diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2832.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2832.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2832.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2832.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.076066084 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2872 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 demod module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 demod through RTL2832 module.
+RTL2832 module is derived from DVB-T demod module.
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 demod module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Module() to build RTL2832 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding
+functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppDemod                      Pointer to RTL2832 demod module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtDemodModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated DVB-T demod module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   TsInterfaceMode              RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   AppMode                      RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs        RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   IsFunc1Enabled               RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Module() to build RTL2832 module before using it.
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *pDvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int TsInterfaceMode,
+	int AppMode,
+	unsigned long UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int IsFunc1Enabled
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set demod module pointer, 
+	*ppDemod = pDvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = *ppDemod;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pDemod->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pDemod->pI2cBridge     = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Set demod type.
+	pDemod->DemodType = DVBT_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2832;
+	// Set demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Set demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->CrystalFreqHz = CrystalFreqHz;
+	// Set demod TS interface mode.
+	pDemod->TsInterfaceMode = TsInterfaceMode;
+	// Initialize demod parameter setting status
+	pDemod->IsBandwidthModeSet = NO;
+	pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet      = NO;
+	pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet  = NO;
+	// Initialize demod register table.
+	rtl2832_InitRegTable(pDemod);
+	// Build I2C birdge module.
+	rtl2832_BuildI2cBridgeModule(pDemod);
+	// Set demod module I2C function pointers with default functions.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage         = dvbt_demod_default_SetRegPage;
+	pDemod->SetRegBytes        = dvbt_demod_default_SetRegBytes;
+	pDemod->GetRegBytes        = dvbt_demod_default_GetRegBytes;
+	pDemod->SetRegMaskBits     = dvbt_demod_default_SetRegMaskBits;
+	pDemod->GetRegMaskBits     = dvbt_demod_default_GetRegMaskBits;
+	pDemod->SetRegBits         = dvbt_demod_default_SetRegBits;
+	pDemod->GetRegBits         = dvbt_demod_default_GetRegBits;
+	pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage = dvbt_demod_default_SetRegBitsWithPage;
+	pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage = dvbt_demod_default_GetRegBitsWithPage;
+	// Set demod module manipulating function pointers with default functions.
+	pDemod->GetDemodType     = dvbt_demod_default_GetDemodType;
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr    = dvbt_demod_default_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz = dvbt_demod_default_GetCrystalFreqHz;
+	pDemod->GetBandwidthMode = dvbt_demod_default_GetBandwidthMode;
+	pDemod->GetIfFreqHz      = dvbt_demod_default_GetIfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->GetSpectrumMode  = dvbt_demod_default_GetSpectrumMode;
+	// Set demod module manipulating function pointers with particular functions.
+	pDemod->IsConnectedToI2c  = rtl2832_IsConnectedToI2c;
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset     = rtl2832_SoftwareReset;
+	pDemod->Initialize        = rtl2832_Initialize;
+	pDemod->SetBandwidthMode  = rtl2832_SetBandwidthMode;
+	pDemod->SetIfFreqHz       = rtl2832_SetIfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->SetSpectrumMode   = rtl2832_SetSpectrumMode;
+	pDemod->IsTpsLocked       = rtl2832_IsTpsLocked;
+	pDemod->IsSignalLocked    = rtl2832_IsSignalLocked;
+	pDemod->GetSignalStrength = rtl2832_GetSignalStrength;
+	pDemod->GetSignalQuality  = rtl2832_GetSignalQuality;
+	pDemod->GetBer            = rtl2832_GetBer;
+	pDemod->GetSnrDb          = rtl2832_GetSnrDb;
+	pDemod->GetRfAgc          = rtl2832_GetRfAgc;
+	pDemod->GetIfAgc          = rtl2832_GetIfAgc;
+	pDemod->GetDiAgc          = rtl2832_GetDiAgc;
+	pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm    = rtl2832_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz     = rtl2832_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pDemod->GetConstellation  = rtl2832_GetConstellation;
+	pDemod->GetHierarchy      = rtl2832_GetHierarchy;
+	pDemod->GetCodeRateLp     = rtl2832_GetCodeRateLp;
+	pDemod->GetCodeRateHp     = rtl2832_GetCodeRateHp;
+	pDemod->GetGuardInterval  = rtl2832_GetGuardInterval;
+	pDemod->GetFftMode        = rtl2832_GetFftMode;
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction    = rtl2832_UpdateFunction;
+	pDemod->ResetFunction     = rtl2832_ResetFunction;
+	// Initialize demod extra module variables.
+	pExtra->AppMode = AppMode;
+	// Initialize demod Function 1 variables.
+	pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_NORMAL;
+	pExtra->IsFunc1Enabled = IsFunc1Enabled;
+	pExtra->Func1WaitTimeMax        = DivideWithCeiling(RTL2832_FUNC1_WAIT_TIME_MS, UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs);
+	pExtra->Func1GettingTimeMax     = DivideWithCeiling(RTL2832_FUNC1_GETTING_TIME_MS, UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs);
+	pExtra->Func1GettingNumEachTime = DivideWithCeiling(RTL2832_FUNC1_GETTING_NUM_MIN, pExtra->Func1GettingTimeMax + 1);
+	pExtra->Func1QamBak  = 0xff;
+	pExtra->Func1HierBak = 0xff;
+	pExtra->Func1LpCrBak = 0xff;
+	pExtra->Func1HpCrBak = 0xff;
+	pExtra->Func1GiBak   = 0xff;
+	pExtra->Func1FftBak  = 0xff;
+	// Set demod extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->GetAppMode = rtl2832_GetAppMode;
+	return;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	unsigned char Nothing;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Send read command.
+	// Note: The number of reading bytes must be greater than 0.
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, pDemod->DeviceAddr, &Nothing, LEN_1_BYTE) == FUNCTION_ERROR)
+		goto error_status_i2c_read;
+	// Set I2cConnectionStatus with YES.
+	*pAnswer = YES;
+	return;
+	// Set I2cConnectionStatus with NO.
+	*pAnswer = NO;
+	return;
+	)
+	// Set SOFT_RST with 1. Then, set SOFT_RST with 0.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_SOFT_RST, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_SOFT_RST, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	)
+	// Initializing table entry only used in Initialize()
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long WritingValue;
+	}
+	// TS interface initializing table entry only used in Initialize()
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long WritingValue[TS_INTERFACE_MODE_NUM];
+	}
+	// Application initializing table entry only used in Initialize()
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long WritingValue[RTL2832_APPLICATION_MODE_NUM];
+	}
+	static const INIT_TABLE_ENTRY InitTable[RTL2832_INIT_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				WritingValue
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG1,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_RSD_BER_FAIL_VAL,		0x2800	},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD0,				0x10	},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD1,				0x20	},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD2,				0x20	},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD3,				0x40	},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD4,				0x22	},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD5,				0x32	},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD6,				0x37	},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD7,				0x39	},
+		{DVBT_EN_BK_TRK,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_EN_CACQ_NOTCH,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD_AV_REF,			0x2a	},
+		{DVBT_REG_PI,				0x6		},
+		{DVBT_PIP_ON,				0x0		},
+		{DVBT_CDIV_PH0,				0x8		},
+		{DVBT_CDIV_PH1,				0x8		},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_B92,			0x4		},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_B93,			0xb0	},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BA7,			0x78	},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BA9,			0x28	},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BAA,			0x59	},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BAB,			0x83	},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BAC,			0xd4	},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BB0,			0x65	},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BB1,			0x43	},
+		{DVBT_KB_P1,				0x1		},
+		{DVBT_KB_P2,				0x4		},
+		{DVBT_KB_P3,				0x7		},
+		{DVBT_K1_CR_STEP12,			0xa		},
+		{DVBT_REG_GPE,				0x1		},
+	};
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				WritingValue for {Parallel, Serial}
+		{DVBT_SERIAL,				{0x0,	0x1}},
+		{DVBT_CDIV_PH0,				{0x9,	0x1}},
+		{DVBT_CDIV_PH1,				{0x9,	0x2}},
+		{DVBT_MPEG_IO_OPT_2_2,		{0x0,	0x0}},
+		{DVBT_MPEG_IO_OPT_1_0,		{0x0,	0x1}},
+	};
+	static const APP_INIT_TABLE_ENTRY AppInitTable[RTL2832_APP_INIT_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				WritingValue for {Dongle, STB}
+		{DVBT_TRK_KS_P2,			{0x4,	0x4}},
+		{DVBT_TRK_KS_I2,			{0x7,	0x7}},
+		{DVBT_TR_THD_SET2,			{0x6,	0x6}},
+		{DVBT_TRK_KC_I2,			{0x5,	0x6}},
+		{DVBT_CR_THD_SET2,			{0x1,	0x1}},
+	};
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int i;
+	int TsInterfaceMode;
+	int AppMode;
+	// Get base interface and demod extra module.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Get TS interface mode.
+	TsInterfaceMode = pDemod->TsInterfaceMode;
+	// Get application mode.
+	pExtra->GetAppMode(pDemod, &AppMode);
+	// Initialize demod registers according to the initializing table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_INIT_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, InitTable[i].RegBitName, InitTable[i].WritingValue)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	// Initialize demod registers according to the TS interface initializing table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_TS_INTERFACE_INIT_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, TsInterfaceInitTable[i].RegBitName,
+			TsInterfaceInitTable[i].WritingValue[TsInterfaceMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	// Initialize demod registers according to the application initializing table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_APP_INIT_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, AppInitTable[i].RegBitName,
+			AppInitTable[i].WritingValue[AppMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	static const unsigned char HlpfxTable[DVBT_BANDWIDTH_MODE_NUM][RTL2832_H_LPF_X_LEN] =
+	{
+		// H_LPF_X writing value for 6 MHz bandwidth
+		{
+			0xf5,	0xff,	0x15,	0x38,	0x5d,	0x6d,	0x52,	0x07,	0xfa,	0x2f,
+			0x53,	0xf5,	0x3f,	0xca,	0x0b,	0x91,	0xea,	0x30,	0x63,	0xb2,
+			0x13,	0xda,	0x0b,	0xc4,	0x18,	0x7e,	0x16,	0x66,	0x08,	0x67,
+			0x19,	0xe0,
+		},
+		// H_LPF_X writing value for 7 MHz bandwidth
+		{
+			0xe7,	0xcc,	0xb5,	0xba,	0xe8,	0x2f,	0x67,	0x61,	0x00,	0xaf,
+			0x86,	0xf2,	0xbf,	0x59,	0x04,	0x11,	0xb6,	0x33,	0xa4,	0x30,
+			0x15,	0x10,	0x0a,	0x42,	0x18,	0xf8,	0x17,	0xd9,	0x07,	0x22,
+			0x19,	0x10,
+		},
+		// H_LPF_X writing value for 8 MHz bandwidth
+		{
+			0x09,	0xf6,	0xd2,	0xa7,	0x9a,	0xc9,	0x27,	0x77,	0x06,	0xbf,
+			0xec,	0xf4,	0x4f,	0x0b,	0xfc,	0x01,	0x63,	0x35,	0x54,	0xa7,
+			0x16,	0x66,	0x08,	0xb4,	0x19,	0x6e,	0x19,	0x65,	0x05,	0xc8,
+			0x19,	0xe0,
+		},
+	};
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	long ConstWithBandwidthMode;
+	MPI MpiCrystalFreqHz;
+	MPI MpiConst, MpiVar0, MpiVar1, MpiNone;
+	unsigned long RsampRatio;
+	long CfreqOffRatioInt;
+	unsigned long CfreqOffRatioBinary;
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz(pDemod, &CrystalFreqHz);
+	// Set H_LPF_X registers with HlpfxTable according to BandwidthMode.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, RTL2832_H_LPF_X_PAGE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBytes(pDemod, RTL2832_H_LPF_X_ADDR, HlpfxTable[BandwidthMode], RTL2832_H_LPF_X_LEN) !=
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Determine constant value with bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:	ConstWithBandwidthMode = 48000000;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:	ConstWithBandwidthMode = 56000000;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:	ConstWithBandwidthMode = 64000000;		break;
+	}
+	// Calculate RSAMP_RATIO value.
+	// Note: RSAMP_RATIO = floor(CrystalFreqHz * 7 * pow(2, 22) / ConstWithBandwidthMode)
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCrystalFreqHz, CrystalFreqHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiVar1,          ConstWithBandwidthMode);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst,         7);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar0, MpiCrystalFreqHz, MpiConst);
+	MpiLeftShift(&MpiVar0, MpiVar0, 22);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar0, &MpiNone, MpiVar0, MpiVar1);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar0, (long *)&RsampRatio);
+	// Set RSAMP_RATIO with calculated value.
+	// Note: Use SetRegBitsWithPage() to set register bits with page setting.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSAMP_RATIO, RsampRatio) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Calculate CFREQ_OFF_RATIO value.
+	// Note: CFREQ_OFF_RATIO = - floor(ConstWithBandwidthMode * pow(2, 20) / (CrystalFreqHz * 7))
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCrystalFreqHz, CrystalFreqHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiVar0,          ConstWithBandwidthMode);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst,         7);
+	MpiLeftShift(&MpiVar0, MpiVar0, 20);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar1, MpiCrystalFreqHz, MpiConst);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar0, &MpiNone, MpiVar0, MpiVar1);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar0, &CfreqOffRatioInt);
+	CfreqOffRatioInt = - CfreqOffRatioInt;
+	CfreqOffRatioBinary = SignedIntToBin(CfreqOffRatioInt, RTL2832_CFREQ_OFF_RATIO_BIT_NUM);
+	// Set CFREQ_OFF_RATIO with calculated value.
+	// Note: Use SetRegBitsWithPage() to set register bits with page setting.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_CFREQ_OFF_RATIO, CfreqOffRatioBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode parameter.
+	pDemod->BandwidthMode      = BandwidthMode;
+	pDemod->IsBandwidthModeSet = YES;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	)
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	unsigned long EnBbin;
+	MPI MpiCrystalFreqHz, MpiVar, MpiNone;
+	long PsetIffreqInt;
+	unsigned long PsetIffreqBinary;
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz(pDemod, &CrystalFreqHz);
+	// Determine and set EN_BBIN value.
+	EnBbin = (IfFreqHz == IF_FREQ_0HZ) ? 0x1 : 0x0;
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_EN_BBIN, EnBbin) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Calculate PSET_IFFREQ value.
+	// Note: PSET_IFFREQ = - floor((IfFreqHz % CrystalFreqHz) * pow(2, 22) / CrystalFreqHz)
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCrystalFreqHz, CrystalFreqHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiVar, (IfFreqHz % CrystalFreqHz));
+	MpiLeftShift(&MpiVar, MpiVar, RTL2832_PSET_IFFREQ_BIT_NUM);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar, &MpiNone, MpiVar, MpiCrystalFreqHz);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar, &PsetIffreqInt);
+	PsetIffreqInt = - PsetIffreqInt;
+	PsetIffreqBinary = SignedIntToBin(PsetIffreqInt, RTL2832_PSET_IFFREQ_BIT_NUM);
+	// Set PSET_IFFREQ with calculated value.
+	// Note: Use SetRegBitsWithPage() to set register bits with page setting.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_PSET_IFFREQ, PsetIffreqBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod IF frequnecy parameter.
+	pDemod->IfFreqHz      = IfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	int SpectrumMode
+	)
+	unsigned long SpecInv;
+	// Determine SpecInv according to spectrum mode.
+	switch(SpectrumMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case SPECTRUM_NORMAL:		SpecInv = 0;		break;
+		case SPECTRUM_INVERSE:		SpecInv = 1;		break;
+	}
+	// Set SPEC_INV with SpecInv.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_SPEC_INV, SpecInv) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode parameter.
+	pDemod->SpectrumMode      = SpectrumMode;
+	pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet = YES;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	unsigned long FsmStage;
+	// Get FSM stage from FSM_STAGE.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_FSM_STAGE, &FsmStage) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Determine answer according to FSM stage.
+	if(FsmStage > 9)
+		*pAnswer = YES;
+	else
+		*pAnswer = NO;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	unsigned long FsmStage;
+	// Get FSM stage from FSM_STAGE.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_FSM_STAGE, &FsmStage) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Determine answer according to FSM stage.
+	if(FsmStage == 11)
+		*pAnswer = YES;
+	else
+		*pAnswer = NO;
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	)
+	unsigned long FsmStage;
+	long IfAgc;
+	// Get FSM stage and IF AGC value.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_FSM_STAGE, &FsmStage) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->GetIfAgc(pDemod, &IfAgc) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	//  Determine signal strength according to FSM stage and IF AGC value.
+	if(FsmStage < 10)
+		*pSignalStrength = 0;
+	else
+		*pSignalStrength = 55 - IfAgc / 182;
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	)
+	unsigned long FsmStage, RsdBerEst;
+	MPI MpiVar;
+	long Var;
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_FSM_STAGE, &FsmStage) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSD_BER_EST, &RsdBerEst) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// If demod is not signal-locked, set signal quality with zero.
+	if(FsmStage < 10)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 0;
+		goto success_status_non_signal_lock;
+	}
+	// Determine signal quality according to RSD_BER_EST.
+	// Note: Map RSD_BER_EST value 8192 ~ 128 to 10 ~ 100
+	//       Original formula: SignalQuality = 205 - 15 * log2(RSD_BER_EST)
+	//       Adjusted formula: SignalQuality = ((205 << 5) - 15 * (log2(RSD_BER_EST) << 5)) >> 5
+	//       If RSD_BER_EST > 8192, signal quality is 10.
+	//       If RSD_BER_EST < 128, signal quality is 100.
+	if(RsdBerEst > 8192)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 10;
+	}
+	else if(RsdBerEst < 128)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 100;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		MpiSetValue(&MpiVar, RsdBerEst);
+		MpiLog2(&MpiVar, MpiVar, RTL2832_SQ_FRAC_BIT_NUM);
+		MpiGetValue(MpiVar, &Var);
+		*pSignalQuality = ((205 << RTL2832_SQ_FRAC_BIT_NUM) - 15 * Var) >> RTL2832_SQ_FRAC_BIT_NUM;
+	}
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	)
+	unsigned long RsdBerEst;
+	// Get RSD_BER_EST.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSD_BER_EST, &RsdBerEst) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Set BER numerator according to RSD_BER_EST.
+	*pBerNum = RsdBerEst;
+	// Set BER denominator.
+	*pBerDen = RTL2832_BER_DEN_VALUE;
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	)
+	unsigned long FsmStage;
+	unsigned long CeEstEvm;
+	int Constellation, Hierarchy;
+	{
+		{122880,	122880,		122880,		122880,		},
+		{146657,	146657,		156897,		171013,		},
+		{167857,	167857,		173127,		181810,		},
+	};
+	long Var;
+	MPI MpiCeEstEvm, MpiVar;
+	// Get FSM stage, CE_EST_EVM, constellation, and hierarchy.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_FSM_STAGE, &FsmStage) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_CE_EST_EVM, &CeEstEvm) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->GetConstellation(pDemod, &Constellation) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->GetHierarchy(pDemod, &Hierarchy) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// SNR dB formula
+	// Original formula: SNR_dB = 10 * log10(Norm * pow(2, 11) / CeEstEvm)
+	// Adjusted formula: SNR_dB = (SNR_DB_NUM_CONST - 10 * log2(CeEstEvm) * pow(2, SNR_FRAC_BIT_NUM)) / SNR_DB_DEN
+	//                   SNR_DB_NUM_CONST = 10 * log2(Norm * pow(2, 11)) * pow(2, SNR_FRAC_BIT_NUM)
+	//                   SNR_DB_DEN       = log2(10) * pow(2, SNR_FRAC_BIT_NUM)
+	// Norm:
+	//	                 None      Alpha=1   Alpha=2   Alpha=4
+	//        4-QAM      2         2         2         2
+	//       16-QAM      10        10        20        52
+	//       64-QAM      42        42        60        108
+	// If FSM stage < 10, set CE_EST_EVM with max value.
+	if(FsmStage < 10)
+	// Calculate SNR dB numerator.
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCeEstEvm, CeEstEvm);
+	MpiLog2(&MpiVar, MpiCeEstEvm, RTL2832_SNR_FRAC_BIT_NUM);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar, &Var);
+	*pSnrDbNum = SnrDbNumConst[Constellation][Hierarchy] - 10 * Var;
+	// Set SNR dB denominator.
+	*pSnrDbDen = RTL2832_SNR_DB_DEN;
+	long *pRfAgc
+	)
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get RF_AGC_VAL to Value.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RF_AGC_VAL, &Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Convert Value to signed integer and store the signed integer to RfAgc.
+	*pRfAgc = (int)BinToSignedInt(Value, RTL2832_RF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM);
+	long *pIfAgc
+	)
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get IF_AGC_VAL to Value.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IF_AGC_VAL, &Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Convert Value to signed integer and store the signed integer to IfAgc.
+	*pIfAgc = (int)BinToSignedInt(Value, RTL2832_IF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM);
+	unsigned char *pDiAgc
+	)
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get DAGC_VAL to DiAgc.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_DAGC_VAL, &Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	*pDiAgc = (unsigned char)Value;
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	)
+	unsigned long SfreqOffBinary;
+	long SfreqOffInt;
+	MPI MpiSfreqOffInt;
+	MPI MpiConst, MpiVar;
+	// Get SfreqOff binary value from SFREQ_OFF register bits.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_SFREQ_OFF, &SfreqOffBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Convert SfreqOff binary value to signed integer.
+	SfreqOffInt = BinToSignedInt(SfreqOffBinary, RTL2832_SFREQ_OFF_BIT_NUM);
+	// Get TR offset in ppm.
+	// Note: Original formula:   TrOffsetPpm = (SfreqOffInt * 1000000) / pow(2, 24)
+	//       Adjusted formula:   TrOffsetPpm = (SfreqOffInt * 1000000) >> 24
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiSfreqOffInt, SfreqOffInt);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst,       1000000);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar, MpiSfreqOffInt, MpiConst);
+	MpiRightShift(&MpiVar, MpiVar, 24);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar, pTrOffsetPpm);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	)
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int FftMode;
+	unsigned long CfreqOffBinary;
+	long CfreqOffInt;
+	long ConstWithBandwidthMode, ConstWithFftMode;
+	MPI MpiCfreqOffInt;
+	MPI MpiConstWithBandwidthMode, MpiConstWithFftMode;
+	MPI MpiConst, MpiVar0, MpiVar1, MpiNone;
+	// Get demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetBandwidthMode(pDemod, &BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_bandwidth_mode;
+	// Get demod FFT mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetFftMode(pDemod, &FftMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Get CfreqOff binary value from CFREQ_OFF register bits.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_CFREQ_OFF, &CfreqOffBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Convert CfreqOff binary value to signed integer.
+	CfreqOffInt = BinToSignedInt(CfreqOffBinary, RTL2832_CFREQ_OFF_BIT_NUM);
+	// Determine constant value with bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:	ConstWithBandwidthMode = 48000000;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:	ConstWithBandwidthMode = 56000000;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:	ConstWithBandwidthMode = 64000000;		break;
+	}
+	// Determine constant value with FFT mode.
+	switch(FftMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_FFT_MODE_2K:		ConstWithFftMode = 2048;		break;
+		case DVBT_FFT_MODE_8K:		ConstWithFftMode = 8192;		break;
+	}
+	// Get Cr offset in Hz.
+	// Note: Original formula:   CrOffsetHz = (CfreqOffInt * ConstWithBandwidthMode) / (ConstWithFftMode * 7 * 128)
+	//       Adjusted formula:   CrOffsetHz = (CfreqOffInt * ConstWithBandwidthMode) / ((ConstWithFftMode * 7) << 7)
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCfreqOffInt,            CfreqOffInt);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConstWithBandwidthMode, ConstWithBandwidthMode);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConstWithFftMode,       ConstWithFftMode);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst,                  7);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar0, MpiCfreqOffInt, MpiConstWithBandwidthMode);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar1, MpiConstWithFftMode, MpiConst);
+	MpiLeftShift(&MpiVar1, MpiVar1, 7);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar0, &MpiNone, MpiVar0, MpiVar1);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar0, pCrOffsetHz);
+	int *pConstellation
+	)
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Get TPS constellation information from RX_CONSTEL.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RX_CONSTEL, &ReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(ReadingValue)
+	{
+		default:
+		case 0:		*pConstellation = DVBT_CONSTELLATION_QPSK;			break;
+		case 1:		*pConstellation = DVBT_CONSTELLATION_16QAM;			break;
+		case 2:		*pConstellation = DVBT_CONSTELLATION_64QAM;			break;
+	}
+	int *pHierarchy
+	)
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Get TPS hierarchy infromation from RX_HIER.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RX_HIER, &ReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(ReadingValue)
+	{
+		default:
+		case 0:		*pHierarchy = DVBT_HIERARCHY_NONE;				break;
+		case 1:		*pHierarchy = DVBT_HIERARCHY_ALPHA_1;			break;
+		case 2:		*pHierarchy = DVBT_HIERARCHY_ALPHA_2;			break;
+		case 3:		*pHierarchy = DVBT_HIERARCHY_ALPHA_4;			break;
+	}
+	int *pCodeRateLp
+	)
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Get TPS low-priority code rate infromation from RX_C_RATE_LP.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RX_C_RATE_LP, &ReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(ReadingValue)
+	{
+		default:
+		case 0:		*pCodeRateLp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_1_OVER_2;			break;
+		case 1:		*pCodeRateLp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_2_OVER_3;			break;
+		case 2:		*pCodeRateLp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_3_OVER_4;			break;
+		case 3:		*pCodeRateLp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_5_OVER_6;			break;
+		case 4:		*pCodeRateLp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_7_OVER_8;			break;
+	}
+	int *pCodeRateHp
+	)
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Get TPS high-priority code rate infromation from RX_C_RATE_HP.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RX_C_RATE_HP, &ReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(ReadingValue)
+	{
+		default:
+		case 0:		*pCodeRateHp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_1_OVER_2;			break;
+		case 1:		*pCodeRateHp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_2_OVER_3;			break;
+		case 2:		*pCodeRateHp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_3_OVER_4;			break;
+		case 3:		*pCodeRateHp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_5_OVER_6;			break;
+		case 4:		*pCodeRateHp = DVBT_CODE_RATE_7_OVER_8;			break;
+	}
+	int *pGuardInterval
+	)
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Get TPS guard interval infromation from GI_IDX.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_GI_IDX, &ReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(ReadingValue)
+	{
+		default:
+		case 0:		*pGuardInterval = DVBT_GUARD_INTERVAL_1_OVER_32;			break;
+		case 1:		*pGuardInterval = DVBT_GUARD_INTERVAL_1_OVER_16;			break;
+		case 2:		*pGuardInterval = DVBT_GUARD_INTERVAL_1_OVER_8;				break;
+		case 3:		*pGuardInterval = DVBT_GUARD_INTERVAL_1_OVER_4;				break;
+	}
+	int *pFftMode
+	)
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Get TPS FFT mode infromation from FFT_MODE_IDX.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_FFT_MODE_IDX, &ReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(ReadingValue)
+	{
+		default:
+		case 0:		*pFftMode = DVBT_FFT_MODE_2K;			break;
+		case 1:		*pFftMode = DVBT_FFT_MODE_8K;			break;
+	}
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Execute Function 1 according to Function 1 enabling status
+	if(pExtra->IsFunc1Enabled == YES)
+	{
+		if(rtl2832_func1_Update(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+	}
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Reset Function 1 settings according to Function 1 enabling status.
+	if(pExtra->IsFunc1Enabled == YES)
+	{
+		if(rtl2832_func1_Reset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+	}
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *)pI2cBridge->pPrivateData;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Send I2C reading command.
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_send_i2c_reading_command;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *)pI2cBridge->pPrivateData;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Send I2C writing command.
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, pWritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_send_i2c_writing_command;
+@brief   Initialize RTL2832 register table.
+Use rtl2832_InitRegTable() to initialize RTL2832 register table.
+@param [in]   pDemod   RTL2832 demod module pointer
+	-# The rtl2832_InitRegTable() function will be called by BuildRtl2832Module().
+	)
+	static const DVBT_PRIMARY_REG_ENTRY PrimaryRegTable[RTL2832_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Software reset register
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_SOFT_RST,						0x1,		0x1,			2,		2},
+		// Tuner I2C forwording register
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_IIC_REPEAT,					0x1,		0x1,			3,		3},
+		// Registers for initialization
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_TR_WAIT_MIN_8K,				0x1,		0x88,			11,		2},
+		{DVBT_RSD_BER_FAIL_VAL,				0x1,		0x8f,			15,		0},
+		{DVBT_EN_BK_TRK,					0x1,		0xa6,			7,		7},
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG,					0x0,		0x8,			7,		7},
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG1,					0x0,		0x8,			6,		6},
+		{DVBT_EN_BBIN,						0x1,		0xb1,			0,		0},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD0,						0x1,		0x95,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD1,						0x1,		0x96,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD2,						0x1,		0x97,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD3,						0x1,		0x98,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD4,						0x1,		0x99,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD5,						0x1,		0x9a,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD6,						0x1,		0x9b,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_MGD_THD7,						0x1,		0x9c,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_EN_CACQ_NOTCH,				0x1,		0x61,			4,		4},
+		{DVBT_AD_AV_REF,					0x0,		0x9,			6,		0},
+		{DVBT_REG_PI,						0x0,		0xa,			2,		0},
+		{DVBT_PIP_ON,						0x0,		0x21,			3,		3},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_B92,					0x2,		0x92,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_B93,					0x2,		0x93,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BA7,					0x2,		0xa7,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BA9,					0x2,		0xa9,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BAA,					0x2,		0xaa,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BAB,					0x2,		0xab,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BAC,					0x2,		0xac,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BB0,					0x2,		0xb0,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_SCALE1_BB1,					0x2,		0xb1,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_KB_P1,						0x1,		0x64,			3,		1},
+		{DVBT_KB_P2,						0x1,		0x64,			6,		4},
+		{DVBT_KB_P3,						0x1,		0x65,			2,		0},
+		{DVBT_OPT_ADC_IQ,					0x0,		0x6,			5,		4},
+		{DVBT_AD_AVI,						0x0,		0x9,			1,		0},
+		{DVBT_AD_AVQ,						0x0,		0x9,			3,		2},
+		{DVBT_K1_CR_STEP12,					0x2,		0xad,			9,		4},
+		// Registers for initialization according to mode
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_TRK_KS_P2,					0x1,		0x6f,			2,		0},
+		{DVBT_TRK_KS_I2,					0x1,		0x70,			5,		3},
+		{DVBT_TR_THD_SET2,					0x1,		0x72,			3,		0},
+		{DVBT_TRK_KC_P2,					0x1,		0x73,			5,		3},
+		{DVBT_TRK_KC_I2,					0x1,		0x75,			2,		0},
+		{DVBT_CR_THD_SET2,					0x1,		0x76,			7,		6},
+		// Registers for IF setting
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_PSET_IFFREQ,					0x1,		0x19,			21,		0},
+		{DVBT_SPEC_INV,						0x1,		0x15,			0,		0},
+		// Registers for bandwidth programming
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_RSAMP_RATIO,					0x1,		0x9f,			27,		2},
+		{DVBT_CFREQ_OFF_RATIO,				0x1,		0x9d,			23,		4},
+		// FSM stage register
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_FSM_STAGE,					0x3,		0x51,			6,		3},
+		// TPS content registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_RX_CONSTEL,					0x3,		0x3c,			3,		2},
+		{DVBT_RX_HIER,						0x3,		0x3c,			6,		4},
+		{DVBT_RX_C_RATE_LP,					0x3,		0x3d,			2,		0},
+		{DVBT_RX_C_RATE_HP,					0x3,		0x3d,			5,		3},
+		{DVBT_GI_IDX,						0x3,		0x51,			1,		0},
+		{DVBT_FFT_MODE_IDX,					0x3,		0x51,			2,		2},
+		// Performance measurement registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_RSD_BER_EST,					0x3,		0x4e,			15,		0},
+		{DVBT_CE_EST_EVM,					0x4,		0xc,			15,		0},
+		// AGC registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_VAL,					0x3,		0x5b,			13,		0},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_VAL,					0x3,		0x59,			13,		0},
+		{DVBT_DAGC_VAL,						0x3,		0x5,			7,		0},
+		// TR offset and CR offset registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_SFREQ_OFF,					0x3,		0x18,			13,		0},
+		{DVBT_CFREQ_OFF,					0x3,		0x5f,			17,		0},
+		// AGC relative registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,					0x0,		0xe,			1,		1},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,					0x0,		0xe,			0,		0},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_HOLD,					0x1,		0x4,			5,		5},
+		{DVBT_EN_RF_AGC,					0x1,		0x4,			6,		6},
+		{DVBT_EN_IF_AGC,					0x1,		0x4,			7,		7},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,					0x1,		0x8,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,					0x1,		0x9,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,					0x1,		0xa,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,					0x1,		0xb,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAN,					0x1,		0xc,			6,		6},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAN_VAL,				0x1,		0xc,			13,		0},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAN,					0x1,		0xe,			6,		6},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAN_VAL,				0x1,		0xe,			13,		0},
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,					0x1,		0x12,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,				0x1,		0x2,			0,		0},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,				0x1,		0x3,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,				0x1,		0xc7,			5,		1},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,				0x1,		0x4,			4,		1},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,					0x1,		0x5,			7,		7},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,					0x1,		0xc8,			4,		0},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,						0x1,		0x6,			5,		0},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,						0x1,		0xc9,			5,		0},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,						0x1,		0xca,			5,		0},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,							0x1,		0xcb,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,							0x1,		0x7,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,							0x1,		0xcd,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,							0x1,		0xce,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_EN_GI_PGA,					0x1,		0xe5,			0,		0},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_UP,					0x1,		0xd9,			8,		0},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_DW,					0x1,		0xdb,			8,		0},
+		{DVBT_THD_UP1,						0x1,		0xdd,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_THD_DW1,						0x1,		0xde,			7,		0},
+		{DVBT_INTER_CNT_LEN,				0x1,		0xd8,			3,		0},
+		{DVBT_GI_PGA_STATE,					0x1,		0xe6,			3,		3},
+		{DVBT_EN_AGC_PGA,					0x1,		0xd7,			0,		0},
+		// TS interface registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_CKOUTPAR,						0x1,		0x7b,			5,		5},
+		{DVBT_CKOUT_PWR,					0x1,		0x7b,			6,		6},
+		{DVBT_SYNC_DUR,						0x1,		0x7b,			7,		7},
+		{DVBT_ERR_DUR,						0x1,		0x7c,			0,		0},
+		{DVBT_SYNC_LVL,						0x1,		0x7c,			1,		1},
+		{DVBT_ERR_LVL,						0x1,		0x7c,			2,		2},
+		{DVBT_VAL_LVL,						0x1,		0x7c,			3,		3},
+		{DVBT_SERIAL,						0x1,		0x7c,			4,		4},
+		{DVBT_SER_LSB,						0x1,		0x7c,			5,		5},
+		{DVBT_CDIV_PH0,						0x1,		0x7d,			3,		0},
+		{DVBT_CDIV_PH1,						0x1,		0x7d,			7,		4},
+		{DVBT_MPEG_IO_OPT_2_2,				0x0,		0x6,			7,		7},
+		{DVBT_MPEG_IO_OPT_1_0,				0x0,		0x7,			7,		6},
+		{DVBT_CKOUTPAR_PIP,					0x0,		0xb7,			4,		4},
+		{DVBT_CKOUT_PWR_PIP,				0x0,		0xb7,			3,		3},
+		{DVBT_SYNC_LVL_PIP,					0x0,		0xb7,			2,		2},
+		{DVBT_ERR_LVL_PIP,					0x0,		0xb7,			1,		1},
+		{DVBT_VAL_LVL_PIP,					0x0,		0xb7,			0,		0},
+		{DVBT_CKOUTPAR_PID,					0x0,		0xb9,			4,		4},
+		{DVBT_CKOUT_PWR_PID,				0x0,		0xb9,			3,		3},
+		{DVBT_SYNC_LVL_PID,					0x0,		0xb9,			2,		2},
+		{DVBT_ERR_LVL_PID,					0x0,		0xb9,			1,		1},
+		{DVBT_VAL_LVL_PID,					0x0,		0xb9,			0,		0},
+		// FSM state-holding register
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_SM_PASS,						0x1,		0x93,			11,		0},
+		// AD7 registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,					0x0,		0x11,			15,		0},
+		{DVBT_RSSI_R,						0x3,		0x1,			6,		0},
+		// ACI detection registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_ACI_DET_IND,					0x3,		0x12,			0,		0},
+		// Clock output registers
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DVBT_REG_MON,						0x0,		0xd,			1,		0},
+		{DVBT_REG_MONSEL,					0x0,		0xd,			2,		2},
+		{DVBT_REG_GPE,						0x0,		0xd,			7,		7},
+		{DVBT_REG_GPO,						0x0,		0x10,			0,		0},
+		{DVBT_REG_4MSEL,					0x0,		0x13,			0,		0},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	// Initialize register table according to primary register table.
+	// Note: 1. Register table rows are sorted by register bit name key.
+	//       2. The default value of the IsAvailable variable is "NO".
+	for(i = 0; i < DVBT_REG_TABLE_LEN_MAX; i++)
+		pDemod->RegTable[i].IsAvailable  = NO;
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		RegBitName = PrimaryRegTable[i].RegBitName;
+		pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].IsAvailable  = YES;
+		pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].PageNo       = PrimaryRegTable[i].PageNo;
+		pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].RegStartAddr = PrimaryRegTable[i].RegStartAddr;
+		pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].Msb          = PrimaryRegTable[i].Msb;
+		pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].Lsb          = PrimaryRegTable[i].Lsb;
+	}
+	return;
+@brief   Set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+RTL2832 builder will use rtl2832_BuildI2cBridgeModule() to set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@see   BuildRtl2832Module()
+	)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	// Get I2C bridge module.
+	pI2cBridge = pDemod->pI2cBridge;
+	// Set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+	pI2cBridge->pPrivateData = (void *)pDemod;
+	pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd = rtl2832_ForwardI2cReadingCmd;
+	pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd = rtl2832_ForwardI2cWritingCmd;
+	return;
+@see   RTL2832_FP_GET_APP_MODE
+	int *pAppMode
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Get demod type from demod module.
+	*pAppMode = pExtra->AppMode;
+	return;
+@brief   Reset Function 1 variables and registers.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_Reset() to reset Function 1 variables and registers.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset Function 1 variables and registers successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset Function 1 variables and registers unsuccessfully.
+	-# Need to execute Function 1 reset function when change tuner RF frequency or demod parameters.
+	-# Function 1 update flow also employs Function 1 reset function.
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Reset demod Function 1 variables.
+	pExtra->Func1State               = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_NORMAL;
+	pExtra->Func1WaitTime            = 0;
+	pExtra->Func1GettingTime         = 0;
+	pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumNormal  = 0;
+	pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig1 = 0;
+	pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig2 = 0;
+	pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig3 = 0;
+	// Reset demod Function 1 registers.
+    if(rtl2832_func1_ResetReg(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+@brief   Update demod registers with Function 1.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_Update() to update demod registers with Function 1.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update demod registers with Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update demod registers with Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int Answer;
+	int MinWeightedBerConfigMode;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Run FSM.
+	switch(pExtra->Func1State)
+	{
+			// Ask if criterion is matched.
+			if(rtl2832_func1_IsCriterionMatched(pDemod, &Answer) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			if(Answer == YES)
+			{
+				// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for normal case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst(pDemod, &pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumNormal) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset getting time counter.
+				pExtra->Func1GettingTime = 0;
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_NORMAL_GET_BER state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_NORMAL_GET_BER;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for normal case.
+			if(rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst(pDemod, &pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumNormal) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			// Use getting time counter to hold RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_NORMAL_GET_BER state several times.
+			pExtra->Func1GettingTime += 1;
+			if(pExtra->Func1GettingTime >= pExtra->Func1GettingTimeMax)
+			{
+				// Set common registers for configuration 1, 2, and 3 case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_SetCommonReg(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Set registers with FFT mode for configuration 1, 2, and 3 case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_SetRegWithFftMode(pDemod, pExtra->Func1FftBak) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Set registers for configuration 1 case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_SetRegWithConfigMode(pDemod, RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset demod by software reset.
+				if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset wait time counter.
+				pExtra->Func1WaitTime = 0;
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_1_WAIT state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_1_WAIT;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Use wait time counter to hold RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_1_WAIT state several times.
+			pExtra->Func1WaitTime += 1;
+			if(pExtra->Func1WaitTime >= pExtra->Func1WaitTimeMax)
+			{
+				// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for configuration 1 case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst(pDemod, &pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset getting time counter.
+				pExtra->Func1GettingTime = 0;
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_1_GET_BER state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_1_GET_BER;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for configuration 1 case.
+			if(rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst(pDemod, &pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			// Use getting time counter to hold RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_1_GET_BER state several times.
+			pExtra->Func1GettingTime += 1;
+			if(pExtra->Func1GettingTime >= pExtra->Func1GettingTimeMax)
+			{
+				// Set registers for configuration 2 case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_SetRegWithConfigMode(pDemod, RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset demod by software reset.
+				if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset wait time counter.
+				pExtra->Func1WaitTime = 0;
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_2_WAIT state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_2_WAIT;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Use wait time counter to hold RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_2_WAIT state several times.
+			pExtra->Func1WaitTime += 1;
+			if(pExtra->Func1WaitTime >= pExtra->Func1WaitTimeMax)
+			{
+				// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for configuration 2 case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst(pDemod, &pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset getting time counter.
+				pExtra->Func1GettingTime = 0;
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_2_GET_BER state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_2_GET_BER;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for configuration 2 case.
+			if(rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst(pDemod, &pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			// Use getting time counter to hold RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_2_GET_BER state several times.
+			pExtra->Func1GettingTime += 1;
+			if(pExtra->Func1GettingTime >= pExtra->Func1GettingTimeMax)
+			{
+				// Set registers for configuration 3 case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_SetRegWithConfigMode(pDemod, RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_3) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset demod by software reset.
+				if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset wait time counter.
+				pExtra->Func1WaitTime = 0;
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_3_WAIT state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_3_WAIT;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Use wait time counter to hold RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_3_WAIT state several times.
+			pExtra->Func1WaitTime += 1;
+			if(pExtra->Func1WaitTime >= pExtra->Func1WaitTimeMax)
+			{
+				// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for configuration 3 case.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst(pDemod, &pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig3) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset getting time counter.
+				pExtra->Func1GettingTime = 0;
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_3_GET_BER state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_3_GET_BER;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for configuration 3 case.
+			if(rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst(pDemod, &pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig3) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			// Use getting time counter to hold RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_3_GET_BER state several times.
+			pExtra->Func1GettingTime += 1;
+			if(pExtra->Func1GettingTime >= pExtra->Func1GettingTimeMax)
+			{
+				// Determine minimum-weighted-BER configuration mode.
+				rtl2832_func1_GetMinWeightedBerConfigMode(pDemod, &MinWeightedBerConfigMode);
+				// Set registers with minimum-weighted-BER configuration mode.
+				switch(MinWeightedBerConfigMode)
+				{
+					case RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_NORMAL:
+						// Reset registers for normal configuration.
+						if(rtl2832_func1_ResetReg(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+							goto error_status_execute_function;
+						break;
+					case RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_1:
+					case RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_2:
+					case RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_3:
+						// Set registers for minimum-weighted-BER configuration.
+						if(rtl2832_func1_SetRegWithConfigMode(pDemod, MinWeightedBerConfigMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+							goto error_status_execute_function;
+						break;
+					default:
+						// Get error configuration mode, reset registers.
+						if(rtl2832_func1_ResetReg(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+							goto error_status_execute_function;
+						break;
+				}
+				// Reset demod by software reset.
+				if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+				// Reset wait time counter.
+				pExtra->Func1WaitTime = 0;
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_DETERMINED_WAIT state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_DETERMINED_WAIT;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Use wait time counter to hold RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_CONFIG_3_WAIT state several times.
+			pExtra->Func1WaitTime += 1;
+			if(pExtra->Func1WaitTime >= pExtra->Func1WaitTimeMax)
+			{
+				// Go to RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_DETERMINED state.
+				pExtra->Func1State = RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_DETERMINED;
+			}
+			break;
+			// Ask if criterion is matched.
+			if(rtl2832_func1_IsCriterionMatched(pDemod, &Answer) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			if(Answer == NO)
+			{
+				// Reset FSM.
+				// Note: rtl2832_func1_Reset() will set FSM state with RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_NORMAL.
+				if(rtl2832_func1_Reset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_execute_function;
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			// Get error state, reset FSM.
+			// Note: rtl2832_func1_Reset() will set FSM state with RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE_NORMAL.
+			if(rtl2832_func1_Reset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			break;
+	}
+@brief   Ask if criterion is matched for Function 1.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_IsCriterionMatched() to ask if criterion is matched for Function 1.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Ask if criterion is matched for Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Ask if criterion is matched for Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long FsmStage;
+	int Qam;
+	int Hier;
+	int LpCr;
+	int HpCr;
+	int Gi;
+	int Fft;
+	unsigned long Reg0, Reg1;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Get FSM_STAGE.
+    if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_FSM_STAGE, &FsmStage) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Get QAM.
+	if(pDemod->GetConstellation(pDemod, &Qam) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get hierarchy.
+	if(pDemod->GetHierarchy(pDemod, &Hier) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get low-priority code rate.
+	if(pDemod->GetCodeRateLp(pDemod, &LpCr) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get high-priority code rate.
+	if(pDemod->GetCodeRateHp(pDemod, &HpCr) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get guard interval.
+	if(pDemod->GetGuardInterval(pDemod, &Gi) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get FFT mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetFftMode(pDemod, &Fft) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get REG_0 and REG_1.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x3) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x22, 0, 0, &Reg0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1a, 15, 3, &Reg1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Get bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetBandwidthMode(pDemod, &BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine criterion answer.
+	*pAnswer = 
+		(FsmStage == 11) && 
+		(Qam  == pExtra->Func1QamBak) &&
+		(Hier == pExtra->Func1HierBak) &&
+		(LpCr == pExtra->Func1LpCrBak) &&
+		(HpCr == pExtra->Func1HpCrBak) &&
+		(Gi   == pExtra->Func1GiBak) &&
+		(Fft  == pExtra->Func1FftBak) &&
+		(Reg0 == 0x1) &&
+		((BandwidthMode == DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ) &&
+		 ( ((Fft == DVBT_FFT_MODE_2K) && (Reg1 > 1424) && (Reg1 < 1440)) ||
+		   ((Fft == DVBT_FFT_MODE_8K) && (Reg1 > 5696) && (Reg1 < 5760))    ) );
+	// Backup TPS information.
+	pExtra->Func1QamBak  = Qam;
+	pExtra->Func1HierBak = Hier;
+	pExtra->Func1LpCrBak = LpCr;
+	pExtra->Func1HpCrBak = HpCr;
+	pExtra->Func1GiBak   = Gi;
+	pExtra->Func1FftBak  = Fft;
+@brief   Accumulate RSD_BER_EST value for Function 1.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_AccumulateRsdBerEst() to accumulate RSD_BER_EST for Function 1.
+@param [in]   pDemod               The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   pAccumulativeValue   Accumulative RSD_BER_EST value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Accumulate RSD_BER_EST for Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	unsigned long *pAccumulativeValue
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int i;
+	unsigned long RsdBerEst;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Get RSD_BER_EST with assigned times.
+	for(i = 0; i < pExtra->Func1GettingNumEachTime; i++)
+	{
+		// Get RSD_BER_EST.
+		if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSD_BER_EST, &RsdBerEst) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_registers;
+		// Accumulate RSD_BER_EST to accumulative value.
+		*pAccumulativeValue += RsdBerEst;
+	}
+@brief   Reset registers for Function 1.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_ResetReg() to reset registers for Function 1.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset registers for Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset registers for Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	)
+	// Reset Function 1 registers.
+    if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x65, 2, 0, 0x7) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x68, 5, 4, 0x3) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x5b, 2, 0, 0x5) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x5b, 5, 3, 0x5) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x5c, 2, 0, 0x5) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x5c, 5, 3, 0x5) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd0, 3, 2, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd1, 14, 0, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd3, 14, 0, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd5, 14, 0, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1, 0, 0, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xb4, 7, 6, 0x3) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd2, 1, 1, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xb5, 7, 7, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+@brief   Set common registers for Function 1.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_SetCommonReg() to set common registers for Function 1.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set common registers for Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set common registers for Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	)
+	// Set common registers for Function 1.
+    if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x65, 2, 0, 0x5) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x68, 5, 4, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd2, 1, 1, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xb5, 7, 7, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+@brief   Set registers with FFT mode for Function 1.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_SetRegWithConfigMode() to set registers with FFT mode for Function 1.
+@param [in]   pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   FftMode   FFT mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set registers with FFT mode for Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set registers with FFT mode for Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	int FftMode
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned long Reg0[DVBT_FFT_MODE_NUM];
+		unsigned long Reg1[DVBT_FFT_MODE_NUM];
+	}
+	static const FFT_REF_ENTRY FftRefTable =
+	{
+		// 2K mode,   8K mode
+		{0x0,         0x1    },
+		{0x3,         0x0    },
+	};
+	// Set registers with FFT mode for Function 1.
+    if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1, 0, 0, FftRefTable.Reg0[FftMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xb4, 7, 6, FftRefTable.Reg1[FftMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+@brief   Set registers with configuration mode for Function 1.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_SetRegWithConfigMode() to set registers with configuration mode for Function 1.
+@param [in]   pDemod       The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   ConfigMode   Configuration mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set registers with configuration mode for Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set registers with configuration mode for Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	-# This function can not set RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_NORMAL configuration mode.
+	int ConfigMode
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned long Reg0[RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM];
+		unsigned long Reg1[RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM];
+		unsigned long Reg2[RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM];
+		unsigned long Reg3[RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM];
+		unsigned long Reg4[RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM];
+		unsigned long Reg5Ref[RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM];
+		unsigned long Reg6Ref[RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM];
+		unsigned long Reg7Ref[RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM];
+	}
+	static const CONFIG_REF_ENTRY ConfigRefTable =
+	{
+		// Config 1,   Config 2,   Config 3
+		{0x5,          0x4,        0x5     },
+		{0x5,          0x4,        0x7     },
+		{0x5,          0x4,        0x7     },
+		{0x7,          0x6,        0x5     },
+		{0x3,          0x3,        0x2     },
+		{4437,         4437,       4325    },
+		{6000,         5500,       6500    },
+		{6552,         5800,       5850    },
+	};
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	static const unsigned long Const[DVBT_BANDWIDTH_MODE_NUM] =
+	{
+		// 6Mhz, 7Mhz, 8Mhz
+		48,      56,   64,
+	};
+	unsigned long Reg5, Reg6, Reg7;
+	// Get bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetBandwidthMode(pDemod, &BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Calculate REG_5, REG_6, and REG_7 with bandwidth mode and configuration mode.
+	Reg5 = (ConfigRefTable.Reg5Ref[ConfigMode] * 7 * 2048 * 8) / (1000 * Const[BandwidthMode]);
+	Reg6 = (ConfigRefTable.Reg6Ref[ConfigMode] * 7 * 2048 * 8) / (1000 * Const[BandwidthMode]);
+	Reg7 = (ConfigRefTable.Reg7Ref[ConfigMode] * 7 * 2048 * 8) / (1000 * Const[BandwidthMode]);
+	// Set registers with bandwidth mode and configuration mode.
+    if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x5b, 2, 0, ConfigRefTable.Reg0[ConfigMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x5b, 5, 3, ConfigRefTable.Reg1[ConfigMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x5c, 2, 0, ConfigRefTable.Reg2[ConfigMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x5c, 5, 3, ConfigRefTable.Reg3[ConfigMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd0, 3, 2, ConfigRefTable.Reg4[ConfigMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd1, 14, 0, Reg5) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd3, 14, 0, Reg6) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+    if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0xd5, 14, 0, Reg7) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+@brief   Get minimum-weighted-BER configuration mode for Function 1.
+One can use rtl2832_func1_GetMinWeightedBerConfigMode() to get minimum-weighted-BER configuration mode for Function 1.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pConfigMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing configuration mode answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get minimum-weighted-BER configuration mode for Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get minimum-weighted-BER configuration mode for Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	int *pConfigMode
+	)
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long WeightedBerNormal;
+	unsigned long WeightedBerConfig1;
+	unsigned long WeightedBerConfig2;
+	unsigned long WeightedBerConfig3;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2832);
+	// Calculate weighted BER for all configuration mode
+	WeightedBerNormal  = pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumNormal * 2;
+	WeightedBerConfig1 = pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig1;
+	WeightedBerConfig2 = pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig2;
+	WeightedBerConfig3 = pExtra->Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig3;
+	// Determine minimum-weighted-BER configuration mode.
+	if(WeightedBerNormal <= WeightedBerConfig1 &&
+		WeightedBerNormal <= WeightedBerConfig2 &&
+		WeightedBerNormal <= WeightedBerConfig3)
+	{
+		*pConfigMode = RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_NORMAL;
+	}
+	else if(WeightedBerConfig1 <= WeightedBerNormal &&
+		WeightedBerConfig1 <= WeightedBerConfig2 &&
+		WeightedBerConfig1 <= WeightedBerConfig3)
+	{
+		*pConfigMode = RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_1;
+	}
+	else if(WeightedBerConfig2 <= WeightedBerNormal &&
+		WeightedBerConfig2 <= WeightedBerConfig1 &&
+		WeightedBerConfig2 <= WeightedBerConfig3)
+	{
+		*pConfigMode = RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_2;
+	}
+	else if(WeightedBerConfig3 <= WeightedBerNormal &&
+		WeightedBerConfig3 <= WeightedBerConfig1 &&
+		WeightedBerConfig3 <= WeightedBerConfig2)
+	{
+		*pConfigMode = RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_3;
+	}
+	return;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2832.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2832.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2832.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2832.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.080066070 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#ifndef __DEMOD_RTL2832_H
+#define __DEMOD_RTL2832_H
+@brief   RTL2832 demod module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 demod through RTL2832 module.
+RTL2832 module is derived from DVB-T demod module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the DVB-T demod example in dvbt_demod_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE     DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pDemod,
+		&DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0x20,								// I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// Crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,			// Application mode is STB.
+		200,								// Update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES									// Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		);
+	// See the example for other DVB-T demod functions in dvbt_demod_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "dvbt_demod_base.h"
+extern int dvb_usb_rtl2832u_snrdb;
+// Definitions
+// Initializing
+#define RTL2832_INIT_TABLE_LEN						32
+#define RTL2832_APP_INIT_TABLE_LEN					5
+// Bandwidth setting
+#define RTL2832_H_LPF_X_PAGE		1
+#define RTL2832_H_LPF_X_ADDR		0x1c
+#define RTL2832_H_LPF_X_LEN			32
+#define RTL2832_RATIO_PAGE			1
+#define RTL2832_RATIO_ADDR			0x9d
+#define RTL2832_RATIO_LEN			6
+// Bandwidth setting
+#define RTL2832_CFREQ_OFF_RATIO_BIT_NUM		20
+// IF frequency setting
+#define RTL2832_PSET_IFFREQ_BIT_NUM		22
+// Signal quality
+#define RTL2832_SQ_FRAC_BIT_NUM			5
+// BER
+#define RTL2832_BER_DEN_VALUE				1000000
+// SNR
+#define RTL2832_CE_EST_EVM_MAX_VALUE		65535
+#define RTL2832_SNR_FRAC_BIT_NUM			10
+#define RTL2832_SNR_DB_DEN					3402
+// AGC
+#define RTL2832_RF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM		14
+#define RTL2832_IF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM		14
+// TR offset and CR offset
+#define RTL2832_SFREQ_OFF_BIT_NUM		14
+#define RTL2832_CFREQ_OFF_BIT_NUM		18
+// Register table length
+#define RTL2832_REG_TABLE_LEN			127
+// Function 1
+#define RTL2832_FUNC1_WAIT_TIME_MS			500
+#define RTL2832_FUNC1_GETTING_TIME_MS		200
+#define RTL2832_FUNC1_GETTING_NUM_MIN		20
+/// Demod application modes
+// Function 1
+#define RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_MODE_NUM		3
+#define RTL2832_FUNC1_CONFIG_NORMAL			-1
+enum RTL2832_FUNC1_STATE
+// Demod module builder
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *pDvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int TsInterfaceMode,
+	int AppMode,
+	unsigned long UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int IsFunc1Enabled
+	);
+// Manipulating functions
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	);
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+	int SpectrumMode
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	);
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+	long *pRfAgc
+	);
+	long *pIfAgc
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDiAgc
+	);
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+	int *pConstellation
+	);
+	int *pHierarchy
+	);
+	int *pCodeRateLp
+	);
+	int *pCodeRateHp
+	);
+	int *pGuardInterval
+	);
+	int *pFftMode
+	);
+	);
+	);
+// I2C command forwarding functions
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+// Register table initializing
+	);
+// I2C birdge module builder
+	);
+// RTL2832 extra functions
+	int *pAppMode
+	);
+// RTL2832 dependence
+	);
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	unsigned long *pAccumulativeValue
+	);
+	);
+	);
+	int FftMode
+	);
+	int ConfigMode
+	);
+	int *pConfigMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2836.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2836.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2836.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2836.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.084066057 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2049 @@
+@brief   RTL2836 demod module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2836 demod through RTL2836 module.
+RTL2836 module is derived from DTMB demod module.
+#include "demod_rtl2836.h"
+@brief   RTL2836 demod module builder
+Use BuildRtl2836Module() to build RTL2836 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding
+functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppDemod                      Pointer to RTL2836 demod module pointer
+@param [in]   pDtmbDemodModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated DTMB demod module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   RTL2836 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                RTL2836 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   TsInterfaceMode              RTL2836 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs        RTL2836 update function reference period in millisecond
+@param [in]   IsFunc1Enabled               RTL2836 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   IsFunc2Enabled               RTL2836 Function 2 enabling status for setting
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2836Module() to build RTL2836 module before using it.
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *pDtmbDemodModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int TsInterfaceMode,
+	unsigned long UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int IsFunc1Enabled,
+	int IsFunc2Enabled
+	)
+	RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set demod module pointer, 
+	*ppDemod = pDtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = *ppDemod;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pDemod->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pDemod->pI2cBridge     = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2836);
+	// Set demod type.
+	pDemod->DemodType = DTMB_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2836;
+	// Set demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Set demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->CrystalFreqHz = CrystalFreqHz;
+	// Set demod TS interface mode.
+	pDemod->TsInterfaceMode = TsInterfaceMode;
+	// Initialize demod parameter setting status
+	pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet      = NO;
+	pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet  = NO;
+	// Initialize demod register table.
+	rtl2836_InitRegTable(pDemod);
+	// Build I2C birdge module.
+	rtl2836_BuildI2cBridgeModule(pDemod);
+	// Set demod module I2C function pointers with 8-bit address default functions.
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage         = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegPage;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBytes        = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegBytes;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBytes        = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_GetRegBytes;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits     = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegMaskBits;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegMaskBits     = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_GetRegMaskBits;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits         = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegBits;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits         = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_GetRegBits;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegBitsWithPage;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage = dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_default_GetRegBitsWithPage;
+	// Set demod module manipulating function pointers with default functions.
+	pDemod->GetDemodType     = dtmb_demod_default_GetDemodType;
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr    = dtmb_demod_default_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz = dtmb_demod_default_GetCrystalFreqHz;
+	pDemod->GetIfFreqHz      = dtmb_demod_default_GetIfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->GetSpectrumMode  = dtmb_demod_default_GetSpectrumMode;
+	// Set demod module manipulating function pointers with particular functions.
+	pDemod->IsConnectedToI2c       = rtl2836_IsConnectedToI2c;
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset          = rtl2836_SoftwareReset;
+	pDemod->Initialize             = rtl2836_Initialize;
+	pDemod->SetIfFreqHz            = rtl2836_SetIfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->SetSpectrumMode        = rtl2836_SetSpectrumMode;
+	pDemod->IsSignalLocked         = rtl2836_IsSignalLocked;
+	pDemod->GetSignalStrength      = rtl2836_GetSignalStrength;
+	pDemod->GetSignalQuality       = rtl2836_GetSignalQuality;
+	pDemod->GetBer                 = rtl2836_GetBer;
+	pDemod->GetPer                 = rtl2836_GetPer;
+	pDemod->GetSnrDb               = rtl2836_GetSnrDb;
+	pDemod->GetRfAgc               = rtl2836_GetRfAgc;
+	pDemod->GetIfAgc               = rtl2836_GetIfAgc;
+	pDemod->GetDiAgc               = rtl2836_GetDiAgc;
+	pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm         = rtl2836_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz          = rtl2836_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pDemod->GetCarrierMode         = rtl2836_GetCarrierMode;
+	pDemod->GetPnMode              = rtl2836_GetPnMode;
+	pDemod->GetQamMode             = rtl2836_GetQamMode;
+	pDemod->GetCodeRateMode        = rtl2836_GetCodeRateMode;
+	pDemod->GetTimeInterleaverMode = rtl2836_GetTimeInterleaverMode;
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction         = rtl2836_UpdateFunction;
+	pDemod->ResetFunction          = rtl2836_ResetFunction;
+	// Initialize demod Function 1 variables.
+	pExtra->IsFunc1Enabled = IsFunc1Enabled;
+	pExtra->Func1CntThd = DivideWithCeiling(RTL2836_FUNC1_CHECK_TIME_MS, UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs);
+	pExtra->Func1Cnt = 0;
+	// Initialize demod Function 2 variables.
+	pExtra->IsFunc2Enabled = IsFunc2Enabled;
+	pExtra->Func2SignalModePrevious = RTL2836_FUNC2_SIGNAL_NORMAL;
+	return;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	unsigned long ChipId;
+	// Get CHIP_ID.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_CHIP_ID, &ChipId) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Check chip ID value.
+	if(ChipId != RTL2836_CHIP_ID_VALUE)
+		goto error_status_check_value;
+	// Set I2cConnectionStatus with YES.
+	*pAnswer = YES;
+	return;
+	// Set I2cConnectionStatus with NO.
+	*pAnswer = NO;
+	return;
+	)
+	// Set SOFT_RST with 0x0. Then, set SOFT_RST with 0x1.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_SOFT_RST_N, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_SOFT_RST_N, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	)
+	// Initializing table entry only used in Initialize()
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned char PageNo;
+		unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+		unsigned char Msb;
+		unsigned char Lsb;
+		unsigned long WritingValue;
+	}
+	// TS interface initializing table entry only used in Initialize()
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long WritingValue[TS_INTERFACE_MODE_NUM];
+	}
+	static const INIT_TABLE_ENTRY InitRegTable[RTL2836_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// PageNo,	RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb,	WritingValue
+		{0x0,		0x1,			0,		0,		0x1			},
+		{0x0,		0x2,			4,		4,		0x0			},
+		{0x0,		0x3,			2,		0,		0x0			},
+		{0x0,		0xe,			5,		5,		0x1			},
+		{0x0,		0x11,			3,		3,		0x0			},
+		{0x0,		0x12,			1,		0,		0x1			},
+		{0x0,		0x16,			2,		0,		0x3			},
+		{0x0,		0x19,			7,		0,		0x19		},
+		{0x0,		0x1b,			7,		0,		0xcc		},
+		{0x0,		0x1f,			7,		0,		0x5			},
+		{0x0,		0x20,			2,		2,		0x1			},
+		{0x0,		0x20,			3,		3,		0x0			},
+		{0x1,		0x3,			7,		0,		0x38		},
+		{0x1,		0x31,			1,		1,		0x0			},
+		{0x1,		0x67,			7,		0,		0x30		},
+		{0x1,		0x68,			7,		0,		0x10		},
+		{0x1,		0x7f,			3,		2,		0x1			},
+		{0x1,		0xda,			7,		7,		0x1			},
+		{0x1,		0xdb,			7,		0,		0x5			},
+		{0x2,		0x9,			7,		0,		0xa			},
+		{0x2,		0x10,			7,		0,		0x31		},
+		{0x2,		0x11,			7,		0,		0x31		},
+		{0x2,		0x1b,			7,		0,		0x1e		},
+		{0x2,		0x1e,			7,		0,		0x3a		},
+		{0x2,		0x1f,			5,		3,		0x3			},
+		{0x2,		0x21,			7,		0,		0x3f		},
+		{0x2,		0x24,			6,		5,		0x0			},
+		{0x2,		0x27,			7,		0,		0x17		},
+		{0x2,		0x31,			7,		0,		0x35		},
+		{0x2,		0x32,			7,		0,		0x3f		},
+		{0x2,		0x4f,			3,		2,		0x2			},
+		{0x2,		0x5a,			7,		0,		0x5			},
+		{0x2,		0x5b,			7,		0,		0x8			},
+		{0x2,		0x5c,			7,		0,		0x8			},
+		{0x2,		0x5e,			7,		5,		0x5			},
+		{0x2,		0x70,			0,		0,		0x0			},
+		{0x2,		0x77,			0,		0,		0x1			},
+		{0x2,		0x7a,			7,		0,		0x2f		},
+		{0x2,		0x81,			3,		2,		0x2			},
+		{0x2,		0x8d,			7,		0,		0x77		},
+		{0x2,		0x8e,			7,		4,		0x8			},
+		{0x2,		0x93,			7,		0,		0xff		},
+		{0x2,		0x94,			7,		0,		0x3			},
+		{0x2,		0x9d,			7,		0,		0xff		},
+		{0x2,		0x9e,			7,		0,		0x3			},
+		{0x2,		0xa8,			7,		0,		0xff		},
+		{0x2,		0xa9,			7,		0,		0x3			},
+		{0x2,		0xa3,			2,		2,		0x1			},
+		{0x3,		0x1,			7,		0,		0x0			},
+		{0x3,		0x4,			7,		0,		0x20		},
+		{0x3,		0x9,			7,		0,		0x10		},
+		{0x3,		0x14,			7,		0,		0xe4		},
+		{0x3,		0x15,			7,		0,		0x62		},
+		{0x3,		0x16,			7,		0,		0x8c		},
+		{0x3,		0x17,			7,		0,		0x11		},
+		{0x3,		0x1b,			7,		0,		0x40		},
+		{0x3,		0x1c,			7,		0,		0x14		},
+		{0x3,		0x23,			7,		0,		0x40		},
+		{0x3,		0x24,			7,		0,		0xd6		},
+		{0x3,		0x2b,			7,		0,		0x60		},
+		{0x3,		0x2c,			7,		0,		0x16		},
+		{0x3,		0x33,			7,		0,		0x40		},
+		{0x3,		0x3b,			7,		0,		0x44		},
+		{0x3,		0x43,			7,		0,		0x41		},
+		{0x3,		0x4b,			7,		0,		0x40		},
+		{0x3,		0x53,			7,		0,		0x4a		},
+		{0x3,		0x58,			7,		0,		0x1c		},
+		{0x3,		0x5b,			7,		0,		0x5a		},
+		{0x3,		0x5f,			7,		0,		0xe0		},
+		{0x4,		0x2,			7,		0,		0x7			},
+		{0x4,		0x3,			5,		0,		0x9			},
+		{0x4,		0x4,			5,		0,		0xb			},
+		{0x4,		0x5,			5,		0,		0xd			},
+		{0x4,		0x7,			2,		1,		0x3			},
+		{0x4,		0x7,			4,		3,		0x3			},
+		{0x4,		0xe,			4,		0,		0x18		},
+		{0x4,		0x10,			4,		0,		0x1c		},
+		{0x4,		0x12,			4,		0,		0x1c		},
+		{0x4,		0x2f,			7,		0,		0x0			},
+		{0x4,		0x30,			7,		0,		0x20		},
+		{0x4,		0x31,			7,		0,		0x40		},
+		{0x4,		0x3e,			0,		0,		0x0			},
+		{0x4,		0x3e,			1,		1,		0x1			},
+		{0x4,		0x3e,			5,		2,		0x0			},
+		{0x4,		0x3f,			5,		0,		0x10		},
+		{0x4,		0x4a,			0,		0,		0x1			},
+	};
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				WritingValue for {Parallel, Serial}
+		{DTMB_SERIAL,				{0x0,	0x1}},
+		{DTMB_CDIV_PH0,				{0xf,	0x1}},
+		{DTMB_CDIV_PH1,				{0xf,	0x1}},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int TsInterfaceMode;
+	unsigned char PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	unsigned long WritingValue;
+	// Get TS interface mode.
+	TsInterfaceMode = pDemod->TsInterfaceMode;
+	// Initialize demod registers according to the initializing table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2836_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get all information from each register initializing entry.
+		PageNo       = InitRegTable[i].PageNo;
+		RegStartAddr = InitRegTable[i].RegStartAddr;
+		Msb          = InitRegTable[i].Msb;
+		Lsb          = InitRegTable[i].Lsb;
+		WritingValue = InitRegTable[i].WritingValue;
+		// Set register page number.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+		// Set register mask bits.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	// Initialize demod registers according to the TS interface initializing table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2836_TS_INTERFACE_INIT_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, TsInterfaceInitTable[i].RegBitName,
+			TsInterfaceInitTable[i].WritingValue[TsInterfaceMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	)
+	unsigned long BbinEn, EnDcr;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHzAdj;
+	MPI MpiVar, MpiNone, MpiConst;
+	long IffreqInt;
+	unsigned long IffreqBinary;
+	// Determine and set BBIN_EN and EN_DCR value.
+	BbinEn = (IfFreqHz == IF_FREQ_0HZ) ? 0x1 : 0x0;
+	EnDcr  = (IfFreqHz == IF_FREQ_0HZ) ? 0x1 : 0x0;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_BBIN_EN, BbinEn) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_EN_DCR, EnDcr) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Calculate IFFREQ value.
+	// Note: Case 1: IfFreqHz < 24000000,  IfFreqHzAdj = IfFreqHz;
+	//       Case 2: IfFreqHz >= 24000000, IfFreqHzAdj = 48000000 - IfFreqHz; 
+	//       IFFREQ = - round( IfFreqHzAdj * pow(2, 10) / 48000000 )
+	//              = - floor( (IfFreqHzAdj * pow(2, 10) + 24000000) / 48000000 )
+	//       RTL2836_ADC_FREQ_HZ = 48 MHz
+	//       IFFREQ_BIT_NUM = 10
+	IfFreqHzAdj = (IfFreqHz < (RTL2836_ADC_FREQ_HZ / 2)) ? IfFreqHz : (RTL2836_ADC_FREQ_HZ - IfFreqHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiVar, IfFreqHzAdj);
+	MpiLeftShift(&MpiVar, MpiVar, RTL2836_IFFREQ_BIT_NUM);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst, (RTL2836_ADC_FREQ_HZ / 2));
+	MpiAdd(&MpiVar, MpiVar, MpiConst);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst, RTL2836_ADC_FREQ_HZ);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar, &MpiNone, MpiVar, MpiConst);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar, &IffreqInt);
+	IffreqInt = - IffreqInt;
+	IffreqBinary = SignedIntToBin(IffreqInt, RTL2836_IFFREQ_BIT_NUM);
+	// Set IFFREQ with calculated value.
+	// Note: Use SetRegBitsWithPage() to set register bits with page setting.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_IFFREQ, IffreqBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod IF frequnecy parameter.
+	pDemod->IfFreqHz      = IfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	int SpectrumMode
+	)
+	unsigned long EnSpInv;
+	// Determine SpecInv according to spectrum mode.
+	switch(SpectrumMode)
+	{
+		case SPECTRUM_NORMAL:		EnSpInv = 0;		break;
+		case SPECTRUM_INVERSE:		EnSpInv = 1;		break;
+		default:	goto error_status_get_undefined_value;
+	}
+	// Set SPEC_INV with SpecInv.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_EN_SP_INV, EnSpInv) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode parameter.
+	pDemod->SpectrumMode      = SpectrumMode;
+	pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet = YES;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	long SnrDbNum;
+	long SnrDbDen;
+	long SnrDbInt;
+	unsigned long PerNum;
+	unsigned long PerDen;
+	// Get SNR integer part.
+	if(pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	SnrDbInt = SnrDbNum / SnrDbDen;
+	// Get PER.
+	if(pDemod->GetPer(pDemod, &PerNum, &PerDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine answer according to SNR and PER.
+	// Note: The criterion is "(0 < SNR_in_Db < 40) && (PER < 1)"
+	if((SnrDbInt > 0) && (SnrDbInt < 40) && (PerNum < PerDen))
+		*pAnswer = YES;
+	else
+		*pAnswer = NO;
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	)
+	int SignalLockStatus;
+	long IfAgc;
+	// Get signal lock status.
+	if(pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, &SignalLockStatus) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Get IF AGC value.
+	if(pDemod->GetIfAgc(pDemod, &IfAgc) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// If demod is not signal-locked, set signal strength with zero.
+	if(SignalLockStatus != YES)
+	{
+		*pSignalStrength = 0;
+		goto success_status_signal_is_not_locked;
+	}
+	//  Determine signal strength according to signal lock status and IF AGC value.
+	// Note: Map IfAgc value 8191 ~ -8192 to 10 ~ 99
+	//       Formula: SignalStrength = 54 - IfAgc / 183
+	*pSignalStrength = 54 - IfAgc / 183;
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	)
+	int SignalLockStatus;
+	long SnrDbNum, SnrDbDen;
+	// Get signal lock status.
+	if(pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, &SignalLockStatus) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// If demod is not signal-locked, set signal quality with zero.
+	if(SignalLockStatus != YES)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 0;
+		goto success_status_signal_is_not_locked;
+	}
+	// Determine signal quality according to SnrDbNum.
+	// Note: Map SnrDbNum value 12 ~ 100 to 12 ~ 100
+	//       Formula: SignalQuality = SnrDbNum
+	//       If SnrDbNum < 12, signal quality is 10.
+	//       If SnrDbNum > 100, signal quality is 100.
+	if(SnrDbNum < 12)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 10;
+	}
+	else if(SnrDbNum > 100)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 100;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = SnrDbNum;
+	}
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	)
+	unsigned long RsdBerEst;
+	// Get RSD_BER_EST.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_RSD_BER_EST, &RsdBerEst) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Set BER numerator according to RSD_BER_EST.
+	*pBerNum = RsdBerEst;
+	// Set BER denominator.
+	*pBerDen = RTL2836_BER_DEN_VALUE;
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	)
+	unsigned long RoPktErrRate;
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_RO_PKT_ERR_RATE, &RoPktErrRate) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Set PER numerator according to RO_PKT_ERR_RATE.
+	*pPerNum = RoPktErrRate;
+	// Set PER denominator.
+	*pPerDen = RTL2836_PER_DEN_VALUE;
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	)
+	unsigned long EstSnr;
+	// Get EST_SNR.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_EST_SNR, &EstSnr) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Set SNR dB numerator according to EST_SNR.
+	*pSnrDbNum = BinToSignedInt(EstSnr, RTL2836_EST_SNR_BIT_NUM);
+	// Set SNR dB denominator.
+	*pSnrDbDen = RTL2836_SNR_DB_DEN_VALUE;
+	long *pRfAgc
+	)
+	unsigned long RfAgcVal;
+	// Get RF AGC binary value from RF_AGC_VAL.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_RF_AGC_VAL, &RfAgcVal) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Convert RF AGC binary value to signed integer.
+	*pRfAgc = (long)BinToSignedInt(RfAgcVal, RTL2836_RF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM);
+	long *pIfAgc
+	)
+	unsigned long IfAgcVal;
+	// Get IF AGC binary value from IF_AGC_VAL.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_IF_AGC_VAL, &IfAgcVal) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Convert IF AGC binary value to signed integer.
+	*pIfAgc = (long)BinToSignedInt(IfAgcVal, RTL2836_IF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM);
+	unsigned long *pDiAgc
+	)
+	unsigned long GainOutR;
+	// Get GAIN_OUT_R to DiAgc.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_GAIN_OUT_R, &GainOutR) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	*pDiAgc = GainOutR;
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	)
+	unsigned long TrOutRBinary;
+	long TrOutRInt;
+	unsigned long SfoaqOutRBinary;
+	long SfoaqOutRInt;
+	MPI MpiVar, MpiNone, MpiConst;
+	// Get TR_OUT_R and SFOAQ_OUT_R binary value.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_TR_OUT_R, &TrOutRBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_SFOAQ_OUT_R, &SfoaqOutRBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Convert TR_OUT_R and SFOAQ_OUT_R binary value to signed integer.
+	TrOutRInt = BinToSignedInt(TrOutRBinary, RTL2836_TR_OUT_R_BIT_NUM);
+	SfoaqOutRInt = BinToSignedInt(SfoaqOutRBinary, RTL2836_SFOAQ_OUT_R_BIT_NUM);
+	// Get TR offset in ppm.
+	// Note: Original formula:   TrOffsetPpm = ((TrOutRInt + SfoaqOutRInt * 8) * 15.12 * pow(10, 6)) / (48 * pow(2, 23))
+	//       Adjusted formula:   TrOffsetPpm = ((TrOutRInt + SfoaqOutRInt * 8) * 15120000) / 402653184
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiVar, (TrOutRInt + SfoaqOutRInt * 8));
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst, 15120000);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar, MpiVar, MpiConst);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst, 402653184);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar, &MpiNone, MpiVar, MpiConst);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar, pTrOffsetPpm);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	)
+	unsigned long CfoEstRBinary;
+	long CfoEstRInt;
+	MPI MpiVar, MpiConst;
+	// Get CFO_EST_R binary value.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_CFO_EST_R, &CfoEstRBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Convert CFO_EST_R binary value to signed integer.
+	CfoEstRInt = BinToSignedInt(CfoEstRBinary, RTL2836_CFO_EST_R_BIT_NUM);
+	// Get CR offset in Hz.
+	// Note: Original formula:   CrOffsetHz = (CfoEstRInt * 15.12 * pow(10, 6)) / pow(2, 26)
+	//       Adjusted formula:   CrOffsetHz = (CfoEstRInt * 15120000) >> 26
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiVar, CfoEstRInt);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst, 15120000);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar, MpiVar, MpiConst);
+	MpiRightShift(&MpiVar, MpiVar, 26);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar, pCrOffsetHz);
+	int *pCarrierMode
+	)
+	unsigned long EstCarrier;
+	// Get carrier mode from EST_CARRIER.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_EST_CARRIER, &EstCarrier) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(EstCarrier)
+	{
+		case 0:		*pCarrierMode = DTMB_CARRIER_SINGLE;		break;
+		case 1:		*pCarrierMode = DTMB_CARRIER_MULTI;			break;
+		default:	goto error_status_get_undefined_value;
+	}
+	int *pPnMode
+	)
+	unsigned long RxModeR;
+	// Get PN mode from RX_MODE_R.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_RX_MODE_R, &RxModeR) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(RxModeR)
+	{
+		case 0:		*pPnMode = DTMB_PN_420;		break;
+		case 1:		*pPnMode = DTMB_PN_595;		break;
+		case 2:		*pPnMode = DTMB_PN_945;		break;
+		default:	goto error_status_get_undefined_value;
+	}
+	int *pQamMode
+	)
+	unsigned long UseTps;
+	// Get QAM mode from USE_TPS.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_USE_TPS, &UseTps) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(UseTps)
+	{
+		case 0:		*pQamMode = DTMB_QAM_UNKNOWN;		break;
+		case 2:
+		case 3:		*pQamMode = DTMB_QAM_4QAM_NR;		break;
+		case 4:
+		case 5:
+		case 6:
+		case 7:
+		case 8:
+		case 9:		*pQamMode = DTMB_QAM_4QAM;			break;
+		case 10:
+		case 11:
+		case 12:
+		case 13:
+		case 14:
+		case 15:	*pQamMode = DTMB_QAM_16QAM;			break;
+		case 16:
+		case 17:	*pQamMode = DTMB_QAM_32QAM;			break;
+		case 18:
+		case 19:
+		case 20:
+		case 21:
+		case 22:
+		case 23:	*pQamMode = DTMB_QAM_64QAM;			break;
+		default:	goto error_status_get_undefined_value;
+	}
+	int *pCodeRateMode
+	)
+	unsigned long UseTps;
+	// Get QAM mode from USE_TPS.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_USE_TPS, &UseTps) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(UseTps)
+	{
+		case 0:		*pCodeRateMode = DTMB_CODE_RATE_UNKNOWN;		break;
+		case 4:
+		case 5:
+		case 10:
+		case 11:
+		case 18:
+		case 19:	*pCodeRateMode = DTMB_CODE_RATE_0P4;			break;
+		case 6:
+		case 7:
+		case 12:
+		case 13:
+		case 20:
+		case 21:	*pCodeRateMode = DTMB_CODE_RATE_0P6;			break;
+		case 2:
+		case 3:
+		case 8:
+		case 9:
+		case 14:
+		case 15:
+		case 16:
+		case 17:
+		case 22:
+		case 23:	*pCodeRateMode = DTMB_CODE_RATE_0P8;			break;
+		default:	goto error_status_get_undefined_value;
+	}
+	int *pTimeInterleaverMode
+	)
+	unsigned long UseTps;
+	// Get QAM mode from USE_TPS.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_USE_TPS, &UseTps) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	switch(UseTps)
+	{
+		case 0:		*pTimeInterleaverMode = DTMB_TIME_INTERLEAVER_UNKNOWN;		break;
+		case 2:
+		case 4:
+		case 6:
+		case 8:
+		case 10:
+		case 12:
+		case 14:
+		case 16:
+		case 18:
+		case 20:
+		case 22:	*pTimeInterleaverMode = DTMB_TIME_INTERLEAVER_240;			break;
+		case 3:
+		case 5:
+		case 7:
+		case 9:
+		case 11:
+		case 13:
+		case 15:
+		case 17:
+		case 19:
+		case 21:
+		case 23:	*pTimeInterleaverMode = DTMB_TIME_INTERLEAVER_720;			break;
+		default:	goto error_status_get_undefined_value;
+	}
+	)
+	RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2836);
+	// Execute Function 1 according to Function 1 enabling status
+	if(pExtra->IsFunc1Enabled == YES)
+	{
+		if(rtl2836_func1_Update(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+	}
+	// Execute Function 2 according to Function 2 enabling status
+	if(pExtra->IsFunc2Enabled == YES)
+	{
+		if(rtl2836_func2_Update(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+	}
+	)
+	RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2836);
+	// Reset Function 1 settings according to Function 1 enabling status.
+	if(pExtra->IsFunc1Enabled == YES)
+	{
+		if(rtl2836_func1_Reset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+	}
+	// Reset Function 2 settings according to Function 2 enabling status.
+	if(pExtra->IsFunc2Enabled == YES)
+	{
+		if(rtl2836_func2_Reset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+	}
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *)pI2cBridge->pPrivateData;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Send I2C reading command.
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_send_i2c_reading_command;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *)pI2cBridge->pPrivateData;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Send I2C writing command.
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, pWritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_send_i2c_writing_command;
+@brief   Initialize RTL2836 register table.
+Use rtl2836_InitRegTable() to initialize RTL2836 register table.
+@param [in]   pDemod   RTL2836 demod module pointer
+	-# The rtl2836_InitRegTable() function will be called by BuildRtl2836Module().
+	)
+	static const DTMB_PRIMARY_REG_ENTRY_ADDR_8BIT PrimaryRegTable[RTL2836_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Software reset
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_SOFT_RST_N,					0x0,		0x4,			0,		0	},
+		// Tuner I2C forwording
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL,					0x0,		0x6,			0,		0	},
+		// Chip ID
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_CHIP_ID,						0x5,		0x10,			15,		0	},
+		// IF setting
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_EN_SP_INV,					0x1,		0x31,			1,		1	},
+		{DTMB_EN_DCR,						0x1,		0x31,			0,		0	},
+		{DTMB_BBIN_EN,						0x1,		0x6a,			0,		0	},
+		{DTMB_IFFREQ,						0x1,		0x32,			9,		0	},
+		// AGC setting
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_TARGET_VAL,					0x1,		0x3,			7,		0	},
+		// IF setting
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_SERIAL,						0x4,		0x50,			7,		7	},
+		{DTMB_CDIV_PH0,						0x4,		0x51,			4,		0	},
+		{DTMB_CDIV_PH1,						0x4,		0x52,			4,		0	},
+		// Signal lock status
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_TPS_LOCK,						0x8,		0x2a,			6,		6	},
+		{DTMB_PN_PEAK_EXIST,				0x6,		0x53,			0,		0	},
+		// FSM
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_FSM_STATE_R,					0x6,		0xc0,			4,		0	},
+		// Performance measurement
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_RO_PKT_ERR_RATE,				0x9,		0x2d,			15,		0	},
+		{DTMB_EST_SNR,						0x8,		0x3e,			8,		0	},
+		// AGC
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_GAIN_OUT_R,					0x6,		0xb4,			12,		1	},
+		{DTMB_RF_AGC_VAL,					0x6,		0x16,			13,		0	},
+		{DTMB_IF_AGC_VAL,					0x6,		0x14,			13,		0	},
+		// TR and CR
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_TR_OUT_R,						0x7,		0x7c,			16,		0	},
+		{DTMB_SFOAQ_OUT_R,					0x7,		0x21,			13,		0	},
+		{DTMB_CFO_EST_R,					0x6,		0x94,			22,		0	},
+		// Signal information
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	MSB,	LSB
+		{DTMB_EST_CARRIER,					0x8,		0x2a,			0,		0	},
+		{DTMB_RX_MODE_R,					0x7,		0x17,			1,		0	},
+		{DTMB_USE_TPS,						0x8,		0x2a,			5,		1	},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	// Initialize register table according to primary register table.
+	// Note: 1. Register table rows are sorted by register bit name key.
+	//       2. The default value of the IsAvailable variable is "NO".
+	for(i = 0; i < DTMB_REG_TABLE_LEN_MAX; i++)
+		pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[i].IsAvailable  = NO;
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2836_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		RegBitName = PrimaryRegTable[i].RegBitName;
+		pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable  = YES;
+		pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].PageNo       = PrimaryRegTable[i].PageNo;
+		pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr = PrimaryRegTable[i].RegStartAddr;
+		pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Msb          = PrimaryRegTable[i].Msb;
+		pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Lsb          = PrimaryRegTable[i].Lsb;
+	}
+	return;
+@brief   Set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+RTL2836 builder will use rtl2836_BuildI2cBridgeModule() to set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@see   BuildRtl2836Module()
+	)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	// Get I2C bridge module.
+	pI2cBridge = pDemod->pI2cBridge;
+	// Set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+	pI2cBridge->pPrivateData = (void *)pDemod;
+	pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd = rtl2836_ForwardI2cReadingCmd;
+	pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd = rtl2836_ForwardI2cWritingCmd;
+	return;
+@brief   Reset Function 1 variables and registers.
+One can use rtl2836_func1_Reset() to reset Function 1 variables and registers.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset Function 1 variables and registers successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset Function 1 variables and registers unsuccessfully.
+	-# Need to execute Function 1 reset function when change tuner RF frequency or demod parameters.
+	-# Function 1 update flow also employs Function 1 reset function.
+	)
+	RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2836);
+	// Reset demod Function 1 variables.
+	pExtra->Func1Cnt = 0;
+@brief   Update demod registers with Function 1.
+One can use rtl2836_func1_Update() to update demod registers with Function 1.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update demod registers with Function 1 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update demod registers with Function 1 unsuccessfully.
+	-# Recommended update period is 50 ~ 200 ms for Function 1.
+	-# Need to execute Function 1 reset function when change tuner RF frequency or demod parameters.
+	-# Function 1 update flow also employs Function 1 reset function.
+	)
+	RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long Reg0;
+	unsigned long Reg1;
+	unsigned long PnPeakExist;
+	unsigned long FsmStateR;
+	unsigned long TpsLock;
+	long SnrDbNum;
+	long SnrDbDen;
+	long SnrDbInt;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2836);
+	// Update Function 1 counter.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x9) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1e, 9, 0, &Reg0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if((Reg0 & 0x3fb) == 0)
+	{
+		pExtra->Func1Cnt += 1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		pExtra->Func1Cnt = 0;
+	}
+	// Get PN_PEAK_EXIST and FSM_STATE_R value.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x6) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits(pDemod, DTMB_PN_PEAK_EXIST, &PnPeakExist) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits(pDemod, DTMB_FSM_STATE_R, &FsmStateR) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Get Reg1 and TPS_LOCK value.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x8) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x28, 3, 0, &Reg1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits(pDemod, DTMB_TPS_LOCK, &TpsLock) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Get SNR integer part.
+	if(pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	SnrDbInt = SnrDbNum / SnrDbDen;
+	// Determine if reset demod by software reset.
+	// Note: Need to reset Function 2 when reset demod.
+	if((pExtra->Func1Cnt > pExtra->Func1CntThd) || ((PnPeakExist == 0) && (FsmStateR > 9)) ||
+		((Reg1 >= 6) && (TpsLock == 0)) || (SnrDbInt == -64))
+	{
+		pExtra->Func1Cnt = 0;
+		if(pExtra->IsFunc2Enabled == ON)
+		{
+			if(rtl2836_func2_Reset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+		}
+		if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+@brief   Reset Function 2 variables and registers.
+One can use rtl2836_func2_Reset() to reset Function 1 variables and registers.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset Function 2 variables and registers successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset Function 2 variables and registers unsuccessfully.
+	-# Need to execute Function 2 reset function when change tuner RF frequency or demod parameters.
+	-# Function 2 update flow also employs Function 2 reset function.
+	)
+	RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get demod extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2836);
+	// Reset demod Function 2 variables and registers to signal normal mode.
+	pExtra->Func2SignalModePrevious = RTL2836_FUNC2_SIGNAL_NORMAL;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x15, 7, 0, 0xf) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1e, 6, 0, 0x3a) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1f, 5, 0, 0x19) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x23, 4, 0, 0x1e) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+@brief   Update demod registers with Function 2.
+One can use rtl2836_func2_Update() to update demod registers with Function 2.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update demod registers with Function 2 successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update demod registers with Function 2 unsuccessfully.
+	-# Recommended update period is 50 ~ 200 ms for Function 2.
+	-# Need to execute Function 2 reset function when change tuner RF frequency or demod parameters.
+	-# Function 2 update flow also employs Function 2 reset function.
+	)
+	RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int i;
+	unsigned long TpsLock;
+	unsigned long PnPeakExist;
+	int PnMode;
+	int QamMode;
+	int CodeRateMode;
+	int SignalLockStatus;
+	int SignalMode;
+	// Get base interface and demod extra module.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	pExtra = &(pDemod->Extra.Rtl2836);
+	// Get TPS_LOCK value.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_TPS_LOCK, &TpsLock) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Get PN_PEAK_EXIST value.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_PN_PEAK_EXIST, &PnPeakExist) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Get PN mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetPnMode(pDemod, &PnMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get QAM mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetQamMode(pDemod, &QamMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get code rate mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetCodeRateMode(pDemod, &CodeRateMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// If TPS is not locked or PN peak doesn't exist, do nothing.
+	if((TpsLock != 0x1) || (PnPeakExist != 0x1))
+		goto success_status_tps_is_not_locked;
+	// Determine signal mode.
+	if((PnMode == DTMB_PN_945) && (QamMode == DTMB_QAM_64QAM) && (CodeRateMode == DTMB_CODE_RATE_0P6))
+	{
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		SignalMode = RTL2836_FUNC2_SIGNAL_NORMAL;
+	}
+	// If signal mode is the same as previous one, do nothing.
+	if(SignalMode == pExtra->Func2SignalModePrevious)
+		goto success_status_signal_mode_is_the_same;
+	// Set demod registers according to signal mode
+	switch(SignalMode)
+	{
+		default:
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x15, 7, 0, 0xf) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1e, 6, 0, 0x3a) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1f, 5, 0, 0x19) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x23, 4, 0, 0x1e) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			break;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 0x2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x15, 7, 0, 0x4) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1e, 6, 0, 0xa) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x1f, 5, 0, 0x3f) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x23, 4, 0, 0x1f) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			break;
+	}
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Wait 1000 ms for signal lock check.
+	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+	{
+		// Wait 100 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 100);
+		// Check signal lock status on demod.
+		// Note: If signal is locked, stop signal lock check.
+		if(pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, &SignalLockStatus) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		if(SignalLockStatus == YES)
+			break;
+	}
+	// Update previous signal mode.
+	pExtra->Func2SignalModePrevious = SignalMode;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2836.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2836.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2836.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2836.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.084066057 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+#ifndef __DEMOD_RTL2836_H
+#define __DEMOD_RTL2836_H
+@brief   RTL2836 demod module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2836 demod through RTL2836 module.
+RTL2836 module is derived from DTMB demod module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the DTMB demod example in dtmb_demod_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "demod_rtl2836.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE     DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2836 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2836Module(
+		&pDemod,
+		&DtmbDemodModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0x3e,								// I2C device address is 0x3e in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ,			// Crystal frequency is 27.0 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// TS interface mode is serial.
+		50,									// Update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+		YES,								// Function 1 enabling status is on.
+		YES									// Function 2 enabling status is on.
+		);
+	// See the example for other DTMB demod functions in dtmb_demod_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "dtmb_demod_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Initializing
+#define RTL2836_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN					86
+// Chip ID
+#define RTL2836_CHIP_ID_VALUE			0x4
+// IF frequency setting
+#define RTL2836_ADC_FREQ_HZ			48000000
+#define RTL2836_IFFREQ_BIT_NUM		10
+// BER
+#define RTL2836_BER_DEN_VALUE				1000000
+// PER
+#define RTL2836_PER_DEN_VALUE				32768
+// SNR
+#define RTL2836_EST_SNR_BIT_NUM				9
+#define RTL2836_SNR_DB_DEN_VALUE			4
+// AGC
+#define RTL2836_RF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM		14
+#define RTL2836_IF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM		14
+// TR offset and CR offset
+#define RTL2836_TR_OUT_R_BIT_NUM			17
+#define RTL2836_SFOAQ_OUT_R_BIT_NUM			14
+#define RTL2836_CFO_EST_R_BIT_NUM			23
+// Register table length
+#define RTL2836_REG_TABLE_LEN			25
+// Function 1
+#define RTL2836_FUNC1_CHECK_TIME_MS			500
+// Function 2
+// Demod module builder
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *pDtmbDemodModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int TsInterfaceMode,
+	unsigned long UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int IsFunc1Enabled,
+	int IsFunc2Enabled
+	);
+// Manipulating functions
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+	int SpectrumMode
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	);
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	);
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+	long *pRfAgc
+	);
+	long *pIfAgc
+	);
+	unsigned long *pDiAgc
+	);
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+	int *pCarrierMode
+	);
+	int *pPnMode
+	);
+	int *pQamMode
+	);
+	int *pCodeRateMode
+	);
+	int *pTimeInterleaverMode
+	);
+	);
+	);
+// I2C command forwarding functions
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+// Register table initializing
+	);
+// I2C birdge module builder
+	);
+// RTL2836 dependence
+	);
+	);
+	);
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2840.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2840.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2840.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2840.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.088066039 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2437 @@
+@brief   RTL2840 QAM demod module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2840 QAM demod through RTL2840 module.
+RTL2840 module is derived from QAM demod module.
+#include "demod_rtl2840.h"
+@brief   RTL2840 demod module builder
+Use BuildRtl2840Module() to build RTL2840 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions, and
+initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppDemod                      Pointer to RTL2840 demod module pointer
+@param [in]   pQamDemodModuleMemory        Pointer to an allocated QAM demod module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   RTL2840 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                RTL2840 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   TsInterfaceMode              RTL2840 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   EnhancementMode              RTL2840 enhancement mode for setting
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2840Module() to build RTL2840 module before using it.
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE *pQamDemodModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int TsInterfaceMode,
+	int EnhancementMode
+	)
+	// Set demod module pointer.
+	*ppDemod = pQamDemodModuleMemory;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = *ppDemod;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pDemod->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pDemod->pI2cBridge     = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set demod type.
+	pDemod->DemodType = QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2840;
+	// Set demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Set demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->CrystalFreqHz = CrystalFreqHz;
+	// Set demod TS interface mode.
+	pDemod->TsInterfaceMode = TsInterfaceMode;
+	// Initialize demod parameter setting status
+	pDemod->IsQamModeSet       = NO;
+	pDemod->IsSymbolRateHzSet  = NO;
+	pDemod->IsAlphaModeSet     = NO;
+	pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet      = NO;
+	pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet  = NO;
+	// Initialize register tables in demod extra module.
+	rtl2840_InitBaseRegTable(pDemod);
+	rtl2840_InitMonitorRegTable(pDemod);
+	// Build I2C birdge module.
+	rtl2840_BuildI2cBridgeModule(pDemod);
+	// Set demod module I2C function pointers with default functions.
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage         = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegPage;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBytes        = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegBytes;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBytes        = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_GetRegBytes;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits     = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegMaskBits;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegMaskBits     = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_GetRegMaskBits;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits         = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegBits;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits         = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_GetRegBits;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_SetRegBitsWithPage;
+	pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage = qam_demod_addr_8bit_default_GetRegBitsWithPage;
+	// Set demod module manipulating function pointers with default functions.
+	pDemod->GetDemodType     = qam_demod_default_GetDemodType;
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr    = qam_demod_default_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz = qam_demod_default_GetCrystalFreqHz;
+	pDemod->GetQamMode       = qam_demod_default_GetQamMode;
+	pDemod->GetSymbolRateHz  = qam_demod_default_GetSymbolRateHz;
+	pDemod->GetAlphaMode     = qam_demod_default_GetAlphaMode;
+	pDemod->GetIfFreqHz      = qam_demod_default_GetIfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->GetSpectrumMode  = qam_demod_default_GetSpectrumMode;
+	// Set demod module manipulating function pointers with particular functions.
+	// Note: Need to assign manipulating function pointers according to enhancement mode.
+	pDemod->IsConnectedToI2c  = rtl2840_IsConnectedToI2c;
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset     = rtl2840_SoftwareReset;
+	pDemod->Initialize        = rtl2840_Initialize;
+	pDemod->SetSymbolRateHz   = rtl2840_SetSymbolRateHz;
+	pDemod->SetAlphaMode      = rtl2840_SetAlphaMode;
+	pDemod->SetIfFreqHz       = rtl2840_SetIfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->SetSpectrumMode   = rtl2840_SetSpectrumMode;
+	pDemod->GetRfAgc          = rtl2840_GetRfAgc;
+	pDemod->GetIfAgc          = rtl2840_GetIfAgc;
+	pDemod->GetDiAgc          = rtl2840_GetDiAgc;
+	pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm    = rtl2840_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz     = rtl2840_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pDemod->IsAagcLocked      = rtl2840_IsAagcLocked;
+	pDemod->IsEqLocked        = rtl2840_IsEqLocked;
+	pDemod->IsFrameLocked     = rtl2840_IsFrameLocked;
+	pDemod->GetErrorRate      = rtl2840_GetErrorRate;
+	pDemod->GetSnrDb          = rtl2840_GetSnrDb;
+	pDemod->GetSignalStrength = rtl2840_GetSignalStrength;
+	pDemod->GetSignalQuality  = rtl2840_GetSignalQuality;
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction    = rtl2840_UpdateFunction;
+	pDemod->ResetFunction     = rtl2840_ResetFunction;
+	switch(EnhancementMode)
+	{
+			pDemod->SetQamMode = rtl2840_SetQamMode;
+			break;
+			pDemod->SetQamMode = rtl2840_am_hum_en_SetQamMode;
+			break;
+	}
+	return;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Set reading value to zero, and get SYS_VERSION value.
+	// Note: Use GetRegBitsWithPage() to get register bits with page setting.
+	ReadingValue = 0;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_SYS_VERSION, &ReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Compare SYS_VERSION value with RTL2840_SYS_VERSION_VALUE.
+	if(ReadingValue == RTL2840_SYS_VERSION_VALUE)
+		*pAnswer = YES;
+	else
+		*pAnswer = NO;
+	return;
+	*pAnswer = NO;
+	return;
+	)
+	// Set register page number with system page number for software resetting.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set and clear SOFT_RESET register bit.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SOFT_RESET, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SOFT_RESET, OFF) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned char PageNo;
+		unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+		unsigned char Msb;
+		unsigned char Lsb;
+		unsigned long WritingValue;
+	}
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned char SpecReg0Sel;
+		unsigned char SpecReg0ValueTable[RTL2840_SPEC_REG_0_VALUE_TABLE_LEN];
+	}
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long WritingValue[TS_INTERFACE_MODE_NUM];
+	}
+	static const INIT_REG_ENTRY InitRegTable[RTL2840_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// PageNo,	RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb,	WritingValue
+		{0,			0x04,			2,		0,		0x5			},
+		{0,			0x04,			4,		3,		0x0			},
+		{0,			0x04,			5,		5,		0x1			},
+		{0,			0x06,			0,		0,		0x0			},
+		{0,			0x07,			2,		2,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x04,			0,		0,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x04,			1,		1,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x04,			2,		2,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x04,			3,		3,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x0c,			2,		0,		0x7			},
+		{1,			0x19,			5,		5,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x19,			6,		6,		0x1			},
+		{1,			0x19,			7,		7,		0x1			},
+		{1,			0x1a,			0,		0,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x1a,			1,		1,		0x1			},
+		{1,			0x1a,			2,		2,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x1a,			3,		3,		0x1			},
+		{1,			0x1a,			4,		4,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x1a,			5,		5,		0x1			},
+		{1,			0x1a,			6,		6,		0x1			},
+		{1,			0x1b,			3,		0,		0x7			},
+		{1,			0x1b,			7,		4,		0xc			},
+		{1,			0x1c,			2,		0,		0x4			},
+		{1,			0x1c,			5,		3,		0x3			},
+		{1,			0x1d,			5,		0,		0x7			},
+		{1,			0x27,			9,		0,		0x6d		},
+		{1,			0x2b,			7,		0,		0x26		},
+		{1,			0x2c,			7,		0,		0x1e		},
+		{1,			0x2e,			7,		6,		0x3			},
+		{1,			0x32,			2,		0,		0x7			},
+		{1,			0x32,			5,		3,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x32,			6,		6,		0x1			},
+		{1,			0x32,			7,		7,		0x0			},
+		{1,			0x33,			6,		0,		0xf			},
+		{1,			0x33,			7,		7,		0x1			},
+		{1,			0x39,			7,		0,		0x88		},
+		{1,			0x3a,			7,		0,		0x36		},
+		{1,			0x3e,			7,		0,		0x26		},
+		{1,			0x3f,			7,		0,		0x15		},
+		{1,			0x4b,			8,		0,		0x166		},
+		{1,			0x4d,			8,		0,		0x166		},
+		{2,			0x11,			0,		0,		0x0			},
+		{2,			0x02,			7,		0,		0x7e		},
+		{2,			0x12,			3,		0,		0x7			},
+		{2,			0x12,			7,		4,		0x7			},
+	};
+	static const INIT_SPEC_REG_0_ENTRY InitSpecReg0Table[RTL2840_INIT_SPEC_REG_0_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// SpecReg0Sel,		{SpecReg0ValueTable																	}
+		{0,					{0x00,	0xd0,	0x49,	0x8e,	0xf2,	0x01,	0x00,	0xc0,	0x62,	0x62,	0x00}	},
+		{1,					{0x11,	0x21,	0x89,	0x8e,	0xf2,	0x01,	0x80,	0x8b,	0x62,	0xe2,	0x00}	},
+		{2,					{0x22,	0x32,	0x89,	0x8e,	0x72,	0x00,	0xc0,	0x86,	0xe2,	0xe3,	0x00}	},
+		{3,					{0x43,	0x44,	0x8b,	0x0e,	0xf2,	0xdd,	0xb5,	0x84,	0xe2,	0xcb,	0x00}	},
+		{4,					{0x54,	0x55,	0xcb,	0x1e,	0xf3,	0x4d,	0xb5,	0x84,	0xe2,	0xcb,	0x00}	},
+		{5,					{0x65,	0x66,	0xcb,	0x1e,	0xf5,	0x4b,	0xb4,	0x84,	0xe2,	0xcb,	0x00}	},
+		{6,					{0x76,	0x77,	0xcb,	0x9e,	0xf7,	0xc7,	0x73,	0x80,	0xe2,	0xcb,	0x00}	},
+		{7,					{0x87,	0x88,	0xcb,	0x2e,	0x48,	0x41,	0x72,	0x80,	0xe2,	0xcb,	0x00}	},
+		{8,					{0x98,	0x99,	0xcc,	0x3e,	0x48,	0x21,	0x71,	0x80,	0xea,	0xcb,	0x00}	},
+		{11,				{0xbb,	0xc8,	0xcb,	0x6e,	0x24,	0x18,	0x73,	0xa0,	0xfa,	0xcf,	0x01}	},
+		{13,				{0x1d,	0x1e,	0x4f,	0x8e,	0xf2,	0x01,	0x00,	0x80,	0x62,	0x62,	0x00}	},
+		{14,				{0x1e,	0x1f,	0x4f,	0x8e,	0xf2,	0x01,	0x00,	0x80,	0x62,	0x62,	0x00}	},
+		{15,				{0x1f,	0x11,	0x4f,	0x8e,	0xf2,	0x01,	0x00,	0x80,	0x62,	0x62,	0x00}	},
+	};
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				WritingValue for {Parallel, Serial}
+		{QAM_SERIAL,				{0x0,	0x1}},
+		{QAM_CDIV_PH0,				{0x7,	0x0}},
+		{QAM_CDIV_PH1,				{0x7,	0x0}},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int TsInterfaceMode;
+	unsigned char PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	unsigned long WritingValue;
+	unsigned char SpecReg0Sel;
+	const unsigned char *pSpecReg0ValueTable;
+	unsigned long QamSpecInitA2Backup;
+	unsigned long RegValue, RegValueComparison;
+	int AreAllValueEqual;
+	// Get TS interface mode.
+	TsInterfaceMode = pDemod->TsInterfaceMode;
+	// Initialize demod with register initializing table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get all information from each register initializing entry.
+		PageNo       = InitRegTable[i].PageNo;
+		RegStartAddr = InitRegTable[i].RegStartAddr;
+		Msb          = InitRegTable[i].Msb;
+		Lsb          = InitRegTable[i].Lsb;
+		WritingValue = InitRegTable[i].WritingValue;
+		// Set register page number.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set register mask bits.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Set register page number with inner page number for specific register 0 initializing.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Initialize demod with specific register 0 initializing table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_INIT_SPEC_REG_0_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get all information from each specific register 0 initializing entry.
+		SpecReg0Sel         = InitSpecReg0Table[i].SpecReg0Sel;
+		pSpecReg0ValueTable = InitSpecReg0Table[i].SpecReg0ValueTable;
+		// Set specific register 0 selection.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_REG_0_SEL, SpecReg0Sel) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set specific register 0 values.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBytes(pDemod, RTL2840_SPEC_REG_0_VAL_START_ADDR, pSpecReg0ValueTable, LEN_11_BYTE) !=
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set specific register 0 strobe.
+		// Note: RTL2840 hardware will clear strobe automatically.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_REG_0_STROBE, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Initialize demod registers according to the TS interface initializing table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_TS_INTERFACE_INIT_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, TsInterfaceInitTable[i].RegBitName,
+			TsInterfaceInitTable[i].WritingValue[TsInterfaceMode]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Backup SPEC_INIT_A2 value.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_INIT_A2, &QamSpecInitA2Backup)!= FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Set SPEC_INIT_A2 with 0.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_INIT_A2, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Get SPEC_MONITER_INIT_0 several times.
+	// If all SPEC_MONITER_INIT_0 getting values are the same, set SPEC_INIT_A1 with 0.
+	// Note: 1. Need to set SPEC_INIT_A2 with 0 when get SPEC_MONITER_INIT_0.
+	//       2. The function rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_MONITER_INIT_0, &RegValueComparison) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	for(i = 0, AreAllValueEqual = YES; i < RTL2840_SPEC_MONITOR_INIT_0_COMPARISON_TIMES; i++)
+	{
+		if(rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_MONITER_INIT_0, &RegValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+		if(RegValue != RegValueComparison)
+		{
+			AreAllValueEqual = NO;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if(AreAllValueEqual == YES)
+	{
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_INIT_A1, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Restore SPEC_INIT_A2 value.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_INIT_A2, QamSpecInitA2Backup) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int QamMode
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned char PageNo;
+		unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+		unsigned char Msb;
+		unsigned char Lsb;
+		unsigned long WritingValue[QAM_QAM_MODE_NUM];
+	}
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned char SpecReg0Sel;
+		unsigned char SpecReg0ValueTable[QAM_QAM_MODE_NUM][RTL2840_SPEC_REG_0_VALUE_TABLE_LEN];
+	}
+	static const QAM_MODE_REG_ENTRY QamModeRegTable[RTL2840_QAM_MODE_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Reg,									WritingValue according to QAM mode
+		// PageNo,	StartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb,	{4-Q,   16-Q,  32-Q,  64-Q,  128-Q, 256-Q, 512-Q, 1024-Q}
+		{1,			0x02,		2,		0,		{0x7,   0x0,   0x1,   0x2,   0x3,   0x4,   0x5,   0x6	}},
+		{1,			0x05,		7,		0,		{0x6b,  0x6b,  0x6b,  0x6b,  0x6b,  0x6b,  0x6b,  0x6b  }},
+		{1,			0x2f,		15,		5,		{0x37,  0x82,  0xb9,  0x10e, 0x177, 0x21c, 0x2ee, 0x451	}},
+		{1,			0x31,		5,		0,		{0x1,   0x3,   0x4,   0x5,   0x8,   0xa,   0xf,   0x14	}},
+		{1,			0x2e,		5,		0,		{0x2,   0x4,   0x6,   0x8,   0xc,   0x10,  0x18,  0x20	}},
+		{1,			0x18,		7,		0,		{0x0,   0xdb,  0x79,  0x0,   0x8a,  0x0,   0x8c,  0x0	}},
+		{1,			0x19,		4,		0,		{0x14,  0x14,  0xf,   0x14,  0xf,   0x14,  0xf,   0x14  }},
+		{1,			0x3b,		2,		0,		{0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x3b,		5,		3,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3c,		2,		0,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3c,		4,		3,		{0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x3c,		6,		5,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3d,		1,		0,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3d,		3,		2,		{0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x3d,		5,		4,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3d,		7,		6,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x40,		2,		0,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x40,		5,		3,		{0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x3,   0x3	}},
+		{1,			0x41,		2,		0,		{0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x4,   0x4	}},
+		{1,			0x41,		4,		3,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x41,		6,		5,		{0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x42,		1,		0,		{0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3	}},
+		{1,			0x42,		3,		2,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x42,		5,		4,		{0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x42,		7,		6,		{0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3	}},
+	};
+	static const QAM_MODE_SPEC_REG_0_ENTRY QamModeSpecReg0Table[RTL2840_QAM_MODE_SPEC_REG_0_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// SpecReg0Sel,		{SpecReg0ValueTable                                              }		   QAM mode
+		{9,				{	{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 4-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 16-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 32-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 64-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 128-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 256-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 512-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},	}	// 1024-QAM
+		},
+		// SpecReg0Sel,		{SpecReg0ValueTable                                              }		   QAM mode
+		{10,			{	{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 4-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 16-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 32-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 64-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 128-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 256-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 512-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},	}	// 1024-QAM
+		},
+		// SpecReg0Sel,		{SpecReg0ValueTable                                              }		   QAM mode
+		{12,			{	{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 4-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 16-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 32-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 64-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 128-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 256-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 512-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},	}	// 1024-QAM
+		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	unsigned char PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	unsigned long WritingValue;
+	unsigned char SpecReg0Sel;
+	const unsigned char *pSpecReg0ValueTable;
+	// Set demod QAM mode with QAM mode register setting table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_QAM_MODE_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get all information from each register setting entry according to QAM mode.
+		PageNo       = QamModeRegTable[i].PageNo;
+		RegStartAddr = QamModeRegTable[i].RegStartAddr;
+		Msb          = QamModeRegTable[i].Msb;
+		Lsb          = QamModeRegTable[i].Lsb;
+		WritingValue = QamModeRegTable[i].WritingValue[QamMode];
+		// Set register page number.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set register mask bits.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Set register page number with inner page number for QAM mode specific register 0 setting.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set demod QAM mode with QAM mode specific register 0 setting table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_QAM_MODE_SPEC_REG_0_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get all information from each specific register 0 setting entry according to QAM mode.
+		SpecReg0Sel         = QamModeSpecReg0Table[i].SpecReg0Sel;
+		pSpecReg0ValueTable = QamModeSpecReg0Table[i].SpecReg0ValueTable[QamMode];
+		// Set specific register 0 selection.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_REG_0_SEL, SpecReg0Sel) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set specific register 0 values.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBytes(pDemod, RTL2840_SPEC_REG_0_VAL_START_ADDR, pSpecReg0ValueTable, LEN_11_BYTE) != 
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set specific register 0 strobe.
+		// Note: RTL2840 hardware will clear strobe automatically.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_REG_0_STROBE, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Set demod QAM mode parameter.
+	pDemod->QamMode      = QamMode;
+	pDemod->IsQamModeSet = YES;
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned long TrDeciRatioRangeMin;
+		unsigned char SymbolRateReg0;
+		unsigned long SymbolRateValue[RTL2840_SYMBOL_RATE_VALUE_TABLE_LEN];
+	}
+	static const SYMBOL_RATE_ENTRY SymbolRateTable[RTL2840_SYMBOL_RATE_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// TrDeciRatioRangeMin,	SymbolRateReg0,	{SymbolRateValue                              }
+		{0x1a0000,				0x4,			{10,   14,   1,  988,  955, 977, 68,  257, 438}	},
+		{0x160000,				0x5,			{2,    15,   19, 1017, 967, 950, 12,  208, 420}	},
+		{0x0,					0x6,			{1019, 1017, 9,  29,   3,   957, 956, 105, 377}	},
+	};
+	int i;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	const SYMBOL_RATE_ENTRY *pSymbolRateEntry;
+	MPI MpiCrystalFreqHz, MpiSymbolRateHz, MpiConst, MpiVar, MpiNone;
+	unsigned long TrDeciRatio;
+	unsigned char SymbolRateReg0;
+	unsigned long SymbolRateValue;
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz(pDemod, &CrystalFreqHz);
+	// Calculate TR_DECI_RATIO value.
+	// Note: Original formula:   TR_DECI_RATIO = round( (CrystalFreqHz * pow(2, 18)) / SymbolRateHz )
+	//       Adjusted formula:   TR_DECI_RATIO = floor( ((CrystalFreqHz << 19) / SymbolRateHz + 1) >> 1 )
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCrystalFreqHz, CrystalFreqHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiSymbolRateHz, SymbolRateHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst, 1);
+	MpiLeftShift(&MpiVar, MpiCrystalFreqHz, 19);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar, &MpiNone, MpiVar, MpiSymbolRateHz);
+	MpiAdd(&MpiVar, MpiVar, MpiConst);
+	MpiRightShift(&MpiVar, MpiVar, 1);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar, (long *)&TrDeciRatio);
+	// Determine symbol rate entry according to TR_DECI_RATIO value and minimum of TR_DECI_RATIO range.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_SYMBOL_RATE_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		if(TrDeciRatio >= SymbolRateTable[i].TrDeciRatioRangeMin)
+		{
+			pSymbolRateEntry = &SymbolRateTable[i];
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// Set register page number with inner page number for symbol rate setting.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set TR_DECI_RATIO with calculated value.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_TR_DECI_RATIO, TrDeciRatio) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_REG_0 value with determined symbol rate entry.
+	SymbolRateReg0 = pSymbolRateEntry->SymbolRateReg0;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_REG_0, SymbolRateReg0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set symbol rate value with determined symbol rate entry.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_SYMBOL_RATE_VALUE_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get symbol rate value.
+		SymbolRateValue = pSymbolRateEntry->SymbolRateValue[i];
+		// Set symbol rate register selection.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_SEL, i) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set symbol rate register value.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_VAL, SymbolRateValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set symbol rate register strobe.
+		// Note: RTL2840 hardware will clear strobe automatically.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_STROBE, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Set demod symbol rate parameter.
+	pDemod->SymbolRateHz      = SymbolRateHz;
+	pDemod->IsSymbolRateHzSet = YES;
+	int AlphaMode
+	)
+	static const unsigned long AlphaValueTable[QAM_ALPHA_MODE_NUM][RTL2840_ALPHA_VALUE_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		{258,  94,   156,  517,  6,  1015,  1016,  17,  11,  994,   1011,  51,  15,  926,  1008,  313},	// alpha = 0.12
+		{258,  31,   28,   3,    6,  1016,  1016,  16,  11,  996,   1010,  50,  16,  927,  1007,  312},	// alpha = 0.13
+		{131,  257,  27,   2,    8,  1017,  1013,  16,  14,  996,   1008,  50,  18,  927,  1004,  310},	// alpha = 0.15
+		{0,    195,  30,   30,   6,  1022,  1014,  10,  14,  1002,  1006,  45,  21,  931,  1001,  307},	// alpha = 0.18
+		{415,  68,   31,   29,   4,  1,     1016,  6,   13,  1006,  1006,  41,  23,  934,  998,   304},	// alpha = 0.20
+	};
+	int i;
+	unsigned long AlphaValue;
+	// Set register page number with inner page number for alpha value setting.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set demod alpha mode with alpha value table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_ALPHA_VALUE_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get alpha value from alpha value entry according to alpha mode.
+		AlphaValue = AlphaValueTable[AlphaMode][i];
+		// Set alpha register selection.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_ALPHA_SEL, i) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set alpha register value.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_ALPHA_VAL, AlphaValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set alpha register strobe.
+		// Note: RTL2840 hardware will clear strobe automatically.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_ALPHA_STROBE, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Set demod alpha mode parameter.
+	pDemod->AlphaMode      = AlphaMode;
+	pDemod->IsAlphaModeSet = YES;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	)
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	unsigned long DdcFreq;
+	MPI MpiIfFreqHz, MpiCrystalFreqHz, MpiConst, MpiVar, MpiNone;
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz(pDemod, &CrystalFreqHz);
+	// Calculate DDC_FREQ value.
+	// Note: Original formula:   DDC_FREQ = round( (CrystalFreqHz - (IfFreqHz % CrystalFreqHz)) * pow(2, 15) /
+	//                                             CrystalFreqHz )
+	//       Adjusted formula:   DDC_FREQ = floor( ( ((CrystalFreqHz - (IfFreqHz % CrystalFreqHz)) << 16) /
+	//                                               CrystalFreqHz + 1 ) >> 1)
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiIfFreqHz, IfFreqHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCrystalFreqHz, CrystalFreqHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiConst, 1);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiVar, CrystalFreqHz - (IfFreqHz % CrystalFreqHz));
+	MpiLeftShift(&MpiVar, MpiVar, 16);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar, &MpiNone, MpiVar, MpiCrystalFreqHz);
+	MpiAdd(&MpiVar, MpiVar, MpiConst);
+	MpiRightShift(&MpiVar, MpiVar, 1);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar, (long *)&DdcFreq);
+	// Set DDC_FREQ with calculated value.
+	// Note: Use SetRegBitsWithPage() to set register bits with page setting.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_DDC_FREQ, DdcFreq) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set demod IF frequnecy parameter.
+	pDemod->IfFreqHz      = IfFreqHz;
+	pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	int SpectrumMode
+	)
+	static const char SpecInvValueTable[SPECTRUM_MODE_NUM] =
+	{
+		// SpecInv
+		0,				// Normal spectrum
+		1,				// Inverse spectrum
+	};
+	unsigned long SpecInv;
+	// Get SPEC_INV value from spectrum inverse value table according to spectrum mode.
+	SpecInv = SpecInvValueTable[SpectrumMode];
+	// Set SPEC_INV with gotten value.
+	// Note: Use SetRegBitsWithPage() to set register bits with page setting.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_INV, SpecInv) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode parameter.
+	pDemod->SpectrumMode      = SpectrumMode;
+	pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet = YES;
+	long *pRfAgc
+	)
+	unsigned long RfAgcBinary;
+	// Get RF AGC binary value from RF_AGC_VALUE monitor register bits.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits(pDemod, QAM_RF_AGC_VALUE, &RfAgcBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Convert RF AGC binary value to signed integer.
+	*pRfAgc = BinToSignedInt(RfAgcBinary, RTL2840_RF_AGC_VALUE_BIT_NUM);
+	long *pIfAgc
+	)
+	unsigned long IfAgcBinary;
+	// Get IF AGC binary value from IF_AGC_VALUE monitor register bits.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits(pDemod, QAM_IF_AGC_VALUE, &IfAgcBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Convert IF AGC binary value to signed integer.
+	*pIfAgc = BinToSignedInt(IfAgcBinary, RTL2840_IF_AGC_VALUE_BIT_NUM);
+	unsigned long *pDiAgc
+	)
+	// Get digital AGC value from DAGC_VALUE monitor register bits.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits(pDemod, QAM_DAGC_VALUE, pDiAgc) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	)
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	unsigned long TrOffsetBinary;
+	long          TrOffsetInt;
+	MPI MpiTrOffsetInt, MpiSymbolRateHz, MpiCrystalFreqHz, MpiVar0, MpiVar1;
+	// Get demod symbol rate in Hz.
+	if(pDemod->GetSymbolRateHz(pDemod, &SymbolRateHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_symbol_rate;
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz(pDemod, &CrystalFreqHz);
+	// Get TR offset binary value from TR_OFFSET monitor register bits.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits(pDemod, QAM_TR_OFFSET, &TrOffsetBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Convert TR offset binary value to signed integer.
+	TrOffsetInt = BinToSignedInt(TrOffsetBinary, RTL2840_TR_OFFSET_BIT_NUM);
+	// Get TR offset in ppm.
+	// Note: (TR offset in ppm) = ((TR offset integer) * (symbol rate in Hz) * 1000000) /
+	//                            ((pow(2, 35) * (crystal frequency in Hz))
+	//       TR offset integer is 31 bit value.
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiTrOffsetInt,   TrOffsetInt);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiSymbolRateHz,  (long)SymbolRateHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCrystalFreqHz, (long)CrystalFreqHz);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiVar0,          1000000);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar0, MpiVar0, MpiTrOffsetInt);
+	MpiMul(&MpiVar0, MpiVar0, MpiSymbolRateHz);
+	MpiLeftShift(&MpiVar1, MpiCrystalFreqHz, 35);
+	MpiDiv(&MpiVar0, &MpiVar1, MpiVar0, MpiVar1);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiVar0, pTrOffsetPpm);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	)
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz;
+	unsigned long CrOffsetBinary;
+	long          CrOffsetInt;
+	MPI MpiCrOffsetInt, MpiSymbolRateHz, MpiMiddleResult;
+	// Get demod symbol rate in Hz.
+	if(pDemod->GetSymbolRateHz(pDemod, &SymbolRateHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_symbol_rate;
+	// Get CR offset binary value from CR_OFFSET monitor register bits.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits(pDemod, QAM_CR_OFFSET, &CrOffsetBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Convert CR offset binary value to signed integer.
+	CrOffsetInt = BinToSignedInt(CrOffsetBinary, RTL2840_CR_OFFSET_BIT_NUM);
+	// Get CR offset in Hz.
+	// Note: (CR offset in Hz) = (CR offset integer) * (symbol rate in Hz) / pow(2, 34)
+	//       CR offset integer is 32 bit value.
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiCrOffsetInt,  CrOffsetInt);
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiSymbolRateHz, (long)SymbolRateHz);
+	MpiMul(&MpiMiddleResult, MpiCrOffsetInt, MpiSymbolRateHz);
+	MpiRightShift(&MpiMiddleResult, MpiMiddleResult, 34);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiMiddleResult, pCrOffsetHz);
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	unsigned long LockStatus;
+	// Get AAGC lock status from AAGC_LD inner strobe register bits.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits(pDemod, QAM_AAGC_LD, &LockStatus) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Determine answer according to AAGC lock status.
+	if(LockStatus == LOCKED)
+		*pAnswer = YES;
+	else
+		*pAnswer = NO;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	unsigned long LockStatus;
+	// Get EQ lock status from EQ_LD inner strobe register bits.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits(pDemod, QAM_EQ_LD, &LockStatus) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Determine answer according to EQ lock status.
+	if(LockStatus == LOCKED)
+		*pAnswer = YES;
+	else
+		*pAnswer = NO;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	unsigned long LossStatus;
+	// Get frame loss status from SYNCLOST register bits.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_SYNCLOST, &LossStatus) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Determine answer according to frame loss status.
+	if(LossStatus == NOT_LOST)
+		*pAnswer = YES;
+	else
+		*pAnswer = NO;
+	unsigned long TestVolume,
+	unsigned int WaitTimeMsMax,
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen,
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned long TestPacketNum;
+	unsigned int  WaitCnt;
+	int FrameLock;
+	unsigned long BerReg2, BerReg2Msb, BerReg2Lsb;
+	unsigned long BerReg0, BerReg1;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Calculate test packet number and wait counter value.
+	TestPacketNum = 0x1 << (TestVolume * 2 + 4);
+	WaitCnt = WaitTimeMsMax / RTL2840_BER_WAIT_TIME_MS;
+	// Set TEST_VOLUME with test volume.
+	// Note: The function SetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_TEST_VOLUME, TestVolume) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Clear and enable error counter.
+	// Note: The function SetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_BERT_EN, OFF) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_BERT_EN, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Check if error test is finished.
+	for(i = 0; i < WaitCnt; i++)
+	{
+		// Check if demod is frame-locked.
+		if(pDemod->IsFrameLocked(pDemod, &FrameLock) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+		if(FrameLock == NO)
+			goto error_status_frame_lock;
+		// Wait a minute.
+		// Note: The input unit of WaitMs() is ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, RTL2840_BER_WAIT_TIME_MS);
+		// Set error counter strobe.
+		// Note: RTL2840 hardware will clear strobe automatically.
+		//       The function SetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_BER_RD_STROBE, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Check if error test is finished.
+		// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_BER_REG2_15_0, &BerReg2Lsb) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_BER_REG2_18_16, &BerReg2Msb) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+		BerReg2 = (BerReg2Msb << RTL2840_BER_REG2_MSB_SHIFT) | BerReg2Lsb;
+		if(BerReg2 == TestPacketNum)
+			break;
+	}
+	// Check time-out status.
+	if(i == WaitCnt)
+		goto error_status_time_out;
+	// Get BER register 0 from BER_REG0.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_BER_REG0, &BerReg0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Get BER register 1 from BER_REG1.
+	// Note: The function GetRegBitsWithPage() will set register page automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_BER_REG1, &BerReg1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Set BER numerator and denominator.
+	*pBerNum = 27 * BerReg0 + BerReg1;
+	*pBerDen = 1632 * TestPacketNum;
+	// Set PER numerator and denominator.
+	*pPerNum = BerReg0;
+	*pPerDen = TestPacketNum;
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	)
+	static const unsigned long SnrConstTable[QAM_QAM_MODE_NUM] =
+	{
+		26880,		// for    4-QAM mode
+		29852,		// for   16-QAM mode
+		31132,		// for   32-QAM mode
+		32502,		// for   64-QAM mode
+		33738,		// for  128-QAM mode
+		35084,		// for  256-QAM mode
+		36298,		// for  512-QAM mode
+		37649,		// for 1024-QAM mode
+	};
+	int QamMode;
+	unsigned long Mse;
+	long MiddleResult;
+	MPI MpiMse, MpiResult;
+	// Get demod QAM mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetQamMode(pDemod, &QamMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_qam_mode;
+	// Get mean-square error from MSE.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits(pDemod, QAM_MSE, &Mse) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Calculate SNR dB numerator.
+	MpiSetValue(&MpiMse, Mse);
+	MpiLog2(&MpiResult, MpiMse, RTL2840_SNR_FRAC_BIT_NUM);
+	MpiGetValue(MpiResult, &MiddleResult);
+	*pSnrDbNum = SnrConstTable[QamMode] - 10 * MiddleResult;
+	// Set SNR dB denominator.
+	*pSnrDbDen = RTL2840_SNR_DB_DEN;
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	)
+	int FrameLock;
+	long IfAgcValue;
+	// Get demod frame lock status.
+	if(pDemod->IsFrameLocked(pDemod, &FrameLock) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// If demod is not frame-locked, set signal strength with zero.
+	if(FrameLock == NO)
+	{
+		*pSignalStrength = 0;
+		goto success_status_non_frame_lock;
+	}
+	// Get IF AGC value.
+	if(pDemod->GetIfAgc(pDemod, &IfAgcValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Determine signal strength according to IF AGC value.
+	// Note: Map IF AGC value (1023 ~ -1024) to signal strength (0 ~ 100).
+	*pSignalStrength = (102300 - IfAgcValue * 100) / 2047;
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	)
+	int FrameLock;
+	unsigned long Mse;
+	long MiddleResult;
+	MPI MpiMse, MpiResult;
+	// Get demod frame lock status.
+	if(pDemod->IsFrameLocked(pDemod, &FrameLock) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// If demod is not frame-locked, set signal quality with zero.
+	if(FrameLock == NO)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 0;
+		goto success_status_non_frame_lock;
+	}
+	// Get mean-square error from MSE.
+	// Note: The function rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits() will set register page automatically.
+	if(rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits(pDemod, QAM_MSE, &Mse) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Determine signal quality according to MSE value.
+	// Note: Map MSE value (pow(2, 19) ~ pow(2, 17)) to signal quality (0 ~ 100).
+	//       If MSE value < pow(2, 17), signal quality is 100.
+	//       If MSE value > pow(2, 19), signal quality is 0.
+	if(Mse > 524288)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 0;
+	}
+	else if(Mse < 131072)
+	{
+		*pSignalQuality = 100;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		MpiSetValue(&MpiMse, Mse);
+		MpiLog2(&MpiResult, MpiMse, RTL2840_SIGNAL_QUALITY_FRAC_BIT_NUM);
+		MpiGetValue(MpiResult, &MiddleResult);
+		*pSignalQuality = (243200 - MiddleResult * 100) / 256;
+	}
+	)
+	// RTL2840 does not use UpdateFunction(), so we just return FUNCTION_SUCCESS.
+	)
+	// RTL2840 does not use UpdateFunction(), so we just return FUNCTION_SUCCESS.
+	int QamMode
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned char PageNo;
+		unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+		unsigned char Msb;
+		unsigned char Lsb;
+		unsigned long WritingValue[QAM_QAM_MODE_NUM];
+	}
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		unsigned char SpecReg0Sel;
+		unsigned char SpecReg0ValueTable[QAM_QAM_MODE_NUM][RTL2840_SPEC_REG_0_VALUE_TABLE_LEN];
+	}
+	static const QAM_MODE_REG_ENTRY QamModeRegTable[RTL2840_QAM_MODE_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Reg,									WritingValue according to QAM mode
+		// PageNo,	StartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb,	{4-Q,   16-Q,  32-Q,  64-Q,  128-Q, 256-Q, 512-Q, 1024-Q}
+		{1,			0x02,		2,		0,		{0x7,   0x0,   0x1,   0x2,   0x3,   0x4,   0x5,   0x6	}},
+		{1,			0x2f,		15,		5,		{0x37,  0x82,  0xb9,  0x10e, 0x177, 0x21c, 0x2ee, 0x451	}},
+		{1,			0x31,		5,		0,		{0x1,   0x3,   0x4,   0x5,   0x8,   0xa,   0xf,   0x14	}},
+		{1,			0x2e,		5,		0,		{0x2,   0x4,   0x6,   0x8,   0xc,   0x10,  0x18,  0x20	}},
+		{1,			0x18,		7,		0,		{0x0,   0xdb,  0x79,  0x0,   0x8a,  0x0,   0x8c,  0x0	}},
+		{1,			0x19,		4,		0,		{0x14,  0x14,  0xf,   0x14,  0xf,   0x14,  0xf,   0x14  }},
+		{1,			0x3b,		2,		0,		{0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x3b,		5,		3,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3c,		2,		0,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3c,		4,		3,		{0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x3c,		6,		5,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3d,		1,		0,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3d,		3,		2,		{0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x3d,		5,		4,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x3d,		7,		6,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x41,		4,		3,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x41,		6,		5,		{0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x42,		1,		0,		{0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3	}},
+		{1,			0x42,		3,		2,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1	}},
+		{1,			0x42,		5,		4,		{0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x42,		7,		6,		{0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3,   0x3	}},
+		// For AM-hum enhancement
+		// Reg,									WritingValue according to QAM mode
+		// PageNo,	StartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb,	{4-Q,   16-Q,  32-Q,  64-Q,  128-Q, 256-Q, 512-Q, 1024-Q}
+		{1,			0x05,		7,		0,		{0x64,  0x64,  0x64,  0x64,  0x6b,  0x6b,  0x6b,  0x6b  }},
+		{1,			0x40,		2,		0,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2	}},
+		{1,			0x40,		5,		3,		{0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x1,   0x2,   0x2,   0x3,   0x3	}},
+		{1,			0x41,		2,		0,		{0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x0,   0x3,   0x3,   0x4,   0x4	}},
+	};
+	static const QAM_MODE_SPEC_REG_0_ENTRY QamModeSpecReg0Table[RTL2840_QAM_MODE_SPEC_REG_0_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// SpecReg0Sel,		{SpecReg0ValueTable                                              }		   QAM mode
+		{9,				{	{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 4-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 16-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 32-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 64-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 128-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 256-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 512-QAM
+							{0x99, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},	}	// 1024-QAM
+		},
+		// SpecReg0Sel,		{SpecReg0ValueTable                                              }		   QAM mode
+		{10,			{	{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 4-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 16-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 32-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 64-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 128-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x20, 0x71, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 256-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},		// 512-QAM
+							{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x48, 0x10, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xcb, 0x00},	}	// 1024-QAM
+		},
+		// For AM-hum enhancement
+		// SpecReg0Sel,		{SpecReg0ValueTable                                              }		   QAM mode
+		{12,			{	{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x40, 0x7e, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 4-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x40, 0x7e, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 16-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x40, 0x7e, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 32-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x40, 0x7e, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 64-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 128-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 256-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},		// 512-QAM
+							{0xc8, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x28, 0xda, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfe, 0xcd, 0x01},	}	// 1024-QAM
+		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	unsigned char PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	unsigned long WritingValue;
+	unsigned char SpecReg0Sel;
+	const unsigned char *pSpecReg0ValueTable;
+	// Set demod QAM mode with QAM mode register setting table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_QAM_MODE_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get all information from each register setting entry according to QAM mode.
+		PageNo       = QamModeRegTable[i].PageNo;
+		RegStartAddr = QamModeRegTable[i].RegStartAddr;
+		Msb          = QamModeRegTable[i].Msb;
+		Lsb          = QamModeRegTable[i].Lsb;
+		WritingValue = QamModeRegTable[i].WritingValue[QamMode];
+		// Set register page number.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set register mask bits.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Set register page number with inner page number for QAM mode specific register 0 setting.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set demod QAM mode with QAM mode specific register 0 setting table.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_QAM_MODE_SPEC_REG_0_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get all information from each specific register 0 setting entry according to QAM mode.
+		SpecReg0Sel         = QamModeSpecReg0Table[i].SpecReg0Sel;
+		pSpecReg0ValueTable = QamModeSpecReg0Table[i].SpecReg0ValueTable[QamMode];
+		// Set specific register 0 selection.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_REG_0_SEL, SpecReg0Sel) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set specific register 0 values.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBytes(pDemod, RTL2840_SPEC_REG_0_VAL_START_ADDR, pSpecReg0ValueTable, LEN_11_BYTE) != 
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+		// Set specific register 0 strobe.
+		// Note: RTL2840 hardware will clear strobe automatically.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_SPEC_REG_0_STROBE, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Set demod QAM mode parameter.
+	pDemod->QamMode      = QamMode;
+	pDemod->IsQamModeSet = YES;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get demod module and tuner device address.
+	pDemod = (QAM_DEMOD_MODULE *)pI2cBridge->pPrivateData;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Enable demod I2C relay.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_OPT_I2C_RELAY, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Send I2C reading command.
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_send_i2c_reading_command;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get demod module and tuner device address.
+	pDemod = (QAM_DEMOD_MODULE *)pI2cBridge->pPrivateData;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Enable demod I2C relay.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_OPT_I2C_RELAY, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Send I2C writing command.
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, pWritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_send_i2c_writing_command;
+@brief   Initialize base register table
+RTL2840 builder will use rtl2840_InitBaseRegTable() to initialize base register table.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@see   BuildRtl2840Module()
+	)
+	{
+		// Generality
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_SYS_VERSION,					0,			0x01,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_OPT_I2C_RELAY,					0,			0x03,			5,		5	},
+		{QAM_SOFT_RESET,					0,			0x09,			0,		0	},
+		// Miscellany
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_OPT_I2C_DRIVE_CURRENT,			0,			0x07,			7,		7	},
+		{QAM_GPIO2_OEN,						0,			0x05,			6,		6	},
+		{QAM_GPIO3_OEN,						0,			0x05,			7,		7	},
+		{QAM_GPIO2_O,						0,			0x0a,			2,		2	},
+		{QAM_GPIO3_O,						0,			0x0a,			3,		3	},
+		{QAM_GPIO2_I,						0,			0x0a,			6,		6	},
+		{QAM_GPIO3_I,						0,			0x0a,			7,		7	},
+		{QAM_INNER_DATA_STROBE,				1,			0x69,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_INNER_DATA_SEL1,				1,			0x48,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_INNER_DATA_SEL2,				1,			0x49,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_INNER_DATA1,					1,			0x6a,			15,		0	},
+		{QAM_INNER_DATA2,					1,			0x6c,			15,		0	},
+		// QAM mode
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_QAM_MODE,						1,			0x02,			2,		0	},
+		// AD
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_AD_AV,							0,			0x0b,			2,		0	},
+		// AAGC
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_DRIVE_CURRENT,		0,			0x07,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_DRIVE_CURRENT,		0,			0x07,			1,		1	},
+		{QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_DRIVE,				0,			0x04,			3,		3	},
+		{QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_DRIVE,				0,			0x04,			4,		4	},
+		{QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_OEN,				0,			0x04,			6,		6	},
+		{QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_OEN,				0,			0x04,			7,		7	},
+		{QAM_PAR_RF_SD_IB,					0,			0x03,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_PAR_IF_SD_IB,					0,			0x03,			1,		1	},
+		{QAM_AAGC_FZ_OPTION,				1,			0x04,			5,		4	},
+		{QAM_AAGC_TARGET,					1,			0x05,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_RF_AAGC_MAX,					1,			0x06,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_RF_AAGC_MIN,					1,			0x07,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_IF_AAGC_MAX,					1,			0x08,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_IF_AAGC_MIN,					1,			0x09,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_VTOP,							1,			0x0b,			7,		0	},
+		{QAM_KRF_MSB,						1,			0x0c,			6,		3	},
+		{QAM_KRF_LSB,						1,			0x04,			7,		6	},
+		{QAM_AAGC_MODE_SEL,					1,			0x0c,			7,		7	},
+		{QAM_AAGC_LD,						1,			0x72,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_AAGC_INIT_LEVEL,				1,			0x0a,			7,		0	},
+		// DDC
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_DDC_FREQ,						1,			0x0d,			14,		0	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_INV,						1,			0x0e,			7,		7	},
+		// Timing recovery
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_TR_DECI_RATIO,					1,			0x1f,			23,		0	},
+		// Carrier recovery
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_CR_LD,							1,			0x74,			5,		0	},
+		// Equalizer
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_EQ_LD,							1,			0x72,			1,		1	},
+		{QAM_MSE,							1,			0x76,			21,		0	},
+		// Frame sync. indicator
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_SYNCLOST,						2,			0x02,			7,		7	},
+		// BER
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_BER_RD_STROBE,					2,			0x05,			7,		7	},
+		{QAM_BERT_EN,						2,			0x06,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_BERT_HOLD,						2,			0x06,			1,		1	},
+		{QAM_DIS_AUTO_MODE,					2,			0x06,			2,		2	},
+		{QAM_TEST_VOLUME,					2,			0x06,			5,		3	},
+		{QAM_BER_REG0,						2,			0x0e,			15,		0	},
+		{QAM_BER_REG1,						2,			0x07,			20,		0	},
+		{QAM_BER_REG2_15_0,					2,			0x0a,			15,		0	},
+		{QAM_BER_REG2_18_16,				2,			0x09,			7,		5	},
+		// MPEG TS output interface
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_CKOUTPAR,						2,			0x11,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_CKOUT_PWR,						2,			0x11,			1,		1	},
+		{QAM_CDIV_PH0,						2,			0x12,			3,		0	},
+		{QAM_CDIV_PH1,						2,			0x12,			7,		4	},
+		{QAM_MPEG_OUT_EN,					0,			0x04,			5,		5	},
+		{QAM_OPT_MPEG_DRIVE_CURRENT,		0,			0x07,			2,		2	},
+		{QAM_NO_REINVERT,					2,			0x10,			2,		2	},
+		{QAM_FIX_TEI,						2,			0x10,			3,		3	},
+		{QAM_SERIAL,						2,			0x11,			2,		2	},
+		// Monitor
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_ADC_CLIP_CNT_REC,				1,			0x6a,			15,		4	},
+		{QAM_DAGC_LEVEL_26_11,				1,			0x6a,			15,		0	},
+		{QAM_DAGC_LEVEL_10_0,				1,			0x6c,			15,		5	},
+		{QAM_RF_AAGC_SD_IN,					1,			0x6a,			15,		5	},
+		{QAM_IF_AAGC_SD_IN,					1,			0x6c,			15,		5	},
+		{QAM_KI_TR_OUT_30_15,				1,			0x6a,			15,		0	},
+		{QAM_KI_TR_OUT_14_0,				1,			0x6c,			15,		1	},
+		{QAM_KI_CR_OUT_15_0,				1,			0x6a,			15,		0	},
+		{QAM_KI_CR_OUT_31_16,				1,			0x6c,			15,		0	},
+		// Specific register
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_SPEC_SIGNAL_INDICATOR,			1,			0x73,			5,		3	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_ALPHA_STROBE,				1,			0x57,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_ALPHA_SEL,				1,			0x57,			4,		1	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_ALPHA_VAL,				1,			0x57,			14,		5	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_REG_0,		1,			0x0f,			2,		0	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_STROBE,		1,			0x5b,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_SEL,			1,			0x5b,			4,		1	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_SYMBOL_RATE_VAL,			1,			0x5b,			14,		5	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_REG_0_STROBE,				1,			0x5d,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_REG_0_SEL,				1,			0x5d,			4,		1	},
+		// Specific register for initialization
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_SPEC_INIT_A0,					1,			0x6a,			15,		6	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_INIT_A1,					0,			0x0f,			0,		0	},
+		{QAM_SPEC_INIT_A2,					1,			0x2b,			1,		1	},
+		// Pseudo register for test only
+		// RegBitName,						PageNo,		RegStartAddr,	Msb,	Lsb
+		{QAM_TEST_REG_0,					1,			0x17,			6,		2	},
+		{QAM_TEST_REG_1,					1,			0x17,			14,		1	},
+		{QAM_TEST_REG_2,					1,			0x17,			21,		3	},
+		{QAM_TEST_REG_3,					1,			0x17,			30,		2	},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	// Initialize base register table according to primary base register table.
+	// Note: 1. Base register table rows are sorted by register bit name key.
+	//       2. The default value of the IsAvailable variable is "NO".
+	for(i = 0; i < QAM_BASE_REG_TABLE_LEN_MAX; i++)
+		pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[i].IsAvailable  = NO;
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_BASE_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		RegBitName = PrimaryBaseRegTable[i].RegBitName;
+		pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable  = YES;
+		pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].PageNo       = PrimaryBaseRegTable[i].PageNo;
+		pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr = PrimaryBaseRegTable[i].RegStartAddr;
+		pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Msb          = PrimaryBaseRegTable[i].Msb;
+		pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Lsb          = PrimaryBaseRegTable[i].Lsb;
+	}
+	return;
+@brief   Initialize monitor register table
+RTL2840 builder will use rtl2840_InitMonitorRegTable() to initialize monitor register table.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@see   BuildRtl2840Module()
+	)
+	{
+		// Generality
+		// MonitorRegBitName,		InfoNum,		{SelRegAddr,	SelValue,	RegBitName,				Shift	}
+		{QAM_ADC_CLIP_CNT,			1,			{	{0x48,			0x01,		QAM_ADC_CLIP_CNT_REC,	0		},
+													{NO_USE,		NO_USE,		NO_USE,					NO_USE	},	}},
+		{QAM_DAGC_VALUE,			2,			{	{0x48,			0x20,		QAM_DAGC_LEVEL_26_11,	11		},
+													{0x49,			0x20,		QAM_DAGC_LEVEL_10_0,	0		},	}},
+		{QAM_RF_AGC_VALUE,			1,			{	{0x48,			0x80,		QAM_RF_AAGC_SD_IN,		0		},
+													{NO_USE,		NO_USE,		NO_USE,					NO_USE	},	}},
+		{QAM_IF_AGC_VALUE,			1,			{	{0x49,			0x80,		QAM_IF_AAGC_SD_IN,		0		},
+													{NO_USE,		NO_USE,		NO_USE,					NO_USE	},	}},
+		{QAM_TR_OFFSET,				2,			{	{0x48,			0xc2,		QAM_KI_TR_OUT_30_15,	15		},
+													{0x49,			0xc2,		QAM_KI_TR_OUT_14_0,		0		},	}},
+		{QAM_CR_OFFSET,				2,			{	{0x48,			0xc3,		QAM_KI_CR_OUT_15_0,		0		},
+													{0x49,			0xc3,		QAM_KI_CR_OUT_31_16,	16		},	}},
+		// Specific monitor register for initialization
+		// MonitorRegBitName,		InfoNum,		{SelRegAddr,	SelValue,	RegBitName,				Shift	}
+		{QAM_SPEC_MONITER_INIT_0,	1,			{	{0x48,			0x00,		QAM_SPEC_INIT_A0,		0		},
+													{NO_USE,		NO_USE,		NO_USE,					NO_USE	},	}},
+	};
+	int i, j;
+	int MonitorRegBitName;
+	// Initialize monitor register table according to primary monitor register table.
+	// Note: 1. Monitor register table rows are sorted by monitor register name key.
+	//       2. The default value of the IsAvailable variable is "NO".
+	for(i = 0; i < QAM_MONITOR_REG_TABLE_LEN_MAX; i++)
+		pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[i].IsAvailable  = NO;
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_MONITOR_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		MonitorRegBitName = PrimaryMonitorRegTable[i].MonitorRegBitName;
+		pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].IsAvailable = YES;
+		pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoNum = PrimaryMonitorRegTable[i].InfoNum;
+		for(j = 0; j < QAM_MONITOR_REG_INFO_TABLE_LEN; j++)
+		{
+			pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoTable[j].SelRegAddr =
+				PrimaryMonitorRegTable[i].InfoTable[j].SelRegAddr;
+			pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoTable[j].SelValue =
+				PrimaryMonitorRegTable[i].InfoTable[j].SelValue;
+			pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoTable[j].RegBitName =
+				PrimaryMonitorRegTable[i].InfoTable[j].RegBitName;
+			pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoTable[j].Shift =
+				PrimaryMonitorRegTable[i].InfoTable[j].Shift;
+		}
+	}
+	return;
+@brief   Get inner strobe register bits.
+RTL2840 upper level functions will use rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits() to get register bits with inner strobe.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegBitName      Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bits successfully with bit name and inner strobe.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Don't need to set register page before using rtl2840_GetInnerStrobeRegBits().
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	// Set register page number with inner page number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set inner data strobe.
+	// Note: RTL2840 hardware will clear strobe automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_INNER_DATA_STROBE, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Get the inner strobe register bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits(pDemod, RegBitName, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+@brief   Get monitor register bits.
+RTL2840 upper level functions will use rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits() to get monitor register bits.
+@param [in]    pDemod              The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    MonitorRegBitName   Pre-defined demod monitor register bit name
+@param [out]   pReadingValue       Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod monitor register bits successfully with monitor bit name.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod monitor register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Don't need to set register page before using rtl2840_GetMonitorRegBits().
+	int MonitorRegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char InfoNum;
+	unsigned char SelRegAddr;
+	unsigned char SelValue;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Buffer[QAM_MONITOR_REG_INFO_TABLE_LEN];
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_monitor_register_bit_name;
+	// Get information entry number from monitor register table by monitor register name key.
+	InfoNum = pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoNum;
+	// Set register page number with inner page number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, 1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set selection register with selection value for each information entry.
+	for(i = 0; i < InfoNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Get selection register address and value from information entry by monitor register name key.
+		SelRegAddr = pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoTable[i].SelRegAddr;
+		SelValue   = pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoTable[i].SelValue;
+		// Set selection register with selection value.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBytes(pDemod, SelRegAddr, &SelValue, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Set inner data strobe.
+	// Note: RTL2840 hardware will clear strobe automatically.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_INNER_DATA_STROBE, ON) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Get register bits to buffer according to register bit names for each information entry.
+	for(i = 0; i < InfoNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name from information entry by monitor register name key.
+		RegBitName = pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoTable[i].RegBitName;
+		// Get register bits and store it to buffer.
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits(pDemod, RegBitName, &Buffer[i]) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	}
+	// Combine the buffer values into reading value.
+	*pReadingValue = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < InfoNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Get shift from information entry by monitor register name key.
+		Shift = pDemod->MonitorRegTable.Addr8Bit[MonitorRegBitName].InfoTable[i].Shift;
+		// Combine the buffer values into reading value with shift.
+		*pReadingValue |= Buffer[i] << Shift;
+	}
+@brief   Set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+RTL2840 builder will use rtl2840_BuildI2cBridgeModule() to set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@see   BuildRtl2840Module()
+	)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	// Get I2C bridge module.
+	pI2cBridge = pDemod->pI2cBridge;
+	// Set I2C bridge module demod arguments.
+	pI2cBridge->pPrivateData = (void *)pDemod;
+	pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd = rtl2840_ForwardI2cReadingCmd;
+	pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd = rtl2840_ForwardI2cWritingCmd;
+	return;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2840.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2840.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2840.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/demod_rtl2840.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.088066039 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+#ifndef __DEMOD_RTL2840_H
+#define __DEMOD_RTL2840_H
+@brief   RTL2840 QAM demod module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2840 QAM demod through RTL2840 module.
+RTL2840 module is derived from QAM demod module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the QAM demod example in qam_demod_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "demod_rtl2840.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE      QamDemodModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2840 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2840Module(
+		&pDemod,
+		&QamDemodModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0x44,								// I2C device address is 0x44 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// Crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// TS interface mode is serial.
+		QAM_DEMOD_EN_AM_HUM					// Enhancement mode is AM-hum.
+		);
+	// See the example for other QAM demod functions in qam_demod_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "qam_demod_base.h"
+// Definitions
+#define RTL2840_BASE_REG_TABLE_LEN				88
+#define RTL2840_MONITOR_REG_TABLE_LEN			7
+#define RTL2840_PAGE_REG_ADDR					0x0
+#define RTL2840_SYS_VERSION_VALUE				0xa3
+// Specific register
+#define RTL2840_SPEC_REG_0_VAL_START_ADDR		0x5e
+// Initialization
+// RF_AGC_VALUE register
+#define RTL2840_RF_AGC_VALUE_BIT_NUM		11
+// IF_AGC_VALUE register
+#define RTL2840_IF_AGC_VALUE_BIT_NUM		11
+// CR_OFFSET register
+#define RTL2840_CR_OFFSET_BIT_NUM			32
+// TR_OFFSET register
+#define RTL2840_TR_OFFSET_BIT_NUM			31
+// BER and UPER
+#define RTL2840_BER_WAIT_TIME_MS			10
+#define RTL2840_BER_REG2_MSB_SHIFT			16
+// SNR
+// Note: RTL2840_SNR_DB_DEN = round(log2(10) * pow(2, RTL2840_SNR_FRAC_BIT_NUM))
+#define RTL2840_SNR_FRAC_BIT_NUM			7
+#define RTL2840_SNR_DB_DEN					425
+// Singal strength and signal quality
+// Table length
+#define RTL2840_SPEC_REG_0_VALUE_TABLE_LEN						11
+#define RTL2840_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN								45
+#define RTL2840_INIT_SPEC_REG_0_TABLE_LEN						13
+#define RTL2840_QAM_MODE_REG_TABLE_LEN							25
+#define RTL2840_QAM_MODE_SPEC_REG_0_TABLE_LEN					3
+#define RTL2840_ALPHA_VALUE_TABLE_LEN							16
+#define RTL2840_SYMBOL_RATE_TABLE_LEN							3
+// Builder
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE *pQamDemodModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int TsInterfaceMode,
+	int EnhancementMode
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	);
+	);
+	int QamMode
+	);
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz
+	);
+	int AlphaMode
+	);
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+	int SpectrumMode
+	);
+	long *pRfAgc
+	);
+	long *pIfAgc
+	);
+	unsigned long *pDiAgc
+	);
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	unsigned long TestVolume,
+	unsigned int WaitTimeMsMax,
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen,
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	);
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+	);
+	);
+// Demod AM-hum enhancement functions
+	int QamMode
+	);
+// I2C command forwarding functions
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+// Register table initialization
+	);
+	);
+// Register getting methods	
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int MonitorRegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+// I2C birdge module builder
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_demod_base.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_demod_base.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_demod_base.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_demod_base.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.088066039 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1566 @@
+@brief   DTMB demod default function definition
+DTMB demod default functions.
+#include "rtl2832u_io.h"
+#include "dtmb_demod_base.h"
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	)
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set demod register page with page number.
+	// Note: The I2C format of demod register page setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + DTMB_DEMOD_PAGE_REG_ADDR + PageNo + stop_bit
+	WritingBytes[0] = DTMB_DEMOD_PAGE_REG_ADDR;
+	WritingBytes[1] = (unsigned char)PageNo;
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBytes, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// temp, because page register is write-only.
+	pDemod->CurrentPageNo = PageNo;
+// Internal function:
+// Set register bytes separately.
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes one by one.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddr + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		WritingBuffer[1] = pWritingBytes[i];
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+        struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	//unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	unsigned long PageNo = pDemod->CurrentPageNo;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get user defined data pointer of base interface structure for context.
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes one by one.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+			if(write_demod_register(d, DeviceAddr, PageNo,  RegStartAddr+i,  (unsigned char*)pWritingBytes+i, LEN_1_BYTE))
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;	
+	}
+// Internal function:
+// Set register bytes continuously.
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegWritingAddr;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = (unsigned char)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddr + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = RegWritingAddr;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_1_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum + LEN_1_BYTE) !=
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned long CurrentPageNo;		// temp, because page register is write-only.
+	// Get page register number.
+	CurrentPageNo = pDemod->CurrentPageNo;		// temp, because page register is write-only.
+	// Set register bytes according to page register number.
+	switch(CurrentPageNo)
+	{
+		case 0:
+		case 1:
+		case 2:
+		case 3:
+		case 4:
+			if(internal_dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_SetRegBytesSeparately(pDemod, RegStartAddr, pWritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+			break;
+		default:
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+			break;
+	}
+// Internal function:
+// Get register bytes separately.
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char RegAddr;
+	unsigned char RegByte;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes one by one.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Set demod register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddr + stop_bit
+		RegAddr = (unsigned char)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &RegAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_register_reading_address;
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &RegByte, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+		// Copy register byte to reading bytes.
+		pReadingBytes[i] = RegByte;
+	}
+        struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long PageNo = pDemod->CurrentPageNo;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get user defined data pointer of base interface structure for context.
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes one by one.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		if(read_demod_register(d, DeviceAddr, PageNo,  RegStartAddr+i,  pReadingBytes+i, LEN_1_BYTE))
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;	
+	}
+// Internal function:
+// Get register bytes continuously.
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegReadingAddr;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = (unsigned char)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Set demod register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddr + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &RegReadingAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_register_reading_address;
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &pReadingBytes[i], ReadingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	}
+        struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long PageNo = pDemod->CurrentPageNo;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get user defined data pointer of base interface structure for context.
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	if(read_demod_register(d, DeviceAddr, PageNo,  RegStartAddr,  pReadingBytes, ByteNum))
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;	
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned long CurrentPageNo;		// temp, because page register is write-only.
+	// Get page register number.
+	CurrentPageNo = pDemod->CurrentPageNo;		// temp, because page register is write-only.
+	// Get register bytes according to page register number.
+	switch(CurrentPageNo)
+	{
+		case 0:
+		case 1:
+		case 2:
+		case 3:
+		case 4:
+			if(internal_dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_GetRegBytesSeparately(pDemod, RegStartAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+			break;
+		case 5:
+		case 6:
+		case 7:
+		case 8:
+		case 9:
+			if(internal_dtmb_demod_addr_8bit_GetRegBytesContinuously(pDemod, RegStartAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+			break;
+		default:
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+			break;
+	}
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value LSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value MSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Reserve unsigned integer value unmask bit with mask and inlay writing value into it.
+	Value &= ~Mask;
+	Value |= (WritingValue << Shift) & Mask;
+	// Separate unsigned integer value into writing bytes.
+	// Note: Pick up lower address byte from value LSB.
+	//       Pick up upper address byte from value MSB.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		WritingBytes[i] = (unsigned char)((Value >> (BYTE_SHIFT * i)) & BYTE_MASK);
+	// Write demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, WritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value LSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value MSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Get register bits from unsigned integaer value with mask and shift
+	*pReadingValue = (Value & Mask) >> Shift;
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Set register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Get register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	// Get register page number from register table with register bit name key.
+	PageNo = pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].PageNo;
+	// Set register page number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set register mask bits with register bit name key.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, RegBitName, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	// Get register page number from register table with register bit name key.
+	PageNo = pDemod->RegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].PageNo;
+	// Set register page number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Get register mask bits with register bit name key.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits(pDemod, RegBitName, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned short RegWritingAddr;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_2_BYTE;
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = (unsigned short)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddrMsb + RegWritingAddrLsb +
+		//       writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = (RegWritingAddr >> BYTE_SHIFT) & BYTE_MASK;
+		WritingBuffer[1] = RegWritingAddr & BYTE_MASK;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum + LEN_2_BYTE) !=
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+// Internal function:
+// Get register bytes normally.
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned short RegReadingAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = (unsigned short)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Set demod register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddrMsb + RegReadingAddrLsb + stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = (RegReadingAddr >> BYTE_SHIFT) & BYTE_MASK;
+		WritingBuffer[1] = RegReadingAddr & BYTE_MASK;
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_register_reading_address;
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &pReadingBytes[i], ReadingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	}
+// Internal function:
+// Get register bytes with freeze.
+#define DTMB_I2C_REG_DEBUG_PAGE_ADDR		0xc708
+#define DTMB_I2C_REG_DEBUG_ADDR_ADDR		0xc709
+#define DTMB_I2C_REG_DEBUG_BYTE_ADDR		0xc70b
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ReadingBuffer[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddrMsb + RegWritingAddrLsb + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+	// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte getting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+	// Set I2C_REG_DEBUG_PAGE and I2C_REG_DEBUG_ADDR with register start address.
+	// Note: 1. Set I2C_REG_DEBUG_PAGE with register start address [11:8].
+	//       2. Set I2C_REG_DEBUG_ADDR with register start address [7:0].
+	WritingBuffer[2] = (RegStartAddr >> BYTE_SHIFT) & HEX_DIGIT_MASK;
+	WritingBuffer[3] = RegStartAddr & BYTE_MASK;
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_4_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set I2C_REG_DEBUG_FREEZE with 0x1.
+	WritingBuffer[2] = 0x1;
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_3_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Get I2C_REG_DEBUG_BYTE 4 bytes.
+	if(internal_dtmb_demod_addr_16bit_GetRegBytesNormally(pDemod, DTMB_I2C_REG_DEBUG_BYTE_ADDR, ReadingBuffer, LEN_4_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Arrange reading bytes from big-endian to little-endian.
+	// Note: 1. The bytes format reading from I2C_REG_DEBUG_BYTE is big-endian.
+	//       2. The bytes format we needs is little-endian.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Set reading bytes.
+		pReadingBytes[i] = ReadingBuffer[LEN_3_BYTE - i];
+	}
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned char RegStartAddrMsb;
+	// Get regiser start address MSB.
+	RegStartAddrMsb = (RegStartAddr >> BYTE_SHIFT) & BYTE_MASK;
+	// Get register bytes according to page register number.
+	switch(RegStartAddrMsb)
+	{
+		case 0xc0:
+		case 0xc1:
+		case 0xc2:
+		case 0xc3:
+		case 0xc4:
+		case 0xc5:
+		case 0xc6:
+		case 0xc7:
+		case 0xe0:
+		case 0xe1:
+		case 0xe2:
+		case 0xe3:
+		case 0xe4:
+		case 0xf0:
+			if(internal_dtmb_demod_addr_16bit_GetRegBytesNormally(pDemod, RegStartAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+			break;
+		case 0xc8:
+		case 0xc9:
+		case 0xca:
+		case 0xcb:
+		case 0xcc:
+		case 0xcd:
+			if(internal_dtmb_demod_addr_16bit_GetRegBytesWithFreeze(pDemod, RegStartAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+			break;
+		default:
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+			break;
+	}
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value LSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value MSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Reserve unsigned integer value unmask bit with mask and inlay writing value into it.
+	Value &= ~Mask;
+	Value |= (WritingValue << Shift) & Mask;
+	// Separate unsigned integer value into writing bytes.
+	// Note: Pick up lower address byte from value LSB.
+	//       Pick up upper address byte from value MSB.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		WritingBytes[i] = (unsigned char)((Value >> (BYTE_SHIFT * i)) & BYTE_MASK);
+	// Write demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.SetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, WritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value LSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value MSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Get register bits from unsigned integaer value with mask and shift
+	*pReadingValue = (Value & Mask) >> Shift;
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->RegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->RegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->RegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->RegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Set register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->RegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->RegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->RegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->RegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Get register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	int *pDemodType
+	)
+	// Get demod type from demod module.
+	*pDemodType = pDemod->DemodType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get demod I2C device address from demod module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pDemod->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz from demod module.
+	*pCrystalFreqHz = pDemod->CrystalFreqHz;
+	return;
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get demod IF frequency in Hz from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_if_frequency;
+	*pIfFreqHz = pDemod->IfFreqHz;
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	)
+	// Get demod spectrum mode from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_spectrum_mode;
+	*pSpectrumMode = pDemod->SpectrumMode;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_demod_base.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_demod_base.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_demod_base.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_demod_base.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.088066039 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2505 @@
+#ifndef __DTMB_DEMOD_BASE_H
+#define __DTMB_DEMOD_BASE_H
+@brief   DTMB demod base module definition
+DTMB demod base module definitions contains demod module structure, demod funciton pointers, and demod definitions.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_xxx.h"
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C reading format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C writing format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	// Wait WaitTimeMs milliseconds.
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int SpectrumMode;
+	int DemodType;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	long RfAgc, IfAgc;
+	unsigned long DiAgc;
+	int Answer;
+	long TrOffsetPpm, CrOffsetHz;
+	unsigned long BerNum, BerDen;
+	double Ber;
+	unsigned long PerNum, PerDen;
+	double Per;
+	long SnrDbNum, SnrDbDen;
+	double SnrDb;
+	unsigned long SignalStrength, SignalQuality;
+	int CarrierMode;
+	int PnMode;
+	int QamMode;
+	int CodeRateMode;
+	int TimeInterleaverMode;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pBaseInterface,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Set maximum I2C reading byte number with 9.
+		8,								// Set maximum I2C writing byte number with 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		);
+	// Build DTMB demod XXX module.
+	BuildXxxModule(
+		&pDemod,
+		&DtmbDemodModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0x3e,							// Demod I2C device address is 0x3e in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ,		// Demod crystal frequency is 27.0 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// Demod TS interface mode is serial.
+		DIVERSITY_PIP_OFF				// Demod diversity and PIP both are disabled.
+		...								// Other arguments by each demod module
+		);
+	// ==== Initialize DTMB demod and set its parameters =====
+	// Initialize demod.
+	pDemod->Initialize(pDemod);
+	// Set demod parameters. (IF frequency and spectrum mode)
+	// Note: In the example:
+	//       1. IF frequency is 36.125 MHz.
+	//       2. Spectrum mode is SPECTRUM_INVERSE.
+	IfFreqHz      = IF_FREQ_36125000HZ;
+	SpectrumMode  = SPECTRUM_INVERSE;
+	pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod,      IfFreqHz);
+	pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod,  SpectrumMode);
+	// Need to set tuner before demod software reset.
+	// The order to set demod and tuner is not important.
+	// Note: 1. For 8-bit register address demod, one can use
+	//          "pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x1);"
+	//          for tuner I2C command forwarding.
+	//       2. For 16-bit register address demod, one can use
+	//          "pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x1);"
+	//       for tuner I2C command forwarding.
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	// Wait maximum 1000 ms for demod converge.
+	for(i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+	{
+		// Wait 40 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 40);
+		// Check signal lock status.
+		// Note: If Answer is YES, signal is locked.
+		//       If Answer is NO, signal is not locked.
+		pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, &Answer);
+		if(Answer == YES)
+		{
+			// Signal is locked.
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// ==== Get DTMB demod information =====
+	// Get demod type.
+	// Note: One can find demod type in MODULE_TYPE enumeration.
+	pDemod->GetDemodType(pDemod, &DemodType);
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz(pDemod, &CrystalFreqHz);
+	// Ask demod if it is connected to I2C bus.
+	// Note: If Answer is YES, demod is connected to I2C bus.
+	//       If Answer is NO, demod is not connected to I2C bus.
+	pDemod->IsConnectedToI2c(pDemod, &Answer);
+	// Get demod parameters. (IF frequency and spectrum mode)
+	pDemod->GetIfFreqHz(pDemod,      &IfFreqHz);
+	pDemod->GetSpectrumMode(pDemod,  &SpectrumMode);
+	// Get demod AGC value.
+	// Note: The range of RF AGC and IF AGC value is -8192 ~ 8191.
+	//       The range of digital AGC value is 0 ~ 255.
+	pDemod->GetRfAgc(pDemod, &RfAgc);
+	pDemod->GetIfAgc(pDemod, &IfAgc);
+	pDemod->GetDiAgc(pDemod, &DiAgc);
+	// Get demod lock status.
+	// Note: If Answer is YES, it is locked.
+	//       If Answer is NO, it is not locked.
+	pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, &Answer);
+	// Get TR offset (symbol timing offset) in ppm.
+	pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm(pDemod, &TrOffsetPpm);
+	// Get CR offset (RF frequency offset) in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz(pDemod, &CrOffsetHz);
+	// Get BER.
+	pDemod->GetBer(pDemod, &BerNum, &BerDen);
+	Ber = (double)BerNum / (double)BerDen;
+	// Get PER.
+	pDemod->GetPer(pDemod, &PerNum, &PerDen);
+	Per = (double)PerNum / (double)PerDen;
+	// Get SNR in dB.
+	pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen);
+	SnrDb = (double)SnrDbNum / (double)SnrDbDen;
+	// Get signal strength.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalStrength is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalStrength value to UI signal strength bar manually.
+	pDemod->GetSignalStrength(pDemod, &SignalStrength);
+	// Get signal quality.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalQuality is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalQuality value to UI signal quality bar manually.
+	pDemod->GetSignalQuality(pDemod, &SignalQuality);
+	// Get signal information.
+	// Note: One can find signal information definitions in the enumerations as follows:
+	//       1. DTMB_CARRIER_MODE
+	//       2. DTMB_PN_MODE
+	//       3. DTMB_QAM_MODE
+	//       4. DTMB_CODE_RATE_MODE
+	pDemod->GetCarrierMode(pDemod, &CarrierMode);
+	pDemod->GetPnMode(pDemod, &PnMode);
+	pDemod->GetQamMode(pDemod, &QamMode);
+	pDemod->GetCodeRateMode(pDemod, &CodeRateMode);
+	pDemod->GetTimeInterleaverMode(pDemod, &TimeInterleaverMode);
+	return 0;
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Definitions
+// Page register address
+// Carrier mode
+// PN mode
+	DTMB_PN_420,
+	DTMB_PN_595,
+	DTMB_PN_945,
+// QAM mode
+#define DTMB_QAM_UNKNOWN		-1
+// Code rate mode
+// Time interleaver mode
+// Register entry definitions
+// Register entry for 8-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int IsAvailable;
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Primary register entry for 8-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Register entry for 16-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int IsAvailable;
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Primary register entry for 16-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Register table dependence
+// Demod register bit names
+	// Software reset
+	// Tuner I2C forwording
+	// Chip ID
+	// IF setting
+	// AGC setting
+	DTMB_AGC_DRIVE_LV,						// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_Z_AGC,								// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_EN_PGA_MODE,						// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_AAGC_LOOPGAIN1,					// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_POLAR_IFAGC,						// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_POLAR_RFAGC,						// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_INTEGRAL_CNT_LEN,					// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_AAGC_LOCK_PGA_HIT_LEN,				// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_THD_LOCK_UP,						// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_THD_LOCK_DW,						// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_THD_UP1,							// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_THD_DW1,							// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_THD_UP2,							// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_THD_DW2,							// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_GAIN_PULSE_HOLD_LEN,				// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_GAIN_STEP_SUM_UP_THD,				// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_GAIN_STEP_SUM_DW_THD,				// for RTL2836B DTMB only
+	// TS interface
+	// Signal lock status
+	// FSM
+	// Performance measurement
+	// AGC
+	// TR and CR
+	// Signal information
+	// GPIO
+	DTMB_DMBT_GPIOA_OE,			// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_DMBT_GPIOB_OE,			// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_GPIOA_SEL,				// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_GPIOB_SEL,				// For RTL2836B only
+	// AD7
+	DTMB_RSSI_R,				// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_AV_SET7,				// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_IBX,					// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_POW_AD7,				// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_VICM_SET,				// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_VRC,					// For RTL2836B only
+	DTMB_ATT_AD7,				// For RTL2836B only
+	// Diversity
+	DTMB_DIV_EN,				// For RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_DIV_MODE,				// For RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_DIV_RX_CLK_XOR,		// For RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_DIV_THD_ERR_CMP0,		// For RTL2836B DTMB only
+	DTMB_FSM_10L_MSB_3Byte,		// For RTL2836B DTMB only
+	// Item terminator
+// Register table length definitions
+// DTMB demod module pre-definition
+@brief   DTMB demod register page setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() to set demod register page.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   PageNo   Page number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set register page successfully with page number.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set register page unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register page with page number 2.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 2);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod register byte setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES() to set demod register bytes.
+@param [in]   pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [in]   pWritingBytes   Pointer to writing bytes
+@param [in]   ByteNum         Writing byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bytes successfully with writing bytes.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bytes unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES().
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[10];
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bytes (page 1, address 0x17 ~ 0x1b) with 5 writing bytes.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegBytes(pDemod, 0x17, WritingBytes, 5);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod register byte getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES() to get demod register bytes.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [out]   pReadingBytes   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading bytes
+@param [in]    ByteNum         Reading byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bytes successfully with reading byte number.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bytes unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES().
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[10];
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bytes (page 1, address 0x17 ~ 0x1b) with reading byte number 5.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegBytes(pDemod, 0x17, ReadingBytes, 5);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod register mask bits setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() to set demod register mask bits.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegStartAddr   Demod register start address
+@param [in]   Msb            Mask MSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]   Lsb            Mask LSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register mask bits successfully with writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register mask bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS().
+	-# The constraints of DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() function usage are described as follows:
+		-# The mask MSB and LSB must be 0~31.
+		-# The mask MSB must be greater than or equal to LSB.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits (page 1, address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5]) with writing value 0x1d.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x17, 12, 5, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x17          0x18
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod register mask bits getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() to get demod register mask bits.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [in]    Msb             Mask MSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]    Lsb             Mask LSB with 0-based index
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register mask bits successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register mask bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS().
+	-# The constraints of DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() function usage are described as follows:
+		-# The mask MSB and LSB must be 0~31.
+		-# The mask MSB must be greater than or equal to LSB.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits (page 1, address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5]).
