot if packed .deb does not exist if [[ ! -f $DEST/debs/${CHOSEN_UBOOT}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]]; then if [[ -n $ATFSOURCE ]]; then compile_atf fi compile_uboot fi # Compile kernel if packed .deb does not exist if [[ ! -f $DEST/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]]; then compile_kernel fi overlayfs_wrapper "cleanup" # extract kernel version from .deb package VER=$(dpkg --info $DEST/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb | grep Descr | awk '{print $(NF)}') VER="${VER/-$LINUXFAMILY/}" # create board support package [[ -n $RELEASE && ! -f $DEST/debs/$RELEASE/${CHOSEN_ROOTFS}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]] && create_board_package # build additional packages [[ $EXTERNAL_NEW == compile ]] && chroot_build_packages if [[ $KERNEL_ONLY != yes ]]; then debootstrap_ng else display_alert "Kernel build done" "@host" "info" display_alert "Target directory" "$DEST/debs/" "info" display_alert "File name" "${CHOSEN_KERNEL}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb" "info" fi # hook for function to run after build, i.e. to change owner of $SRC # NOTE: this will run only if there were no errors during build process [[ $(type -t run_after_build) == function ]] && run_after_build || true end=`date +%s` runtime=$(((end-start)/60)) display_alert "Runtime" "$runtime min" "info"