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x17, 12, 5, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod register bits setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS() to set demod register bits with bit name.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegBitName     Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bits successfully with bit name and writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page before using DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME and writing value 0x1d.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegBits(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod register bits getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS() to get demod register bits with bit name.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegBitName      Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bits successfully with bit name.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page before using DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegBits(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod register bits setting function pointer (with page setting)
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() to set demod register bits with bit name and
+page setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegBitName     Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bits successfully with bit name, page setting, and writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Don't need to set register page before using DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME and writing value 0x1d.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod register bits getting function pointer (with page setting)
+Demod upper level functions will use DTMB_DEMOD_FPT_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() to get demod register bits with bit name and
+page setting.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegBitName      Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bits successfully with bit name and page setting.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Don't need to set register page before using DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+// Demod register access for 8-bit address
+typedef struct
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_ADDR_8BIT_SET_REG_PAGE             SetRegPage;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_ADDR_8BIT_SET_REG_BITS             SetRegBits;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_ADDR_8BIT_GET_REG_BITS             GetRegBits;
+// Demod register access for 16-bit address
+typedef struct
+@brief   DTMB demod type getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEMOD_TYPE() to get DTMB demod type.
+@param [in]    pDemod       The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDemodType   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod type
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEMOD_TYPE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pDemodType
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod I2C device address getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR() to get DTMB demod I2C device address.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDeviceAddr   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod I2C device address
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod device address successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod device address unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod crystal frequency getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CRYSTAL_FREQ_HZ() to get DTMB demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrystalFreqHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod crystal frequency in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod crystal frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod crystal frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CRYSTAL_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod I2C bus connection asking function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_IS_CONNECTED_TO_I2C() to ask DTMB demod if it is connected to I2C bus.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_IS_CONNECTED_TO_I2C() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod software resetting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET() to reset DTMB demod by software reset.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset demod by software reset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset demod by software reset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod initializing function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE() to initialie DTMB demod.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Initialize demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Initialize demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod IF frequency setting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ() to set DTMB demod IF frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]   pDemod     The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   IfFreqHz   IF frequency in Hz for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod IF frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod IF frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+@see   IF_FREQ_HZ
+typedef int
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod spectrum mode setting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_SPECTRUM_MODE() to set DTMB demod spectrum mode.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   SpectrumMode   Spectrum mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod spectrum mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod spectrum mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_SPECTRUM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int SpectrumMode
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod IF frequency getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ() to get DTMB demod IF frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod      The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pIfFreqHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod IF frequency in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod IF frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod IF frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+@see   IF_FREQ_HZ
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod spectrum mode getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SPECTRUM_MODE() to get DTMB demod spectrum mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSpectrumMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod spectrum mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod spectrum mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod spectrum mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SPECTRUM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod signal lock asking function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() to ask DTMB demod if it is signal-locked.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform signal lock asking to demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform signal lock asking to demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod signal strength getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() to get signal strength.
+@param [in]    pDemod            The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalStrength   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal strength (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod signal strength successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod signal strength unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod signal quality getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() to get signal quality.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalQuality   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal quality (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod signal quality successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod signal quality unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod BER getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_BER() to get BER.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pBerNum         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER numerator
+@param [out]   pBerDen         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod error rate value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod error rate value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_BER() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod PER getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_PER() to get PER.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pPerNum         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing PER numerator
+@param [out]   pPerDen         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing PER denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod error rate value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod error rate value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_PER() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod SNR getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB() to get SNR in dB.
+@param [in]    pDemod      The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSnrDbNum   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB numerator
+@param [out]   pSnrDbDen   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod SNR successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod SNR unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod RF AGC getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC() to get DTMB demod RF AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pRfAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing RF AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod RF AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod RF AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of RF AGC value is 0 ~ (pow(2, 14) - 1).
+typedef int
+	long *pRfAgc
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod IF AGC getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC() to get DTMB demod IF AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pIfAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing IF AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod IF AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod IF AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of IF AGC value is 0 ~ (pow(2, 14) - 1).
+typedef int
+	long *pIfAgc
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod digital AGC getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC() to get DTMB demod digital AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDiAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing digital AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod digital AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod digital AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of digital AGC value is 0 ~ (pow(2, 12) - 1).
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pDiAgc
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod TR offset getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() to get TR offset in ppm.
+@param [in]    pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pTrOffsetPpm   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing TR offset in ppm
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod TR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod TR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod CR offset getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() to get CR offset in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrOffsetHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing CR offset in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod CR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod CR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod carrier mode getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CARRIER_MODE() to get DTMB demod carrier mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCarrierMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod carrier mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod carrier mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod carrier mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CARRIER_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pCarrierMode
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod PN mode getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_PN_MODE() to get DTMB demod PN mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pPnMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod PN mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod PN mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod PN mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_PN_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+@see   DTMB_PN_MODE
+typedef int
+	int *pPnMode
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod QAM mode getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_QAM_MODE() to get DTMB demod QAM mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod     The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pQamMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod QAM mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod QAM mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod QAM mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_QAM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pQamMode
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod code rate mode getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CODE_RATE_MODE() to get DTMB demod code rate mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCodeRateMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod code rate mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod code rate mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod code rate mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CODE_RATE_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pCodeRateMode
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod time interleaver mode getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_TIME_INTERLEAVER_MODE() to get DTMB demod time interleaver mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod                 The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pTimeInterleaverMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod time interleaver mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod time interleaver mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod time interleaver mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_TIME_INTERLEAVER_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pTimeInterleaverMode
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod updating function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() to update demod register setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update demod setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update demod setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Execute ResetFunction() before demod software reset.
+	pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod);
+	// Reset demod by software.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod);
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   DTMB demod reseting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION() to reset demod register setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset demod setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset demod setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DTMB_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DtmbDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Execute ResetFunction() before demod software reset.
+	pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod);
+	// Reset demod by software.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod);
+typedef int
+	);
+/// RTL2836 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// RTL2836 update procedure enabling status
+	int IsFunc1Enabled;
+	int IsFunc2Enabled;
+	// RTL2836 update Function 1 variables
+	int Func1CntThd;
+	int Func1Cnt;
+	// RTL2836 update Function 2 variables
+	int Func2SignalModePrevious;
+/// DTMB demod module structure
+	// Private variables
+	int           DemodType;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int           TsInterfaceMode;
+	int           DiversityPipMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int           SpectrumMode;
+	int IsIfFreqHzSet;
+	int IsSpectrumModeSet;
+	unsigned long CurrentPageNo;		// temp, because page register is write-only.
+	union											///<   Demod extra module used by driving module
+	{
+		RTL2836_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2836;
+	}
+	Extra;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	// Demod register table
+	union
+	{
+	}
+	RegTable;
+	// Demod I2C function pointers
+	union
+	{
+	}
+	RegAccess;
+	// Demod manipulating function pointers
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEMOD_TYPE              GetDemodType;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR             GetDeviceAddr;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_IS_CONNECTED_TO_I2C         IsConnectedToI2c;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET              SoftwareReset;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE                  Initialize;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ              SetIfFreqHz;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_SET_SPECTRUM_MODE           SetSpectrumMode;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ              GetIfFreqHz;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SPECTRUM_MODE           GetSpectrumMode;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED            IsSignalLocked;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH         GetSignalStrength;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY          GetSignalQuality;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_BER                     GetBer;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_PER                     GetPer;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB                  GetSnrDb;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC                  GetRfAgc;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC                  GetIfAgc;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC                  GetDiAgc;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM           GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ            GetCrOffsetHz;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CARRIER_MODE            GetCarrierMode;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_PN_MODE                 GetPnMode;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_QAM_MODE                GetQamMode;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_GET_CODE_RATE_MODE          GetCodeRateMode;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION             UpdateFunction;
+	DTMB_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION              ResetFunction;
+// DTMB demod default I2C functions for 8-bit address
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+// DTMB demod default I2C functions for 16-bit address
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+// DTMB demod default manipulating functions
+	int *pDemodType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_nim_base.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_nim_base.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_nim_base.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_nim_base.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.092066030 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+@brief   DTMB NIM base module definition
+DTMB NIM base module definitions contains NIM module structure, NIM funciton pointers, NIM definitions, and NIM default
+#include "dtmb_nim_base.h"
+	int *pNimType
+	)
+	// Get NIM type from NIM module.
+	*pNimType = pNim->NimType;
+	return;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->GetRfFreqHz(pTuner, pRfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	int i;
+	// Get base interface and demod module.
+	pBaseInterface = pNim->pBaseInterface;
+	pDemod         = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Wait for signal present check.
+	{
+		// Wait 20 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 20);
+		// Check signal lock status on demod.
+		// Note: If signal is locked, stop signal lock check.
+		if(pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, pAnswer) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		if(*pAnswer == YES)
+			break;
+	}
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	int i;
+	// Get base interface and demod module.
+	pBaseInterface = pNim->pBaseInterface;
+	pDemod         = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Wait for signal lock check.
+	{
+		// Wait 20 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 20);
+		// Check signal lock status on demod.
+		// Note: If signal is locked, stop signal lock check.
+		if(pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, pAnswer) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		if(*pAnswer == YES)
+			break;
+	}
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get signal strength from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSignalStrength(pDemod, pSignalStrength) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get signal quality from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSignalQuality(pDemod, pSignalQuality) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get BER from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetBer(pDemod, pBerNum, pBerDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get PER from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetPer(pDemod, pPerNum, pPerDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get SNR in dB from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, pSnrDbNum, pSnrDbDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get TR offset in ppm from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm(pDemod, pTrOffsetPpm) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get CR offset in Hz from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz(pDemod, pCrOffsetHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	int *pCarrierMode,
+	int *pPnMode,
+	int *pQamMode,
+	int *pCodeRateMode,
+	int *pTimeInterleaverMode
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get signal information from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetCarrierMode(pDemod, pCarrierMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(pDemod->GetPnMode(pDemod, pPnMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(pDemod->GetQamMode(pDemod, pQamMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(pDemod->GetCodeRateMode(pDemod, pCodeRateMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(pDemod->GetTimeInterleaverMode(pDemod, pTimeInterleaverMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Update demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_nim_base.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_nim_base.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_nim_base.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtmb_nim_base.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.092066030 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,967 @@
+#ifndef __DTMB_NIM_BASE_H
+#define __DTMB_NIM_BASE_H
+@brief   DTMB NIM base module definition
+DTMB NIM base module definitions contains NIM module structure, NIM funciton pointers, NIM definitions, and NIM default
+@par Example:
+#include "nim_demodx_tunery.h"
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C reading format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C writing format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	// Wait WaitTimeMs milliseconds.
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE DtmbNimModuleMemory;
+	DEMODX_EXTRA_MODULE DemodxExtraModuleMemory;
+	TUNERY_EXTRA_MODULE TuneryExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz;
+	int Answer;
+	unsigned long SignalStrength, SignalQuality;
+	unsigned long BerNum, BerDen;
+	double Ber;
+	unsigned long PerNum, PerDen;
+	double Per;
+	unsigned long SnrDbNum, SnrDbDen;
+	double SnrDb;
+	long TrOffsetPpm, CrOffsetHz;
+	int CarrierMode;
+	int PnMode;
+	int QamMode;
+	int CodeRateMode;
+	int TimeInterleaverMode;
+	// Build Demod-X Tuner-Y NIM module.
+	BuildDemodxTuneryModule(
+		&pNim,
+		&DtmbNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		&DemodxExtraModuleMemory,		// Employ Demod-X extra module.
+		0x3e,							// The Demod-X I2C device address is 0x3e in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ,		// The Demod-X crystal frequency is 27.0 MHz.
+		...								// Other arguments for Demod-X
+		&TunerxExtraModuleMemory,		// Employ Tuner-Y extra module.
+		0xc0,							// The Tuner-Y I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		...								// Other arguments for Tuner-Y
+		);
+	// Get NIM type.
+	// Note: NIM types are defined in the MODULE_TYPE enumeration.
+	pNim->GetNimType(pNim, &NimType);
+	// ==== Initialize NIM and set its parameters =====
+	// Initialize NIM.
+	pNim->Initialize(pNim);
+	// Set NIM parameters. (RF frequency)
+	// Note: In the example: RF frequency is 666 MHz.
+	RfFreqHz = 666000000;
+	pNim->SetParameters(pNim, RfFreqHz);
+	// Wait 1 second for demod convergence.
+	// ==== Get NIM information =====
+	// Get NIM parameters. (RF frequency)
+	pNim->GetParameters(pNim, &RfFreqHz);
+	// Get signal present status.
+	// Note: 1. The argument Answer is YES when the NIM module has found DTMB signal in the RF channel.
+	//       2. The argument Answer is NO when the NIM module does not find DTMB signal in the RF channel.
+	// Recommendation: Use the IsSignalPresent() function for channel scan.
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent(pNim, &Answer);
+	// Get signal lock status.
+	// Note: 1. The argument Answer is YES when the NIM module has locked DTMB signal in the RF channel.
+	//          At the same time, the NIM module sends TS packets through TS interface hardware pins.
+	//       2. The argument Answer is NO when the NIM module does not lock DTMB signal in the RF channel.
+	// Recommendation: Use the IsSignalLocked() function for signal lock check.
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked(pNim, &Answer);
+	// Get signal strength.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalStrength is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalStrength value to UI signal strength bar manually.
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength(pNim, &SignalStrength);
+	// Get signal quality.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalQuality is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalQuality value to UI signal quality bar manually.
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality(pNim, &SignalQuality);
+	// Get BER.
+	pNim->GetBer(pNim, &BerNum, &BerDen);
+	Ber = (double)BerNum / (double)BerDen;
+	// Get PER.
+	pNim->GetPer(pNim, &PerNum, &PerDen);
+	Per = (double)PerNum / (double)PerDen;
+	// Get SNR in dB.
+	pNim->GetSnrDb(pNim, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen);
+	SnrDb = (double)SnrDbNum / (double)SnrDbDen;
+	// Get TR offset (symbol timing offset) in ppm.
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm(pNim, &TrOffsetPpm);
+	// Get CR offset (RF frequency offset) in Hz.
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz(pNim, &CrOffsetHz);
+	// Get signal information.
+	// Note: One can find signal information definitions in the enumerations as follows:
+	//       1. DTMB_CARRIER_MODE
+	//       2. DTMB_PN_MODE
+	//       3. DTMB_QAM_MODE
+	//       4. DTMB_CODE_RATE_MODE
+	pNim->GetSignalInfo(pNim, &CarrierMode, &PnMode, &QamMode, &CodeRateMode, &TimeInterleaverMode);
+	return 0;
+#include "foundation.h"
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+#include "dtmb_demod_base.h"
+// Definitions
+/// DTMB NIM module pre-definition
+@brief   DTMB demod type getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE() to get DTMB NIM type.
+@param [in]    pNim       The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pNimType   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM type
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pNimType
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM initializing function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE() to initialie DTMB NIM.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Initialize NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Initialize NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM parameter setting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS() to set DTMB NIM parameters.
+@param [in]   pNim            The NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   RfFreqHz        RF frequency in Hz for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set NIM parameters successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set NIM parameters unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM parameter getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS() to get DTMB NIM parameters.
+@param [in]    pNim             The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pRfFreqHz        Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM RF frequency in Hz
+@param [out]   pBandwidthMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM bandwidth mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM parameters successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM parameters unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM signal present asking function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_PRESENT() to ask DTMB NIM if signal is present.
+@param [in]    pNim      The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform signal present asking to NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform signal present asking to NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_PRESENT() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM signal lock asking function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() to ask DTMB NIM if signal is locked.
+@param [in]    pNim      The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform signal lock asking to NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform signal lock asking to NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM signal strength getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() to get signal strength.
+@param [in]    pNim              The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalStrength   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal strength (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM signal strength successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM signal strength unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM signal quality getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() to get signal quality.
+@param [in]    pNim             The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalQuality   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal quality (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM signal quality successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM signal quality unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM BER value getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_BER() to get BER.
+@param [in]    pNim      The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pBerNum   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER numerator
+@param [out]   pBerDen   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM BER value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM BER value unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_BER() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM PER value getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_PER() to get PER.
+@param [in]    pNim      The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pPerNum   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing PER numerator
+@param [out]   pPerDen   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing PER denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM PER value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM PER value unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_PER() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM SNR getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB() to get SNR in dB.
+@param [in]    pNim        The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSnrDbNum   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB numerator
+@param [out]   pSnrDbDen   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM SNR successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM SNR unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM TR offset getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() to get TR offset in ppm.
+@param [in]    pNim           The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pTrOffsetPpm   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing TR offset in ppm
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM TR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM TR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM CR offset getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() to get CR offset in Hz.
+@param [in]    pNim          The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrOffsetHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing CR offset in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM CR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM CR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM signal information getting function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_INFO() to get signal information.
+@param [in]    pNim                   The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pCarrierMode           Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod carrier mode
+@param [out]   pPnMode                Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod PN mode
+@param [out]   pQamMode               Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod QAM mode
+@param [out]   pCodeRateMode          Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod code rate mode
+@param [out]   pTimeInterleaverMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod time interleaver mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM signal information successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM signal information unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_INFO() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pCarrierMode,
+	int *pPnMode,
+	int *pQamMode,
+	int *pCodeRateMode,
+	int *pTimeInterleaverMode
+	);
+@brief   DTMB NIM updating function pointer
+One can use DTMB_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() to update NIM register setting.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update NIM setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update NIM setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DTMB_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "nim_demodx_tunery.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE DtmbNimModuleMemory;
+	DEMODX_EXTRA_MODULE DemodxExtraModuleMemory;
+	TUNERY_EXTRA_MODULE TuneryExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build Demod-X Tuner-Y NIM module.
+	BuildDemodxTuneryModule(
+		...
+		);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pNim->UpdateFunction(pNim);
+typedef int
+	);
+// RTL2836 E4000 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2836_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2836_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2836_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned char TunerGainMode;
+// RTL2836B DTMB E4000 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2836B_DTMB_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2836B_DTMB_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned char TunerGainMode;
+// RTL2836B DTMB E4005 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2836B_DTMB_E4005_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2836B_DTMB_E4005_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned char TunerGainMode;
+// RTL2836B DTMB FC0012 extra module
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned long RssiRCalOn;
+// RTL2836B DTMB FC0013B extra module
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned long RssiRCalOn;
+	unsigned char LowGainTestMode;
+/// DTMB NIM module structure
+	// Private variables
+	int NimType;
+	union														///<   NIM extra module used by driving module
+	{
+		RTL2836_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE        Rtl2836E4000;
+		RTL2836B_DTMB_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE  Rtl2836bDtmbE4000;
+		RTL2836B_DTMB_E4005_EXTRA_MODULE  Rtl2836bDtmbE4005;
+		RTL2836B_DTMB_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2836bDtmbFc0012;
+		RTL2836B_DTMB_FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2836bDtmbFc0013b;
+	}
+	Extra;
+	// Modules
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterface;						///<   Base interface module pointer
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;			///<   Base interface module memory
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;								///<   I2C bridge module pointer
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE I2cBridgeModuleMemory;					///<   I2C bridge module memory
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTuner;										///<   Tuner module pointer
+	TUNER_MODULE TunerModuleMemory;								///<   Tuner module memory
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *pDemod;									///<   DTMB demod module pointer
+	DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE DtmbDemodModuleMemory;					///<   DTMB demod module memory
+	// NIM manipulating functions
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE          GetNimType;
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE            Initialize;
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS        SetParameters;
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS        GetParameters;
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_BER               GetBer;
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_PER               GetPer;
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB            GetSnrDb;
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_INFO       GetSignalInfo;
+	DTMB_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION       UpdateFunction;
+// DTMB NIM default manipulaing functions
+	int *pNimType
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	);
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	);
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+	int *pCarrierMode,
+	int *pPnMode,
+	int *pQamMode,
+	int *pCodeRateMode,
+	int *pTimeInterleaverMode
+	);
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_demod_base.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_demod_base.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_demod_base.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_demod_base.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.092066030 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+@brief   DVB-T demod default function definition
+DVB-T demod default functions.
+#include "dvbt_demod_base.h"
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set demod register page with page number.
+	// Note: The I2C format of demod register page setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + DVBT_DEMOD_PAGE_REG_ADDR + PageNo + stop_bit
+	WritingBytes[0] = DVBT_DEMOD_PAGE_REG_ADDR;
+	WritingBytes[1] = (unsigned char)PageNo;
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBytes, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);  //add by chialing
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&d->usb_mutex) )	goto error;
+	 pDemod->CurrentPageNo = PageNo;
+	mutex_unlock(&d->usb_mutex);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned int i, j;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegWritingAddr;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddr + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = RegWritingAddr;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_1_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum + LEN_1_BYTE) !=
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned int i, j;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned char WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegWritingAddr;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);  //add by chialing
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(write_demod_register( d, DeviceAddr, pDemod->CurrentPageNo, RegWritingAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum )) goto error;
+	}
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegReadingAddr;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Set demod register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddr + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &RegReadingAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_register_reading_address;
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &pReadingBytes[i], ReadingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegReadingAddr;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);  //add by chialing
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		if(read_demod_register(d, DeviceAddr, pDemod->CurrentPageNo, RegReadingAddr, &pReadingBytes[i], ReadingByteNum)) goto error;
+	}
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value MSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value LSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * (ByteNum - i -1));
+	// Reserve unsigned integer value unmask bit with mask and inlay writing value into it.
+	Value &= ~Mask;
+	Value |= (WritingValue << Shift) & Mask;
+	// Separate unsigned integer value into writing bytes.
+	// Note: Pick up lower address byte from value MSB.
+	//       Pick up upper address byte from value LSB.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		WritingBytes[i] = (unsigned char)((Value >> (BYTE_SHIFT * (ByteNum - i -1))) & BYTE_MASK);
+	// Write demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, WritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value MSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value LSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * (ByteNum - i -1));
+	// Get register bits from unsigned integaer value with mask and shift
+	*pReadingValue = (Value & Mask) >> Shift;
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Set register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Get register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	// Get register page number from register table with register bit name key.
+	PageNo = pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].PageNo;
+	// Set register page number.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set register mask bits with register bit name key.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBits(pDemod, RegBitName, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	// Get register page number from register table with register bit name key.
+	PageNo = pDemod->RegTable[RegBitName].PageNo;
+	// Set register page number.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Get register mask bits with register bit name key.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBits(pDemod, RegBitName, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	int *pDemodType
+	)
+	// Get demod type from demod module.
+	*pDemodType = pDemod->DemodType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get demod I2C device address from demod module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pDemod->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz from demod module.
+	*pCrystalFreqHz = pDemod->CrystalFreqHz;
+	return;
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	)
+	// Get demod bandwidth mode from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsBandwidthModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_bandwidth_mode;
+	*pBandwidthMode = pDemod->BandwidthMode;
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get demod IF frequency in Hz from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_if_frequency;
+	*pIfFreqHz = pDemod->IfFreqHz;
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	)
+	// Get demod spectrum mode from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_spectrum_mode;
+	*pSpectrumMode = pDemod->SpectrumMode;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_demod_base.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_demod_base.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_demod_base.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_demod_base.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.092066030 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2722 @@
+#ifndef __DVBT_DEMOD_BASE_H
+#define __DVBT_DEMOD_BASE_H
+@brief   DVB-T demod base module definition
+DVB-T demod base module definitions contains demod module structure, demod funciton pointers, and demod definitions.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_xxx.h"
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C reading format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C writing format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	// Wait WaitTimeMs milliseconds.
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int SpectrumMode;
+	int DemodType;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	long RfAgc, IfAgc;
+	unsigned char DiAgc;
+	int Answer;
+	long TrOffsetPpm, CrOffsetHz;
+	unsigned long BerNum, BerDen;
+	double Ber;
+	long SnrDbNum, SnrDbDen;
+	double SnrDb;
+	unsigned long SignalStrength, SignalQuality;
+	int Constellation;
+	int Hierarchy;
+	int CodeRateLp;
+	int CodeRateHp;
+	int GuardInterval;
+	int FftMode;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pBaseInterface,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Set maximum I2C reading byte number with 9.
+		8,								// Set maximum I2C writing byte number with 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		);
+	// Build DVB-T demod XXX module.
+	BuildXxxModule(
+		&pDemod,
+		&DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0x20,							// Demod I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// Demod crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// Demod TS interface mode is serial.
+		...								// Other arguments by each demod module
+		);
+	// ==== Initialize DVB-T demod and set its parameters =====
+	// Initialize demod.
+	pDemod->Initialize(pDemod);
+	// Set demod parameters. (bandwidth mode, IF frequency, spectrum mode)
+	// Note: In the example:
+	//       1. Bandwidth mode is 8 MHz.
+	//       2. IF frequency is 36.125 MHz.
+	//       3. Spectrum mode is SPECTRUM_INVERSE.
+	BandwidthMode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;
+	IfFreqHz      = IF_FREQ_36125000HZ;
+	SpectrumMode  = SPECTRUM_INVERSE;
+	pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode);
+	pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod,      IfFreqHz);
+	pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod,  SpectrumMode);
+	// Need to set tuner before demod software reset.
+	// The order to set demod and tuner is not important.
+	// Note: One can use "pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1);"
+	//       for tuner I2C command forwarding.
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	// Wait maximum 1000 ms for demod converge.
+	for(i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+	{
+		// Wait 40 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 40);
+		// Check signal lock status.
+		// Note: If Answer is YES, signal is locked.
+		//       If Answer is NO, signal is not locked.
+		pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, &Answer);
+		if(Answer == YES)
+		{
+			// Signal is locked.
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// ==== Get DVB-T demod information =====
+	// Get demod type.
+	// Note: One can find demod type in MODULE_TYPE enumeration.
+	pDemod->GetDemodType(pDemod, &DemodType);
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz(pDemod, &CrystalFreqHz);
+	// Ask demod if it is connected to I2C bus.
+	// Note: If Answer is YES, demod is connected to I2C bus.
+	//       If Answer is NO, demod is not connected to I2C bus.
+	pDemod->IsConnectedToI2c(pDemod, &Answer);
+	// Get demod parameters. (bandwidth mode, IF frequency, spectrum mode)
+	pDemod->GetBandwidthMode(pDemod, &BandwidthMode);
+	pDemod->GetIfFreqHz(pDemod,      &IfFreqHz);
+	pDemod->GetSpectrumMode(pDemod,  &SpectrumMode);
+	// Get demod AGC value.
+	// Note: The range of RF AGC and IF AGC value is -8192 ~ 8191.
+	//       The range of digital AGC value is 0 ~ 255.
+	pDemod->GetRfAgc(pDemod, &RfAgc);
+	pDemod->GetIfAgc(pDemod, &IfAgc);
+	pDemod->GetDiAgc(pDemod, &DiAgc);
+	// Get demod lock status.
+	// Note: If Answer is YES, it is locked.
+	//       If Answer is NO, it is not locked.
+	pDemod->IsTpsLocked(pDemod,    &Answer);
+	pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, &Answer);
+	// Get TR offset (symbol timing offset) in ppm.
+	pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm(pDemod, &TrOffsetPpm);
+	// Get CR offset (RF frequency offset) in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz(pDemod, &CrOffsetHz);
+	// Get BER.
+	pDemod->GetBer(pDemod, &BerNum, &BerDen);
+	Ber = (double)BerNum / (double)BerDen;
+	// Get SNR in dB.
+	pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen);
+	SnrDb = (double)SnrDbNum / (double)SnrDbDen;
+	// Get signal strength.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalStrength is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalStrength value to UI signal strength bar manually.
+	pDemod->GetSignalStrength(pDemod, &SignalStrength);
+	// Get signal quality.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalQuality is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalQuality value to UI signal quality bar manually.
+	pDemod->GetSignalQuality(pDemod, &SignalQuality);
+	// Get TPS information.
+	// Note: One can find TPS information definitions in the enumerations as follows:
+	//       3. DVBT_CODE_RATE_MODE (for low-priority and high-priority code rate)
+	//       5. DVBT_FFT_MODE_MODE
+	pDemod->GetConstellation(pDemod, &Constellation);
+	pDemod->GetHierarchy(pDemod,     &Hierarchy);
+	pDemod->GetCodeRateLp(pDemod,    &CodeRateLp);
+	pDemod->GetCodeRateHp(pDemod,    &CodeRateHp);
+	pDemod->GetGuardInterval(pDemod, &GuardInterval);
+	pDemod->GetFftMode(pDemod,       &FftMode);
+	return 0;
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Definitions
+// Page register address
+// Bandwidth modes
+// Constellation
+// Hierarchy
+// Code rate
+#define DVBT_CODE_RATE_NUM			5
+// Guard interval
+// FFT mode
+#define DVBT_FFT_MODE_NUM			2
+// Register entry definitions
+// Register entry
+typedef struct
+	int IsAvailable;
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Primary register entry
+typedef struct
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Register table dependence
+// Demod register bit names
+	// Software reset register
+	// Tuner I2C forwording register
+	// Registers for initializing
+	DVBT_REG_PFREQ_1_0,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_PD_DA8,					// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_LOCK_TH,					// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_BER_PASS_SCAL,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_CE_FFSM_BYPASS,			// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_ALPHAIIR_N,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_ALPHAIIR_DIF,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_EN_TRK_SPAN,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_LOCK_TH_LEN,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_CCI_THRE,					// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_CCI_MON_SCAL,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_CCI_M0,					// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_CCI_M1,					// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_CCI_M2,					// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_CCI_M3,					// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_SPEC_INIT_0,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_SPEC_INIT_1,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_SPEC_INIT_2,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_AD_EN_REG,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_AD_EN_REG1,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_EN_BBIN,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MGD_THD0,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MGD_THD1,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MGD_THD2,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MGD_THD3,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MGD_THD4,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MGD_THD5,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MGD_THD6,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MGD_THD7,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_EN_CACQ_NOTCH,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_AD_AV_REF,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_PIP_ON,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_B92,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_B93,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_BA7,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_BA9,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_BAA,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_BAB,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_BAC,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_BB0,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SCALE1_BB1,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_KB_P1,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_KB_P2,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_KB_P3,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_OPT_ADC_IQ,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_AD_AVI,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_AD_AVQ,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_K1_CR_STEP12,				// For RTL2832 only
+	// Registers for initializing according to mode
+	// Registers for IF setting
+	// Registers for bandwidth programming
+	DVBT_BW_INDEX,					// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_RSAMP_RATIO,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_CFREQ_OFF_RATIO,			// For RTL2832 only
+	// FSM stage register
+	// TPS content registers
+	// Performance measurement registers
+	// AGC registers
+	// TR offset and CR offset registers
+	// AGC relative registers
+	DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_LOOP_GAIN_3_0,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_LOOP_GAIN_4,				// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_VTOP,						// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_KRF,						// For RTL2830 only
+	DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,			// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,			// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,			// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,			// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_VTOP1,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_VTOP2,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_VTOP3,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_KRF1,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_KRF2,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_KRF3,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_KRF4,						// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_EN_GI_PGA,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_THD_LOCK_UP,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_THD_LOCK_DW,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_THD_UP1,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_THD_DW1,					// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_INTER_CNT_LEN,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_GI_PGA_STATE,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_EN_AGC_PGA,				// For RTL2832 only
+	// TS interface registers
+	DVBT_MPEG_IO_OPT_2_2,			// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_MPEG_IO_OPT_1_0,			// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_CKOUTPAR_PIP,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_CKOUT_PWR_PIP,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SYNC_LVL_PIP,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_ERR_LVL_PIP,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_VAL_LVL_PIP,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_CKOUTPAR_PID,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_CKOUT_PWR_PID,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_SYNC_LVL_PID,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_ERR_LVL_PID,				// For RTL2832 only
+	DVBT_VAL_LVL_PID,				// For RTL2832 only
+	// FSM state-holding register
+	// Registers for function 2 (for RTL2830 only)
+	// Registers for function 3 (for RTL2830 only)
+	// Registers for function 4 (for RTL2830 only)
+	// Registers for functin 5 (for RTL2830 only)
+	// AD7 registers (for RTL2832 only)
+	// ACI detection registers (for RTL2832 only)
+	// Clock output registers (for RTL2832 only)
+	// Test registers for test only
+	// Item terminator
+// Register table length definitions
+// DVB-T demod module pre-definition
+@brief   DVB-T demod register page setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() to set demod register page.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   PageNo   Page number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set register page successfully with page number.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set register page unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register page with page number 2.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 2);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod register byte setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES() to set demod register bytes.
+@param [in]   pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [in]   pWritingBytes   Pointer to writing bytes
+@param [in]   ByteNum         Writing byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bytes successfully with writing bytes.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bytes unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES().
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[10];
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bytes (page 1, address 0x17 ~ 0x1b) with 5 writing bytes.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegBytes(pDemod, 0x17, WritingBytes, 5);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod register byte getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES() to get demod register bytes.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [out]   pReadingBytes   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading bytes
+@param [in]    ByteNum         Reading byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bytes successfully with reading byte number.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bytes unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES().
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[10];
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bytes (page 1, address 0x17 ~ 0x1b) with reading byte number 5.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegBytes(pDemod, 0x17, ReadingBytes, 5);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod register mask bits setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() to set demod register mask bits.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegStartAddr   Demod register start address
+@param [in]   Msb            Mask MSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]   Lsb            Mask LSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register mask bits successfully with writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register mask bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS().
+	-# The constraints of DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() function usage are described as follows:
+		-# The mask MSB and LSB must be 0~31.
+		-# The mask MSB must be greater than or equal to LSB.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits (page 1, address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5]) with writing value 0x1d.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x17, 12, 5, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x17          0x18
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod register mask bits getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() to get demod register mask bits.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [in]    Msb             Mask MSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]    Lsb             Mask LSB with 0-based index
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register mask bits successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register mask bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS().
+	-# The constraints of DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() function usage are described as follows:
+		-# The mask MSB and LSB must be 0~31.
+		-# The mask MSB must be greater than or equal to LSB.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits (page 1, address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5]).
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x17, 12, 5, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod register bits setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS() to set demod register bits with bit name.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegBitName     Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bits successfully with bit name and writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page before using DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME and writing value 0x1d.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegBits(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod register bits getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS() to get demod register bits with bit name.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegBitName      Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bits successfully with bit name.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page before using DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegBits(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod register bits setting function pointer (with page setting)
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() to set demod register bits with bit name and
+page setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegBitName     Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bits successfully with bit name, page setting, and writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Don't need to set register page before using DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME and writing value 0x1d.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod register bits getting function pointer (with page setting)
+Demod upper level functions will use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() to get demod register bits with bit name and
+page setting.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegBitName      Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bits successfully with bit name and page setting.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Don't need to set register page before using DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod type getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEMOD_TYPE() to get DVB-T demod type.
+@param [in]    pDemod       The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDemodType   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod type
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEMOD_TYPE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pDemodType
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod I2C device address getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR() to get DVB-T demod I2C device address.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDeviceAddr   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod I2C device address
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod device address successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod device address unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod crystal frequency getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CRYSTAL_FREQ_HZ() to get DVB-T demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrystalFreqHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod crystal frequency in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod crystal frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod crystal frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CRYSTAL_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod I2C bus connection asking function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_IS_CONNECTED_TO_I2C() to ask DVB-T demod if it is connected to I2C bus.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_IS_CONNECTED_TO_I2C() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod software resetting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET() to reset DVB-T demod by software reset.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset demod by software reset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset demod by software reset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod initializing function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE() to initialie DVB-T demod.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Initialize demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Initialize demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_DVBT_MODE() to set DVB-T demod bandwidth mode.
+@param [in]   pDemod	      The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   BandwidthMode   Bandwidth mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod bandwidth mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod bandwidth mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_DVBT_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod IF frequency setting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ() to set DVB-T demod IF frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]   pDemod     The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   IfFreqHz   IF frequency in Hz for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod IF frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod IF frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+@see   IF_FREQ_HZ
+typedef int
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod spectrum mode setting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_SPECTRUM_MODE() to set DVB-T demod spectrum mode.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   SpectrumMode   Spectrum mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod spectrum mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod spectrum mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_SPECTRUM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int SpectrumMode
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DVBT_MODE() to get DVB-T demod bandwidth mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pBandwidthMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod bandwidth mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod bandwidth mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod bandwidth mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DVBT_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod IF frequency getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ() to get DVB-T demod IF frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod      The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pIfFreqHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod IF frequency in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod IF frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod IF frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+@see   IF_FREQ_HZ
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod spectrum mode getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SPECTRUM_MODE() to get DVB-T demod spectrum mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSpectrumMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod spectrum mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod spectrum mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod spectrum mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SPECTRUM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod TPS lock asking function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_IS_TPS_LOCKED() to ask DVB-T demod if it is TPS-locked.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform TPS lock asking to demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform TPS lock asking to demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_IS_TPS_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod signal lock asking function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() to ask DVB-T demod if it is signal-locked.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform signal lock asking to demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform signal lock asking to demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod signal strength getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() to get signal strength.
+@param [in]    pDemod            The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalStrength   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal strength (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod signal strength successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod signal strength unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod signal quality getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() to get signal quality.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalQuality   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal quality (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod signal quality successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod signal quality unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod BER getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_BER() to get BER.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pBerNum         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER numerator
+@param [out]   pBerDen         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod error rate value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod error rate value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_BER() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod SNR getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB() to get SNR in dB.
+@param [in]    pDemod      The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSnrDbNum   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB numerator
+@param [out]   pSnrDbDen   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod SNR successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod SNR unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod RF AGC getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC() to get DVB-T demod RF AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pRfAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing RF AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod RF AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod RF AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of RF AGC value is (-pow(2, 13)) ~ (pow(2, 13) - 1).
+typedef int
+	long *pRfAgc
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod IF AGC getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC() to get DVB-T demod IF AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pIfAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing IF AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod IF AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod IF AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of IF AGC value is (-pow(2, 13)) ~ (pow(2, 13) - 1).
+typedef int
+	long *pIfAgc
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod digital AGC getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC() to get DVB-T demod digital AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDiAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing digital AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod digital AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod digital AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of digital AGC value is 0 ~ (pow(2, 8) - 1).
+typedef int
+	unsigned char *pDiAgc
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod TR offset getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() to get TR offset in ppm.
+@param [in]    pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pTrOffsetPpm   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing TR offset in ppm
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod TR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod TR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod CR offset getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() to get CR offset in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrOffsetHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing CR offset in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod CR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod CR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod constellation mode getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CONSTELLATION() to get DVB-T demod constellation mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pConstellation   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod constellation mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod constellation mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod constellation mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CONSTELLATION() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pConstellation
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod hierarchy mode getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_HIERARCHY() to get DVB-T demod hierarchy mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod       The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pHierarchy   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod hierarchy mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod hierarchy mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod hierarchy mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_HIERARCHY() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pHierarchy
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod low-priority code rate mode getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CODE_RATE_LP() to get DVB-T demod low-priority code rate mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCodeRateLp   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod low-priority code rate mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod low-priority code rate mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod low-priority code rate mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CODE_RATE_LP() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pCodeRateLp
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod high-priority code rate mode getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CODE_RATE_HP() to get DVB-T demod high-priority code rate mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCodeRateHp   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod high-priority code rate mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod high-priority code rate mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod high-priority code rate mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_CODE_RATE_HP() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pCodeRateHp
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod guard interval mode getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_GUARD_INTERVAL() to get DVB-T demod guard interval mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pGuardInterval   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod guard interval mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod guard interval mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod guard interval mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_GUARD_INTERVAL() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pGuardInterval
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod FFT mode getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_FFT_MODE() to get DVB-T demod FFT mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod     The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pFftMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod FFT mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod FFT mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod FFT mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_FFT_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pFftMode
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod updating function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() to update demod register setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update demod setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update demod setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Execute ResetFunction() before demod software reset.
+	pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod);
+	// Reset demod by software.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod);
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T demod reseting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION() to reset demod register setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset demod setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset demod setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set DVBT_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbtDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Execute ResetFunction() before demod software reset.
+	pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod);
+	// Reset demod by software.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod);
+typedef int
+	);
+/// RTL2830 extra module
+// Definitions for Function 4
+typedef struct RTL2830_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2830_EXTRA_MODULE;
+@brief   RTL2830 application mode getting function pointer
+One can use RTL2830_FP_GET_APP_MODE() to get RTL2830 application mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod     The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAppMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod application mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod application mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod application mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set RTL2830_FP_GET_APP_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pAppMode
+	);
+	// RTL2830 variables
+	int AppMode;
+	// RTL2830 update procedure enabling status
+	int IsFunction2Enabled;
+	int IsFunction3Enabled;
+	int IsFunction4Enabled;
+	int IsFunction5Enabled;
+	// RTL2830 update procedure variables
+	unsigned char Func2Executing;
+	unsigned char Func3State;
+	unsigned char Func3Executing;
+	unsigned char Func4State;
+	unsigned long Func4DelayCnt;
+	unsigned long Func4DelayCntMax;
+	unsigned char Func4ParamSetting;
+	unsigned long Func4RegValue[DVBT_FUNC4_REG_VALUE_NUM];
+	unsigned char Func5State;
+	unsigned char Func5QamBak;
+	unsigned char Func5HierBak;
+	unsigned char Func5LpCrBak;
+	unsigned char Func5HpCrBak;
+	unsigned char Func5GiBak;
+	unsigned char Func5FftBak;
+	// RTL2830 extra function pointers
+	RTL2830_FP_GET_APP_MODE GetAppMode;
+/// RTL2832 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE;
+@brief   RTL2832 application mode getting function pointer
+One can use RTL2832_FP_GET_APP_MODE() to get RTL2832 application mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod     The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAppMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod application mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod application mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod application mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set RTL2832_FP_GET_APP_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pAppMode
+	);
+	// RTL2832 extra variables
+	int AppMode;
+	// RTL2832 update procedure enabling status
+	int IsFunc1Enabled;
+	// RTL2832 update Function 1 variables
+	int Func1State;
+	int Func1WaitTimeMax;
+	int Func1GettingTimeMax;
+	int Func1GettingNumEachTime;
+	int Func1WaitTime;
+	int Func1GettingTime;
+	unsigned long Func1RsdBerEstSumNormal;
+	unsigned long Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig1;
+	unsigned long Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig2;
+	unsigned long Func1RsdBerEstSumConfig3;
+	int Func1QamBak;
+	int Func1HierBak;
+	int Func1LpCrBak;
+	int Func1HpCrBak;
+	int Func1GiBak;
+	int Func1FftBak;
+	// RTL2832 extra function pointers
+	RTL2832_FP_GET_APP_MODE GetAppMode;
+/// DVB-T demod module structure
+	unsigned long CurrentPageNo;
+	// Private variables
+	int           DemodType;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int           TsInterfaceMode;
+	int           BandwidthMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int           SpectrumMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	int IsIfFreqHzSet;
+	int IsSpectrumModeSet;
+	union											///<   Demod extra module used by driving module
+	{
+		RTL2830_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2830;
+		RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2832;
+	}
+	Extra;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	// Demod register table
+	// Demod I2C function pointers
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE             SetRegPage;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES            SetRegBytes;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES            GetRegBytes;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS             SetRegBits;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS             GetRegBits;
+	// Demod manipulating function pointers
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET        SoftwareReset;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE            Initialize;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_IS_TPS_LOCKED         IsTpsLocked;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_BER               GetBer;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB            GetSnrDb;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC            GetRfAgc;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC            GetIfAgc;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC            GetDiAgc;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_HIERARCHY         GetHierarchy;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_GET_FFT_MODE          GetFftMode;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION        ResetFunction;
+// DVB-T demod default I2C functions
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+// DVB-T demod default manipulating functions
+	int *pDemodType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_nim_base.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_nim_base.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_nim_base.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_nim_base.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.092066030 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+@brief   DVB-T NIM base module definition
+DVB-T NIM base module definitions contains NIM module structure, NIM funciton pointers, NIM definitions, and NIM default
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+	int *pNimType
+	)
+	// Get NIM type from NIM module.
+	*pNimType = pNim->NimType;
+	return;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz,
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	)
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->GetRfFreqHz(pTuner, pRfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetBandwidthMode(pDemod, pBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	int i;
+	// Get base interface and demod module.
+	pBaseInterface = pNim->pBaseInterface;
+	pDemod         = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Wait for signal present check.
+	{
+		// Wait 20 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 20);
+		// Check TPS present status on demod.
+		// Note: If TPS is locked, stop signal present check.
+		if(pDemod->IsTpsLocked(pDemod, pAnswer) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		if(*pAnswer == YES)
+			break;
+	}
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	int i;
+	// Get base interface and demod module.
+	pBaseInterface = pNim->pBaseInterface;
+	pDemod         = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Wait for signal lock check.
+	{
+		// Wait 20 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 20);
+		// Check signal lock status on demod.
+		// Note: If signal is locked, stop signal lock check.
+		if(pDemod->IsSignalLocked(pDemod, pAnswer) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		if(*pAnswer == YES)
+			break;
+	}
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get signal strength from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSignalStrength(pDemod, pSignalStrength) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get signal quality from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSignalQuality(pDemod, pSignalQuality) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get BER from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetBer(pDemod, pBerNum, pBerDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get SNR in dB from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, pSnrDbNum, pSnrDbDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get TR offset in ppm from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm(pDemod, pTrOffsetPpm) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get CR offset in Hz from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz(pDemod, pCrOffsetHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	int *pConstellation,
+	int *pHierarchy,
+	int *pCodeRateLp,
+	int *pCodeRateHp,
+	int *pGuardInterval,
+	int *pFftMode
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get TPS constellation information from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetConstellation(pDemod, pConstellation) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get TPS hierarchy information from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetHierarchy(pDemod, pHierarchy) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get TPS low-priority code rate information from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetCodeRateLp(pDemod, pCodeRateLp) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get TPS high-priority code rate information from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetCodeRateHp(pDemod, pCodeRateHp) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get TPS guard interval information from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetGuardInterval(pDemod, pGuardInterval) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get TPS FFT mode information from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetFftMode(pDemod, pFftMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Update demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_nim_base.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_nim_base.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_nim_base.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvbt_nim_base.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.096066035 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+#ifndef __DVBT_NIM_BASE_H
+#define __DVBT_NIM_BASE_H
+@brief   DVB-T NIM base module definition
+DVB-T NIM base module definitions contains NIM module structure, NIM funciton pointers, NIM definitions, and NIM default
+@par Example:
+#include "nim_demodx_tunery.h"
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C reading format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C writing format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	// Wait WaitTimeMs milliseconds.
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	DEMODX_EXTRA_MODULE DemodxExtraModuleMemory;
+	TUNERY_EXTRA_MODULE TuneryExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int Answer;
+	unsigned long SignalStrength, SignalQuality;
+	unsigned long BerNum, BerDen, PerNum, PerDen;
+	double Ber, Per;
+	unsigned long SnrDbNum, SnrDbDen;
+	double SnrDb;
+	long TrOffsetPpm, CrOffsetHz;
+	int Constellation;
+	int Hierarchy;
+	int CodeRateLp;
+	int CodeRateHp;
+	int GuardInterval;
+	int FftMode;
+	// Build Demod-X Tuner-Y NIM module.
+	BuildDemodxTuneryModule(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		&DemodxExtraModuleMemory,		// Employ Demod-X extra module.
+		0x20,							// The Demod-X I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The Demod-X crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The Demod-X TS interface mode is serial.
+		...								// Other arguments for Demod-X
+		&TunerxExtraModuleMemory,		// Employ Tuner-Y extra module.
+		0xc0,							// The Tuner-Y I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		...								// Other arguments for Tuner-Y
+		);
+	// Get NIM type.
+	// Note: NIM types are defined in the MODULE_TYPE enumeration.
+	pNim->GetNimType(pNim, &NimType);
+	// ==== Initialize NIM and set its parameters =====
+	// Initialize NIM.
+	pNim->Initialize(pNim);
+	// Set NIM parameters. (RF frequency, bandwdith mode)
+	// Note: In the example:
+	//       1. RF frequency is 666 MHz.
+	//       2. Bandwidth mode is 8 MHz.
+	RfFreqHz      = 666000000;
+	BandwidthMode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;
+	pNim->SetParameters(pNim, RfFreqHz, BandwidthMode);
+	// Wait 1 second for demod convergence.
+	// ==== Get NIM information =====
+	// Get NIM parameters. (RF frequency, bandwdith mode)
+	pNim->GetParameters(pNim, &RfFreqHz, &BandwidthMode);
+	// Get signal present status.
+	// Note: 1. The argument Answer is YES when the NIM module has found DVB-T signal in the RF channel.
+	//       2. The argument Answer is NO when the NIM module does not find DVB-T signal in the RF channel.
+	// Recommendation: Use the IsSignalPresent() function for channel scan.
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent(pNim, &Answer);
+	// Get signal lock status.
+	// Note: 1. The argument Answer is YES when the NIM module has locked DVB-T signal in the RF channel.
+	//          At the same time, the NIM module sends TS packets through TS interface hardware pins.
+	//       2. The argument Answer is NO when the NIM module does not lock DVB-T signal in the RF channel.
+	// Recommendation: Use the IsSignalLocked() function for signal lock check.
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked(pNim, &Answer);
+	// Get signal strength.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalStrength is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalStrength value to UI signal strength bar manually.
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength(pNim, &SignalStrength);
+	// Get signal quality.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalQuality is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalQuality value to UI signal quality bar manually.
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality(pNim, &SignalQuality);
+	// Get BER.
+	pNim->GetBer(pNim, &BerNum, &BerDen);
+	Ber = (double)BerNum / (double)BerDen;
+	// Get SNR in dB.
+	pNim->GetSnrDb(pNim, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen);
+	SnrDb = (double)SnrDbNum / (double)SnrDbDen;
+	// Get TR offset (symbol timing offset) in ppm.
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm(pNim, &TrOffsetPpm);
+	// Get CR offset (RF frequency offset) in Hz.
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz(pNim, &CrOffsetHz);
+	// Get TPS information.
+	// Note: One can find TPS information definitions in the enumerations as follows:
+	//       2. DVBT_HIERARCHY_MODE.
+	//       3. DVBT_CODE_RATE_MODE. (for low-priority and high-priority code rate)
+	//       5. DVBT_FFT_MODE_MODE
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo(pNim, &Constellation, &Hierarchy, &CodeRateLp, &CodeRateHp, &GuardInterval, &FftMode);
+	return 0;
+#include "foundation.h"
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+#include "dvbt_demod_base.h"
+// Definitions
+/// DVB-T NIM module pre-definition
+@brief   DVB-T demod type getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE() to get DVB-T NIM type.
+@param [in]    pNim       The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pNimType   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM type
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pNimType
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM initializing function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE() to initialie DVB-T NIM.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Initialize NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Initialize NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM parameter setting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS() to set DVB-T NIM parameters.
+@param [in]   pNim            The NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   RfFreqHz        RF frequency in Hz for setting
+@param [in]   BandwidthMode   Bandwidth mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set NIM parameters successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set NIM parameters unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM parameter getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS() to get DVB-T NIM parameters.
+@param [in]    pNim             The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pRfFreqHz        Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM RF frequency in Hz
+@param [out]   pBandwidthMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM bandwidth mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM parameters successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM parameters unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz,
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM signal present asking function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_PRESENT() to ask DVB-T NIM if signal is present.
+@param [in]    pNim      The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform signal present asking to NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform signal present asking to NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_PRESENT() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM signal lock asking function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() to ask DVB-T NIM if signal is locked.
+@param [in]    pNim      The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform signal lock asking to NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform signal lock asking to NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM signal strength getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() to get signal strength.
+@param [in]    pNim              The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalStrength   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal strength (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM signal strength successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM signal strength unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM signal quality getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() to get signal quality.
+@param [in]    pNim             The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalQuality   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal quality (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM signal quality successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM signal quality unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM BER value getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_BER() to get BER.
+@param [in]    pNim            The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pBerNum         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER numerator
+@param [out]   pBerDen         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM BER value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM BER value unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_BER() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM SNR getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB() to get SNR in dB.
+@param [in]    pNim        The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSnrDbNum   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB numerator
+@param [out]   pSnrDbDen   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM SNR successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM SNR unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM TR offset getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() to get TR offset in ppm.
+@param [in]    pNim           The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pTrOffsetPpm   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing TR offset in ppm
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM TR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM TR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM CR offset getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() to get CR offset in Hz.
+@param [in]    pNim          The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrOffsetHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing CR offset in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM CR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM CR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM TPS information getting function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_TPS_INFO() to get TPS information.
+@param [in]    pNim             The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pConstellation   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod constellation mode
+@param [out]   pHierarchy       Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod hierarchy mode
+@param [out]   pCodeRateLp      Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod low-priority code rate mode
+@param [out]   pCodeRateHp      Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod high-priority code rate mode
+@param [out]   pGuardInterval   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod guard interval mode
+@param [out]   pFftMode         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod FFT mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM TPS information successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM TPS information unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_TPS_INFO() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pConstellation,
+	int *pHierarchy,
+	int *pCodeRateLp,
+	int *pCodeRateHp,
+	int *pGuardInterval,
+	int *pFftMode
+	);
+@brief   DVB-T NIM updating function pointer
+One can use DVBT_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() to update NIM register setting.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update NIM setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update NIM setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set DVBT_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "nim_demodx_tunery.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	DEMODX_EXTRA_MODULE DemodxExtraModuleMemory;
+	TUNERY_EXTRA_MODULE TuneryExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build Demod-X Tuner-Y NIM module.
+	BuildDemodxTuneryModule(
+		...
+		);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pNim->UpdateFunction(pNim);
+typedef int
+	);
+// RTL2832 MT2266 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2832_MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2832_MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2832_MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned char LnaConfig;
+	unsigned char UhfSens;
+	unsigned char AgcCurrentState;
+	unsigned long LnaGainOld;
+// RTL2832 E4000 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned char TunerGainMode;
+// RTL2832 E4005 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2832_E4005_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2832_E4005_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2832_E4005_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long TunerModeUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned char TunerGainMode;
+// RTL2832 MT2063 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2832_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2832_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2832_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+// RTL2832 FC0012 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2832_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2832_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2832_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned long RssiRCalOn;
+// RTL2832 FC0013 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2832_FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2832_FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2832_FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned long RssiRCalOn;
+// RTL2832 FC0013B extra module
+typedef struct RTL2832_FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2832_FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2832_FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned long RssiRCalOn;
+/// DVB-T NIM module structure
+	// Private variables
+	int NimType;
+	union														///<   NIM extra module used by driving module
+	{
+		RTL2832_MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2832Mt2266;
+		RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE  Rtl2832E4000;
+		RTL2832_E4005_EXTRA_MODULE     Rtl2832E4005;
+		RTL2832_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2832Mt2063;
+		RTL2832_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2832Fc0012;
+		RTL2832_FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2832Fc0013;
+		RTL2832_FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE   Rtl2832Fc0013b;
+	}
+	Extra;
+	// Modules
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterface;						///<   Base interface module pointer
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;			///<   Base interface module memory
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;								///<   I2C bridge module pointer
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE I2cBridgeModuleMemory;					///<   I2C bridge module memory
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTuner;										///<   Tuner module pointer
+	TUNER_MODULE TunerModuleMemory;								///<   Tuner module memory
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *pDemod;									///<   DVB-T demod module pointer
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE DvbtDemodModuleMemory;					///<   DVB-T demod module memory
+	// NIM manipulating functions
+	DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE          GetNimType;
+	DVBT_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE            Initialize;
+	DVBT_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS        SetParameters;
+	DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS        GetParameters;
+	DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_BER               GetBer;
+	DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB            GetSnrDb;
+	DVBT_NIM_FP_GET_TPS_INFO          GetTpsInfo;
+	DVBT_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION       UpdateFunction;
+// DVB-T NIM default manipulaing functions
+	int *pNimType
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz,
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen
+	);
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+	int *pConstellation,
+	int *pHierarchy,
+	int *pCodeRateLp,
+	int *pCodeRateHp,
+	int *pGuardInterval,
+	int *pFftMode
+	);
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/foundation.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/foundation.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/foundation.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/foundation.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.096066035 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+@brief   Fundamental interface definition
+Fundamental interface contains base function pointers and some mathematics tools.
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Base interface builder
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE **ppBaseInterface,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	)
+	// Set base interface module pointer.
+	*ppBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	// Set all base interface function pointers and arguments.
+	(*ppBaseInterface)->I2cReadingByteNumMax      = I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	(*ppBaseInterface)->I2cWritingByteNumMax      = I2cWritingByteNumMax;
+	(*ppBaseInterface)->I2cRead                   = I2cRead;
+	(*ppBaseInterface)->I2cWrite                  = I2cWrite;
+	(*ppBaseInterface)->WaitMs                    = WaitMs;
+	(*ppBaseInterface)->SetUserDefinedDataPointer = base_interface_SetUserDefinedDataPointer;
+	(*ppBaseInterface)->GetUserDefinedDataPointer = base_interface_GetUserDefinedDataPointer;
+	return;
+@brief   Set user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom basic function implementation.
+	-# Base interface builder will set BASE_FP_SET_USER_DEFINED_DATA_POINTER() function pointer with
+	   base_interface_SetUserDefinedDataPointer().
+	void *pUserDefinedData
+	)
+	// Set user defined data pointer of base interface structure with user defined data pointer argument.
+	pBaseInterface->pUserDefinedData = pUserDefinedData;
+	return;
+@brief   Get user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom basic function implementation.
+	-# Base interface builder will set BASE_FP_GET_USER_DEFINED_DATA_POINTER() function pointer with
+	   base_interface_GetUserDefinedDataPointer().
+	void **ppUserDefinedData
+	)
+	// Get user defined data pointer from base interface structure to the caller user defined data pointer.
+	*ppUserDefinedData = pBaseInterface->pUserDefinedData;
+	return;
+@brief   Convert signed integer to binary.
+Convert 2's complement signed integer to binary with bit number.
+@param [in]   Value    the converting value in 2's complement format
+@param [in]   BitNum   the bit number of the converting value
+@return   Converted binary
+	The converting value must be -pow(2, BitNum - 1) ~ (pow(2, BitNum - 1) -1).
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+int main(void)
+	long Value = -345;
+	unsigned long Binary;
+	// Convert 2's complement integer to binary with 10 bit number.
+	Binary = SignedIntToBin(Value, 10);
+	// Result in base 2:
+	// Value  = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 1010 0111 b = -345  (in 32-bit 2's complement format)
+	// Binary = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1010 0111 b =  679  (in 10-bit binary format)
+	...
+	return 0;
+unsigned long
+	long Value,
+	unsigned char BitNum
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned long Mask, Binary;
+	// Generate Mask according to BitNum.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < BitNum; i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	// Convert signed integer to binary with Mask.
+	Binary = Value & Mask;
+	return Binary;
+@brief   Convert binary to signed integer.
+Convert binary to 2's complement signed integer with bit number.
+@param [in]   Binary   the converting binary
+@param [in]   BitNum   the bit number of the converting binary
+@return   Converted 2's complement signed integer
+	The converting binary must be 0 ~ (pow(2, BitNum) - 1).
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+int main(void)
+	unsigned long Binary = 679;
+	long Value;
+	// Convert binary to 2's complement integer with 10 bit number.
+	Value = BinToSignedInt(Binary, 10);
+	// Result in base 2:
+	// Binary = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1010 0111 b =  679  (in 10-bit binary format)
+	// Value  = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 1010 0111 b = -345  (in 32-bit 2's complement format)
+	...
+	return 0;
+	unsigned long Binary,
+	unsigned char BitNum
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char SignedBit;
+	unsigned long SignedBitExtension;
+	long Value;
+	// Get signed bit.
+	SignedBit = (unsigned char)((Binary >> (BitNum - 1)) & BIT_0_MASK);
+	// Generate signed bit extension.
+	SignedBitExtension = 0;
+	for(i = BitNum; i < LONG_BIT_NUM; i++)
+		SignedBitExtension |= SignedBit << i;
+	// Combine binary value and signed bit extension to signed integer value.
+	Value = (long)(Binary | SignedBitExtension);
+	return Value;
+@brief   Get devision reult with ceiling.
+Get unsigned devision reult with ceiling.
+@param [in]   Dividend   the dividend
+@param [in]   Divisor    the divisor
+@return   Result with ceiling
+	The dividend and divisor must be unsigned integer.
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+int main(void)
+	long Value;
+	// Get ceil(100 / 20) reult.
+	Value = DivideWithCeiling(100, 20);
+	// Result: Value  = 5
+	// Get ceil(100 / 30) reult.
+	Value = DivideWithCeiling(100, 30);
+	// Result: Value  = 4
+	...
+	return 0;
+unsigned long
+	unsigned long Dividend,
+	unsigned long Divisor
+	)
+	unsigned long Result;
+	// Get primitive division result.
+	Result = Dividend / Divisor;
+	// Adjust primitive result with ceiling.
+	if(Dividend % Divisor > 0)
+		Result += 1;
+	return Result;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/foundation.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/foundation.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/foundation.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/foundation.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.096066035 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@
+#ifndef __FOUNDATION_H
+#define __FOUNDATION_H
+@brief   Fundamental interface declaration
+Fundamental interface contains base function pointers and some mathematics tools.
+#include "i2c_bridge.h"
+#include "math_mpi.h"
+#include "dvb-usb.h"
+#include "rtl2832u_io.h"
+// Definitions
+// API version
+#define REALTEK_NIM_API_VERSION		"Realtek NIM API 2012.03.30"
+// Constants
+#define NO_USE						0
+#define LEN_1_BYTE					1
+#define LEN_2_BYTE					2
+#define LEN_3_BYTE					3
+#define LEN_4_BYTE					4
+#define LEN_5_BYTE					5
+#define LEN_6_BYTE					6
+#define LEN_11_BYTE					11
+#define LEN_1_BIT					1
+#define BYTE_MASK					0xff
+#define BYTE_SHIFT					8
+#define HEX_DIGIT_MASK				0xf
+#define BYTE_BIT_NUM				8
+#define LONG_BIT_NUM				32
+#define BIT_0_MASK					0x1
+#define BIT_1_MASK					0x2
+#define BIT_2_MASK					0x4
+#define BIT_3_MASK					0x8
+#define BIT_4_MASK					0x10
+#define BIT_5_MASK					0x20
+#define BIT_6_MASK					0x40
+#define BIT_7_MASK					0x80
+#define BIT_8_MASK					0x100
+#define BIT_7_SHIFT					7
+#define BIT_8_SHIFT					8
+// I2C buffer length
+// Note: I2C_BUFFER_LEN must be greater than I2cReadingByteNumMax and I2cWritingByteNumMax in BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE.
+#define I2C_BUFFER_LEN				128
+/// Module types
+	// DVB-T demod
+	DVBT_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2830,				///<   RTL2830 DVB-T demod
+	DVBT_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2832,				///<   RTL2832 DVB-T demod
+	// QAM demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2840,					///<   RTL2840 DVB-C demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2810_OC,				///<   RTL2810 OpenCable demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2820_OC,				///<   RTL2820 OpenCable demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2885_QAM,				///<   RTD2885 QAM demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2932_QAM,				///<   RTD2932 QAM demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2836B_DVBC,			///<   RTL2836 DVB-C demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2810B_QAM,			///<   RTL2810B QAM demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2840B_QAM,			///<   RTD2840B QAM demod
+	QAM_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2648_QAM,				///<   RTD2648 QAM demod
+	// OOB demod
+	OOB_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2820_OOB,				///<   RTL2820 OOB demod
+	// ATSC demod
+	ATSC_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2820_ATSC,			///<   RTL2820 ATSC demod
+	ATSC_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2885_ATSC,			///<   RTD2885 ATSC demod
+	ATSC_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2932_ATSC,			///<   RTD2932 ATSC demod
+	ATSC_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2810B_ATSC,			///<   RTL2810B ATSC demod
+	ATSC_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2648_ATSC,			///<   RTD2648 ATSC demod
+	// DTMB demod
+	DTMB_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2836,				///<   RTL2836 DTMB demod
+	DTMB_DEMOD_TYPE_RTL2836B_DTMB,			///<   RTL2836B DTMB demod
+	DTMB_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2974_DTMB,			///<   RTD2974 DTMB demod
+	// ISDB-T demod
+	ISDBT_DEMOD_TYPE_RTD2648_ISDBT,			///<   RTD2648 ISDB-T demod
+	// Tuner
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDCGG052D,					///<   TDCG-G052D tuner (QAM)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDCHG001D,					///<   TDCH-G001D tuner (QAM)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDQE3003A,					///<   TDQE3-003A tuner (QAM)
+	TUNER_TYPE_DCT7045,						///<   DCT-7045 tuner (QAM)
+	TUNER_TYPE_MT2062,						///<   MT2062 tuner (QAM)
+	TUNER_TYPE_MXL5005S,					///<   MxL5005S tuner (DVB-T, ATSC)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDVMH715P,					///<   TDVM-H751P tuner (QAM, OOB, ATSC)
+	TUNER_TYPE_UBA00AL,						///<   UBA00AL tuner (QAM, ATSC)
+	TUNER_TYPE_MT2266,						///<   MT2266 tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_FC2580,						///<   FC2580 tuner (DVB-T, DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TUA9001,						///<   TUA9001 tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_DTT75300,					///<   DTT-75300 tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T,					///<   MxL5007T tuner (DVB-T, ATSC)
+	TUNER_TYPE_VA1T1ED6093,					///<   VA1T1ED6093 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TUA8010,						///<   TUA8010 tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_E4000,						///<   E4000 tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_E4005,						///<   E4005 tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_DCT70704,					///<   DCT-70704 tuner (QAM)
+	TUNER_TYPE_MT2063,						///<   MT2063 tuner (DVB-T, QAM)
+	TUNER_TYPE_FC0012,						///<   FC0012 tuner (DVB-T, DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDAG,						///<   TDAG tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_ADMTV804,					///<   ADMTV804 tuner (DVB-T, DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_MAX3543,						///<   MAX3543 tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDA18272,					///<   TDA18272 tuner (DVB-T, QAM, DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDA18250,					///<   TDA18250 tuner (DVB-T, QAM, DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_FC0013,						///<   FC0013 tuner (DVB-T, DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_FC0013B,						///<   FC0013B tuner (DVB-T, DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_VA1E1ED2403,					///<   VA1E1ED2403 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_AVALON,						///<   AVALON tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_SUTRE201,					///<   SUTRE201 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_MR1300,						///<   MR1300 tuner (ISDB-T 1-Seg)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDAC7,						///<   TDAC7 tuner (DTMB, QAM)
+	TUNER_TYPE_VA1T1ER2094,					///<   VA1T1ER2094 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_TDAC3,						///<   TDAC3 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_RT910,						///<   RT910 tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_DTM4C20,						///<   DTM4C20 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_GTFD32,						///<   GTFD32 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_GTLP10,						///<   GTLP10 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_JSS66T,						///<   JSS66T tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_NONE,						///<   NONE tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_MR1500,						///<   MR1500 tuner (ISDB-T full-Seg)
+	TUNER_TYPE_R820T,						///<   R820T tuner (DVB-T)
+	TUNER_TYPE_YTMB04,						///<   YTMB-04 tuner (DTMB)
+	TUNER_TYPE_DTI7,						///<   DTI7 tuner (DTMB)
+	// DVB-T NIM
+	DVBT_NIM_USER_DEFINITION,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   User definition
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MT2266,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + MT2266
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_FC2580,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + FC2580
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_TUA9001,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + TUA9001
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MXL5005S,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + MxL5005S
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_DTT75300,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + DTT-75300
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MXL5007T,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + MxL5007T
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_TUA8010,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + TUA8010
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_E4000,					///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + E4000
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_E4005,					///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + E4005
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MT2063,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + MT2063
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_FC0012,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + FC0012
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_ADMTV804,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + ADMTV804
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MAX3543,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + MAX3543
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_TDA18272,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + TDA18272
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_FC0013,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + FC0013
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_RT910,					///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + RT910
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_FC0013B,				///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + FC0013B
+	DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_R820T,					///<   DVB-T NIM:   RTL2832 + R820T
+	// QAM NIM
+	QAM_NIM_USER_DEFINITION,				///<   QAM NIM:   User definition
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_TDQE3003A,				///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + TDQE3-003A
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_DCT7045,				///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + DCT-7045
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_DCT7046,				///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + DCT-7046
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_MT2062,					///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + MT2062
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_DCT70704,				///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + DCT-70704
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_MT2063,					///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + MT2063
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_MAX3543,				///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + MAX3543
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2836B_DVBC_VA1T1ED6093,		///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2836B DVB-C + VA1T1ED6093
+	QAM_NIM_RTD2885_QAM_TDA18272,			///<   QAM NIM:   RTD2885 QAM + TDA18272
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2836B_DVBC_VA1E1ED2403,		///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2836B DVB-C + VA1E1ED2403
+	QAM_NIM_RTD2840B_QAM_MT2062,            ///<   QAM NIM:   RTD2840B QAM + MT2062
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_TDA18272,				///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + TDA18272
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2840_TDA18250,				///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2840 + TDA18250
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2836B_DVBC_FC0013B,			///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2836B DVB-C + FC0013B
+	QAM_NIM_RTL2836B_DVBC_TDA18272,			///<   QAM NIM:   RTL2836B DVB-C + TDA18272
+	// DCR NIM
+	DCR_NIM_RTL2820_TDVMH715P,				///<   DCR NIM:   RTL2820 + TDVM-H751P
+	DCR_NIM_RTD2885_UBA00AL,				///<   DCR NIM:   RTD2885 + UBA00AL
+	ATSC_NIM_RTD2885_ATSC_TDA18272,			///<   ATSC NIM:   RTD2885 ATSC + TDA18272
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836_FC2580,				///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836 + FC2580
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836_VA1T1ED6093,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836 + VA1T1ED6093
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836_TDAG,					///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836 + TDAG
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836_MXL5007T,				///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836 + MxL5007T
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836_E4000,					///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836 + E4000
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836_TDA18272,				///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836 + TDA18272
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_VA1T1ED6093,		///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + VA1T1ED6093
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_E4000,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + E4000
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_FC0012,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + FC0012
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_VA1E1ED2403,		///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + VA1E1ED2403
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_TDA18272,		///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + TDA18272
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_FC0013B,	    	///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + FC0013B
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_VA1T1ER2094,		///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + VA1T1ER2094
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_DTM4C20,	    	///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + DTM4C20
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_GTFD32,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + GTFD32
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_GTLP10,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + GTFD32
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_JSS66T,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + JSS66T
+	DTMB_NIM_RTD2974_DTMB_VA1E1ED2403,		///<   DTMB NIM:   RTD2974 DTMB + VA1E1ED2403
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_E4005,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + E4005
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_MR1500,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + MR1500
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_MXL5007T,		///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + MxL5007T
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_YTMB04,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + YTMB-04
+	DTMB_NIM_RTL2836B_DTMB_DTI7,			///<   DTMB NIM:   RTL2836B DTMB + DTI7
+/// On/off status
+	OFF,		///<   Off
+	ON,			///<   On
+/// Yes/no status
+	NO,			///<   No
+	YES,		///<   Yes
+/// Lock status
+	NOT_LOCKED,			///<   Not locked
+	LOCKED,				///<   Locked
+/// Loss status
+	NOT_LOST,			///<   Not lost
+	LOST,				///<   Lost
+/// Function return status
+	FUNCTION_SUCCESS,			///<   Execute function successfully.
+	FUNCTION_ERROR,				///<   Execute function unsuccessfully.
+/// Crystal frequency
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_4000000HZ  =  4000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =    4.0 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ = 16000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   16.0 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_16384000HZ = 16384000,			///<   Crystal frequency = 16.384 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_16457143HZ = 16457143,			///<   Crystal frequency = 16.457 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_20000000HZ = 20000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   20.0 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_20250000HZ = 20250000,			///<   Crystal frequency =  20.25 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_20480000HZ = 20480000,			///<   Crystal frequency =  20.48 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_24000000HZ = 24000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   24.0 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_25000000HZ = 25000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   25.0 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_25200000HZ = 25200000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   25.2 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_26000000HZ = 26000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   26.0 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_26690000HZ = 26690000,			///<   Crystal frequency =  26.69 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ = 27000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   27.0 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ = 28800000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   28.8 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_32000000HZ = 32000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   32.0 MHz
+	CRYSTAL_FREQ_36000000HZ = 36000000,			///<   Crystal frequency =   36.0 MHz
+/// IF frequency
+enum IF_FREQ_HZ
+	IF_FREQ_0HZ        =        0,			///<   IF frequency =      0 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_3250000HZ  =  3250000,			///<   IF frequency =   3.25 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_3570000HZ  =  3570000,			///<   IF frequency =   3.57 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_4000000HZ  =  4000000,			///<   IF frequency =    4.0 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_4570000HZ  =  4570000,			///<   IF frequency =   4.57 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_4571429HZ  =  4571429,			///<   IF frequency =  4.571 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_5000000HZ  =  5000000,			///<   IF frequency =    5.0 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_36000000HZ = 36000000,			///<   IF frequency =   36.0 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_36125000HZ = 36125000,			///<   IF frequency = 36.125 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_36150000HZ = 36150000,			///<   IF frequency =  36.15 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_36166667HZ = 36166667,			///<   IF frequency = 36.167 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_36170000HZ = 36170000,			///<   IF frequency =  36.17 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_43750000HZ = 43750000,			///<   IF frequency =  43.75 MHz
+	IF_FREQ_44000000HZ = 44000000,			///<   IF frequency =   44.0 MHz
+/// Spectrum mode
+	SPECTRUM_NORMAL,			///<   Normal spectrum
+	SPECTRUM_INVERSE,			///<   Inverse spectrum
+/// TS interface mode
+	TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,			///<   Parallel TS interface
+	TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			///<   Serial TS interface
+/// Diversity mode
+	DIVERSITY_PIP_OFF,				///<   Diversity disable and PIP disable
+	DIVERSITY_ON_MASTER,			///<   Diversity enable for Master Demod
+	DIVERSITY_ON_SLAVE,				///<   Diversity enable for Slave Demod
+	PIP_ON_MASTER,					///<   PIP enable for Master Demod
+	PIP_ON_SLAVE,					///<   PIP enable for Slave Demod
+/// Base interface module alias
+@brief   Basic I2C reading function pointer
+Upper layer functions will use BASE_FP_I2C_READ() to read ByteNum bytes from I2C device to pReadingBytes buffer.
+@param [in]    pBaseInterface   The base interface module pointer
+@param [in]    DeviceAddr       I2C device address in 8-bit format
+@param [out]   pReadingBytes    Buffer pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading bytes
+@param [in]    ByteNum          Reading byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Read bytes from I2C device with reading byte number successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Read bytes from I2C device unsuccessfully.
+	The requirements of BASE_FP_I2C_READ() function are described as follows:
+	-# Follow the I2C format for BASE_FP_I2C_READ(). \n
+	   start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	-# Don't allocate memory on pReadingBytes.
+	-# Upper layer functions should allocate memory on pReadingBytes before using BASE_FP_I2C_READ().
+	-# Need to assign I2C reading funtion to BASE_FP_I2C_READ() for upper layer functions.
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Implement I2C reading funciton for BASE_FP_I2C_READ function pointer.
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+	...
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[100];
+	// Assign implemented I2C reading funciton to BASE_FP_I2C_READ in base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(&pBaseInterface, &BaseInterfaceModuleMemory, ..., ..., CustomI2cRead, ..., ...);
+	...
+	// Use I2cRead() to read 33 bytes from I2C device and store reading bytes to ReadingBytes.
+	pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, 0x20, ReadingBytes, 33);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   Basic I2C writing function pointer
+Upper layer functions will use BASE_FP_I2C_WRITE() to write ByteNum bytes from pWritingBytes buffer to I2C device.
+@param [in]   pBaseInterface   The base interface module pointer
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr       I2C device address in 8-bit format
+@param [in]   pWritingBytes    Buffer pointer to writing bytes
+@param [in]   ByteNum          Writing byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Write bytes to I2C device with writing bytes successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Write bytes to I2C device unsuccessfully.
+	The requirements of BASE_FP_I2C_WRITE() function are described as follows:
+	-# Follow the I2C format for BASE_FP_I2C_WRITE(). \n
+	   start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	-# Need to assign I2C writing funtion to BASE_FP_I2C_WRITE() for upper layer functions.
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Implement I2C writing funciton for BASE_FP_I2C_WRITE function pointer.
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+	...
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[100];
+	// Assign implemented I2C writing funciton to BASE_FP_I2C_WRITE in base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(&pBaseInterface, &BaseInterfaceModuleMemory, ..., ..., ..., CustomI2cWrite, ...);
+	...
+	// Use I2cWrite() to write 33 bytes from WritingBytes to I2C device.
+	pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, 0x20, WritingBytes, 33);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   Basic waiting function pointer
+Upper layer functions will use BASE_FP_WAIT_MS() to wait WaitTimeMs milliseconds.
+@param [in]   pBaseInterface   The base interface module pointer
+@param [in]   WaitTimeMs       Waiting time in millisecond
+	The requirements of BASE_FP_WAIT_MS() function are described as follows:
+	-# Need to assign a waiting function to BASE_FP_WAIT_MS() for upper layer functions.
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Implement waiting funciton for BASE_FP_WAIT_MS function pointer.
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	// Assign implemented waiting funciton to BASE_FP_WAIT_MS in base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(&pBaseInterface, &BaseInterfaceModuleMemory, ..., ..., ..., ..., CustomWaitMs);
+	...
+	// Use WaitMs() to wait 30 millisecond.
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 30);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef void
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	);
+@brief   User defined data pointer setting function pointer
+One can use BASE_FP_SET_USER_DEFINED_DATA_POINTER() to set user defined data pointer of base interface structure for
+custom basic function implementation.
+@param [in]   pBaseInterface     The base interface module pointer
+@param [in]   pUserDefinedData   Pointer to user defined data
+	One can use BASE_FP_GET_USER_DEFINED_DATA_POINTER() to get user defined data pointer of base interface structure for
+	custom basic function implementation.
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Implement I2C reading funciton for BASE_FP_I2C_READ function pointer.
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom I2C reading function.
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&pUserDefinedData);
+	...
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[100];
+	// Assign implemented I2C reading funciton to BASE_FP_I2C_READ in base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(&pBaseInterface, &BaseInterfaceModuleMemory, ..., ..., CustomI2cRead, ..., ...);
+	...
+	// Set user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom basic functions.
+	pBaseInterface->SetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, &UserDefinedData);
+	// Use I2cRead() to read 33 bytes from I2C device and store reading bytes to ReadingBytes.
+	pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, 0x20, ReadingBytes, 33);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef void
+	void *pUserDefinedData
+	);
+@brief   User defined data pointer getting function pointer
+One can use BASE_FP_GET_USER_DEFINED_DATA_POINTER() to get user defined data pointer of base interface structure for
+custom basic function implementation.
+@param [in]   pBaseInterface      The base interface module pointer
+@param [in]   ppUserDefinedData   Pointer to user defined data pointer
+	One can use BASE_FP_SET_USER_DEFINED_DATA_POINTER() to set user defined data pointer of base interface structure for
+	custom basic function implementation.
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Implement I2C reading funciton for BASE_FP_I2C_READ function pointer.
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom I2C reading function.
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&pUserDefinedData);
+	...
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[100];
+	// Assign implemented I2C reading funciton to BASE_FP_I2C_READ in base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(&pBaseInterface, &BaseInterfaceModuleMemory, ..., ..., CustomI2cRead, ..., ...);
+	...
+	// Set user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom basic functions.
+	pBaseInterface->SetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, &UserDefinedData);
+	// Use I2cRead() to read 33 bytes from I2C device and store reading bytes to ReadingBytes.
+	pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, 0x20, ReadingBytes, 33);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef void
+	void **ppUserDefinedData
+	);
+/// Base interface module structure
+	// Variables and function pointers
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax;
+	BASE_FP_I2C_READ    I2cRead;
+	BASE_FP_I2C_WRITE   I2cWrite;
+	BASE_FP_WAIT_MS     WaitMs;
+	// User defined data
+	void *pUserDefinedData;
+@brief   Base interface builder
+Use BuildBaseInterface() to build base interface for module functions to access basic functions.
+@param [in]   ppBaseInterface              Pointer to base interface module pointer
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+	-# One should build base interface before using module functions.
+	-# The I2C reading format is described as follows:
+	   start_bit + (device_addr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * byte_num + stop_bit
+	-# The I2cReadingByteNumMax is the maximum byte_num of the I2C reading format.
+	-# The I2C writing format is described as follows:
+	   start_bit + (device_addr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * byte_num + stop_bit
+	-# The I2cWritingByteNumMax is the maximum byte_num of the I2C writing format.
+@par Example:
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Implement I2C reading funciton for BASE_FP_I2C_READ function pointer.
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+	...
+// Implement I2C writing funciton for BASE_FP_I2C_WRITE function pointer.
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+	...
+// Implement waiting funciton for BASE_FP_WAIT_MS function pointer.
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	// Build base interface with the following settings.
+	//
+	// 1. Assign 9 to maximum I2C reading byte number.
+	// 2. Assign 8 to maximum I2C writing byte number.
+	// 3. Assign CustomI2cRead() to basic I2C reading function pointer.
+	// 4. Assign CustomI2cWrite() to basic I2C writing function pointer.
+	// 5. Assign CustomWaitMs() to basic waiting function pointer.
+	//
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pBaseInterface,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		9,
+		8,
+		CustomI2cRead,
+		CustomI2cWrite,
+		CustomWaitMs
+		);
+	...
+	return 0;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE **ppBaseInterface,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	);
+// User data pointer of base interface structure setting and getting functions
+	void *pUserDefinedData
+	);
+	void **ppUserDefinedData
+	);
+// Math functions
+// Binary and signed integer converter
+unsigned long
+	long Value,
+	unsigned char BitNum
+	);
+	unsigned long Binary,
+	unsigned char BitNum
+	);
+// Arithmetic
+unsigned long
+	unsigned long Dividend,
+	unsigned long Divisor
+	);
+@mainpage Realtek demod Source Code Manual
+	-# The Realtek demod API source code is designed for demod IC driver porting.
+	-# The API source code is written in C language without floating-point arithmetic.
+	-# One can use the API to manipulate Realtek demod IC.
+	-# The API will call custom underlayer functions through API base interface module.
+@par Important:
+	-# Please assign API base interface module with custom underlayer functions instead of modifying API source code.
+	-# Please see the example code to understand the relation bewteen API and custom system.
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/i2c_bridge.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/i2c_bridge.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/i2c_bridge.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/i2c_bridge.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.096066035 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#ifndef __I2C_BRIDGE_H
+#define __I2C_BRIDGE_H
+@brief   I2C bridge module
+I2C bridge module contains I2C forwarding function pointers.
+/// I2C bridge module pre-definition
+@brief   I2C reading command forwarding function pointer
+Tuner upper level functions will use I2C_BRIDGE_FP_FORWARD_I2C_READING_CMD() to send tuner I2C reading command through
+@param [in]    pI2cBridge      The I2C bridge module pointer
+@param [in]    DeviceAddr       I2C device address in 8-bit format
+@param [out]   pReadingBytes   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading bytes
+@param [in]    ByteNum         Reading byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Forwarding I2C reading command successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Forwarding I2C reading command unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set I2C_BRIDGE_FP_FORWARD_I2C_READING_CMD() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   I2C writing command forwarding function pointer
+Tuner upper level functions will use I2C_BRIDGE_FP_FORWARD_I2C_WRITING_CMD() to send tuner I2C writing command through
+@param [in]    pI2cBridge      The I2C bridge module pointer
+@param [in]    DeviceAddr       I2C device address in 8-bit format
+@param [out]   pWritingBytes   Pointer to writing bytes
+@param [in]    ByteNum         Writing byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Forwarding I2C writing command successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Forwarding I2C writing command unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set I2C_BRIDGE_FP_FORWARD_I2C_WRITING_CMD() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+/// I2C bridge module structure
+	// Private variables
+	void *pPrivateData;
+	// I2C bridge function pointers
+	I2C_BRIDGE_FP_FORWARD_I2C_READING_CMD   ForwardI2cReadingCmd;	///<   I2C reading command forwading function pointer
+	I2C_BRIDGE_FP_FORWARD_I2C_WRITING_CMD   ForwardI2cWritingCmd;   ///<   I2C writing command forwading function pointer
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/math_mpi.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/math_mpi.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/math_mpi.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/math_mpi.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.096066035 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+@brief   Mutliple precision integer (MPI) arithmetic definition
+One can use to mutliple precision arithmetic to manipulate large signed integers.
+#include "math_mpi.h"
+@brief   Set multiple precision signed integer value.
+Use MpiSetValue() to set multiple precision signed integer MPI value.
+@param [in]   pMpiVar   Pointer to an MPI variable
+@param [in]   Value     Value for setting
+	The MPI bit number will be minimized in MpiSetValue().
+	MPI *pMpiVar,
+	long Value
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char SignedBit;
+	unsigned char ExtensionByte;
+	// Set MPI value according to ansigned value.
+	for(i = 0; i < MPI_LONG_BYTE_NUM; i++)
+		pMpiVar->Value[i] = (unsigned char)((Value >> (MPI_BYTE_SHIFT * i)) & MPI_BYTE_MASK);
+	// Get extension byte according to signed bit.
+	SignedBit = (unsigned char)((Value >> (MPI_LONG_BIT_NUM - 1)) & MPI_BIT_0_MASK);
+	ExtensionByte = (SignedBit == 0x0) ? 0x00 : 0xff;
+	// Extend MPI signed bit with extension byte stuff.
+		pMpiVar->Value[i] = ExtensionByte;
+	// Minimize MPI bit number.
+	MpiMinimizeBitNum(pMpiVar);
+	return;
+@brief   Get multiple precision signed integer value.
+Use MpiGetValue() to get multiple precision unsigned integer MPI value.
+@param [in]    MpiVar   Pointer to an MPI variable
+@param [out]   pValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for getting MPI value
+    The necessary bit number of MPI value must be less than or equal to 32 bits.
+	MPI MpiVar,
+	long *pValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Set value with zero.
+	Value = 0x0;
+	// Combine MPI value bytes into value.
+	for(i = 0; i < MPI_LONG_BYTE_NUM; i++)
+		Value |= MpiVar.Value[i] << (MPI_BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Assigned value to value pointer.
+	*pValue = (long)Value;
+	return;
+@brief   Set multiple precision signed integer bit value.
+Use MpiSetBit() to set multiple precision signed integer MPI bit value.
+@param [in]   pMpiVar       Pointer to an MPI variable
+@param [in]   BitPosition   Bit position with zero-based index
+@param [in]   BitValue      Bit value for setting
+	Bit position must be 0 ~ (MPI bit number).
+	MPI *pMpiVar,
+	unsigned long BitPosition,
+	unsigned char BitValue
+	)
+	unsigned long TargetBytePos, TargetBitPos;
+	// Calculate target byte and bit position.
+	TargetBytePos = BitPosition / MPI_BYTE_BIT_NUM;
+	TargetBitPos  = BitPosition % MPI_BYTE_BIT_NUM;
+	// Set MPI bit value according to calculated target byte and bit position.
+	pMpiVar->Value[TargetBytePos] &= (unsigned char)(~(0x1 << TargetBitPos));
+	pMpiVar->Value[TargetBytePos] |= (BitValue & MPI_BIT_0_MASK) << TargetBitPos;
+	return;
+@brief   Get multiple precision signed integer bit value.
+Use MpiGetBit() to get multiple precision unsigned integer MPI bit value.
+@param [in]    MpiVar        Pointer to an MPI variable
+@param [in]    BitPosition   Bit position with zero-based index
+@param [out]   pBitValue     Pointer to an allocated memory for getting MPI bit value
+	Bit position must be 0 ~ (MPI bit number).
+	MPI MpiVar,
+	unsigned long BitPosition,
+	unsigned char *pBitValue
+	)
+	unsigned long TargetBytePos, TargetBitPos;
+	// Calculate target byte and bit position.
+	TargetBytePos = BitPosition / MPI_BYTE_BIT_NUM;
+	TargetBitPos  = BitPosition % MPI_BYTE_BIT_NUM;
+	// Get MPI bit value according to calculated target byte and bit position.
+	*pBitValue = (MpiVar.Value[TargetBytePos] >> TargetBitPos) & MPI_BIT_0_MASK;
+	return;
+@brief   Get multiple precision signed integer signed bit value.
+Use MpiGetBit() to get multiple precision unsigned integer MPI signed bit value.
+@param [in]    MpiVar            Pointer to an MPI variable
+@param [out]   pSignedBitValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for getting MPI signed bit value
+	MPI MpiVar,
+	unsigned char *pSignedBitValue
+	)
+	// Get MPI variable signed bit.
+	MpiGetBit(MpiVar, MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX - 1, pSignedBitValue);
+	return;
+@brief   Assign multiple precision signed integer with another one.
+Use MpiAssign() to assign multiple precision signed integer with another one.
+@param [out]   pResult   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing result
+@param [in]    Operand   Operand
+	The result bit number will be minimized in MpiAssign().
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI Operand
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	// Copy value bytes from operand to result.
+	for(i = 0; i < MPI_VALUE_BYTE_NUM_MAX; i++)
+		pResult->Value[i] = Operand.Value[i];
+	// Minimize result bit nubmer.
+	MpiMinimizeBitNum(pResult);
+	return;
+@brief   Minus unary multiple precision signed integer.
+Use MpiUnaryMinus() to minus unary multiple precision signed integer.
+@param [out]   pResult   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing result
+@param [in]    Operand   Operand
+	The result bit number will be minimized in MpiUnaryMinus().
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI Operand
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	MPI Const;
+	// Set result value byte with operand bitwise complement value byte.
+	for(i = 0; i < MPI_VALUE_BYTE_NUM_MAX; i++)
+		pResult->Value[i] = ~Operand.Value[i];
+	// Add result with 0x1.
+	// Note: MpiAdd() will minimize result bit number.
+	MpiSetValue(&Const, 0x1);
+	MpiAdd(pResult, *pResult, Const);
+	return;
+@brief   Add multiple precision signed integers.
+Use MpiAdd() to add multiple precision signed integers.
+@param [out]   pSum     Pointer to an allocated memory for storing sum
+@param [in]    Augend   Augend
+@param [in]    Addend   Addend
+	The sum bit number will be minimized in MpiAdd().
+	MPI *pSum,
+	MPI Augend,
+	MPI Addend
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned long MiddleResult;
+	unsigned char Carry;
+	// Add augend and addend to sum form value LSB byte to value MSB byte.
+	Carry = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < MPI_VALUE_BYTE_NUM_MAX; i++)
+	{
+		// Set current sum value byte and determine carry.
+		MiddleResult   = Augend.Value[i] + Addend.Value[i] + Carry;
+		pSum->Value[i] = (unsigned char)(MiddleResult & MPI_BYTE_MASK);
+		Carry          = (unsigned char)((MiddleResult >> MPI_BYTE_SHIFT) & MPI_BYTE_MASK);
+	}
+	// Minimize sum bit nubmer.
+	MpiMinimizeBitNum(pSum);
+	return;
+@brief   subtract multiple precision signed integers.
+Use MpiSub() to subtract multiple precision signed integers.
+@param [out]   pDifference   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing difference
+@param [in]    Minuend       Minuend
+@param [in]    Subtrahend    Subtrahend
+	The difference bit number will be minimized in MpiSub().
+	MPI *pDifference,
+	MPI Minuend,
+	MPI Subtrahend
+	)
+	MPI MiddleResult;
+	// Take subtrahend unary minus value.
+	MpiUnaryMinus(&MiddleResult, Subtrahend);
+	// Add minuend and subtrahend unary minus value to difference.
+	// Note: MpiAdd() will minimize result bit number.
+	MpiAdd(pDifference, Minuend, MiddleResult);
+	return;
+@brief   Multiply arbitrary precision signed integers.
+Use MpiMul() to multiply arbitrary precision signed integers.
+@param [out]   pProduct        Pointer to an allocated memory for storing product
+@param [in]    Multiplicand    Multiplicand
+@param [in]    Multiplicator   Multiplicator
+	-# The sum of multiplicand and multiplicator bit number must be less MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX.
+	-# The product bit number will be minimized in MpiMul().
+	MPI *pProduct,
+	MPI Multiplicand,
+	MPI Multiplicator
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char MultiplicandSignedBit, MultiplicatorSignedBit;
+	MPI MultiplicandAbs, MultiplicatorAbs;
+	unsigned char CurrentBit;
+	// Get multiplicand signed bit.
+	MpiGetSignedBit(Multiplicand, &MultiplicandSignedBit);
+	// Take absolute value of multiplicand.
+	if(MultiplicandSignedBit == 0x0)
+		MpiAssign(&MultiplicandAbs, Multiplicand);
+	else
+		MpiUnaryMinus(&MultiplicandAbs, Multiplicand);
+	// Get multiplicator signed bit.
+	MpiGetSignedBit(Multiplicator, &MultiplicatorSignedBit);
+	// Take absolute value of multiplicator.
+	if(MultiplicatorSignedBit == 0x0)
+		MpiAssign(&MultiplicatorAbs, Multiplicator);
+	else
+		MpiUnaryMinus(&MultiplicatorAbs, Multiplicator);
+	// Multiply multiplicand and multiplicator from LSB bit to MSB bit.
+	MpiSetValue(pProduct, 0x0);
+	for(i = MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX - 1; i > -1; i--)
+	{
+		// Shift product toward left with one bit.
+		MpiLeftShift(pProduct, *pProduct, 1);
+		// Get current absolute multiplicator bit value.
+		MpiGetBit(MultiplicatorAbs, i, &CurrentBit);
+		// If current multiplicator bit is 0x1, add absolute multiplicand value to product.
+		// Note: MpiAdd() will minimize result bit number.
+		if(CurrentBit == 0x1)
+			MpiAdd(pProduct, *pProduct, MultiplicandAbs);
+	}
+	// Determine the signed bit of product according to signed bits of multiplicand and multiplicator.
+	// Note: MpiUnaryMinus() will minimize result bit number.
+	if(MultiplicandSignedBit != MultiplicatorSignedBit)
+		MpiUnaryMinus(pProduct, *pProduct);
+	return;
+@brief   Divide arbitrary precision signed integers.
+Use MpiDiv() to divide arbitrary precision signed integers.
+@param [out]   pQuotient    Pointer to an allocated memory for storing quotient
+@param [out]   pRemainder   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing remainder
+@param [in]    Dividend     Dividend
+@param [in]    Divisor      Divisor
+	-# The dividend bit number must be minimized.
+	-# The divisor must be not equal to zero.
+	-# The product bit number will be minimized in MpiDiv().
+	MPI *pQuotient,
+	MPI *pRemainder,
+	MPI Dividend,
+	MPI Divisor
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char DividendSignedBit, DivisorSignedBit;
+	MPI DividendAbs, DivisorAbs;
+	unsigned long PrimaryDividendBitNum;
+	unsigned char ShiftBit;
+	MPI Const;
+	MPI MiddleResult;
+	// Get dividend signed bit.
+	MpiGetSignedBit(Dividend, &DividendSignedBit);
+	// Take absolute value of dividend.
+	if(DividendSignedBit == 0x0)
+		MpiAssign(&DividendAbs, Dividend);
+	else
+		MpiUnaryMinus(&DividendAbs, Dividend);
+	// Get divisor signed bit.
+	MpiGetSignedBit(Divisor, &DivisorSignedBit);
+	// Take absolute value of divisor.
+	if(DivisorSignedBit == 0x0)
+		MpiAssign(&DivisorAbs, Divisor);
+	else
+		MpiUnaryMinus(&DivisorAbs, Divisor);
+	// Get primary absolute dividend bit number.
+	PrimaryDividendBitNum = DividendAbs.BitNum;
+	// Get quotient and remainder by division algorithm.
+	MpiSetValue(pQuotient, 0x0);
+	MpiSetValue(pRemainder, 0x0);
+	for(i = 0; i < PrimaryDividendBitNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Shift quotient toward left with one bit.
+		// Note: MpiLeftShift() will minimize result bit number.
+		MpiLeftShift(pQuotient, *pQuotient, 1);
+		// Shift remainder toward left with one bit.
+		MpiLeftShift(pRemainder, *pRemainder, 1);
+		// Shift absolute dividend toward left with one bit.
+		MpiLeftShift(&DividendAbs, DividendAbs, 1);
+		// Set remainder LSB according to absolute dividend.
+		MpiGetBit(DividendAbs, PrimaryDividendBitNum, &ShiftBit);
+		MpiSetBit(pRemainder, 0, ShiftBit);
+		// If remainder is greater than or equal to absolute divisor,
+		// substract absolute divisor from remainder and set quotient LSB with one.
+		if(MpiGreaterThan(*pRemainder, DivisorAbs) || MpiEqualTo(*pRemainder, DivisorAbs))
+		{
+			MpiSub(pRemainder, *pRemainder, DivisorAbs);
+			MpiSetBit(pQuotient, 0, 0x1);
+		}
+	}
+	// Modify quotient according to dividend signed bit, divisor signed bit, and remainder.
+	// Determine the signed bit of quotient.
+	if(DividendSignedBit != DivisorSignedBit)
+	{
+		// Take unary minus quotient.
+		// Note: MpiUnaryMinus() will minimize result bit number.
+		MpiUnaryMinus(pQuotient, *pQuotient);
+		// If remainder is greater than zero, subtract 1 from quotient.
+		// Note: MpiSub() will minimize result bit number.
+		MpiSetValue(&Const, 0x0);
+		if(MpiGreaterThan(*pRemainder, Const))
+		{
+			MpiSetValue(&Const, 0x1);
+			MpiSub(pQuotient, *pQuotient, Const);
+		}
+	}
+	// Modify remainder according to dividend, divisor, and quotient.
+	// Remainder = dividend - divisor * quotient;
+	// Note: MpiSub() will minimize result bit number.
+	MpiMul(&MiddleResult, Divisor, *pQuotient);
+	MpiSub(pRemainder, Dividend, MiddleResult);
+	return;
+@brief   Shift multiple precision signed integer toward right.
+Use MpiRightShift() to shift arbitrary precision signed integer toward right with assigned bit number.
+@param [out]   pResult       Pointer to an allocated memory for storing result
+@param [in]    Operand       Operand
+@param [in]    ShiftBitNum   Shift bit number
+	-# The result MSB bits will be stuffed with signed bit
+	-# The result bit number will be minimized in MpiRightShift().
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI Operand,
+	unsigned long ShiftBitNum
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned long StuffBitNum;
+	unsigned char CurrentBit;
+	unsigned char SignedBit;
+	// Determine stuff bit number according to shift bit nubmer.
+	StuffBitNum = (ShiftBitNum < MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX) ? ShiftBitNum : MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX;
+	// Copy operand bits to result with stuff bit number.
+	for(i = 0; i < (MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX - StuffBitNum); i++)
+	{
+		MpiGetBit(Operand, i + StuffBitNum, &CurrentBit);
+		MpiSetBit(pResult, i, CurrentBit);
+	}
+	// Get operand signed bit.
+	MpiGetSignedBit(Operand, &SignedBit);
+	// Stuff result MSB bits with signed bit.
+	for(i = (MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX - StuffBitNum); i < MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX; i++)
+		MpiSetBit(pResult, i, SignedBit);
+	// Minimize result bit number.
+	MpiMinimizeBitNum(pResult);
+	return;
+@brief   Shift multiple precision signed integer toward left.
+Use MpiLeftShift() to shift arbitrary precision signed integer toward left with assigned bit number.
+@param [out]   pResult       Pointer to an allocated memory for storing result
+@param [in]    Operand       Operand
+@param [in]    ShiftBitNum   Shift bit number
+	The result bit number will be minimized in MpiLeftShift().
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI Operand,
+	unsigned long ShiftBitNum
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned long StuffBitNum;
+	unsigned char CurrentBit;
+	// Determine stuff bit number according to shift bit nubmer.
+	StuffBitNum = (ShiftBitNum < MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX) ? ShiftBitNum : MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX;
+	// Stuff result LSB bits with zeros
+	for(i = 0; i < StuffBitNum; i++)
+		MpiSetBit(pResult, i, 0x0);
+	// Copy operand bits to result with stuff bit number.
+	for(i = StuffBitNum; i < MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX; i++)
+	{
+		MpiGetBit(Operand, i - StuffBitNum, &CurrentBit);
+		MpiSetBit(pResult, i, CurrentBit);
+	}
+	// Minimize result bit number.
+	MpiMinimizeBitNum(pResult);
+	return;
+@brief   Compare multiple precision signed integes with equal-to criterion.
+Use MpiEqualTo() to compare multiple precision signed integes with equal-to criterion.
+@param [in]   MpiLeft    Left MPI
+@param [in]   MpiRight   Right MPI
+@retval   MPI_NO    "Left MPI == Right MPI" is false.
+@retval   MPI_YES   "Left MPI == Right MPI" is true.
+	The constants MPI_YES and MPI_NO are defined in MPI_YES_NO_STATUS enumeration.
+	MPI MpiLeft,
+	MPI MpiRight
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	// Check not-equal-to condition.
+	for(i = 0; i < MPI_VALUE_BYTE_NUM_MAX; i++)
+	{
+		if(MpiLeft.Value[i] != MpiRight.Value[i])
+			goto condition_others;
+	}
+	// Right MPI is greater than left MPI.
+	return MPI_YES;
+	// Other conditions.
+	return MPI_NO;
+@brief   Compare multiple precision signed integes with greater-than criterion.
+Use MpiGreaterThan() to compare multiple precision signed integes with greater-than criterion.
+@param [in]   MpiLeft    Left MPI
+@param [in]   MpiRight   Right MPI
+@retval   MPI_NO    "Left MPI > Right MPI" is false.
+@retval   MPI_YES   "Left MPI > Right MPI" is true.
+	The constants MPI_YES and MPI_NO are defined in MPI_YES_NO_STATUS enumeration.
+	MPI MpiLeft,
+	MPI MpiRight
+	)
+	MPI MiddleResult;
+	unsigned char SignedBit;
+	// Check equal-to condition.
+	if(MpiEqualTo(MpiLeft, MpiRight) == MPI_YES)
+		goto condition_others;
+	// Subtract right MPI form left MPI.
+	MpiSub(&MiddleResult, MpiLeft, MpiRight);
+	// Check less-than condition.
+	MpiGetSignedBit(MiddleResult, &SignedBit);
+	if(SignedBit == 0x1)
+		goto condition_others;
+	// Right MPI is greater than left MPI.
+	return MPI_YES;
+	// Other conditions.
+	return MPI_NO;
+@brief   Compare multiple precision signed integes with less-than criterion.
+Use MpiLessThan() to compare multiple precision signed integes with less-than criterion.
+@param [in]   MpiLeft    Left MPI
+@param [in]   MpiRight   Right MPI
+@retval   MPI_NO    "Left MPI < Right MPI" is false.
+@retval   MPI_YES   "Left MPI < Right MPI" is true.
+	The constants MPI_YES and MPI_NO are defined in MPI_YES_NO_STATUS enumeration.
+	MPI MpiLeft,
+	MPI MpiRight
+	)
+	MPI MiddleResult;
+	unsigned char SignedBit;
+	// Check equal-to condition.
+	if(MpiEqualTo(MpiLeft, MpiRight) == MPI_YES)
+		goto condition_others;
+	// Subtract right MPI form left MPI.
+	MpiSub(&MiddleResult, MpiLeft, MpiRight);
+	// Check greater-than condition.
+	MpiGetSignedBit(MiddleResult, &SignedBit);
+	if(SignedBit == 0x0)
+		goto condition_others;
+	// Right MPI is less than left MPI.
+	return MPI_YES;
+	// Other conditions.
+	return MPI_NO;
+@brief   Minimize multiple precision signed integer bit number.
+Use MpiMinimizeBitNum() to minimize multiple precision signed integer MPI bit number.
+@param [in]   pMpiVar   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing result
+	MPI *pMpiVar
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char SignedBit;
+	unsigned char BitValue;
+	// Get signed bit form MPI;
+	MpiGetSignedBit(*pMpiVar, &SignedBit);
+	// Find MPI MSB position.
+	// Note: The MSB of signed integer is the rightest signed bit.
+	for(i = (MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX - 2); i > -1; i--)
+	{
+		// Get current bit value.
+		MpiGetBit(*pMpiVar, i, &BitValue);
+		// Compare current bit with signed bit.
+		if(BitValue != SignedBit)
+			break;
+	}
+	// Set MPI bit number.
+	// Note: MPI bit number must be greater than one.
+	pMpiVar->BitNum = (i == -1) ? 2 : (i + 2);
+	return;
+@brief   Calculate multiple precision signed integer logarithm with base 2.
+Use MpiMinimizeBitNum() to calculate multiple precision signed integer logarithm with base 2.
+@param [out]   pResult            Pointer to an allocated memory for storing result (unit: pow(2, - ResultFracBitNum))
+@param [in]    MpiVar             MPI variable for calculating
+@param [in]    ResultFracBitNum   Result fraction bit number
+	-# MPI variable bit number must be minimized.
+	-# MPI variable bit number must be less than (MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX / 2 + 1).
+    -# MPI variable must be greater than zero.
+	-# If MPI variable is zero, the result is zero in MpiLog2().
+	-# The result bit number will be minimized in MpiLog2().
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI MpiVar,
+	unsigned long ResultFracBitNum
+	)
+	unsigned int i;
+	MPI MiddleResult;
+	unsigned char BitValue;
+	// Get integer part of MPI logarithm result with base 2.
+	MpiSetValue(pResult, (long)(MpiVar.BitNum - 2));
+	// Get fraction part of MPI logarithm result with base 2 by logarithm algorithm.
+	// Note: Take middle result format as follows:
+	//                         x x . x x ~ x
+	//       (integer part 2 bits) . (fraction part MPI_LOG_MIDDLE_RESULT_FRAC_BIT_NUM bits)
+	// Set middle result with initial value.
+	MpiLeftShift(&MiddleResult, MpiVar, (MPI_LOG_MIDDLE_RESULT_FRAC_BIT_NUM - MpiVar.BitNum + 2));
+	// Calculate result fraction bits.
+	for(i = 0; i < ResultFracBitNum; i++)
+	{
+		// Shift result toward left with one bit.
+		// Note: MpiLeftShift() will minimize result bit number.
+		MpiLeftShift(pResult, *pResult, 1);
+		// Square middle result.
+		MpiMul(&MiddleResult, MiddleResult, MiddleResult);
+		// Shift middle result toward right with fraction bit num.
+		MpiRightShift(&MiddleResult, MiddleResult, MPI_LOG_MIDDLE_RESULT_FRAC_BIT_NUM);
+		// Get middle result integer part bit 1.
+		MpiGetBit(MiddleResult, MPI_LOG_MIDDLE_RESULT_FRAC_BIT_NUM + 1, &BitValue);
+		// If middle result integer part bit 1 is equal to 0x1,
+		// shift middle result with one bit toward right and set result LSB with one.
+		if(BitValue == 0x1)
+		{
+			MpiRightShift(&MiddleResult, MiddleResult, 1);
+			MpiSetBit(pResult, 0, 0x1);
+		}
+	}
+	return;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/math_mpi.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/math_mpi.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/math_mpi.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/math_mpi.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.096066035 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#ifndef __MATH_MPI_H
+#define __MATH_MPI_H
+@brief   Mutliple precision integer (MPI) arithmetic declaration
+One can use to mutliple precision arithmetic to manipulate large signed integers.
+// Constant
+#define MPI_BYTE_BIT_NUM			8
+#define MPI_LONG_BYTE_NUM			4
+#define MPI_LONG_BIT_NUM			32
+// Mask and shift
+#define MPI_BYTE_MASK				0xff
+#define MPI_BYTE_SHIFT				8
+#define MPI_BIT_0_MASK				0x1
+#define MPI_BIT_7_SHIFT				7
+// Multiple precision integer definition
+#define MPI_VALUE_BYTE_NUM_MAX		10												///<   Maximum MPI value byte number
+#define MPI_VALUE_BIT_NUM_MAX		(MPI_VALUE_BYTE_NUM_MAX * MPI_BYTE_BIT_NUM)		///<   Maximum MPI value bit number
+/// Multiple precision integer structure
+typedef struct
+	unsigned long BitNum;
+	unsigned char Value[MPI_VALUE_BYTE_NUM_MAX];
+///  MPI yes/no status
+	MPI_NO,			///<   No
+	MPI_YES,		///<   Yes
+// Logarithm with base 2
+// MPI access
+	MPI *pMpiVar,
+	long Value
+	);
+	MPI MpiVar,
+	long *pValue
+	);
+	MPI *pMpiVar,
+	unsigned long BitPosition,
+	unsigned char BitValue
+	);
+	MPI MpiVar,
+	unsigned long BitPosition,
+	unsigned char *pBitValue
+	);
+	MPI MpiVar,
+	unsigned char *pSignedBit
+	);
+// MPI operator
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI Operand
+	);
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI Operand
+	);
+	MPI *pSum,
+	MPI Augend,
+	MPI Addend
+	);
+	MPI *pDifference,
+	MPI Minuend,
+	MPI Subtrahend
+	);
+	MPI *pProduct,
+	MPI Multiplicand,
+	MPI Multiplicator
+	);
+	MPI *pQuotient,
+	MPI *pRemainder,
+	MPI Dividend,
+	MPI Divisor
+	);
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI Operand,
+	unsigned long ShiftBitNum
+	);
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI Operand,
+	unsigned long ShiftBitNum
+	);
+	MPI MpiLeft,
+	MPI MpiRight
+	);
+	MPI MpiLeft,
+	MPI MpiRight
+	);
+	MPI MpiLeft,
+	MPI MpiRight
+	);
+	MPI *pMpiVar
+	);
+// MPI special function
+	MPI *pResult,
+	MPI MpiVar,
+	unsigned long ResultFracBitNum
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_e4000.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_e4000.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_e4000.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_e4000.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.096066035 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 E4000 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 E4000 NIM through RTL2832 E4000 NIM module.
+RTL2832 E4000 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_e4000.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 E4000 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832E4000Module() to build RTL2832 E4000 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 E4000 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              E4000 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           E4000 crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832E4000Module() to build RTL2832 E4000 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,									// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832E4000);
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_E4000;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build E4000 tuner module.
+	BuildE4000Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_e4000_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_e4000_SetParameters;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction = rtl2832_e4000_UpdateFunction;
+	// Initialize NIM extra module variables.
+	pNimExtra->TunerModeUpdateWaitTimeMax = 
+		DivideWithCeiling(RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_MODE_UPDATE_WAIT_TIME_MS, DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs);
+	pNimExtra->TunerModeUpdateWaitTime    = 0;
+	pNimExtra->TunerGainMode = RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_NORMAL;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_E4000_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x18    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x8		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x18	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9d4	},
+		{DVBT_EN_GI_PGA,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_UP,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_DW,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_UP1,				0x14	},
+		{DVBT_THD_DW1,				0xec	},
+		{DVBT_INTER_CNT_LEN,		0xc		},
+		{DVBT_GI_PGA_STATE,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_EN_AGC_PGA,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_GPE,				0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_GPO,				0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_MONSEL,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_MON,				0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_4MSEL,			0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_E4000_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_E4000_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x18    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x8		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x18	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9d4	},
+		{DVBT_EN_GI_PGA,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_UP,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_DW,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_UP1,				0x14	},
+		{DVBT_THD_DW1,				0xec	},
+		{DVBT_INTER_CNT_LEN,		0xc		},
+		{DVBT_GI_PGA_STATE,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_EN_AGC_PGA,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_GPE,				0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_GPO,				0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_MONSEL,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_MON,				0x1		},
+		{DVBT_REG_4MSEL,			0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	//if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	//if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	//if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_E4000_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	unsigned long TunerBandwidthHz;
+	int RfFreqKhz;
+	int BandwidthKhz;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.E4000);
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832E4000);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)//added by annie
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthHz according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthHz = E4000_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthHz = E4000_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthHz = E4000_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth Hz with TunerBandwidthHz.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthHz(pTuner, TunerBandwidthHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner gain mode with normal condition for update procedure.
+	RfFreqKhz = (int)((RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	BandwidthKhz = (int)((TunerBandwidthHz + 500) / 1000);
+	if(E4000_nominal(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+//	if(E4000_sensitivity(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+//	if(E4000_linearity(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	pNimExtra->TunerGainMode = RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_NORMAL;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	unsigned long TunerBandwidthHz;
+	int RfFreqKhz;
+	int BandwidthKhz;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.E4000);
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832E4000);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)//added by annie
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthHz according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthHz = E4000_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthHz = E4000_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthHz = E4000_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth Hz with TunerBandwidthHz.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthHz(pTuner, TunerBandwidthHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner gain mode with normal condition for update procedure.
+	RfFreqKhz = (int)((RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	BandwidthKhz = (int)((TunerBandwidthHz + 500) / 1000);
+	if(E4000_nominal(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)//change by annie
+//	if(E4000_sensitivity(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+//	if(E4000_linearity(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	pNimExtra->TunerGainMode = RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_NORMAL;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	)
+	RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832E4000);
+	// Update demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Increase tuner mode update waiting time.
+	pNimExtra->TunerModeUpdateWaitTime += 1;
+	// Check if need to update tuner mode according to update waiting time.
+	if(pNimExtra->TunerModeUpdateWaitTime == pNimExtra->TunerModeUpdateWaitTimeMax)
+	{
+		// Reset update waiting time.
+		pNimExtra->TunerModeUpdateWaitTime = 0;
+		// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+		// Update tuner mode.
+		if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+@brief   Update tuner mode.
+One can use rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode() to update tuner mode.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update tuner mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update tuner mode unsuccessfully.
+	)
+	static const long LnaGainTable[RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_TABLE_LEN][RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_BAND_NUM] =
+	{
+		// VHF Gain,	UHF Gain,		ReadingByte
+		{-50,			-50	},		//	0x0
+		{-25,			-25	},		//	0x1
+		{-50,			-50	},		//	0x2
+		{-25,			-25	},		//	0x3
+		{0,				0	},		//	0x4
+		{25,			25	},		//	0x5
+		{50,			50	},		//	0x6
+		{75,			75	},		//	0x7
+		{100,			100	},		//	0x8
+		{125,			125	},		//	0x9
+		{150,			150	},		//	0xa
+		{175,			175	},		//	0xb
+		{200,			200	},		//	0xc
+		{225,			250	},		//	0xd
+		{250,			280	},		//	0xe
+		{250,			280	},		//	0xf
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	static const long LnaGainAddTable[RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Gain,		ReadingByte
+		NO_USE,		//	0x0
+		NO_USE,		//	0x1
+		NO_USE,		//	0x2
+		0,			//	0x3
+		NO_USE,		//	0x4
+		20,			//	0x5
+		NO_USE,		//	0x6
+		70,			//	0x7
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	static const long MixerGainTable[RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_TABLE_LEN][RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_BAND_NUM] =
+	{
+		// VHF Gain,	UHF Gain,		ReadingByte
+		{90,			40	},		//	0x0
+		{170,			120	},		//	0x1
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	static const long IfStage1GainTable[RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_1_GAIN_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Gain,		ReadingByte
+		-30,		//	0x0
+		60,			//	0x1
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	static const long IfStage2GainTable[RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_2_GAIN_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Gain,		ReadingByte
+		0,			//	0x0
+		30,			//	0x1
+		60,			//	0x2
+		90,			//	0x3
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	static const long IfStage3GainTable[RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_3_GAIN_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Gain,		ReadingByte
+		0,			//	0x0
+		30,			//	0x1
+		60,			//	0x2
+		90,			//	0x3
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	static const long IfStage4GainTable[RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_4_GAIN_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Gain,		ReadingByte
+		0,			//	0x0
+		10,			//	0x1
+		20,			//	0x2
+		20,			//	0x3
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	static const long IfStage5GainTable[RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_5_GAIN_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Gain,		ReadingByte
+		0,			//	0x0
+		30,			//	0x1
+		60,			//	0x2
+		90,			//	0x3
+		120,		//	0x4
+		120,		//	0x5
+		120,		//	0x6
+		120,		//	0x7
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	static const long IfStage6GainTable[RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_6_GAIN_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// Gain,		ReadingByte
+		0,			//	0x0
+		30,			//	0x1
+		60,			//	0x2
+		90,			//	0x3
+		120,		//	0x4
+		120,		//	0x5
+		120,		//	0x6
+		120,		//	0x7
+		// Note: The gain unit is 0.1 dB.
+	};
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz;
+	int RfFreqKhz;
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz;
+	int BandwidthKhz;
+	unsigned char ReadingByte;
+	int BandIndex;
+	unsigned char TunerBitsLna, TunerBitsLnaAdd, TunerBitsMixer;
+	unsigned char TunerBitsIfStage1, TunerBitsIfStage2, TunerBitsIfStage3, TunerBitsIfStage4;
+	unsigned char TunerBitsIfStage5, TunerBitsIfStage6;
+	long TunerGainLna, TunerGainLnaAdd, TunerGainMixer;
+	long TunerGainIfStage1, TunerGainIfStage2, TunerGainIfStage3, TunerGainIfStage4;
+	long TunerGainIfStage5, TunerGainIfStage6;
+	long TunerGainTotal;
+	long TunerInputPower;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.E4000);
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832E4000);
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: RfFreqKhz = round(RfFreqHz / 1000)
+	if(pTuner->GetRfFreqHz(pTuner, &RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	RfFreqKhz = (int)((RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth in KHz.
+	// Note: BandwidthKhz = round(BandwidthHz / 1000)
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthHz(pTuner, &BandwidthHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	BandwidthKhz = (int)((BandwidthHz + 500) / 1000);
+	// Determine band index.
+	BandIndex = (RfFreqHz < RTL2832_E4000_RF_BAND_BOUNDARY_HZ) ? 0 : 1;
+	// Get tuner LNA gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsLna = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainLna = LnaGainTable[TunerBitsLna][BandIndex];
+	// Get tuner LNA additional gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsLnaAdd = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainLnaAdd = LnaGainAddTable[TunerBitsLnaAdd];
+	// Get tuner mixer gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsMixer = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainMixer = MixerGainTable[TunerBitsMixer][BandIndex];
+	// Get tuner IF stage 1 gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_1_GAIN_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsIfStage1 = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_1_GAIN_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_1_GAIN_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainIfStage1 = IfStage1GainTable[TunerBitsIfStage1];
+	// Get tuner IF stage 2 gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_2_GAIN_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsIfStage2 = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_2_GAIN_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_2_GAIN_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainIfStage2 = IfStage2GainTable[TunerBitsIfStage2];
+	// Get tuner IF stage 3 gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_3_GAIN_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsIfStage3 = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_3_GAIN_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_3_GAIN_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainIfStage3 = IfStage3GainTable[TunerBitsIfStage3];
+	// Get tuner IF stage 4 gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_4_GAIN_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsIfStage4 = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_4_GAIN_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_4_GAIN_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainIfStage4 = IfStage4GainTable[TunerBitsIfStage4];
+	// Get tuner IF stage 5 gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_5_GAIN_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsIfStage5 = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_5_GAIN_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_5_GAIN_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainIfStage5 = IfStage5GainTable[TunerBitsIfStage5];
+	// Get tuner IF stage 6 gain according to reading byte and table.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetRegByte(pTuner, RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_6_GAIN_ADDR, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	TunerBitsIfStage6 = (ReadingByte & RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_6_GAIN_MASK) >> RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_6_GAIN_SHIFT;
+	TunerGainIfStage6 = IfStage6GainTable[TunerBitsIfStage6];
+	// Calculate tuner total gain.
+	// Note: The unit of tuner total gain is 0.1 dB.
+	TunerGainTotal = TunerGainLna + TunerGainLnaAdd + TunerGainMixer + 
+	                 TunerGainIfStage1 + TunerGainIfStage2 + TunerGainIfStage3 + TunerGainIfStage4 +
+	                 TunerGainIfStage5 + TunerGainIfStage6;
+	// Calculate tuner input power.
+	// Note: The unit of tuner input power is 0.1 dBm
+	TunerInputPower = RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_OUTPUT_POWER_UNIT_0P1_DBM - TunerGainTotal;
+	// Determine tuner gain mode according to tuner input power.
+	// Note: The unit of tuner input power is 0.1 dBm
+	switch(pNimExtra->TunerGainMode)
+	{
+		default:
+			if(TunerInputPower > -650)
+				pNimExtra->TunerGainMode = RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_NORMAL;
+			break;
+		case RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_NORMAL:
+			if(TunerInputPower < -750)
+				pNimExtra->TunerGainMode = RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_SENSITIVE;
+			if(TunerInputPower > -400)
+				pNimExtra->TunerGainMode = RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_LINEAR;
+			break;
+		case RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_LINEAR:
+			if(TunerInputPower < -500)
+				pNimExtra->TunerGainMode = RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_NORMAL;
+			break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner gain mode.
+	switch(pNimExtra->TunerGainMode)
+	{
+		default:
+			if(E4000_sensitivity(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			break;
+		case RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_NORMAL:
+			if(E4000_nominal(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			break;
+		case RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_LINEAR:
+			if(E4000_linearity(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			break;
+	}
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_e4000.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_e4000.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_e4000.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_e4000.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_E4000
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_E4000
+@brief   RTL2832 E4000 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 E4000 NIM through RTL2832 E4000 NIM module.
+RTL2832 E4000 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_e4000.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 E4000 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832E4000Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,									// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,									// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,						// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,						// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,						// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,								// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,			// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,								// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,								// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc8,								// The E4000 I2C device address is 0xc8 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_26000000HZ				// The E4000 crystal frequency is 26 MHz.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_e4000.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_TABLE_LEN				16
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_TABLE_LEN			8
+#define RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_TABLE_LEN				2
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_1_GAIN_TABLE_LEN			2
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_2_GAIN_TABLE_LEN			4
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_3_GAIN_TABLE_LEN			4
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_4_GAIN_TABLE_LEN			4
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_5_GAIN_TABLE_LEN			8
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_6_GAIN_TABLE_LEN			8
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_BAND_NUM					2
+#define RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_BAND_NUM				2
+#define RTL2832_E4000_RF_BAND_BOUNDARY_HZ				300000000
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADDR						0x14
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_MASK						0xf
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_SHIFT					0
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_ADDR					0x24
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_MASK					0x7
+#define RTL2832_E4000_LNA_GAIN_ADD_SHIFT				0
+#define RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_ADDR					0x15
+#define RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_MASK					0x1
+#define RTL2832_E4000_MIXER_GAIN_SHIFT					0
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_1_GAIN_ADDR				0x16
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_1_GAIN_MASK				0x1
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_1_GAIN_SHIFT				0
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_2_GAIN_ADDR				0x16
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_2_GAIN_MASK				0x6
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_2_GAIN_SHIFT				1
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_3_GAIN_ADDR				0x16
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_3_GAIN_MASK				0x18
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_3_GAIN_SHIFT				3
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_4_GAIN_ADDR				0x16
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_4_GAIN_MASK				0x60
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_4_GAIN_SHIFT				5
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_5_GAIN_ADDR				0x17
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_5_GAIN_MASK				0x7
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_5_GAIN_SHIFT				0
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_6_GAIN_ADDR				0x17
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_6_GAIN_MASK				0x38
+#define RTL2832_E4000_IF_STAGE_6_GAIN_SHIFT				3
+#define RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_OUTPUT_POWER_UNIT_0P1_DBM	-100
+#define RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_MODE_UPDATE_WAIT_TIME_MS	1000
+// Tuner gain mode
+enum RTL2832_E4000_TUNER_GAIN_MODE
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,									// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+// RTL2832 E4000 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	);
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0012.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0012.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0012.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0012.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 FC0012 NIM through RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module.
+RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc0012.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Fc0012Module() to build RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              FC0012 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           FC0012 crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Fc0012Module() to build RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,								// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	RTL2832_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Fc0012);
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_FC0012;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build FC0012 tuner module.
+	BuildFc0012Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_fc0012_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_fc0012_SetParameters;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction = rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateFunction;
+	// Initialize NIM extra module variables.
+	pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax = DivideWithCeiling(RTL2832_FC0012_LNA_UPDATE_WAIT_TIME_MS, DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs);
+	pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTime    = 0;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_FC0012_DAB_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9bf	},
+		{DVBT_EN_GI_PGA,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_UP,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_DW,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_UP1,				0x11	},
+		{DVBT_THD_DW1,				0xef	},
+		{DVBT_INTER_CNT_LEN,		0xc		},
+		{DVBT_GI_PGA_STATE,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_EN_AGC_PGA,			0x1		},
+		//test
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG1,			0x1		},
+//		{DVBT_EN_BK_TRK,			0x0		},
+//		{DVBT_AD_AV_REF,			0x2a	},
+//		{DVBT_REG_PI,				0x3		},
+		//----------
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner registers.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0xd, 7, 0, 0x2) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner registers.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x11, 7, 0, 0x0) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner registers.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x15, 7, 0, 0x4) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	//if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	//if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_FC0012_DAB_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Get tuner RSSI value when calibration is on.
+	// Note: Need to execute rtl2832_fc0012_GetTunerRssiCalOn() after demod AD7 is on.
+	if(rtl2832_fc0012_GetTunerRssiCalOn(pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_FC0012_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9bf	},
+		{DVBT_EN_GI_PGA,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_UP,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_DW,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_UP1,				0x11	},
+		{DVBT_THD_DW1,				0xef	},
+		{DVBT_INTER_CNT_LEN,		0xc		},
+		{DVBT_GI_PGA_STATE,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_EN_AGC_PGA,			0x1		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_GPE,				0x1		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_GPO,				0x0		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_MONSEL,			0x0		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_MON,				0x3		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_4MSEL,			0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner registers.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0xd, 7, 0, 0x2) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner registers.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x11, 7, 0, 0x0) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner registers.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x15, 7, 0, 0x4) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_FC0012_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Get tuner RSSI value when calibration is on.
+	// Note: Need to execute rtl2832_fc0012_GetTunerRssiCalOn() after demod AD7 is on.
+	if(rtl2832_fc0012_GetTunerRssiCalOn(pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0012_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0012_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0012_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0012_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0012_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0012_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	)
+	RTL2832_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Fc0012);
+	// Update demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Increase tuner LNA_GAIN update waiting time.
+	pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTime += 1;
+	// Check if need to update tuner LNA_GAIN according to update waiting time.
+	if(pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTime == pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax)
+	{
+		// Reset update waiting time.
+		pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTime = 0;
+		// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+		// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+		if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+@brief   Get tuner RSSI value when calibration is on.
+One can use rtl2832_fc0012_GetTunerRssiCalOn() to get tuner calibration-on RSSI value.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get tuner calibration-on RSSI value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get tuner calibration-on RSSI value unsuccessfully.
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Fc0012);
+	// Set tuner EN_CAL_RSSI to 0x1.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x9, 4, 4, 0x1) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner LNA_POWER_DOWN to 0x1.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x6, 0, 0, 0x1) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Get demod RSSI_R when tuner RSSI calibration is on.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSSI_R, &(pNimExtra->RssiRCalOn)) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Set tuner EN_CAL_RSSI to 0x0.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x9, 4, 4, 0x0) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner LNA_POWER_DOWN to 0x0.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x6, 0, 0, 0x0) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+@brief   Update tuner LNA_GAIN with RSSI.
+One can use rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi() to update tuner LNA_GAIN with RSSI.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update tuner LNA_GAIN with RSSI successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update tuner LNA_GAIN with RSSI unsuccessfully.
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	unsigned long RssiRCalOff;
+	long RssiRDiff;
+	unsigned char LnaGain;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Fc0012);
+	// Get demod RSSI_R when tuner RSSI calibration in off.
+	// Note: Tuner EN_CAL_RSSI and LNA_POWER_DOWN are set to 0x0 after rtl2832_fc0012_GetTunerRssiCalOn() executing.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSSI_R, &RssiRCalOff) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Calculate RSSI_R difference.
+	RssiRDiff = RssiRCalOff - pNimExtra->RssiRCalOn;
+	// Get tuner LNA_GAIN.
+	if(fc0012_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x13, 4, 3, &LnaGain) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	deb_info("%s: current LnaGain = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, LnaGain);
+	// Determine next LNA_GAIN according to RSSI_R difference and current LNA_GAIN.
+	switch(LnaGain)
+	{
+		default:
+		case FC0012_LNA_GAIN_LOW:
+			if(RssiRDiff <= 0)
+				LnaGain = FC0012_LNA_GAIN_MIDDLE;
+			break;
+		case FC0012_LNA_GAIN_MIDDLE:
+			if(RssiRDiff >= 34)
+				LnaGain = FC0012_LNA_GAIN_LOW;
+			if(RssiRDiff <= 0)
+				LnaGain = FC0012_LNA_GAIN_HIGH;
+			break;
+		case FC0012_LNA_GAIN_HIGH:
+			if(RssiRDiff >= 8)
+				LnaGain = FC0012_LNA_GAIN_MIDDLE;
+			break;
+	}
+	deb_info("%s: next LnaGain = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, LnaGain);
+	// Set tuner LNA_GAIN.
+	if(fc0012_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x13, 4, 3, LnaGain) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0012.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0012.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0012.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0012.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_FC0012
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_FC0012
+@brief   RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 FC0012 NIM through RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module.
+RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc0012.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Fc0012Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc6,							// The FC0012 I2C device address is 0xc6 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_36000000HZ			// The FC0012 crystal frequency is 36.0 MHz.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_fc0012.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+#define RTL2832_FC0012_LNA_UPDATE_WAIT_TIME_MS				1000
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,									// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+// RTL2832 FC0012 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	);
+	);
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0013.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0013.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0013.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0013.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 FC0013 NIM through RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module.
+RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc0013.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Fc0013Module() to build RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              FC0013 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           FC0013 crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Fc0013Module() to build RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	RTL2832_FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Fc0013);
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_FC0013;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build FC0013 tuner module.
+	BuildFc0013Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_fc0013_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_fc0013_SetParameters;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction = rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateFunction;
+	// Initialize NIM extra module variables.
+	pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax = DivideWithCeiling(RTL2832_FC0013_LNA_UPDATE_WAIT_TIME_MS, DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs);
+	pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTime    = 0;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_FC0013_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9bf	},
+		{DVBT_EN_GI_PGA,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_UP,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_DW,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_UP1,				0x11	},
+		{DVBT_THD_DW1,				0xef	},
+		{DVBT_INTER_CNT_LEN,		0xc		},
+		{DVBT_GI_PGA_STATE,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_EN_AGC_PGA,			0x1		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_GPE,				0x1		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_GPO,				0x0		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_MONSEL,			0x0		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_MON,				0x3		},
+//		{DVBT_REG_4MSEL,			0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set FC0013 up-dowm AGC.
+	//(0xFE for master of dual).
+	//(0xFC for slave of dual, and for 2832 mini dongle).
+	if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x0c, 7, 0, 0xFC) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_FC0013_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Get tuner RSSI value when calibration is on.
+	// Note: Need to execute rtl2832_fc0013_GetTunerRssiCalOn() after demod AD7 is on.
+	if(rtl2832_fc0013_GetTunerRssiCalOn(pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_FC0013_DAB_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9bf	},
+		{DVBT_EN_GI_PGA,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_UP,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_LOCK_DW,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_THD_UP1,				0x11	},
+		{DVBT_THD_DW1,				0xef	},
+		{DVBT_INTER_CNT_LEN,		0xc		},
+		{DVBT_GI_PGA_STATE,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_EN_AGC_PGA,			0x1		},
+		//test
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG1,			0x1		},
+//		{DVBT_EN_BK_TRK,			0x0		},
+//		{DVBT_AD_AV_REF,			0x2a	},
+//		{DVBT_REG_PI,				0x3		},
+		//----------
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set FC0013 up-dowm AGC.
+	//(0xFE for master of dual).
+	//(0xFC for slave of dual, and for 2832 mini dongle).
+	if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x0c, 7, 0, 0xFC) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	//if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		//goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	//if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	//if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_FC0013_DAB_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Get tuner RSSI value when calibration is on.
+	// Note: Need to execute rtl2832_fc0013_GetTunerRssiCalOn() after demod AD7 is on.
+	if(rtl2832_fc0013_GetTunerRssiCalOn(pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0013_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0013_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0013_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset tuner IQ LPF BW.
+	if(pTunerExtra->RcCalReset(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner IQ LPF BW, val=-2 for D-book ACI test.
+	if(pTunerExtra->RcCalAdd(pTuner, -2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0013_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0013_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC0013_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset tuner IQ LPF BW.
+	if(pTunerExtra->RcCalReset(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner IQ LPF BW, val=-2 for D-book ACI test.
+	if(pTunerExtra->RcCalAdd(pTuner, -2) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	)
+	RTL2832_FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Fc0013);
+	// Update demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Increase tuner LNA_GAIN update waiting time.
+	pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTime += 1;
+	// Check if need to update tuner LNA_GAIN according to update waiting time.
+	if(pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTime == pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax)
+	{
+		// Reset update waiting time.
+		pNimExtra->LnaUpdateWaitTime = 0;
+		// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+		// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+		if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+@brief   Get tuner RSSI value when calibration is on.
+One can use rtl2832_fc0013_GetTunerRssiCalOn() to get tuner calibration-on RSSI value.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get tuner calibration-on RSSI value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get tuner calibration-on RSSI value unsuccessfully.
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Fc0013);
+	// Get NIM base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pNim->pBaseInterface;
+	// Set tuner EN_CAL_RSSI to 0x1.
+	if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x9, 4, 4, 0x1) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner LNA_POWER_DOWN to 0x1.
+	if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x6, 0, 0, 0x1) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Wait 100 ms.
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 100);
+	// Get demod RSSI_R when tuner RSSI calibration is on.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSSI_R, &(pNimExtra->RssiRCalOn)) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Set tuner EN_CAL_RSSI to 0x0.
+	if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x9, 4, 4, 0x0) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner LNA_POWER_DOWN to 0x0.
+	if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x6, 0, 0, 0x0) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+@brief   Update tuner LNA_GAIN with RSSI.
+One can use rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi() to update tuner LNA_GAIN with RSSI.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update tuner LNA_GAIN with RSSI successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update tuner LNA_GAIN with RSSI unsuccessfully.
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	unsigned long RssiRCalOff;
+	long RssiRDiff;
+	unsigned char LnaGain;
+	unsigned char ReadValue;
+	// added from Fitipower, 2011-2-23, v0.8
+	int boolVhfFlag;      // 0:false,  1:true
+	int boolEnInChgFlag;  // 0:false,  1:true
+	int intGainShift;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Fc0013);
+	// Get demod RSSI_R when tuner RSSI calibration in off.
+	// Note: Tuner EN_CAL_RSSI and LNA_POWER_DOWN are set to 0x0 after rtl2832_fc0013_GetTunerRssiCalOn() executing.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSSI_R, &RssiRCalOff) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// To avoid the wrong rssi calibration value in the environment with strong RF pulse signal.
+	if(RssiRCalOff < pNimExtra->RssiRCalOn)
+		pNimExtra->RssiRCalOn = RssiRCalOff;
+	// Calculate RSSI_R difference.
+	RssiRDiff = RssiRCalOff - pNimExtra->RssiRCalOn;
+	// Get tuner LNA_GAIN.
+	if(fc0013_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 4, 0, &LnaGain) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Determine next LNA_GAIN according to RSSI_R difference and current LNA_GAIN.
+	switch(LnaGain)
+	{
+		default:
+			boolVhfFlag = 0;		
+			boolEnInChgFlag = 1;
+			intGainShift = 10;
+			LnaGain = FC0013_LNA_GAIN_HIGH_19;
+			// Set tuner LNA_GAIN.
+			if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 4, 0, LnaGain) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_registers;
+			break;
+		case FC0013_LNA_GAIN_HIGH_19:
+			if(RssiRDiff >= 10)
+			{
+				boolVhfFlag = 1;		
+				boolEnInChgFlag = 0;
+				intGainShift = 10;
+				LnaGain = FC0013_LNA_GAIN_HIGH_17;
+				// Set tuner LNA_GAIN.
+				if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 4, 0, LnaGain) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_set_registers;
+				break;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				goto success_status_Lna_Gain_No_Change;
+			}
+		case FC0013_LNA_GAIN_HIGH_17:
+			if(RssiRDiff <= 2)
+			{
+				boolVhfFlag = 0;	
+				boolEnInChgFlag = 1;
+				intGainShift = 10;
+				LnaGain = FC0013_LNA_GAIN_HIGH_19;
+				// Set tuner LNA_GAIN.
+				if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 4, 0, LnaGain) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_set_registers;
+				break;
+			}
+			else if(RssiRDiff >= 24)
+			{
+				boolVhfFlag = 0;	
+				boolEnInChgFlag = 0;
+				intGainShift = 7;
+				LnaGain = FC0013_LNA_GAIN_MIDDLE;
+				// Set tuner LNA_GAIN.
+				if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 4, 0, LnaGain) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_set_registers;
+				break;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				goto success_status_Lna_Gain_No_Change;
+			}
+		case FC0013_LNA_GAIN_MIDDLE:
+			if(RssiRDiff >= 38)
+			{
+				boolVhfFlag = 0;	
+				boolEnInChgFlag = 0;
+				intGainShift = 7;
+				LnaGain = FC0013_LNA_GAIN_LOW;
+				// Set tuner LNA_GAIN.
+				if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 4, 0, LnaGain) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_set_registers;
+				break;
+			}
+			else if(RssiRDiff <= 5)
+			{
+				boolVhfFlag = 1;
+				boolEnInChgFlag = 0;
+				intGainShift = 10;
+				LnaGain = FC0013_LNA_GAIN_HIGH_17;
+				// Set tuner LNA_GAIN.
+				if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 4, 0, LnaGain) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_set_registers;
+				break;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				goto success_status_Lna_Gain_No_Change;
+			}
+		case FC0013_LNA_GAIN_LOW:
+			if(RssiRDiff <= 2)
+			{
+				boolVhfFlag = 0;
+				boolEnInChgFlag = 0;
+				intGainShift = 7;
+				LnaGain = FC0013_LNA_GAIN_MIDDLE;
+				// Set tuner LNA_GAIN.
+				if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 4, 0, LnaGain) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+					goto error_status_set_registers;
+				break;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				goto success_status_Lna_Gain_No_Change;
+			}
+	}
+	if(fc0013_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x14, 7, 0, &ReadValue) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if( (ReadValue & 0x60) == 0 )   // disable UHF & GPS ==> lock VHF frequency
+	{
+		boolVhfFlag = 1;
+	}
+	if( boolVhfFlag == 1 )
+	{
+		//FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) | 0x10));				// VHF = 1
+		if(fc0013_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x07, 7, 0, &ReadValue) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_registers;
+		if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x07, 7, 0, ReadValue | 0x10) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xEF));				// VHF = 0
+		if(fc0013_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x07, 7, 0, &ReadValue) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_registers;
+		if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x07, 7, 0, ReadValue & 0xEF) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	if( boolEnInChgFlag == 1 )
+	{
+		//FC0013_Write(0x0A, (FC0013_Read(0x0A) | 0x20));				// EN_IN_CHG = 1
+		if(fc0013_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x0A, 7, 0, &ReadValue) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_registers;
+		if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x0A, 7, 0, ReadValue | 0x20) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//FC0013_Write(0x0A, (FC0013_Read(0x0A) & 0xDF));				// EN_IN_CHG = 0
+		if(fc0013_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x0A, 7, 0, &ReadValue) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_registers;
+		if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x0A, 7, 0, ReadValue & 0xDF) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	if( intGainShift == 10 )
+	{
+		//FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x0A);		// GS = 10
+		if(fc0013_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x07, 7, 0, &ReadValue) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_registers;
+		if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x07, 7, 0, (ReadValue & 0xF0) | 0x0A) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x07);		// GS = 7
+		if(fc0013_GetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x07, 7, 0, &ReadValue) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_registers;
+		if(fc0013_SetRegMaskBits(pTuner, 0x07, 7, 0, (ReadValue & 0xF0) | 0x07) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0013.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0013.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0013.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc0013.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_FC0013
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_FC0013
+@brief   RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 FC0013 NIM through RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module.
+RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc0013.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 FC0013 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Fc0013Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc6,							// The FC0013 I2C device address is 0xc6 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ			// The FC0013 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_fc0013.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+#define RTL2832_FC0013_LNA_UPDATE_WAIT_TIME_MS				1000
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+// RTL2832 FC0013 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	);
+	);
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc2580.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc2580.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc2580.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc2580.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 FC2580 NIM through RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module.
+RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc2580.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Fc2580Module() to build RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              FC2580 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           FC2580 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   TunerAgcMode                 FC2580 AGC mode
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Fc2580Module() to build RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,								// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerAgcMode
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_FC2580;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build FC2580 tuner module.
+	BuildFc2580Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+		TunerAgcMode
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dvbt_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_fc2580_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_fc2580_SetParameters;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_FC2580_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x9c	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9f4	},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_FC2580_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc2580);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC2580_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC2580_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = FC2580_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc2580.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc2580.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc2580.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_fc2580.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_FC2580
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_FC2580
+@brief   RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 FC2580 NIM through RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module.
+RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc2580.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Fc2580Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xac,							// The FC2580 I2C device address is 0xac in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16384000HZ,		// The FC2580 crystal frequency is 16.384 MHz.
+		FC2580_AGC_EXTERNAL				// The FC2580 AGC mode is external AGC mode.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_fc2580.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,								// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerAgcMode
+	);
+// RTL2832 FC2580 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_max3543.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_max3543.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_max3543.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_max3543.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM through RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module.
+RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_max3543.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Max3543Module() to build RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              MAX3543 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           MAX3543 crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Max3543Module() to build RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MAX3543;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build MAX3543 tuner module.
+	BuildMax3543Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dvbt_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_max3543_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_max3543_SetParameters;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_MAX3543_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x4b	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9d4	},
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG1,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_CKOUT_PWR_PID,		0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with NIM default.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, RTL2832_MAX3543_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with NIM default.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, RTL2832_MAX3543_SPECTRUM_MODE_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_MAX3543_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	// Note: MAX3543 tuner only has 7 MHz and 8 MHz settings.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MAX3543_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MAX3543_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MAX3543_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_max3543.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_max3543.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_max3543.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_max3543.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.100066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_MAX3543
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_MAX3543
+@brief   RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM through RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module.
+RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_max3543.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Max3543Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc0,							// The MAX3543 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ			// The MAX3543 Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_max3543.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Default
+#define RTL2832_MAX3543_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT					IF_FREQ_36170000HZ
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+// RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2063.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2063.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2063.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2063.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.104066053 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 MT2063 NIM through RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module.
+RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mt2063.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Mt2063Module() to build RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              MT2063 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerAgcMode                 MT2063 AGC mode
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Mt2063Module() to build RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long NimIfFreqHz,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr						// Tuner dependence
+	)
+	RTL2832_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Mt2063);
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MT2063;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build MT2063 tuner module.
+	BuildMt2063Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		MT2063_VGAGC_0X3
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dvbt_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_mt2063_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_mt2063_SetParameters;
+	// Set NIM extra module variables.
+	pNimExtra->IfFreqHz = NimIfFreqHz;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_MT2063_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+//		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x32	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x19	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9d4	},
+	};
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Mt2063);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner IF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetIfFreqHz(pTuner, pNimExtra->IfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, pNimExtra->IfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_INVERSE.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_INVERSE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_MT2063_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Determine BandwidthHz according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		BandwidthHz = MT2063_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		BandwidthHz = MT2063_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		BandwidthHz = MT2063_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth in Hz with BandwidthHz.
+	// Note: Need to execute SetBandwidthHz() before SetRfFreqHz() for MT2063,
+	//       because MT2063 bandwidth setting API only sets software variables.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthHz(pTuner, BandwidthHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2063.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2063.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2063.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2063.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.104066053 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_MT2063
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_MT2063
+@brief   RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 MT2063 NIM through RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module.
+RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mt2063.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Mt2063Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		IF_FREQ_36125000HZ,				// The RTL2832 and MT2063 IF frequency is 36.125 MHz.
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc0							// The MT2063 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		);
+	// Get MT2063 tuner extra module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Open MT2063 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->OpenHandle(pTuner);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	// Close MT2063 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->CloseHandle(pTuner);
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_mt2063.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long NimIfFreqHz,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr						// Tuner dependence
+	);
+// RTL2832 MT2063 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2266.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2266.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2266.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2266.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.104066053 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1082 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 MT2266 NIM through RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module.
+RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mt2266.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Mt2266Module() to build RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              MT2266 I2C device address
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Mt2266Module() to build RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr						// Tuner dependence
+	)
+	RTL2832_MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Mt2266);
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MT2266;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build MT2266 tuner module.
+	BuildMt2266Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_mt2266_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_mt2266_SetParameters;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction = rtl2832_mt2266_UpdateFunction;
+	// Initialize NIM extra module variables.
+	pNimExtra->LnaConfig       = 0xff;
+	pNimExtra->UhfSens         = 0xff;
+	pNimExtra->AgcCurrentState = 0xff;
+	pNimExtra->LnaGainOld      = 0xffffffff;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_MT2266_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0xc0	},	// Note: The IF_AGC_MIN value will be set again by demod_pdcontrol_reset().
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x9c	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9f4	},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_MT2266_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	Handle_t Mt2266Handle;
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz;
+	RTL2832_MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	Mt2266Handle = pTunerExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Mt2266);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine BandwidthHz according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		BandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		BandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		BandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth in Hz with BandwidthHz.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthHz(pTuner, BandwidthHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Reset MT2266 update procedure.
+	Status = demod_pdcontrol_reset(pDemod, Mt2266Handle, &pNimExtra->AgcCurrentState);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2832_MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	Handle_t Mt2266Handle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module and tuner handle.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	pTunerExtra->GetHandle(pTuner, &Mt2266Handle);
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2832Mt2266);
+	// Update demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Update demod and tuner register setting.
+	Status = demod_pdcontrol(
+		pDemod,
+		Mt2266Handle,
+		&pNimExtra->LnaConfig,
+		&pNimExtra->UhfSens,
+		&pNimExtra->AgcCurrentState,
+		&pNimExtra->LnaGainOld
+		);
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	handle_t tuner_handle,
+	unsigned char* lna_config,
+	unsigned char* uhf_sens,
+	unsigned char *agc_current_state,
+	unsigned long *lna_gain_old
+	unsigned char LnaConfig;
+	unsigned char UhfSens;
+	unsigned char AgcCurrentState;
+	unsigned long LnaGainOld;	
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+// The following context is source code provided by Microtune.
+// Additional definition for mt_control.c
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	unsigned short *pd_value
+	)
+	unsigned long RssiR;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *)demod_handle;
+	// Get RSSI_R value.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_RSSI_R, &RssiR) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Set pd_value according to RSSI_R.
+	*pd_value = (unsigned short)RssiR;
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	unsigned short *rf_level,
+	unsigned short *bb_level
+	)
+	unsigned long RfAgc;
+	unsigned long IfAgc;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *)demod_handle;
+	// Get RF and IF AGC value.
+	if(pDemod->GetRfAgc(pDemod, &RfAgc) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->GetIfAgc(pDemod, &IfAgc) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Convert RF and IF AGC value to proper format.
+	*rf_level = (unsigned short)((RfAgc + (1 << (RTL2832_RF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM - 1))) *
+	*bb_level = (unsigned short)((IfAgc + (1 << (RTL2832_IF_AGC_REG_BIT_NUM - 1))) *
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	int on_off_status
+	)
+	unsigned long IfAgcMinBinary;
+	long IfAgcMinInt;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *)demod_handle;
+	// Get IF_AGC_MIN binary value.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN, &IfAgcMinBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Convert IF_AGC_MIN binary value to integer.
+	IfAgcMinInt = BinToSignedInt(IfAgcMinBinary, RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_BIT_NUM);
+	// Modify IF_AGC_MIN integer according to on_off_status.
+	switch(on_off_status)
+	{
+		case 1:
+			IfAgcMinInt += RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_STEP;
+			if(IfAgcMinInt > RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_MAX)
+				IfAgcMinInt = RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_MAX;
+			break;
+		default:
+		case 0:
+			IfAgcMinInt -= RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_STEP;
+			if(IfAgcMinInt < RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_MIN)
+				IfAgcMinInt = RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_MIN;
+			break;
+	}
+	// Convert modified IF_AGC_MIN integer to binary value.
+	IfAgcMinBinary = SignedIntToBin(IfAgcMinInt, RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_BIT_NUM);
+	// Set IF_AGC_MIN with modified binary value.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN, IfAgcMinBinary) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+	handle_t tuner_handle,
+	handle_t demod_handle
+	)
+	int DemodBandwidthMode;
+	unsigned int TunerBandwidthHz;
+	unsigned int TargetTunerBandwidthHz;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *)demod_handle;
+	// Get demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetBandwidthMode(pDemod, &DemodBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine tuner target bandwidth.
+	switch(DemodBandwidthMode)
+	{
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ;		break;
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Get tuner bandwidth.
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_GetParam(tuner_handle, MT2266_OUTPUT_BW, &TunerBandwidthHz)))
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth with normal setting according to demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(TunerBandwidthHz != TargetTunerBandwidthHz)
+	{
+		if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle, MT2266_OUTPUT_BW, TargetTunerBandwidthHz)))
+			goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth;
+	}
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+	handle_t tuner_handle,
+	handle_t demod_handle
+	)
+	int DemodBandwidthMode;
+	unsigned long AciDetInd;
+	unsigned int TunerBandwidthHz;
+	unsigned int TargetTunerBandwidthHz;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *)demod_handle;
+	// Get demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetBandwidthMode(pDemod, &DemodBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get demod ACI_DET_IND.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_ACI_DET_IND, &AciDetInd) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	// Determine tuner target bandwidth according to ACI_DET_IND.
+	if(AciDetInd == 0x1)
+	{
+		// Choose narrow target bandwidth.
+		switch(DemodBandwidthMode)
+		{
+			case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_5MHZ;		break;
+			case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ;		break;
+			default:
+			case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ;		break;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// Choose normal target bandwidth.
+		switch(DemodBandwidthMode)
+		{
+			case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ;		break;
+			case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ;		break;
+			default:
+			case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:	TargetTunerBandwidthHz = MT2266_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;		break;
+		}
+	}
+	// Get tuner bandwidth.
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_GetParam(tuner_handle, MT2266_OUTPUT_BW, &TunerBandwidthHz)))
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth with normal setting according to demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(TunerBandwidthHz != TargetTunerBandwidthHz)
+	{
+		if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle, MT2266_OUTPUT_BW, TargetTunerBandwidthHz)))
+			goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth;
+	}
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+// Microtune source code - mt_control.c
+UData_t demod_pdcontrol_reset(handle_t demod_handle, handle_t tuner_handle, unsigned char *agc_current_state) {
+	unsigned long BinaryValue;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = (DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *)demod_handle;
+	// Reset AGC current state.
+	*agc_current_state = AGC_STATE_START;
+	// Calculate RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_MIN binary value.
+	BinaryValue = SignedIntToBin(RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_MIN, RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_BIT_NUM);
+	// Set IF_AGC_MIN with binary value.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN, BinaryValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth with normal setting.
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(tuner_set_bw_normal(tuner_handle, demod_handle)))
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth;
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+UData_t demod_pdcontrol(handle_t demod_handle, handle_t tuner_handle, unsigned char* lna_config, unsigned char* uhf_sens,
+					 unsigned char *agc_current_state, unsigned long *lna_gain_old) {
+	unsigned short pd_value;
+	unsigned short rf_level, bb_level;
+	unsigned long lna_gain;
+	unsigned char zin=0;
+	unsigned int tmp_freq=0,tmp_lna_gain=0;
+//	unsigned char temp[2];
+//	unsigned char agc_bb_min;
+//	demod_data_t* local_data;
+	unsigned char band=1;  /* band=0: vhf, band=1: uhf low, band=2: uhf high */
+	unsigned long freq;
+	// AGC threshold values
+	unsigned short sens_on[]  = {11479, 11479, 32763};
+	unsigned short sens_off[] = {36867, 36867, 44767};
+	unsigned short lin_off[]  = {23619, 23619, 23619};
+	unsigned short lin_on[]   = {38355, 38355, 38355};
+	unsigned short pd_upper[] = {85,    85,    85};
+	unsigned short pd_lower[] = {74,    74,    74};
+	unsigned char next_state;
+	// demod_data_t* local_data = (demod_data_t*)demod_handle;	
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_GetParam(tuner_handle, MT2266_INPUT_FREQ, &tmp_freq))) goto error_status;
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_GetParam(tuner_handle, MT2266_LNA_GAIN, &tmp_lna_gain))) goto error_status;
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_GetReg(tuner_handle,0x1e,&zin))) goto error_status;
+	freq=(unsigned long)(tmp_freq);
+	lna_gain=(unsigned long)(tmp_lna_gain);
+	if (freq <= 250000000) band=0;
+	else if (freq < 660000000) band=1;
+	else band=2;
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_get_pd(demod_handle, &pd_value))) goto error_status;
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_get_agc(demod_handle, &rf_level, &bb_level))) goto error_status;
+	rf_level=0xffff-rf_level;
+	bb_level=0xffff-bb_level;
+#ifndef _HOST_DLL
+	uart_write_nr("St:");
+	uart_writedez(agc_current_state[num]);
+	uart_write_nr(" PD: ");
+	uart_writehex16(pd_value);
+	uart_write_nr(" AGC: ");
+	uart_writehex16(rf_level);
+	uart_writehex16(bb_level);	
+	next_state = *agc_current_state;
+	switch (*agc_current_state) {
+	case AGC_STATE_START : {
+		if ((int)lna_gain < LNAGAIN_MIN)  
+		else if (lna_gain > LNAGAIN_MAX)  
+		else 
+			next_state=AGC_STATE_NORMAL;
+		break;
+		}
+		if ((int)lna_gain < LNAGAIN_MIN ) 
+		else next_state=AGC_STATE_NORMAL;
+		break;
+		}
+		if (lna_gain > LNAGAIN_MAX ) 
+		else next_state=AGC_STATE_NORMAL;
+		break;
+		}
+		if (rf_level > lin_on[band] ) {
+			*lna_gain_old = lna_gain;
+			}
+		else if (pd_value > pd_upper[band]) {
+			}
+		else if ( (pd_value < pd_lower[band]) && (lna_gain < LNAGAIN_MAX) ) {
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_NO_INTERFERER;
+			}
+		else if ( bb_level < sens_on[band]) {
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_SMALL_SIGNAL;
+			}
+		break;
+		}
+		if (pd_value > pd_lower[band] ) 
+		else if (pd_value < pd_lower[band] )
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_NORMAL;
+		else if ( lna_gain == LNAGAIN_MAX )
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_NORMAL;
+		break;
+		}
+		if (pd_value > pd_upper[band] ) 
+		else if (pd_value < pd_lower[band] )
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_NO_INTERFERER;
+		break;
+		}
+		if (pd_value < pd_upper[band] )
+		break;
+		}
+		if (rf_level < lin_on[band])
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_GRANDE_SIGNAL;
+		else if (pd_value > pd_upper[band]) {
+			}
+		break;
+		}
+		if (rf_level > lin_off[band])
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_GRANDE_SIGNAL;
+		else if (lna_gain >= *lna_gain_old) 
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_NORMAL;
+		else if (pd_value > pd_upper[band])
+		break;
+		}
+		if (rf_level > lin_on[band])
+		else if (rf_level < lin_off[band]) 
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_MEDIUM_SIGNAL;
+		else if (pd_value > pd_upper[band])
+		break;
+		}
+		if (pd_value > pd_upper[band] ) 
+		else if (bb_level > sens_off[band]) 
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_NORMAL;
+		else if ( (bb_level < sens_on[band]) && (lna_gain == LNAGAIN_MAX) )
+		break;
+		}
+		if (bb_level > sens_off[band]) 
+			next_state = AGC_STATE_SMALL_SIGNAL;
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+	*agc_current_state = next_state;	
+	switch (*agc_current_state) {
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_LNA_GAIN_INCR, LNAGAIN_MAX))) goto error_status;
+			break;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_LNA_GAIN_DECR, LNAGAIN_MIN))) goto error_status;
+			break;
+			}
+		case AGC_STATE_NORMAL : {
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_set_bbagclim(demod_handle,0))) goto error_status;
+			if (zin >= 2) {
+				zin -= 2;
+				if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetReg(tuner_handle,0x1e,zin))) goto error_status;
+			}
+			break;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_LNA_GAIN_INCR, LNAGAIN_MAX))) goto error_status;
+			if (zin >= 2) {
+				zin -= 2;
+				if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetReg(tuner_handle,0x1e,zin))) goto error_status;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_set_bbagclim(demod_handle,0))) goto error_status;
+			break;
+			}
+			if (zin >= 2) {
+				zin -= 2;
+				if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetReg(tuner_handle,0x1e,zin))) goto error_status;
+			}
+			// Additional setting
+			// Set tuner with normal bandwidth.
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(tuner_set_bw_normal(tuner_handle, demod_handle))) goto error_status;
+			break;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_LNA_GAIN_DECR, LNAGAIN_MIN))) goto error_status;
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_set_bbagclim(demod_handle,1))) goto error_status;
+			// Additional setting
+			// Set tuner with narrow bandwidth.
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(tuner_set_bw_narrow(tuner_handle, demod_handle))) goto error_status;
+			break;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_LNA_GAIN_INCR, LNAGAIN_MAX))) goto error_status;
+			if (zin >= 2) {
+				zin -= 2;
+				if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetReg(tuner_handle,0x1e,zin))) goto error_status;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_set_bbagclim(demod_handle,0))) goto error_status;
+			break;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_set_bbagclim(demod_handle,0))) goto error_status;
+			break;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_LNA_GAIN_DECR, LNAGAIN_MIN))) goto error_status;
+			if (lna_gain==0) {
+				if (zin <= 64) {
+					zin += 2;
+					if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetReg(tuner_handle,0x1e,zin))) goto error_status;
+					}
+				}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_set_bbagclim(demod_handle,0))) goto error_status;
+			break;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_LNA_GAIN_INCR, LNAGAIN_MAX))) goto error_status;
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_UHF_NORMAL,1))) goto error_status;
+			if (zin >= 2) {
+				zin -= 2;
+				if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetReg(tuner_handle,0x1e,zin))) goto error_status;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_set_bbagclim(demod_handle,0))) goto error_status;
+			*uhf_sens=0;
+			break;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetParam(tuner_handle,MT2266_UHF_MAXSENS,1))) goto error_status;
+			if (zin >= 2) {
+				zin -= 2;
+				if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_SetReg(tuner_handle,0x1e,zin))) goto error_status;
+			}
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(demod_set_bbagclim(demod_handle,0))) goto error_status;
+			*uhf_sens=1;
+			break;
+			}
+	}	
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(MT2266_GetParam(tuner_handle, MT2266_LNA_GAIN,&tmp_lna_gain))) goto error_status;
+	lna_gain=(unsigned long)(tmp_lna_gain);
+	*lna_config=(unsigned char)lna_gain;
+#ifndef _HOST_DLL
+	uart_write_nr(" LNA ");	
+	uart_writedez(lna_gain);
+	uart_write_nr(" SENS ");
+	uart_writedez(*uhf_sens);
+	uart_write_nr(" Z ");
+	uart_writedez(zin);
+	uart_write(" ");
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2266.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2266.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2266.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mt2266.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.104066053 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_MT2266
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_MT2266
+@brief   RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 MT2266 NIM through RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module.
+RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mt2266.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Mt2266Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,									// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,									// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,						// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,						// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,						// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,								// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,			// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		50,									// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+		YES,								// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc0								// The MT2266 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		);
+	// Get MT2266 tuner extra module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Open MT2266 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->OpenHandle(pTuner);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	// Close MT2266 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->CloseHandle(pTuner);
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_mt2266.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+#define RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_BIT_NUM		8
+#define RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_MAX		36
+#define RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_MIN		-64
+#define RTL2832_MT2266_IF_AGC_MIN_INT_STEP		0
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr						// Tuner dependence
+	);
+// RTL2832 MT2266 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	);
+// The following context is source code provided by Microtune.
+// Additional definition for mt_control.c
+typedef void *           handle_t;
+// Microtune source code - mt_control.c
+/*  $Id: mt_control.c,v 1.6 2008/01/02 12:04:39 tune\tpinz Exp $ */
+ * \file mt_control.c 
+ * \author Thomas Pinz, Microtune GmbH&Co KG
+ * \author Marie-Curie-Str. 1, 85055 Ingolstadt
+ * \author E-Mail: thomas.pinz@microtune.com
+ */
+#define LNAGAIN_MIN 0
+#define LNAGAIN_MAX 14
+#define AGC_STATE_START 0
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	unsigned short *pd_value
+	);
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	unsigned short *rf_level,
+	unsigned short *bb_level
+	);
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	int on_off_status
+	);
+	handle_t tuner_handle,
+	handle_t demod_handle
+	);
+	handle_t tuner_handle,
+	handle_t demod_handle
+	);
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	handle_t tuner_handle,
+	unsigned char *agc_current_state
+	);
+	handle_t demod_handle,
+	handle_t tuner_handle,
+	unsigned char* lna_config,
+	unsigned char* uhf_sens,
+	unsigned char *agc_current_state,
+	unsigned long *lna_gain_old
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.104066053 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM through RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module.
+RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Mxl5007tModule() to build RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              MxL5007T I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           MxL5007T crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   TunerLoopThroughMode         MxL5007T loop-through mode
+@param [in]   TunerClkOutMode              MxL5007T clock output mode
+@param [in]   TunerClkOutAmpMode           MxL5007T clock output amplitude mode
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Mxl5007tModule() to build RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,								// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerLoopThroughMode,
+	int TunerClkOutMode,
+	int TunerClkOutAmpMode
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_MXL5007T;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build Mxl5007T tuner module.
+	BuildMxl5007tModule(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+		TunerLoopThroughMode,
+		TunerClkOutMode,
+		TunerClkOutAmpMode,
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dvbt_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_mxl5007t_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_mxl5007t_SetParameters;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_MXL5007T_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x4b	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9d4	},
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG1,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_CKOUT_PWR_PID,		0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	//if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		//goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with NIM default.
+	//if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, RTL2832_MXL5007T_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with NIM default.
+	//if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, RTL2832_MXL5007T_SPECTRUM_MODE_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_MXL5007T_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_MXL5007T_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x4b	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9d4	},
+		{DVBT_AD_EN_REG1,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_CKOUT_PWR_PID,		0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with NIM default.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, RTL2832_MXL5007T_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with NIM default.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, RTL2832_MXL5007T_SPECTRUM_MODE_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_MXL5007T_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mxl5007t);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mxl5007t);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.104066053 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_MXL5007T
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_MXL5007T
+@brief   RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM through RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module.
+RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	RTL2832_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2832ExtraModuleMemory;
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE Mxl5007tExtraModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Mxl5007tModule(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		&Rtl2832ExtraModuleMemory,		// Employ RTL2832 extra module for RTL2832 module.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		50,								// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+		ON,								// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is on.
+		&Mxl5007tExtraModuleMemory,		// Employ Mxl5007T extra module for Mxl5007T module.
+		0xc0,							// The MxL5007T I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,		// The MxL5007T Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+		MXL5007T_LOOP_THROUGH_DISABLE,	// The MxL5007T loop-through mode is disabled.
+		MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_DISABLE,		// The MxL5007T clock output mode is disabled.
+		MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_0			// The MxL5007T clock output amplitude is 0.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_mxl5007t.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Default
+#define RTL2832_MXL5007T_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT					IF_FREQ_4570000HZ
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,								// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerLoopThroughMode,
+	int TunerClkOutMode,
+	int TunerClkOutAmpMode
+	);
+	);
+// RTL2832 MxL5007T NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_r820t.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_r820t.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_r820t.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_r820t.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.104066053 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 R820T NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 R820T NIM through RTL2832 R820T NIM module.
+RTL2832 R820T NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_r820t.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 R820T NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832R820tModule() to build RTL2832 R820T NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 R820T NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              R820T I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           R820T crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832R820tModule() to build RTL2832 R820T NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr						// Tuner dependence
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_R820T;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build R820T tuner module.
+	BuildR820tModule(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		R820T
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dvbt_nim_default_UpdateFunction;	
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_r820t_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_r820t_SetParameters;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_R820T_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x40	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x8		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x18	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9f4	},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_INVERSE.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_INVERSE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_R820T_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	R820T_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerStandardMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.R820t);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+			TunerStandardMode = R820T_DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ;
+			IfFreqHz = IF_FREQ_3570000HZ;	
+			break;
+			TunerStandardMode = R820T_DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ;
+			IfFreqHz = IF_FREQ_4570000HZ;	
+			break;
+			TunerStandardMode = R820T_DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ;
+			IfFreqHz = IF_FREQ_4570000HZ;	
+			break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetStandardMode(pTuner, TunerStandardMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod IF frequency.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_r820t.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_r820t.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_r820t.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_r820t.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.104066053 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_R820T
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_R820T
+@brief   RTL2832 R820T NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 R820T NIM through RTL2832 R820T NIM module.
+RTL2832 R820T NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_r820t.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 R820T NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832R820tModule(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc6							// The R820T I2C device address is 0xc6 in 8-bit format.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_r820t.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+#define RTL2832_R820T_LNA_UPDATE_WAIT_TIME_MS				1000
+#define R820T_DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ	DVB_T_6M
+#define R820T_DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ	DVB_T_7M_2
+#define R820T_DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ	DVB_T_8M
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr						// Tuner dependence
+	);
+// RTL2832 R820T NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tda18272.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tda18272.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tda18272.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tda18272.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM through RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module.
+RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_tda18272.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Tda18272Module() to build RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              TDA18272 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           TDA18272 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   TunerUnitNo                  TDA18272 unit number
+@param [in]   TunerIfOutputVppMode         TDA18272 IF output Vp-p mode
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Tda18272Module() to build RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerUnitNo,
+	int TunerIfOutputVppMode
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_TDA18272;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build TDA18272 tuner module.
+	BuildTda18272Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+		TunerUnitNo,
+		TunerIfOutputVppMode
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dvbt_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize    = rtl2832_tda18272_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters = rtl2832_tda18272_SetParameters;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_TDA18272_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x40	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x8		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x18	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9f4	},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	// Note: TDA18272 tuner uses dynamic IF frequency, so we will set demod IF frequency in SetParameters().
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_INVERSE.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_INVERSE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_TDA18272_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerStandardBandwidthMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:	TunerStandardBandwidthMode = TDA18272_STANDARD_BANDWIDTH_DVBT_6MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:	TunerStandardBandwidthMode = TDA18272_STANDARD_BANDWIDTH_DVBT_7MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:	TunerStandardBandwidthMode = TDA18272_STANDARD_BANDWIDTH_DVBT_8MHZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner standard and bandwidth mode with TunerStandardBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetStandardBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerStandardBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	// Note: Must run SetRfFreqHz() after SetStandardBandwidthMode(), because SetRfFreqHz() needs some
+	//       SetStandardBandwidthMode() information.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get tuner IF frequency in Hz.
+	// Note: 1. Must run GetIfFreqHz() after SetRfFreqHz(), because GetIfFreqHz() needs some SetRfFreqHz() information.
+	//       2. TDA18272 tuner uses dynamic IF frequency.
+	if(pTunerExtra->GetIfFreqHz(pTuner, &IfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod IF frequency according to IfFreqHz.
+	// Note: TDA18272 tuner uses dynamic IF frequency.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pRfPowerLevelDbm
+	)
+	unsigned long FsmStage;
+	long IfAgc;
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get FSM stage and IF AGC value.
+	if(pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_FSM_STAGE, &FsmStage) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	if(pDemod->GetIfAgc(pDemod, &IfAgc) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_registers;
+	//  Determine signal strength according to FSM stage and IF AGC value.
+	if(FsmStage < 10)
+		*pRfPowerLevelDbm = -120;
+	else
+	{
+		if(IfAgc > -1250)
+			*pRfPowerLevelDbm = -71 - (IfAgc / 165);
+		else
+			*pRfPowerLevelDbm = -60;
+	}
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tda18272.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tda18272.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tda18272.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tda18272.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_TDA18272
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_TDA18272
+@brief   RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM through RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module.
+RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_tda18272.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Tda18272Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc0,							// The TDA18272 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,		// The TDA18272 crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+		TDA18272_UNIT_0,				// The TDA18272 unit number is 0.
+		TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_0P7V		// The TDA18272 IF output Vp-p is 0.7 V.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_tda18272.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerUnitNo,
+	int TunerIfOutputVppMode
+	);
+// RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	long *pRfPowerLevelDbm
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tua9001.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tua9001.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tua9001.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tua9001.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+@brief   RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM through RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module.
+RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_tua9001.h"
+@brief   RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2832Tua9001Module() to build RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDvbtNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DVB-T NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2832 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2832 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2832 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodAppMode                 RTL2832 application mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2832 update function reference period in millisecond for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              TUA9001 I2C device address
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2832Tua9001Module() to build RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module before using it.
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr						// Tuner dependence
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DVBT_NIM_RTL2832_TUA9001;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2832 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2832Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DvbtDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodAppMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled
+		);
+	// Build TUA9001 tuner module.
+	BuildTua9001Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dvbt_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dvbt_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dvbt_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dvbt_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dvbt_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dvbt_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dvbt_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dvbt_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetTpsInfo        = dvbt_nim_default_GetTpsInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dvbt_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2832_tua9001_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2832_tua9001_SetParameters;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2832_TUA9001_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DVBT_DAGC_TRG_VAL,			0x39	},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_0,		0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AGC_TARG_VAL_8_1,		0x5a	},
+		{DVBT_AAGC_LOOP_GAIN,		0x16    },
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_3_0,		0x6		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN2_4,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_LOOP_GAIN3,			0x16	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP1,				0x35	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP2,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_VTOP3,				0x21	},
+		{DVBT_KRF1,					0x0		},
+		{DVBT_KRF2,					0x40	},
+		{DVBT_KRF3,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_KRF4,					0x10	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MIN,			0x80	},
+		{DVBT_IF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MIN,			0x9c	},
+		{DVBT_RF_AGC_MAX,			0x7f	},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_RF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_POLAR_IF_AGC,			0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD7_SETTING,			0xe9f4	},
+		{DVBT_OPT_ADC_IQ,			0x1		},
+		{DVBT_AD_AVI,				0x0		},
+		{DVBT_AD_AVQ,				0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2832_TUA9001_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int TunerBandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Determine TunerBandwidthMode according to bandwidth mode.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = TUA9001_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = TUA9001_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ;		break;
+		case DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ:		TunerBandwidthMode = TUA9001_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;		break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with TunerBandwidthMode.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TunerBandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set demod bandwidth mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetBandwidthMode(pDemod, BandwidthMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tua9001.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tua9001.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tua9001.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2832_tua9001.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2832_TUA9001
+#define __NIM_RTL2832_TUA9001
+@brief   RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM through RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module.
+RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module is derived from DVB-T NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dvbt_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2832_tua9001.h"
+int main(void)
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2832Tua9001Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x20,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+		RTL2832_APPLICATION_STB,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+		200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc0							// The TUA9001 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dvbt_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2832.h"
+#include "tuner_tua9001.h"
+#include "dvbt_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Builder
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,						// DVB-T NIM dependence
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE *pDvbtNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,				// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,					// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodAppMode,
+	unsigned long UpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int IsFunc1Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr					// Tuner dependence
+	);
+// RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_fc2580.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_fc2580.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_fc2580.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_fc2580.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+@brief   RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2836 FC2580 NIM through RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module.
+RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module is derived from DTMB NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2836_fc2580.h"
+@brief   RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2836Fc2580Module() to build RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDtmbNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DTMB NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2836 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2836 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2836 TS interface mode
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2836 update function reference period in millisecond
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2836 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc2Enabled          RTL2836 Function 2 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              FC2580 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           FC2580 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   TunerAgcMode                 FC2580 AGC mode
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2836Fc2580Module() to build RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module before using it.
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DTMB NIM dependence
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE *pDtmbNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	int DemodIsFunc2Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerAgcMode
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDtmbNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DTMB_NIM_RTL2836_FC2580;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2836 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2836Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DtmbDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+		DemodIsFunc2Enabled
+		);
+	// Build FC2580 tuner module.
+	BuildFc2580Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+		TunerAgcMode
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dtmb_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dtmb_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dtmb_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dtmb_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dtmb_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dtmb_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dtmb_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetPer            = dtmb_nim_default_GetPer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dtmb_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dtmb_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dtmb_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetSignalInfo     = dtmb_nim_default_GetSignalInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dtmb_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2836_fc2580_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2836_fc2580_SetParameters;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2836_FC2580_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DTMB_TARGET_VAL,			0x38	},
+	};
+	FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc2580);
+	// Enable demod DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with 8 MHz.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, FC2580_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with 0 Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, IF_FREQ_0HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_NORMAL.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_NORMAL) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2836_FC2580_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_fc2580.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_fc2580.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_fc2580.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_fc2580.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2836_FC2580
+#define __NIM_RTL2836_FC2580
+@brief   RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2836 FC2580 NIM through RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module.
+RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module is derived from DTMB NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dtmb_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2836_fc2580.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE DtmbNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2836Fc2580Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&DtmbNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x3e,							// The RTL2836 I2C device address is 0x3e in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ,		// The RTL2836 crystal frequency is 27.0 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2836 TS interface mode is serial.
+		50,								// The RTL2836 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2836 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		YES,							// The RTL2836 Function 2 enabling status is YES.
+		0xac,							// The FC2580 I2C device address is 0xac in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16384000HZ,		// The FC2580 crystal frequency is 16.384 MHz.
+		FC2580_AGC_INTERNAL				// The FC2580 AGC mode is internal AGC mode.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dtmb_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2836.h"
+#include "tuner_fc2580.h"
+#include "dtmb_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Builder
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DTMB NIM dependence
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE *pDtmbNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	int DemodIsFunc2Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerAgcMode
+	);
+// RTL2836 FC2580 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+@brief   RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM through RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module.
+RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module is derived from DTMB NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.h"
+@brief   RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2836Mxl5007tModule() to build RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                        Pointer to RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pDtmbNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated DTMB NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax         Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                      Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                     Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                       Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr              RTL2836 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz           RTL2836 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode         RTL2836 TS interface mode
+@param [in]   DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs   RTL2836 update function reference period in millisecond
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc1Enabled          RTL2836 Function 1 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   DemodIsFunc2Enabled          RTL2836 Function 2 enabling status for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr              MxL5007T I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz           MxL5007T crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   TunerLoopThroughMode         MxL5007T loop-through mode
+@param [in]   TunerClkOutMode              MxL5007T clock output mode
+@param [in]   TunerClkOutAmpMode           MxL5007T clock output amplitude mode
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2836Mxl5007tModule() to build RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module before using it.
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DTMB NIM dependence
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE *pDtmbNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	int DemodIsFunc2Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerLoopThroughMode,
+	int TunerClkOutMode,
+	int TunerClkOutAmpMode
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pDtmbNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = DTMB_NIM_RTL2836_MXL5007T;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2836 demod module.
+	BuildRtl2836Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->DtmbDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+		DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+		DemodIsFunc2Enabled
+		);
+	// Build MxL5007T tuner module.
+	BuildMxl5007tModule(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+		TunerLoopThroughMode,
+		TunerClkOutMode,
+		TunerClkOutAmpMode,
+		);
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with default functions.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = dtmb_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = dtmb_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = dtmb_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = dtmb_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = dtmb_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = dtmb_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetBer            = dtmb_nim_default_GetBer;
+	pNim->GetPer            = dtmb_nim_default_GetPer;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = dtmb_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = dtmb_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = dtmb_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->GetSignalInfo     = dtmb_nim_default_GetSignalInfo;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = dtmb_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM module function pointers with particular functions.
+	pNim->Initialize     = rtl2836_mxl5007t_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters  = rtl2836_mxl5007t_SetParameters;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2836_MXL5007T_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,				Value
+		{DTMB_TARGET_VAL,			0x38	},
+	};
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mxl5007t);
+	// Enable demod DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode with 8 MHz.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency with NIM default.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, RTL2836_MXL5007T_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with NIM default.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, RTL2836_MXL5007T_SPECTRUM_MODE_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod registers.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2836_MXL5007T_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Enable demod DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Disable demod DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DTMB_I2CT_EN_CTRL, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_registers;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2836_MXL5007T
+#define __NIM_RTL2836_MXL5007T
+@brief   RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module declaration
+One can manipulate RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM through RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module.
+RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module is derived from DTMB NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in dtmb_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.h"
+int main(void)
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE DtmbNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2836Mxl5007tModule(
+		&pNim,
+		&DtmbNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x3e,							// The RTL2836 I2C device address is 0x3e in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ,		// The RTL2836 crystal frequency is 27.0 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2836 TS interface mode is serial.
+		50,								// The RTL2836 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+		YES,							// The RTL2836 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+		YES,							// The RTL2836 Function 2 enabling status is YES.
+		0xc0,							// The MxL5007T I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,		// The MxL5007T Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+		MXL5007T_LOOP_THROUGH_DISABLE,	// The MxL5007T loop-through mode is disabled.
+		MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_DISABLE,		// The MxL5007T clock output mode is disabled.
+		MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_0			// The MxL5007T clock output amplitude is 0.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in dtmb_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2836.h"
+#include "tuner_mxl5007t.h"
+#include "dtmb_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Default
+#define RTL2836_MXL5007T_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT					IF_FREQ_4570000HZ
+// Builder
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// DTMB NIM dependence
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE *pDtmbNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	unsigned long DemodUpdateFuncRefPeriodMs,
+	int DemodIsFunc1Enabled,
+	int DemodIsFunc2Enabled,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,						// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+	int TunerLoopThroughMode,
+	int TunerClkOutMode,
+	int TunerClkOutAmpMode
+	);
+// RTL2836 MxL5007T NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_max3543.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_max3543.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_max3543.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_max3543.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+@brief   RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM through RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module.
+RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module is derived from QAM NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2840_max3543.h"
+@brief   RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2840Max3543Module() to build RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                       Pointer to RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pQamNimModuleMemory         Pointer to an allocated QAM NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax        Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax        Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                     Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite                    Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                      Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr             RTL2840 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz          RTL2840 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode        RTL2840 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodEnhancementMode        RTL2840 enhancement mode for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr             MAX3543 I2C device address
+@param [in]   TunerCrystalFreqHz          MAX3543 crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2840Max3543Module() to build RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module before using it.
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// QAM NIM dependence
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE *pQamNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,				// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,					// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodEnhancementMode,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,					// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pQamNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Set enhancement mode in NIM module.
+	pNim->EnhancementMode = DemodEnhancementMode;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2840 QAM demod module.
+	BuildRtl2840Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->QamDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodEnhancementMode
+		);
+	// Build MAX3543 tuner module.
+	BuildMax3543Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		TunerCrystalFreqHz,
+		);
+	// Set NIM module manipulating function pointers.
+	pNim->Initialize        = rtl2840_max3543_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters     = rtl2840_max3543_SetParameters;
+	// Set NIM module manipulating function pointers with default.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = qam_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = qam_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = qam_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = qam_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = qam_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = qam_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetErrorRate      = qam_nim_default_GetErrorRate;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = qam_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = qam_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = qam_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = qam_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = QAM_NIM_RTL2840_MAX3543;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2840_MAX3543_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,					Value
+		{QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_DRIVE,			0x1		},
+		{QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_DRIVE,			0x1		},
+		{QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_OEN,			0x1		},
+		{QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_OEN,			0x1		},
+		{QAM_RF_AAGC_MAX,				0xff	},
+		{QAM_RF_AAGC_MIN,				0x0		},
+		{QAM_IF_AAGC_MAX,				0xff	},
+		{QAM_IF_AAGC_MIN,				0x0		},
+		{QAM_AAGC_MODE_SEL,				0x0		},
+	};
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get demod module and tuner module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency in Hz with NIM default.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, RTL2840_MAX3543_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with NIM default.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, RTL2840_MAX3543_SPECTRUM_MODE_DEFAULT) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod AAGC registers.
+	// Note: SetParameters() will set QAM_AAGC_TARGET and QAM_VTOP according to parameters.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_MAX3543_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int QamMode,
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz,
+	int AlphaMode
+	)
+	// Get demod module and tuner module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod QAM mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetQamMode(pDemod, QamMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod symbol rate in Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetSymbolRateHz(pDemod, SymbolRateHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod alpha mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetAlphaMode(pDemod, AlphaMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod QAM_AAGC_TARGET and QAM_VTOP according to QAM mode and enhancement mode.
+	switch(QamMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case QAM_QAM_4:
+		case QAM_QAM_16:
+		case QAM_QAM_32:
+		case QAM_QAM_64:
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_VTOP, 0x3f) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			switch(pNim->EnhancementMode)
+			{
+				case QAM_DEMOD_EN_NONE:
+					if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_AAGC_TARGET, 0x6b) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+						goto error_status_execute_function;
+					break;
+				default:
+				case QAM_DEMOD_EN_AM_HUM:
+					if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_AAGC_TARGET, 0x64) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+						goto error_status_execute_function;
+					break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case QAM_QAM_128:
+		case QAM_QAM_256:
+		case QAM_QAM_512:
+		case QAM_QAM_1024:
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_VTOP, 0x38) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_AAGC_TARGET, 0x6b) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			break;
+	}
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_max3543.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_max3543.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_max3543.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_max3543.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.108066054 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2840_MAX3543_H
+#define __NIM_RTL2840_MAX3543_H
+@brief   RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM through RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module.
+RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module is derived from QAM NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in qam_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2840_max3543.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE QamNimModuleMemory;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2840Max3543Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&QamNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x44,							// The RTL2840 I2C device address is 0x44 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2840 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The RTL2840 TS interface mode is serial.
+		QAM_DEMOD_EN_AM_HUM,			// Use AM-hum enhancement mode.
+		0xc0,							// The MAX3543 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ			// The MAX3543 Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+		);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in qam_nim_base.h
+	...
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2840.h"
+#include "tuner_max3543.h"
+#include "qam_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Default
+#define RTL2840_MAX3543_IF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT					IF_FREQ_36170000HZ
+// Builder
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// QAM NIM dependence
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE *pQamNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,				// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,					// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodEnhancementMode,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr,					// Tuner dependence
+	unsigned long TunerCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+// RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int QamMode,
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz,
+	int AlphaMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_mt2063.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_mt2063.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_mt2063.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_mt2063.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.112066051 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+@brief   RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2840 MT2063 NIM through RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module.
+RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module is derived from QAM NIM module.
+#include "nim_rtl2840_mt2063.h"
+@brief   RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module builder
+Use BuildRtl2840Mt2063Module() to build RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module, set all module function pointers with the
+corresponding functions, and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppNim                  Pointer to RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   pQamNimModuleMemory    Pointer to an allocated QAM NIM module memory
+@param [in]   I2cReadingByteNumMax   Maximum I2C reading byte number for basic I2C reading function
+@param [in]   I2cWritingByteNumMax   Maximum I2C writing byte number for basic I2C writing function
+@param [in]   I2cRead                Basic I2C reading function pointer
+@param [in]   I2cWrite               Basic I2C writing function pointer
+@param [in]   WaitMs                 Basic waiting function pointer
+@param [in]   DemodDeviceAddr        RTL2840 I2C device address
+@param [in]   DemodCrystalFreqHz     RTL2840 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   DemodTsInterfaceMode   RTL2840 TS interface mode for setting
+@param [in]   DemodEnhancementMode   RTL2840 enhancement mode for setting
+@param [in]   TunerDeviceAddr        MT2063 I2C device address
+	-# One should call BuildRtl2840Mt2063Module() to build RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module before using it.
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,								// QAM NIM dependence
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE *pQamNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long NimIfFreqHz,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,					// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,						// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodEnhancementMode,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr						// Tuner dependence
+	)
+	RTL2840_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	// Set NIM module pointer with NIM module memory.
+	*ppNim = pQamNimModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM module.
+	pNim = *ppNim;
+	// Set I2C bridge module pointer with I2C bridge module memory.
+	pNim->pI2cBridge = &pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2840Mt2063);
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pNim->pBaseInterface,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		I2cReadingByteNumMax,
+		I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+		I2cRead,
+		I2cWrite,
+		WaitMs
+		);
+	// Build RTL2840 QAM demod module.
+	BuildRtl2840Module(
+		&pNim->pDemod,
+		&pNim->QamDemodModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		DemodDeviceAddr,
+		DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+		DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+		DemodEnhancementMode
+		);
+	// Build MT2063 tuner module.
+	BuildMt2063Module(
+		&pNim->pTuner,
+		&pNim->TunerModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&pNim->I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		TunerDeviceAddr,
+		MT2063_VGAGC_0X1
+		);
+	// Set NIM module manipulating function pointers.
+	pNim->Initialize        = rtl2840_mt2063_Initialize;
+	pNim->SetParameters     = rtl2840_mt2063_SetParameters;
+	// Set NIM module manipulating function pointers with default.
+	pNim->GetNimType        = qam_nim_default_GetNimType;
+	pNim->GetParameters     = qam_nim_default_GetParameters;
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent   = qam_nim_default_IsSignalPresent;
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked    = qam_nim_default_IsSignalLocked;
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength = qam_nim_default_GetSignalStrength;
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality  = qam_nim_default_GetSignalQuality;
+	pNim->GetErrorRate      = qam_nim_default_GetErrorRate;
+	pNim->GetSnrDb          = qam_nim_default_GetSnrDb;
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm    = qam_nim_default_GetTrOffsetPpm;
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz     = qam_nim_default_GetCrOffsetHz;
+	pNim->UpdateFunction    = qam_nim_default_UpdateFunction;
+	// Set NIM type.
+	pNim->NimType = QAM_NIM_RTL2840_MT2063;
+	// Set enhancement mode in NIM module.
+	pNim->EnhancementMode = DemodEnhancementMode;
+	// Set IF frequency variable in NIM extra module.
+	pNimExtra->IfFreqHz = NimIfFreqHz;
+	return;
+	)
+	typedef struct
+	{
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned long Value;
+	}
+	static const REG_VALUE_ENTRY AdditionalInitRegValueTable[RTL2840_MT2063_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN] =
+	{
+		// RegBitName,					Value
+		{QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_DRIVE,			0x1		},
+		{QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_DRIVE,			0x1		},
+		{QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_OEN,			0x1		},
+		{QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_OEN,			0x1		},
+		{QAM_RF_AAGC_MAX,				0x80	},
+		{QAM_RF_AAGC_MIN,				0x80	},
+		{QAM_IF_AAGC_MAX,				0xff	},
+		{QAM_IF_AAGC_MIN,				0x0		},
+		{QAM_AAGC_MODE_SEL,				0x0		},
+	};
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	RTL2840_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pNimExtra;
+	int i;
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Get modules.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	pNimExtra = &(pNim->Extra.Rtl2840Mt2063);
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(pTuner->Initialize(pTuner) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner IF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTunerExtra->SetIfFreqHz(pTuner, pNimExtra->IfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Initialize demod.
+	if(pDemod->Initialize(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod IF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod, pNimExtra->IfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod spectrum mode with SPECTRUM_INVERSE.
+	if(pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SPECTRUM_INVERSE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod AAGC registers.
+	// Note: SetParameters() will set QAM_AAGC_TARGET and QAM_VTOP according to parameters.
+	for(i = 0; i < RTL2840_MT2063_ADDITIONAL_INIT_REG_TABLE_LEN; i++)
+	{
+		// Get register bit name and its value.
+		RegBitName = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].RegBitName;
+		Value      = AdditionalInitRegValueTable[i].Value;
+		// Set demod registers
+		if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, RegBitName, Value) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int QamMode,
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz,
+	int AlphaMode
+	)
+	// Get demod module and tuner module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod QAM mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetQamMode(pDemod, QamMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod symbol rate in Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetSymbolRateHz(pDemod, SymbolRateHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod alpha mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetAlphaMode(pDemod, AlphaMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_mt2063.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_mt2063.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_mt2063.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nim_rtl2840_mt2063.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.112066051 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#ifndef __NIM_RTL2840_MT2063_H
+#define __NIM_RTL2840_MT2063_H
+@brief   RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module definition
+One can manipulate RTL2840 MT2063 NIM through RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module.
+RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module is derived from QAM NIM module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the NIM example in qam_nim_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "nim_rtl2840_mt2063.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE QamNimModuleMemory;
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	...
+	// Build RTL2840 MT2063 NIM module.
+	BuildRtl2840Mt2063Module(
+		&pNim,
+		&QamNimModuleMemory,
+		IF_FREQ_36125000HZ,					// The RTL2840 and MT2063 IF frequency is 36.125 MHz.
+		9,									// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,									// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,						// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,						// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,						// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		0x44,								// The RTL2840 I2C device address is 0x44 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2840 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// The RTL2840 TS interface mode is serial.
+		QAM_DEMOD_EN_AM_HUM,				// Use AM-hum enhancement mode.
+		0xc0								// The MT2063 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		);
+	// Get MT2063 tuner extra module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Open MT2063 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->OpenHandle(pTuner);
+	// See the example for other NIM functions in qam_nim_base.h
+	...
+	// Close MT2063 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->CloseHandle(pTuner);
+	return 0;
+#include "demod_rtl2840.h"
+#include "tuner_mt2063.h"
+#include "qam_nim_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// Builder
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE **ppNim,							// QAM NIM dependence
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE *pQamNimModuleMemory,
+	unsigned long NimIfFreqHz,
+	unsigned long I2cReadingByteNumMax,				// Base interface dependence
+	unsigned long I2cWritingByteNumMax,
+	unsigned char DemodDeviceAddr,					// Demod dependence
+	unsigned long DemodCrystalFreqHz,
+	int DemodTsInterfaceMode,
+	int DemodEnhancementMode,
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr					// Tuner dependence
+	);
+// RTL2840 MT2063 NIM manipulaing functions
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int QamMode,
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz,
+	int AlphaMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_demod_base.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_demod_base.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_demod_base.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_demod_base.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.112066051 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@
+@brief   QAM demod default function definition
+QAM demod default functions.
+#include "qam_demod_base.h"
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set demod register page with page number.
+	// Note: The I2C format of demod register page setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + QAM_DEMOD_PAGE_REG_ADDR + PageNo + stop_bit
+	WritingBytes[0] = QAM_DEMOD_PAGE_REG_ADDR;
+	WritingBytes[1] = (unsigned char)PageNo;
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBytes, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);  //add by chialing
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&d->usb_mutex) )	goto error;
+	 pDemod->CurrentPageNo = PageNo;
+	mutex_unlock(&d->usb_mutex);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegWritingAddr;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = (unsigned char)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddr + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) +
+		//       stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = RegWritingAddr;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_1_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum + LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned int i, j;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned char WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegWritingAddr;
+	unsigned long PageNo=0;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);  //add by chialing
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	PageNo=pDemod->CurrentPageNo;
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		WritingBuffer[0] = RegWritingAddr;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_1_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(write_demod_register(d, DeviceAddr, PageNo, WritingBuffer[0], WritingBuffer+1, WritingByteNum))
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;	
+	}
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+#if 0
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegReadingAddr;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = (unsigned char)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Set demod register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddr + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &RegReadingAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_register_reading_address;
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &pReadingBytes[i], ReadingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegReadingAddr;
+	unsigned long PageNo;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);  //add by chialing
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	PageNo=pDemod->CurrentPageNo;
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		if(read_demod_register(d, DeviceAddr, PageNo,  RegReadingAddr,  pReadingBytes, ReadingByteNum))
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;	
+	}
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value LSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value MSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Reserve unsigned integer value unmask bit with mask and inlay writing value into it.
+	Value &= ~Mask;
+	Value |= (WritingValue << Shift) & Mask;
+	// Separate unsigned integer value into writing bytes.
+	// Note: Pick up lower address byte from value LSB.
+	//       Pick up upper address byte from value MSB.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		WritingBytes[i] = (unsigned char)((Value >> (BYTE_SHIFT * i)) & BYTE_MASK);
+	// Write demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, WritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value LSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value MSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Get register bits from unsigned integaer value with mask and shift
+	*pReadingValue = (Value & Mask) >> Shift;
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from base register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Set register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from base register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Get register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	unsigned char PageNo;
+	// Get register page number from base register table with register bit name key.
+	PageNo = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].PageNo;
+	// Set register page number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Set register mask bits with register bit name key.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, RegBitName, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	unsigned char PageNo;
+	// Get register page number from base register table with register bit name key.
+	PageNo = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr8Bit[RegBitName].PageNo;
+	// Set register page number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegPage(pDemod, PageNo) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	// Get register mask bits with register bit name key.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.GetRegBits(pDemod, RegBitName, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned short RegWritingAddr;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set demod register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = (unsigned short)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddrMsb + RegWritingAddrLsb +
+		//       writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = (RegWritingAddr >> BYTE_SHIFT) & BYTE_MASK;
+		WritingBuffer[1] = RegWritingAddr & BYTE_MASK;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set demod register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum + LEN_2_BYTE) !=
+			goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned short RegReadingAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pDemod->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get demod register bytes.
+	// Note: Get demod register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = (unsigned short)(RegStartAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Set demod register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddrMsb + RegReadingAddrLsb + stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = (RegReadingAddr >> BYTE_SHIFT) & BYTE_MASK;
+		WritingBuffer[1] = RegReadingAddr & BYTE_MASK;
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_demod_register_reading_address;
+		// Get demod register bytes.
+		// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		if(pBaseInterface->I2cRead(pBaseInterface, DeviceAddr, &pReadingBytes[i], ReadingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	}
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value LSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value MSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Reserve unsigned integer value unmask bit with mask and inlay writing value into it.
+	Value &= ~Mask;
+	Value |= (WritingValue << Shift) & Mask;
+	// Separate unsigned integer value into writing bytes.
+	// Note: Pick up lower address byte from value LSB.
+	//       Pick up upper address byte from value MSB.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		WritingBytes[i] = (unsigned char)((Value >> (BYTE_SHIFT * i)) & BYTE_MASK);
+	// Write demod register bytes with writing bytes.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.SetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, WritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned long Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	unsigned long Value;
+	// Calculate writing byte number according to MSB.
+	ByteNum = Msb / BYTE_BIT_NUM + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (unsigned char)(Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get demod register bytes according to register start adddress and byte number.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.GetRegBytes(pDemod, RegStartAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	// Combine reading bytes into an unsigned integer value.
+	// Note: Put lower address byte on value LSB.
+	//       Put upper address byte on value MSB.
+	Value = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		Value |= (unsigned long)ReadingBytes[i] << (BYTE_SHIFT * i);
+	// Get register bits from unsigned integaer value with mask and shift
+	*pReadingValue = (Value & Mask) >> Shift;
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	)
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from base register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Set register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, WritingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_demod_registers;
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	)
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+	// Check if register bit name is available.
+	if(pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].IsAvailable == NO)
+		goto error_status_register_bit_name;
+	// Get register start address, MSB, and LSB from base register table with register bit name key.
+	RegStartAddr = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].RegStartAddr;
+	Msb          = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].Msb;
+	Lsb          = pDemod->BaseRegTable.Addr16Bit[RegBitName].Lsb;
+	// Get register mask bits.
+	if(pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, RegStartAddr, Msb, Lsb, pReadingValue) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_registers;
+	int *pDemodType
+	)
+	// Get demod type from demod module.
+	*pDemodType = pDemod->DemodType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get demod I2C device address from demod module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pDemod->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz from demod module.
+	*pCrystalFreqHz = pDemod->CrystalFreqHz;
+	return;
+	int *pQamMode
+	)
+	// Get demod QAM mode from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsQamModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_qam_mode;
+	*pQamMode = pDemod->QamMode;
+	unsigned long *pSymbolRateHz
+	)
+	// Get demod symbol rate in Hz from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsSymbolRateHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_symbol_rate;
+	*pSymbolRateHz = pDemod->SymbolRateHz;
+	int *pAlphaMode
+	)
+	// Get demod alpha mode from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsAlphaModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_alpha_mode;
+	*pAlphaMode = pDemod->AlphaMode;
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get demod IF frequency in Hz from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsIfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_if_frequency;
+	*pIfFreqHz = pDemod->IfFreqHz;
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	)
+	// Get demod spectrum mode from demod module.
+	if(pDemod->IsSpectrumModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_spectrum_mode;
+	*pSpectrumMode = pDemod->SpectrumMode;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_demod_base.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_demod_base.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_demod_base.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_demod_base.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.112066051 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2818 @@
+#ifndef __QAM_DEMOD_BASE_H
+#define __QAM_DEMOD_BASE_H
+@brief   QAM demod base module definition
+QAM demod base module definitions contains demod module structure, demod funciton pointers, and demod definitions.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_xxx.h"
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C reading format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C writing format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	// Wait WaitTimeMs milliseconds.
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE QamDemodModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	int QamMode;
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz;
+	int AlphaMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int SpectrumMode;
+	int DemodType;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	long RfAgc, IfAgc;
+	unsigned long DiAgc;
+	int Answer;
+	long TrOffsetPpm, CrOffsetHz;
+	unsigned long BerNum, BerDen, PerNum, PerDen;
+	double Ber, Per;
+	long SnrDbNum, SnrDbDen;
+	double SnrDb;
+	unsigned long SignalStrength, SignalQuality;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pBaseInterface,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Set maximum I2C reading byte number with 9.
+		8,								// Set maximum I2C writing byte number with 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		);
+	// Build QAM demod XXX module.
+	BuildXxxModule(
+		&pDemod,
+		&QamDemodModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0x44,							// Demod I2C device address is 0x44 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// Demod crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// Demod TS interface mode is serial.
+		...								// Other arguments by each demod module
+		);
+	// ==== Initialize QAM demod and set its parameters =====
+	// Initialize demod.
+	pDemod->Initialize(pDemod);
+	// Set demod parameters. (QAM mode, symbol rate, alpha mode, IF frequency, spectrum mode)
+	// Note: In the example:
+	//       1. QAM is 64.
+	//       2. Symbol rate is 6.952 MHz.
+	//       3. Alpha is 0.15.
+	//       4. IF frequency is 36 MHz.
+	//       5. Spectrum mode is SPECTRUM_INVERSE.
+	QamMode      = QAM_QAM_64;
+	SymbolRateHz = 6952000;
+	AlphaMode    = QAM_ALPHA_0P15;
+	IfFreqHz     = IF_FREQ_36000000HZ;
+	SpectrumMode = SPECTRUM_INVERSE;
+	pDemod->SetQamMode(pDemod,      QamMode);
+	pDemod->SetSymbolRateHz(pDemod, SymbolRateHz);
+	pDemod->SetAlphaMode(pDemod,    AlphaMode);
+	pDemod->SetIfFreqHz(pDemod,     IfFreqHz);
+	pDemod->SetSpectrumMode(pDemod, SpectrumMode);
+	// Need to set tuner before demod software reset.
+	// The order to set demod and tuner is not important.
+	// Note: 1. For 8-bit register address demod, one can use
+	//          "pDemod->RegAccess.Addr8Bit.SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, QAM_OPT_I2C_RELAY, 0x1);"
+	//          for tuner I2C command forwarding.
+	//       2. For 16-bit register address demod, one can use
+	//          "pDemod->RegAccess.Addr16Bit.SetRegBits(pDemod, QAM_OPT_I2C_RELAY, 0x1);"
+	//       for tuner I2C command forwarding.
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	// Wait maximum 1000 ms for demod converge.
+	for(i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+	{
+		// Wait 40 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 40);
+		// Check signal lock status through frame lock.
+		// Note: If Answer is YES, frame is locked.
+		//       If Answer is NO, frame is not locked.
+		pDemod->IsFrameLocked(pDemod, &Answer);
+		if(Answer == YES)
+		{
+			// Signal is locked.
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// ==== Get QAM demod information =====
+	// Get demod type.
+	// Note: One can find demod type in MODULE_TYPE enumeration.
+	pDemod->GetDemodType(pDemod, &DemodType);
+	// Get demod I2C device address.
+	pDemod->GetDeviceAddr(pDemod, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrystalFreqHz(pDemod, &CrystalFreqHz);
+	// Ask demod if it is connected to I2C bus.
+	// Note: If Answer is YES, demod is connected to I2C bus.
+	//       If Answer is NO, demod is not connected to I2C bus.
+	pDemod->IsConnectedToI2c(pDemod, &Answer);
+	// Get demod parameters. (QAM mode, symbol rate, alpha mode, IF frequency, spectrum mode)
+	pDemod->GetQamMode(pDemod,      &QamMode);
+	pDemod->GetSymbolRateHz(pDemod, &SymbolRateHz);
+	pDemod->GetAlphaMode(pDemod,    &AlphaMode);
+	pDemod->GetIfFreqHz(pDemod,     &IfFreqHz);
+	pDemod->GetSpectrumMode(pDemod, &SpectrumMode);
+	// Get demod AGC value.
+	// Note: The range of RF AGC and IF AGC value is -1024 ~ 1023.
+	//       The range of digital AGC value is 0 ~ 134217727.
+	pDemod->GetRfAgc(pDemod, &RfAgc);
+	pDemod->GetIfAgc(pDemod, &IfAgc);
+	pDemod->GetDiAgc(pDemod, &DiAgc);
+	// Get demod lock status.
+	// Note: If Answer is YES, it is locked.
+	//       If Answer is NO, it is not locked.
+	pDemod->IsAagcLocked(pDemod,  &Answer);
+	pDemod->IsEqLocked(pDemod,    &Answer);
+	pDemod->IsFrameLocked(pDemod, &Answer);
+	// Get TR offset (symbol timing offset) in ppm.
+	pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm(pDemod, &TrOffsetPpm);
+	// Get CR offset (RF frequency offset) in Hz.
+	pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz(pDemod, &CrOffsetHz);
+	// Get BER and PER.
+	// Note: Test packet number = pow(2, (2 * 5 + 4)) = 16384
+	//       Maximum wait time  = 1000 ms = 1 second
+	pDemod->GetErrorRate(pDemod, 5, 1000, &BerNum, &BerDen, &PerNum, &PerDen);
+	Ber = (double)BerNum / (double)BerDen;
+	Per = (double)PerNum / (double)PerDen;
+	// Get SNR in dB.
+	pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen);
+	SnrDb = (double)SnrDbNum / (double)SnrDbDen;
+	// Get signal strength.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalStrength is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalStrength value to UI signal strength bar manually.
+	pDemod->GetSignalStrength(pDemod, &SignalStrength);
+	// Get signal quality.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalQuality is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalQuality value to UI signal quality bar manually.
+	pDemod->GetSignalQuality(pDemod, &SignalQuality);
+	return 0;
+#include "foundation.h"
+// Definitions
+// Page register address
+#define QAM_DEMOD_PAGE_REG_ADDR					0x0
+/// QAM QAM modes
+	QAM_QAM_4,					///<   QPSK
+	QAM_QAM_16,					///<   16 QAM
+	QAM_QAM_32,					///<   32 QAM
+	QAM_QAM_64,					///<   64 QAM
+	QAM_QAM_128,				///<   128 QAM
+	QAM_QAM_256,				///<   256 QAM
+	QAM_QAM_512,				///<   512 QAM
+	QAM_QAM_1024,				///<   1024 QAM
+#define QAM_QAM_MODE_NUM			8
+/// QAM alpha modes
+	QAM_ALPHA_0P12,				///<   Alpha = 0.12
+	QAM_ALPHA_0P13,				///<   Alpha = 0.13
+	QAM_ALPHA_0P15,				///<   Alpha = 0.15
+	QAM_ALPHA_0P18,				///<   Alpha = 0.18
+	QAM_ALPHA_0P20,				///<   Alpha = 0.20
+#define QAM_ALPHA_MODE_NUM			5
+/// QAM demod enhancement modes
+	QAM_DEMOD_EN_NONE,			///<   None demod enhancement
+	QAM_DEMOD_EN_AM_HUM,		///<   AM-hum demod enhancement
+/// QAM demod configuration mode
+	QAM_DEMOD_CONFIG_OC,			///<   OpenCable demod configuration
+	QAM_DEMOD_CONFIG_DVBC,			///<   DVB-C demod configuration
+// Register entry definitions
+// Base register entry for 8-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int IsAvailable;
+	unsigned char PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Primary base register entry for 8-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned char PageNo;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Monitor register entry for 8-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int IsAvailable;
+	unsigned char      InfoNum;
+	struct
+	{
+		unsigned char SelRegAddr;
+		unsigned char SelValue;
+		int           RegBitName;
+		unsigned char Shift;
+	}
+// Primary monitor register entry for 8-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int MonitorRegBitName;
+	unsigned char      InfoNum;
+	struct
+	{
+		unsigned char SelRegAddr;
+		unsigned char SelValue;
+		int           RegBitName;
+		unsigned char Shift;
+	}
+// Base register entry for 16-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int IsAvailable;
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Primary base register entry for 16-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int RegBitName;
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char Msb;
+	unsigned char Lsb;
+// Monitor register entry for 16-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int IsAvailable;
+	unsigned char InfoNum;
+	struct
+	{
+		unsigned short SelRegAddr;
+		unsigned char SelValue;
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned char Shift;
+	}
+// Primary monitor register entry for 16-bit address
+typedef struct
+	int MonitorRegBitName;
+	unsigned char InfoNum;
+	struct
+	{
+		unsigned short SelRegAddr;
+		unsigned char SelValue;
+		int RegBitName;
+		unsigned char Shift;
+	}
+// Register bit name definitions
+/// Base register bit name
+	// Generality
+	QAM_I2CT_EN_CTRL,						// for RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	// Miscellany
+	// QAM mode
+	// AD
+	QAM_AD_AV,								// for RTL2840 only
+	// AAGC
+	QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_DRIVE_CURRENT,			// for RTL2840, RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_DRIVE_CURRENT,			// for RTL2840, RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_AGC_DRIVE_LV,						// for RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	QAM_DVBC_RSSI_R,						// for RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_OEN,					// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_OEN,					// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_KRF,								// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OPT_RF_AAGC_OE,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable, RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OPT_IF_AAGC_OE,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable, RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_IF_AGC_DRIVING,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	QAM_RF_AGC_DRIVING,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	// DDC
+	// Timing recovery
+	// Carrier recovery
+	// Equalizer
+	// Frame sync. indicator
+	QAM_SYNCLOST,							// for RTL2840, RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_FS_SYNC_STROBE,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable, RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_FS_SYNC_LOST,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable, RTD2885 QAM only
+	// BER
+	QAM_BER_REG2_15_0,
+	QAM_BER_REG2_18_16,
+	QAM_OC_BER_RD_STROBE,					// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_BERT_EN,							// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_BERT_HOLD,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_DIS_AUTO_MODE,					// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_TEST_VOLUME,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_BER_REG0,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_BER_REG1,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_BER_REG2_15_0,					// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_BER_REG2_18_16,					// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_BER_RD_STROBE,					// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_BERT_EN,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_BERT_HOLD,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_DIS_AUTO_MODE,					// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_TEST_VOLUME,					// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_BER_REG0,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_BER_REG1,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_BER_REG2_15_0,					// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_BER_REG2_18_16,				// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	// MPEG TS output interface
+	QAM_OPT_MPEG_OUT_SEL,					// for RTD2648 QAM only
+	QAM_MPEG_OUT_EN,						// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_OPT_MPEG_DRIVE_CURRENT,				// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_NO_REINVERT,						// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_FIX_TEI,							// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_SERIAL,								// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_OPT_MPEG_IO,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable, RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OPT_M_OEN,							// for RTL2820 OpenCable, RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_REPLA_SD_EN,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	QAM_TEI_SD_ERR_EN,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	QAM_TEI_RS_ERR_EN,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	QAM_SET_MPEG_ERR,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	QAM_OC_CKOUTPAR,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_CKOUT_PWR,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_CDIV_PH0,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_CDIV_PH1,						// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_OC_SERIAL,							// for RTD2885 QAM only
+	QAM_DVBC_CKOUTPAR,						// for RTD2885 QAM, RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	QAM_DVBC_CKOUT_PWR,						// for RTD2885 QAM, RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	QAM_DVBC_CDIV_PH0,						// for RTD2885 QAM, RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	QAM_DVBC_CDIV_PH1,						// for RTD2885 QAM, RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	QAM_DVBC_NO_REINVERT,					// for RTD2885 QAM, RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	QAM_DVBC_FIX_TEI,						// for RTD2885 QAM, RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	QAM_DVBC_SERIAL,						// for RTD2885 QAM, RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	// Monitor
+	QAM_KI_TR_OUT_30_15,
+	QAM_KI_TR_OUT_14_0,
+	QAM_KI_CR_OUT_15_0,
+	QAM_KI_CR_OUT_31_16,
+	// Specific register
+	QAM_SPEC_INIT_A0,						// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_SPEC_INIT_A1,						// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_SPEC_INIT_A2,						// for RTL2840 only
+	QAM_SPEC_INIT_B0,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	QAM_SPEC_INIT_C1,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	QAM_SPEC_INIT_C2,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	QAM_SPEC_INIT_C3,						// for RTL2820 OpenCable only
+	// GPIO
+	QAM_OPT_GPIOA_OE,						// for RTL2836B DVB-C only
+	// Pseudo register for test only
+	// Item terminator
+/// Monitor register bit name
+	// Generality
+	// Specific monitor register
+	// Item terminator
+// Register table length definitions
+/// QAM demod module pre-definition
+@brief   QAM demod register page setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() to set demod register page.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   PageNo   Page number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set register page successfully with page number.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set register page unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register page with page number 2.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 2);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod register byte setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES() to set demod register bytes.
+@param [in]   pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [in]   pWritingBytes   Pointer to writing bytes
+@param [in]   ByteNum         Writing byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bytes successfully with writing bytes.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bytes unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BYTES().
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[10];
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bytes (page 1, address 0x17 ~ 0x1b) with 5 writing bytes.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegBytes(pDemod, 0x17, WritingBytes, 5);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod register byte getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES() to get demod register bytes.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [out]   pReadingBytes   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading bytes
+@param [in]    ByteNum         Reading byte number
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bytes successfully with reading byte number.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bytes unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BYTES().
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[10];
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bytes (page 1, address 0x17 ~ 0x1b) with reading byte number 5.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegBytes(pDemod, 0x17, ReadingBytes, 5);
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod register mask bits setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() to set demod register mask bits.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegStartAddr   Demod register start address
+@param [in]   Msb            Mask MSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]   Lsb            Mask LSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register mask bits successfully with writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register mask bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS().
+	-# The constraints of QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS() function usage are described as follows:
+		-# The mask MSB and LSB must be 0~31.
+		-# The mask MSB must be greater than or equal to LSB.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits (page 1, address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5]) with writing value 0x1d.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x17, 12, 5, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod register mask bits getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() to get demod register mask bits.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegStartAddr    Demod register start address
+@param [in]    Msb             Mask MSB with 0-based index
+@param [in]    Lsb             Mask LSB with 0-based index
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register mask bits successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register mask bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page by QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_PAGE() before using QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS().
+	-# The constraints of QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_MASK_BITS() function usage are described as follows:
+		-# The mask MSB and LSB must be 0~31.
+		-# The mask MSB must be greater than or equal to LSB.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits (page 1, address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5]).
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegMaskBits(pDemod, 0x17, 12, 5, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod register bits setting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS() to set demod register bits with bit name.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegBitName     Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bits successfully with bit name and writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page before using QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME and writing value 0x1d.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->SetRegBits(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod register bits getting function pointer
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS() to get demod register bits with bit name.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegBitName      Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bits successfully with bit name.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Need to set register page before using QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, 1);
+	pDemod->GetRegBits(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod register bits setting function pointer (with page setting)
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() to set demod register bits with bit name and
+page setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   RegBitName     Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [in]   WritingValue   The mask bits writing value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod register bits successfully with bit name, page setting, and writing value.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Don't need to set register page before using QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Set demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME and writing value 0x1d.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, 0x1d);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Writing value = 0x1d = 0001 1101 b
+	// 
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod register bits getting function pointer (with page setting)
+Demod upper level functions will use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() to get demod register bits with bit name and
+page setting.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    RegBitName      Pre-defined demod register bit name
+@param [out]   pReadingValue   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing reading value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod register bits successfully with bit name and page setting.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod register bits unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE() with the corresponding function.
+	-# Don't need to set register page before using QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_REG_BITS_WITH_PAGE().
+	-# Register bit names are pre-defined keys for bit access, and one can find these in demod header file.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE DvbcDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long ReadingValue;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &DvbcDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Get demod register bits with bit name PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME.
+	// The corresponding information of PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME is address {0x18, 0x17} [12:5] on page 1.
+	pDemod->GetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, PSEUDO_REG_BIT_NAME, &ReadingValue);
+	// Result:
+	//
+	// Page 1
+	// Register address   0x18          0x17
+	// Register value     xxx0 0011 b   101x xxxx b
+	//
+	// Reading value = 0001 1101 b = 0x1d
+	...
+	return 0;
+typedef int
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+// Demod register access for 8-bit address
+typedef struct
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_ADDR_8BIT_SET_REG_PAGE             SetRegPage;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_ADDR_8BIT_SET_REG_BYTES            SetRegBytes;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_ADDR_8BIT_GET_REG_BYTES            GetRegBytes;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_ADDR_8BIT_SET_REG_BITS             SetRegBits;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_ADDR_8BIT_GET_REG_BITS             GetRegBits;
+// Demod register access for 16-bit address
+typedef struct
+@brief   QAM demod type getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEMOD_TYPE() to get QAM demod type.
+@param [in]    pDemod       The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDemodType   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod type
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEMOD_TYPE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pDemodType
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod I2C device address getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR() to get QAM demod I2C device address.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDeviceAddr   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod I2C device address
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod device address successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod device address unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod crystal frequency getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_CRYSTAL_FREQ_HZ() to get QAM demod crystal frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrystalFreqHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod crystal frequency in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod crystal frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod crystal frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_CRYSTAL_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod I2C bus connection asking function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_CONNECTED_TO_I2C() to ask QAM demod if it is connected to I2C bus.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_CONNECTED_TO_I2C() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod software resetting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET() to reset QAM demod by software reset.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset demod by software reset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset demod by software reset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod initializing function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE() to initialie QAM demod.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Initialize demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Initialize demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod QAM mode setting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_QAM_MODE() to set QAM demod QAM mode.
+@param [in]   pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   QamMode   QAM mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod QAM mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod QAM mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_QAM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+@see   QAM_QAM_MODE
+typedef int
+	int QamMode
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod symbol rate setting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_SYMBOL_RATE_HZ() to set QAM demod symbol rate in Hz.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   SymbolRateHz   Symbol rate in Hz for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod symbol rate successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod symbol rate unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_SYMBOL_RATE_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod alpha mode setting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_ALPHA_MODE() to set QAM demod alpha mode.
+@param [in]   pDemod      The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   AlphaMode   Alpha mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod alpha mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod alpha mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_ALPHA_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int AlphaMode
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod IF frequency setting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ() to set QAM demod IF frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]   pDemod     The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   IfFreqHz   IF frequency in Hz for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod IF frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod IF frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+@see   IF_FREQ_HZ
+typedef int
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod spectrum mode setting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_SPECTRUM_MODE() to set QAM demod spectrum mode.
+@param [in]   pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [in]   SpectrumMode   Spectrum mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set demod spectrum mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set demod spectrum mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_SPECTRUM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int SpectrumMode
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod QAM mode getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_QAM_MODE() to get QAM demod QAM mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod     The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pQamMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod QAM mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod QAM mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod QAM mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_QAM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+@see   QAM_QAM_MODE
+typedef int
+	int *pQamMode
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod symbol rate getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SYMBOL_RATE_HZ() to get QAM demod symbol rate in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSymbolRateHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod symbol rate in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod symbol rate successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod symbol rate unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SYMBOL_RATE_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSymbolRateHz
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod alpha mode getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_ALPHA_MODE() to get QAM demod alpha mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod       The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAlphaMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod alpha mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod alpha mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod alpha mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_ALPHA_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAlphaMode
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod IF frequency getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ() to get QAM demod IF frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod      The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pIfFreqHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod IF frequency in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod IF frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod IF frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+@see   IF_FREQ_HZ
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod spectrum mode getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SPECTRUM_MODE() to get QAM demod spectrum mode.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSpectrumMode   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod spectrum mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod spectrum mode successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod spectrum mode unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SPECTRUM_MODE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod RF AGC getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC() to get QAM demod RF AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pRfAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing RF AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod RF AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod RF AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of RF AGC value is (-pow(2, 10)) ~ (pow(2, 10) - 1).
+typedef int
+	long *pRfAgc
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod IF AGC getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC() to get QAM demod IF AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pIfAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing IF AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod IF AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod IF AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of IF AGC value is (-pow(2, 10)) ~ (pow(2, 10) - 1).
+typedef int
+	long *pIfAgc
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod digital AGC getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC() to get QAM demod digital AGC value.
+@param [in]    pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pDiAgc   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing digital AGC value
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod digital AGC value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod digital AGC value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The range of digital AGC value is 0 ~ (pow(2, 27) - 1).
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pDiAgc
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod TR offset getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() to get TR offset in ppm.
+@param [in]    pDemod         The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pTrOffsetPpm   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing TR offset in ppm
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod TR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod TR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod CR offset getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() to get CR offset in Hz.
+@param [in]    pDemod        The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrOffsetHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing CR offset in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod CR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod CR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod AAGC lock asking function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_AAGC_LOCKED() to ask QAM demod if it is AAGC-locked.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform AAGC lock asking to demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform AAGC lock asking to demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_AAGC_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod EQ lock asking function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_EQ_LOCKED() to ask QAM demod if it is EQ-locked.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform EQ lock asking to demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform EQ lock asking to demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_EQ_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod frame lock asking function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_FRAME_LOCKED() to ask QAM demod if it is frame-locked.
+@param [in]    pDemod    The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform frame lock asking to demod successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform frame lock asking to demod unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_FRAME_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod error rate value getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_ERROR_RATE() to get error rate value.
+@param [in]    pDemod          The demod module pointer
+@param [in]    TestVolume      Test volume for setting
+@param [in]    WaitTimeMsMax   Maximum waiting time in ms
+@param [out]   pBerNum         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER numerator
+@param [out]   pBerDen         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER denominator
+@param [out]   pPerNum         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing PER numerator
+@param [out]   pPerDen         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing PER denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod error rate value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod error rate value unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_ERROR_RATE() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The error test packet number is pow(2, (2 * TestVolume + 4)).
+typedef int
+	unsigned long TestVolume,
+	unsigned int WaitTimeMsMax,
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen,
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod SNR getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB() to get SNR in dB.
+@param [in]    pDemod      The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSnrDbNum   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB numerator
+@param [out]   pSnrDbDen   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod SNR successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod SNR unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod signal strength getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() to get signal strength.
+@param [in]    pDemod            The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalStrength   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal strength (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod signal strength successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod signal strength unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod signal quality getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() to get signal quality.
+@param [in]    pDemod           The demod module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalQuality   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal quality (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get demod signal quality successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get demod signal quality unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod updating function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() to update demod register setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update demod setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update demod setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE QamDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &QamDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Execute ResetFunction() before demod software reset.
+	pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod);
+	// Reset demod by software.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod);
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   QAM demod reseting function pointer
+One can use QAM_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION() to reset demod register setting.
+@param [in]   pDemod   The demod module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Reset demod setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Reset demod setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# Demod building function will set QAM_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_pseudo.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE QamDemodModuleMemory;
+	PSEUDO_EXTRA_MODULE PseudoExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build pseudo demod module.
+	BuildPseudoDemodModule(&pDemod, &QamDemodModuleMemory, &PseudoExtraModuleMemory);
+	...
+	// Execute ResetFunction() before demod software reset.
+	pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod);
+	// Reset demod by software.
+	pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod);
+typedef int
+	);
+/// RTD2885 QAM extra module
+// RTD2885 QAM extra module
+	// Variables
+	int ConfigMode;
+	unsigned char Func1TickNum;
+/// RTD2840B QAM extra module
+// RTD2840B QAM extra module
+	// Variables
+	int ConfigMode;
+	unsigned char Func1TickNum;
+/// RTD2932 QAM extra module alias
+// RTD2932 QAM extra module
+	// Variables
+	int ConfigMode;
+	unsigned char Func1TickNum;
+/// RTL2820 OpenCable extra module alias
+// RTL2820 OpenCable extra module
+	// Variables
+	unsigned char Func1TickNum;
+/// RTD2648 QAM extra module alias
+// RTD2648 QAM extra module
+	// Variables
+	int ConfigMode;
+/// QAM demod module structure
+	unsigned long CurrentPageNo;
+	// Private variables
+	int           DemodType;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int           TsInterfaceMode;
+	int           QamMode;
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz;
+	int           AlphaMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int           SpectrumMode;
+	int IsQamModeSet;
+	int IsSymbolRateHzSet;
+	int IsAlphaModeSet;
+	int IsIfFreqHzSet;
+	int IsSpectrumModeSet;
+	union											///<   Demod extra module used by driving module
+	{
+		RTD2885_QAM_EXTRA_MODULE  Rtd2885Qam;
+		RTD2840B_QAM_EXTRA_MODULE Rtd2840bQam;
+		RTD2932_QAM_EXTRA_MODULE  Rtd2932Qam;
+		RTL2820_OC_EXTRA_MODULE   Rtl2820Oc;
+		RTD2648_QAM_EXTRA_MODULE  Rtd2648Qam;
+	}
+	Extra;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	// Register tables
+	union
+	{
+	}
+	BaseRegTable;
+	union
+	{
+	}
+	MonitorRegTable;
+	// Demod I2C function pointers
+	union
+	{
+	}
+	RegAccess;
+	// Demod manipulating function pointers
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_DEMOD_TYPE        GetDemodType;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_SOFTWARE_RESET        SoftwareReset;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_INITIALIZE            Initialize;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_QAM_MODE          SetQamMode;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_SET_ALPHA_MODE        SetAlphaMode;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_QAM_MODE          GetQamMode;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_ALPHA_MODE        GetAlphaMode;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_RF_AGC            GetRfAgc;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_IF_AGC            GetIfAgc;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_DI_AGC            GetDiAgc;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_AAGC_LOCKED        IsAagcLocked;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_IS_EQ_LOCKED          IsEqLocked;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_ERROR_RATE        GetErrorRate;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_GET_SNR_DB            GetSnrDb;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION       UpdateFunction;
+	QAM_DEMOD_FP_RESET_FUNCTION        ResetFunction;
+// QAM demod default I2C functions for 8-bit address
+	unsigned long PageNo
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+// QAM demod default I2C functions for 16-bit address
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	unsigned short RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	const unsigned long WritingValue
+	);
+	int RegBitName,
+	unsigned long *pReadingValue
+	);
+// QAM demod default manipulating functions
+	int *pDemodType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	unsigned long *pCrystalFreqHz
+	);
+	int *pQamMode
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSymbolRateHz
+	);
+	int *pAlphaMode
+	);
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+	int *pSpectrumMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_nim_base.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_nim_base.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_nim_base.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_nim_base.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.116066048 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+@brief   QAM NIM base module definition
+QAM NIM base module definitions contains NIM module structure, NIM funciton pointers, NIM definitions, and NIM default
+#include "qam_nim_base.h"
+	int *pNimType
+	)
+	// Get NIM type from NIM module.
+	*pNimType = pNim->NimType;
+	return;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int QamMode,
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz,
+	int AlphaMode
+	)
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->SetRfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod QAM mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetQamMode(pDemod, QamMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod symbol rate in Hz.
+	if(pDemod->SetSymbolRateHz(pDemod, SymbolRateHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set demod alpha mode.
+	if(pDemod->SetAlphaMode(pDemod, AlphaMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->ResetFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Reset demod by software reset.
+	if(pDemod->SoftwareReset(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz,
+	int *pQamMode,
+	unsigned long *pSymbolRateHz,
+	int *pAlphaMode
+	)
+	// Get tuner module and demod module.
+	pTuner = pNim->pTuner;
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	if(pTuner->GetRfFreqHz(pTuner, pRfFreqHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get demod QAM mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetQamMode(pDemod, pQamMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get demod symbol rate in Hz.
+	if(pDemod->GetSymbolRateHz(pDemod, pSymbolRateHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Get demod alpha mode.
+	if(pDemod->GetAlphaMode(pDemod, pAlphaMode) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	int i;
+	// Get base interface and demod module.
+	pBaseInterface = pNim->pBaseInterface;
+	pDemod         = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Wait maximum 1000 ms for signal present check.
+	{
+		// Wait 20 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 20);
+		// Check signal present status on demod.
+		// Note: If frame is locked, stop signal present check.
+		if(pDemod->IsFrameLocked(pDemod, pAnswer) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		if(*pAnswer == YES)
+			break;
+	}
+	int *pAnswer
+	)
+	int i;
+	// Get base interface and demod module.
+	pBaseInterface = pNim->pBaseInterface;
+	pDemod         = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Wait maximum 1000 ms for signal lock check.
+	{
+		// Wait 20 ms.
+		pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, 20);
+		// Check frame lock status on demod.
+		// Note: If frame is locked, stop signal lock check.
+		if(pDemod->IsFrameLocked(pDemod, pAnswer) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_execute_function;
+		if(*pAnswer == YES)
+			break;
+	}
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get signal strength from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSignalStrength(pDemod, pSignalStrength) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get signal quality from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSignalQuality(pDemod, pSignalQuality) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long TestVolume,
+	unsigned int WaitTimeMsMax,
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen,
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get error rate from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetErrorRate(pDemod, TestVolume, WaitTimeMsMax, pBerNum, pBerDen, pPerNum, pPerDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get SNR in dB from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetSnrDb(pDemod, pSnrDbNum, pSnrDbDen) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get TR offset in ppm from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetTrOffsetPpm(pDemod, pTrOffsetPpm) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Get CR offset in Hz from demod.
+	if(pDemod->GetCrOffsetHz(pDemod, pCrOffsetHz) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	)
+	// Get demod module.
+	pDemod = pNim->pDemod;
+	// Update demod particular registers.
+	if(pDemod->UpdateFunction(pDemod) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_nim_base.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_nim_base.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_nim_base.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/qam_nim_base.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.116066048 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+#ifndef __QAM_NIM_BASE_H
+#define __QAM_NIM_BASE_H
+@brief   QAM NIM base module definition
+QAM NIM base module definitions contains NIM module structure, NIM funciton pointers, NIM definitions, and NIM default
+@par Example:
+#include "nim_demodx_tunery.h"
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C reading format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C writing format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	// Wait WaitTimeMs milliseconds.
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE QamNimModuleMemory;
+	DEMODX_EXTRA_MODULE DemodxExtraModuleMemory;
+	TUNERY_EXTRA_MODULE TuneryExtraModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz;
+	int QamMode;
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz;
+	int AlphaMode;
+	int Answer;
+	unsigned long SignalStrength, SignalQuality;
+	unsigned long BerNum, BerDen, PerNum, PerDen;
+	double Ber, Per;
+	unsigned long SnrDbNum, SnrDbDen;
+	double SnrDb;
+	long TrOffsetPpm, CrOffsetHz;
+	// Build Demod-X Tuner-Y NIM module.
+	BuildDemodxTuneryModule(
+		&pNim,
+		&QamNimModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+		8,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		&DemodxExtraModuleMemory,		// Employ Demod-X extra module.
+		0x44,							// The Demod-X I2C device address is 0x44 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The Demod-X crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+		TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,			// The Demod-X TS interface mode is serial.
+		...								// Other arguments for Demod-X
+		&TunerxExtraModuleMemory,		// Employ Tuner-Y extra module.
+		0xc0,							// The Tuner-Y I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		...								// Other arguments for Tuner-Y
+		);
+	// Get NIM type.
+	// Note: NIM types are defined in the MODULE_TYPE enumeration.
+	pNim->GetNimType(pNim, &NimType);
+	// ==== Initialize NIM and set its parameters =====
+	// Initialize NIM.
+	pNim->Initialize(pNim);
+	// Set NIM parameters. (RF frequency, QAM mode, symbol rate, alpha mode)
+	// Note: In the example:
+	//       1. RF frequency is 738 MHz.
+	//       2. QAM is 64.
+	//       3. Symbol rate is 6.952 MHz.
+	//       4. Alpha is 0.15.
+	RfFreqHz     = 738000000;
+	QamMode      = QAM_QAM_64;
+	SymbolRateHz = 6952000;
+	AlphaMode    = QAM_ALPHA_0P15;
+	pNim->SetParameters(pNim, RfFreqHz, QamMode, SymbolRateHz, AlphaMode);
+	// Wait 1 second for demod convergence.
+	// ==== Get NIM information =====
+	// Get NIM parameters. (RF frequency, QAM mode, symbol rate, alpha mode)
+	pNim->GetParameters(pNim, &RfFreqHz, &QamMode, &SymbolRateHz, &AlphaMode);
+	// Get signal present status.
+	// Note: 1. The argument Answer is YES when the NIM module has found QAM signal in the RF channel.
+	//       2. The argument Answer is NO when the NIM module does not find QAM signal in the RF channel.
+	// Recommendation: Use the IsSignalPresent() function for channel scan.
+	pNim->IsSignalPresent(pNim, &Answer);
+	// Get signal lock status.
+	// Note: 1. The argument Answer is YES when the NIM module has locked QAM signal in the RF channel.
+	//          At the same time, the NIM module sends TS packets through TS interface hardware pins.
+	//       2. The argument Answer is NO when the NIM module does not lock QAM signal in the RF channel.
+	// Recommendation: Use the IsSignalLocked() function for signal lock check.
+	pNim->IsSignalLocked(pNim, &Answer);
+	// Get signal strength.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalStrength is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalStrength value to UI signal strength bar manually.
+	pNim->GetSignalStrength(pNim, &SignalStrength);
+	// Get signal quality.
+	// Note: 1. The range of SignalQuality is 0~100.
+	//       2. Need to map SignalQuality value to UI signal quality bar manually.
+	pNim->GetSignalQuality(pNim, &SignalQuality);
+	// Get BER and PER.
+	// Note: Test packet number = pow(2, (2 * 4 + 4)) = 4096
+	//       Maximum wait time  = 1000 ms = 1 second
+	pNim->GetErrorRate(pNim, 4, 1000, &BerNum, &BerDen, &PerNum, &PerDen);
+	Ber = (double)BerNum / (double)BerDen;
+	Per = (double)PerNum / (double)PerDen;
+	// Get SNR in dB.
+	pNim->GetSnrDb(pNim, &SnrDbNum, &SnrDbDen);
+	SnrDb = (double)SnrDbNum / (double)SnrDbDen;
+	// Get TR offset (symbol timing offset) in ppm.
+	pNim->GetTrOffsetPpm(pNim, &TrOffsetPpm);
+	// Get CR offset (RF frequency offset) in Hz.
+	pNim->GetCrOffsetHz(pNim, &CrOffsetHz);
+	return 0;
+#include "foundation.h"
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+#include "qam_demod_base.h"
+// Definitions
+/// QAM NIM module pre-definition
+@brief   QAM demod type getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE() to get QAM NIM type.
+@param [in]    pNim       The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pNimType   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM type
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	int *pNimType
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM initializing function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE() to initialie QAM NIM.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Initialize NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Initialize NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM parameter setting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS() to set QAM NIM parameters.
+@param [in]   pNim           The NIM module pointer
+@param [in]   RfFreqHz       RF frequency in Hz for setting
+@param [in]   QamMode        QAM mode for setting
+@param [in]   SymbolRateHz   Symbol rate in Hz for setting
+@param [in]   AlphaMode      Alpha mode for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set NIM parameters successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set NIM parameters unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int QamMode,
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz,
+	int AlphaMode
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM parameter getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS() to get QAM NIM parameters.
+@param [in]    pNim            The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pRfFreqHz       Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM RF frequency in Hz
+@param [out]   pQamMode        Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM QAM mode
+@param [out]   pSymbolRateHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM symbol rate in Hz
+@param [out]   pAlphaMode      Pointer to an allocated memory for storing NIM alpha mode
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM parameters successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM parameters unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz,
+	int *pQamMode,
+	unsigned long *pSymbolRateHz,
+	int *pAlphaMode
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM signal present asking function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_PRESENT() to ask QAM NIM if signal is present.
+@param [in]    pNim      The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform signal present asking to NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform signal present asking to NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_PRESENT() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM signal lock asking function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() to ask QAM NIM if signal is locked.
+@param [in]    pNim      The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pAnswer   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing answer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Perform signal lock asking to NIM successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Perform signal lock asking to NIM unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM signal strength getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() to get signal strength.
+@param [in]    pNim              The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalStrength   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal strength (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM signal strength successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM signal strength unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM signal quality getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() to get signal quality.
+@param [in]    pNim             The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSignalQuality   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing signal quality (value = 0 ~ 100)
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM signal quality successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM signal quality unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_GET_SIGNAL_QUALITY() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM error rate value getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_GET_ERROR_RATE() to get error rate value.
+@param [in]    pNim            The NIM module pointer
+@param [in]    TestVolume      Test volume for setting
+@param [in]    WaitTimeMsMax   Maximum waiting time in ms
+@param [out]   pBerNum         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER numerator
+@param [out]   pBerDen         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing BER denominator
+@param [out]   pPerNum         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing PER numerator
+@param [out]   pPerDen         Pointer to an allocated memory for storing PER denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM error rate value successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM error rate value unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_GET_ERROR_RATE() with the corresponding function.
+	-# The error test packet number is pow(2, (2 * TestVolume + 4)).
+typedef int
+	unsigned long TestVolume,
+	unsigned int WaitTimeMsMax,
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen,
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM SNR getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB() to get SNR in dB.
+@param [in]    pNim        The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pSnrDbNum   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB numerator
+@param [out]   pSnrDbDen   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing SNR dB denominator
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM SNR successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM SNR unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM TR offset getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() to get TR offset in ppm.
+@param [in]    pNim           The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pTrOffsetPpm   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing TR offset in ppm
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM TR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM TR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_GET_TR_OFFSET_PPM() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM CR offset getting function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() to get CR offset in Hz.
+@param [in]    pNim          The NIM module pointer
+@param [out]   pCrOffsetHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing CR offset in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get NIM CR offset successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get NIM CR offset unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_GET_CR_OFFSET_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+@brief   QAM NIM updating function pointer
+One can use QAM_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() to update NIM register setting.
+@param [in]   pNim   The NIM module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Update NIM setting successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Update NIM setting unsuccessfully.
+	-# NIM building function will set QAM_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION() with the corresponding function.
+@par Example:
+#include "nim_demodx_tunery.h"
+int main(void)
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE QamNimModuleMemory;
+	DEMODX_EXTRA_MODULE DemodxExtraModuleMemory;
+	TUNERY_EXTRA_MODULE TuneryExtraModuleMemory;
+	// Build Demod-X Tuner-Y NIM module.
+	BuildDemodxTuneryModule(
+		...
+		);
+	...
+	return 0;
+void PeriodicallyExecutingFunction
+	// Executing UpdateFunction() periodically.
+	pNim->UpdateFunction(pNim);
+typedef int
+	);
+// RTL2840 MT2062 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2840_MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2840_MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2840_MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+// RTL2840 MT2063 extra module
+typedef struct RTL2840_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTL2840_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE;
+struct RTL2840_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+// RTD2840B QAM MT2062 extra module
+typedef struct RTD2840B_QAM_MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RTD2840B_QAM_MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+// RTL2836B DVBC FC0013B extra module
+	// Extra variables
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTimeMax;
+	unsigned long LnaUpdateWaitTime;
+	unsigned long RssiRCalOn;
+/// QAM NIM module structure
+	// Private variables
+	int NimType;
+	int EnhancementMode;
+	int ConfigMode;
+	union														///<   NIM extra module used by driving module
+	{
+		RTL2840_MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2840Mt2062;
+		RTL2840_MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE Rtl2840Mt2063;
+		RTD2840B_QAM_MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE  Rtd2840bQamMt2062;
+		RTL2836B_DVBC_FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE  Rtl2836bDvbcFc0013b;
+	}
+	Extra;
+	// Modules
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterface;						///<   Base interface module pointer
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;			///<   Base interface module memory
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;								///<   I2C bridge module pointer
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE I2cBridgeModuleMemory;					///<   I2C bridge module memory
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTuner;										///<   Tuner module pointer
+	TUNER_MODULE TunerModuleMemory;								///<   Tuner module memory
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE *pDemod;									///<   QAM demod module pointer
+	QAM_DEMOD_MODULE QamDemodModuleMemory;						///<   QAM demod module memory
+	// NIM manipulating functions
+	QAM_NIM_FP_GET_NIM_TYPE          GetNimType;
+	QAM_NIM_FP_INITIALIZE            Initialize;
+	QAM_NIM_FP_SET_PARAMETERS        SetParameters;
+	QAM_NIM_FP_GET_PARAMETERS        GetParameters;
+	QAM_NIM_FP_IS_SIGNAL_LOCKED      IsSignalLocked;
+	QAM_NIM_FP_GET_ERROR_RATE        GetErrorRate;
+	QAM_NIM_FP_GET_SNR_DB            GetSnrDb;
+	QAM_NIM_FP_UPDATE_FUNCTION       UpdateFunction;
+// QAM NIM default manipulaing functions
+	int *pNimType
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz,
+	int QamMode,
+	unsigned long SymbolRateHz,
+	int AlphaMode
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz,
+	int *pQamMode,
+	unsigned long *pSymbolRateHz,
+	int *pAlphaMode
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	int *pAnswer
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalStrength
+	);
+	unsigned long *pSignalQuality
+	);
+	unsigned long TestVolume,
+	unsigned int WaitTimeMsMax,
+	unsigned long *pBerNum,
+	unsigned long *pBerDen,
+	unsigned long *pPerNum,
+	unsigned long *pPerDen
+	);
+	long *pSnrDbNum,
+	long *pSnrDbDen
+	);
+	long *pTrOffsetPpm
+	);
+	long *pCrOffsetHz
+	);
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_audio.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_audio.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_audio.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_audio.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.120066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,926 @@
+#include "rtl2832u_audio.h"
+//#include "rtl2832u_ioctl.h"
+#define RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(page, offset, length, data) \
+	((write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, page, offset, data, length)) ? 0 : 1 )
+#define RTK_Demod_Byte_Read(page, offset, length, data) \
+	((read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, page, offset, data, length)) ? 0 : 1 )
+int Set1(struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	unsigned char data[1];
+	unsigned short	length = 1;
+	int hr = 1;
+	data[0] = 202;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x1C, length, data);
+	data[0] = 220;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x1D, length, data);
+	data[0] = 215;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x1E, length, data);
+	data[0] = 216;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x1F, length, data);
+	data[0] = 224;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x20, length, data);
+	data[0] = 242;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x21, length, data);
+	data[0] = 14;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x22, length, data);
+	data[0] = 53;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x23, length, data);
+	data[0] = 6;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x24, length, data);
+	data[0] = 80;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x25, length, data);
+	data[0] = 156;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x26, length, data);
+	data[0] = 13;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x27, length, data);
+	data[0] = 113;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x28, length, data);
+	data[0] = 17;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x29, length, data);
+	data[0] = 20;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2A, length, data);
+	data[0] = 113;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2B, length, data);
+	data[0] = 116;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2C, length, data);
+	data[0] = 25;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2D, length, data);
+	data[0] = 65;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2E, length, data);
+	data[0] = 165;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2F, length, data);
+	return hr;	
+int Set2(struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	UCHAR FM_coe2[6] = {-1, 1, 6, 13, 22, 27}; 	
+	unsigned char data[1];
+    	unsigned short addr = 0x1F;
+	int i;
+	BOOL rst = 1;
+	for(i=0; i<6; i++)
+	{
+		data[0] = FM_coe2[i];
+		rst &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, addr, 1, data);
+		addr--;
+	}
+	return rst;
+ int RTL2832_SWReset(struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	unsigned char data[1];
+	int hr = 1;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Read(1, 0x01, 1, data);
+	data[0] = data[0] | 0x04;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x01, 1, data);
+	data[0] = data[0] & 0xFB;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x01, 1, data);
+	return hr; 
+ int RTL2832_SWReset_2(struct rtl2832_state* p_state)
+	unsigned char data[1];
+	unsigned char tmp;
+	int hr = 1;
+	// disable
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Read(0, 0x19, 1, data);
+	data[0] = data[0] & 0xFE;
+	tmp = data[0];
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x19, 1, data);
+	// sw reset
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Read(1, 0x01, 1, data);
+	data[0] = data[0] | 0x04;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x01, 1, data);
+	data[0] = data[0] & 0xFB;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x01, 1, data);
+	//enable
+	tmp = tmp | 0x1;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x19, 1, &tmp);
+	return hr; 
+int Initial_2832_fm(struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	unsigned char data[4];
+	unsigned short length;
+	int hr = 1;
+ 	length = 2;
+	data[0] = 0x00;
+	data[1] = 0x00;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x3E, length, data);
+    	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x00;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x15, length, data);
+	length = 3;
+	data[0] = 0x00;
+	data[1] = 0x00;
+	data[2] = 0x00;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x16, length, data);
+	if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+	{
+		data[0] = 0x35;
+		data[1] = 0xD8;
+		data[2] = 0x2E;
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, 3, data);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)
+	{
+        	data[0] = 0x00;
+		data[1] = 0x00;
+		data[2] = 0x00;	
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, 3, data);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)
+	{
+		data[0] = 0x00;
+		data[1] = 0x00;
+		data[2] = 0x00;	
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, 3, data);
+	}
+   	length = 4;
+	data[0] = 0x03;
+	data[1] = 0x84;
+	data[2] = 0x00;
+	data[3] = 0x00;
+    	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x9F, length, data);
+    	hr &= Set1(p_state);
+ 	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x11;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x17, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x10;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x18, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x21;
+   	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x19, length, data);
+ 	hr &= Set2(p_state);
+      length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x00;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x92, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0xF0;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x93, length, data);
+   	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x0F;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x94, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x60;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x61, length, data);//output of PID filter
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x80;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x06, length, data);
+	if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012  || p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)
+	{
+		data[0] = 0xCD;
+    		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x08, 1, data);
+		data[0] = 0x1;
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0xB1, 1, data);
+	}
+     	hr &= RTL2832_SWReset(p_state);
+ 	if(!hr)
+	{
+		deb_info("FM Func: Initial 2832 register failed\n");
+	}
+	if(hr != 1)
+		return  -1;
+	return 0;
+int Initial_2832_dab(struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	unsigned char data[4];
+	unsigned short length;	
+	BOOL hr = 1;
+	if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)
+	{
+		length = 1;
+		data[0] = 0xCD;//enable ADC_I, ADC_Q for zero-IF
+		//data[0] = 0x8D;//enable ADC_I 
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x08, length, data);
+		//bit 0, enable en_bbin
+		//bit 2,1  DC offset
+		//bit 4,3  IQ mismatch
+		length = 1;
+		data[0] = 0x1F;//ZeroIF //?? data[0] = 0x1E;
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0xB1, length, data);
+	}
+	//----------------------------------------------
+	//set each time change 
+	//en_sfreq_sync = 0   page 1, 0x3E, bit6
+	//pset_sfreq_off default = 0  page 1, 0x{3E, 3F}
+	length = 2;
+	data[0] = 0x00;
+	data[1] = 0x00;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x3E, length, data);
+	//-----------------------------------------------
+	//spec_inv = 0; en_aci = 0; en_cfreq_sync = 0
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x00;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x15, length, data);
+	//pset_cfreq_off = 0    Pre-set value of carrier frequency offset. 
+	length = 3;
+	data[0] = 0x00;
+	data[1] = 0x00;
+	data[2] = 0x00;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x16, length, data);
+	//---- DDC Setting ------
+	//pset_iffreq   IF frequency //36.125M  0x2F; 0xB8; 0xE4;
+	if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+	{//IF 4.57M
+		length = 3;
+		data[0] = 0x35;
+		data[1] = 0xD8;
+		data[2] = 0x2E;
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, length, data);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)
+	{//ZERO IF
+		length = 3;
+		data[0] = 0x00;
+		data[1] = 0x00;
+		data[2] = 0x00;
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, length, data);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type ==  RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)
+	{//FC0012_TUNER is zero IF, but can set tunner to other frequency to avoid DC cancellation, frequency noise...
+		//length = 3;
+		//data[0] = 0x00;
+		//data[1] = 0x00;
+		//data[2] = 0x00;
+		//hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, length, data);
+		// Set pset_iffreg of 2832
+		length = 3;
+		data[0] = 0x00;
+		data[1] = 0x00;
+		data[2] = 0x00;
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, length, data);
+	}
+	//20110413 add by alan
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type ==  RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013)
+	{//FC0013_TUNER is zero IF, but can set tunner to other frequency to avoid DC cancellation, frequency noise...
+		//length = 3;
+		//data[0] = 0x00;
+		//data[1] = 0x00;
+		//data[2] = 0x00;
+		//hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, length, data);
+		// Set pset_iffreg of 2832
+		length = 3;
+		data[0] = 0x00;
+		data[1] = 0x00;
+		data[2] = 0x00;
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x19, length, data);
+	}
+	//end	
+	//------ Resampler Setting -------
+	//resample ratio 28.8M --> 8.192M
+	length = 4;
+	data[0] = 0x03;
+	data[1] = 0x84;
+	data[2] = 0x00;
+	data[3] = 0x00;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x9F, length, data);
+ 	//------- DDC LPF coe -------------
+	// used in OpenDevice? more possible setFreq  
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 202;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x1C, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 220;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x1D, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 215;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x1E, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 216;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x1F, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 224;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x20, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 242;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x21, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 14;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x22, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 53;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x23, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 6;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x24, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 80;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x25, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 156;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x26, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 13;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x27, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 113;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x28, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 17;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x29, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 20;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2A, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 113;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2B, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 116;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2C, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 25;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2D, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 65;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2E, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 165;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x2F, length, data);
+	//-------- DAB Setting ---------
+	//dab dagc_target;     (S,8,7f) when dagc on 
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x11;//default: 0x13
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x17, length, data);
+	//dagc_gain_set;  (S,8,1f) when dagc off
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x10;//default: 0x10
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x18, length, data);
+	//0x19 [0]   0x01    1 for dab_enable;     0 for soft reset or module disable;       
+	//0x19 [2:1] 0x02    mode  10 for DAB , 00 for FM , 01/11 for pattern
+ 	//0x19 [4:3] 0x00    dagc_loop_gain; 0~3 for 2^-10 ~ 2^-7:                     
+	//0x19 [5]   0x01    dagc_on;        0 for off , 1 for on                    
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x25;//0x25;//0x27;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x19, length, data);
+	//-------------------------------
+	//------- hold stage ------------
+	// stage 11 is possible
+	// hold stage 4 now !
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x00;//0x7F;//
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x92, length, data);
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0xF0;//0xF7;//
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x93, length, data);
+ 	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x0F;//0xFF;//
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x94, length, data);
+	//----------------------------------
+	// DAB input from PIP ?
+	length = 1;
+	data[0] = 0x60;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x61, length, data);//output of PID filter
+	//if(currentTunner == MT2266_TUNER || currentTunner == FC2580_TUNER || currentTunner == TUA9001_TUNER || currentTunner == FC0012_TUNER)
+	{//???
+		length = 1;
+		data[0] = 0x40;//08.03.10
+		hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x20, length, data);
+	}
+	length = 1;
+	//if(p_state->tuner_type == TUA9001_TUNER)// pay attention: for infineon tunner, exchange I and Q
+	//{
+	//	data[0] = 0x90;
+	//}
+	//else
+	{	
+		data[0] = 0x80;
+	}
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(0, 0x06, length, data);
+	//end
+	//---- software reset -----
+	//page 1, 0x01, bit 2, first 1 then zero
+	length = 1;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Read(1, 0x01, length, data);
+	data[0] = data[0] | 0x04;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x01, length, data);
+	data[0] = data[0] & 0xFB;
+	hr &= RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x01, length, data);
+	if(!hr)
+	{
+		deb_info("DAB DLL: initial 2832 register fail\n");
+	}
+	if(hr != 1)
+		return  -1;
+	return 0;
+int switch_mode(struct rtl2832_state* p_state, int audio_mdoe)
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	if(p_state->tuner_type != RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012 && 
+				p_state->tuner_type != RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T &&
+				p_state->tuner_type != RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000 &&
+				p_state->tuner_type != RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013)
+	{
+		deb_info("Illegal tuner type\n");
+		goto error;
+	}
+	deb_info("+switch_mode\n");
+	if(p_state->demod_support_type & SUPPORT_DVBT_MODE)
+	{
+		// if current state is 2832
+		if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+		{
+	      		// Demod  H/W Reset
+           		if(rtl2832_hw_reset( p_state))
+					goto error;
+			if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)
+			{
+				if(rtl2832_fc0012_Initialize_fm(p_state->pNim))
+					goto error;
+			}
+			else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+			{
+				if(rtl2832_mxl5007t_Initialize_fm(p_state->pNim))
+					goto error;
+			}
+			else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)
+			{	
+				if(rtl2832_e4000_Initialize_fm(p_state->pNim))
+					goto error;
+			}
+			else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013)
+			{	
+				if(rtl2832_fc0013_Initialize_fm(p_state->pNim))
+					goto error;
+			}
+			switch(audio_mdoe)
+			{
+				case FM_MODE:
+					if (Initial_2832_fm(p_state)) 
+					{
+						deb_info("%s: fail to initial fm\n",__FUNCTION__);
+						goto error;
+					}
+					deb_info("%s: switch to fm.....\n",__FUNCTION__);	
+				break;
+				case DAB_MODE:
+					if (Initial_2832_dab(p_state)) 
+					{
+						deb_info("%s: fail to initial dab\n",__FUNCTION__);
+						goto error;
+					}
+					deb_info("%s: switch to dab.....\n",__FUNCTION__);	
+				break;	
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	deb_info("-switch_mode\n");
+       mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return -1;
+//3 Related to urb behavior
+struct usb_data_stream stream_cp;
+struct  fm_stream_ctrl_struct
+	u8  fm_stream_buf[24064];
+	int  fm_stream_index;
+struct fm_stream_ctrl_struct fm_struct;
+struct fm_stream_ctrl_struct* fm_stream;
+static void dvb_dmx_fm_filter(struct dvb_demux *demux, const u8 *buf, size_t count)
+       struct dvb_demux_feed *feed;
+	int p,i,j;
+	spin_lock(&demux->lock);
+       list_for_each_entry(feed, &demux->feed_list, list_head) {
+		if(feed->pid != 0x2000)
+			continue;
+	p = 0;
+	if (fm_stream->fm_stream_index) {
+		i = fm_stream->fm_stream_index;
+		j = 24064 - i;
+		if (count < j) {
+			memcpy(&fm_stream->fm_stream_buf[i], buf, count);
+			fm_stream->fm_stream_index += count; 
+			goto bailout;
+		}
+		memcpy(&fm_stream->fm_stream_buf[i], buf, j);
+		feed->cb.ts(fm_stream->fm_stream_buf, 24064, NULL, 0, &feed->feed.ts, DMX_OK);
+		fm_stream->fm_stream_index = 0;
+		p += j;
+	}
+	while (p < count) {
+		if (count - p >= 24064) {
+				feed->cb.ts(&buf[p], 24064, NULL, 0, &feed->feed.ts, DMX_OK);
+				p += 24064;
+		} else {
+				i = count - p;
+				memcpy(fm_stream->fm_stream_buf, &buf[p], i);
+				fm_stream->fm_stream_index = i;
+				goto bailout;
+		}
+	}
+	}
+	spin_unlock(&demux->lock);
+//3--> dvb_usb_data_complete
+static void fm_usb_data_complete(struct usb_data_stream *stream, u8 *buffer, size_t length)
+	struct dvb_usb_adapter *adap = stream->user_priv;
+	//deb_info("%s: length %d\n ", __func__, length);//debug
+	if (adap->feedcount > 0 && adap->state & DVB_USB_ADAP_STATE_DVB)
+		dvb_dmx_fm_filter(&adap->demux, buffer, length);
+void fm_stream_ctrl(int f,  struct dvb_usb_adapter*  adapter)
+	if(f)
+	{//store  usb_data_stream part
+		memcpy(&stream_cp, &adapter->fe_adap[0].stream, sizeof(struct usb_data_stream));
+		adapter->fe_adap[0].stream.complete = fm_usb_data_complete;
+	}
+	else
+	{//resume dvb-t usb_data_stream part
+		memcpy(&adapter->fe_adap[0].stream, &stream_cp, sizeof(struct usb_data_stream));
+	}
+void fm_stream_ctrl(int f,  struct dvb_usb_adapter*  adapter)
+	if(f)
+	{//store  usb_data_stream part
+		memcpy(&stream_cp, &adapter->stream, sizeof(struct usb_data_stream));
+		adapter->stream.complete = fm_usb_data_complete;
+	}
+	else
+	{//resume dvb-t usb_data_stream part
+		memcpy(&adapter->stream, &stream_cp, sizeof(struct usb_data_stream));
+	}
+int fe_fm_cmd_ctrl(struct dvb_frontend *fe, void *parg)
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	struct dvb_usb_adapter*  adapter = p_state->d->adapter;//ptr to adapter[0]
+	struct fm_cmd_struct*  fm_ctrl = (struct fm_cmd_struct*)parg;
+	int fm_cmd = fm_ctrl->cmd_num;
+	unsigned int tmp2;
+	unsigned char data[4];
+	int hr;
+	struct fm_cmd_struct  tmp_str;
+	unsigned int orgValue;
+	unsigned int psetValue;
+	deb_info("+fe_fm_cmd_ctrl\n");
+	switch(fm_cmd)
+	{
+		case FE_ENABLE_FM:
+			deb_info("FE_OPEN_FM\n");
+			if(p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode == RTK_AUDIO)
+			{
+				deb_info("It has been FM mode\n");
+				return 1;
+			}
+			//check whether it is legal, no dvb-t, no fm
+			//switch to fm mode
+			if(switch_mode(p_state, FM_MODE))
+				return -1;
+			//change usb_data_stream part
+			//fm_stream = vmalloc(sizeof(struct fm_stream_ctrl_struct));
+			fm_stream = &fm_struct;
+			fm_stream_ctrl(1, adapter);
+			p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode = RTK_AUDIO;//FM or DAB
+			tmp_str.tuner= p_state->tuner_type;//tuner type
+			memcpy(parg, &tmp_str, sizeof(struct fm_cmd_struct));//will be copy to user
+			return 1;//break;
+		case FE_ENABLE_DAB:
+			deb_info("FE_OPEN_DAB\n");
+			if(p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode == RTK_AUDIO)
+			{
+				deb_info("It has been DAB mode\n");
+				return 1;
+			}
+			//check whether it is legal, no dvb-t, no fm
+			//switch to fm mode
+			if(switch_mode(p_state, DAB_MODE))
+				return -1;
+			//change usb_data_stream part
+			//fm_stream = vmalloc(sizeof(struct fm_stream_ctrl_struct));
+			fm_stream = &fm_struct;
+			fm_stream_ctrl(1, adapter);
+			p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode = RTK_AUDIO;//FM or DAB
+			tmp_str.tuner= p_state->tuner_type;//tuner type
+			memcpy(parg, &tmp_str, sizeof(struct fm_cmd_struct));//will be copy to user
+			return 1;//break;
+		case FE_DISABLE_FM:
+			deb_info("FE_CLOSE_FM or DAB\n");
+			if(p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode != RTK_AUDIO)
+			{
+				deb_info("It is not start from FM or DAB mode\n");
+				return 1;
+			}
+			fm_stream_ctrl(0, adapter);
+			p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode = RTK_VIDEO;
+			return 1;//break;
+		case CR_D_:
+			deb_info("CR_d\n");
+			tmp2 = (fm_ctrl->cr)  & 0x3FFFFF;
+	    		data[0] = (tmp2>>16) & 0x3F;
+	    		data[1] = (tmp2>>8) & 0xFF;
+			data[2] = tmp2 & 0xFF;
+	    		hr = RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x16, 3, data);
+			if(!hr)
+				return -1;
+			hr = RTL2832_SWReset_2(p_state);
+			if(!hr)
+				return -1;
+			deb_info("CR_d done\n");
+			return 1;
+		case CR_A_:
+			deb_info("CR_a\n");
+			hr = RTK_Demod_Byte_Read(1, 0x16, 3, data);
+			if(!hr)
+			{
+				return -1;
+			}
+			tmp2 = (fm_ctrl->cr)  & 0x3FFFFF;
+			orgValue =  (((unsigned int)data[0]&0x3F)<<16) | (((unsigned int)data[1])<<8) | (unsigned short)data[2];
+			psetValue = tmp2 + orgValue; 
+			data[0] = (psetValue>>16) & 0x3F;
+			data[1] = (psetValue>>8) & 0xFF;
+			data[2] = psetValue & 0xFF;
+			hr = RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x16, 3, data);
+			if(!hr)
+				return -1;
+			hr = RTL2832_SWReset_2(p_state);
+			if(!hr)
+				return -1;	
+			deb_info("CR_a done\n");
+			return 1;
+		case TR_D:   
+			deb_info("TR_d \n");
+			tmp2 = (fm_ctrl->cr);
+			data[0] = (tmp2>>8) & 0x3F;
+			data[1] = tmp2 & 0xFF;
+			hr = RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x3E, 2, data);//0x3E 0x3F
+			if(!hr)
+				return -1;
+			//hr = RTL2832_SWReset(p_state);
+			//if(!hr)
+			//	return -1;
+			deb_info("TR_d done\n");
+			return 1;
+		case TR_A:    //increasing value
+			deb_info("TR_a\n");
+			hr = RTK_Demod_Byte_Read(1, 0x3E, 2, data);//0x3E, 0x3F
+			if(!hr)
+				return -1;
+			tmp2 = (fm_ctrl->cr);
+			orgValue =  (((unsigned int)data[0] & 0x3F) << 8) | (unsigned int)data[1];
+			psetValue = (tmp2 & 0x3FFF) + orgValue; 
+			data[0] = (psetValue>>8) & 0x3F;
+			data[1] = psetValue & 0xFF;
+			hr = RTK_Demod_Byte_Write(1, 0x3E, 2, data);//0x3E, 0x3F
+			if(!hr)
+				return -1;			
+			//hr = RTL2832_SWReset(p_state);
+			//if(!hr)
+			//	return -1;
+			deb_info("TR_a done\n");
+			return 1;
+		case SW_RESET:
+			hr = RTL2832_SWReset(p_state);
+			if(!hr)
+				return -1;
+			deb_info("RTL2832_SWReset\n");
+			return 1;
+		default:
+			return -1;			
+	}
+	return 0;		
+int rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override(struct dvb_frontend *fe,unsigned int cmd, void *parg, unsigned int stage)
+	//deb_info("rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override : cmd =%d\n", cmd);
+	int ret = 0;
+	if(stage == DVB_FE_IOCTL_PRE)
+	{
+		switch(cmd)
+		{
+			case FE_FM_CMD:
+				ret = fe_fm_cmd_ctrl(fe, parg);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	//else
+	//{
+	//deb_info("rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override : xxxxx\n");
+	//}	
+	return ret;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_audio.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_audio.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_audio.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_audio.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.120066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#ifndef __RTL2832U_AUDIO_H__
+#define __RTL2832U_AUDIO_H__
+#include "rtl2832u_fe.h"
+#include "rtl2832u_io.h"
+#include "dvbdev.h"
+#include "dvb_demux.h"
+#include "dvb-usb.h"
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3,0,0)) || (defined V4L2_VERSION)
+#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3,2,0)) || (defined V4L2_VERSION)
+#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3,7,0)) || (defined V4L2_VERSION)
+#define UCHAR  unsigned char
+struct fm_cmd_struct
+	int cmd_num;
+	int cr;
+	int tuner;	
+	int tr;
+#define FE_FM_CMD    _IOWR('o', 90,  struct fm_cmd_struct)
+	CR_D_,
+	CR_A_,
+	CR_S_,
+	TR_D,
+	TR_A,
+	FM_MODE = 0,
+int rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override(struct dvb_frontend *fe,unsigned int cmd, void *parg, unsigned int stage);
+void fm_stream_ctrl(int f,  struct dvb_usb_adapter*  adapter);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.116066048 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1745 @@
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include "rtl2832u.h"
+#include "rtl2832u_io.h"
+#include "rtl2832u_audio.h"
+//#include "rtl2832u_ioctl.h"
+int dvb_usb_rtl2832u_debug=0;
+module_param_named(debug,dvb_usb_rtl2832u_debug, int, 0644);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Set debugging level (1=info,xfer=2 (or-able),rc=3)." DVB_USB_DEBUG_STATUS);
+int demod_default_type=0;
+module_param_named(demod, demod_default_type, int, 0644);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(demod, "Set default demod type(0=dvb-t, 1=dtmb, 2=dvb-c)"DVB_USB_DEBUG_STATUS);
+int dtmb_error_packet_discard;
+module_param_named(dtmb_err_discard, dtmb_error_packet_discard, int, 0644);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(dtmb_err_discard, "Set error packet discard type(0=not discard, 1=discard)"DVB_USB_DEBUG_STATUS);
+int dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode=2;
+module_param_named(rtl2832u_rc_mode, dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode, int, 0644);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(rtl2832u_rc_mode, "Set default rtl2832u_rc_mode(0=rc6, 1=rc5, 2=nec, 3=disable rc, default=2)."DVB_USB_DEBUG_STATUS);
+int dvb_use_rtl2832u_card_type=0;
+module_param_named(rtl2832u_card_type, dvb_use_rtl2832u_card_type, int, 0644);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(rtl2832u_card_type, "Set default rtl2832u_card_type type(0=dongle, 1=mini card, default=0)."DVB_USB_DEBUG_STATUS);
+int dvb_usb_rtl2832u_snrdb=0;
+module_param_named(snrdb,dvb_usb_rtl2832u_snrdb, int, 0644);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(snrdb, "SNR type output (0=16bit, 1=dB decibel), default=0");
+#define	USB_EPA_CTL	0x0148
+#define MAX_RC_PROTOCOL_NUM				3			
+/* original realtek remote control key map */
+static struct dvb_usb_rc_key rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table[] = {// realtek Key map   	
+		{ 0x0400, KEY_0 },           // 0 
+		{ 0x0401, KEY_1 },           // 1 
+		{ 0x0402, KEY_2 },           // 2 
+		{ 0x0403, KEY_3 },           // 3 
+		{ 0x0404, KEY_4 },           // 4 
+		{ 0x0405, KEY_5 },           // 5 
+		{ 0x0406, KEY_6 },           // 6 
+		{ 0x0407, KEY_7 },           // 7 
+		{ 0x0408, KEY_8 },           // 8 
+		{ 0x0409, KEY_9 },           // 9 
+		{ 0x040c, KEY_POWER },       // POWER 
+		{ 0x040e, KEY_MUTE },        // MUTE 
+		{ 0x0410, KEY_VOLUMEUP },    // VOL UP 
+		{ 0x0411, KEY_VOLUMEDOWN },  // VOL DOWN 
+		{ 0x0412, KEY_CHANNELUP },   // CH UP 
+		{ 0x0413, KEY_CHANNELDOWN }, // CH DOWN 
+		{ 0x0416, KEY_PLAY },        // PLAY 
+		{ 0x0417, KEY_RECORD },      // RECORD 
+		{ 0x0418, KEY_PLAYPAUSE },   // PAUSE 
+		{ 0x0419, KEY_STOP },        // STOP 
+		{ 0x041e, KEY_UP},	     // UP
+		{ 0x041f, KEY_DOWN},	     // DOWN
+		{ 0x0420, KEY_LEFT },        // LEFT
+		{ 0x0421, KEY_RIGHT },       // RIGHT
+		{ 0x0422, KEY_ZOOM },        // FULL SCREEN  -->OK 
+		{ 0x0447, KEY_AUDIO },       // MY AUDIO 
+		{ 0x045b, KEY_MENU},         // RED 
+		{ 0x045c, KEY_EPG },         // GREEN 
+		{ 0x045d, KEY_FIRST },       // YELLOW
+		{ 0x045e, KEY_LAST },        // BLUE
+		{ 0x045a, KEY_TEXT },        // TEXT TV
+	 	{ 0x0423, KEY_BACK },        // <- BACK
+		{ 0x0414, KEY_FORWARD }    // >> 
+	};
+/* Xgazza remote control Ubuntu 11.10 key map */
+static struct rc_map_table rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table[] = {
+	{ 0x40bf, KEY_POWER2 },        // TV POWER
+	{ 0x08f7, KEY_POWER },         // PC POWER
+	{ 0x58a7, KEY_REWIND },        // REWIND
+	{ 0xd827, KEY_PLAY },          // PLAY
+	{ 0x02fd, KEY_STOP },          // STOP
+	{ 0x5aa5, KEY_PREVIOUS },      // SKIP BACK
+	{ 0x42bd, KEY_PLAYPAUSE },     // PAUSE
+	{ 0xa25d, KEY_NEXT },          // SKIP FOWARD
+	{ 0x12ed, KEY_RECORD },        // RECORD
+	{ 0x28d7, KEY_BACK },          // BACK
+	{ 0xa857, KEY_INFO },          // MORE
+//	{ 0x28d7, BTN_LEFT },          // MOUSE LEFT BUTTON
+//	{ 0xa857, BTN_RIGHT },         // MOUSE RIGHT BUTTON
+	{ 0x6897, KEY_UP},             // UP
+	{ 0x48b7, KEY_DOWN},           // DOWN
+	{ 0xe817, KEY_LEFT },          // LEFT
+	{ 0x30cf, KEY_RIGHT },         // RIGHT
+	{ 0x18e7, KEY_OK },            // OK 
+	{ 0xc23d, KEY_ZOOM },          // ASPECT
+//	{ 0xea15, KEY_??? },           // MOUSE
+	{ 0x708f, KEY_RED },           // RED 
+	{ 0xc837, KEY_GREEN },         // GREEN 
+	{ 0x8877, KEY_YELLOW },        // YELLOW
+	{ 0x9867, KEY_BLUE },          // BLUE
+	{ 0x807f, KEY_VOLUMEUP },      // VOL UP 
+	{ 0x7887, KEY_VOLUMEDOWN },    // VOL DOWN 
+	{ 0xb04f, KEY_HOME },          // HOME
+	{ 0x00ff, KEY_MUTE },          // MUTE 
+	{ 0xd22d, KEY_CHANNELUP },     // CH UP 
+	{ 0xf20d, KEY_CHANNELDOWN },   // CH DOWN 
+	{ 0x50af, KEY_0 },             // 0 
+	{ 0xf807, KEY_1 },             // 1 
+	{ 0xc03f, KEY_2 },             // 2 
+	{ 0x20df, KEY_3 },             // 3 
+	{ 0xa05f, KEY_4 },             // 4 
+	{ 0x38c7, KEY_5 },             // 5 
+	{ 0x609f, KEY_6 },             // 6 
+	{ 0xe01f, KEY_7 },             // 7 
+	{ 0x10ef, KEY_8 },             // 8 
+	{ 0xb847, KEY_9 },             // 9
+	{ 0x906f, KEY_NUMERIC_STAR },  // *
+	{ 0xd02f, KEY_NUMERIC_POUND }, // #
+	{ 0x52ad, KEY_EPG },           // GUIDE
+	{ 0x926d, KEY_VIDEO },         // RTV
+	{ 0x32cd, KEY_HELP },          // HELP
+	{ 0xca35, KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS },  // PIP(?)
+	{ 0xb24d, KEY_RADIO },         // RADIO
+	{ 0x0af5, KEY_DVD },           // DVD
+	{ 0x8a75, KEY_AUDIO },         // AUDIO
+	{ 0x4ab5, KEY_TITLE }          // TITLE
+enum   rc_status_define{
+int rtl2832u_remote_control_state=0;
+static int SampleNum2TNum[] = 
+	0,0,0,0,0,				
+	1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,			
+	2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,			
+	3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,			
+	4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,			
+	5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,			
+	6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,			
+	7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,			
+	8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,			
+	9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,			
+	10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,	
+	11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,	
+	12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,	
+	13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,	
+	14,14,14,14,14,14,14		
+//IRRC register table 
+static const RT_rc_set_reg_struct p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[]= 
+		{RTD2832U_SYS,RC_USE_DEMOD_CTL1		,0x00,OP_AND,0xfb},
+		{RTD2832U_SYS,RC_USE_DEMOD_CTL1		,0x00,OP_AND,0xf7}, 
+		{RTD2832U_USB,USB_CTRL			,0x00,OP_OR ,0x20}, 
+		{RTD2832U_SYS,SYS_GPD			,0x00,OP_AND,0xf7}, 
+		{RTD2832U_SYS,SYS_GPOE			,0x00,OP_OR ,0x08}, 
+		{RTD2832U_SYS,SYS_GPO			,0x00,OP_OR ,0x08}, 		
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_CTRL			,0x20,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_BUFFER_CTRL		,0x80,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_IF			,0xff,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_IE			,0xff,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_MAX_DURATION0		,0xd0,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_MAX_DURATION1		,0x07,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_IDLE_LEN0		,0xc0,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_IDLE_LEN1		,0x00,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_GLITCH_LEN		,0x03,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_CLK			,0x09,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_CONFIG		,0x1c,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_MAX_H_Tolerance_LEN	,0x1e,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_MAX_L_Tolerance_LEN	,0x1e,OP_NO ,0xff},        
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_CTRL			,0x80,OP_NO ,0xff} 
+int rtl2832u_remoto_control_initial_setting(struct dvb_usb_device *d)
+	//begin setting
+	u8 data=0,i=0,NumberOfRcInitialTable=0;
+	deb_rc("+rc_%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	NumberOfRcInitialTable = sizeof(p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table)/sizeof(RT_rc_set_reg_struct);
+	for (i=0;i<NumberOfRcInitialTable;i++)
+	{	
+		switch(p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].type)
+		{
+			case RTD2832U_SYS:
+			case RTD2832U_USB:
+				data=p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].data;
+				if (p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].op != OP_NO)
+				{
+					if ( read_usb_sys_char_bytes( d , 
+								      p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].type , 
+								      p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].address,
+								      &data , 
+								      LEN_1) ) 
+					{
+						deb_rc("+%s : rc- usb or sys register read error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+						goto error;
+					}					
+					if (p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].op == OP_AND){
+					        data &=  p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].op_mask;	
+					}
+					else{//OP_OR
+						data |=  p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].op_mask;
+					}			
+				}
+				if ( write_usb_sys_char_bytes( d , 
+							      p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].type , 
+							      p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].address,
+							      &data , 
+							      LEN_1) ) 
+				{
+						deb_rc("+%s : rc- usb or sys register write error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+						goto error;
+				}
+			break;
+			case RTD2832U_RC:
+				data= p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].data;
+				if (p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].op != OP_NO)
+				{
+					if ( read_rc_char_bytes( d , 
+								 p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].type , 
+								 p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].address,
+								 &data , 
+								 LEN_1) ) 
+					{
+						deb_rc("+%s : rc -ir register read error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+						goto error;
+					}					
+					if (p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].op == OP_AND){
+					        data &=  p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].op_mask;	
+					}
+					else{//OP_OR
+					    data |=  p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].op_mask;
+					}			
+				}
+				if ( write_rc_char_bytes( d , 
+							      p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].type , 
+							      p_rtl2832u_rc_initial_table[i].address,
+							      &data , 
+							      LEN_1) ) 
+				{
+					deb_rc("+%s : rc -ir register write error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+					goto error;
+				}
+			break;
+			default:
+				deb_rc("+%s : rc table error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+				goto error;			     	
+			break;	
+		}	
+	}
+	rtl2832u_remote_control_state=RC_INSTALL_OK;
+	deb_rc("-rc_%s ret = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
+	return ret;
+static int frt0(u8* rt_uccode,u8 byte_num,u8 *p_uccode)
+	u8 *pCode = rt_uccode;
+	int TNum =0;
+	u8   ucBits[frt0_bits_num];
+	u8  i=0,state=WAITING_6T;
+	int  LastTNum = 0,CurrentBit = 0;
+	u8 highestBit = 0,lowBits=0;
+	u32 scancode=0;
+	if(byte_num < frt0_para1){
+		deb_rc("Bad rt uc code received, byte_num is error\n");
+		goto error;
+	}
+	while(byte_num > 0)
+	{
+		highestBit = (*pCode)&0x80;
+		lowBits = (*pCode) & 0x7f;
+		TNum=SampleNum2TNum[lowBits];
+		if(highestBit != 0)	TNum = -TNum;
+		pCode++;
+		byte_num--;
+		if(TNum <= -6)	 state = WAITING_6T;
+		if(WAITING_6T == state)
+		{
+			if(TNum <= -6)	state = WAITING_2T_AFTER_6T;
+		}
+		else if(WAITING_2T_AFTER_6T == state)
+		{
+			if(2 == TNum)	
+			{
+				LastTNum   = 0;
+				CurrentBit = 0;
+			}
+			else 	state = WAITING_6T;
+		} 
+		else if(WAITING_NORMAL_BITS == state)
+		{
+			if(0 == LastTNum)	LastTNum = TNum;
+			else	{
+				if(LastTNum < 0)	ucBits[CurrentBit]=1;
+				else			ucBits[CurrentBit]=0;
+				CurrentBit++;
+				if(CurrentBit >= frt0_bits_num)	{
+ 					deb_rc("Bad frame received, bits num is error\n");
+					CurrentBit = frt0_bits_num -1 ;
+				}
+				if(TNum > 3)	{
+						for(i=0;i<frt0_para2;i++){
+							if (ucBits[i+frt0_para4])	scancode  |= (0x01 << (frt0_para2-i-1));
+						}	
+				}
+				else{
+					LastTNum += TNum;	
+				}							
+			}			
+		}	
+	}
+	p_uccode[0]=(u8)((scancode>>24)  &  frt0_BITS_mask0);
+	p_uccode[1]=(u8)((scancode>>16)  &  frt0_BITS_mask1);
+	p_uccode[2]=(u8)((scancode>>8)  & frt0_BITS_mask2);
+	p_uccode[3]=(u8)((scancode>>0)  & frt0_BITS_mask3);
+	deb_rc("-rc_%s 3::rc6:%x %x %x %x \n", __FUNCTION__,p_uccode[0],p_uccode[1],p_uccode[2],p_uccode[3]);
+	return ret;
+static int frt1(u8* rt_uccode,u8 byte_num,u8 *p_uccode)
+	u8 *pCode = rt_uccode;
+	u8  ucBits[frt1_bits_num];
+	u8 i=0,CurrentBit=0,index=0;
+	u32 scancode=0;
+	deb_rc("+rc_%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if(byte_num < frt1_para1)	{
+		deb_rc("Bad rt uc code received, byte_num = %d is error\n",byte_num);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	memset(ucBits,0,frt1_bits_num);		
+	for(i = 0; i < byte_num; i++)	{
+		if ((pCode[i] & frt1_para2)< frt1_para3)    index=frt1_para5 ;   
+		else 					    index=frt1_para6 ;  
+		ucBits[i]= (pCode[i] & 0x80) + index;
+	}
+	if(ucBits[0] !=frt1_para_uc_1 && ucBits[0] !=frt1_para_uc_2 )   {ret= RC_FUNCTION_UNSUCCESS; goto error;}
+	if(ucBits[1] !=frt1_para5  && ucBits[1] !=frt1_para6)   	{ret= RC_FUNCTION_UNSUCCESS;goto error;}
+	if(ucBits[2] >= frt1_para_uc_1)  				ucBits[2] -= 0x01;
+	else			 					{ret= RC_FUNCTION_UNSUCCESS;goto error;}
+   	i = 0x02;
+	CurrentBit = 0x00;
+	while(i < byte_num-1)
+	{
+		if(CurrentBit >= 32)	{
+			break;
+		}	
+		if((ucBits[i] & 0x0f) == 0x0)	{
+			i++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(ucBits[i++] == 0x81)	{
+						if(ucBits[i] >=0x01)	{
+							scancode |= 0x00 << (31 - CurrentBit++);
+						}	 							
+		}
+		else	{
+				if(ucBits[i] >=0x81)	{
+					scancode |= 0x01 << (31 - CurrentBit++); 
+				}
+		}
+		ucBits[i] -= 0x01;
+		continue;
+	}
+	p_uccode[3]=(u8)((scancode>>16)  &  frt1_bits_mask3);
+	p_uccode[2]=(u8)((scancode>>24)  &  frt1_bits_mask2);
+	p_uccode[1]=(u8)((scancode>>8)   &  frt1_bits_mask1);
+	p_uccode[0]=(u8)((scancode>>0)   &  frt1_bits_mask0);
+	deb_rc("-rc_%s rc5:%x %x %x %x -->scancode =%x\n", __FUNCTION__,p_uccode[0],p_uccode[1],p_uccode[2],p_uccode[3],scancode);
+	return ret;
+static int frt2(u8* rt_uccode,u8 byte_num,u8 *p_uccode)
+	u8 *pCode = rt_uccode;
+	u8  i=0;
+	u32 scancode=0;
+	u8  out_io=0;
+	deb_rc("+rc_%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if(byte_num < frt2_para1)  				goto error;
+    	if(pCode[0] != frt2_para2) 				goto error;
+	if((pCode[1] <frt2_para3 )||(pCode[1] >frt2_para4))	goto error;	
+	if( (pCode[2] <frt2_para5 ) && (pCode[2] >frt2_para6) )   
+	{ 
+		if( (pCode[3] <frt2_para7 ) && (pCode[3] >frt2_para8 ) &&(pCode[4]==frt2_para9 ))  scancode=0xffff;
+		else goto error;
+	}
+	else if( (pCode[2] <frt2_para10  ) && (pCode[2] >frt2_para11 ) ) 
+	{
+	 	for (i = 3; i <68; i++)
+		{  
+                        if ((i% 2)==1)
+			{
+				if( (pCode[i]>frt2_para7 ) || (pCode[i] <frt2_para8 ) )  
+				{ 
+					deb_rc("Bad rt uc code received[4]\n");
+					goto error;
+				}			
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if(pCode[i]<frt2_para12  )  out_io=0;
+				else			    out_io=1;
+				scancode |= (out_io << (31 -(i-4)/2) );
+			}
+		} 
+	}
+	else  	goto error;
+	deb_rc("-rc_%s nec:%x\n", __FUNCTION__,scancode);
+	p_uccode[0]=(u8)((scancode>>24)  &  frt2_bits_mask0);
+	p_uccode[1]=(u8)((scancode>>16)  &  frt2_bits_mask1);
+	p_uccode[2]=(u8)((scancode>>8)   &  frt2_bits_mask2);
+	p_uccode[3]=(u8)((scancode>>0)   &  frt2_bits_mask3);
+	return ret;
+#define receiveMaskFlag1  0x80
+#define receiveMaskFlag2  0x03
+#define flush_step_Number 0x05
+#define rt_code_len       0x80  
+static int rtl2832u_rc_query(struct dvb_usb_device *d, u32 *event, int *state)
+	static const RT_rc_set_reg_struct p_flush_table1[]={
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_CTRL			,0x20,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_BUFFER_CTRL		,0x80,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_IF			,0xff,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_IE			,0xff,OP_NO ,0xff},        
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_CTRL			,0x80,OP_NO ,0xff} 
+	};
+	static const RT_rc_set_reg_struct p_flush_table2[]={
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_IF			,0x03,OP_NO ,0xff},
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_BUFFER_CTRL		,0x80,OP_NO ,0xff},	
+		{RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_CTRL			,0x80,OP_NO ,0xff} 
+	};
+	u8  data=0,i=0,byte_count=0;
+	int ret=0;
+	u8  rt_u8_code[rt_code_len];
+	u8  ucode[4];
+	u16 scancode=0;
+	deb_rc("+%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if (dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode >= MAX_RC_PROTOCOL_NUM) 	
+	{
+		deb_rc("%s : dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode=%d \n", __FUNCTION__,dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode);		
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(rtl2832u_remote_control_state == RC_NO_SETTING)
+	{
+                deb_rc("%s : IrDA Initial Setting rtl2832u_remote_control_state=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,rtl2832u_remote_control_state);
+		ret=rtl2832u_remoto_control_initial_setting(d);	
+	}
+	if ( read_rc_char_bytes( d ,RTD2832U_RC, IR_RX_IF,&data ,LEN_1) ) 
+	{
+		ret=-1;
+		deb_rc("%s : Read IrDA IF is failed\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+		goto error;
+	}
+	/* debug */
+	if (data != 0)
+	{
+		deb_rc("%s : IR_RX_IF= 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__,data);	
+	}
+	if (!(data & receiveMaskFlag1))
+	{
+		ret =0 ;
+		goto error;
+	}	
+	if (data & receiveMaskFlag2)
+	{		
+			/* delay */
+			msleep(287);
+			if ( read_rc_char_bytes( d ,RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_BC,&byte_count ,LEN_1) ) 
+			{
+				deb_rc("%s : rc -ir register read error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+				ret=-1;
+				goto error;
+			}		
+			if (byte_count == 0 )  
+			{	
+				//ret=0;
+				goto error;
+			}
+			if ((byte_count%LEN_2) == 1)   byte_count+=LEN_1;	
+			if (byte_count > rt_code_len)  byte_count=rt_code_len;	
+			memset(rt_u8_code,0,rt_code_len);
+			deb_rc("%s : byte_count= %d type = %d \n", __FUNCTION__,byte_count,dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode);
+			if ( read_rc_char_bytes( d ,RTD2832U_RC,IR_RX_BUF,rt_u8_code ,0x80) ) 
+			{
+				deb_rc("%s : rc -ir register read error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+				ret=-1;
+				goto error;
+			}
+			memset(ucode,0,4);
+			ret=0;
+			if (dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode == 0)		ret =frt0(rt_u8_code,byte_count,ucode);
+			else if (dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode == 1)		ret =frt1(rt_u8_code,byte_count,ucode);
+			else if (dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode== 2)		ret =frt2(rt_u8_code,byte_count,ucode);	
+			else  
+			{
+					//deb_rc("%s : rc - unknow rc protocol set ! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+					ret=-1;
+					goto error;	
+			}
+			if((ret != RC_FUNCTION_SUCCESS) || (ucode[0] ==0 && ucode[1] ==0 && ucode[2] ==0 && ucode[3] ==0))   
+ 			{
+					//deb_rc("%s : rc-rc is error scan code ! %x %x %x %x \n", __FUNCTION__,ucode[0],ucode[1],ucode[2],ucode[3]);
+					ret=-1;
+					goto error;	
+			}
+			scancode=(ucode[2]<<8) | ucode[3] ;
+			deb_info("-%s scan code %x %x %x %x,(0x%x) -- len=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,ucode[0],ucode[1],ucode[2],ucode[3],scancode,byte_count);
+			////////// map/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+			for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table); i++) {
+				if(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table[i].scancode == scancode ){
+					*event = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table[i].keycode;
+					*event = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table[i].event;
+					*state = REMOTE_KEY_PRESSED;
+					deb_rc("%s : map number = %d \n", __FUNCTION__,i);	
+					break;
+				}		
+			}
+			memset(rt_u8_code,0,rt_code_len);
+			byte_count=0;
+			for (i=0;i<3;i++){
+				data= p_flush_table2[i].data;
+				if ( write_rc_char_bytes( d ,RTD2832U_RC, p_flush_table2[i].address,&data,LEN_1) ) {
+					deb_rc("+%s : rc -ir register write error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+					ret=-1;
+					goto error;
+				}		
+			}
+			ret =0;	
+			return ret;
+	}
+			memset(rt_u8_code,0,rt_code_len);
+			byte_count=0;
+			for (i=0;i<flush_step_Number;i++){
+				data= p_flush_table1[i].data;
+				if ( write_rc_char_bytes( d ,RTD2832U_RC, p_flush_table1[i].address,&data,LEN_1) ) {
+					deb_rc("+%s : rc -ir register write error! \n", __FUNCTION__);
+					ret=-1;
+					break;
+				}		
+			}			   			
+			ret =0;    //must return 0   
+			return ret;
+static int rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl(struct dvb_usb_adapter *adap , int onoff)
+	u8 data[2];	
+	//3 to avoid  scanning  channels loss
+	if(onoff)
+	{
+		data[0] = data[1] = 0;		
+		if ( write_usb_sys_char_bytes( adap->dev , RTD2832U_USB , USB_EPA_CTL , data , 2) ) goto error;				
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		data[0] = 0x10;	//3stall epa, set bit 4 to 1
+		data[1] = 0x02;	//3reset epa, set bit 9 to 1
+		if ( write_usb_sys_char_bytes( adap->dev , RTD2832U_USB , USB_EPA_CTL , data , 2) ) goto error;		
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return -1;
+static int rtl2832u_frontend_attach(struct dvb_usb_adapter *adap)
+	adap->fe_adap[0].fe = rtl2832u_fe_attach(adap->dev);
+	adap->fe = rtl2832u_fe_attach(adap->dev);
+	return 0;
+static void rtl2832u_usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf)
+	try_module_get(THIS_MODULE);
+	dvb_usb_device_exit(intf);	
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_1st_properties;
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_2nd_properties;
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_3th_properties;
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_4th_properties;
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_5th_properties;
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_6th_properties;
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_7th_properties;
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_8th_properties;
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_9th_properties;
+static int rtl2832u_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *intf,
+		const struct usb_device_id *id)
+	/* Thats avoids bugs with 2 instances of driver that operate same hardware */
+	/* https://gitorious.org/rtl2832/rtl2832/commit/5495b3fda9e2c3bf4feef5d5751f6f2343380ea9 */
+	if (!intf->altsetting->desc.bNumEndpoints)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	if ( ( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_1st_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) )||
+		( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_2nd_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) ) ||
+		( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_3th_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) ) ||
+		( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_4th_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) ) ||
+		( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_5th_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) ) ||
+		( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_6th_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) ) ||
+		( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_7th_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) ) ||
+		( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_8th_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) ) ||
+		( 0== dvb_usb_device_init(intf,&rtl2832u_9th_properties,THIS_MODULE,NULL,adapter_nr) ) )
+		return 0;
+	return -ENODEV;
+static struct usb_device_id rtl2832u_usb_table [] = {								
+	{ USB_DEVICE(USB_VID_THP, USB_PID_THP_5013)},				// 34
+	{ USB_DEVICE(USB_VID_THP, USB_PID_THP_5020)},				// 35
+	{ USB_DEVICE(USB_VID_THP, USB_PID_THP_5026)},				// 36
+	{ USB_DEVICE(USB_VID_COMPRO, USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_9530)},	// 73  71																						//------rtl2832u_6th_properties(6)
+	{ 0 },
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, rtl2832u_usb_table);
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_1st_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter = 
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	//remote control
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define quary function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 9,
+	.devices = {
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[0], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[1], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[2], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[3], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[4], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[5], NULL },
+		},		
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[6], NULL },
+		},		
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[7], NULL },
+		},		
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[8], NULL },
+		},
+		{ NULL },
+	}
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_2nd_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter = 
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	//remote control
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define query function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 9,
+	.devices = {
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[9], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[10], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[11], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[12], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[13], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[14], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[15], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[16], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[17], NULL },
+		},
+		{ NULL },
+	}
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_3th_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter = 
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	//remote control
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define query function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 9,
+	.devices = {
+		{ .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[18], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[19], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[20], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[21], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[22], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[23], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[24], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[25], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[26], NULL },
+		}
+	}
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_4th_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter = 
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	//remote control
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define query function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 12,
+	.devices = {
+		{ .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[27], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DK DONGLE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[28], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "Terratec Cinergy T Stick Black",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[29], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "Terratec Cinergy T Stick Black",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[30], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T Device",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[31], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T Device",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[32], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T Device",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[33], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[34], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[35], NULL },
+		},				
+		{
+		  .name = "Terratec Cinergy T Stick RC (Rev.3)",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[77], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "Terratec Cinergy T Stick BLACK (Rev.2)",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[78], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "Terratec Noxon DAB Stick (Rev.2)",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[79], NULL },
+		},
+	}
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_5th_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter = 
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	//remote control
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define query function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 9,
+	.devices = {
+		{ .name = "RTL2832U DVB-T USB DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[36], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[37], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[38], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[39], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[40], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[41], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[42], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[43], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[44], NULL },
+		},				
+	}
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_6th_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter = 
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	 /*remote control*/
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define query function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 9,
+	.devices = {
+		{ .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[45], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[46], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[47], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name ="USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[48], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[49], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T DEVICE",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[50], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name ="DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[51], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[52], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[53], NULL },
+		},
+		{ NULL },				
+	}
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_7th_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter = 
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	//remote control
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define query function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 10,
+	.devices = {
+		{ .name = "DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[54], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[55], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[56], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name ="DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[57], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[58], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[59], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "USB DVB-T Device",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[60], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T Device",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[61], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name = "USB DVB-T Device",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[62], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "Leadtek WinFast DTV Dongle Mini",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[76], NULL },
+		},
+		{ NULL },				
+	}
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_8th_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter =
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	//remote control
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define query function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 9,
+	.devices = {
+		{ .name = "USB DVB-T Device",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[63], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "USB DVB-T Device",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[64], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[65], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name ="VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[66], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[67], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[68], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[69], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name ="VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[70], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name ="VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[71], NULL },
+		},
+		{ NULL },				
+	}
+static struct dvb_usb_device_properties rtl2832u_9th_properties = {
+	.num_adapters = 1,
+	.adapter = 
+	{
+		{
+			.fe_ioctl_override = rtl2832_fe_ioctl_override,
+			.num_frontends = 1,
+			.fe = {{
+			.streaming_ctrl = rtl2832u_streaming_ctrl,
+			.frontend_attach = rtl2832u_frontend_attach,
+			//parameter for the MPEG2-data transfer 
+			.stream = 
+			{
+				.type = USB_BULK,
+				.count = RTD2831_URB_NUMBER,
+				.endpoint = 0x01,		//data pipe
+				.u = 
+				{
+					.bulk = 
+					{
+						.buffersize = RTD2831_URB_SIZE,
+					}
+				}
+			},
+			}},
+		}
+	},
+	//remote control
+	.rc.legacy = {
+		.rc_map_table = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,             //user define key map
+		.rc_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table), //user define key map size	
+		.rc_key_map       = rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table,			//user define key map
+		.rc_key_map_size  = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl2832u_rc_keys_map_table),	//user define key map size	
+		.rc_query         = rtl2832u_rc_query,				//use define query function
+		.rc_interval      = RT_RC_POLLING_INTERVAL_TIME_MS,		
+	},
+	.num_device_descs = 4,
+	.devices = {
+		{
+		  .name ="VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[72], NULL },
+		},
+		{
+		  .name ="VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[73], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "VideoMate DTV",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[74], NULL },
+		},
+		{ .name = "DVB-T TV Stick",
+		  .cold_ids = { NULL, NULL },
+		  .warm_ids = { &rtl2832u_usb_table[75], NULL },
+		},
+		{ NULL },
+	}
+static struct usb_driver rtl2832u_usb_driver = {
+	.name		= "dvb_usb_rtl2832u",
+	.probe		= rtl2832u_usb_probe,
+	.disconnect	= rtl2832u_usb_disconnect,
+	.id_table		= rtl2832u_usb_table,
+static int __init rtl2832u_usb_module_init(void)
+	int result =0 ;
+	deb_info("+info debug open_%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if ((result = usb_register(&rtl2832u_usb_driver))) {
+		err("usb_register failed. (%d)",result);
+		return result;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void __exit rtl2832u_usb_module_exit(void)
+	usb_deregister(&rtl2832u_usb_driver);
+	return ;	
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Chialing Lu <chialing@realtek.com>");
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Dean Chung<DeanChung@realtek.com>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Driver for the RTL2832U DVB-T / RTL2836 DTMB USB2.0 device");
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_fe.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_fe.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_fe.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_fe.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.120066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,4747 @@
+#include "rtl2832u_fe.h"
+#include "rtl2832u_io.h"
+#include "rtl2832u.h"
+#include "rtl2832u_audio.h"
+//#include "rtl2832u_ioctl.h"
+extern int demod_default_type;
+extern int dtmb_error_packet_discard;
+extern int dvb_use_rtl2832u_card_type;
+extern int dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode;
+extern int rtl2832u_remote_control_state;
+static struct rtl2832_reg_addr rtl2832_reg_map[]= {
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_CTRL_BIT5*/			{ RTD2832U_USB, USB_CTRL, 5, 5		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_STAT*/				{ RTD2832U_USB, USB_STAT, 0, 7		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CTL*/			{ RTD2832U_USB, USB_EPA_CTL, 0, 31	},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_SYSCTL*/				{ RTD2832U_USB, USB_SYSCTL, 0, 31		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CFG*/			{ RTD2832U_USB, USB_EPA_CFG, 0, 31	},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL*/			{ RTD2832U_SYS, DEMOD_CTL, 0, 7	       },
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_DIR_BIT3*/		{ RTD2832U_SYS, GPIO_DIR, 3, 3		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_CFG0_BIT67*/	{ RTD2832U_SYS, GPIO_CFG0, 6, 7		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1*/		{ RTD2832U_SYS, DEMOD_CTL1, 0, 7	       },	
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_DIR_BIT1*/		{ RTD2832U_SYS, GPIO_DIR, 1, 1		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_DIR_BIT6*/		{ RTD2832U_SYS, GPIO_DIR, 6, 6		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_DIR_BIT5*/      { RTD2832U_SYS, GPIO_DIR, 5, 5},
+#if 0
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPD*/			{ RTD2832U_SYS, GPD, 0, 7		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPOE*/			{ RTD2832U_SYS, GPOE, 0, 7	},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPO*/			{ RTD2832U_SYS, GPO, 0, 7		},
+	/* RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_SYS_0*/			{ RTD2832U_SYS, SYS_0, 0, 7	},
+	/* DTMB related */
+static int rtl2832_reg_mask[32]= {
+    0x00000001,
+    0x00000003,
+    0x00000007,
+    0x0000000f,
+    0x0000001f,
+    0x0000003f,
+    0x0000007f,
+    0x000000ff,
+    0x000001ff,
+    0x000003ff,
+    0x000007ff,
+    0x00000fff,
+    0x00001fff,
+    0x00003fff,
+    0x00007fff,
+    0x0000ffff,
+    0x0001ffff,
+    0x0003ffff,
+    0x0007ffff,
+    0x000fffff,
+    0x001fffff,
+    0x003fffff,
+    0x007fffff,
+    0x00ffffff,
+    0x01ffffff,
+    0x03ffffff,
+    0x07ffffff,
+    0x0fffffff,
+    0x1fffffff,
+    0x3fffffff,
+    0x7fffffff,
+    0xffffffff
+typedef struct FC0012_LNA_REG_MAP
+	unsigned char	Lna_regValue;
+	long			LnaGain;
+	{0x00 , -63},{0x01 , -58},{0x02 , -99},{0x03 , -73},{0x04 , -63},{0x05 , -65}
+	,{0x06 , -54},{0x07 , -60},{0x08 , 71 },{0x09 , 70 },{0x0a , 68 },{0x0b , 67 }
+	,{0x0c , 65 },{0x0d , 63 },{0x0e , 61 },{0x0f , 58 },{0x10 , 197},{0x11 , 191}
+	,{0x12 , 188},{0x13 , 186},{0x14 , 184},{0x15 , 182},{0x16 , 181},{0x17 , 179}
+static int check_dtmb_support(struct rtl2832_state* p_state);
+static int 	check_dvbc_support(struct rtl2832_state* p_state);
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state* p_state, 
+		int  onoff);
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state* p_state);
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state* p_state, 
+		int  onoff);
+static int
+	struct rtl2832_state * p_state);
+static int
+	struct rtl2832_state*  p_state);
+static int 
+		struct rtl2832_state * p_state);
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state	*p_state,
+	unsigned long *strength);
+static int 
+rtl2832_sleep_mode(struct rtl2832_state* p_state);
+static void 	
+	unsigned long				WaitTimeMs)
+	platform_wait(WaitTimeMs);
+	return;	
+static int
+	unsigned char				DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char*			pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long				ByteNum
+	)
+	struct dvb_usb_device *d;
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);
+	if ( read_rtl2832_stdi2c( d, DeviceAddr , pReadingBytes , ByteNum ) ) goto error;
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int
+	unsigned char				DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char*			pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long				ByteNum)
+	struct dvb_usb_device *d;
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);
+	if ( write_rtl2832_stdi2c( d, DeviceAddr , (unsigned char*)pWritingBytes , ByteNum ) ) goto error;
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int
+	struct rtl2832_state*		p_state,
+	rtl2832_reg_map_index		reg_map_index,
+	int*						p_val)
+	RegType			reg_type=	rtl2832_reg_map[reg_map_index].reg_type;
+	unsigned short	reg_addr=	rtl2832_reg_map[reg_map_index].reg_addr;
+	int				bit_low=	rtl2832_reg_map[reg_map_index].bit_low;
+	int				bit_high=	rtl2832_reg_map[reg_map_index].bit_high;
+	int	n_byte_read=(bit_high>> 3)+ 1;
+	*p_val= 0;
+	if (read_usb_sys_int_bytes(p_state->d, reg_type, reg_addr, n_byte_read, p_val)) goto error;
+	*p_val= ((*p_val>> bit_low) & rtl2832_reg_mask[bit_high- bit_low]);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int
+	struct rtl2832_state*		p_state,
+	rtl2832_reg_map_index		reg_map_index,
+	int						val_write)
+	RegType			reg_type=	rtl2832_reg_map[reg_map_index].reg_type;
+	unsigned short	reg_addr=	rtl2832_reg_map[reg_map_index].reg_addr;
+	int				bit_low=	rtl2832_reg_map[reg_map_index].bit_low;
+	int				bit_high=	rtl2832_reg_map[reg_map_index].bit_high;
+	int	n_byte_write=	(bit_high>> 3)+ 1;
+	int	val_read= 0;
+	int	new_val_write;
+	if (read_usb_sys_int_bytes(p_state->d, reg_type, reg_addr, n_byte_write, &val_read)) goto error;
+	new_val_write= (val_read & (~(rtl2832_reg_mask[bit_high- bit_low]<< bit_low))) | (val_write<< bit_low);
+	if (write_usb_sys_int_bytes(p_state->d, reg_type, reg_addr, n_byte_write, new_val_write)) goto error;
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned char			onoff
+	)
+	unsigned char	data;
+	unsigned char	i2c_repeater;	
+	if( p_state->tuner_type != RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MAX3543)		return 0;
+	deb_info(" %s : onoff =%d\n", __FUNCTION__, onoff);
+	read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 );
+	i2c_repeater |= BIT3;	
+	write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 );	
+	if(onoff)
+	{
+		//turn on BIT7=0
+		read_rtl2832_tuner_register(p_state->d, MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR, MAX3543_SHUTDOWN_OFFSET, &data, LEN_1_BYTE);
+		data &=(~BIT_7_MASK);
+		write_rtl2832_tuner_register(p_state->d, MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR, MAX3543_SHUTDOWN_OFFSET, &data, LEN_1_BYTE);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//turn off  BIT7=1
+		read_rtl2832_tuner_register(p_state->d, MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR, MAX3543_SHUTDOWN_OFFSET, &data, LEN_1_BYTE);
+		data |=BIT_7_MASK;
+		write_rtl2832_tuner_register(p_state->d, MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR, MAX3543_SHUTDOWN_OFFSET, &data, LEN_1_BYTE);
+	}
+	read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 );
+	i2c_repeater &= (~BIT3);	
+	write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 );
+	return 0;	
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned char			b_gpio4, 
+	unsigned char			onoff)
+	int			data;
+	if(onoff==0)		max3543_set_power(p_state, onoff);
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data) ) goto error;		
+	if(b_gpio4)
+	{
+		if(onoff)		data &= ~(BIT4);   //set bit4 to 0
+		else			data |= BIT4;		//set bit4 to 1		
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(onoff)		data &= ~(BIT3);   //set bit3 to 0
+		else			data |= BIT3;		//set bit3 to 1		
+	}
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL,data) ) goto error;
+	if(onoff==1)		max3543_set_power(p_state, onoff);
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned char			onoff)
+	int			data;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data) ) goto error;		
+	if(onoff)		data &= ~(BIT0);   //set bit0 to 0
+	else			data |= BIT0;		//set bit0 to 1	
+	data &= ~(BIT0);   //3 Demod Power always ON => hw issue.	
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL,data) ) goto error;
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+//3//////// Set GPIO3 "OUT"  => Turn ON/OFF Tuner Power
+//3//////// Set GPIO3 "IN"      => Button  Wake UP (USB IF) , NO implement in rtl2832u linux driver
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	int			data;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	// GPIO3_PAD Pull-HIGH, BIT76
+	data = 2;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_CFG0_BIT67,data) ) goto error;
+	// GPO_GPIO3 = 1, GPIO3 output value = 1 
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data) ) goto error;		
+	data |= BIT3;		//set bit3 to 1
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL,data) ) goto error;
+	// GPD_GPIO3=0, GPIO3 output direction
+	data = 0;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_DIR_BIT3,data) ) goto error;
+	// GPOE_GPIO3=1, GPIO3 output enable
+	data = 1;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN_BIT3,data) ) goto error;
+	data = 1;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_CTRL_BIT5,data) ) goto error;
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	int					data;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	//3 reset epa fifo:
+	//3[9] Reset EPA FIFO
+	//3 [5] FIFO Flush,Write 1 to flush the oldest TS packet (a 188 bytes block)
+	data = 0x0210;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+	data = 0xffff;
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CTL,&data) ) goto error;
+	if( (data & 0xffff) != 0x0210)
+	{
+		deb_info("Write error RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CTL = 0x%x\n",data);
+	 	goto error;	
+	}
+	data=0x0000;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+	data = 0xffff;
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CTL,&data) ) goto error;
+	if( ( data  & 0xffff) != 0x0000)
+	{
+		deb_info("Write error RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CTL = 0x%x\n",data);
+	 	goto error;	
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	int					data;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	//3 1.FULL packer mode(for bulk)
+	//3 2.DMA enable.
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_SYSCTL, &data) ) goto error;
+	data &=0xffffff00;
+	data |= 0x09;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_SYSCTL, data) ) goto error;
+	data=0;
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_SYSCTL, &data) ) goto error;
+	if((data&0xff)!=0x09)  
+	{
+		deb_info("Open bulk FULL packet mode error!!\n");
+	 	goto error;
+	}
+	//3check epa config,
+	//3[9-8]:00, 1 transaction per microframe
+	//3[7]:1, epa enable
+	//3[6-5]:10, bulk mode
+	//3[4]:1, device to host
+	//3[3:0]:0001, endpoint number
+	data = 0;
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_CFG, &data) ) goto error;                
+	if((data&0x0300)!=0x0000 || (data&0xff)!=0xd1)
+	{
+		deb_info("Open bulk EPA config error! data=0x%x \n" , data);
+	 	goto error;	
+	}
+	//3 EPA maxsize packet 
+	//3 512:highspeedbulk, 64:fullspeedbulk. 
+	//3 940:highspeediso,  940:fullspeediso.
+	//3 get info :HIGH_SPEED or FULL_SPEED
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_STAT, &data) ) goto error;	
+	if(data&0x01)  
+	{
+		data = 0x00000200;
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_MAXPKT, data) ) goto error;
+		data=0;
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_MAXPKT, &data) ) goto error;
+		if((data&0xffff)!=0x0200)
+		{
+			deb_info("Open bulk EPA max packet size error!\n");
+		 	goto error;
+		}
+		deb_info("HIGH SPEED\n");
+	}
+	else 
+    	{
+		data = 0x00000040;
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_MAXPKT, data) ) goto error;
+		data=0;
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_MAXPKT, &data) ) goto error;
+		if((data&0xffff)!=0x0200)
+		{
+			deb_info("Open bulk EPA max packet size error!\n");
+		 	goto error;
+		}
+		deb_info("FULL SPEED\n");
+	}	
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	int					data;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if ( usb_init_bulk_setting(p_state) ) goto error;
+	//3 change fifo length of EPA 
+	data = 0x00000014;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_FIFO_CFG, data) ) goto error;
+	data = 0xcccccccc;
+	if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_FIFO_CFG, &data) ) goto error;
+	if( (data & 0xff) != 0x14)
+	{
+		deb_info("Write error RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_USB_EPA_FIFO_CFG =0x%x\n",data);
+	 	goto error;
+	}
+	if ( usb_epa_fifo_reset(p_state) ) goto error;
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;	
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned char			resume)
+	int					data;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if (resume)
+	{
+		//3 Suspend_latch_en = 0  => Set BIT4 = 0 
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data &= (~BIT4);	//set bit4 to 0
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1,data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data |= BIT4;		//set bit4 to 1
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1,data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+//3////// DEMOD_CTL1  => IR Setting , IR wakeup from suspend mode
+//3////// if resume =1, resume
+//3////// if resume = 0, suspend
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned char			resume)
+	int					data;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if(resume)
+	{
+		// IR_suspend	
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data &= (~BIT2);		//set bit2 to 0
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1,data) ) goto error;
+		//Clk_400k
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data &= (~BIT3);		//set bit3 to 0
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1,data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//Clk_400k
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data |= BIT3;		//set bit3 to 1
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1,data) ) goto error;
+		// IR_suspend		
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data |= BIT2;		//set bit2 to 1
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL1,data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned char			resume,
+	unsigned char               on)
+	int					data;
+	unsigned char			tmp;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if(resume)
+	{
+		// PLL setting
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data |= BIT7;		//set bit7 to 1
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+		//2 + Begin LOCK
+		// Demod  H/W Reset
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data &= (~BIT5);	//set bit5 to 0
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data |= BIT5;		//set bit5 to 1
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+		//3 reset page chache to 0 		
+		if ( read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 0, 1, &tmp, 1 ) ) goto error;	
+		//2 -End LOCK
+		// delay 5ms
+		platform_wait(5);
+		if(on)
+		{
+			// ADC_Q setting on
+			if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+			data |= BIT3;		//set bit3 to 1
+			if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+			// ADC_I setting on
+			if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+			data |= BIT6;		//set bit3 to 1
+			if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// ADC_I setting off
+			if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+			data &= (~BIT6);		//set bit3 to 0
+			if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+			// ADC_Q setting off
+			if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+			data &= (~BIT3);		//set bit3 to 0
+			if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;		
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// ADC_I setting
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data &= (~BIT6);		//set bit3 to 0
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+		// ADC_Q setting
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data &= (~BIT3);		//set bit3 to 0
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+		// PLL setting
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data &= (~BIT7);		//set bit7 to 0
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;	
+static int
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned char			tuner_addr,
+	unsigned char			tuner_offset,
+	unsigned char*		id_data,
+	unsigned char			length)
+	unsigned char				i2c_repeater;	
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	d = p_state->d;
+	//2 + Begin LOCK
+	if(read_demod_register(d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 )) goto error;
+	i2c_repeater |= BIT3;	
+	if(write_demod_register(d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 )) goto error;
+	if(read_rtl2832_tuner_register(d, tuner_addr, tuner_offset, id_data, length)) goto error;
+	if(read_demod_register(d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 )) goto error;
+	i2c_repeater &= (~BIT3);	
+	if(write_demod_register(d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 )) goto error;
+	//2 - End LOCK
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned char			*chipversion)
+	unsigned char Buffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	unsigned char	i2c_repeater;	
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	d = p_state->d;	
+	Buffer[0] = (unsigned char)MXL5007T_I2C_READING_CONST;
+	Buffer[1] = (unsigned char)MXL5007T_CHECK_ADDRESS;
+	if(read_demod_register(d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 )) goto error;
+	i2c_repeater |= BIT3;	
+	if(write_demod_register(d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 )) goto error;
+	write_rtl2832_stdi2c(d, MXL5007T_BASE_ADDRESS , Buffer, LEN_2_BYTE);
+	read_rtl2832_stdi2c(d, MXL5007T_BASE_ADDRESS, Buffer, LEN_1_BYTE);
+	if(read_demod_register(d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 )) goto error;
+	i2c_repeater &= (~BIT3);
+	if(write_demod_register(d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 )) goto error;
+	switch(Buffer[0])
+	{
+		case MXL5007T_CHECK_VALUE: 
+			*chipversion = MxL_5007T_V4;
+			break;
+		default: 
+			*chipversion = MxL_UNKNOWN_ID;
+			break;
+	}	
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state	*p_state)
+	unsigned char				tuner_id_data[2];
+	unsigned char				chip_version;
+       deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if ((!read_tuner_id_register(p_state, MT2266_TUNER_ADDR, MT2266_OFFSET,  tuner_id_data, LEN_1_BYTE)) && 
+		( tuner_id_data[0] == MT2266_CHECK_VAL ))
+	{
+	 	p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MT2266;
+		deb_info(" -%s : MT2266 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if ((!read_tuner_id_register(p_state, FC2580_TUNER_ADDR, FC2580_OFFSET,  tuner_id_data, LEN_1_BYTE)) &&
+			((tuner_id_data[0]&(~BIT7)) == FC2580_CHECK_VAL ))
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC2580;
+		deb_info(" -%s : FC2580 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if(( !read_tuner_id_register(p_state, MT2063_TUNER_ADDR, MT2063_CHECK_OFFSET,  tuner_id_data, LEN_1_BYTE)) &&
+			( tuner_id_data[0]==MT2063_CHECK_VALUE || tuner_id_data[0]==MT2063_CHECK_VALUE_2))
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MT2063;
+		deb_info(" -%s : MT2063 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if(( !read_tuner_id_register(p_state, MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR, MAX3543_CHECK_OFFSET,  tuner_id_data, LEN_1_BYTE)) &&
+			( tuner_id_data[0]==MAX3543_CHECK_VALUE))
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MAX3543;
+		deb_info(" -%s : MAX3543 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if ((!read_tuner_id_register(p_state, TUA9001_TUNER_ADDR, TUA9001_OFFSET,  tuner_id_data, LEN_2_BYTE)) &&
+				(((tuner_id_data[0]<<8)|tuner_id_data[1]) == TUA9001_CHECK_VAL ))
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_TUA9001;
+		deb_info(" -%s : TUA9001 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else	 if ((!check_mxl5007t_chip_version(p_state, &chip_version)) &&
+			(chip_version == MXL5007T_CHECK_VALUE) )
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T;
+		deb_info(" -%s : MXL5007T tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if ((!read_tuner_id_register(p_state, FC0012_BASE_ADDRESS , FC0012_CHECK_ADDRESS,  tuner_id_data, LEN_1_BYTE)) &&
+			(tuner_id_data[0] == FC0012_CHECK_VALUE))
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012;
+		deb_info(" -%s : FC0012 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	else	if((!read_tuner_id_register(p_state, E4000_BASE_ADDRESS, E4000_CHECK_ADDRESS, tuner_id_data, LEN_1_BYTE)) && 
+			(tuner_id_data[0] == E4000_CHECK_VALUE))	
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000;
+		deb_info(" -%s : E4000 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if(( !read_tuner_id_register(p_state, TDA18272_TUNER_ADDR, TDA18272_CHECK_OFFSET,  tuner_id_data, LEN_2_BYTE)) &&
+			( (tuner_id_data[0]==TDA18272_CHECK_VALUE1) && (tuner_id_data[1]==TDA18272_CHECK_VALUE2)))
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_TDA18272;
+		deb_info(" -%s : Tda18272 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}	
+	else if ((!read_tuner_id_register(p_state, FC0013_BASE_ADDRESS , FC0013_CHECK_ADDRESS,  tuner_id_data, LEN_1_BYTE)) &&
+			(tuner_id_data[0] == FC0013_CHECK_VALUE))
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013;
+		deb_info(" -%s : FC0013 tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	else if ((!read_tuner_id_register(p_state, R820T_BASE_ADDRESS , R820T_CHECK_ADDRESS,  tuner_id_data, LEN_1_BYTE)) &&
+			(tuner_id_data[0] == R820T_CHECK_VALUE))
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_R820T;
+		deb_info(" -%s : R820T tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}	
+	else
+	{
+		p_state->tuner_type = RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+		deb_info(" -%s : Unknown tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+		goto error;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return -1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	int data;
+	// GPD_GPIO1=0, GPIO1 output direction
+	data = 0;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_DIR_BIT1,data) ) goto error;
+	// GPOE_GPIO1=1, GPIO1 output enable
+	data = 1;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN_BIT1,data) ) goto error;
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	int data;
+	// GPD_GPIO6=0, GPIO6 output direction
+	data = 0;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_DIR_BIT6,data) ) goto error;
+	// GPOE_GPIO6=1, GPIO6 output enable
+	data = 1;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN_BIT6,data) ) goto error;
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state)
+	int data;
+	// GPD_GPIO5=0, GPIO5 output direction
+	data = 0;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_DIR_BIT5,data) ) goto error;
+	// GPOE_GPIO5=1, GPIO5 output enable
+	data = 1;
+	if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN_BIT5,data) ) goto error;
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state,
+	unsigned long			frequency,
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+	unsigned long		bandwidth_hz,
+	enum fe_bandwidth	bandwidth,
+	int*					reset_needed)
+	int							is_lock;	
+	unsigned int					diff_ms;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	*reset_needed = 1;	 //3initialize "reset_needed"
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+	if( (p_state->current_frequency == frequency) && (p_state->current_bandwidth_hz == bandwidth_hz) )
+	if( (p_state->current_frequency == frequency) && (p_state->current_bandwidth == bandwidth) )
+	{
+		if( p_state->pNim->IsSignalLocked(p_state->pNim, &is_lock) ) goto error;
+		diff_ms = 0;		
+		while( !(is_lock == LOCKED || diff_ms > 200) )
+		{
+			platform_wait(40);
+			diff_ms += 40;
+			if( p_state->pNim->IsSignalLocked(p_state->pNim, &is_lock) ) goto error;
+		}
+	       if (is_lock==YES)		
+	       {
+		   *reset_needed = 0;		 //3 set "reset_needed" = 0
+		   deb_info("%s : The same frequency = %d setting\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)frequency);
+	       }
+	}	   
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	*reset_needed = 1; 	//3 set "reset_needed" = 1
+	return 1;
+rtl2832_update_functions(struct work_struct *work)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = container_of( work,  struct rtl2832_state,  update2832_procedure_work.work); 
+	//unsigned  long ber_num, ber_dem;
+	//long snr_num = 0;
+	//long snr_dem = 0;
+	//long _snr= 0;
+	if(p_state->pNim == NULL)
+	{
+		//deb_info("%s error\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		goto mutex_error;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	if(!p_state->is_frequency_valid)
+	{
+		//deb_info("  %s no need \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		goto advance_exit;
+	}
+	// Update tuner mode
+	deb_info(" +%s run update\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if( p_state->pNim->UpdateFunction(p_state->pNim)){
+		deb_info(" --->%s run update fail\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+		goto advance_exit;
+	}
+	/* p_state->pNim->UpdateFunction(p_state->pNim);
+	p_state->pNim->GetBer( p_state->pNim , &ber_num , &ber_dem);
+	p_state->pNim->GetSnrDb(p_state->pNim, &snr_num, &snr_dem) ;
+	_snr = snr_num / snr_dem;
+	if( _snr < 0 ) _snr = 0;
+	deb_info("%s : ber = %lu, snr = %lu\n", __FUNCTION__,ber_num,_snr);
+	*/
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	schedule_delayed_work(&p_state->update2832_procedure_work, UPDATE_PROCEDURE_PERIOD_2832);
+	deb_info(" -%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return;
+	return;
+rtl2836_update_function(struct work_struct *work)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state; 
+	unsigned long Per1, Per2;
+	long Data1,Data2;
+	unsigned char data;
+	p_state = container_of(work , struct rtl2832_state , update2836_procedure_work.work); 
+	if(p_state->pNim2836 == NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info("%s error\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		goto mutex_error;
+	}
+	pDtmbDemod = p_state->pNim2836->pDemod;
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if(!p_state->is_frequency_valid)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s no need \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		goto advance_exit;
+	}
+	if(pDtmbDemod->UpdateFunction(pDtmbDemod))	
+	{
+		deb_info("%s -- UpdateFunction failed\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	pDtmbDemod->GetPer(pDtmbDemod,&Per1,&Per2);
+	deb_info("%s -- ***GetPer= %d***\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)Per1);
+	pDtmbDemod->GetSnrDb(pDtmbDemod,&Data1,&Data2);            
+	deb_info("%s -- ***SNR = %d***\n",__FUNCTION__, (int)(Data1>>2));
+	read_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_6, 0xc0, &data, LEN_1_BYTE);
+	deb_info("%s --***FSM = %d***\n", __FUNCTION__, (data&0x1f));
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	schedule_delayed_work(&p_state->update2836_procedure_work,  UPDATE_PROCEDURE_PERIOD_2836);
+	deb_info(" -%s\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	return;
+	return;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe)
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	//usb_reset_device(p_state->d->udev);
+	if( usb_init_setting(p_state) ) goto error;
+	if( gpio3_out_setting(p_state) ) goto error;				//3Set GPIO3 OUT	
+	if( demod_ctl1_setting(p_state , 1) ) goto error;		//3	DEMOD_CTL1, resume = 1
+	if (dvb_use_rtl2832u_card_type)
+	{
+		if( set_demod_power(p_state , 1) ) goto error;			//3	turn ON demod power
+	}
+	if( suspend_latch_setting(p_state , 1) ) goto error;		//3 suspend_latch_en = 0, resume = 1 					
+	if( demod_ctl_setting(p_state , 1,  1) ) goto error;		//3 DEMOD_CTL, resume =1; ADC on
+	if( set_tuner_power(p_state, 1, 1) ) goto error;		//3	turn ON tuner power
+	if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_TUA9001)
+	{	
+		if( gpio1_output_enable_direction(p_state) )	goto error;	
+	}
+	else if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+	{
+		int	data;		
+		if( gpio6_output_enable_direction(p_state) )	goto error;	
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data |= BIT6;
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL,data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	else if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)
+	{
+		int data;
+		if( gpio5_output_enable_direction(p_state))		goto error;
+		if( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data) ) goto error;
+		data |= BIT5; // set GPIO5 high
+		if( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data) ) goto error;
+		data &= ~(BIT5); // set GPIO5 low
+		if( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	switch(p_state->demod_type)
+	{
+		case RTL2836:
+		{
+			if ( set_demod_2836_power(p_state,  1))  goto error;//32836 on
+			// RTL2832 ADC_I& ADC_Q OFF
+			if( demod_ctl_setting(p_state,  1,  0)) goto error;// ADC off
+		}
+		break;
+		case RTL2840:
+		{
+			if ( set_demod_2840_power(p_state,  1))  goto error;//2840 on
+			// RTL2832 ADC_I& ADC_Q OFF
+			if( demod_ctl_setting(p_state,  1,  0)) goto error;//ADC off
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	//3 Nim initial
+	switch(p_state->demod_type)
+	{	
+		case RTL2832:
+		{
+			// Nim initialize for 2832
+			if ( p_state->pNim->Initialize(p_state->pNim) ) goto error;
+		}
+		break;
+		case RTL2836:
+		{
+			// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		       if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) )   goto error;
+	             // Nim initialize for 2836
+			if ( p_state->pNim2836->Initialize(p_state->pNim2836)) goto error;
+			// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		       if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0))  goto error;
+			if(dtmb_error_packet_discard)
+			{
+				unsigned char val=0;
+				if(read_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x21, &val,  LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+				val &= ~(BIT5);
+				if(write_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x21, &val,  LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+				if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_4, 0x26, &val,  LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+				val &= ~(BIT0);
+				if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_4, 0x26, &val,  LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+				deb_info(" dtmb discard error packets\n");
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				deb_info(" dtmb NOT discard error packets\n");
+			}
+		}
+		break;	
+		case RTL2840:
+		{
+			// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+			if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) )   goto error;
+			// Nim initialize for 2840
+			if ( p_state->pNim2840->Initialize(p_state->pNim2840)) goto error;
+			// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+			if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0))  goto error;
+		}			
+		break;
+	}
+	//3  RTL2832U AGC Setting, Serial Mode Switch Setting, PIP Setting based on demod_type
+	if(demod_init_setting(p_state)) goto error;
+	p_state->is_initial = 1; 
+	//if(p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode == RTK_AUDIO)
+	//{
+	//	  deb_info("%s: previous mode is audio? \n", __func__);
+	//      fm_stream_ctrl(0, p_state->d->adapter);			
+	//}
+	p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode = RTK_VIDEO;
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+       if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840)
+	   	schedule_delayed_work(&(p_state->update2840_procedure_work), 0);//3 Initialize update function
+       if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+	   	schedule_delayed_work(&(p_state->update2836_procedure_work),  0);
+       if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	   	schedule_delayed_work(&(p_state->update2832_procedure_work), 0);//3 Initialize update function
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	deb_info(" -%s  error end\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode = RTK_UNKNOWN;
+	return -1;
+static void
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE*	p_mt2266_extra=NULL;	
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE*	p_mt2063_extra=NULL;	
+	deb_info("  +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	if( p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return;
+	}
+	if( (p_state->is_mt2266_nim_module_built) && (p_state->demod_type==RTL2832) )
+	{
+		pTuner = p_state->pNim->pTuner;
+		p_mt2266_extra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+		p_mt2266_extra->CloseHandle(pTuner);
+		p_state->is_mt2266_nim_module_built = 0;
+	}
+	if( p_state->is_mt2063_nim_module_built)
+	{
+		switch(p_state->demod_type)
+		{
+		case RTL2832:
+			pTuner=p_state->pNim->pTuner;
+		break;
+		case RTL2840:
+			pTuner=p_state->pNim2840->pTuner;
+		break;
+		}
+		p_mt2063_extra=&(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+		p_mt2063_extra->CloseHandle(pTuner);
+		p_state->is_mt2063_nim_module_built = 0;
+	}
+	if(p_state->is_initial)
+	{
+              if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840)
+              {
+			cancel_delayed_work_sync( &(p_state->update2840_procedure_work) );//cancel_rearming_delayed_work
+			flush_scheduled_work();
+              }
+		if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+		{
+			cancel_delayed_work_sync( &(p_state->update2836_procedure_work));
+			flush_scheduled_work();
+		}
+              if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+              {
+			cancel_delayed_work_sync( &(p_state->update2832_procedure_work) );
+			flush_scheduled_work();
+              }
+		p_state->is_initial = 0;
+	}
+	p_state->is_frequency_valid = 0;
+	p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode = RTK_UNKNOWN;
+	//IrDA	
+	rtl2832u_remote_control_state = RC_NO_SETTING;
+	kfree(p_state);
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	return;
+static int 
+rtl2832_sleep_mode(struct rtl2832_state* p_state)
+	int data=0;
+	if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MAX3543)
+	{
+		//+set MAX3543_CHECK_VALUE to Default value
+		unsigned char	i2c_repeater;	
+		unsigned char	data = MAX3543_CHECK_VALUE;
+		read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 );
+		i2c_repeater |= BIT3;	
+		write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 );
+		write_rtl2832_tuner_register(p_state->d, MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR, MAX3543_CHECK_OFFSET, &data, LEN_1_BYTE);
+		read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 );
+		i2c_repeater &= (~BIT3);	
+		write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 1, 1, &i2c_repeater, 1 );
+		//-set MAX3543_CHECK_VALUE to Default value
+	}
+	if( p_state->is_initial )
+	{
+		if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840)
+		{
+			cancel_delayed_work_sync( &(p_state->update2840_procedure_work));
+			flush_scheduled_work();
+		}
+		if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+		{
+			cancel_delayed_work_sync( &(p_state->update2836_procedure_work));
+			flush_scheduled_work();
+		}
+              if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+              {
+	             cancel_delayed_work_sync( &(p_state->update2832_procedure_work));
+		       flush_scheduled_work();
+              }
+		p_state->is_initial = 0;
+	}
+	p_state->is_frequency_valid = 0;
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+#if 0
+	//2 For debug
+	/* for( page_no = 0; page_no < 3; page_no++ )//2832 
+	{
+		pDemod->SetRegPage(pDemod, page_no);
+		for( addr_no = 0; addr_no < 256; addr_no++ )
+		{
+			pDemod->GetRegBytes(pDemod, addr_no, &reg_value, 1);
+			printk("0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", page_no, addr_no, reg_value);
+		}
+	}*/
+      for( page_no = 0; page_no < 10; page_no++ )//2836 
+	{
+		pDemod2836->SetRegPage(pDemod2836, page_no);
+		for( addr_no = 0; addr_no < 256; addr_no++ )
+		{
+			pDemod2836->GetRegBytes(pDemod2836, addr_no, &reg_value, 1);
+			printk("0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", page_no, addr_no, reg_value);
+		}
+	}
+	 if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+	{
+		//3 MXL5007T : Set GPIO6 OUTPUT_VAL  OFF for YUAN
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data) ) goto error;		
+		data &= (~BIT6);
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL,data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	if( demod_ctl1_setting(p_state , 0) ) goto error;		//3	DEMOD_CTL1, resume = 0
+	if( set_tuner_power(p_state, 1, 0) ) goto error;		//3	turn OFF tuner power
+	if( demod_ctl_setting(p_state , 0,  0) ) goto error;		//3 	DEMOD_CTL, resume =0	
+	if (p_state->demod_type != RTL2832){
+	set_demod_2836_power(p_state,  0);   //3 RTL2836 power OFF
+	deb_info(" ->%s::RTL2836 power OFF\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	set_demod_2840_power(p_state,  0);   //3 RTL2840 power OFF
+	deb_info(" ->%s ::RTL2840 power OFF\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	//2 for H/W reason
+	//if( suspend_latch_setting(p_state , 0) ) goto error;		//3 suspend_latch_en = 1, resume = 0					
+	if (dvb_use_rtl2832u_card_type)
+	{
+		deb_info(" -%s ::mini card mode gpio0 set high ,demod power off\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		if( set_demod_power(p_state , 0) ) goto error;		//3	turn OFF demod power
+	}
+	if(p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode == RTK_AUDIO)
+	{
+		fm_stream_ctrl(0,  p_state->d->adapter);
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	deb_info(" -%s fail\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	return rtl2832_sleep_mode(p_state);
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+static int
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe)
+	struct dtv_frontend_properties		*param = &fe->dtv_property_cache;
+	struct rtl2832_state				*p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	unsigned long						frequency = param->frequency;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE				*pDemod2832;
+	int								QamMode;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840 && p_state->pNim2840 == NULL )
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim2840 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	 }
+	deb_info(" +%s Freq=%lu , Symbol rate=%u, QAM=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, frequency, param->symbol_rate, param->modulation);
+	pDemod2832 = p_state->pNim->pDemod;
+	switch(param->modulation)
+	{
+		case QPSK :		QamMode = QAM_QAM_4;		break;
+		case QAM_16 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_16;		break;
+		case QAM_32 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_32;		break;
+		case QAM_64 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_64;		break;
+		case QAM_128 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_128;		break;
+		case QAM_256 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_256;		break;		
+		case QAM_AUTO :
+		default:
+		deb_info(" XXX %s  : unknown QAM \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		goto  mutex_error;
+		break;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod2832->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod2832,  DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) )   goto error;	
+	p_state->pNim2840->SetParameters(p_state->pNim2840, frequency, QamMode, param->symbol_rate, QAM_ALPHA_0P15);
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod2832->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod2832, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0))  goto error;
+	if(pDemod2832->SoftwareReset(pDemod2832))//2832 swreset
+		goto error;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	deb_info(" -XXX %s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 1;
+static int
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	struct dvb_frontend_parameters*	param)
+	struct rtl2832_state				*p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	struct dvb_qam_parameters 		*p_qam_param= &param->u.qam;
+	unsigned long						frequency = param->frequency;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE				*pDemod2832;
+	int								QamMode;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840 && p_state->pNim2840 == NULL )
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim2840 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	 }
+	deb_info(" +%s Freq=%lu , Symbol rate=%u, QAM=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, frequency, p_qam_param->symbol_rate, p_qam_param->modulation);
+	pDemod2832 = p_state->pNim->pDemod;
+	switch(p_qam_param->modulation)
+	{
+		case QPSK :		QamMode = QAM_QAM_4;		break;
+		case QAM_16 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_16;		break;
+		case QAM_32 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_32;		break;
+		case QAM_64 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_64;		break;
+		case QAM_128 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_128;		break;
+		case QAM_256 :	QamMode = QAM_QAM_256;		break;		
+		case QAM_AUTO :
+		default:
+		deb_info(" XXX %s  : unknown QAM \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		goto  mutex_error;
+		break;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod2832->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod2832,  DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) )   goto error;	
+	p_state->pNim2840->SetParameters(p_state->pNim2840, frequency, QamMode, p_qam_param->symbol_rate, QAM_ALPHA_0P15);
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod2832->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod2832, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0))  goto error;
+	if(pDemod2832->SoftwareReset(pDemod2832))//2832 swreset
+		goto error;		
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	deb_info(" -XXX %s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 1;
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+static int
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe)
+	struct dtv_frontend_properties	*param = &fe->dtv_property_cache;
+	struct rtl2832_state			*p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	unsigned long					frequency = param->frequency;
+	int							bandwidth_mode;
+	int							is_signal_present;
+	int							reset_needed;
+	unsigned char                             data;
+	int							int_data; 
+       DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *           pDemod2836;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *           pDemod2832;
+       if( p_state->pNim == NULL)
+       {
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+       }
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836 && p_state->pNim2836 == NULL )
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	 }
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	deb_info(" +%s frequency = %lu , bandwidth = %u\n", __FUNCTION__, frequency , param->bandwidth_hz);
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		if ( check_dvbt_reset_parameters( p_state , frequency , param->bandwidth_hz, &reset_needed) ) goto error;
+		if( reset_needed == 0 )
+		{
+			mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);		
+			return 0;
+		}
+		switch (param->bandwidth_hz) 
+	      {
+		case 6000000:
+		bandwidth_mode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ; 	
+		break;
+		case 7000000:
+		bandwidth_mode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ;
+		break;
+		case 8000000:
+		default:
+		bandwidth_mode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;	
+		break;
+	       }
+	       	//add by Dean
+	        if (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012 )
+	        {
+	   		if( gpio6_output_enable_direction(p_state) )	goto error;	    
+			if (frequency > 300000000)
+			{
+				read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &int_data);
+				int_data |= BIT6; // set GPIO6 high
+				write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, int_data);	
+				deb_info("  %s : Tuner :FC0012 V-band (GPIO6 high)\n", __FUNCTION__);		
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &int_data);
+				int_data &= (~BIT6); // set GPIO6 low	
+				write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, int_data);	
+				deb_info("  %s : Tuner :FC0012 U-band (GPIO6 low)\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+			}
+		}
+		if ( p_state->pNim->SetParameters( p_state->pNim,  frequency , bandwidth_mode ) ) goto error; 
+		if ( p_state->pNim->IsSignalPresent( p_state->pNim, &is_signal_present) ) goto error;
+		deb_info("  %s : ****** Signal Present = %d ******\n", __FUNCTION__, is_signal_present);
+		p_state->is_frequency_valid = 1;
+	}
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+	{
+		pDemod2836 =  p_state->pNim2836->pDemod;
+		pDemod2832 = p_state->pNim->pDemod;
+		//if ( check_dtmb_reset_parameters( p_state , frequency ,  &reset_needed) ) goto error;
+		//if( reset_needed == 0 )
+		//{
+		//	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);		
+		//	return 0;
+		//}
+		deb_info("%s:  RTL2836 Hold Stage=9\n",__FUNCTION__);
+		if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0xf8,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		data &=(~BIT_0_MASK);  //reset Reg_present
+		data &=(~BIT_1_MASK);  //reset Reg_lock
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0xf8,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		//3 + RTL2836 Hold Stage=9
+		data = 0x29;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0x4d,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		data = 0xA5;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0x4e,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		data = 0x94;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0x4f,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		//3 -RTL2836 Hold Stage=9
+		// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	       if(pDemod2832->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod2832,  DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) )   goto error;
+		if ( p_state->pNim2836->SetParameters( p_state->pNim2836,  frequency)) 	goto error; //no bandwidth setting	
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	       if(pDemod2832->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod2832, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0))  goto error;
+		if(pDemod2832->SoftwareReset(pDemod2832))//2832 swreset
+			goto error;
+		p_state->is_frequency_valid = 1;
+		if( rtl2836_scan_procedure(p_state))  goto error; 
+	}
+//#if(UPDATE_FUNC_ENABLE_2832 == 0)
+	//3 FC0012/E4000 update begin --
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832 && (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012 
+										|| p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000
+										|| p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013))
+	{
+              // Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)//fc0012
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)//e4000
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013) //fc0013
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		deb_info("%s : fc0012/e4000 update first\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		msleep(50);
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+		if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)//fc0012
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)//e4000
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013) //fc0013
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		deb_info("%s : fc0012/e4000 update 2nd\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	//3 FC0012/E4000 update end --
+	p_state->current_frequency = frequency;	
+	p_state->current_bandwidth_hz = param->bandwidth_hz;
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	p_state->current_frequency = 0;
+	p_state->current_bandwidth_hz = 0;
+	p_state->is_frequency_valid = 0;
+	deb_info(" -%s  error end\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return -1;
+static int
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe)
+	struct dtv_frontend_properties	*param = &fe->dtv_property_cache;
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	unsigned long					frequency = param->frequency;
+	int							bandwidth_mode;
+	int	int_data;
+      //DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *           pDemod2836;
+	//DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *           pDemod2832;
+       if( p_state->pNim == NULL)
+       {
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+       }
+	/* if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836 && p_state->pNim2836 == NULL )
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	 } */
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	deb_info(" +%s frequency = %lu , bandwidth = %u\n", __FUNCTION__, frequency , param->bandwidth_hz);
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		bandwidth_mode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ; 	
+		if(p_state->tuner_type ==  RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)
+		{
+	   		if( gpio6_output_enable_direction(p_state) )	goto error;	    
+			if (frequency > 300000000)
+			{
+				read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &int_data);
+				int_data |= BIT6; // set GPIO6 high
+				write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, int_data);	
+				deb_info("  %s : Tuner :FC0012 V-band (GPIO6 high)\n", __FUNCTION__);		
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &int_data);
+				int_data &= (~BIT6); // set GPIO6 low	
+				write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, int_data);	
+				deb_info("  %s : Tuner :FC0012 U-band (GPIO6 low)\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+			}
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_SetParameters_fm( p_state->pNim,  frequency , bandwidth_mode ))
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_mxl5007t_SetParameters_fm(p_state->pNim, frequency , bandwidth_mode ))
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_SetParameters_fm( p_state->pNim,  frequency , bandwidth_mode ))
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013)
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_SetParameters_fm( p_state->pNim,  frequency , bandwidth_mode ))
+				goto error;
+		}
+		p_state->is_frequency_valid = 1;
+	}
+	/*else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+	{		
+	}*/
+//#if(UPDATE_FUNC_ENABLE_2832 == 0)
+	//3 FC0012/E4000 update begin --
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832 && (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012 || p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000))
+	{
+              // Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+		// if( p_state->pNim->UpdateFunction(p_state->pNim))
+		//	goto error;
+		if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)//fc0012
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)//e4000
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013) //fc0013
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		deb_info("%s : fc0012/e4000 update first\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		msleep(50);
+		// if( p_state->pNim->UpdateFunction(p_state->pNim)) goto error;
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+		if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)//fc0012
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)//e4000
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013) //fc0013
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		deb_info("%s : fc0012/e4000 update 2nd\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	//3 FC0012/E4000 update end --
+	//p_state->current_frequency = frequency;	
+	//p_state->current_bandwidth = p_ofdm_param->bandwidth;	
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	//p_state->current_frequency = 0;
+	//p_state->current_bandwidth = -1;
+	p_state->is_frequency_valid = 0;
+	deb_info(" -%s  error end\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return -1;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe)
+	struct dtv_frontend_properties	*param = &fe->dtv_property_cache;
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	int pConstellation;
+	int pHierarchy;
+	int pCodeRateLp;
+	int pCodeRateHp;
+	int pGuardInterval;
+	int pFftMode;
+	if( p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )
+		return -1;
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		p_state->pNim->GetTpsInfo(p_state->pNim, &pConstellation, &pHierarchy, &pCodeRateLp, &pCodeRateHp, &pGuardInterval, &pFftMode);
+		switch (pConstellation) {
+			param->modulation = QPSK;
+			break;
+			param->modulation = QAM_16;
+			break;
+			param->modulation = QAM_64;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pHierarchy) {
+			param->hierarchy = HIERARCHY_NONE;
+			break;
+			param->hierarchy = HIERARCHY_1;
+			break;
+			param->hierarchy = HIERARCHY_2;
+			break;
+			param->hierarchy = HIERARCHY_4;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pCodeRateLp) {
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_1_OVER_2:
+			param->code_rate_LP = FEC_1_2;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_2_OVER_3:
+			param->code_rate_LP = FEC_2_3;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_3_OVER_4:
+			param->code_rate_LP = FEC_3_4;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_5_OVER_6:
+			param->code_rate_LP = FEC_5_6;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_7_OVER_8:
+			param->code_rate_LP = FEC_7_8;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pCodeRateHp) {
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_1_OVER_2:
+			param->code_rate_HP = FEC_1_2;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_2_OVER_3:
+			param->code_rate_HP = FEC_2_3;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_3_OVER_4:
+			param->code_rate_HP = FEC_3_4;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_5_OVER_6:
+			param->code_rate_HP = FEC_5_6;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_7_OVER_8:
+			param->code_rate_HP = FEC_7_8;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pGuardInterval) {
+			param->guard_interval = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_4;
+			break;
+			param->guard_interval = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_8;
+			break;
+			param->guard_interval = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16;
+			break;
+			param->guard_interval = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pFftMode) {
+		case DVBT_FFT_MODE_2K:
+			param->transmission_mode = TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_FFT_MODE_8K:
+			param->transmission_mode = TRANSMISSION_MODE_8K;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+static int
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	struct dvb_frontend_parameters*	param)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	struct dvb_ofdm_parameters*	p_ofdm_param= &param->u.ofdm;
+	unsigned long					frequency = param->frequency;
+	int							bandwidth_mode;
+	int							is_signal_present;
+	int							reset_needed;
+	unsigned char                             data;
+	int							int_data; 
+	//TUNER_MODULE *                      pTuner;
+       DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *           pDemod2836;
+	DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *           pDemod2832;
+       if( p_state->pNim == NULL)
+       {
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+       }
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836 && p_state->pNim2836 == NULL )
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	 }
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	deb_info(" +%s frequency = %lu , bandwidth = %u\n", __FUNCTION__, frequency ,p_ofdm_param->bandwidth);
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		if ( check_dvbt_reset_parameters( p_state , frequency , p_ofdm_param->bandwidth, &reset_needed) ) goto error;
+		if( reset_needed == 0 )
+		{
+			mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);		
+			return 0;
+		}
+		switch (p_ofdm_param->bandwidth) 
+	      {
+		case BANDWIDTH_6_MHZ:
+		bandwidth_mode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ; 	
+		break;
+		case BANDWIDTH_7_MHZ:
+		bandwidth_mode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ;
+		break;
+		case BANDWIDTH_8_MHZ:
+		default:
+		bandwidth_mode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ;	
+		break;
+	       }
+	       	//add by Dean
+	        if (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012 )
+	        {
+	   		if( gpio6_output_enable_direction(p_state) )	goto error;	    
+			if (frequency > 300000000)
+			{
+				read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &int_data);
+				int_data |= BIT6; // set GPIO6 high
+				write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, int_data);	
+				deb_info("  %s : Tuner :FC0012 V-band (GPIO6 high)\n", __FUNCTION__);		
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &int_data);
+				int_data &= (~BIT6); // set GPIO6 low	
+				write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, int_data);	
+				deb_info("  %s : Tuner :FC0012 U-band (GPIO6 low)\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+			}
+		}
+		if ( p_state->pNim->SetParameters( p_state->pNim,  frequency , bandwidth_mode ) ) goto error; 
+		if ( p_state->pNim->IsSignalPresent( p_state->pNim, &is_signal_present) ) goto error;
+		deb_info("  %s : ****** Signal Present = %d ******\n", __FUNCTION__, is_signal_present);
+		p_state->is_frequency_valid = 1;
+	}
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+	{
+		pDemod2836 =  p_state->pNim2836->pDemod;
+		pDemod2832 = p_state->pNim->pDemod;
+		//if ( check_dtmb_reset_parameters( p_state , frequency ,  &reset_needed) ) goto error;
+		//if( reset_needed == 0 )
+		//{
+		//	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);		
+		//	return 0;
+		//}
+              deb_info(("%s:  RTL2836 Hold Stage=9\n"),__FUNCTION__);	
+		if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0xf8,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		data &=(~BIT_0_MASK);  //reset Reg_present
+		data &=(~BIT_1_MASK);  //reset Reg_lock
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0xf8,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		//3 + RTL2836 Hold Stage=9
+		data = 0x29;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0x4d,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		data = 0xA5;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0x4e,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		data = 0x94;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0x4f,  &data, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		//3 -RTL2836 Hold Stage=9
+		// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	       if(pDemod2832->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod2832,  DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) )   goto error;
+		if ( p_state->pNim2836->SetParameters( p_state->pNim2836,  frequency)) 	goto error; //no bandwidth setting	
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	       if(pDemod2832->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod2832, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0))  goto error;
+		if(pDemod2832->SoftwareReset(pDemod2832))//2832 swreset
+			goto error;
+		p_state->is_frequency_valid = 1;
+		if( rtl2836_scan_procedure(p_state))  goto error; 
+	}
+//#if(UPDATE_FUNC_ENABLE_2832 == 0)
+	//3 FC0012/E4000 update begin --
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832 && (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012 
+										|| p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000
+										|| p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013))
+	{
+              // Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)//fc0012
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)//e4000
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013) //fc0013
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		deb_info("%s : fc0012/e4000 update first\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		msleep(50);
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+		if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)//fc0012
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)//e4000
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013) //fc0013
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		deb_info("%s : fc0012/e4000 update 2nd\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	//3 FC0012/E4000 update end --
+	//p_state->current_frequency = frequency;	
+	//p_state->current_bandwidth = p_ofdm_param->bandwidth;	
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	//p_state->current_frequency = 0;
+	//p_state->current_bandwidth = -1;
+	p_state->is_frequency_valid = 0;
+	deb_info(" -%s  error end\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return -1;
+static int
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	struct dvb_frontend_parameters*	param)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	struct dvb_ofdm_parameters*	p_ofdm_param= &param->u.ofdm;
+	unsigned long					frequency = param->frequency;
+	int							bandwidth_mode;
+	int	int_data;
+      //DTMB_DEMOD_MODULE *           pDemod2836;
+	//DVBT_DEMOD_MODULE *           pDemod2832;
+       if( p_state->pNim == NULL)
+       {
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+       }
+	/* if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836 && p_state->pNim2836 == NULL )
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	 } */
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	deb_info(" +%s frequency = %lu , bandwidth = %u\n", __FUNCTION__, frequency ,p_ofdm_param->bandwidth);
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		bandwidth_mode = DVBT_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ; 	
+		if(p_state->tuner_type ==  RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)
+		{
+	   		if( gpio6_output_enable_direction(p_state) )	goto error;	    
+			if (frequency > 300000000)
+			{
+				read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &int_data);
+				int_data |= BIT6; // set GPIO6 high
+				write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, int_data);	
+				deb_info("  %s : Tuner :FC0012 V-band (GPIO6 high)\n", __FUNCTION__);		
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &int_data);
+				int_data &= (~BIT6); // set GPIO6 low	
+				write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, int_data);	
+				deb_info("  %s : Tuner :FC0012 U-band (GPIO6 low)\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+			}
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_SetParameters_fm( p_state->pNim,  frequency , bandwidth_mode ))
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_mxl5007t_SetParameters_fm(p_state->pNim, frequency , bandwidth_mode ))
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_SetParameters_fm( p_state->pNim,  frequency , bandwidth_mode ))
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013)
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_SetParameters_fm( p_state->pNim,  frequency , bandwidth_mode ))
+				goto error;
+		}
+		p_state->is_frequency_valid = 1;
+	}
+	/*else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+	{		
+	}*/
+//#if(UPDATE_FUNC_ENABLE_2832 == 0)
+	//3 FC0012/E4000 update begin --
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832 && (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012 || p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000))
+	{
+              // Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+		// if( p_state->pNim->UpdateFunction(p_state->pNim))
+		//	goto error;
+		if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)//fc0012
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)//e4000
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013) //fc0013
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		deb_info("%s : fc0012/e4000 update first\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		msleep(50);
+		// if( p_state->pNim->UpdateFunction(p_state->pNim)) goto error;
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+		if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)//fc0012
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0012_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if (p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)//e4000
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_e4000_UpdateTunerMode(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013) //fc0013
+		{
+			if(rtl2832_fc0013_UpdateTunerLnaGainWithRssi(p_state->pNim) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error;
+		}
+		// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+		if(p_state->pNim->pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(p_state->pNim->pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error;
+		deb_info("%s : fc0012/e4000 update 2nd\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	//3 FC0012/E4000 update end --
+	//p_state->current_frequency = frequency;	
+	//p_state->current_bandwidth = p_ofdm_param->bandwidth;	
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);	
+	//p_state->current_frequency = 0;
+	//p_state->current_bandwidth = -1;
+	p_state->is_frequency_valid = 0;
+	deb_info(" -%s  error end\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return -1;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	struct dvb_frontend_parameters*	param)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	struct dvb_ofdm_parameters* p_ofdm_param = &param->u.ofdm;
+	int pConstellation;
+	int pHierarchy;
+	int pCodeRateLp;
+	int pCodeRateHp;
+	int pGuardInterval;
+	int pFftMode;
+	if( p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )
+		return -1;
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		p_state->pNim->GetTpsInfo(p_state->pNim, &pConstellation, &pHierarchy, &pCodeRateLp, &pCodeRateHp, &pGuardInterval, &pFftMode);
+		switch (pConstellation) {
+			p_ofdm_param->constellation = QPSK;
+			break;
+			p_ofdm_param->constellation = QAM_16;
+			break;
+			p_ofdm_param->constellation = QAM_64;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pHierarchy) {
+			p_ofdm_param->hierarchy_information = HIERARCHY_NONE;
+			break;
+			p_ofdm_param->hierarchy_information = HIERARCHY_1;
+			break;
+			p_ofdm_param->hierarchy_information = HIERARCHY_2;
+			break;
+			p_ofdm_param->hierarchy_information = HIERARCHY_4;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pCodeRateLp) {
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_1_OVER_2:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_LP = FEC_1_2;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_2_OVER_3:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_LP = FEC_2_3;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_3_OVER_4:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_LP = FEC_3_4;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_5_OVER_6:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_LP = FEC_5_6;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_7_OVER_8:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_LP = FEC_7_8;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pCodeRateHp) {
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_1_OVER_2:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_HP = FEC_1_2;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_2_OVER_3:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_HP = FEC_2_3;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_3_OVER_4:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_HP = FEC_3_4;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_5_OVER_6:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_HP = FEC_5_6;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_CODE_RATE_7_OVER_8:
+			p_ofdm_param->code_rate_HP = FEC_7_8;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pGuardInterval) {
+			p_ofdm_param->guard_interval = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_4;
+			break;
+			p_ofdm_param->guard_interval = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_8;
+			break;
+			p_ofdm_param->guard_interval = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_16;
+			break;
+			p_ofdm_param->guard_interval = GUARD_INTERVAL_1_32;
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (pFftMode) {
+		case DVBT_FFT_MODE_2K:
+			p_ofdm_param->transmission_mode = TRANSMISSION_MODE_2K;
+			break;
+		case DVBT_FFT_MODE_8K:
+			p_ofdm_param->transmission_mode = TRANSMISSION_MODE_8K;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	fe_status_t*	status)
+	struct rtl2832_state*	p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	int	is_lock;			
+	unsigned  long ber_num, ber_dem;
+	long			snr_num, snr_dem, snr;
+	if( p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	*status = 0;	//3initialize "status"
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		if( p_state->pNim->GetBer( p_state->pNim , &ber_num , &ber_dem) ) goto error;
+		if (p_state->pNim->GetSnrDb(p_state->pNim, &snr_num, &snr_dem) )  goto error;
+		if( p_state->pNim->IsSignalLocked(p_state->pNim, &is_lock) ) goto error;
+		 snr = snr_num/snr_dem;
+		deb_info("%s :******RTL2832 Signal Lock=%d******\n", __FUNCTION__, is_lock);
+		deb_info("%s : ber_num = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned int)ber_num);	
+		deb_info("%s : snr = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, (int)snr);	
+	}
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)//3Need Change ?
+	{
+		unsigned char	val;	
+		if( p_state->pNim2836 == NULL)
+		{
+			deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			goto error;
+		}		
+		if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0xf8, &val, LEN_1_BYTE))
+			goto error;
+		if(val & BIT_1_MASK)	is_lock = YES;
+		else					is_lock = NO;
+              //if(p_state->pNim2836->pDemod->IsSignalLocked(p_state->pNim2836->pDemod, &is_lock))
+		//	  	goto error;
+		deb_info("%s :******RTL2836 Signal Lock=%d******\n", __FUNCTION__, is_lock);	
+	}
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840)
+	{
+		if( p_state->pNim2840 == NULL)
+	{
+			deb_info(" %s pNim2840 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if(p_state->pNim2840->IsSignalLocked(p_state->pNim2840, &is_lock) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS) goto error;
+		deb_info("%s :******RTL2840 Signal Lock=%d******\n", __FUNCTION__, is_lock);	
+	}
+#if(UPDATE_FUNC_ENABLE_2832 == 0)
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012 ||
+			p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000 ||
+			p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013 )
+		{
+			// Update tuner LNA gain with RSSI.
+			if( p_state->pNim->UpdateFunction(p_state->pNim))
+			goto error;
+ 		}//3   
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return -1;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	u32*	ber)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	unsigned  long ber_num, ber_dem;
+	if( p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		if( p_state->pNim->GetBer( p_state->pNim , &ber_num , &ber_dem) ) 
+		{
+			*ber = 19616;
+			goto error;
+		}
+		*ber =  ber_num;
+		deb_info("  %s : ber = 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, *ber);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)//read PER
+	{	
+	       unsigned long per1, per2;
+		if( p_state->pNim2836 == NULL)
+		{
+			deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if( p_state->pNim2836->pDemod->GetPer(p_state->pNim2836->pDemod, &per1, &per2))
+		{
+			*ber = 19616;
+			goto error;
+		}
+		*ber  = per1;
+		deb_info("  %s : RTL2836 per = 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, *ber);
+	}
+	else if (p_state->demod_type == RTL2840)
+	{
+	       unsigned long per1, per2, ber1, ber2;
+		if( p_state->pNim2840 == NULL)
+		{
+			deb_info(" %s pNim2840 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if( p_state->pNim2840->GetErrorRate(p_state->pNim2840, 5, 1000, &ber1, &ber2, &per1, &per2))
+		{
+			*ber = 19616;
+			goto error;
+		}
+		*ber  = ber1;
+		deb_info("  %s : RTL2840 ber = 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, *ber);
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return -1;
+static int fc0012_get_signal_strength(struct rtl2832_state	*p_state,unsigned long *strength)
+	int intTemp=0;
+	int Power=0;
+	int intTotalAGCGain=0;
+	int intLNA=0;
+	unsigned char ReadingByte=0;
+	int LnaGain_reg=0;
+	int NumberOfLnaGainTable=0;
+	int i=0;
+	int Index=0;
+	if(p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	pDemod = p_state->pNim->pDemod;				
+	pTuner = p_state->pNim->pTuner;	
+	// Enable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x1) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error;
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x12, 0x00) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS) 
+		goto error;
+	if(FC0012_Read(pTuner, 0x12, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error;
+	intTemp=(int)ReadingByte;
+	if(FC0012_Read(pTuner, 0x13, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error;
+	LnaGain_reg=(int)ReadingByte&0x7f;
+	// Disable demod DVBT_IIC_REPEAT.
+	if(pDemod->SetRegBitsWithPage(pDemod, DVBT_IIC_REPEAT, 0x0) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error;
+	NumberOfLnaGainTable=sizeof(FC0012_LNA_GAIN_TABLE)/sizeof(FC0012_LNA_REG_MAP);
+	Index=-1;
+	for (i=0;i<NumberOfLnaGainTable;i++)
+	{
+		if (LnaGain_reg == FC0012_LNA_GAIN_TABLE[i].Lna_regValue)
+		{
+			Index=i;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (Index <0) 
+	{
+		goto error;
+	}
+	intLNA=FC0012_LNA_GAIN_TABLE[Index].LnaGain;
+	intTotalAGCGain = ((abs((intTemp >> 5) - 7) -2) * 2 + (intTemp & 0x1F) * 2);
+	 Power= INPUT_ADC_LEVEL - intTotalAGCGain - (intLNA/10);				
+	deb_info(" %s power=%d form fc0012(%x,%x,%x)\n", __FUNCTION__,Power,intTemp,LnaGain_reg,intLNA);			
+	//Signal Strength : map power to 0~100
+	if(Power >=-45) 
+	{
+		*strength=100;
+	}
+	else if(Power <-95) 
+			*strength=0;
+	else
+			*strength = ((Power+45)*100)/50+100;
+	return 0;
+	return -1;	
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	u16*	strength)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	unsigned long		_strength;
+	if( p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)	
+	{
+		if (fc0012_get_signal_strength(p_state,&_strength))	
+		{
+			*strength = 0;
+			goto error;	  	
+		}
+#if 0
+		/* this is wrong, as _strength is in the range [0,100] */
+		*strength = (_strength<<8) | _strength;
+		/* scale *strength in the proper range [0,0xffff] */
+		*strength = (_strength * 0xffff) / 100;
+		deb_info("  %s : use FC0012 strength = 0x%x(%d) \n", __FUNCTION__, *strength,*strength);	  		
+	}
+       else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+       {
+		if( p_state->pNim->GetSignalStrength( p_state->pNim ,  &_strength) ) 
+		{
+			*strength = 0;
+			goto error;
+		}
+#if 0
+		/* this is wrong, as _strength is in the range [0,100] */
+		*strength = (_strength<<8) | _strength;
+		/* scale *strength in the proper range [0,0xffff] */
+		*strength = (_strength * 0xffff) / 100;
+		deb_info("  %s : RTL2832 strength = 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, *strength);		
+        }
+        else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+        {
+		if(p_state->pNim2836 == NULL)
+		{
+			deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if(p_state->pNim2836->pDemod->GetSignalStrength( p_state->pNim2836->pDemod ,  &_strength))// if(p_state->pNim2836->GetSignalStrength( p_state->pNim2836 ,  &_strength) ) 
+		{
+			*strength = 0;
+			goto error;
+		}
+#if 0
+		/* this is wrong, as _strength is in the range [0,100] */
+		*strength = (_strength<<8) | _strength;
+		/* scale *strength in the proper range [0,0xffff] */
+		*strength = (_strength * 0xffff) / 100;
+		deb_info("  %s : RTL2836 strength = 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, *strength);	
+        }
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840)
+	{
+		if(p_state->pNim2840 == NULL)
+		{
+			deb_info(" %s pNim2840 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if(p_state->pNim2840->pDemod->GetSignalStrength( p_state->pNim2840->pDemod ,  &_strength))// if(p_state->pNim2836->GetSignalStrength( p_state->pNim2836 ,  &_strength) ) 
+		{
+			*strength = 0;
+			goto error;
+		}
+#if 0
+		/* this is wrong, as _strength is in the range [0,100] */
+		*strength = (_strength<<8) | _strength;
+		/* scale *strength in the proper range [0,0xffff] */
+		*strength = (_strength * 0xffff) / 100;
+		deb_info("  %s : RTL2840 strength = 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, *strength);	
+        }
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return -1;
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	u32*	quality)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	unsigned long		_quality;
+	if( p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		if ( p_state->pNim->GetSignalQuality( p_state->pNim ,  &_quality) )
+		{
+			*quality  = 0;		
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+	{
+		if( p_state->pNim2836 ==  NULL)
+	       {
+	       	deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		       goto error;
+	       }
+		if ( p_state->pNim2836->pDemod->GetSignalQuality( p_state->pNim2836->pDemod ,  &_quality) )//if ( p_state->pNim->GetSignalQuality( p_state->pNim ,  &_quality) )
+		{
+			*quality  = 0;		
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840)
+	{
+		if( p_state->pNim2840 ==  NULL)
+	       {
+	       	deb_info(" %s pNim2840 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		       goto error;
+	       }
+		if ( p_state->pNim2840->pDemod->GetSignalQuality( p_state->pNim2840->pDemod ,  &_quality) )//if ( p_state->pNim->GetSignalQuality( p_state->pNim ,  &_quality) )
+		{
+			*quality  = 0;		
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
+	*quality = _quality;
+	deb_info("  %s : quality = 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, *quality);	
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return -1;	
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	u16*	snr)
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	long snr_num = 0;
+	long snr_dem = 0;
+	long _snr= 0;
+	int pConstellation;
+	int pHierarchy;
+	int pCodeRateLp;
+	int pCodeRateHp;
+	int pGuardInterval;
+	int pFftMode;
+	// max dB for each constellation
+	static const int snrMaxDb[DVBT_CONSTELLATION_NUM] = {  23,  26,  29, };
+	if( p_state->pNim== NULL)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s pNim = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex) )	goto mutex_error;
+	if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2832)
+	{
+		if (p_state->pNim->GetSnrDb(p_state->pNim, &snr_num, &snr_dem) ) 
+		{
+			*snr = 0;
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if (dvb_usb_rtl2832u_snrdb == 0) 
+		{
+			p_state->pNim->GetTpsInfo(p_state->pNim, &pConstellation, &pHierarchy, &pCodeRateLp, &pCodeRateHp, &pGuardInterval, &pFftMode);
+			_snr = ((snr_num / snr_dem) * 0xffff) / snrMaxDb[pConstellation];
+			if ( _snr > 0xffff ) _snr = 0xffff;
+			if ( _snr < 0 ) _snr = 0;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			_snr = snr_num / snr_dem;
+			if( _snr < 0 ) _snr = 0;
+		}
+		*snr = _snr;
+        }
+        else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2836)
+        {
+        	if( p_state->pNim2836 == NULL)
+		{
+			deb_info(" %s pNim2836 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if(p_state->pNim2836->pDemod->GetSnrDb(p_state->pNim2836->pDemod, &snr_num, &snr_dem))
+		{
+			*snr = 0;
+			goto error;
+		}
+		*snr = snr_num>>2;
+        }  
+	else if(p_state->demod_type == RTL2840)
+	{
+        	if( p_state->pNim2840 == NULL)
+		{
+			deb_info(" %s pNim2840 = NULL \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if(p_state->pNim2840->pDemod->GetSnrDb(p_state->pNim2840->pDemod, &snr_num, &snr_dem))
+		{
+			*snr = 0;
+			goto error;
+		}
+		*snr = snr_num/snr_dem;
+	}
+	deb_info("  %s : snr = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, *snr);	
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	return -1;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	struct dvb_frontend_tune_settings*	fe_tune_settings)
+	deb_info("  %s : Do Nothing\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	fe_tune_settings->min_delay_ms = 1000;
+	return 0;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	int	acquire)
+	deb_info("  %s : Do Nothing\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	return 0;
+static int 
+rtl2832_get_algo(struct dvb_frontend *fe)
+        struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	if(p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode == RTK_AUDIO)
+		return DVBFE_ALGO_HW;
+	else 
+		return DVBFE_ALGO_SW;
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+static int
+rtl2832_tune(struct dvb_frontend *fe,
+			   bool re_tune,
+			   unsigned int mode_flags, 
+			   unsigned int *delay, 
+			   fe_status_t *status)
+	//struct dvb_frontend_private *fepriv = fe->frontend_priv;
+	//  fe_status_t s = 0;
+	int retval = 0;
+	struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	if(p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode != RTK_AUDIO)
+	{
+		*status = 256;
+		deb_info("%s: can't set parameter now\n",__FUNCTION__);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (re_tune)
+		retval = rtl2832_set_parameters_fm(fe);
+	if(retval < 0)
+		*status = 256;//FESTATE_ERROR;
+	//else
+	//	status = 16;//FESTATE_TUNED;
+	*delay = 10*HZ;
+	//fepriv->quality = 0;
+	return 0;
+static int
+rtl2832_tune(struct dvb_frontend *fe, 
+			   struct dvb_frontend_parameters *params,
+			   unsigned int mode_flags, 
+			   unsigned int *delay, 
+			   fe_status_t *status)
+	//struct dvb_frontend_private *fepriv = fe->frontend_priv;
+      //  fe_status_t s = 0;
+	int retval = 0;
+       struct rtl2832_state* p_state = fe->demodulator_priv;
+	if(params == NULL)
+	{
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(p_state->rtl2832_audio_video_mode != RTK_AUDIO)
+	{
+		*status = 256;
+		deb_info("%s: can't set parameter now\n",__FUNCTION__);
+		return 0;
+	}
+      retval = rtl2832_set_parameters_fm(fe, params);
+	if(retval < 0)
+		*status = 256;//FESTATE_ERROR;
+	//else
+	//	status = 16;//FESTATE_TUNED;
+	*delay = 10*HZ;
+	//fepriv->quality = 0;
+	return 0;
+static struct dvb_frontend_ops rtl2832_dvbt_ops;
+static struct dvb_frontend_ops rtl2840_dvbc_ops;
+static struct dvb_frontend_ops rtl2836_dtmb_ops;
+struct dvb_frontend* rtl2832u_fe_attach(struct dvb_usb_device *d)
+	struct rtl2832_state*       p_state= NULL;
+	//char			tmp_set_tuner_power_gpio4;
+	deb_info("+%s : chialing 2011-12-26\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	//3 linux fe_attach  necessary setting
+	/*allocate memory for the internal state */
+	p_state = kzalloc(sizeof(struct rtl2832_state), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (p_state == NULL) goto error;
+	memset(p_state,0,sizeof(*p_state));
+	p_state->is_mt2266_nim_module_built = 0; //initialize is_mt2266_nim_module_built 
+	p_state->is_mt2063_nim_module_built = 0; //initialize is_mt2063_nim_module_built 
+	p_state->is_initial = 0;			//initialize is_initial 
+	p_state->is_frequency_valid = 0;
+	p_state->d = d;
+	p_state->b_rtl2840_power_onoff_once = 0;
+	if( usb_init_setting(p_state) ) goto error;
+	if( gpio3_out_setting(p_state) ) goto error;			//3Set GPIO3 OUT	
+	if( demod_ctl1_setting(p_state , 1) ) goto error;		//3	DEMOD_CTL1, resume = 1
+	if (dvb_use_rtl2832u_card_type)
+	{
+		if( set_demod_power(p_state , 1) ) goto error;		
+	}
+	if( suspend_latch_setting(p_state , 1) ) goto error;		//3 suspend_latch_en = 0, resume = 1 					
+	if( demod_ctl_setting(p_state , 1,  1) ) goto error;		//3 DEMOD_CTL, resume =1; ADC on
+	//3 Auto detect Tuner Power Pin (GPIO3 or GPIO4)	
+	if( set_tuner_power(p_state , 1 , 1) ) goto error;		//3	turn ON tuner power, 1st try GPIO4
+	if( check_tuner_type(p_state) )		goto error;
+       //3 Check if support RTL2836 DTMB. 
+	p_state->demod_support_type = 0;
+	check_dtmb_support(p_state); //2836 is off in the end of check_dtmb_support()
+	check_dvbc_support(p_state);
+       //3Set demod_type.
+       p_state->demod_ask_type = demod_default_type;
+	if((p_state->demod_ask_type == RTL2836) && (p_state->demod_support_type & SUPPORT_DTMB_MODE))
+	{
+		p_state->demod_type = RTL2836;
+	}
+	else if((p_state->demod_ask_type == RTL2840) && (p_state->demod_support_type & SUPPORT_DVBC_MODE))
+	{
+		p_state->demod_type = RTL2840;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	p_state->demod_type = RTL2832;
+	}
+	deb_info("demod_type is %d\n", p_state->demod_type);
+	//3 Build Nim Module
+	build_nim_module(p_state);
+	/* setup the state */
+	switch(p_state->demod_type)
+	{
+		case RTL2832:
+			memcpy(&p_state->frontend.ops, &rtl2832_dvbt_ops, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_ops));
+#ifndef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+			memset(&p_state->fep, 0, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_parameters));
+		break;
+		case RTL2836:	
+			memcpy(&p_state->frontend.ops, &rtl2836_dtmb_ops, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_ops));
+#ifndef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+			memset(&p_state->fep, 0, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_parameters));
+		break;
+		case RTL2840:
+			memcpy(&p_state->frontend.ops, &rtl2840_dvbc_ops, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_ops));
+#ifndef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+			memset(&p_state->fep, 0, sizeof(struct dvb_frontend_parameters));
+		break;	
+	}	
+ 	/* create dvb_frontend */
+	p_state->frontend.demodulator_priv = p_state;
+	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&(p_state->update2840_procedure_work), rtl2840_update_function);
+	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&(p_state->update2836_procedure_work), rtl2836_update_function);
+	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&(p_state->update2832_procedure_work), rtl2832_update_functions);
+	mutex_init(&p_state->i2c_repeater_mutex);
+	if (dvb_use_rtl2832u_rc_mode<3){
+		deb_info(">>%s go to sleep mode(low power mode)\n", __FUNCTION__);
+			if (rtl2832_sleep_mode(p_state)){
+			deb_info("sleep mode is fail \n");
+		}
+	}		
+	deb_info("-%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return &p_state->frontend;
+	return NULL;	
+static struct dvb_frontend_ops rtl2840_dvbc_ops = {
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+    /* TODO: check if rtl2840 supports also SYS_DVBC_ANNEX_C */
+    .delsys = { SYS_DVBC_ANNEX_A, SYS_DVBC_ANNEX_C },
+    .info = {
+        .name               = "Realtek DVB-C RTL2840 ",
+#ifndef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+        .type               = FE_QAM,
+        .frequency_min      = 50000000,
+        .frequency_max      = 862000000,
+        .frequency_stepsize = 166667,
+        .caps = FE_CAN_FEC_1_2 | FE_CAN_FEC_2_3 |
+            FE_CAN_FEC_3_4 | FE_CAN_FEC_5_6 | FE_CAN_FEC_7_8 |
+            FE_CAN_FEC_AUTO |
+            FE_CAN_QPSK | FE_CAN_QAM_16 | FE_CAN_QAM_64 | FE_CAN_QAM_AUTO |
+            FE_CAN_MUTE_TS
+    },
+    .init =				rtl2832_init,
+    .release =				rtl2832_release,
+    .sleep =				rtl2832_sleep,
+    .set_frontend =			rtl2840_set_parameters,
+    .get_frontend =			rtl2832_get_parameters,
+    .get_tune_settings =		rtl2832_get_tune_settings,
+    .read_status =			rtl2832_read_status,
+    .read_ber =				rtl2832_read_ber,
+    .read_signal_strength =		rtl2832_read_signal_strength,
+    .read_snr =				rtl2832_read_snr,
+    .read_ucblocks =			rtl2832_read_signal_quality,
+    .ts_bus_ctrl   =			rtl2832_ts_bus_ctrl, 
+static struct dvb_frontend_ops rtl2832_dvbt_ops = {
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+    .delsys = { SYS_DVBT },
+    .info = {
+        .name               = "Realtek DVB-T RTL2832",
+#ifndef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+        .type               = FE_OFDM,
+        .frequency_min      = 80000000,//174000000,
+        .frequency_max      = 862000000,
+        .frequency_stepsize = 166667,
+        .caps = FE_CAN_FEC_1_2 | FE_CAN_FEC_2_3 |
+            FE_CAN_FEC_3_4 | FE_CAN_FEC_5_6 | FE_CAN_FEC_7_8 |
+            FE_CAN_FEC_AUTO |
+            FE_CAN_QPSK | FE_CAN_QAM_16 | FE_CAN_QAM_64 | FE_CAN_QAM_AUTO |
+            FE_CAN_MUTE_TS
+    },
+    .init =					rtl2832_init,
+    .release =				rtl2832_release,
+    .sleep =				rtl2832_sleep,
+    .set_frontend =			rtl2832_set_parameters,
+    .get_frontend =			rtl2832_get_parameters,
+    .get_tune_settings =		rtl2832_get_tune_settings,
+    .read_status =			rtl2832_read_status,
+    .read_ber =			rtl2832_read_ber,
+    .read_signal_strength =	rtl2832_read_signal_strength,
+    .read_snr =			rtl2832_read_snr,
+    .read_ucblocks =		rtl2832_read_signal_quality,
+    .ts_bus_ctrl   =			rtl2832_ts_bus_ctrl, 
+    .get_frontend_algo =        rtl2832_get_algo,
+    .tune =                            rtl2832_tune,
+static struct dvb_frontend_ops rtl2836_dtmb_ops = {
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+    .delsys = { SYS_DMBTH },
+    .info = {
+        .name               = "Realtek DTMB RTL2836",
+#ifndef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+        .type               = FE_OFDM,
+        .frequency_min      = 50000000,
+        .frequency_max      = 862000000,
+        .frequency_stepsize = 166667,
+        .caps = FE_CAN_FEC_1_2 | FE_CAN_FEC_2_3 |
+            FE_CAN_FEC_3_4 | FE_CAN_FEC_5_6 | FE_CAN_FEC_7_8 |
+            FE_CAN_FEC_AUTO |
+            FE_CAN_QPSK | FE_CAN_QAM_16 | FE_CAN_QAM_64 | FE_CAN_QAM_AUTO |
+            FE_CAN_MUTE_TS
+    },
+    .init =					rtl2832_init,
+    .release =				rtl2832_release,
+    .sleep =				rtl2832_sleep,
+    .set_frontend =			rtl2832_set_parameters,
+    .get_frontend =			rtl2832_get_parameters,
+    .get_tune_settings =		rtl2832_get_tune_settings,
+    .read_status =			rtl2832_read_status,
+    .read_ber =				rtl2832_read_ber,
+    .read_signal_strength =		rtl2832_read_signal_strength,
+    .read_snr =				rtl2832_read_snr,
+    .read_ucblocks =			rtl2832_read_signal_quality,
+    .ts_bus_ctrl   =			rtl2832_ts_bus_ctrl, 
+/* DTMB related */
+static int 
+		struct rtl2832_state* p_state)
+	int status;
+	unsigned char  buf[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	set_demod_2836_power(p_state, 1); //on
+	status = read_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_5,  0x10,  buf,  LEN_2_BYTE);
+	if(!status && ( buf[0]==0x04 ) && ( buf[1]==0x00 ))
+	{
+		p_state->demod_support_type |=  SUPPORT_DTMB_MODE;
+		deb_info(" -%s  RTL2836 on broad.....\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		p_state->demod_support_type &= (~SUPPORT_DTMB_MODE);
+		deb_info(" -%s  RTL2836 NOT FOUND.....\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+       set_demod_2836_power(p_state, 0); //off
+	//3 Always support DVBT
+	p_state->demod_support_type |= SUPPORT_DVBT_MODE;
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+   	return 0;
+/* DVB-C related */
+static int 
+		struct rtl2832_state* p_state)
+	int status;
+	unsigned char	buf;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	set_demod_2840_power(p_state, 1);
+	status = read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x04, &buf, LEN_1_BYTE);
+	if(!status)
+	{
+		p_state->demod_support_type |=  SUPPORT_DVBC_MODE;
+		deb_info(" -%s  RTL2840 on broad.....\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		p_state->demod_support_type &= (~SUPPORT_DVBC_MODE);
+		deb_info(" -%s  RTL2840 NOT FOUND.....\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	set_demod_2840_power(p_state, 0);
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state* p_state, 
+		int  onoff)
+	int data;
+	unsigned char datachar;
+	deb_info(" +%s  onoff = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, onoff);
+	//2 First RTL2836 Power ON 
+	if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+	{
+		//3 a. Set GPIO 0 LOW
+	      if( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data)) goto error;
+	      data &= ~(BIT0); // set GPIO0 low
+	      if( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data)) goto error;				
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC2580)
+	{
+		//3 b. Set GPIO 5 LOW
+		if( gpio5_output_enable_direction(p_state))  goto error;
+		if( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data) ) goto error;
+		data &= ~(BIT5); // set GPIO5 low
+		if( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data) ) goto error;
+	}
+	if(onoff)
+	{
+		//3 2. RTL2836 AGC = 1 
+		if ( read_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x01, &datachar,  LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		datachar |=BIT_2_MASK;
+		datachar &=(~BIT_3_MASK);
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,   PAGE_0, 0x01, &datachar, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;	
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//3 2. RTL2836 AGC = 0
+		if ( read_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x01, &datachar,  LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		datachar &=(~BIT_2_MASK);
+		datachar &=(~BIT_3_MASK);	
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,   PAGE_0, 0x01, &datachar, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;	
+ 		//3 3. RTL2836 Power OFF 
+		if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+		{
+			//3 4.a. Set GPIO 0 HIGH
+			if( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data)) goto error;
+			data |= BIT0; // set GPIO0 high
+		       if( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data)) goto error;
+		}
+		else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC2580)
+		{
+			//3 4.b. Set GPIO 5 HIGH
+			if( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data)) goto error;
+			data |= BIT5; // set GPIO5 high
+		       if( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data)) goto error;
+		}		
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s  onoff = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, onoff);
+	return 0;
+	deb_info(" -%s  onoff = %d fail\n", __FUNCTION__, onoff);
+	return 1;
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state* p_state)
+	unsigned char	buf;
+	int			data;
+	int			time = 0;
+	deb_info(" +%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data);
+	data |= BIT0; // set GPIO0 high
+	write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data);
+	read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data);
+	data |= BIT6; // set GPIO6 high
+	write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data);
+	gpio6_output_enable_direction(p_state);
+	platform_wait(25);    //wait 25ms
+	read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data);
+	data &= (~BIT6); // set GPIO6 low
+	write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data);
+	platform_wait(25);    //wait 25ms
+	read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data);
+	data &= (~BIT0); // set GPIO0 low
+	write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data);
+	platform_wait(25);    //wait 25ms
+	read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x01, &buf, LEN_1_BYTE);
+	while( (buf!=0xa3) && (time<2) )
+	{
+		// Set GPIO 6 HIGH			
+		read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data);
+		data |= BIT6; // set GPIO6 high
+		write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data);
+		platform_wait(25);    //wait 25ms
+		// Set GPIO 0 HIGH			
+		read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data);
+		data |= BIT0; // set GPIO0 high
+		write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data);
+		platform_wait(25);    //wait 25ms
+		// Set GPIO 6 LOW			
+		read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data);
+		data &= (~BIT6); // set GPIO6 low
+		write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data);
+		platform_wait(25);    //wait 25ms
+		// Set GPIO 0 LOW			
+		read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data);
+		data &= (~BIT0); // set GPIO0 low
+		write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data);
+		platform_wait(25);    //wait 25ms
+		read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x01, &buf, LEN_1_BYTE);
+		deb_info(" +%s  Page 0, addr 0x01 = 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, buf);		
+		time++;
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;	
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state* p_state, 
+		int  onoff)
+	unsigned char		buf;
+	int				data;
+	deb_info(" +%s  onoff = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, onoff);
+	//3 1.a RTL2840 Power ON  Set GPIO 0 LOW
+	if(p_state->b_rtl2840_power_onoff_once)
+	{
+		//3 a. Set GPIO 0 LOW
+	      if( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data)) goto error;
+	      data &= ~(BIT0); // set GPIO0 low
+	      if( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data)) goto error;				
+		platform_wait(50);    //wait 50ms
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		rtl2840_on_hwreset(p_state);
+		p_state->b_rtl2840_power_onoff_once = 1;
+	}
+	if(onoff)
+	{
+		//3 2.a RTL2840 AGC = 1
+		read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x04, &buf, LEN_1_BYTE);
+		buf &= (~BIT_6_MASK);
+		buf |= BIT_7_MASK;
+		write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x04, &buf, LEN_1_BYTE);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//3 2.b RTL2840 AGC = 0
+		read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x04, &buf, LEN_1_BYTE);
+		buf &= (~BIT_6_MASK);
+		buf &= (~BIT_7_MASK);
+		write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_0, 0x04, &buf, LEN_1_BYTE);
+ 		//3 3.a RTL2840 Power OFF Set GPIO 0 HIGH
+	      if( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, &data)) goto error;
+	      data |=BIT0; // set GPIO0 HIGH
+	      if( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL, data)) goto error;				
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s  onoff = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, onoff);
+	return 0;
+	deb_info(" - XXX %s  onoff = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, onoff);
+	return 1;
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state * p_state
+		)
+	unsigned char data;
+	unsigned char buf[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	switch(p_state->demod_type)
+	{
+	case RTL2832:	
+		{
+			deb_info("%s for RTL2832\n", __FUNCTION__);
+			//3 1. Set IF_AGC Internal    IF_AGC_MAN 0x0c
+		       if(read_demod_register(p_state->d,  RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_1, 0x0c, &data,  LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			data &= (~BIT6);
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_1, 0x0c, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		      /*if(!context->DAB_AP_running)
+			{
+				//3 2. Set PID filter to reject null packet(pid = 0x1fff) 
+				context->pid_filter_mode = REJECT_MODE;	
+				ULONG reject_pid[1] = {0x1fff}; 
+				Status = PidFilterToRejectMode(context, reject_pid, 1);
+				if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status))	goto error;
+			}*/
+		}
+		break;		
+	case RTL2836:
+	case RTL2840:	
+		{
+			deb_info("%s RTL2832P for RTL2836 and RTL2840 \n", __FUNCTION__);
+			//3 1. Set IF_AGC Manual and Set IF_AGC MAX VAL
+			buf[0]=0x5F;
+ 			buf[1]=0xFF;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_1,  0x0c,  buf, LEN_2_BYTE)) goto error;
+			//3 2. PIP Setting
+			data = 0xe8;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x21, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+                     data = 0x60;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x61, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			data = 0x18;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0xbc, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			data = 0x00;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x62, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+                     data = 0x00;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x63, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+                     data = 0x00;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x64, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;                            
+                     data = 0x00;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x65, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			//3 +PIP filter Reject = 0x1FFF
+                    	data = 0x01;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x22, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			data = 0x1f;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x26, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			data = 0xff;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_0, 0x27, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			//3 -PIP filter Reject = 0x1FFF
+			data = 0x7f;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_1, 0x92, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			data = 0xf7;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_1, 0x93, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+			data = 0xff;
+			if(write_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_1, 0x94, &data, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	deb_info(" -%s error \n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 1;
+static int 
+	struct rtl2832_state * p_state)
+	unsigned char val;
+	int wait_num = 0;
+	unsigned long Per1, Per2;
+	long Data1,Data2,Snr;
+	struct dvb_usb_device* dev;
+	pDtmbDemod = p_state->pNim2836->pDemod;
+	dev = p_state->d;
+	deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+       //3 Check signal present
+	wait_num = 0;
+	msleep(50); // Wait 0.05s 
+       if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_6, 0x53, &val, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+	deb_info("%s Signel Present = 0x %x\n", __FUNCTION__, val);
+	while((wait_num<3)&& (!(val&BIT_0_MASK)))
+	{
+		msleep(50); // Wait 0.05s
+		if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_6, 0x53, &val, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		deb_info("%s Signel Present = 0x %x\n", __FUNCTION__, val);
+		wait_num++;
+	}
+	if(val&BIT_0_MASK)
+	{
+		//3  Write signal present 
+		if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0xf8, &val, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+		val |= BIT_0_MASK;  //set Reg_present
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0xf8, &val, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+              //3+ RTL2836 Release Stage=9
+		val = 0x49;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0x4d, &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		val = 0x29;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0x4e, &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		val = 0x95;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0x4f, &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		//3 -RTL2836 Release Stage=9
+		deb_info("%s RTL2836 Release Stage 9\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		//3 Check signal lock		
+		pDtmbDemod->GetPer(pDtmbDemod, &Per1, &Per2);
+		deb_info("%s --***GetPer = %d***\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)Per1); 	
+		pDtmbDemod->GetSnrDb(pDtmbDemod, &Data1, &Data2);            
+		Snr = Data1>>2;
+		deb_info("%s --***SNR= %d***\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)Snr); 	
+		wait_num = 0;
+		while(wait_num<30 )
+		{
+			if((Per1<1) && (Snr>0) && (Snr<40) )
+			{
+				if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0xf8, &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+				val |= BIT_1_MASK;  //set Reg_signal
+    				if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0xf8, &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+				deb_info("%s Signal Lock................\n", __FUNCTION__); 	
+				break;
+			}
+			msleep(100); // Wait 0.1s
+			pDtmbDemod->GetPer(pDtmbDemod,&Per1,&Per2);
+			deb_info("%s --***GetPer = %d***\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)Per1); 			
+			pDtmbDemod->GetSnrDb(pDtmbDemod,&Data1,&Data2);            
+			Snr = Data1>>2;
+			deb_info("%s --***SNR= %d***\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)Snr); 	
+			wait_num++;
+		}
+              if(! ((Per1<1) && (Snr>0) && (Snr<40)))
+              {
+              	if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0xf8,  &val, LEN_1_BYTE))  goto error;
+			val &=(~BIT_1_MASK);  //reset Reg_lock
+			if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0xf8,  &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+              }		
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(read_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0xf8,  &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		val &=(~BIT_0_MASK);  //reset Reg_present
+		val &=(~BIT_1_MASK);  //reset Reg_lock
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,  PAGE_3,  0xf8,  &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		//3 + RTL2836 Release Stage=9
+		val = 0x49;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0x4d, &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		val = 0x29;
+              if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0x4e, &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		val = 0x95;
+		if(write_rtl2836_demod_register(dev, RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR, PAGE_3, 0x4f, &val, LEN_1_BYTE)) goto error;
+		//3 -RTL2836 Release Stage=9
+		deb_info("%s RTL2836 Release Stage 9\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	deb_info(" -%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	deb_info(" +%s error\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return -1;
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state*  p_state)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE	*p_mt2266_extra;
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE	*p_mt2063_extra;
+	TUNER_MODULE 		*pTuner;
+	deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+      //3 Buile 2832 nim module
+	if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MT2266)
+	{
+		//3 Build RTL2832 MT2266 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Mt2266Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARALLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			200,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+			OFF,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			MT2266_TUNER_ADDR				// The MT2266 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			);
+		// Get MT2266 tuner extra module.
+		pTuner = p_state->pNim->pTuner;
+		p_mt2266_extra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+		// Open MT2266 handle.
+		if(p_mt2266_extra->OpenHandle(pTuner))
+			deb_info("%s : MT2266 Open Handle Failed....\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		p_state->is_mt2266_nim_module_built = 1;
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Mt2266Module\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	else if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC2580)
+	{
+		//3Build RTL2832 FC2580 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Fc2580Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,					// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+			2,					// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+			custom_i2c_read,			// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,			// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,				// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,			// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARALLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,		// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			200,					// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+			OFF,					// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			FC2580_TUNER_ADDR,			// The FC2580 I2C device address is 0xac in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_16384000HZ,		// The FC2580 crystal frequency is 16.384 MHz.
+			FC2580_AGC_INTERNAL			// The FC2580 AGC mode is external AGC mode.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Fc2580Module\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	else if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_TUA9001)
+	{
+		//3Build RTL2832 TUA9001 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Tua9001Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			NULL,						// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			NULL,						// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARALLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			200,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+			OFF,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			TUA9001_TUNER_ADDR				// The TUA9001 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Tua9001Module\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	else if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+	{
+		//3Build RTL2832 MXL5007 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Mxl5007tModule(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function..
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARALLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			200,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+			OFF,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			MXL5007T_BASE_ADDRESS,				// The MxL5007T I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,			// The MxL5007T Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+			MXL5007T_LOOP_THROUGH_DISABLE,			// The MxL5007T loop-through mode is disabled.
+			MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_DISABLE,			// The MxL5007T clock output mode is disabled.
+			MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_0				// The MxL5007T clock output amplitude is 0.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Mxl5007tModule\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012)
+	{
+		//3Build RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Fc0012Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARALLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			200,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+			OFF,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			FC0012_BASE_ADDRESS,				// The FC0012 I2C device address is 0xc6 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ				// The FC0012 crystal frequency is 36.0 MHz.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Fc0012Module\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000)
+	{
+		//3 Build RTL2832 E4000 NIM module
+		BuildRtl2832E4000Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARALLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			200,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+			OFF,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			E4000_BASE_ADDRESS,				// The E4000 I2C device address is 0xc8 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ				// The E4000 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832E4000Module\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MT2063)
+	{
+		// Build RTL2832 MT2063 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Mt2063Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			IF_FREQ_36125000HZ,				// The RTL2832 and MT2063 IF frequency is 36.125 MHz.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARRLLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			50,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+			YES,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			MT2063_TUNER_ADDR				// The MT2063 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			);
+		// Get MT2063 tuner extra module.
+		pTuner = p_state->pNim->pTuner;
+		p_mt2063_extra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+		// Open MT2063 handle.
+		if(p_mt2063_extra->OpenHandle(pTuner))
+			deb_info("%s : MT2063 Open Handle Failed....\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		p_state->is_mt2063_nim_module_built = 1;
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Mt2063Module\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MAX3543)
+	{
+		// Build RTL2832 MAX3543 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Max3543Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARALLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			50,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+			YES,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR,				// The MAX3543 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ				// The MAX3543 Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Max3543Module\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_TDA18272)
+	{
+		// Build RTL2832 TDA18272 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Tda18272Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+			50,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+			YES,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			TDA18272_TUNER_ADDR,				// The TDA18272 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,			// The TDA18272 crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+			TDA18272_UNIT_0,				// The TDA18272 unit number is 0.
+			TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_0P7V			// The TDA18272 IF output Vp-p is 0.7 V.
+			);		
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Tda18272Module\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013)
+	{
+		//3Build RTL2832 FC0012 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832Fc0013Module(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,				// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is PARALLEL.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,			// The RTL2832 application mode is DONGLE mode.
+			200,						// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+			OFF,						// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			FC0013_BASE_ADDRESS,				// The FC0012 I2C device address is 0xc6 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ				// The FC0012 crystal frequency is 36.0 MHz.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832Fc0013Module\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_R820T)
+	{
+		//3Build RTL2832 R820T NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2832R820tModule(
+			&p_state->pNim,
+			&p_state->DvbtNimModuleMemory,
+			2,								// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 9.
+			2,								// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 8.
+			custom_i2c_read,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR,							// The RTL2832 I2C device address is 0x20 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,		// The RTL2832 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_PARALLEL,			// The RTL2832 TS interface mode is serial.
+			RTL2832_APPLICATION_DONGLE,		// The RTL2832 application mode is STB mode.
+			200,							// The RTL2832 update function reference period is 200 millisecond
+			OFF,							// The RTL2832 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			R820T_BASE_ADDRESS							// The R820T I2C device address is 0xc6 in 8-bit format.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2832R820tModule\n", __FUNCTION__);	
+	}	
+	else
+	{
+		deb_info(" -%s : RTL 2832 Unknown tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);		
+		goto error;
+	}
+	//Set user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom basic functions.
+       p_state->pNim->pBaseInterface->SetUserDefinedDataPointer(p_state->pNim->pBaseInterface, p_state->d );
+	deb_info(" -%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state*  p_state)
+	deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC2580)
+       {
+       		//3Build RTL2836 FC2580 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2836Fc2580Module(
+		      	&p_state->pNim2836,
+		      	&p_state->DtmbNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2836 I2C device address is 0x3e in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ,			// The RTL2836 crystal frequency is 27.0 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// The RTL2836 TS interface mode is serial.
+			50,						// The RTL2836 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+			YES,						// The RTL2836 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			YES,						// The RTL2836 Function 2 enabling status is YES.
+			FC2580_TUNER_ADDR,				// The FC2580 I2C device address is 0xac in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_16384000HZ,			// The FC2580 crystal frequency is 16.384 MHz.
+			FC2580_AGC_INTERNAL				// The FC2580 AGC mode is internal AGC mode.
+			);
+	}
+	else if(p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T)
+	{
+		//3 Build RTL2836 MXL5007T NIM module
+		BuildRtl2836Mxl5007tModule(
+			&p_state->pNim2836,
+			&p_state->DtmbNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2836 I2C device address is 0x3e in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ,			// The RTL2836 crystal frequency is 27.0 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// The RTL2836 TS interface mode is serial.
+			50,						// The RTL2836 update function reference period is 50 millisecond
+			YES,						// The RTL2836 Function 1 enabling status is YES.
+			YES,						// The RTL2836 Function 2 enabling status is YES.
+			MXL5007T_BASE_ADDRESS,				// The MxL5007T I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,			// The MxL5007T Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+			MXL5007T_LOOP_THROUGH_DISABLE,			// The MxL5007T loop-through mode is disabled.
+			MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_DISABLE,			// The MxL5007T clock output mode is disabled.
+			MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_0				// The MxL5007T clock output amplitude is 0.
+			);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		deb_info(" -%s : RTL2836 Unknown tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);		
+	       goto error;
+	}
+	//Set user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom basic functions.
+	p_state->pNim2836->pBaseInterface->SetUserDefinedDataPointer(p_state->pNim2836->pBaseInterface, p_state->d );
+	deb_info(" -%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state*  p_state)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE	*p_mt2063_extra;
+	deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	if( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MT2063)
+	{
+		BuildRtl2840Mt2063Module(
+			&p_state->pNim2840,
+			&p_state->QamNimModuleMemory,
+			IF_FREQ_36125000HZ,				// The RTL2840 and MT2063 IF frequency is 36.125 MHz.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2840 I2C device address is 0x44 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2840 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// The RTL2840 TS interface mode is serial.
+			QAM_DEMOD_EN_AM_HUM,				// Use AM-hum enhancement mode.
+			MT2063_TUNER_ADDR				// The MT2063 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			);
+		// Get MT2063 tuner extra module.
+		pTuner = p_state->pNim2840->pTuner;
+		p_mt2063_extra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+		if(p_mt2063_extra->OpenHandle(pTuner))
+			deb_info("%s : MT2063 Open Handle Failed....\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		p_state->is_mt2063_nim_module_built = 1;
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2840Mt2063Module\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else if ( p_state->tuner_type == RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MAX3543)
+	{
+		// Build RTL2840 MAX3543 NIM module.
+		BuildRtl2840Max3543Module(
+			&p_state->pNim2840,
+			&p_state->QamNimModuleMemory,
+			2,						// Maximum I2C reading byte number is 2.
+			2,						// Maximum I2C writing byte number is 2.
+			custom_i2c_read,				// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+			custom_i2c_write,				// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+			custom_wait_ms,					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+			RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR,				// The RTL2840 I2C device address is 0x44 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ,			// The RTL2840 crystal frequency is 28.8 MHz.
+			TS_INTERFACE_SERIAL,				// The RTL2840 TS interface mode is serial.
+			QAM_DEMOD_EN_AM_HUM,				// Use AM-hum enhancement mode.
+			MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR,				// The MAX3543 I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+			CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ				// The MAX3543 Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+			);
+		deb_info(" %s BuildRtl2840Max3543Module\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		deb_info(" -%s : RTL2840 Unknown tuner on board...\n", __FUNCTION__);		
+	       goto error;
+	}
+	//Set user defined data pointer of base interface structure for custom basic functions.
+	p_state->pNim2840->pBaseInterface->SetUserDefinedDataPointer(p_state->pNim2840->pBaseInterface, p_state->d );
+	deb_info(" -%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state*  p_state)
+      deb_info(" +%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	switch(p_state->demod_type)
+	{
+		case RTL2832:
+		// Build 2832 nim module
+		build_2832_nim_module(p_state);
+		break;
+		case RTL2836:
+		// Build 2836 nim module
+		build_2832_nim_module(p_state);
+		build_2836_nim_module(p_state);
+		break;
+		case RTL2840:
+		//Build 2840 nim module
+		build_2832_nim_module(p_state);
+		build_2840_nim_module(p_state);
+		break;
+	 }
+        deb_info(" -%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return 0;
+int  rtl2832_hw_reset(struct rtl2832_state *p_state)
+		int					data;
+	unsigned char			tmp;
+      		// Demod  H/W Reset
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+				data &= (~BIT5);	//set bit5 to 0
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+		if ( read_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL, &data) ) goto error;		
+			      data |= BIT5;		//set bit5 to 1
+		if ( write_usb_sys_register(p_state, RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_DEMOD_CTL,data) ) goto error;
+		//3 reset page chache to 0 		
+		if ( read_demod_register(p_state->d, RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR, 0, 1, &tmp, 1 ) ) goto error;	
+		// delay 5ms
+		platform_wait(5);
+		return 0;
+	return -1;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_fe.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_fe.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_fe.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_fe.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.124066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+#ifndef __RTL2832U_FE_H__
+#define __RTL2832U_FE_H__
+#include "nim_rtl2832_tua9001.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mt2266.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc2580.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc0012.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_e4000.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_mt2063.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_max3543.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_tda18272.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_fc0013.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2832_r820t.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2836_fc2580.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2840_mt2063.h"
+#include "nim_rtl2840_max3543.h"
+#include "rtl2832u_io.h"
+#include <linux/param.h>
+#include "dvb_frontend.h"
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3,3,0)) || (defined V4L2_VERSION)
+/* all DVB frontend drivers now work directly with the DVBv5
+ * structure. This warrants that all drivers will be
+ * getting/setting frontend parameters on a consistent way, in
+ * order to avoid copying data from/to the DVBv3 structs
+ * without need.
+ */
+#define V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+#define  UPDATE_FUNC_ENABLE_2840      0
+#define  UPDATE_FUNC_ENABLE_2836      1
+#define  UPDATE_FUNC_ENABLE_2832      1
+#define UPDATE_PROCEDURE_PERIOD_2836	       (HZ/5) //200ms = jiffies*1000/HZ
+#define UPDATE_PROCEDURE_PERIOD_2832       (HZ/5)  //200ms
+typedef enum{
+      RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0,
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MT2266,		
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC2580,	
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_TUA9001,	
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_E4000,	
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0012,
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_FC0013,
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_MT2063,
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_TDA18272,	
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE_R820T,		
+typedef enum{
+//3  state of total device 
+struct rtl2832_state {
+	struct dvb_frontend			frontend;
+#ifndef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+	struct dvb_frontend_parameters	fep;
+	struct dvb_usb_device*		d;
+	struct mutex					i2c_repeater_mutex;
+       unsigned long					current_frequency;
+#ifdef V4L2_ONLY_DVB_V5
+	unsigned long			current_bandwidth_hz;
+	enum fe_bandwidth			current_bandwidth;
+	RTL2832_TUNER_TYPE			tuner_type;
+	unsigned char					is_mt2266_nim_module_built;  //3 For close MT handle
+	unsigned char					is_mt2063_nim_module_built;  //3 For close MT handle
+	//3 DTMB related begin ---
+	unsigned int                                demod_support_type;
+	unsigned int                                demod_type;
+	unsigned int                                demod_ask_type;
+	//3 DTMB related end end ---
+	//3 DVBC related begin ---
+	unsigned char					b_rtl2840_power_onoff_once;
+	//3 DVBC related end end ---
+	//3if init() is called, is_initial is true ->check it to see if need to flush work queue 
+	unsigned short				is_initial;
+	unsigned char                             is_frequency_valid;
+	unsigned char                             rtl2832_audio_video_mode;
+	struct delayed_work                  update2840_procedure_work;
+	struct delayed_work                  update2836_procedure_work;
+       struct delayed_work			update2832_procedure_work;
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE*			pNim;//Nim of 2832
+	DVBT_NIM_MODULE			DvbtNimModuleMemory;
+	//3  DTMB related begin ---
+       DTMB_NIM_MODULE*                 pNim2836;//Nim of 2836
+	DTMB_NIM_MODULE                   DtmbNimModuleMemory;
+	//3DTMB related end ---
+	//3  DVBC related begin ---
+       QAM_NIM_MODULE*			pNim2840;//Nim of 2840
+	QAM_NIM_MODULE				QamNimModuleMemory;
+	//3DVBC related end ---
+#define MT2266_TUNER_ADDR		0xc0
+#define FC2580_TUNER_ADDR		0xac
+#define TUA9001_TUNER_ADDR	0xc0
+#define MT2266_OFFSET			0x00
+#define MT2266_CHECK_VAL		0x85
+#define FC2580_OFFSET			0x01
+#define FC2580_CHECK_VAL		0x56
+#define TUA9001_OFFSET			0x7e
+#define TUA9001_CHECK_VAL		0x2328
+#define MXL5007T_BASE_ADDRESS	0xc0
+#define MXL5007T_CHECK_ADDRESS	0xD9
+#define MXL5007T_CHECK_VALUE	0x14
+#define FC0012_BASE_ADDRESS		0xc6
+#define FC0012_CHECK_ADDRESS	0x00
+#define FC0012_CHECK_VALUE		0xa1
+#define E4000_BASE_ADDRESS     0xc8
+#define E4000_CHECK_ADDRESS   0x02
+#define E4000_CHECK_VALUE       0x40
+#define MT2063_TUNER_ADDR		0xc0
+#define MT2063_CHECK_OFFSET		0x00
+#define MT2063_CHECK_VALUE		0x9e
+#define MT2063_CHECK_VALUE_2		0x9c
+#define MAX3543_TUNER_ADDR		0xc0
+#define MAX3543_CHECK_OFFSET		0x00
+#define MAX3543_CHECK_VALUE		0x38
+#define MAX3543_SHUTDOWN_OFFSET	0x08
+#define TDA18272_TUNER_ADDR		0xc0
+#define TDA18272_CHECK_OFFSET		0x00
+#define TDA18272_CHECK_VALUE1		0xc7
+#define TDA18272_CHECK_VALUE2		0x60
+#define FC0013_BASE_ADDRESS		0xc6
+#define FC0013_CHECK_ADDRESS		0x00
+#define FC0013_CHECK_VALUE			0xa3
+#define FC0013_STANDBY_ADDRESS	0x06
+#define R820T_BASE_ADDRESS		0x34
+#define R820T_CHECK_ADDRESS		0x00
+#define R820T_CHECK_VALUE			0x69
+struct rtl2832_reg_addr{
+	RegType			reg_type;
+	unsigned short	reg_addr;
+	int				bit_low;
+	int				bit_high;
+typedef enum{
+#if 0	
+    RTD2831_RMAP_INDEX_SYS_SYS_0,    
+} rtl2832_reg_map_index;
+#define USB_SYSCTL				0x0000 	
+#define USB_CTRL				0x0010
+#define USB_STAT				0x0014	
+#define USB_EPA_CTL				0x0148  	
+#define USB_EPA_CFG				0x0144
+#define USB_EPA_MAXPKT			0x0158  
+#define USB_EPA_FIFO_CFG		0x0160 
+#define DEMOD_CTL				0x0000	
+#define GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL		0x0001
+#define GPIO_OUTPUT_EN			0x0003
+#define GPIO_DIR					0x0004
+#define GPIO_CFG0				0x0007
+#define GPIO_CFG1				0x0008	
+#define DEMOD_CTL1				0x000b
+#define BIT0		0x00000001
+#define BIT1		0x00000002
+#define BIT2		0x00000004
+#define BIT3		0x00000008
+#define BIT4		0x00000010
+#define BIT5		0x00000020
+#define BIT6		0x00000040
+#define BIT7		0x00000080
+#define BIT8		0x00000100
+#define BIT9		0x00000200
+#define BIT10	0x00000400
+#define BIT11	0x00000800
+#define BIT12	0x00001000
+#define BIT13	0x00002000
+#define BIT14	0x00004000
+#define BIT15	0x00008000
+#define BIT16	0x00010000
+#define BIT17	0x00020000
+#define BIT18	0x00040000
+#define BIT19	0x00080000
+#define BIT20	0x00100000
+#define BIT21	0x00200000
+#define BIT22	0x00400000
+#define BIT23	0x00800000
+#define BIT24	0x01000000
+#define BIT25	0x02000000
+#define BIT26	0x04000000
+#define BIT27	0x08000000
+#define BIT28	0x10000000
+#define BIT29	0x20000000
+#define BIT30	0x40000000
+#define BIT31	0x80000000
+/* DTMB related 
+typedef enum {
+	PAGE_0 = 0,
+	PAGE_1 = 1,
+	PAGE_2 = 2,
+	PAGE_3 = 3,
+	PAGE_4 = 4,	
+	PAGE_5 = 5,	
+	PAGE_6 = 6,	
+	PAGE_7 = 7,	
+	PAGE_8 = 8,	
+	PAGE_9 = 9,	
+#define	SUPPORT_DVBT_MODE	0x01
+#define	SUPPORT_DTMB_MODE	0x02
+#define	SUPPORT_DVBC_MODE	0x04
+#define INPUT_ADC_LEVEL 	-8
+typedef enum {
+	RTL2832 = 0,
+	RTL2836,
+	RTL2840	
+static int
+		struct rtl2832_state*  p_state);
+int  rtl2832_hw_reset(struct rtl2832_state *p_state);
+int rtl2832_read_signal_quality(
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	u32*	quality);
+	struct dvb_frontend*	fe,
+	u16*	strength);
+#endif // __RTD2830_PRIV_H__
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.116066048 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#ifndef _RTL2832U_H_
+#define _RTL2832U_H_
+#include "dvb-usb.h"
+	#define	USB_VID_REALTEK						0x0BDA
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2832_WARM					0x2832 
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2838_WARM					0x2838 
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2836_WARM					0x2836
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2839_WARM					0x2839
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2840_WARM					0x2840
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2841_WARM					0x2841
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2834_WARM					0x2834 
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2837_WARM          			0x2837
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2820_WARM					0x2820 
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2821_WARM          			0x2821
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2822_WARM					0x2822 
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2823_WARM          			0x2823
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2810_WARM					0x2810 
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2811_WARM          			0x2811
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2824_WARM					0x2824 
+#define	USB_PID_RTL2825_WARM          			0x2825
+	#define	USB_VID_DEXATEK						0x1D19
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_1101					0x1101
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_1102					0x1102
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_1103					0x1103
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_1104					0x1104
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_1105					0x1105
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_1106					0x1106
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_1107					0x1107
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_1108					0x1108
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_2101					0x2101
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_8202					0x8202
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_9201					0x9201
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_3103					0x3103
+#define	USB_PID_DEXATEK_9202					0x9202
+	#define USB_VID_TERRATEC					0x0CCD
+#define	USB_PID_TERRATEC_00A9					0x00A9
+#define	USB_PID_TERRATEC_00B3					0x00B3
+#define	USB_PID_TERRATEC_00D3					0x00D3
+#define	USB_PID_TERRATEC_00D4					0x00D4
+#define	USB_PID_TERRATEC_00E0					0x00E0
+	#define	USB_VID_AZUREWAVE_2					0x13D3
+	#define	USB_PID_AZUREWAVE_3234				0x3234
+	#define	USB_PID_AZUREWAVE_3274				0x3274
+	#define	USB_PID_AZUREWAVE_3282				0x3282
+#ifndef USB_VID_THP
+	#define	USB_VID_THP							0x1554
+#define	USB_PID_THP_5013						0x5013
+#define	USB_PID_THP_5020						0x5020	
+#define	USB_PID_THP_5026						0x5026	
+	#define	USB_VID_KWORLD_1ST					0x1B80
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D393						0xD393
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D394						0xD394
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D395						0xD395
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D396						0xD396
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D397						0xD397
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D398						0xD398
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D39A						0xD39A
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D39B						0xD39B
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D39C						0xD39C
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D39E						0xD39E
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_E77B						0xE77B
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D3A1						0xD3A1
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_D3A4						0xD3A4
+#define	USB_PID_KWORLD_E41D						0xE41D
+	#define	USB_VID_GOLDENBRIDGE				0x1680
+#ifndef USB_VID_YUAN
+	#define	USB_VID_YUAN						0x1164
+#define	USB_PID_YUAN_WARM						0x6601
+#define USB_PID_YUAN_WARM80						0x3280
+#define USB_PID_YUAN_WARM84	                    0x3284
+#ifndef USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_0837
+	#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_0837				0x0837	
+#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_A803					0xA803
+#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_B803					0xB803
+#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_C803					0xC803
+#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_D803					0xD803
+#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_C280					0xC280
+#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_D286					0xD286
+#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_0139					0x0139
+#define	USB_PID_GTEK_WARM_A683					0xA683
+	#define	USB_VID_LEADTEK						0x0413
+#define	USB_PID_LEADTEK_WARM_1					0x6680
+#define	USB_PID_LEADTEK_WARM_2					0x6F11
+#ifndef  USB_VID_COMPRO
+	#define USB_VID_COMPRO						0x185B
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_0620				0x0620
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_0630				0x0630
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_0640				0x0640
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_0650				0x0650
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_0680				0x0680
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_9580				0x9580
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_9550				0x9550
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_9540				0x9540
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_9530				0x9530
+#define USB_PID_COMPRO_WARM_9520				0x9520
+#define RTD2831_URB_SIZE				4096// 39480
+#define RTD2831_URB_NUMBER				10 //  4
+//			remote control 
+//define rtl283u rc register address
+#define IR_RX_BUF			0xFC00
+#define IR_RX_IE			0xFD00
+#define IR_RX_IF			0xFD01
+#define IR_RX_CTRL			0xFD02
+#define IR_RX_CONFIG			0xFD03
+#define IR_MAX_DURATION0		0xFD04
+#define IR_MAX_DURATION1		0xFD05
+#define IR_IDLE_LEN0			0xFD06
+#define IR_IDLE_LEN1			0xFD07
+#define IR_GLITCH_LEN			0xFD08
+#define IR_RX_BUFFER_CTRL		0xFD09
+#define IR_RX_BUFFER_DATA		0xFD0A
+#define IR_RX_BC			0xFD0B
+#define IR_RX_CLK			0xFD0C
+#define IR_RX_C_COUNT_L			0xFD0D
+#define IR_RX_C_COUNT_H			0xFD0E
+#define IR_SUSPEND_CTRL			0xFD10
+#define IR_Err_Tolerance_CTRL		0xFD11
+#define IR_UNIT_LEN			0xFD12
+#define IR_Err_Tolerance_LEN		0xFD13
+#define IR_MAX_H_Tolerance_LEN		0xFD14
+#define IR_MAX_L_Tolerance_LEN		0xFD15
+#define IR_MASK_CTRL			0xFD16
+#define IR_MASK_DATA			0xFD17
+#define IR_RESUME_MASK_ADDR		0xFD18
+#define IR_RESUME_MASK_T_LEN		0xFD19
+#define USB_CTRL			0x0010
+#define SYS_GPD				0x0004
+#define SYS_GPOE			0x0003
+#define SYS_GPO				0x0001
+#define RC_USE_DEMOD_CTL1		0x000B
+//define use len 
+#define LEN_1				0x01
+#define LEN_2				0x02
+#define LEN_3				0x03
+#define LEN_4				0x04
+int rtl2832u_remoto_control_initial_setting(struct dvb_usb_device *d);
+#define	USB_EPA_CTL			0x0148
+//decode control para define
+#define frt0_para1 			0x3c
+#define frt0_para2 			0x20
+#define frt0_para3			0x7f
+#define frt0_para4      		0x05
+#define frt0_bits_num 			0x80
+#define frt0_BITS_mask 			0x01
+#define frt0_BITS_mask0			0x00
+#define frt0_BITS_mask1			0x00
+#define frt0_BITS_mask2			0x0f
+#define frt0_BITS_mask3			0xff
+#define frt1_para1 			0x12
+#define frt1_para3 			0x1a
+#define frt1_para2 			0x7f
+#define frt1_para4 			0x80
+#define frt1_para5 			0x01
+#define frt1_para6 			0x02
+#define frt1_bits_num 			0x80
+#define frt1_para_uc_1			0x81
+#define frt1_para_uc_2 			0x82
+#define frt1_bits_mask0			0x00
+#define frt1_bits_mask1			0x00
+#define frt1_bits_mask2			0x7f
+#define frt1_bits_mask3			0xff
+#define frt2_para1  			0x0a
+#define frt2_para2  			0xFF
+#define frt2_para3 			0xb0
+#define frt2_para4 			0xc6
+#define frt2_para5  			0x30
+#define frt2_para6  			0x1b
+#define frt2_para7  			0x8f
+#define frt2_para8  			0x89
+#define frt2_para9  			0x7f
+#define frt2_para10 			0x60
+#define frt2_para11 			0x38
+#define frt2_para12  			0x15
+#define frt2_bits_num			0x80
+#define frt2_bits_mask0			0x00
+#define frt2_bits_mask1			0x00
+#define frt2_bits_mask2			0xff
+#define frt2_bits_mask3			0xff
+//			remote control 
+enum protocol_type_for_RT{
+				RT_RC6=0,
+				RT_RC5,
+				RT_NEC,
+				RT_TEST
+// op define	
+enum OP{
+	OP_NO	=0,
+	OP_AND	  ,
+typedef enum RT_UC_CODE_STATE{
+//struct define
+typedef struct RT_rc_set_reg_struct{	
+		u8	type;	
+		u16 	address;
+		u8      data;
+		u8	op;
+		u8	op_mask;	
+enum RTL2832U_RC_STATE{
+extern struct dvb_frontend * rtl2832u_fe_attach(struct dvb_usb_device *d);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_io.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_io.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_io.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_io.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.124066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+#include "rtl2832u_io.h"
+#include <linux/time.h>
+#define ERROR_TRY_MAX_NUM		4
+#define	DUMMY_PAGE		0x0a
+#define	DUMMY_ADDR		0x01
+	unsigned long nMinDelayTime)
+	// The unit of Sleep() waiting time is millisecond.
+	unsigned long usec;
+	do {
+		usec = (nMinDelayTime > 8000) ? 8000 : nMinDelayTime;
+		msleep(usec);
+		nMinDelayTime -= usec;
+		} while (nMinDelayTime > 0);
+	return;
+//		remote control 
+static int 
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short	offset,
+	unsigned char*	data,
+	unsigned short	bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_rcvctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),					/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,											/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_IN,										/* USB message request type value */
+                offset,											/* USB message value */
+                0x0201,											/* USB message index value */
+                data,											/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,										/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info(" error try rc read register %s: offset=0x%x, error code=0x%x !\n", __FUNCTION__, offset, ret);
+		return 1;
+       	}
+	return 0; 
+static int 
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short	offset,
+	unsigned char*	data,
+	unsigned short	bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+	unsigned char try_num;
+	try_num = 0;	
+	try_num++;	
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_sndctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),					/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,											/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_OUT,									/* USB message request type value */
+                offset,											/* USB message value */
+                0x0211,											/* USB message index value */
+                data,											/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,										/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info("error try rc write register  = %d, %s: offset=0x%x, error code=0x%x !\n",try_num ,__FUNCTION__, offset, ret);
+		if( try_num > ERROR_TRY_MAX_NUM )	goto error;
+		else				goto error_write_again;
+       }
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+ }
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned char*	buf,
+	unsigned short	byte_num)
+	int ret = 1;
+	if( byte_num != 1 && byte_num !=2 && byte_num !=4 && byte_num != 0x80)
+	{
+		deb_info("error!! %s: length = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, byte_num);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	return 1;
+	if (type == RTD2832U_RC )	
+		ret = read_rc_register( dib , byte_addr , buf , byte_num);
+	else
+	{
+		deb_info("error!! %s: erroe register type \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return 1;
+	}				
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);
+	return ret;
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned char*	buf,
+	unsigned short	byte_num)
+	int ret = 1;
+	if( byte_num != 1 && byte_num !=2 && byte_num !=4 && byte_num !=0x80)
+	{
+		deb_info("error!! %s: length = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, byte_num);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	return 1;
+	if (type == RTD2832U_RC )	
+		ret = write_rc_register( dib , byte_addr , buf , byte_num);
+	else
+	{
+		deb_info("error!! %s: erroe register type \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		ret=1;
+	}	
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);	
+	return ret;
+static int 
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short	offset,
+	unsigned char*	data,
+	unsigned short	bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_rcvctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),			/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_IN,										/* USB message request type value */
+                (USB_BASE_ADDRESS<<8) + offset,						/* USB message value */
+                0x0100,													/* USB message index value */
+                data,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s: offset=0x%x, error code=0x%x !\n", __FUNCTION__, offset, ret);
+		return 1;
+       }
+	return 0; 
+static int 
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short	offset,
+	unsigned char*	data,
+	unsigned short	bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+	unsigned char try_num;
+	try_num = 0;	
+	try_num++;	
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_sndctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),		/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_OUT,										/* USB message request type value */
+                (USB_BASE_ADDRESS<<8) + offset,						/* USB message value */
+                0x0110,													/* USB message index value */
+                data,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info("error try = %d, %s: offset=0x%x, error code=0x%x !\n",try_num ,__FUNCTION__, offset, ret);
+		if( try_num > ERROR_TRY_MAX_NUM )	goto error;
+		else				goto error_write_again;
+       }
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+ }
+static int 
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short	offset,
+	unsigned char*	data,
+	unsigned short	bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_rcvctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),		/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_IN,										/* USB message request type value */
+                (SYS_BASE_ADDRESS<<8) + offset,						/* USB message value */
+                0x0200,													/* USB message index value */
+                data,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info(" %s: offset=0x%x, error code=0x%x !\n", __FUNCTION__, offset, ret);
+		return 1;
+       }
+	return 0; 
+  }
+static int 
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short	offset,
+	unsigned char*	data,
+	unsigned short	bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+	unsigned char try_num;
+	try_num = 0;	
+	try_num++;	
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_sndctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),		/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_OUT,										/* USB message request type value */
+                (SYS_BASE_ADDRESS<<8) + offset,						/* USB message value */
+                0x0210,													/* USB message index value */
+                data,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info(" error try= %d, %s: offset=0x%x, error code=0x%x !\n",try_num, __FUNCTION__, offset, ret);
+		if( try_num > ERROR_TRY_MAX_NUM )	goto error;
+		else				goto error_write_again;	
+        }
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+ }
+	struct dvb_usb_device*dib,
+	unsigned char			demod_device_addr,	
+	unsigned char 		page,
+	unsigned char 		offset,
+	unsigned char*		data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+	int i;
+	unsigned char	tmp;
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	goto error;
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_rcvctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),			/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_IN,										/* USB message request type value */
+                demod_device_addr + (offset<<8),						/* USB message value */
+                (0x0000 + page),										/* USB message index value */
+                data,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_rcvctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),			/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_IN,										/* USB message request type value */
+                RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR + (DUMMY_ADDR<<8),						/* USB message value */
+                (0x0000 + DUMMY_PAGE),										/* USB message index value */
+                &tmp,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                LEN_1_BYTE,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);
+	//	deb_info("%s[1345]: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, page=%d, offset=0x%x, data=(", __FUNCTION__, ret, demod_device_addr, bytelength,page, offset);
+//		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+//			deb_info("0x%x,", data[i]);
+//		deb_info(")\n");
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info("error!! %s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, page=%d, offset=0x%x, data=(", __FUNCTION__, ret, demod_device_addr, bytelength,page, offset);
+		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+			deb_info("0x%x,", data[i]);
+		deb_info(")\n");
+		goto error;
+       }
+	return 0;  
+	return 1;
+	struct dvb_usb_device*dib,
+	unsigned char			demod_device_addr,		
+	unsigned char			page,
+	unsigned char			offset,
+	unsigned char			*data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+	unsigned char  i, try_num;
+	unsigned char	tmp;	
+	try_num = 0;	
+	try_num++;
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	goto error;
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_sndctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),		/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_OUT,										/* USB message request type value */
+                demod_device_addr + (offset<<8),						/* USB message value */
+                (0x0010 + page),										/* USB message index value */
+                data,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_rcvctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),			/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_IN,										/* USB message request type value */
+                RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR + (DUMMY_ADDR<<8),						/* USB message value */
+                (0x0000 + DUMMY_PAGE),										/* USB message index value */
+                &tmp,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                LEN_1_BYTE,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);
+//		deb_info("%s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, page=%d, offset=0x%x, data=(", __FUNCTION__, ret, demod_device_addr, bytelength, page,offset);
+//		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+//			deb_info("0x%x,", data[i]);
+//		deb_info(")\n");
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info("error try = %d!! %s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, page=%d, offset=0x%x, data=(",try_num , __FUNCTION__, ret, demod_device_addr, bytelength,page,offset);
+		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+			deb_info("0x%x,", data[i]);
+		deb_info(")\n");
+		if( try_num > ERROR_TRY_MAX_NUM )	goto error;
+		else				goto error_write_again;
+        }
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+ }
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*dib,
+	unsigned char			device_address,
+	unsigned char			offset,
+	unsigned char			*data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+ 	int i;
+	unsigned char data_tmp[128];	
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	goto error;
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_rcvctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),			/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_IN,										/* USB message request type value */
+                device_address+(offset<<8),							/* USB message value */
+                0x0300,													/* USB message index value */
+                data_tmp,												/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);
+//		deb_info("%s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, offset=0x%x, data=(", __FUNCTION__, ret, device_address, bytelength,offset);
+//		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+//			deb_info("0x%x,", data_tmp[i]);
+//		deb_info(")\n");
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+ 	{
+		deb_info("error!! %s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, offset=0x%x, data=(", __FUNCTION__, ret, device_address, bytelength,offset);
+		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+			deb_info("0x%x,", data_tmp[i]);
+		deb_info(")\n");
+		goto error;
+        }
+	memcpy(data,data_tmp,bytelength);
+	return 0;
+	return 1;   
+int write_rtl2832_tuner_register(
+	struct dvb_usb_device *dib,
+	unsigned char			device_address,
+	unsigned char			offset,
+	unsigned char			*data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength)
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+	unsigned char  i, try_num;
+	try_num = 0;	
+	try_num++;
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	goto error;
+        ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+                usb_sndctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),		/* pipe to control endpoint */
+                0,														/* USB message request value */
+                SKEL_VENDOR_OUT,										/* USB message request type value */
+                device_address+(offset<<8),							/* USB message value */
+                0x0310,													/* USB message index value */
+                data,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+                bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+                DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);
+//		deb_info("%s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, offset=0x%x, data=(", __FUNCTION__, ret, device_address, bytelength, offset);
+//		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+//			deb_info("0x%x,", data[i]);
+//		deb_info(")\n");
+        if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info("error try= %d!! %s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, offset=0x%x, data=(",try_num, __FUNCTION__, ret, device_address, bytelength, offset);
+		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+			deb_info("0x%x,", data[i]);
+		deb_info(")\n");
+		if( try_num > ERROR_TRY_MAX_NUM )	goto error;
+		else				goto error_write_again;
+       }
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+ }
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short			dev_i2c_addr,
+	unsigned char*			data,
+	unsigned short			bytelength)
+	int i;
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;
+	unsigned char  try_num;
+	unsigned char data_tmp[128];	
+	try_num = 0;	
+	try_num ++;	
+	if(bytelength >= 128)
+	{
+		deb_info("%s error bytelength >=128  \n", __FUNCTION__);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	goto error;
+	ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+		usb_rcvctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),			/* pipe to control endpoint */
+		0,														/* USB message request value */
+		SKEL_VENDOR_IN,											/* USB message request type value */
+		dev_i2c_addr,											/* USB message value */
+		0x0600,													/* USB message index value */
+		data_tmp,												/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+		bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+		DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);
+	if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info("error try= %d!! %s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, data=(",try_num, __FUNCTION__, ret, dev_i2c_addr, bytelength);
+		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+			deb_info("0x%x,", data_tmp[i]);
+		deb_info(")\n");
+		if( try_num > ERROR_TRY_MAX_NUM )	goto error;
+		else				goto error_write_again;
+	}
+ 	memcpy(data,data_tmp,bytelength);
+	return 0;  
+	return 1;
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short			dev_i2c_addr,
+	unsigned char*			data,
+	unsigned short			bytelength)
+	int i;
+	int ret = -ENOMEM;  
+	unsigned char  try_num;
+	try_num = 0;	
+	try_num ++;	
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	goto error;
+	ret = usb_control_msg(dib->udev,								/* pointer to device */
+		usb_sndctrlpipe( dib->udev,RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT),			/* pipe to control endpoint */
+		0,														/* USB message request value */
+		SKEL_VENDOR_OUT,										/* USB message request type value */
+		dev_i2c_addr,											/* USB message value */
+		0x0610,													/* USB message index value */
+		data,													/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+		bytelength,												/* length of the buffer */
+		DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT);									/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);
+	if (ret != bytelength)
+	{
+		deb_info("error try= %d!! %s: ret=%d, DA=0x%x, len=%d, data=(",try_num, __FUNCTION__, ret, dev_i2c_addr, bytelength);
+		for(i = 0; i < bytelength; i++)
+			deb_info("0x%x,", data[i]);
+		deb_info(")\n");
+		if( try_num > ERROR_TRY_MAX_NUM )	goto error;
+		else				goto error_write_again;		
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return 1;  
+//3for return PUCHAR value
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned char*	buf,
+	unsigned short	byte_num)
+	int ret = 1;
+	if( byte_num != 1 && byte_num !=2 && byte_num !=4)
+	{
+		deb_info("error!! %s: length = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, byte_num);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	return 1;
+	if( type == RTD2832U_USB )
+	{
+		ret = read_usb_register( dib , byte_addr , buf , byte_num);
+	}
+	else if ( type == RTD2832U_SYS )
+	{
+		ret = read_sys_register( dib , byte_addr , buf , byte_num);
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);
+	return ret;
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned char*	buf,
+	unsigned short	byte_num)
+	int ret = 1;
+	if( byte_num != 1 && byte_num !=2 && byte_num !=4)
+	{
+		deb_info("error!! %s: length = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, byte_num);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if( mutex_lock_interruptible(&dib->usb_mutex) )	return 1;	
+	if( type == RTD2832U_USB )
+	{
+		ret = write_usb_register( dib , byte_addr , buf , byte_num);
+	}
+	else if ( type == RTD2832U_SYS )
+	{
+		ret = write_sys_register( dib , byte_addr , buf , byte_num);
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&dib->usb_mutex);	
+	return ret;
+//3for return INT value
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned short	n_bytes,
+	int*	p_val)
+	int	i;
+	u8	val[LEN_4_BYTE];
+	int	nbit_shift; 
+	*p_val= 0;
+	if (read_usb_sys_char_bytes( dib, type, byte_addr, val , n_bytes)) goto error;
+	for (i= 0; i< n_bytes; i++)
+	{				
+		nbit_shift = i<<3 ;
+		*p_val = *p_val + (val[i]<<nbit_shift );
+       }
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned short	n_bytes,
+	int	val)
+	int	i;
+	int	nbit_shift;
+	u8	u8_val[LEN_4_BYTE];		
+	for (i= n_bytes- 1; i>= 0; i--)
+	{
+		nbit_shift= i << 3;		
+		u8_val[i] = (val>> nbit_shift) & 0xff;
+    	}
+	if( write_usb_sys_char_bytes( dib , type , byte_addr, u8_val , n_bytes) ) goto error;			
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+	struct dvb_usb_device* dib,
+	unsigned char			demod_device_addr,		
+	unsigned char			page,
+	unsigned char			offset,
+	unsigned char			*data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char           datatmp;
+	int                            try_num;
+	switch(page)
+	{
+		//3 R/W regitser Once R/W "ONE BYTE"
+		case PAGE_0:
+		case PAGE_1:
+		case PAGE_2:
+		case PAGE_3:
+		case PAGE_4:
+			for(i=0; i<bytelength; i++)
+			{
+				try_num = 0;
+				if(write_demod_register(dib, demod_device_addr, page,  offset+i,  data+i, LEN_1_BYTE))
+					goto error;
+				if(try_num >= 4)
+					goto error;
+				if(read_demod_register(dib, demod_device_addr, page,  offset+i,  &datatmp, LEN_1_BYTE))
+				{
+					try_num++;
+					deb_info("%s fail read\n", __FUNCTION__);
+					goto label_read;
+				}
+				if(datatmp != data[i])
+				{
+				       try_num++;
+					deb_info("%s read != write\n", __FUNCTION__);   
+					goto label_write;
+				}								
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			goto error;
+			break;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+	struct dvb_usb_device*dib,
+	unsigned char			demod_device_addr,	
+	unsigned char 		page,
+	unsigned char 		offset,
+	unsigned char*		data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength)
+       int i;
+	unsigned char  tmp;
+	switch(page)
+	{
+		//3 R/W regitser Once R/W "ONE BYTE"
+		case PAGE_0:
+		case PAGE_1:
+		case PAGE_2:
+		case PAGE_3:
+		case PAGE_4:
+			for(i=0; i<bytelength; i++)
+			{
+				if(read_demod_register(dib, demod_device_addr, page,  offset+i,  data+i, LEN_1_BYTE))
+					goto error;
+			}
+			break;
+       	case PAGE_6:
+		case PAGE_7:
+		case PAGE_8:
+		case PAGE_9:
+			if(read_demod_register(dib, demod_device_addr, page,  offset,  data, bytelength)) 
+				goto error;
+			break;	
+              case PAGE_5:
+		       if(read_demod_register(dib, demod_device_addr, page,  offset,  data, bytelength)) 
+				goto error;
+			if(read_demod_register(dib, demod_device_addr, PAGE_0, 0x00, &tmp, LEN_1_BYTE))//read page 0
+				goto error;
+		       break;
+		default:
+			goto error;
+			break;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_io.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_io.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_io.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/rtl2832u_io.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.124066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+#ifndef __USB_SYS_RTL2832_H__
+#define __USB_SYS_RTL2832_H__
+#include "dvb-usb.h"
+extern int dvb_usb_rtl2832u_debug;
+#define deb_info(args...) dprintk(dvb_usb_rtl2832u_debug,0x01,args)
+#define deb_xfer(args...) dprintk(dvb_usb_rtl2832u_debug,0x02,args)
+#define deb_rc(args...)   dprintk(dvb_usb_rtl2832u_debug,0x03,args)
+#define LEN_1_BYTE					1
+#define LEN_2_BYTE					2
+#define LEN_4_BYTE					4
+#define	RTL2832_CTRL_ENDPOINT	0x00
+#define DIBUSB_I2C_TIMEOUT				5000
+#define SYS_BASE_ADDRESS	0x30 //0x3000
+#define USB_BASE_ADDRESS	0x20 //0x2000 
+#define RTL2832_DEMOD_ADDR	0x20
+#define RTL2836_DEMOD_ADDR	0x3e
+#define RTL2840_DEMOD_ADDR	0x44
+typedef enum { RTD2832U_USB =1, 
+	       RTD2832U_SYS =2,
+	       RTD2832U_RC  =3	 
+	     } RegType;
+enum {
+	PAGE_0 = 0,
+	PAGE_1 = 1,
+	PAGE_2 = 2,
+	PAGE_3 = 3,
+	PAGE_4 = 4,	
+	PAGE_5 = 5,	
+	PAGE_6 = 6,	
+	PAGE_7 = 7,	
+	PAGE_8 = 8,	
+	PAGE_9 = 9,	
+//		remote control 
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned char*	buf,
+	unsigned short	byte_num);
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned char*	buf,
+	unsigned short	byte_num);
+//3for return PUCHAR value
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned char*	buf,
+	unsigned short	byte_num);
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned char*	buf,
+	unsigned short	byte_num);
+//3for return INT value
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned short	n_bytes,
+	int*	p_val);
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	RegType	type,
+	unsigned short	byte_addr,
+	unsigned short	n_bytes,
+	int	val);
+//	Remote Control
+	unsigned long nMinDelayTime);
+#if 0
+//3for std i2c r/w
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short			dev_i2c_addr,
+	unsigned char*			data,
+	unsigned short			bytelength);
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short			dev_i2c_addr,
+	unsigned char*			data,
+	unsigned short			bytelength);
+	struct dvb_usb_device*dib,
+	unsigned char			demod_device_addr,	
+	unsigned char 		page,
+	unsigned char 		offset,
+	unsigned char*		data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength);
+	struct dvb_usb_device*dib,
+	unsigned char			demod_device_addr,		
+	unsigned char			page,
+	unsigned char			offset,
+	unsigned char			*data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength);
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*dib,
+	unsigned char			device_address,
+	unsigned char			offset,
+	unsigned char			*data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength);
+int write_rtl2832_tuner_register(
+	struct dvb_usb_device *dib,
+	unsigned char			device_address,
+	unsigned char			offset,
+	unsigned char			*data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength);
+	write_rtl2832_stdi2c(
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short			dev_i2c_addr,
+	unsigned char*			data,
+	unsigned short			bytelength);
+	read_rtl2832_stdi2c(
+	struct dvb_usb_device*	dib,
+	unsigned short			dev_i2c_addr,
+	unsigned char*			data,
+	unsigned short			bytelength);
+	struct dvb_usb_device*dib,
+	unsigned char			demod_device_addr,		
+	unsigned char			page,
+	unsigned char			offset,
+	unsigned char			*data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength);
+	struct dvb_usb_device*dib,
+	unsigned char			demod_device_addr,	
+	unsigned char 		page,
+	unsigned char 		offset,
+	unsigned char*		data,
+	unsigned short		bytelength);
+#define BIT0		0x00000001
+#define BIT1		0x00000002
+#define BIT2		0x00000004
+#define BIT3		0x00000008
+#define BIT4		0x00000010
+#define BIT5		0x00000020
+#define BIT6		0x00000040
+#define BIT7		0x00000080
+#define BIT8		0x00000100
+#define BIT9		0x00000200
+#define BIT10	0x00000400
+#define BIT11	0x00000800
+#define BIT12	0x00001000
+#define BIT13	0x00002000
+#define BIT14	0x00004000
+#define BIT15	0x00008000
+#define BIT16	0x00010000
+#define BIT17	0x00020000
+#define BIT18	0x00040000
+#define BIT19	0x00080000
+#define BIT20	0x00100000
+#define BIT21	0x00200000
+#define BIT22	0x00400000
+#define BIT23	0x00800000
+#define BIT24	0x01000000
+#define BIT25	0x02000000
+#define BIT26	0x04000000
+#define BIT27	0x08000000
+#define BIT28	0x10000000
+#define BIT29	0x20000000
+#define BIT30	0x40000000
+#define BIT31	0x80000000
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_base.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_base.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_base.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_base.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.124066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1913 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_BASE_H
+#define __TUNER_BASE_H
+@brief   Tuner base module definition
+Tuner base module definitions contains tuner module structure, tuner funciton pointers, and tuner definitions.
+@par Example:
+#include "demod_xxx.h"
+#include "tuner_xxx.h"
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C reading format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	const unsigned char *pWritingBytes,
+	unsigned long ByteNum
+	)
+	// I2C writing format:
+	// start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + writing_byte * ByteNum + stop_bit
+	...
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	// Wait WaitTimeMs milliseconds.
+	...
+	return;
+int main(void)
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	XXX_DEMOD_MODULE XxxDemodModuleMemory;
+	TUNER_MODULE TunerModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz;
+	int TunerType;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	// Build base interface module.
+	BuildBaseInterface(
+		&pBaseInterface,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		9,								// Set maximum I2C reading byte number with 9.
+		8,								// Set maximum I2C writing byte number with 8.
+		CustomI2cRead,					// Employ CustomI2cRead() as basic I2C reading function.
+		CustomI2cWrite,					// Employ CustomI2cWrite() as basic I2C writing function.
+		CustomWaitMs					// Employ CustomWaitMs() as basic waiting function.
+		);
+	// Build dmeod XXX module.
+	// Note: Demod module builder will set I2cBridgeModuleMemory for tuner I2C command forwarding.
+	//       Must execute demod builder to set I2cBridgeModuleMemory before use tuner functions.
+	BuildDemodXxxModule(
+		&pDemod,
+		&XxxDemodModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		...								// Other arguments by each demod module
+		)
+	// Build tuner XXX module.
+	BuildTunerXxxModule(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc0,							// Tuner I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		...								// Other arguments by each demod module
+		);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	pTuner->Initialize(pTuner);
+	// Set tuner parameters. (RF frequency)
+	// Note: In the example, RF frequency is 474 MHz.
+	RfFreqHz = 474000000;
+	pTuner->SetIfFreqHz(pTuner, RfFreqHz);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	// Get tuenr type.
+	// Note: One can find tuner type in MODULE_TYPE enumeration.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType(pTuner, &TunerType);
+	// Get tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get tuner parameters. (RF frequency)
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz(pTuner, &RfFreqHz);
+	return 0;
+#include "foundation.h"
+/// tuner module pre-definition
+@brief   Tuner type getting function pointer
+One can use TUNER_FP_GET_TUNER_TYPE() to get tuner type.
+@param [in]    pTuner       The tuner module pointer
+@param [out]   pTunerType   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing tuner type
+	-# Tuner building function will set TUNER_FP_GET_TUNER_TYPE() with the corresponding function.
+@see   TUNER_TYPE
+typedef void
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+@brief   Tuner I2C device address getting function pointer
+One can use TUNER_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR() to get tuner I2C device address.
+@param [in]    pTuner        The tuner module pointer
+@param [out]   pDeviceAddr   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing tuner I2C device address
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get tuner device address successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get tuner device address unsuccessfully.
+	-# Tuner building function will set TUNER_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR() with the corresponding function.
+typedef void
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+@brief   Tuner initializing function pointer
+One can use TUNER_FP_INITIALIZE() to initialie tuner.
+@param [in]   pTuner   The tuner module pointer
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Initialize tuner successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Initialize tuner unsuccessfully.
+	-# Tuner building function will set TUNER_FP_INITIALIZE() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	);
+@brief   Tuner RF frequency setting function pointer
+One can use TUNER_FP_SET_RF_FREQ_HZ() to set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]   pTuner     The tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   RfFreqHz   RF frequency in Hz for setting
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Set tuner RF frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Set tuner RF frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Tuner building function will set TUNER_FP_SET_RF_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+@brief   Tuner RF frequency getting function pointer
+One can use TUNER_FP_GET_RF_FREQ_HZ() to get tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+@param [in]   pTuner      The tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pRfFreqHz   Pointer to an allocated memory for storing demod RF frequency in Hz
+@retval   FUNCTION_SUCCESS   Get tuner RF frequency successfully.
+@retval   FUNCTION_ERROR     Get tuner RF frequency unsuccessfully.
+	-# Tuner building function will set TUNER_FP_GET_RF_FREQ_HZ() with the corresponding function.
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// TDCG-G052D extra module
+	// TDCG-G052D extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control;
+	unsigned char BandSwitch;
+	unsigned char Auxiliary;
+// TDCH-G001D extra module
+	// TDCH-G001D extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control;
+	unsigned char BandSwitch;
+	unsigned char Auxiliary;
+// TDQE3-003A extra module
+#define TDQE3003A_CONTROL_BYTE_NUM		3
+	// TDQE3-003A extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control[TDQE3003A_CONTROL_BYTE_NUM];
+// DCT-7045 extra module
+typedef struct DCT7045_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG DCT7045_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// DCT-7045 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control;
+/// MT2062 extra module
+typedef struct MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// MT2062 handle openning function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// MT2062 handle closing function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// MT2062 handle getting function pointer
+typedef void
+	void **pDeviceHandle
+	);
+// MT2062 IF frequency setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+// MT2062 IF frequency getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+// MT2062 extra module
+	// MT2062 extra variables
+	void *DeviceHandle;
+	int LoopThroughMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int IsIfFreqHzSet;
+	// MT2062 extra function pointers
+	MT2062_FP_OPEN_HANDLE      OpenHandle;
+	MT2062_FP_CLOSE_HANDLE     CloseHandle;
+	MT2062_FP_GET_HANDLE       GetHandle;
+	MT2062_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ   SetIfFreqHz;
+	MT2062_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ   GetIfFreqHz;
+/// MxL5005S extra module
+#define INITCTRL_NUM		40
+#define CHCTRL_NUM			36
+#define MXLCTRL_NUM			189
+#define TUNER_REGS_NUM		104
+// MXL5005 Tuner Register Struct
+typedef struct _TunerReg_struct
+	unsigned short 	Reg_Num ;							// Tuner Register Address
+	unsigned short	Reg_Val ;							// Current sofware programmed value waiting to be writen
+} TunerReg_struct ;
+// MXL5005 Tuner Control Struct
+typedef struct _TunerControl_struct {
+	unsigned short	Ctrl_Num ;							// Control Number
+	unsigned short	size ;								// Number of bits to represent Value
+	unsigned short 	addr[25] ;							// Array of Tuner Register Address for each bit position
+	unsigned short 	bit[25] ;							// Array of bit position in Register Address for each bit position
+	unsigned short 	val[25] ;							// Binary representation of Value
+} TunerControl_struct ;
+// MXL5005 Tuner Struct
+typedef struct _Tuner_struct
+	unsigned char			Mode ;				// 0: Analog Mode ; 1: Digital Mode
+	unsigned char			IF_Mode ;			// for Analog Mode, 0: zero IF; 1: low IF
+	unsigned long			Chan_Bandwidth ;	// filter  channel bandwidth (6, 7, 8)
+	unsigned long			IF_OUT ;			// Desired IF Out Frequency
+	unsigned short			IF_OUT_LOAD ;		// IF Out Load Resistor (200/300 Ohms)
+	unsigned long			RF_IN ;				// RF Input Frequency
+	unsigned long			Fxtal ;				// XTAL Frequency
+	unsigned char			AGC_Mode ;			// AGC Mode 0: Dual AGC; 1: Single AGC
+	unsigned short			TOP ;				// Value: take over point
+	unsigned char			CLOCK_OUT ;			// 0: turn off clock out; 1: turn on clock out
+	unsigned char			DIV_OUT ;			// 4MHz or 16MHz
+	unsigned char			CAPSELECT ;			// 0: disable On-Chip pulling cap; 1: enable
+	unsigned char			EN_RSSI ;			// 0: disable RSSI; 1: enable RSSI
+	unsigned char			Mod_Type ;			// Modulation Type; 
+										// 0 - Default;	1 - DVB-T; 2 - ATSC; 3 - QAM; 4 - Analog Cable
+	unsigned char			TF_Type ;			// Tracking Filter Type
+										// 0 - Default; 1 - Off; 2 - Type C; 3 - Type C-H
+	// Calculated Settings
+	unsigned long			RF_LO ;				// Synth RF LO Frequency
+	unsigned long			IF_LO ;				// Synth IF LO Frequency
+	unsigned long			TG_LO ;				// Synth TG_LO Frequency
+	// Pointers to ControlName Arrays
+	unsigned short					Init_Ctrl_Num ;					// Number of INIT Control Names
+	TunerControl_struct		Init_Ctrl[INITCTRL_NUM] ;		// INIT Control Names Array Pointer
+	unsigned short					CH_Ctrl_Num ;					// Number of CH Control Names
+	TunerControl_struct		CH_Ctrl[CHCTRL_NUM] ;			// CH Control Name Array Pointer
+	unsigned short					MXL_Ctrl_Num ;					// Number of MXL Control Names
+	TunerControl_struct		MXL_Ctrl[MXLCTRL_NUM] ;			// MXL Control Name Array Pointer
+	// Pointer to Tuner Register Array
+	unsigned short					TunerRegs_Num ;		// Number of Tuner Registers
+	TunerReg_struct			TunerRegs[TUNER_REGS_NUM] ;			// Tuner Register Array Pointer
+} Tuner_struct ;
+// MxL5005S register setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned char *pAddrTable,
+	unsigned char *pByteTable,
+	int TableLen
+	);
+// MxL5005S register mask bits setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned char WritingValue
+	);
+// MxL5005S spectrum mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int SpectrumMode
+	);
+// MxL5005S bandwidth setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	);
+// MxL5005S extra module
+	// MxL5005S function pointers
+	MXL5005S_FP_SET_REGS_WITH_TABLE   SetRegsWithTable;
+	MXL5005S_FP_SET_REG_MASK_BITS     SetRegMaskBits;
+	MXL5005S_FP_SET_SPECTRUM_MODE     SetSpectrumMode;
+	MXL5005S_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_HZ      SetBandwidthHz;
+	// MxL5005S extra data
+	unsigned char AgcMasterByte;			//   Variable name in MaxLinear source code: AGC_MASTER_BYTE
+	// MaxLinear defined struct
+	Tuner_struct MxlDefinedTunerStructure;
+// TDVM-H715P extra module
+	// TDVM-H715P extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control;
+	unsigned char BandSwitch;
+	unsigned char Auxiliary;
+// UBA00AL extra module
+	// UBA00AL extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char BandSwitch;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+/// MT2266 extra module
+typedef struct MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// MT2266 handle openning function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// MT2266 handle closing function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// MT2266 handle getting function pointer
+typedef void
+	void **pDeviceHandle
+	);
+// MT2266 bandwidth setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	);
+// MT2266 bandwidth getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	);
+// MT2266 extra module
+	// MT2266 extra variables
+	void *DeviceHandle;
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz;
+	int IsBandwidthHzSet;
+	// MT2266 extra function pointers
+	MT2266_FP_OPEN_HANDLE        OpenHandle;
+	MT2266_FP_CLOSE_HANDLE       CloseHandle;
+	MT2266_FP_GET_HANDLE         GetHandle;
+	MT2266_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_HZ   SetBandwidthHz;
+	MT2266_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_HZ   GetBandwidthHz;
+// FC2580 extra module
+typedef struct FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// FC2580 bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// FC2580 bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+// FC2580 extra module
+	// FC2580 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int AgcMode;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// FC2580 extra function pointers
+	FC2580_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetBandwidthMode;
+	FC2580_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetBandwidthMode;
+/// TUA9001 extra module
+typedef struct TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// Extra manipulaing function
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned char WritingByte
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte
+	);
+// TUA9001 extra module
+	// TUA9001 extra variables
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// TUA9001 extra function pointers
+	TUA9001_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE            SetBandwidthMode;
+	TUA9001_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE            GetBandwidthMode;
+	TUA9001_FP_GET_REG_BYTES_WITH_REG_ADDR   GetRegBytesWithRegAddr;
+	TUA9001_FP_SET_SYS_REG_BYTE              SetSysRegByte;
+	TUA9001_FP_GET_SYS_REG_BYTE              GetSysRegByte;
+// DTT-75300 extra module
+typedef struct DTT75300_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG DTT75300_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// DTT-75300 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+	unsigned char Control4;
+// MxL5007T extra module
+// MxL5007 TunerConfig Struct
+typedef struct _MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+	int	I2C_Addr;
+	int	Mode;
+	int	IF_Diff_Out_Level;
+	int	Xtal_Freq;
+	int	IF_Freq;
+	int IF_Spectrum;
+	int	ClkOut_Setting;
+    int	ClkOut_Amp;
+	int BW_MHz;
+	unsigned int RF_Freq_Hz;
+	// Additional definition
+} MxL5007_TunerConfigS;
+// MxL5007T bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// MxL5007T bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+// MxL5007T extra module
+	// MxL5007T extra variables
+	int LoopThroughMode;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// MxL5007T MaxLinear-defined structure
+	MxL5007_TunerConfigS *pTunerConfigS;
+	MxL5007_TunerConfigS TunerConfigSMemory;
+	// MxL5007T extra function pointers
+	MXL5007T_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetBandwidthMode;
+	MXL5007T_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetBandwidthMode;
+// VA1T1ED6093 extra module
+typedef struct VA1T1ED6093_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG VA1T1ED6093_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// VA1T1ED6093 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+/// TUA8010 extra module
+typedef struct TUA8010_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG TUA8010_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// Extra manipulaing function
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+typedef int
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	);
+// TUA8010 extra module
+	// TUA8010 extra variables
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// TUA8010 extra function pointers
+	TUA8010_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE            SetBandwidthMode;
+	TUA8010_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE            GetBandwidthMode;
+	TUA8010_FP_GET_REG_BYTES_WITH_REG_ADDR   GetRegBytesWithRegAddr;
+// E4000 extra module
+typedef struct E4000_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG E4000_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// E4000 register byte getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte
+	);
+// E4000 bandwidth Hz setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	);
+// E4000 bandwidth Hz getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	);
+// E4000 extra module
+struct E4000_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// E4000 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int BandwidthHz;
+	int IsBandwidthHzSet;
+	// E4000 extra function pointers
+	E4000_FP_GET_REG_BYTE       GetRegByte;
+	E4000_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_HZ   SetBandwidthHz;
+	E4000_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_HZ   GetBandwidthHz;
+// E4005 extra module
+typedef struct E4005_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG E4005_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// E4005 extra module
+struct E4005_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG
+	// E4005 extra variables
+	unsigned int TunerIfFreq;
+	unsigned int TunerIfMode;
+	unsigned int BandwidthHz;
+	unsigned int CrystalFreqHz;
+	unsigned int IsBandwidthHzSet;
+	unsigned int TunerGainMode;
+	unsigned int TunerCoding;
+// DCT-70704 extra module
+typedef struct DCT70704_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG DCT70704_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// DCT-70704 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char BandSwitch;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+/// MT2063 extra module
+typedef struct MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// MT2063 handle openning function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// MT2063 handle closing function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// MT2063 handle getting function pointer
+typedef void
+	void **pDeviceHandle
+	);
+// MT2063 IF frequency setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+// MT2063 IF frequency getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+// MT2063 bandwidth setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	);
+// MT2063 bandwidth getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	);
+// MT2063 extra module
+	// MT2063 extra variables
+	void *DeviceHandle;
+	int StandardMode;
+	unsigned long VgaGc;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz;
+	int IsIfFreqHzSet;
+	int IsBandwidthHzSet;
+	// MT2063 extra function pointers
+	MT2063_FP_OPEN_HANDLE        OpenHandle;
+	MT2063_FP_CLOSE_HANDLE       CloseHandle;
+	MT2063_FP_GET_HANDLE         GetHandle;
+	MT2063_FP_SET_IF_FREQ_HZ     SetIfFreqHz;
+	MT2063_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ     GetIfFreqHz;
+	MT2063_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_HZ   SetBandwidthHz;
+	MT2063_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_HZ   GetBandwidthHz;
+// FC0012 extra module
+typedef struct FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// FC0012 bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// FC0012 bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+// FC0012 extra module
+	// FC0012 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// FC0012 extra function pointers
+	FC0012_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetBandwidthMode;
+	FC0012_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetBandwidthMode;
+// TDAG extra module
+	// TDAG extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// ADMTV804 extra module
+// ADMTV804 standard bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// ADMTV804 standard bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+// ADMTV804 RF power level getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	long *pRfPowerLevel
+	);
+// ADMTV804 extra module
+	// ADMTV804 extra variables (from ADMTV804 source code)
+	unsigned char REV_INFO;
+	unsigned char g_curBand;
+	unsigned char pddiv3;
+	unsigned char REG24;
+	unsigned char REG2B;
+	unsigned char REG2E;
+	unsigned char REG30;
+	unsigned char REG31;
+	unsigned char REG5A;
+	unsigned char REG61;  // V1.6 added 
+	// ADMTV804 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int StandardBandwidthMode;
+	int IsStandardBandwidthModeSet;
+	long RfPowerLevel;
+	// ADMTV804 extra function pointers
+	ADMTV804_FP_GET_RF_POWER_LEVEL            GetRfPowerLevel;
+// MAX3543 extra module
+typedef struct MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// MAX3543 bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// MAX3543 bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+// MAX3543 extra module
+	// MAX3543 extra variables (from MAX3543 source code)
+	unsigned short TFRomCoefs[3][4];
+	unsigned short denominator;   
+	unsigned long  fracscale ;
+	unsigned short regs[22];
+	unsigned short IF_Frequency;
+	int broadcast_standard;
+	int XTALREF;
+	int LOSCALE;
+	// MAX3543 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int StandardMode;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int OutputMode;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// MAX3543 extra function pointers
+	MAX3543_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetBandwidthMode;
+	MAX3543_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetBandwidthMode;
+// TDA18272 extra module
+typedef struct TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// TDA18272 standard bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int StandardBandwidthMode
+	);
+// TDA18272 standard bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pStandardBandwidthMode
+	);
+// TDA18272 power mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int PowerMode
+	);
+// TDA18272 power mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pPowerMode
+	);
+// TDA18272 IF frequency getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+// TDA18272 extra module
+	// TDA18272 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int UnitNo;
+	int IfOutputVppMode;
+	int StandardBandwidthMode;
+	int IsStandardBandwidthModeSet;
+	int PowerMode;
+	int IsPowerModeSet;
+	// TDA18272 extra function pointers
+	TDA18272_FP_SET_STANDARD_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetStandardBandwidthMode;
+	TDA18272_FP_GET_STANDARD_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetStandardBandwidthMode;
+	TDA18272_FP_SET_POWER_MODE                SetPowerMode;
+	TDA18272_FP_GET_POWER_MODE                GetPowerMode;
+	TDA18272_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ                GetIfFreqHz;
+// TDA18250 extra module
+typedef struct TDA18250_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG TDA18250_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// TDA18250 standard bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int StandardMode
+	);
+// TDA18250 standard bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pStandardMode
+	);
+// TDA18250 power mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int PowerState
+	);
+// TDA18250 power mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pPowerState
+	);
+// TDA18250 IF frequency getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+// TDA18250 PowerLevel getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	unsigned long *pPowerLevel
+	);
+// TDA18250 PowerLevel getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// TDA18250 extra module
+	// TDA18250 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int UnitNo;
+	int IfOutputVppMode;
+	int StandardMode;
+	int IsStandardModeSet;
+	int PowerState;
+	int IsPowerStateSet;
+	// TDA18250 extra function pointers
+	TDA18250_FP_SET_STANDARD_MODE   	SetStandardMode;
+	TDA18250_FP_GET_STANDARD_MODE   	GetStandardMode;
+	TDA18250_FP_SET_POWER_STATE         SetPowerState;
+	TDA18250_FP_GET_POWER_STATE         GetPowerState;
+	TDA18250_FP_GET_IF_FREQ_HZ          GetIfFreqHz;
+	TDA18250_FP_Get_PowerLevel			GetPowerLevel;
+	TDA18250_FP_Reset_AGC				ResetAGC;
+// FC0013 extra module
+typedef struct FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// FC0013 bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// FC0013 bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+// FC0013 reset IQ LPF BW
+typedef int
+	);
+// FC0013 increase IQ LPF BW
+typedef int
+	int RcValue
+	);
+// FC0013 extra module
+	// FC0013 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// FC0013 extra function pointers
+	FC0013_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetBandwidthMode;
+	FC0013_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetBandwidthMode;
+	FC0013_FP_RC_CAL_RESET         RcCalReset;
+	FC0013_FP_RC_CAL_ADD           RcCalAdd;
+// VA1E1ED2403 extra module
+typedef struct VA1E1ED2403_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG VA1E1ED2403_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// VA1E1ED2403 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// Avalon extra module
+#define AVALON_RF_REG_MAX_ADDR		0x60
+#define AVALON_BB_REG_MAX_ADDR		0x4f
+typedef struct _AVALON_CONFIG_STRUCT {
+	double RFChannelMHz;
+	double dIfFrequencyMHz;
+	double f_dac_MHz;
+	int TVStandard;
+// AVALON standard bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int StandardBandwidthMode
+	);
+// AVALON standard bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pStandardBandwidthMode
+	);
+// AVALON extra module
+	// AVALON extra variables (from AVALON source code)
+	unsigned char g_avalon_rf_reg_work_table[AVALON_RF_REG_MAX_ADDR+1];
+	unsigned char g_avalon_bb_reg_work_table[AVALON_BB_REG_MAX_ADDR+1];
+	int
+	(*g_avalon_i2c_read_handler)(
+		TUNER_MODULE *pTuner,
+		unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+		unsigned char *pReadingBuffer,
+		unsigned short *pByteNum
+		);
+	int
+	(*g_avalon_i2c_write_handler)(
+		TUNER_MODULE *pTuner,
+		unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+		unsigned char *pWritingBuffer,
+		unsigned short *pByteNum
+		);
+	// AVALON extra variables
+	unsigned char AtvDemodDeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int StandardBandwidthMode;
+	int IsStandardBandwidthModeSet;
+	// AVALON extra function pointers
+// SutRx201 extra module
+// SUTRE201 standard bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int StandardBandwidthMode
+	);
+// SUTRE201 standard bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pStandardBandwidthMode
+	);
+// SUTRE201 tuner enabling function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// SUTRE201 tuner disabling function pointer
+typedef int
+	);
+// SUTRE201 tuner IF port mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int IfPortMode
+	);
+// SUTRE201 extra module
+	// SUTRE201 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int IfPortMode;
+	int CountryMode;
+	int StandardBandwidthMode;
+	int IsStandardBandwidthModeSet;
+	// SUTRE201 extra function pointers
+	SUTRE201_FP_ENABLE                        Enable;
+	SUTRE201_FP_DISABLE                       Disable;
+	SUTRE201_FP_SET_IF_PORT_MODE              SetIfPortMode;
+// MR1300 extra module
+typedef struct MR1300_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG MR1300_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// MR1300 extra data
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+// TDAC7 extra module
+	// TDAC7 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// VA1T1ER2094 extra module
+typedef struct VA1T1ER2094_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG VA1T1ER2094_EXTRA_MODULE;
+	// VA1T1ER2094 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// TDAC3 extra module
+	// TDAC3 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// RT910 extra module
+#define RT910_INITIAL_TABLE_LENGTH     25
+typedef struct RT910_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG RT910_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// RT910 bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// RT910 bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+// RT910 extra module
+	// RT910 extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	unsigned char RT910RegsMap[RT910_INITIAL_TABLE_LENGTH];
+	unsigned char RT910BW8MCalib[RT910_INITIAL_TABLE_LENGTH];  // 80MHz for C.F. cali.
+	// RT910 extra function pointers
+	RT910_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetBandwidthMode;
+	RT910_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetBandwidthMode;
+// DTM4C20 extra module
+	// DTM4C20 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// GTFD32 extra module
+	// GTFD32 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// GTLP10 extra module
+	// GTLP10 extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// JSS66T extra module
+	// JSS66T extra data
+	unsigned char DividerMsb;
+	unsigned char DividerLsb;
+	unsigned char Control1;
+	unsigned char Control2;
+	unsigned char Control3;
+// FC0013B extra module
+typedef struct FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// FC0013B bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// FC0013B bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+// FC0013B reset IQ LPF BW
+typedef int
+	);
+// FC0013B increase IQ LPF BW
+typedef int
+	int RcValue
+	);
+// FC0013B extra module
+	// FC0013B extra variables
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// FC0013B extra function pointers
+	FC0013B_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetBandwidthMode;
+	FC0013B_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetBandwidthMode;
+	FC0013B_FP_RC_CAL_RESET         RcCalReset;
+	FC0013B_FP_RC_CAL_ADD           RcCalAdd;
+// MR1500 extra module
+typedef struct MR1500_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG MR1500_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// MR1500 bandwidth mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+// MR1500 bandwidth mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+	// MR1500 extra data
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	// MR1500 extra function pointers
+	MR1500_FP_SET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   SetBandwidthMode;
+	MR1500_FP_GET_BANDWIDTH_MODE   GetBandwidthMode;
+// R820T extra module
+typedef struct R820T_EXTRA_MODULE_TAG R820T_EXTRA_MODULE;
+// R820T standard mode setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int StandardMode
+	);
+// R820T standard mode getting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int *pStandardMode
+	);
+// R820T standby setting function pointer
+typedef int
+	int LoopThroughType
+	);
+	unsigned char Rafael_Chip;
+	// R820T extra variables
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	int IsBandwidthModeSet;
+	int StandardMode;
+	int IsStandardModeSet;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqkHz;	
+	// R820T extra function pointers
+	R820T_FP_SET_STANDARD_MODE   SetStandardMode;
+	R820T_FP_GET_STANDARD_MODE   GetStandardMode;
+	R820T_FP_SET_STANDBY   SetStandby;
+/// Tuner module structure
+	// Private variables
+	int           TunerType;									///<   Tuner type
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;									///<   Tuner I2C device address
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz;										///<   Tuner RF frequency in Hz
+	int IsRfFreqHzSet;											///<   Tuner RF frequency in Hz (setting status)
+	union														///<   Tuner extra module used by driving module
+	{
+		TDCGG052D_EXTRA_MODULE   Tdcgg052d;
+		TDCHG001D_EXTRA_MODULE   Tdchg001d;
+		TDQE3003A_EXTRA_MODULE   Tdqe3003a;
+		DCT7045_EXTRA_MODULE     Dct7045;
+		MT2062_EXTRA_MODULE      Mt2062;
+		MXL5005S_EXTRA_MODULE    Mxl5005s;
+		TDVMH751P_EXTRA_MODULE   Tdvmh751p;
+		UBA00AL_EXTRA_MODULE     Uba00al;
+		MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE      Mt2266;
+		FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE      Fc2580;
+		TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE     Tua9001;
+		DTT75300_EXTRA_MODULE    Dtt75300;
+		MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE    Mxl5007t;
+		VA1T1ED6093_EXTRA_MODULE Va1t1ed6093;
+		TUA8010_EXTRA_MODULE     Tua8010;
+		E4000_EXTRA_MODULE       E4000;
+		E4005_EXTRA_MODULE       E4005;
+		DCT70704_EXTRA_MODULE    Dct70704;
+		MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE      Mt2063;
+		FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE      Fc0012;
+		TDAG_EXTRA_MODULE        Tdag;
+		ADMTV804_EXTRA_MODULE    Admtv804;
+		MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE     Max3543;
+		TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE    Tda18272;
+		TDA18250_EXTRA_MODULE    Tda18250;
+		FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE      Fc0013;
+		VA1E1ED2403_EXTRA_MODULE Va1e1ed2403;
+		SUTRE201_EXTRA_MODULE    Sutre201;
+		MR1300_EXTRA_MODULE      Mr1300;
+		TDAC7_EXTRA_MODULE       Tdac7;
+		VA1T1ER2094_EXTRA_MODULE Va1t1er2094;
+		TDAC3_EXTRA_MODULE       Tdac3;
+		RT910_EXTRA_MODULE       Rt910;
+		DTM4C20_EXTRA_MODULE     Dtm4c20;
+		GTFD32_EXTRA_MODULE      Gtfd32;
+		GTLP10_EXTRA_MODULE      Gtlp10;
+		JSS66T_EXTRA_MODULE      Jss66t;
+		FC0013B_EXTRA_MODULE     Fc0013b;
+		MR1500_EXTRA_MODULE      Mr1500;
+		R820T_EXTRA_MODULE       R820t;
+	}
+	Extra;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterface;						///<   Base interface module
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;								///<   I2C bridge module
+	// Tuner manipulating functions
+	TUNER_FP_GET_TUNER_TYPE    GetTunerType;				///<   Tuner type getting function pointer
+	TUNER_FP_GET_DEVICE_ADDR   GetDeviceAddr;				///<   Tuner I2C device address getting function pointer
+	TUNER_FP_INITIALIZE        Initialize;					///<   Tuner initializing function pointer
+	TUNER_FP_SET_RF_FREQ_HZ    SetRfFreqHz;					///<   Tuner RF frequency setting function pointer
+	TUNER_FP_GET_RF_FREQ_HZ    GetRfFreqHz;					///<   Tuner RF frequency getting function pointer
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_e4000.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_e4000.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_e4000.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_e4000.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.128066043 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2482 @@
+@brief   E4000 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate E4000 tuner through E4000 module.
+E4000 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_e4000.h"
+@brief   E4000 tuner module builder
+Use BuildE4000Module() to build E4000 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to E4000 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   E4000 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                E4000 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   AgcMode                      E4000 AGC mode
+	-# One should call BuildE4000Module() to build E4000 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.E4000);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_E4000;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = e4000_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = e4000_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = e4000_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = e4000_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = e4000_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->CrystalFreqHz    = CrystalFreqHz;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->GetRegByte     = e4000_GetRegByte;
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthHz = e4000_SetBandwidthHz;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthHz = e4000_GetBandwidthHz;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.E4000);
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	// Note: Call E4000 source code functions.
+	if(tunerreset(pTuner) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(Tunerclock(pTuner) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(Qpeak(pTuner) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(DCoffloop(pTuner) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(GainControlinit(pTuner) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int RfFreqKhz;
+	int CrystalFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.E4000);
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: 1. RfFreqKhz = round(RfFreqHz / 1000)
+	//          CrystalFreqKhz = round(CrystalFreqHz / 1000)
+	//       2. Call E4000 source code functions.
+	RfFreqKhz      = (int)((RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	CrystalFreqKhz = (int)((pExtra->CrystalFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	if(Gainmanual(pTuner) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(E4000_gain_freq(pTuner, RfFreqKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(PLL(pTuner, CrystalFreqKhz, RfFreqKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(LNAfilter(pTuner, RfFreqKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(freqband(pTuner, RfFreqKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(DCoffLUT(pTuner) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	if(GainControlauto(pTuner) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Get E4000 register byte.
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte
+	)
+	// Call I2CReadByte() to read tuner register.
+	if(I2CReadByte(pTuner, NO_USE, RegAddr, pReadingByte) != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+@brief   Set E4000 tuner bandwidth.
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	)
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int BandwidthKhz;
+	int CrystalFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.E4000);
+	// Set tuner bandwidth Hz.
+	// Note: 1. BandwidthKhz = round(BandwidthHz / 1000)
+	//          CrystalFreqKhz = round(CrystalFreqHz / 1000)
+	//       2. Call E4000 source code functions.
+	BandwidthKhz   = (int)((BandwidthHz + 500) / 1000);
+	CrystalFreqKhz = (int)((pExtra->CrystalFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	if(IFfilter(pTuner, BandwidthKhz, CrystalFreqKhz) != E4000_1_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth Hz parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthHz      = BandwidthHz;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet = YES;
+@brief   Get E4000 tuner bandwidth.
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	)
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.E4000);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth_hz;
+	*pBandwidthHz = pExtra->BandwidthHz;
+// Function (implemeted for E4000)
+	unsigned char NoUse,
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte
+	)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set tuner register reading address.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &RegAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+	// Get tuner register byte.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + read_data + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, pReadingByte, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	return E4000_I2C_SUCCESS;
+	return E4000_I2C_FAIL;
+	unsigned char NoUse,
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char WritingByte
+	)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set writing bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + data + stop_bit
+	WritingBuffer[0] = RegAddr;
+	WritingBuffer[1] = WritingByte;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return E4000_I2C_SUCCESS;
+	return E4000_I2C_FAIL;
+	unsigned char NoUse,
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char ByteNum,
+	unsigned char *pWritingBytes
+	)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set writing buffer.
+	// Note: The I2C format of demod register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddr + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+	WritingBuffer[0] = RegStartAddr;
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i++)
+		WritingBuffer[LEN_1_BYTE + i] = pWritingBytes[i];
+	/// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, ByteNum + LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return E4000_I2C_SUCCESS;
+	return E4000_I2C_FAIL;
+// The following context is source code provided by Elonics.
+// Elonics source code - E4000_API_rev2_04_realtek.cpp
+//  Filename    E4000_initialisation.c
+//  Revision    2.04
+// Description:
+//  Initialisation script for the Elonics E4000 revC tuner
+//  Copyright (c)  Elonics Ltd
+//    Any software supplied free of charge for use with elonics
+//    evaluation kits is supplied without warranty and for
+//    evaluation purposes only. Incorporation of any of this
+//    code into products for open sale is permitted but only at
+//    the user's own risk. Elonics accepts no liability for the 
+//    integrity of this software whatsoever.
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <stdlib.h>
+// User defined variable definitions
+int Ref_clk = 26000;   // Reference clock frequency(kHz).
+int Freq = 590000; // RF Frequency (kHz)
+int bandwidth = 8000;  //RF channel bandwith (kHz)
+// API defined variable definitions
+//int VCO_freq;
+//unsigned char writearray[5];
+//unsigned char read1[1];
+//int status;
+// function definitions
+int tunerreset ();
+int Tunerclock();
+int filtercal();
+int Qpeak();
+int PLL(int Ref_clk, int Freq);
+int LNAfilter(int Freq);
+int IFfilter(int bandwidth, int Ref_clk);
+int freqband(int Freq);
+int DCoffLUT();
+int DCoffloop();
+int commonmode();
+int GainControlinit();  
+// --- Public functions ------------------------------------------------------
+*  Function: tunerreset
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function resets the E4000 tuner. (Register 0x00).
+int tunerreset(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	writearray[0] = 64;
+	// For dummy I2C command, don't check executing status.
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,2,writearray[0]);
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,2,writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 0=%d", writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 0;
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,9,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 0;
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,5,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 7;
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,0,writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 0=%d", writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+*  Function: Tunerclock
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function configures the E4000 clock. (Register 0x06, 0x7a).
+*  Function disables the clock - values can be modified to enable if required.
+int Tunerclock(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	writearray[0] = 0;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,6,writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 6=%d", writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 150;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,122,writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 7a=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//**Modify commands above with value required if output clock is required, 
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;  
+*  Function: filtercal
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Instructs RC filter calibration. (Register 0x7b).
+int filtercal(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+  //writearray[0] = 1;
+ //I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,123,writearray[0]);
+ //printf("\nRegister 7b=%d", writearray[0]);
+  //return;
+   return E4000_1_SUCCESS;  
+*  Function: Qpeak()
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function configures the E4000 gains. 
+*  Also sigma delta controller. (Register 0x82).
+int Qpeak(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	writearray[0] = 1;
+	writearray[1] = 254;
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,126,2,writearray);
+	//printf("\nRegister 7e=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 7f=%d", writearray[1]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,130,0);
+	//printf("\nRegister 82=0");
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,36,5);
+	//printf("\nRegister 24=5");
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 32;
+	writearray[1] = 1;
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,135,2,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	//printf("\nRegister 87=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 88=%d", writearray[1]);
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+*  Function: E4000_gain_freq()
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function configures the E4000 gains vs. freq 
+*  0xa3 to 0xa7. Also 0x24.
+int E4000_gain_freq(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	if (Freq<=350000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x10;
+		writearray[1] = 0x42;
+		writearray[2] = 0x09;
+		writearray[3] = 0x21;
+		writearray[4] = 0x94;
+	}
+	else if(Freq>=1000000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x10;
+		writearray[1] = 0x42;
+		writearray[2] = 0x09;
+		writearray[3] = 0x21;
+		writearray[4] = 0x94;
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x10;
+		writearray[1] = 0x42;
+		writearray[2] = 0x09;
+		writearray[3] = 0x21;
+		writearray[4] = 0x94;
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,163,5,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	if (Freq<=350000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 94;
+		writearray[1] = 6;
+		status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,159,2,writearray);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+		writearray[0] = 0;
+		status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,136,1,writearray);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 127;
+		writearray[1] = 7;
+		status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,159,2,writearray);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+		writearray[0] = 1;
+		status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,136,1,writearray);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+	}
+	//printf("\nRegister 9f=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister a0=%d", writearray[1]);
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+*  Function: DCoffloop
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Populates DC offset LUT. (Registers 0x2d, 0x70, 0x71).
+*  Turns on DC offset LUT and time varying DC offset.
+int DCoffloop(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	//writearray[0]=0;
+	//I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,115,writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 73=%d", writearray[0]);
+	writearray[0] = 31;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,45,writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 2d=%d", writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 1;
+	writearray[1] = 1;
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,112,2,writearray);
+	//printf("\nRegister 70=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 71=%d", writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+*  Function: commonmode
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Configures common mode voltage. (Registers 0x2f).
+int commonmode(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+     //writearray[0] = 0;  
+     //I2CWriteByte(Device_address,47,writearray[0]);
+     //printf("\nRegister 0x2fh = %d", writearray[0]);
+     // Sets 550mV. Modify if alternative is desired.
+     return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+*  Function: GainControlinit
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Configures gain control mode. (Registers 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 
+*  0x1a, 0x74h, 0x75h).
+*  User may wish to modify values depending on usage scenario.
+*  Routine configures LNA: autonomous gain control
+*  IF PWM gain control. 
+*  PWM thresholds = default
+*  Mixer: switches when LNA gain =7.5dB
+*  Sensitivity / Linearity mode: manual switch
+int GainControlinit(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	unsigned char read1[1];
+	int status;
+	unsigned char sum=255;
+	writearray[0] = 23;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,26,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	//printf("\nRegister 1a=%d", writearray[0]);
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,27,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 16;  
+	writearray[1] = 4;
+	writearray[2] = 26;  
+	writearray[3] = 15;  
+	writearray[4] = 167;  
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,29,5,writearray);
+	//printf("\nRegister 1d=%d", writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 81;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,134,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	//printf("\nRegister 86=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//For Realtek - gain control logic
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,27,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	if(read1[0]<=sum)
+	{
+		sum=read1[0];
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,31,writearray[2]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,27,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	if(read1[0] <= sum)
+	{
+		sum=read1[0];
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,31,writearray[2]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,27,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	if(read1[0] <= sum)
+	{
+		sum=read1[0];
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,31,writearray[2]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,27,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	if(read1[0] <= sum)
+	{
+		sum=read1[0];
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,31,writearray[2]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,27,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	if (read1[0]<=sum)
+	{
+		sum=read1[0];
+	}
+	writearray[0]=sum;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,27,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	//printf("\nRegister 1b=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 1e=%d", writearray[1]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 1f=%d", writearray[2]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 20=%d", writearray[3]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 21=%d", writearray[4]);
+	//writearray[0] = 3;
+	//writearray[1] = 252;
+	//writearray[2] = 3;  
+	//writearray[3] = 252; 
+	//I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,116,4,writearray);
+	//printf("\nRegister 74=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 75=%d", writearray[1]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 76=%d", writearray[2]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 77=%d", writearray[3]);
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+*  Main program
+int main()
+     tunerreset (); 
+     Tunerclock();
+     //filtercal();
+     Qpeak();
+     //PLL(Ref_clk, Freq);
+     //LNAfilter(Freq);
+     //IFfilter(bandwidth, Ref_clk);
+     //freqband(Freq);
+     //DCoffLUT();
+     DCoffloop();
+     //commonmode();
+     GainControlinit();
+//     system("PAUSE");
+  return(0);
+// Elonics source code - frequency_change_rev2.04_realtek.c
+//  Filename    E4000_freqchangerev2.04.c
+//  Revision    2.04
+// Description:
+//  Frequency change script for the Elonics E4000 revB tuner
+//  Copyright (c)  Elonics Ltd
+//    Any software supplied free of charge for use with elonics
+//    evaluation kits is supplied without warranty and for
+//    evaluation purposes only. Incorporation of any of this
+//    code into products for open sale is permitted but only at
+//    the user's own risk. Elonics accepts no liability for the 
+//    integrity of this software whatsoever.
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <stdlib.h>
+// User defined variable definitions
+int Ref_clk = 20000;   // Reference clock frequency(kHz).
+int Freq = 590000; // RF Frequency (kHz)
+int bandwidth = 8;  //RF channel bandwith (MHz)
+// API defined variable definitions
+//int VCO_freq;
+//unsigned char writearray[5];
+//unsigned char read1[1];
+//int E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+//int E4000_1_FAIL;
+//int E4000_I2C_SUCCESS;
+//int status;
+// function definitions
+int Gainmanual();
+int PLL(int Ref_clk, int Freq);
+int LNAfilter(int Freq);
+int IFfilter(int bandwidth, int Ref_clk);
+int freqband(int Freq);
+int DCoffLUT();
+int GainControlauto();  
+// --- Public functions ------------------------------------------------------
+*  Function: Gainmanual
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Sets Gain control to serial interface control.
+int Gainmanual(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	writearray[0]=0;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,26,writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 1a=%d", writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 0;
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,9,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = 0;
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,5,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS; 
+*  Function: PLL
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Configures E4000 PLL divider & sigma delta. 0x0d,0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b).
+int PLL(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Ref_clk, int Freq)
+	int VCO_freq;
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	unsigned char divider;
+	int intVCOfreq; 
+	int SigDel;
+	int SigDel2;
+	int SigDel3;  
+//	int harmonic_freq;
+//	int offset;
+	if (Freq<=72400)
+	{
+		writearray[4] = 15;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*48;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=81200)
+    {
+		writearray[4] = 14;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*40;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=108300)
+	{
+		writearray[4]=13;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*32;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=162500)
+	{
+		writearray[4]=12;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*24;
+	}   
+	else if (Freq<=216600)       
+	{
+		writearray[4]=11;  
+		VCO_freq=Freq*16;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=325000)
+	{
+		writearray[4]=10;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*12;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=350000)
+	{
+		writearray[4]=9;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*8;  
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=432000)
+	{
+		writearray[4]=3;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*8;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=667000)
+	{
+		writearray[4]=2; 
+		VCO_freq=Freq*6; 
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=1200000)
+	{
+		writearray[4]=1;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*4;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		writearray[4]=0;
+		VCO_freq=Freq*2; 
+	}
+	//printf("\nVCOfreq=%d", VCO_freq);     
+//	divider =  VCO_freq * 1000 / Ref_clk;
+	divider =  VCO_freq / Ref_clk;
+	//printf("\ndivider=%d", divider); 
+	writearray[0]= divider;  
+//	intVCOfreq = divider * Ref_clk /1000;
+	intVCOfreq = divider * Ref_clk;
+	//printf("\ninteger VCO freq=%d", intVCOfreq);
+//	SigDel=65536 * 1000 * (VCO_freq - intVCOfreq) / Ref_clk;
+	SigDel=65536 * (VCO_freq - intVCOfreq) / Ref_clk;
+	//printf("\nSigma delta=%d", SigDel);
+	if (SigDel<=1024)
+	{
+		SigDel = 1024;
+	}
+	else if (SigDel>=64512)
+	{
+		SigDel=64512;
+	}
+	SigDel2 = SigDel / 256;
+	//printf("\nSigdel2=%d", SigDel2);
+	writearray[2] = (unsigned char)SigDel2;
+	SigDel3 = SigDel - (256 * SigDel2);
+	//printf("\nSig del3=%d", SigDel3);
+	writearray[1]= (unsigned char)SigDel3;
+	writearray[3]=(unsigned char)0;
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,9,5,writearray);
+	//printf("\nRegister 9=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister a=%d", writearray[1]);
+	//printf("\nRegister b=%d", writearray[2]);
+	//printf("\nRegister d=%d", writearray[4]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	if (Freq<=82900)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=1;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=89900)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=9;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=111700)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=1;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=118700)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=1;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=140500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=3;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=147500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=11;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=169300)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=3;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=176300)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=11;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=198100)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=3;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=205100)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=19;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=226900)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=3;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=233900)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=3;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=350000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=3;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=485600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=493600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=514400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=522400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=543200)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=551200)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=13;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=572000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=580000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=13;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=600800)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=608800)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=13;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=629600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=637600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=13;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=658400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=666400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=13;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=687200)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=695200)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=13;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=716000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=724000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=13;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=744800)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=752800)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=21;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=773600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=781600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=21;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=802400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=810400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=21;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=831200)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=839200)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=21;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=860000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=5;
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=868000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+		writearray[2]=21;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[2]=7;
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,7,writearray[2]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,5,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS; 
+*  Function: LNAfilter
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function configures the E4000 LNA filter. (Register 0x10).
+int LNAfilter(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	if(Freq<=370000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=392500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=1;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=415000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] =2;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=437500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=462500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=4;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=490000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=5;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=522500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=6;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=557500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=7;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=595000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=8;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=642500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=9;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=695000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=10;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=740000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=11;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=800000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=12;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=865000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] =13;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=930000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=14;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1000000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=15;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1310000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1340000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=1;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1385000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=2;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1427500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=3;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1452500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=4;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1475000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=5;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1510000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=6;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1545000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=7;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1575000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] =8;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1615000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=9;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1650000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] =10;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1670000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=11;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1690000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=12;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1710000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=13;
+	}
+	else if(Freq<=1735000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=14;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		writearray[0]=15;
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteByte (pTuner, 200,16,writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 10=%d", writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;   
+*  Function: IFfilter
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function configures the E4000 IF filter. (Register 0x11,0x12).
+int IFfilter(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int bandwidth, int Ref_clk)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	int IF_BW;
+	IF_BW = bandwidth / 2;
+	if(IF_BW<=2150)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=253;
+		writearray[1]=31;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2200)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=253;
+		writearray[1]=30;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2240)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;                  
+		writearray[1]=29;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2280)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;                  
+		writearray[1]=28;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2300)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;
+		writearray[1]=27;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;
+		writearray[1]=26;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2450)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;                  
+		writearray[1]=25;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;               
+		writearray[1]=24;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2550)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;                 
+		writearray[1]=23;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;                 
+		writearray[1]=22;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2700)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;                 
+		writearray[1]=21;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2750)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;                  
+		writearray[1]=20;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2800)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=252;
+		writearray[1]=19;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2900)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=251;                
+		writearray[1]=18;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=2950)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=251;
+		writearray[1]=17;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=251;              
+		writearray[1]=16;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3100)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=251;                 
+		writearray[1]=15;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3200)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=250;
+		writearray[1]=14;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3300)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=250;                 
+		writearray[1]=13;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=249;                 
+		writearray[1]=12;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=249;
+		writearray[1]=11;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3700)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=249;
+		writearray[1]=10;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3800)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=248;
+		writearray[1]=9;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3900)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=248;
+		writearray[1]=8;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=4100)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=248;
+		writearray[1]=7;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=4300)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=247;
+		writearray[1]=6;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=4400)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=247;
+		writearray[1]=5;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=4600)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=247;
+		writearray[1]=4;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=4800)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=246;
+		writearray[1]=3;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=5000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=246;
+		writearray[1]=2;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=5300)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=245;
+		writearray[1]=1;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=5500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=245;
+		writearray[1]=0;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0;
+		writearray[1]=32;
+	}
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,17,2,writearray);
+	//printf("\nRegister 11=%d", writearray[0]);
+	//printf("\nRegister 12=%d", writearray[1]);             
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS; 
+*  Function: freqband
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Configures the E4000 frequency band. (Registers 0x07, 0x78).
+int freqband(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	if (Freq<=140000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 3;
+		status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,120,writearray[0]);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=350000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 3;
+		status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,120,writearray[0]);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (Freq<=1000000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 3;
+		status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,120,writearray[0]);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 7;
+		status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,7,writearray[0]);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+		writearray[0] = 0;
+		status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,120,writearray[0]);
+		if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+		{
+			return E4000_1_FAIL;
+		}
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;  
+*  Function: DCoffLUT
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Populates DC offset LUT. (Registers 0x50 - 0x53, 0x60 - 0x63).
+int DCoffLUT(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	unsigned char read1[1];
+	unsigned char IOFF;
+	unsigned char QOFF;
+	unsigned char RANGE1;
+//	unsigned char RANGE2;
+	unsigned char QRANGE;
+	unsigned char IRANGE;
+	writearray[0] = 0;
+	writearray[1] = 126;
+	writearray[2] = 36;
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,21,3,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Sets mixer & IF stage 1 gain = 00 and IF stg 2+ to max gain.
+	writearray[0] = 1;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,41,writearray[0]);
+	// Instructs a DC offset calibration. 
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,42,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	IOFF=read1[0];
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,43,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	QOFF=read1[0];
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,44,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	RANGE1=read1[0];
+	//reads DC offset values back
+	if(RANGE1>=32)
+	{
+		RANGE1 = RANGE1 -32;
+	}
+	if(RANGE1>=16)
+	{
+		RANGE1 = RANGE1 - 16;
+	}
+	QRANGE = (read1[0] - RANGE1) / 16;
+	writearray[0] = (IRANGE * 64) + IOFF;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,96,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = (QRANGE * 64) + QOFF;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,80,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Populate DC offset LUT
+	writearray[0] = 0;
+	writearray[1] = 127;
+	status=I2CWriteArray(pTuner, 200,21,2,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Sets mixer & IF stage 1 gain = 01 leaving IF stg 2+ at max gain.
+	writearray[0]= 1;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,41,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Instructs a DC offset calibration.
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,42,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	IOFF=read1[0];
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,43,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	QOFF=read1[0];
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,44,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	RANGE1=read1[0];
+	// Read DC offset values
+	if(RANGE1>=32)
+	{
+		RANGE1 = RANGE1 -32;
+	}
+	if(RANGE1>=16)
+    {
+		RANGE1 = RANGE1 - 16;
+	}
+	QRANGE = (read1[0] - RANGE1) / 16;
+	writearray[0] = (IRANGE * 64) + IOFF;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,97,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = (QRANGE * 64) + QOFF;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,81,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Populate DC offset LUT
+	writearray[0] = 1;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,21,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Sets mixer & IF stage 1 gain = 11 leaving IF stg 2+ at max gain.
+	writearray[0] = 1;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,41,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Instructs a DC offset calibration.
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,42,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	IOFF=read1[0];
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,43,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	QOFF=read1[0];
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,44,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	RANGE1 = read1[0];
+	// Read DC offset values
+	if(RANGE1>=32)
+	{
+		RANGE1 = RANGE1 -32;
+	}
+	if(RANGE1>=16)
+	{
+		RANGE1 = RANGE1 - 16;
+	}
+	QRANGE = (read1[0] - RANGE1) / 16;
+	writearray[0] = (IRANGE * 64) + IOFF;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,99,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = (QRANGE * 64) + QOFF;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,83,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Populate DC offset LUT
+	writearray[0] = 126;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,22,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Sets mixer & IF stage 1 gain = 11 leaving IF stg 2+ at max gain.
+	writearray[0] = 1;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,41,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	// Instructs a DC offset calibration.
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,42,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	IOFF=read1[0];
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,43,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	QOFF=read1[0];
+	status=I2CReadByte(pTuner, 201,44,read1);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	RANGE1=read1[0];
+	// Read DC offset values
+	if(RANGE1>=32)
+	{
+		RANGE1 = RANGE1 -32;
+	}
+	if(RANGE1>=16)
+	{
+		RANGE1 = RANGE1 - 16;
+	}
+	QRANGE = (read1[0] - RANGE1) / 16;
+	writearray[0]=(IRANGE * 64) + IOFF;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,98,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	writearray[0] = (QRANGE * 64) + QOFF;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,82,writearray[0]);
+	// Populate DC offset LUT
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS; 
+*  Function: GainControlinit
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  Configures gain control mode. (Registers 0x1a)
+int GainControlauto(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned char writearray[5];
+	int status;
+	writearray[0] = 23;
+	status=I2CWriteByte(pTuner, 200,26,writearray[0]);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS; 
+*  Main program
+int main()
+     Gainmanual();
+     PLL(Ref_clk, Freq);
+     LNAfilter(Freq);
+     IFfilter(bandwidth, Ref_clk);
+     freqband(Freq);
+     DCoffLUT();
+     GainControlauto();
+  return(0);
+// Elonics source code - RT2832_SW_optimisation_rev2.c
+*  Function: E4000_sensitivity
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function configures the E4000 for sensitivity mode.
+int E4000_sensitivity(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq, int bandwidth)
+	unsigned char writearray[2];
+	int status;
+	int IF_BW;
+	if(Freq<=700000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x07;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x05;
+	}
+	status = I2CWriteArray(pTuner,200,36,1,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	IF_BW = bandwidth / 2;
+	if(IF_BW<=2500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xfc;
+		writearray[1]=0x17;
+	}
+    else if(IF_BW<=3000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xfb;
+		writearray[1]=0x0f;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xf9;                  
+		writearray[1]=0x0b;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=4000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xf8;                  
+		writearray[1]=0x07;
+	}
+	status = I2CWriteArray(pTuner,200,17,2,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+*  Function: E4000_linearity
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function configures the E4000 for linearity mode.
+int E4000_linearity(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq, int bandwidth)
+	unsigned char writearray[2];
+	int status;
+	int IF_BW;
+	if(Freq<=700000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x03;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x01;
+	}
+	status = I2CWriteArray(pTuner,200,36,1,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	IF_BW = bandwidth / 2;
+	if(IF_BW<=2500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xfe;                 
+		writearray[1]=0x19;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xfd;                 
+		writearray[1]=0x11;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xfb;
+		writearray[1]=0x0d;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=4000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xfa;
+		writearray[1]=0x0a;
+	}
+	status = I2CWriteArray(pTuner,200,17,2,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
+*  Function: E4000_nominal
+*  Detailed Description:
+*  The function configures the E4000 for nominal
+int E4000_nominal(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq, int bandwidth)
+	unsigned char writearray[2];
+	int status;
+	int IF_BW;
+	if(Freq<=700000)
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x03;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		writearray[0] = 0x01;
+	}
+	status = I2CWriteArray(pTuner,200,36,1,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	IF_BW = bandwidth / 2;
+	if(IF_BW<=2500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xfc;                 
+		writearray[1]=0x17;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xfb;                 
+		writearray[1]=0x0f;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=3500)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xf9;
+		writearray[1]=0x0b;
+	}
+	else if(IF_BW<=4000)
+	{
+		writearray[0]=0xf8;
+		writearray[1]=0x07;
+	}
+	status = I2CWriteArray(pTuner,200,17,2,writearray);
+	if(status != E4000_I2C_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		return E4000_1_FAIL;
+	}
+	return E4000_1_SUCCESS;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_e4000.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_e4000.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_e4000.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_e4000.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.128066043 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_E4000_H
+#define __TUNER_E4000_H
+@brief   E4000 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate E4000 tuner through E4000 module.
+E4000 module is derived from tuner module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_e4000.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE        *pTuner;
+	E4000_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long BandwidthMode;
+	...
+	// Build E4000 tuner module.
+	BuildE4000Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xac,								// I2C device address is 0xac in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16384000HZ,			// Crystal frequency is 16.384 MHz.
+		E4000_AGC_INTERNAL					// The E4000 AGC mode is internal AGC mode.
+		);
+	// Get E4000 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = (T2266_EXTRA_MODULE *)(pTuner->pExtra);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set E4000 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, E4000_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get E4000 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthMode(pTuner, &BandwidthMode);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// The following context is implemented for E4000 source code.
+// Definition (implemeted for E4000)
+#define E4000_1_SUCCESS			1
+#define E4000_1_FAIL			0
+#define E4000_I2C_SUCCESS		1
+#define E4000_I2C_FAIL			0
+// Function (implemeted for E4000)
+	unsigned char NoUse,
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte
+	);
+	unsigned char NoUse,
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char WritingByte
+	);
+	unsigned char NoUse,
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr,
+	unsigned char ByteNum,
+	unsigned char *pWritingBytes
+	);
+// Functions (from E4000 source code)
+int tunerreset (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int Tunerclock(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int Qpeak(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int DCoffloop(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int GainControlinit(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int Gainmanual(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int E4000_gain_freq(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int frequency);
+int PLL(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Ref_clk, int Freq);
+int LNAfilter(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq);
+int IFfilter(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int bandwidth, int Ref_clk);
+int freqband(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq);
+int DCoffLUT(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int GainControlauto(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int E4000_sensitivity(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq, int bandwidth);
+int E4000_linearity(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq, int bandwidth);
+int E4000_high_linearity(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int E4000_nominal(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int Freq, int bandwidth);
+// The following context is E4000 tuner API source code
+// Definitions
+// Bandwidth in Hz
+enum E4000_BANDWIDTH_HZ
+	E4000_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ = 6000000,
+	E4000_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ = 7000000,
+	E4000_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ = 8000000,
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte
+	);
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0012.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0012.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0012.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0012.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.132066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+@brief   FC0012 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate FC0012 tuner through FC0012 module.
+FC0012 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_fc0012.h"
+@brief   FC0012 tuner module builder
+Use BuildFc0012Module() to build FC0012 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to FC0012 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   FC0012 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                FC0012 crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildFc0012Module() to build FC0012 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_FC0012;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = fc0012_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = fc0012_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = fc0012_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = fc0012_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = fc0012_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->CrystalFreqHz      = CrystalFreqHz;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthMode = fc0012_SetBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthMode = fc0012_GetBandwidthMode;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency and tuner bandwidth mode.
+	// Note: Need to give default tuner RF frequency and tuner bandwidth mode,
+	//       because FC0012 API use one funnction to set RF frequency and bandwidth mode.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = FC0012_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT;
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode = FC0012_BANDWIDTH_MODE_DEFAULT;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(FC0012_Open(pTuner) != FC0012_FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long RfFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: RfFreqKhz = round(RfFreqHz / 1000)
+	RfFreqKhz = (RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000;
+	if(FC0011_SetFrequency(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, (unsigned short)(pExtra->BandwidthMode)) != FC0012_FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set FC0012 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long RfFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode.
+	// Note: RfFreqKhz = round(RfFreqHz / 1000)
+	RfFreqKhz = (pTuner->RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000;
+	if(FC0011_SetFrequency(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, (unsigned short)BandwidthMode) != FC0012_FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth_mode;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode      = BandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get FC0012 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth mode from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth_mode;
+	*pBandwidthMode = pExtra->BandwidthMode;
+// The following context is implemented for FC0012 source code.
+// Read FC0012 register.
+int FC0012_Read(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char RegAddr, unsigned char *pByte)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set tuner register reading address.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &RegAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+	// Get tuner register byte.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + read_data + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, pByte, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	return FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS;
+	return FC0012_I2C_ERROR;
+// Write FC0012 register.
+int FC0012_Write(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char RegAddr, unsigned char Byte)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set writing bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + data + stop_bit
+	WritingBuffer[0] = RegAddr;
+	WritingBuffer[1] = Byte;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS;
+	return FC0012_I2C_ERROR;
+// Set FC0012 register mask bits.
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned char WritingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingByte;
+	unsigned char WritingByte;
+	unsigned char Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get tuner register byte according to register adddress.
+	if(FC0012_Read(pTuner, RegAddr, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	// Reserve byte unmask bit with mask and inlay writing value into it.
+	WritingByte = ReadingByte & (~Mask);
+	WritingByte |= (WritingValue << Shift) & Mask;
+	// Write tuner register byte with writing byte.
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, RegAddr, WritingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+// Get FC0012 register mask bits.
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned char *pReadingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingByte;
+	unsigned char Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get tuner register byte according to register adddress.
+	if(FC0012_Read(pTuner, RegAddr, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	// Get register bits from reading byte with mask and shift
+	*pReadingValue = (ReadingByte & Mask) >> Shift;
+// The following context is source code provided by fitipower.
+// fitipower source code - FC0012_Tuner_Code.cpp
+//	Fitipower Integrated Technology Inc.
+//	FC0012 Tuner Code
+//	Version 1.2e
+//	Date: 2009/09/15
+//	Copyright 2008, All rights reversed.
+//	Compile in Visual Studio 2005 C++ Win32 Console
+//	Modify History: 
+//		2009-05-11: Change to recieve 28.8 MHz clock
+//		2009-05-14: fix frequency lock problem on 111MHz~148MHz
+//		2009-05-15: remove the limitation of Xin range
+//		2009-07-30: Add VHF filter control
+//					Add VHF frequency offset
+//					Add reference RSSI function
+//					Change register[0x07] to 0x20
+//		2009-09-15: update VCO re-calibration function
+// Data Format:
+// BYTE: unsigned char, 1 byte, 8 bits
+// WORD: unsighed short, 2 bytes, 16 bits
+// DWORD: unsigned int, 4 bytes, 32 bits
+// include header, just for testing.
+//#include "stdafx.h"
+//#include "stdlib.h"
+//#include <complex>
+//void FC0012_Write(unsigned char address, unsigned char data);
+//unsigned char FC0012_Read(unsigned char address);
+//void FC0012_Open();
+//void FC0012_Close();
+//void FC0012_SetFrequency(unsigned int Frequency, unsigned short Bandwidth);
+// Console main function, just for testing
+int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
+	printf("\n");
+	if ( argc > 1 )
+	{
+		for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
+		{
+			FC0012_SetFrequency( atoi(argv[i]), 6);
+		}	
+	}
+	return 0;
+// FC0012 I2C Write Function
+void FC0012_Write(unsigned char address, unsigned char data)
+	// depend on driver function in demodulator vendor.
+// FC0012 I2C Read Function
+unsigned char FC0012_Read(unsigned char address)
+	// depend on driver function in demodulator vendor.
+	unsigned char value = 0;
+	// value = ........
+	return value;
+// FC0012 Open Function, includes enable/reset pin control and registers initialization.
+int FC0012_Open(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Enable FC0012 Power
+//	(...)
+	// FC0012 Enable = High
+//	(...)
+	// FC0012 Reset = High -> Low
+//	(...)
+    //================================ Initial FC0012 Tuner Register
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x01, 0x05) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x02, 0x10) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x03, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x04, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	//===================================== Arios Modify - 2009-10-23
+	// modify for Realtek CNR test
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x05, 0x0F) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	//===================================== Arios Modify - 2009-10-23
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x06, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      // divider 2, VCO slow.
+	switch(pExtra->CrystalFreqHz)      // Gain Shift: 15	// Set bit 5 to 1 for 28.8 MHz clock input (2009/05/12)
+	{
+		default:
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ:
+			if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x07, 0x20) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+			break;
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ:
+			if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x07, 0x20) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+			break;
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_36000000HZ:
+			if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x07, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+			break;
+	}
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x08, 0xFF) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      // AGC Clock divide by 256, AGC gain 1/256, Loop Bw 1/8
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x09, 0x6E) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      // Disable LoopThrough
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0A, 0xB8) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      // Disable LO Test Buffer
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0B, 0x82) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      // Output Clock is same as clock frequency
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	// reg[12] need to be changed if the system is in AGC Up-Down mode
+	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0C, 0xF8) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      
+	// Modified for up-dowm AGC by Realtek.
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0C, 0xFC) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      
+	// 0x0D, val=0x2 for DVBT
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0D, 0x02) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      // AGC Not Forcing & LNA Forcing 
+	// Modified for 2836B DTMB by Realtek.
+//	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0D, 0x06) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      // AGC Not Forcing & LNA Forcing 
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0F, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x10, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x11, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x12, 0x1F) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;	   // Set to maximum gain
+	//===================================== Arios Modify - 2009-10-23
+	// modify for Realtek CNR test
+//    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x13, 0x10) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;	   // Enable IX2, Set to High Gain
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x13, 0x08) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;	   // Enable IX2, Set to Middle Gain
+//    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x13, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;	   // Enable IX2, Set to Low Gain
+	//===================================== Arios Modify - 2009-10-23
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x14, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x15, 0x04) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;	   // Enable LNA COMPS
+	return FC0012_FUNCTION_ERROR;
+// FC0012 Close Function, control enable/reset and power.
+void FC0012_Close()
+	// FC0012 Enable = Low
+	// (...)
+	// FC0012 Reset = Low -> High
+	// (...)
+	// Disable FC0012 Power
+	// (...)
+void Delay(unsigned int)
+	// delay function
+//===================================== RSSI & LNA Control			2009/07/30
+// better ACI Performance for D-Book & field-test
+void FC0012_RSSI()
+	unsigned char Input_Power;
+	Delay(200);								// Delay 200 ms
+	switch( FC0012_Read(0x13) )					// Read FC0012 LNA gain setting
+	{
+		case 0x10:								// High gain 19.7 dB
+			if( Input_Power > -40 )				// if intput power level is bigger than -40 dBm
+				FC0012_Write(0x13, 0x17);		// Switch to 17.9 dB
+			break;
+		case 0x17:								// High gain 17.9 dB
+			if( Input_Power > -15 )				// if intput power level is bigger than -15 dBm
+				FC0012_Write(0x13, 0x08);		// Switch to 7.1 dB		
+			else if( Input_Power < -45 )		// if intput power level is smaller than -45 dBm
+				FC0012_Write(0x13, 0x10);		// Switch to 19.7 dB
+			break;
+		case 0x08:								// Middle gain 7.1 dB
+			if( Input_Power > -5 )				// if intput power level is bigger than -5 dBm
+				FC0012_Write(0x13, 0x02);		// Switch to -9.9 dB
+			else if( Input_Power < -20 )		// if intput power level is smaller than -20 dBm
+				FC0012_Write(0x13, 0x17);		// Switch to 17.9 dB
+			break;
+		case 0x02:								// Low gain -9.9 dB
+			if( Input_Power < -12 )				// if intput power level is smaller than -12 dBm
+				FC0012_Write(0x13, 0x08);		// Switch to 7.1 dB
+			break;
+	}
+//===================================== Frequency Control  2009/07/30
+// Frequency unit: KHz, bandwidth unit: MHz
+void FC0012_Frequency_Control(unsigned int Frequency, unsigned short Bandwidth)
+	if( Frequency < 260000 && Frequency > 150000 )
+	{
+		// set GPIO6 = low
+		//	1. Set tuner frequency
+		//	2. if the program quality is not good enough, switch to frequency + 500kHz
+		//	3. if the program quality is still no good, switch to frequency - 500kHz
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// set GPIO6 = high
+		// set tuner frequency
+	}
+// FC0012 frequency/bandwidth setting function.
+// Frequency unit: KHz, bandwidth unit: MHz
+int FC0011_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned long Frequency, unsigned short Bandwidth)
+//    bool VCO1 = false;
+//    unsigned int doubleVCO;
+//    unsigned short xin, xdiv;
+//	unsigned char reg[21], am, pm, multi;
+    int VCO1 = FC0012_FALSE;
+    unsigned long doubleVCO;
+    unsigned short xin, xdiv;
+	unsigned char reg[21], am, pm, multi;
+	unsigned char read_byte;
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// Get tuner crystal frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: CrystalFreqKhz = round(CrystalFreqHz / 1000)
+	CrystalFreqKhz = (pExtra->CrystalFreqHz + 500) / 1000;
+	//===================================== Select frequency divider and the frequency of VCO
+	if (Frequency * 96 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 96;
+        reg[5] = 0x82;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 64 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 64;
+        reg[5] = 0x82;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 48 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 48;
+        reg[5] = 0x42;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 32 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 32;
+        reg[5] = 0x42;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 24 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 24;
+        reg[5] = 0x22;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 16 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 16;
+        reg[5] = 0x22;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 12 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 12;
+        reg[5] = 0x12;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 8 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 8;
+        reg[5] = 0x12;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 6 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 6;
+        reg[5] = 0x0A;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        multi = 4;
+        reg[5] = 0x0A;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    doubleVCO = Frequency * multi;
+	//===================================== Arios Modify - 2009-10-23
+	// modify for Realtek CNR test
+    reg[6] = reg[6] | 0x08;
+//	VCO1 = true;
+	VCO1 = FC0012_TRUE;
+	/*
+    if (doubleVCO >= 3060000)
+    {
+        reg[6] = reg[6] | 0x08;
+//        VCO1 = true;
+        VCO1 = FC0012_TRUE;
+    }
+	*/
+	//===================================== Arios Modify - 2009-10-23
+	//===================================== From divided value (XDIV) determined the FA and FP value 
+//	xdiv = (unsigned short)(doubleVCO / 14400);		// implement round function, 2009-05-01 by Arios
+//	if( (doubleVCO - xdiv * 14400) >= 7200 )
+	xdiv = (unsigned short)(doubleVCO / (CrystalFreqKhz / 2));		// implement round function, 2009-05-01 by Arios
+	if( (doubleVCO - xdiv * (CrystalFreqKhz / 2)) >= (CrystalFreqKhz / 4) )
+		xdiv = xdiv + 1;
+	pm = (unsigned char)( xdiv / 8 );			
+    am = (unsigned char)( xdiv - (8 * pm));		
+    if (am < 2)
+    {
+        reg[1] = am + 8;
+        reg[2] = pm - 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        reg[1] = am;
+        reg[2] = pm;
+    }
+	//===================================== From VCO frequency determines the XIN ( fractional part of Delta Sigma PLL) and divided value (XDIV).
+//	xin = (unsigned short)(doubleVCO - ((unsigned short)(doubleVCO / 14400)) * 14400);						
+//	xin = ((xin << 15)/14400);															
+	xin = (unsigned short)(doubleVCO - ((unsigned short)(doubleVCO / (CrystalFreqKhz / 2))) * (CrystalFreqKhz / 2));						
+	xin = ((xin << 15)/(unsigned short)(CrystalFreqKhz / 2));															
+//	if( xin >= (unsigned short) pow( (double)2, (double)14) )
+//		xin = xin + (unsigned short) pow( (double)2, (double)15);
+	if( xin >= (unsigned short) 16384 )
+		xin = xin + (unsigned short) 32768;
+	reg[3] = (unsigned char)(xin >> 8);			
+	reg[4] = (unsigned char)(xin & 0x00FF);		
+	//===================================== Only for testing, 2009-05-01 by Arios
+//	printf("Frequency: %d, Fa: %d, Fp: %d, Xin:%d \n", Frequency, am, pm, xin);
+	//===================================== Set Bandwidth
+    switch(Bandwidth)
+    {
+        case 6: 
+			reg[6] = 0x80 | reg[6];
+            break;
+        case 7: 
+			reg[6] = ~0x80 & reg[6];
+            reg[6] = 0x40 | reg[6];
+            break;
+        case 8:
+        default: 
+			reg[6] = ~0xC0 & reg[6];
+            break;
+    }
+	//===================================== Write registers 
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x01, reg[1]) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x02, reg[2]) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x03, reg[3]) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x04, reg[4]) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	//===================================== Arios Modify - 2009-10-23
+	// modify for Realtek CNR Test
+	reg[5] = reg[5] | 0x07;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x05, reg[5]) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	//===================================== Arios Modify - 2009-10-23
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x06, reg[6]) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	//===================================== VCO Calibration
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x80) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	//===================================== VCO Re-Calibration if needed
+	if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+//    reg[14] = 0x3F & FC0012_Read(0x0E);
+	if(FC0012_Read(pTuner, 0x0E, &read_byte) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    reg[14] = 0x3F & read_byte;
+	if (VCO1)
+    {
+        if (reg[14] > 0x3C)				// modify 2009-09-15
+        {
+            reg[6] = ~0x08 & reg[6];
+            if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x06, reg[6]) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+            if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x80) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+            if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (reg[14] < 0x02)				// modify 2009-09-15
+        {
+            reg[6] = 0x08 | reg[6];
+            if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x06, reg[6]) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+            if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x80) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+            if(FC0012_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0012_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+        }
+    }
+	return FC0012_FUNCTION_ERROR;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0012.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0012.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0012.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0012.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.132066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_FC0012_H
+#define __TUNER_FC0012_H
+@brief   FC0012 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate FC0012 tuner through FC0012 module.
+FC0012 module is derived from tuner module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_fc0012.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE        *pTuner;
+	FC0012_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long BandwidthMode;
+	...
+	// Build FC0012 tuner module.
+	BuildFc0012Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc6,								// I2C device address is 0xc6 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_36000000HZ				// Crystal frequency is 36.0 MHz.
+		);
+	// Get FC0012 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0012);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set FC0012 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, FC0012_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get FC0012 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthMode(pTuner, &BandwidthMode);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// The following context is implemented for FC0012 source code.
+// Definitions
+	FC0012_FALSE,
+	FC0012_TRUE,
+enum FC0012_I2C_STATUS
+	FC0012_I2C_ERROR,
+// Functions
+int FC0012_Read(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char RegAddr, unsigned char *pByte);
+int FC0012_Write(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char RegAddr, unsigned char Byte);
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned char WritingValue
+	);
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned char *pReadingValue
+	);
+int FC0012_Open(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int FC0011_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned long Frequency, unsigned short Bandwidth);
+// The following context is FC0012 tuner API source code
+// Definitions
+// Bandwidth mode
+	FC0012_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ = 6,
+	FC0012_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ = 7,
+	FC0012_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ = 8,
+// Default for initialing
+#define FC0012_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT			50000000
+// Tuner LNA
+	FC0012_LNA_GAIN_LOW    = 0x0,
+	FC0012_LNA_GAIN_MIDDLE = 0x1,
+	FC0012_LNA_GAIN_HIGH   = 0x2,
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0013.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0013.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0013.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0013.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.132066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1261 @@
+@brief   FC0013 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate FC0013 tuner through FC0013 module.
+FC0013 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_fc0013.h"
+@brief   FC0013 tuner module builder
+Use BuildFc0013Module() to build FC0013 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to FC0013 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   FC0013 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                FC0013 crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildFc0013Module() to build FC0013 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_FC0013;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = fc0013_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = fc0013_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = fc0013_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = fc0013_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = fc0013_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->CrystalFreqHz      = CrystalFreqHz;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthMode = fc0013_SetBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthMode = fc0013_GetBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->RcCalReset       = fc0013_RcCalReset;
+	pExtra->RcCalAdd         = fc0013_RcCalAdd;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency and tuner bandwidth mode.
+	// Note: Need to give default tuner RF frequency and tuner bandwidth mode,
+	//       because FC0013 API use one funnction to set RF frequency and bandwidth mode.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = FC0013_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT;
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode = FC0013_BANDWIDTH_MODE_DEFAULT;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(FC0013_Open(pTuner) != FC0013_FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long RfFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: RfFreqKhz = round(RfFreqHz / 1000)
+	RfFreqKhz = (RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000;
+	if(FC0013_SetFrequency(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, (unsigned short)(pExtra->BandwidthMode)) != FC0013_FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set FC0013 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long RfFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode.
+	// Note: RfFreqKhz = round(RfFreqHz / 1000)
+	RfFreqKhz = (pTuner->RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000;
+	if(FC0013_SetFrequency(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, (unsigned short)BandwidthMode) != FC0013_FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth_mode;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode      = BandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get FC0013 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth mode from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth_mode;
+	*pBandwidthMode = pExtra->BandwidthMode;
+// The following context is implemented for FC0013 source code.
+// Read FC0013 register.
+int FC0013_Read(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char RegAddr, unsigned char *pByte)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set tuner register reading address.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &RegAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+	// Get tuner register byte.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + read_data + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, pByte, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	return FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS;
+	return FC0013_I2C_ERROR;
+// Write FC0013 register.
+int FC0013_Write(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char RegAddr, unsigned char Byte)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set writing bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + data + stop_bit
+	WritingBuffer[0] = RegAddr;
+	WritingBuffer[1] = Byte;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS;
+	return FC0013_I2C_ERROR;
+// Set FC0013 register mask bits.
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned char WritingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingByte;
+	unsigned char WritingByte;
+	unsigned char Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get tuner register byte according to register adddress.
+	if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, RegAddr, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	// Reserve byte unmask bit with mask and inlay writing value into it.
+	WritingByte = ReadingByte & (~Mask);
+	WritingByte |= (WritingValue << Shift) & Mask;
+	// Write tuner register byte with writing byte.
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, RegAddr, WritingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+// Get FC0013 register mask bits.
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned char *pReadingValue
+	)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char ReadingByte;
+	unsigned char Mask;
+	unsigned char Shift;
+	// Generate mask and shift according to MSB and LSB.
+	Mask = 0;
+	for(i = Lsb; i < (Msb + 1); i++)
+		Mask |= 0x1 << i;
+	Shift = Lsb;
+	// Get tuner register byte according to register adddress.
+	if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, RegAddr, &ReadingByte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	// Get register bits from reading byte with mask and shift
+	*pReadingValue = (ReadingByte & Mask) >> Shift;
+// The following context is source code provided by fitipower.
+// fitipower source code - FC0013_Tuner_Code.cpp
+//	Fitipower Integrated Technology Inc.
+//	FC0013 Tuner Code
+//	Version 0.7
+//	Date: 2010/12/23
+//	Copyright 2010, All rights reversed.
+//	Compile in Visual Studio 2005 C++ Win32 Console
+// Data Format:
+// BYTE: unsigned char, 1 byte, 8 bits
+// WORD: unsighed short, 2 bytes, 16 bits
+// DWORD: unsigned int, 4 bytes, 32 bits
+// include header, just for testing.
+//#include "stdafx.h"
+//#include "stdlib.h"
+//#include <complex>
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <dos.h>
+//#include <conio.h>
+//#include "I2C.h"
+//#define Crystal_Frequency 28800			// FC0013 Crystal Clock (kHz)
+//void FC0013_Write(unsigned char address, unsigned char data);
+//unsigned char FC0013_Read(unsigned char address);
+//void FC0013_Open();
+//void FC0013_Close();
+//void FC0013_RSSI();
+//void FC0013_Band_Selection(bool Band_Selection_DVBT);
+//void FC0013_SetFrequency(unsigned int Frequency, unsigned short Bandwidth);
+//unsigned char FC0013_RSSI_Calibration_Value;
+// Console main function, just for testing
+int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
+	printf("\n");
+	if ( argc > 1 )
+	{
+		for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
+		{
+			FC0013_SetFrequency( atoi(argv[i]), 8 );
+		}	
+	}
+	return 0;
+void Delay(unsigned int)
+	// delay function
+// FC0013 I2C Write Function
+void FC0013_Write(unsigned char address, unsigned char data)
+	// depend on driver function in demodulator vendor.
+	I2C_Write(address, data);
+// FC0013 I2C Read Function
+unsigned char FC0013_Read(unsigned char address)
+	// depend on driver function in demodulator vendor.
+	return return I2C_Read(address);
+// FC0013 Open Function, includes enable/reset pin control and registers initialization.
+//void FC0013_Open() 
+int FC0013_Open(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	// Enable FC0013 Power
+	// (...)
+	// FC0013 Enable = High
+	// (...)
+	// FC0013 Reset = High -> Low
+	// (...)
+    //================================ update base on new FC0013 register bank
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x01, 0x09) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x02, 0x16) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x03, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x04, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x05, 0x17) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x06, 0x02) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+//	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x07, 0x27) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;		// 28.8MHz, GainShift: 15               
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x07, 0x2A) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;		// 28.8MHz, modified by Realtek               
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x08, 0xFF) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x09, 0x6F) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;		// Enable Loop Through
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0A, 0xB8) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0B, 0x82) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0C, 0xFE) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;   // Modified for up-dowm AGC by Realtek(for master, and for 2836BU dongle).
+//	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0C, 0xFC) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;   // Modified for up-dowm AGC by Realtek(for slave, and for 2832 mini dongle).
+//	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0D, 0x09) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0D, 0x01) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;   // Modified for AGC non-forcing by Realtek.
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0F, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x10, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x11, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x12, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;      
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x13, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x14, 0x50) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;		// DVB-T, High Gain
+//	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x14, 0x48) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;		// DVB-T, Middle Gain
+//	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x14, 0x40) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;		// DVB-T, Low Gain
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x15, 0x01) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	return FC0013_FUNCTION_ERROR;
+// FC0013 Close Function, control enable/reset and power.
+void FC0013_Close()
+	// FC0013 Enable = Low
+	// (...)
+	// FC0013 Reset = Low -> High
+	// (...)
+	// Disable FC0013 Power
+	// (...)
+void FC0013_Band_Selection(bool Band_Selection_DVBT)
+	if( Band_Selection_DVBT == true )
+	{
+	    FC0013_Write(0x14, (FC0013_Read(0x14) & 0x9F) | 0x40);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		FC0013_Write(0x14, (FC0013_Read(0x14) & 0x9F) | 0x20);
+	}
+// Get RSSI ADC value
+unsigned char Get_RSSI_Value()
+	return 0x00;	// return RSSI value
+// RSSI Calibration Function
+void FC0013_RSSI_Calibration()
+	FC0013_Write(0x09, ( FC0013_Read(0x09) | 0x10 ) );		// set the register 9 bit4 EN_CAL_RSSI as 1
+	FC0013_Write(0x06, ( FC0013_Read(0x06) | 0x01 ) );		// set the register 6 bit 0 LNA_POWER_DOWN as 1
+	Delay(100);												// delay 100ms
+	FC0013_RSSI_Calibration_Value = Get_RSSI_Value();		// read DC value from RSSI pin as rssi_calibration
+	FC0013_Write(0x09, ( FC0013_Read(0x09) & 0xEF ) );		// set the register 9 bit4 EN_CAL_RSSI as 0
+	FC0013_Write(0x06, ( FC0013_Read(0x06) & 0xFE ) );		// set the register 6 bit 0 LNA_POWER_DOWN as 0
+// RSSI & LNA Control, call this function if FC0013 is in the External RSSI ADC mode.
+void FC0013_RSSI()
+	unsigned char Input_Power = 0;									// Get Input power information from RSSI
+																	// it should be the difference between RSSI ADC value and RSSI calibration value
+	unsigned char LNA_value;
+	unsigned char RSSI_Value, RSSI_Difference;
+	Delay(500);														// Delay 500 ms
+	RSSI_Value = Get_RSSI_Value();									// Get RSSI Value from demodulator ADC
+	if( RSSI_Value < FC0013_RSSI_Calibration_Value )				// adjust RSSI Calibration Value
+		FC0013_RSSI_Calibration_Value = RSSI_Value;
+	RSSI_Difference = RSSI_Value - FC0013_RSSI_Calibration_Value;	// Calculate voltage difference of RSSI
+	LNA_value = FC0013_Read(0x14);
+	//------------------------------------------------ arios modify 2010-12-24
+	// " | 0x07" ==> " | 0x27"   (make sure reg[0x07] bit5 = 1)
+	// " | 0x0F" ==> " | 0x2F"   (make sure reg[0x07] bit5 = 1)
+	// add default in switch case
+	switch( (LNA_value & 0x1F) )
+	{
+		case 0x10:
+			if( RSSI_Difference > 6 )									
+			{
+				FC0013_Write(0x14, (LNA_value & 0xE0) | 0x17);		
+				FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x27);
+			}
+			break;
+		case 0x17:													
+			if( RSSI_Difference > 40 )									
+			{
+				FC0013_Write(0x14, (LNA_value & 0xE0) | 0x08);		
+				FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x27);
+			}
+			else if( RSSI_Difference < 3 )							
+			{
+				FC0013_Write(0x14, (LNA_value & 0xE0) | 0x10);		
+				FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x2F);
+			}
+			break;
+		case 0x08:													
+			if( RSSI_Difference > 40 )									
+			{
+				FC0013_Write(0x14, (LNA_value & 0xE0) | 0x02);		
+				FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x27);
+			}
+			else if( RSSI_Difference < 7 )							
+			{
+				FC0013_Write(0x14, (LNA_value & 0xE0) | 0x17);		
+				FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x27);
+			}
+			break;
+		case 0x02:													
+			if( RSSI_Difference < 2 )									
+			{
+				FC0013_Write(0x14, (LNA_value & 0xE0) | 0x08);		
+				FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x27);
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			FC0013_Write(0x14, (LNA_value & 0xE0) | 0x10);		
+			FC0013_Write(0x07, (FC0013_Read(0x07) & 0xF0) | 0x2F);
+			break;
+	}
+// Set VHF Track depends on input frequency
+// Frequency Unit: KHz
+int FC0013_SetVhfTrack(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned long FrequencyKHz)
+	unsigned char read_byte;
+    if (FrequencyKHz <= 177500)	// VHF Track: 7
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x1C) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else if (FrequencyKHz <= 184500)	// VHF Track: 6
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x18) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else if (FrequencyKHz <= 191500)	// VHF Track: 5
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x14) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else if (FrequencyKHz <= 198500)	// VHF Track: 4
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x10) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else if (FrequencyKHz <= 205500)	// VHF Track: 3
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x0C) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else if (FrequencyKHz <= 212500)	// VHF Track: 2
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x08) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else if (FrequencyKHz <= 219500)	// VHF Track: 2
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x08) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else if (FrequencyKHz <= 226500)	// VHF Track: 1
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x04) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else	// VHF Track: 1
+    {
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x04) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+	//------------------------------------------------ arios modify 2010-12-24
+	// " | 0x10" ==> " | 0x30"   (make sure reg[0x07] bit5 = 1)
+	// Enable VHF filter.
+	if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x07, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x07, read_byte | 0x10) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	// Disable UHF & GPS.
+	if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x14, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x14, read_byte & 0x1F) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	return FC0013_FUNCTION_ERROR;
+// FC0013 frequency/bandwidth setting function.
+// Frequency unit: KHz, bandwidth unit: MHz
+//void FC0013_SetFrequency(unsigned int Frequency, unsigned short Bandwidth)
+int FC0013_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned long Frequency, unsigned short Bandwidth)
+//    bool VCO1 = false;
+//    unsigned int doubleVCO;
+//    unsigned short xin, xdiv;
+//	unsigned char reg[21], am, pm, multi;
+    int VCO1 = FC0013_FALSE;
+    unsigned long doubleVCO;
+    unsigned short xin, xdiv;
+	unsigned char reg[21], am, pm, multi;
+	unsigned char read_byte;
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Get tuner crystal frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: CrystalFreqKhz = round(CrystalFreqHz / 1000)
+	CrystalFreqKhz = (pExtra->CrystalFreqHz + 500) / 1000;
+	// modified 2011-02-09: for D-Book test
+	// set VHF_Track = 7
+	if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x1D, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	// VHF Track: 7
+    if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x1D, (read_byte & 0xE3) | 0x1C) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if( Frequency < 300000 )   
+	{
+		// Set VHF Track.
+		if(FC0013_SetVhfTrack(pTuner, Frequency) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		// Enable VHF filter.
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x07, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x07, read_byte | 0x10) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		// Disable UHF & disable GPS.
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x14, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x14, read_byte & 0x1F) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	}
+	else if ( (Frequency >= 300000) && (Frequency <= 862000) )
+	{
+		// Disable VHF filter.
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x07, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x07, read_byte & 0xEF) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		// enable UHF & disable GPS.
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x14, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x14, (read_byte & 0x1F) | 0x40) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	}
+	else if (Frequency > 862000)
+	{
+		// Disable VHF filter
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x07, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x07, read_byte & 0xEF) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		// Disable UHF & enable GPS
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x14, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x14, (read_byte & 0x1F) | 0x20) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;	
+	}
+	if (Frequency * 96 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 96;
+        reg[5] = 0x82;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 64 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 64;
+        reg[5] = 0x02;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 48 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 48;
+        reg[5] = 0x42;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 32 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 32;
+        reg[5] = 0x82;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 24 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 24;
+        reg[5] = 0x22;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 16 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 16;
+        reg[5] = 0x42;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 12 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 12;
+        reg[5] = 0x12;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 8 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 8;
+        reg[5] = 0x22;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 6 < 3560000)
+    {
+        multi = 6;
+        reg[5] = 0x0A;
+        reg[6] = 0x00;
+    }
+    else if (Frequency * 4 < 3800000)
+    {
+        multi = 4;
+        reg[5] = 0x12;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+    }
+	else
+	{
+        Frequency = Frequency / 2;
+		multi = 4;
+        reg[5] = 0x0A;
+        reg[6] = 0x02;
+	}
+    doubleVCO = Frequency * multi;
+    reg[6] = reg[6] | 0x08;
+//	VCO1 = true;
+	VCO1 = FC0013_TRUE;
+	// Calculate VCO parameters: ap & pm & xin.
+//	xdiv = (unsigned short)(doubleVCO / (Crystal_Frequency/2));
+	xdiv = (unsigned short)(doubleVCO / (CrystalFreqKhz/2));
+//	if( (doubleVCO - xdiv * (Crystal_Frequency/2)) >= (Crystal_Frequency/4) )
+	if( (doubleVCO - xdiv * (CrystalFreqKhz/2)) >= (CrystalFreqKhz/4) )
+	{
+		xdiv = xdiv + 1;
+	}
+	pm = (unsigned char)( xdiv / 8 );			
+    am = (unsigned char)( xdiv - (8 * pm));		
+    if (am < 2)
+    {
+        reg[1] = am + 8;
+        reg[2] = pm - 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        reg[1] = am;
+        reg[2] = pm;
+    }
+//	xin = (unsigned short)(doubleVCO - ((unsigned short)(doubleVCO / (Crystal_Frequency/2))) * (Crystal_Frequency/2));						
+	xin = (unsigned short)(doubleVCO - ((unsigned short)(doubleVCO / (CrystalFreqKhz/2))) * (CrystalFreqKhz/2));						
+//	xin = ((xin << 15)/(Crystal_Frequency/2));															
+	xin = (unsigned short)((xin << 15)/(CrystalFreqKhz/2));															
+//	if( xin >= (unsigned short) pow( (double)2, (double)14) )
+//	{
+//		xin = xin + (unsigned short) pow( (double)2, (double)15);
+//	}
+	if( xin >= (unsigned short) 16384 )
+		xin = xin + (unsigned short) 32768;
+	reg[3] = (unsigned char)(xin >> 8);			
+	reg[4] = (unsigned char)(xin & 0x00FF);
+	//===================================== Only for testing 
+//	printf("Frequency: %d, Fa: %d, Fp: %d, Xin:%d \n", Frequency, am, pm, xin);
+	// Set Low-Pass Filter Bandwidth.
+    switch(Bandwidth)
+    {
+        case 6: 
+			reg[6] = 0x80 | reg[6];
+            break;
+        case 7: 
+			reg[6] = ~0x80 & reg[6];
+            reg[6] = 0x40 | reg[6];
+            break;
+        case 8:
+        default: 
+			reg[6] = ~0xC0 & reg[6];
+            break;
+    }
+	reg[5] = reg[5] | 0x07;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x01, reg[1]) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x02, reg[2]) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x03, reg[3]) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x04, reg[4]) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x05, reg[5]) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x06, reg[6]) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if (multi == 64)
+	{
+//		FC0013_Write(0x11, FC0013_Read(0x11) | 0x04);
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x11, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x11, read_byte | 0x04) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+//		FC0013_Write(0x11, FC0013_Read(0x11) & 0xFB);
+		if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x11, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+		if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x11, read_byte & 0xFB) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	}
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x80) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+//	reg[14] = 0x3F & FC0013_Read(0x0E);
+	if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x0E, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	reg[14] = 0x3F & read_byte;
+	if (VCO1)
+    {
+        if (reg[14] > 0x3C)				
+        {
+            reg[6] = ~0x08 & reg[6];
+			if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x06, reg[6]) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+			if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x80) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+			if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+        }
+    }
+	else
+    {
+        if (reg[14] < 0x02)				
+        {
+            reg[6] = 0x08 | reg[6];
+			if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x06, reg[6]) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+			if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x80) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+			if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+        }
+    }
+	return FC0013_FUNCTION_ERROR;
+// Reset IQ LPF Bandwidth
+	)
+	// not forcing RC_cal and ADC_Ext enable
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0D, 0x01) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x10, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	return FC0013_FUNCTION_ERROR;
+// Increase IQ LPF bandwidth
+	int RcValue
+	)
+	unsigned char read_byte;
+	unsigned char rc_cal;
+	int WriteValue;
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// Push RC_cal value Get RC_cal value
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x10, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	//Get RC_cal value
+	if(FC0013_Read(pTuner, 0x10, &read_byte) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	rc_cal = read_byte & 0x0F;
+	WriteValue = (int)rc_cal + RcValue;
+	// Forcing RC_cal
+	if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x0D, 0x11) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+	// Modify RC_cal value
+    if( WriteValue > 15 )
+    {   
+        if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x10, 0x0F) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else if( WriteValue < 0 )
+    {
+        if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x10, 0x00) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(FC0013_Write(pTuner, 0x10, (unsigned char)WriteValue) != FC0013_I2C_SUCCESS) goto error_status;
+    }
+	return FC0013_FUNCTION_ERROR;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0013.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0013.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0013.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc0013.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.132066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_FC0013_H
+#define __TUNER_FC0013_H
+@brief   FC0013 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate FC0013 tuner through FC0013 module.
+FC0013 module is derived from tuner module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_fc0013.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE        *pTuner;
+	FC0013_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long BandwidthMode;
+	...
+	// Build FC0013 tuner module.
+	BuildFc0013Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc6,								// I2C device address is 0xc6 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_36000000HZ				// Crystal frequency is 36.0 MHz.
+		);
+	// Get FC0013 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc0013);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set FC0013 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, FC0013_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get FC0013 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthMode(pTuner, &BandwidthMode);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// The following context is implemented for FC0013 source code.
+// Definitions
+	FC0013_FALSE,
+	FC0013_TRUE,
+enum FC0013_I2C_STATUS
+	FC0013_I2C_ERROR,
+// Functions
+int FC0013_Read(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char RegAddr, unsigned char *pByte);
+int FC0013_Write(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char RegAddr, unsigned char Byte);
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	const unsigned char WritingValue
+	);
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char Msb,
+	unsigned char Lsb,
+	unsigned char *pReadingValue
+	);
+int FC0013_Open(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int FC0013_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned long Frequency, unsigned short Bandwidth);
+// Set VHF Track depends on input frequency
+int FC0013_SetVhfTrack(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned long Frequency);
+// The following context is FC0013 tuner API source code
+// Definitions
+// Bandwidth mode
+	FC0013_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ = 6,
+	FC0013_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ = 7,
+	FC0013_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ = 8,
+// Default for initialing
+#define FC0013_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT			50000000
+// Tuner LNA
+	FC0013_LNA_GAIN_LOW     = 0x00,	// -6.3dB
+	FC0013_LNA_GAIN_MIDDLE  = 0x08,	//  7.1dB
+	FC0013_LNA_GAIN_HIGH_17 = 0x11,	// 19.1dB
+	FC0013_LNA_GAIN_HIGH_19 = 0x10,	// 19.7dB
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+	);
+	int RcValue
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc2580.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc2580.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc2580.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc2580.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.132066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+@brief   FC2580 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate FC2580 tuner through FC2580 module.
+FC2580 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_fc2580.h"
+@brief   FC2580 tuner module builder
+Use BuildFc2580Module() to build FC2580 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to FC2580 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   FC2580 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                FC2580 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   AgcMode                      FC2580 AGC mode
+	-# One should call BuildFc2580Module() to build FC2580 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int AgcMode
+	)
+	FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge     = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc2580);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_FC2580;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = fc2580_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = fc2580_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = fc2580_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = fc2580_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = fc2580_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->CrystalFreqHz      = CrystalFreqHz;
+	pExtra->AgcMode            = AgcMode;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthMode = fc2580_SetBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthMode = fc2580_GetBandwidthMode;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int AgcMode;
+	unsigned int CrystalFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc2580);
+	// Get AGC mode.
+	AgcMode = pExtra->AgcMode;
+	// Initialize tuner with AGC mode.
+	// Note: CrystalFreqKhz = round(CrystalFreqHz / 1000)
+	CrystalFreqKhz = (unsigned int)((pExtra->CrystalFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	if(fc2580_set_init(pTuner, AgcMode, CrystalFreqKhz) != FC2580_FCI_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned int RfFreqKhz;
+	unsigned int CrystalFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc2580);
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: RfFreqKhz = round(RfFreqHz / 1000)
+	//       CrystalFreqKhz = round(CrystalFreqHz / 1000)
+	RfFreqKhz = (unsigned int)((RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	CrystalFreqKhz = (unsigned int)((pExtra->CrystalFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	if(fc2580_set_freq(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, CrystalFreqKhz) != FC2580_FCI_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set FC2580 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned int CrystalFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc2580);
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode.
+	// Note: CrystalFreqKhz = round(CrystalFreqHz / 1000)
+	CrystalFreqKhz = (unsigned int)((pExtra->CrystalFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	if(fc2580_set_filter(pTuner, (unsigned char)BandwidthMode, CrystalFreqKhz) != FC2580_FCI_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth_mode;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode      = BandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get FC2580 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	)
+	FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Fc2580);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth mode from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth_mode;
+	*pBandwidthMode = pExtra->BandwidthMode;
+// The following context is source code provided by FCI.
+// FCI source code - fc2580_driver_v14011_r.c
+    FILE NAME   : FC2580_driver_v1400_r.c
+    VERSION     : 1.400_r
+    UPDATE      : September 22. 2008
+  Chip ID of FC2580 is 0x56 or 0xAC(including I2C write bit)
+//#include "fc2580_driver_v1400_r.h"
+//fc2580_band_type curr_band = FC2580_NO_BAND;
+//unsigned int freq_xtal = 16384;
+		milisecond delay function					EXTERNAL FUNCTION
+  This function is a generic function which write a byte into fc2580's
+ specific address.
+  <input parameter>
+  a
+	length of wanted delay in milisecond unit
+void fc2580_wait_msec(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int a)
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	// Wait time in millisecond.
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, (unsigned long)a);
+	return;
+           fc2580 i2c write
+  This function is a generic function which write a byte into fc2580's
+ specific address.
+  <input parameter>
+  addr
+	fc2580's memory address\
+	type : byte
+  data
+	target data
+	type : byte
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_i2c_write( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char addr, unsigned char data )
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set writing bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + data + stop_bit
+	WritingBytes[0] = addr;
+	WritingBytes[1] = data;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBytes, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return FC2580_FCI_SUCCESS;
+	return FC2580_FCI_FAIL;
+           fc2580 i2c read
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to read data from
+ fc2580's target memory address.
+  <input parameter>
+  addr
+	fc2580's memory address
+	type : byte
+  <return value>
+  data
+	a byte of data read out of target address 'addr'
+	type : byte
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_i2c_read( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char addr, unsigned char *read_data )
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set tuner register reading address.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &addr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+	// Get tuner register byte.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + read_data + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, read_data, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	return FC2580_FCI_SUCCESS;
+	return FC2580_FCI_FAIL;
+       fc2580 I2C Test
+  This function is a generic function which tests I2C interface's availability
+  by reading out it's I2C id data from reg. address '0x01'.
+  <input parameter>
+  None
+  <return value>
+  int
+	1 : success - communication is avilable
+	0 : fail - communication is unavailable
+//int fc2580_i2c_test( void )
+//	return ( fc2580_i2c_read( 0x01 ) == 0x56 )? 0x01 : 0x00;
+       fc2580 initial setting
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to initialize
+  fc2580 in DVB-H mode or L-Band TDMB mode
+  <input parameter>
+  ifagc_mode
+    type : integer
+	1 : Internal AGC
+	2 : Voltage Control Mode
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_set_init( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int ifagc_mode, unsigned int freq_xtal )
+	fc2580_fci_result_type result = FC2580_FCI_SUCCESS;
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x00, 0x00);	/*** Confidential ***/
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x12, 0x86);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x14, 0x5C);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x16, 0x3C);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x1F, 0xD2);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x09, 0xD7);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x0B, 0xD5);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x0C, 0x32);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x0E, 0x43);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x21, 0x0A);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x22, 0x82);
+	if( ifagc_mode == 1 )
+	{
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x45, 0x10);	//internal AGC
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x4C, 0x00);	//HOLD_AGC polarity
+	}
+	else if( ifagc_mode == 2 )
+	{
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x45, 0x20);	//Voltage Control Mode
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x4C, 0x02);	//HOLD_AGC polarity
+	}
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x3F, 0x88);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x02, 0x0E);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x58, 0x14);
+	result &= fc2580_set_filter(pTuner, 8, freq_xtal);	//BW = 7.8MHz
+	return result;
+       fc2580 frequency setting
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to change LO Frequency
+  of fc2580 in DVB-H mode or L-Band TDMB mode
+  <input parameter>
+  freq_xtal: kHz
+  f_lo
+	Value of target LO Frequency in 'kHz' unit
+	ex) 2.6GHz = 2600000
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_set_freq( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int f_lo, unsigned int freq_xtal )
+	unsigned int f_diff, f_diff_shifted, n_val, k_val;
+	unsigned int f_vco, r_val, f_comp;
+	unsigned char pre_shift_bits = 4;// number of preshift to prevent overflow in shifting f_diff to f_diff_shifted
+	unsigned char data_0x18;
+	unsigned char data_0x02 = (USE_EXT_CLK<<5)|0x0E;
+	fc2580_band_type band = ( f_lo > 1000000 )? FC2580_L_BAND : ( f_lo > 400000 )? FC2580_UHF_BAND : FC2580_VHF_BAND;
+	fc2580_fci_result_type result = FC2580_FCI_SUCCESS;
+	f_vco = ( band == FC2580_UHF_BAND )? f_lo * 4 : (( band == FC2580_L_BAND )? f_lo * 2 : f_lo * 12);
+	r_val = ( f_vco >= 2*76*freq_xtal )? 1 : ( f_vco >= 76*freq_xtal )? 2 : 4;
+	f_comp = freq_xtal/r_val;
+	n_val =	( f_vco / 2 ) / f_comp;
+	f_diff = f_vco - 2* f_comp * n_val;
+	f_diff_shifted = f_diff << ( 20 - pre_shift_bits );
+	k_val = f_diff_shifted / ( ( 2* f_comp ) >> pre_shift_bits );
+	if( f_diff_shifted - k_val * ( ( 2* f_comp ) >> pre_shift_bits ) >= ( f_comp >> pre_shift_bits ) )
+	k_val = k_val + 1;
+	if( f_vco >= BORDER_FREQ )	//Select VCO Band
+		data_0x02 = data_0x02 | 0x08;	//0x02[3] = 1;
+	else
+		data_0x02 = data_0x02 & 0xF7;	//0x02[3] = 0;
+//	if( band != curr_band ) {
+		switch(band)
+		{
+			case FC2580_UHF_BAND:
+				data_0x02 = (data_0x02 & 0x3F);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x25, 0xF0);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x27, 0x77);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x28, 0x53);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x29, 0x60);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x30, 0x09);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x50, 0x8C);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x53, 0x50);
+				if( f_lo < 538000 )
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x5F, 0x13);
+				else					
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x5F, 0x15);
+				if( f_lo < 538000 )
+				{
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x61, 0x07);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x62, 0x06);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x67, 0x06);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x68, 0x08);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x69, 0x10);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6A, 0x12);
+				}
+				else if( f_lo < 794000 )
+				{
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x61, 0x03);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x62, 0x03);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x67, 0x03);  //ACI improve
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x68, 0x05);  //ACI improve
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x69, 0x0C);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6A, 0x0E);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x61, 0x07);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x62, 0x06);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x67, 0x07);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x68, 0x09);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x69, 0x10);
+					result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6A, 0x12);
+				}
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x63, 0x15);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6B, 0x0B);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6C, 0x0C);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6D, 0x78);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6E, 0x32);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6F, 0x14);
+				result &= fc2580_set_filter(pTuner, 8, freq_xtal);	//BW = 7.8MHz
+				break;
+			case FC2580_VHF_BAND:
+				data_0x02 = (data_0x02 & 0x3F) | 0x80;
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x27, 0x77);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x28, 0x33);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x29, 0x40);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x30, 0x09);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x50, 0x8C);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x53, 0x50);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x5F, 0x0F);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x61, 0x07);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x62, 0x00);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x63, 0x15);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x67, 0x03);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x68, 0x05);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x69, 0x10);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6A, 0x12);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6B, 0x08);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6C, 0x0A);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6D, 0x78);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6E, 0x32);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6F, 0x54);
+				result &= fc2580_set_filter(pTuner, 7, freq_xtal);	//BW = 6.8MHz
+				break;
+			case FC2580_L_BAND:
+				data_0x02 = (data_0x02 & 0x3F) | 0x40;
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2B, 0x70);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2C, 0x37);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2D, 0xE7);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x30, 0x09);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x44, 0x20);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x50, 0x8C);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x53, 0x50);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x5F, 0x0F);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x61, 0x0F);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x62, 0x00);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x63, 0x13);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x67, 0x00);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x68, 0x02);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x69, 0x0C);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6A, 0x0E);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6B, 0x08);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6C, 0x0A);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6D, 0xA0);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6E, 0x50);
+				result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x6F, 0x14);
+				result &= fc2580_set_filter(pTuner, 1, freq_xtal);	//BW = 1.53MHz
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+//		curr_band = band;
+//	}
+	//A command about AGC clock's pre-divide ratio
+	if( freq_xtal >= 28000 )
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x4B, 0x22 );
+	//Commands about VCO Band and PLL setting.
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x02, data_0x02);
+	data_0x18 = ( ( r_val == 1 )? 0x00 : ( ( r_val == 2 )? 0x10 : 0x20 ) ) + (unsigned char)(k_val >> 16);
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x18, data_0x18);						//Load 'R' value and high part of 'K' values
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x1A, (unsigned char)( k_val >> 8 ) );	//Load middle part of 'K' value
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x1B, (unsigned char)( k_val ) );		//Load lower part of 'K' value
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x1C, (unsigned char)( n_val ) );		//Load 'N' value
+	//A command about UHF LNA Load Cap
+	if( band == FC2580_UHF_BAND )
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2D, ( f_lo <= (unsigned int)794000 )? 0x9F : 0x8F );	//LNA_OUT_CAP
+	return result;
+       fc2580 filter BW setting
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to change Bandwidth
+  frequency of fc2580's channel selection filter
+  <input parameter>
+  freq_xtal: kHz
+  filter_bw
+    1 : 1.53MHz(TDMB)
+	6 : 6MHz   (Bandwidth 6MHz)
+	7 : 6.8MHz (Bandwidth 7MHz)
+	8 : 7.8MHz (Bandwidth 8MHz)
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_set_filter( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char filter_bw, unsigned int freq_xtal )
+	unsigned char	cal_mon, i;
+	fc2580_fci_result_type result = FC2580_FCI_SUCCESS;
+	if(filter_bw == 1)
+	{
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x36, 0x1C);
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x37, (unsigned char)(4151*freq_xtal/1000000) );
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x39, 0x00);
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2E, 0x09);
+	}
+	if(filter_bw == 6)
+	{
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x36, 0x18);
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x37, (unsigned char)(4400*freq_xtal/1000000) );
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x39, 0x00);
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2E, 0x09);
+	}
+	else if(filter_bw == 7)
+	{
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x36, 0x18);
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x37, (unsigned char)(3910*freq_xtal/1000000) );
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x39, 0x80);
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2E, 0x09);
+	}
+	else if(filter_bw == 8)
+	{
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x36, 0x18);
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x37, (unsigned char)(3300*freq_xtal/1000000) );
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x39, 0x80);
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2E, 0x09);
+	}
+	for(i=0; i<5; i++)
+	{
+		fc2580_wait_msec(pTuner, 5);//wait 5ms
+		result &= fc2580_i2c_read(pTuner, 0x2F, &cal_mon);
+		if( (cal_mon & 0xC0) != 0xC0)
+		{
+			result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2E, 0x01);
+			result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2E, 0x09);
+		}
+		else
+			break;
+	}
+	result &= fc2580_i2c_write(pTuner, 0x2E, 0x01);
+	return result;
+       fc2580 RSSI function
+  This function is a generic function which returns fc2580's
+  current RSSI value.
+  <input parameter>
+	none
+  <return value>
+  int
+  	rssi : estimated input power.
+//int fc2580_get_rssi(void) {
+//	unsigned char s_lna, s_rfvga, s_cfs, s_ifvga;
+//	int ofs_lna, ofs_rfvga, ofs_csf, ofs_ifvga, rssi;
+//	fc2580_i2c_read(0x71, &s_lna );
+//	fc2580_i2c_read(0x72, &s_rfvga );
+//	fc2580_i2c_read(0x73, &s_cfs );
+//	fc2580_i2c_read(0x74, &s_ifvga );
+//	ofs_lna = 
+//			(curr_band==FC2580_UHF_BAND)?
+//				(s_lna==0)? 0 :
+//				(s_lna==1)? -6 :
+//				(s_lna==2)? -17 :
+//				(s_lna==3)? -22 : -30 :
+//			(curr_band==FC2580_VHF_BAND)?
+//				(s_lna==0)? 0 :
+//				(s_lna==1)? -6 :
+//				(s_lna==2)? -19 :
+//				(s_lna==3)? -24 : -32 :
+//			(curr_band==FC2580_L_BAND)?
+//				(s_lna==0)? 0 :
+//				(s_lna==1)? -6 :
+//				(s_lna==2)? -11 :
+//				(s_lna==3)? -16 : -34 :
+//			0;//FC2580_NO_BAND
+//	ofs_rfvga = -s_rfvga+((s_rfvga>=11)? 1 : 0) + ((s_rfvga>=18)? 1 : 0);
+//	ofs_csf = -6*s_cfs;
+//	ofs_ifvga = s_ifvga/4;
+//	return rssi = ofs_lna+ofs_rfvga+ofs_csf+ofs_ifvga+OFS_RSSI;
+       fc2580 Xtal frequency Setting
+  This function is a generic function which sets 
+  the frequency of xtal.
+  <input parameter>
+  frequency
+  	frequency value of internal(external) Xtal(clock) in kHz unit.
+//void fc2580_set_freq_xtal(unsigned int frequency) {
+//	freq_xtal = frequency;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc2580.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc2580.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc2580.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_fc2580.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.132066044 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_FC2580_H
+#define __TUNER_FC2580_H
+@brief   FC2580 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate FC2580 tuner through FC2580 module.
+FC2580 module is derived from tuner module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_fc2580.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE        *pTuner;
+	FC2580_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long BandwidthMode;
+	...
+	// Build FC2580 tuner module.
+	BuildFc2580Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xac,								// I2C device address is 0xac in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16384000HZ,			// Crystal frequency is 16.384 MHz.
+		FC2580_AGC_INTERNAL					// The FC2580 AGC mode is internal AGC mode.
+		);
+	// Get FC2580 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = (T2266_EXTRA_MODULE *)(pTuner->pExtra);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set FC2580 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, FC2580_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get FC2580 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthMode(pTuner, &BandwidthMode);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// The following context is source code provided by FCI.
+// FCI source code - fc2580_driver_v1400_r.h
+    FILE NAME   : FC2580_driver_v1400_r.h  
+    VERSION     : 1.400_r
+    UPDATE      : September 22. 2008
+  Chip ID of FC2580 is 0x56 or 0xAC(including I2C write bit)
+#define	BORDER_FREQ	2600000	//2.6GHz : The border frequency which determines whether Low VCO or High VCO is used
+#define USE_EXT_CLK	0	//0 : Use internal XTAL Oscillator / 1 : Use External Clock input
+#define OFS_RSSI 57
+typedef enum {
+	FC2580_UHF_BAND,
+	FC2580_L_BAND,
+	FC2580_VHF_BAND,
+	FC2580_NO_BAND
+} fc2580_band_type;
+typedef enum {
+	FC2580_FCI_FAIL,
+} fc2580_fci_result_type;
+		i2c command write							EXTERNAL FUNCTION
+  This function is a generic function which write a byte into fc2580's
+ specific address.
+  <input parameter>
+  slave_id
+	i2c id of slave chip
+	type : byte
+  addr
+	memory address of slave chip
+	type : byte
+  data
+	target data
+	type : byte
+//extern fc2580_fci_result_type i2c_write( unsigned char slave_id, unsigned char addr, unsigned char *data, unsigned char n );
+		i2c command write							EXTERNAL FUNCTION
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to read data from
+ slave chip's target memory address.
+  <input parameter>
+  slave_id
+	i2c id of slave chip
+	type : byte
+  addr
+	memory address of slave chip
+	type : byte
+  <return value>
+  data
+	a byte of data read out of target address 'addr' of slave chip
+	type : byte
+//extern fc2580_fci_result_type i2c_read( unsigned char slave_id, unsigned char addr, unsigned char *read_data, unsigned char n );
+		milisecond delay function					EXTERNAL FUNCTION
+  This function is a generic function which write a byte into fc2580's
+ specific address.
+  <input parameter>
+  a
+	length of wanted delay in milisecond unit
+extern void fc2580_wait_msec(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int a);
+       fc2580 i2c command write
+  This function is a generic function which write a byte into fc2580's
+ specific address.
+  <input parameter>
+  addr
+	fc2580's memory address
+	type : byte
+  data
+	target data
+	type : byte
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_i2c_write( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char addr, unsigned char data );
+       fc2580 i2c data read
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to read data from
+ fc2580's target memory address.
+  <input parameter>
+  addr
+	fc2580's memory address
+	type : byte
+  <return value>
+  data
+	a byte of data read out of target address 'addr'
+	type : byte
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_i2c_read( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char addr, unsigned char *read_data );
+       fc2580 initial setting
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to initialize
+  fc2580 in DVB-H mode or L-Band TDMB mode
+  <input parameter>
+  ifagc_mode
+    type : integer
+	1 : Internal AGC
+	2 : Voltage Control Mode
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_set_init( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int ifagc_mode, unsigned int freq_xtal );
+       fc2580 frequency setting
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to change LO Frequency
+  of fc2580 in DVB-H mode or L-Band TDMB mode
+  <input parameter>
+  f_lo
+	Value of target LO Frequency in 'kHz' unit
+	ex) 2.6GHz = 2600000
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_set_freq( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int f_lo, unsigned int freq_xtal );
+       fc2580 filter BW setting
+  This function is a generic function which gets called to change Bandwidth
+  frequency of fc2580's channel selection filter
+  <input parameter>
+  filter_bw
+    1 : 1.53MHz(TDMB)
+	6 : 6MHz
+	7 : 7MHz
+	8 : 7.8MHz
+fc2580_fci_result_type fc2580_set_filter( TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char filter_bw, unsigned int freq_xtal );
+       fc2580 RSSI function
+  This function is a generic function which returns fc2580's
+  current RSSI value.
+//int fc2580_get_rssi(void); 
+       fc2580 Xtal frequency Setting
+  This function is a generic function which sets 
+  the frequency of xtal.
+  <input parameter>
+  frequency
+  	frequency value of internal(external) Xtal(clock) in kHz unit.
+//void fc2580_set_freq_xtal(unsigned int frequency);
+// The following context is FC2580 tuner API source code
+// Definitions
+// AGC mode
+enum FC2580_AGC_MODE
+	FC2580_AGC_INTERNAL = 1,
+	FC2580_AGC_EXTERNAL = 2,
+// Bandwidth mode
+	FC2580_BANDWIDTH_1530000HZ = 1,
+	FC2580_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ = 6,
+	FC2580_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ = 7,
+	FC2580_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ = 8,
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int AgcMode
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_max3543.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_max3543.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_max3543.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_max3543.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.136066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1441 @@
+@brief   MAX3543 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate MAX3543 tuner through MAX3543 module.
+MAX3543 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_max3543.h"
+@brief   MAX3543 tuner module builder
+Use BuildMax3543Module() to build MAX3543 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to MAX3543 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   MAX3543 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                MAX3543 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   StandardMode                 MAX3543 standard mode
+@param [in]   IfFreqHz                     MAX3543 IF frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   OutputMode                   MAX3543 output mode
+	-# One should call BuildMax3543Module() to build MAX3543 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int StandardMode,
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz,
+	int OutputMode
+	)
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_MAX3543;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = MAX3543_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = max3543_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = max3543_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = max3543_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = max3543_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = max3543_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->CrystalFreqHz      = CrystalFreqHz;
+	pExtra->StandardMode       = StandardMode;
+	pExtra->IfFreqHz           = IfFreqHz;
+	pExtra->OutputMode         = OutputMode;
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode      = MAX3543_BANDWIDTH_MODE_DEFAULT;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = NO;
+	pExtra->broadcast_standard = StandardMode;
+	switch(CrystalFreqHz)
+	{
+		default:
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ:
+			switch(IfFreqHz)
+			{
+				default:
+				case IF_FREQ_36170000HZ:
+					pExtra->XTALSCALE = 8;
+					pExtra->XTALREF = 128;
+					pExtra->LOSCALE = 65;
+					break;
+			}
+	}
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthMode = max3543_SetBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthMode = max3543_GetBandwidthMode;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	// Initializing tuner.
+	// Note: Call MAX3543 source code function.
+	if(MAX3543_Init(pTuner) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner standard mode and output mode.
+	// Note: Call MAX3543 source code function.
+	if(MAX3543_Standard(pTuner, pExtra->StandardMode, pExtra->OutputMode) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long FreqUnit;
+	unsigned short CalculatedValue;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	// Calculate frequency unit.
+	FreqUnit = MAX3543_CONST_1_MHZ / pExtra->LOSCALE;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: 1. CalculatedValue = round(RfFreqHz / FreqUnit)
+	//       2. Call MAX3543 source code function.
+	CalculatedValue = (unsigned short)((RfFreqHz + (FreqUnit / 2)) / FreqUnit);
+	if(MAX3543_SetFrequency(pTuner, CalculatedValue) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set MAX3543 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned short BandwidthModeUshort;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode.
+	// Note: Call MAX3543 source code function.
+	BandwidthModeUshort = (unsigned short)BandwidthMode;
+	if(MAX3543_ChannelBW(pTuner, BandwidthModeUshort) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth Hz parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode      = BandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get MAX3543 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	)
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth_mode;
+	*pBandwidthMode = pExtra->BandwidthMode;
+// Function (implemeted for MAX3543)
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned short *pData
+	)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingByte;
+	unsigned char ReadingByte;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set tuner register reading address.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + stop_bit
+	WritingByte = (unsigned char)RegAddr;
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &WritingByte, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+	// Get tuner register byte.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + read_data + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &ReadingByte, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	*pData = (unsigned short)ReadingByte;
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned short Data
+	)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set writing bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + data + stop_bit
+	WritingBuffer[0] = (unsigned char)RegAddr;
+	WritingBuffer[1] = (unsigned char)Data;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+// The following context is source code provided by MAXIM.
+// MAXIM source code - Max3543_Driver.c
+| MAX3543 Tuner Driver                                               
+| Author: Paul Nichol                                                       
+| Version: 1.0.3                                                            
+| Date:    12/09/09                                                         
+| Copyright (C) 2009 Maxim Integrated Products.                             
+| IMPORTANT: This code is operate the Max3543 Multi-Band Terrestrial        
+| Hybrid Tuner.  Routines include: initializing, tuning, reading the        
+| ROM table, reading the lock detect status and tuning the tracking         
+| filter.  Only integer math is used in this program and no floating point
+| variables are used.  Your MCU must be capable of processing unsigned 32 bit integer
+| math to use this routine.  (That is: two 16 bit numbers multiplied resulting in a 
+| 32 bit result, or a 32 bit number divided by a 16 bit number).
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <string.h>
+///#include <stdlib.h>
+//#include "mxmdef.h"
+//#include "Max3543_Driver.h"
+double debugreg[10];
+UINT_16 TFRomCoefs[3][4];
+UINT_16 denominator;   
+UINT_32 fracscale ;
+UINT_16 regs[22];
+UINT_16 IF_Frequency;
+/* table of fixed coefficients for the tracking filter equations. */
+static UINT_16 co[6][5]={{ 26, 6,  68, 20, 45 },  /* VHF LO TFS */
+                        { 16, 8,  88, 40, 0 },  /* VHF LO TFP */
+                        { 27, 10, 54, 30,20 },  /* VHF HI TFS */
+                        { 18, 10, 41, 20, 0 },  /* VHF HI TFP */
+                        { 32, 10, 34, 8, 10 },  /* UHF TFS */
+                        { 13, 15, 21, 16, 0 }}; /* UHF TFP */
+//int MAX3543_Init(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 RfFreq)
+int MAX3543_Init(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	/* 
+		Initialize every register. Don't rely on MAX3543 power on reset.  
+	   Call before using the other routines in this file.                
+   */  
+   UINT_16 RegNumber;
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned long FreqUnit;
+	unsigned short CalculatedValue;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+   /*Initialize the registers in the MAX3543:*/
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_VCO]				=	0x4c;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_NDIV]			=	0x2B;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC2]			=	0x8E; 
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC1]			=	0x26;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC0]			=	0x66;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE]			=	0xd8;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_TFS]				=	0x00;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_TFP]				= 	0x00;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_SHDN]			=	0x00;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_REF]				=	0x0a;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_VAS]				=	0x17;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_PD_CFG1]		=	0x43;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_PD_CFG2]		=	0x01;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_FILT_CF]		=	0x25;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_ROM_ADDR]		=	0x00;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_IRHR]			=	0x80;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_BIAS_ADJ]		=	0x57;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_TEST1]			=	0x40;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_ROM_WRITE]		=	0x00;
+   /* Write each register out to the MAX3543: */
+	for (RegNumber=0;RegNumber<=MAX3543_NUMREGS;RegNumber++)
+	{
+//      Max3543_Write(RegNumber, regs[RegNumber]);
+	  if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, RegNumber, pExtra->regs[RegNumber]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	}
+	/* First read calibration constants from MAX3543 and store in global
+      variables for use when setting RF tracking filter */   
+//	MAX3543_ReadROM();
+	if(MAX3543_ReadROM(pTuner) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+   /* Define the IF frequency used.
+		If using non-floating point math, enter the IF Frequency multiplied 
+	   by the factor LOSCALE here as an integer.
+		i.e. IF_Frequency = 1445;
+		If using floating point math, use the scalefrq macro:
+		i.e. IF_Frequency = scalefrq(36.125); 
+	*/
+//	IF_Frequency = scalefrq(36.125); 
+	// Calculate frequency unit.
+	FreqUnit = MAX3543_CONST_1_MHZ / pExtra->LOSCALE;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: 1. CalculatedValue = round(RfFreqHz / FreqUnit)
+	//       2. Call MAX3543 source code function.
+	CalculatedValue = (unsigned short)((pExtra->IfFreqHz + (FreqUnit / 2)) / FreqUnit);
+	pExtra->IF_Frequency = CalculatedValue;
+	/* Calculate the denominator just once since it is dependant on the xtal freq only.
+	   The denominator is used to calculate the N+FractionalN ratio.  
+	*/
+	pExtra->denominator = pExtra->XTALREF * 4 * pExtra->LOSCALE;   
+   /* The fracscale is used to calculate the fractional remainder of the N+FractionalN ratio.  */
+	pExtra->fracscale = 2147483648U/pExtra->denominator;
+//   Note: Set standard mode, channel bandwith, and RF frequency in other functions.
+//   MAX3543_Standard(DVB_T, IFOUT1_DIFF_DTVOUT);
+//   MAX3543_ChannelBW(BW8MHZ);
+   // Note: Set bandwidth with 8 MHz for QAM.
+   MAX3543_ChannelBW(pTuner, MAX3543_BANDWIDTH_MODE_DEFAULT);
+//   MAX3543_SetFrequency(RfFreq);	
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+/* Set the channel bandwidth.  Call with arguments: BW7MHZ or BW8MHZ */
+int MAX3543_ChannelBW(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 bw)
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE] & 0xef) | (bw<<4);
+//	Max3543_Write(REG3543_MODE, regs[REG3543_MODE]);
+	if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_MODE, pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+	Set the broadcast standared and RF signal path.
+	This routine must be called prior to tuning (Set_Frequency() ) 
+	such as in MAX3543_Init() or when necessary to change modes.
+	This sub routine has 2 input/function
+	1. bcstd:it set MAX3543 to optimized power detector/bias setting for each standard (dvb-t,pal?, currently it has 4 choice:
+      1.1 bcstd=DVBT, optimized for DVB-T
+      1.2 bcstd=DVBC, optimized for DVB-C
+      1.3 bcstd=ATV1, optimized for PAL/SECAM - B/G/D/K/I
+      1.4 bcstd=ATV2, optimized for SECAM-L
+	2. outputmode: this setting has to match you hardware signal path, it has 3 choice:
+      2.1 outputmode=IFOUT1_DIFF_IFOUT_DIFF
+            signal path: IFOUT1 (pin6/7) driving a diff input IF filter (ie LC filter or 6966 SAW), 
+            then go back to IFVGA input (pin 10/11) and IF output of MAX3543 is pin 15/16. 
+            this is common seting for all DTV_only demod and hybrid demod
+      2.2 outputmode=IFOUT1_SE_IFOUT_DIFF
+            signal path: IFOUT1 (pin6) driving a single-ended input IF filter (ie 7251 SAW)
+            then go back to IFVGA input (pin 10/11) and IF output of MAX3543 is pin 15/16. 
+            this is common seting for all DTV_only demod and hybrid demod
+      2.3 outputmode=IFOUT2
+            signal path: IFOUT2 (pin14) is MAX3543 IF output, normally it drives a ATV demod. 
+            The IFVGA is shutoff
+            this is common setting for separate ATV demod app
+int MAX3543_Standard(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, standard bcstd, outputmode outmd)
+	char IFSEL;
+	char LNA2G;   
+	char SDIVG;
+	char WPDA;
+	char NPDA; 
+	char RFIFD; 
+	char MIXGM;
+	char LNA2B;
+	char MIXB;
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	pExtra->broadcast_standard = bcstd;   /* used later in tuning */
+	switch ( bcstd )
+      {
+         case DVB_T:
+				LNA2G = 1;
+				WPDA = 4;
+				NPDA = 3;
+				RFIFD = 1;
+				MIXGM = 1;
+				LNA2B = 1;
+				MIXB = 1;
+            break;
+			case DVB_C:
+				LNA2G = 1;
+				WPDA = 3;
+				NPDA = 3;
+				RFIFD = 1;
+				MIXGM = 1;
+				LNA2B = 1;
+				MIXB = 1;
+            break;
+			case ATV:
+				LNA2G = 0;
+				WPDA = 3;
+				NPDA = 5;
+				RFIFD = 2;
+				MIXGM = 0;
+				LNA2B = 3;
+				MIXB = 3;
+            break;
+			case ATV_SECAM_L:
+				LNA2G = 0;
+				WPDA = 3;
+				NPDA = 3;
+				RFIFD = 2;
+				MIXGM = 0;
+				LNA2B = 3;
+				MIXB = 3;
+            break;
+			default:
+				return MAX3543_ERROR;
+		}
+	   /* the outmd must be set after the standard mode bits are set. 
+		   Please do not change order.  */
+		switch ( outmd )
+      {
+				IFSEL = 0;
+				SDIVG = 0;
+				break;
+			case IFOUT1_SE_DTVOUT:
+				IFSEL = 1;
+				SDIVG = 0;
+				break;
+			case IFOUT2:
+				IFSEL = 2;
+				SDIVG = 1;
+				NPDA = 3;
+				LNA2G = 1;   /* overrites value chosen above for this case */
+				RFIFD = 3;   /* overrites value chosen above for this case */
+				break;
+			default:
+				return MAX3543_ERROR;
+		}	
+	/* Mask in each set of bits into the register variables */
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE] & 0x7c) | IFSEL | (LNA2G<<7);
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_SHDN] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_SHDN] & 0xf7) | (SDIVG<<3);
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_PD_CFG1] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_PD_CFG1] & 0x88) | (WPDA<<4) | NPDA;
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_PD_CFG2] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_PD_CFG2] & 0xfc) | RFIFD;
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_BIAS_ADJ] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_BIAS_ADJ] & 0x13) | (MIXGM<<6) | (LNA2B<<4) | (MIXB<<2);
+	/* Send each register variable: */
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_MODE, regs[REG3543_MODE]);
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_MODE, pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_SHDN, regs[REG3543_SHDN]);
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_SHDN, pExtra->regs[REG3543_SHDN]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_PD_CFG1, regs[REG3543_PD_CFG1]);
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_PD_CFG1, pExtra->regs[REG3543_PD_CFG1]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_PD_CFG2, regs[REG3543_PD_CFG2]);
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_PD_CFG2, pExtra->regs[REG3543_PD_CFG2]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_BIAS_ADJ, regs[REG3543_BIAS_ADJ]);
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_BIAS_ADJ, pExtra->regs[REG3543_BIAS_ADJ]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+/*This will set the LO Frequency and all other tuning related register bits.
+  NOTE!!!!  The frequency passed to this routine must be scaled by th factor 
+				LOSCALE.  For example if the frequency was 105.25 MHz you multiply
+				this by LOSCALE which results in a whole number frequency.
+				For example if LOSCALE = 20, then 105.25 * 20 = 2105.
+				You would then call: MAX3543_SetFrequency(2105);
+int MAX3543_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 RF_Frequency)		
+	UINT_16 RDiv, NewR, NDiv, Vdiv;
+	UINT_32 Num;
+	UINT_16 LO_Frequency;
+	UINT_16 Rem;
+   UINT_32 FracN;
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+   LO_Frequency = RF_Frequency + pExtra->IF_Frequency ;
+	/* Determine VCO Divider */
+	if (LO_Frequency < scalefrq(138))  /* 138MHz scaled UHF band */
+	{
+		Vdiv = 3;  /*  divide by 32   */
+	}
+	else if ( LO_Frequency < scalefrq(275))                   /* VHF Band */
+	{
+		Vdiv = 2;  /*  divide by 16   */
+	}
+	else if (LO_Frequency < scalefrq(550))
+	{
+		Vdiv = 1;  /*  divide by 8   */
+	}
+	else
+	{	
+		Vdiv = 0;  /*  divide by 4   */
+	}
+	/* calculate the r-divider from the RDIV bits: 
+	 RDIV bits   RDIV
+		00				1
+		01				2
+		10				4
+		11				8
+	*/
+	RDiv = 1<<((pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC2] & 0x30) >> 4);  
+	/* Set the R-Divider based on the frequency if in DVB mode.
+      Otherwise set the R-Divider to 2.
+	   Only send RDivider if it needs to change from the current state. 
+	*/
+	NewR = 0;
+	if ((pExtra->broadcast_standard == DVB_T || pExtra->broadcast_standard == DVB_C) )
+	{
+		if ((LO_Frequency <= scalefrq(275)) && (RDiv == 1))
+			NewR = 2;
+		else if ((LO_Frequency > scalefrq(275)) && (RDiv == 2))
+			NewR = 1;
+	}
+	else if (RDiv == 1) 
+		NewR = 2;
+	if (NewR != 0){
+		RDiv = NewR;
+		pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC2] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC2] & 0xcf) | ((NewR-1) <<4);  
+//		Max3543_Write(REG3543_FRAC2, regs[REG3543_FRAC2]);
+		if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_FRAC2, pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC2]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	}
+	/* Update the VDIV bits in the VCO variable.
+	   we will write this variable out to the VCO register during the MAX3543_SeedVCO routine.
+		We can write over all the other bits (D<7:2>) in that register variable because they
+		will be filled in: MAX3543_SeedVCO later.
+	*/
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_VCO] = Vdiv;
+	/* now convert the Vdiv bits into the multiplier for use in the equation:
+		Vdiv   Mult
+			0      4
+			1      8
+			2      16
+			3      32
+	*/
+	Vdiv = 1<<(Vdiv+2);
+	//#ifdef HAVE_32BIT_MATH
+	/* Calculate Numerator and Denominator for N+FN calculation  */
+	Num = LO_Frequency * RDiv * Vdiv * pExtra->XTALSCALE;
+	NDiv = (UINT_16) (Num/(UINT_32)pExtra->denominator);   /* Note: this is an integer division, returns 16 bit value. */
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_NDIV,NDiv); 
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_NDIV,NDiv) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner; 
+	/* Calculate whole number remainder from division of Num by denom: 
+	   Returns 16 bit value.  */
+	Rem = (UINT_16)(Num - (UINT_32) NDiv * (UINT_32) pExtra->denominator); 
+	/* FracN = Rem * 2^20/Denom, Scale 2^20/Denom 2048 X larger for more accuracy. */   
+   /* fracscale = 2^31/denom.  2048 = 2^31/2^20  */
+   FracN =(Rem*pExtra->fracscale)/2048;  
+	/* Optional - Seed the VCO to cause it to tune faster.  
+		(LO_Frequency/LOSCALE) * Vdiv = the unscaled VCO Frequency.
+		It is unscaled to prevent overflow when it is multiplied by vdiv.
+	*/
+//   MAX3543_SeedVCO((LO_Frequency/LOSCALE) * Vdiv);
+   if(MAX3543_SeedVCO(pTuner, (LO_Frequency/pExtra->LOSCALE) * Vdiv) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC2] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC2] & 0xf0) | ((UINT_16)(FracN >> 16) & 0xf);
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_FRAC2, regs[REG3543_FRAC2]); 
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_FRAC2, pExtra->regs[REG3543_FRAC2]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner; 
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_FRAC1,(UINT_16)(FracN >> 8) & 0xff); 
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_FRAC1,(UINT_16)(FracN >> 8) & 0xff) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner; 
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_FRAC0, (UINT_16) FracN & 0xff); 
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_FRAC0, (UINT_16) FracN & 0xff) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner; 
+   /* Program tracking filters and other frequency dependent registers */
+//   MAX3543_SetTrackingFilter(RF_Frequency);
+   if(MAX3543_SetTrackingFilter(pTuner, RF_Frequency) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+/*As you tune in frequency, the tracking filter needs
+to be set as a function of frequency.  Stored in the ROM on the
+IC are two end points for the VHFL, VHFH, and UHF frequency bands. 
+This routine performs the necessary function to calculate the
+needed series and parallel capacitor values from these two end
+points for the current frequency.  Once the value is calculated, 
+it is loaded into the Tracking Filter Caps register and the 
+internal capacitors are switched in tuning the tracking 
+int MAX3543_SetTrackingFilter(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 RF_Frequency)
+	/*  Calculate the series and parallel capacitor values for the given frequency  */
+	/*  band.  These values are then written to the registers.  This causes the     */
+	/*  MAX3543's internal series and parallel capacitors to change thus tuning the */
+	/*  tracking filter to the proper frequency.                                    */
+   UINT_16 TFB, tfs, tfp, RFin, HRF;
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+   /*  Set the TFB Bits (Tracking Filter Band) for the given frequency. */
+	if (RF_Frequency < scalefrq(196))  /* VHF Low Band */
+   {
+        TFB = VHF_L;  
+   }
+   else if (RF_Frequency < scalefrq(440)) /* VHF High  196-440 MHz */
+   {
+        TFB = VHF_H;
+   }
+   else{    /* UHF */
+        TFB = UHF;
+	}
+   /*  Set the RFIN bit.  RFIN selects a input low pass filter */
+	if (RF_Frequency < scalefrq(345)){  /* 345 MHz is the change over point. */
+		RFin = 0;
+	}
+	else{
+      RFin = 1;
+	}
+	if (RF_Frequency < scalefrq(110)){  /* 110 MHz is the change over point. */
+		HRF = 1;
+	}
+	else{
+      HRF = 0;
+	}
+	/* Write the TFB<1:0> Bits and the RFIN bit into the IFOVLD register */
+	/* TFB sets the tracking filter band in the chip, RFIN selects the RF input */
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE] & 0x93 ) | (TFB << 2) | (RFin << 6) | (HRF<<5); 
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_MODE,(regs[REG3543_MODE])) ;
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_MODE,(pExtra->regs[REG3543_MODE])) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+   tfs = tfs_i(pExtra->TFRomCoefs[TFB][SER0], pExtra->TFRomCoefs[TFB][SER1],  RF_Frequency/pExtra->LOSCALE, co[TFB*2]);
+   tfp = tfs_i(pExtra->TFRomCoefs[TFB][PAR0], pExtra->TFRomCoefs[TFB][PAR1],  RF_Frequency/pExtra->LOSCALE, co[(TFB*2)+1]);
+	/* Write the TFS Bits into the Tracking Filter Series Capacitor register */
+	if (tfs > 255)   /* 255 = 8 bits of TFS */
+		tfs = 255;
+	if (tfs < 0)
+		tfs = 0;
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_TFS] = tfs;
+	/* Write the TFP Bits into the Tracking Filter Parallel Capacitor register */
+	if (tfp > 63)   /* 63 = 6 bits of TFP  */
+		tfp = 63;
+	if (tfp < 0)
+		tfp = 0;
+   pExtra->regs[REG3543_TFP] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_TFP] & 0xc0 ) | tfp;
+	   /*  Send registers that have been changed */
+   /*  Maxim evkit I2c communication... Replace by microprocessor specific code */
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_TFS,(regs[REG3543_TFS])) ;
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_TFS,(pExtra->regs[REG3543_TFS])) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+//   Max3543_Write(REG3543_TFP,(regs[REG3543_TFP])) ;
+   if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_TFP,(pExtra->regs[REG3543_TFP])) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+/* calculate aproximation for Max3540 tracking filter useing integer math only */
+UINT_16 tfs_i(UINT_16 S0, UINT_16 S1, UINT_16 FreqRF, const UINT_16 c[5])
+{  UINT_16 i,y,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7,add;
+   UINT_32 res;
+/* y=4*((64*c[0])+c[1]*S0)-((64*c[2]-(S1*c[3]))*(FreqRF))/250;   */
+   y1=64*c[0];
+   y2=c[1]*S0;
+   y3=4*(y1+y2);
+   y4=S1*c[3];
+   y5=64*c[2];
+   y6=y5-y4;
+   y7=(y6*(FreqRF))/250;
+   if (y7<y3)
+   { y= y3-y7;
+                    /* above sequence has been choosen to avoid overflows */
+     y=(10*y)/111;                /* approximation for nom*10*LN(10)/256 */
+     add=y; res=100+y;
+     for (i=2; i<12; i++)  
+     { 
+       add=(add*y)/(i*100);       /* this only works with 32bit math */
+       res+=add;
+     }
+   }
+   else 
+     res=0;
+   if (((UINT_32)res+50*1)>((UINT_32)100*c[4])) res=(res+50*1)/100-c[4];
+   else res=0;
+   if (res<255) return (UINT_16) res; else return 255;
+   As soon as you program the Frac0 register, a state machine is started to find the
+	correct VCO for the N and Fractional-N values entered.
+	If the VASS bit is set, the search routine will start from the band and	
+	sub-band that is currently programmed into the VCO register (VCO and VSUB bits = seed). 
+	If you seed the register with	bands close to where the auto routine will 
+	finally select, the search routine will finish much faster.
+	This routine determines the best seed to use for the VCO and VSUB values.
+	If VASS is cleared, the search will start as the lowest VCO and search up.
+	This takes much longer.  Make sure VASS is set before using this routine.
+	For the seed value to be read in the VCO register, it must be there prior to
+	setting the Frac0 register.  So call this just before setting the Fractional-N
+	registers.  The VASS bit is bit 5 of register 10 (or REG3543_VAS).
+int MAX3543_SeedVCO(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 Fvco){
+   /* Fvco is the VCO frequency in MHz and is not scaled by LOSCALE  */
+	UINT_16 VCO;
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	if (Fvco  <= 2750)
+	{
+		/* The VCO seed: */
+		VCO = 0;
+		/* Determine the VCO sub-band (VSUB) seed:  */
+	   if (Fvco  < 2068)
+         VSUB = 0;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2101)
+         VSUB = 1;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2137)
+         VSUB = 2;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2174)
+         VSUB = 3;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2215)
+         VSUB = 4;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2256)
+         VSUB = 5;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2300)
+         VSUB = 6;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2347)
+         VSUB = 7;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2400)
+         VSUB = 8;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2453)
+         VSUB = 9;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2510)
+         VSUB = 10;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2571)
+         VSUB = 11;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2639)
+         VSUB = 12;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2709)
+         VSUB = 13;
+		else if (Fvco  < 2787)
+         VSUB = 14;
+	}
+	else if (Fvco  <= 3650)
+	{
+		/* The VCO seed: */
+		VCO = 1;
+		/* Determine the VCO sub-band (VSUB) seed:  */
+	   if (Fvco  <= 2792)
+         VSUB = 1;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 2839)
+         VSUB = 2;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 2890)
+         VSUB = 3;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 2944)
+         VSUB = 4;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3000)
+         VSUB = 5;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3059)
+         VSUB = 6;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3122)
+         VSUB = 7;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3194)
+         VSUB = 8;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3266)
+         VSUB = 9;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3342)
+         VSUB = 10;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3425)
+         VSUB = 11;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3516)
+         VSUB = 12;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3612)
+         VSUB = 13;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3715)
+         VSUB = 14;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* The VCO seed: */
+		VCO = 2;
+		/* Determine the VCO sub-band (VSUB) seed:  */
+	   if (Fvco  <= 3658)
+         VSUB = 0;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3716)
+         VSUB = 2;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3776)
+         VSUB = 2;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3840)
+         VSUB = 3;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3909)
+         VSUB = 4;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 3980)
+         VSUB = 5;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4054)
+         VSUB = 6;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4134)
+         VSUB = 7;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4226)
+         VSUB = 8;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4318)
+         VSUB = 9;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4416)
+         VSUB = 10;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4520)
+         VSUB = 11;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4633)
+         VSUB = 12;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4751)
+         VSUB = 13;
+		else if (Fvco  <= 4876)
+         VSUB = 14;
+		else 
+         VSUB = 15;
+	}
+	/* VCO = D<7:6>, VSUB = D<5:2> */
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_VCO] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_VCO] & 3) | (VSUB<<2) | (VCO<<6);
+	/* Program the VCO register with the seed: */
+//	Max3543_Write(REG3543_VCO, regs[REG3543_VCO]);
+	if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_VCO, pExtra->regs[REG3543_VCO]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+/* Returns the lock detect status.  This is accomplished by 
+   examining the ADC value read from the MAX3543.  The ADC
+	value is the tune voltage digitized.  If it is too close to
+	ground or Vcc, the part is unlocked.  The ADC ranges from 0-7.
+	Values 1 to 6 are considered locked.  0 or 7 is unlocked.
+	Returns True for locked, fase for unlocked.
+int MAX3543_LockDetect(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int *pAnswer)
+//   BOOL vcoselected;
+   int vcoselected;
+	UINT_16 tries = 65535;
+	char adc;
+	unsigned short Data;
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	/* The ADC will not be stable until the VCO is selected.
+	   usually the selection process will take 25ms or less but
+		it could theoretically take 100ms.  Set tries to some number
+		of your processor clocks corresponding to 100ms.
+		You have to take into account all instructions processed
+		in determining this time.  I am picking a value out of the air
+		for now.
+	*/
+	vcoselected = MAX_FALSE;
+	while ((--tries > 0) && (vcoselected == MAX_FALSE))
+	{
+//		if ((Max3543_Read(REG3543_VAS_STATUS) & 1) == 1)
+		if(Max3543_Read(pTuner, REG3543_VAS_STATUS, &Data) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_access_tuner;
+		if ((Data & 1) == 1)
+			vcoselected = MAX_TRUE;
+	}
+	/* open the ADC latch:  ADL=0, ADE=1  */
+	pExtra->regs[REG3543_VAS] = (pExtra->regs[REG3543_VAS] & 0xf3) | 4;  
+//	Max3543_Write(REG3543_VAS, regs[REG3543_VAS]); 
+	if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_VAS, pExtra->regs[REG3543_VAS]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner; 
+	/* ADC = 3 LSBs of Gen Status Register:  */
+//	adc = Max3543_Read(REG3543_GEN_STATUS) & 0x7;
+	if(Max3543_Read(pTuner, REG3543_GEN_STATUS, &Data) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+		  goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	adc = Data & 0x7;
+	/* locked if ADC within range of 1-6: */
+	if ((adc<1 ) || (adc>6))
+		return MAX_FALSE;
+	else
+		return MAX_TRUE;
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+int MAX3543_ReadROM(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	unsigned short Data;
+   /* Read the ROM table, extract tracking filter ROM coefficients,
+		IRHR and CFSET constants.  
+		This is to be called after the Max3543 powers up.              
+	*/
+	UINT_16 rom_data[12];
+	UINT_16 i;
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Max3543);
+	for (i=0; i <= 10; i++)     
+	{
+//		Max3543_Write(REG3543_ROM_ADDR,i);   /*Select ROM Row by setting address register */
+		if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_ROM_ADDR,i) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_access_tuner;   /*Select ROM Row by setting address register */
+//		rom_data[i] = Max3543_Read(REG3543_ROM_READ);  /* Read from ROMR Register */
+		if(Max3543_Read(pTuner, REG3543_ROM_READ, &Data) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_access_tuner;
+		rom_data[i] = Data;  /* Read from ROMR Register */
+	}
+	/* The ROM address must be returned to 0 for normal operation or the part will not be biased properly. */
+//	Max3543_Write(REG3543_ROM_ADDR,0);   
+	if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_ROM_ADDR,0) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_access_tuner;   
+	/* Copy all of ROM Row 10 to Filt_CF register. */
+//	Max3543_Write(REG3543_FILT_CF,rom_data[10]);   
+	if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_FILT_CF,rom_data[10]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_access_tuner;   
+	/* Copy the IRHR ROM value to the IRHR register: */
+//	Max3543_Write(REG3543_IRHR, rom_data[0xb]);
+	if(Max3543_Write(pTuner, REG3543_IRHR, rom_data[0xb]) != MAX3543_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_access_tuner;
+	/* assemble the broken up word pairs from the ROM table  into complete ROM coefficients:  */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[VHF_L][SER0] = (rom_data[1] & 0xFC) >> 2;  /*'LS0 )*/
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[VHF_L][SER1] = ((rom_data[1] & 0x3 ) << 4) + ((rom_data[2] & 0xf0) >> 4);  /* 'LS1*/
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[VHF_L][PAR0] = ((rom_data[2] & 0xf) << 2) + ((rom_data[3] & 0xc0) >> 6);  /*'LP0*/
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[VHF_L][PAR1] = rom_data[3] & 0x3f;  /*LP1 */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[VHF_H][SER0] = ((rom_data[4] & 0xfc) >> 2);  /*'HS0 */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[VHF_H][SER1] = ((rom_data[4] & 0x3) << 4) + ((rom_data[5] & 0xF0) >> 4);  /*'HS1 */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[VHF_H][PAR0] = ((rom_data[5] & 0xf) << 2) + ((rom_data[6] & 0xc0) >> 6);  /*'HP0 */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[VHF_H][PAR1] = rom_data[6] & 0x3F;  /*'HP1 */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[UHF][SER0] =  ((rom_data[7]  & 0xFC) >> 2);  /*'US0 */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[UHF][SER1] = ((rom_data[7] & 0x3) << 4) + ((rom_data[8] & 0xf0) >> 4 );  /*'US1 */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[UHF][PAR0] = ((rom_data[8] & 0xF) << 2) + ((rom_data[9] & 0xc0) >> 6);  /*'UP0 */
+	pExtra->TFRomCoefs[UHF][PAR1] = rom_data[9] & 0x3f;  /*'UP1 */
+	return MAX3543_SUCCESS;
+	return MAX3543_ERROR;
+ }
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_max3543.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_max3543.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_max3543.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_max3543.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.136066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_MAX3543_H
+#define __TUNER_MAX3543_H
+@brief   MAX3543 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate MAX3543 tuner through MAX3543 module.
+MAX3543 module is derived from tuner module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_max3543.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE         *pTuner;
+	MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long BandwidthMode;
+	...
+	// Build MAX3543 tuner module.
+	BuildMax3543Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc0,								// I2C device address is 0xac in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,			// Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+		MAX3543_STANDARD_DVBT,				// The MAX3543 standard mode is DVB-T.
+		IF_FREQ_36170000HZ,					// The MAX3543 IF frequency is 36.17 MHz.
+		MAX3543_SAW_INPUT_SE				// The MAX3543 SAW input type is single-ended.
+		);
+	// Get MAX3543 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = (MAX3543_EXTRA_MODULE *)(pTuner->pExtra);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set MAX3543 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, MAX3543_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get MAX3543 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthMode(pTuner, &BandwidthMode);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// The following context is implemented for MAX3543 source code.
+// Definition (implemeted for MAX3543)
+// Function return status
+#define MAX3543_SUCCESS		1
+#define MAX3543_ERROR		0
+// Function (implemeted for MAX3543)
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned short *pData
+	);
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned short Data
+	);
+// The following context is source code provided by Analog Devices.
+// MAXIM source code - mxmdef.h
+//#ifndef MXMDEF_H
+//#define MXMDEF_H
+#define MAX_PATH          260
+#ifndef NULL
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define NULL    0
+#define NULL    ((void *)0)
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE               0
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE                1
+#define MAX_FALSE		0
+#define MAX_TRUE		1
+typedef unsigned long       DWORD;
+//#endif /* _WINDEF_ */
+// MAXIM source code - Max3543_Driver.h
+ /*
+| Max3543_Driver.h, v 1.0.3, 12/9/2009, Paul Nichol    
+| Description: Max3543 Driver Includes.                
+| Copyright (C) 2009 Maxim Integrated Products         
+//#ifndef Max3543_Driver_H
+/* integer only mode = 1, floating point mode = 0 */
+//#define intmode 0
+//#define Max3543_Driver_H
+#define MAX3543_ADDR 0xc0
+#define MAX3543_NUMREGS 0x15
+/* Register Address offsets.  Used when sending or indexing registers.  */
+#define REG3543_VCO 0
+#define REG3543_NDIV 0x1
+#define REG3543_FRAC2 0x2
+#define REG3543_FRAC1 0x3
+#define REG3543_FRAC0 0x4
+#define REG3543_MODE 0x5
+#define REG3543_TFS 0x6
+#define REG3543_TFP 0x7
+#define REG3543_SHDN 0x8
+#define REG3543_REF 0x9
+#define REG3543_VAS 0xa
+#define REG3543_PD_CFG1 0xb
+#define REG3543_PD_CFG2 0xc
+#define REG3543_FILT_CF 0xd
+#define REG3543_ROM_ADDR 0xe
+#define REG3543_IRHR 0xf
+#define REG3543_ROM_READ 0x10
+#define REG3543_VAS_STATUS 0x11
+#define REG3543_GEN_STATUS 0x12
+#define REG3543_BIAS_ADJ 0x13
+#define REG3543_TEST1 0x14
+#define REG3543_ROM_WRITE 0x15
+/* Band constants: */
+#define VHF_L 0
+#define VHF_H 1
+#define UHF 2
+/* Channel Bandwidth: */
+#define BW7MHZ 0
+#define BW8MHZ 1
+#define SER0 0
+#define SER1 1
+#define PAR0 2
+#define PAR1 3
+typedef enum  {IFOUT1_DIFF_DTVOUT, IFOUT1_SE_DTVOUT,IFOUT2} outputmode;
+typedef enum {DVB_T, DVB_C, ATV, ATV_SECAM_L} standard;
+//standard broadcast_standard;
+/* Note:
+   The SetFrequency() routine must make it's calculations without
+	overflowing 32 bit accumulators.  This is a difficult balance of LO, IF and Xtal frequencies.
+	Scaling factors are applied to these frequencies to keep the numbers below the 32 bit result during
+	caltculations.   The calculations have been checked for only the following combinations of frequencies
+	and settings: Xtal freqencies of 16.0MHz, 20.25 MHz, 20.48 MHz; IF Frequencies of 30.0 MHz and 30.15MHz;
+	R-Dividers /1 and /2.  Any combination of the above numbers may be used.
+	If other combinations or frequencies are needed, the scaling factors: LOSCALE and XTALSCALE must be
+	recalculated.  This has been done in a spreadsheet calc.xls.  Without checking these
+	scale factors carefully, there could be overflow and tuning errors or amplitude losses due to an
+	incorrect tracking filter setting.
+/* Scaling factor for the IF and RF freqencies.
+	Freqencies passed to functions must be multiplied by this factor.
+	(See Note above).
+//#define LOSCALE 40         
+/* Scaling factor for Xtal frequency.  
+   Use 32 for 16.0MHz, 25 for 20.48 and 4 for 20.25MHz.
+	(See Note above).
+//#define XTALSCALE 4      
+//#if intmode
+	/* Macros used for scaling frequency constants.  */
+	/* Use this form if using floating point math. */
+#define scalefrq(x) ( (UINT_32) ( ( (UINT_16) x) * (UINT_16) pExtra->LOSCALE ) ) 
+//	#define scalextal(x) ( (UINT_32) ( ( (UINT_16) x ) * (UINT_16) XTALSCALE ) ) 
+	/* Note, this is a scaling factor for the Xtal Reference applied to the MAX3543 Xtal Pin.
+		The only valid frequencies are 16.0, 20.25 or 20.48MHz and only with the following conditions:
+		RDiv = /1 or RDiv = /2, IF = 36.0MHz, IF = 36.15 MHz. 
+		(See Note above).
+	*/
+//	#define XTALREF 81
+	/* 20.25 * XTALSCALE = 81, where XTALSCALE=4
+		Use this form if NOT using floating point math.
+	*/
+	/* Macros used for scaling frequency constants.  */
+	/* Use this form if NOT using floating point math. */
+//		#define scalefrq(x)  ( (unsigned short) ( ( (float) x ) * (float) LOSCALE ) ) 
+//		#define scalextal(x) ( (unsigned short) ( ( (float) x ) * (float) XTALSCALE ) )
+	/* Note, this is a scaling factor for the Xtal Reference applied to the MAX3543 Xtal Pin.
+		The only valid frequencies are 16.0, 20.25 or 20.48MHz and only with the following conditions:
+		RDiv = /1 or RDiv = /2, IF = 36.0MHz, IF = 36.15 MHz. 
+		(See Note above).
+	*/
+//	#define XTALREF scalextal(20.25)
+	/* Use this form if NOT using floating point math. */
+	/* #define XTALREF 81 */
+	/* (XTALSCALE * Reference frequency 20.24 * 4 = 81) */
+#define ATV_SINGLE 2
+typedef  short INT_16;          /* compiler type for 16 bit integer */
+typedef  unsigned short UINT_16; /* compiler type for 16 bit unsigned integer */
+typedef  unsigned long UINT_32;  /* compiler type for 32 bit unsigned integer */
+typedef enum {IFOUT_1,IFOUT_2} outmd;
+//int MAX3543_Init(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 RfFreq);
+int MAX3543_Init(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+int MAX3543_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 RF_Frequency);
+//unsigned short MAX3543_Read(UINT_16 reg);
+//void MAX3543_Write(UINT_16 reg, UINT_16 value);
+int MAX3543_LockDetect(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, int *pAnswer);
+int MAX3543_Standard(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, standard bcstd, outputmode outmd);
+int MAX3543_ChannelBW(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 bw);
+int MAX3543_SetTrackingFilter(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 RF_Frequency);
+int MAX3543_ReadROM(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+UINT_16 tfs_i(UINT_16 S0, UINT_16 S1, UINT_16 FreqRF, const UINT_16 c[5]);
+int MAX3543_SeedVCO(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT_16 Fvco);
+/******* External functions called by Max3543 code *******/
+		/*   The implementation of these functions is left for the end user.  */
+		/*   This is because of the many different microcontrollers and serial */
+		/*   I/O methods that can be used.  */
+//    void  Max3543_Write(unsigned short RegAddr, unsigned short data);
+		/*   This function sends out a byte of data using the following format.    */
+		/*   Start, IC_address, ACK, Register Address, Ack, Data, Ack, Stop */
+		/*   IC_address is 0xC0 or 0xC4 depending on JP8 of the Max3543 evkit board. */
+		/*   0xC0 if the ADDR pin of the Max3543 is low, x0C4 if the pin is high. */
+		/*   The register address is the Index into the register */
+		/*   you wish to fill. */
+//    unsigned short Max3543_Read(unsigned short reg);
+    /*   This reads and returns a byte from the Max3543.    */
+    /*   The read sequence is: */
+    /*   Start, IC_address, ACK, Register Address, ack, Start, DeviceReadAddress, ack, */
+	 /*   Data, NAck, Stop */
+    /*   Note that there is a IC_Address (0xC0 or 0xC4 as above) and a Device Read */
+	 /*   Address which is the IC_Address + 1  (0xC1 or 0xC5).    */
+    /*   There are also two start conditions in the read back sequence. */
+    /*   The Register Address is an index into the register you */
+	 /*   wish to read back. */
+// The following context is MAX3543 tuner API source code
+// Definitions
+// Standard mode
+// Bandwidth mode
+	MAX3543_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ = BW7MHZ,
+	MAX3543_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ = BW8MHZ,
+// SAW input type
+// Default for initialing
+#define MAX3543_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT			474000000
+// Definition for RF frequency setting.
+#define MAX3543_CONST_1_MHZ		1000000
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int StandardMode,
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz,
+	int OutputMode
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2063.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2063.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2063.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2063.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.140066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,5264 @@
+@brief   MT2063 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate MT2063 tuner through MT2063 module.
+MT2063 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_mt2063.h"
+@brief   MT2063 tuner module builder
+Use BuildMt2063Module() to build MT2063 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to MT2063 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   MT2063 I2C device address
+@param [in]   IfFreqHz                     MT2063 output IF frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   StandardMode                 Standard mode
+@param [in]   IfVgaGainControl             IF VGA gain control
+	-# One should call BuildMt2063Module() to build MT2063 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	int StandardMode,
+	unsigned long VgaGc
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_MT2063;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = mt2063_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = mt2063_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = mt2063_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = mt2063_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = mt2063_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->StandardMode     = StandardMode;
+	pExtra->VgaGc            = VgaGc;
+	pExtra->IsIfFreqHzSet    = NO;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->OpenHandle     = mt2063_OpenHandle;
+	pExtra->CloseHandle    = mt2063_CloseHandle;
+	pExtra->GetHandle      = mt2063_GetHandle;
+	pExtra->SetIfFreqHz    = mt2063_SetIfFreqHz;
+	pExtra->GetIfFreqHz    = mt2063_GetIfFreqHz;
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthHz = mt2063_SetBandwidthHz;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthHz = mt2063_GetBandwidthHz;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Re-initialize tuner.
+	Status = MT2063_ReInit(DeviceHandle);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner output bandwidth.
+//	Status = MT2063_SetParam(DeviceHandle, MT2063_OUTPUT_BW, MT2063_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ);
+//	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+//		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner parameters according to standard mode.
+	switch(pExtra->StandardMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case MT2063_STANDARD_DVBT:
+			Status = MT2063_SetParam(DeviceHandle, MT2063_RCVR_MODE, MT2063_OFFAIR_COFDM);
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			break;
+		case MT2063_STANDARD_QAM:
+			Status = MT2063_SetParam(DeviceHandle, MT2063_RCVR_MODE, MT2063_CABLE_QAM);
+			if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+				goto error_status_execute_function;
+			break;
+	}
+	// Set tuner VGAGC with IF AGC gain control setting value.
+	Status = MT2063_SetParam(DeviceHandle, MT2063_VGAGC, (UData_t)(pExtra->VgaGc));
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	Status = MT2063_Tune(DeviceHandle, RfFreqHz);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Open MT2063 tuner handle.
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Open MT2063 handle.
+	// Note: 1. Must take tuner extra module DeviceHandle as handle input argument.
+	//       2. Take pTuner as user-defined data input argument.
+	Status = MT2063_Open(DeviceAddr, &pExtra->DeviceHandle, pTuner);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_open_mt2063_handle;
+@brief   Close MT2063 tuner handle.
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Close MT2063 handle.
+	Status = MT2063_Close(DeviceHandle);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_open_mt2063_handle;
+@brief   Get MT2063 tuner handle.
+	void **pDeviceHandle
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	*pDeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	return;
+@brief   Set MT2063 tuner IF frequency in Hz.
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	unsigned int IfFreqHzUint;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Set tuner output IF frequency.
+	IfFreqHzUint = (unsigned int)IfFreqHz;
+	Status = MT2063_SetParam(DeviceHandle, MT2063_OUTPUT_FREQ, IfFreqHzUint);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_execute_function;
+	// Set tuner IF frequnecy parameter in tuner extra module.
+	pExtra->IfFreqHz      = IfFreqHz;
+	pExtra->IsIfFreqHzSet = YES;
+@brief   Get MT2063 tuner IF frequency in Hz.
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner IF frequency in Hz from tuner extra module.
+	if(pExtra->IsIfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_demod_if_frequency;
+	*pIfFreqHz = pExtra->IfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set MT2063 tuner bandwidth in Hz.
+// Note: The function MT2063_SetParam() only sets software bandwidth variables,
+//       so execute MT2063_Tune() after this function.
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+//	unsigned long BandwidthHzWithShift;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth in Hz with shift.
+//	BandwidthHzWithShift = BandwidthHz - MT2063_BANDWIDTH_SHIFT_HZ;
+//	Status = MT2063_SetParam(DeviceHandle, MT2063_OUTPUT_BW, BandwidthHzWithShift);
+	Status = MT2063_SetParam(DeviceHandle, MT2063_OUTPUT_BW, BandwidthHz);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthHz      = BandwidthHz;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet = YES;
+@brief   Get MT2063 tuner bandwidth in Hz.
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	)
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2063);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth;
+	*pBandwidthHz = pExtra->BandwidthHz;
+// The following context is source code provided by Microtune.
+// Microtune source code - mt_userdef.c
+**  Name: mt_userdef.c
+**  Description:    User-defined MicroTuner software interface 
+**  Functions
+**  Requiring
+**  Implementation: MT_WriteSub
+**                  MT_ReadSub
+**                  MT_Sleep
+**  References:     None
+**  Exports:        None
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt_userdef.c,v 1.2 2008/11/05 13:46:20 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/vol0/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2063/mt_userdef.c,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+//#include "mt_userdef.h"
+**  Name: MT_WriteSub
+**  Description:    Write values to device using a two-wire serial bus.
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  addr       - device serial bus address  (value passed
+**                               as parameter to MTxxxx_Open)
+**                  subAddress - serial bus sub-address (Register Address)
+**                  pData      - pointer to the Data to be written to the 
+**                               device 
+**                  cnt        - number of bytes/registers to be written
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      user-defined
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code for this
+**                  function to write data using the tuner's 2-wire serial 
+**                  bus.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument.
+**                  If additional arguments are needed for the user's
+**                  serial bus read/write functions, this argument can be
+**                  used to supply the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's Open
+**                  function.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+UData_t MT2063_WriteSub(Handle_t hUserData, 
+                    UData_t addr, 
+                    U8Data subAddress, 
+                    U8Data *pData, 
+                    UData_t cnt)
+//    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    /*
+    **  ToDo:  Add code here to implement a serial-bus write
+    **         operation to the MTxxxx tuner.  If successful,
+    **         return MT_OK.
+    */
+/*  return status;  */
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned int i, j;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char *pWritingBytes;
+	unsigned long ByteNum;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegWritingAddr;
+	// Get tuner module, base interface, and I2C bridge.
+	pTuner         = (TUNER_MODULE *)hUserData;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	pI2cBridge     = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get regiser start address, writing bytes, and byte number.
+	RegStartAddr  = subAddress;
+	pWritingBytes = pData;
+	ByteNum       = (unsigned long)cnt;
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set tuner register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddr + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) +
+		//       stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = RegWritingAddr;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_1_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum + LEN_1_BYTE) != 
+			goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	}
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+**  Name: MT_ReadSub
+**  Description:    Read values from device using a two-wire serial bus.
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  addr       - device serial bus address  (value passed
+**                               as parameter to MTxxxx_Open)
+**                  subAddress - serial bus sub-address (Register Address)
+**                  pData      - pointer to the Data to be written to the 
+**                               device 
+**                  cnt        - number of bytes/registers to be written
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      user-defined
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code for this
+**                  function to read data using the tuner's 2-wire serial 
+**                  bus.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument.
+**                  If additional arguments are needed for the user's
+**                  serial bus read/write functions, this argument can be
+**                  used to supply the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's Open
+**                  function.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+UData_t MT2063_ReadSub(Handle_t hUserData, 
+                   UData_t addr, 
+                   U8Data subAddress, 
+                   U8Data *pData, 
+                   UData_t cnt)
+//    UData_t status = MT_OK;                        /* Status to be returned        */
+    /*
+    **  ToDo:  Add code here to implement a serial-bus read
+    **         operation to the MTxxxx tuner.  If successful,
+    **         return MT_OK.
+    */
+/*  return status;  */
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes;
+	unsigned long ByteNum;
+	unsigned long ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegReadingAddr;
+	// Get tuner module, base interface, and I2C bridge.
+	pTuner         = (TUNER_MODULE *)hUserData;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	pI2cBridge     = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get regiser start address, writing bytes, and byte number.
+	RegStartAddr  = subAddress;
+	pReadingBytes = pData;
+	ByteNum       = (unsigned long)cnt;
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get tuner register bytes.
+	// Note: Get tuner register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Set tuner register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddr + stop_bit
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &RegReadingAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+		// Get tuner register bytes.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &pReadingBytes[i], ReadingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	}
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+**  Name: MT_Sleep
+**  Description:    Delay execution for "nMinDelayTime" milliseconds
+**  Parameters:     hUserData     - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                                  passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  nMinDelayTime - Delay time in milliseconds
+**  Returns:        None.
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code that
+**                  blocks execution for the specified period of time. 
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+void MT2063_Sleep(Handle_t hUserData, 
+              UData_t nMinDelayTime)
+    /*
+    **  ToDo:  Add code here to implement a OS blocking
+    **         for a period of "nMinDelayTime" milliseconds.
+    */
+	// Get tuner module, base interface.
+	pTuner         = (TUNER_MODULE *)hUserData;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	// Wait nMinDelayTime milliseconds.
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, nMinDelayTime);
+	return;
+#if defined(MT2060_CNT)
+#if MT2060_CNT > 0
+**  Name: MT_TunerGain  (MT2060 only)
+**  Description:    Measure the relative tuner gain using the demodulator
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  pMeas      - Tuner gain (1/100 of dB scale).
+**                               ie. 1234 = 12.34 (dB)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK  - No errors
+**                      user-defined errors could be set
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the 1st IF location routine.  You MUST provide
+**                  code that measures the relative tuner gain in a dB
+**                  (not linear) scale.  The return value is an integer
+**                  value scaled to 1/100 of a dB.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   06-16-2004    DAD    Original
+**   N/A   11-30-2004    DAD    Renamed from MT_DemodInputPower.  This name
+**                              better describes what this function does.
+UData_t MT_TunerGain(Handle_t hUserData,
+                     SData_t* pMeas)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                        /* Status to be returned        */
+    /*
+    **  ToDo:  Add code here to return the gain / power level measured
+    **         at the input to the demodulator.
+    */
+    return (status);
+// Microtune source code - mt_2063.c
+**  Name: mt2063.c
+**  Copyright 2007-2008 Microtune, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+**  This source code file contains confidential information and/or trade
+**  secrets of Microtune, Inc. or its affiliates and is subject to the
+**  terms of your confidentiality agreement with Microtune, Inc. or one of
+**  its affiliates, as applicable.
+**  Name: mt2063.c
+**  Description:    Microtune MT2063 B0, B1 & B3 Tuner software interface
+**                  Supports tuners with Part/Rev code: 0x9B - 0x9E.
+**  Functions
+**  Implemented:    UData_t  MT2063_Open
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_Close
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_ClearPowerMaskBits
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetGPIO
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetLocked
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetParam
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetPowerMaskBits
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetReg
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetTemp
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetUserData
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_ReInit
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_SetGPIO
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_SetParam
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_SetPowerMaskBits
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_SetReg
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_Tune
+**  References:     AN-00189: MT2063 Programming Procedures Application Note
+**                  MicroTune, Inc.
+**                  AN-00010: MicroTuner Serial Interface Application Note
+**                  MicroTune, Inc.
+**  Exports:        None
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub(hUserData, IC_Addr, subAddress, *pData, cnt);
+**                  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus.
+**                  MT_WriteSub(hUserData, IC_Addr, subAddress, *pData, cnt);
+**                  - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus.
+**                  MT_Sleep(hUserData, nMinDelayTime);
+**                  - Delay execution for nMinDelayTime milliseconds
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt2063.c,v 1.6 2009/04/29 09:58:14 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/vol0/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2063/mt2063.c,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   N/A   08-01-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.01: Changed Analog &DVB-T settings and added
+**                                        SAW-less receiver mode.
+**   148   09-04-2007    RSK    Ver 1.02: Corrected logic of Reg 3B Reference
+**   153   09-07-2007    RSK    Ver 1.03: Lock Time improvements
+**   150   09-10-2007    RSK    Ver 1.04: Added GetParam/SetParam support for
+**                                        LO1 and LO2 freq for PHY-21 cal.
+**   154   09-13-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Get/SetParam changes for LOx_FREQ
+**   155   10-01-2007    DAD    Ver 1.06: Add receiver mode for SECAM positive
+**                                        modulation
+**                                        (MT2063_ANALOG_TV_POS_NO_RFAGC_MODE)
+**   N/A   10-22-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.07: Changed some Registers at init to have
+**                                        the same settings as with MT Launcher
+**   N/A   10-30-2007    PINZ             Add SetParam VGAGC & VGAOI
+**                                        Add SetParam DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE
+**                                        Removed VGAGC from receiver mode,
+**                                        default now 3
+**   N/A   10-31-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.08: Add SetParam TAGC, removed from rcvr-mode
+**                                        Add SetParam AMPGC, removed from rcvr-mode
+**                                        Corrected names of GCU values
+**                                        reorganized receiver modes, removed,
+**                                        (MT2063_ANALOG_TV_POS_NO_RFAGC_MODE)
+**                                        Actualized Receiver-Mode values
+**   N/A   11-12-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.09: Actualized Receiver-Mode values
+**   N/A   11-27-2007    PINZ             Improved buffered writing
+**         01-03-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.10: Added a trigger of BYPATNUP for
+**                                        correct wakeup of the LNA after shutdown
+**                                        Set AFCsd = 1 as default
+**                                        Changed CAP1sel default
+**         01-14-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.11: Updated gain settings, default for VGAGC 3
+**   173 M 01-23-2008    RSK    Ver 1.12: Read LO1C and LO2C registers from HW
+**                                        in GetParam.
+**         03-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.13: Added Support for MT2063 B3
+**         04-10-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.14: Use software-controlled ClearTune
+**                                        cross-over frequency values.
+**                                        Documentation Updates
+**         04-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.15: Add SetParam LNARIN & PDxTGT
+**                                        Split SetParam up to ACLNA / ACLNA_MAX
+**                                        removed ACLNA_INRC/DECR (+RF & FIF)
+**                                        removed GCUAUTO / BYPATNDN/UP
+**   189 S 05-13-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.16: Correct location for ExtSRO control.
+**                                        Add control to avoid DECT freqs.
+**                                        Updated Receivermodes for MT2063 B3
+**   175 I 06-19-2008    RSK    Ver 1.17: Refactor DECT control to SpurAvoid.
+**         06-24-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.18: Add Get/SetParam CTFILT_SW
+**         07-10-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.19: Documentation Updates, Add a GetParam
+**                                        for each SetParam (LNA_RIN, TGTs)
+**         08-05-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.20: Disable SDEXT pin while MT2063_ReInit
+**                                        with MT2063B3
+**         09-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.22: Updated values for CTFILT_SW
+**   205 M 10-01-2008    JWS    Ver 1.23: Use DMAX when LO2 FracN is near 4096
+**       M 10-24-2008    JWS    Ver 1.25: Use DMAX when LO1 FracN is 32
+**         11-05-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.26: Minor code fixes
+**         01-07-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.27: Changed value of MT2063_ALL_SD in .h
+**         01-20-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.28: Fixed a compare to avoid compiler warning
+**         02-16-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.29: Several fixes to improve compiler behavior
+**   N/A I 02-26-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.30: RCVRmode 2: acfifmax 29->0, pd2tgt 33->34
+**                                        RCVRmode 4: acfifmax 29->0, pd2tgt 30->34
+**   N/A I 03-02-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.31: new default Fout 43.75 -> 36.125MHz
+**                                        new default Output-BW 6 -> 8MHz
+**                                        new default Stepsize 50 -> 62.5kHz
+**                                        new default Fin 651 -> 666 MHz
+**                                        Changed order of receiver-mode init
+**   N/A I 03-19-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.32: Add GetParam VERSION (of API)
+**                                        Add GetParam IC_REV
+**   N/A I 04-22-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.33: Small fix in GetParam PD1/PD2
+**   N/A I 04-29-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.34: Optimized ReInit function
+//#include "mt2063.h"
+//#include "mt_spuravoid.h"
+//#include <stdlib.h>               /*  for NULL      */
+#define MT_NULL			0
+/*  Version of this module                          */
+#define MT2063_MODULE_VERSION 10304             /*  Version 01.34 */
+**  The expected version of MT_AvoidSpursData_t
+**  If the version is different, an updated file is needed from Microtune
+/* Expecting version 1.21 of the Spur Avoidance API */
+#error Contact Microtune for a newer version of MT_SpurAvoid.c
+#error Contact Microtune for a newer version of mt2063.c
+#ifndef MT2063_CNT
+#error You must define MT2063_CNT in the "mt_userdef.h" file
+**  Two-wire serial bus subaddresses of the tuner registers.
+**  Also known as the tuner's register addresses.
+enum MT2063_Register_Offsets
+    PART_REV = 0,   /*  0x00: Part/Rev Code         */
+    LO1CQ_1,        /*  0x01: LO1C Queued Byte 1    */
+    LO1CQ_2,        /*  0x02: LO1C Queued Byte 2    */
+    LO2CQ_1,        /*  0x03: LO2C Queued Byte 1    */
+    LO2CQ_2,        /*  0x04: LO2C Queued Byte 2    */
+    LO2CQ_3,        /*  0x05: LO2C Queued Byte 3    */
+    RSVD_06,        /*  0x06: Reserved              */
+    LO_STATUS,      /*  0x07: LO Status             */
+    FIFFC,          /*  0x08: FIFF Center           */
+    CLEARTUNE,      /*  0x09: ClearTune Filter      */
+    ADC_OUT,        /*  0x0A: ADC_OUT               */
+    LO1C_1,         /*  0x0B: LO1C Byte 1           */
+    LO1C_2,         /*  0x0C: LO1C Byte 2           */
+    LO2C_1,         /*  0x0D: LO2C Byte 1           */
+    LO2C_2,         /*  0x0E: LO2C Byte 2           */
+    LO2C_3,         /*  0x0F: LO2C Byte 3           */
+    RSVD_10,        /*  0x10: Reserved              */
+    PWR_1,          /*  0x11: PWR Byte 1            */
+    PWR_2,          /*  0x12: PWR Byte 2            */
+    TEMP_STATUS,    /*  0x13: Temp Status           */
+    XO_STATUS,      /*  0x14: Crystal Status        */
+    RF_STATUS,      /*  0x15: RF Attn Status        */
+    FIF_STATUS,     /*  0x16: FIF Attn Status       */
+    LNA_OV,         /*  0x17: LNA Attn Override     */
+    RF_OV,          /*  0x18: RF Attn Override      */
+    FIF_OV,         /*  0x19: FIF Attn Override     */
+    LNA_TGT,        /*  0x1A: Reserved              */
+    PD1_TGT,        /*  0x1B: Pwr Det 1 Target      */
+    PD2_TGT,        /*  0x1C: Pwr Det 2 Target      */
+    RSVD_1D,        /*  0x1D: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_1E,        /*  0x1E: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_1F,        /*  0x1F: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_20,        /*  0x20: Reserved              */
+    BYP_CTRL,       /*  0x21: Bypass Control        */
+    RSVD_22,        /*  0x22: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_23,        /*  0x23: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_24,        /*  0x24: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_25,        /*  0x25: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_26,        /*  0x26: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_27,        /*  0x27: Reserved              */
+    FIFF_CTRL,      /*  0x28: FIFF Control          */
+    FIFF_OFFSET,    /*  0x29: FIFF Offset           */
+    CTUNE_CTRL,     /*  0x2A: Reserved              */
+    CTUNE_OV,       /*  0x2B: Reserved              */
+    CTRL_2C,        /*  0x2C: Reserved              */
+    FIFF_CTRL2,     /*  0x2D: Fiff Control          */
+    RSVD_2E,        /*  0x2E: Reserved              */
+    DNC_GAIN,       /*  0x2F: DNC Control           */
+    VGA_GAIN,       /*  0x30: VGA Gain Ctrl         */
+    RSVD_31,        /*  0x31: Reserved              */
+    TEMP_SEL,       /*  0x32: Temperature Selection */
+    RSVD_33,        /*  0x33: Reserved              */
+    FN_CTRL,        /*  0x34: FracN Control         */
+    RSVD_35,        /*  0x35: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_36,        /*  0x36: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_37,        /*  0x37: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_38,        /*  0x38: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_39,        /*  0x39: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_3A,        /*  0x3A: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_3B,        /*  0x3B: Reserved              */
+    RSVD_3C,        /*  0x3C: Reserved              */
+** Constants used by the tuning algorithm
+#define REF_FREQ          (16000000)  /* Reference oscillator Frequency (in Hz) */
+#define IF1_BW            (22000000)  /* The IF1 filter bandwidth (in Hz) */
+#define TUNE_STEP_SIZE       (62500)  /* Tune in steps of 62.5 kHz */
+#define SPUR_STEP_HZ        (250000)  /* Step size (in Hz) to move IF1 when avoiding spurs */
+#define ZIF_BW             (2000000)  /* Zero-IF spur-free bandwidth (in Hz) */
+#define MAX_HARMONICS_1         (15)  /* Highest intra-tuner LO Spur Harmonic to be avoided */
+#define MAX_HARMONICS_2          (5)  /* Highest inter-tuner LO Spur Harmonic to be avoided */
+#define MIN_LO_SEP         (1000000)  /* Minimum inter-tuner LO frequency separation */
+#define LO1_FRACN_AVOID          (0)  /* LO1 FracN numerator avoid region (in Hz) */
+#define LO2_FRACN_AVOID     (199999)  /* LO2 FracN numerator avoid region (in Hz) */
+#define MIN_FIN_FREQ      (44000000)  /* Minimum input frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MAX_FIN_FREQ    (1100000000)  /* Maximum input frequency (in Hz) */
+#define DEF_FIN_FREQ     (666000000)  /* Default frequency at initialization (in Hz) */
+#define MIN_FOUT_FREQ     (36000000)  /* Minimum output frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MAX_FOUT_FREQ     (57000000)  /* Maximum output frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MIN_DNC_FREQ    (1293000000)  /* Minimum LO2 frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MAX_DNC_FREQ    (1614000000)  /* Maximum LO2 frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MIN_UPC_FREQ    (1396000000)  /* Minimum LO1 frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MAX_UPC_FREQ    (2750000000U) /* Maximum LO1 frequency (in Hz) */
+typedef struct
+    Handle_t    handle;
+    Handle_t    hUserData;
+    UData_t     address;
+    UData_t     version;
+    UData_t     tuner_id;
+    MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t AS_Data;
+    UData_t     f_IF1_actual;
+    UData_t     rcvr_mode;
+    UData_t     ctfilt_sw;
+    UData_t     CTFiltMax[31];
+    UData_t     num_regs;
+    U8Data      reg[END_REGS];
+}  MT2063_Info_t;
+static UData_t nMaxTuners = MT2063_CNT;
+static MT2063_Info_t MT2063_Info[MT2063_CNT];
+static MT2063_Info_t *Avail[MT2063_CNT];
+static UData_t nOpenTuners = 0;
+**  Constants for setting receiver modes.
+**  (6 modes defined at this time, enumerated by MT2063_RCVR_MODES)
+**  (DNC1GC & DNC2GC are the values, which are used, when the specific
+**   DNC Output is selected, the other is always off)
+**   If PAL-L or L' is received, set:
+**       MT2063_SetParam(hMT2063,MT2063_TAGC,1);
+**                --------------+----------------------------------------------
+**                 Mode 0 :     | MT2063_CABLE_QAM
+**                 Mode 1 :     | MT2063_CABLE_ANALOG
+**                 Mode 2 :     | MT2063_OFFAIR_COFDM
+**                 Mode 3 :     | MT2063_OFFAIR_COFDM_SAWLESS
+**                 Mode 4 :     | MT2063_OFFAIR_ANALOG
+**                 Mode 5 :     | MT2063_OFFAIR_8VSB
+**                --------------+----+----+----+----+-----+-----+--------------
+**                 Mode         |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4  |  5  |
+**                --------------+----+----+----+----+-----+-----+
+static const U8Data RFAGCEN[]  = {  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 };
+static const U8Data LNARIN[]   = {  0,   0,   3,   3,   3,   3 };
+static const U8Data FIFFQEN[]  = {  1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1 };
+static const U8Data FIFFQ[]    = {  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 };
+static const U8Data DNC1GC[]   = {  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 };
+static const U8Data DNC2GC[]   = {  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 };
+static const U8Data ACLNAMAX[] = { 31,  31,  31,  31,  31,  31 };
+static const U8Data LNATGT[]   = { 44,  43,  43,  43,  43,  43 };
+static const U8Data RFOVDIS[]  = {  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 };
+static const U8Data ACRFMAX[]  = { 31,  31,  31,  31,  31,  31 };
+static const U8Data PD1TGT[]   = { 36,  36,  38,  38,  36,  38 };
+static const U8Data FIFOVDIS[] = {  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0 };
+static const U8Data ACFIFMAX[] = { 29,   0,  29,  29,   0,  29 };
+static const U8Data PD2TGT[]   = { 40,  34,  38,  42,  34,  38 };
+static const UData_t df_dosc[] = {
+     55000, 127000, 167000, 210000,  238000, 267000, 312000, 350000,
+    372000, 396000, 410000, 421000,  417000, 408000, 387000, 278000,
+    769000, 816000, 824000, 848000,  903000, 931000, 934000, 961000,
+    969000, 987000,1005000,1017000, 1006000, 840000, 850000, 0
+    };
+/*  Forward declaration(s):  */
+static UData_t CalcLO1Mult(UData_t *Div, UData_t *FracN, UData_t f_LO, UData_t f_LO_Step, UData_t f_Ref);
+static UData_t CalcLO2Mult(UData_t *Div, UData_t *FracN, UData_t f_LO, UData_t f_LO_Step, UData_t f_Ref);
+static UData_t fLO_FractionalTerm(UData_t f_ref, UData_t num, UData_t denom);
+static UData_t FindClearTuneFilter(MT2063_Info_t* pInfo, UData_t f_in);
+**  Name: MT2063_Open
+**  Description:    Initialize the tuner's register values.
+**  Parameters:     MT2063_Addr  - Serial bus address of the tuner.
+**                  hMT2063      - Tuner handle passed back.
+**                  hUserData    - User-defined data, if needed for the
+**                                 MT_ReadSub() & MT_WriteSub functions.
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK             - No errors
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL       - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR       - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR  - Too many tuners open
+**                      MT_TUNER_ID_ERR   - Tuner Part/Rev code mismatch
+**                      MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR - Tuner initialization failed
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_Open(UData_t MT2063_Addr,
+                    Handle_t* hMT2063,
+                    Handle_t hUserData)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                        /*  Status to be returned.  */
+    SData_t i;
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = MT_NULL;
+    /*  Check the argument before using  */
+    if (hMT2063 == MT_NULL)
+        return (UData_t)MT_ARG_NULL;
+    /*  Default tuner handle to NULL.  If successful, it will be reassigned  */
+    *hMT2063 = MT_NULL;
+    /*
+    **  If this is our first tuner, initialize the address fields and
+    **  the list of available control blocks.
+    */
+    if (nOpenTuners == 0)
+    {
+        for (i=MT2063_CNT-1; i>=0; i--)
+        {
+            MT2063_Info[i].handle = MT_NULL;
+            MT2063_Info[i].address = (UData_t)MAX_UDATA;
+            MT2063_Info[i].rcvr_mode = MT2063_CABLE_QAM;
+            MT2063_Info[i].hUserData = MT_NULL;
+            Avail[i] = &MT2063_Info[i];
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    **  Look for an existing MT2063_State_t entry with this address.
+    */
+    for (i=MT2063_CNT-1; i>=0; i--)
+    {
+        /*
+        **  If an open'ed handle provided, we'll re-initialize that structure.
+        **
+        **  We recognize an open tuner because the address and hUserData are
+        **  the same as one that has already been opened
+        */
+        if ((MT2063_Info[i].address == MT2063_Addr) &&
+            (MT2063_Info[i].hUserData == hUserData))
+        {
+            pInfo = &MT2063_Info[i];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /*  If not found, choose an empty spot.  */
+    if (pInfo == MT_NULL)
+    {
+        /*  Check to see that we're not over-allocating  */
+        if (nOpenTuners == MT2063_CNT)
+            return (UData_t)MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR;
+        /* Use the next available block from the list */
+        pInfo = Avail[nOpenTuners];
+        nOpenTuners++;
+    }
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= MT2063_RegisterTuner(&pInfo->AS_Data);
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        pInfo->handle    = (Handle_t) pInfo;
+        pInfo->hUserData = hUserData;
+        pInfo->address   = MT2063_Addr;
+        pInfo->rcvr_mode = MT2063_CABLE_QAM;
+//        status |= MT2063_ReInit((Handle_t) pInfo);
+    }
+    if (MT_IS_ERROR(status))
+        /*  MT2063_Close handles the un-registration of the tuner  */
+        (void)MT2063_Close((Handle_t) pInfo);
+    else
+        *hMT2063 = pInfo->handle;
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+static UData_t IsValidHandle(MT2063_Info_t* handle)
+    return (UData_t)(((handle != MT_NULL) && (handle->handle == handle)) ? 1 : 0);
+**  Name: MT2063_Close
+**  Description:    Release the handle to the tuner.
+**  Parameters:     hMT2063      - Handle to the MT2063 tuner
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK         - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   mt_errordef.h - definition of error codes
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_Close(Handle_t hMT2063)
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) hMT2063;
+    if (!IsValidHandle(pInfo))
+        return (UData_t)MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    /* Unregister tuner with SpurAvoidance routines (if needed) */
+    MT2063_UnRegisterTuner(&pInfo->AS_Data);
+    /* Now remove the tuner from our own list of tuners */
+    pInfo->handle    = MT_NULL;
+    pInfo->address   = (UData_t)MAX_UDATA;
+    pInfo->hUserData = MT_NULL;
+    nOpenTuners--;
+    Avail[nOpenTuners] = pInfo; /* Return control block to available list */
+    return (UData_t)MT_OK;
+**  Name: MT2063_GetGPIO
+**  Description:    Get the current MT2063 GPIO value.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**                  gpio_id      - Selects GPIO0, GPIO1 or GPIO2
+**                  attr         - Selects input readback, I/O direction or
+**                                 output value (MT2063_GPIO_IN,
+**                                 MT2063_GPIO_DIR or MT2063_GPIO_OUT)
+**                  *value       - current setting of GPIO pin
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_GetGPIO(hMT2063, MT2063_GPIO0,
+**                                          MT2063_GPIO_OUT, &value);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the serial bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetGPIO(Handle_t h,
+                       MT2063_GPIO_ID gpio_id,
+                       MT2063_GPIO_Attr attr,
+                       UData_t* value)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    U8Data  regno;
+    SData_t shift;
+    const U8Data GPIOreg[3] = {RF_STATUS, FIF_OV, RF_OV};
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        return (UData_t)MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (value == MT_NULL)
+        return (UData_t)MT_ARG_NULL;
+    regno = GPIOreg[attr];
+    /*  We'll read the register just in case the write didn't work last time */
+    status = MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, regno, &pInfo->reg[regno], 1);
+    shift = (SData_t)(gpio_id - MT2063_GPIO0 + 5);
+    *value = (pInfo->reg[regno] >> shift) & 1;
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetLocked
+**  Description:    Checks to see if LO1 and LO2 are locked.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_UPC_UNLOCK    - Upconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub    - Read byte(s) of data from the serial bus
+**                  MT_Sleep      - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetLocked(Handle_t h)
+    const UData_t nMaxWait = 100;            /*  wait a maximum of 100 msec   */
+    const UData_t nPollRate = 2;             /*  poll status bits every 2 ms */
+    const UData_t nMaxLoops = nMaxWait / nPollRate;
+    const U8Data LO1LK = 0x80;
+    U8Data LO2LK = 0x08;
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    UData_t nDelays = 0;
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        return (UData_t)MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    /*  LO2 Lock bit was in a different place for B0 version  */
+    if (pInfo->tuner_id == MT2063_B0)
+        LO2LK = 0x40;
+    do
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO_STATUS, &pInfo->reg[LO_STATUS], 1);
+        if (MT_IS_ERROR(status))
+            return (UData_t)(status);
+        if ((pInfo->reg[LO_STATUS] & (LO1LK | LO2LK)) == (LO1LK | LO2LK))
+            return (UData_t)(status);
+        MT2063_Sleep(pInfo->hUserData, nPollRate);       /*  Wait between retries  */
+    }
+    while (++nDelays < nMaxLoops);
+    if ((pInfo->reg[LO_STATUS] & LO1LK) == 0x00)
+        status |= MT_UPC_UNLOCK;
+    if ((pInfo->reg[LO_STATUS] & LO2LK) == 0x00)
+        status |= MT_DNC_UNLOCK;
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetParam
+**  Description:    Gets a tuning algorithm parameter.
+**                  This function provides access to the internals of the
+**                  tuning algorithm - mostly for testing purposes.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  param       - Tuning algorithm parameter
+**                                (see enum MT2063_Param)
+**                  pValue      - ptr to returned value
+**                  param                     Description
+**                  ----------------------    --------------------------------
+**                  MT2063_VERSION            Version of the API
+**                  MT2063_IC_ADDR            Serial Bus address of this tuner
+**                  MT2063_IC_REV             Tuner revision code
+**                  MT2063_MAX_OPEN           Max # of MT2063's allowed open
+**                  MT2063_NUM_OPEN           # of MT2063's open
+**                  MT2063_SRO_FREQ           crystal frequency
+**                  MT2063_STEPSIZE           minimum tuning step size
+**                  MT2063_INPUT_FREQ         input center frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO1_FREQ           LO1 Frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO1_STEPSIZE       LO1 minimum step size
+**                  MT2063_LO1_FRACN_AVOID    LO1 FracN keep-out region
+**                  MT2063_IF1_ACTUAL         Current 1st IF in use
+**                  MT2063_IF1_REQUEST        Requested 1st IF
+**                  MT2063_IF1_CENTER         Center of 1st IF SAW filter
+**                  MT2063_IF1_BW             Bandwidth of 1st IF SAW filter
+**                  MT2063_ZIF_BW             zero-IF bandwidth
+**                  MT2063_LO2_FREQ           LO2 Frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO2_STEPSIZE       LO2 minimum step size
+**                  MT2063_LO2_FRACN_AVOID    LO2 FracN keep-out region
+**                  MT2063_OUTPUT_FREQ        output center frequency
+**                  MT2063_OUTPUT_BW          output bandwidth
+**                  MT2063_LO_SEPARATION      min inter-tuner LO separation
+**                  MT2063_AS_ALG             ID of avoid-spurs algorithm in use
+**                  MT2063_MAX_HARM1          max # of intra-tuner harmonics
+**                  MT2063_MAX_HARM2          max # of inter-tuner harmonics
+**                  MT2063_EXCL_ZONES         # of 1st IF exclusion zones
+**                  MT2063_NUM_SPURS          # of spurs found/avoided
+**                  MT2063_SPUR_AVOIDED       >0 spurs avoided
+**                  MT2063_SPUR_PRESENT       >0 spurs in output (mathematically)
+**                  MT2063_RCVR_MODE          Predefined modes.
+**                  MT2063_LNA_RIN            Get LNA RIN value
+**                  MT2063_LNA_TGT            Get target power level at LNA
+**                  MT2063_PD1_TGT            Get target power level at PD1
+**                  MT2063_PD2_TGT            Get target power level at PD2
+**                  MT2063_ACLNA              LNA attenuator gain code
+**                  MT2063_ACRF               RF attenuator gain code
+**                  MT2063_ACFIF              FIF attenuator gain code
+**                  MT2063_ACLNA_MAX          LNA attenuator limit
+**                  MT2063_ACRF_MAX           RF attenuator limit
+**                  MT2063_ACFIF_MAX          FIF attenuator limit
+**                  MT2063_PD1                Actual value of PD1
+**                  MT2063_PD2                Actual value of PD2
+**                  MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE  DNC output selection
+**                  MT2063_VGAGC              VGA gain code
+**                  MT2063_VGAOI              VGA output current
+**                  MT2063_TAGC               TAGC setting
+**                  MT2063_AMPGC              AMP gain code
+**                  MT2063_AVOID_DECT         Avoid DECT Frequencies
+**                  MT2063_CTFILT_SW          Cleartune filter selection
+**  Usage:          status |= MT2063_GetParam(hMT2063,
+**                                            MT2063_IF1_ACTUAL,
+**                                            &f_IF1_Actual);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Invalid parameter requested
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2063_SetParam, MT2063_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   154   09-13-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Get/SetParam changes for LOx_FREQ
+**         10-31-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.08: Get/SetParam add VGAGC, VGAOI, AMPGC, TAGC
+**   173 M 01-23-2008    RSK    Ver 1.12: Read LO1C and LO2C registers from HW
+**                                        in GetParam.
+**         04-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.15: Add SetParam LNARIN & PDxTGT
+**                                        Split SetParam up to ACLNA / ACLNA_MAX
+**                                        removed ACLNA_INRC/DECR (+RF & FIF)
+**                                        removed GCUAUTO / BYPATNDN/UP
+**   175 I 16-06-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.16: Add control to avoid US DECT freqs.
+**   175 I 06-19-2008    RSK    Ver 1.17: Refactor DECT control to SpurAvoid.
+**         06-24-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.18: Add Get/SetParam CTFILT_SW
+**         07-10-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.19: Documentation Updates, Add a GetParam
+**                                        for each SetParam (LNA_RIN, TGTs)
+**   N/A I 03-19-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.32: Add GetParam VERSION (of API)
+**                                        Add GetParam IC_REV
+**   N/A I 04-22-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.33: Small fix in GetParam PD1/PD2
+UData_t MT2063_GetParam(Handle_t     h,
+                        MT2063_Param param,
+                        UData_t*     pValue)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    UData_t Div;
+    UData_t Num;
+    UData_t i;
+    U8Data reg;
+    if (pValue == MT_NULL)
+        status |= MT_ARG_NULL;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        *pValue = 0;
+        switch (param)
+        {
+        /*  version of the API, e.g. 10302 = 1.32 */
+        case MT2063_VERSION:
+            *pValue = pInfo->version;
+            break;
+        /*  Serial Bus address of this tuner      */
+        case MT2063_IC_ADDR:
+            *pValue = pInfo->address;
+            break;
+        /*  tuner revision code (see enum  MT2063_REVCODE for values) */
+        case MT2063_IC_REV:
+            *pValue = pInfo->tuner_id;
+            break;
+        /*  Max # of MT2063's allowed to be open  */
+        case MT2063_MAX_OPEN:
+            *pValue = nMaxTuners;
+            break;
+        /*  # of MT2063's open                    */
+        case MT2063_NUM_OPEN:
+            *pValue = nOpenTuners;
+            break;
+        /*  crystal frequency                     */
+        case MT2063_SRO_FREQ:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref;
+            break;
+        /*  minimum tuning step size              */
+        case MT2063_STEPSIZE:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_Step;
+            break;
+        /*  input center frequency                */
+        case MT2063_INPUT_FREQ:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_in;
+            break;
+        /*  LO1 Frequency                         */
+        case MT2063_LO1_FREQ:
+            {
+                /* read the actual tuner register values for LO1C_1 and LO1C_2 */
+                status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO1C_1, &pInfo->reg[LO1C_1], 2);
+                Div = pInfo->reg[LO1C_1];
+                Num = pInfo->reg[LO1C_2] & 0x3F;
+                pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 = (pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref * Div) + fLO_FractionalTerm(pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref, Num, 64);
+                *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1;
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  LO1 minimum step size                 */
+        case MT2063_LO1_STEPSIZE:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_Step;
+            break;
+        /*  LO1 FracN keep-out region             */
+        case MT2063_LO1_FRACN_AVOID:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_FracN_Avoid;
+            break;
+        /*  Current 1st IF in use                 */
+        case MT2063_IF1_ACTUAL:
+            *pValue = pInfo->f_IF1_actual;
+            break;
+        /*  Requested 1st IF                      */
+        case MT2063_IF1_REQUEST:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Request;
+            break;
+        /*  Center of 1st IF SAW filter           */
+        case MT2063_IF1_CENTER:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Center;
+            break;
+        /*  Bandwidth of 1st IF SAW filter        */
+        case MT2063_IF1_BW:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_bw;
+            break;
+        /*  zero-IF bandwidth                     */
+        case MT2063_ZIF_BW:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_zif_bw;
+            break;
+        /*  LO2 Frequency                         */
+        case MT2063_LO2_FREQ:
+            {
+                /* Read the actual tuner register values for LO2C_1, LO2C_2 and LO2C_3 */
+                status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO2C_1, &pInfo->reg[LO2C_1], 3);
+                Div =  (pInfo->reg[LO2C_1] & 0xFE ) >> 1;
+                Num = ((pInfo->reg[LO2C_1] & 0x01 ) << 12) | (pInfo->reg[LO2C_2] << 4) | (pInfo->reg[LO2C_3] & 0x00F);
+                pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2 = (pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref * Div) + fLO_FractionalTerm(pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref, Num, 8191);
+                *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2;
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  LO2 minimum step size                 */
+        case MT2063_LO2_STEPSIZE:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_Step;
+            break;
+        /*  LO2 FracN keep-out region             */
+        case MT2063_LO2_FRACN_AVOID:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_FracN_Avoid;
+            break;
+        /*  output center frequency               */
+        case MT2063_OUTPUT_FREQ:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_out;
+            break;
+        /*  output bandwidth                      */
+        case MT2063_OUTPUT_BW:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_out_bw - 750000;
+            break;
+        /*  min inter-tuner LO separation         */
+        case MT2063_LO_SEPARATION:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.f_min_LO_Separation;
+            break;
+        /*  ID of avoid-spurs algorithm in use    */
+        case MT2063_AS_ALG:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.nAS_Algorithm;
+            break;
+        /*  max # of intra-tuner harmonics        */
+        case MT2063_MAX_HARM1:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.maxH1;
+            break;
+        /*  max # of inter-tuner harmonics        */
+        case MT2063_MAX_HARM2:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.maxH2;
+            break;
+        /*  # of 1st IF exclusion zones           */
+        case MT2063_EXCL_ZONES:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.nZones;
+            break;
+        /*  # of spurs found/avoided              */
+        case MT2063_NUM_SPURS:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.nSpursFound;
+            break;
+        /*  >0 spurs avoided                      */
+        case MT2063_SPUR_AVOIDED:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.bSpurAvoided;
+            break;
+        /*  >0 spurs in output (mathematically)   */
+        case MT2063_SPUR_PRESENT:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.bSpurPresent;
+            break;
+        /*  Predefined receiver setup combination */
+        case MT2063_RCVR_MODE:
+            *pValue = pInfo->rcvr_mode;
+            break;
+        case MT2063_PD1:
+        case MT2063_PD2:
+            {
+                reg = pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL] | ( (param == MT2063_PD1 ? 0x01 : 0x03) & 0x03 );  /* PD1 vs PD2 */
+                /* Initiate ADC output to reg 0x0A */
+                if (reg != pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL])
+                    status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, BYP_CTRL, &reg, 1);
+                if (MT_IS_ERROR(status))
+                    return (UData_t)(status);
+                for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
+                    status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, ADC_OUT, &pInfo->reg[ADC_OUT], 1);
+                    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+                        *pValue += (pInfo->reg[ADC_OUT] >> 2);   /*  only want 6 MSB's out of 8  */
+                    else
+                        break;  /* break for-loop */
+                }
+                *pValue /= (i+1);     /*  divide by number of reads  */
+                /* Restore value of Register BYP_CTRL */
+                if (reg != pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL])
+                    status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, BYP_CTRL, &pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL], 1);
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  Get LNA RIN value                  */
+        case MT2063_LNA_RIN:
+            status |= (pInfo->reg[CTRL_2C] & 0x03);
+            break;
+        /*  Get LNA target value                  */
+        case MT2063_LNA_TGT:
+            status |= (pInfo->reg[LNA_TGT] & 0x3f);
+            break;
+        /*  Get PD1 target value                  */
+        case MT2063_PD1_TGT:
+            status |= (pInfo->reg[PD1_TGT] & 0x3f);
+            break;
+        /*  Get PD2 target value                  */
+        case MT2063_PD2_TGT:
+            status |= (pInfo->reg[PD2_TGT] & 0x3f);
+            break;
+        /*  Get LNA attenuator code                */
+        case MT2063_ACLNA:
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_GetReg(pInfo, XO_STATUS, &reg);
+                *pValue = reg & 0x1f;
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  Get RF attenuator code                */
+        case MT2063_ACRF:
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_GetReg(pInfo, RF_STATUS, &reg);
+                *pValue = reg & 0x1f;
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  Get FIF attenuator code               */
+        case MT2063_ACFIF:
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_GetReg(pInfo, FIF_STATUS, &reg);
+                *pValue = reg & 0x1f;
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  Get LNA attenuator limit              */
+        case MT2063_ACLNA_MAX:
+            status |= (pInfo->reg[LNA_OV] & 0x1f);
+            break;
+        /*  Get RF attenuator limit               */
+        case MT2063_ACRF_MAX:
+            status |= (pInfo->reg[RF_OV] & 0x1f);
+            break;
+        /*  Get FIF attenuator limit               */
+        case MT2063_ACFIF_MAX:
+            status |= (pInfo->reg[FIF_OV] & 0x1f);
+            break;
+        /*  Get current used DNC output */
+        case MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE:
+            {
+                if ( (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] & 0x03) == 0x03)   /* if DNC1 is off */
+                {
+                    if ( (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] & 0x03) == 0x03) /* if DNC2 is off */
+                        *pValue = (UData_t)MT2063_DNC_NONE;
+                    else
+                        *pValue = (UData_t)MT2063_DNC_2;
+                }
+                else /* DNC1 is on */
+                {
+                    if ( (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] & 0x03) == 0x03) /* if DNC2 is off */
+                        *pValue = (UData_t)MT2063_DNC_1;
+                    else
+                        *pValue = (UData_t)MT2063_DNC_BOTH;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+       /*  Get VGA Gain Code */
+        case MT2063_VGAGC:
+           *pValue = ( (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] & 0x0C) >> 2 );
+            break;
+       /*  Get VGA bias current */
+        case MT2063_VGAOI:
+            *pValue = (pInfo->reg[RSVD_31] & 0x07);
+            break;
+       /*  Get TAGC setting */
+        case MT2063_TAGC:
+            *pValue = (pInfo->reg[RSVD_1E] & 0x03);
+            break;
+       /*  Get AMP Gain Code */
+        case MT2063_AMPGC:
+           *pValue = (pInfo->reg[TEMP_SEL] & 0x03);
+            break;
+       /*  Avoid DECT Frequencies  */
+        case MT2063_AVOID_DECT:
+            *pValue = pInfo->AS_Data.avoidDECT;
+            break;
+       /*  Cleartune filter selection: 0 - by IC (default), 1 - by software  */
+        case MT2063_CTFILT_SW:
+            *pValue = pInfo->ctfilt_sw;
+            break;
+        case MT2063_EOP:
+        default:
+            status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetReg
+**  Description:    Gets an MT2063 register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  reg         - MT2063 register/subaddress location
+**                  *val        - MT2063 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to read a register from
+**                  the MT2063.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetReg(Handle_t h,
+                      U8Data   reg,
+                      U8Data*  val)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (val == MT_NULL)
+        status |= MT_ARG_NULL;
+    if (reg >= END_REGS)
+        status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, reg, &pInfo->reg[reg], 1);
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+            *val = pInfo->reg[reg];
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetTemp
+**  Description:    Get the MT2063 Temperature register.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**                  *value       - value read from the register
+**                                    Binary
+**                  Value Returned    Value    Approx Temp
+**                  ---------------------------------------------
+**                  MT2063_T_0C       0000         0C
+**                  MT2063_T_10C      0001        10C
+**                  MT2063_T_20C      0010        20C
+**                  MT2063_T_30C      0011        30C
+**                  MT2063_T_40C      0100        40C
+**                  MT2063_T_50C      0101        50C
+**                  MT2063_T_60C      0110        60C
+**                  MT2063_T_70C      0111        70C
+**                  MT2063_T_80C      1000        80C
+**                  MT2063_T_90C      1001        90C
+**                  MT2063_T_100C     1010       100C
+**                  MT2063_T_110C     1011       110C
+**                  MT2063_T_120C     1100       120C
+**                  MT2063_T_130C     1101       130C
+**                  MT2063_T_140C     1110       140C
+**                  MT2063_T_150C     1111       150C
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetTemp(Handle_t h, MT2063_Temperature* value)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        return (UData_t)MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (value == MT_NULL)
+        return (UData_t)MT_ARG_NULL;
+    if ((MT_NO_ERROR(status)) && ((pInfo->reg[TEMP_SEL] & 0xE0) != 0x00))
+    {
+        pInfo->reg[TEMP_SEL] &= (0x1F);
+        status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                              pInfo->address,
+                              TEMP_SEL,
+                              &pInfo->reg[TEMP_SEL],
+                              1);
+    }
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                             pInfo->address,
+                             TEMP_STATUS,
+                             &pInfo->reg[TEMP_STATUS],
+                             1);
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        *value = (MT2063_Temperature) (pInfo->reg[TEMP_STATUS] >> 4);
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetUserData
+**  Description:    Gets the user-defined data item.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument
+**                  that is stored internally with the other tuner-
+**                  specific information.
+**                  For example, if additional arguments are needed
+**                  for the user to identify the device communicating
+**                  with the tuner, this argument can be used to supply
+**                  the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's
+**                  Open function to NULL.
+**  See Also:       MT2063_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetUserData(Handle_t h,
+                           Handle_t* hUserData)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (hUserData == MT_NULL)
+        status |= MT_ARG_NULL;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        *hUserData = pInfo->hUserData;
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetReceiverMode
+**  Description:    Set the MT2063 receiver mode
+**   --------------+----------------------------------------------
+**    Mode 0 :     | MT2063_CABLE_QAM
+**    Mode 1 :     | MT2063_CABLE_ANALOG
+**    Mode 2 :     | MT2063_OFFAIR_COFDM
+**    Mode 3 :     | MT2063_OFFAIR_COFDM_SAWLESS
+**    Mode 4 :     | MT2063_OFFAIR_ANALOG
+**    Mode 5 :     | MT2063_OFFAIR_8VSB
+**   --------------+----+----+----+----+-----+--------------------
+**  (DNC1GC & DNC2GC are the values, which are used, when the specific
+**   DNC Output is selected, the other is always off)
+**                |<----------   Mode  -------------->|
+**    Reg Field   |  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |
+**    ------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+**    RFAGCen     | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF |
+**    LNARin      |   0 |   0 |   3 |   3 |  3  |  3  |
+**    FIFFQen     |   1 |   1 |   1 |   1 |  1  |  1  |
+**    FIFFq       |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  0  |  0  |
+**    DNC1gc      |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  0  |  0  |
+**    DNC2gc      |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  0  |  0  |
+**    LNA max Atn |  31 |  31 |  31 |  31 | 31  | 31  |
+**    LNA Target  |  44 |  43 |  43 |  43 | 43  | 43  |
+**    ign  RF Ovl |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  0  |  0  |
+**    RF  max Atn |  31 |  31 |  31 |  31 | 31  | 31  |
+**    PD1 Target  |  36 |  36 |  38 |  38 | 36  | 38  |
+**    ign FIF Ovl |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  0  |  0  |
+**    FIF max Atn |  29 |   0 |  29 |  29 |  0  | 29  |
+**    PD2 Target  |  40 |  34 |  38 |  42 | 34  | 38  |
+**  Parameters:     pInfo       - ptr to MT2063_Info_t structure
+**                  Mode        - desired reciever mode
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_SetReceiverMode(hMT2063, Mode);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK             - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR       - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   MT2063_SetReg - Write a byte of data to a HW register.
+**                  Assumes that the tuner cache is valid.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   N/A   01-10-2007    PINZ   Added additional GCU Settings, FIFF Calib will be triggered
+**   155   10-01-2007    DAD    Ver 1.06: Add receiver mode for SECAM positive
+**                                        modulation
+**                                        (MT2063_ANALOG_TV_POS_NO_RFAGC_MODE)
+**   N/A   10-22-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.07: Changed some Registers at init to have
+**                                        the same settings as with MT Launcher
+**   N/A   10-30-2007    PINZ             Add SetParam VGAGC & VGAOI
+**                                        Add SetParam DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE
+**                                        Removed VGAGC from receiver mode,
+**                                        default now 1
+**   N/A   10-31-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.08: Add SetParam TAGC, removed from rcvr-mode
+**                                        Add SetParam AMPGC, removed from rcvr-mode
+**                                        Corrected names of GCU values
+**                                        reorganized receiver modes, removed,
+**                                        (MT2063_ANALOG_TV_POS_NO_RFAGC_MODE)
+**                                        Actualized Receiver-Mode values
+**   N/A   11-12-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.09: Actualized Receiver-Mode values
+**   N/A   11-27-2007    PINZ             Improved buffered writing
+**         01-03-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.10: Added a trigger of BYPATNUP for
+**                                        correct wakeup of the LNA after shutdown
+**                                        Set AFCsd = 1 as default
+**                                        Changed CAP1sel default
+**         01-14-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.11: Updated gain settings
+**         04-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.15: Add SetParam LNARIN & PDxTGT
+**                                        Split SetParam up to ACLNA / ACLNA_MAX
+**                                        removed ACLNA_INRC/DECR (+RF & FIF)
+**                                        removed GCUAUTO / BYPATNDN/UP
+**         11-05-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.25: Bugfix, update rcvr_mode var earlier.
+**   N/A I 02-26-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.30: RCVRmode 2: acfifmax 29->0, pd2tgt 33->34
+**                                        RCVRmode 4: acfifmax 29->0, pd2tgt 30->34
+static UData_t MT2063_SetReceiverMode(MT2063_Info_t* pInfo, MT2063_RCVR_MODES Mode)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    U8Data  val;
+    UData_t longval;
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        return (UData_t)MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (Mode >= MT2063_NUM_RCVR_MODES)
+        status = MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        pInfo->rcvr_mode = Mode;
+    /* RFAGCen */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        val = (pInfo->reg[PD1_TGT] & (U8Data)~0x40) | (RFAGCEN[Mode] ? 0x40 : 0x00);
+        if( pInfo->reg[PD1_TGT] != val )
+        {
+            status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, PD1_TGT, val);
+        }
+    }
+    /* LNARin */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_SetParam(pInfo, MT2063_LNA_RIN, LNARIN[Mode]);
+    }
+    /* FIFFQEN and FIFFQ */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        val = (pInfo->reg[FIFF_CTRL2] & (U8Data)~0xF0) | (FIFFQEN[Mode] << 7) | (FIFFQ[Mode] << 4);
+        if( pInfo->reg[FIFF_CTRL2] != val )
+        {
+            status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, FIFF_CTRL2, val);
+            /* trigger FIFF calibration, needed after changing FIFFQ */
+            val = (pInfo->reg[FIFF_CTRL] | (U8Data)0x01);
+            status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, FIFF_CTRL, val);
+            val = (pInfo->reg[FIFF_CTRL] & (U8Data)~0x01);
+            status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, FIFF_CTRL, val);
+        }
+    }
+    /* DNC1GC & DNC2GC */
+    status |= MT2063_GetParam(pInfo, MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE, &longval);
+    status |= MT2063_SetParam(pInfo, MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE, longval);
+    /* acLNAmax */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_SetParam(pInfo, MT2063_ACLNA_MAX, ACLNAMAX[Mode]);
+    }
+    /* LNATGT */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_SetParam(pInfo, MT2063_LNA_TGT, LNATGT[Mode]);
+    }
+    /* ACRF */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_SetParam(pInfo, MT2063_ACRF_MAX, ACRFMAX[Mode]);
+    }
+    /* PD1TGT */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_SetParam(pInfo, MT2063_PD1_TGT, PD1TGT[Mode]);
+    }
+    /* FIFATN */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_SetParam(pInfo, MT2063_ACFIF_MAX, ACFIFMAX[Mode]);
+    }
+    /* PD2TGT */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_SetParam(pInfo, MT2063_PD2_TGT, PD2TGT[Mode]);
+    }
+    /* Ignore ATN Overload */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        val = (pInfo->reg[LNA_TGT] & (U8Data)~0x80) | (RFOVDIS[Mode] ? 0x80 : 0x00);
+        if( pInfo->reg[LNA_TGT] != val )
+        {
+            status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, LNA_TGT, val);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Ignore FIF Overload */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        val = (pInfo->reg[PD1_TGT] & (U8Data)~0x80) | (FIFOVDIS[Mode] ? 0x80 : 0x00);
+        if( pInfo->reg[PD1_TGT] != val )
+        {
+            status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, PD1_TGT, val);
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_ReInit
+**  Description:    Initialize the tuner's register values.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_TUNER_ID_ERR   - Tuner Part/Rev code mismatch
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   148   09-04-2007    RSK    Ver 1.02: Corrected logic of Reg 3B Reference
+**   153   09-07-2007    RSK    Ver 1.03: Lock Time improvements
+**   N/A   10-31-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.08: Changed values suitable to rcvr-mode 0
+**   N/A   11-12-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.09: Changed values suitable to rcvr-mode 0
+**   N/A   01-03-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.10: Added AFCsd = 1 into defaults
+**   N/A   01-04-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.10: Changed CAP1sel default
+**         01-14-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.11: Updated gain settings
+**         03-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.13: Added Support for B3
+**   175 I 06-19-2008    RSK    Ver 1.17: Refactor DECT control to SpurAvoid.
+**         06-24-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.18: Add Get/SetParam CTFILT_SW
+**         08-05-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.20: Disable SDEXT pin while MT2063_ReInit
+**                                        with MT2063B3
+**   N/A I 03-02-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.31: new default Fout 43.75 -> 36.125MHz
+**                                        new default Output-BW 6 -> 8MHz
+**                                        new default Stepsize 50 -> 62.5kHz
+**                                        new default Fin 651 -> 666 MHz
+**                                        Changed order of receiver-mode init
+**   N/A I 04-29-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.34: Optimized ReInit function
+UData_t MT2063_ReInit(Handle_t h)
+    U8Data all_resets = 0xF0;                /* reset/load bits */
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    UData_t rev=0;
+    U8Data MT2063B0_defaults[] = { /* Reg,  Value */
+                                     0x19, 0x05,
+                                     0x1B, 0x1D,
+                                     0x1C, 0x1F,
+                                     0x1D, 0x0F,
+                                     0x1E, 0x3F,
+                                     0x1F, 0x0F,
+                                     0x20, 0x3F,
+                                     0x22, 0x21,
+                                     0x23, 0x3F,
+                                     0x24, 0x20,
+                                     0x25, 0x3F,
+                                     0x27, 0xEE,
+                                     0x2C, 0x27,  /*  bit at 0x20 is cleared below  */
+                                     0x30, 0x03,
+                                     0x2C, 0x07,  /*  bit at 0x20 is cleared here   */
+                                     0x2D, 0x87,
+                                     0x2E, 0xAA,
+                                     0x28, 0xE1,  /*  Set the FIFCrst bit here      */
+                                     0x28, 0xE0,  /*  Clear the FIFCrst bit here    */
+                                     0x00 };
+    /* writing 0x05 0xf0 sw-resets all registers, so we write only needed changes */
+    U8Data MT2063B1_defaults[] = { /* Reg,  Value */
+                                     0x05, 0xF0,
+                                     0x11, 0x10,  /* New Enable AFCsd */
+                                     0x19, 0x05,
+                                     0x1A, 0x6C,
+                                     0x1B, 0x24,
+                                     0x1C, 0x28,
+                                     0x1D, 0x8F,
+                                     0x1E, 0x14,
+                                     0x1F, 0x8F,
+                                     0x20, 0x57,
+                                     0x22, 0x21,  /* New - ver 1.03 */
+                                     0x23, 0x3C,  /* New - ver 1.10 */
+                                     0x24, 0x20,  /* New - ver 1.03 */
+                                     0x2C, 0x24,  /*  bit at 0x20 is cleared below  */
+                                     0x2D, 0x87,  /*  FIFFQ=0  */
+                                     0x2F, 0xF3,
+                                     0x30, 0x0C,  /* New - ver 1.11 */
+                                     0x31, 0x1B,  /* New - ver 1.11 */
+                                     0x2C, 0x04,  /*  bit at 0x20 is cleared here  */
+                                     0x28, 0xE1,  /*  Set the FIFCrst bit here      */
+                                     0x28, 0xE0,  /*  Clear the FIFCrst bit here    */
+                                     0x00 };
+    /* writing 0x05 0xf0 sw-resets all registers, so we write only needed changes */
+    U8Data MT2063B3_defaults[] = { /* Reg,  Value */
+                                     0x05, 0xF0,
+                                     0x11, 0x13,  /*  disable SDEXT/INTsd for init */
+                                     0x2C, 0x24,  /*  bit at 0x20 is cleared below  */
+                                     0x2C, 0x04,  /*  bit at 0x20 is cleared here  */
+                                     0x28, 0xE1,  /*  Set the FIFCrst bit here      */
+                                     0x28, 0xE0,  /*  Clear the FIFCrst bit here    */
+                                     0x00 };
+    U8Data *def=MT2063B3_defaults;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    /*  Read the Part/Rev code from the tuner */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, PART_REV, pInfo->reg, 1);
+    /*  Read the Part/Rev codes (2nd byte) from the tuner */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, RSVD_3B, &pInfo->reg[RSVD_3B], 2);
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status)) { /* Check the part/rev code */
+        switch (pInfo->reg[PART_REV]) {
+            case 0x9e : {
+                if ( (pInfo->reg[RSVD_3C] & 0x18) == 0x08 ) {
+                    rev = MT2063_XX;
+                    status |= MT_TUNER_ID_ERR;
+                }
+                else {
+                    rev = MT2063_B3;
+                    def = MT2063B3_defaults;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case 0x9c : {
+                rev = MT2063_B1;
+                def = MT2063B1_defaults;
+                break;
+            }
+            case 0x9b : {
+                rev = MT2063_B0;
+                def = MT2063B0_defaults;
+                break;
+            }
+            default : {
+                rev = MT2063_XX;
+                status |= MT_TUNER_ID_ERR;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status)  /* Check the 2nd part/rev code */
+        && ((pInfo->reg[RSVD_3B] & 0x80) != 0x00))    /* b7 != 0 ==> NOT MT2063 */
+            status |= MT_TUNER_ID_ERR;      /*  Wrong tuner Part/Rev code */
+    /*  Reset the tuner  */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                              pInfo->address,
+                              LO2CQ_3,
+                              &all_resets,
+                              1);
+    while (MT_NO_ERROR(status) && *def)
+    {
+        U8Data reg = *def++;
+        U8Data val = *def++;
+        status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, reg, &val, 1);
+    }
+    /*  Wait for FIFF location to complete.  */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        UData_t FCRUN = 1;
+        SData_t maxReads = 10;
+        while (MT_NO_ERROR(status) && (FCRUN != 0) && (maxReads-- > 0))
+        {
+            MT2063_Sleep(pInfo->hUserData, 2);
+            status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                                pInfo->address,
+                                XO_STATUS,
+                                &pInfo->reg[XO_STATUS],
+                                1);
+            FCRUN = (pInfo->reg[XO_STATUS] & 0x40) >> 6;
+        }
+        if (FCRUN != 0)
+            status |= MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR | MT_TUNER_TIMEOUT;
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))  /* Re-read FIFFC value */
+            status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, FIFFC, &pInfo->reg[FIFFC], 1);
+    }
+    /* Read back all the registers from the tuner */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                             pInfo->address,
+                             PART_REV,
+                             pInfo->reg,
+                             END_REGS);
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        /*  Initialize the tuner state.  */
+        pInfo->version = MT2063_MODULE_VERSION;
+        pInfo->tuner_id = rev;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref = REF_FREQ;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Center = (pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref / 8) * ((UData_t) pInfo->reg[FIFFC] + 640);
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_bw = IF1_BW;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_out = 36125000;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_out_bw = 8000000;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_zif_bw = ZIF_BW;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_Step = pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref / 64;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_Step = TUNE_STEP_SIZE;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.maxH1 = MAX_HARMONICS_1;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.maxH2 = MAX_HARMONICS_2;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_min_LO_Separation = MIN_LO_SEP;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Request = pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Center;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 = 2181000000U;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2 = 1486249786;
+        pInfo->f_IF1_actual = pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Center;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_in = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 - pInfo->f_IF1_actual;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_FracN_Avoid = LO1_FRACN_AVOID;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_FracN_Avoid = LO2_FRACN_AVOID;
+        pInfo->num_regs = END_REGS;
+        pInfo->AS_Data.avoidDECT = MT_AVOID_BOTH;
+        pInfo->ctfilt_sw = 1;
+    }
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 0] =   69422000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 1] =  106211000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 2] =  140427000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 3] =  177240000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 4] =  213091000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 5] =  241378000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 6] =  274596000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 7] =  309696000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 8] =  342398000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[ 9] =  378728000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[10] =  416053000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[11] =  456693000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[12] =  496105000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[13] =  534448000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[14] =  572893000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[15] =  603218000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[16] =  632650000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[17] =  668229000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[18] =  710828000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[19] =  735135000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[20] =  765601000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[21] =  809919000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[22] =  842538000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[23] =  863353000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[24] =  911285000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[25] =  942310000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[26] =  977602000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[27] = 1015100000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[28] = 1053415000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[29] = 1098330000;
+        pInfo->CTFiltMax[30] = 1138990000;
+    }
+    /*
+    **   Fetch the FCU osc value and use it and the fRef value to
+    **   scale all of the Band Max values
+    */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        UData_t fcu_osc;
+        UData_t i;
+        pInfo->reg[CTUNE_CTRL] = 0x0A;
+        status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, CTUNE_CTRL, &pInfo->reg[CTUNE_CTRL], 1);
+        /*  Read the ClearTune filter calibration value  */
+        status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, FIFFC, &pInfo->reg[FIFFC], 1);
+        fcu_osc = pInfo->reg[FIFFC];
+        pInfo->reg[CTUNE_CTRL] = 0x00;
+        status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, CTUNE_CTRL, &pInfo->reg[CTUNE_CTRL], 1);
+        /*  Adjust each of the values in the ClearTune filter cross-over table  */
+        for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
+        {
+            if (fcu_osc>127) pInfo->CTFiltMax[i] += ( fcu_osc - 128 ) * df_dosc[i];
+            else             pInfo->CTFiltMax[i] -= ( 128 - fcu_osc ) * df_dosc[i];
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    **   Set the default receiver mode
+    **
+    */
+//    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status) )
+//    {
+//        status |= MT2063_SetParam(h,MT2063_RCVR_MODE,MT2063_CABLE_QAM);
+//    }
+    /*
+    **   Tune to the default frequency
+    **
+    */
+//    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status) )
+//    {
+//        status |= MT2063_Tune(h,DEF_FIN_FREQ);
+//    }
+    /*
+    **   Enable SDEXT pin again
+    **
+    */
+    if ( (MT_NO_ERROR(status)) && (pInfo->tuner_id >= MT2063_B3) )
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_SetReg(h,PWR_1,0x1b);
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetGPIO
+**  Description:    Modify the MT2063 GPIO value.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**                  gpio_id      - Selects GPIO0, GPIO1 or GPIO2
+**                  attr         - Selects input readback, I/O direction or
+**                                 output value
+**                  value        - value to set GPIO pin 15, 14 or 19
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_SetGPIO(hMT2063, MT2063_GPIO1, MT2063_GPIO_OUT, 1);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire-bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_SetGPIO(Handle_t h, MT2063_GPIO_ID gpio_id,
+                                   MT2063_GPIO_Attr attr,
+                                   UData_t value)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    U8Data regno;
+    SData_t shift;
+    const U8Data GPIOreg[3] = {0x15, 0x19, 0x18};
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        return (UData_t)MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    regno = GPIOreg[attr];
+    shift = (SData_t)(gpio_id - MT2063_GPIO0 + 5);
+    if (value & 0x01)
+        pInfo->reg[regno] |= (0x01 << shift);
+    else
+        pInfo->reg[regno] &= ~(0x01 << shift);
+    status = MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, regno, &pInfo->reg[regno], 1);
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetParam
+**  Description:    Sets a tuning algorithm parameter.
+**                  This function provides access to the internals of the
+**                  tuning algorithm.  You can override many of the tuning
+**                  algorithm defaults using this function.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  param       - Tuning algorithm parameter
+**                                (see enum MT2063_Param)
+**                  nValue      - value to be set
+**                  param                     Description
+**                  ----------------------    --------------------------------
+**                  MT2063_SRO_FREQ           crystal frequency
+**                  MT2063_STEPSIZE           minimum tuning step size
+**                  MT2063_LO1_FREQ           LO1 frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO1_STEPSIZE       LO1 minimum step size
+**                  MT2063_LO1_FRACN_AVOID    LO1 FracN keep-out region
+**                  MT2063_IF1_REQUEST        Requested 1st IF
+**                  MT2063_ZIF_BW             zero-IF bandwidth
+**                  MT2063_LO2_FREQ           LO2 frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO2_STEPSIZE       LO2 minimum step size
+**                  MT2063_LO2_FRACN_AVOID    LO2 FracN keep-out region
+**                  MT2063_OUTPUT_FREQ        output center frequency
+**                  MT2063_OUTPUT_BW          output bandwidth
+**                  MT2063_LO_SEPARATION      min inter-tuner LO separation
+**                  MT2063_MAX_HARM1          max # of intra-tuner harmonics
+**                  MT2063_MAX_HARM2          max # of inter-tuner harmonics
+**                  MT2063_RCVR_MODE          Predefined modes
+**                  MT2063_LNA_RIN            Set LNA Rin (*)
+**                  MT2063_LNA_TGT            Set target power level at LNA (*)
+**                  MT2063_PD1_TGT            Set target power level at PD1 (*)
+**                  MT2063_PD2_TGT            Set target power level at PD2 (*)
+**                  MT2063_ACLNA_MAX          LNA attenuator limit (*)
+**                  MT2063_ACRF_MAX           RF attenuator limit (*)
+**                  MT2063_ACFIF_MAX          FIF attenuator limit (*)
+**                  MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE  DNC output selection
+**                  MT2063_VGAGC              VGA gain code
+**                  MT2063_VGAOI              VGA output current
+**                  MT2063_TAGC               TAGC setting
+**                  MT2063_AMPGC              AMP gain code
+**                  MT2063_AVOID_DECT         Avoid DECT Frequencies
+**                  MT2063_CTFILT_SW          Cleartune filter selection
+**                  (*) This parameter is set by MT2063_RCVR_MODE, do not call
+**                      additionally.
+**  Usage:          status |= MT2063_SetParam(hMT2063,
+**                                            MT2063_STEPSIZE,
+**                                            50000);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Invalid parameter requested
+**                                         or set value out of range
+**                                         or non-writable parameter
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2063_GetParam, MT2063_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   154   09-13-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Get/SetParam changes for LOx_FREQ
+**         10-31-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.08: Get/SetParam add VGAGC, VGAOI, AMPGC, TAGC
+**         04-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.15: Add SetParam LNARIN & PDxTGT
+**                                        Split SetParam up to ACLNA / ACLNA_MAX
+**                                        removed ACLNA_INRC/DECR (+RF & FIF)
+**                                        removed GCUAUTO / BYPATNDN/UP
+**   175 I 06-06-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.16: Add control to avoid US DECT freqs.
+**   175 I 06-19-2008    RSK    Ver 1.17: Refactor DECT control to SpurAvoid.
+**         06-24-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.18: Add Get/SetParam CTFILT_SW
+**         01-20-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.28: Fixed a compare to avoid compiler warning
+UData_t MT2063_SetParam(Handle_t     h,
+                        MT2063_Param param,
+                        UData_t      nValue)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    U8Data val=0;
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        switch (param)
+        {
+        /*  crystal frequency                     */
+        case MT2063_SRO_FREQ:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref = nValue;
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_FracN_Avoid = 0;
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_FracN_Avoid = nValue / 80 - 1;
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_Step = nValue / 64;
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Center = (pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref / 8) * (pInfo->reg[FIFFC] + 640);
+            break;
+        /*  minimum tuning step size              */
+        case MT2063_STEPSIZE:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_Step = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  LO1 frequency                         */
+        case MT2063_LO1_FREQ:
+            {
+                /* Note: LO1 and LO2 are BOTH written at toggle of LDLOos  */
+                /* Capture the Divider and Numerator portions of other LO  */
+                U8Data tempLO2CQ[3];
+                U8Data tempLO2C[3];
+                U8Data tmpOneShot;
+                UData_t Div, FracN;
+                U8Data restore = 0;
+                /* Buffer the queue for restoration later and get actual LO2 values. */
+                status |= MT2063_ReadSub (pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO2CQ_1, &(tempLO2CQ[0]), 3);
+                status |= MT2063_ReadSub (pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO2C_1,  &(tempLO2C[0]),  3);
+                /* clear the one-shot bits */
+                tempLO2CQ[2] = tempLO2CQ[2] & 0x0F;
+                tempLO2C[2]  = tempLO2C[2]  & 0x0F;
+                /* only write the queue values if they are different from the actual. */
+                if( ( tempLO2CQ[0] != tempLO2C[0] ) ||
+                    ( tempLO2CQ[1] != tempLO2C[1] ) ||
+                    ( tempLO2CQ[2] != tempLO2C[2] )   )
+                {
+                    /* put actual LO2 value into queue (with 0 in one-shot bits) */
+                    status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO2CQ_1, &(tempLO2C[0]),  3);
+                    if( status == MT_OK )
+                    {
+                        /* cache the bytes just written. */
+                        pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_1] = tempLO2C[0];
+                        pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_2] = tempLO2C[1];
+                        pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_3] = tempLO2C[2];
+                    }
+                    restore = 1;
+                }
+                /* Calculate the Divider and Numberator components of LO1 */
+                status = CalcLO1Mult(&Div, &FracN, nValue, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref/64, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref);
+                pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_1] = (U8Data)(Div & 0x00FF);
+                pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_2] = (U8Data)(FracN);
+                status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO1CQ_1, &pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_1],  2);
+                /* set the one-shot bit to load the pair of LO values */
+                tmpOneShot = tempLO2CQ[2] | 0xE0;
+                status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO2CQ_3, &tmpOneShot,  1);
+                /* only restore the queue values if they were different from the actual. */
+                if( restore )
+                {
+                    /* put actual LO2 value into queue (0 in one-shot bits) */
+                    status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO2CQ_1, &(tempLO2CQ[0]),  3);
+                    /* cache the bytes just written. */
+                    pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_1] = tempLO2CQ[0];
+                    pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_2] = tempLO2CQ[1];
+                    pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_3] = tempLO2CQ[2];
+                }
+                status |= MT2063_GetParam( pInfo->hUserData,  MT2063_LO1_FREQ, &pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 );
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  LO1 minimum step size                 */
+        case MT2063_LO1_STEPSIZE:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_Step = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  LO1 FracN keep-out region             */
+        case MT2063_LO1_FRACN_AVOID:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_FracN_Avoid = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  Requested 1st IF                      */
+        case MT2063_IF1_REQUEST:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Request = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  zero-IF bandwidth                     */
+        case MT2063_ZIF_BW:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_zif_bw = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  LO2 frequency                         */
+        case MT2063_LO2_FREQ:
+            {
+                /* Note: LO1 and LO2 are BOTH written at toggle of LDLOos  */
+                /* Capture the Divider and Numerator portions of other LO  */
+                U8Data  tempLO1CQ[2];
+                U8Data  tempLO1C[2];
+                UData_t Div2;
+                UData_t FracN2;
+                U8Data  tmpOneShot;
+                U8Data  restore = 0;
+                /* Buffer the queue for restoration later and get actual LO2 values. */
+                status |= MT2063_ReadSub (pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO1CQ_1, &(tempLO1CQ[0]), 2);
+                status |= MT2063_ReadSub (pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO1C_1,  &(tempLO1C[0]),  2);
+                /* only write the queue values if they are different from the actual. */
+                if( (tempLO1CQ[0] != tempLO1C[0]) || (tempLO1CQ[1] != tempLO1C[1])   )
+                {
+                    /* put actual LO1 value into queue */
+                    status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO1CQ_1, &(tempLO1C[0]),  2);
+                    /* cache the bytes just written. */
+                    pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_1] = tempLO1C[0];
+                    pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_2] = tempLO1C[1];
+                    restore = 1;
+                }
+                /* Calculate the Divider and Numberator components of LO2 */
+                status |= CalcLO2Mult(&Div2, &FracN2, nValue, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref/8191, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref);
+                pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_1] = (U8Data)((Div2 << 1) | ((FracN2 >> 12) & 0x01) ) & 0xFF;
+                pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_2] = (U8Data)((FracN2 >> 4) & 0xFF);
+                pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_3] = (U8Data)((FracN2 & 0x0F) );
+                status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO1CQ_1, &pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_1],  3);
+                /* set the one-shot bit to load the LO values */
+                tmpOneShot = pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_3] | 0xE0;
+                status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO2CQ_3, &tmpOneShot,  1);
+                /* only restore LO1 queue value if they were different from the actual. */
+                if( restore )
+                {
+                    /* put previous LO1 queue value back into queue */
+                    status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO1CQ_1, &(tempLO1CQ[0]),  2);
+                    /* cache the bytes just written. */
+                    pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_1] = tempLO1CQ[0];
+                    pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_2] = tempLO1CQ[1];
+                }
+                status |= MT2063_GetParam( pInfo->hUserData,  MT2063_LO2_FREQ, &pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2 );
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  LO2 minimum step size                 */
+        case MT2063_LO2_STEPSIZE:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_Step = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  LO2 FracN keep-out region             */
+        case MT2063_LO2_FRACN_AVOID:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_FracN_Avoid = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  output center frequency               */
+        case MT2063_OUTPUT_FREQ:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_out = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  output bandwidth                      */
+        case MT2063_OUTPUT_BW:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_out_bw = nValue + 750000;
+            break;
+        /*  min inter-tuner LO separation         */
+        case MT2063_LO_SEPARATION:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.f_min_LO_Separation = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  max # of intra-tuner harmonics        */
+        case MT2063_MAX_HARM1:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.maxH1 = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  max # of inter-tuner harmonics        */
+        case MT2063_MAX_HARM2:
+            pInfo->AS_Data.maxH2 = nValue;
+            break;
+        case MT2063_RCVR_MODE:
+            status |= MT2063_SetReceiverMode(pInfo, (MT2063_RCVR_MODES)nValue);
+            break;
+        /* Set LNA Rin -- nValue is desired value */
+        case MT2063_LNA_RIN:
+            val = (U8Data)( ( pInfo->reg[CTRL_2C] & (U8Data)~0x03) | (nValue & 0x03) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[CTRL_2C] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, CTRL_2C, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        /* Set target power level at LNA -- nValue is desired value */
+        case MT2063_LNA_TGT:
+            val = (U8Data)( ( pInfo->reg[LNA_TGT] & (U8Data)~0x3F) | (nValue & 0x3F) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[LNA_TGT] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, LNA_TGT, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        /* Set target power level at PD1 -- nValue is desired value */
+        case MT2063_PD1_TGT:
+            val = (U8Data)( ( pInfo->reg[PD1_TGT] & (U8Data)~0x3F) | (nValue & 0x3F) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[PD1_TGT] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, PD1_TGT, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        /* Set target power level at PD2 -- nValue is desired value */
+        case MT2063_PD2_TGT:
+            val = (U8Data)( ( pInfo->reg[PD2_TGT] & (U8Data)~0x3F) | (nValue & 0x3F) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[PD2_TGT] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, PD2_TGT, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        /* Set LNA atten limit -- nValue is desired value */
+        case MT2063_ACLNA_MAX:
+            val = (U8Data)( ( pInfo->reg[LNA_OV] & (U8Data)~0x1F) | (nValue & 0x1F) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[LNA_OV] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, LNA_OV, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        /* Set RF atten limit -- nValue is desired value */
+        case MT2063_ACRF_MAX:
+            val = (U8Data)( ( pInfo->reg[RF_OV] & (U8Data)~0x1F) | (nValue & 0x1F) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[RF_OV] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, RF_OV, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        /* Set FIF atten limit -- nValue is desired value, max. 5 if no B3 */
+        case MT2063_ACFIF_MAX:
+            if ( (pInfo->tuner_id == MT2063_B0 || pInfo->tuner_id == MT2063_B1)  && nValue > 5)
+                nValue = 5;
+            val = (U8Data)( ( pInfo->reg[FIF_OV] & (U8Data)~0x1F) | (nValue & 0x1F) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[FIF_OV] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, FIF_OV, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        case MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE:
+            /* selects, which DNC output is used */
+            switch ((MT2063_DNC_Output_Enable)nValue)
+            {
+               case MT2063_DNC_NONE :
+               {
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] & 0xFC ) | 0x03; /* Set DNC1GC=3 */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, DNC_GAIN, val);
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] & 0xFC ) | 0x03; /* Set DNC2GC=3 */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, VGA_GAIN, val);
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[RSVD_20] & ~0x40);   /* Set PD2MUX=0 */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[RSVD_20] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, RSVD_20, val);
+                  break;
+               }
+               case MT2063_DNC_1 :
+               {
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] & 0xFC ) | (DNC1GC[pInfo->rcvr_mode] & 0x03); /* Set DNC1GC=x */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, DNC_GAIN, val);
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] & 0xFC ) | 0x03; /* Set DNC2GC=3 */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, VGA_GAIN, val);
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[RSVD_20] & ~0x40);   /* Set PD2MUX=0 */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[RSVD_20] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, RSVD_20, val);
+                  break;
+               }
+               case MT2063_DNC_2 :
+               {
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] & 0xFC ) | 0x03; /* Set DNC1GC=3 */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, DNC_GAIN, val);
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] & 0xFC ) | (DNC2GC[pInfo->rcvr_mode] & 0x03); /* Set DNC2GC=x */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, VGA_GAIN, val);
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[RSVD_20] | 0x40);   /* Set PD2MUX=1 */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[RSVD_20] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, RSVD_20, val);
+                  break;
+               }
+               case MT2063_DNC_BOTH :
+               {
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] & 0xFC ) | (DNC1GC[pInfo->rcvr_mode] & 0x03); /* Set DNC1GC=x */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[DNC_GAIN] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, DNC_GAIN, val);
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] & 0xFC ) | (DNC2GC[pInfo->rcvr_mode] & 0x03); /* Set DNC2GC=x */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, VGA_GAIN, val);
+                  val = (pInfo->reg[RSVD_20] | 0x40);   /* Set PD2MUX=1 */
+                  if (pInfo->reg[RSVD_20] != val)
+                      status |= MT2063_SetReg(h, RSVD_20, val);
+                  break;
+               }
+               default : break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case MT2063_VGAGC:
+            /* Set VGA gain code */
+            val = (U8Data)( (pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] & (U8Data)~0x0C) | ( (nValue & 0x03) << 2) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[VGA_GAIN] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, VGA_GAIN, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        case MT2063_VGAOI:
+            /* Set VGA bias current */
+            val = (U8Data)( (pInfo->reg[RSVD_31] & (U8Data)~0x07) | (nValue & 0x07) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[RSVD_31] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, RSVD_31, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        case MT2063_TAGC:
+            /* Set TAGC */
+            val = (U8Data)( (pInfo->reg[RSVD_1E] & (U8Data)~0x03) | (nValue & 0x03) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[RSVD_1E] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, RSVD_1E, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        case MT2063_AMPGC:
+            /* Set Amp gain code */
+            val = (U8Data)( (pInfo->reg[TEMP_SEL] & (U8Data)~0x03) | (nValue & 0x03) );
+            if( pInfo->reg[TEMP_SEL] != val )
+            {
+                status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, TEMP_SEL, val);
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  Avoid DECT Frequencies                */
+        case MT2063_AVOID_DECT:
+            {
+                MT_DECT_Avoid_Type newAvoidSetting = (MT_DECT_Avoid_Type) nValue;
+                if (newAvoidSetting <= MT_AVOID_BOTH)
+                {
+                    pInfo->AS_Data.avoidDECT = newAvoidSetting;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+       /*  Cleartune filter selection: 0 - by IC (default), 1 - by software  */
+        case MT2063_CTFILT_SW:
+            pInfo->ctfilt_sw = (nValue & 0x01);
+            break;
+        /*  These parameters are read-only  */
+        case MT2063_VERSION:
+        case MT2063_IC_ADDR:
+        case MT2063_IC_REV:
+        case MT2063_MAX_OPEN:
+        case MT2063_NUM_OPEN:
+        case MT2063_INPUT_FREQ:
+        case MT2063_IF1_ACTUAL:
+        case MT2063_IF1_CENTER:
+        case MT2063_IF1_BW:
+        case MT2063_AS_ALG:
+        case MT2063_EXCL_ZONES:
+        case MT2063_SPUR_AVOIDED:
+        case MT2063_NUM_SPURS:
+        case MT2063_SPUR_PRESENT:
+        case MT2063_PD1:
+        case MT2063_PD2:
+        case MT2063_ACLNA:
+        case MT2063_ACRF:
+        case MT2063_ACFIF:
+        case MT2063_EOP:
+        default:
+            status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetPowerMaskBits
+**  Description:    Sets the power-down mask bits for various sections of
+**                  the MT2063
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Bits        - Mask bits to be set.
+**                  See definition of MT2063_Mask_Bits type for description
+**                  of each of the power bits.
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_SetPowerMaskBits(Handle_t h, MT2063_Mask_Bits Bits)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    else
+    {
+        Bits = (MT2063_Mask_Bits)(Bits & MT2063_ALL_SD);  /* Only valid bits for this tuner */
+        if ((Bits & 0xFF00) != 0)
+        {
+            pInfo->reg[PWR_2] |= (U8Data)((Bits & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+            status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, PWR_2, &pInfo->reg[PWR_2], 1);
+        }
+        if ((Bits & 0xFF) != 0)
+        {
+            pInfo->reg[PWR_1] |= ((U8Data)Bits & 0xFF);
+            status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, PWR_1, &pInfo->reg[PWR_1], 1);
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_ClearPowerMaskBits
+**  Description:    Clears the power-down mask bits for various sections of
+**                  the MT2063
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Bits        - Mask bits to be cleared.
+**                  See definition of MT2063_Mask_Bits type for description
+**                  of each of the power bits.
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_ClearPowerMaskBits(Handle_t h, MT2063_Mask_Bits Bits)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    else
+    {
+        Bits = (MT2063_Mask_Bits)(Bits & MT2063_ALL_SD);  /* Only valid bits for this tuner */
+        if ((Bits & 0xFF00) != 0)
+        {
+            pInfo->reg[PWR_2] &= ~(U8Data)(Bits >> 8);
+            status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, PWR_2, &pInfo->reg[PWR_2], 1);
+        }
+        if ((Bits & 0xFF) != 0)
+        {
+            pInfo->reg[PWR_1] &= ~(U8Data)(Bits & 0xFF);
+            status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, PWR_1, &pInfo->reg[PWR_1], 1);
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetPowerMaskBits
+**  Description:    Returns a mask of the enabled power shutdown bits
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Bits        - Mask bits to currently set.
+**                  See definition of MT2063_Mask_Bits type for description
+**                  of each of the power bits.
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Output argument is NULL
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetPowerMaskBits(Handle_t h, MT2063_Mask_Bits *Bits)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    else
+    {
+        if (Bits == MT_NULL)
+            status |= MT_ARG_NULL;
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+            status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, PWR_1, &pInfo->reg[PWR_1], 2);
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        {
+            *Bits = (MT2063_Mask_Bits)(((SData_t)pInfo->reg[PWR_2] << 8) + pInfo->reg[PWR_1]);
+            *Bits = (MT2063_Mask_Bits)(*Bits & MT2063_ALL_SD);  /* Only valid bits for this tuner */
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_EnableExternalShutdown
+**  Description:    Enables or disables the operation of the external
+**                  shutdown pin
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Enabled     - 0 = disable the pin, otherwise enable it
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_EnableExternalShutdown(Handle_t h, U8Data Enabled)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    else
+    {
+        if (Enabled == 0)
+            pInfo->reg[PWR_1] &= ~0x08;  /* Turn off the bit */
+        else
+            pInfo->reg[PWR_1] |= 0x08;   /* Turn the bit on */
+        status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, PWR_1, &pInfo->reg[PWR_1], 1);
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_SoftwareShutdown
+**  Description:    Enables or disables software shutdown function.  When
+**                  Shutdown==1, any section whose power mask is set will be
+**                  shutdown.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Shutdown    - 1 = shutdown the masked sections, otherwise
+**                                power all sections on
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**         01-03-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.xx: Added a trigger of BYPATNUP for
+**                              correct wakeup of the LNA
+UData_t MT2063_SoftwareShutdown(Handle_t h, U8Data Shutdown)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    else
+    {
+        if (Shutdown == 1)
+            pInfo->reg[PWR_1] |= 0x04;   /* Turn the bit on */
+        else
+            pInfo->reg[PWR_1] &= ~0x04;  /* Turn off the bit */
+        status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, PWR_1, &pInfo->reg[PWR_1], 1);
+        if (Shutdown != 1)
+        {
+            pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL] = (pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL] & 0x9F) | 0x40;
+            status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, BYP_CTRL, &pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL], 1);
+            pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL] = (pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL] & 0x9F);
+            status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, BYP_CTRL, &pInfo->reg[BYP_CTRL], 1);
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetExtSRO
+**  Description:    Sets the external SRO driver.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Ext_SRO_Setting - external SRO drive setting
+**       (default)    MT2063_EXT_SRO_OFF  - ext driver off
+**                    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_1 - ext driver = SRO frequency
+**                    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_2 - ext driver = SRO/2 frequency
+**                    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_4 - ext driver = SRO/4 frequency
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**                  The Ext_SRO_Setting settings default to OFF
+**                  Use this function if you need to override the default
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   189 S 05-13-2008    RSK    Ver 1.16: Correct location for ExtSRO control.
+UData_t MT2063_SetExtSRO(Handle_t h,
+                         MT2063_Ext_SRO Ext_SRO_Setting)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    else
+    {
+        pInfo->reg[CTRL_2C] = (pInfo->reg[CTRL_2C] & 0x3F) | ((U8Data)Ext_SRO_Setting << 6);
+        status = MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, CTRL_2C, &pInfo->reg[CTRL_2C], 1);
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetReg
+**  Description:    Sets an MT2063 register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  reg         - MT2063 register/subaddress location
+**                  val         - MT2063 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to override a default
+**                  register value
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_SetReg(Handle_t h,
+                      U8Data   reg,
+                      U8Data   val)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (reg >= END_REGS)
+        status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, reg, &val, 1);
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+            pInfo->reg[reg] = val;
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+static UData_t Round_fLO(UData_t f_LO, UData_t f_LO_Step, UData_t f_ref)
+    return (UData_t)(  f_ref * (f_LO / f_ref)
+        + f_LO_Step * (((f_LO % f_ref) + (f_LO_Step / 2)) / f_LO_Step)  );
+**  Name: fLO_FractionalTerm
+**  Description:    Calculates the portion contributed by FracN / denom.
+**                  This function preserves maximum precision without
+**                  risk of overflow.  It accurately calculates
+**                  f_ref * num / denom to within 1 HZ with fixed math.
+**  Parameters:     num       - Fractional portion of the multiplier
+**                  denom     - denominator portion of the ratio
+**                              This routine successfully handles denom values
+**                              up to and including 2^18.
+**                  f_Ref     - SRO frequency.  This calculation handles
+**                              f_ref as two separate 14-bit fields.
+**                              Therefore, a maximum value of 2^28-1
+**                              may safely be used for f_ref.  This is
+**                              the genesis of the magic number "14" and the
+**                              magic mask value of 0x03FFF.
+**  Returns:        f_ref * num / denom
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+static UData_t fLO_FractionalTerm( UData_t f_ref,
+                                   UData_t num,
+                                   UData_t denom )
+    UData_t t1     = (f_ref >> 14) * num;
+    UData_t term1  = t1 / denom;
+    UData_t loss   = t1 % denom;
+    UData_t term2  = ( ((f_ref & 0x00003FFF) * num + (loss<<14)) + (denom/2) )  / denom;
+    return (UData_t)(  ((term1 << 14) + term2)  );
+**  Name: CalcLO1Mult
+**  Description:    Calculates Integer divider value and the numerator
+**                  value for a FracN PLL.
+**                  This function assumes that the f_LO and f_Ref are
+**                  evenly divisible by f_LO_Step.
+**  Parameters:     Div       - OUTPUT: Whole number portion of the multiplier
+**                  FracN     - OUTPUT: Fractional portion of the multiplier
+**                  f_LO      - desired LO frequency.
+**                  f_LO_Step - Minimum step size for the LO (in Hz).
+**                  f_Ref     - SRO frequency.
+**                  f_Avoid   - Range of PLL frequencies to avoid near
+**                              integer multiples of f_Ref (in Hz).
+**  Returns:        Recalculated LO frequency.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+static UData_t CalcLO1Mult(UData_t *Div,
+                           UData_t *FracN,
+                           UData_t  f_LO,
+                           UData_t  f_LO_Step,
+                           UData_t  f_Ref)
+    /*  Calculate the whole number portion of the divider */
+    *Div = f_LO / f_Ref;
+    /*  Calculate the numerator value (round to nearest f_LO_Step) */
+    *FracN = (64 * (((f_LO % f_Ref) + (f_LO_Step / 2)) / f_LO_Step) + (f_Ref / f_LO_Step / 2)) / (f_Ref / f_LO_Step);
+    return (UData_t)(  (f_Ref * (*Div)) + fLO_FractionalTerm( f_Ref, *FracN, 64 )  );
+**  Name: CalcLO2Mult
+**  Description:    Calculates Integer divider value and the numerator
+**                  value for a FracN PLL.
+**                  This function assumes that the f_LO and f_Ref are
+**                  evenly divisible by f_LO_Step.
+**  Parameters:     Div       - OUTPUT: Whole number portion of the multiplier
+**                  FracN     - OUTPUT: Fractional portion of the multiplier
+**                  f_LO      - desired LO frequency.
+**                  f_LO_Step - Minimum step size for the LO (in Hz).
+**                  f_Ref     - SRO frequency.
+**                  f_Avoid   - Range of PLL frequencies to avoid near
+**                              integer multiples of f_Ref (in Hz).
+**  Returns:        Recalculated LO frequency.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   205 M 10-01-2008    JWS    Ver 1.22: Use DMAX when LO2 FracN is near 4096
+static UData_t CalcLO2Mult(UData_t *Div,
+                           UData_t *FracN,
+                           UData_t  f_LO,
+                           UData_t  f_LO_Step,
+                           UData_t  f_Ref)
+    UData_t denom = 8191;
+    /*  Calculate the whole number portion of the divider */
+    *Div = f_LO / f_Ref;
+    /*  Calculate the numerator value (round to nearest f_LO_Step) */
+    *FracN = (8191 * (((f_LO % f_Ref) + (f_LO_Step / 2)) / f_LO_Step) + (f_Ref / f_LO_Step / 2)) / (f_Ref / f_LO_Step);
+    /*
+    ** FracN values close to 1/2 (4096) will be forced to 4096.  The tuning code must
+    ** then set the DMAX bit for the affected LO(s).
+    */
+    if ((*FracN >= 4083) && (*FracN <= 4107))
+    {
+        *FracN = 4096;
+        denom = 8192;
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(  (f_Ref * (*Div)) + fLO_FractionalTerm( f_Ref, *FracN, denom )  );
+**  Name: FindClearTuneFilter
+**  Description:    Calculate the corrrect ClearTune filter to be used for
+**                  a given input frequency.
+**  Parameters:     pInfo       - ptr to tuner data structure
+**                  f_in        - RF input center frequency (in Hz).
+**  Returns:        ClearTune filter number (0-31)
+**  Dependencies:   MUST CALL MT2064_Open BEFORE FindClearTuneFilter!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**         04-10-2008   PINZ    Ver 1.14: Use software-controlled ClearTune
+**                                        cross-over frequency values.
+static UData_t FindClearTuneFilter(MT2063_Info_t* pInfo, UData_t f_in)
+    UData_t RFBand;
+    UData_t idx;                  /*  index loop                      */
+    /*
+    **  Find RF Band setting
+    */
+    RFBand = 31;                        /*  def when f_in > all    */
+    for (idx=0; idx<31; ++idx)
+    {
+        if (pInfo->CTFiltMax[idx] >= f_in)
+        {
+            RFBand = idx;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(RFBand);
+**  Name: MT2063_Tune
+**  Description:    Change the tuner's tuned frequency to RFin.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**                  f_in        - RF input center frequency (in Hz).
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_UPC_UNLOCK    - Upconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK - Count of avoided LO spurs
+**                      MT_SPUR_PRESENT  - LO spur possible in output
+**                      MT_FIN_RANGE     - Input freq out of range
+**                      MT_FOUT_RANGE    - Output freq out of range
+**                      MT_UPC_RANGE     - Upconverter freq out of range
+**                      MT_DNC_RANGE     - Downconverter freq out of range
+**  Dependencies:   MUST CALL MT2063_Open BEFORE MT2063_Tune!
+**                  MT_ReadSub       - Read data from the two-wire serial bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub      - Write data to the two-wire serial bus
+**                  MT_Sleep         - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**                  MT2063_GetLocked - Checks to see if LO1 and LO2 are locked
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**         04-10-2008   PINZ    Ver 1.05: Use software-controlled ClearTune
+**                                        cross-over frequency values.
+**   175 I 16-06-2008   PINZ    Ver 1.16: Add control to avoid US DECT freqs.
+**   175 I 06-19-2008    RSK    Ver 1.17: Refactor DECT control to SpurAvoid.
+**         06-24-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.18: Add Get/SetParam CTFILT_SW
+**   205 M 10-01-2008    JWS    Ver 1.22: Use DMAX when LO2 FracN is near 4096
+**       M 10-24-2008    JWS    Ver 1.25: Use DMAX when LO1 FracN is 32
+UData_t MT2063_Tune(Handle_t h,
+                    UData_t f_in)     /* RF input center frequency   */
+    MT2063_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2063_Info_t*) h;
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;       /*  status of operation             */
+    UData_t LO1;                  /*  1st LO register value           */
+    UData_t Num1;                 /*  Numerator for LO1 reg. value    */
+    UData_t f_IF1;                /*  1st IF requested                */
+    UData_t LO2;                  /*  2nd LO register value           */
+    UData_t Num2;                 /*  Numerator for LO2 reg. value    */
+    UData_t ofLO1, ofLO2;         /*  last time's LO frequencies      */
+    U8Data  fiffc = 0x80;         /*  FIFF center freq from tuner     */
+    UData_t fiffof;               /*  Offset from FIFF center freq    */
+    const U8Data LO1LK = 0x80;    /*  Mask for LO1 Lock bit           */
+    U8Data LO2LK = 0x08;          /*  Mask for LO2 Lock bit           */
+    U8Data val;
+    UData_t RFBand;
+    U8Data oFN;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        return (UData_t)MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    /*  Check the input and output frequency ranges                   */
+    if ((f_in < MIN_FIN_FREQ) || (f_in > MAX_FIN_FREQ))
+        status |= MT_FIN_RANGE;
+    if ((pInfo->AS_Data.f_out < MIN_FOUT_FREQ) || (pInfo->AS_Data.f_out > MAX_FOUT_FREQ))
+        status |= MT_FOUT_RANGE;
+    /*
+    **  Save original LO1 and LO2 register values
+    */
+    ofLO1 = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1;
+    ofLO2 = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2;
+    /*
+    **  Find and set RF Band setting
+    */
+    if (pInfo->ctfilt_sw == 1)
+    {
+        val = ( pInfo->reg[CTUNE_CTRL] | 0x08 );
+        if( pInfo->reg[CTUNE_CTRL] != val )
+        {
+            status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, CTUNE_CTRL, val);
+        }
+        RFBand = FindClearTuneFilter(pInfo, f_in);
+        val  = (U8Data)( (pInfo->reg[CTUNE_OV] & ~0x1F) | RFBand );
+        if (pInfo->reg[CTUNE_OV] != val)
+        {
+            status |= MT2063_SetReg(pInfo, CTUNE_OV, val);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    **  Read the FIFF Center Frequency from the tuner
+    */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2063_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, FIFFC, &pInfo->reg[FIFFC], 1);
+        fiffc = pInfo->reg[FIFFC];
+    }
+    /*
+    **  Assign in the requested values
+    */
+    pInfo->AS_Data.f_in = f_in;
+    /*  Request a 1st IF such that LO1 is on a step size */
+    pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Request = Round_fLO(pInfo->AS_Data.f_if1_Request + f_in, pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_Step, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref) - f_in;
+    /*
+    **  Calculate frequency settings.  f_IF1_FREQ + f_in is the
+    **  desired LO1 frequency
+    */
+    MT2063_ResetExclZones(&pInfo->AS_Data);
+    f_IF1 = MT2063_ChooseFirstIF(&pInfo->AS_Data);
+    pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 = Round_fLO(f_IF1 + f_in, pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_Step, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref);
+    pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2 = Round_fLO(pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 - pInfo->AS_Data.f_out - f_in, pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_Step, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref);
+    /*
+    ** Check for any LO spurs in the output bandwidth and adjust
+    ** the LO settings to avoid them if needed
+    */
+    status |= MT2063_AvoidSpurs(h, &pInfo->AS_Data);
+    /*
+    ** MT_AvoidSpurs spurs may have changed the LO1 & LO2 values.
+    ** Recalculate the LO frequencies and the values to be placed
+    ** in the tuning registers.
+    */
+    pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 = CalcLO1Mult(&LO1, &Num1, pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1, pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1_Step, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref);
+    pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2 = Round_fLO(pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 - pInfo->AS_Data.f_out - f_in, pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_Step, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref);
+    pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2 = CalcLO2Mult(&LO2, &Num2, pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2, pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2_Step, pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref);
+    /*
+    **  Check the upconverter and downconverter frequency ranges
+    */
+    if ((pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 < MIN_UPC_FREQ) || (pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 > MAX_UPC_FREQ))
+        status |= MT_UPC_RANGE;
+    if ((pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2 < MIN_DNC_FREQ) || (pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2 > MAX_DNC_FREQ))
+        status |= MT_DNC_RANGE;
+    /*  LO2 Lock bit was in a different place for B0 version  */
+    if (pInfo->tuner_id == MT2063_B0)
+        LO2LK = 0x40;
+    /*
+    **  If we have the same LO frequencies and we're already locked,
+    **  then skip re-programming the LO registers.
+    */
+    if ((ofLO1 != pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1)
+        || (ofLO2 != pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO2)
+        || ((pInfo->reg[LO_STATUS] & (LO1LK | LO2LK)) != (LO1LK | LO2LK)))
+    {
+        /*
+        **  Calculate the FIFFOF register value
+        **
+        **            IF1_Actual
+        **  FIFFOF = ------------ - 8 * FIFFC - 4992
+        **             f_ref/64
+        */
+        fiffof = (pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 - f_in) / (pInfo->AS_Data.f_ref / 64) - 8 * (UData_t)fiffc - 4992;
+        if (fiffof > 0xFF)
+            fiffof = 0xFF;
+        /*
+        **  Place all of the calculated values into the local tuner
+        **  register fields.
+        */
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        {
+            oFN = pInfo->reg[FN_CTRL];  /* save current FN_CTRL settings */
+            /*
+            ** If either FracN is 4096 (or was rounded to there) then set its
+            ** DMAX bit, otherwise clear it.
+            */
+            if (Num1 == 32)
+                pInfo->reg[FN_CTRL] |= 0x20;
+            else
+                pInfo->reg[FN_CTRL] &= ~0x20;
+            if (Num2 == 4096)
+                pInfo->reg[FN_CTRL] |= 0x02;
+            else
+                pInfo->reg[FN_CTRL] &= ~0x02;
+            pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_1] = (U8Data)(LO1 & 0xFF);             /* DIV1q */
+            pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_2] = (U8Data)(Num1 & 0x3F);            /* NUM1q */
+            pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_1] = (U8Data)(((LO2 & 0x7F) << 1)      /* DIV2q */
+                                       | (Num2 >> 12));          /* NUM2q (hi) */
+            pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_2] = (U8Data)((Num2 & 0x0FF0) >> 4);   /* NUM2q (mid) */
+            pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_3] = (U8Data)(0xE0 | (Num2 & 0x000F)); /* NUM2q (lo) */
+            /*
+            ** Now write out the computed register values
+            ** IMPORTANT: There is a required order for writing
+            **            (0x05 must follow all the others).
+            */
+            status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO1CQ_1, &pInfo->reg[LO1CQ_1], 5);   /* 0x01 - 0x05 */
+            /* The FN_CTRL register is only needed if it changes */
+            if (oFN != pInfo->reg[FN_CTRL])
+                status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, FN_CTRL, &pInfo->reg[FN_CTRL], 1);   /* 0x34 */
+            if (pInfo->tuner_id == MT2063_B0)
+            {
+                /* Re-write the one-shot bits to trigger the tune operation */
+                status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, LO2CQ_3, &pInfo->reg[LO2CQ_3], 1);   /* 0x05 */
+            }
+            /* Write out the FIFF offset only if it's changing */
+            if (pInfo->reg[FIFF_OFFSET] != (U8Data)fiffof)
+            {
+                pInfo->reg[FIFF_OFFSET] = (U8Data)fiffof;
+                status |= MT2063_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, FIFF_OFFSET, &pInfo->reg[FIFF_OFFSET], 1);
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+        **  Check for LO's locking
+        */
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        {
+            status |= MT2063_GetLocked(h);
+        }
+        /*
+        **  If we locked OK, assign calculated data to MT2063_Info_t structure
+        */
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        {
+            pInfo->f_IF1_actual = pInfo->AS_Data.f_LO1 - f_in;
+        }
+    }
+    return (UData_t)(status);
+// Microtune source code - mt_spuravoid.c
+**  Name: mt_spuravoid.c
+**  Copyright 2006-2008 Microtune, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+**  This source code file contains confidential information and/or trade
+**  secrets of Microtune, Inc. or its affiliates and is subject to the
+**  terms of your confidentiality agreement with Microtune, Inc. or one of
+**  its affiliates, as applicable.
+**  Name: mt_spuravoid.c
+**  Description:    Microtune spur avoidance software module.
+**                  Supports Microtune tuner drivers.
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt_spuravoid.c,v 1.4 2008/11/05 13:46:19 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/vol0/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2063/mt_spuravoid.c,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   082   03-25-2005    JWS    Original multi-tuner support - requires
+**                              MTxxxx_CNT declarations
+**   096   04-06-2005    DAD    Ver 1.11: Fix divide by 0 error if maxH==0.
+**   094   04-06-2005    JWS    Ver 1.11 Added uceil and ufloor to get rid
+**                              of compiler warnings
+**   N/A   04-07-2005    DAD    Ver 1.13: Merged single- and multi-tuner spur
+**                              avoidance into a single module.
+**   103   01-31-2005    DAD    Ver 1.14: In MT_AddExclZone(), if the range
+**                              (f_min, f_max) < 0, ignore the entry.
+**   115   03-23-2007    DAD    Fix declaration of spur due to truncation
+**                              errors.
+**   117   03-29-2007    RSK    Ver 1.15: Re-wrote to match search order from
+**                              tuner DLL.
+**   137   06-18-2007    DAD    Ver 1.16: Fix possible divide-by-0 error for
+**                              multi-tuners that have
+**                              (delta IF1) > (f_out-f_outbw/2).
+**   147   07-27-2007    RSK    Ver 1.17: Corrected calculation (-) to (+)
+**                              Added logic to force f_Center within 1/2 f_Step.
+**   177 S 02-26-2008    RSK    Ver 1.18: Corrected calculation using LO1 > MAX/2
+**                              Type casts added to preserve correct sign.
+**   195 I 06-17-2008    RSK    Ver 1.19: Refactoring avoidance of DECT
+**                              frequencies into MT_ResetExclZones().
+**   N/A I 06-20-2008    RSK    Ver 1.21: New VERSION number for ver checking.
+**   199   08-06-2008    JWS    Ver 1.22: Added 0x1x1 spur frequency calculations
+**                              and indicate success of AddExclZone operation.
+**   200   08-07-2008    JWS    Ver 1.23: Moved definition of DECT avoid constants
+**                              so users could access them more easily.
+//#include "mt_spuravoid.h"
+//#include <stdlib.h>
+//#include <assert.h>  /*  debug purposes  */
+#if !defined(MT_TUNER_CNT)
+#error MT_TUNER_CNT is not defined (see mt_userdef.h)
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT == 0
+#error MT_TUNER_CNT must be updated in mt_userdef.h
+/*  Version of this module                         */
+#define MT_SPURAVOID_VERSION 10203            /*  Version 01.23 */
+/*  Implement ceiling, floor functions.  */
+#define ceil(n, d) (((n) < 0) ? (-((-(n))/(d))) : (n)/(d) + ((n)%(d) != 0))
+#define uceil(n, d) ((n)/(d) + ((n)%(d) != 0))
+#define floor(n, d) (((n) < 0) ? (-((-(n))/(d))) - ((n)%(d) != 0) : (n)/(d))
+#define ufloor(n, d) ((n)/(d))
+/*  Macros to check for DECT exclusion options */
+struct MT_FIFZone_t
+    SData_t         min_;
+    SData_t         max_;
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT > 1
+static MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* TunerList[MT_TUNER_CNT];
+static UData_t              TunerCount = 0;
+UData_t MT2063_RegisterTuner(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info)
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT == 1
+    pAS_Info->nAS_Algorithm = 1;
+    return MT_OK;
+    UData_t index;
+    pAS_Info->nAS_Algorithm = 2;
+    /*
+    **  Check to see if tuner is already registered
+    */
+    for (index = 0; index < TunerCount; index++)
+    {
+        if (TunerList[index] == pAS_Info)
+        {
+            return MT_OK;  /* Already here - no problem  */
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    ** Add tuner to list - if there is room.
+    */
+    if (TunerCount < MT_TUNER_CNT)
+    {
+        TunerList[TunerCount] = pAS_Info;
+        TunerCount++;
+        return MT_OK;
+    }
+    else
+        return MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR;
+void MT2063_UnRegisterTuner(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info)
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT == 1
+  //  pAS_Info;
+   // pAS_Info->nAS_Algorithm = 1;
+   // return MT_OK;
+    UData_t index;
+    for (index = 0; index < TunerCount; index++)
+    {
+        if (TunerList[index] == pAS_Info)
+        {
+            TunerList[index] = TunerList[--TunerCount];
+        }
+    }
+**  Reset all exclusion zones.
+**  Add zones to protect the PLL FracN regions near zero
+**   195 I 06-17-2008    RSK    Ver 1.19: Refactoring avoidance of DECT
+**                              frequencies into MT_ResetExclZones().
+void MT2063_ResetExclZones(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info)
+    UData_t center;
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT > 1
+    UData_t index;
+    MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* adj;
+    pAS_Info->nZones = 0;                           /*  this clears the used list  */
+    pAS_Info->usedZones = MT_NULL;                     /*  reset ptr                  */
+    pAS_Info->freeZones = MT_NULL;                     /*  reset ptr                  */
+    center = pAS_Info->f_ref * ((pAS_Info->f_if1_Center - pAS_Info->f_if1_bw/2 + pAS_Info->f_in) / pAS_Info->f_ref) - pAS_Info->f_in;
+    while (center < pAS_Info->f_if1_Center + pAS_Info->f_if1_bw/2 + pAS_Info->f_LO1_FracN_Avoid)
+    {
+        /*  Exclude LO1 FracN  */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, center-pAS_Info->f_LO1_FracN_Avoid, center-1);
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, center+1, center+pAS_Info->f_LO1_FracN_Avoid);
+        center += pAS_Info->f_ref;
+    }
+    center = pAS_Info->f_ref * ((pAS_Info->f_if1_Center - pAS_Info->f_if1_bw/2 - pAS_Info->f_out) / pAS_Info->f_ref) + pAS_Info->f_out;
+    while (center < pAS_Info->f_if1_Center + pAS_Info->f_if1_bw/2 + pAS_Info->f_LO2_FracN_Avoid)
+    {
+        /*  Exclude LO2 FracN  */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, center-pAS_Info->f_LO2_FracN_Avoid, center-1);
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, center+1, center+pAS_Info->f_LO2_FracN_Avoid);
+        center += pAS_Info->f_ref;
+    }
+    {
+        /*  Exclude LO1 values that conflict with DECT channels */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1920836000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1922236000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1921.536 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1922564000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1923964000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1923.264 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1924292000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1925692000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1924.992 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1926020000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1927420000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1926.720 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1927748000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1929148000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1928.448 */
+    }
+    {
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1896644000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1898044000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1897.344 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1894916000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1896316000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1895.616 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1893188000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1894588000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1893.888 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1891460000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1892860000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1892.16  */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1889732000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1891132000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1890.432 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1888004000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1889404000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1888.704 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1886276000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1887676000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1886.976 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1884548000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1885948000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1885.248 */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1882820000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1884220000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1883.52  */
+        MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, 1881092000 - pAS_Info->f_in, 1882492000 - pAS_Info->f_in);  /* Ctr = 1881.792 */
+    }
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT > 1
+    /*
+    ** Iterate through all adjacent tuners and exclude frequencies related to them
+    */
+    for (index = 0; index < TunerCount; ++index)
+    {
+        adj = TunerList[index];
+        if (pAS_Info == adj)    /* skip over our own data, don't process it */
+            continue;
+        /*
+        **  Add 1st IF exclusion zone covering adjacent tuner's LO2
+        **  at "adjfLO2 + f_out" +/- m_MinLOSpacing
+        */
+        if (adj->f_LO2 != 0)
+            MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info,
+                           (adj->f_LO2 + pAS_Info->f_out) - pAS_Info->f_min_LO_Separation,
+                           (adj->f_LO2 + pAS_Info->f_out) + pAS_Info->f_min_LO_Separation );
+        /*
+        **  Add 1st IF exclusion zone covering adjacent tuner's LO1
+        **  at "adjfLO1 - f_in" +/- m_MinLOSpacing
+        */
+        if (adj->f_LO1 != 0)
+            MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info,
+                           (adj->f_LO1 - pAS_Info->f_in) - pAS_Info->f_min_LO_Separation,
+                           (adj->f_LO1 - pAS_Info->f_in) + pAS_Info->f_min_LO_Separation );
+    }
+static struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* InsertNode(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info,
+                                  struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pPrevNode)
+    struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pNode;
+    /*  Check for a node in the free list  */
+    if (pAS_Info->freeZones != MT_NULL)
+    {
+        /*  Use one from the free list  */
+        pNode = pAS_Info->freeZones;
+        pAS_Info->freeZones = pNode->next_;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /*  Grab a node from the array  */
+        pNode = &pAS_Info->MT_ExclZones[pAS_Info->nZones];
+    }
+    if (pPrevNode != MT_NULL)
+    {
+        pNode->next_ = pPrevNode->next_;
+        pPrevNode->next_ = pNode;
+    }
+    else    /*  insert at the beginning of the list  */
+    {
+        pNode->next_ = pAS_Info->usedZones;
+        pAS_Info->usedZones = pNode;
+    }
+    pAS_Info->nZones++;
+    return pNode;
+static struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* RemoveNode(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info,
+                                  struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pPrevNode,
+                                  struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pNodeToRemove)
+    struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pNext = pNodeToRemove->next_;
+    /*  Make previous node point to the subsequent node  */
+    if (pPrevNode != MT_NULL)
+        pPrevNode->next_ = pNext;
+    /*  Add pNodeToRemove to the beginning of the freeZones  */
+    pNodeToRemove->next_ = pAS_Info->freeZones;
+    pAS_Info->freeZones = pNodeToRemove;
+    /*  Decrement node count  */
+    pAS_Info->nZones--;
+    return pNext;
+**  Name: MT_AddExclZone
+**  Description:    Add (and merge) an exclusion zone into the list.
+**                  If the range (f_min, f_max) is totally outside the
+**                  1st IF BW, ignore the entry.
+**                  If the range (f_min, f_max) is negative, ignore the entry.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   103   01-31-2005    DAD    Ver 1.14: In MT_AddExclZone(), if the range
+**                              (f_min, f_max) < 0, ignore the entry.
+**   199   08-06-2008    JWS    Ver 1.22: Indicate success of addition operation.
+UData_t MT2063_AddExclZone(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info,
+                       UData_t f_min,
+                       UData_t f_max)
+    UData_t status = 1;  /* Assume addition is possible */
+    /*  Check to see if this overlaps the 1st IF filter  */
+    if ((f_max > (pAS_Info->f_if1_Center - (pAS_Info->f_if1_bw / 2)))
+        && (f_min < (pAS_Info->f_if1_Center + (pAS_Info->f_if1_bw / 2)))
+        && (f_min < f_max))
+    {
+        /*
+        **                1           2          3        4         5          6
+        **
+        **   New entry:  |---|    |--|        |--|       |-|      |---|         |--|
+        **                     or          or        or       or        or
+        **   Existing:  |--|          |--|      |--|    |---|      |-|      |--|
+        */
+        struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pNode = pAS_Info->usedZones;
+        struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pPrev = MT_NULL;
+        struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pNext = MT_NULL;
+        /*  Check for our place in the list  */
+        while ((pNode != MT_NULL) && (pNode->max_ < f_min))
+        {
+            pPrev = pNode;
+            pNode = pNode->next_;
+        }
+        if ((pNode != MT_NULL) && (pNode->min_ < f_max))
+        {
+            /*  Combine me with pNode  */
+            if (f_min < pNode->min_)
+                pNode->min_ = f_min;
+            if (f_max > pNode->max_)
+                pNode->max_ = f_max;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pNode = InsertNode(pAS_Info, pPrev);
+            pNode->min_ = f_min;
+            pNode->max_ = f_max;
+        }
+        /*  Look for merging possibilities  */
+        pNext = pNode->next_;
+        while ((pNext != MT_NULL) && (pNext->min_ < pNode->max_))
+        {
+            if (pNext->max_ > pNode->max_)
+                pNode->max_ = pNext->max_;
+            pNext = RemoveNode(pAS_Info, pNode, pNext);  /*  Remove pNext, return ptr to pNext->next  */
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        status = 0;  /* Did not add the zone - caller determines whether this is a problem */
+    return status;
+**  Name: MT_ChooseFirstIF
+**  Description:    Choose the best available 1st IF
+**                  If f_Desired is not excluded, choose that first.
+**                  Otherwise, return the value closest to f_Center that is
+**                  not excluded
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   117   03-29-2007    RSK    Ver 1.15: Re-wrote to match search order from
+**                              tuner DLL.
+**   147   07-27-2007    RSK    Ver 1.17: Corrected calculation (-) to (+)
+**                              Added logic to force f_Center within 1/2 f_Step.
+UData_t MT2063_ChooseFirstIF(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info)
+    /*
+    ** Update "f_Desired" to be the nearest "combinational-multiple" of "f_LO1_Step".
+    ** The resulting number, F_LO1 must be a multiple of f_LO1_Step.  And F_LO1 is the arithmetic sum
+    ** of f_in + f_Center.  Neither f_in, nor f_Center must be a multiple of f_LO1_Step.
+    ** However, the sum must be.
+    */
+    const UData_t f_Desired = pAS_Info->f_LO1_Step * ((pAS_Info->f_if1_Request + pAS_Info->f_in + pAS_Info->f_LO1_Step/2) / pAS_Info->f_LO1_Step) - pAS_Info->f_in;
+    const UData_t f_Step = (pAS_Info->f_LO1_Step > pAS_Info->f_LO2_Step) ? pAS_Info->f_LO1_Step : pAS_Info->f_LO2_Step;
+    UData_t f_Center;
+    SData_t i;
+    SData_t j = 0;
+    UData_t bDesiredExcluded = 0;
+    UData_t bZeroExcluded = 0;
+    SData_t tmpMin, tmpMax;
+    SData_t bestDiff;
+    struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* pNode = pAS_Info->usedZones;
+    struct MT_FIFZone_t zones[MT2063_MAX_ZONES];
+    if (pAS_Info->nZones == 0)
+        return f_Desired;
+    /*  f_Center needs to be an integer multiple of f_Step away from f_Desired */
+    if (pAS_Info->f_if1_Center > f_Desired)
+        f_Center = f_Desired + f_Step * ((pAS_Info->f_if1_Center - f_Desired + f_Step/2) / f_Step);
+    else
+        f_Center = f_Desired - f_Step * ((f_Desired - pAS_Info->f_if1_Center + f_Step/2) / f_Step);
+//    assert(abs((SData_t) f_Center - (SData_t) pAS_Info->f_if1_Center) <= (SData_t) (f_Step/2));
+    /*  Take MT_ExclZones, center around f_Center and change the resolution to f_Step  */
+    while (pNode != MT_NULL)
+    {
+        /*  floor function  */
+        tmpMin = floor((SData_t) (pNode->min_ - f_Center), (SData_t) f_Step);
+        /*  ceil function  */
+        tmpMax = ceil((SData_t) (pNode->max_ - f_Center), (SData_t) f_Step);
+        if ((pNode->min_ < f_Desired) && (pNode->max_ > f_Desired))
+            bDesiredExcluded = 1;
+        if ((tmpMin < 0) && (tmpMax > 0))
+            bZeroExcluded = 1;
+        /*  See if this zone overlaps the previous  */
+        if ((j>0) && (tmpMin < zones[j-1].max_))
+            zones[j-1].max_ = tmpMax;
+        else
+        {
+            /*  Add new zone  */
+//            assert(j<MT2063_MAX_ZONES);
+            zones[j].min_ = tmpMin;
+            zones[j].max_ = tmpMax;
+            j++;
+        }
+        pNode = pNode->next_;
+    }
+    /*
+    **  If the desired is okay, return with it
+    */
+    if (bDesiredExcluded == 0)
+        return f_Desired;
+    /*
+    **  If the desired is excluded and the center is okay, return with it
+    */
+    if (bZeroExcluded == 0)
+        return f_Center;
+    /*  Find the value closest to 0 (f_Center)  */
+    bestDiff = zones[0].min_;
+    for (i=0; i<j; i++)
+    {
+        if (abs(zones[i].min_) < abs(bestDiff)) bestDiff = zones[i].min_;
+        if (abs(zones[i].max_) < abs(bestDiff)) bestDiff = zones[i].max_;
+    }
+    if (bestDiff < 0)
+        return f_Center - ((UData_t) (-bestDiff) * f_Step);
+    return f_Center + (bestDiff * f_Step);
+**  Name: gcd
+**  Description:    Uses Euclid's algorithm
+**  Parameters:     u, v     - unsigned values whose GCD is desired.
+**  Global:         None
+**  Returns:        greatest common divisor of u and v, if either value
+**                  is 0, the other value is returned as the result.
+**  Dependencies:   None.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   06-01-2004    JWS    Original
+**   N/A   08-03-2004    DAD    Changed to Euclid's since it can handle
+**                              unsigned numbers.
+static UData_t gcd(UData_t u, UData_t v)
+    UData_t r;
+    while (v != 0)
+    {
+        r = u % v;
+        u = v;
+        v = r;
+    }
+    return u;
+**  Name: umax
+**  Description:    Implements a simple maximum function for unsigned numbers.
+**                  Implemented as a function rather than a macro to avoid
+**                  multiple evaluation of the calling parameters.
+**  Parameters:     a, b     - Values to be compared
+**  Global:         None
+**  Returns:        larger of the input values.
+**  Dependencies:   None.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   06-02-2004    JWS    Original
+static UData_t umax(UData_t a, UData_t b)
+    return (a >= b) ? a : b;
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT > 1
+static SData_t RoundAwayFromZero(SData_t n, SData_t d)
+    return (n<0) ? floor(n, d) : ceil(n, d);
+**  Name: IsSpurInAdjTunerBand
+**  Description:    Checks to see if a spur will be present within the IF's
+**                  bandwidth or near the zero IF.
+**                  (fIFOut +/- fIFBW/2, -fIFOut +/- fIFBW/2)
+**                                  and
+**                  (0 +/- fZIFBW/2)
+**                    ma   mb               me   mf               mc   md
+**                  <--+-+-+-----------------+-+-+-----------------+-+-+-->
+**                     |   ^                   0                   ^   |
+**                     ^   b=-fIFOut+fIFBW/2      -b=+fIFOut-fIFBW/2   ^
+**                     a=-fIFOut-fIFBW/2              -a=+fIFOut+fIFBW/2
+**                  Note that some equations are doubled to prevent round-off
+**                  problems when calculating fIFBW/2
+**                  The spur frequencies are computed as:
+**                     fSpur = n * f1 - m * f2 - fOffset
+**  Parameters:     f1      - The 1st local oscillator (LO) frequency
+**                            of the tuner whose output we are examining
+**                  f2      - The 1st local oscillator (LO) frequency
+**                            of the adjacent tuner
+**                  fOffset - The 2nd local oscillator of the tuner whose
+**                            output we are examining
+**                  fIFOut  - Output IF center frequency
+**                  fIFBW   - Output IF Bandwidth
+**                  nMaxH   - max # of LO harmonics to search
+**                  fp      - If spur, positive distance to spur-free band edge (returned)
+**                  fm      - If spur, negative distance to spur-free band edge (returned)
+**  Returns:        1 if an LO spur would be present, otherwise 0.
+**  Dependencies:   None.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   01-21-2005    JWS    Original, adapted from MT_DoubleConversion.
+**   115   03-23-2007    DAD    Fix declaration of spur due to truncation
+**                              errors.
+**   137   06-18-2007    DAD    Ver 1.16: Fix possible divide-by-0 error for
+**                              multi-tuners that have
+**                              (delta IF1) > (f_out-f_outbw/2).
+**   177 S 02-26-2008    RSK    Ver 1.18: Corrected calculation using LO1 > MAX/2
+**                              Type casts added to preserve correct sign.
+**   199   08-06-2008    JWS    Ver 1.22: Added 0x1x1 spur frequency calculations.
+static UData_t IsSpurInAdjTunerBand(UData_t bIsMyOutput,
+                                    UData_t f1,
+                                    UData_t f2,
+                                    UData_t fOffset,
+                                    UData_t fIFOut,
+                                    UData_t fIFBW,
+                                    UData_t fZIFBW,
+                                    UData_t nMaxH,
+                                    UData_t *fp,
+                                    UData_t *fm)
+    UData_t bSpurFound = 0;
+    const UData_t fHalf_IFBW = fIFBW / 2;
+    const UData_t fHalf_ZIFBW = fZIFBW / 2;
+    /* Calculate a scale factor for all frequencies, so that our
+       calculations all stay within 31 bits */
+    const UData_t f_Scale = ((f1 + (fOffset + fIFOut + fHalf_IFBW) / nMaxH) / (MAX_UDATA/2 / nMaxH)) + 1;
+    /*
+    **  After this scaling, _f1, _f2, and _f3 are guaranteed to fit into
+    **  signed data types (smaller than MAX_UDATA/2)
+    */
+    const SData_t _f1 = (SData_t) (     f1 / f_Scale);
+    const SData_t _f2 = (SData_t) (     f2 / f_Scale);
+    const SData_t _f3 = (SData_t) (fOffset / f_Scale);
+    const SData_t c = (SData_t) (fIFOut - fHalf_IFBW) / (SData_t) f_Scale;
+    const SData_t d = (SData_t) ((fIFOut + fHalf_IFBW) / f_Scale);
+    const SData_t f = (SData_t) (fHalf_ZIFBW / f_Scale);
+    SData_t  ma, mb, mc, md, me, mf;
+    SData_t  fp_ = 0;
+    SData_t  fm_ = 0;
+    SData_t  n;
+    /*
+    **  If the other tuner does not have an LO frequency defined,
+    **  assume that we cannot interfere with it
+    */
+    if (f2 == 0)
+        return 0;
+    /* Check out all multiples of f1 from -nMaxH to +nMaxH */
+    for (n = -(SData_t)nMaxH; n <= (SData_t)nMaxH; ++n)
+    {
+        const SData_t nf1 = n*_f1;
+        md = floor(_f3 + d - nf1, _f2);
+        /* If # f2 harmonics > nMaxH, then no spurs present */
+        if (md <= -(SData_t) nMaxH )
+            break;
+        ma = floor(_f3 - d - nf1, _f2);
+        if ((ma == md) || (ma >= (SData_t) (nMaxH)))
+            continue;
+        mc = floor(_f3 + c - nf1, _f2);
+        if (mc != md)
+        {
+            const SData_t m = md;
+            const SData_t fspur = (nf1 + m*_f2 - _f3);
+            const SData_t den = (bIsMyOutput ? n - 1 : n);
+            if (den == 0)
+            {
+                fp_ = (d - fspur)* f_Scale;
+                fm_ = (fspur - c)* f_Scale;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                fp_ = (SData_t) RoundAwayFromZero((d - fspur)* f_Scale, den);
+                fm_ = (SData_t) RoundAwayFromZero((fspur - c)* f_Scale, den);
+            }
+            if (((UData_t)abs(fm_) >= f_Scale) && ((UData_t)abs(fp_) >= f_Scale))
+            {
+                bSpurFound = 1;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Location of Zero-IF-spur to be checked */
+        mf = floor(_f3 + f - nf1, _f2);
+        me = floor(_f3 - f - nf1, _f2);
+        if (me != mf)
+        {
+            const SData_t m = mf;
+            const SData_t fspur = (nf1 + m*_f2 - _f3);
+            const SData_t den = (bIsMyOutput ? n - 1 : n);
+            if (den == 0)
+            {
+                fp_ = (d - fspur)* f_Scale;
+                fm_ = (fspur - c)* f_Scale;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                fp_ = (SData_t) RoundAwayFromZero((f - fspur)* f_Scale, den);
+                fm_ = (SData_t) RoundAwayFromZero((fspur + f)* f_Scale, den);
+            }
+            if (((UData_t)abs(fm_) >= f_Scale) && ((UData_t)abs(fp_) >= f_Scale))
+            {
+                bSpurFound = 1;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        mb = floor(_f3 - c - nf1, _f2);
+        if (ma != mb)
+        {
+            const SData_t m = mb;
+            const SData_t fspur = (nf1 + m*_f2 - _f3);
+            const SData_t den = (bIsMyOutput ? n - 1 : n);
+            if (den == 0)
+            {
+                fp_ = (d - fspur)* f_Scale;
+                fm_ = (fspur - c)* f_Scale;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                fp_ = (SData_t) RoundAwayFromZero((-c - fspur)* f_Scale, den);
+                fm_ = (SData_t) RoundAwayFromZero((fspur +d)* f_Scale, den);
+            }
+            if (((UData_t)abs(fm_) >= f_Scale) && ((UData_t)abs(fp_) >= f_Scale))
+            {
+                bSpurFound = 1;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    **  Verify that fm & fp are both positive
+    **  Add one to ensure next 1st IF choice is not right on the edge
+    */
+    if (fp_ < 0)
+    {
+        *fp = -fm_ + 1;
+        *fm = -fp_ + 1;
+    }
+    else if (fp_ > 0)
+    {
+        *fp = fp_ + 1;
+        *fm = fm_ + 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        *fp = 1;
+        *fm = abs(fm_) + 1;
+    }
+    return bSpurFound;
+**  Name: IsSpurInBand
+**  Description:    Checks to see if a spur will be present within the IF's
+**                  bandwidth. (fIFOut +/- fIFBW, -fIFOut +/- fIFBW)
+**                    ma   mb                                     mc   md
+**                  <--+-+-+-------------------+-------------------+-+-+-->
+**                     |   ^                   0                   ^   |
+**                     ^   b=-fIFOut+fIFBW/2      -b=+fIFOut-fIFBW/2   ^
+**                     a=-fIFOut-fIFBW/2              -a=+fIFOut+fIFBW/2
+**                  Note that some equations are doubled to prevent round-off
+**                  problems when calculating fIFBW/2
+**  Parameters:     pAS_Info - Avoid Spurs information block
+**                  fm       - If spur, amount f_IF1 has to move negative
+**                  fp       - If spur, amount f_IF1 has to move positive
+**  Global:         None
+**  Returns:        1 if an LO spur would be present, otherwise 0.
+**  Dependencies:   None.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   11-28-2002    DAD    Implemented algorithm from applied patent
+static UData_t IsSpurInBand(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info,
+                            UData_t* fm,
+                            UData_t* fp)
+    /*
+    **  Calculate LO frequency settings.
+    */
+    UData_t n, n0;
+    const UData_t f_LO1 = pAS_Info->f_LO1;
+    const UData_t f_LO2 = pAS_Info->f_LO2;
+    const UData_t d = pAS_Info->f_out + pAS_Info->f_out_bw/2;
+    const UData_t c = d - pAS_Info->f_out_bw;
+    const UData_t f = pAS_Info->f_zif_bw/2;
+    const UData_t f_Scale = (f_LO1 / (MAX_UDATA/2 / pAS_Info->maxH1)) + 1;
+    SData_t f_nsLO1, f_nsLO2;
+    SData_t f_Spur;
+    UData_t ma, mb, mc, md, me, mf;
+    UData_t lo_gcd, gd_Scale, gc_Scale, gf_Scale, hgds, hgfs, hgcs;
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT > 1
+    UData_t index;
+    MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t *adj;
+    *fm = 0;
+    /*
+    ** For each edge (d, c & f), calculate a scale, based on the gcd
+    ** of f_LO1, f_LO2 and the edge value.  Use the larger of this
+    ** gcd-based scale factor or f_Scale.
+    */
+    lo_gcd = gcd(f_LO1, f_LO2);
+    gd_Scale = umax((UData_t) gcd(lo_gcd, d), f_Scale);
+    hgds = gd_Scale/2;
+    gc_Scale = umax((UData_t) gcd(lo_gcd, c), f_Scale);
+    hgcs = gc_Scale/2;
+    gf_Scale = umax((UData_t) gcd(lo_gcd, f), f_Scale);
+    hgfs = gf_Scale/2;
+    n0 = uceil(f_LO2 - d, f_LO1 - f_LO2);
+    /*  Check out all multiples of LO1 from n0 to m_maxLOSpurHarmonic  */
+    for (n=n0; n<=pAS_Info->maxH1; ++n)
+    {
+        md = (n*((f_LO1+hgds)/gd_Scale) - ((d+hgds)/gd_Scale)) / ((f_LO2+hgds)/gd_Scale);
+        /*  If # fLO2 harmonics > m_maxLOSpurHarmonic, then no spurs present  */
+        if (md >= pAS_Info->maxH1)
+            break;
+        ma = (n*((f_LO1+hgds)/gd_Scale) + ((d+hgds)/gd_Scale)) / ((f_LO2+hgds)/gd_Scale);
+        /*  If no spurs between +/- (f_out + f_IFBW/2), then try next harmonic  */
+        if (md == ma)
+            continue;
+        mc = (n*((f_LO1+hgcs)/gc_Scale) - ((c+hgcs)/gc_Scale)) / ((f_LO2+hgcs)/gc_Scale);
+        if (mc != md)
+        {
+            f_nsLO1 = (SData_t) (n*(f_LO1/gc_Scale));
+            f_nsLO2 = (SData_t) (mc*(f_LO2/gc_Scale));
+            f_Spur = (gc_Scale * (f_nsLO1 - f_nsLO2)) + n*(f_LO1 % gc_Scale) - mc*(f_LO2 % gc_Scale);
+            *fp = ((f_Spur - (SData_t) c) / (mc - n)) + 1;
+            *fm = (((SData_t) d - f_Spur) / (mc - n)) + 1;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        /*  Location of Zero-IF-spur to be checked  */
+        me = (n*((f_LO1+hgfs)/gf_Scale) + ((f+hgfs)/gf_Scale)) / ((f_LO2+hgfs)/gf_Scale);
+        mf = (n*((f_LO1+hgfs)/gf_Scale) - ((f+hgfs)/gf_Scale)) / ((f_LO2+hgfs)/gf_Scale);
+        if (me != mf)
+        {
+            f_nsLO1 = n*(f_LO1/gf_Scale);
+            f_nsLO2 = me*(f_LO2/gf_Scale);
+            f_Spur = (gf_Scale * (f_nsLO1 - f_nsLO2)) + n*(f_LO1 % gf_Scale) - me*(f_LO2 % gf_Scale);
+            *fp = ((f_Spur + (SData_t) f) / (me - n)) + 1;
+            *fm = (((SData_t) f - f_Spur) / (me - n)) + 1;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        mb = (n*((f_LO1+hgcs)/gc_Scale) + ((c+hgcs)/gc_Scale)) / ((f_LO2+hgcs)/gc_Scale);
+        if (ma != mb)
+        {
+            f_nsLO1 = n*(f_LO1/gc_Scale);
+            f_nsLO2 = ma*(f_LO2/gc_Scale);
+            f_Spur = (gc_Scale * (f_nsLO1 - f_nsLO2)) + n*(f_LO1 % gc_Scale) - ma*(f_LO2 % gc_Scale);
+            *fp = (((SData_t) d + f_Spur) / (ma - n)) + 1;
+            *fm = (-(f_Spur + (SData_t) c) / (ma - n)) + 1;
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+#if MT_TUNER_CNT > 1
+    /*  If no spur found, see if there are more tuners on the same board  */
+    for (index = 0; index < TunerCount; ++index)
+    {
+        adj = TunerList[index];
+        if (pAS_Info == adj)    /* skip over our own data, don't process it */
+            continue;
+        /*  Look for LO-related spurs from the adjacent tuner generated into my IF output  */
+        if (IsSpurInAdjTunerBand(1,                   /*  check my IF output                     */
+                                 pAS_Info->f_LO1,     /*  my fLO1                                */
+                                 adj->f_LO1,          /*  the other tuner's fLO1                 */
+                                 pAS_Info->f_LO2,     /*  my fLO2                                */
+                                 pAS_Info->f_out,     /*  my fOut                                */
+                                 pAS_Info->f_out_bw,  /*  my output IF bandwidth                 */
+                                 pAS_Info->f_zif_bw,  /*  my Zero-IF bandwidth                   */
+                                 pAS_Info->maxH2,
+                                 fp,                  /*  minimum amount to move LO's positive   */
+                                 fm))                 /*  miminum amount to move LO's negative   */
+            return 1;
+        /*  Look for LO-related spurs from my tuner generated into the adjacent tuner's IF output  */
+        if (IsSpurInAdjTunerBand(0,                   /*  check his IF output                    */
+                                 pAS_Info->f_LO1,     /*  my fLO1                                */
+                                 adj->f_LO1,          /*  the other tuner's fLO1                 */
+                                 adj->f_LO2,          /*  the other tuner's fLO2                 */
+                                 adj->f_out,          /*  the other tuner's fOut                 */
+                                 adj->f_out_bw,       /*  the other tuner's output IF bandwidth  */
+                                 pAS_Info->f_zif_bw,  /*  the other tuner's Zero-IF bandwidth    */
+                                 adj->maxH2,
+                                 fp,                  /*  minimum amount to move LO's positive   */
+                                 fm))                 /*  miminum amount to move LO's negative   */
+            return 1;
+    }
+    /*  No spurs found  */
+    return 0;
+**  Name: MT_AvoidSpurs
+**  Description:    Main entry point to avoid spurs.
+**                  Checks for existing spurs in present LO1, LO2 freqs
+**                  and if present, chooses spur-free LO1, LO2 combination
+**                  that tunes the same input/output frequencies.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   096   04-06-2005    DAD    Ver 1.11: Fix divide by 0 error if maxH==0.
+UData_t MT2063_AvoidSpurs(Handle_t h,
+                      MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;
+    UData_t fm, fp;                     /*  restricted range on LO's        */
+    pAS_Info->bSpurAvoided = 0;
+    pAS_Info->nSpursFound = 0;
+    //h;                          /*  warning expected: code has no effect    */
+    if (pAS_Info->maxH1 == 0)
+        return MT_OK;
+    /*
+    **  Avoid LO Generated Spurs
+    **
+    **  Make sure that have no LO-related spurs within the IF output
+    **  bandwidth.
+    **
+    **  If there is an LO spur in this band, start at the current IF1 frequency
+    **  and work out until we find a spur-free frequency or run up against the
+    **  1st IF SAW band edge.  Use temporary copies of fLO1 and fLO2 so that they
+    **  will be unchanged if a spur-free setting is not found.
+    */
+    pAS_Info->bSpurPresent = IsSpurInBand(pAS_Info, &fm, &fp);
+    if (pAS_Info->bSpurPresent)
+    {
+        UData_t zfIF1 = pAS_Info->f_LO1 - pAS_Info->f_in; /*  current attempt at a 1st IF  */
+        UData_t zfLO1 = pAS_Info->f_LO1;         /*  current attempt at an LO1 freq  */
+        UData_t zfLO2 = pAS_Info->f_LO2;         /*  current attempt at an LO2 freq  */
+        UData_t delta_IF1;
+        UData_t new_IF1;
+        UData_t added;                           /*  success of Excl Zone addition  */
+        /*
+        **  Spur was found, attempt to find a spur-free 1st IF
+        */
+        do
+        {
+            pAS_Info->nSpursFound++;
+            /*  Raise f_IF1_upper, if needed  */
+            added = MT2063_AddExclZone(pAS_Info, zfIF1 - fm, zfIF1 + fp);
+            /*
+            **  If Exclusion Zone could NOT be added, then we'll just keep picking
+            **  the same bad point, so exit this loop and report that there is a
+            **  spur present in the output
+            */
+            if (!added)
+                break;
+            /*  Choose next IF1 that is closest to f_IF1_CENTER              */
+            new_IF1 = MT2063_ChooseFirstIF(pAS_Info);
+            if (new_IF1 > zfIF1)
+            {
+                pAS_Info->f_LO1 += (new_IF1 - zfIF1);
+                pAS_Info->f_LO2 += (new_IF1 - zfIF1);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pAS_Info->f_LO1 -= (zfIF1 - new_IF1);
+                pAS_Info->f_LO2 -= (zfIF1 - new_IF1);
+            }
+            zfIF1 = new_IF1;
+            if (zfIF1 > pAS_Info->f_if1_Center)
+                delta_IF1 = zfIF1 - pAS_Info->f_if1_Center;
+            else
+                delta_IF1 = pAS_Info->f_if1_Center - zfIF1;
+        }
+        /*
+        **  Continue while the new 1st IF is still within the 1st IF bandwidth
+        **  and there is a spur in the band (again)
+        */
+        while ((2*delta_IF1 + pAS_Info->f_out_bw <= pAS_Info->f_if1_bw) &&
+              (pAS_Info->bSpurPresent = IsSpurInBand(pAS_Info, &fm, &fp)));
+        /*
+        ** Use the LO-spur free values found.  If the search went all the way to
+        ** the 1st IF band edge and always found spurs, just leave the original
+        ** choice.  It's as "good" as any other.
+        */
+        if (pAS_Info->bSpurPresent == 1)
+        {
+            status |= MT_SPUR_PRESENT;
+            pAS_Info->f_LO1 = zfLO1;
+            pAS_Info->f_LO2 = zfLO2;
+        }
+        else
+            pAS_Info->bSpurAvoided = 1;
+    }
+    status |= ((pAS_Info->nSpursFound << MT_SPUR_SHIFT) & MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK);
+    return (status);
+UData_t MT2063_AvoidSpursVersion(void)
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2063.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2063.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2063.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2063.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.140066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2206 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_MT2063_H
+#define __TUNER_MT2063_H
+@brief   MT2063 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate MT2063 tuner through MT2063 module.
+MT2063 module is derived from tunerd module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_mt2063.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE        *pTuner;
+	MT2063_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz;
+	...
+	// Build MT2063 tuner module.
+	BuildMt2063Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc0								// I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		);
+	// Get MT2063 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->pExtra.Mt2063);
+	// Open MT2063 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->OpenHandle(pTuner);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set MT2063 IF frequency.
+	pTunerExtra->SetIfFreqHz(pTuner, IF_FREQ_36125000HZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get MT2063 IF frequency.
+	pTunerExtra->SetIfFreqHz(pTuner, &IfFreqHz);
+	// Close MT2063 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->CloseHandle(pTuner);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+// The following context is source code provided by Microtune.
+// Microtune source code - mt_errordef.h
+**  Name: mt_errordef.h
+**  Copyright 2004-2007 Microtune, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+**  This source code file contains confidential information and/or trade
+**  secrets of Microtune, Inc. or its affiliates and is subject to the
+**  terms of your confidentiality agreement with Microtune, Inc. or one of
+**  its affiliates, as applicable.
+**  Name: mt_errordef.h
+**  Description:    Definition of bits in status/error word used by various
+**                  MicroTuner control programs.
+**  References:     None
+**  Exports:        None
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt_errordef.h,v 1.2 2008/11/05 13:46:19 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/vol0/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2063/mt_errordef.h,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   09-09-2004    JWS    Original
+**   088   01-26-2005    DAD    Added MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR.
+**   N/A   12-09-2005    DAD    Added MT_TUNER_TIMEOUT (info).
+**   N/A   10-17-2006    JWS    Updated copyright notice.
+**   N/A L 02-25-2008    RSK    Correcting Comment Block to match constants.
+** Note to users:  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+** If you wish to rename any of the "user defined" bits,
+** it should be done in the user file that includes this
+** source file (e.g. mt_userdef.h)
+**  3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+**  1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+**  M U <- Info Codes --> <# Spurs> < User> <----- Err Codes ----->
+**  31 = MT_ERROR - Master Error Flag.  If set, check Err Codes for reason.
+**  30 = MT_USER_ERROR - User-declared error flag.
+**  29 = Unused
+**  28 = Unused
+**  27 = MT_DNC_RANGE
+**  26 = MT_UPC_RANGE
+**  25 = MT_FOUT_RANGE
+**  23 = MT_SPUR_PRESENT - Unavoidable spur in output
+**  21 = Unused
+**  20 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK (MSB) - Count of avoided spurs
+**  19 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK
+**  18 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK
+**  17 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK
+**  16 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK (LSB)
+**  15 = MT_USER_DEFINED4 - User-definable bit (see MT_Userdef.h)
+**  14 = MT_USER_DEFINED3 - User-definable bit (see MT_Userdef.h)
+**  13 = MT_USER_DEFINED2 - User-definable bit (see MT_Userdef.h)
+**  12 = MT_USER_DEFINED1 - User-definable bit (see MT_Userdef.h)
+**  11 = Unused
+**  10 = Unused
+**   9 = MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR - Tuner initialization error
+**   8 = MT_TUNER_ID_ERR - Tuner Part Code / Rev Code mismatches expected value
+**   7 = MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR - Attempt to open more than MT_TUNER_CNT tuners
+**   6 = MT_ARG_NULL - Null pointer passed as argument
+**   5 = MT_ARG_RANGE - Argument value out of range
+**   4 = MT_INV_HANDLE - Tuner handle is invalid
+**   3 = MT_COMM_ERR - Serial bus communications error
+**   2 = MT_DNC_UNLOCK - Downconverter PLL is unlocked
+**   1 = MT_UPC_UNLOCK - Upconverter PLL is unlocked
+**   0 = MT_UNKNOWN - Unknown error
+#define MT_ERROR (1 << 31)
+#define MT_USER_ERROR (1 << 30)
+/*  Macro to be used to check for errors  */
+#define MT_IS_ERROR(s) (((s) >> 30) != 0)
+#define MT_NO_ERROR(s) (((s) >> 30) == 0)
+#define MT_OK                           (0x00000000)
+/*  Unknown error  */
+#define MT_UNKNOWN                      (0x80000001)
+/*  Error:  Upconverter PLL is not locked  */
+#define MT_UPC_UNLOCK                   (0x80000002)
+/*  Error:  Downconverter PLL is not locked  */
+#define MT_DNC_UNLOCK                   (0x80000004)
+/*  Error:  Two-wire serial bus communications error  */
+#define MT_COMM_ERR                     (0x80000008)
+/*  Error:  Tuner handle passed to function was invalid  */
+#define MT_INV_HANDLE                   (0x80000010)
+/*  Error:  Function argument is invalid (out of range)  */
+#define MT_ARG_RANGE                    (0x80000020)
+/*  Error:  Function argument (ptr to return value) was NULL  */
+#define MT_ARG_NULL                     (0x80000040)
+/*  Error: Attempt to open more than MT_TUNER_CNT tuners  */
+#define MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR                (0x80000080)
+/*  Error: Tuner Part Code / Rev Code mismatches expected value  */
+#define MT_TUNER_ID_ERR                 (0x80000100)
+/*  Error: Tuner Initialization failure  */
+#define MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR               (0x80000200)
+/*  User-definable fields (see mt_userdef.h)  */
+#define MT_USER_DEFINED1                (0x00001000)
+#define MT_USER_DEFINED2                (0x00002000)
+#define MT_USER_DEFINED3                (0x00004000)
+#define MT_USER_DEFINED4                (0x00008000)
+#define MT_USER_MASK                    (0x4000f000)
+#define MT_USER_SHIFT                   (12)
+/*  Info: Mask of bits used for # of LO-related spurs that were avoided during tuning  */
+#define MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK                (0x001f0000)
+#define MT_SPUR_SHIFT                   (16)
+/*  Info: Tuner timeout waiting for condition  */
+#define MT_TUNER_TIMEOUT                (0x00400000)
+/*  Info: Unavoidable LO-related spur may be present in the output  */
+#define MT_SPUR_PRESENT                 (0x00800000)
+/*  Info: Tuner input frequency is out of range */
+#define MT_FIN_RANGE                    (0x01000000)
+/*  Info: Tuner output frequency is out of range */
+#define MT_FOUT_RANGE                   (0x02000000)
+/*  Info: Upconverter frequency is out of range (may be reason for MT_UPC_UNLOCK) */
+#define MT_UPC_RANGE                    (0x04000000)
+/*  Info: Downconverter frequency is out of range (may be reason for MT_DPC_UNLOCK) */
+#define MT_DNC_RANGE                    (0x08000000)
+// Microtune source code - mt_userdef.h
+**  Name: mt_userdef.h
+**  Copyright 2006-2008 Microtune, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+**  This source code file contains confidential information and/or trade
+**  secrets of Microtune, Inc. or its affiliates and is subject to the
+**  terms of your confidentiality agreement with Microtune, Inc. or one of
+**  its affiliates, as applicable and the terms of the end-user software
+**  license agreement (EULA).
+**  Protected by US Patent 7,035,614 and additional patents pending or filed.
+**  Name: mt_userdef.h
+**  Description:    User-defined data types needed by MicroTuner source code.
+**                  Customers must provide the code for these functions
+**                  in the file "mt_userdef.c".
+**                  Customers must verify that the typedef's in the 
+**                  "Data Types" section are correct for their platform.
+**  Functions
+**  Requiring
+**  Implementation: MT_WriteSub
+**                  MT_ReadSub
+**                  MT_Sleep
+**  References:     None
+**  Exports:        None
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt_userdef.h,v 1.2 2008/11/05 13:46:20 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/vol0/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2063/mt_userdef.h,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+**   082   12-06-2004    JWS    Multi-tuner support - requires MTxxxx_CNT 
+**                              declarations
+**   N/A   04-13-2007    JWS    Added Signed 8-bit type - S8Data
+**   200   08-07-2008    JWS    Included definition of DECT avoid constants.
+#if !defined( __MT_USERDEF_H )
+#define __MT_USERDEF_H
+//#include "mt_errordef.h"
+#if defined( __cplusplus )     
+extern "C"                     /* Use "C" external linkage                  */
+#if !defined( __MT_DATA_DEF_H )
+#define __MT_DATA_DEF_H
+**  Data Types
+typedef unsigned char   U8Data;         /*  type corresponds to 8 bits      */
+typedef signed char     S8Data;         /*  type corresponds to 8 bits      */
+typedef unsigned int    UData_t;        /*  type must be at least 32 bits   */
+typedef int             SData_t;        /*  type must be at least 32 bits   */
+typedef void *          Handle_t;       /*  memory pointer type             */
+typedef double          FData_t;        /*  floating point data type        */
+#define MAX_UDATA         (4294967295U)  /*  max value storable in UData_t   */
+** Define an MTxxxx_CNT macro for each type of tuner that will be built
+** into your application (e.g., MT2121, MT2060). MT_TUNER_CNT
+** must be set to the SUM of all of the MTxxxx_CNT macros.
+** #define MT2050_CNT  (1)
+** #define MT2060_CNT  (1)
+** #define MT2111_CNT  (1)
+** #define MT2121_CNT  (3)
+#if !defined( MT_TUNER_CNT )
+#define MT_TUNER_CNT               (1)  /*  total num of MicroTuner tuners  */
+#ifndef _MT_DECT_Avoid_Type_DEFINE_
+#define _MT_DECT_Avoid_Type_DEFINE_
+// DECT Frequency Avoidance:
+// These constants are used to avoid interference from DECT frequencies.
+typedef enum
+    MT_NO_DECT_AVOIDANCE = 0,              /* Do not create DECT exclusion zones.     */
+    MT_AVOID_US_DECT     = 0x00000001,     /* Avoid US DECT frequencies.              */
+    MT_AVOID_EURO_DECT   = 0x00000002,     /* Avoid European DECT frequencies.        */
+    MT_AVOID_BOTH                          /* Avoid both regions. Not typically used. */
+} MT_DECT_Avoid_Type;
+**  Optional user-defined Error/Info Codes  (examples below)
+**  This is the area where you can define user-specific error/info return
+**  codes to be returned by any of the functions you are responsible for
+**  writing such as MT_WriteSub() and MT_ReadSub.  There are four bits
+**  available in the status field for your use.  When set, these
+**  bits will be returned in the status word returned by any tuner driver
+**  call.  If you OR in the MT_ERROR bit as well, the tuner driver code
+**  will treat the code as an error.
+**  The following are a few examples of errors you can provide.
+**  Example 1:
+**  You might check to see the hUserData handle is correct and issue 
+**  MY_USERDATA_INVALID which would be defined like this:
+**  Example 2:
+**  You might be able to provide more descriptive two-wire bus errors:
+**  Example 3:
+**  You can also provide information (non-error) feedback:
+**  #define MY_INFO_1   (MT_USER_DEFINED1)
+**  Example 4:
+**  You can combine the fields together to make a multi-bit field.
+**  This one can provide the tuner number based off of the addr
+**  passed to MT_WriteSub or MT_ReadSub.  It assumes that
+**  MT_USER_DEFINED4 through MT_USER_DEFINED1 are contiguously. If
+**  TUNER_NUM were OR'ed into the status word on an error, you could
+**  use this to identify which tuner had the problem (and whether it
+**  was during a read or write operation).
+**  #define TUNER_NUM  ((addr & 0x07) >> 1) << MT_USER_SHIFT
+**  Name: MT_WriteSub
+**  Description:    Write values to device using a two-wire serial bus.
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  addr       - device serial bus address  (value passed
+**                               as parameter to MTxxxx_Open)
+**                  subAddress - serial bus sub-address (Register Address)
+**                  pData      - pointer to the Data to be written to the 
+**                               device 
+**                  cnt        - number of bytes/registers to be written
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      user-defined
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code for this
+**                  function to write data using the tuner's 2-wire serial 
+**                  bus.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument.
+**                  If additional arguments are needed for the user's
+**                  serial bus read/write functions, this argument can be
+**                  used to supply the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's Open
+**                  function.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+UData_t MT2063_WriteSub(Handle_t hUserData, 
+                    UData_t addr, 
+                    U8Data subAddress, 
+                    U8Data *pData, 
+                    UData_t cnt);
+**  Name: MT_ReadSub
+**  Description:    Read values from device using a two-wire serial bus.
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  addr       - device serial bus address  (value passed
+**                               as parameter to MTxxxx_Open)
+**                  subAddress - serial bus sub-address (Register Address)
+**                  pData      - pointer to the Data to be written to the 
+**                               device 
+**                  cnt        - number of bytes/registers to be written
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      user-defined
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code for this
+**                  function to read data using the tuner's 2-wire serial 
+**                  bus.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument.
+**                  If additional arguments are needed for the user's
+**                  serial bus read/write functions, this argument can be
+**                  used to supply the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's Open
+**                  function.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+UData_t MT2063_ReadSub(Handle_t hUserData, 
+                   UData_t addr, 
+                   U8Data subAddress, 
+                   U8Data *pData, 
+                   UData_t cnt);
+**  Name: MT_Sleep
+**  Description:    Delay execution for "nMinDelayTime" milliseconds
+**  Parameters:     hUserData     - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                                  passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  nMinDelayTime - Delay time in milliseconds
+**  Returns:        None.
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code that
+**                  blocks execution for the specified period of time. 
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+void MT2063_Sleep(Handle_t hUserData,
+              UData_t nMinDelayTime);
+#if defined(MT2060_CNT)
+#if MT2060_CNT > 0
+**  Name: MT_TunerGain  (for MT2060 only)
+**  Description:    Measure the relative tuner gain using the demodulator
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  pMeas      - Tuner gain (1/100 of dB scale).
+**                               ie. 1234 = 12.34 (dB)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK  - No errors
+**                      user-defined errors could be set
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the 1st IF location routine.  You MUST provide
+**                  code that measures the relative tuner gain in a dB
+**                  (not linear) scale.  The return value is an integer
+**                  value scaled to 1/100 of a dB.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   06-16-2004    DAD    Original
+**   N/A   11-30-2004    DAD    Renamed from MT_DemodInputPower.  This name
+**                              better describes what this function does.
+UData_t MT_TunerGain(Handle_t hUserData,
+                     SData_t* pMeas);
+#if defined( __cplusplus )     
+// Microtune source code - mt2063.h
+**  Name: mt2063.h
+**  Copyright 2007 Microtune, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+**  This source code file contains confidential information and/or trade
+**  secrets of Microtune, Inc. or its affiliates and is subject to the
+**  terms of your confidentiality agreement with Microtune, Inc. or one of
+**  its affiliates, as applicable.
+**  Name: mt2063.h
+**  Description:    Microtune MT2063 B0/B1 Tuner software interface
+**                  Supports tuners with Part/Rev codes: 0x9B, 0x9C.
+**  Functions
+**  Implemented:    UData_t  MT2063_Open
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_Close
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetGPIO
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetLocked
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetParam
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetPowerMaskBits
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetReg
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetTemp
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_GetUserData
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_ReInit
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_SetGPIO
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_SetParam
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_SetPowerMaskBits
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_ClearPowerMaskBits
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_SetReg
+**                  UData_t  MT2063_Tune
+**  References:     AN-xxxxx: MT2063 Programming Procedures Application Note
+**                  MicroTune, Inc.
+**                  AN-00010: MicroTuner Serial Interface Application Note
+**                  MicroTune, Inc.
+**  Enumerations
+**  Defined:        MT2063_Ext_SRO
+**                  MT2063_Param
+**                  MT2063_Mask_Bits
+**                  MT2063_GPIO_Attr;
+**                  MT2063_Temperature
+**  Exports:        None
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub(hUserData, IC_Addr, subAddress, *pData, cnt);
+**                  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus.
+**                  MT_WriteSub(hUserData, IC_Addr, subAddress, *pData, cnt);
+**                  - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus.
+**                  MT_Sleep(hUserData, nMinDelayTime);
+**                  - Delay execution for nMinDelayTime milliseconds
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt2063.h,v 1.5 2009/04/29 09:58:14 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/vol0/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2063/mt2063.h,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   N/A   08-01-2007    PINZ   Changed Analog & DVB-T settings and added
+**                              SAW-less receiver mode.
+**   155   10-01-2007    DAD    Ver 1.06: Add receiver mode for SECAM positive
+**                                        modulation
+**                                        (MT2063_ANALOG_TV_POS_NO_RFAGC_MODE)
+**   N/A   10-22-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.07: Changed some Registers at init to have
+**                                        the same settings as with MT Launcher
+**   N/A   10-30-2007    PINZ             Add SetParam VGAGC & VGAOI
+**                                        Add SetParam DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE
+**                                        Removed VGAGC from receiver mode,
+**                                        default now 1
+**   N/A   10-31-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.08: Add SetParam TAGC, removed from rcvr-mode
+**                                        Add SetParam AMPGC, removed from rcvr-mode
+**                                        Corrected names of GCU values
+**                                        Actualized Receiver-Mode values
+**   N/A   04-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.09: Add SetParam LNA_TGT
+**                                        Split SetParam up to ACLNA / ACLNA_MAX
+**                                        removed ACLNA_INRC/DECR (+RF & FIF)
+**                                        removed GCUAUTO / BYPATNDN/UP
+**   175 I 06-06-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.10: Add control to avoid US DECT freqs.
+**   175 I 06-19-2008    RSK    Ver 1.17: Refactor DECT control to SpurAvoid.
+**   175 I 06-24-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.18: Add Get/SetParam CTFILT_SW
+**         07-10-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.19: Documentation Updates, Add a GetParam
+**                                        for each SetParam (LNA_RIN, TGTs)
+**         01-07-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.27: Changed value of MT2063_ALL_SD in .h
+**         02-16-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.29: Several fixes to improve compiler behavior
+**   N/A I 03-19-2009    PINZ   Ver 1.32: Add GetParam VERSION (of API)
+**                                        Add GetParam IC_REV
+#if !defined( __MT2063_H )
+#define __MT2063_H
+//#include "mt_userdef.h"
+#if defined( __cplusplus )
+extern "C"                     /* Use "C" external linkage                  */
+** Chip revision
+typedef enum
+    MT2063_XX = 0,
+    MT2063_B0 = 206310,
+    MT2063_B1 = 206311,
+    MT2063_B3 = 206313
+} MT2063_REVCODE;
+**  Values returned by the MT2063's on-chip temperature sensor
+**  to be read/written.
+typedef enum
+    MT2063_T_0C = 0,                    /*  Temperature approx 0C           */
+    MT2063_T_10C,                       /*  Temperature approx 10C          */
+    MT2063_T_20C,                       /*  Temperature approx 20C          */
+    MT2063_T_30C,                       /*  Temperature approx 30C          */
+    MT2063_T_40C,                       /*  Temperature approx 40C          */
+    MT2063_T_50C,                       /*  Temperature approx 50C          */
+    MT2063_T_60C,                       /*  Temperature approx 60C          */
+    MT2063_T_70C,                       /*  Temperature approx 70C          */
+    MT2063_T_80C,                       /*  Temperature approx 80C          */
+    MT2063_T_90C,                       /*  Temperature approx 90C          */
+    MT2063_T_100C,                      /*  Temperature approx 100C         */
+    MT2063_T_110C,                      /*  Temperature approx 110C         */
+    MT2063_T_120C,                      /*  Temperature approx 120C         */
+    MT2063_T_130C,                      /*  Temperature approx 130C         */
+    MT2063_T_140C,                      /*  Temperature approx 140C         */
+    MT2063_T_150C                       /*  Temperature approx 150C         */
+} MT2063_Temperature;
+** Parameters for selecting GPIO bits
+typedef enum
+    MT2063_GPIO_IN,
+    MT2063_GPIO_DIR,
+    MT2063_GPIO_OUT
+} MT2063_GPIO_Attr;
+typedef enum
+    MT2063_GPIO0,
+    MT2063_GPIO1,
+    MT2063_GPIO2
+} MT2063_GPIO_ID;
+**  Parameter for function MT2063_SetExtSRO that specifies the external
+**  SRO drive frequency.
+**  MT2063_EXT_SRO_OFF is the power-up default value.
+typedef enum
+    MT2063_EXT_SRO_OFF,                 /*  External SRO drive off          */
+    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_4,                /*  External SRO drive divide by 4  */
+    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_2,                /*  External SRO drive divide by 2  */
+    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_1                 /*  External SRO drive divide by 1  */
+} MT2063_Ext_SRO;
+**  Parameter for function MT2063_SetPowerMask that specifies the power down
+**  of various sections of the MT2063.
+typedef enum
+    MT2063_REG_SD   = 0x0040,   /* Shutdown regulator                 */
+    MT2063_SRO_SD   = 0x0020,   /* Shutdown SRO                       */
+    MT2063_AFC_SD   = 0x0010,   /* Shutdown AFC A/D                   */
+    MT2063_PD_SD    = 0x0002,   /* Enable power detector shutdown     */
+    MT2063_PDADC_SD = 0x0001,   /* Enable power detector A/D shutdown */
+    MT2063_VCO_SD   = 0x8000,   /* Enable VCO shutdown                */
+    MT2063_LTX_SD   = 0x4000,   /* Enable LTX shutdown                */
+    MT2063_LT1_SD   = 0x2000,   /* Enable LT1 shutdown                */
+    MT2063_LNA_SD   = 0x1000,   /* Enable LNA shutdown                */
+    MT2063_UPC_SD   = 0x0800,   /* Enable upconverter shutdown        */
+    MT2063_DNC_SD   = 0x0400,   /* Enable downconverter shutdown      */
+    MT2063_VGA_SD   = 0x0200,   /* Enable VGA shutdown                */
+    MT2063_AMP_SD   = 0x0100,   /* Enable AMP shutdown                */
+    MT2063_ALL_SD   = 0xFF13,   /* All shutdown bits for this tuner   */
+    MT2063_NONE_SD  = 0x0000    /* No shutdown bits                   */
+} MT2063_Mask_Bits;
+**  Parameter for function MT2063_GetParam & MT2063_SetParam that
+**  specifies the tuning algorithm parameter to be read/written.
+typedef enum
+    /*  version of the API, e.g. 10302 = 1.32                               */
+    MT2063_VERSION,
+    /*  tuner address                                  set by MT2063_Open() */
+    MT2063_IC_ADDR,
+    /*  tuner revision code  (see enum  MT2063_REVCODE for values)          */
+    MT2063_IC_REV,
+    /*  max number of MT2063 tuners     set by MT_TUNER_CNT in mt_userdef.h */
+    MT2063_MAX_OPEN,
+    /*  current number of open MT2063 tuners           set by MT2063_Open() */
+    MT2063_NUM_OPEN,
+    /*  crystal frequency                            (default: 16000000 Hz) */
+    MT2063_SRO_FREQ,
+    /*  min tuning step size                            (default: 50000 Hz) */
+    MT2063_STEPSIZE,
+    /*  input center frequency                         set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_INPUT_FREQ,
+    /*  LO1 Frequency                                  set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_LO1_FREQ,
+    /*  LO1 minimum step size                          (default: 250000 Hz) */
+    MT2063_LO1_STEPSIZE,
+    /*  LO1 FracN keep-out region                      (default: 999999 Hz) */
+    MT2063_LO1_FRACN_AVOID,
+    /*  Current 1st IF in use                          set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_IF1_ACTUAL,
+    /*  Requested 1st IF                               set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_IF1_REQUEST,
+    /*  Center of 1st IF SAW filter                (default: 1218000000 Hz) */
+    MT2063_IF1_CENTER,
+    /*  Bandwidth of 1st IF SAW filter               (default: 20000000 Hz) */
+    MT2063_IF1_BW,
+    /*  zero-IF bandwidth                             (default: 2000000 Hz) */
+    MT2063_ZIF_BW,
+    /*  LO2 Frequency                                  set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_LO2_FREQ,
+    /*  LO2 minimum step size                           (default: 50000 Hz) */
+    MT2063_LO2_STEPSIZE,
+    /*  LO2 FracN keep-out region                      (default: 374999 Hz) */
+    MT2063_LO2_FRACN_AVOID,
+    /*  output center frequency                        set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_OUTPUT_FREQ,
+    /*  output bandwidth                               set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_OUTPUT_BW,
+    /*  min inter-tuner LO separation                 (default: 1000000 Hz) */
+    /*  ID of avoid-spurs algorithm in use            compile-time constant */
+    MT2063_AS_ALG,
+    /*  max # of intra-tuner harmonics                       (default: 15)  */
+    MT2063_MAX_HARM1,
+    /*  max # of inter-tuner harmonics                        (default: 7)  */
+    MT2063_MAX_HARM2,
+    /*  # of 1st IF exclusion zones used               set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_EXCL_ZONES,
+    /*  # of spurs found/avoided                       set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    MT2063_NUM_SPURS,
+    /*  >0 spurs avoided                               set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    /*  >0 spurs in output (mathematically)            set by MT2063_Tune() */
+    /* Receiver Mode for some parameters. 1 is DVB-T                        */
+    MT2063_RCVR_MODE,
+    /* directly set LNA attenuation, parameter is value to set              */
+    MT2063_ACLNA,
+    /* maximum LNA attenuation, parameter is value to set                   */
+    MT2063_ACLNA_MAX,
+    /* directly set ATN attenuation.  Paremeter is value to set.            */
+    MT2063_ACRF,
+    /* maxium ATN attenuation.  Paremeter is value to set.                  */
+    MT2063_ACRF_MAX,
+    /* directly set FIF attenuation.  Paremeter is value to set.            */
+    MT2063_ACFIF,
+    /* maxium FIF attenuation.  Paremeter is value to set.                  */
+    MT2063_ACFIF_MAX,
+    /*  LNA Rin                                                             */
+    MT2063_LNA_RIN,
+    /*  Power Detector LNA level target                                     */
+    MT2063_LNA_TGT,
+    /*  Power Detector 1 level                                              */
+    MT2063_PD1,
+    /*  Power Detector 1 level target                                       */
+    MT2063_PD1_TGT,
+    /*  Power Detector 2 level                                              */
+    MT2063_PD2,
+    /*  Power Detector 2 level target                                       */
+    MT2063_PD2_TGT,
+    /*  Selects, which DNC is activ                                         */
+    /*  VGA gain code                                                       */
+    MT2063_VGAGC,
+    /*  VGA bias current                                                    */
+    MT2063_VGAOI,
+    /*  TAGC, determins the speed of the AGC                                */
+    MT2063_TAGC,
+    /*  AMP gain code                                                       */
+    MT2063_AMPGC,
+    /* Control setting to avoid DECT freqs         (default: MT_AVOID_BOTH) */
+    MT2063_AVOID_DECT,
+    /* Cleartune filter selection: 0 - by IC (default), 1 - by software     */
+    MT2063_CTFILT_SW,
+    MT2063_EOP                    /*  last entry in enumerated list         */
+} MT2063_Param;
+**  Parameter for selecting tuner mode
+typedef enum
+    MT2063_CABLE_QAM = 0,            /* Digital cable              */
+    MT2063_CABLE_ANALOG,             /* Analog cable               */
+    MT2063_OFFAIR_COFDM,             /* Digital offair             */
+    MT2063_OFFAIR_COFDM_SAWLESS,     /* Digital offair without SAW */
+    MT2063_OFFAIR_ANALOG,            /* Analog offair              */
+    MT2063_OFFAIR_8VSB,              /* Analog offair              */
+**  Possible values for MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT
+typedef enum {
+    MT2063_DNC_NONE = 0,
+    MT2063_DNC_1,
+    MT2063_DNC_2,
+    MT2063_DNC_BOTH
+} MT2063_DNC_Output_Enable;
+/* ====== Functions which are declared in MT2063.c File ======= */
+**  Name: MT2063_Open
+**  Description:    Initialize the tuner's register values.
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_Open(0xC0, &hMT2063, NULL);
+**                  if (MT_IS_ERROR(status))
+**                      //  Check error codes for reason
+**  Parameters:     MT2063_Addr  - Serial bus address of the tuner.
+**                  hMT2063      - Tuner handle passed back.
+**                  hUserData    - User-defined data, if needed for the
+**                                 MT_ReadSub() & MT_WriteSub functions.
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK             - No errors
+**                      MT_TUNER_ID_ERR   - Tuner Part/Rev code mismatch
+**                      MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR - Tuner initialization failed
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR       - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL       - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR  - Too many tuners open
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_Open(UData_t MT2063_Addr,
+                    Handle_t* hMT2063,
+                    Handle_t hUserData);
+**  Name: MT2063_Close
+**  Description:    Release the handle to the tuner.
+**  Parameters:     hMT2063      - Handle to the MT2063 tuner
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_Close(hMT2063);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK         - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   mt_errordef.h - definition of error codes
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_Close(Handle_t hMT2063);
+**  Name: MT2063_Tune
+**  Description:    Change the tuner's tuned frequency to f_in.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  f_in        - RF input center frequency (in Hz).
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_Tune(hMT2063,
+**                                       f_in)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_UPC_UNLOCK    - Upconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK - Count of avoided LO spurs
+**                      MT_SPUR_PRESENT  - LO spur possible in output
+**                      MT_FIN_RANGE     - Input freq out of range
+**                      MT_FOUT_RANGE    - Output freq out of range
+**                      MT_UPC_RANGE     - Upconverter freq out of range
+**                      MT_DNC_RANGE     - Downconverter freq out of range
+**  Dependencies:   MUST CALL MT2063_Open BEFORE MT2063_Tune!
+**                  MT_ReadSub   - Read data from the two-wire serial bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub  - Write data to the two-wire serial bus
+**                  MT_Sleep     - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_Tune(Handle_t h,
+                    UData_t f_in);    /* RF input center frequency   */
+**  Name: MT2063_GetGPIO
+**  Description:    Get the current MT2063 GPIO value.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**                  attr         - Selects input readback, I/O direction or
+**                                 output value
+**                  bit          - Selects GPIO0, GPIO1, or GPIO2
+**                  *value       - current setting of GPIO pin
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_GetGPIO(hMT2063, MT2063_GPIO2, &value);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the serial bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetGPIO(Handle_t h, MT2063_GPIO_ID gpio_id, MT2063_GPIO_Attr attr, UData_t* value);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetLocked
+**  Description:    Checks to see if LO1 and LO2 are locked.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_GetLocked(hMT2063);
+**                  if (status & (MT_UPC_UNLOCK | MT_DNC_UNLOCK))
+**                      //  error!, one or more PLL's unlocked
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_UPC_UNLOCK    - Upconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub    - Read byte(s) of data from the serial bus
+**                  MT_Sleep      - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetLocked(Handle_t h);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetParam
+**  Description:    Gets a tuning algorithm parameter.
+**                  This function provides access to the internals of the
+**                  tuning algorithm - mostly for testing purposes.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  param       - Tuning algorithm parameter
+**                                (see enum MT2063_Param)
+**                  pValue      - ptr to returned value
+**                  param                   Description
+**                  ----------------------  --------------------------------
+**                  MT2063_IC_ADDR          Serial Bus address of this tuner
+**                  MT2063_MAX_OPEN         Max # of MT2063's allowed open
+**                  MT2063_NUM_OPEN         # of MT2063's open
+**                  MT2063_SRO_FREQ         crystal frequency
+**                  MT2063_STEPSIZE         minimum tuning step size
+**                  MT2063_INPUT_FREQ       input center frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO1_FREQ         LO1 Frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO1_STEPSIZE     LO1 minimum step size
+**                  MT2063_LO1_FRACN_AVOID  LO1 FracN keep-out region
+**                  MT2063_IF1_ACTUAL       Current 1st IF in use
+**                  MT2063_IF1_REQUEST      Requested 1st IF
+**                  MT2063_IF1_CENTER       Center of 1st IF SAW filter
+**                  MT2063_IF1_BW           Bandwidth of 1st IF SAW filter
+**                  MT2063_ZIF_BW           zero-IF bandwidth
+**                  MT2063_LO2_FREQ         LO2 Frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO2_STEPSIZE     LO2 minimum step size
+**                  MT2063_LO2_FRACN_AVOID  LO2 FracN keep-out region
+**                  MT2063_OUTPUT_FREQ      output center frequency
+**                  MT2063_OUTPUT_BW        output bandwidth
+**                  MT2063_LO_SEPARATION    min inter-tuner LO separation
+**                  MT2063_AS_ALG           ID of avoid-spurs algorithm in use
+**                  MT2063_MAX_HARM1        max # of intra-tuner harmonics
+**                  MT2063_MAX_HARM2        max # of inter-tuner harmonics
+**                  MT2063_EXCL_ZONES       # of 1st IF exclusion zones
+**                  MT2063_NUM_SPURS        # of spurs found/avoided
+**                  MT2063_SPUR_AVOIDED     >0 spurs avoided
+**                  MT2063_SPUR_PRESENT     >0 spurs in output (mathematically)
+**                  MT2063_RCVR_MODE          Predefined modes.
+**                  MT2063_LNA_RIN            Get LNA RIN value
+**                  MT2063_LNA_TGT            Get target power level at LNA
+**                  MT2063_PD1_TGT            Get target power level at PD1
+**                  MT2063_PD2_TGT            Get target power level at PD2
+**                  MT2063_ACLNA              LNA attenuator gain code
+**                  MT2063_ACRF               RF attenuator gain code
+**                  MT2063_ACFIF              FIF attenuator gain code
+**                  MT2063_ACLNA_MAX          LNA attenuator limit
+**                  MT2063_ACRF_MAX           RF attenuator limit
+**                  MT2063_ACFIF_MAX          FIF attenuator limit
+**                  MT2063_PD1                Actual value of PD1
+**                  MT2063_PD2                Actual value of PD2
+**                  MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE  DNC output selection
+**                  MT2063_VGAGC              VGA gain code
+**                  MT2063_VGAOI              VGA output current
+**                  MT2063_TAGC               TAGC setting
+**                  MT2063_AMPGC              AMP gain code
+**                  MT2063_AVOID_DECT         Avoid DECT Frequencies
+**                  MT2063_CTFILT_SW          Cleartune filter selection
+**  Usage:          status |= MT2063_GetParam(hMT2063,
+**                                            MT2063_IF1_ACTUAL,
+**                                            &f_IF1_Actual);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Invalid parameter requested
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2063_SetParam, MT2063_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   154   09-13-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Get/SetParam changes for LOx_FREQ
+**         10-31-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.08: Get/SetParam add VGAGC, VGAOI, AMPGC, TAGC
+**   173 M 01-23-2008    RSK    Ver 1.12: Read LO1C and LO2C registers from HW
+**                                        in GetParam.
+**         04-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.15: Add SetParam LNARIN & PDxTGT
+**                                        Split SetParam up to ACLNA / ACLNA_MAX
+**                                        removed ACLNA_INRC/DECR (+RF & FIF)
+**                                        removed GCUAUTO / BYPATNDN/UP
+**   175 I 16-06-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.16: Add control to avoid US DECT freqs.
+**   175 I 06-19-2008    RSK    Ver 1.17: Refactor DECT control to SpurAvoid.
+**         06-24-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.18: Add Get/SetParam CTFILT_SW
+**         07-10-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.19: Documentation Updates, Add a GetParam
+**                                        for each SetParam (LNA_RIN, TGTs)
+UData_t MT2063_GetParam(Handle_t     h,
+                        MT2063_Param param,
+                        UData_t*     pValue);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetReg
+**  Description:    Gets an MT2063 register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  reg         - MT2063 register/subaddress location
+**                  *val        - MT2063 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to read a register from
+**                  the MT2063.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetReg(Handle_t h,
+                      U8Data   reg,
+                      U8Data*  val);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetTemp
+**  Description:    Get the MT2063 Temperature register.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**                  *value       - value read from the register
+**                                    Binary
+**                  Value Returned    Value    Approx Temp
+**                  ---------------------------------------------
+**                  MT2063_T_0C       0000         0C
+**                  MT2063_T_10C      0001        10C
+**                  MT2063_T_20C      0010        20C
+**                  MT2063_T_30C      0011        30C
+**                  MT2063_T_40C      0100        40C
+**                  MT2063_T_50C      0101        50C
+**                  MT2063_T_60C      0110        60C
+**                  MT2063_T_70C      0111        70C
+**                  MT2063_T_80C      1000        80C
+**                  MT2063_T_90C      1001        90C
+**                  MT2063_T_100C     1010       100C
+**                  MT2063_T_110C     1011       110C
+**                  MT2063_T_120C     1100       120C
+**                  MT2063_T_130C     1101       130C
+**                  MT2063_T_140C     1110       140C
+**                  MT2063_T_150C     1111       150C
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetTemp(Handle_t h, MT2063_Temperature* value);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetUserData
+**  Description:    Gets the user-defined data item.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_GetUserData(hMT2063, &hUserData);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument
+**                  that is stored internally with the other tuner-
+**                  specific information.
+**                  For example, if additional arguments are needed
+**                  for the user to identify the device communicating
+**                  with the tuner, this argument can be used to supply
+**                  the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's
+**                  Open function to NULL.
+**  See Also:       MT2063_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetUserData(Handle_t h,
+                           Handle_t* hUserData);
+**  Name: MT2063_ReInit
+**  Description:    Initialize the tuner's register values.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_TUNER_ID_ERR   - Tuner Part/Rev code mismatch
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_ReInit(Handle_t h);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetGPIO
+**  Description:    Modify the MT2063 GPIO value.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2063_Open).
+**                  gpio_id      - Selects GPIO0, GPIO1, or GPIO2
+**                  attr         - Selects input readback, I/O direction or
+**                                 output value
+**                  value        - value to set GPIO pin
+**  Usage:          status = MT2063_SetGPIO(hMT2063, MT2063_GPIO1, MT2063_GPIO_OUT, 1);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire-bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_SetGPIO(Handle_t h, MT2063_GPIO_ID gpio_id, MT2063_GPIO_Attr attr, UData_t value);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetParam
+**  Description:    Sets a tuning algorithm parameter.
+**                  This function provides access to the internals of the
+**                  tuning algorithm.  You can override many of the tuning
+**                  algorithm defaults using this function.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  param       - Tuning algorithm parameter
+**                                (see enum MT2063_Param)
+**                  nValue      - value to be set
+**                  param                   Description
+**                  ----------------------  --------------------------------
+**                  MT2063_SRO_FREQ         crystal frequency
+**                  MT2063_STEPSIZE         minimum tuning step size
+**                  MT2063_LO1_FREQ           LO1 frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO1_STEPSIZE     LO1 minimum step size
+**                  MT2063_LO1_FRACN_AVOID  LO1 FracN keep-out region
+**                  MT2063_IF1_REQUEST      Requested 1st IF
+**                  MT2063_ZIF_BW           zero-IF bandwidth
+**                  MT2063_LO2_FREQ           LO2 frequency
+**                  MT2063_LO2_STEPSIZE     LO2 minimum step size
+**                  MT2063_LO2_FRACN_AVOID  LO2 FracN keep-out region
+**                  MT2063_OUTPUT_FREQ      output center frequency
+**                  MT2063_OUTPUT_BW        output bandwidth
+**                  MT2063_LO_SEPARATION    min inter-tuner LO separation
+**                  MT2063_MAX_HARM1        max # of intra-tuner harmonics
+**                  MT2063_MAX_HARM2        max # of inter-tuner harmonics
+**                  MT2063_RCVR_MODE          Predefined modes
+**                  MT2063_LNA_RIN            Set LNA Rin (*)
+**                  MT2063_LNA_TGT            Set target power level at LNA (*)
+**                  MT2063_PD1_TGT            Set target power level at PD1 (*)
+**                  MT2063_PD2_TGT            Set target power level at PD2 (*)
+**                  MT2063_ACLNA_MAX          LNA attenuator limit (*)
+**                  MT2063_ACRF_MAX           RF attenuator limit (*)
+**                  MT2063_ACFIF_MAX          FIF attenuator limit (*)
+**                  MT2063_DNC_OUTPUT_ENABLE  DNC output selection
+**                  MT2063_VGAGC              VGA gain code
+**                  MT2063_VGAOI              VGA output current
+**                  MT2063_TAGC               TAGC setting
+**                  MT2063_AMPGC              AMP gain code
+**                  MT2063_AVOID_DECT         Avoid DECT Frequencies
+**                  MT2063_CTFILT_SW          Cleartune filter selection
+**                  (*) This parameter is set by MT2063_RCVR_MODE, do not call
+**                      additionally.
+**  Usage:          status |= MT2063_SetParam(hMT2063,
+**                                            MT2063_STEPSIZE,
+**                                            50000);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Invalid parameter requested
+**                                         or set value out of range
+**                                         or non-writable parameter
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2063_GetParam, MT2063_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+**   154   09-13-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Get/SetParam changes for LOx_FREQ
+**         10-31-2007    PINZ   Ver 1.08: Get/SetParam add VGAGC, VGAOI, AMPGC, TAGC
+**         04-18-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.15: Add SetParam LNARIN & PDxTGT
+**                                        Split SetParam up to ACLNA / ACLNA_MAX
+**                                        removed ACLNA_INRC/DECR (+RF & FIF)
+**                                        removed GCUAUTO / BYPATNDN/UP
+**   175 I 06-06-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.16: Add control to avoid US DECT freqs.
+**   175 I 06-19-2008    RSK    Ver 1.17: Refactor DECT control to SpurAvoid.
+**         06-24-2008    PINZ   Ver 1.18: Add Get/SetParam CTFILT_SW
+UData_t MT2063_SetParam(Handle_t     h,
+                        MT2063_Param param,
+                        UData_t      nValue);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetPowerMaskBits
+**  Description:    Sets the power-down mask bits for various sections of
+**                  the MT2063
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Bits        - Mask bits to be set.
+**                    MT2063_ALL_SD   All shutdown bits for this tuner
+**                    MT2063_REG_SD   Shutdown regulator
+**                    MT2063_SRO_SD   Shutdown SRO
+**                    MT2063_AFC_SD   Shutdown AFC A/D
+**                    MT2063_PD_SD    Enable power detector shutdown
+**                    MT2063_PDADC_SD Enable power detector A/D shutdown
+**                    MT2063_VCO_SD   Enable VCO shutdown VCO
+**                    MT2063_UPC_SD   Enable upconverter shutdown
+**                    MT2063_DNC_SD   Enable downconverter shutdown
+**                    MT2063_VGA_SD   Enable VGA shutdown
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_SetPowerMaskBits(Handle_t h, MT2063_Mask_Bits Bits);
+**  Name: MT2063_ClearPowerMaskBits
+**  Description:    Clears the power-down mask bits for various sections of
+**                  the MT2063
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Bits        - Mask bits to be cleared.
+**                    MT2063_ALL_SD   All shutdown bits for this tuner
+**                    MT2063_REG_SD   Shutdown regulator
+**                    MT2063_SRO_SD   Shutdown SRO
+**                    MT2063_AFC_SD   Shutdown AFC A/D
+**                    MT2063_PD_SD    Enable power detector shutdown
+**                    MT2063_PDADC_SD Enable power detector A/D shutdown
+**                    MT2063_VCO_SD   Enable VCO shutdown VCO
+**                    MT2063_UPC_SD   Enable upconverter shutdown
+**                    MT2063_DNC_SD   Enable downconverter shutdown
+**                    MT2063_VGA_SD   Enable VGA shutdown
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_ClearPowerMaskBits(Handle_t h, MT2063_Mask_Bits Bits);
+**  Name: MT2063_GetPowerMaskBits
+**  Description:    Returns a mask of the enabled power shutdown bits
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Bits        - Mask bits to currently set.
+**                    MT2063_REG_SD   Shutdown regulator
+**                    MT2063_SRO_SD   Shutdown SRO
+**                    MT2063_AFC_SD   Shutdown AFC A/D
+**                    MT2063_PD_SD    Enable power detector shutdown
+**                    MT2063_PDADC_SD Enable power detector A/D shutdown
+**                    MT2063_VCO_SD   Enable VCO shutdown VCO
+**                    MT2063_UPC_SD   Enable upconverter shutdown
+**                    MT2063_DNC_SD   Enable downconverter shutdown
+**                    MT2063_VGA_SD   Enable VGA shutdown
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Output argument is NULL
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_GetPowerMaskBits(Handle_t h, MT2063_Mask_Bits *Bits);
+**  Name: MT2063_EnableExternalShutdown
+**  Description:    Enables or disables the operation of the external
+**                  shutdown pin
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Enabled     - 0 = disable the pin, otherwise enable it
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_EnableExternalShutdown(Handle_t h, U8Data Enabled);
+**  Name: MT2063_SoftwareShutdown
+**  Description:    Enables or disables software shutdown function.  When
+**                  Shutdown==1, any section whose power mask is set will be
+**                  shutdown.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Shutdown    - 1 = shutdown the masked sections, otherwise
+**                                power all sections on
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_SoftwareShutdown(Handle_t h, U8Data Shutdown);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetExtSRO
+**  Description:    Sets the external SRO driver.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  Ext_SRO_Setting - external SRO drive setting
+**       (default)    MT2063_EXT_SRO_OFF  - ext driver off
+**                    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_1 - ext driver = SRO frequency
+**                    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_2 - ext driver = SRO/2 frequency
+**                    MT2063_EXT_SRO_BY_4 - ext driver = SRO/4 frequency
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**                  The Ext_SRO_Setting settings default to OFF
+**                  Use this function if you need to override the default
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_SetExtSRO(Handle_t h, MT2063_Ext_SRO Ext_SRO_Setting);
+**  Name: MT2063_SetReg
+**  Description:    Sets an MT2063 register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2063_Open)
+**                  reg         - MT2063 register/subaddress location
+**                  val         - MT2063 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2063_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to override a default
+**                  register value
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   138   06-19-2007    DAD    Ver 1.00: Initial, derived from mt2067_b.
+UData_t MT2063_SetReg(Handle_t h,
+                      U8Data   reg,
+                      U8Data   val);
+#if defined( __cplusplus )
+// Microtune source code - mt_spuravoid.h
+**  Name: mt_spuravoid.h
+**  Copyright 2006-2008 Microtune, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+**  This source code file contains confidential information and/or trade
+**  secrets of Microtune, Inc. or its affiliates and is subject to the
+**  terms of your confidentiality agreement with Microtune, Inc. or one of
+**  its affiliates, as applicable.
+**  Name: mt_spuravoid.h
+**  Description:    Implements spur avoidance for MicroTuners
+**  References:     None
+**  Exports:        None
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt_spuravoid.h,v 1.4 2008/11/05 13:46:20 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/vol0/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2063/mt_spuravoid.h,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+**   083   02-08-2005    JWS    Added separate version number for expected
+**                              version of MT_SpurAvoid.h
+**   083   02-08-2005    JWS    Added function to return the version of the
+**                              MT_AvoidSpurs source file.
+**   098   04-12-2005    DAD    Increased MAX_ZONES from 32 to 48.  32 is
+**                              sufficient for the default avoidance params.
+**   103   01-31-2005    DAD    In MT_AddExclZone(), if the range
+**                              (f_min, f_max) < 0, ignore the entry.
+**   195 M 06-20-2008    RSK    Ver 1.21: Refactoring to place DECT frequency
+**                              avoidance (US and Euro) in 'SpurAvoidance'.
+**   199   08-06-2008    JWS    Ver 1.22: Added 0x1x1 spur frequency calculations
+**                              and indicate success of AddExclZone operation.
+**   200   08-07-2008    JWS    Ver 1.23: Moved definition of DECT avoid constants
+**                              so users could access them more easily.
+#if !defined(__MT2063_SPURAVOID_H)
+#define __MT2063_SPURAVOID_H
+//#include "mt_userdef.h"
+#if defined( __cplusplus )
+extern "C"                     /* Use "C" external linkage                  */
+**  Constant defining the version of the following structure
+**  and therefore the API for this code.
+**  When compiling the tuner driver, the preprocessor will
+**  check against this version number to make sure that
+**  it matches the version that the tuner driver knows about.
+/* Version 010201 => 1.21 */
+#define MT2063_AVOID_SPURS_INFO_VERSION 010201
+#define MT2063_MAX_ZONES 48
+struct MT2063_ExclZone_t;
+struct MT2063_ExclZone_t
+    UData_t         min_;
+    UData_t         max_;
+    struct MT2063_ExclZone_t*  next_;
+#ifndef _MT_DECT_Avoid_Type_DEFINE_
+#define _MT_DECT_Avoid_Type_DEFINE_
+// DECT Frequency Avoidance:
+// These constants are used to avoid interference from DECT frequencies.
+typedef enum
+    MT_NO_DECT_AVOIDANCE = 0x00000000,     // Do not create DECT exclusion zones.     
+    MT_AVOID_US_DECT     = 0x00000001,     // Avoid US DECT frequencies.              
+    MT_AVOID_EURO_DECT   = 0x00000002,     // Avoid European DECT frequencies.        
+    MT_AVOID_BOTH                          // Avoid both regions. Not typically used. 
+} MT_DECT_Avoid_Type;
+**  Structure of data needed for Spur Avoidance
+typedef struct
+    UData_t nAS_Algorithm;
+    UData_t f_ref;
+    UData_t f_in;
+    UData_t f_LO1;
+    UData_t f_if1_Center;
+    UData_t f_if1_Request;
+    UData_t f_if1_bw;
+    UData_t f_LO2;
+    UData_t f_out;
+    UData_t f_out_bw;
+    UData_t f_LO1_Step;
+    UData_t f_LO2_Step;
+    UData_t f_LO1_FracN_Avoid;
+    UData_t f_LO2_FracN_Avoid;
+    UData_t f_zif_bw;
+    UData_t f_min_LO_Separation;
+    UData_t maxH1;
+    UData_t maxH2;
+    MT_DECT_Avoid_Type  avoidDECT;
+    UData_t bSpurPresent;
+    UData_t bSpurAvoided;
+    UData_t nSpursFound;
+    UData_t nZones;
+    struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* freeZones;
+    struct MT2063_ExclZone_t* usedZones;
+    struct MT2063_ExclZone_t MT_ExclZones[MT2063_MAX_ZONES];
+} MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t;
+UData_t MT2063_RegisterTuner(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info);
+void MT2063_UnRegisterTuner(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info);
+void MT2063_ResetExclZones(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info);
+UData_t MT2063_AddExclZone(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info,
+                       UData_t f_min,
+                       UData_t f_max);
+UData_t MT2063_ChooseFirstIF(MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info);
+UData_t MT2063_AvoidSpurs(Handle_t h,
+                     MT2063_AvoidSpursData_t* pAS_Info);
+UData_t MT2063_AvoidSpursVersion(void);
+#if defined( __cplusplus )
+// The following context is MT2063 tuner API source code
+@brief   MT2063 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate MT2063 tuner through MT2063 module.
+MT2063 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// MT2063 API option
+#define MT2063_CNT		4
+// MT2063 macro
+//#define abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
+// MT2063 bandwidth shift
+#define MT2063_BANDWIDTH_SHIFT_HZ		1000000
+// Bandwidth modes
+	MT2063_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ = 6000000,
+	MT2063_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ = 7000000,
+	MT2063_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ = 8000000,
+// Standard modes
+// VGAGC settings
+	MT2063_VGAGC_0X0 = 0x0,
+	MT2063_VGAGC_0X1 = 0x1,
+	MT2063_VGAGC_0X3 = 0x3,
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	int StandardMode,
+	unsigned long IfVgaGainControl
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	);
+	);
+	void **pDeviceHandle
+	);
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2266.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2266.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2266.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2266.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.144066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,3278 @@
+@brief   MT2266 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate MT2266 tuner through MT2266 module.
+MT2266 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_mt2266.h"
+@brief   MT2266 tuner module builder
+Use BuildMt2266Module() to build MT2266 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to MT2266 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   MT2266 I2C device address
+	-# One should call BuildMt2266Module() to build MT2266 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_MT2266;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = mt2266_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = mt2266_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = mt2266_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = mt2266_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = mt2266_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->OpenHandle     = mt2266_OpenHandle;
+	pExtra->CloseHandle    = mt2266_CloseHandle;
+	pExtra->GetHandle      = mt2266_GetHandle;
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthHz = mt2266_SetBandwidthHz;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthHz = mt2266_GetBandwidthHz;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Re-initialize tuner.
+	Status = MT2266_ReInit(DeviceHandle);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency in Hz.
+	Status = MT2266_ChangeFreq(DeviceHandle, RfFreqHz);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Open MT2266 tuner handle.
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Get tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Open MT2266 handle.
+	// Note: 1. Must take tuner extra module DeviceHandle as handle input argument.
+	//       2. Take pTuner as user-defined data input argument.
+	Status = MT2266_Open(DeviceAddr, &pExtra->DeviceHandle, pTuner);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_open_mt2266_handle;
+@brief   Close MT2266 tuner handle.
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Close MT2266 handle.
+	Status = MT2266_Close(DeviceHandle);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_open_mt2266_handle;
+@brief   Get MT2266 tuner handle.
+	void **pDeviceHandle
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	*pDeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	return;
+@brief   Set MT2266 tuner bandwidth in Hz.
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	Handle_t DeviceHandle;
+	UData_t Status;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Get tuner handle.
+	DeviceHandle = pExtra->DeviceHandle;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth in Hz.
+	Status = MT2266_SetParam(DeviceHandle, MT2266_OUTPUT_BW, BandwidthHz);
+	if(MT_IS_ERROR(Status))
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthHz      = BandwidthHz;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet = YES;
+@brief   Get MT2266 tuner bandwidth in Hz.
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	)
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth;
+	*pBandwidthHz = pExtra->BandwidthHz;
+// The following context is source code provided by Microtune.
+// Microtune source code - mt_userdef.c
+**  Name: mt_userdef.c
+**  Description:    User-defined MicroTuner software interface 
+**  Functions
+**  Requiring
+**  Implementation: MT_WriteSub
+**                  MT_ReadSub
+**                  MT_Sleep
+**  References:     None
+**  Exports:        None
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt_userdef.c,v 1.2 2006/10/26 16:39:18 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/home/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2266/mt_userdef.c,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+//#include "mt_userdef.h"
+**  Name: MT_WriteSub
+**  Description:    Write values to device using a two-wire serial bus.
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  addr       - device serial bus address  (value passed
+**                               as parameter to MTxxxx_Open)
+**                  subAddress - serial bus sub-address (Register Address)
+**                  pData      - pointer to the Data to be written to the 
+**                               device 
+**                  cnt        - number of bytes/registers to be written
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      user-defined
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code for this
+**                  function to write data using the tuner's 2-wire serial 
+**                  bus.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument.
+**                  If additional arguments are needed for the user's
+**                  serial bus read/write functions, this argument can be
+**                  used to supply the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's Open
+**                  function.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+UData_t MT2266_WriteSub(Handle_t hUserData, 
+                    UData_t addr, 
+                    U8Data subAddress, 
+                    U8Data *pData, 
+                    UData_t cnt)
+//    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    /*
+    **  ToDo:  Add code here to implement a serial-bus write
+    **         operation to the MTxxxx tuner.  If successful,
+    **         return MT_OK.
+    */
+/*  return status;  */
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned int i, j;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char *pWritingBytes;
+	unsigned long ByteNum;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegWritingAddr;
+	// Get tuner module, base interface, and I2C bridge.
+	pTuner         = (TUNER_MODULE *)hUserData;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	pI2cBridge     = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get regiser start address, writing bytes, and byte number.
+	RegStartAddr  = subAddress;
+	pWritingBytes = pData;
+	ByteNum       = (unsigned long)cnt;
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set tuner register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddr + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) +
+		//       stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = RegWritingAddr;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_1_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum + LEN_1_BYTE) != 
+			goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	}
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+**  Name: MT_ReadSub
+**  Description:    Read values from device using a two-wire serial bus.
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  addr       - device serial bus address  (value passed
+**                               as parameter to MTxxxx_Open)
+**                  subAddress - serial bus sub-address (Register Address)
+**                  pData      - pointer to the Data to be written to the 
+**                               device 
+**                  cnt        - number of bytes/registers to be written
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      user-defined
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code for this
+**                  function to read data using the tuner's 2-wire serial 
+**                  bus.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument.
+**                  If additional arguments are needed for the user's
+**                  serial bus read/write functions, this argument can be
+**                  used to supply the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's Open
+**                  function.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+UData_t MT2266_ReadSub(Handle_t hUserData, 
+                   UData_t addr, 
+                   U8Data subAddress, 
+                   U8Data *pData, 
+                   UData_t cnt)
+  //  UData_t status = MT_OK;                        /* Status to be returned        */
+    /*
+    **  ToDo:  Add code here to implement a serial-bus read
+    **         operation to the MTxxxx tuner.  If successful,
+    **         return MT_OK.
+    */
+/*  return status;  */
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes;
+	unsigned long ByteNum;
+	unsigned long ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegReadingAddr;
+	// Get tuner module, base interface, and I2C bridge.
+	pTuner         = (TUNER_MODULE *)hUserData;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	pI2cBridge     = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get regiser start address, writing bytes, and byte number.
+	RegStartAddr  = subAddress;
+	pReadingBytes = pData;
+	ByteNum       = (unsigned long)cnt;
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get tuner register bytes.
+	// Note: Get tuner register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Set tuner register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddr + stop_bit
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &RegReadingAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+		// Get tuner register bytes.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &pReadingBytes[i], ReadingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	}
+	return MT_OK;
+	return MT_COMM_ERR;
+**  Name: MT_Sleep
+**  Description:    Delay execution for "nMinDelayTime" milliseconds
+**  Parameters:     hUserData     - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                                  passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  nMinDelayTime - Delay time in milliseconds
+**  Returns:        None.
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code that
+**                  blocks execution for the specified period of time. 
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+void MT2266_Sleep(Handle_t hUserData, 
+              UData_t nMinDelayTime)
+    /*
+    **  ToDo:  Add code here to implement a OS blocking
+    **         for a period of "nMinDelayTime" milliseconds.
+    */
+	// Get tuner module, base interface.
+	pTuner         = (TUNER_MODULE *)hUserData;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	// Wait nMinDelayTime milliseconds.
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, nMinDelayTime);
+	return;
+#if defined(MT2060_CNT)
+#if MT2060_CNT > 0
+**  Name: MT_TunerGain  (MT2060 only)
+**  Description:    Measure the relative tuner gain using the demodulator
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  pMeas      - Tuner gain (1/100 of dB scale).
+**                               ie. 1234 = 12.34 (dB)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK  - No errors
+**                      user-defined errors could be set
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the 1st IF location routine.  You MUST provide
+**                  code that measures the relative tuner gain in a dB
+**                  (not linear) scale.  The return value is an integer
+**                  value scaled to 1/100 of a dB.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   06-16-2004    DAD    Original
+**   N/A   11-30-2004    DAD    Renamed from MT_DemodInputPower.  This name
+**                              better describes what this function does.
+UData_t MT_TunerGain(Handle_t hUserData,
+                     SData_t* pMeas)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                        /* Status to be returned        */
+    /*
+    **  ToDo:  Add code here to return the gain / power level measured
+    **         at the input to the demodulator.
+    */
+    return (status);
+// Microtune source code - mt2266.c
+**  Name: mt2266.c
+**  Copyright 2007 Microtune, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+**  This source code file contains confidential information and/or trade
+**  secrets of Microtune, Inc. or its affiliates and is subject to the
+**  terms of your confidentiality agreement with Microtune, Inc. or one of
+**  its affiliates, as applicable.
+**  Name: mt2266.c
+**  Description:    Microtune MT2266 Tuner software interface.
+**                  Supports tuners with Part/Rev code: 0x85.
+**  Functions
+**  Implemented:    UData_t  MT2266_Open
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_Close
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_ChangeFreq
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetLocked
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetParam
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetReg
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetUserData
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_ReInit
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_SetParam
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_SetPowerModes
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_SetReg
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs
+**  References:     AN-00010: MicroTuner Serial Interface Application Note
+**                  MicroTune, Inc.
+**  Exports:        None
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub(hUserData, IC_Addr, subAddress, *pData, cnt);
+**                  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus.
+**                  MT_WriteSub(hUserData, IC_Addr, subAddress, *pData, cnt);
+**                  - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus.
+**                  MT_Sleep(hUserData, nMinDelayTime);
+**                  - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt2266.c,v 1.5 2007/10/02 18:43:17 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/home/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2266/mt2266.c,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+**   N/A   06-08-2006    JWS    Ver 1.01: Corrected problem with tuner ID check
+**   N/A   11-01-2006    RSK    Ver 1.02: Adding multiple-filter support
+**                                        as well as Get/Set functions.
+**   N/A   11-29-2006    DAD    Ver 1.03: Parenthesis clarification for gcc
+**   N/A   12-20-2006    RSK    Ver 1.04: Adding fLO_FractionalTerm() usage.
+**   118   05-09-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Adding Standard MTxxxx_Tune() API.
+//#include "mt2266.h"
+//#include <stdlib.h>                     /* for NULL */
+#define MT_NULL			0
+/*  Version of this module                          */
+#define VERSION 10005             /*  Version 01.05 */
+#ifndef MT2266_CNT
+#error You must define MT2266_CNT in the "mt_userdef.h" file
+**  Normally, the "reg" array in the tuner structure is used as a cache
+**  containing the current value of the tuner registers.  If the user's
+**  application MUST change tuner registers without using the MT2266_SetReg
+**  routine provided, he may compile this code with the __NO_CACHE__
+**  variable defined.
+**  The PREFETCH macro will insert code code to re-read tuner registers if
+**  __NO_CACHE__ is defined.  If it is not defined (normal) then PREFETCH
+**  does nothing.
+#if defined(__NO_CACHE__)
+#define PREFETCH(var, cnt) \
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status)) \
+    status |= MT2266_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, (var), &pInfo->reg[(var)], (cnt));
+#define PREFETCH(var, cnt)
+**  Two-wire serial bus subaddresses of the tuner registers.
+**  Also known as the tuner's register addresses.
+enum MT2266_Register_Offsets
+    MT2266_PART_REV = 0,   /*  0x00 */
+    MT2266_LO_CTRL_1,      /*  0x01 */
+    MT2266_LO_CTRL_2,      /*  0x02 */
+    MT2266_LO_CTRL_3,      /*  0x03 */
+    MT2266_SMART_ANT,      /*  0x04 */
+    MT2266_BAND_CTRL,      /*  0x05 */
+    MT2266_CLEARTUNE,      /*  0x06 */
+    MT2266_IGAIN,          /*  0x07 */
+    MT2266_BBFILT_1,       /*  0x08 */
+    MT2266_BBFILT_2,       /*  0x09 */
+    MT2266_BBFILT_3,       /*  0x0A */
+    MT2266_BBFILT_4,       /*  0x0B */
+    MT2266_BBFILT_5,       /*  0x0C */
+    MT2266_BBFILT_6,       /*  0x0D */
+    MT2266_BBFILT_7,       /*  0x0E */
+    MT2266_BBFILT_8,       /*  0x0F */
+    MT2266_RCC_CTRL,       /*  0x10 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_11,        /*  0x11 */
+    MT2266_STATUS_1,       /*  0x12 */
+    MT2266_STATUS_2,       /*  0x13 */
+    MT2266_STATUS_3,       /*  0x14 */
+    MT2266_STATUS_4,       /*  0x15 */
+    MT2266_STATUS_5,       /*  0x16 */
+    MT2266_SRO_CTRL,       /*  0x17 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_18,        /*  0x18 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_19,        /*  0x19 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_1A,        /*  0x1A */
+    MT2266_RSVD_1B,        /*  0x1B */
+    MT2266_ENABLES,        /*  0x1C */
+    MT2266_RSVD_1D,        /*  0x1D */
+    MT2266_RSVD_1E,        /*  0x1E */
+    MT2266_RSVD_1F,        /*  0x1F */
+    MT2266_GPO,            /*  0x20 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_21,        /*  0x21 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_22,        /*  0x22 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_23,        /*  0x23 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_24,        /*  0x24 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_25,        /*  0x25 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_26,        /*  0x26 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_27,        /*  0x27 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_28,        /*  0x28 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_29,        /*  0x29 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_2A,        /*  0x2A */
+    MT2266_RSVD_2B,        /*  0x2B */
+    MT2266_RSVD_2C,        /*  0x2C */
+    MT2266_RSVD_2D,        /*  0x2D */
+    MT2266_RSVD_2E,        /*  0x2E */
+    MT2266_RSVD_2F,        /*  0x2F */
+    MT2266_RSVD_30,        /*  0x30 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_31,        /*  0x31 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_32,        /*  0x32 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_33,        /*  0x33 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_34,        /*  0x34 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_35,        /*  0x35 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_36,        /*  0x36 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_37,        /*  0x37 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_38,        /*  0x38 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_39,        /*  0x39 */
+    MT2266_RSVD_3A,        /*  0x3A */
+    MT2266_RSVD_3B,        /*  0x3B */
+    MT2266_RSVD_3C,        /*  0x3C */
+** DefaultsEntry points to an array of U8Data used to initialize
+** various registers (the first byte is the starting subaddress)
+** and a count of the bytes (including subaddress) in the array.
+** DefaultsList is an array of DefaultsEntry elements terminated
+** by an entry with a NULL pointer for the data array.
+typedef struct MT2266_DefaultsEntryTag
+    U8Data *data;
+    UData_t cnt;
+} MT2266_DefaultsEntry;
+typedef MT2266_DefaultsEntry MT2266_DefaultsList[];
+#define DEF_LIST_ENTRY(a) {a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(U8Data) - 1}
+#define END_DEF_LIST {0,0}
+** Constants used by the tuning algorithm
+                                        /* REF_FREQ is now the actual crystal frequency */
+#define REF_FREQ          (30000000UL)  /* Reference oscillator Frequency (in Hz) */
+#define TUNE_STEP_SIZE          (50UL)  /* Tune in steps of 50 kHz */
+#define MIN_UHF_FREQ     (350000000UL)  /* Minimum UHF frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MAX_UHF_FREQ     (900000000UL)  /* Maximum UHF frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MIN_VHF_FREQ     (174000000UL)  /* Minimum VHF frequency (in Hz) */
+#define MAX_VHF_FREQ     (230000000UL)  /* Maximum VHF frequency (in Hz) */
+#define OUTPUT_BW          (8000000UL)  /* Output channel bandwidth (in Hz) */
+#define UHF_DEFAULT_FREQ (600000000UL)  /* Default UHF input frequency (in Hz) */
+**  The number of Tuner Registers
+static const UData_t Num_Registers = END_REGS;
+**  Crossover Frequency sets for 2 filters, without and with attenuation.
+typedef struct
+    MT2266_XFreq_Set    xfreq[ MT2266_NUMBER_OF_XFREQ_SETS ];
+}  MT2266_XFreqs_t;
+MT2266_XFreqs_t MT2266_default_XFreqs =
+    /*  xfreq  */
+    {
+        /*  uhf0  */
+        {                                /*          < 0 MHz: 15+1 */
+            0UL,                         /*    0 ..    0 MHz: 15 */
+            0UL,                         /*    0 ..  443 MHz: 14 */
+            443000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  443 ..  470 MHz: 13 */
+            470000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  470 ..  496 MHz: 12 */
+            496000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  496 ..  525 MHz: 11 */
+            525000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  525 ..  552 MHz: 10 */
+            552000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  552 ..  580 MHz:  9 */
+            580000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  580 ..  657 MHz:  8 */
+            657000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  657 ..  682 MHz:  7 */
+            682000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  682 ..  710 MHz:  6 */
+            710000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  710 ..  735 MHz:  5 */
+            735000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  735 ..  763 MHz:  4 */
+            763000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  763 ..  802 MHz:  3 */
+            802000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  802 ..  840 MHz:  2 */
+            840000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  840 ..  877 MHz:  1 */
+            877000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE      /*  877+        MHz:  0 */
+        },
+        /*  uhf1  */
+        {                                /*        < 443 MHz: 15+1 */
+            443000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  443 ..  470 MHz: 15 */
+            470000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  470 ..  496 MHz: 14 */
+            496000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  496 ..  525 MHz: 13 */
+            525000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  525 ..  552 MHz: 12 */
+            552000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  552 ..  580 MHz: 11 */
+            580000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  580 ..  605 MHz: 10 */
+            605000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  605 ..  632 MHz:  9 */
+            632000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  632 ..  657 MHz:  8 */
+            657000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  657 ..  682 MHz:  7 */
+            682000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  682 ..  710 MHz:  6 */
+            710000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  710 ..  735 MHz:  5 */
+            735000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  735 ..  763 MHz:  4 */
+            763000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  763 ..  802 MHz:  3 */
+            802000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  802 ..  840 MHz:  2 */
+            840000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  840 ..  877 MHz:  1 */
+            877000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE      /*  877+        MHz:  0 */
+        },
+        /*  uhf0_a  */
+        {                                /*        <   0 MHz: 15+1 */
+            0UL,                         /*    0 ..    0 MHz: 15 */
+            0UL,                         /*    0 ..  442 MHz: 14 */
+            442000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  442 ..  472 MHz: 13 */
+            472000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  472 ..  505 MHz: 12 */
+            505000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  505 ..  535 MHz: 11 */
+            535000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  535 ..  560 MHz: 10 */
+            560000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  560 ..  593 MHz:  9 */
+            593000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  593 ..  673 MHz:  8 */
+            673000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  673 ..  700 MHz:  7 */
+            700000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  700 ..  727 MHz:  6 */
+            727000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  727 ..  752 MHz:  5 */
+            752000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  752 ..  783 MHz:  4 */
+            783000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  783 ..  825 MHz:  3 */
+            825000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  825 ..  865 MHz:  2 */
+            865000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  865 ..  905 MHz:  1 */
+            905000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE      /*  905+        MHz:  0 */
+        },
+        /*  uhf1_a  */
+        {                                /*        < 442 MHz: 15+1 */
+            442000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  442 ..  472 MHz: 15 */
+            472000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  472 ..  505 MHz: 14 */
+            505000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  505 ..  535 MHz: 13 */
+            535000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  535 ..  560 MHz: 12 */
+            560000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  560 ..  593 MHz: 11 */
+            593000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  593 ..  620 MHz: 10 */
+            620000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  620 ..  647 MHz:  9 */
+            647000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  647 ..  673 MHz:  8 */
+            673000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  673 ..  700 MHz:  7 */
+            700000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  700 ..  727 MHz:  6 */
+            727000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  727 ..  752 MHz:  5 */
+            752000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  752 ..  783 MHz:  4 */
+            783000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  783 ..  825 MHz:  3 */
+            825000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  825 ..  865 MHz:  2 */
+            865000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE,     /*  865 ..  905 MHz:  1 */
+            905000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE      /*  905+        MHz:  0 */
+        }
+    }
+typedef struct
+    Handle_t    handle;
+    Handle_t    hUserData;
+    UData_t     address;
+    UData_t     version;
+    UData_t     tuner_id;
+    UData_t     f_Ref;
+    UData_t     f_Step;
+    UData_t     f_in;
+    UData_t     f_LO;
+    UData_t     f_bw;
+    UData_t     band;
+    UData_t     num_regs;
+    U8Data      RC2_Value;
+    U8Data      RC2_Nominal;
+    U8Data      reg[END_REGS];
+    MT2266_XFreqs_t xfreqs;
+}  MT2266_Info_t;
+static UData_t nMaxTuners = MT2266_CNT;
+static MT2266_Info_t MT2266_Info[MT2266_CNT];
+static MT2266_Info_t *Avail[MT2266_CNT];
+static UData_t nOpenTuners = 0;
+**  Constants used to write a minimal set of registers when changing bands.
+**  If the user wants a total reset, they should call MT2266_Open() again.
+**  Skip 01, 02, 03, 04  (get overwritten anyways)
+**  Write 05
+**  Skip 06 - 18
+**  Write 19   (diff for L-Band)
+**  Skip 1A 1B 1C
+**  Write 1D - 2B
+**  Skip 2C - 3C
+static U8Data MT2266_VHF_defaults1[] =
+    0x05,              /* address 0xC0, reg 0x05 */
+    0x04,              /* Reg 0x05 LBANDen = 1 (that's right)*/
+static U8Data MT2266_VHF_defaults2[] =
+    0x19,              /* address 0xC0, reg 0x19 */
+    0x61,              /* Reg 0x19 CAPto = 3*/
+static U8Data MT2266_VHF_defaults3[] =
+    0x1D,              /* address 0xC0, reg 0x1D */
+    0xFE,              /* reg 0x1D */
+    0x00,              /* reg 0x1E */
+    0x00,              /* reg 0x1F */
+    0xB4,              /* Reg 0x20 GPO = 1*/
+    0x03,              /* Reg 0x21 LBIASen = 1, UBIASen = 1*/
+    0xA5,              /* Reg 0x22 */
+    0xA5,              /* Reg 0x23 */
+    0xA5,              /* Reg 0x24 */
+    0xA5,              /* Reg 0x25 */
+    0x82,              /* Reg 0x26 CASCM = b0001 (bits reversed)*/
+    0xAA,              /* Reg 0x27 */
+    0xF1,              /* Reg 0x28 */
+    0x17,              /* Reg 0x29 */
+    0x80,              /* Reg 0x2A MIXbiasen = 1*/
+    0x1F,              /* Reg 0x2B */
+static MT2266_DefaultsList MT2266_VHF_defaults = {
+    DEF_LIST_ENTRY(MT2266_VHF_defaults1),
+    DEF_LIST_ENTRY(MT2266_VHF_defaults2),
+    DEF_LIST_ENTRY(MT2266_VHF_defaults3),
+static U8Data MT2266_UHF_defaults1[] =
+    0x05,              /* address 0xC0, reg 0x05 */
+    0x52,              /* Reg 0x05 */
+static U8Data MT2266_UHF_defaults2[] =
+    0x19,              /* address 0xC0, reg 0x19 */
+    0x61,              /* Reg 0x19 CAPto = 3*/
+static U8Data MT2266_UHF_defaults3[] =
+    0x1D,              /* address 0xC0, reg 0x1D */
+    0xDC,              /* Reg 0x1D */
+    0x00,              /* Reg 0x1E */
+    0x0A,              /* Reg 0x1F */
+    0xD4,              /* Reg 0x20 GPO = 1*/
+    0x03,              /* Reg 0x21 LBIASen = 1, UBIASen = 1*/
+    0x64,              /* Reg 0x22 */
+    0x64,              /* Reg 0x23 */
+    0x64,              /* Reg 0x24 */
+    0x64,              /* Reg 0x25 */
+    0x22,              /* Reg 0x26 CASCM = b0100 (bits reversed)*/
+    0xAA,              /* Reg 0x27 */
+    0xF2,              /* Reg 0x28 */
+    0x1E,              /* Reg 0x29 */
+    0x80,              /* Reg 0x2A MIXbiasen = 1*/
+    0x14,              /* Reg 0x2B */
+static MT2266_DefaultsList MT2266_UHF_defaults = {
+    DEF_LIST_ENTRY(MT2266_UHF_defaults1),
+    DEF_LIST_ENTRY(MT2266_UHF_defaults2),
+    DEF_LIST_ENTRY(MT2266_UHF_defaults3),
+static UData_t UncheckedSet(MT2266_Info_t* pInfo,
+                            U8Data         reg,
+                            U8Data         val);
+static UData_t UncheckedGet(MT2266_Info_t* pInfo,
+                            U8Data   reg,
+                            U8Data*  val);
+**  Name: MT2266_Open
+**  Description:    Initialize the tuner's register values.
+**  Parameters:     MT2266_Addr  - Serial bus address of the tuner.
+**                  hMT2266      - Tuner handle passed back.
+**                  hUserData    - User-defined data, if needed for the
+**                                 MT_ReadSub() & MT_WriteSub functions.
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK             - No errors
+**                      MT_TUNER_ID_ERR   - Tuner Part/Rev code mismatch
+**                      MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR - Tuner initialization failed
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR       - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL       - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR  - Too many tuners open
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+**   N/A   11-01-2006    RSK    Ver 1.02: Initialize Crossover Tables to Default
+UData_t MT2266_Open(UData_t MT2266_Addr,
+                    Handle_t* hMT2266,
+                    Handle_t hUserData)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;             /*  Status to be returned.  */
+    SData_t i, j;
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = MT_NULL;
+    /*  Check the argument before using  */
+    if (hMT2266 == MT_NULL)
+        return MT_ARG_NULL;
+    *hMT2266 = MT_NULL;
+    /*
+    **  If this is our first tuner, initialize the address fields and
+    **  the list of available control blocks.
+    */
+    if (nOpenTuners == 0)
+    {
+        for (i=MT2266_CNT-1; i>=0; i--)
+        {
+            MT2266_Info[i].handle = MT_NULL;
+            MT2266_Info[i].address =MAX_UDATA;
+            MT2266_Info[i].hUserData = MT_NULL;
+            /* Reset the UHF Crossover Frequency tables on open/init. */
+            for (j=0; j< MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; j++ )
+            {
+                MT2266_Info[i].xfreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF0][j]       = MT2266_default_XFreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF0][j];
+                MT2266_Info[i].xfreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF1][j]       = MT2266_default_XFreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF1][j];
+                MT2266_Info[i].xfreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF0_ATTEN][j] = MT2266_default_XFreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF0_ATTEN][j];
+                MT2266_Info[i].xfreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF1_ATTEN][j] = MT2266_default_XFreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF1_ATTEN][j];
+            }
+            Avail[i] = &MT2266_Info[i];
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    **  Look for an existing MT2266_State_t entry with this address.
+    */
+    for (i=MT2266_CNT-1; i>=0; i--)
+    {
+        /*
+        **  If an open'ed handle provided, we'll re-initialize that structure.
+        **
+        **  We recognize an open tuner because the address and hUserData are
+        **  the same as one that has already been opened
+        */
+        if ((MT2266_Info[i].address == MT2266_Addr) &&
+            (MT2266_Info[i].hUserData == hUserData))
+        {
+            pInfo = &MT2266_Info[i];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /*  If not found, choose an empty spot.  */
+    if (pInfo == MT_NULL)
+    {
+        /*  Check to see that we're not over-allocating.  */
+        if (nOpenTuners == MT2266_CNT)
+            return MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR;
+        /* Use the next available block from the list */
+        pInfo = Avail[nOpenTuners];
+        nOpenTuners++;
+    }
+    pInfo->handle = (Handle_t) pInfo;
+    pInfo->hUserData = hUserData;
+    pInfo->address = MT2266_Addr;
+//    status |= MT2266_ReInit((Handle_t) pInfo);
+    if (MT_IS_ERROR(status))
+        MT2266_Close((Handle_t) pInfo);
+    else
+        *hMT2266 = pInfo->handle;
+    return (status);
+static UData_t IsValidHandle(MT2266_Info_t* handle)
+    return ((handle != MT_NULL) && (handle->handle == handle)) ? 1 : 0;
+**  Name: MT2266_Close
+**  Description:    Release the handle to the tuner.
+**  Parameters:     hMT2266      - Handle to the MT2266 tuner
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK         - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   mt_errordef.h - definition of error codes
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+UData_t MT2266_Close(Handle_t hMT2266)
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) hMT2266;
+    if (!IsValidHandle(pInfo))
+        return MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    /* Remove the tuner from our list of tuners */
+    pInfo->handle = MT_NULL;
+    pInfo->address = MAX_UDATA;
+    pInfo->hUserData = MT_NULL;
+    nOpenTuners--;
+    Avail[nOpenTuners] = pInfo; /* Return control block to available list */
+    return MT_OK;
+**  Name: Run_BB_RC_Cal2
+**  Description:    Run Base Band RC Calibration (Method 2)
+**                  MT2266 B0 only, others return MT_OK
+**  Parameters:     hMT2266      - Handle to the MT2266 tuner
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   mt_errordef.h - definition of error codes
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+static UData_t Run_BB_RC_Cal2(Handle_t h)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned */
+    U8Data tmp_rcc;
+    U8Data dumy;
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    /*
+    ** Set the crystal frequency in the calibration register
+    ** and enable RC calibration #2
+    */
+    PREFETCH(MT2266_RCC_CTRL, 1);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+    tmp_rcc = pInfo->reg[MT2266_RCC_CTRL];
+    if (pInfo->f_Ref < (36000000 /*/ TUNE_STEP_SIZE*/))
+        tmp_rcc = (tmp_rcc & 0xDF) | 0x10;
+    else
+        tmp_rcc |= 0x30;
+    status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_RCC_CTRL, tmp_rcc);
+    /*  Read RC Calibration value  */
+    status |= UncheckedGet(pInfo, MT2266_STATUS_4, &dumy);
+    /* Disable RC Cal 2 */
+    status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_RCC_CTRL, pInfo->reg[MT2266_RCC_CTRL] & 0xEF);
+    /* Store RC Cal 2 value */
+    pInfo->RC2_Value = pInfo->reg[MT2266_STATUS_4];
+    if (pInfo->f_Ref < (36000000 /*/ TUNE_STEP_SIZE*/))
+        pInfo->RC2_Nominal = (U8Data) ((pInfo->f_Ref + 77570) / 155139);
+    else
+        pInfo->RC2_Nominal = (U8Data) ((pInfo->f_Ref + 93077) / 186154);
+    return (status);
+**  Name: Set_BBFilt
+**  Description:    Set Base Band Filter bandwidth
+**                  Based on SRO frequency & BB RC Calibration
+**                  User stores channel bw as 5-8 MHz.  This routine
+**                  calculates a 3 dB corner bw based on 1/2 the bandwidth
+**                  and a bandwidth related constant.
+**  Parameters:     hMT2266      - Handle to the MT2266 tuner
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   mt_errordef.h - definition of error codes
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+static UData_t Set_BBFilt(Handle_t h)
+    UData_t f_3dB_bw;
+    U8Data BBFilt = 0;
+    U8Data Sel = 0;
+    SData_t TmpFilt;
+    SData_t i;
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+	/* Check RC2_Value value */
+	if(pInfo->RC2_Value == 0)
+		return MT_UNKNOWN;
+    /*
+    ** Convert the channel bandwidth into a 3 dB bw by dividing it by 2
+    ** and subtracting 300, 250, 200, or 0 kHz based on 8, 7, 6, 5 MHz
+    ** channel bandwidth.
+    */
+    f_3dB_bw = (pInfo->f_bw / 2);  /* bw -> bw/2 */
+    if (pInfo->f_bw > 7500000)
+    {
+        /*  >3.75 MHz corner  */
+        f_3dB_bw -= 300000;
+        Sel = 0x00;
+        TmpFilt = ((429916107 / pInfo->RC2_Value) * pInfo->RC2_Nominal) / f_3dB_bw - 81;
+    }
+    else if (pInfo->f_bw > 6500000)
+    {
+        /*  >3.25 MHz .. 3.75 MHz corner  */
+        f_3dB_bw -= 250000;
+        Sel = 0x00;
+        TmpFilt = ((429916107 / pInfo->RC2_Value) * pInfo->RC2_Nominal) / f_3dB_bw - 81;
+    }
+    else if (pInfo->f_bw > 5500000)
+    {
+        /*  >2.75 MHz .. 3.25 MHz corner  */
+        f_3dB_bw -= 200000;
+        Sel = 0x80;
+        TmpFilt = ((429916107 / pInfo->RC2_Value) * pInfo->RC2_Nominal) / f_3dB_bw - 113;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /*  <= 2.75 MHz corner  */
+        Sel = 0xC0;
+        TmpFilt = ((429916107 / pInfo->RC2_Value) * pInfo->RC2_Nominal) / f_3dB_bw - 129;
+    }
+    if (TmpFilt > 63)
+        TmpFilt = 63;
+    else if (TmpFilt < 0)
+        TmpFilt = 0;
+    BBFilt = ((U8Data) TmpFilt) | Sel;
+    for ( i = MT2266_BBFILT_1; i <= MT2266_BBFILT_8; i++ )
+        pInfo->reg[i] = BBFilt;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= MT2266_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                              pInfo->address,
+                              MT2266_BBFILT_1,
+                              &pInfo->reg[MT2266_BBFILT_1],
+                              8);
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetLocked
+**  Description:    Checks to see if the PLL is locked.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub    - Read byte(s) of data from the serial bus
+**                  MT_Sleep      - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+UData_t MT2266_GetLocked(Handle_t h)
+    const UData_t nMaxWait = 200;            /*  wait a maximum of 200 msec   */
+    const UData_t nPollRate = 2;             /*  poll status bits every 2 ms */
+    const UData_t nMaxLoops = nMaxWait / nPollRate;
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned */
+    UData_t nDelays = 0;
+    U8Data statreg;
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        return MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    do
+    {
+        status |= UncheckedGet(pInfo, MT2266_STATUS_1, &statreg);
+        if ((MT_IS_ERROR(status)) || ((statreg & 0x40) == 0x40))
+            return (status);
+        MT2266_Sleep(pInfo->hUserData, nPollRate);       /*  Wait between retries  */
+    }
+    while (++nDelays < nMaxLoops);
+    if ((statreg & 0x40) != 0x40)
+        status |= MT_DNC_UNLOCK;
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetParam
+**  Description:    Gets a tuning algorithm parameter.
+**                  This function provides access to the internals of the
+**                  tuning algorithm - mostly for testing purposes.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  param       - Tuning algorithm parameter
+**                                (see enum MT2266_Param)
+**                  pValue      - ptr to returned value
+**                  param                   Description
+**                  ----------------------  --------------------------------
+**                  MT2266_IC_ADDR          Serial Bus address of this tuner
+**                  MT2266_MAX_OPEN         Max number of MT2266's that can be open
+**                  MT2266_NUM_OPEN         Number of MT2266's currently open
+**                  MT2266_NUM_REGS         Number of tuner registers
+**                  MT2266_SRO_FREQ         crystal frequency
+**                  MT2266_STEPSIZE         minimum tuning step size
+**                  MT2266_INPUT_FREQ       input center frequency
+**                  MT2266_LO_FREQ          LO Frequency
+**                  MT2266_OUTPUT_BW        Output channel bandwidth
+**                  MT2266_RC2_VALUE        Base band filter cal RC code (method 2)
+**                  MT2266_RC2_NOMINAL      Base band filter nominal cal RC code
+**                  MT2266_RF_ADC           RF attenuator A/D readback
+**                  MT2266_RF_ATTN          RF attenuation (0-255)
+**                  MT2266_RF_EXT           External control of RF atten
+**                  MT2266_LNA_GAIN         LNA gain setting (0-15)
+**                  MT2266_BB_ADC           BB attenuator A/D readback
+**                  MT2266_BB_ATTN          Baseband attenuation (0-255)
+**                  MT2266_BB_EXT           External control of BB atten
+**  Usage:          status |= MT2266_GetParam(hMT2266,
+**                                            MT2266_OUTPUT_BW,
+**                                            &f_bw);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Invalid parameter requested
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2266_SetParam, MT2266_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+UData_t MT2266_GetParam(Handle_t     h,
+                        MT2266_Param param,
+                        UData_t*     pValue)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    U8Data tmp;
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    if (pValue == MT_NULL)
+        status |= MT_ARG_NULL;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        switch (param)
+        {
+        /*  Serial Bus address of this tuner      */
+        case MT2266_IC_ADDR:
+            *pValue = pInfo->address;
+            break;
+        /*  Max # of MT2266's allowed to be open  */
+        case MT2266_MAX_OPEN:
+            *pValue = nMaxTuners;
+            break;
+        /*  # of MT2266's open                    */
+        case MT2266_NUM_OPEN:
+            *pValue = nOpenTuners;
+            break;
+        /*  Number of tuner registers             */
+        case MT2266_NUM_REGS:
+            *pValue = Num_Registers;
+            break;
+        /*  crystal frequency                     */
+        case MT2266_SRO_FREQ:
+            *pValue = pInfo->f_Ref;
+            break;
+        /*  minimum tuning step size              */
+        case MT2266_STEPSIZE:
+            *pValue = pInfo->f_Step;
+            break;
+        /*  input center frequency                */
+        case MT2266_INPUT_FREQ:
+            *pValue = pInfo->f_in;
+            break;
+        /*  LO Frequency                          */
+        case MT2266_LO_FREQ:
+            *pValue = pInfo->f_LO;
+            break;
+        /*  Output Channel Bandwidth              */
+        case MT2266_OUTPUT_BW:
+            *pValue = pInfo->f_bw;
+            break;
+        /*  Base band filter cal RC code          */
+        case MT2266_RC2_VALUE:
+            *pValue = (UData_t) pInfo->RC2_Value;
+            break;
+        /*  Base band filter nominal cal RC code          */
+        case MT2266_RC2_NOMINAL:
+            *pValue = (UData_t) pInfo->RC2_Nominal;
+            break;
+        /*  RF attenuator A/D readback            */
+        case MT2266_RF_ADC:
+            status |= UncheckedGet(pInfo, MT2266_STATUS_2, &tmp);
+            if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+                *pValue = (UData_t) tmp;
+            break;
+        /*  BB attenuator A/D readback            */
+        case MT2266_BB_ADC:
+            status |= UncheckedGet(pInfo, MT2266_STATUS_3, &tmp);
+            if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+                *pValue = (UData_t) tmp;
+            break;
+        /*  RF attenuator setting                 */
+        case MT2266_RF_ATTN:
+            PREFETCH(MT2266_RSVD_1F, 1);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+            if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+                *pValue = pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_1F];
+            break;
+        /*  BB attenuator setting                 */
+        case MT2266_BB_ATTN:
+            PREFETCH(MT2266_RSVD_2C, 3);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+            *pValue = pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_2C]
+                    + pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_2D]
+                    + pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_2E] - 3;
+            break;
+        /*  RF external / internal atten control  */
+        case MT2266_RF_EXT:
+            PREFETCH(MT2266_GPO, 1);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+            *pValue = ((pInfo->reg[MT2266_GPO] & 0x40) != 0x00);
+            break;
+        /*  BB external / internal atten control  */
+        case MT2266_BB_EXT:
+            PREFETCH(MT2266_RSVD_33, 1);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+            *pValue = ((pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_33] & 0x10) != 0x00);
+            break;
+        /*  LNA gain setting (0-15)               */
+        case MT2266_LNA_GAIN:
+            PREFETCH(MT2266_IGAIN, 1);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+            *pValue = ((pInfo->reg[MT2266_IGAIN] & 0x3C) >> 2);
+            break;
+        case MT2266_EOP:
+        default:
+            status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+**  Name: UncheckedGet
+**  Description:    Gets an MT2266 register with minimal checking
+**                  NOTE: This is a local function that performs the same
+**                  steps as the MT2266_GetReg function that is available
+**                  in the external API.  It does not do any of the standard
+**                  error checking that the API function provides and should
+**                  not be called from outside this file.
+**  Parameters:     *pInfo      - Tuner control structure
+**                  reg         - MT2266 register/subaddress location
+**                  *val        - MT2266 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to read a register from
+**                  the MT2266.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+static UData_t UncheckedGet(MT2266_Info_t* pInfo,
+                            U8Data   reg,
+                            U8Data*  val)
+    UData_t status;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+    status = MT_OK;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (val == MT_NULL)
+        status |= MT_ARG_NULL;
+    if (reg >= END_REGS)
+        status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_IS_ERROR(status))
+        return(status);
+    status = MT2266_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, reg, &pInfo->reg[reg], 1);
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        *val = pInfo->reg[reg];
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetReg
+**  Description:    Gets an MT2266 register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  reg         - MT2266 register/subaddress location
+**                  *val        - MT2266 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to read a register from
+**                  the MT2266.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+UData_t MT2266_GetReg(Handle_t h,
+                      U8Data   reg,
+                      U8Data*  val)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (val == MT_NULL)
+        status |= MT_ARG_NULL;
+    if (reg >= END_REGS)
+        status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= UncheckedGet(pInfo, reg, val);
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs
+**  Description:    Retrieves the specified set of UHF Crossover Frequencies
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**  Usage:          MT2266_Freq_Set  tmpFreqs;
+**                  status = MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs(hMT2266,
+**                                               MT2266_UHF1_WITH_ATTENUATION,
+**                                               tmpFreqs );
+**                  if (status & MT_ARG_RANGE)
+**                      // error, Invalid UHF Crossover Frequency Set requested.
+**                  else
+**                      for( int i = 0;  i < MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; i++ )
+**                         . . .
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - freq_type is out of range.
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   freqs_buffer *must* be defined of type MT2266_Freq_Set
+**                     to assure sufficient space allocation!
+**                  USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   10-26-2006   RSK     Original.
+UData_t MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs(Handle_t h,
+                            MT2266_UHFXFreq_Type freq_type,
+                            MT2266_XFreq_Set     freqs_buffer)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (freq_type >= MT2266_NUMBER_OF_XFREQ_SETS)
+        status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        int  i;
+        for( i = 0; i < MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; i++ )
+        {
+            freqs_buffer[i] = pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[ freq_type ][i] * TUNE_STEP_SIZE / 1000;
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetUserData
+**  Description:    Gets the user-defined data item.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument
+**                  that is stored internally with the other tuner-
+**                  specific information.
+**                  For example, if additional arguments are needed
+**                  for the user to identify the device communicating
+**                  with the tuner, this argument can be used to supply
+**                  the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's
+**                  Open function to NULL.
+**  See Also:       MT2266_SetUserData, MT2266_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+UData_t MT2266_GetUserData(Handle_t h,
+                           Handle_t* hUserData)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (hUserData == MT_NULL)
+        status |= MT_ARG_NULL;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        *hUserData = pInfo->hUserData;
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_ReInit
+**  Description:    Initialize the tuner's register values.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK             - No errors
+**                      MT_TUNER_ID_ERR   - Tuner Part/Rev code mismatch
+**                      MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR - Tuner initialization failed
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE     - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR       - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+**   N/A   06-08-2006    JWS    Ver 1.01: Corrected problem with tuner ID check
+**   N/A   11-01-2006    RSK    Ver 1.02: Initialize XFreq Tables to Default
+**   N/A   11-29-2006    DAD    Ver 1.03: Parenthesis clarification
+UData_t MT2266_ReInit(Handle_t h)
+    int j;
+    U8Data MT2266_Init_Defaults1[] =
+    {
+        0x01,            /* Start w/register 0x01 */
+        0x00,            /* Reg 0x01 */
+        0x00,            /* Reg 0x02 */
+        0x28,            /* Reg 0x03 */
+        0x00,            /* Reg 0x04 */
+        0x52,            /* Reg 0x05 */
+        0x99,            /* Reg 0x06 */
+        0x3F,            /* Reg 0x07 */
+    };
+    U8Data MT2266_Init_Defaults2[] =
+    {
+        0x17,            /* Start w/register 0x17 */
+        0x6D,            /* Reg 0x17 */
+        0x71,            /* Reg 0x18 */
+        0x61,            /* Reg 0x19 */
+        0xC0,            /* Reg 0x1A */
+        0xBF,            /* Reg 0x1B */
+        0xFF,            /* Reg 0x1C */
+        0xDC,            /* Reg 0x1D */
+        0x00,            /* Reg 0x1E */
+        0x0A,            /* Reg 0x1F */
+        0xD4,            /* Reg 0x20 */
+        0x03,            /* Reg 0x21 */
+        0x64,            /* Reg 0x22 */
+        0x64,            /* Reg 0x23 */
+        0x64,            /* Reg 0x24 */
+        0x64,            /* Reg 0x25 */
+        0x22,            /* Reg 0x26 */
+        0xAA,            /* Reg 0x27 */
+        0xF2,            /* Reg 0x28 */
+        0x1E,            /* Reg 0x29 */
+        0x80,            /* Reg 0x2A */
+        0x14,            /* Reg 0x2B */
+        0x01,            /* Reg 0x2C */
+        0x01,            /* Reg 0x2D */
+        0x01,            /* Reg 0x2E */
+        0x01,            /* Reg 0x2F */
+        0x01,            /* Reg 0x30 */
+        0x01,            /* Reg 0x31 */
+        0x7F,            /* Reg 0x32 */
+        0x5E,            /* Reg 0x33 */
+        0x3F,            /* Reg 0x34 */
+        0xFF,            /* Reg 0x35 */
+        0xFF,            /* Reg 0x36 */
+        0xFF,            /* Reg 0x37 */
+        0x00,            /* Reg 0x38 */
+        0x77,            /* Reg 0x39 */
+        0x0F,            /* Reg 0x3A */
+        0x2D,            /* Reg 0x3B */
+    };
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    U8Data BBVref;
+    U8Data tmpreg = 0;
+    U8Data statusreg = 0;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    /*  Read the Part/Rev code from the tuner */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= UncheckedGet(pInfo, MT2266_PART_REV, &tmpreg);
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status) && (tmpreg != 0x85))  // MT226? B0
+        status |= MT_TUNER_ID_ERR;
+    else
+    {
+        /*
+        **  Read the status register 5
+        */
+        tmpreg = pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_11] |= 0x03;
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+            status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_RSVD_11, tmpreg);
+        tmpreg &= ~(0x02);
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+            status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_RSVD_11, tmpreg);
+        /*  Get and store the status 5 register value  */
+        if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+            status |= UncheckedGet(pInfo, MT2266_STATUS_5, &statusreg);
+        /*  MT2266  */
+        if (MT_IS_ERROR(status) || ((statusreg & 0x30) != 0x30))
+                status |= MT_TUNER_ID_ERR;      /*  Wrong tuner Part/Rev code   */
+    }
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        /*  Initialize the tuner state.  Hold off on f_in and f_LO */
+        pInfo->version = VERSION;
+        pInfo->tuner_id = pInfo->reg[MT2266_PART_REV];
+        pInfo->f_Ref = REF_FREQ;
+        pInfo->f_Step = TUNE_STEP_SIZE * 1000;  /* kHz -> Hz */
+        pInfo->f_in = UHF_DEFAULT_FREQ;
+        pInfo->f_LO = UHF_DEFAULT_FREQ;
+        pInfo->f_bw = OUTPUT_BW;
+        pInfo->band = MT2266_UHF_BAND;
+        pInfo->num_regs = END_REGS;
+        /* Reset the UHF Crossover Frequency tables on open/init. */
+        for (j=0; j< MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; j++ )
+        {
+            pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF0][j]       = MT2266_default_XFreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF0][j];
+            pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF1][j]       = MT2266_default_XFreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF1][j];
+            pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF0_ATTEN][j] = MT2266_default_XFreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF0_ATTEN][j];
+            pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF1_ATTEN][j] = MT2266_default_XFreqs.xfreq[MT2266_UHF1_ATTEN][j];
+        }
+        /*  Write the default values to the tuner registers. Default mode is UHF */
+        status |= MT2266_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                              pInfo->address,
+                              MT2266_Init_Defaults1[0],
+                              &MT2266_Init_Defaults1[1],
+                              sizeof(MT2266_Init_Defaults1)/sizeof(U8Data)-1);
+        status |= MT2266_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                              pInfo->address,
+                              MT2266_Init_Defaults2[0],
+                              &MT2266_Init_Defaults2[1],
+                              sizeof(MT2266_Init_Defaults2)/sizeof(U8Data)-1);
+    }
+    /*  Read back all the registers from the tuner */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2266_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, 0, &pInfo->reg[0], END_REGS);
+    }
+    /*
+    **  Set reg[0x33] based on statusreg
+    */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        BBVref = (((statusreg >> 6) + 2) & 0x03);
+        tmpreg = (pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_33] & ~(0x60)) | (BBVref << 5);
+        status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_RSVD_33, tmpreg);
+    }
+    /*  Run the baseband filter calibration  */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= Run_BB_RC_Cal2(h);
+    /*  Set the baseband filter bandwidth to the default  */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= Set_BBFilt(h);
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_SetParam
+**  Description:    Sets a tuning algorithm parameter.
+**                  This function provides access to the internals of the
+**                  tuning algorithm.  You can override many of the tuning
+**                  algorithm defaults using this function.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  param       - Tuning algorithm parameter
+**                                (see enum MT2266_Param)
+**                  nValue      - value to be set
+**                  param                   Description
+**                  ----------------------  --------------------------------
+**                  MT2266_SRO_FREQ         crystal frequency
+**                  MT2266_STEPSIZE         minimum tuning step size
+**                  MT2266_INPUT_FREQ       Center of input channel
+**                  MT2266_OUTPUT_BW        Output channel bandwidth
+**                  MT2266_RF_ATTN          RF attenuation (0-255)
+**                  MT2266_RF_EXT           External control of RF atten
+**                  MT2266_LNA_GAIN         LNA gain setting (0-15)
+**                  MT2266_LNA_GAIN_DECR    Decrement LNA Gain (arg=min)
+**                  MT2266_LNA_GAIN_INCR    Increment LNA Gain (arg=max)
+**                  MT2266_BB_ATTN          Baseband attenuation (0-255)
+**                  MT2266_BB_EXT           External control of BB atten
+**                  MT2266_UHF_MAXSENS      Set for UHF max sensitivity mode
+**                  MT2266_UHF_NORMAL       Set for UHF normal mode
+**  Usage:          status |= MT2266_SetParam(hMT2266,
+**                                            MT2266_STEPSIZE,
+**                                            50000);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Invalid parameter requested
+**                                         or set value out of range
+**                                         or non-writable parameter
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2266_GetParam, MT2266_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+**   N/A   11-29-2006    DAD    Ver 1.03: Parenthesis clarification for gcc
+UData_t MT2266_SetParam(Handle_t     h,
+                        MT2266_Param param,
+                        UData_t      nValue)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned        */
+    U8Data tmpreg;
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        switch (param)
+        {
+        /*  crystal frequency                     */
+        case MT2266_SRO_FREQ:
+            pInfo->f_Ref = nValue;
+            if (pInfo->f_Ref < 22000000)
+            {
+                /*  Turn off f_SRO divide by 2  */
+                status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo,
+                                       MT2266_SRO_CTRL,
+                                       (U8Data) (pInfo->reg[MT2266_SRO_CTRL] &= 0xFE));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*  Turn on f_SRO divide by 2  */
+                status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo,
+                                       MT2266_SRO_CTRL,
+                                       (U8Data) (pInfo->reg[MT2266_SRO_CTRL] |= 0x01));
+            }
+            status |= Run_BB_RC_Cal2(h);
+            if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+                status |= Set_BBFilt(h);
+            break;
+        /*  minimum tuning step size              */
+        case MT2266_STEPSIZE:
+            pInfo->f_Step = nValue;
+            break;
+        /*  Width of output channel               */
+        case MT2266_OUTPUT_BW:
+            pInfo->f_bw = nValue;
+            status |= Set_BBFilt(h);
+            break;
+        /*  BB attenuation (0-255)                */
+        case MT2266_BB_ATTN:
+            if (nValue > 255)
+                status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+            else
+            {
+                UData_t BBA_Stage1;
+                UData_t BBA_Stage2;
+                UData_t BBA_Stage3;
+                BBA_Stage3 = (nValue > 102) ? 103 : nValue + 1;
+                BBA_Stage2 = (nValue > 175) ? 75 : nValue + 2 - BBA_Stage3;
+                BBA_Stage1 = (nValue > 176) ? nValue - 175 : 1;
+                pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_2C] = (U8Data) BBA_Stage1;
+                pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_2D] = (U8Data) BBA_Stage2;
+                pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_2E] = (U8Data) BBA_Stage3;
+                pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_2F] = (U8Data) BBA_Stage1;
+                pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_30] = (U8Data) BBA_Stage2;
+                pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_31] = (U8Data) BBA_Stage3;
+                status |= MT2266_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData,
+                                      pInfo->address,
+                                      MT2266_RSVD_2C,
+                                      &pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_2C],
+                                      6);
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  RF attenuation (0-255)                */
+        case MT2266_RF_ATTN:
+            if (nValue > 255)
+                status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+            else
+                status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_RSVD_1F, (U8Data) nValue);
+            break;
+        /*  RF external / internal atten control  */
+        case MT2266_RF_EXT:
+            if (nValue == 0)
+                tmpreg = pInfo->reg[MT2266_GPO] &= ~0x40;
+            else
+                tmpreg = pInfo->reg[MT2266_GPO] |= 0x40;
+            status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_GPO, tmpreg);
+            break;
+        /*  LNA gain setting (0-15)               */
+        case MT2266_LNA_GAIN:
+            if (nValue > 15)
+                status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+            else
+            {
+                tmpreg = (pInfo->reg[MT2266_IGAIN] & 0xC3) | ((U8Data)nValue << 2);
+                status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_IGAIN, tmpreg);
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  Decrement LNA Gain setting, argument is min LNA Gain setting  */
+        case MT2266_LNA_GAIN_DECR:
+            if (nValue > 15)
+                status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+            else
+            {
+                PREFETCH(MT2266_IGAIN, 1);
+                if (MT_NO_ERROR(status) && ((U8Data) ((pInfo->reg[MT2266_IGAIN] & 0x3C) >> 2) > (U8Data) nValue))
+                    status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_IGAIN, pInfo->reg[MT2266_IGAIN] - 0x04);
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  Increment LNA Gain setting, argument is max LNA Gain setting  */
+        case MT2266_LNA_GAIN_INCR:
+            if (nValue > 15)
+                status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+            else
+            {
+                PREFETCH(MT2266_IGAIN, 1);
+                if (MT_NO_ERROR(status) && ((U8Data) ((pInfo->reg[MT2266_IGAIN] & 0x3C) >> 2) < (U8Data) nValue))
+                    status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_IGAIN, pInfo->reg[MT2266_IGAIN] + 0x04);
+            }
+            break;
+        /*  BB external / internal atten control  */
+        case MT2266_BB_EXT:
+            if (nValue == 0)
+                tmpreg = pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_33] &= ~0x08;
+            else
+                tmpreg = pInfo->reg[MT2266_RSVD_33] |= 0x08;
+            status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_RSVD_33, tmpreg);
+            break;
+        /*  Set for UHF max sensitivity mode  */
+        case MT2266_UHF_MAXSENS:
+            PREFETCH(MT2266_BAND_CTRL, 1);
+            if (MT_NO_ERROR(status) && ((pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] & 0x30) == 0x10))
+                status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_BAND_CTRL, pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] ^ 0x30);
+            break;
+        /*  Set for UHF normal mode  */
+        case MT2266_UHF_NORMAL:
+            if (MT_NO_ERROR(status) && ((pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] & 0x30) == 0x20))
+                status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_BAND_CTRL, pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] ^ 0x30);
+            break;
+        /*  These parameters are read-only  */
+        case MT2266_IC_ADDR:
+        case MT2266_MAX_OPEN:
+        case MT2266_NUM_OPEN:
+        case MT2266_NUM_REGS:
+        case MT2266_INPUT_FREQ:
+        case MT2266_LO_FREQ:
+        case MT2266_RC2_VALUE:
+        case MT2266_RF_ADC:
+        case MT2266_BB_ADC:
+        case MT2266_EOP:
+        default:
+            status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_SetPowerModes
+**  Description:    Sets the bits in the MT2266_ENABLES register and the
+**                  SROsd bit in the MT2266_SROADC_CTRL register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  flags       - Bit mask of flags to indicate enabled
+**                                bits.
+**  Usage:          status = MT2266_SetPowerModes(hMT2266, flags);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  The bits in the MT2266_ENABLES register and the
+**                  SROsd bit are set according to the supplied flags.
+**                  The pre-defined flags are as follows:
+**                      MT2266_SROen
+**                      MT2266_LOen
+**                      MT2266_ADCen
+**                      MT2266_PDen
+**                      MT2266_DCOCen
+**                      MT2266_BBen
+**                      MT2266_MIXen
+**                      MT2266_LNAen
+**                      MT2266_ALL_ENABLES
+**                      MT2266_NO_ENABLES
+**                      MT2266_SROsd
+**                      MT2266_SRO_NOT_sd
+**                  ONLY the enable bits (or SROsd bit) specified in the
+**                  flags parameter will be set.  Any flag which is not
+**                  included, will cause that bit to be disabled.
+**                  The ALL_ENABLES, NO_ENABLES, and SRO_NOT_sd constants
+**                  are for convenience.  The NO_ENABLES and SRO_NOT_sd
+**                  do not actually have to be included, but are provided
+**                  for clarity.
+**  See Also:       MT2266_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+UData_t MT2266_SetPowerModes(Handle_t h,
+                             UData_t  flags)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    U8Data tmpreg;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    PREFETCH(MT2266_SRO_CTRL, 1);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        if (flags & MT2266_SROsd)
+            tmpreg = pInfo->reg[MT2266_SRO_CTRL] |= 0x10;  /* set the SROsd bit */
+        else
+            tmpreg = pInfo->reg[MT2266_SRO_CTRL] &= 0xEF;  /* clear the SROsd bit */
+        status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_SRO_CTRL, tmpreg);
+    }
+    PREFETCH(MT2266_ENABLES, 1);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, MT2266_ENABLES, (U8Data)(flags & 0xff));
+    }
+    return status;
+**  Name: UncheckedSet
+**  Description:    Sets an MT2266 register.
+**                  NOTE: This is a local function that performs the same
+**                  steps as the MT2266_SetReg function that is available
+**                  in the external API.  It does not do any of the standard
+**                  error checking that the API function provides and should
+**                  not be called from outside this file.
+**  Parameters:     *pInfo      - Tuner control structure
+**                  reg         - MT2266 register/subaddress location
+**                  val         - MT2266 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Sets a register value without any preliminary checking for
+**                  valid handles or register numbers.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+static UData_t UncheckedSet(MT2266_Info_t* pInfo,
+                            U8Data         reg,
+                            U8Data         val)
+    UData_t status;                  /* Status to be returned */
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+    status = MT_OK;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (reg >= END_REGS)
+        status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_IS_ERROR(status))
+        return (status);
+    status = MT2266_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, reg, &val, 1);
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        pInfo->reg[reg] = val;
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_SetReg
+**  Description:    Sets an MT2266 register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  reg         - MT2266 register/subaddress location
+**                  val         - MT2266 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to override a default
+**                  register value
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+UData_t MT2266_SetReg(Handle_t h,
+                      U8Data   reg,
+                      U8Data   val)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                  /* Status to be returned */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status |= MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (reg >= END_REGS)
+        status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+        status |= UncheckedSet(pInfo, reg, val);
+    return (status);
+**  Name: MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs
+**  Description:    Assigns the specified set of UHF Crossover Frequencies
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**  Usage:          MT2266_Freq_Set  tmpFreqs;
+**                  status = MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs(hMT2266,
+**                                               MT2266_UHF1_WITH_ATTENUATION,
+**                                               tmpFreqs );
+**                   ...
+**                  tmpFreqs[i] = <desired value>
+**                   ...
+**                  status = MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs(hMT2266,
+**                                               MT2266_UHF1_WITH_ATTENUATION,
+**                                               tmpFreqs );
+**                  if (status & MT_ARG_RANGE)
+**                      // error, Invalid UHF Crossover Frequency Set requested.
+**                  else
+**                      for( int i = 0;  i < MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; i++ )
+**                         . . .
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - freq_type is out of range.
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   freqs_buffer *must* be defined of type MT2266_Freq_Set
+**                     to assure sufficient space allocation!
+**                  USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   10-26-2006   RSK     Original.
+UData_t MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs(Handle_t h,
+                            MT2266_UHFXFreq_Type freq_type,
+                            MT2266_XFreq_Set     freqs_buffer)
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;                     /* Status to be returned */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        status = MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    if (freq_type >= MT2266_NUMBER_OF_XFREQ_SETS)
+        status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        int  i;
+        for( i = 0; i < MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; i++ )
+        {
+            pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[ freq_type ][i] = freqs_buffer[i] * 1000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE;
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+**  Name: RoundToStep
+**  Description:    Rounds the given frequency to the closes f_Step value
+**                  given the tuner ref frequency..
+**  Parameters:     freq      - Frequency to be rounded (in Hz).
+**                  f_Step    - Step size for the frequency (in Hz).
+**                  f_Ref     - SRO frequency (in Hz).
+**  Returns:        Rounded frequency.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+static UData_t RoundToStep(UData_t freq, UData_t f_Step, UData_t f_ref)
+    return f_ref * (freq / f_ref)
+        + f_Step * (((freq % f_ref) + (f_Step / 2)) / f_Step);
+**  Name: fLO_FractionalTerm
+**  Description:    Calculates the portion contributed by FracN / denom.
+**                  This function preserves maximum precision without
+**                  risk of overflow.  It accurately calculates
+**                  f_ref * num / denom to within 1 HZ with fixed math.
+**  Parameters:     num       - Fractional portion of the multiplier
+**                  denom     - denominator portion of the ratio
+**                              This routine successfully handles denom values
+**                              up to and including 2^18.
+**                  f_Ref     - SRO frequency.  This calculation handles
+**                              f_ref as two separate 14-bit fields.
+**                              Therefore, a maximum value of 2^28-1
+**                              may safely be used for f_ref.  This is
+**                              the genesis of the magic number "14" and the
+**                              magic mask value of 0x03FFF.
+**  Returns:        f_ref * num / denom
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   12-20-2006    RSK    Ver 1.04: Adding fLO_FractionalTerm() usage.
+static UData_t fLO_FractionalTerm( UData_t f_ref,
+                                   UData_t num,
+                                   UData_t denom )
+    UData_t t1     = (f_ref >> 14) * num;
+    UData_t term1  = t1 / denom;
+    UData_t loss   = t1 % denom;
+    UData_t term2  = ( ((f_ref & 0x00003FFF) * num + (loss<<14)) + (denom/2) )  / denom;
+    return ((term1 << 14) + term2);
+**  Name: CalcLOMult
+**  Description:    Calculates Integer divider value and the numerator
+**                  value for LO's FracN PLL.
+**                  This function assumes that the f_LO and f_Ref are
+**                  evenly divisible by f_LO_Step.
+**  Parameters:     Div       - OUTPUT: Whole number portion of the multiplier
+**                  FracN     - OUTPUT: Fractional portion of the multiplier
+**                  f_LO      - desired LO frequency.
+**                  denom     - LO FracN denominator value
+**                  f_Ref     - SRO frequency.
+**  Returns:        Recalculated LO frequency.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+**   N/A   12-20-2006    RSK    Ver 1.04: Adding fLO_FractionalTerm() usage.
+static UData_t CalcLOMult(UData_t *Div,
+                          UData_t *FracN,
+                          UData_t  f_LO,
+                          UData_t  denom,
+                          UData_t  f_Ref)
+    UData_t a, b, i;
+    const SData_t TwoNShift = 13;   // bits to shift to obtain 2^n qty
+    const SData_t RoundShift = 18;  // bits to shift before rounding
+    /*  Calculate the whole number portion of the divider */
+    *Div = f_LO / f_Ref;
+    /*
+    **  Calculate the FracN numerator 1 bit at a time.  This keeps the
+    **  integer values from overflowing when large values are multiplied.
+    **  This loop calculates the fractional portion of F/20MHz accurate
+    **  to 32 bits.  The 2^n factor is represented by the placement of
+    **  the value in the 32-bit word.  Since we want as much accuracy
+    **  as possible, we'll leave it at the top of the word.
+    */
+    *FracN = 0;
+    a = f_LO;
+    for (i=32; i>0; --i)
+    {
+        b = 2*(a % f_Ref);
+        *FracN = (*FracN * 2) + (b >= f_Ref);
+        a = b;
+    }
+    /*
+    **  If the denominator is a 2^n - 1 value (the usual case) then the
+    **  value we really need is (F/20) * 2^n - (F/20).  Shifting the
+    **  calculated (F/20) value to the right and subtracting produces
+    **  the desired result -- still accurate to 32 bits.
+    */
+    if ((denom & 0x01) != 0)
+        *FracN -= (*FracN >> TwoNShift);
+    /*
+    ** Now shift the result so that it is 1 bit bigger than we need,
+    ** use the low-order bit to round the remaining bits, and shift
+    ** to make the answer the desired size.
+    */
+    *FracN >>= RoundShift;
+    *FracN = (*FracN & 0x01) + (*FracN >> 1);
+    /*  Check for rollover (cannot happen with 50 kHz step size) */
+    if (*FracN == (denom | 1))
+    {
+        *FracN = 0;
+        ++Div;
+    }
+    return (f_Ref * (*Div)) + fLO_FractionalTerm( f_Ref, *FracN, denom );
+**  Name: GetCrossover
+**  Description:    Determines the appropriate value in the set of
+**                  crossover frequencies.
+**                  This function assumes that the crossover frequency table
+**                  ias been properly initialized in descending order.
+**  Parameters:     f_in      - The input frequency to use.
+**                  freqs     - The array of crossover frequency entries.
+**  Returns:        Index of crossover frequency band to use.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   10-27-2006    RSK    Original
+static U8Data GetCrossover( UData_t f_in,  UData_t* freqs )
+    U8Data idx;
+    U8Data retVal = 0;
+    for (idx=0; idx< (U8Data)MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; idx++)
+    {
+        if ( freqs[idx] >= f_in)
+        {
+            retVal = (U8Data)MT2266_NUM_XFREQS - idx;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return retVal;
+**  Name: MT2266_ChangeFreq
+**  Description:    Change the tuner's tuned frequency to f_in.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**                  f_in        - RF input center frequency (in Hz).
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_FIN_RANGE     - Input freq out of range
+**                      MT_DNC_RANGE     - Downconverter freq out of range
+**  Dependencies:   MUST CALL MT2266_Open BEFORE MT2266_ChangeFreq!
+**                  MT_ReadSub       - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire-bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub      - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire-bus
+**                  MT_Sleep         - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**                  MT2266_GetLocked - Checks to see if the PLL is locked
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+**   N/A   11-01-2006    RSK    Ver 1.02: Added usage of UFILT0 and UFILT1.
+**   N/A   11-29-2006    DAD    Ver 1.03: Parenthesis clarification
+**   118   05-09-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Refactored to call _Tune() API.
+UData_t MT2266_ChangeFreq(Handle_t h,
+                          UData_t f_in)     /* RF input center frequency   */
+    return (MT2266_Tune(h, f_in));
+**  Name: MT2266_Tune
+**  Description:    Change the tuner's tuned frequency to f_in.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**                  f_in        - RF input center frequency (in Hz).
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_FIN_RANGE     - Input freq out of range
+**                      MT_DNC_RANGE     - Downconverter freq out of range
+**  Dependencies:   MUST CALL MT2266_Open BEFORE MT2266_Tune!
+**                  MT_ReadSub       - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire-bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub      - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire-bus
+**                  MT_Sleep         - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**                  MT2266_GetLocked - Checks to see if the PLL is locked
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+**   N/A   11-01-2006    RSK    Ver 1.02: Added usage of UFILT0 and UFILT1.
+**   N/A   11-29-2006    DAD    Ver 1.03: Parenthesis clarification
+**   118   05-09-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Adding Standard MTxxxx_Tune() API.
+UData_t MT2266_Tune(Handle_t h,
+                    UData_t f_in)     /* RF input center frequency   */
+    MT2266_Info_t* pInfo = (MT2266_Info_t*) h;
+    UData_t status = MT_OK;       /*  status of operation             */
+    UData_t LO;                   /*  LO register value               */
+    UData_t Num;                  /*  Numerator for LO reg. value     */
+    UData_t ofLO;                 /*  last time's LO frequency        */
+    UData_t ofin;                 /*  last time's input frequency     */
+    U8Data  LO_Band;              /*  LO Mode bits                    */
+    UData_t s_fRef;               /*  Ref Freq scaled for LO Band     */
+    UData_t this_band;            /*  Band for the requested freq     */
+    UData_t SROx2;                /*  SRO times 2                     */
+    /*  Verify that the handle passed points to a valid tuner         */
+    if (IsValidHandle(pInfo) == 0)
+        return MT_INV_HANDLE;
+    /*
+    **  Save original input and LO value
+    */
+    ofLO = pInfo->f_LO;
+    ofin = pInfo->f_in;
+    /*
+    **  Assign in the requested input value
+    */
+    pInfo->f_in = f_in;
+    /*
+    **  Get the SRO multiplier value
+    */
+    SROx2 = (2 - (pInfo->reg[MT2266_SRO_CTRL] & 0x01));
+	/* Check f_Step value */
+	if(pInfo->f_Step == 0)
+		return MT_UNKNOWN;
+	/*  Request an LO that is on a step size boundary  */
+    pInfo->f_LO = RoundToStep(f_in, pInfo->f_Step, pInfo->f_Ref);
+    if (pInfo->f_LO < MIN_VHF_FREQ)
+    {
+        status |= MT_FIN_RANGE | MT_ARG_RANGE | MT_DNC_RANGE;
+        return status;  /* Does not support frequencies below MIN_VHF_FREQ  */
+    }
+    else if (pInfo->f_LO <= MAX_VHF_FREQ)
+    {
+        /*  VHF Band  */
+        s_fRef = pInfo->f_Ref * SROx2 / 4;
+        LO_Band = 0;
+        this_band = MT2266_VHF_BAND;
+    }
+    else if (pInfo->f_LO < MIN_UHF_FREQ)
+    {
+        status |= MT_FIN_RANGE | MT_ARG_RANGE | MT_DNC_RANGE;
+        return status;  /* Does not support frequencies between MAX_VHF_FREQ & MIN_UHF_FREQ */
+    }
+    else if (pInfo->f_LO <= MAX_UHF_FREQ)
+    {
+        /*  UHF Band  */
+        s_fRef = pInfo->f_Ref * SROx2 / 2;
+        LO_Band = 1;
+        this_band = MT2266_UHF_BAND;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        status |= MT_FIN_RANGE | MT_ARG_RANGE | MT_DNC_RANGE;
+        return status;  /* Does not support frequencies above MAX_UHF_FREQ */
+    }
+    /*
+    ** Calculate the LO frequencies and the values to be placed
+    ** in the tuning registers.
+    */
+    pInfo->f_LO = CalcLOMult(&LO, &Num, pInfo->f_LO, 8191, s_fRef);
+    /*
+    **  If we have the same LO frequencies and we're already locked,
+    **  then just return without writing any registers.
+    */
+    if ((ofLO == pInfo->f_LO)
+        && ((pInfo->reg[MT2266_STATUS_1] & 0x40) == 0x40))
+    {
+        return (status);
+    }
+    /*
+    ** Reset defaults here if we're tuning into a new band
+    */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        if (this_band != pInfo->band)
+        {
+            MT2266_DefaultsEntry *defaults = MT_NULL;
+            switch (this_band)
+            {
+                case MT2266_VHF_BAND:
+                    defaults = &MT2266_VHF_defaults[0];
+                    break;
+                case MT2266_UHF_BAND:
+                    defaults = &MT2266_UHF_defaults[0];
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    status |= MT_ARG_RANGE;
+            }
+            if ( MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+            {
+                while (defaults->data && MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+                {
+                    status |= MT2266_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, defaults->data[0], &defaults->data[1], defaults->cnt);
+                    defaults++;
+                }
+                /* re-read the new registers into the cached values */
+                status |= MT2266_ReadSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, 0, &pInfo->reg[0], END_REGS);
+                pInfo->band = this_band;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    **  Place all of the calculated values into the local tuner
+    **  register fields.
+    */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        pInfo->reg[MT2266_LO_CTRL_1] = (U8Data)(Num >> 8);
+        pInfo->reg[MT2266_LO_CTRL_2] = (U8Data)(Num & 0xFF);
+        pInfo->reg[MT2266_LO_CTRL_3] = (U8Data)(LO & 0xFF);
+        /*
+        ** Now write out the computed register values
+        */
+        status |= MT2266_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, MT2266_LO_CTRL_1, &pInfo->reg[MT2266_LO_CTRL_1], 3);
+        if (pInfo->band == MT2266_UHF_BAND)
+        {
+            U8Data UFilt0 = 0;                        /*  def when f_in > all    */
+            U8Data UFilt1 = 0;                        /*  def when f_in > all    */
+            UData_t* XFreq0;
+            UData_t* XFreq1;
+            SData_t ClearTune_Fuse;
+            SData_t f_offset;
+            UData_t f_in_;
+            PREFETCH(MT2266_BAND_CTRL, 2);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+            PREFETCH(MT2266_STATUS_5, 1);  /* Fetch register(s) if __NO_CACHE__ defined */
+            XFreq0 = (pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] & 0x10) ? pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[ MT2266_UHF0_ATTEN ] : pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[ MT2266_UHF0 ];
+            XFreq1 = (pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] & 0x10) ? pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[ MT2266_UHF1_ATTEN ] : pInfo->xfreqs.xfreq[ MT2266_UHF1 ];
+            ClearTune_Fuse = pInfo->reg[MT2266_STATUS_5] & 0x07;
+            f_offset = (10000000) * ((ClearTune_Fuse > 3) ? (ClearTune_Fuse - 8) : ClearTune_Fuse);
+            f_in_ = (f_in - f_offset) / 1000 / TUNE_STEP_SIZE;
+            UFilt0 = GetCrossover( f_in_, XFreq0 );
+            UFilt1 = GetCrossover( f_in_, XFreq1 );
+            /*  If UFilt == 16, set UBANDen and set UFilt = 15  */
+            if ( (UFilt0 == 16) || (UFilt1 == 16) )
+            {
+                pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] |= 0x01;
+                if( UFilt0 > 0 ) UFilt0--;
+                if( UFilt1 > 0 ) UFilt1--;
+            }
+            else
+                pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] &= ~(0x01);
+            pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] =
+                    (pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL] & 0x3F) | (LO_Band << 6);
+            pInfo->reg[MT2266_CLEARTUNE] = (UFilt1 << 4) | UFilt0;
+            /*  Write UBANDsel  [05] & ClearTune [06]  */
+            status |= MT2266_WriteSub(pInfo->hUserData, pInfo->address, MT2266_BAND_CTRL, &pInfo->reg[MT2266_BAND_CTRL], 2);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    **  Check for LO lock
+    */
+    if (MT_NO_ERROR(status))
+    {
+        status |= MT2266_GetLocked(h);
+    }
+    return (status);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2266.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2266.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2266.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mt2266.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.148066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1534 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_MT2266_H
+#define __TUNER_MT2266_H
+@brief   MT2266 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate MT2266 tuner through MT2266 module.
+MT2266 module is derived from tunerd module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_mt2266.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE        *pTuner;
+	MT2266_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz;
+	...
+	// Build MT2266 tuner module.
+	BuildMt2266Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc0								// I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		);
+	// Get MT2266 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mt2266);
+	// Open MT2266 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->OpenHandle(pTuner);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set MT2266 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthHz(pTuner, MT2266_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get MT2266 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthHz(pTuner, &BandwidthHz);
+	// Close MT2266 handle.
+	pTunerExtra->CloseHandle(pTuner);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+// The following context is source code provided by Microtune.
+// Microtune source code - mt_errordef.h
+**  Name: mt_errordef.h
+**  Description:    Definition of bits in status/error word used by various
+**                  MicroTuner control programs.
+**  References:     None
+**  Exports:        None
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt_errordef.h,v 1.1 2006/06/22 20:18:12 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/home/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2266/mt_errordef.h,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   09-09-2004    JWS    Original
+**   088   01-26-2005    DAD    Added MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR.
+**   N/A   12-09-2005    DAD    Added MT_TUNER_TIMEOUT (info).
+** Note to users:  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE  
+** If you wish to rename any of the "user defined" bits,
+** it should be done in the user file that includes this
+** source file (e.g. mt_userdef.h)
+**  3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
+**  1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+**  M U <- Info Codes --> <# Spurs> < User> <----- Err Codes ----->
+**  31 = MT_ERROR - Master Error Flag.  If set, check Err Codes for reason.
+**  30 = MT_USER_ERROR - User-declared error flag.
+**  29 = Unused
+**  28 = Unused
+**  27 = MT_DNC_RANGE
+**  26 = MT_UPC_RANGE
+**  25 = MT_FOUT_RANGE
+**  23 = MT_SPUR_PRESENT - Unavoidable spur in output
+**  21 = Unused
+**  20 = Unused
+**  19 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK (MSB) - Count of avoided spurs
+**  18 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK
+**  17 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK
+**  16 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK
+**  15 = MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK (LSB)
+**  14 = MT_USER_DEFINED4 - User-definable bit (see MT_Userdef.h)
+**  13 = MT_USER_DEFINED3 - User-definable bit (see MT_Userdef.h)
+**  12 = MT_USER_DEFINED2 - User-definable bit (see MT_Userdef.h)
+**  11 = MT_USER_DEFINED1 - User-definable bit (see MT_Userdef.h)
+**  10 = Unused
+**   9 = MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR - Tuner initialization error
+**   8 = MT_TUNER_ID_ERR - Tuner Part Code / Rev Code mismatches expected value
+**   7 = MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR - Attempt to open more than MT_TUNER_CNT tuners
+**   6 = MT_ARG_NULL - Null pointer passed as argument
+**   5 = MT_ARG_RANGE - Argument value out of range
+**   4 = MT_INV_HANDLE - Tuner handle is invalid
+**   3 = MT_COMM_ERR - Serial bus communications error
+**   2 = MT_DNC_UNLOCK - Downconverter PLL is unlocked
+**   1 = MT_UPC_UNLOCK - Upconverter PLL is unlocked
+**   0 = MT_UNKNOWN - Unknown error
+#define MT_ERROR (1 << 31)
+#define MT_USER_ERROR (1 << 30)
+/*  Macro to be used to check for errors  */
+#define MT_IS_ERROR(s) (((s) >> 30) != 0)
+#define MT_NO_ERROR(s) (((s) >> 30) == 0)
+#define MT_OK                           (0x00000000)
+/*  Unknown error  */
+#define MT_UNKNOWN                      (0x80000001)
+/*  Error:  Upconverter PLL is not locked  */
+#define MT_UPC_UNLOCK                   (0x80000002)
+/*  Error:  Downconverter PLL is not locked  */
+#define MT_DNC_UNLOCK                   (0x80000004)
+/*  Error:  Two-wire serial bus communications error  */
+#define MT_COMM_ERR                     (0x80000008)
+/*  Error:  Tuner handle passed to function was invalid  */
+#define MT_INV_HANDLE                   (0x80000010)
+/*  Error:  Function argument is invalid (out of range)  */
+#define MT_ARG_RANGE                    (0x80000020)
+/*  Error:  Function argument (ptr to return value) was NULL  */
+#define MT_ARG_NULL                     (0x80000040)
+/*  Error: Attempt to open more than MT_TUNER_CNT tuners  */
+#define MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR                (0x80000080)
+/*  Error: Tuner Part Code / Rev Code mismatches expected value  */
+#define MT_TUNER_ID_ERR                 (0x80000100)
+/*  Error: Tuner Initialization failure  */
+#define MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR               (0x80000200)
+/*  User-definable fields (see mt_userdef.h)  */
+#define MT_USER_DEFINED1                (0x00001000)
+#define MT_USER_DEFINED2                (0x00002000)
+#define MT_USER_DEFINED3                (0x00004000)
+#define MT_USER_DEFINED4                (0x00008000)
+#define MT_USER_MASK                    (0x4000f000)
+#define MT_USER_SHIFT                   (12)
+/*  Info: Mask of bits used for # of LO-related spurs that were avoided during tuning  */
+#define MT_SPUR_CNT_MASK                (0x001f0000)
+#define MT_SPUR_SHIFT                   (16)
+/*  Info: Tuner timeout waiting for condition  */
+#define MT_TUNER_TIMEOUT                (0x00400000)
+/*  Info: Unavoidable LO-related spur may be present in the output  */
+#define MT_SPUR_PRESENT                 (0x00800000)
+/*  Info: Tuner input frequency is out of range */
+#define MT_FIN_RANGE                    (0x01000000)
+/*  Info: Tuner output frequency is out of range */
+#define MT_FOUT_RANGE                   (0x02000000)
+/*  Info: Upconverter frequency is out of range (may be reason for MT_UPC_UNLOCK) */
+#define MT_UPC_RANGE                    (0x04000000)
+/*  Info: Downconverter frequency is out of range (may be reason for MT_DPC_UNLOCK) */
+#define MT_DNC_RANGE                    (0x08000000)
+// Microtune source code - mt_userdef.h
+**  Name: mt_userdef.h
+**  Description:    User-defined data types needed by MicroTuner source code.
+**                  Customers must provide the code for these functions
+**                  in the file "mt_userdef.c".
+**                  Customers must verify that the typedef's in the 
+**                  "Data Types" section are correct for their platform.
+**  Functions
+**  Requiring
+**  Implementation: MT_WriteSub
+**                  MT_ReadSub
+**                  MT_Sleep
+**  References:     None
+**  Exports:        None
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt_userdef.h,v 1.1 2006/06/22 20:18:12 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/home/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2266/mt_userdef.h,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+**   082   12-06-2004    JWS    Multi-tuner support - requires MTxxxx_CNT 
+**                              declarations
+#if !defined( __MT_USERDEF_H )
+#define __MT_USERDEF_H
+//#include "mt_errordef.h"
+#if defined( __cplusplus )     
+extern "C"                     /* Use "C" external linkage                  */
+**  Data Types
+typedef unsigned char   U8Data;         /*  type corresponds to 8 bits      */
+typedef unsigned int    UData_t;        /*  type must be at least 32 bits   */
+typedef int             SData_t;        /*  type must be at least 32 bits   */
+typedef void *          Handle_t;       /*  memory pointer type             */
+typedef double          FData_t;        /*  floating point data type        */
+#define MAX_UDATA         (4294967295U)  /*  max value storable in UData_t   */
+** Define an MTxxxx_CNT macro for each type of tuner that will be built
+** into your application (e.g., MT2121, MT2060). MT_TUNER_CNT
+** must be set to the SUM of all of the MTxxxx_CNT macros.
+** #define MT2050_CNT  (1)
+** #define MT2060_CNT  (1)
+** #define MT2111_CNT  (1)
+** #define MT2121_CNT  (3)
+#if !defined( MT_TUNER_CNT )
+#define MT_TUNER_CNT               (1)  /*  total num of MicroTuner tuners  */
+**  Optional user-defined Error/Info Codes  (examples below)
+**  This is the area where you can define user-specific error/info return
+**  codes to be returned by any of the functions you are responsible for
+**  writing such as MT_WriteSub() and MT_ReadSub.  There are four bits
+**  available in the status field for your use.  When set, these
+**  bits will be returned in the status word returned by any tuner driver
+**  call.  If you OR in the MT_ERROR bit as well, the tuner driver code
+**  will treat the code as an error.
+**  The following are a few examples of errors you can provide.
+**  Example 1:
+**  You might check to see the hUserData handle is correct and issue 
+**  MY_USERDATA_INVALID which would be defined like this:
+**  Example 2:
+**  You might be able to provide more descriptive two-wire bus errors:
+**  Example 3:
+**  You can also provide information (non-error) feedback:
+**  #define MY_INFO_1   (MT_USER_DEFINED1)
+**  Example 4:
+**  You can combine the fields together to make a multi-bit field.
+**  This one can provide the tuner number based off of the addr
+**  passed to MT_WriteSub or MT_ReadSub.  It assumes that
+**  MT_USER_DEFINED4 through MT_USER_DEFINED1 are contiguously. If
+**  TUNER_NUM were OR'ed into the status word on an error, you could
+**  use this to identify which tuner had the problem (and whether it
+**  was during a read or write operation).
+**  #define TUNER_NUM  ((addr & 0x07) >> 1) << MT_USER_SHIFT
+**  Name: MT_WriteSub
+**  Description:    Write values to device using a two-wire serial bus.
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  addr       - device serial bus address  (value passed
+**                               as parameter to MTxxxx_Open)
+**                  subAddress - serial bus sub-address (Register Address)
+**                  pData      - pointer to the Data to be written to the 
+**                               device 
+**                  cnt        - number of bytes/registers to be written
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      user-defined
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code for this
+**                  function to write data using the tuner's 2-wire serial 
+**                  bus.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument.
+**                  If additional arguments are needed for the user's
+**                  serial bus read/write functions, this argument can be
+**                  used to supply the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's Open
+**                  function.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+UData_t MT2266_WriteSub(Handle_t hUserData, 
+                    UData_t addr, 
+                    U8Data subAddress, 
+                    U8Data *pData, 
+                    UData_t cnt);
+**  Name: MT_ReadSub
+**  Description:    Read values from device using a two-wire serial bus.
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  addr       - device serial bus address  (value passed
+**                               as parameter to MTxxxx_Open)
+**                  subAddress - serial bus sub-address (Register Address)
+**                  pData      - pointer to the Data to be written to the 
+**                               device 
+**                  cnt        - number of bytes/registers to be written
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      user-defined
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code for this
+**                  function to read data using the tuner's 2-wire serial 
+**                  bus.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument.
+**                  If additional arguments are needed for the user's
+**                  serial bus read/write functions, this argument can be
+**                  used to supply the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's Open
+**                  function.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+UData_t MT2266_ReadSub(Handle_t hUserData, 
+                   UData_t addr, 
+                   U8Data subAddress, 
+                   U8Data *pData, 
+                   UData_t cnt);
+**  Name: MT_Sleep
+**  Description:    Delay execution for "nMinDelayTime" milliseconds
+**  Parameters:     hUserData     - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                                  passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  nMinDelayTime - Delay time in milliseconds
+**  Returns:        None.
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the tuning algorithm.  You MUST provide code that
+**                  blocks execution for the specified period of time. 
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   03-25-2004    DAD    Original
+void MT2266_Sleep(Handle_t hUserData,
+              UData_t nMinDelayTime);
+#if defined(MT2060_CNT)
+#if MT2060_CNT > 0
+**  Name: MT_TunerGain  (for MT2060 only)
+**  Description:    Measure the relative tuner gain using the demodulator
+**  Parameters:     hUserData  - User-specific I/O parameter that was
+**                               passed to tuner's Open function.
+**                  pMeas      - Tuner gain (1/100 of dB scale).
+**                               ie. 1234 = 12.34 (dB)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK  - No errors
+**                      user-defined errors could be set
+**  Notes:          This is a callback function that is called from the
+**                  the 1st IF location routine.  You MUST provide
+**                  code that measures the relative tuner gain in a dB
+**                  (not linear) scale.  The return value is an integer
+**                  value scaled to 1/100 of a dB.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   06-16-2004    DAD    Original
+**   N/A   11-30-2004    DAD    Renamed from MT_DemodInputPower.  This name
+**                              better describes what this function does.
+UData_t MT_TunerGain(Handle_t hUserData,
+                     SData_t* pMeas);
+#if defined( __cplusplus )     
+// Microtune source code - mt2266.h
+**  Name: mt2266.h
+**  Copyright 2007 Microtune, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+**  This source code file contains confidential information and/or trade
+**  secrets of Microtune, Inc. or its affiliates and is subject to the
+**  terms of your confidentiality agreement with Microtune, Inc. or one of
+**  its affiliates, as applicable.
+**  Name: mt2266.h
+**  Description:    Microtune MT2266 Tuner software interface.
+**                  Supports tuners with Part/Rev code: 0x85.
+**  Functions
+**  Implemented:    UData_t  MT2266_Open
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_Close
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_ChangeFreq
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetLocked
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetParam
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetReg
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_GetUserData
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_ReInit
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_SetParam
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_SetPowerModes
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_SetReg
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs
+**                  UData_t  MT2266_Tune
+**  References:     AN-00010: MicroTuner Serial Interface Application Note
+**                  MicroTune, Inc.
+**  Exports:        None
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub(hUserData, IC_Addr, subAddress, *pData, cnt);
+**                  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus.
+**                  MT_WriteSub(hUserData, IC_Addr, subAddress, *pData, cnt);
+**                  - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus.
+**                  MT_Sleep(hUserData, nMinDelayTime);
+**                  - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**  CVS ID:         $Id: mt2266.h,v 1.3 2007/10/02 18:43:17 software Exp $
+**  CVS Source:     $Source: /export/home/cvsroot/software/tuners/MT2266/mt2266.h,v $
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   05-30-2006    DAD    Ver 1.0: Modified version of mt2260.c (Ver 1.01).
+**   N/A   11-01-2006    RSK    Ver 1.02: Adding Get/Set UHFXFreq access functions.
+**   118   05-09-2007    RSK    Ver 1.05: Adding Standard MTxxxx_Tune() API.
+#if !defined( __MT2266_H )
+#define __MT2266_H
+//#include "mt_userdef.h"
+#if defined( __cplusplus )
+extern "C"                     /* Use "C" external linkage                  */
+**  Parameter for function MT2266_GetParam & MT2266_SetParam that
+**  specifies the tuning algorithm parameter to be read/written.
+typedef enum
+    /*  tuner address                                  set by MT2266_Open() */
+    MT2266_IC_ADDR,
+    /*  max number of MT2266 tuners       set by MT2266_CNT in mt_userdef.h */
+    MT2266_MAX_OPEN,
+    /*  current number of open MT2266 tuners           set by MT2266_Open() */
+    MT2266_NUM_OPEN,
+    /*  Number of tuner registers                                           */
+    MT2266_NUM_REGS,
+    /*  crystal frequency                            (default: 18000000 Hz) */
+    MT2266_SRO_FREQ,
+    /*  min tuning step size                            (default: 50000 Hz) */
+    MT2266_STEPSIZE,
+    /*  input center frequency                   set by MT2266_ChangeFreq() */
+    MT2266_INPUT_FREQ,
+    /*  LO Frequency                             set by MT2266_ChangeFreq() */
+    MT2266_LO_FREQ,
+    /*  output channel bandwidth                      (default: 8000000 Hz) */
+    MT2266_OUTPUT_BW,
+    /*  Base band filter calibration RC code                 (default: N/A) */
+    MT2266_RC2_VALUE,
+    /*  Base band filter nominal cal RC code                 (default: N/A) */
+    MT2266_RC2_NOMINAL,
+    /*  RF attenuator A/D readback                              (read-only) */
+    MT2266_RF_ADC,
+    /*  BB attenuator A/D readback                              (read-only) */
+    MT2266_BB_ADC,
+    /*  RF attenuator setting                             (default: varies) */
+    MT2266_RF_ATTN,
+    /*  BB attenuator setting                             (default: varies) */
+    MT2266_BB_ATTN,
+    /*  RF external / internal atten control              (default: varies) */
+    MT2266_RF_EXT,
+    /*  BB external / internal atten control                   (default: 1) */
+    MT2266_BB_EXT,
+    /*  LNA gain setting (0-15)                           (default: varies) */
+    MT2266_LNA_GAIN,
+    /*  Decrement LNA Gain (where arg=min LNA Gain value)                   */
+    MT2266_LNA_GAIN_DECR,
+    /*  Increment LNA Gain (where arg=max LNA Gain value)                   */
+    MT2266_LNA_GAIN_INCR,
+    /*  Set for UHF max sensitivity mode                                    */
+    MT2266_UHF_MAXSENS,
+    /*  Set for UHF normal mode                                             */
+    MT2266_UHF_NORMAL,
+    MT2266_EOP                    /*  last entry in enumerated list         */
+} MT2266_Param;
+**  Parameter for function MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs & MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs that
+**  specifies the particular frequency crossover table to be read/written.
+typedef enum
+    /*  Reference the UHF 0 filter, without any attenuation                 */
+    MT2266_UHF0,
+    /*  Reference the UHF 1 filter, without any attenuation                 */
+    MT2266_UHF1,
+    /*  Reference the UHF 0 filter, with attenuation                        */
+    MT2266_UHF0_ATTEN,
+    /*  Reference the UHF 1 filter, with attenuation                        */
+    MT2266_UHF1_ATTEN,
+    MT2266_NUMBER_OF_XFREQ_SETS    /*  last entry in enumerated list        */
+} MT2266_UHFXFreq_Type;
+#define  MT2266_NUM_XFREQS  (16)
+typedef  UData_t MT2266_XFreq_Set[ MT2266_NUM_XFREQS ];
+**  Constants for Specifying Operating Band of the Tuner
+#define MT2266_VHF_BAND (0)
+#define MT2266_UHF_BAND (1)
+#define MT2266_L_BAND   (2)
+**  Constants for specifying power modes these values
+**  are bit-mapped and can be added/OR'ed to indicate
+**  multiple settings.  Examples:
+**     MT2266_SetPowerModes(h, MT2266_NO_ENABLES + MT22266_SROsd);
+**     MT2266_SetPowerModes(h, MT2266_ALL_ENABLES | MT22266_SRO_NOT_sd);
+**     MT2266_SetPowerModes(h, MT2266_NO_ENABLES + MT22266_SROsd);
+**     MT2266_SetPowerModes(h, MT2266_SROen + MT22266_LOen + MT2266_ADCen);
+#define MT2266_SROen       (0x01)
+#define MT2266_LOen        (0x02)
+#define MT2266_ADCen       (0x04)
+#define MT2266_PDen        (0x08)
+#define MT2266_DCOCen      (0x10)
+#define MT2266_BBen        (0x20)
+#define MT2266_MIXen       (0x40)
+#define MT2266_LNAen       (0x80)
+#define MT2266_ALL_ENABLES (0xFF)
+#define MT2266_NO_ENABLES  (0x00)
+#define MT2266_SROsd       (0x100)
+#define MT2266_SRO_NOT_sd  (0x000)
+/* ====== Functions which are declared in mt2266.c File ======= */
+**  Name: MT2266_Open
+**  Description:    Initialize the tuner's register values.
+**  Usage:          status = MT2266_Open(0xC0, &hMT2266, NULL);
+**                  if (MT_IS_ERROR(status))
+**                      //  Check error codes for reason
+**  Parameters:     MT2266_Addr  - Serial bus address of the tuner.
+**                  hMT2266      - Tuner handle passed back.
+**                  hUserData    - User-defined data, if needed for the
+**                                 MT_ReadSub() & MT_WriteSub functions.
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK             - No errors
+**                      MT_TUNER_ID_ERR   - Tuner Part/Rev code mismatch
+**                      MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR - Tuner initialization failed
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR       - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL       - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_TUNER_CNT_ERR  - Too many tuners open
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_Open(UData_t MT2266_Addr,
+                    Handle_t* hMT2266,
+                    Handle_t hUserData);
+**  Name: MT2266_Close
+**  Description:    Release the handle to the tuner.
+**  Parameters:     hMT2266      - Handle to the MT2266 tuner
+**  Usage:          status = MT2266_Close(hMT2266);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK         - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   mt_errordef.h - definition of error codes
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_Close(Handle_t hMT2266);
+**  Name: MT2266_ChangeFreq
+**  Description:    Change the tuner's tuned frequency to f_in.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**                  f_in        - RF input center frequency (in Hz).
+**  Usage:          status = MT2266_ChangeFreq(hMT2266, f_in);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_FIN_RANGE     - Input freq out of range
+**                      MT_DNC_RANGE     - Downconverter freq out of range
+**  Dependencies:   MUST CALL MT2266_Open BEFORE MT2266_ChangeFreq!
+**                  MT_ReadSub       - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire-bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub      - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire-bus
+**                  MT_Sleep         - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**                  MT2266_GetLocked - Checks to see if the PLL is locked
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_ChangeFreq(Handle_t h,
+                          UData_t f_in);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetLocked
+**  Description:    Checks to see if the PLL is locked.
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**  Usage:          status = MT2266_GetLocked(hMT2266);
+**                  if (status & MT_DNC_UNLOCK)
+**                      //  error!, PLL is unlocked
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub    - Read byte(s) of data from the serial bus
+**                  MT_Sleep      - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_GetLocked(Handle_t h);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetParam
+**  Description:    Gets a tuning algorithm parameter.
+**                  This function provides access to the internals of the
+**                  tuning algorithm - mostly for testing purposes.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  param       - Tuning algorithm parameter
+**                                (see enum MT2266_Param)
+**                  pValue      - ptr to returned value
+**                  param                   Description
+**                  ----------------------  --------------------------------
+**                  MT2266_IC_ADDR          Serial Bus address of this tuner
+**                  MT2266_MAX_OPEN         Max number of MT2266's that can be open
+**                  MT2266_NUM_OPEN         Number of MT2266's currently open
+**                  MT2266_NUM_REGS         Number of tuner registers
+**                  MT2266_SRO_FREQ         crystal frequency
+**                  MT2266_STEPSIZE         minimum tuning step size
+**                  MT2266_INPUT_FREQ       input center frequency
+**                  MT2266_LO_FREQ          LO Frequency
+**                  MT2266_OUTPUT_BW        Output channel bandwidth
+**                  MT2266_RC2_VALUE        Base band filter cal RC code (method 2)
+**                  MT2266_RF_ADC           RF attenuator A/D readback
+**                  MT2266_RF_ATTN          RF attenuation (0-255)
+**                  MT2266_RF_EXT           External control of RF atten
+**                  MT2266_LNA_GAIN         LNA gain setting (0-15)
+**                  MT2266_BB_ADC           BB attenuator A/D readback
+**                  MT2266_BB_ATTN          Baseband attenuation (0-255)
+**                  MT2266_BB_EXT           External control of BB atten
+**  Usage:          status |= MT2266_GetParam(hMT2266,
+**                                            MT2266_OUTPUT_BW,
+**                                            &f_bw);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Invalid parameter requested
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2266_SetParam, MT2266_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_GetParam(Handle_t     h,
+                        MT2266_Param param,
+                        UData_t*     pValue);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetReg
+**  Description:    Gets an MT2266 register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  reg         - MT2266 register/subaddress location
+**                  *val        - MT2266 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to read a register from
+**                  the MT2266.
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_GetReg(Handle_t h,
+                      U8Data   reg,
+                      U8Data*  val);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs
+**  Description:    Retrieves the specified set of UHF Crossover Frequencies
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**  Usage:          MT2266_Freq_Set  tmpFreqs;
+**                  status = MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs(hMT2266,
+**                                               MT2266_UHF1_WITH_ATTENUATION,
+**                                               tmpFreqs );
+**                  if (status & MT_ARG_RANGE)
+**                      // error, Invalid UHF Crossover Frequency Set requested.
+**                  else
+**                      for( int i = 0;  i < MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; i++ )
+**                         . . .
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - freq_type is out of range.
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   freqs_buffer *must* be defined of type MT2266_Freq_Set
+**                     to assure sufficient space allocation!
+**                  USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   11-01-2006   RSK     Original.
+UData_t MT2266_GetUHFXFreqs(Handle_t             h,
+                            MT2266_UHFXFreq_Type freq_type,
+                            MT2266_XFreq_Set     freqs_buffer);
+**  Name: MT2266_GetUserData
+**  Description:    Gets the user-defined data item.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**  Usage:          status = MT2266_GetUserData(hMT2266, &hUserData);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  The hUserData parameter is a user-specific argument
+**                  that is stored internally with the other tuner-
+**                  specific information.
+**                  For example, if additional arguments are needed
+**                  for the user to identify the device communicating
+**                  with the tuner, this argument can be used to supply
+**                  the necessary information.
+**                  The hUserData parameter is initialized in the tuner's
+**                  Open function to NULL.
+**  See Also:       MT2266_SetUserData, MT2266_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_GetUserData(Handle_t  h,
+                           Handle_t* hUserData);
+**  Name: MT2266_ReInit
+**  Description:    Initialize the tuner's register values.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK             - No errors
+**                      MT_TUNER_ID_ERR   - Tuner Part/Rev code mismatch
+**                      MT_TUNER_INIT_ERR - Tuner initialization failed
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE     - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR       - Serial bus communications error
+**  Dependencies:   MT_ReadSub  - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire bus
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_ReInit(Handle_t h);
+**  Name: MT2266_SetParam
+**  Description:    Sets a tuning algorithm parameter.
+**                  This function provides access to the internals of the
+**                  tuning algorithm.  You can override many of the tuning
+**                  algorithm defaults using this function.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  param       - Tuning algorithm parameter
+**                                (see enum MT2266_Param)
+**                  nValue      - value to be set
+**                  param                   Description
+**                  ----------------------  --------------------------------
+**                  MT2266_SRO_FREQ         crystal frequency
+**                  MT2266_STEPSIZE         minimum tuning step size
+**                  MT2266_INPUT_FREQ       Center of input channel
+**                  MT2266_OUTPUT_BW        Output channel bandwidth
+**                  MT2266_RF_ATTN          RF attenuation (0-255)
+**                  MT2266_RF_EXT           External control of RF atten
+**                  MT2266_LNA_GAIN         LNA gain setting (0-15)
+**                  MT2266_LNA_GAIN_DECR    Decrement LNA Gain (arg=min)
+**                  MT2266_LNA_GAIN_INCR    Increment LNA Gain (arg=max)
+**                  MT2266_BB_ATTN          Baseband attenuation (0-255)
+**                  MT2266_BB_EXT           External control of BB atten
+**                  MT2266_UHF_MAXSENS      Set for UHF max sensitivity mode
+**                  MT2266_UHF_NORMAL       Set for UHF normal mode
+**  Usage:          status |= MT2266_SetParam(hMT2266,
+**                                            MT2266_STEPSIZE,
+**                                            50000);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_NULL      - Null pointer argument passed
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Invalid parameter requested
+**                                         or set value out of range
+**                                         or non-writable parameter
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2266_GetParam, MT2266_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_SetParam(Handle_t     h,
+                        MT2266_Param param,
+                        UData_t      nValue);
+**  Name: MT2266_SetPowerModes
+**  Description:    Sets the bits in the MT2266_ENABLES register and the
+**                  SROsd bit in the MT2266_SROADC_CTRL register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  flags       - Bit mask of flags to indicate enabled
+**                                bits.
+**  Usage:          status = MT2266_SetPowerModes(hMT2266, flags);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  The bits in the MT2266_ENABLES register and the
+**                  SROsd bit are set according to the supplied flags.
+**                  The pre-defined flags are as follows:
+**                      MT2266_SROen
+**                      MT2266_LOen
+**                      MT2266_ADCen
+**                      MT2266_PDen
+**                      MT2266_DCOCen
+**                      MT2266_BBen
+**                      MT2266_MIXen
+**                      MT2266_LNAen
+**                      MT2266_ALL_ENABLES
+**                      MT2266_NO_ENABLES
+**                      MT2266_SROsd
+**                      MT2266_SRO_NOT_sd
+**                  ONLY the enable bits (or SROsd bit) specified in the
+**                  flags parameter will be set.  Any flag which is not
+**                  included, will cause that bit to be disabled.
+**                  The ALL_ENABLES, NO_ENABLES, and SRO_NOT_sd constants
+**                  are for convenience.  The NO_ENABLES and SRO_NOT_sd
+**                  do not actually have to be included, but are provided
+**                  for clarity.
+**  See Also:       MT2266_Open
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_SetPowerModes(Handle_t h,
+                             UData_t  flags);
+**  Name: MT2266_SetReg
+**  Description:    Sets an MT2266 register.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Tuner handle (returned by MT2266_Open)
+**                  reg         - MT2266 register/subaddress location
+**                  val         - MT2266 register/subaddress value
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - Argument out of range
+**  Dependencies:   USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**                  Use this function if you need to override a default
+**                  register value
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   02-03-2006   DAD/JWS Original.
+UData_t MT2266_SetReg(Handle_t h,
+                      U8Data   reg,
+                      U8Data   val);
+**  Name: MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs
+**  Description:    Retrieves the specified set of UHF Crossover Frequencies
+**  Parameters:     h            - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**  Usage:          MT2266_Freq_Set  tmpFreqs;
+**                  status = MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs(hMT2266,
+**                                               MT2266_UHF1_WITH_ATTENUATION,
+**                                               tmpFreqs );
+**                  if (status & MT_ARG_RANGE)
+**                      // error, Invalid UHF Crossover Frequency Set requested.
+**                  else
+**                      for( int i = 0;  i < MT2266_NUM_XFREQS; i++ )
+**                         . . .
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_ARG_RANGE     - freq_type is out of range.
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**  Dependencies:   freqs_buffer *must* be defined of type MT2266_Freq_Set
+**                     to assure sufficient space allocation!
+**                  USERS MUST CALL MT2266_Open() FIRST!
+**  See Also:       MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   11_01-2006   RSK     Original.
+UData_t MT2266_SetUHFXFreqs(Handle_t             h,
+                            MT2266_UHFXFreq_Type freq_type,
+                            MT2266_XFreq_Set     freqs_buffer);
+**  Name: MT2266_Tune
+**  Description:    Change the tuner's tuned frequency to f_in.
+**  Parameters:     h           - Open handle to the tuner (from MT2266_Open).
+**                  f_in        - RF input center frequency (in Hz).
+**  Usage:          status = MT2266_Tune(hMT2266, f_in);
+**  Returns:        status:
+**                      MT_OK            - No errors
+**                      MT_INV_HANDLE    - Invalid tuner handle
+**                      MT_DNC_UNLOCK    - Downconverter PLL unlocked
+**                      MT_COMM_ERR      - Serial bus communications error
+**                      MT_FIN_RANGE     - Input freq out of range
+**                      MT_DNC_RANGE     - Downconverter freq out of range
+**  Dependencies:   MUST CALL MT2266_Open BEFORE MT2266_Tune!
+**                  MT_ReadSub       - Read byte(s) of data from the two-wire-bus
+**                  MT_WriteSub      - Write byte(s) of data to the two-wire-bus
+**                  MT_Sleep         - Delay execution for x milliseconds
+**                  MT2266_GetLocked - Checks to see if the PLL is locked
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   118   05-09-2007   RSK     Original API Introduction (was ChangeFreq).
+UData_t MT2266_Tune(Handle_t h,
+                    UData_t f_in);
+#if defined( __cplusplus )
+// The following context is MT2266 tuner API source code
+@brief   MT2266 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate MT2266 tuner through MT2266 module.
+MT2266 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// Definitions
+// MT2266 API option
+#define __NO_CACHE__
+#define MT2266_CNT		4
+// Bandwidth modes
+	MT2266_BANDWIDTH_5MHZ = 5000000,
+	MT2266_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ = 6000000,
+	MT2266_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ = 7000000,
+	MT2266_BANDWIDTH_8MHZ = 8000000,
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	);
+	);
+	void **pDeviceHandle
+	);
+	unsigned long BandwidthHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pBandwidthHz
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mxl5007t.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mxl5007t.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mxl5007t.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mxl5007t.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.148066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1267 @@
+@brief   MxL5007T tuner module definition
+One can manipulate MxL5007T tuner through MxL5007T module.
+MxL5007T module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_mxl5007t.h"
+@brief   MxL5007T tuner module builder
+Use BuildMxl5007tModule() to build MxL5007T module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to MxL5007T tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   MxL5007T I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                MxL5007T crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   StandardMode                 MxL5007T standard mode
+@param [in]   IfFreqHz                     MxL5007T IF frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   LoopThroughMode              MxL5007T loop-through mode
+@param [in]   ClkOutMode                   MxL5007T clock output mode
+@param [in]   ClkOutAmpMode                MxL5007T clock output amplitude mode
+@param [in]   QamIfDiffOutLevel            MxL5007T QAM IF differential output level for QAM standard only
+	-# One should call BuildMxl5007tModule() to build MxL5007T module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int StandardMode,
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz,
+	int SpectrumMode,
+	int LoopThroughMode,
+	int ClkOutMode,
+	int ClkOutAmpMode,
+	long QamIfDiffOutLevel
+	)
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	MxL5007_TunerConfigS *pTunerConfigS;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mxl5007t);
+	// Set and get MaxLinear-defined MxL5007T structure pointer.
+	pExtra->pTunerConfigS = &(pExtra->TunerConfigSMemory);
+	pTunerConfigS = pExtra->pTunerConfigS;
+	// Set additional definition tuner module pointer.
+	pTunerConfigS->pTuner = pTuner;
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_MXL5007T;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = mxl5007t_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = mxl5007t_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = mxl5007t_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = mxl5007t_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = mxl5007t_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->LoopThroughMode    = LoopThroughMode;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = NO;
+	// Initialize MaxLinear-defined MxL5007T structure variables.
+	// Note: The API doesn't use I2C device address of MaxLinear-defined MxL5007T structure.
+	switch(StandardMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case MXL5007T_STANDARD_DVBT:	pTunerConfigS->Mode = MxL_MODE_DVBT;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_STANDARD_ATSC:	pTunerConfigS->Mode = MxL_MODE_ATSC;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_STANDARD_QAM:		pTunerConfigS->Mode = MxL_MODE_CABLE;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_STANDARD_ISDBT:	pTunerConfigS->Mode = MxL_MODE_ISDBT;		break;
+	}
+	pTunerConfigS->IF_Diff_Out_Level = (SINT32)QamIfDiffOutLevel;
+	switch(CrystalFreqHz)
+	{
+		default:
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ:	pTunerConfigS->Xtal_Freq = MxL_XTAL_16_MHZ;			break;
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_24000000HZ:	pTunerConfigS->Xtal_Freq = MxL_XTAL_24_MHZ;			break;
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_25000000HZ:	pTunerConfigS->Xtal_Freq = MxL_XTAL_25_MHZ;			break;
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_27000000HZ:	pTunerConfigS->Xtal_Freq = MxL_XTAL_27_MHZ;			break;
+		case CRYSTAL_FREQ_28800000HZ:	pTunerConfigS->Xtal_Freq = MxL_XTAL_28_8_MHZ;		break;
+	}
+	switch(IfFreqHz)
+	{
+		default:
+		case IF_FREQ_4570000HZ:		pTunerConfigS->IF_Freq = MxL_IF_4_57_MHZ;		break;
+		case IF_FREQ_36150000HZ:	pTunerConfigS->IF_Freq = MxL_IF_36_15_MHZ;		break;
+		case IF_FREQ_44000000HZ:	pTunerConfigS->IF_Freq = MxL_IF_44_MHZ;			break;
+	}
+	switch(SpectrumMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case SPECTRUM_NORMAL:		pTunerConfigS->IF_Spectrum = MxL_NORMAL_IF;			break;
+		case SPECTRUM_INVERSE:		pTunerConfigS->IF_Spectrum = MxL_INVERT_IF;			break;
+	}
+	switch(ClkOutMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_DISABLE:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Setting = MxL_CLKOUT_DISABLE;			break;
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_ENABLE:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Setting = MxL_CLKOUT_ENABLE;			break;
+	}
+	switch(ClkOutAmpMode)
+	{
+		default:
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_0:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Amp = MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_0;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_1:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Amp = MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_1;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_2:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Amp = MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_2;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_3:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Amp = MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_3;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_4:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Amp = MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_4;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_5:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Amp = MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_5;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_6:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Amp = MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_6;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_7:		pTunerConfigS->ClkOut_Amp = MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_7;		break;
+	}
+	pTunerConfigS->RF_Freq_Hz = MXL5007T_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthMode = mxl5007t_SetBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthMode = mxl5007t_GetBandwidthMode;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	MxL5007_TunerConfigS *pTunerConfigS;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mxl5007t);
+	// Get MaxLinear-defined MxL5007T structure.
+	pTunerConfigS = pExtra->pTunerConfigS;
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(MxL_Tuner_Init(pTunerConfigS) != MxL_OK)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	// Set tuner loop-through mode.
+	if(MxL_Loop_Through_On(pTunerConfigS, pExtra->LoopThroughMode) != MxL_OK)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	MxL5007_TunerConfigS *pTunerConfigS;
+	UINT32 Mxl5007tRfFreqHz;
+	MxL5007_BW_MHz Mxl5007tBandwidthMhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mxl5007t);
+	// Get MaxLinear-defined MxL5007T structure.
+	pTunerConfigS = pExtra->pTunerConfigS;
+	// Get bandwidth.
+	Mxl5007tBandwidthMhz = pTunerConfigS->BW_MHz;
+	// Set RF frequency.
+	Mxl5007tRfFreqHz = (UINT32)RfFreqHz;
+	// Set MxL5007T RF frequency and bandwidth.
+	if(MxL_Tuner_RFTune(pTunerConfigS, Mxl5007tRfFreqHz, Mxl5007tBandwidthMhz) != MxL_OK)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set MxL5007T tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	MxL5007_TunerConfigS *pTunerConfigS;
+	UINT32 Mxl5007tRfFreqHz;
+	MxL5007_BW_MHz Mxl5007tBandwidthMhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mxl5007t);
+	// Get MaxLinear-defined MxL5007T structure.
+	pTunerConfigS = pExtra->pTunerConfigS;
+	// Get RF frequency.
+	Mxl5007tRfFreqHz = pTunerConfigS->RF_Freq_Hz;
+	// Set bandwidth.
+	switch(BandwidthMode)
+	{
+		case MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ:		Mxl5007tBandwidthMhz = MxL_BW_6MHz;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ:		Mxl5007tBandwidthMhz = MxL_BW_7MHz;		break;
+		case MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ:		Mxl5007tBandwidthMhz = MxL_BW_8MHz;		break;
+		default:	goto error_status_get_undefined_value;
+	}
+	// Set MxL5007T RF frequency and bandwidth.
+	if(MxL_Tuner_RFTune(pTunerConfigS, Mxl5007tRfFreqHz, Mxl5007tBandwidthMhz) != MxL_OK)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode      = BandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get MxL5007T tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	)
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Mxl5007t);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth mode from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth_mode;
+	*pBandwidthMode = pExtra->BandwidthMode;
+// The following context is source code provided by MaxLinear.
+// MaxLinear source code - MxL_User_Define.c
+ Driver APIs for MxL5007 Tuner
+ Copyright, Maxlinear, Inc.
+ All Rights Reserved
+ File Name:      MxL_User_Define.c
+ */
+//																		   //
+//					I2C Functions (implement by customer)				   //
+//																		   //
+**  Name: MxL_I2C_Write
+**  Description:    I2C write operations
+**  Parameters:    	
+**					DeviceAddr	- MxL5007 Device address
+**					pArray		- Write data array pointer
+**					count		- total number of array
+**  Returns:        0 if success
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   12-16-2007   khuang initial release.
+//UINT32 MxL_I2C_Write(UINT8 DeviceAddr, UINT8* pArray, UINT32 count)
+UINT32 MxL_I2C_Write(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, UINT8* pArray, UINT32 count)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long WritingByteNumMax;
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char Buffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingIndex;
+	unsigned char *pData;
+	unsigned long DataLen;
+	// Get tuner module, base interface, and I2C bridge.
+	pTuner = myTuner->pTuner;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get writing byte and byte number.
+	pData = (unsigned char *)pArray;
+	DataLen = (unsigned long)count;
+	// Calculate MxL5007T maximum writing byte number.
+	// Note: MxL5007T maximum writing byte number must be a multiple of 2.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax;
+	WritingByteNumMax = ((WritingByteNumMax % 2) == 0) ? WritingByteNumMax : (WritingByteNumMax - 1);
+	// Set register bytes.
+	// Note: The 2 kind of I2C formats of MxL5007T is described as follows:
+	//       1. start_bit + (device_addr | writing_bit) + (register_addr + writing_byte) * n + stop_bit
+	//          ...
+	//          start_bit + (device_addr | writing_bit) + (register_addr + writing_byte) * m + stop_bit
+	//       2. start_bit + (device_addr | writing_bit) + 0xff + stop_bit
+	for(i = 0, WritingIndex = 0; i < DataLen; i++, WritingIndex++)
+	{
+		// Put data into buffer.
+		Buffer[WritingIndex] = pData[i];
+		// If writing buffer is full or put data into buffer completely, send the I2C writing command with buffer.
+		if( (WritingIndex == (WritingByteNumMax - 1)) || (i == (DataLen - 1)) )
+		{
+			if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, Buffer, (WritingIndex + LEN_1_BYTE)) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+				goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+			WritingIndex = -1;
+		}
+	}
+	return MxL_OK;
+	return MxL_ERR_OTHERS;
+**  Name: MxL_I2C_Read
+**  Description:    I2C read operations
+**  Parameters:    	
+**					DeviceAddr	- MxL5007 Device address
+**					Addr		- register address for read
+**					*Data		- data return
+**  Returns:        0 if success
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   12-16-2007   khuang initial release.
+//UINT32 MxL_I2C_Read(UINT8 DeviceAddr, UINT8 Addr, UINT8* mData)
+UINT32 MxL_I2C_Read(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, UINT8 Addr, UINT8* mData)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char Buffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get tuner module and I2C bridge.
+	pTuner = myTuner->pTuner;
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set tuner register reading address.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + 0xfb + RegReadingAddr + stop_bit
+	Buffer[0] = (unsigned char)MXL5007T_I2C_READING_CONST;
+	Buffer[1] = (unsigned char)Addr;
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, Buffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+	// Get tuner register bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_byte + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, Buffer, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	*mData = (UINT8)Buffer[0];
+	return MxL_OK;
+	return MxL_ERR_OTHERS;
+**  Name: MxL_Delay
+**  Description:    Delay function in milli-second
+**  Parameters:    	
+**					mSec		- milli-second to delay
+**  Returns:        0
+**  Revision History:
+**   SCR      Date      Author  Description
+**  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+**   N/A   12-16-2007   khuang initial release.
+//void MxL_Delay(UINT32 mSec)
+void MxL_Delay(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, UINT32 mSec)
+	// Get tuner module and base interface.
+	pTuner = myTuner->pTuner;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	// Wait in ms.
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, mSec);
+	return;
+// MaxLinear source code - MxL5007.c
+ MxL5007 Source Code : V4.1.3
+ Copyright, Maxlinear, Inc.
+ All Rights Reserved
+ File Name:      MxL5007.c
+ Description: The source code is for MxL5007 user to quickly integrate MxL5007 into their software.
+	There are two functions the user can call to generate a array of I2C command that's require to
+	program the MxL5007 tuner. The user should pass an array pointer and an integer pointer in to the 
+	function. The funciton will fill up the array with format like follow:
+		addr1
+		data1
+		addr2
+		data2
+		...
+	The user can then pass this array to their I2C function to perform progromming the tuner. 
+//#include "StdAfx.h"
+//#include "MxL5007_Common.h"
+//#include "MxL5007.h"
+UINT32 MxL5007_Init(UINT8* pArray,				// a array pointer that store the addr and data pairs for I2C write
+					UINT32* Array_Size,			// a integer pointer that store the number of element in above array
+					UINT8 Mode,				
+					SINT32 IF_Diff_Out_Level,		 
+					UINT32 Xtal_Freq_Hz,			
+					UINT32 IF_Freq_Hz,				
+					UINT8 Invert_IF,											
+					UINT8 Clk_Out_Enable,    
+					UINT8 Clk_Out_Amp													
+					)
+	UINT32 Reg_Index=0;
+	UINT32 Array_Index=0;
+	IRVType IRV_Init[]=
+	{
+		//{ Addr, Data}	
+		{ 0x02, 0x06}, 
+		{ 0x03, 0x48},
+		{ 0x05, 0x04},  
+		{ 0x06, 0x10}, 
+		{ 0x2E, 0x15},  //Override
+		{ 0x30, 0x10},  //Override
+		{ 0x45, 0x58},  //Override
+		{ 0x48, 0x19},  //Override
+		{ 0x52, 0x03},  //Override
+		{ 0x53, 0x44},  //Override
+		{ 0x6A, 0x4B},  //Override
+		{ 0x76, 0x00},  //Override
+		{ 0x78, 0x18},  //Override
+		{ 0x7A, 0x17},  //Override
+		{ 0x85, 0x06},  //Override		
+		{ 0x01, 0x01}, //TOP_MASTER_ENABLE=1
+		{ 0, 0}
+	};
+	IRVType IRV_Init_Cable[]=
+	{
+		//{ Addr, Data}	
+		{ 0x02, 0x06}, 
+		{ 0x03, 0x48},
+		{ 0x05, 0x04},  
+		{ 0x06, 0x10},  
+		{ 0x09, 0x3F},  
+		{ 0x0A, 0x3F},  
+		{ 0x0B, 0x3F},  
+		{ 0x2E, 0x15},  //Override
+		{ 0x30, 0x10},  //Override
+		{ 0x45, 0x58},  //Override
+		{ 0x48, 0x19},  //Override
+		{ 0x52, 0x03},  //Override
+		{ 0x53, 0x44},  //Override
+		{ 0x6A, 0x4B},  //Override
+		{ 0x76, 0x00},  //Override
+		{ 0x78, 0x18},  //Override
+		{ 0x7A, 0x17},  //Override
+		{ 0x85, 0x06},  //Override	
+		{ 0x01, 0x01}, //TOP_MASTER_ENABLE=1
+		{ 0, 0}
+	};
+	//edit Init setting here
+	PIRVType myIRV=IRV_Init;
+	switch(Mode)
+	{
+	case MxL_MODE_ISDBT: //ISDB-T Mode	
+		myIRV = IRV_Init;
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x06, 0x1F, 0x10);  
+		break;
+	case MxL_MODE_DVBT: //DVBT Mode			
+		myIRV = IRV_Init;
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x06, 0x1F, 0x11);  
+		break;
+	case MxL_MODE_ATSC: //ATSC Mode			
+		myIRV = IRV_Init;
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x06, 0x1F, 0x12);  
+		break;	
+	case MxL_MODE_CABLE:						
+		myIRV = IRV_Init_Cable;
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x09, 0xFF, 0xC1);	
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x0A, 0xFF, 8-IF_Diff_Out_Level);	
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x0B, 0xFF, 0x17);							
+		break;
+	}
+	switch(IF_Freq_Hz)
+	{
+	case MxL_IF_4_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x00); 		
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_4_5_MHZ: //4.5MHz
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x02); 		
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_4_57_MHZ: //4.57MHz
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x03); 
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_5_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x04); 
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_5_38_MHZ: //5.38MHz
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x05); 
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_6_MHZ: 
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x06); 
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_6_28_MHZ: //6.28MHz
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x07); 
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_9_1915_MHZ: //9.1915MHz
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x08); 
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_35_25_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x09); 
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_36_15_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x0a); 
+		break;
+	case MxL_IF_44_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x0B); 
+		break;
+	}
+	if(Invert_IF) 
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x10, 0x10);   //Invert IF
+	else
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x02, 0x10, 0x00);   //Normal IF
+	switch(Xtal_Freq_Hz)
+	{
+	case MxL_XTAL_16_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x00);  //select xtal freq & Ref Freq
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x00);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_20_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x10);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x01);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_20_25_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x20);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x02);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_20_48_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x30);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x03);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_24_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x40);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x04);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_25_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x50);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x05);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_25_14_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x60);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x06);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_27_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x70);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x07);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_28_8_MHZ: 
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x80);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x08);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_32_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x90);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x09);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_40_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0xA0);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x0A);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_44_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0xB0);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x0B);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_48_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0xC0);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x0C);
+		break;
+	case MxL_XTAL_49_3811_MHZ:
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0xF0, 0xD0);
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x05, 0x0F, 0x0D);
+		break;	
+	}
+	if(!Clk_Out_Enable) //default is enable 
+		SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0x08, 0x00);   
+	//Clk_Out_Amp
+	SetIRVBit(myIRV, 0x03, 0x07, Clk_Out_Amp);   
+	//Generate one Array that Contain Data, Address
+	while (myIRV[Reg_Index].Num || myIRV[Reg_Index].Val)
+	{
+		pArray[Array_Index++] = myIRV[Reg_Index].Num;
+		pArray[Array_Index++] = myIRV[Reg_Index].Val;
+		Reg_Index++;
+	}
+	*Array_Size=Array_Index;
+	return 0;
+UINT32 MxL5007_RFTune(UINT8* pArray, UINT32* Array_Size, UINT32 RF_Freq, UINT8 BWMHz)
+	IRVType IRV_RFTune[]=
+	{
+	//{ Addr, Data}
+		{ 0x0F, 0x00},  //abort tune
+		{ 0x0C, 0x15},
+		{ 0x0D, 0x40},
+		{ 0x0E, 0x0E},	
+		{ 0x1F, 0x87},  //Override
+		{ 0x20, 0x1F},  //Override
+		{ 0x21, 0x87},  //Override
+		{ 0x22, 0x1F},  //Override		
+		{ 0x80, 0x01},  //Freq Dependent Setting
+		{ 0x0F, 0x01},	//start tune
+		{ 0, 0}
+	};
+	UINT32 dig_rf_freq=0;
+	UINT32 temp;
+	UINT32 Reg_Index=0;
+	UINT32 Array_Index=0;
+	UINT32 i;
+	UINT32 frac_divider = 1000000;
+	switch(BWMHz)
+	{
+	case MxL_BW_6MHz: //6MHz
+		break;
+	case MxL_BW_7MHz: //7MHz
+			SetIRVBit(IRV_RFTune, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0x2A);
+		break;
+	case MxL_BW_8MHz: //8MHz
+			SetIRVBit(IRV_RFTune, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0x3F);
+		break;
+	}
+	//Convert RF frequency into 16 bits => 10 bit integer (MHz) + 6 bit fraction
+	dig_rf_freq = RF_Freq / MHz;
+	temp = RF_Freq % MHz;
+	for(i=0; i<6; i++)
+	{
+		dig_rf_freq <<= 1;
+		frac_divider /=2;
+		if(temp > frac_divider)
+		{
+			temp -= frac_divider;
+			dig_rf_freq++;
+		}
+	}
+	//add to have shift center point by 7.8124 kHz
+	if(temp > 7812)
+		dig_rf_freq ++;
+	SetIRVBit(IRV_RFTune, 0x0D, 0xFF, (UINT8)dig_rf_freq);
+	SetIRVBit(IRV_RFTune, 0x0E, 0xFF, (UINT8)(dig_rf_freq>>8));
+	if (RF_Freq >=333*MHz)
+		SetIRVBit(IRV_RFTune, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40);
+	//Generate one Array that Contain Data, Address 
+	while (IRV_RFTune[Reg_Index].Num || IRV_RFTune[Reg_Index].Val)
+	{
+		pArray[Array_Index++] = IRV_RFTune[Reg_Index].Num;
+		pArray[Array_Index++] = IRV_RFTune[Reg_Index].Val;
+		Reg_Index++;
+	}
+	*Array_Size=Array_Index;
+	return 0;
+//local functions called by Init and RFTune
+UINT32 SetIRVBit(PIRVType pIRV, UINT8 Num, UINT8 Mask, UINT8 Val)
+	while (pIRV->Num || pIRV->Val)
+	{
+		if (pIRV->Num==Num)
+		{
+			pIRV->Val&=~Mask;
+			pIRV->Val|=Val;
+		}
+		pIRV++;
+	}	
+	return 0;
+// MaxLinear source code - MxL5007_API.h
+ Driver APIs for MxL5007 Tuner
+ Copyright, Maxlinear, Inc.
+ All Rights Reserved
+ File Name:      MxL5007_API.c
+ Version:    4.1.3
+//#include "StdAfx.h"
+//#include "MxL5007_API.h"
+//#include "MxL_User_Define.c"
+//#include "MxL5007.c"
+//																		   //
+//							Tuner Functions								   //
+//																		   //
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Set_Register(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, UINT8 RegAddr, UINT8 RegData)
+	UINT32 Status=0;
+	UINT8 pArray[2];
+	pArray[0] = RegAddr;
+	pArray[1] = RegData;
+//	Status = MxL_I2C_Write((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, pArray, 2);
+	Status = MxL_I2C_Write(myTuner, pArray, 2);
+	if(Status) return MxL_ERR_SET_REG;
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Get_Register(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, UINT8 RegAddr, UINT8 *RegData)
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Read((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, RegAddr, RegData))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Read(myTuner, RegAddr, RegData))
+		return MxL_ERR_GET_REG;
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Soft_Reset(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner)
+/*	UINT32 Status=0;	*/
+	UINT8 reg_reset=0;
+	reg_reset = 0xFF;
+/*	if(MxL_I2C_Write((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, &reg_reset, 1))*/
+	if(MxL_I2C_Write(myTuner, &reg_reset, 1))
+		return MxL_ERR_OTHERS;
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Loop_Through_On(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, MxL5007_LoopThru isOn)
+	UINT8 pArray[2];	// a array pointer that store the addr and data pairs for I2C write	
+	pArray[0]=0x04;
+	if(isOn)
+	 pArray[1]= 0x01;
+	else
+	 pArray[1]= 0x0;
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Write((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, pArray, 2))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Write(myTuner, pArray, 2))
+		return MxL_ERR_OTHERS;
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Stand_By(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner)
+	UINT8 pArray[4];	// a array pointer that store the addr and data pairs for I2C write	
+	pArray[0] = 0x01;
+	pArray[1] = 0x0;
+	pArray[2] = 0x0F;
+	pArray[3] = 0x0;
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Write((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, pArray, 4))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Write(myTuner, pArray, 4))
+		return MxL_ERR_OTHERS;
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Wake_Up(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner)
+	UINT8 pArray[2];	// a array pointer that store the addr and data pairs for I2C write	
+	pArray[0] = 0x01;
+	pArray[1] = 0x01;
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Write((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, pArray, 2))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Write(myTuner, pArray, 2))
+		return MxL_ERR_OTHERS;
+	if(MxL_Tuner_RFTune(myTuner, myTuner->RF_Freq_Hz, myTuner->BW_MHz))
+		return MxL_ERR_RFTUNE;
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Tuner_Init(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner)
+	UINT8 pArray[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE];	// a array pointer that store the addr and data pairs for I2C write
+	UINT32 Array_Size;							// a integer pointer that store the number of element in above array
+	//Soft reset tuner
+	if(MxL_Soft_Reset(myTuner))
+		return MxL_ERR_INIT;
+	//perform initialization calculation
+	MxL5007_Init(pArray, &Array_Size, (UINT8)myTuner->Mode, myTuner->IF_Diff_Out_Level, (UINT32)myTuner->Xtal_Freq, 
+				(UINT32)myTuner->IF_Freq, (UINT8)myTuner->IF_Spectrum, (UINT8)myTuner->ClkOut_Setting, (UINT8)myTuner->ClkOut_Amp);
+	//perform I2C write here
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Write((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, pArray, Array_Size))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Write(myTuner, pArray, Array_Size))
+		return MxL_ERR_INIT;
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Tuner_RFTune(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, UINT32 RF_Freq_Hz, MxL5007_BW_MHz BWMHz)
+	//UINT32 Status=0;
+	UINT8 pArray[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE];	// a array pointer that store the addr and data pairs for I2C write
+	UINT32 Array_Size;							// a integer pointer that store the number of element in above array
+	//Store information into struc
+	myTuner->RF_Freq_Hz = RF_Freq_Hz;
+	myTuner->BW_MHz = BWMHz;
+	//perform Channel Change calculation
+	MxL5007_RFTune(pArray,&Array_Size,RF_Freq_Hz,BWMHz);
+	//perform I2C write here
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Write((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, pArray, Array_Size))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Write(myTuner, pArray, Array_Size))
+		return MxL_ERR_RFTUNE;
+	//wait for 3ms
+//	MxL_Delay(3); 
+	MxL_Delay(myTuner, 3); 
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL5007_ChipVersion MxL_Check_ChipVersion(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner)
+	UINT8 Data;
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Read((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, 0xD9, &Data))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Read(myTuner, 0xD9, &Data))
+		return MxL_GET_ID_FAIL;
+	switch(Data)
+	{
+	case 0x14: return MxL_5007T_V4; break;
+	default: return MxL_UNKNOWN_ID;
+	}	
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_RFSynth_Lock_Status(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, BOOL* isLock)
+	UINT8 Data;
+	*isLock = MxL_FALSE; 
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Read((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, 0xD8, &Data))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Read(myTuner, 0xD8, &Data))
+		return MxL_ERR_OTHERS;
+	Data &= 0x0C;
+	if (Data == 0x0C)
+		*isLock = MxL_TRUE;  //RF Synthesizer is Lock	
+	return MxL_OK;
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_REFSynth_Lock_Status(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, BOOL* isLock)
+	UINT8 Data;
+	*isLock = MxL_FALSE; 
+//	if(MxL_I2C_Read((UINT8)myTuner->I2C_Addr, 0xD8, &Data))
+	if(MxL_I2C_Read(myTuner, 0xD8, &Data))
+		return MxL_ERR_OTHERS;
+	Data &= 0x03;
+	if (Data == 0x03)
+		*isLock = MxL_TRUE;   //REF Synthesizer is Lock
+	return MxL_OK;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mxl5007t.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mxl5007t.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mxl5007t.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_mxl5007t.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.148066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_MXL5007T_H
+#define __TUNER_MXL5007T_H
+@brief   MxL5007T tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate MxL5007T tuner through MxL5007T module.
+MxL5007T module is derived from tuner module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_mxl5007t.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE        *pTuner;
+	MXL5007T_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	unsigned long BandwidthMode;
+	...
+	// Build MxL5007T tuner module.
+	BuildMxl5007tModule(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc0,								// I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,			// Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+		MXL5007T_STANDARD_DVBT,				// The MxL5007T standard mode is DVB-T.
+		IF_FREQ_4570000HZ,					// The MxL5007T IF frequency is 4.57 MHz.
+		SPECTRUM_NORMAL,					// The MxL5007T spectrum mode is normal.
+		MXL5007T_LOOP_THROUGH_DISABLE,		// The MxL5007T loop-through mode is disabled.
+		MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_DISABLE,			// The MxL5007T clock output mode is disabled.
+		MXL5007T_CLK_OUT_AMP_0,				// The MxL5007T clock output amplitude is 0.
+		0									// The MxL5007T QAM IF differential output level is 0 for cable only.
+		);
+	// Get MxL5007T tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = (T2266_EXTRA_MODULE *)(pTuner->pExtra);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set MxL5007T bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get MxL5007T bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthMode(pTuner, &BandwidthMode);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// The following context is source code provided by MaxLinear.
+// MaxLinear source code - MxL5007_Common.h
+ *
+ * FILE NAME          : MxL_Common.h
+ * 
+ * AUTHOR             : Kyle Huang
+ * DATE CREATED       : May 05, 2008
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION        : 
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *                Copyright (c) 2006, MaxLinear, Inc.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+//#ifndef __MXL5007_COMMON_H
+//#define __MXL5007_COMMON_H
+*						User-Defined Types (Typedefs)
+*       Imports and definitions for WIN32                             
+//#include <windows.h>
+#ifndef _UINT_X_
+#define _UINT_X_ 1
+typedef unsigned char  UINT8;
+typedef unsigned short UINT16;
+typedef unsigned int   UINT32;
+typedef char           SINT8;
+typedef short          SINT16;
+typedef int            SINT32;
+//typedef float          REAL32;
+// Additional definition
+#define BOOL		int
+#define MxL_FALSE	0
+#define MxL_TRUE	1
+*      Imports and definitions for non WIN32 platforms                   *
+typedef unsigned char  UINT8;
+typedef unsigned short UINT16;
+typedef unsigned int   UINT32;
+typedef char           SINT8;
+typedef short          SINT16;
+typedef int            SINT32;
+typedef float          REAL32;
+// create a boolean 
+#ifndef __boolean__
+#define __boolean__
+typedef enum {FALSE=0,TRUE} BOOL;
+#endif //boolean
+*          Definitions for all platforms					                 *
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL (void*)0
+/*	MxL5007 Err message  	  */
+typedef enum{
+	MxL_OK				=   0,
+	MxL_ERR_INIT		=   1,
+	MxL_ERR_RFTUNE		=   2,
+	MxL_ERR_SET_REG		=   3,
+	MxL_ERR_GET_REG		=	4,
+	MxL_ERR_OTHERS		=   10
+/*	MxL5007 Chip verstion     */
+typedef enum{
+	MxL_UNKNOWN_ID		= 0x00,
+	MxL_5007T_V4		= 0x14,
+#ifndef MHz
+	#define MHz 1000000
+#define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 100
+// Enumeration of Mode
+// Enumeration of Mode
+typedef enum 
+	MxL_MODE_DVBT = 1,
+	MxL_MODE_ATSC = 2,	
+	MxL_MODE_CABLE = 0x10
+} MxL5007_Mode ;
+typedef enum
+	MxL_IF_4_MHZ	  = 4000000,
+	MxL_IF_4_5_MHZ	  = 4500000,
+	MxL_IF_4_57_MHZ	  =	4570000,
+	MxL_IF_5_MHZ	  =	5000000,
+	MxL_IF_5_38_MHZ	  =	5380000,
+	MxL_IF_6_MHZ	  =	6000000,
+	MxL_IF_6_28_MHZ	  =	6280000,
+	MxL_IF_9_1915_MHZ =	9191500,
+	MxL_IF_35_25_MHZ  = 35250000,
+	MxL_IF_36_15_MHZ  = 36150000,
+	MxL_IF_44_MHZ	  = 44000000
+} MxL5007_IF_Freq ;
+typedef enum
+	MxL_XTAL_16_MHZ		= 16000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_20_MHZ		= 20000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_20_25_MHZ	= 20250000,
+	MxL_XTAL_20_48_MHZ	= 20480000,
+	MxL_XTAL_24_MHZ		= 24000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_25_MHZ		= 25000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_25_14_MHZ	= 25140000,
+	MxL_XTAL_27_MHZ		= 27000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_28_8_MHZ	= 28800000,
+	MxL_XTAL_32_MHZ		= 32000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_40_MHZ		= 40000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_44_MHZ		= 44000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_48_MHZ		= 48000000,
+	MxL_XTAL_49_3811_MHZ = 49381100	
+} MxL5007_Xtal_Freq ;
+typedef enum
+	MxL_BW_6MHz = 6,
+	MxL_BW_7MHz = 7,
+	MxL_BW_8MHz = 8
+} MxL5007_BW_MHz;
+typedef enum
+	MxL_NORMAL_IF = 0 ,
+} MxL5007_IF_Spectrum ;
+typedef enum
+	MxL_LT_DISABLE = 0 ,
+} MxL5007_LoopThru ;
+typedef enum
+} MxL5007_ClkOut;
+typedef enum
+	MxL_CLKOUT_AMP_0 = 0 ,
+} MxL5007_ClkOut_Amp;
+typedef enum
+	MxL_I2C_ADDR_96 = 96 ,
+	MxL_I2C_ADDR_97 = 97 ,
+	MxL_I2C_ADDR_98 = 98 ,
+	MxL_I2C_ADDR_99 = 99 	
+} MxL5007_I2CAddr ;
+// MxL5007 TunerConfig Struct
+typedef struct _MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+	MxL5007_I2CAddr		I2C_Addr;
+	MxL5007_Mode		Mode;
+	SINT32				IF_Diff_Out_Level;
+	MxL5007_Xtal_Freq	Xtal_Freq;
+	MxL5007_IF_Freq	    IF_Freq;
+	MxL5007_IF_Spectrum IF_Spectrum;
+	MxL5007_ClkOut		ClkOut_Setting;
+    MxL5007_ClkOut_Amp	ClkOut_Amp;
+	MxL5007_BW_MHz		BW_MHz;
+	UINT32				RF_Freq_Hz;
+	// Additional definition
+} MxL5007_TunerConfigS;
+//#endif /* __MXL5007_COMMON_H__*/
+// MaxLinear source code - MxL5007.h
+ Driver APIs for MxL5007 Tuner
+ Copyright, Maxlinear, Inc.
+ All Rights Reserved
+ File Name:      MxL5007.h
+ */
+//#include "MxL5007_Common.h"
+typedef struct
+	UINT8 Num;	//Register number
+	UINT8 Val;	//Register value
+} IRVType, *PIRVType;
+UINT32 MxL5007_Init(UINT8* pArray,				// a array pointer that store the addr and data pairs for I2C write
+					UINT32* Array_Size,			// a integer pointer that store the number of element in above array
+					UINT8 Mode,				
+					SINT32 IF_Diff_Out_Level,
+					UINT32 Xtal_Freq_Hz,		
+					UINT32 IF_Freq_Hz,		
+					UINT8 Invert_IF,			
+					UINT8 Clk_Out_Enable,    
+					UINT8 Clk_Out_Amp		
+					);
+UINT32 MxL5007_RFTune(UINT8* pArray, UINT32* Array_Size, 
+					 UINT32 RF_Freq,			// RF Frequency in Hz
+					 UINT8 BWMHz		// Bandwidth in MHz
+					 );
+UINT32 SetIRVBit(PIRVType pIRV, UINT8 Num, UINT8 Mask, UINT8 Val);
+// MaxLinear source code - MxL5007.h
+ Driver APIs for MxL5007 Tuner
+ Copyright, Maxlinear, Inc.
+ All Rights Reserved
+ File Name:      MxL5007_API.h
+ */
+//#ifndef __MxL5007_API_H
+//#define __MxL5007_API_H
+//#include "MxL5007_Common.h"
+**  Name: MxL_Set_Register
+**  Description:    Write one register to MxL5007
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**					RegAddr				- Register address to be written
+**					RegData				- Data to be written
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_SET_REG if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Set_Register(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, UINT8 RegAddr, UINT8 RegData);
+**  Name: MxL_Get_Register
+**  Description:    Read one register from MxL5007
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**					RegAddr				- Register address to be read
+**					RegData				- Pointer to register read
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_GET_REG if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Get_Register(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* myTuner, UINT8 RegAddr, UINT8 *RegData);
+**  Name: MxL_Tuner_Init
+**  Description:    MxL5007 Initialization
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_INIT if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Tuner_Init(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* );
+**  Name: MxL_Tuner_RFTune
+**  Description:    Frequency tunning for channel
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**					RF_Freq_Hz			- RF Frequency in Hz
+**					BWMHz				- Bandwidth 6, 7 or 8 MHz
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_RFTUNE if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Tuner_RFTune(MxL5007_TunerConfigS*, UINT32 RF_Freq_Hz, MxL5007_BW_MHz BWMHz);		
+**  Name: MxL_Soft_Reset
+**  Description:    Software Reset the MxL5007 Tuner
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_OTHERS if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Soft_Reset(MxL5007_TunerConfigS*);
+**  Name: MxL_Loop_Through_On
+**  Description:    Turn On/Off on-chip Loop-through
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**					isOn				- True to turn On Loop Through
+**										- False to turn off Loop Through
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_OTHERS if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Loop_Through_On(MxL5007_TunerConfigS*, MxL5007_LoopThru);
+**  Name: MxL_Standby
+**  Description:    Enter Standby Mode
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_OTHERS if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Stand_By(MxL5007_TunerConfigS*);
+**  Name: MxL_Wakeup
+**  Description:    Wakeup from Standby Mode (Note: after wake up, please call RF_Tune again)
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_OTHERS if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_Wake_Up(MxL5007_TunerConfigS*);
+**  Name: MxL_Check_ChipVersion
+**  Description:    Return the MxL5007 Chip ID
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**  Returns:        MxL_ChipVersion			
+MxL5007_ChipVersion MxL_Check_ChipVersion(MxL5007_TunerConfigS*);
+**  Name: MxL_RFSynth_Lock_Status
+**  Description:    RF synthesizer lock status of MxL5007
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**					isLock				- Pointer to Lock Status
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_OTHERS if fail
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_RFSynth_Lock_Status(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* , BOOL* isLock);
+**  Name: MxL_REFSynth_Lock_Status
+**  Description:    REF synthesizer lock status of MxL5007
+**  Parameters:    	myTuner				- Pointer to MxL5007_TunerConfigS
+**					isLock				- Pointer to Lock Status
+**  Returns:        MxL_ERR_MSG			- MxL_OK if success	
+**										- MxL_ERR_OTHERS if fail	
+MxL_ERR_MSG MxL_REFSynth_Lock_Status(MxL5007_TunerConfigS* , BOOL* isLock);
+//#endif //__MxL5007_API_H
+// The following context is MxL5007T tuner API source code
+// Definitions
+// Standard mode
+// Loop-through mode
+// Clock output mode
+// Clock output amplitude mode
+// Bandwidth mode
+	MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_6000000HZ,
+	MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_7000000HZ,
+	MXL5007T_BANDWIDTH_8000000HZ,
+// Constant
+#define MXL5007T_I2C_READING_CONST		0xfb
+// Default value
+#define MXL5007T_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT			44000000;
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int StandardMode,
+	unsigned long IfFreqHz,
+	int SpectrumMode,
+	int LoopThroughMode,
+	int ClkOutMode,
+	int ClkOutAmpMode,
+	long QamIfDiffOutLevel
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_r820t.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_r820t.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_r820t.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_r820t.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.152066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,3453 @@
+@brief   R820T tuner module definition
+One can manipulate R820T tuner through R820T module.
+R820T module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_r820t.h"
+@brief   R820T tuner module builder
+Use BuildR820tModule() to build R820T module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to R820T tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   R820T I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                R820T crystal frequency in Hz
+	-# One should call BuildR820tModule() to build R820T module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char RafaelChipID
+	)
+	R820T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.R820t);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_R820T;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = r820t_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = r820t_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = r820t_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = r820t_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = r820t_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->IsStandardModeSet = NO;
+	pExtra->Rafael_Chip = RafaelChipID;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.	
+	pExtra->SetStandardMode = r820t_SetStandardMode;
+	pExtra->GetStandardMode = r820t_GetStandardMode;
+	pExtra->SetStandby = r820t_SetStandby;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	if(R828_Init(pTuner) != RT_Success)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	R820T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	R828_Set_Info R828Info;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.R820t);
+	if(pExtra->IsStandardModeSet==NO)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	R828Info.R828_Standard = (R828_Standard_Type)pExtra->StandardMode;
+	R828Info.RF_KHz = (UINT32)(RfFreqHz /1000);
+	if(R828_SetFrequency(pTuner, R828Info, NORMAL_MODE) != RT_Success)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set R820T tuner standard mode.
+	int StandardMode
+	)
+	R820T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.R820t);
+	if(R828_SetStandard(pTuner, (R828_Standard_Type)StandardMode) != RT_Success)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_standard_mode;
+	// Set tuner standard mode parameter.
+	pExtra->StandardMode      = StandardMode;
+	pExtra->IsStandardModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get R820T tuner standard mode.
+	int *pStandardMode
+	)
+	R820T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.R820t);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth mode from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsStandardModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_standard_mode;
+	*pStandardMode = pExtra->StandardMode;
+@brief   Set R820T tuner standby
+	int LoopThroughType
+	)
+	if(R828_Standby(pTuner, (R828_LoopThrough_Type)LoopThroughType) != RT_Success)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_standby;
+// The following context is implemented for R820T source code.
+r820t_Convert(int InvertNum)
+	int ReturnNum;
+	int AddNum;
+	int BitNum;
+	int CuntNum;
+	ReturnNum = 0;
+	AddNum    = 0x80;
+	BitNum    = 0x01;
+	for(CuntNum = 0;CuntNum < 8;CuntNum ++)
+	{
+		if(BitNum & InvertNum)
+			ReturnNum += AddNum;
+		AddNum /= 2;
+		BitNum *= 2;
+	}
+	return ReturnNum;
+I2C_Write_Len(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_I2C_LEN_TYPE *I2C_Info)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned int i, j;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char *pWritingBytes;
+	unsigned long ByteNum;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum, WritingByteNumMax, WritingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegWritingAddr;
+	// Get tuner module, base interface, and I2C bridge.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	pI2cBridge     = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get regiser start address, writing bytes, and byte number.
+	RegStartAddr  = I2C_Info->RegAddr;
+	pWritingBytes = I2C_Info->Data;
+	ByteNum       = (unsigned long)I2C_Info->Len;
+	// Calculate maximum writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cWritingByteNumMax - LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing bytes.
+	// Note: Set tuner register bytes considering maximum writing byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ByteNum; i += WritingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register writing address.
+		RegWritingAddr = RegStartAddr + i;
+		// Calculate remainder writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNumRem = ByteNum - i;
+		// Determine writing byte number.
+		WritingByteNum = (WritingByteNumRem > WritingByteNumMax) ? WritingByteNumMax : WritingByteNumRem;
+		// Set writing buffer.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegWritingAddr + writing_bytes (WritingByteNum bytes) +
+		//       stop_bit
+		WritingBuffer[0] = RegWritingAddr;
+		for(j = 0; j < WritingByteNum; j++)
+			WritingBuffer[LEN_1_BYTE + j] = pWritingBytes[i + j];
+		// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum + LEN_1_BYTE) != 
+			goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	}
+	return RT_Success;
+	return RT_Fail;
+I2C_Read_Len(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_I2C_LEN_TYPE *I2C_Info)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned char RegStartAddr;
+	unsigned char ReadingBytes[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long ByteNum;
+	// Get tuner module, base interface, and I2C bridge.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	pI2cBridge     = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get regiser start address, writing bytes, and byte number.
+	RegStartAddr  = 0x00;
+	ByteNum       = (unsigned long)I2C_Info->Len;
+	// Set tuner register reading address.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + RegReadingAddr + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &RegStartAddr, LEN_1_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+	// Get tuner register bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + reading_bytes (ReadingByteNum bytes) + stop_bit
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, ReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	for(i = 0; i<ByteNum; i++)
+	{
+		 I2C_Info->Data[i] = (UINT8)r820t_Convert(ReadingBytes[i]);
+	}
+	return RT_Success;
+	return RT_Fail;
+I2C_Write(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_I2C_TYPE *I2C_Info)
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[LEN_2_BYTE];
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Set writing bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr + data + stop_bit
+	WritingBuffer[0] = I2C_Info->RegAddr;
+	WritingBuffer[1] = I2C_Info->Data;
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, LEN_2_BYTE) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return RT_Success;
+	return RT_Fail;
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs
+	)
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	// Wait in ms.
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, WaitTimeMs);
+	return;
+// Filename: R820T.c   
+// This file is R820T tuner driver
+// Copyright 2011 by Rafaelmicro., Inc.
+//#include "stdafx.h"
+//#include "R828.h"
+//#include "..\I2C_Sys.h"
+#if(TUNER_CLK_OUT==TRUE)  //enable tuner clk output for share Xtal application
+UINT8 R828_iniArry[27] = {0x83, 0x32, 0x75, 0xC0, 0x40, 0xD6, 0x6C, 0xF5, 0x63,
+					/*     0x05  0x06  0x07  0x08  0x09  0x0A  0x0B  0x0C  0x0D                                                    */	   
+						   0x75, 0x68, 0x6C, 0x83, 0x80, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xC0,//xtal_check
+					/*     0x0E  0x0F  0x10  0x11  0x12  0x13  0x14  0x15  0x16                                                    */	   
+						   0x30, 0x48, 0xCC, 0x60, 0x00, 0x54, 0xAE, 0x4A, 0xC0};
+					/*     0x17  0x18  0x19  0x1A  0x1B  0x1C  0x1D  0x1E  0x1F                                                    */
+UINT8 R828_iniArry[27] = {0x83, 0x32, 0x75, 0xC0, 0x40, 0xD6, 0x6C, 0xF5, 0x63,
+					/*     0x05  0x06  0x07  0x08  0x09  0x0A  0x0B  0x0C  0x0D                                                    */	   
+						   0x75, 0x78, 0x6C, 0x83, 0x80, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xC0,//xtal_check
+					/*     0x0E  0x0F  0x10  0x11  0x12  0x13  0x14  0x15  0x16                                                    */	   
+						   0x30, 0x48, 0xCC, 0x60, 0x00, 0x54, 0xAE, 0x4A, 0xC0};
+					/*     0x17  0x18  0x19  0x1A  0x1B  0x1C  0x1D  0x1E  0x1F                                                    */
+UINT8 R828_ADDRESS=0x34;
+UINT8 Rafael_Chip = R820T;
+//                   Internal Structs                       //
+typedef struct _R828_SectType
+	UINT8 Phase_Y;
+	UINT8 Gain_X;
+	UINT16 Value;
+typedef enum _BW_Type
+	BW_6M = 0,
+	BW_7M,
+	BW_8M,
+	BW_1_7M,
+	BW_10M,
+	BW_200K
+typedef struct _Sys_Info_Type
+	UINT16		IF_KHz;
+	BW_Type		BW;
+	UINT8       LT_ATT;
+typedef struct _Freq_Info_Type
+	UINT8		TF_C;
+typedef struct _SysFreq_Info_Type
+	UINT8      CABLE2_IN;
+	UINT8      CP_CUR;
+    UINT8      FILTER_CUR;
+//                   Internal Parameters                    //
+	XTAL_LOW_CAP_30P = 0,
+    XTAL_LOW_CAP_20P,
+    XTAL_LOW_CAP_10P,
+UINT8 R828_Arry[27];
+R828_SectType IMR_Data[5] = {
+                                                  {0, 0, 0},
+                                                  {0, 0, 0},
+                                                  {0, 0, 0},
+                                                  {0, 0, 0},
+                                                  {0, 0, 0}
+                                                };//Please keep this array data for standby mode.
+R828_I2C_TYPE  R828_I2C;
+R828_I2C_LEN_TYPE R828_I2C_Len;
+UINT32 R828_IF_khz;
+UINT32 R828_CAL_LO_khz;
+UINT8  R828_IMR_point_num;
+UINT8  R828_IMR_done_flag = FALSE;
+UINT8  R828_Fil_Cal_flag[STD_SIZE];
+static UINT8 R828_Fil_Cal_code[STD_SIZE];
+static UINT8 Xtal_cap_sel = XTAL_LOW_CAP_0P;
+static UINT8 Xtal_cap_sel_tmp = XTAL_LOW_CAP_0P;
+//                   Internal static struct                 //
+static SysFreq_Info_Type SysFreq_Info1;
+static Sys_Info_Type Sys_Info1;
+//static Freq_Info_Type R828_Freq_Info;
+static Freq_Info_Type Freq_Info1;
+//                   Internal Functions                     //
+R828_ErrCode R828_Xtal_Check(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+R828_ErrCode R828_InitReg(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+R828_ErrCode R828_IMR_Prepare(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+R828_ErrCode R828_IMR(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT8 IMR_MEM, BOOL IM_Flag);
+R828_ErrCode R828_PLL(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT32 LO_Freq, R828_Standard_Type R828_Standard);
+R828_ErrCode R828_MUX(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT32 RF_KHz);
+R828_ErrCode R828_IQ(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* IQ_Pont);
+R828_ErrCode R828_IQ_Tree(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT8 FixPot, UINT8 FlucPot, UINT8 PotReg, R828_SectType* CompareTree);
+R828_ErrCode R828_CompreCor(R828_SectType* CorArry);
+R828_ErrCode R828_CompreStep(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* StepArry, UINT8 Pace);
+R828_ErrCode R828_Muti_Read(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT8 IMR_Reg, UINT16* IMR_Result_Data);
+R828_ErrCode R828_Section(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* SectionArry);
+R828_ErrCode R828_F_IMR(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* IQ_Pont);
+R828_ErrCode R828_IMR_Cross(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* IQ_Pont, UINT8* X_Direct);
+Sys_Info_Type R828_Sys_Sel(R828_Standard_Type R828_Standard);
+Freq_Info_Type R828_Freq_Sel(UINT32 RF_freq);
+SysFreq_Info_Type R828_SysFreq_Sel(R828_Standard_Type R828_Standard,UINT32 RF_freq);
+R828_ErrCode R828_Filt_Cal(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT32 Cal_Freq,BW_Type R828_BW);
+//R828_ErrCode R828_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_Set_Info R828_INFO, R828_SetFreq_Type R828_SetFreqMode);
+Sys_Info_Type R828_Sys_Sel(R828_Standard_Type R828_Standard)
+	Sys_Info_Type R828_Sys_Info;
+	switch (R828_Standard)
+	{
+	case DVB_T_6M: 
+	case DVB_T2_6M: 
+		R828_Sys_Info.IF_KHz=3570;
+		R828_Sys_Info.BW=BW_6M;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_CAL_LO=56000; //52000->56000
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_GAIN=0x10;  //+3dB, 6MHz on
+		R828_Sys_Info.IMG_R=0x00;		//image negative
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_Q=0x10;		//R10[4]:low Q(1'b1)
+		R828_Sys_Info.HP_COR=0x6B;		// 1.7M disable, +2cap, 1.0MHz		
+		R828_Sys_Info.EXT_ENABLE=0x60;  //R30[6]=1 ext enable; R30[5]:1 ext at LNA max-1 
+		R828_Sys_Info.LOOP_THROUGH=0x00; //R5[7], LT ON
+		R828_Sys_Info.LT_ATT=0x00;       //R31[7], LT ATT enable
+		R828_Sys_Info.FLT_EXT_WIDEST=0x00;//R15[7]: FLT_EXT_WIDE OFF
+		R828_Sys_Info.POLYFIL_CUR=0x60;  //R25[6:5]:Min
+		break;
+	case DVB_T_7M: 
+	case DVB_T2_7M: 
+		R828_Sys_Info.IF_KHz=4070;
+		R828_Sys_Info.BW=BW_7M;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_CAL_LO=60000;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_GAIN=0x10;  //+3dB, 6MHz on
+		R828_Sys_Info.IMG_R=0x00;		//image negative
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_Q=0x10;		//R10[4]:low Q(1'b1)
+		R828_Sys_Info.HP_COR=0x2B;		// 1.7M disable, +1cap, 1.0MHz		
+		R828_Sys_Info.EXT_ENABLE=0x60;  //R30[6]=1 ext enable; R30[5]:1 ext at LNA max-1 
+		R828_Sys_Info.LOOP_THROUGH=0x00; //R5[7], LT ON
+		R828_Sys_Info.LT_ATT=0x00;       //R31[7], LT ATT enable
+		R828_Sys_Info.FLT_EXT_WIDEST=0x00;//R15[7]: FLT_EXT_WIDE OFF
+		R828_Sys_Info.POLYFIL_CUR=0x60;  //R25[6:5]:Min
+		break;
+	case DVB_T_7M_2:  
+	case DVB_T2_7M_2:  
+		R828_Sys_Info.IF_KHz=4570;
+		R828_Sys_Info.BW=BW_7M;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_CAL_LO=63000;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_GAIN=0x10;  //+3dB, 6MHz on
+		R828_Sys_Info.IMG_R=0x00;		//image negative
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_Q=0x10;		//R10[4]:low Q(1'b1)
+		R828_Sys_Info.HP_COR=0x2A;		// 1.7M disable, +1cap, 1.25MHz		
+		R828_Sys_Info.EXT_ENABLE=0x60;  //R30[6]=1 ext enable; R30[5]:1 ext at LNA max-1 
+		R828_Sys_Info.LOOP_THROUGH=0x00; //R5[7], LT ON
+		R828_Sys_Info.LT_ATT=0x00;       //R31[7], LT ATT enable
+		R828_Sys_Info.FLT_EXT_WIDEST=0x00;//R15[7]: FLT_EXT_WIDE OFF
+		R828_Sys_Info.POLYFIL_CUR=0x60;  //R25[6:5]:Min
+		break;
+	case DVB_T_8M: 
+	case DVB_T2_8M: 
+		R828_Sys_Info.IF_KHz=4570;
+		R828_Sys_Info.BW=BW_8M;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_CAL_LO=68500;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_GAIN=0x10;  //+3dB, 6MHz on
+		R828_Sys_Info.IMG_R=0x00;		//image negative
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_Q=0x10;		//R10[4]:low Q(1'b1)
+		R828_Sys_Info.HP_COR=0x0B;		// 1.7M disable, +0cap, 1.0MHz		
+		R828_Sys_Info.EXT_ENABLE=0x60;  //R30[6]=1 ext enable; R30[5]:1 ext at LNA max-1 
+		R828_Sys_Info.LOOP_THROUGH=0x00; //R5[7], LT ON
+		R828_Sys_Info.LT_ATT=0x00;       //R31[7], LT ATT enable
+		R828_Sys_Info.FLT_EXT_WIDEST=0x00;//R15[7]: FLT_EXT_WIDE OFF
+		R828_Sys_Info.POLYFIL_CUR=0x60;  //R25[6:5]:Min
+		break;
+	case ISDB_T: 
+		R828_Sys_Info.IF_KHz=4063;
+		R828_Sys_Info.BW=BW_6M;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_CAL_LO=59000;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_GAIN=0x10;  //+3dB, 6MHz on
+		R828_Sys_Info.IMG_R=0x00;		//image negative
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_Q=0x10;		//R10[4]:low Q(1'b1)
+		R828_Sys_Info.HP_COR=0x6A;		// 1.7M disable, +2cap, 1.25MHz		
+		R828_Sys_Info.EXT_ENABLE=0x40;  //R30[6], ext enable; R30[5]:0 ext at LNA max 
+		R828_Sys_Info.LOOP_THROUGH=0x00; //R5[7], LT ON
+		R828_Sys_Info.LT_ATT=0x00;       //R31[7], LT ATT enable
+		R828_Sys_Info.FLT_EXT_WIDEST=0x00;//R15[7]: FLT_EXT_WIDE OFF
+		R828_Sys_Info.POLYFIL_CUR=0x60;  //R25[6:5]:Min
+		break;
+	default:  //DVB_T_8M
+		R828_Sys_Info.IF_KHz=4570;
+		R828_Sys_Info.BW=BW_8M;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_CAL_LO=68500;
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_GAIN=0x10;  //+3dB, 6MHz on
+		R828_Sys_Info.IMG_R=0x00;		//image negative
+		R828_Sys_Info.FILT_Q=0x10;		//R10[4]:low Q(1'b1)
+		R828_Sys_Info.HP_COR=0x0D;		// 1.7M disable, +0cap, 0.7MHz		
+		R828_Sys_Info.EXT_ENABLE=0x60;  //R30[6]=1 ext enable; R30[5]:1 ext at LNA max-1 
+		R828_Sys_Info.LOOP_THROUGH=0x00; //R5[7], LT ON
+		R828_Sys_Info.LT_ATT=0x00;       //R31[7], LT ATT enable
+		R828_Sys_Info.FLT_EXT_WIDEST=0x00;//R15[7]: FLT_EXT_WIDE OFF
+		R828_Sys_Info.POLYFIL_CUR=0x60;  //R25[6:5]:Min
+		break;
+	}
+	return R828_Sys_Info;
+Freq_Info_Type R828_Freq_Sel(UINT32 LO_freq)
+	Freq_Info_Type R828_Freq_Info;
+	if(LO_freq<50000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x08; // low
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0xDF;     //R27[7:0]  band2,band0
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x02;  //R16[1:0]  20pF (10)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}
+	else if(LO_freq>=50000 && LO_freq<55000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x08; // low
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0xBE;     //R27[7:0]  band4,band1 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x02;  //R16[1:0]  20pF (10)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=55000 && LO_freq<60000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x08; // low
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x8B;     //R27[7:0]  band7,band4
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x02;  //R16[1:0]  20pF (10)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}	
+	else if( LO_freq>=60000 && LO_freq<65000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x08; // low
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x7B;     //R27[7:0]  band8,band4
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x02;  //R16[1:0]  20pF (10)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=65000 && LO_freq<70000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x08; // low
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x69;     //R27[7:0]  band9,band6
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x02;  //R16[1:0]  20pF (10)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}	
+	else if( LO_freq>=70000 && LO_freq<75000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x08; // low
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x58;     //R27[7:0]  band10,band7
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x02;  //R16[1:0]  20pF (10)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=75000 && LO_freq<80000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x44;     //R27[7:0]  band11,band11
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x02;  //R16[1:0]  20pF (10)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=80000 && LO_freq<90000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x44;     //R27[7:0]  band11,band11
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x02;  //R16[1:0]  20pF (10)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=90000 && LO_freq<100000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x34;     //R27[7:0]  band12,band11
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x01;  //R16[1:0]  10pF (01)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=100000 && LO_freq<110000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x34;     //R27[7:0]  band12,band11
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x01;  //R16[1:0]  10pF (01)   
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 0;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=110000 && LO_freq<120000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x24;     //R27[7:0]  band13,band11
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x01;  //R16[1:0]  10pF (01)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 1;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=120000 && LO_freq<140000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x24;     //R27[7:0]  band13,band11
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x01;  //R16[1:0]  10pF (01)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 1;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=140000 && LO_freq<180000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x14;     //R27[7:0]  band14,band11
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x01;  //R16[1:0]  10pF (01)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x01; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 1;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=180000 && LO_freq<220000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x13;     //R27[7:0]  band14,band12
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x00;  //R16[1:0]  0pF (00)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x00; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 1;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=220000 && LO_freq<250000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x13;     //R27[7:0]  band14,band12
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x00;  //R16[1:0]  0pF (00)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x00; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 2;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=250000 && LO_freq<280000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x11;     //R27[7:0]  highest,highest
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x00;  //R16[1:0]  0pF (00)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x00; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 2;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=280000 && LO_freq<310000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x02;  //R26[7:6]=0 (LPF)  R26[1:0]=2 (low)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x00;     //R27[7:0]  highest,highest
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x00;  //R16[1:0]  0pF (00)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x00; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 2;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=310000 && LO_freq<450000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x41;  //R26[7:6]=1 (bypass)  R26[1:0]=1 (middle)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x00;     //R27[7:0]  highest,highest
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x00;  //R16[1:0]  0pF (00)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x00; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 2;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=450000 && LO_freq<588000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x41;  //R26[7:6]=1 (bypass)  R26[1:0]=1 (middle)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x00;     //R27[7:0]  highest,highest
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x00;  //R16[1:0]  0pF (00)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x00; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 3;
+	}
+	else if( LO_freq>=588000 && LO_freq<650000)
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x40;  //R26[7:6]=1 (bypass)  R26[1:0]=0 (highest)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x00;     //R27[7:0]  highest,highest
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x00;  //R16[1:0]  0pF (00)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x00; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 3;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		R828_Freq_Info.OPEN_D=0x00; // high
+		R828_Freq_Info.RF_MUX_PLOY = 0x40;  //R26[7:6]=1 (bypass)  R26[1:0]=0 (highest)
+		R828_Freq_Info.TF_C=0x00;     //R27[7:0]  highest,highest
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP20P=0x00;  //R16[1:0]  0pF (00)  
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP10P=0x00; 
+		R828_Freq_Info.XTAL_CAP0P=0x00;
+		R828_Freq_Info.IMR_MEM = 4;
+	}
+	return R828_Freq_Info;
+SysFreq_Info_Type R828_SysFreq_Sel(R828_Standard_Type R828_Standard,UINT32 RF_freq)
+	SysFreq_Info_Type R828_SysFreq_Info;
+	switch(R828_Standard)
+	{
+	case DVB_T_6M:
+	case DVB_T_7M:
+	case DVB_T_7M_2:
+	case DVB_T_8M:
+		if( (RF_freq==506000) || (RF_freq==666000) || (RF_freq==818000) )
+		{
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_TOP=0x14;	    // MIXER TOP:14 , TOP-1, low-discharge
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_TOP=0xE5;		    // Detect BW 3, LNA TOP:4, PreDet Top:2
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CP_CUR=0x28;            //101, 0.2
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.DIV_BUF_CUR=0x20; // 10, 200u
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_TOP=0x24;	    // MIXER TOP:13 , TOP-1, low-discharge
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_TOP=0xE5;		// Detect BW 3, LNA TOP:4, PreDet Top:2
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CP_CUR=0x38;            // 111, auto
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.DIV_BUF_CUR=0x30; // 11, 150u
+		}
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_VTH_L=0x53;		    // LNA VTH 0.84	,  VTL 0.64
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_VTH_L=0x75;	// MIXER VTH 1.04, VTL 0.84
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.AIR_CABLE1_IN=0x00;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CABLE2_IN=0x00;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.PRE_DECT=0x40;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_DISCHARGE=14;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.FILTER_CUR=0x40;         // 10, low
+		break;
+	case DVB_T2_6M:
+	case DVB_T2_7M: 
+	case DVB_T2_7M_2:
+	case DVB_T2_8M:
+		    R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_TOP=0x24;	    // MIXER TOP:13 , TOP-1, low-discharge
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_TOP=0xE5;		    // Detect BW 3, LNA TOP:4, PreDet Top:2
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_VTH_L=0x53;		// LNA VTH 0.84	,  VTL 0.64
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_VTH_L=0x75;	// MIXER VTH 1.04, VTL 0.84
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.AIR_CABLE1_IN=0x00;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CABLE2_IN=0x00;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.PRE_DECT=0x40;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_DISCHARGE=14;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CP_CUR=0x38;            // 111, auto
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.DIV_BUF_CUR=0x30; // 11, 150u
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.FILTER_CUR=0x40;    // 10, low
+		break;
+	case ISDB_T:
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_TOP=0x24;	// MIXER TOP:13 , TOP-1, low-discharge
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_TOP=0xE5;		// Detect BW 3, LNA TOP:4, PreDet Top:2
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_VTH_L=0x75;		// LNA VTH 1.04	,  VTL 0.84
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_VTH_L=0x75;	// MIXER VTH 1.04, VTL 0.84
+            R828_SysFreq_Info.AIR_CABLE1_IN=0x00;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CABLE2_IN=0x00;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.PRE_DECT=0x40;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_DISCHARGE=14;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CP_CUR=0x38;            // 111, auto
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.DIV_BUF_CUR=0x30; // 11, 150u
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.FILTER_CUR=0x40;    // 10, low
+		break;
+	default: //DVB-T 8M
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_TOP=0x24;	    // MIXER TOP:13 , TOP-1, low-discharge
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_TOP=0xE5;		// Detect BW 3, LNA TOP:4, PreDet Top:2
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_VTH_L=0x53;		// LNA VTH 0.84	,  VTL 0.64
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.MIXER_VTH_L=0x75;	// MIXER VTH 1.04, VTL 0.84
+            R828_SysFreq_Info.AIR_CABLE1_IN=0x00;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CABLE2_IN=0x00;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.PRE_DECT=0x40;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.LNA_DISCHARGE=14;
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.CP_CUR=0x38;            // 111, auto
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.DIV_BUF_CUR=0x30; // 11, 150u
+			R828_SysFreq_Info.FILTER_CUR=0x40;    // 10, low
+		break;
+	} //end switch
+//DTV use Diplexer
+if ((Rafael_Chip==R820C) || (Rafael_Chip==R820T) || (Rafael_Chip==R828S))
+	// Air-in (>=DIP_FREQ) & cable-1(<DIP_FREQ) 
+        if(RF_freq >= DIP_FREQ)
+        {
+            R828_SysFreq_Info.AIR_CABLE1_IN = 0x00; //air in, cable-1 off
+            R828_SysFreq_Info.CABLE2_IN = 0x00;     //cable-2 off
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            R828_SysFreq_Info.AIR_CABLE1_IN = 0x60; //cable-1 in, air off
+            R828_SysFreq_Info.CABLE2_IN = 0x00;     //cable-2 off
+        }
+	return R828_SysFreq_Info;
+	}
+R828_ErrCode R828_Xtal_Check(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	UINT8 ArrayNum;
+	ArrayNum = 27;
+	for(ArrayNum=0;ArrayNum<27;ArrayNum++)
+    {
+          R828_Arry[ArrayNum] = R828_iniArry[ArrayNum];
+    }
+	//cap 30pF & Drive Low
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	R828_Arry[11]    = (R828_Arry[11] & 0xF4) | 0x0B ;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[11];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+	    return RT_Fail;
+	//set pll autotune = 128kHz
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1A;
+	R828_Arry[21]    = R828_Arry[21] & 0xF3;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[21];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//set manual initial reg = 111111; 
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x13;
+	R828_Arry[14]    = (R828_Arry[14] & 0x80) | 0x7F;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[14];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//set auto
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x13;
+	R828_Arry[14]    = (R828_Arry[14] & 0xBF);
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[14];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 5);
+	R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+	R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 3;
+	if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	// if 30pF unlock, set to cap 20pF
+#if (USE_16M_XTAL==TRUE)
+	//VCO=2360MHz for 16M Xtal. VCO band 26
+    if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) > 29) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) < 23)) 
+	if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) == 0x3F)) 
+	{
+		//cap 20pF 
+	    R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	    R828_Arry[11]    = (R828_Arry[11] & 0xFC) | 0x02;
+	    R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[11];
+	    if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		    return RT_Fail;
+		R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 5);
+		R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+		R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 3;
+		if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		    return RT_Fail;
+		// if 20pF unlock, set to cap 10pF
+#if (USE_16M_XTAL==TRUE)
+        if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) > 29) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) < 23)) 
+	    if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) == 0x3F)) 
+	   {
+		   //cap 10pF 
+	       R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	       R828_Arry[11]    = (R828_Arry[11] & 0xFC) | 0x01;
+	       R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[11];
+	       if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		       return RT_Fail;
+		   R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 5);
+		   R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+		   R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 3;
+		   if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		       return RT_Fail;
+		   // if 10pF unlock, set to cap 0pF
+#if (USE_16M_XTAL==TRUE)
+           if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) > 29) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) < 23)) 
+	       if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) == 0x3F)) 
+	      {
+		      //cap 0pF 
+	          R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	          R828_Arry[11]    = (R828_Arry[11] & 0xFC) | 0x00;
+	          R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[11];
+	          if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		          return RT_Fail;
+		      R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 5);
+		      R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+		      R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 3;
+		      if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		           return RT_Fail;
+		      // if unlock, set to high drive
+#if (USE_16M_XTAL==TRUE)
+               if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) > 29) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) < 23)) 
+		      if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) == 0x3F)) 
+			  {
+				   //X'tal drive high
+	               R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	               R828_Arry[11]    = (R828_Arry[11] & 0xF7) ;
+	               R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[11];
+	               if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+                          return RT_Fail;
+				   //R828_Delay_MS(15);
+				   R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 20);
+		           R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+		           R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 3;
+		           if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		                  return RT_Fail;
+#if (USE_16M_XTAL==TRUE)
+                   if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) > 29) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) < 23)) 
+	               if(((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00) || ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x3F) == 0x3F)) 
+				   {
+			             return RT_Fail;
+				   }
+				   else //0p+high drive lock
+				   {
+						Xtal_cap_sel_tmp = XTAL_HIGH_CAP_0P;
+				   }
+			  }
+		      else //0p lock
+			  {
+				   Xtal_cap_sel_tmp = XTAL_LOW_CAP_0P;
+			  }
+		   }
+		   else //10p lock
+		   {   
+			   Xtal_cap_sel_tmp = XTAL_LOW_CAP_10P;
+		   }
+		}
+		else //20p lock
+		{
+		   Xtal_cap_sel_tmp = XTAL_LOW_CAP_20P;
+		}
+	}
+	else // 30p lock
+	{
+		Xtal_cap_sel_tmp = XTAL_LOW_CAP_30P;
+	}
+    return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_Init(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	R820T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+    UINT8 i;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.R820t);
+    //write initial reg
+	//if(R828_InitReg(pTuner) != RT_Success)         
+	//	return RT_Fail;
+	if(R828_IMR_done_flag==FALSE)
+	{
+	  //write initial reg
+	  if(R828_InitReg(pTuner) != RT_Success)        
+		  return RT_Fail;
+	  //Do Xtal check
+	  if((Rafael_Chip==R820T) || (Rafael_Chip==R828S) || (Rafael_Chip==R820C))
+	  {
+		  Xtal_cap_sel = XTAL_HIGH_CAP_0P;
+	  }
+	  else
+	  {
+          if(R828_Xtal_Check(pTuner) != RT_Success)        //1st
+	          return RT_Fail;
+		  Xtal_cap_sel = Xtal_cap_sel_tmp;
+		  if(R828_Xtal_Check(pTuner) != RT_Success)        //2nd
+	          return RT_Fail;
+		  if(Xtal_cap_sel_tmp > Xtal_cap_sel)
+		  {
+			  Xtal_cap_sel = Xtal_cap_sel_tmp;
+		  }
+		  if(R828_Xtal_Check(pTuner) != RT_Success)        //3rd
+	          return RT_Fail;
+		  if(Xtal_cap_sel_tmp > Xtal_cap_sel)
+		  {
+		      Xtal_cap_sel = Xtal_cap_sel_tmp;
+		  }
+	  }
+	  //reset filter cal.
+      for (i=0; i<STD_SIZE; i++)
+	  {	  
+		  R828_Fil_Cal_flag[i] = FALSE;
+		  R828_Fil_Cal_code[i] = 0;
+	  }
+	  //start imr cal.
+	  if(R828_InitReg(pTuner) != RT_Success)        //write initial reg before doing cal
+	      return RT_Fail;
+	  if(R828_IMR_Prepare(pTuner) != RT_Success)      
+		return RT_Fail;
+	  if(R828_IMR(pTuner, 3, TRUE) != RT_Success)       //Full K node 3
+		return RT_Fail;
+	  if(R828_IMR(pTuner, 1, FALSE) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	  if(R828_IMR(pTuner, 0, FALSE) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	  if(R828_IMR(pTuner, 2, FALSE) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	  if(R828_IMR(pTuner, 4, FALSE) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	  R828_IMR_done_flag = TRUE;
+	}
+	//write initial reg
+	if(R828_InitReg(pTuner) != RT_Success)        
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_InitReg(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+	UINT8 InitArryCunt;
+	UINT8 InitArryNum;
+	InitArryCunt = 0;
+	InitArryNum  = 27;
+	//UINT32 LO_KHz      = 0;
+	//Write Full Table
+	R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x05;
+	R828_I2C_Len.Len     = InitArryNum;
+	for(InitArryCunt = 0;InitArryCunt < InitArryNum;InitArryCunt ++)
+	{
+		R828_I2C_Len.Data[InitArryCunt] = R828_iniArry[InitArryCunt];
+	}
+	if(I2C_Write_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_IMR_Prepare(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+     UINT8 ArrayNum;
+     ArrayNum=27;
+     for(ArrayNum=0;ArrayNum<27;ArrayNum++)
+     {
+           R828_Arry[ArrayNum] = R828_iniArry[ArrayNum];
+     }
+     //IMR Preparation    
+     //lna off (air-in off)
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x05;
+     R828_Arry[0]     = R828_Arry[0]  | 0x20;
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[0];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail; 
+     //mixer gain mode = manual
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x07;
+     R828_Arry[2]     = (R828_Arry[2] & 0xEF);
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[2];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail;
+     //filter corner = lowest
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0A;
+     R828_Arry[5]     = R828_Arry[5] | 0x0F;
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[5];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail;
+     //filter bw=+2cap, hp=5M
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0B;
+     R828_Arry[6]    = (R828_Arry[6] & 0x90) | 0x60;
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[6];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail;
+     //adc=on, vga code mode, gain = 26.5dB  
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0C;
+     R828_Arry[7]    = (R828_Arry[7] & 0x60) | 0x0B;
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[7];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail;
+     //ring clk = on
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0F;
+     R828_Arry[10]   &= 0xF7;
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[10];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail;
+     //ring power = on
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x18;
+     R828_Arry[19]    = R828_Arry[19] | 0x10;
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[19];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail;
+     //from ring = ring pll in
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1C;
+     R828_Arry[23]    = R828_Arry[23] | 0x02;
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[23];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail;
+     //sw_pdect = det3
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1E;
+     R828_Arry[25]    = R828_Arry[25] | 0x80;
+     R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[25];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+           return RT_Fail;
+	// Set filt_3dB
+	R828_Arry[1]  = R828_Arry[1] | 0x20;  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x06;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[1];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+      return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_IMR(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT8 IMR_MEM, BOOL IM_Flag)
+	UINT32 RingVCO;
+	UINT32 RingFreq;
+	UINT32 RingRef;
+	UINT8 n_ring;
+	UINT8 n;
+	R828_SectType IMR_POINT;
+	RingVCO = 0;
+	RingFreq = 0;
+	RingRef = 0;
+	n_ring = 0;
+	if (R828_Xtal>24000)
+		RingRef = R828_Xtal /2;
+	else
+		RingRef = R828_Xtal;
+	for(n=0;n<16;n++)
+	{
+		if((16+n)* 8 * RingRef >= 3100000) 
+		{
+		n_ring=n;
+		break;
+		}
+		if(n==15)   //n_ring not found
+		{
+            //return RT_Fail;
+			n_ring=n;
+		}
+	}
+	R828_Arry[19] &= 0xF0;      //set ring[3:0]
+	R828_Arry[19] |= n_ring;
+	RingVCO = (16+n_ring)* 8 * RingRef;
+	R828_Arry[19]&=0xDF;   //clear ring_se23	
+	R828_Arry[20]&=0xFC;   //clear ring_seldiv	
+	R828_Arry[26]&=0xFC;   //clear ring_att
+	switch(IMR_MEM)
+	{
+	case 0:
+		RingFreq = RingVCO/48;
+		R828_Arry[19]|=0x20;  // ring_se23 = 1
+		R828_Arry[20]|=0x03;  // ring_seldiv = 3		
+		R828_Arry[26]|=0x02;  // ring_att 10
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		RingFreq = RingVCO/16;
+		R828_Arry[19]|=0x00;  // ring_se23 = 0
+		R828_Arry[20]|=0x02;  // ring_seldiv = 2		
+		R828_Arry[26]|=0x00;  // pw_ring 00
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		RingFreq = RingVCO/8;
+		R828_Arry[19]|=0x00;  // ring_se23 = 0
+		R828_Arry[20]|=0x01;  // ring_seldiv = 1		
+		R828_Arry[26]|=0x03;  // pw_ring 11
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		RingFreq = RingVCO/6;
+		R828_Arry[19]|=0x20;  // ring_se23 = 1
+		R828_Arry[20]|=0x00;  // ring_seldiv = 0		
+		R828_Arry[26]|=0x03;  // pw_ring 11
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		RingFreq = RingVCO/4;
+		R828_Arry[19]|=0x00;  // ring_se23 = 0
+		R828_Arry[20]|=0x00;  // ring_seldiv = 0		
+		R828_Arry[26]|=0x01;  // pw_ring 01
+		break;
+	default:
+		RingFreq = RingVCO/4;
+		R828_Arry[19]|=0x00;  // ring_se23 = 0
+		R828_Arry[20]|=0x00;  // ring_seldiv = 0		
+		R828_Arry[26]|=0x01;  // pw_ring 01
+		break;
+	}
+	//write pw_ring,n_ring,ringdiv2 to I2C
+	//------------n_ring,ring_se23----------//
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x18;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[19];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//------------ring_sediv----------------//
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x19;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[20];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//------------pw_ring-------------------//
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1f;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[26];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//Must do before PLL() 
+	if(R828_MUX(pTuner, RingFreq - 5300) != RT_Success)				//MUX input freq ~ RF_in Freq
+		return RT_Fail;
+	if(R828_PLL(pTuner, (RingFreq - 5300), STD_SIZE) != RT_Success)                //set pll freq = ring freq - 6M
+	    return RT_Fail;
+	if(IM_Flag == TRUE)
+	{
+	if(R828_IQ(pTuner, &IMR_POINT) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		IMR_POINT.Gain_X = IMR_Data[3].Gain_X;
+		IMR_POINT.Phase_Y = IMR_Data[3].Phase_Y;
+		IMR_POINT.Value = IMR_Data[3].Value;
+		if(R828_F_IMR(pTuner, &IMR_POINT) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+	}
+	//Save IMR Value
+	switch(IMR_MEM)
+	{
+	case 0:
+		IMR_Data[0].Gain_X  = IMR_POINT.Gain_X;
+		IMR_Data[0].Phase_Y = IMR_POINT.Phase_Y;
+		IMR_Data[0].Value   = IMR_POINT.Value;
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		IMR_Data[1].Gain_X  = IMR_POINT.Gain_X;
+		IMR_Data[1].Phase_Y = IMR_POINT.Phase_Y;
+		IMR_Data[1].Value   = IMR_POINT.Value;
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		IMR_Data[2].Gain_X  = IMR_POINT.Gain_X;
+		IMR_Data[2].Phase_Y = IMR_POINT.Phase_Y;
+		IMR_Data[2].Value   = IMR_POINT.Value;
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		IMR_Data[3].Gain_X  = IMR_POINT.Gain_X;
+		IMR_Data[3].Phase_Y = IMR_POINT.Phase_Y;
+		IMR_Data[3].Value   = IMR_POINT.Value;
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		IMR_Data[4].Gain_X  = IMR_POINT.Gain_X;
+		IMR_Data[4].Phase_Y = IMR_POINT.Phase_Y;
+		IMR_Data[4].Value   = IMR_POINT.Value;
+		break;
+    default:
+		IMR_Data[4].Gain_X  = IMR_POINT.Gain_X;
+		IMR_Data[4].Phase_Y = IMR_POINT.Phase_Y;
+		IMR_Data[4].Value   = IMR_POINT.Value;
+		break;
+	}
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_PLL(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT32 LO_Freq, R828_Standard_Type R828_Standard)
+	R820T_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	UINT8  MixDiv;
+	UINT8  DivBuf;
+	UINT8  Ni;
+	UINT8  Si;
+	UINT8  DivNum;
+	UINT8  Nint;
+	UINT32 VCO_Min;
+	UINT32 VCO_Max;
+	UINT32 VCO_Freq;
+	UINT32 PLL_Ref;		//Max 24000 (kHz)
+	UINT32 VCO_Fra;		//VCO contribution by SDM (kHz)
+	UINT16 Nsdm;
+	UINT16 SDM16to9;
+	UINT16 SDM8to1;
+	//UINT8  Judge    = 0;
+	UINT8  VCO_fine_tune;
+	MixDiv   = 2;
+	DivBuf   = 0;
+	Ni       = 0;
+	Si       = 0;
+	DivNum   = 0;
+	Nint     = 0;
+	VCO_Min  = 1770000;
+	VCO_Max  = VCO_Min*2;
+	VCO_Freq = 0;
+	PLL_Ref	= 0;		//Max 24000 (kHz)
+	VCO_Fra	= 0;		//VCO contribution by SDM (kHz)
+	Nsdm		= 2;
+	SDM		= 0;
+	SDM16to9	= 0;
+	SDM8to1  = 0;
+	//UINT8  Judge    = 0;
+	VCO_fine_tune = 0;	
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.R820t);
+if ((pExtra->Rafael_Chip==R620D) || (pExtra->Rafael_Chip==R828D) || (pExtra->Rafael_Chip==R828))  //X'tal can't not exceed 20MHz for ATV
+	if(R828_Standard <= SECAM_L1)	  //ref set refdiv2, reffreq = Xtal/2 on ATV application
+	{
+       R828_Arry[11] |= 0x10; //b4=1
+	   PLL_Ref = R828_Xtal /2;
+	}
+	else //DTV, FilCal, IMR
+	{
+       R828_Arry[11] &= 0xEF;
+	   PLL_Ref = R828_Xtal;
+	}
+	if(R828_Xtal > 24000)	 
+	{
+       R828_Arry[11] |= 0x10; //b4=1
+	   PLL_Ref = R828_Xtal /2;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+       R828_Arry[11] &= 0xEF;
+	   PLL_Ref = R828_Xtal; 
+	}
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[11];
+    if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+	   return RT_Fail;
+	//set pll autotune = 128kHz
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1A;
+	R828_Arry[21]    = R828_Arry[21] & 0xF3;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[21];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//Set VCO current = 100
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x12;
+	R828_Arry[13]    = (R828_Arry[13] & 0x1F) | 0x80; 
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[13];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+	    return RT_Fail;
+	//Divider
+	while(MixDiv <= 64)
+	{
+		if(((LO_Freq * MixDiv) >= VCO_Min) && ((LO_Freq * MixDiv) < VCO_Max))
+		{
+			DivBuf = MixDiv;
+			while(DivBuf > 2)
+			{
+				DivBuf = DivBuf >> 1;
+				DivNum ++;
+			}			
+			break;
+		}
+		MixDiv = MixDiv << 1;
+	}
+	R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+	R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 5;
+	if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;	
+   VCO_fine_tune = (R828_I2C_Len.Data[4] & 0x30)>>4;
+	if(VCO_fine_tune > VCO_pwr_ref)
+		DivNum = DivNum - 1;
+	else if(VCO_fine_tune < VCO_pwr_ref)
+	    DivNum = DivNum + 1; 
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	R828_Arry[11] &= 0x1F;
+	R828_Arry[11] |= (DivNum << 5);
+	R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[11];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	VCO_Freq = LO_Freq * MixDiv;
+	Nint     = (UINT8) (VCO_Freq / 2 / PLL_Ref);
+	VCO_Fra  = (UINT16) (VCO_Freq - 2 * PLL_Ref * Nint);
+	//boundary spur prevention
+	if (VCO_Fra < PLL_Ref/64)           //2*PLL_Ref/128
+		VCO_Fra = 0;
+	else if (VCO_Fra > PLL_Ref*127/64)  //2*PLL_Ref*127/128
+	{
+		VCO_Fra = 0;
+		Nint ++;
+	}
+	else if((VCO_Fra > PLL_Ref*127/128) && (VCO_Fra < PLL_Ref)) //> 2*PLL_Ref*127/256,  < 2*PLL_Ref*128/256
+		VCO_Fra = PLL_Ref*127/128;      // VCO_Fra = 2*PLL_Ref*127/256
+	else if((VCO_Fra > PLL_Ref) && (VCO_Fra < PLL_Ref*129/128)) //> 2*PLL_Ref*128/256,  < 2*PLL_Ref*129/256
+		VCO_Fra = PLL_Ref*129/128;      // VCO_Fra = 2*PLL_Ref*129/256
+	else
+		VCO_Fra = VCO_Fra;
+	//N & S	
+	Ni       = (Nint - 13) / 4;
+	Si       = Nint - 4 *Ni - 13;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x14;
+	R828_Arry[15]  = 0x00;
+	R828_Arry[15] |= (Ni + (Si << 6));
+	R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[15];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+	  return RT_Fail;
+	//pw_sdm	
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x12;
+	R828_Arry[13] &= 0xF7;
+	if(VCO_Fra == 0)
+		R828_Arry[13] |= 0x08;
+	R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[13];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//SDM calculator
+	while(VCO_Fra > 1)
+	{			
+		if (VCO_Fra > (2*PLL_Ref / Nsdm))
+		{		
+			SDM = SDM + 32768 / (Nsdm/2);
+			VCO_Fra = VCO_Fra - 2*PLL_Ref / Nsdm;
+			if (Nsdm >= 0x8000)
+				break;
+		}
+		Nsdm = Nsdm << 1;
+	}
+	SDM16to9 = SDM >> 8;
+	SDM8to1 =  SDM - (SDM16to9 << 8);
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x16;
+	R828_Arry[17]    = (UINT8) SDM16to9;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[17];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x15;
+	R828_Arry[16]    = (UINT8) SDM8to1;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[16];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+//	R828_Delay_MS(10);
+if ((pExtra->Rafael_Chip==R620D) || (pExtra->Rafael_Chip==R828D) || (pExtra->Rafael_Chip==R828))
+	if(R828_Standard <= SECAM_L1)
+	    R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 20);
+	else
+	    R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 10);
+	 R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 10);
+	//check PLL lock status
+	R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+	R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 3;
+	if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	if( (R828_I2C_Len.Data[2] & 0x40) == 0x00 ) 
+	{
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x12;
+	    R828_Arry[13]    = (R828_Arry[13] & 0x1F) | 0x60;  //increase VCO current
+        R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[13];
+	    if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		     return RT_Fail;
+	}
+	//set pll autotune = 8kHz
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1A;
+	R828_Arry[21]    = R828_Arry[21] | 0x08;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[21];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_MUX(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT32 RF_KHz)
+	UINT8 RT_Reg08;
+	UINT8 RT_Reg09;
+	RT_Reg08   = 0;
+	RT_Reg09   = 0;
+	//Freq_Info_Type Freq_Info1;
+	Freq_Info1 = R828_Freq_Sel(RF_KHz);
+	// Open Drain
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x17;
+	R828_Arry[18] = (R828_Arry[18] & 0xF7) | Freq_Info1.OPEN_D;
+	R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[18];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	// RF_MUX,Polymux 
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1A;
+	R828_Arry[21] = (R828_Arry[21] & 0x3C) | Freq_Info1.RF_MUX_PLOY;
+	R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[21];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	// TF BAND
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1B;
+	R828_Arry[22] &= 0x00;
+	R828_Arry[22] |= Freq_Info1.TF_C;	
+	R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[22];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	// XTAL CAP & Drive
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	R828_Arry[11] &= 0xF4;
+	switch(Xtal_cap_sel)
+	{
+	   case XTAL_LOW_CAP_30P:
+	   case XTAL_LOW_CAP_20P:
+		   R828_Arry[11] = R828_Arry[11] | Freq_Info1.XTAL_CAP20P | 0x08;
+		   break;
+	   case XTAL_LOW_CAP_10P:
+           R828_Arry[11] = R828_Arry[11] | Freq_Info1.XTAL_CAP10P | 0x08;
+		   break;
+	   case XTAL_LOW_CAP_0P:
+		   R828_Arry[11] = R828_Arry[11] | Freq_Info1.XTAL_CAP0P | 0x08;
+		   break;
+	   case XTAL_HIGH_CAP_0P:
+		   R828_Arry[11] = R828_Arry[11] | Freq_Info1.XTAL_CAP0P | 0x00;
+		   break;
+	   default:
+	       R828_Arry[11] = R828_Arry[11] | Freq_Info1.XTAL_CAP0P | 0x08;
+		   break;
+	}
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[11];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//Set_IMR
+	if(R828_IMR_done_flag == TRUE)
+	{
+		RT_Reg08 = IMR_Data[Freq_Info1.IMR_MEM].Gain_X & 0x3F;
+		RT_Reg09 = IMR_Data[Freq_Info1.IMR_MEM].Phase_Y & 0x3F;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		RT_Reg08 = 0;
+	    RT_Reg09 = 0;
+	}
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x08;
+	R828_Arry[3] = R828_iniArry[3] & 0xC0;                   
+	R828_Arry[3] = R828_Arry[3] | RT_Reg08;
+	R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[3];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x09;
+	R828_Arry[4] = R828_iniArry[4] & 0xC0;
+	R828_Arry[4] = R828_Arry[4] | RT_Reg09;
+	R828_I2C.Data =R828_Arry[4]  ;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_IQ(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* IQ_Pont)
+	R828_SectType Compare_IQ[3];
+//	R828_SectType CompareTemp;
+//	UINT8 IQ_Cunt  = 0;
+	UINT8 VGA_Cunt;
+	UINT16 VGA_Read;
+	UINT8  X_Direction;  // 1:X, 0:Y
+	VGA_Cunt = 0;
+	VGA_Read = 0;
+	// increase VGA power to let image significant
+	for(VGA_Cunt = 12;VGA_Cunt < 16;VGA_Cunt ++)
+	{
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0C;
+		R828_I2C.Data    = (R828_Arry[7] & 0xF0) + VGA_Cunt;  
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 10); //
+		if(R828_Muti_Read(pTuner, 0x01, &VGA_Read) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		if(VGA_Read > 40*4)
+			break;
+	}
+	//initial 0x08, 0x09
+	//Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X  = 0x40; //should be 0xC0 in R828, Jason
+	//Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y = 0x40; //should be 0x40 in R828
+	Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X  = R828_iniArry[3] & 0xC0; // Jason modified, clear b[5], b[4:0]
+	Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y = R828_iniArry[4] & 0xC0; //
+	//while(IQ_Cunt < 3)
+	//{
+	    // Determine X or Y
+	    if(R828_IMR_Cross(pTuner, &Compare_IQ[0], &X_Direction) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		//if(X_Direction==1)
+		//{
+		//    if(R828_IQ_Tree(Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, 0x09, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //X
+		//	  return RT_Fail;
+		//}
+		//else
+		//{
+		//   if(R828_IQ_Tree(Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //Y
+		//	return RT_Fail;
+		//}
+		/*
+		//--- X direction ---//
+	    //X: 3 points
+		if(R828_IQ_Tree(Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, 0x09, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //
+			return RT_Fail;
+		//compare and find min of 3 points. determine I/Q direction
+		if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		//increase step to find min value of this direction
+		if(R828_CompreStep(&Compare_IQ[0], 0x08) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		*/
+		if(X_Direction==1)
+		{
+			//compare and find min of 3 points. determine I/Q direction
+		    if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+			  return RT_Fail;
+		    //increase step to find min value of this direction
+		    if(R828_CompreStep(pTuner, &Compare_IQ[0], 0x08) != RT_Success)  //X
+			  return RT_Fail;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		   //compare and find min of 3 points. determine I/Q direction
+		   if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		   	 return RT_Fail;
+		   //increase step to find min value of this direction
+		   if(R828_CompreStep(pTuner, &Compare_IQ[0], 0x09) != RT_Success)  //Y
+			 return RT_Fail;
+		}
+		/*
+		//--- Y direction ---//
+		//Y: 3 points
+		if(R828_IQ_Tree(Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //
+			return RT_Fail;
+		//compare and find min of 3 points. determine I/Q direction
+		if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		//increase step to find min value of this direction
+		if(R828_CompreStep(&Compare_IQ[0], 0x09) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+        */
+		//Another direction
+		if(X_Direction==1)
+		{	    
+           if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //Y
+		     return RT_Fail;
+		   //compare and find min of 3 points. determine I/Q direction
+		   if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		   	 return RT_Fail;
+		   //increase step to find min value of this direction
+		   if(R828_CompreStep(pTuner, &Compare_IQ[0], 0x09) != RT_Success)  //Y
+			 return RT_Fail;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		   if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, 0x09, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //X
+		     return RT_Fail;
+		   //compare and find min of 3 points. determine I/Q direction
+		   if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		     return RT_Fail;
+	       //increase step to find min value of this direction
+		   if(R828_CompreStep(pTuner, &Compare_IQ[0], 0x08) != RT_Success) //X
+		     return RT_Fail;
+		}
+		//CompareTemp = Compare_IQ[0];
+		//--- Check 3 points again---//
+		if(X_Direction==1)
+		{
+		    if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, 0x09, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //X
+			  return RT_Fail;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		   if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //Y
+			return RT_Fail;
+		}
+		//if(R828_IQ_Tree(Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, 0x09, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success) //
+		//	return RT_Fail;
+		if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		//if((CompareTemp.Gain_X == Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X) && (CompareTemp.Phase_Y == Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y))//Ben Check
+		//	break;
+		//IQ_Cunt ++;
+	//}
+	//if(IQ_Cunt ==  3)
+	//	return RT_Fail;
+	//Section-4 Check 
+    /*
+	CompareTemp = Compare_IQ[0];
+	for(IQ_Cunt = 0;IQ_Cunt < 5;IQ_Cunt ++)
+	{
+		if(R828_Section(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		if((CompareTemp.Gain_X == Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X) && (CompareTemp.Phase_Y == Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y))
+			break;
+	}
+	*/
+    //Section-9 check
+    //if(R828_F_IMR(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+	if(R828_Section(pTuner, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+	*IQ_Pont = Compare_IQ[0];
+	//reset gain/phase control setting
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x08;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_iniArry[3] & 0xC0; //Jason
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x09;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_iniArry[4] & 0xC0;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+// Purpose: record IMC results by input gain/phase location
+//          then adjust gain or phase positive 1 step and negtive 1 step, both record results
+// input: FixPot: phase or gain
+//        FlucPot phase or gain
+//        PotReg: 0x08 or 0x09
+//        CompareTree: 3 IMR trace and results
+// output: TREU or FALSE
+R828_ErrCode R828_IQ_Tree(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT8 FixPot, UINT8 FlucPot, UINT8 PotReg, R828_SectType* CompareTree)
+	UINT8 TreeCunt;
+	UINT8 TreeTimes;
+	UINT8 TempPot;
+	UINT8 PntReg;
+	TreeCunt  = 0;
+	TreeTimes = 3;
+	TempPot   = 0;
+	PntReg    = 0;
+	if(PotReg == 0x08)
+		PntReg = 0x09; //phase control
+	else
+		PntReg = 0x08; //gain control
+	for(TreeCunt = 0;TreeCunt < TreeTimes;TreeCunt ++)
+	{
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = PotReg;
+		R828_I2C.Data    = FixPot;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = PntReg;
+		R828_I2C.Data    = FlucPot;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		if(R828_Muti_Read(pTuner, 0x01, &CompareTree[TreeCunt].Value) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		if(PotReg == 0x08)
+		{
+			CompareTree[TreeCunt].Gain_X  = FixPot;
+			CompareTree[TreeCunt].Phase_Y = FlucPot;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CompareTree[TreeCunt].Phase_Y  = FixPot;
+			CompareTree[TreeCunt].Gain_X = FlucPot;
+		}
+		if(TreeCunt == 0)   //try right-side point
+			FlucPot ++; 
+		else if(TreeCunt == 1) //try left-side point
+		{
+			if((FlucPot & 0x1F) < 0x02) //if absolute location is 1, change I/Q direction
+			{
+				TempPot = 2 - (FlucPot & 0x1F);
+				if(FlucPot & 0x20) //b[5]:I/Q selection. 0:Q-path, 1:I-path
+				{
+					FlucPot &= 0xC0;
+					FlucPot |= TempPot;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					FlucPot |= (0x20 | TempPot);
+				}
+			}
+			else
+				FlucPot -= 2;  
+		}
+	}
+	return RT_Success;
+// Purpose: compare IMC result aray [0][1][2], find min value and store to CorArry[0]
+// input: CorArry: three IMR data array
+// output: TRUE or FALSE
+R828_ErrCode R828_CompreCor(R828_SectType* CorArry)
+	UINT8 CompCunt;
+	R828_SectType CorTemp;
+	CompCunt = 0;
+	for(CompCunt = 3;CompCunt > 0;CompCunt --)
+	{
+		if(CorArry[0].Value > CorArry[CompCunt - 1].Value) //compare IMC result [0][1][2], find min value
+		{
+			CorTemp = CorArry[0];
+			CorArry[0] = CorArry[CompCunt - 1];
+			CorArry[CompCunt - 1] = CorTemp;
+		}
+	}
+	return RT_Success;
+// Purpose: if (Gain<9 or Phase<9), Gain+1 or Phase+1 and compare with min value
+//          new < min => update to min and continue
+//          new > min => Exit
+// input: StepArry: three IMR data array
+//        Pace: gain or phase register
+// output: TRUE or FALSE 
+R828_ErrCode R828_CompreStep(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* StepArry, UINT8 Pace)
+	//UINT8 StepCunt = 0;
+	R828_SectType StepTemp;
+	//min value already saved in StepArry[0]
+	StepTemp.Phase_Y = StepArry[0].Phase_Y;
+	StepTemp.Gain_X  = StepArry[0].Gain_X;
+	while(((StepTemp.Gain_X & 0x1F) < IMR_TRIAL) && ((StepTemp.Phase_Y & 0x1F) < IMR_TRIAL))  //5->10
+	{
+		if(Pace == 0x08)
+			StepTemp.Gain_X ++;
+		else
+			StepTemp.Phase_Y ++;
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x08;
+		R828_I2C.Data    = StepTemp.Gain_X ;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x09;
+		R828_I2C.Data    = StepTemp.Phase_Y;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		if(R828_Muti_Read(pTuner, 0x01, &StepTemp.Value) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		if(StepTemp.Value <= StepArry[0].Value)
+		{
+			StepArry[0].Gain_X  = StepTemp.Gain_X;
+			StepArry[0].Phase_Y = StepTemp.Phase_Y;
+			StepArry[0].Value   = StepTemp.Value;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			break;		
+		}
+	} //end of while()
+	return RT_Success;
+// Purpose: read multiple IMC results for stability
+// input: IMR_Reg: IMC result address
+//        IMR_Result_Data: result 
+// output: TRUE or FALSE
+R828_ErrCode R828_Muti_Read(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT8 IMR_Reg, UINT16* IMR_Result_Data)  //jason modified
+	UINT8 ReadCunt;
+	UINT16 ReadAmount;
+	UINT8 ReadMax;
+	UINT8 ReadMin;
+	UINT8 ReadData;
+	ReadCunt     = 0;
+	ReadAmount  = 0;
+	ReadMax = 0;
+	ReadMin = 255;
+	ReadData = 0;
+    R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 5);
+	for(ReadCunt = 0;ReadCunt < 6;ReadCunt ++)
+	{
+		R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+		R828_I2C_Len.Len     = IMR_Reg + 1;  //IMR_Reg = 0x01
+		if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		ReadData = R828_I2C_Len.Data[1];
+		ReadAmount = ReadAmount + (UINT16)ReadData;
+		if(ReadData < ReadMin)
+			ReadMin = ReadData;
+        if(ReadData > ReadMax)
+			ReadMax = ReadData;
+	}
+	*IMR_Result_Data = ReadAmount - (UINT16)ReadMax - (UINT16)ReadMin;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_Section(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* IQ_Pont)
+	R828_SectType Compare_IQ[3];
+	R828_SectType Compare_Bet[3];
+	//Try X-1 column and save min result to Compare_Bet[0]
+	if((IQ_Pont->Gain_X & 0x1F) == 0x00)
+	{
+		/*
+		if((IQ_Pont->Gain_X & 0xE0) == 0x40) //bug => only compare b[5],     
+			Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = 0x61; // Gain=1, I-path //Jason
+		else
+			Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = 0x41; // Gain=1, Q-path
+        */
+		Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = ((IQ_Pont->Gain_X) & 0xDF) + 1;  //Q-path, Gain=1
+	}
+	else
+		Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X  = IQ_Pont->Gain_X - 1;  //left point
+	Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y = IQ_Pont->Phase_Y;
+	if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)  // y-direction
+		return RT_Fail;
+	if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	Compare_Bet[0].Gain_X = Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X;
+	Compare_Bet[0].Phase_Y = Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y;
+	Compare_Bet[0].Value = Compare_IQ[0].Value;
+	//Try X column and save min result to Compare_Bet[1]
+	Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = IQ_Pont->Gain_X;
+	Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y = IQ_Pont->Phase_Y;
+	if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	Compare_Bet[1].Gain_X = Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X;
+	Compare_Bet[1].Phase_Y = Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y;
+	Compare_Bet[1].Value = Compare_IQ[0].Value;
+	//Try X+1 column and save min result to Compare_Bet[2]
+	if((IQ_Pont->Gain_X & 0x1F) == 0x00)		
+		Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = ((IQ_Pont->Gain_X) | 0x20) + 1;  //I-path, Gain=1
+	else
+	    Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = IQ_Pont->Gain_X + 1;
+	Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y = IQ_Pont->Phase_Y;
+	if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	Compare_Bet[2].Gain_X = Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X;
+	Compare_Bet[2].Phase_Y = Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y;
+	Compare_Bet[2].Value = Compare_IQ[0].Value;
+	if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_Bet[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	*IQ_Pont = Compare_Bet[0];
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_IMR_Cross(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* IQ_Pont, UINT8* X_Direct)
+	R828_SectType Compare_Cross[5]; //(0,0)(0,Q-1)(0,I-1)(Q-1,0)(I-1,0)
+	R828_SectType Compare_Temp;
+	UINT8 CrossCount;
+    UINT8 Reg08;
+	UINT8 Reg09;
+	CrossCount = 0;
+    Reg08 = R828_iniArry[3] & 0xC0;
+	Reg09 = R828_iniArry[4] & 0xC0;	
+	//memset(&Compare_Temp,0, sizeof(R828_SectType));
+	Compare_Temp.Gain_X = 0;
+	Compare_Temp.Phase_Y = 0;
+	Compare_Temp.Value = 0;	
+	Compare_Temp.Value = 255;
+	for(CrossCount=0; CrossCount<5; CrossCount++)
+	{
+		if(CrossCount==0)
+		{
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Gain_X = Reg08;
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Phase_Y = Reg09;
+		}
+		else if(CrossCount==1)
+		{
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Gain_X = Reg08;       //0
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Phase_Y = Reg09 + 1;  //Q-1
+		}
+		else if(CrossCount==2)
+		{
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Gain_X = Reg08;               //0
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Phase_Y = (Reg09 | 0x20) + 1; //I-1
+		}
+		else if(CrossCount==3)
+		{
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Gain_X = Reg08 + 1; //Q-1
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Phase_Y = Reg09;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Gain_X = (Reg08 | 0x20) + 1; //I-1
+		  Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Phase_Y = Reg09;
+		}
+    	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x08;
+	    R828_I2C.Data    = Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Gain_X;
+	    if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		   return RT_Fail;
+	    R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x09;
+	    R828_I2C.Data    = Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Phase_Y;
+	    if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		  return RT_Fail;
+        if(R828_Muti_Read(pTuner, 0x01, &Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Value) != RT_Success)
+		  return RT_Fail;
+		if( Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Value < Compare_Temp.Value)
+		{
+		  Compare_Temp.Value = Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Value;
+		  Compare_Temp.Gain_X = Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Gain_X;
+		  Compare_Temp.Phase_Y = Compare_Cross[CrossCount].Phase_Y;		
+		}
+	} //end for loop
+    if((Compare_Temp.Phase_Y & 0x1F)==1)  //y-direction
+	{
+      *X_Direct = (UINT8) 0;
+	  IQ_Pont[0].Gain_X = Compare_Cross[0].Gain_X;
+	  IQ_Pont[0].Phase_Y = Compare_Cross[0].Phase_Y;
+	  IQ_Pont[0].Value = Compare_Cross[0].Value;
+	  IQ_Pont[1].Gain_X = Compare_Cross[1].Gain_X;
+	  IQ_Pont[1].Phase_Y = Compare_Cross[1].Phase_Y;
+	  IQ_Pont[1].Value = Compare_Cross[1].Value;
+	  IQ_Pont[2].Gain_X = Compare_Cross[2].Gain_X;
+	  IQ_Pont[2].Phase_Y = Compare_Cross[2].Phase_Y;
+	  IQ_Pont[2].Value = Compare_Cross[2].Value;
+	}
+	else //(0,0) or x-direction
+	{	
+	  *X_Direct = (UINT8) 1;
+	  IQ_Pont[0].Gain_X = Compare_Cross[0].Gain_X;
+	  IQ_Pont[0].Phase_Y = Compare_Cross[0].Phase_Y;
+	  IQ_Pont[0].Value = Compare_Cross[0].Value;
+	  IQ_Pont[1].Gain_X = Compare_Cross[3].Gain_X;
+	  IQ_Pont[1].Phase_Y = Compare_Cross[3].Phase_Y;
+	  IQ_Pont[1].Value = Compare_Cross[3].Value;
+	  IQ_Pont[2].Gain_X = Compare_Cross[4].Gain_X;
+	  IQ_Pont[2].Phase_Y = Compare_Cross[4].Phase_Y;
+	  IQ_Pont[2].Value = Compare_Cross[4].Value;
+	}
+	return RT_Success;
+// purpose: search surrounding points from previous point 
+//          try (x-1), (x), (x+1) columns, and find min IMR result point
+// input: IQ_Pont: previous point data(IMR Gain, Phase, ADC Result, RefRreq)
+//                 will be updated to final best point                 
+// output: TRUE or FALSE
+R828_ErrCode R828_F_IMR(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_SectType* IQ_Pont)
+	R828_SectType Compare_IQ[3];
+	R828_SectType Compare_Bet[3];
+	UINT8 VGA_Cunt;
+	UINT16 VGA_Read;
+	VGA_Cunt = 0;
+	VGA_Read = 0;	
+	//VGA
+	for(VGA_Cunt = 12;VGA_Cunt < 16;VGA_Cunt ++)
+	{
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0C;
+        R828_I2C.Data    = (R828_Arry[7] & 0xF0) + VGA_Cunt;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 10);
+		if(R828_Muti_Read(pTuner, 0x01, &VGA_Read) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		if(VGA_Read > 40*4)
+		break;
+	}
+	//Try X-1 column and save min result to Compare_Bet[0]
+	if((IQ_Pont->Gain_X & 0x1F) == 0x00)
+	{
+		Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = ((IQ_Pont->Gain_X) & 0xDF) + 1;  //Q-path, Gain=1
+	}
+	else
+		Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X  = IQ_Pont->Gain_X - 1;  //left point
+	Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y = IQ_Pont->Phase_Y;
+	if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)  // y-direction
+		return RT_Fail;
+	if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	Compare_Bet[0].Gain_X = Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X;
+	Compare_Bet[0].Phase_Y = Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y;
+	Compare_Bet[0].Value = Compare_IQ[0].Value;
+	//Try X column and save min result to Compare_Bet[1]
+	Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = IQ_Pont->Gain_X;
+	Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y = IQ_Pont->Phase_Y;
+	if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	Compare_Bet[1].Gain_X = Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X;
+	Compare_Bet[1].Phase_Y = Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y;
+	Compare_Bet[1].Value = Compare_IQ[0].Value;
+	//Try X+1 column and save min result to Compare_Bet[2]
+	if((IQ_Pont->Gain_X & 0x1F) == 0x00)		
+		Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = ((IQ_Pont->Gain_X) | 0x20) + 1;  //I-path, Gain=1
+	else
+	    Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X = IQ_Pont->Gain_X + 1;
+	Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y = IQ_Pont->Phase_Y;
+	if(R828_IQ_Tree(pTuner, Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X, Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y, 0x08, &Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_IQ[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	Compare_Bet[2].Gain_X = Compare_IQ[0].Gain_X;
+	Compare_Bet[2].Phase_Y = Compare_IQ[0].Phase_Y;
+	Compare_Bet[2].Value = Compare_IQ[0].Value;
+	if(R828_CompreCor(&Compare_Bet[0]) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	*IQ_Pont = Compare_Bet[0];
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_GPIO(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_GPIO_Type R828_GPIO_Conrl)
+	if(R828_GPIO_Conrl == HI_SIG)
+		R828_Arry[10] |= 0x01;
+	else
+		R828_Arry[10] &= 0xFE;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0F;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[10];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_SetStandard(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_Standard_Type RT_Standard)
+	// Used Normal Arry to Modify
+	UINT8 ArrayNum;
+	ArrayNum = 27;
+	for(ArrayNum=0;ArrayNum<27;ArrayNum++)
+	{
+		R828_Arry[ArrayNum] = R828_iniArry[ArrayNum];
+	}
+	// Record Init Flag & Xtal_check Result
+	if(R828_IMR_done_flag == TRUE)
+        R828_Arry[7]    = (R828_Arry[7] & 0xF0) | 0x01 | (Xtal_cap_sel<<1);
+	else
+	    R828_Arry[7]    = (R828_Arry[7] & 0xF0) | 0x00;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0C;
+    R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[7];
+    if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+       return RT_Fail;
+	// Record version
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x13;
+	R828_Arry[14]    = (R828_Arry[14] & 0xC0) | VER_NUM;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[14];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+	    return RT_Fail;
+    //for LT Gain test
+	if(RT_Standard > SECAM_L1)
+	{
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1D;  //[5:3] LNA TOP
+		R828_I2C.Data = (R828_Arry[24] & 0xC7) | 0x00;
+	    if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		    return RT_Fail;
+		//R828_Delay_MS(1);
+	}
+	// Look Up System Dependent Table
+	Sys_Info1 = R828_Sys_Sel(RT_Standard);
+	R828_IF_khz = Sys_Info1.IF_KHz;
+	R828_CAL_LO_khz = Sys_Info1.FILT_CAL_LO;
+	// Filter Calibration
+    if(R828_Fil_Cal_flag[RT_Standard] == FALSE)
+	{
+		// do filter calibration 
+		if(R828_Filt_Cal(pTuner, Sys_Info1.FILT_CAL_LO,Sys_Info1.BW) != RT_Success)
+		    return RT_Fail;
+		// read and set filter code
+		R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+		R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 5;
+		if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		R828_Fil_Cal_code[RT_Standard] = R828_I2C_Len.Data[4] & 0x0F;
+		//Filter Cali. Protection
+		if(R828_Fil_Cal_code[RT_Standard]==0 || R828_Fil_Cal_code[RT_Standard]==15)
+		{
+		   if(R828_Filt_Cal(pTuner, Sys_Info1.FILT_CAL_LO,Sys_Info1.BW) != RT_Success)
+			   return RT_Fail;
+		   R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+		   R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 5;
+		   if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+			   return RT_Fail;
+		   R828_Fil_Cal_code[RT_Standard] = R828_I2C_Len.Data[4] & 0x0F;
+		   if(R828_Fil_Cal_code[RT_Standard]==15) //narrowest
+			   R828_Fil_Cal_code[RT_Standard] = 0;
+		}
+        R828_Fil_Cal_flag[RT_Standard] = TRUE;
+	}
+	// Set Filter Q
+	R828_Arry[5]  = (R828_Arry[5] & 0xE0) | Sys_Info1.FILT_Q | R828_Fil_Cal_code[RT_Standard];  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x0A;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[5];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	// Set BW, Filter_gain, & HP corner
+	R828_Arry[6]= (R828_Arry[6] & 0x10) | Sys_Info1.HP_COR;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x0B;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[6];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	// Set Img_R
+	R828_Arry[2]  = (R828_Arry[2] & 0x7F) | Sys_Info1.IMG_R;  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x07;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[2];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	// Set filt_3dB, V6MHz
+	R828_Arry[1]  = (R828_Arry[1] & 0xCF) | Sys_Info1.FILT_GAIN;  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x06;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[1];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+    //channel filter extension
+	R828_Arry[25]  = (R828_Arry[25] & 0x9F) | Sys_Info1.EXT_ENABLE;  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x1E;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[25];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//Loop through
+	R828_Arry[0]  = (R828_Arry[0] & 0x7F) | Sys_Info1.LOOP_THROUGH;  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x05;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[0];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//Loop through attenuation
+	R828_Arry[26]  = (R828_Arry[26] & 0x7F) | Sys_Info1.LT_ATT;  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x1F;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[26];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+    //filter extention widest
+	R828_Arry[10]  = (R828_Arry[10] & 0x7F) | Sys_Info1.FLT_EXT_WIDEST;  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x0F;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[10];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//RF poly filter current
+	R828_Arry[20]  = (R828_Arry[20] & 0x9F) | Sys_Info1.POLYFIL_CUR;  
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x19;
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[20];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_Filt_Cal(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, UINT32 Cal_Freq,BW_Type R828_BW)
+	  //set in Sys_sel()
+	/*
+	if(R828_BW == BW_8M)
+	{
+		//set filt_cap = no cap
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0B;  //reg11
+		R828_Arry[6]   &= 0x9F;  //filt_cap = no cap
+		R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[6];		
+	}
+	else if(R828_BW == BW_7M)
+	{
+		//set filt_cap = +1 cap
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0B;  //reg11
+		R828_Arry[6]   &= 0x9F;  //filt_cap = no cap
+		R828_Arry[6]   |= 0x20;  //filt_cap = +1 cap
+		R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[6];		
+	}
+	else if(R828_BW == BW_6M)
+	{
+		//set filt_cap = +2 cap
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0B;  //reg11
+		R828_Arry[6]   &= 0x9F;  //filt_cap = no cap
+		R828_Arry[6]   |= 0x60;  //filt_cap = +2 cap
+		R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[6];		
+	}
+    if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;	
+    // Set filt_cap
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x0B;
+	R828_Arry[6]= (R828_Arry[6] & 0x9F) | (Sys_Info1.HP_COR & 0x60);
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[6];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//set cali clk =on
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0F;  //reg15
+	R828_Arry[10]   |= 0x04;  //calibration clk=on
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[10];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//X'tal cap 0pF for PLL
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x10;
+	R828_Arry[11]    = (R828_Arry[11] & 0xFC) | 0x00;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[11];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//Set PLL Freq = Filter Cali Freq
+	if(R828_PLL(pTuner, Cal_Freq, STD_SIZE) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//Start Trigger
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0B;	//reg11
+	R828_Arry[6]   |= 0x10;	    //vstart=1	
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[6];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//delay 0.5ms
+	R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 1);  
+	//Stop Trigger
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0B;
+	R828_Arry[6]   &= 0xEF;     //vstart=0
+	R828_I2C.Data    = R828_Arry[6];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	//set cali clk =off
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x0F;	//reg15
+	R828_Arry[10]    &= 0xFB;	//calibration clk=off
+	R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[10];
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_Set_Info R828_INFO, R828_SetFreq_Type R828_SetFreqMode)
+	 UINT32	LO_KHz;
+     // Check Input Frequency Range
+	 if((R828_INFO.RF_KHz<40000) || (R828_INFO.RF_KHz>900000))
+	 {
+	          return RT_Fail;
+	 }
+	 if(R828_INFO.R828_Standard==SECAM_L1)
+		LO_KHz = R828_INFO.RF_KHz - Sys_Info1.IF_KHz;
+	 else
+	    LO_KHz = R828_INFO.RF_KHz + Sys_Info1.IF_KHz;
+	 //Set MUX dependent var. Must do before PLL( ) 
+     if(R828_MUX(pTuner, LO_KHz) != RT_Success)
+        return RT_Fail;
+     //Set PLL
+     if(R828_PLL(pTuner, LO_KHz, R828_INFO.R828_Standard) != RT_Success)
+        return RT_Fail;
+     R828_IMR_point_num = Freq_Info1.IMR_MEM;
+     //Set TOP,VTH,VTL
+     SysFreq_Info1 = R828_SysFreq_Sel(R828_INFO.R828_Standard, R828_INFO.RF_KHz);
+     // write DectBW, pre_dect_TOP
+     R828_Arry[24] = (R828_Arry[24] & 0x38) | (SysFreq_Info1.LNA_TOP & 0xC7);
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1D;
+     R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[24];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+         return RT_Fail;
+     // write MIXER TOP, TOP+-1
+     R828_Arry[23] = (R828_Arry[23] & 0x07) | (SysFreq_Info1.MIXER_TOP & 0xF8); 
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1C;
+     R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[23];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+        return RT_Fail;
+     // write LNA VTHL
+     R828_Arry[8] = (R828_Arry[8] & 0x00) | SysFreq_Info1.LNA_VTH_L;
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0D;
+     R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[8];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+        return RT_Fail;
+     // write MIXER VTHL
+     R828_Arry[9] = (R828_Arry[9] & 0x00) | SysFreq_Info1.MIXER_VTH_L;
+     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0E;
+     R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[9];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+        return RT_Fail;
+	 // Cable-1/Air in 
+	 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x05;
+	 R828_Arry[0] &= 0x9F;
+	 R828_Arry[0] |= SysFreq_Info1.AIR_CABLE1_IN;	
+	 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[0];
+	 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	 // Cable-2 in 
+	 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x06;
+	 R828_Arry[1] &= 0xF7;
+	 R828_Arry[1] |= SysFreq_Info1.CABLE2_IN;	
+	 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[1];
+	 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+     //CP current
+	 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x11;
+	 R828_Arry[12] &= 0xC7;
+	 R828_Arry[12] |= SysFreq_Info1.CP_CUR;	
+	 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[12];
+	 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		 return RT_Fail;	
+	 //div buffer current
+	 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x17;
+	 R828_Arry[18] &= 0xCF;
+	 R828_Arry[18] |= SysFreq_Info1.DIV_BUF_CUR;
+	 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[18];
+	 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		 return RT_Fail;	
+	 // Set channel filter current 
+	 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x0A;
+	 R828_Arry[5]  = (R828_Arry[5] & 0x9F) | SysFreq_Info1.FILTER_CUR;  
+	 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[5];
+     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+         return RT_Fail;
+     //Air-In only for Astrometa
+	 R828_Arry[0] =  (R828_Arry[0] & 0x9F) | 0x00;
+     R828_Arry[1] =  (R828_Arry[1] & 0xF7) | 0x00;
+	 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x05;
+     R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[0];
+	 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+	 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x06;
+     R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[1];
+	 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+     //Set LNA
+	 if(R828_INFO.R828_Standard > SECAM_L1)
+	 {
+		 if(R828_SetFreqMode==FAST_MODE)       //FAST mode 
+		 {
+			 //R828_Arry[24] = (R828_Arry[24] & 0xC7) | 0x20; //LNA TOP:4
+			 R828_Arry[24] = (R828_Arry[24] & 0xC7) | 0x00; //LNA TOP:lowest
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1D;
+			 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[24];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				 return RT_Fail;
+			 R828_Arry[23] = (R828_Arry[23] & 0xFB);  // 0: normal mode
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1C;
+			 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[23];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 R828_Arry[1]  = (R828_Arry[1] & 0xBF);   //0: PRE_DECT off
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x06;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[1];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 //agc clk 250hz
+			 R828_Arry[21]  = (R828_Arry[21] & 0xCF) | 0x30;   			
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x1A;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[21];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+		 }
+		 else  //NORMAL mode
+		 {
+			 R828_Arry[24] = (R828_Arry[24] & 0xC7) | 0x00; //LNA TOP:lowest
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1D;
+			 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[24];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				 return RT_Fail;
+			 R828_Arry[23] = (R828_Arry[23] & 0xFB);  // 0: normal mode
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1C;
+			 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[23];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 R828_Arry[1]  = (R828_Arry[1] & 0xBF);   //0: PRE_DECT off			
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x06;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[1];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+             //agc clk 250hz
+			 R828_Arry[21]  = (R828_Arry[21] & 0xCF) | 0x30;   //250hz			
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x1A;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[21];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 R828_Delay_MS(pTuner, 250);
+			 // PRE_DECT on
+			 /*
+			 R828_Arry[1]  = (R828_Arry[1] & 0xBF) | SysFreq_Info1.PRE_DECT;
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x06;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[1];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;			 
+             */
+			 // write LNA TOP = 3
+			 //R828_Arry[24] = (R828_Arry[24] & 0xC7) | (SysFreq_Info1.LNA_TOP & 0x38);
+			 R828_Arry[24] = (R828_Arry[24] & 0xC7) | 0x18;  //TOP=3
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1D;
+			 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[24];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				 return RT_Fail;
+			 // write discharge mode
+			 R828_Arry[23] = (R828_Arry[23] & 0xFB) | (SysFreq_Info1.MIXER_TOP & 0x04); 
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1C;
+			 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[23];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 // LNA discharge current
+			 R828_Arry[25]  = (R828_Arry[25] & 0xE0) | SysFreq_Info1.LNA_DISCHARGE;  
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x1E;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[25];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 //agc clk 60hz 
+			 R828_Arry[21]  = (R828_Arry[21] & 0xCF) | 0x20;   	
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x1A;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[21];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+		 }
+	 }
+	 else 
+	 {
+		 if(R828_SetFreqMode==NORMAL_MODE || R828_SetFreqMode==FAST_MODE)
+		 {
+			 /*
+             // PRE_DECT on
+			 R828_Arry[1]  = (R828_Arry[1] & 0xBF) | SysFreq_Info1.PRE_DECT;
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x06;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[1];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;			 
+             */
+			  // PRE_DECT off
+			 R828_Arry[1]  = (R828_Arry[1] & 0xBF);   //0: PRE_DECT off
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x06;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[1];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 // write LNA TOP
+			 R828_Arry[24] = (R828_Arry[24] & 0xC7) | (SysFreq_Info1.LNA_TOP & 0x38);
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1D;
+			 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[24];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				 return RT_Fail;
+			 // write discharge mode
+			 R828_Arry[23] = (R828_Arry[23] & 0xFB) | (SysFreq_Info1.MIXER_TOP & 0x04); 
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x1C;
+			 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[23];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 // LNA discharge current
+			 R828_Arry[25]  = (R828_Arry[25] & 0xE0) | SysFreq_Info1.LNA_DISCHARGE;  
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x1E;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[25];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 // agc clk 1Khz, external det1 cap 1u
+			 R828_Arry[21]  = (R828_Arry[21] & 0xCF) | 0x00;   			
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x1A;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[21];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+			 R828_Arry[11]  = (R828_Arry[11] & 0xFB) | 0x00;   			
+			 R828_I2C.RegAddr  = 0x10;
+			 R828_I2C.Data     = R828_Arry[11];
+			 if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+				return RT_Fail;
+		 }
+	 }
+     return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_Standby(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_LoopThrough_Type R828_LoopSwitch)
+	if(R828_LoopSwitch == LOOP_THROUGH)
+	{
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x06;
+		R828_I2C.Data    = 0xB1;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x05;
+		R828_I2C.Data = 0x03;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x05;
+		R828_I2C.Data    = 0xA3;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x06;
+		R828_I2C.Data    = 0xB1;
+		if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+	}
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x07;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0x3A;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x08;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0x40;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x09;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0xC0;   //polyfilter off
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0A;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0x36;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0C;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0x35;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x0F;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0x78;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x11;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0x03;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x17;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0xF4;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x19;
+	R828_I2C.Data    = 0x0C;
+	if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_GetRfGain(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_RF_Gain_Info *pR828_rf_gain)
+	R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+	R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 4;
+	if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+		return RT_Fail;
+	pR828_rf_gain->RF_gain1 = (R828_I2C_Len.Data[3] & 0x0F);
+	pR828_rf_gain->RF_gain2 = ((R828_I2C_Len.Data[3] & 0xF0) >> 4);
+	pR828_rf_gain->RF_gain_comb = pR828_rf_gain->RF_gain1*2 + pR828_rf_gain->RF_gain2;
+    return RT_Success;
+R828_ErrCode R828_RfGainMode(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_RF_Gain_TYPE R828_RfGainType)
+    UINT8 MixerGain;
+	UINT8 LnaGain;
+    MixerGain = 0;
+	LnaGain = 0;
+	if(R828_RfGainType==RF_MANUAL)
+	{
+		//LNA auto off
+	     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x05;
+	     R828_Arry[0] = R828_Arry[0] | 0x10;
+		 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[0];
+	     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		       return RT_Fail;
+		 //Mixer auto off
+	     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x07;
+	     R828_Arry[2] = R828_Arry[2] & 0xEF;
+		 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[2];
+	     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		       return RT_Fail;
+		R828_I2C_Len.RegAddr = 0x00;
+		R828_I2C_Len.Len     = 4; 
+		if(I2C_Read_Len(pTuner, &R828_I2C_Len) != RT_Success)
+			return RT_Fail;
+		MixerGain = (R828_I2C_Len.Data[3] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+		LnaGain = R828_I2C_Len.Data[3] & 0x0F;
+		//set LNA gain
+	     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x05;
+	     R828_Arry[0] = (R828_Arry[0] & 0xF0) | LnaGain;
+		 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[0];
+	     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		       return RT_Fail;
+		 //set Mixer gain
+	     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x07;
+	     R828_Arry[2] = (R828_Arry[2] & 0xF0) | MixerGain;
+		 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[2];
+	     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		       return RT_Fail;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    //LNA
+	     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x05;
+	     R828_Arry[0] = R828_Arry[0] & 0xEF;
+		 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[0];
+	     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		       return RT_Fail;
+		 //Mixer
+	     R828_I2C.RegAddr = 0x07;
+	     R828_Arry[2] = R828_Arry[2] | 0x10;
+		 R828_I2C.Data = R828_Arry[2];
+	     if(I2C_Write(pTuner, &R828_I2C) != RT_Success)
+		       return RT_Fail;
+	}
+    return RT_Success;
+//                      Smart GUI                               //
+#if 0
+UINT8 R828_IMR_XT[6];
+UINT8 R828_IMR_YT[6];
+R828_ErrCode R828_ReadIMR(void)
+	UINT8 IMR_C = 0;
+//	UINT8 IMR_X[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+//	UINT8 IMR_Y[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+	for(IMR_C = 0;IMR_C < 6;IMR_C ++)
+	{
+		R828_IMR_XT[IMR_C] = IMR_Data[IMR_C].Gain_X;
+		R828_IMR_YT[IMR_C] = IMR_Data[IMR_C].Phase_Y;
+	}
+	return RT_Success;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_r820t.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_r820t.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_r820t.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_r820t.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.152066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_R820T_H
+#define __TUNER_R820T_H
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+//*                       INCLUDES.H
+#define VERSION   "R820T_v1.49_ASTRO"
+#define VER_NUM  49
+#define USE_16M_XTAL FALSE
+#define R828_Xtal	  28800
+#define USE_DIPLEXER      FALSE
+#define BOOL		int
+//                   Type Define                            //
+//#define  UINT8  unsigned char
+//#define UINT16 unsigned short
+//#define UINT32 unsigned long
+#ifndef _UINT_X_
+#define _UINT_X_ 1
+typedef unsigned char  UINT8;
+typedef unsigned short UINT16;
+typedef unsigned int   UINT32;
+#define TRUE	1
+#define FALSE	0
+typedef enum _R828_ErrCode
+	RT_Success,
+	RT_Fail
+typedef enum _Rafael_Chip_Type  //Don't modify chip list
+	R828 = 0,
+	R828D,
+	R828S,
+	R820T,
+	R820C,
+	R620D,
+	R620S
+//                   R828 Parameter                        //
+extern UINT8 R828_ADDRESS;
+#define DIP_FREQ  	  320000
+#define IMR_TRIAL    9
+#define VCO_pwr_ref   0x02
+extern UINT32 R828_IF_khz;
+extern UINT32 R828_CAL_LO_khz;
+extern UINT8  R828_IMR_point_num;
+extern UINT8  R828_IMR_done_flag;
+extern UINT8  Rafael_Chip;
+typedef enum _R828_Standard_Type  //Don't remove standand list!!
+	NTSC_MN = 0,
+	PAL_I,
+	PAL_B_7M,       //no use
+	PAL_BGH_8M,     //for PAL B/G, PAL G/H
+	SECAM_L1_INV,   //for SECAM L'
+	SECAM_L1,       //no use
+	DVB_T_7M,
+	DVB_T_7M_2,
+	DVB_T_8M,
+    DVB_T2_6M,
+	DVB_T2_7M,
+	DVB_T2_7M_2,
+	DVB_T2_8M,
+	DVB_T2_1_7M,
+	DVB_T2_10M,
+	DVB_C_8M,
+	DVB_C_6M,
+	R828_ATSC,
+	FM,
+extern UINT8  R828_Fil_Cal_flag[STD_SIZE];
+typedef enum _R828_SetFreq_Type
+typedef enum _R828_LoopThrough_Type
+typedef enum _R828_InputMode_Type
+	AIR_IN = 0,
+typedef enum _R828_IfAgc_Type
+	IF_AGC1 = 0,
+typedef enum _R828_GPIO_Type
+typedef struct _R828_Set_Info
+	UINT32        RF_KHz;
+	R828_Standard_Type R828_Standard;
+	R828_LoopThrough_Type RT_Input;
+	R828_InputMode_Type   RT_InputMode;
+	R828_IfAgc_Type R828_IfAgc_Select; 
+typedef struct _R828_RF_Gain_Info
+	UINT8   RF_gain1;
+	UINT8   RF_gain2;
+	UINT8   RF_gain_comb;
+typedef enum _R828_RF_Gain_TYPE
+	RF_AUTO = 0,
+typedef struct _R828_I2C_LEN_TYPE
+	UINT8 RegAddr;
+	UINT8 Data[50];
+	UINT8 Len;
+typedef struct _R828_I2C_TYPE
+	UINT8 RegAddr;
+	UINT8 Data;
+//                   R828 Function                         //
+R828_ErrCode R828_Init(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+R828_ErrCode R828_Standby(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_LoopThrough_Type R828_LoopSwitch);
+R828_ErrCode R828_GPIO(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_GPIO_Type R828_GPIO_Conrl);
+R828_ErrCode R828_SetStandard(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_Standard_Type RT_Standard);
+R828_ErrCode R828_SetFrequency(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_Set_Info R828_INFO, R828_SetFreq_Type R828_SetFreqMode);
+R828_ErrCode R828_GetRfGain(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_RF_Gain_Info *pR828_rf_gain);
+R828_ErrCode R828_RfGainMode(TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, R828_RF_Gain_TYPE R828_RfGainType);
+//                      Smart GUI                               //
+//extern UINT8 R828_IMR_XT[6];
+//extern UINT8 R828_IMR_YT[6];
+//R828_ErrCode SmartGUIFunction(void);
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char RafaelChipID
+	);
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+	int StandardMode
+	);
+	int *pStandardMode
+	);
+	int LoopThroughType
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tda18272.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tda18272.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tda18272.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tda18272.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.168066046 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,21631 @@
+@brief   TDA18272 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate TDA18272 tuner through TDA18272 module.
+TDA18272 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_tda18272.h"
+@brief   TDA18272 tuner module builder
+Use BuildTda18272Module() to build TDA18272 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to TDA18272 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   TDA18272 I2C device address
+@param [in]   CrystalFreqHz                TDA18272 crystal frequency in Hz
+@param [in]   UnitNo                       TDA18272 unit number
+@param [in]   IfOutputVppMode              TDA18272 IF output Vp-p mode
+	-# One should call BuildTda18272Module() to build TDA18272 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int UnitNo,
+	int IfOutputVppMode
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_TDA18272;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = tda18272_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = tda18272_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize  = tda18272_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz = tda18272_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz = tda18272_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	pExtra->CrystalFreqHz              = CrystalFreqHz;
+	pExtra->UnitNo                     = UnitNo;
+	pExtra->IfOutputVppMode            = IfOutputVppMode;
+	pExtra->IsStandardBandwidthModeSet = NO;
+	pExtra->IsPowerModeSet             = NO;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->SetStandardBandwidthMode = tda18272_SetStandardBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->GetStandardBandwidthMode = tda18272_GetStandardBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->SetPowerMode             = tda18272_SetPowerMode;
+	pExtra->GetPowerMode             = tda18272_GetPowerMode;
+	pExtra->GetIfFreqHz              = tda18272_GetIfFreqHz;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int UnitNo;
+	tmbslFrontEndDependency_t  sSrvTunerFunc;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Get unit number.
+	UnitNo = pExtra->UnitNo;
+	// Set user-defined function to tuner structure.
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sIo.Write             = tda18272_Write;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sIo.Read              = tda18272_Read;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sTime.Get             = Null;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sTime.Wait            = tda18272_Wait;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sDebug.Print          = Null;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sMutex.Init           = Null;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sMutex.DeInit         = Null;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sMutex.Acquire        = Null;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.sMutex.Release        = Null;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.dwAdditionalDataSize  = 0;
+	sSrvTunerFunc.pAdditionalData       = Null;
+	// De-initialize tuner.
+	// Note: 1. tmbslTDA182I2DeInit() doesn't access hardware.
+	//       2. Doesn't need to check tmbslTDA182I2DeInit() return, because we will get error return when the module is
+	//          un-initialized.
+	tmbslTDA182I2DeInit(UnitNo);
+	// Initialize tuner.
+	// Note: tmbslTDA182I2Init() doesn't access hardware.
+	if(tmbslTDA182I2Init(UnitNo, &sSrvTunerFunc, pTuner) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	// Reset tuner.
+	if(tmbslTDA182I2Reset(UnitNo) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE     *pExtra;
+	tmUnitSelect_t            UnitNo;
+	tmTDA182I2IF_AGC_Gain_t   IfOutputVppMode;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Get unit number.
+	UnitNo = (tmUnitSelect_t)pExtra->UnitNo;
+	// Get IF output Vp-p mode.
+	IfOutputVppMode = (tmTDA182I2IF_AGC_Gain_t)pExtra->IfOutputVppMode;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency.
+	if(tmbslTDA182I2SetRf(UnitNo, RfFreqHz, IfOutputVppMode) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = RfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set TDA18272 tuner standard and bandwidth mode.
+	int StandardBandwidthMode
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int UnitNo;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Get unit number.
+	UnitNo = pExtra->UnitNo;
+	// Set tuner standard and bandwidth mode.
+	if(tmbslTDA182I2SetStandardMode(UnitNo, StandardBandwidthMode) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_standard_bandwidth_mode;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth mode parameter.
+	pExtra->StandardBandwidthMode      = StandardBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->IsStandardBandwidthModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get TDA18272 tuner standard and bandwidth mode.
+	int *pStandardBandwidthMode
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth mode from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsStandardBandwidthModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_standard_bandwidth_mode;
+	*pStandardBandwidthMode = pExtra->StandardBandwidthMode;
+@brief   Set TDA18272 tuner power mode.
+	int PowerMode
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int UnitNo;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Get unit number.
+	UnitNo = pExtra->UnitNo;
+	// Set tuner power mode.
+	if(tmbslTDA182I2SetPowerState(UnitNo, PowerMode) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_power_mode;
+	// Set tuner power mode parameter.
+	pExtra->PowerMode      = PowerMode;
+	pExtra->IsPowerModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get TDA18272 tuner power mode.
+	int *pPowerMode
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Get tuner power mode from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsPowerModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_power_mode;
+	*pPowerMode = pExtra->PowerMode;
+@brief   Get TDA18272 tuner IF frequency in Hz.
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	)
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	int UnitNo;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tda18272);
+	// Get unit number.
+	UnitNo = pExtra->UnitNo;
+	// Get tuner IF frequency in Hz.
+	if(tmbslTDA182I2GetIF(UnitNo, pIfFreqHz) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_if_frequency;
+// The following context is implemented for TDA18272 source code.
+// Read TDA18272 registers.
+	tmUnitSelect_t tUnit,
+	UInt32 AddrSize,
+	UInt8* pAddr,
+	UInt32 ReadLen,
+	UInt8* pData
+	)
+	ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned long ReadingByteNum, ReadingByteNumMax, ReadingByteNumRem;
+	unsigned char RegReadingAddr;
+	// Get NXP object.
+	pObj = Null;
+	if(TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_get_nxp_object;
+	// Get tuner.
+	pTuner = pObj->pTuner;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	// Calculate maximum reading byte number.
+	ReadingByteNumMax = pBaseInterface->I2cReadingByteNumMax;
+	// Get tuner register bytes.
+	// Note: Get tuner register bytes considering maximum reading byte number.
+	for(i = 0; i < ReadLen; i += ReadingByteNumMax)
+	{
+		// Set register reading address.
+		RegReadingAddr = (unsigned char)(*pAddr + i);
+		// Calculate remainder reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNumRem = ReadLen - i;
+		// Determine reading byte number.
+		ReadingByteNum = (ReadingByteNumRem > ReadingByteNumMax) ? ReadingByteNumMax : ReadingByteNumRem;
+		// Set tuner register reading address.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register reading address setting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr * N + stop_bit
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &RegReadingAddr, (unsigned long)AddrSize) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_set_tuner_register_reading_address;
+		// Get tuner register byte.
+		// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte getting is as follows:
+		//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | reading_bit) + read_data * N + stop_bit
+		if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cReadingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, &pData[i], ReadingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+			goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	}
+	return TM_OK;
+	return TM_ERR_READ;
+// Write TDA18272 registers.
+	tmUnitSelect_t tUnit,
+	UInt32 AddrSize,
+	UInt8* pAddr,
+	UInt32 WriteLen,
+	UInt8* pData
+	)
+	ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+	unsigned char WritingBuffer[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned long WritingByteNum;
+	// Get NXP object.
+	pObj = Null;
+	if(TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_get_nxp_object;
+	// Get tuner.
+	pTuner = pObj->pTuner;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+	// Calculate writing byte number.
+	WritingByteNum = (unsigned char)(AddrSize + WriteLen);
+	// Set writing bytes.
+	// Note: The I2C format of tuner register byte setting is as follows:
+	//       start_bit + (DeviceAddr | writing_bit) + addr * N + data * N + stop_bit
+	for(i = 0; i < AddrSize; i++)
+		WritingBuffer[i] = pAddr[i];
+	for(i = 0; i < WriteLen; i++)
+		WritingBuffer[AddrSize + i] = pData[i];
+	// Set tuner register bytes with writing buffer.
+	if(pI2cBridge->ForwardI2cWritingCmd(pI2cBridge, DeviceAddr, WritingBuffer, WritingByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return TM_OK;
+	return TM_ERR_WRITE;
+// Wait a time.
+	tmUnitSelect_t tUnit,
+	UInt32 tms
+	)
+	ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj;
+	// Get NXP object.
+	pObj = Null;
+	if(TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj) != TM_OK)
+		goto error_status_get_nxp_object;
+	// Get tuner.
+	pTuner = pObj->pTuner;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	// Wait a time.
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, tms);
+	return TM_OK;
+// The following context is source code provided by NXP.
+// NXP source code - .\tmbslTDA182I2\src\tmbslTDA182I2.c
+// $Header: 
+// (C) Copyright 2001 NXP Semiconductors, All rights reserved
+// This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole
+// property of NXP Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software
+// License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of NXP
+// Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and dissemination by
+// any party other than NXP Corporation is strictly limited by the
+// confidential information provisions of the Agreement referenced above.
+// FILE NAME:    tmbslTDA182I2.c
+// %version: 33 %
+// DESCRIPTION:  Function for the Hybrid silicon tuner TDA182I2
+// NOTES:
+// Standard include files:
+//#include "tmNxTypes.h"
+//#include "tmCompId.h"
+//#include "tmFrontEnd.h"
+//#include "tmbslFrontEndTypes.h"
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2.h"
+//#ifdef TMBSL_TDA18272
+// #include "tmbslTDA18272.h"
+//#else /* TMBSL_TDA18272 */
+// #include "tmbslTDA18212.h"
+//#endif /* TMBSL_TDA18272 */
+// Project include files:
+//#include "tmbslTDA182I2local.h"
+//#include "tmbslTDA182I2Instance.h"
+// Types and defines:
+// Global data:
+// Exported functions:
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA18211Init:
+// DESCRIPTION: create an instance of a TDA182I2 Tuner
+//              TM_OK
+// NOTES:
+    tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    tmbslFrontEndDependency_t*  psSrvFunc,   /*  I: setup parameters */
+    TUNER_MODULE                *pTuner	    // Added by Realtek
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    if (psSrvFunc == Null)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        //----------------------
+        // initialize the Object
+        //----------------------
+        // pObj initialization
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    }
+    /* check driver state */
+    if (err == TM_OK || err == TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED)
+    {
+        if (pObj != Null && pObj->init == True)
+        {
+            err = TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            /* initialize the Object */
+            if (pObj == Null)
+            {
+                err = TDA182I2AllocInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+                if (err != TM_OK || pObj == Null)
+                {
+                    err = TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;        
+                }
+            }
+            if (err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                // initialize the Object by default values
+                pObj->sRWFunc = psSrvFunc->sIo;
+                pObj->sTime = psSrvFunc->sTime;
+                pObj->sDebug = psSrvFunc->sDebug;
+                if(  psSrvFunc->sMutex.Init != Null
+                    && psSrvFunc->sMutex.DeInit != Null
+                    && psSrvFunc->sMutex.Acquire != Null
+                    && psSrvFunc->sMutex.Release != Null)
+                {
+                    pObj->sMutex = psSrvFunc->sMutex;
+                    err = pObj->sMutex.Init(&pObj->pMutex);
+                }
+                pObj->init = True;
+                err = TM_OK;
+                err = tmddTDA182I2Init(tUnit, psSrvFunc);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Init(0x%08X) failed.", pObj->tUnit));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Added by Realtek
+    pObj->pTuner = pTuner;
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2DeInit:
+// DESCRIPTION: destroy an instance of a TDA182I2 Tuner
+//              TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//              TM_OK
+// NOTES:
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    /* check input parameters */
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = tmddTDA182I2DeInit(tUnit);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2DeInit(0x%08X) failed.", pObj->tUnit));
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+        if(pObj->sMutex.DeInit != Null)
+        {
+            if(pObj->pMutex != Null)
+            {
+                err = pObj->sMutex.DeInit(pObj->pMutex);
+            }
+            pObj->sMutex.Init = Null;
+            pObj->sMutex.DeInit = Null;
+            pObj->sMutex.Acquire = Null;
+            pObj->sMutex.Release = Null;
+            pObj->pMutex = Null;
+        }
+    }
+    err = TDA182I2DeAllocInstance(tUnit);
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2GetSWVersion:
+// DESCRIPTION: Return the version of this device
+// RETURN:      TM_OK
+// NOTES:       Values defined in the tmTDA182I2local.h file
+    ptmSWVersion_t  pSWVersion  /* I: Receives SW Version */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err = TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
+    err = tmddTDA182I2GetSWVersion(pSWVersion);
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2CheckHWVersion:
+// DESCRIPTION: Check HW version
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       Values defined in the tmTDA182I2local.h file
+    tmUnitSelect_t tUnit    /* I: Unit number */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
+    UInt16              uIdentity = 0;
+    UInt8               majorRevision = 0;
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = tmddTDA182I2GetIdentity(tUnit, &uIdentity);
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            if(uIdentity == 18272 || uIdentity == 18212)
+            {
+                /* TDA18272/12 found. Check Major Revision*/
+                err = tmddTDA182I2GetMajorRevision(tUnit, &majorRevision);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetMajorRevision(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+                if(err == TM_OK && majorRevision != 1)
+                {
+                    /* Only TDA18272/12 ES2 are supported */
+                    err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_VERSION;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_VERSION;
+            }
+        }
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2SetPowerState:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the power state of this device.
+//              TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//              TM_OK
+// NOTES:       
+    tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    tmTDA182I2PowerState_t  powerState  /* I: Power state of this device */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    // pObj initialization
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        if(powerState > pObj->minPowerState)
+        {
+            powerState = pObj->minPowerState;
+        }
+        // Call tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState
+        err = tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState(tUnit, powerState);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // set power state
+            pObj->curPowerState = powerState;
+        }
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2GetPowerState:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the power state of this device.
+//              TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//              TM_OK
+// NOTES:
+    tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,          /* I: Unit number */
+    tmTDA182I2PowerState_t  *pPowerState    /* O: Power state of this device */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    if(pPowerState == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // pObj initialization
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // get power state
+        *pPowerState = pObj->curPowerState;
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2SetStandardMode:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the standard mode of this device.
+//              TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//              TM_OK
+// NOTES:       
+    tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,          /* I: Unit number */
+    tmTDA182I2StandardMode_t    StandardMode    /* I: Standard mode of this device */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    // pObj initialization
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // store standard mode 
+        pObj->StandardMode = StandardMode;
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2GetStandardMode:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the standard mode of this device.
+//              TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//              TM_OK
+// NOTES:
+    tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,          /* I: Unit number */
+    tmTDA182I2StandardMode_t    *pStandardMode  /* O: Standard mode of this device */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    if(pStandardMode == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // pObj initialization
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get standard mode */
+        *pStandardMode = pObj->StandardMode;
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2SetRf:
+// DESCRIPTION: Calculate i2c I2CMap & write in TDA182I2
+//              TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//              TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//              TMBSL_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//              TM_OK
+// NOTES:       
+    tmUnitSelect_t            tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32                    uRF,    /* I: RF frequency in hertz */
+    tmTDA182I2IF_AGC_Gain_t   IF_Gain     // Added by realtek
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    Bool                bIRQWait = True;
+    UInt8   ratioL, ratioH;
+    UInt32  DeltaL, DeltaH;
+	UInt8 uAGC1_loop_off;
+	UInt8 uRF_Filter_Gv = 0;
+    //------------------------------
+    // test input parameters
+    //------------------------------
+    // pObj initialization
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+	{
+		err = tmddTDA182I2GetIRQWait(tUnit, &bIRQWait);
+		tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetIRQWait(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+		pObj->uRF = uRF;
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set LPF */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetLP_FC(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].LPF);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetLP_FC(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set LPF Offset */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetLP_FC_Offset(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].LPF_Offset);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetLP_FC_Offset(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set IF Gain */
+//            err = tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Level(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].IF_Gain);
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Level(tUnit, IF_Gain);		// Modified by Realtek
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Level(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set IF Notch */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetIF_ATSC_Notch(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].IF_Notch);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIF_ATSC_Notch(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Enable/disable HPF */
+            if ( pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].IF_HPF == tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled )
+            {
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetHi_Pass(tUnit, 0);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetHi_Pass(0x%08X, 0) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetHi_Pass(tUnit, 1);     
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetHi_Pass(0x%08X, 1) failed.", tUnit));
+                if(err == TM_OK)
+                {
+                    /* Set IF HPF */
+                    err = tmddTDA182I2SetIF_HP_Fc(tUnit, (UInt8)(pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].IF_HPF - 1));
+                    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIF_HP_Fc(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set DC Notch */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Notch(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].DC_Notch);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Notch(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC1 LNA Top */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_TOP(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC1_LNA_TOP);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_TOP(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC2 RF Top */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_TOP(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_TOP(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC3 RF AGC Top */
+            if (pObj->uRF < tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_FREQ_LIM)
+            {
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Top(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Top(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Top(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Top(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC4 IR Mixer Top */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Mixer_Top(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Mixer_Top(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC5 IF AGC Top */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_TOP(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_TOP(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC3 Adapt */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetPD_RFAGC_Adapt(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC3_Adapt);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetPD_RFAGC_Adapt(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC3 Adapt TOP */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Adapt_TOP(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC3_Adapt_TOP);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Adapt_TOP(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC5 Atten 3dB */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Atten_3dB(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC5_Atten_3dB);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Atten_3dB(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGC5 Detector HPF */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Ana(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC5_Detector_HPF);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Ana(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set AGCK Mode */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGCK_Mode(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].GSK&0x03);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGCK_Mode(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGCK_Step(tUnit, (pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].GSK&0x0C)>>2);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGCK_Step(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set H3H5 VHF Filter 6 */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_StoB(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].H3H5_VHF_Filter6);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_StoB(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set IF */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Freq(tUnit, pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].IF - pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].CF_Offset);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Freq(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+		if (pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].LTO_STO_immune && pObj->Master )
+		{
+			/* save RF_Filter_Gv current value */
+			if(err == TM_OK)
+			{
+				err = tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_Gain_Read (tUnit, &uRF_Filter_Gv);
+				tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Gv(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+			}
+			if(err == TM_OK)
+			{	     
+				err = tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Gv(tUnit, uRF_Filter_Gv );
+			}
+			if(err == TM_OK)
+			{
+				err = tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC2_gain(tUnit, 0x1);
+			}
+			/* smooth RF_Filter_Gv to min value */
+			if((err == TM_OK)&&(uRF_Filter_Gv != 0))
+			{
+				do
+				{
+					err = tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Gv(tUnit, uRF_Filter_Gv -1 );
+					tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Gv(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+					if(err == TM_OK)
+					{
+						err = TDA182I2Wait(pObj, 10);
+						tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Cap(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+					}
+					uRF_Filter_Gv = uRF_Filter_Gv -1 ;
+				}
+				while ( uRF_Filter_Gv > 0);
+			}
+			if(err == TM_OK)
+			{
+				err = tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Atten_3dB (tUnit, 0x01);
+				tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Gv(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+			}
+		}
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set RF */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Freq(tUnit, uRF + pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].CF_Offset);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Freq(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+		if (pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].LTO_STO_immune && pObj->Master )
+		{
+			if(err == TM_OK)
+			{
+				err = tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Atten_3dB (tUnit, 0x00);
+				tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Gv(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+			}
+			err = TDA182I2Wait(pObj, 50);
+			if(err == TM_OK)
+			{
+				tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC2_gain(tUnit, 0x0);
+			}
+		}
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /*  Spurious reduction begin */
+            ratioL = (UInt8)(uRF / 16000000);
+            ratioH = (UInt8)(uRF / 16000000) + 1;
+            DeltaL = (uRF - (ratioL * 16000000));
+            DeltaH = ((ratioH * 16000000) - uRF);
+            if (uRF < 72000000 )
+            {
+                /* Set sigma delta clock*/
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 1);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, sigma delta clock) failed.", tUnit));                    
+            }
+            else if (uRF < 104000000 )
+            {
+                /* Set 16 Mhz Xtal clock */
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 0);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, 16 Mhz xtal clock) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+            else if (uRF <= 120000000 )
+            {
+                /* Set sigma delta clock*/
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 1);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, sigma delta clock) failed.", tUnit));                    
+            }
+            else  /* RF above 120 MHz */
+            {
+                if  (DeltaL <= DeltaH )  
+                {
+                    if (ratioL & 0x000001 )  /* ratioL odd */
+                    {
+                        /* Set 16 Mhz Xtal clock */
+                        err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 0);
+                        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, 16 Mhz xtal clock) failed.", tUnit));
+                    }
+                    else /* ratioL even */
+                    {
+                        /* Set sigma delta clock*/
+                        err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 1);
+                        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, sigma delta clock) failed.", tUnit));
+                    }
+                }
+                else  /* (DeltaL > DeltaH ) */
+                {
+                    if (ratioL & 0x000001 )  /*(ratioL odd)*/
+                    {
+                        /* Set sigma delta clock*/
+                        err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 1);
+                        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, sigma delta clock) failed.", tUnit));
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /* Set 16 Mhz Xtal clock */
+                        err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 0);
+                        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, 16 Mhz xtal clock) failed.", tUnit));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+		}
+        /*  Spurious reduction end */
+		if(err == TM_OK)
+		{
+			if ( pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].AGC1_Freeze == True )
+			{
+				err  =  tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_loop_off(tUnit, &uAGC1_loop_off) ;
+				if (uAGC1_loop_off == 0) // first AGC1 freeze
+				{
+					err  =  tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_loop_off(tUnit, 0x1 ) ;
+					if(err == TM_OK)
+					{
+						err = tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC1_gain(tUnit, 0x1);
+					}
+				}
+				if(err == TM_OK)
+				{				
+					err = tmddTDA182I2AGC1_Adapt (tUnit); /* Adapt AGC1gain from Last SetRF */
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				err = tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC1_gain(tUnit, 0x0);
+				if(err == TM_OK)
+				{
+					err  =  tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_loop_off(tUnit, 0x0 ) ;
+				}
+			}	
+		}
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+	}
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmbslTDA182I2GetRf:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the frequency programmed in the tuner
+//              TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//              TM_OK
+// NOTES:       The value returned is the one stored in the Object
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32*         puRF    /* O: RF frequency in hertz */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    if(puRF == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    //------------------------------
+    // test input parameters
+    //------------------------------
+    // pObj initialization
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get RF */
+        *puRF = pObj->uRF/* - pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].CF_Offset*/;
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2Reset                                                         */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    Bool                bIRQWait = True;
+    //------------------------------
+    // test input parameters
+    //------------------------------
+    // pObj initialization
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = tmddTDA182I2GetIRQWait(tUnit, &bIRQWait);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetIRQWait(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = TDA182I2Init(tUnit);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2Init(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            //  Wait for  XtalCal End ( Master only )
+            if (pObj->Master)
+            {
+                err = TDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End ( pObj, 100, 5);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Initialize Fmax_LO and N_CP_Current */
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetFmax_Lo(tUnit, 0x00);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetFmax_Lo(0x%08X, 0x0A) failed.", tUnit));
+                if(err == TM_OK)
+                {
+                    err = tmddTDA182I2SetN_CP_Current(tUnit, 0x68);
+                    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetN_CP_Current(0x%08X, 0x68) failed.", tUnit));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // initialize tuner
+            err =  tmddTDA182I2Reset(tUnit);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Reset(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if (err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Initialize Fmax_LO and N_CP_Current */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetFmax_Lo(tUnit, 0x0A);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetFmax_Lo(0x%08X, 0x0A) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if (err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetLT_Enable(tUnit, pObj->LT_Enable );
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetLT_Enable(0x%08X, 0) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if (err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_AGC1(tUnit, pObj->PSM_AGC1 );
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_AGC1(0x%08X, 1) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if (err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_6_15dB(tUnit, pObj->AGC1_6_15dB );
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_6_15dB(0x%08X, 0) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2GetIF                                                         */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32*         puIF    /* O: IF Frequency in hertz */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(puIF == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        *puIF = pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].IF - pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].CF_Offset;
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2GetCF_Offset                                                  */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32*         puOffset    /* O: Center frequency offset in hertz */
+    )
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(puOffset == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        *puOffset = pObj->Std_Array[pObj->StandardMode].CF_Offset;
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2GetLockStatus                                                 */
+    tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    tmbslFrontEndState_t*   pLockStatus /* O: PLL Lock status */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    UInt8 uValue, uValueLO;
+    if( pLockStatus == Null )
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err =  tmddTDA182I2GetLO_Lock(tUnit, &uValueLO);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetLO_Lock(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err =  tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status(tUnit, &uValue);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            uValue = uValue & uValueLO;
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            *pLockStatus =  (uValue)? tmbslFrontEndStateLocked : tmbslFrontEndStateNotLocked;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *pLockStatus = tmbslFrontEndStateUnknown;  
+        }
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2GetPowerLevel                                                 */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32*         pPowerLevel /* O: Power Level in dBuV */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(pPowerLevel == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        *pPowerLevel = 0;
+        err = tmddTDA182I2GetPower_Level(tUnit, (UInt8 *)pPowerLevel);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetPower_Level(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2SetIRQWait                                                  */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    Bool            bWait   /* I: Determine if we need to wait IRQ in driver functions */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = tmddTDA182I2SetIRQWait(tUnit, bWait);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIRQWait(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2GetIRQWait                                                  */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    Bool*           pbWait  /* O: Determine if we need to wait IRQ in driver functions */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(pbWait == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = tmddTDA182I2GetIRQWait(tUnit, pbWait);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetIRQWait(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2GetIRQ                                                        */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit  /* I: Unit number */,
+    Bool*           pbIRQ  /* O: IRQ triggered */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(pbIRQ == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        *pbIRQ = 0;
+        err = tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status(tUnit, (UInt8 *)pbIRQ);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2WaitIRQ                                                       */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          timeOut,    /* I: timeOut for IRQ wait */
+    UInt32          waitStep,   /* I: wait step */
+    UInt8           irqStatus   /* I: IRQs to wait */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = tmddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(tUnit, timeOut, waitStep, irqStatus);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2GetXtalCal_End                                                */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit  /* I: Unit number */,
+    Bool*           pbXtalCal_End  /* O: XtalCal_End triggered */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(pbXtalCal_End == Null)
+        err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        *pbXtalCal_End = 0;
+        err = tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End(tUnit, (UInt8 *)pbXtalCal_End);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End                                               */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          timeOut,    /* I: timeOut for IRQ wait */
+    UInt32          waitStep   /* I: wait step */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = tmddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End(tUnit, timeOut, waitStep);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2CheckRFFilterRobustness                                       */
+ tmUnitSelect_t                         tUnit,      // I: Unit number
+ ptmTDA182I2RFFilterRating              rating      // O: RF Filter rating
+ )
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        UInt8  rfcal_log_0 = 0;
+        UInt8  rfcal_log_2 = 0;
+        UInt8  rfcal_log_3 = 0;
+        UInt8  rfcal_log_5 = 0;
+        UInt8  rfcal_log_6 = 0;
+        UInt8  rfcal_log_8 = 0;
+        UInt8  rfcal_log_9 = 0;
+        UInt8  rfcal_log_11 = 0;
+        double   VHFLow_0 = 0.0;
+        double   VHFLow_1 = 0.0;
+        double   VHFHigh_0 = 0.0;
+        double   VHFHigh_1 = 0.0;
+        double   UHFLow_0 = 0.0;
+        double   UHFLow_1 = 0.0;
+        double   UHFHigh_0 = 0.0;
+        double   UHFHigh_1 = 0.0;
+        err = tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_0(tUnit, &rfcal_log_0);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_0(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_2(tUnit, &rfcal_log_2);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_2(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_3(tUnit, &rfcal_log_3);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_3(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_5(tUnit, &rfcal_log_5);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_5(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_6(tUnit, &rfcal_log_6);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_6(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_8(tUnit, &rfcal_log_8);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_8(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_9(tUnit, &rfcal_log_9);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_9(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_11(tUnit, &rfcal_log_11);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_11(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        { 
+            if (rfcal_log_0 & 0x80)
+            {
+                rating->VHFLow_0_Margin = 0;    
+                rating->VHFLow_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // VHFLow_0
+                VHFLow_0 = 100 * (45 - 39.8225 * (1 + (0.31 * (rfcal_log_0 < 64 ? rfcal_log_0 : rfcal_log_0 - 128)) / 1.0 / 100.0)) / 45.0;
+                rating->VHFLow_0_Margin = 0.0024 * VHFLow_0 * VHFLow_0 * VHFLow_0 - 0.101 * VHFLow_0 * VHFLow_0 + 1.629 * VHFLow_0 + 1.8266;
+                if (rating->VHFLow_0_Margin >= 0) 
+                {
+                    rating->VHFLow_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rating->VHFLow_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low;
+                }
+            }
+            if (rfcal_log_2 & 0x80)
+            {
+                rating->VHFLow_1_Margin = 0;    
+                rating->VHFLow_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // VHFLow_1
+                VHFLow_1 = 100 * (152.1828 * (1 + (1.53 * (rfcal_log_2 < 64 ? rfcal_log_2 : rfcal_log_2 - 128)) / 1.0 / 100.0) - (144.896 - 6)) / (144.896 - 6); 
+                rating->VHFLow_1_Margin = 0.0024 * VHFLow_1 * VHFLow_1 * VHFLow_1 - 0.101 * VHFLow_1 * VHFLow_1 + 1.629 * VHFLow_1 + 1.8266;
+                if (rating->VHFLow_1_Margin >= 0)
+                {
+                    rating->VHFLow_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rating->VHFLow_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low;
+                }
+            }
+            if (rfcal_log_3 & 0x80)
+            {
+                rating->VHFHigh_0_Margin = 0;    
+                rating->VHFHigh_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // VHFHigh_0    
+                VHFHigh_0 = 100 * ((144.896 + 6) - 135.4063 * (1 + (0.27 * (rfcal_log_3 < 64 ? rfcal_log_3 : rfcal_log_3 - 128)) / 1.0 / 100.0)) / (144.896 + 6);
+                rating->VHFHigh_0_Margin = 0.0024 * VHFHigh_0 * VHFHigh_0 * VHFHigh_0 - 0.101 * VHFHigh_0 * VHFHigh_0 + 1.629 * VHFHigh_0 + 1.8266;
+                if (rating->VHFHigh_0_Margin >= 0)
+                {
+                    rating->VHFHigh_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rating->VHFHigh_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low;
+                }
+            }
+            if (rfcal_log_5 & 0x80)
+            {
+                rating->VHFHigh_1_Margin = 0;    
+                rating->VHFHigh_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // VHFHigh_1
+                VHFHigh_1 = 100 * (383.1455 * (1 + (0.91 * (rfcal_log_5 < 64 ? rfcal_log_5 : rfcal_log_5 - 128)) / 1.0 / 100.0) - (367.104 - 8)) / (367.104 - 8);
+                rating->VHFHigh_1_Margin = 0.0024 * VHFHigh_1 * VHFHigh_1 * VHFHigh_1 - 0.101 * VHFHigh_1 * VHFHigh_1 + 1.629 * VHFHigh_1 + 1.8266;
+                if (rating->VHFHigh_1_Margin >= 0)
+                {
+                    rating->VHFHigh_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rating->VHFHigh_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low;
+                }
+            }
+            if (rfcal_log_6 & 0x80)
+            {
+                rating->UHFLow_0_Margin = 0;    
+                rating->UHFLow_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // UHFLow_0
+                UHFLow_0 = 100 * ((367.104 + 8) - 342.6224 * (1 + (0.21 * (rfcal_log_6 < 64 ? rfcal_log_6 : rfcal_log_6 - 128)) / 1.0 / 100.0)) / (367.104 + 8);
+                rating->UHFLow_0_Margin = 0.0024 * UHFLow_0 * UHFLow_0 * UHFLow_0 - 0.101 * UHFLow_0 * UHFLow_0 + 1.629 * UHFLow_0 + 1.8266;
+                if (rating->UHFLow_0_Margin >= 0)
+                {
+                    rating->UHFLow_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rating->UHFLow_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low;
+                }
+            }
+            if (rfcal_log_8 & 0x80)
+            {
+                rating->UHFLow_1_Margin = 0;    
+                rating->UHFLow_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // UHFLow_1
+                UHFLow_1 = 100 * (662.5595 * (1 + (0.33 * (rfcal_log_8 < 64 ? rfcal_log_8 : rfcal_log_8 - 128)) / 1.0 / 100.0) - (624.128 - 2)) / (624.128 - 2);
+                rating->UHFLow_1_Margin = 0.0024 * UHFLow_1 * UHFLow_1 * UHFLow_1 - 0.101 * UHFLow_1 * UHFLow_1 + 1.629 * UHFLow_1 + 1.8266;
+                if (rating->UHFLow_1_Margin >= 0)
+                {
+                    rating->UHFLow_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rating->UHFLow_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low;
+                }
+            }
+            if (rfcal_log_9 & 0x80)
+            {
+                rating->UHFHigh_0_Margin = 0;    
+                rating->UHFHigh_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // UHFHigh_0
+                UHFHigh_0 = 100 * ((624.128 + 2) - 508.2747 * (1 + (0.23 * (rfcal_log_9 < 64 ? rfcal_log_9 : rfcal_log_9 - 128)) / 1.0 / 100.0)) / (624.128 + 2);
+                rating->UHFHigh_0_Margin = 0.0024 * UHFHigh_0 * UHFHigh_0 * UHFHigh_0 - 0.101 * UHFHigh_0 * UHFHigh_0 + 1.629 * UHFHigh_0 + 1.8266;
+                if (rating->UHFHigh_0_Margin >= 0)
+                {
+                    rating->UHFHigh_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rating->UHFHigh_0_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low;
+                }
+            }
+            if (rfcal_log_11 & 0x80)
+            {
+                rating->UHFHigh_1_Margin = 0;    
+                rating->UHFHigh_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // UHFHigh_1
+                UHFHigh_1 = 100 * (947.8913 * (1 + (0.3 * (rfcal_log_11 < 64 ? rfcal_log_11 : rfcal_log_11 - 128)) / 1.0 / 100.0) - (866 - 14)) / (866 - 14);
+                rating->UHFHigh_1_Margin = 0.0024 * UHFHigh_1 * UHFHigh_1 * UHFHigh_1 - 0.101 * UHFHigh_1 * UHFHigh_1 + 1.629 * UHFHigh_1 + 1.8266;            
+                if (rating->UHFHigh_1_Margin >= 0)
+                {
+                    rating->UHFHigh_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rating->UHFHigh_1_RFFilterRobustness =  tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* tmbslTDA182I2Write                                                         */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          uIndex,     /* I: Start index to write */
+    UInt32          WriteLen,   /* I: Number of bytes to write */
+    UInt8*          pData       /* I: Data to write */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    // pObj initialization
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = TDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, TDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // Call tmddTDA182I2Write
+        (void)TDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// Internal functions:
+// FUNCTION:    TDA182I2Init:
+// DESCRIPTION: initialization of the Tuner
+// RETURN:      always True
+// NOTES:       
+static tmErrorCode_t
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t       err  = TM_OK;
+    //------------------------------
+    // test input parameters
+    //------------------------------
+    // pObj initialization
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "TDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        //err = tmddTDA182I2SetIRQWait(tUnit, True);
+        //if(pObj->bIRQWait)
+        //{
+        //    err = TDA182I2WaitIRQ(pObj);
+        //}
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    TDA182I2Wait
+// DESCRIPTION: This function waits for requested time
+// RETURN:      True or False
+// NOTES:       
+static tmErrorCode_t 
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj,   /* I: Driver object */
+    UInt32              Time   /*  I: Time to wait for */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err  = TM_OK;
+    // wait Time ms
+    err = POBJ_SRVFUNC_STIME.Wait(pObj->tUnit, Time);
+    // Return value
+    return err;
+/* TDA182I2MutexAcquire                                                       */
+extern tmErrorCode_t
+ ptmTDA182I2Object_t    pObj,
+ UInt32                 timeOut
+ )
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(pObj->sMutex.Acquire != Null && pObj->pMutex != Null)
+    {
+        err = pObj->sMutex.Acquire(pObj->pMutex, timeOut);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* TDA182I2MutexRelease                                                       */
+extern tmErrorCode_t
+ ptmTDA182I2Object_t    pObj
+ )
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TM_OK;
+    if(pObj->sMutex.Release != Null && pObj->pMutex != Null)
+    {
+        err = pObj->sMutex.Release(pObj->pMutex);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Wait for MSM_XtalCal_End to trigger                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+static tmErrorCode_t
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,       /* I: Instance object */
+    UInt32                  timeOut,    /* I: timeout */
+    UInt32                  waitStep    /* I: wait step */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err  = TM_OK;
+    UInt32          counter = timeOut/waitStep; /* Wait max timeOut/waitStepms */
+    UInt8           uMSM_XtalCal_End = 0;
+    while(err == TM_OK && (--counter)>0)
+    {
+        err = tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End(pObj->tUnit, &uMSM_XtalCal_End);
+        if(uMSM_XtalCal_End == 1)
+        {
+            /* MSM_XtalCal_End triggered => Exit */
+            break;
+        }
+        TDA182I2Wait(pObj, waitStep);
+    }
+    if(counter == 0)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_READY;
+    }
+    return err;
+// NXP source code - .\tmbslTDA182I2\src\tmbslTDA182I2Instance.c
+// $Header: 
+// (C) Copyright 2001 NXP Semiconductors, All rights reserved
+// This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole
+// property of NXP Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software
+// License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of NXP
+// Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and dissemination by
+// any party other than NXP Corporation is strictly limited by the
+// confidential information provisions of the Agreement referenced above.
+// FILE NAME:    tmbslTDA182I2Instance.c
+// DESCRIPTION:  define the static Objects
+// DOCUMENT REF: DVP Software Coding Guidelines v1.14
+//               DVP Board Support Library Architecture Specification v0.5
+// NOTES:        
+//#include "tmNxTypes.h"
+//#include "tmCompId.h"
+//#include "tmFrontEnd.h"
+//#include "tmUnitParams.h"
+//#include "tmbslFrontEndTypes.h"
+//#ifdef TMBSL_TDA18272
+// #include "tmbslTDA18272.h"
+//#else /* TMBSL_TDA18272 */
+// #include "tmbslTDA18212.h"
+//#endif /* TMBSL_TDA18272 */
+//#include "tmbslTDA182I2local.h"
+//#include "tmbslTDA182I2Instance.h"
+//#include <tmbslTDA182I2_InstanceCustom.h>
+// Global data:
+// default instance
+tmTDA182I2Object_t gTDA182I2Instance[] = 
+    {
+        (tmUnitSelect_t)(-1),                                   /* tUnit */
+        (tmUnitSelect_t)(-1),                                   /* tUnit temporary */
+        Null,                                                   /* pMutex */
+        False,                                                  /* init (instance initialization default) */
+        {                                                       /* sRWFunc */
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        {                                                       /* sTime */
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        {                                                       /* sDebug */
+            Null
+        },
+        {                                                       /* sMutex */
+            Null,
+            Null,
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+#ifdef TMBSL_TDA18272
+            {
+            }
+            {
+            }
+    },
+    {
+        (tmUnitSelect_t)(-1),                                   /* tUnit */
+        (tmUnitSelect_t)(-1),                                   /* tUnit temporary */
+        Null,                                                   /* pMutex */
+        False,                                                  /* init (instance initialization default) */
+        {                                                       /* sRWFunc */
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        {                                                       /* sTime */
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        {                                                       /* sDebug */
+            Null
+        },
+        {                                                       /* sMutex */
+            Null,
+            Null,
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+#ifdef TMBSL_TDA18272
+        {
+        }
+        {
+        }
+    }
+// FUNCTION:    TDA182I2AllocInstance:
+// DESCRIPTION: allocate new instance
+// RETURN:      
+// NOTES:       
+    tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    pptmTDA182I2Object_t    ppDrvObject /* I: Device Object */
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    UInt32              uLoopCounter = 0;    
+    /* Find a free instance */
+    for(uLoopCounter = 0; uLoopCounter<TDA182I2_MAX_UNITS; uLoopCounter++)
+    {
+        pObj = &gTDA182I2Instance[uLoopCounter];
+        if(pObj->init == False)
+        {
+            pObj->tUnit = tUnit;
+            pObj->tUnitW = tUnit;
+			// Added by Realtek.
+			// Set master bit manually according to tUnit.
+			pObj->Master = (tUnit == 0) ? True : False;
+            *ppDrvObject = pObj;
+            err = TM_OK;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* return value */
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    TDA182I2DeAllocInstance:
+// DESCRIPTION: deallocate instance
+// RETURN:      always TM_OK
+// NOTES:       
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    /* check input parameters */
+    err = TDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    /* check driver state */
+    if (err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        if (pObj == Null || pObj->init == False)
+        {
+            err = TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
+        }
+    }
+    if ((err == TM_OK) && (pObj != Null)) 
+    {
+        pObj->init = False;
+    }
+    /* return value */
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    TDA182I2GetInstance:
+// DESCRIPTION: get the instance
+// RETURN:      always True
+// NOTES:       
+    tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    pptmTDA182I2Object_t    ppDrvObject /* I: Device Object */
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
+    ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    UInt32              uLoopCounter = 0;    
+    /* get instance */
+    for(uLoopCounter = 0; uLoopCounter<TDA182I2_MAX_UNITS; uLoopCounter++)
+    {
+        pObj = &gTDA182I2Instance[uLoopCounter];
+        if(pObj->init == True && pObj->tUnit == GET_INDEX_TYPE_TUNIT(tUnit))
+        {
+            pObj->tUnitW = tUnit;
+            *ppDrvObject = pObj;
+            err = TM_OK;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* return value */
+    return err;
+// NXP source code - .\tmddTDA182I2\src\tmddTDA182I2.c
+  Copyright (C) 2006-2009 NXP B.V., All Rights Reserved.
+  This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the proprietary
+  information of NXP B.V. and is confidential in nature. Under no circumstances
+  is this software to be  exposed to or placed under an Open Source License of
+  any type without the expressed written permission of NXP B.V.
+ *
+ * \file          tmddTDA182I2.c
+ *
+ *                3
+ *
+ * \date          %modify_time%
+ *
+ * \brief         Describe briefly the purpose of this file.
+ *
+ *                TDA18254_Driver_User_Guide.pdf
+ *
+ * Detailed description may be added here.
+ *
+ * \section info Change Information
+ *
+/* Standard include files:                                                    */
+//#include "tmNxTypes.h"
+//#include "tmCompId.h"
+//#include "tmFrontEnd.h"
+//#include "tmbslFrontEndTypes.h"
+//#include "tmUnitParams.h"
+/* Project include files:                                                     */
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2.h"
+//#include <tmddTDA182I2local.h>
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2Instance.h"
+/* Types and defines:                                                         */
+/* Global data:                                                               */
+/* Internal Prototypes:                                                       */
+/* Exported functions:                                                        */
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Init                                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Create an instance of a TDA182I2 Tuner                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    tmbslFrontEndDependency_t*  psSrvFunc   /* I: setup parameters */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    if (psSrvFunc == Null)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    }
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    }
+    /* Check driver state */
+    if (err == TM_OK || err == ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED)
+    {
+        if (pObj != Null && pObj->init == True)
+        {
+            err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            /* Allocate the Instance Object */
+            if (pObj == Null)
+            {
+                err = ddTDA182I2AllocInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+                if (err != TM_OK || pObj == Null)
+                {
+                    err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;        
+                }
+            }
+            if(err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                /* initialize the Instance Object */
+                pObj->sRWFunc = psSrvFunc->sIo;
+                pObj->sTime = psSrvFunc->sTime;
+                pObj->sDebug = psSrvFunc->sDebug;
+                if(  psSrvFunc->sMutex.Init != Null
+                    && psSrvFunc->sMutex.DeInit != Null
+                    && psSrvFunc->sMutex.Acquire != Null
+                    && psSrvFunc->sMutex.Release != Null)
+                {
+                    pObj->sMutex = psSrvFunc->sMutex;
+                    err = pObj->sMutex.Init(&pObj->pMutex);
+                }
+                pObj->init = True;
+                err = TM_OK;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2DeInit                                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Destroy an instance of a TDA182I2 Tuner                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    tmErrorCode_t           err = TM_OK;
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+//    tmDBGPRINTEx(DEBUGLVL_VERBOSE, "tmddTDA182I2DeInit(0x%08X)", tUnit);
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        if(pObj->sMutex.DeInit != Null)
+        {
+            if(pObj->pMutex != Null)
+            {
+                err = pObj->sMutex.DeInit(pObj->pMutex);
+            }
+            pObj->sMutex.Init = Null;
+            pObj->sMutex.DeInit = Null;
+            pObj->sMutex.Acquire = Null;
+            pObj->sMutex.Release = Null;
+            pObj->pMutex = Null;
+        }
+    }
+    err = ddTDA182I2DeAllocInstance(tUnit);
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetSWVersion                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Return the version of this device                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:       Values defined in the tmddTDA182I2local.h file                */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmSWVersion_t  pSWVersion  /* I: Receives SW Version */
+    pSWVersion->compatibilityNr = TDA182I2_DD_COMP_NUM;
+    pSWVersion->majorVersionNr  = TDA182I2_DD_MAJOR_VER;
+    pSWVersion->minorVersionNr  = TDA182I2_DD_MINOR_VER;
+    return TM_OK;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Reset                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Initialize TDA182I2 Hardware                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /****** I2C map initialization : begin *********/
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* read all bytes */
+            err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x00, TDA182I2_I2C_MAP_NB_BYTES);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* RSSI_Ck_Speed    31,25 kHz   0 */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Ck_Speed(tUnit, 0);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Ck_Speed(0x%08X, 0) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* AGC1_Do_step    8,176 ms   2 */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_Do_step(tUnit, 2);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_Do_step(0x%08X, 2) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* AGC2_Do_step    8,176 ms   1 */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_Do_step(tUnit, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_Do_step(0x%08X, 1) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* AGCs_Up_Step_assym       UP 12 Asym / 4 Asym  / 5 Asym   3 */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Up_Step_assym(tUnit, 3);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Up_Step_assym(0x%08X, 3) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* AGCs_Do_Step_assym       DO 12 Asym / 45 Sym   2 */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Do_Step_assym(tUnit, 2);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Do_Step_assym(0x%08X, 2) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        /****** I2C map initialization : end *********/
+        /*****************************************/
+        /* Launch tuner calibration */
+        /* State reached after 1.5 s max */
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* set IRQ_clear */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Clear(tUnit, 0x1F);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_clear(0x%08X, 0x1F) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* set power state on */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState(tUnit, tmddTDA182I2_PowerNormalMode);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState(0x%08X, PowerNormalMode) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* set & trigger MSM */
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.MSM_byte_1 = 0x3B;
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.MSM_byte_2 = 0x01;
+            /* write bytes 0x19 to 0x1A */
+            err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 2);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.MSM_byte_2 = 0x00;
+        }
+        if(pObj->bIRQWait)
+        {
+            if(err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                err = ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(pObj, 1500, 50, 0x1F);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetLPF_Gain_Mode                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Free/Freeze LPF Gain                                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uMode   /* I: Unknown/Free/Frozen */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        switch(uMode)
+        {
+        case tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Unknown:
+        default:
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetLPF_Gain_Free(0x%08X, tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Unknown).", tUnit));
+            break;
+        case tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free:
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_loop_off(tUnit, False); /* Disable AGC5 loop off */
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_loop_off(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            if(err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC5_gain(tUnit, False); /* Do not force AGC5 gain */
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC5_gain(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+            break;
+        case tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen:
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_loop_off(tUnit, True); /* Enable AGC5 loop off */
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_loop_off(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            if(err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC5_gain(tUnit, True); /* Force AGC5 gain */
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC5_gain(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+            if(err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Gain(tUnit, 0);  /* Force gain to 0dB */
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Gain(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetLPF_Gain_Mode                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Free/Freeze LPF Gain                                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+ UInt8           *puMode /* I/O: Unknown/Free/Frozen */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    UInt8                   AGC5_loop_off = 0;
+    UInt8                   Force_AGC5_gain = 0;
+    UInt8                   AGC5_Gain = 0;
+    /* Test the parameter */
+    if (puMode == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        *puMode = tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Unknown;
+        err = tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_loop_off(tUnit, &AGC5_loop_off);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_loop_off(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2GetForce_AGC5_gain(tUnit, &Force_AGC5_gain);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetForce_AGC5_gain(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            err = tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Gain(tUnit, &AGC5_Gain);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Gain(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            if(AGC5_loop_off==False && Force_AGC5_gain==False)
+            {
+                *puMode = tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free;
+            }
+            else if(AGC5_loop_off==True && Force_AGC5_gain==True && AGC5_Gain==0)
+            {
+                *puMode = tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen;
+            }
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Write                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Write in TDA182I2 hardware                                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          uIndex,     /* I: Start index to write */
+    UInt32          uNbBytes,   /* I: Number of bytes to write */
+    UInt8*          puBytes     /* I: Pointer on an array of bytes */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err = TM_OK;
+    UInt32                  uCounter;
+    UInt8*                  pI2CMap = Null;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* pI2CMap initialization */
+        pI2CMap = &(pObj->I2CMap.uBx00.ID_byte_1) + uIndex;
+        /* Save the values written in the Tuner */
+        for (uCounter = 0; uCounter < uNbBytes; uCounter++)
+        {
+            *pI2CMap = puBytes[uCounter];
+            pI2CMap ++;
+        }
+        /* Write in the Tuner */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj,(UInt8)(uIndex),(UInt8)(uNbBytes));
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Read                                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Read in TDA182I2 hardware                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          uIndex,     /* I: Start index to read */
+    UInt32          uNbBytes,   /* I: Number of bytes to read */
+    UInt8*          puBytes     /* I: Pointer on an array of bytes */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err = TM_OK;
+    UInt32                  uCounter = 0;
+    UInt8*                  pI2CMap = Null;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (uNbBytes > TDA182I2_I2C_MAP_NB_BYTES)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* pI2CMap initialization */
+        pI2CMap = &(pObj->I2CMap.uBx00.ID_byte_1) + uIndex;
+        /* Read from the Tuner */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj,(UInt8)(uIndex),(UInt8)(uNbBytes));
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Copy read values to puBytes */
+            for (uCounter = 0; uCounter < uNbBytes; uCounter++)
+            {
+                *puBytes = (*pI2CMap);
+                pI2CMap ++;
+                puBytes ++;
+            }
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMS                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the MS bit(s) status                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x00 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x00, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        /* Get value */
+        *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx00.bF.MS ;
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIdentity                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Identity bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt16*         puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x00-0x01 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x00, 2);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx00.bF.Ident_1 << 8 |  pObj->I2CMap.uBx01.bF.Ident_2;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMinorRevision                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Revision bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x02 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x02, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx02.bF.Minor_rev;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMajorRevision                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Revision bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x02 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x02, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx02.bF.Major_rev;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetLO_Lock                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the LO_Lock bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x05 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x05, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx05.bF.LO_Lock ;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the power state of the TDA182I2                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    tmddTDA182I2PowerState_t    powerState  /* I: Power state of this device */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read bytes 0x06-0x14 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x06, 15);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        /* Set digital clock mode*/
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            switch (powerState)
+            {
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOnAndWithSyntheOn:
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOn:
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn:
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandby:
+                /* Set 16 Mhz Xtal clock */
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 0);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, 16 Mhz xtal clock) failed.", tUnit));
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Set power state */
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            switch (powerState)
+            {
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerNormalMode:          
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM = 0x00;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe = 0x00;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT = 0x00;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT = 0x00;
+                break;
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOnAndWithSyntheOn:
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe = 0x00;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT = 0x00;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT = 0x00;
+                break;
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOn:
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT = 0x00;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT = 0x00;
+                break;
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn:
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT = 0x00;
+                break;
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandby:
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT = 0x01;
+                pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT = 0x01;
+                break;
+            default:
+                /* Power state not supported*/
+                return ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+            }
+            /* Write byte 0x06 */
+            err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x06, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        /* Set digital clock mode*/
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            switch (powerState)
+            {
+            case tmddTDA182I2_PowerNormalMode:            
+                /* Set sigma delta clock*/
+                err = tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(tUnit, 1);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode(0x%08X, sigma delta clock) failed.", tUnit));
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Store powerstate */
+            pObj->curPowerState = powerState;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPowerState                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the power state of the TDA182I2                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    ptmddTDA182I2PowerState_t   pPowerState /* O: Power state of this device */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get power state */
+        if ((pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM == 0x00) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe == 0x00) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT == 0x00) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT == 0x00))
+        {
+            *pPowerState = tmddTDA182I2_PowerNormalMode;
+        }
+        else if ((pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe == 0x00) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT == 0x00) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT == 0x00))
+        {
+            *pPowerState = tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOnAndWithSyntheOn;
+        }
+        else if ((pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT == 0x00) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT == 0x00))
+        {
+            *pPowerState = tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOn;
+        }
+        else if ((pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT == 0x00))
+        {
+            *pPowerState = tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn;
+        }
+        else if ((pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_Synthe == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_LT == 0x01) && (pObj->I2CMap.uBx06.bF.SM_XT == 0x01))
+        {  
+            *pPowerState = tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandby;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *pPowerState = tmddTDA182I2_PowerMax;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPower_Level                                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Power_Level bit(s) status                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    UInt8                   uValue = 0;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set IRQ_clear*/
+        err = tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Clear(tUnit, 0x10);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_clear(0x%08X, 0x10) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Trigger RSSI_Meas */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.MSM_byte_1 = 0x80;
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /*Trigger MSM_Launch */
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.MSM_Launch = 1;
+            /* Write byte 0x1A */
+            err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1A, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.MSM_Launch = 0;
+            if(pObj->bIRQWait)
+            {
+                if(err == TM_OK)
+                {
+                    err = ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(pObj, 700, 1, 0x10);
+                    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Read byte 0x07 */
+            err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x07, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value (limit range) */
+            uValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx07.bF.Power_Level;
+            if (uValue < TDA182I2_POWER_LEVEL_MIN)
+            {
+                *puValue = 0x00;
+            }
+            else if (uValue > TDA182I2_POWER_LEVEL_MAX)
+            {
+                *puValue = 0xFF;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                *puValue = uValue;
+            }
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IRQ_status bit(s) status                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x08 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status(pObj, puValue);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_XtalCal_End bit(s) status                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x08 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End(pObj, puValue);
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Clear                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IRQ_Clear bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           irqStatus   /* I: IRQs to clear */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set IRQ_Clear */
+        /*pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.IRQ_Clear = 1; */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.IRQ_clear |= (0x80|(irqStatus&0x1F));
+        /* Write byte 0x0A */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        /* Reset IRQ_Clear (buffer only, no write) */
+        /*pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.IRQ_Clear = 0;*/
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.IRQ_clear &= (~(0x80|(irqStatus&0x1F)));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_TOP                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC1_TOP bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0C.bF.AGC1_TOP = uValue;
+        /* write byte 0x0C */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_TOP                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC1_TOP bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if ( puValue == Null )
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    }       
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Read byte 0x0C */
+            err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0C, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            if(err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                /* Get value */
+                *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0C.bF.AGC1_TOP;
+            }
+            (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+        }
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_TOP                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC2_TOP bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0D.bF.AGC2_TOP = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x0D */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0D, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_TOP                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC2_TOP bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x0D */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0D, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0D.bF.AGC2_TOP;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Up_Step                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGCs_Up_Step bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.AGCs_Up_Step = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x0E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCs_Up_Step                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGCs_Up_Step bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x0E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.AGCs_Up_Step;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCK_Step                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGCK_Step bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.AGCK_Step = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x0E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCK_Step                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGCK_Step bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x0E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.AGCK_Step;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCK_Mode                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGCK_Mode bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.AGCK_Mode = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x0E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCK_Mode                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGCK_Mode bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x0E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.AGCK_Mode;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPD_RFAGC_Adapt                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the PD_RFAGC_Adapt bit(s) status                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.PD_RFAGC_Adapt = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x0F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPD_RFAGC_Adapt                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the PD_RFAGC_Adapt bit(s) status                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x0F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.PD_RFAGC_Adapt;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Adapt_TOP                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RFAGC_Adapt_TOP bit(s) status                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.RFAGC_Adapt_TOP = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x0F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFAGC_Adapt_TOP                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RFAGC_Adapt_TOP bit(s) status                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x0F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.RFAGC_Adapt_TOP;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Atten_3dB                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_Atten_3dB bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.RF_Atten_3dB = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x0F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Atten_3dB                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_Atten_3dB bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x0F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.RF_Atten_3dB;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Top                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RFAGC_Top bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.RFAGC_Top = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x0F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFAGC_Top                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RFAGC_Top bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x0F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.RFAGC_Top;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Mixer_Top                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_Mixer_Top bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx10.bF.IR_Mixer_Top = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x10 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x10, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Mixer_Top                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_Mixer_Top bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x10 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x10, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx10.bF.IR_Mixer_Top;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Ana                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC5_Ana bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx11.bF.AGC5_Ana = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x11 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x11, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Ana                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC5_Ana bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x11 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x11, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx11.bF.AGC5_Ana;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_TOP                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC5_TOP bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx11.bF.AGC5_TOP = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x11 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x11, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_TOP                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC5_TOP bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x11 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x11, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx11.bF.AGC5_TOP;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Level                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IF_level bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx12.bF.IF_level = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x12 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x12, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_Level                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IF_level bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x12 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x12, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx12.bF.IF_level;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_HP_Fc                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IF_HP_Fc bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx13.bF.IF_HP_Fc = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x13 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x13, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_HP_Fc                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IF_HP_Fc bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x13 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x13, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx13.bF.IF_HP_Fc;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_ATSC_Notch                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IF_ATSC_Notch bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx13.bF.IF_ATSC_Notch = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x13 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x13, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_ATSC_Notch                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IF_ATSC_Notch bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x13 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x13, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx13.bF.IF_ATSC_Notch;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetLP_FC_Offset                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the LP_FC_Offset bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx13.bF.LP_FC_Offset = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x13 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x13, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetLP_FC_Offset                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the LP_FC_Offset bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x13 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x13, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx13.bF.LP_FC_Offset;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetLP_FC                                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the LP_Fc bit(s) status                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx13.bF.LP_Fc = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x13 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x13, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetLP_FC                                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the LP_Fc bit(s) status                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x13 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x13, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx13.bF.LP_Fc;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the Digital_Clock_Mode bit(s) status                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx14.bF.Digital_Clock_Mode = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x14 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x14, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDigital_Clock_Mode                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Digital_Clock_Mode bit(s) status                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x14 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x14, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx14.bF.Digital_Clock_Mode;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Freq                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IF_Freq bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx15.bF.IF_Freq = (UInt8)(uValue / 50000);
+        /* Write byte 0x15 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x15, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_Freq                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IF_Freq bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32*         puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x15 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x15, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx15.bF.IF_Freq * 50000;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Freq                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_Freq bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    UInt32                  uRF = 0;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /*****************************************/
+        /* Tune the settings that depend on the RF input frequency, expressed in kHz.*/
+        /* RF filters tuning, PLL locking*/
+        /* State reached after 5ms*/
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set IRQ_clear */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Clear(tUnit, 0x0C);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_clear(0x%08X, 0x0C) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set power state ON */
+            err = tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState(tUnit, tmddTDA182I2_PowerNormalMode);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState(0x%08X, PowerNormalMode) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set RF frequency expressed in kHz */
+            uRF = uValue / 1000;
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx16.bF.RF_Freq_1 = (UInt8)((uRF & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx17.bF.RF_Freq_2 = (UInt8)((uRF & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx18.bF.RF_Freq_3 = (UInt8)(uRF & 0x000000FF);
+            /* write bytes 0x16 to 0x18*/
+            err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x16, 3);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Set & trigger MSM */
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.MSM_byte_1 = 0x41;
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.MSM_byte_2 = 0x01;
+            /* Write bytes 0x19 to 0x1A */
+            err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 2);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.MSM_byte_2 = 0x00;
+        }
+        if(pObj->bIRQWait)
+        {
+            if(err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                err = ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(pObj, 50, 5, 0x0C);
+                tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            }
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Freq                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_Freq bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32*         puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read bytes 0x16 to 0x18 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x16, 3);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = (pObj->I2CMap.uBx16.bF.RF_Freq_1 << 16) | (pObj->I2CMap.uBx17.bF.RF_Freq_2 << 8) | pObj->I2CMap.uBx18.bF.RF_Freq_3;
+            *puValue = *puValue * 1000;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_Launch                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_Launch bit(s) status                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.MSM_Launch = 1;
+        /* Write byte 0x1A */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        /* reset MSM_Launch (buffer only, no write) */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.MSM_Launch = 0x00;
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_Launch                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_Launch bit(s) status                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x1A */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.MSM_Launch;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_StoB                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the PSM_StoB bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_StoB = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x1B */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_StoB                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the PSM_StoB bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x1B */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_StoB;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetFmax_Lo                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the Fmax_Lo bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1D.bF.Fmax_Lo = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1D
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1D, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetFmax_Lo                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Fmax_Lo bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1D
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1D, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1D.bF.Fmax_Lo;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Loop                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_Loop bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1E.bF.IR_Loop = uValue - 4;
+        /* Read byte 0x1E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Loop                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_Loop bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x1E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1E.bF.IR_Loop + 4;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Target                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_Target bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1E.bF.IR_Target = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x1E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Target                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_Target bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x1E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1E.bF.IR_Target;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Corr_Boost                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_Corr_Boost bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1F.bF.IR_Corr_Boost = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x1F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Corr_Boost                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_Corr_Boost bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x1F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1F.bF.IR_Corr_Boost;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_mode_ram_store                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_mode_ram_store bit(s) status                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1F.bF.IR_mode_ram_store = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x1F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_mode_ram_store                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_mode_ram_store bit(s) status                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x1F */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1F.bF.IR_mode_ram_store;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPD_Udld                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the PD_Udld bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.PD_Udld = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x22 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPD_Udld                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the PD_Udld bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x22 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.PD_Udld;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC_Ovld_TOP                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC_Ovld_TOP bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.AGC_Ovld_TOP = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x22 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC_Ovld_TOP                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC_Ovld_TOP bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x22 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.AGC_Ovld_TOP;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetHi_Pass                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the Hi_Pass bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx23.bF.Hi_Pass = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x23 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x23, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetHi_Pass                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Hi_Pass bit(s) status                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x23 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x23, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx23.bF.Hi_Pass;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Notch                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the IF_Notch bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx23.bF.IF_Notch = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x23 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x23, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_Notch                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the IF_Notch bit(s) status                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x23 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x23, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx23.bF.IF_Notch;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_loop_off                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC5_loop_off bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx25.bF.AGC5_loop_off = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x25 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x25, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_loop_off                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC5_loop_off bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x25 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x25, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx25.bF.AGC5_loop_off;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Do_step                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC5_Do_step bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx25.bF.AGC5_Do_step = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x25 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x25, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Do_step                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC5_Do_step bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x25 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x25, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx25.bF.AGC5_Do_step;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC5_gain                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the Force_AGC5_gain bit(s) status                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx25.bF.Force_AGC5_gain = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x25 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x25, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetForce_AGC5_gain                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Force_AGC5_gain bit(s) status                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x25 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x25, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx25.bF.Force_AGC5_gain;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Gain                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC5_Gain bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx25.bF.AGC5_Gain = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x25 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x25, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Gain                                      */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC5_Gain bit(s) status                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x25 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x25, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx25.bF.AGC5_Gain;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Bypass                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_Filter_Bypass bit(s) status                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.RF_Filter_Bypass = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x2C */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Bypass                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_Filter_Bypass bit(s) status                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x2C */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.RF_Filter_Bypass;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Band                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_Filter_Band bit(s) status                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.RF_Filter_Band = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x2C */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Band                                 */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_Filter_Band bit(s) status                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x2C */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.RF_Filter_Band;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Cap                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_Filter_Cap bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2D.bF.RF_Filter_Cap = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x2D */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2D, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Cap                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_Filter_Cap bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x2D */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2D, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2D.bF.RF_Filter_Cap;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetGain_Taper                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the Gain_Taper bit(s) status                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2E.bF.Gain_Taper = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x2E */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetGain_Taper                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the Gain_Taper bit(s) status                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if( puValue == Null )
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    }
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Read byte 0x2E */
+            err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2E, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            if(err == TM_OK)
+            {
+                /* Get value */
+                *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2E.bF.Gain_Taper;
+            }
+            (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+        }
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetN_CP_Current                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the N_CP_Current bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx30.bF.N_CP_Current = uValue;
+        /* Read byte 0x30 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x30, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetN_CP_Current                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the N_CP_Current bit(s) status                            */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x30 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x30, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx30.bF.N_CP_Current;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Ck_Speed                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RSSI_Ck_Speed bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_Ck_Speed = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x36 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Ck_Speed                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RSSI_Ck_Speed bit(s) status                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x36 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_Ck_Speed;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Phi2                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Phi2 bit(s) status                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Set value */
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx37.bF.RFCAL_Phi2 = uValue;
+        /* Write byte 0x37 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x37, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Phi2                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Phi2 bit(s) status                              */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x37 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x37, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx37.bF.RFCAL_Phi2;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2WaitIRQ                                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Wait the IRQ to trigger                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          timeOut,    /* I: timeout */
+    UInt32          waitStep,   /* I: wait step */
+    UInt8           irqStatus   /* I: IRQs to wait */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(pObj, timeOut, waitStep, irqStatus);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Wait the MSM_XtalCal_End to trigger                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          timeOut,    /* I: timeout */
+    UInt32          waitStep    /* I: wait step */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End(pObj, timeOut, waitStep);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQWait                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Set whether wait IRQ in driver or not                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    Bool            bWait   /* I: Determine if we need to wait IRQ in driver functions */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        pObj->bIRQWait = bWait;
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQWait                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get whether wait IRQ in driver or not                         */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    Bool*           pbWait  /* O: Determine if we need to wait IRQ in driver functions */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (pbWait == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        *pbWait = pObj->bIRQWait;
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get IRQ status                                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,   /* I: Instance object */
+    UInt8*                  puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Read byte 0x08 */
+    err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x08, 1);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", pObj->tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get value */
+        *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx08.bF.IRQ_status;
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End                                  */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Get MSM_XtalCal_End bit(s) status                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,   /* I: Instance object */
+    UInt8*                  puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Test the parameters */
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Read byte 0x08 */
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x08, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", pObj->tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            /* Get value */
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx08.bF.MSM_XtalCal_End;
+        }
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Wait for IRQ to trigger                                       */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,       /* I: Instance object */
+    UInt32                  timeOut,    /* I: timeout */
+    UInt32                  waitStep,   /* I: wait step */
+    UInt8                   irqStatus   /* I: IRQs to wait */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err  = TM_OK;
+    UInt32          counter = timeOut/waitStep; /* Wait max timeOut/waitStep ms */
+    UInt8           uIRQ = 0;
+    UInt8           uIRQStatus = 0;
+    Bool            bIRQTriggered = False;
+    while(err == TM_OK && (--counter)>0)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status(pObj, &uIRQ);
+        if(err == TM_OK && uIRQ == 1)
+        {
+            bIRQTriggered = True;
+        }
+        if(bIRQTriggered)
+        {
+            /* IRQ triggered => Exit */
+            break;
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK && irqStatus != 0x00)
+        {
+            uIRQStatus = ((pObj->I2CMap.uBx08.IRQ_status)&0x1F);
+            if(irqStatus == uIRQStatus)
+            {
+                bIRQTriggered = True;
+            }
+        }
+        err = ddTDA182I2Wait(pObj, waitStep);
+    }
+    if(counter == 0)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_READY;
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Wait for MSM_XtalCal_End to trigger                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,       /* I: Instance object */
+    UInt32                  timeOut,    /* I: timeout */
+    UInt32                  waitStep    /* I: wait step */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err  = TM_OK;
+    UInt32          counter = timeOut/waitStep; /* Wait max timeOut/waitStepms */
+    UInt8           uMSM_XtalCal_End = 0;
+    while(err == TM_OK && (--counter)>0)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End(pObj, &uMSM_XtalCal_End);
+        if(uMSM_XtalCal_End == 1)
+        {
+            /* MSM_XtalCal_End triggered => Exit */
+            break;
+        }
+        ddTDA182I2Wait(pObj, waitStep);
+    }
+    if(counter == 0)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_READY;
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2Write                                               */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Write in TDA182I2 hardware                                    */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,           /* I: Driver object */
+    UInt8                   uSubAddress,    /* I: sub address */
+    UInt8                   uNbData         /* I: nb of data */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err = TM_OK;
+    UInt8*          pI2CMap = Null;
+    /* pI2CMap initialization */
+    pI2CMap = &(pObj->I2CMap.uBx00.ID_byte_1);
+    err = POBJ_SRVFUNC_SIO.Write (pObj->tUnitW, 1, &uSubAddress, uNbData, &(pI2CMap[uSubAddress]));
+    /* return value */
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2Read                                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Read in TDA182I2 hardware                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,           /* I: Driver object */
+    UInt8                   uSubAddress,    /* I: sub address */
+    UInt8                   uNbData         /* I: nb of data */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err = TM_OK;
+    UInt8*          pI2CMap = Null;
+    /* pRegister initialization */
+    pI2CMap = &(pObj->I2CMap.uBx00.ID_byte_1) + uSubAddress;
+    /* Read data from the Tuner */
+    err = POBJ_SRVFUNC_SIO.Read(pObj->tUnitW, 1, &uSubAddress, uNbData, pI2CMap);
+    /* return value */
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2Wait                                                */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Wait for the requested time                                   */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,   /* I: Driver object */
+    UInt32                  Time    /*  I: time to wait for */
+    tmErrorCode_t   err  = TM_OK;
+    /* wait Time ms */
+    err = POBJ_SRVFUNC_STIME.Wait (pObj->tUnit, Time);
+    /* Return value */
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Acquire driver mutex                                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj,
+    UInt32                  timeOut
+    tmErrorCode_t   err = TM_OK;
+    if(pObj->sMutex.Acquire != Null && pObj->pMutex != Null)
+    {
+        err = pObj->sMutex.Acquire(pObj->pMutex, timeOut);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2MutexRelease                                        */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: Release driver mutex                                          */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj
+    tmErrorCode_t   err = TM_OK;
+    if(pObj->sMutex.Release != Null && pObj->pMutex != Null)
+    {
+        err = pObj->sMutex.Release(pObj->pMutex);
+    }
+    return err;
+/* FUNCTION:    tmTDA182I2AGC1_change                                           */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* DESCRIPTION: adapt AGC1_gain from latest call  ( simulate AGC1 gain free ) */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* RETURN:      TM_OK if no error                                             */
+/*                                                                            */
+/* NOTES:                                                                     */
+/*                                                                            */
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+	tmErrorCode_t   err  = TM_OK;
+    UInt8 counter, vAGC1min, vAGC1_max_step;
+	Int16 TotUp , TotDo ;
+	UInt8 NbStepsDone = 0;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+	if (pObj->I2CMap.uBx0C.bF.AGC1_6_15dB == 0)
+	{
+		vAGC1min = 0; // -12 dB
+		vAGC1_max_step = 10;  // -12 +15 dB
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		vAGC1min = 6; // 6 dB
+		vAGC1_max_step = 4;  // 6 -> 15 dB
+	}
+	while(err == TM_OK && NbStepsDone < vAGC1_max_step)  // limit to min - max steps 10
+	{
+		counter = 0; TotUp = 0; TotDo = 0; NbStepsDone = NbStepsDone + 1;
+		while(err == TM_OK && (counter++)<40)
+		{
+			err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);  /* read UP , DO AGC1 */
+			tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+			TotDo = TotDo + ( pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Do_AGC1 ? 14 : -1 );
+			TotUp = TotUp + ( pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Up_AGC1 ? 1 : -4 );
+			err = ddTDA182I2Wait(pObj, 1);
+		}
+		if ( TotUp >= 15 && pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Gain != 9 ) 
+		{
+			pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Gain = pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Gain + 1;
+   		    err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+			tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+		}
+		else if ( TotDo >= 10 && pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Gain != vAGC1min  ) 
+		{
+			pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Gain = pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Gain - 1;
+   		    err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+			tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			NbStepsDone = vAGC1_max_step;
+		}
+	}
+    return err;
+// NXP source code - .\tmddTDA182I2\src\tmddTDA182I2Instance.c
+// $Header: 
+// (C) Copyright 2008 NXP Semiconductors, All rights reserved
+// This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole
+// property of NXP Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software
+// License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of NXP
+// Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and dissemination by
+// any party other than NXP Corporation is strictly limited by the
+// confidential information provisions of the Agreement referenced above.
+// FILE NAME:    tmddTDA182I2Instance.c
+// DESCRIPTION:  define the static Objects
+// DOCUMENT REF: DVP Software Coding Guidelines v1.14
+//               DVP Board Support Library Architecture Specification v0.5
+// NOTES:        
+//#include "tmNxTypes.h"
+//#include "tmCompId.h"
+//#include "tmFrontEnd.h"
+//#include "tmUnitParams.h"
+//#include "tmbslFrontEndTypes.h"
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2.h"
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2local.h"
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2Instance.h"
+// Global data:
+/* default instance */
+tmddTDA182I2Object_t gddTDA182I2Instance[] = 
+    {
+        (tmUnitSelect_t)(-1),           /* Unit not set */
+        (tmUnitSelect_t)(-1),           /* UnitW not set */
+        Null,                           /* pMutex */
+        False,                          /* init (instance initialization default) */
+        {                               /* sRWFunc */
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        {                               /* sTime */
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        {                               /* sDebug */
+            Null
+        },
+        {                               /* sMutex */
+            Null,
+            Null,
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,    /* curPowerState */
+        True,                                   /* bIRQWait */
+        {
+            {0}  // I2CMap;
+        }
+    },
+    {
+        (tmUnitSelect_t)(-1),           /* Unit not set */
+        (tmUnitSelect_t)(-1),           /* UnitW not set */
+        Null,                           /* pMutex */
+        False,                          /* init (instance initialization default) */
+        {                               /* sRWFunc */
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        {                               /* sTime */
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        {                               /* sDebug */
+            Null
+        },
+        {                               /* sMutex */
+            Null,
+            Null,
+            Null,
+            Null
+        },
+        tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,    /* curPowerState */
+        True,                                   /* bIRQWait */
+        {
+            {0}  // I2CMap;
+        }
+    }
+// FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2AllocInstance:
+// DESCRIPTION: allocate new instance
+// RETURN:      
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+ pptmddTDA182I2Object_t    ppDrvObject /* I: Device Object */
+ )
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    UInt32              uLoopCounter = 0;    
+    /* Find a free instance */
+    for(uLoopCounter = 0; uLoopCounter<TDA182I2_MAX_UNITS; uLoopCounter++)
+    {
+        pObj = &gddTDA182I2Instance[uLoopCounter];
+        if(pObj->init == False)
+        {
+            pObj->tUnit = tUnit;
+            pObj->tUnitW = tUnit;
+            *ppDrvObject = pObj;
+            err = TM_OK;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* return value */
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2DeAllocInstance:
+// DESCRIPTION: deallocate instance
+// RETURN:      always TM_OK
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+ )
+    tmErrorCode_t       err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj = Null;
+    /* check input parameters */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    /* check driver state */
+    if (err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        if (pObj == Null || pObj->init == False)
+        {
+            err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
+        }
+    }
+    if ((err == TM_OK) && (pObj != Null)) 
+    {
+        pObj->init = False;
+    }
+    /* return value */
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    ddTDA182I2GetInstance:
+// DESCRIPTION: get the instance
+// RETURN:      always True
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+ pptmddTDA182I2Object_t    ppDrvObject /* I: Device Object */
+ )
+    tmErrorCode_t           err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t     pObj = Null;
+    UInt32                  uLoopCounter = 0;    
+    /* get instance */
+    for(uLoopCounter = 0; uLoopCounter<TDA182I2_MAX_UNITS; uLoopCounter++)
+    {
+        pObj = &gddTDA182I2Instance[uLoopCounter];
+        if(pObj->init == True && pObj->tUnit == GET_INDEX_TYPE_TUNIT(tUnit))
+        {
+            pObj->tUnitW = tUnit;
+            *ppDrvObject = pObj;
+            err = TM_OK;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* return value */
+    return err;
+// NXP source code - .\tmddTDA182I2\src\tmddTDA182I2_Advanced.c
+// $Header: 
+// (C) Copyright 2008 NXP Semiconductors, All rights reserved
+// This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole
+// property of Philips Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software
+// License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of Philips
+// Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and dissemination by
+// any party other than Philips Corporation is strictly limited by the
+// confidential information provisions of the Agreement referenced above.
+// FILE NAME:    tmddTDA182I2_Alt.c
+// DESCRIPTION:  TDA182I2 standard APIs
+// NOTES:        
+//#include "tmNxTypes.h"
+//#include "tmCompId.h"
+//#include "tmFrontEnd.h"
+//#include "tmbslFrontEndTypes.h"
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2.h"
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2local.h"
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2Instance.h"
+// Project include files:
+// Types and defines:
+// Global data:
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetTM_D:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the TM_D bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // switch thermometer on
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx04.bF.TM_ON = 1;
+        // write byte 0x04
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x04, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // read byte 0x03
+            err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x03, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx03.bF.TM_D;
+            // switch thermometer off
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx04.bF.TM_ON = 0;
+            // write byte 0x04
+            err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x04, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetTM_ON:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the TM_ON bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx04.bF.TM_ON = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x04
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x04, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetTM_ON:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the TM_ON bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x04
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x04, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx04.bF.TM_ON;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPOR:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the POR bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x05
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x05, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx05.bF.POR ;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RSSI_End:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RSSI_End bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue   //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x08
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x08, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx08.bF.MSM_RSSI_End;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_LOCalc_End:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_LOCalc_End bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x08
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x08, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx08.bF.MSM_LOCalc_End;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RFCal_End:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RFCal_End bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x08
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x08, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx08.bF.MSM_RFCal_End;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_IRCAL_End:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_IRCAL_End bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x08
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x08, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx08.bF.MSM_IRCAL_End;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RCCal_End:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RCCal_End bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x08
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x08, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx08.bF.MSM_RCCal_End;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IRQ_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.IRQ_Enable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IRQ_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.IRQ_Enable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalCal_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the XtalCal_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.XtalCal_Enable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalCal_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the XtalCal_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.XtalCal_Enable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RSSI_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RSSI_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_RSSI_Enable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RSSI_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RSSI_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_RSSI_Enable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_LOCalc_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_LOCalc_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8          uValue      //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_LOCalc_Enable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_LOCalc_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_LOCalc_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_LOCalc_Enable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RFCAL_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RFCAL_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_RFCAL_Enable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RFCAL_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RFCAL_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_RFCAL_Enable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_IRCAL_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_IRCAL_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_IRCAL_Enable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_IRCAL_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_IRCAL_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_IRCAL_Enable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RCCal_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RCCal_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_RCCal_Enable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RCCal_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RCCal_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x09
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x09, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx09.bF.MSM_RCCal_Enable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalCal_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the XtalCal_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8          uValue      //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.XtalCal_Clear = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalCal_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the XtalCal_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.XtalCal_Clear;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RSSI_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RSSI_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8          uValue      //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_RSSI_Clear = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RSSI_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RSSI_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_RSSI_Clear;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_LOCalc_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_LOCalc_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_LOCalc_Clear = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_LOCalc_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_LOCalc_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_LOCalc_Clear;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RFCal_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RFCal_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_RFCal_Clear = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RFCal_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RFCal_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_RFCal_Clear;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_IRCAL_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_IRCAL_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8          uValue      //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_IRCAL_Clear = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_IRCAL_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_IRCAL_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_IRCAL_Clear;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RCCal_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RCCal_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_RCCal_Clear = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RCCal_Clear:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RCCal_Clear bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0A.bF.MSM_RCCal_Clear;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IRQ_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.IRQ_Set = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IRQ_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.IRQ_Set;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalCal_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the XtalCal_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.XtalCal_Set = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalCal_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the XtalCal_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.XtalCal_Set;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RSSI_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RSSI_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_RSSI_Set = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RSSI_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RSSI_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_RSSI_Set;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_LOCalc_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_LOCalc_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_LOCalc_Set = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_LOCalc_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_LOCalc_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        // get value
+        *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_LOCalc_Set;
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RFCal_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RFCal_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_RFCal_Set = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RFCal_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RFCal_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_RFCal_Set;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_IRCAL_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_IRCAL_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_IRCAL_Set = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_IRCAL_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_IRCAL_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_IRCAL_Set;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RCCal_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the MSM_RCCal_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8            uValue //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_RCCal_Set = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RCCal_Set:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the MSM_RCCal_Set bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0B.bF.MSM_RCCal_Set;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetLT_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the LT_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0C.bF.LT_Enable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetLT_Enable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the LT_Enable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0C.bF.LT_Enable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_6_15dB:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC1_6_15dB bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0C.bF.AGC1_6_15dB = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_6_15dB:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC1_6_15dB bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0C.bF.AGC1_6_15dB;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Up_Step_assym:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGCs_Up_Step_assym bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.AGCs_Up_Step_assym = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCs_Up_Step_assym:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGCs_Up_Step_assym bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.AGCs_Up_Step_assym;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPulse_Shaper_Disable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the Pulse_Shaper_Disable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.Pulse_Shaper_Disable = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPulse_Shaper_Disable:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Pulse_Shaper_Disable bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0E.bF.Pulse_Shaper_Disable;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Low_BW:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFAGC_Low_BW bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.RFAGC_Low_BW = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x0F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFAGC_Low_BW:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFAGC_Low_BW bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x0F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x0F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx0F.bF.RFAGC_Low_BW;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Do_Step_assym:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGCs_Do_Step_assym bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx11.bF.AGCs_Do_Step_assym = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x11
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x11, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCs_Do_Step_assym:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGCs_Do_Step_assym bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x11
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x11, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx11.bF.AGCs_Do_Step_assym;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetI2C_Clock_Mode:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the I2C_Clock_Mode bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx14.bF.I2C_Clock_Mode = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x14
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x14, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetI2C_Clock_Mode:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the I2C_Clock_Mode bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x14
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x14, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx14.bF.I2C_Clock_Mode;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalOsc_AnaReg_En:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the XtalOsc_AnaReg_En bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx14.bF.XtalOsc_AnaReg_En = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x14
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x14, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalOsc_AnaReg_En:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the XtalOsc_AnaReg_En bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x14
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x14, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx14.bF.XtalOsc_AnaReg_En;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetXTout:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the XTout bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx14.bF.XTout = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x14
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x14, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetXTout:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the XTout bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x14
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x14, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx14.bF.XTout;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Meas:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RSSI_Meas bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.RSSI_Meas = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Meas:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RSSI_Meas bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.RSSI_Meas;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_CAL_AV:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_CAL_AV bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.RF_CAL_AV = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_CAL_AV:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_CAL_AV bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.RF_CAL_AV;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_CAL:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_CAL bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.RF_CAL = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_CAL:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_CAL bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.RF_CAL;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_CAL_Loop:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_CAL_Loop bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.IR_CAL_Loop = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_CAL_Loop:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_CAL_Loop bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.IR_CAL_Loop;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Cal_Image:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_Cal_Image bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.IR_Cal_Image = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Cal_Image:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_Cal_Image bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.IR_Cal_Image;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_CAL_Wanted:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_CAL_Wanted bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.IR_CAL_Wanted = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_CAL_Wanted:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_CAL_Wanted bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.IR_CAL_Wanted;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRC_Cal:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RC_Cal bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.RC_Cal = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRC_Cal:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RC_Cal bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.RC_Cal;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetCalc_PLL:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the Calc_PLL bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.Calc_PLL = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetCalc_PLL:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Calc_PLL bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.bF.Calc_PLL;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalCal_Launch:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the XtalCal_Launch bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t      tUnit    //  I: Unit number
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.XtalCal_Launch = 1;
+        // write byte 0x1A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        // reset XtalCal_Launch (buffer only, no write)
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.XtalCal_Launch = 0;
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalCal_Launch:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the XtalCal_Launch bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.XtalCal_Launch;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_AGC1:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the PSM_AGC1 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_AGC1 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_AGC1:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the PSM_AGC1 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_AGC1;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPSMRFpoly:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the PSMRFpoly bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSMRFpoly = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPSMRFpoly:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the PSMRFpoly bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        // get value
+        *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSMRFpoly;
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_Mixer:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the PSM_Mixer bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_Mixer = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_Mixer:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the PSM_Mixer bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_Mixer;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_Ifpoly:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the PSM_Ifpoly bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_Ifpoly = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_Ifpoly:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the PSM_Ifpoly bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_Ifpoly;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_Lodriver:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the PSM_Lodriver bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_Lodriver = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_Lodriver:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the PSM_Lodriver bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1B.bF.PSM_Lodriver;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetDCC_Bypass:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the DCC_Bypass bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1C.bF.DCC_Bypass = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDCC_Bypass:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the DCC_Bypass bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1C.bF.DCC_Bypass;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetDCC_Slow:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the DCC_Slow bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1C.bF.DCC_Slow = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDCC_Slow:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the DCC_Slow bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1C.bF.DCC_Slow;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetDCC_psm:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the DCC_psm bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1C.bF.DCC_psm = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDCC_psm:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the DCC_psm bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1C.bF.DCC_psm;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_GStep:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_GStep bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1E.bF.IR_GStep = uValue - 40;
+        // read byte 0x1E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_GStep:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_GStep bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1E.bF.IR_GStep + 40;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_FreqLow_Sel:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_FreqLow_Sel bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1F.bF.IR_FreqLow_Sel = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_FreqLow_Sel:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_FreqLow_Sel bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1F.bF.IR_FreqLow_Sel;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_FreqLow:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_FreqLow bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx1F.bF.IR_FreqLow = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x1F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_FreqLow:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_FreqLow bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x1F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x1F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx1F.bF.IR_FreqLow;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_FreqMid:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_FreqMid bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx20.bF.IR_FreqMid = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x20
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x20, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_FreqMid:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_FreqMid bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x20
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x20, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx20.bF.IR_FreqMid;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetCoarse_IR_FreqHigh:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the Coarse_IR_FreqHigh bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx21.bF.Coarse_IR_FreqHigh = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x21
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x21, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetCoarse_IR_FreqHigh:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Coarse_IR_FreqHigh bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x21
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x21, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx21.bF.Coarse_IR_FreqHigh;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_FreqHigh:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_FreqHigh bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx21.bF.IR_FreqHigh = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x21
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x21, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_FreqHigh:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_FreqHigh bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x21
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x21, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx21.bF.IR_FreqHigh;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPD_Vsync_Mgt:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the PD_Vsync_Mgt bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.PD_Vsync_Mgt = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x22
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPD_Vsync_Mgt:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the PD_Vsync_Mgt bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x22
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.PD_Vsync_Mgt;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetPD_Ovld:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the PD_Ovld bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.PD_Ovld = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x22
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetPD_Ovld:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the PD_Ovld bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x22
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.PD_Ovld;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC_Ovld_Timer:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC_Ovld_Timer bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.AGC_Ovld_Timer = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x22
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC_Ovld_Timer:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC_Ovld_Timer bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x22
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x22, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx22.bF.AGC_Ovld_Timer;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Mixer_loop_off:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_Mixer_loop_off bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx23.bF.IR_Mixer_loop_off = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x23
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x23, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Mixer_loop_off:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_Mixer_loop_off bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x23
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x23, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx23.bF.IR_Mixer_loop_off;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Mixer_Do_step:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IR_Mixer_Do_step bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx23.bF.IR_Mixer_Do_step = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x23
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x23, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Mixer_Do_step:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IR_Mixer_Do_step bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x23
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x23, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx23.bF.IR_Mixer_Do_step;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_loop_off:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC1_loop_off bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_loop_off = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x24
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_loop_off:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC1_loop_off bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x24
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_loop_off;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_Do_step:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC1_Do_step bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Do_step = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x24
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_Do_step:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC1_Do_step bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x24
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Do_step;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC1_gain:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the Force_AGC1_gain bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.Force_AGC1_gain = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x24
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetForce_AGC1_gain:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Force_AGC1_gain bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x24
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.Force_AGC1_gain;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_Gain:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC1_Gain bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Gain = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x24
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_Gain:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC1_Gain bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x24
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x24, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx24.bF.AGC1_Gain;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq0:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq0 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx26.bF.RFCAL_Freq0 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x26
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x26, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq0:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq0 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x26
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x26, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx26.bF.RFCAL_Freq0;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq1:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq1 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx26.bF.RFCAL_Freq1 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x26
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x26, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq1:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq1 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x26
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x26, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx26.bF.RFCAL_Freq1;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq2:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq2 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx27.bF.RFCAL_Freq2 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x27
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x27, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq2:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq2 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x27
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x27, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx27.bF.RFCAL_Freq2;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq3:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq3 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx27.bF.RFCAL_Freq3 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x27
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x27, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq3:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq3 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x27
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x27, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx27.bF.RFCAL_Freq3;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq4:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq4 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx28.bF.RFCAL_Freq4 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x28
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x28, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq4:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq4 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x28
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x28, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx28.bF.RFCAL_Freq4;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq5:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq5 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue   //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx28.bF.RFCAL_Freq5 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x28
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x28, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq5:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq5 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x28
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x28, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx28.bF.RFCAL_Freq5;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq6:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq6 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx29.bF.RFCAL_Freq6 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x29
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x29, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq6:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq6 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x29
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x29, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx29.bF.RFCAL_Freq6;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq7:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq7 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx29.bF.RFCAL_Freq7 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x29
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x29, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq7:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq7 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x29
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x29, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx29.bF.RFCAL_Freq7;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq8:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq8 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2A.bF.RFCAL_Freq8 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq8:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq8 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2A.bF.RFCAL_Freq8;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq9:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq9 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2A.bF.RFCAL_Freq9 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq9:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq9 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2A.bF.RFCAL_Freq9;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq10:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq10 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2B.bF.RFCAL_Freq10 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq10:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the ? bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2B.bF.RFCAL_Freq10;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq11:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Freq11 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2B.bF.RFCAL_Freq11 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq11:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Freq11 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2B.bF.RFCAL_Freq11;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset0:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset0 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx26.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog0 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x26
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x26, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset0:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset0 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x26
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x26, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx26.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog0;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset1:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset1 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx26.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog1 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x26
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x26, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset1:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset1 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x26
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x26, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx26.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog1;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset2:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset2 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx27.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog2 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x27
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x27, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset2:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset2 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x27
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x27, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx27.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog2;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset3:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset3 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx27.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog3 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x27
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x27, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset3:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset3 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x27
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x27, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx27.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog3;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset4:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset4 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx28.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog4 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x28
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x28, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset4:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset4 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x28
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x28, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx28.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog4;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset5:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset5 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue   //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx28.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog5 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x28
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x28, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset5:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset5 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x28
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x28, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx28.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog5;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset6:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset6 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx29.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog6 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x29
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x29, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset6:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset6 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x29
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x29, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx29.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog6;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset7:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset7 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx29.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog7 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x29
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x29, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset7:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset7 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x29
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x29, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx29.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog7;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset8:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset8 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2A.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog8 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset8:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset8 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2A.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog8;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset9:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset9 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2A.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog9 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset9:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset9 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2A.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog9;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset10:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset10 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2B.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog10 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset10:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the ? bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2B.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog10;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset11:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_Offset11 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2B.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog11 = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset11:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_Offset11 bit(s) status
+// RETURN:      TM_OK if no error
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2B.bF.RFCAL_Offset_Cprog11;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_loop_off:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC2_loop_off bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.AGC2_loop_off = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_loop_off:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC2_loop_off bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.AGC2_loop_off;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC2_gain:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the Force_AGC2_gain bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.Force_AGC2_gain = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x2C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetForce_AGC2_gain:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Force_AGC2_gain bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.Force_AGC2_gain;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Gv:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_Filter_Gv bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.RF_Filter_Gv = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Gv:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_Filter_Gv bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2C.bF.RF_Filter_Gv;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_Do_step:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the AGC2_Do_step bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2E.bF.AGC2_Do_step = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_Do_step:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC2_Do_step bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2E.bF.AGC2_Do_step;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_BPF_Bypass:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_BPF_Bypass bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2F.bF.RF_BPF_Bypass = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_BPF_Bypass:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_BPF_Bypass bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2F.bF.RF_BPF_Bypass;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_BPF:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RF_BPF bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx2F.bF.RF_BPF = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x2F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x2F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_BPF:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RF_BPF bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x2F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x2F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx2F.bF.RF_BPF;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetUp_AGC5:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Up_AGC5 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x31
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Up_AGC5;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDo_AGC5:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Do_AGC5 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x31
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Do_AGC5;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetUp_AGC4:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Up_AGC4 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x31
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Up_AGC4;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDo_AGC4:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Do_AGC4 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x31
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Do_AGC4;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetUp_AGC2:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Up_AGC2 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x31
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Up_AGC2;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDo_AGC2:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Do_AGC2 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x31
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Do_AGC2;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetUp_AGC1:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Up_AGC1 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x31
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Up_AGC1;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDo_AGC1:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the Do_AGC1 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x31
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x31, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx31.bF.Do_AGC1;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_Gain_Read:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC2_Gain_Read bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x32
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x32, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx32.bF.AGC2_Gain_Read;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_Gain_Read:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC1_Gain_Read bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x32
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x32, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx32.bF.AGC1_Gain_Read;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetTOP_AGC3_Read:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the TOP_AGC3_Read bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x33
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x33, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx33.bF.TOP_AGC3_Read;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Gain_Read:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC5_Gain_Read bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x34
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x34, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx34.bF.AGC5_Gain_Read;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC4_Gain_Read:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the AGC4_Gain_Read bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x34
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x34, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx34.bF.AGC4_Gain_Read;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RSSI bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx35.RSSI = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x35
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x35, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RSSI bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+       // tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x35
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x35, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx35.RSSI;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_AV:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RSSI_AV bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_AV = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x36
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_AV:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RSSI_AV bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x36
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_AV;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Cap_Reset_En:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RSSI_Cap_Reset_En bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_Cap_Reset_En = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x36
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Cap_Reset_En:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RSSI_Cap_Reset_En bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x36
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_Cap_Reset_En;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Cap_Val:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RSSI_Cap_Val bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_Cap_Val = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x36
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Cap_Val:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RSSI_Cap_Val bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x36
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_Cap_Val;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Dicho_not:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RSSI_Dicho_not bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_Dicho_not = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x36
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Dicho_not:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RSSI_Dicho_not bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x36
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x36, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx36.bF.RSSI_Dicho_not;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetDDS_Polarity:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the DDS_Polarity bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx37.bF.DDS_Polarity = uValue;
+        // write byte 0x37
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x37, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetDDS_Polarity:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the DDS_Polarity bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x37
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x37, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx37.bF.DDS_Polarity;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_DeltaGain:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the RFCAL_DeltaGain bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx37.bF.RFCAL_DeltaGain = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x37
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x37, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_DeltaGain:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the RFCAL_DeltaGain bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x37
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x37, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx37.bF.RFCAL_DeltaGain;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Polarity:
+// DESCRIPTION: Set the IRQ_Polarity bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set value
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx37.bF.IRQ_Polarity = uValue;
+        // read byte 0x37
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x37, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_Polarity:
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the IRQ_Polarity bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x37
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x37, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx37.bF.IRQ_Polarity;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_0
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_0 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x38
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x38, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx38.bF.rfcal_log_0;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_1
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_1 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x39
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x39, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx39.bF.rfcal_log_1;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_2
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_2 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x3A
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x3A, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx3A.bF.rfcal_log_2;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_3
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_3 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x3B
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x3B, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx3B.bF.rfcal_log_3;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_4
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_4 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x3C
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x3C, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx3C.bF.rfcal_log_4;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_5
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_5 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x3D
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x3D, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx3D.bF.rfcal_log_5;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_6
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_6 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x3E
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x3E, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx3E.bF.rfcal_log_6;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_7
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_7 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x3F
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x3F, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx3F.bF.rfcal_log_7;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_8
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_8 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x40
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x40, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx40.bF.rfcal_log_8;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_9
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_9 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x41
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x41, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx41.bF.rfcal_log_9;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_10
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_10 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x42
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x42, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx42.bF.rfcal_log_10;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_11
+// DESCRIPTION: Get the rfcal_log_11 bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  //  I: Unit number
+ UInt8*          puValue //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t    pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t                   err  = TM_OK;
+    // test the parameter
+    if (puValue == Null)
+        err = ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER;
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        /* Get Instance Object */
+        err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // read byte 0x43
+        err = ddTDA182I2Read(pObj, 0x43, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Read(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // get value
+            *puValue = pObj->I2CMap.uBx43.bF.rfcal_log_11;
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
+// FUNCTION:    tmddTDA182I2LaunchRF_CAL
+// DESCRIPTION: Launch the RF_CAL bit(s) status
+//        ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER
+//         ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED
+//        tmdd_ERR_IIC_ERR
+//         TM_OK 
+// NOTES:       
+ tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   //  I: Unit number
+ )
+    ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj = Null;
+    tmErrorCode_t           err  = TM_OK;
+    /* Get Instance Object */
+    err = ddTDA182I2GetInstance(tUnit, &pObj);
+    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2GetInstance(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        err = ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(pObj, ddTDA182I2_MUTEX_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    if(err == TM_OK)
+    {
+        // set Calc_PLL & RF_CAL
+        pObj->I2CMap.uBx19.MSM_byte_1 = 0x21;
+        // write byte 0x19
+        err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x19, 1);
+        tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+        if(err == TM_OK)
+        {
+            // trigger MSM_Launch
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.MSM_Launch = 1;
+            // write byte 0x1A
+            err = ddTDA182I2Write(pObj, 0x1A, 1);
+            tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2Write(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+            // reset MSM_Launch (buffer only, no write)
+            pObj->I2CMap.uBx1A.bF.MSM_Launch = 0;
+            if(pObj->bIRQWait)
+            {
+                if(err == TM_OK)
+                {
+                    err = ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(pObj, 1700, 50, 0x0C);
+                    tmASSERTExT(err, TM_OK, (DEBUGLVL_ERROR, "ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(0x%08X) failed.", tUnit));
+                }
+            }            
+        }
+        (void)ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(pObj);
+    }
+    return err;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tda18272.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tda18272.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tda18272.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tda18272.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.176066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,7412 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_TDA18272_H
+#define __TUNER_TDA18272_H
+@brief   TDA18272 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate TDA18272 tuner through TDA18272 module.
+TDA18272 module is derived from tuner module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_tda18272.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE          *pTuner;
+	TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	int StandardBandwidthMode;
+	...
+	// Build TDA18272 tuner module.
+	BuildTda18272Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc0,								// I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		CRYSTAL_FREQ_16000000HZ,			// Crystal frequency is 16.0 MHz.
+		TDA18272_UNIT_0,					// Unit number is 0.
+		TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_0P7V			// IF output Vp-p is 0.7 V.
+		);
+	// Get TDA18272 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = (TDA18272_EXTRA_MODULE *)(pTuner->pExtra);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set TDA18272 standard and bandwidth mode.
+	pTunerExtra->SetStandardBandwidthMode(pTuner, TDA18272_STANDARD_BANDWIDTH_DVBT_6MHZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get TDA18272 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetStandardBandwidthMode(pTuner, &StandardBandwidthMode);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+// Defined by Realtek for tuner TDA18272.
+#define TMBSL_TDA18272
+// The following context is source code provided by NXP.
+// NXP source code - .\cfg\tmbslTDA182I2_InstanceCustom.h
+ /*
+  Copyright (C) 2006-2009 NXP B.V., All Rights Reserved.
+  This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the proprietary
+  information of NXP B.V. and is confidential in nature. Under no circumstances
+  is this software to be  exposed to or placed under an Open Source License of
+  any type without the expressed written permission of NXP B.V.
+ *
+ * \file          tmbslTDA182I2_InstanceCustom.h
+ *
+ *                1
+ *
+ * \date          %modify_time%
+ *
+ * \brief         Describe briefly the purpose of this file.
+ *
+ *                
+ *
+ * Detailed description may be added here.
+ *
+ * \section info Change Information
+ *
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+/* Types and defines:                                                         */
+/* Driver settings version definition */
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_SETTINGS_CUSTOMER_NUM    0  /* SW Settings Customer Number */
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_SETTINGS_PROJECT_NUM     0  /* SW Settings Project Number  */
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_SETTINGS_MAJOR_VER       0  /* SW Settings Major Version   */
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_SETTINGS_MINOR_VER       0  /* SW Settings Minor Version   */
+/* Custom Driver Instance Parameters: (Path 0) */
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_INSTANCE_CUSTOM_MASTER                                                 \
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                      /* Current Power state */               \
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                      /* Minimum Power state */               \
+        0,                                                      /* RF */               \
+        tmTDA182I2_DVBT_8MHz,                                   /* Standard mode */               \
+        True,                                                   /* Master */   \
+        0,                                                      /* LT_Enable */    \
+        1,                                                      /* PSM_AGC1 */        \
+        0,                                                      /* AGC1_6_15dB */            \
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_INSTANCE_CUSTOM_MASTER_DIGITAL                                           \
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                      /* Current Power state */               \
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOnAndSynthe, /* Minimum Power state */               \
+        0,                                                      /* RF */               \
+        tmTDA182I2_DVBT_8MHz,                                   /* Standard mode */               \
+        True,                                                   /* Master */   \
+        1,                                                      /* LT_Enable */    \
+        0,                                                      /* PSM_AGC1 */        \
+        1,                                                      /* AGC1_6_15dB */            \
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_INSTANCE_CUSTOM_SLAVE                                                                 \
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                      /* Current Power state */               \
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                      /* Minimum Power state */               \
+        0,                                                      /* RF */               \
+        tmTDA182I2_DVBT_8MHz,                                   /* Standard mode */               \
+        False,                                                  /* Master */   \
+        0,                                                      /* LT_Enable */    \
+        1,                                                      /* PSM_AGC1 */        \
+        0,                                                      /* AGC1_6_15dB */            \
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_INSTANCE_CUSTOM_SLAVE_DIGITAL                                                                 \
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                      /* Current Power state */               \
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                      /* Minimum Power state */               \
+        0,                                                      /* RF */               \
+        tmTDA182I2_DVBT_8MHz,                                   /* Standard mode */               \
+        False,                                                  /* Master */   \
+        0,                                                      /* LT_Enable */    \
+        1,                                                      /* PSM_AGC1 */        \
+        0,                                                      /* AGC1_6_15dB */            \
+#define TMBSL_TDA182I2_INSTANCE_CUSTOM_STD_DIGITAL                                                                 \
+            {   /* Std_Array */                                 /* DVB-T 6MHz */               \
+                3250000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_6MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,         /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_0_4MHz,                       /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_102dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Enabled,                  /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_2_Step,               /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Enabled,              /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Enabled,            /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* DVB-T 7MHz */               \
+                3500000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_7MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_min_8pc,                   /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,         /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_102dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Enabled,                  /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_2_Step,               /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Enabled,              /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Enabled,            /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* DVB-T 8MHz */               \
+                4000000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,         /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_102dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Enabled,                  /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_2_Step,               /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Enabled,              /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Enabled,            /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* QAM 6MHz */               \
+                3600000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_6MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_min_8pc,                   /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,         /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,               /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				True,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				True											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* QAM 8MHz */               \
+                5000000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_9MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_min_8pc,                   /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,         /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_0_85MHz,                      /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,               /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				True,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				True											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* ISDBT 6MHz */               \
+                3250000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_6MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_6Vpp_min_10_3_19_7dB,  /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_0_4MHz,                       /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_102dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Enabled,                  /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_2_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Enabled,              /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Enabled,            /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* ATSC 6MHz */               \
+                3250000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_6MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_6Vpp_min_10_3_19_7dB,  /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_0_4MHz,                       /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d100_u94dBuV,           /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_104dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_104dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d112_u107dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d112_u107dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Enabled,                  /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_3_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Enabled,              /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Enabled,            /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* DMB-T 8MHz */               \
+                4000000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,         /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_102dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Enabled,                  /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_2_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Enabled,              /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Enabled,            /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+#define  TMBSL_TDA182I2_INSTANCE_CUSTOM_STD_ANALOG                                          \
+            {                                                   /* Analog M/N */               \
+                5400000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                1750000,                                        /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_6MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled,                   /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Enabled,           /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x01,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* Analog B */               \
+                6400000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                2250000,                                        /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_7MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled,                   /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band*/               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Enabled,           /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x01,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* Analog G/H */               \
+                6750000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                2750000,                                        /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled,                   /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Enabled,           /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x01,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* Analog I */               \
+                7250000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                2750000,                                        /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled,                   /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Enabled,           /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x01,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* Analog D/K */               \
+                6850000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                2750000,                                        /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled,                   /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Enabled,           /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x01,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* Analog L */               \
+                6750000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                2750000,                                        /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled,                   /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Enabled,           /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x01,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* Analog L' */               \
+                1250000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                -2750000,                                       /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled,                   /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x01,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* Analog FM Radio */               \
+                1250000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_1_5MHz,                          /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_0_85MHz,                      /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x02,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* Blind Scanning copy of PAL-I */               \
+                7250000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                2750000,                                        /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled,                   /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled,                   /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,              /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Enabled,           /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                 /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x01,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                     /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            },               \
+            {                                                   /* ScanXpress */               \
+                5000000,                                        /* IF */               \
+                0,                                              /* CF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_9MHz,                            /* LPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc,                       /* LPF_Offset */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,         /* IF_Gain */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled,                     /* IF_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* DC_Notch */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,            /* AGC1_LNA_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,  /* AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_102dBuV,             /* AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,     /* AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,       /* AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Enabled,                  /* AGC3_Adapt */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_2_Step,        /* AGC3_Adapt_TOP */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Enabled,              /* AGC5_Atten_3dB */               \
+                0x0e,                                           /* GSK : settings V2.0.0  */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Enabled,            /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 */               \
+                tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free,                       /* LPF_Gain */               \
+				False,											/* AGC1_freeze */ \
+				False											/* LTO_STO_immune */ \
+            }
+/* Custom Driver Instance Parameters: (Path 1) */
+/* Mode selection for PATH0                                       */
+#ifdef TMBSL_TDA18272
+/* Mode selection for PATH1                                       */
+#ifdef TMBSL_TDA18272
+/* End of Mode selection                                          */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// NXP source code - .\inc\tmFlags.h
+ /*                                        */                                                                         
+ /*                                                                     */            
+ /* -- DO NOT EDIT --  file built by                                    */            
+ /*                                        */
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------    */
+ /* (C) Copyright 2000 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., All Rights Reserved*/
+ /*                                                                              */    
+ /* This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole       */
+ /* property of Philips Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software       */
+ /* License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of              */
+ /* Philips Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and              */
+ /* dissemination by any party other than Philips Corporation is strictly        */
+ /* limited by the confidential information provisions of the Agreement          */
+ /* referenced above.                                                            */
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------     */
+ /*                                        */
+ /*                                        */                                                                         
+ /* DOCUMENT REF: DVP Build Process Specification                               */
+ /*                                                                             */
+ /* NOTES:        This file defines the TMFL_xxx build flags.                   */
+ /*                                                                             */
+ #if         !defined(_TMFLAGS_H_SEEN_)                                     
+ #define _TMFLAGS_H_SEEN_                                                   
+ /* configuration                                                            */
+ /*      */
+ /* FILENAME:     tmFlags.h                   */
+ /*                                           */
+ /* DESCRIPTION:  Generated by  */
+ #define TMFL_BUILD_VERSION            00.00.00
+ #define TMFL_CPU                      0x00020011
+ #define TMFL_ENDIAN                   1
+ #define TMFL_OS                       0x03020500
+ #define TMFL_CPU_IS_X86               1
+ #define TMFL_CPU_IS_MIPS              0
+ #define TMFL_CPU_IS_HP                0
+ #define TMFL_CPU_IS_TM                0
+ #define TMFL_CPU_IS_ARM               0
+ #define TMFL_CPU_IS_REAL              0
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_BTM                0
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_CE                 0
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_NT                 1
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_PSOS               0
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_NULLOS             0
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_ECOS               0
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_VXWORKS            0
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_MTOS               0
+ #define TMFL_OS_IS_CEXEC              0
+ /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE INDEPENDENTLY !!!                                   */
+ /* MOREUSE WEB SITE http://pww.rtg.sc.philips.com/cmd/html/global_files.html   */
+ /* CONTACT MOREUSE BEFORE ADDING NEW VALUES                                    */
+ /* constants                                    */
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TYPE_MASK            0xffff0000
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TYPE_X86             0x00010000
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TYPE_MIPS            0x00020000
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TYPE_TM              0x00030000
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TYPE_HP              0x00040000
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TYPE_ARM             0x00050000
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TYPE_REAL            0x00060000
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_MASK           0x0000ffff
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_I486           0x00000001
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_R3940          0x00000002
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_R4300          0x00000003
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_TM1100         0x00000004
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_TM1300         0x00000005
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_TM32           0x00000006
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_HP             0x00000007
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_R4640          0x00000008
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_ARM7           0x00000009
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_ARM920T        0x0000000a
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_ARM940T        0x0000000b
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_ARM10          0x0000000c
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_STRONGARM      0x0000000d
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_RD24120        0x0000000e
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_ARM926EJS      0x0000000f
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_ARM946         0x00000010
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_R1910          0x00000011
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_R4450          0x00000012
+ #define TMFL_CPU_MODEL_TM3260         0x00000013
+ #define TMFL_ENDIAN_BIG               1
+ #define TMFL_ENDIAN_LITTLE            0
+ #define TMFL_OS_MASK                  0xff000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_VERSION_MASK          0x00ffffff
+ #define TMFL_OS_BTM                   0x00000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_CE                    0x01000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_CE212                 0x01020102
+ #define TMFL_OS_CE300                 0x01030000
+ #define TMFL_OS_NT                    0x02000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_NT4                   0x02040000
+ #define TMFL_OS_PSOS                  0x03000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_PSOS250               0x03020500
+ #define TMFL_OS_PSOS200               0x03020000
+ #define TMFL_OS_NULLOS                0x04000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_ECOS                  0x05000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_VXWORKS               0x06000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_MTOS                  0x07000000
+ #define TMFL_OS_CEXEC                 0x08000000
+ #define TMFL_SCOPE_SP                 0
+ #define TMFL_SCOPE_MP                 1
+ #define TMFL_REL_ASSERT               0x00000002
+ #define TMFL_REL_DEBUG                0x00000001
+ #define TMFL_REL_RETAIL               0x00000000
+ #define TMFL_CPU_I486                 0x00010001
+ #define TMFL_CPU_R3940                0x00020002
+ #define TMFL_CPU_R4300                0x00020003
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TM1100               0x00030004
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TM1300               0x00030005
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TM32                 0x00030006
+ #define TMFL_CPU_HP                   0x00040007
+ #define TMFL_CPU_R4640             0x00020008
+ #define TMFL_CPU_ARM7              0x00050009
+ #define TMFL_CPU_ARM920T           0x0005000a
+ #define TMFL_CPU_ARM940T           0x0005000b
+ #define TMFL_CPU_ARM10                   0x0005000c
+ #define TMFL_CPU_STRONGARM            0x0005000d
+ #define TMFL_CPU_RD24120              0x0006000e
+ #define TMFL_CPU_ARM926EJS            0x0005000f
+ #define TMFL_CPU_ARM946               0x00050010
+ #define TMFL_CPU_R1910             0x00020011
+ #define TMFL_CPU_R4450             0x00020012
+ #define TMFL_CPU_TM3260             0x00030013
+ #define TMFL_MODE_KERNEL              1
+ #define TMFL_MODE_USER                0
+ #endif   /* !defined(_TMFLAGS_H_SEEN_)                                         */
+// NXP source code - .\inc\tmNxTypes.h
+/*     (Copyright (C) 2003 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.             */
+/*     All rights reserved.                                                 */
+/*     This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the    */
+/*     proprietary information of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.      */
+/*     and is confidential in nature.                                       */
+/*     Under no circumstances is this software to be exposed to or placed   */
+/*     under an Open Source License of any type without the expressed       */
+/*     written permission of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.           */
+* Copyright (C) 2000,2001
+*               Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
+*               All Rights Reserved.
+* Copyright (C) 2000,2001 TriMedia Technologies, Inc.
+*               All Rights Reserved.
+* Module name  : tmNxTypes.h  %version: 4 %
+* Last Update  : %date_modified: Tue Jul  8 18:08:00 2003 %
+* Description: TriMedia/MIPS global type definitions.
+* Document Ref: DVP Software Coding Guidelines Specification
+* DVP/MoReUse Naming Conventions specification
+* DVP Software Versioning Specification
+* DVP Device Library Architecture Specification
+* DVP Board Support Library Architecture Specification
+* DVP Hardware API Architecture Specification
+#ifndef TM_NX_TYPES_H
+#define TM_NX_TYPES_H
+// Standard include files:
+// Project include files:
+//#include "tmFlags.h"                    // DVP common build control flags
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Types and defines:
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    /*Under the TCS, <tmlib/tmtypes.h> may have been included by our client. In
+    order to avoid errors, we take account of this possibility, but in order to
+    support environments where the TCS is not available, we do not include the
+    file by name.*/
+#ifndef _TMtypes_h
+#define _TMtypes_h
+#define False           0
+#define True            1
+ #undef TMFL_DOT_NET_2_0_TYPES
+#undef NXPFE
+#ifndef TMFL_DOT_NET_2_0_TYPES
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+  #define Null            0
+ #else
+  #define Null            ((Void *) 0)
+ #endif
+ #define Null            nullptr
+    //
+    //      Standard Types
+    //
+    typedef signed   char   CInt8;   //  8 bit   signed integer
+    typedef signed   short  CInt16;  // 16 bit   signed integer
+    typedef signed   long   CInt32;  // 32 bit   signed integer
+    typedef unsigned char   CUInt8;  //  8 bit unsigned integer
+    typedef unsigned short  CUInt16; // 16 bit unsigned integer
+    typedef unsigned long   CUInt32; // 32 bit unsigned integer
+//    typedef float           CFloat;  // 32 bit floating point
+    typedef unsigned int    CBool;   // Boolean (True/False)
+    typedef char            CChar;   // character, character array ptr
+    typedef int             CInt;    // machine-natural integer
+    typedef unsigned int    CUInt;   // machine-natural unsigned integer
+#ifndef TMFL_DOT_NET_2_0_TYPES
+    typedef CInt8           Int8;   //  8 bit   signed integer
+    typedef CInt16          Int16;  // 16 bit   signed integer
+    typedef CInt32          Int32;  // 32 bit   signed integer
+    typedef CUInt8          UInt8;  //  8 bit unsigned integer
+    typedef CUInt16         UInt16; // 16 bit unsigned integer
+    typedef CUInt32         UInt32; // 32 bit unsigned integer
+//    typedef CFloat          Float;  // 32 bit floating point
+    typedef CBool           Bool;   // Boolean (True/False)
+    typedef CChar           Char;   // character, character array ptr
+    typedef CInt            Int;    // machine-natural integer
+    typedef CUInt           UInt;   // machine-natural unsigned integer
+    typedef char           *String; // Null terminated 8 bit char str
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Legacy TM Types/Structures (Not necessarily DVP Coding Guideline compliant)
+    // NOTE: For DVP Coding Gudeline compliant code, do not use these types.
+    //
+    typedef char          *Address;        // Ready for address-arithmetic
+    typedef char const    *ConstAddress;
+    typedef unsigned char  Byte;           // Raw byte
+//    typedef float          Float32;        // Single-precision float
+//    typedef double         Float64;        // Double-precision float
+    typedef void          *Pointer;        // Pointer to anonymous object
+    typedef void const    *ConstPointer;
+    typedef char const    *ConstString;
+    using namespace System;    
+    typedef int             Int;
+    typedef SByte           Int8;
+    typedef Byte            UInt8;
+    typedef float           Float32;    
+    typedef unsigned int    Bool;
+    typedef Int             Endian;
+#define BigEndian       0
+#define LittleEndian    1
+    typedef struct tmVersion
+    {
+        UInt8   majorVersion;
+        UInt8   minorVersion;
+        UInt16  buildVersion;
+    }   tmVersion_t, *ptmVersion_t;
+#endif /*ndef _TMtypes_h*/
+    /*Define DVP types that are not TCS types.*/
+#ifndef TMFL_DOT_NET_2_0_TYPES
+    typedef Int8   *pInt8;            //  8 bit   signed integer
+    typedef Int16  *pInt16;           // 16 bit   signed integer
+    typedef Int32  *pInt32;           // 32 bit   signed integer
+    typedef UInt8  *pUInt8;           //  8 bit unsigned integer
+    typedef UInt16 *pUInt16;          // 16 bit unsigned integer
+    typedef UInt32 *pUInt32;          // 32 bit unsigned integer
+    typedef void    Void, *pVoid;     // Void (typeless)
+//    typedef Float  *pFloat;           // 32 bit floating point
+//    typedef double  Double, *pDouble; // 32/64 bit floating point
+    typedef Bool   *pBool;            // Boolean (True/False)
+    typedef Char   *pChar;            // character, character array ptr
+    typedef Int    *pInt;             // machine-natural integer
+    typedef UInt   *pUInt;            // machine-natural unsigned integer
+    typedef String *pString;          // Null terminated 8 bit char str,
+    typedef Void *pVoid;     // Void (typeless)
+#if 0 /*added by Realtek 2011-11-24.*/
+    /*Assume that 64-bit integers are supported natively by C99 compilers and Visual
+    C version 6.00 and higher. More discrimination in this area may be added
+    here as necessary.*/
+#ifndef TMFL_DOT_NET_2_0_TYPES
+#if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ > 199409L
+    /*This can be enabled only when all explicit references to the hi and lo
+    structure members are eliminated from client code.*/
+#define TMFL_NATIVE_INT64 1
+    typedef signed   long long int Int64,  *pInt64;  // 64-bit integer
+    typedef unsigned long long int UInt64, *pUInt64; // 64-bit bitmask
+    // #elif defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER >= 1200
+    // /*This can be enabled only when all explicit references to the hi and lo
+    //     structure members are eliminated from client code.*/
+    // #define TMFL_NATIVE_INT64 1
+    // typedef signed   __int64 Int64,  *pInt64;  // 64-bit integer
+    // typedef unsigned __int64 UInt64, *pUInt64; // 64-bit bitmask
+#else /*!(defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ > 199409L)*/
+#define TMFL_NATIVE_INT64 0
+    typedef
+    struct
+    {
+        /*Get the correct endianness (this has no impact on any other part of
+        the system, but may make memory dumps easier to understand).*/
+        Int32 hi; UInt32 lo;
+        UInt32 lo; Int32 hi;
+    }
+    Int64, *pInt64; // 64-bit integer
+    typedef
+    struct
+    {
+        UInt32 hi; UInt32 lo;
+        UInt32 lo; UInt32 hi;
+    }
+    UInt64, *pUInt64; // 64-bit bitmask
+#endif /*defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ > 199409L*/
+#endif /*TMFL_DOT_NET_2_0_TYPES*/
+#endif /*added by Realtek 2011-11-24.*/
+    // Maximum length of device name in all BSP and capability structures
+    typedef CUInt32 tmErrorCode_t;
+    typedef CUInt32 tmProgressCode_t;
+    /* timestamp definition */
+#ifndef TMFL_DOT_NET_2_0_TYPES
+//    typedef UInt64 tmTimeStamp_t, *ptmTimeStamp_t; /*added by Realtek 2011-11-24.*/
+    //for backwards compatibility with the older tmTimeStamp_t definition
+#define ticks   lo
+#define hiTicks hi
+    typedef union tmColor3                 // 3 byte color structure
+    {
+        unsigned long u32;
+        struct {
+UInt32       : 8;
+            UInt32 red   : 8;
+            UInt32 green : 8;
+            UInt32 blue  : 8;
+        } rgb;
+        struct {
+UInt32   : 8;
+            UInt32 y : 8;
+            UInt32 u : 8;
+            UInt32 v : 8;
+        } yuv;
+        struct {
+UInt32   : 8;
+            UInt32 u : 8;
+            UInt32 m : 8;
+            UInt32 l : 8;
+        } uml;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 blue  : 8;
+            UInt32 green : 8;
+            UInt32 red   : 8;
+UInt32       : 8;
+        } rgb;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 v : 8;
+            UInt32 u : 8;
+            UInt32 y : 8;
+UInt32   : 8;
+        } yuv;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 l : 8;
+            UInt32 m : 8;
+            UInt32 u : 8;
+UInt32   : 8;
+        } uml;
+    }   tmColor3_t, *ptmColor3_t;
+    typedef union tmColor4                 // 4 byte color structure
+    {
+        unsigned long u32;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 alpha    : 8;
+            UInt32 red      : 8;
+            UInt32 green    : 8;
+            UInt32 blue     : 8;
+        } argb;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 alpha    : 8;
+            UInt32 y        : 8;
+            UInt32 u        : 8;
+            UInt32 v        : 8;
+        } ayuv;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 alpha    : 8;
+            UInt32 u        : 8;
+            UInt32 m        : 8;
+            UInt32 l        : 8;
+        } auml;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 blue     : 8;
+            UInt32 green    : 8;
+            UInt32 red      : 8;
+            UInt32 alpha    : 8;
+        } argb;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 v        : 8;
+            UInt32 u        : 8;
+            UInt32 y        : 8;
+            UInt32 alpha    : 8;
+        } ayuv;
+        struct {
+            UInt32 l        : 8;
+            UInt32 m        : 8;
+            UInt32 u        : 8;
+            UInt32 alpha    : 8;
+        } auml;
+    }   tmColor4_t, *ptmColor4_t;
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Hardware device power states
+    //
+    typedef enum tmPowerState
+    {
+        tmPowerOn,                          // Device powered on      (D0 state)
+        tmPowerStandby,                     // Device power standby   (D1 state)
+        tmPowerSuspend,                     // Device power suspended (D2 state)
+        tmPowerOff                          // Device powered off     (D3 state)
+    }   tmPowerState_t, *ptmPowerState_t;
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Software Version Structure
+    //
+    typedef struct tmSWVersion
+    {
+        UInt32      compatibilityNr;        // Interface compatibility number
+        UInt32      majorVersionNr;         // Interface major version number
+        UInt32      minorVersionNr;         // Interface minor version number
+    }   tmSWVersion_t, *ptmSWVersion_t;
+    /*Under the TCS, <tm1/tmBoardDef.h> may have been included by our client. In
+    order to avoid errors, we take account of this possibility, but in order to
+    support environments where the TCS is not available, we do not include the
+    file by name.*/
+#ifndef _TMBOARDDEF_H_
+#define _TMBOARDDEF_H_
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // HW Unit Selection
+    //
+    typedef CInt tmUnitSelect_t, *ptmUnitSelect_t;
+#define tmUnitNone (-1)
+#define tmUnit0    0
+#define tmUnit1    1
+#define tmUnit2    2
+#define tmUnit3    3
+#define tmUnit4    4
+    /*+compatibility*/
+#define unitSelect_t       tmUnitSelect_t
+#define unit0              tmUnit0
+#define unit1              tmUnit1
+#define unit2              tmUnit2
+#define unit3              tmUnit3
+#define unit4              tmUnit4
+    /*-compatibility*/
+#endif /*ndef _TMBOARDDEF_H_ */
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Instance handle
+    //
+    typedef Int tmInstance_t, *ptmInstance_t;
+#ifndef TMFL_DOT_NET_2_0_TYPES
+    // Callback function declaration
+    typedef Void (*ptmCallback_t) (UInt32 events, Void *pData, UInt32 userData);
+#define tmCallback_t ptmCallback_t /*compatibility*/
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // INLINE keyword for inline functions in all environments
+    //
+    // WinNT/WinCE: Use TMSHARED_DATA_BEGIN/TMSHARED_DATA_END for multiprocess
+    //  shared data on a single CPU.  To define data variables that are shared
+    //  across all processes for WinNT/WinCE, use the defined #pragma macros
+    //  TMSHARED_DATA_BEGIN/TMSHARED_DATA_END and initialize the data variables
+    //  as shown in the example below.  Data defined outside of the begin/end
+    //  section or not initialized will not be shared across all processes for
+    //  WinNT/WinCE; there will be a separate instance of the variable in each
+    //  process.  Use WinNT Explorer "QuickView" on the target DLL or text edit
+    //  the target DLL *.map file to verify the shared data section presence and
+    //  size (shared/static variables will not be named in the MAP file but will
+    //  be included in the shared section virtual size).
+    // NOTE: All data variables in the multiprocess section _MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_
+    //       to be shared across processes; if no explicit initialization is
+    //       done, the data variables will not be shared across processes.  This
+    //       shared data mechanism only applies to WinNT/WinCE multiprocess data
+    //       on a single CPU (pSOS shares all data across tasks by default).  Use
+    //       the TMML MP shared data region for shared data across multiple CPUs
+    //       and multiple processes.  Example (note global variable naming):
+    //
+    //  #if     (TMFL_OS_IS_CE || TMFL_OS_IS_NT)
+    //  #pragma TMSHARED_DATA_BEGIN         // Multiprocess shared data begin
+    //  #endif
+    //
+    //  static g<Multiprocess shared data variable> = <Initialization value>;
+    //         gtm<Multiprocess shared data variable> = <Initialization value>;
+    //
+    //  #if     (TMFL_OS_IS_CE || TMFL_OS_IS_NT)
+    //  #pragma TMSHARED_DATA_END           // Multiprocess shared data end
+    //  #endif
+    //
+#if        TMFL_OS_IS_CE || TMFL_OS_IS_NT
+#ifndef inline
+#define inline  __inline
+    //
+    // Places shared data in named DLL data segment for WinNT/WinCE builds.
+    // NOTE: These pragma defines require DLLFLAGS += -section:.tmShare,RWS in the
+    //       nt.mak and ce.mak target OS makefiles for this mechanism to work.
+    //
+#define TMSHARED_DATA_BEGIN     data_seg(".tmShare")
+#define TMSHARED_DATA_END       data_seg()
+    // NOTE regarding the keyword INLINE:
+    //
+    // Inline is not an ANSI-C keyword, hence every compiler can implement inlining
+    // the way it wants to. When using the dcc compiler this might possibly lead to
+    // redeclaration warnings when linking. For example:
+    //
+    //      dld: warning: Redeclaration of tmmlGetMemHandle
+    //      dld:    Defined in root.o
+    //      dld:    and        tmmlApi.o(../../lib/pSOS-MIPS/libtmml.a)
+    //
+    // For the dcc compiler inlining is not on by default. When building a retail
+    // version ( _TMTGTREL=ret), inlining is turned on explicitly in the dvp1 pSOS
+    // makefiles by specifying -XO, which enables all standard optimizations plus
+    // some others, including inlining (see the Language User's Manual, D-CC and
+    // D-C++ Compiler Suites p46). When building a debug version ( _TMTGTREL=dbg),
+    // the optimizations are not turned on (and even if they were they would have
+    // been overruled by -g anyway).
+    //
+    // When a .h file with inline function declarations gets included in multiple
+    // source files, redeclaration warnings are issued.
+    //
+    // When building a retail version those functions are inlined, but in addition
+    // the function is also declared within the .o file, resulting in redeclaration
+    // warnings as the same function is also defined by including that same header
+    // file in other source files. Defining the functions as static inline rather
+    // than inline solves the problem, as now the additional function declaration
+    // is omitted (as now the compiler realizes that there is no point in keeping
+    // that declaration as it can only be called from within this specific file,
+    // but it isn't, because all calls are already inline).
+    //
+    // When building a debug version no inlining is done, but the functions are
+    // still defined within the .o file, again resulting in redeclaration warnings.
+    // Again, defining the functions to be static inline rather than inline solves
+    // the problem.
+    // Now if we would change the definition of the inline keyword for pSOS from
+    // __inline__ to static __inline__, all inline function definitions throughout
+    // the code would not issue redeclaration warnings anymore, but all static
+    // inline definitions would.
+    // If we don't change the definition of the inline keyword, all inline func-
+    // tion definitions would return redeclaration warnings.
+    //
+    // As this is a pSOS linker bug, it was decided not to change the code but
+    // rather to ignore the issued warnings.
+    //
+#define inline  __inline__
+    // TriMedia keyword is already inline
+#define inline  __inline__
+    //
+    // TMFL_OS_IS_HPUNIX is the HP Unix workstation target OS environment for the
+    // DVP SDE2 using the GNU gcc toolset.  It is the same as TMFL_OS_IS_NULLOS
+    // (which is inaccurately named because it is the HP Unix CPU/OS target
+    // environment).
+    //
+    /* LM; 02/07/2202; to be able to use Insure, I modify the definition of inline */
+    /* #define inline  __inline__ */
+// #define inline  
+#define inline
+#else // TMFL_OS_IS_???
+#error confusing value in TMFL_OS!
+#endif // TMFL_OS_IS_XXX
+    /*Assume that |restrict| is supported by tmcc and C99 compilers only. More
+    discrimination in this area may be added here as necessary.*/
+#if !(defined __TCS__ ||                                                       \
+    (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ > 199409L))
+#define restrict /**/
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif //ndef TMNXTYPES_H
+// NXP source code - .\inc\tmCompId.h
+/*     (Copyright (C) 2003 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.             */
+/*     All rights reserved.                                                 */
+/*     This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the    */
+/*     proprietary information of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.      */
+/*     and is confidential in nature.                                       */
+/*     Under no circumstances is this software to be exposed to or placed   */
+/*     under an Open Source License of any type without the expressed       */
+/*     written permission of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.           */
+// MoReUse - 2001-11-12  Continuus Version 16
+// Added
+// Removed
+// CID_COMP_RTC  Twice the same request - duplicate removed          
+// (C) Copyright 2000-2001 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.,
+//     All rights reserved
+// This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole
+// property of Philips Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software
+// License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of Philips
+// Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and dissemination by
+// any party other than Philips Corporation is strictly limited by the
+// confidential information provisions of the Agreement referenced above.
+// FILE NAME:    tmCompId.h
+// DESCRIPTION:  This header file identifies the standard component identifiers
+//               for DVP platforms.  The objective of DVP component IDs is to
+//               enable unique identification of software components at all
+//               classes, types, and layers.  In addition, standard status
+//               values are also defined to make determination of typical error
+//               cases much easier.  The component identifier bitfields are
+//               four bit aligned to ease in reading the hexadecimal value.
+//               The process to create a new component ID follows the sequence
+//               of steps:
+//               1) Select a component class:  The class is the most general
+//                  component classification.  If none of the classifications
+//                  match and the component can still be uniquely identified
+//                  by its type/tag/layer combination, use CID_CLASS_NONE.
+//                  For customers, the CID_CLASS_CUSTOMER value is defined.
+//                  If that value is used in the CID_CLASS_BITMASK field,
+//                  all other bits in the component ID are user defined.
+//               2) Select a component type:   The component type is used to
+//                  classify how a component processes data.  Components may
+//                  have only output pins (source), only input pins (sink),
+//                  input and output pins with or without data modifications
+//                  (filter), control of data flow without input/output pins
+//                  (control), data storage/access/retrieval (database),
+//                  or component group (subsystem).  If the component does
+//                  not fit into any type classification, use CID_TYPE_NONE.
+//               3) Create a component ID:     The component ID is used to
+//                  classify the specific type and/or attributes of a software
+//                  component API interface.  The currently defined list should
+//                  be scanned for a component match.  If no component match
+//                  can be found, define a new component tag that descibes the
+//                  component clearly.  Component name abbreviations/acronyms
+//                  are generally used; build a name starting from left to
+//                  right with the most general ('A' or 'AUD' for audio, 'V' or
+//                  'VID' for video, etc.) to the most specific ('AC3' or 'MP3'
+//                  as specific audio filter types) terms for the component.
+//               NOTE: Component layer (CID_LAYER_XXX) and status (CID_ERR_XXX)
+//                     values are defined within the software component APIs
+//                     header files, not in this file.
+// DOCUMENT REF: DVP Software Coding Guidelines specification
+//               DVP/MoReUse Naming Conventions specification
+// NOTES:        The 32 bit component identifier bitfields are defined in the
+//               diagram below:
+//           +-----------------------------------------  4 bit Component Class
+//          /      +-----------------------------------  4 bit Component Type
+//         /      /         +--------------------------  8 bit Component Tag
+//        /      /         /         +-----------------  4 bit Component Layer
+//       /      /         /         /            +----- 12 bit Component Status
+//      /      /         /         /            /
+//  |31  28|27  24|23        16|15  12|11               0| bit
+//  +------+------+------------+------+------------------+
+//  |Class | Type |ComponentTag|Layer |  Error/Progress  |
+//  +------+------+------------+------+------------------+
+#ifndef TM_COMP_ID_H //-------------------
+#define TM_COMP_ID_H
+// Standard include files:
+// Project include files:
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+// Types and defines:
+// TM_OK is the 32 bit global status value used by all DVP software components
+//  to indicate successful function/operation status.  If a non-zero value is
+//  returned as status, it should use the component ID formats defined.
+#define TM_OK               0         // Global success return status
+// NOTE: Component ID types are defined as unsigned 32 bit integers (UInt32).
+// Component Class definitions (bits 31:28, 4 bits)
+// NOTE: A class of 0x0 must not be defined to ensure that the overall 32 bit
+//       component ID/status combination is always non-0 (no TM_OK conflict).
+#define CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT  28                          // Component class bit shift
+#define CID_CLASS_BITMASK   (0xF << CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT) // Class AND bitmsk
+#define CID_CLASS_NONE      (0x1 << CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT) // No class information
+#define CID_CLASS_VIDEO     (0x2 << CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT) // Video data component
+#define CID_CLASS_AUDIO     (0x3 << CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT) // Audio data component
+#define CID_CLASS_GRAPHICS  (0x4 << CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT) // Graphics component
+#define CID_CLASS_BUS       (0x5 << CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT) // In/out/control bus
+#define CID_CLASS_INFRASTR  (0x6 << CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT) // Infrastructure comp.
+                            // Up to 0xE = Philips reserved class IDs
+#define CID_CLASS_CUSTOMER  (0xF << CID_CLASS_BITSHIFT) // Customer rsvd class
+// Component Type definitions (bits 27:24, 4 bits)
+#define CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT   24                          // Component type bit shift
+#define CID_TYPE_BITMASK    (0xF << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Type AND bitmask
+#define CID_GET_TYPE(compId)    ((compId & CID_TYPE_BITMASK) >> CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)
+#define CID_TYPE_NONE       (0x0 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // No data connections
+#define CID_TYPE_SOURCE     (0x1 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Source, output pins
+#define CID_TYPE_SINK       (0x2 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Sink,   input pins
+#define CID_TYPE_ENCODER    (0x3 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data encoder
+#define CID_TYPE_DECODER    (0x4 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data decoder
+#define CID_TYPE_MUX        (0x5 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data multiplexer
+#define CID_TYPE_DEMUX      (0x6 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data demultiplexer
+#define CID_TYPE_DIGITIZER  (0x7 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data digitizer
+#define CID_TYPE_RENDERER   (0x8 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data renderer
+#define CID_TYPE_FILTER     (0x9 << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data filter/processr
+#define CID_TYPE_CONTROL    (0xA << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data control/switch
+#define CID_TYPE_DATABASE   (0xB << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Data store/access
+#define CID_TYPE_SUBSYSTEM  (0xC << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // MultiComp subsystem
+#define CID_TYPE_CUSTOMER   (0xF << CID_TYPE_BITSHIFT)  // Customer Defined Type
+                            // Up to 0xF = Philips reserved type IDs
+// Component Tag definitions (bits 23:16, 8 bits)
+// NOTE: Component tags are defined in groups, dependent on the class and type.
+#define CID_TAG_BITSHIFT    16                          // Component tag bit shift
+#define CID_TAG_BITMASK     (0xFF << CID_TAG_BITSHIFT)  // Comp tag AND bitmask
+#define CID_TAG_NONE        (0x00 << CID_TAG_BITSHIFT)  // No tag information
+                            // Up to 0xFF = Philips reserved component tags
+#define TAG(number)         ((number) << CID_TAG_BITSHIFT) // Create tag from num
+// Component Layer definitions (bits 15:12, 4 bits)
+#define CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT  12                           // Component layer bit shift
+#define CID_LAYER_BITMASK   (0xF << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // Layer AND bitmask
+#define CID_LAYER_NONE      (0x0 << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // No layer info
+#define CID_LAYER_BTM       (0x1 << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // Boot manager layer
+#define CID_LAYER_HWAPI     (0x2 << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // Hardware API layer
+#define CID_LAYER_BSL       (0x3 << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // Board Supp. Lib lyr
+#define CID_LAYER_DEVLIB    (0x4 << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // Device Library lyr
+#define CID_LAYER_TMAL      (0x5 << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // Application layer
+#define CID_LAYER_TMOL      (0x6 << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // OSDependent layer
+#define CID_LAYER_CUSTOMER  (0xF << CID_LAYER_BITSHIFT)  // Customer Defined Layer
+                            // Up to 0xF = Philips reserved layer IDs
+// Component Identifier definitions (bits 31:12, 20 bits)
+// NOTE: These DVP platform component identifiers are designed to be unique
+//       within the system.  The component identifier encompasses the class
+//       (CID_CLASS_XXX), type (CID_TYPE_XXX), tag, and layer (CID_LAYER_XXX)
+//       fields to form the unique component identifier.  This allows any
+//       error/progress status value to be identified as to its original
+//       source, whether or not the source component's header file is present.
+//       The standard error/progress status definitions should be used
+//       whenever possible to ease status interpretation.  No layer
+//       information is defined at this point; it should be OR'd into the API
+//       status values defined in the API's header file.
+#if     (CID_LAYER_NONE != 0)
+#error  ERROR: DVP component identifiers require the layer type 'NONE' = 0 !
+// Classless Types/Components (don't fit into other class categories)
+#define CID_COMP_CLOCK          (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_DMA            (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_PIC            (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_GPIO           (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_UDMA           (TAG(0x08) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_DSP            (TAG(0x09) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_TIMER          (TAG(0x0A) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_TSDMA          (TAG(0x0B) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_VSS            (TAG(0x0F) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_TSIO           (TAG(0x10) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_DBG            (TAG(0x11) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_TTE            (TAG(0x12) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_AVPROP         (TAG(0x13) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_STP            (TAG(0x16) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_SYN            (TAG(0x17) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_TTX            (TAG(0x18) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_MIU            (TAG(0x19) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_RESET          (TAG(0x1B) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_VCTRL          (TAG(0x1D) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_TUNER          (TAG(0x1E) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_DEMOD          (TAG(0x1F) | CTYP_NOCLASS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_FREAD          (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_VSB            (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_DREAD          (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_TREAD          (TAG(0x07) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_RTC            (TAG(0x08) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_TOUCHC         (TAG(0x09) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_ADC            (TAG(0x0B) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_FWRITE         (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SINK)
+#define CID_COMP_CDWRITE        (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SINK)
+#define CID_COMP_CHARLCD        (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SINK)
+#define CID_COMP_PWM            (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SINK)
+#define CID_COMP_DAC            (TAG(0x05) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SINK)
+#define CID_COMP_TODISK         (TAG(0x07) | CTYP_NOCLASS_SINK)
+#define CID_COMP_MUXMPEG        (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_NOCLASS_MUX)
+#define CID_COMP_COPYIO         (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_UART           (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_SSI            (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_MODEMV34       (TAG(0x05) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_MODEMV42       (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_VMSP           (TAG(0x08) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_X              (TAG(0x09) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_CPI            (TAG(0x0B) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_TRICK          (TAG(0x0C) | CTYP_NOCLASS_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_PSIP           (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_NOCLASS_DATABASE)
+#define CID_COMP_IDE            (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_NOCLASS_DATABASE)
+#define CID_COMP_AVFS           (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_NOCLASS_DATABASE)
+#define CID_COMP_MDB            (TAG(0x05) | CTYP_NOCLASS_DATABASE)
+// Video Class Types/Components (video types handle video/graphics data)
+#define CID_COMP_LCD            (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_SINK)
+#define CID_COMP_VCAPVI         (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_VIP            (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_VIDEO_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_VI             (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_VIDEO_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_VSLICER        (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_VIDEO_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_FBREAD         (TAG(0x05) | CTYP_VIDEO_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_QVI            (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_VIDEO_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_CAMERA         (TAG(0x07) | CTYP_VIDEO_SOURCE)
+#define CID_COMP_VENCM1         (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_ENCODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VENCM2         (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_VIDEO_ENCODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VENCMJ         (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_VIDEO_ENCODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VENCH263       (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_VIDEO_ENCODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VENCH261       (TAG(0x05) | CTYP_VIDEO_ENCODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VDECM1         (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VDECM2         (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VDECMJ         (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VDECH263       (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VDECH261       (TAG(0x07) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VDEC           (TAG(0x08) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_M4PP           (TAG(0x0C) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_M4MC           (TAG(0x0D) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_M4CSC          (TAG(0x0E) | CTYP_VIDEO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_VDIG           (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_DIGITIZER)
+#define CID_COMP_VREND          (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_HDVO           (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_VIDEO_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_AICP           (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_VIDEO_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_VO             (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_VIDEO_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_QVO            (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_VIDEO_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_VMIX           (TAG(0x08) | CTYP_VIDEO_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_GFX           (TAG(0x09) | CTYP_VIDEO_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_MBS            (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_VTRANS         (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_VIDEO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_QNM            (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_VIDEO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_ICP            (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_VIDEO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_QFD            (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_VIDEO_FILTER) // film detector
+#define CID_COMP_VSYSMT3        (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_SUBSYS) //obsolescent
+#define CID_COMP_VSYSSTB        (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_VIDEO_SUBSYS)
+#define CID_COMP_VDECUD         (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_VIDEO_SUBSYS)
+#define CID_COMP_VIDSYS         (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_VIDEO_SUBSYS)
+// Audio Class Types/Components (audio types primarily handle audio data)
+#define CID_COMP_AI             (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_AUDIO_NONE)
+#define CID_COMP_AO             (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_AUDIO_NONE)
+#define CID_COMP_ADAI           (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_AUDIO_NONE)
+#define CID_COMP_SDAC           (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_AUDIO_SINK)
+#define CID_COMP_AENCAC3        (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_AUDIO_ENCODER)
+#define CID_COMP_AENCG723       (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_AUDIO_ENCODER)
+#define CID_COMP_AENCG728       (TAG(0x05) | CTYP_AUDIO_ENCODER)
+#define CID_COMP_ADECAC3        (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_AUDIO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_ADECMP3        (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_AUDIO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_ADECG723       (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_AUDIO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_ADECG728       (TAG(0x07) | CTYP_AUDIO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_ADEC           (TAG(0x0A) | CTYP_AUDIO_DECODER)
+#define CID_COMP_ASPLIB         (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_AUDIO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_IIR            (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_AUDIO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_ASPEQ2         (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_AUDIO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_ASPEQ5         (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_AUDIO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_ASPLAT2        (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_AUDIO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_AMIXDTV        (TAG(0x08) | CTYP_AUDIO_FILTER)
+#define CID_COMP_ASPEQ          (TAG(0x0B) | CTYP_AUDIO_FILTER)
+// Graphics Class Types/Components
+#define CID_COMP_WM             (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_OM             (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_RENDERER)
+#define CID_COMP_DRAW           (TAG(0x10) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_DRAW)
+#define CID_COMP_DRAW_UT        (TAG(0x11) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_DRAW)
+#define CID_COMP_DRAW_DE        (TAG(0x12) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_DRAW)
+#define CID_COMP_3D             (TAG(0x30) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_DRAW)
+#define CID_COMP_JAWT           (TAG(0x31) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_DRAW)
+#define CID_COMP_JINPUT         (TAG(0x32) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_DRAW)
+#define CID_COMP_LWM            (TAG(0x33) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_DRAW)
+#define CID_COMP_2D             (TAG(0x34) | CTYP_GRAPHICS_DRAW)
+// Bus Class Types/Components (busses connect hardware components together)
+#define CID_COMP_XIO            (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_IIC            (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_PCI            (TAG(0x03) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_P1394          (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_ENET           (TAG(0x05) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_ATA            (TAG(0x06) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_CAN            (TAG(0x07) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_UCGDMA         (TAG(0x08) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_I2S            (TAG(0x09) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_SPI            (TAG(0x0A) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_PCM            (TAG(0x0B) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_L3             (TAG(0x0C) | CTYP_BUS_NOTYPE)
+// Infrastructure Class Types/Components
+#define CID_COMP_OSAL           (TAG(0x01) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_MML            (TAG(0x02) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_RPC            (TAG(0x04) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_THI            (TAG(0x05) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_TMMAN          (TAG(0x07) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_LDT            (TAG(0x08) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_CR             (TAG(0x0C) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_NODE           (TAG(0x0D) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_COM            (TAG(0x0E) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+#define CID_COMP_UTIL           (TAG(0x0F) | CTYP_INFRASTR_NOTYPE)
+// Component Standard Error/Progress Status definitions (bits 11:0, 12 bits)
+// NOTE: These status codes are OR'd with the component identifier to create
+//       component unique 32 bit status values.  The component status values
+//       should be defined in the header files where the APIs are defined.
+#define CID_ERR_BITMASK                 0xFFF // Component error AND bitmask
+#define CID_ERR_BITSHIFT                0     // Component error bit shift
+#define CID_GET_ERROR(compId)   ((compId & CID_ERR_BITMASK) >> CID_ERR_BITSHIFT)
+#define TM_ERR_COMPATIBILITY            0x001 // SW Interface compatibility
+#define TM_ERR_MAJOR_VERSION            0x002 // SW Major Version error
+#define TM_ERR_COMP_VERSION             0x003 // SW component version error
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_MODULE_ID            0x004 // SW - HW module ID error
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_UNIT_NUMBER          0x005 // Invalid device unit number
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_INSTANCE             0x006 // Bad input instance value
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_HANDLE               0x007 // Bad input handle
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_INDEX                0x008 // Bad input index
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER            0x009 // Invalid input parameter
+#define TM_ERR_NO_INSTANCES             0x00A // No instances available
+#define TM_ERR_NO_COMPONENT             0x00B // Component is not present
+#define TM_ERR_NO_RESOURCES             0x00C // Resource is not available
+#define TM_ERR_INSTANCE_IN_USE          0x00D // Instance is already in use
+#define TM_ERR_RESOURCE_OWNED           0x00E // Resource is already in use
+#define TM_ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED       0x00F // Caller does not own resource
+#define TM_ERR_INCONSISTENT_PARAMS      0x010 // Inconsistent input params
+#define TM_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED          0x011 // Component is not initialized
+#define TM_ERR_NOT_ENABLED              0x012 // Component is not enabled
+#define TM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED            0x013 // Function is not supported
+#define TM_ERR_INIT_FAILED              0x014 // Initialization failed
+#define TM_ERR_BUSY                     0x015 // Component is busy
+#define TM_ERR_NOT_BUSY                 0x016 // Component is not busy
+#define TM_ERR_READ                     0x017 // Read error
+#define TM_ERR_WRITE                    0x018 // Write error
+#define TM_ERR_ERASE                    0x019 // Erase error
+#define TM_ERR_LOCK                     0x01A // Lock error
+#define TM_ERR_UNLOCK                   0x01B // Unlock error
+#define TM_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY            0x01C // Memory allocation failed
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_VIRT_ADDRESS         0x01D // Bad virtual address
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_PHYS_ADDRESS         0x01E // Bad physical address
+#define TM_ERR_TIMEOUT                  0x01F // Timeout error
+#define TM_ERR_OVERFLOW                 0x020 // Data overflow/overrun error
+#define TM_ERR_FULL                     0x021 // Queue (etc.) is full
+#define TM_ERR_EMPTY                    0x022 // Queue (etc.) is empty
+#define TM_ERR_NOT_STARTED              0x023 // Component stream not started
+#define TM_ERR_ALREADY_STARTED          0x024 // Comp. stream already started
+#define TM_ERR_NOT_STOPPED              0x025 // Component stream not stopped
+#define TM_ERR_ALREADY_STOPPED          0x026 // Comp. stream already stopped
+#define TM_ERR_ALREADY_SETUP            0x027 // Component already setup
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_PARAMETER           0x028 // Null input parameter
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_DATAINFUNC          0x029 // Null data input function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_DATAOUTFUNC         0x02A // Null data output function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_CONTROLFUNC         0x02B // Null control function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_COMPLETIONFUNC      0x02C // Null completion function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_PROGRESSFUNC        0x02D // Null progress function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_ERRORFUNC           0x02E // Null error handler function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_MEMALLOCFUNC        0x02F // Null memory alloc function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_MEMFREEFUNC         0x030 // Null memory free  function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_CONFIGFUNC          0x031 // Null configuration function
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_PARENT              0x032 // Null parent data
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_IODESC              0x033 // Null in/out descriptor
+#define TM_ERR_NULL_CTRLDESC            0x034 // Null control descriptor
+#define TM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DATACLASS    0x035 // Unsupported data class
+#define TM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DATATYPE     0x036 // Unsupported data type
+#define TM_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DATASUBTYPE  0x037 // Unsupported data subtype
+#define TM_ERR_FORMAT                   0x038 // Invalid/unsupported format
+#define TM_ERR_INPUT_DESC_FLAGS         0x039 // Bad input  descriptor flags
+#define TM_ERR_OUTPUT_DESC_FLAGS        0x03A // Bad output descriptor flags
+#define TM_ERR_CAP_REQUIRED             0x03B // Capabilities required ???
+#define TM_ERR_BAD_TMALFUNC_TABLE       0x03C // Bad TMAL function table
+#define TM_ERR_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID       0x03D // Invalid channel identifier
+#define TM_ERR_INVALID_COMMAND          0x03E // Invalid command/request
+#define TM_ERR_STREAM_MODE_CONFUSION    0x03F // Stream mode config conflict
+#define TM_ERR_UNDERRUN                 0x040 // Data underflow/underrun
+#define TM_ERR_EMPTY_PACKET_RECVD       0x041 // Empty data packet received
+#define TM_ERR_OTHER_DATAINOUT_ERR      0x042 // Other data input/output err
+#define TM_ERR_STOP_REQUESTED           0x043 // Stop in progress
+#define TM_ERR_PIN_NOT_STARTED          0x044 // Pin not started
+#define TM_ERR_PIN_ALREADY_STARTED      0x045 // Pin already started
+#define TM_ERR_PIN_NOT_STOPPED          0x046 // Pin not stopped
+#define TM_ERR_PIN_ALREADY_STOPPED      0x047 // Pin already stopped
+#define TM_ERR_STOP_PIN_REQUESTED       0x048 // Stop of a single pin is in progress (obsolescent)
+#define TM_ERR_PAUSE_PIN_REQUESTED      0x048 // Stop of a single pin is in progress
+#define TM_ERR_ASSERTION                0x049 // Assertion failure
+#define TM_ERR_HIGHWAY_BANDWIDTH        0x04A // Highway bandwidth bus error
+#define TM_ERR_HW_RESET_FAILED          0x04B // Hardware reset failed
+#define TM_ERR_PIN_PAUSED               0x04C // Pin Paused
+// Add new standard error/progress status codes here
+#define TM_ERR_COMP_UNIQUE_START        0x800 // 0x800-0xDFF: Component unique
+#define TM_ERR_CUSTOMER_START           0xC00  
+// DVP Standard assert error code start offset
+// NOTE: This define should be added to the component's base error value and
+//       standard error code(s) to define assert error codes.  For example:
+#define TM_ERR_ASSERT_START             0xE00 // 0xE00-0xEFF: Assert failures
+#define TM_ERR_ASSERT_LAST              0xEFF // Last assert error range value
+#define CID_IS_ASSERT_ERROR(compId)     \
+    ((CID_GET_ERROR(compId) >= TM_ERR_ASSERT_START) && \
+// DVP Standard fatal error code start offset
+// NOTE: This define should be added to the component's base error value and
+//       standard error code(s) to define fatal error codes.  For example:
+#define TM_ERR_FATAL_START              0xF00 // 0xF00-0xFFF: Fatal failures
+#define TM_ERR_FATAL_LAST               0xFFF // Last fatal error range value
+#define CID_IS_FATAL_ERROR(compId)      \
+    ((CID_GET_ERROR(compId) >= TM_ERR_FATAL_START) && \
+// DVP hardware module IDs
+#define VMPG_100_MOD_ID         0x00000100
+#define C1394_101_MOD_ID        0x00000101
+#define FPBC_102_MOD_ID         0x00000102
+#define JTAG_103_MOD_ID         0x00000103
+#define EJTAG_104_MOD_ID        0x00000104
+#define IIC_105_MOD_ID          0x00000105
+#define SMCARD_106_MOD_ID       0x00000106
+#define UART_107_MOD_ID         0x00000107
+/* #define CLOCKS_108_MOD_ID       0x00000108 */
+#define USB_109_MOD_ID          0x00000109
+#define BOOT_10A_MOD_ID         0x0000010A
+#define MPBC_10B_MOD_ID         0x0000010B
+#define SSI_10C_MOD_ID          0x0000010C
+#define AI_10D_MOD_ID           0x0000010D
+#define VMSP_10E_MOD_ID         0x0000010E
+#define GPIO_10F_MOD_ID         0x0000010F
+#define SPDI_110_MOD_ID         0x00000110
+#define AICP_111_MOD_ID         0x00000111
+#define TPBC_112_MOD_ID         0x00000112
+#define PCI_113_MOD_ID          0x00000113
+#define MMI_114_MOD_ID          0x00000114
+#define ORCA3_115_MOD_ID        0x00000115
+#define DBG_116_MOD_ID          0x00000116
+#define DE_117_MOD_ID           0x00000117
+#define AICP_118_MOD_ID         0x00000118
+#define MBS_119_MOD_ID          0x00000119
+#define VIP_11A_MOD_ID          0x0000011A
+#define PIMI_11B_MOD_ID         0x0000011B
+#define PIB_11C_MOD_ID          0x0000011C
+#define PIC_11D_MOD_ID          0x0000011D
+#define TMDBG_11F_MOD_ID        0x0000011F
+#define AO_120_MOD_ID           0x00000120
+#define SPDO_121_MOD_ID         0x00000121
+#define FPIMI_122_MOD_ID        0x00000122
+#define RESET_123_MOD_ID        0x00000123
+#define NULL_124_MOD_ID         0x00000124
+#define TSDMA_125_MOD_ID        0x00000125
+#define GLBREG_126_MOD_ID       0x00000126
+#define TMDBG_127_MOD_ID        0x00000127
+#define GLBREG_128_MOD_ID       0x00000128
+#define DMA_130_MOD_ID          0x00000130
+#define IR_131_MOD_ID           0x00000131
+#define GFX2D_131_MOD_ID        0x00000132 // TODO: Remove after code corrected
+#define GFX2D_132_MOD_ID        0x00000132
+#define P1284_133_MOD_ID        0x00000133
+#define QNM_134_MOD_ID          0x00000134
+#define OSD_136_MOD_ID            0x00000136
+#define MIX_137_MOD_ID            0x00000137
+#define DENC_138_MOD_ID            0x00000138
+#define SYN_13A_MOD_ID            0x0000013A
+#define CLOCKS_13E_MOD_ID       0x0000013E
+#define CONFIG_13F_MOD_ID       0x0000013F
+#define MIU_A04C_MOD_ID            0x0000A04C
+#define DISP_A04D_MOD_ID        0x0000A04D
+#define VCTRL_A04E_MOD_ID       0x0000A04E
+#define PR3930_2B10_MOD_ID      0x00002B10
+#define PR3940_2B11_MOD_ID      0x00002B11
+#define TM3218_2B80_MOD_ID      0x00002B80
+#define TM64_2b81_MOD_ID        0x00002B81
+#define QNM_A017_MOD_ID         0x0000A017
+// There is no HW module ID for TS IO ROUTER.  We assign
+// a SW module ID to this module, because it is needed by Clock 
+// device and HWAPI libraries. Use 010Eh for lower word 
+// (for lack of better reason ! because IO Router is closely
+// associated with VMSP module)
+#define IORT_1010E_MOD_ID       0x0001010E
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // TMCOMPID_H //-----------------
+// NXP source code - .\inc\tmFrontEnd.h
+  Copyright (C) 2007 NXP B.V., All Rights Reserved.
+  This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the proprietary
+  information of NXP B.V. and is confidential in nature. Under no circumstances
+  is this software to be  exposed to or placed under an Open Source License of
+  any type without the expressed written permission of NXP B.V.
+ *
+ * \file          tmFrontEnd.h
+ *                %version: CFR_STB# %
+ *
+ * \date          %date_modified%
+ *
+ * \brief         Describe briefly the purpose of this file.
+ *
+ *
+ * Detailed description may be added here.
+ *
+ * \section info Change Information
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+   Date          Modified by CRPRNr  TASKNr  Maintenance description
+   -------------|-----------|-------|-------|-----------------------------------
+    26-Mar-2008 | B.GUILLOT | 13122 | 23456 | Creation
+   -------------|-----------|-------|-------|-----------------------------------
+   \endverbatim
+ *
+/*                       INCLUDE FILES                                        */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/*                       ENUM OR TYPE DEFINITION                              */
+/* standard*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndStandard_t {
+    tmFrontEndStandardDVBT,
+    tmFrontEndStandardDVBS,
+    tmFrontEndStandardDVBC,
+    tmFrontEndStandardDSS,
+    tmFrontEndStandardBSD,
+    tmFrontEndStandardDVBH,
+    tmFrontEndStandardAnalogDVBT,
+    tmFrontEndStandardDVBS2,
+    tmFrontEndStandardDVBT2,
+    tmFrontEndStandardMax
+} tmFrontEndStandard_t, *ptmFrontEndStandard_t;
+/* spectral inversion*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndSpecInv_t {
+    tmFrontEndSpecInvAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndSpecInvOff,
+    tmFrontEndSpecInvOn,
+    tmFrontEndSpecInvMax
+} tmFrontEndSpecInv_t, *ptmFrontEndSpecInv_t;
+/* modulation*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndModulation_t {
+    tmFrontEndModulationAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndModulationBpsk,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQpsk,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam4,
+    tmFrontEndModulationPsk8,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam16,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam32,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam64,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam128,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam256,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam512,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam1024,
+    tmFrontEndModulation8VSB,
+    tmFrontEndModulation16VSB,
+    tmFrontEndModulationQam,
+    tmFrontEndModulationMax
+} tmFrontEndModulation_t, *ptmFrontEndModulation_t;
+/* viterbi rate*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndCodeRate_t {
+    tmFrontEndCodeRateAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_1_4,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_1_3,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_2_5,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_1_2,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_3_5,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_2_3,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_3_4,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_4_5,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_5_6,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_6_7,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_7_8,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_8_9,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_9_10,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_NotRelevant,
+    tmFrontEndCodeRateMax
+} tmFrontEndCodeRate_t, *ptmFrontEndCodeRate_t;
+/* frequency offset*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndRfOffset_t {
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetNull,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetPlus125,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetMinus125,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetPlus166,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetMinus166,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetPlus333,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetMinus333,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetPlus500,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetMinus500,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetMax
+} tmFrontEndRfOffset_t, *ptmFrontEndRfOffset_t;
+/* frequency offset*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndRfOffsetMode_t {
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetModeAuto,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetModeManual,
+    tmFrontEndRfOffsetModeMax
+} tmFrontEndRfOffsetMode_t, *ptmFrontEndRfOffsetMode_t;
+/* guard interval*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndGI_t {
+    tmFrontEndGIAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndGI_1_32,
+    tmFrontEndGI_1_16,
+    tmFrontEndGI_1_8,
+    tmFrontEndGI_1_4,
+    tmFrontEndGI_1_128,
+    tmFrontEndGI_19_128,
+    tmFrontEndGI_19_256,
+    tmFrontEndGIMax
+} tmFrontEndGI_t, *ptmFrontEndGI_t;
+/* fast Fourrier transform size*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndFft_t {
+    tmFrontEndFftAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndFft2K,
+    tmFrontEndFft8K,
+    tmFrontEndFft4K,
+    tmFrontEndFft16K,
+    tmFrontEndFft32K,
+    tmFrontEndFftMax
+} tmFrontEndFft_t, *ptmFrontEndFft_t;
+/* hierarchy*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndHier_t {
+    tmFrontEndHierAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndHierNo,
+    tmFrontEndHierAlpha1,
+    tmFrontEndHierAlpha2,
+    tmFrontEndHierAlpha4,
+    tmFrontEndHierMax
+} tmFrontEndHier_t, *ptmFrontEndHier_t;
+/* priority*/
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndPrior_t {
+    tmFrontEndPriorAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndPriorHigh,
+    tmFrontEndPriorLow,
+    tmFrontEndPriorMax
+} tmFrontEndPrior_t, *ptmFrontEndPrior_t;
+/* roll off */
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndRollOff_t {
+    tmFrontEndRollOffAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndRollOff_0_15,
+    tmFrontEndRollOff_0_20,
+    tmFrontEndRollOff_0_25,
+    tmFrontEndRollOff_0_35,
+    tmFrontEndRollOffMax
+} tmFrontEndRollOff_t, *ptmFrontEndRollOff_t;
+/* LNB polarity */
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndLNBPolarity_t {
+    tmFrontEndLNBPolarityAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndLNBPolarityHigh,
+    tmFrontEndLNBPolarityLow,
+    tmFrontEndLNBPolarityMax
+} tmFrontEndLNBPolarity_t, *ptmFrontEndLNBPolarity_t;
+/* continuous tone */
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndContinuousTone_t {
+    tmFrontEndContinuousToneAuto = 0,
+    tmFrontEndContinuousToneOff,
+    tmFrontEndContinuousTone22KHz,
+    tmFrontEndContinuousToneMax
+} tmFrontEndContinuousTone_t, *ptmFrontEndContinuousTone_t;
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndChannelType_t
+    tmFrontEndChannelTypeNone    = 0x00,  /* No detection         */
+    tmFrontEndChannelTypeDigital = 0x01,  /* Digital channel      */
+    tmFrontEndChannelTypeAnalog  = 0x02,  /* Analog channel       */
+    tmFrontEndChannelTypeUnknown = 0x20   /* unknown channel type */
+} tmFrontEndChannelType_t;
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndChannelConfidence_t
+    tmFrontEndConfidenceNotAvailable,
+    tmFrontEndConfidenceNull,
+    tmFrontEndConfidenceLow,
+    tmFrontEndConfidenceMedium,
+    tmFrontEndConfidenceHigh
+} tmFrontEndConfidence_t;
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPType_t
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPTypeAuto,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPTypeCommon,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPType1,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPType2,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPTypeMax
+} tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPType_t;
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadType_t
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadTypeAuto,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadTypeGFPS,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadTypeGCS,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadTypeGSE,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadTypeTS,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadTypeMax
+} tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadType_t;
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndRotationState_t
+    tmFrontEndRotationStateAuto,
+    tmFrontEndRotationStateOn,
+    tmFrontEndRotationStateOff,
+    tmFrontEndRotationStateMax
+} tmFrontEndRotationState;
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndDVBT2FECType_t
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2FECTypeAuto,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2FECType16K,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2FECType64K,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2FECTypeMax
+} tmFrontEndDVBT2FECType_t;
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndDVBT2InputType_t
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2InputTypeAuto,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2InputTypeSISO,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2InputTypeMISO,
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2InputTypeMax
+} tmFrontEndDVBT2InputType_t;
+typedef enum _tmFrontEndFECMode_t
+    tmFrontEndFECModeUnknown = 0,
+    tmFrontEndFECModeAnnexA,
+    tmFrontEndFECModeAnnexB,
+    tmFrontEndFECModeAnnexC,
+    tmFrontEndFECModeMax
+} tmFrontEndFECMode_t;
+typedef struct _tmFrontEndFracNb8_t
+    Int8 lInteger;
+    UInt8 uDivider;
+typedef struct _tmFrontEndFracNb16_t
+    Int16 lInteger;
+    UInt16 uDivider;
+typedef struct _tmFrontEndFracNb32_t
+    Int32 lInteger;
+    UInt32 uDivider;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* TMFRONTEND_H */
+/*                            END OF FILE                                     */
+// NXP source code - .\inc\tmUnitParams.h
+  Copyright (C) 2007 NXP B.V., All Rights Reserved.
+  This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the proprietary
+  information of NXP B.V. and is confidential in nature. Under no circumstances
+  is this software to be  exposed to or placed under an Open Source License of
+  any type without the expressed written permission of NXP B.V.
+ *
+ * \file          tmUnitParams.h
+ *                %version: 2 %
+ *
+ * \date          %date_modified%
+ *
+ * \brief         Describe briefly the purpose of this file.
+ *
+ *
+ * Detailed description may be added here.
+ *
+ * \section info Change Information
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+   Date          Modified by CRPRNr  TASKNr  Maintenance description
+   -------------|-----------|-------|-------|-----------------------------------
+    26-Mar-2008 | B.GUILLOT | 13122 | 23456 | Creation
+   -------------|-----------|-------|-------|-----------------------------------
+   \endverbatim
+ *
+/*                       INCLUDE FILES                                        */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/*                       ENUM OR TYPE DEFINITION                              */
+/** \brief "These macros map to tmUnitSelect_t variables parts"
+#define UNIT_VALID(_tUnIt)                      (((_tUnIt)&0x80000000)==0)
+#define UNIT_PATH_INDEX_MASK                    (0x0000001F)
+#define UNIT_PATH_INDEX_POS                     (0)
+#define UNIT_PATH_TYPE_MASK                     (0x000003E0)
+#define UNIT_PATH_TYPE_POS                      (5)
+#define UNIT_PATH_CONFIG_MASK                   (0x0003FC00)
+#define UNIT_PATH_CONFIG_POS                    (10)
+#define UNIT_SYSTEM_INDEX_MASK                  (0x007C0000)
+#define UNIT_SYSTEM_INDEX_POS                   (18)
+#define UNIT_SYSTEM_CONFIG_MASK                 (0x7F800000)
+#define UNIT_SYSTEM_CONFIG_POS                  (23)
+#define UNIT_PATH_INDEX_GET(_tUnIt)             ((_tUnIt)&UNIT_PATH_INDEX_MASK)
+#define UNIT_PATH_INDEX_VAL(_val)               (((_val)<<UNIT_PATH_INDEX_POS)&UNIT_PATH_INDEX_MASK)
+#define UNIT_PATH_INDEX_SET(_tUnIt, _val)       ( ((_tUnIt)&~UNIT_PATH_INDEX_MASK) | UNIT_PATH_INDEX_VAL(_val) )
+#define UNIT_PATH_TYPE_GET(_tUnIt)              (((_tUnIt)&UNIT_PATH_TYPE_MASK) >> UNIT_PATH_TYPE_POS)
+#define UNIT_PATH_TYPE_VAL(_val)                (((_val)<<UNIT_PATH_TYPE_POS)&UNIT_PATH_TYPE_MASK)
+#define UNIT_PATH_TYPE_SET(_tUnIt, _val)        ( ((_tUnIt)&~UNIT_PATH_TYPE_MASK) | UNIT_PATH_TYPE_VAL(_val) )
+#define UNIT_PATH_CONFIG_SET(_tUnIt, _val)      ( ((_tUnIt)&~UNIT_PATH_CONFIG_MASK) | UNIT_PATH_CONFIG_VAL(_val) )
+#define XFER_DISABLED_FLAG                      (UNIT_PATH_CONFIG_VAL(0x80))
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* TMUNITPARAMS_H */
+/*                            END OF FILE                                     */
+// NXP source code - .\inc\tmbslFrontEndTypes.h
+  Copyright (C) 2007 NXP B.V., All Rights Reserved.
+  This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the proprietary
+  information of NXP B.V. and is confidential in nature. Under no circumstances
+  is this software to be  exposed to or placed under an Open Source License of
+  any type without the expressed written permission of NXP B.V.
+ *
+ * \file          tmbslFrontEndTypes.h
+ *                %version: CFR_STB#1.10 %
+ *
+ * \date          %date_modified%
+ *
+ * \brief         Describe briefly the purpose of this file.
+ *
+ *
+ * Detailed description may be added here.
+ *
+ * \section info Change Information
+ *
+ * \verbatim
+   Date          Modified by CRPRNr  TASKNr  Maintenance description
+   -------------|-----------|-------|-------|-----------------------------------
+    27-Mar-2008 | B.GUILLOT | 13122 | 23472 | Integrate with tmbslDvbtIp.
+   -------------|-----------|-------|-------|-----------------------------------
+   \endverbatim
+ *
+/*                       INCLUDE FILES                                        */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/*                       MACRO DEFINITION                                     */
+/*                       ENUM OR TYPE DEFINITION                              */
+/* Status of the carrier phase lock loop */
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndState_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndState_t_Struct_
+typedef enum _tmbslFrontEndState_t
+    /** status Unknown */
+    tmbslFrontEndStateUnknown = 0,
+    /** Channel locked*/
+    tmbslFrontEndStateLocked,
+    /** Channel not locked */
+    tmbslFrontEndStateNotLocked,
+    /** Channel lock in process */
+    tmbslFrontEndStateSearching,
+    tmbslFrontEndStateMax
+} tmbslFrontEndState_t, *ptmbslFrontEndState_t;
+/* Gpio config */
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndGpioConfig_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndGpioConfig_t_Struct_
+typedef enum _tmbslFrontEndGpioConfig_t
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioConfUnknown = 0,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioConfInput,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioConfOutputPushPull,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioConfOutputOpenDrain,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioConfTriState,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioConfMax
+} tmbslFrontEndGpioConfig_t, *ptmbslFrontEndGpioConfig_t;
+/* Gpio polarity */
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndGpioPolarity_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndGpioPolarity_t_Struct_
+typedef enum _tmbslFrontEndGpioPolarity_t
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioPolUnknown = 0,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioPolNotInverted,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioPolInverted,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioPolMax
+} tmbslFrontEndGpioPolarity_t, *ptmbslFrontEndGpioPolarity_t;
+/* IT Selection */
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndITSel_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndITSel_t_Struct_
+typedef enum _tmbslFrontEndITSel_t
+    tmbslFrontEndITSelUnknown = 0,
+    tmbslFrontEndITSelFELGoesUp,
+    tmbslFrontEndITSelFELGoesDown,
+    tmbslFrontEndITSelDVBSynchroFlag,
+    tmbslFrontEndITSelVBERRefreshed,
+    tmbslFrontEndITSelBERRefreshed,
+    tmbslFrontEndITSelUncor,
+    tmbslFrontEndGpioITSelMax
+} tmbslFrontEndITSel_t, *ptmbslFrontEndITSel_t;
+/* I2C switch */
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchState_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchState_t_Struct_
+typedef enum _tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchState_t
+    tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchStateUnknown = 0,
+    tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchStateOpen,
+    tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchStateClosed,
+    tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchStateReset,
+    tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchStateMax
+} tmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchState_t, *ptmbslFrontEndI2CSwitchState_t;
+/* DVBT2 PLP */
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndDVBT2PLP_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndDVBT2PLP_t_Struct_
+typedef struct _tmbslFrontEndDVBT2PLP_t
+    UInt32 uId;
+    UInt32 uGroupId;
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPType_t eType;
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2PLPPayloadType_t ePayloadType;
+    tmFrontEndCodeRate_t eCodeRate;
+    tmFrontEndModulation_t eModulation;
+    tmFrontEndRotationState eRotation;
+    tmFrontEndDVBT2FECType_t eFECType;
+} tmbslFrontEndDVBT2PLP_t;
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndTVStandard_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndTVStandard_t_Struct_
+typedef enum _tmbslFrontEndTVStandard_t
+    tmbslFrontEndTVStandardNone,
+    tmbslFrontEndTVStandardMN,
+    tmbslFrontEndTVStandardBG,
+    tmbslFrontEndTVStandardI,
+    tmbslFrontEndTVStandardDKL,
+    tmbslFrontEndTVStandardLp,
+    tmbslFrontEndTVStandardMax
+} tmbslFrontEndTVStandard_t;
+/** \brief "Function pointers to hardware access services"
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndIoFunc_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndIoFunc_t_Struct_
+typedef struct _tmbslFrontEndIoFunc_t
+    /** Read hardware function */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*Read)(tmUnitSelect_t tUnit, UInt32 AddrSize, UInt8* pAddr, UInt32 ReadLen, UInt8* pData);
+    /** Write hardware register, 8bit aligned function */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*Write)(tmUnitSelect_t tUnit, UInt32 AddrSize, UInt8* pAddr, UInt32 WriteLen, UInt8* pData);
+} tmbslFrontEndIoFunc_t, *ptmbslFrontEndIoFunc_t;
+/** \brief "Function pointers to Time services"
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndTimeFunc_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndTimeFunc_t_Struct_
+typedef struct _tmbslFrontEndTimeFunc_t
+    /** Return current time value in ms */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*Get)(UInt32 *ptms); 
+    /**  Wait t ms without blocking scheduler; warning this function 
+     don't schedule others frontend instance */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*Wait)(tmUnitSelect_t tUnit, UInt32 tms);
+} tmbslFrontEndTimeFunc_t, *ptmbslFrontEndTimeFunc_t;
+/** \brief "Function pointers to Debug services "
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndDebugFunc_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndDebugFunc_t_Struct_
+typedef struct _tmbslFrontEndDebugFunc_t
+    /** Print a debug message */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*Print)(UInt32 level, const char* format, ...);
+} tmbslFrontEndDebugFunc_t, *ptmbslFrontEndDebugFunc_t;
+/* Mutex types */
+typedef void *ptmbslFrontEndMutexHandle;
+/** \brief "Function pointers to Mutex services "
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndMutexFunc_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndMutexFunc_t_Struct_
+typedef struct _tmbslFrontEndMutexFunc_t
+    /* Initialize a mutex object */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*Init)(ptmbslFrontEndMutexHandle *ppMutexHandle);
+    /* Deinitialize a mutex object */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*DeInit)(ptmbslFrontEndMutexHandle pMutexHandle);
+    /* Acquire a mutex object */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*Acquire)(ptmbslFrontEndMutexHandle pMutexHandle, UInt32 timeOut);
+    /* Release a mutex object */
+    tmErrorCode_t   (*Release)(ptmbslFrontEndMutexHandle pMutexHandle);
+} tmbslFrontEndMutexFunc_t, *ptmbslFrontEndMutexFunc_t;
+/** \brief "This structure contain all the bsl driver external dependencies"
+ *
+ *  \sa    "all bsl 'init' functions"
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _tmbslFrontEndDependency_t_Struct_
+#define _tmbslFrontEndDependency_t_Struct_
+typedef struct _tmbslFrontEndDependency_t
+    /** Hardware access to FrontEnd */
+    tmbslFrontEndIoFunc_t       sIo;
+    /** Time services (wait, getTime, ...) */
+    tmbslFrontEndTimeFunc_t     sTime;
+    /** Debug services (Print, Store, ...) */
+    tmbslFrontEndDebugFunc_t    sDebug;
+    /** Mutex services */
+    tmbslFrontEndMutexFunc_t		sMutex;
+    /** Device Parameters data size */
+    UInt32                      dwAdditionalDataSize;
+    /** Device Parameters data pointer */
+    void*                       pAdditionalData;
+} tmbslFrontEndDependency_t, *ptmbslFrontEndDependency_t;
+#ifndef tmSWSettingsVersion_Struct_
+#define tmSWSettingsVersion_Struct_
+typedef struct tmSWSettingsVersion
+    UInt32      customerNr;         /* SW Settings customer number */
+    UInt32      projectNr;          /* SW Settings project number */
+    UInt32      majorVersionNr;     /* SW Settings major version number */
+    UInt32      minorVersionNr;     /* SW Settings minor version number */
+}   tmSWSettingsVersion_t, *ptmSWSettingsVersion_t;
+/** \brief "These macros map to trace functions "
+* P_DBGPRINTEx macro should be defined in each component
+#define DEBUGLVL_BLAB    3
+#define DEBUGLVL_TERSE   1
+#define DEBUGLVL_ERROR   0
+#define tmDBGPRINTEx(_level, _format, ...)                                                              \
+{                                                                                                       \
+    if(P_DBGPRINTVALID)                                                                                 \
+    {                                                                                                   \
+        if(_level == DEBUGLVL_ERROR)                                                                    \
+        {                                                                                               \
+            P_DBGPRINTEx(_level, "Error: In Function %s (Line %d):\n==> ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );    \
+        }                                                                                               \
+        P_DBGPRINTEx(_level, _format, __VA_ARGS__);                                                     \
+    }                                                                                                   \
+//#define tmDBGPRINTEx(_level, _format, ...)
+#define tmASSERTExTR(_retVar, _expr, _strings)                                                      
+    if((_retVar) != (_expr))                                                                        
+    {                                                                                               
+        tmDBGPRINTEx _strings ;                                                                     
+        return _retVar;                                                                             
+    }                                                                                               
+#define tmASSERTExT(_retVar, _expr, _strings)                                                       
+/*{                                                                                                   \
+    if((_retVar) != (_expr))                                                                        \
+    {                                                                                               \
+        tmDBGPRINTEx _strings ;                                                                     \
+    }                                                                                               \
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/*                            END OF FILE                                     */
+// NXP source code - .\tmbslTDA182I2\inc\tmbslTDA18272.h
+Copyright (C) 2008 NXP B.V., All Rights Reserved.
+This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the proprietary
+information of NXP B.V. and is confidential in nature. Under no circumstances
+is this software to be  exposed to or placed under an Open Source License of
+any type without the expressed written permission of NXP B.V.
+* \file          tmbslTDA18272.h
+*                %version: 21 %
+* \date          %date_modified%
+* \brief         Describe briefly the purpose of this file.
+* Detailed description may be added here.
+* \section info Change Information
+* \verbatim
+Date          Modified by CRPRNr  TASKNr  Maintenance description
+|            |           |       |
+|            |           |       |
+#ifndef _TMBSL_TDA18272_H
+#define _TMBSL_TDA18272_H
+/* Standard include files:                                                      */
+/* Project include files:                                                       */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* Types and defines:                                                           */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    /* SW Error codes */
+#define TDA182I2_ERR_BASE               (CID_COMP_TUNER | CID_LAYER_BSL)
+#define TDA182I2_ERR_HW_FAILED          (TDA182I2_ERR_COMP + 0x0001)
+#define TDA182I2_ERR_NOT_READY          (TDA182I2_ERR_COMP + 0x0002)
+#define TDA182I2_ERR_BAD_VERSION        (TDA182I2_ERR_COMP + 0x0003)
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2PowerState_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerNormalMode = 0,                                 /* Device normal mode */
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOnAndSynthe,         /* Device standby mode with LNA and Xtal Output and Synthe */
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOn,                  /* Device standby mode with LNA and Xtal Output */
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                              /* Device standby mode with Xtal Output */
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerStandby,                                        /* Device standby mode */
+        tmTDA182I2_PowerMax
+    } tmTDA182I2PowerState_t, *ptmTDA182I2PowerState_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2StandardMode_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_DVBT_6MHz = 0,                       /* Digital TV DVB-T 6MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_DVBT_7MHz,                           /* Digital TV DVB-T 7MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_DVBT_8MHz,                           /* Digital TV DVB-T 8MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_QAM_6MHz,                            /* Digital TV QAM 6MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_QAM_8MHz,                            /* Digital TV QAM 8MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_ISDBT_6MHz,                          /* Digital TV ISDBT 6MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_ATSC_6MHz,                           /* Digital TV ATSC 6MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_DMBT_8MHz,                           /* Digital TV DMB-T 8MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_ANLG_MN,                             /* Analog TV M/N */
+        tmTDA182I2_ANLG_B,                              /* Analog TV B */
+        tmTDA182I2_ANLG_GH,                             /* Analog TV G/H */
+        tmTDA182I2_ANLG_I,                              /* Analog TV I */
+        tmTDA182I2_ANLG_DK,                             /* Analog TV D/K */
+        tmTDA182I2_ANLG_L,                              /* Analog TV L */
+        tmTDA182I2_ANLG_LL,                             /* Analog TV L' */
+        tmTDA182I2_FM_Radio,                            /* Analog FM Radio */
+        tmTDA182I2_Scanning,                            /* analog  preset blind Scanning */
+        tmTDA182I2_ScanXpress,                          /* ScanXpress */
+        tmTDA182I2_StandardMode_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2StandardMode_t, *ptmTDA182I2StandardMode_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2LPF_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_6MHz = 0,                        /* 6MHz LPFc */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_7MHz,                            /* 7MHz LPFc */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_8MHz,                            /* 8MHz LPFc */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_9MHz,                            /* 9MHz LPFc */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_1_5MHz,                          /* 1.5MHz LPFc */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2LPF_t, *ptmTDA182I2LPF_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2LPFOffset_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_0pc = 0,                   /* LPFc 0% */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_min_4pc,                   /* LPFc -4% */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_min_8pc,                   /* LPFc -8% */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_min_12pc,                  /* LPFc -12% */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPFOffset_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2LPFOffset_t, *ptmTDA182I2LPFOffset_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2IF_AGC_Gain_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_2Vpp_0_30dB = 0,         /* 2Vpp       0 - 30dB IF AGC Gain */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1_25Vpp_min_4_26dB,      /* 1.25Vpp   -4 - 26dB IF AGC Gain */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,         /* 1Vpp      -6 - 24dB IF AGC Gain */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_8Vpp_min_8_22dB,       /* 0.8Vpp    -8 - 22dB IF AGC Gain */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_85Vpp_min_7_5_22_5dB,  /* 0.85Vpp   -7.5 - 22.5dB IF AGC Gain */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,       /* 0.7Vpp    -9 - 21dB IF AGC Gain */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_6Vpp_min_10_3_19_7dB,  /* 0.6Vpp    -10.3 - 19.7dB IF AGC Gain */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_5Vpp_min_12_18dB,      /* 0.5Vpp    -12 - 18dB IF AGC Gain */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2IF_AGC_Gain_t, *ptmTDA182I2IF_AGC_Gain_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2IF_Notch_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Disabled = 0,               /* IF Notch Enabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF Notch Disabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_Notch_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2IF_Notch_t, *ptmTDA182I2IF_Notch_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2IF_HPF_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Disabled = 0,                 /* IF HPF 0.4MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_0_4MHz,                       /* IF HPF 0.4MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_0_85MHz,                      /* IF HPF 0.85MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_1MHz,                         /* IF HPF 1MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_1_5MHz,                       /* IF HPF 1.5MHz */
+        tmTDA182I2_IF_HPF_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2IF_HPF_t, *ptmTDA182I2IF_HPF_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2DC_Notch_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Disabled = 0,               /* IF Notch Enabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Enabled,                    /* IF Notch Disabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_DC_Notch_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2DC_Notch_t, *ptmTDA182I2DC_Notch_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC1_LNA_TOP_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u89dBuV = 0,            /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 95 up 89 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u93dBuV_do_not_use,     /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 95 up 93 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u94dBuV_do_not_use,     /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 95 up 94 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d95_u95dBuV_do_not_use,     /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 95 up 95 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d99_u89dBuV,                /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 99 up 89 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d99_u93dBuV,                /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 95 up 93 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d99_u94dBuV,                /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 99 up 94 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d99_u95dBuV,                /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 99 up 95 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d99_u9SdBuV,                /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 99 up 95 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d100_u93dBuV,               /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 100 up 93 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d100_u94dBuV,               /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 100 up 94 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d100_u95dBuV,               /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 100 up 95 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d100_u9SdBuV,               /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 100 up 95 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d101_u93dBuV,               /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 101 up 93 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d101_u94dBuV,               /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 101 up 94 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d101_u95dBuV,               /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 101 up 95 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_d101_u9SdBuV,               /* AGC1 LNA TOP down 101 up 95 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC1_LNA_TOP_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC1_LNA_TOP_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC1_LNA_TOP_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d89_u81dBuV = 0, /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 89 up 81 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d91_u83dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 91 up 83 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d93_u85dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 93 up 85 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d95_u87dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 95 up 87 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d88_u88dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 88 up 81 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d89_u82dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 89 up 82 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u83dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 90 up 83 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d91_u84dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 91 up 84 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d92_u85dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 92 up 85 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d93_u86dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 93 up 86 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d94_u87dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 94 up 87 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d95_u88dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 95 up 88 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d87_u81dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 87 up 81 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d88_u82dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 88 up 82 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d89_u83dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 89 up 83 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d90_u84dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 90 up 84 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d91_u85dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 91 up 85 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d92_u86dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 92 up 86 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d93_u87dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 93 up 87 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d94_u88dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 94 up 88 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_d95_u89dBuV,     /* AGC2 RF Attenuator TOP down 95 up 89 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_94dBuV = 0, /* AGC3 RF AGC TOP 94 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_96dBuV,     /* AGC3 RF AGC TOP 96 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_98dBuV,     /* AGC3 RF AGC TOP 98 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_100dBuV,    /* AGC3 RF AGC TOP 100 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_102dBuV,    /* AGC3 RF AGC TOP 102 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_104dBuV,    /* AGC3 RF AGC TOP 104 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_106dBuV,    /* AGC3 RF AGC TOP 106 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_107dBuV,    /* AGC3 RF AGC TOP 107 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_t;
+#define tmTDA182I2_AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_FREQ_LIM 291000000
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u99dBuV = 0,     /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 105 up 99 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 105 up 100 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d105_u101dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 105 up 101 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d107_u101dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 107 up 101 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d107_u102dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 107 up 102 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d107_u103dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 107 up 103 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d108_u103dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 108 up 103 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d109_u103dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 109 up 103 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d109_u104dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 109 up 104 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d109_u105dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 109 up 105 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u104dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 110 up 104 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 110 up 105 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d110_u106dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 110 up 106 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d112_u106dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 112 up 106 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d112_u107dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 112 up 107 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_d112_u108dBuV,        /* AGC4 IR_Mixer TOP down 112 up 108 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u99dBuV = 0,        /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 105 up 99 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u100dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 105 up 100 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d105_u101dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 105 up 101 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d107_u101dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 107 up 101 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d107_u102dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 107 up 102 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d107_u103dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 107 up 103 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d108_u103dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 108 up 103 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d109_u103dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 109 up 103 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d109_u104dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 109 up 104 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d109_u105dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 109 up 105 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u104dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 108 up 104 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u105dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 108 up 105 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d110_u106dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 108 up 106 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d112_u106dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 108 up 106 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d112_u107dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 108 up 107 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_d112_u108dBuV,           /* AGC5 IF AGC TOP down 108 up 108 dBuV */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC5_Detector_HPF_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Disabled = 0,          /* AGC5_Detector_HPF Enabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Enabled,               /* IF Notch Disabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Detector_HPF_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC5_Detector_HPF_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC5_Detector_HPFh_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC3_Adapt_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Enabled = 0,                  /* AGC3_Adapt Enabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Disabled,                     /* AGC3_Adapt Disabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC3_Adapt_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC3_Adapt_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC3_Adapt_TOP_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_0_Step = 0,              /* same level as AGC3 TOP  */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_1_Step,                  /* 1 level below AGC3 TOP  */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_2_Step,                  /* 2 level below AGC3 TOP  */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC3_Adapt_TOP_3_Step,                  /* 3 level below AGC3 TOP  */
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC3_Adapt_TOP_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC3_Adapt_TOP_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2AGC5_Atten_3dB_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Disabled = 0,             /* AGC5_Atten_3dB Disabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Enabled,                  /* AGC5_Atten_3dB Enabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_AGC5_Atten_3dB_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2AGC5_Atten_3dB_t, *ptmTDA182I2AGC5_Atten_3dB_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2H3H5_VHF_Filter6_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Disabled = 0,           /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 Disabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Enabled,                /* H3H5_VHF_Filter6 Enabled */
+        tmTDA182I2_H3H5_VHF_Filter6_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2H3H5_VHF_Filter6_t, *ptmTDA182I2H3H5_VHF_Filter6_t;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_t {
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Unknown = 0,                    /* LPF_Gain Unknown */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                         /* LPF_Gain Frozen */
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free                            /* LPF_Gain Free */
+    } tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_t, *ptmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_t;
+    typedef struct _tmTDA182I2StdCoefficients
+    {
+        UInt32                              IF;
+        Int32                               CF_Offset;
+        tmTDA182I2LPF_t                     LPF;
+        tmTDA182I2LPFOffset_t               LPF_Offset;
+        tmTDA182I2IF_AGC_Gain_t             IF_Gain;
+        tmTDA182I2IF_Notch_t                IF_Notch;
+        tmTDA182I2IF_HPF_t                  IF_HPF;
+        tmTDA182I2DC_Notch_t                DC_Notch;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC1_LNA_TOP_t            AGC1_LNA_TOP;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP_t  AGC2_RF_Attenuator_TOP;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_t         AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_Low_band;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_t         AGC3_RF_AGC_TOP_High_band;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP_t       AGC4_IR_Mixer_TOP;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP_t         AGC5_IF_AGC_TOP;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC5_Detector_HPF_t       AGC5_Detector_HPF;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC3_Adapt_t              AGC3_Adapt;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC3_Adapt_TOP_t          AGC3_Adapt_TOP;
+        tmTDA182I2AGC5_Atten_3dB_t          AGC5_Atten_3dB;
+        UInt8                               GSK;
+        tmTDA182I2H3H5_VHF_Filter6_t        H3H5_VHF_Filter6;
+        tmTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_t               LPF_Gain;
+		Bool								AGC1_Freeze;
+		Bool								LTO_STO_immune;
+    } tmTDA182I2StdCoefficients, *ptmTDA182I2StdCoefficients;
+    typedef enum _tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t {
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Low = 0,
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_High,
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Error,
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_Max
+    } tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t, *ptmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t;
+    typedef struct _tmTDA182I2RFFilterRating {
+        double                               VHFLow_0_Margin;
+        double                               VHFLow_1_Margin;
+        double                               VHFHigh_0_Margin;
+        double                               VHFHigh_1_Margin;
+        double                               UHFLow_0_Margin;
+        double                               UHFLow_1_Margin;
+        double                               UHFHigh_0_Margin;
+        double                               UHFHigh_1_Margin;    
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t      VHFLow_0_RFFilterRobustness;
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t      VHFLow_1_RFFilterRobustness;
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t      VHFHigh_0_RFFilterRobustness;
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t      VHFHigh_1_RFFilterRobustness;
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t      UHFLow_0_RFFilterRobustness;
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t      UHFLow_1_RFFilterRobustness;
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t      UHFHigh_0_RFFilterRobustness;
+        tmTDA182I2RFFilterRobustness_t      UHFHigh_1_RFFilterRobustness;
+    } tmTDA182I2RFFilterRating, *ptmTDA182I2RFFilterRating;
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2Init(
+        tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,      /*  I: Unit number */
+        tmbslFrontEndDependency_t*  psSrvFunc,   /*  I: setup parameters */
+        TUNER_MODULE                *pTuner	    // Added by Realtek
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t 
+        tmbslTDA182I2DeInit (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /*  I: Unit number */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetSWVersion (
+        ptmSWVersion_t  pSWVersion  /*  I: Receives SW Version */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2CheckHWVersion (
+        tmUnitSelect_t tUnit    /* I: Unit number */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2SetPowerState (
+        tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,      /*  I: Unit number */
+        tmTDA182I2PowerState_t  powerState  /*  I: Power state of this device */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetPowerState (
+        tmUnitSelect_t            tUnit,        /*  I: Unit number */
+        tmTDA182I2PowerState_t    *pPowerState  /*  O: Power state of this device */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2SetStandardMode (
+        tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,          /*  I: Unit number */
+        tmTDA182I2StandardMode_t    StandardMode    /*  I: Standard mode of this device */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetStandardMode (
+        tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit,          /*  I: Unit number */
+        tmTDA182I2StandardMode_t    *pStandardMode  /*  O: Standard mode of this device */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2SetRf(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /*  I: Unit number */
+        UInt32          uRF,    /*  I: RF frequency in hertz */
+        tmTDA182I2IF_AGC_Gain_t   IF_Gain     // Added by realtek
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetRf(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /*  I: Unit number */
+        UInt32*         pRF     /*  O: RF frequency in hertz */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2Reset(
+        tmUnitSelect_t tUnit    /* I: Unit number */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetIF(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32*         puIF    /* O: IF Frequency in hertz */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetCF_Offset(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32*         puOffset    /* O: Center frequency offset in hertz */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetLockStatus(
+        tmUnitSelect_t          tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        tmbslFrontEndState_t*   pLockStatus /* O: PLL Lock status */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetPowerLevel(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32*         pPowerLevel /* O: Power Level in dBuV */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2SetIRQWait(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        Bool            bWait   /* I: Determine if we need to wait IRQ in driver functions */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetIRQWait(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        Bool*           pbWait  /* O: Determine if we need to wait IRQ in driver functions */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetIRQ(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit  /* I: Unit number */,
+        Bool*           pbIRQ  /* O: IRQ triggered */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2WaitIRQ(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32          timeOut,    /* I: timeOut for IRQ wait */
+        UInt32          waitStep,   /* I: wait step */
+        UInt8           irqStatus   /* I: IRQs to wait */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2GetXtalCal_End(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit           /* I: Unit number */,
+        Bool*           pbXtalCal_End   /* O: XtalCal_End triggered */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32          timeOut,    /* I: timeOut for IRQ wait */
+        UInt32          waitStep    /* I: wait step */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2SoftReset(
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2CheckRFFilterRobustness
+        (
+        tmUnitSelect_t                         tUnit,      // I: Unit number
+        ptmTDA182I2RFFilterRating              rating      // O: RF Filter rating
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2Write (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32          uIndex,     /* I: Start index to write */
+        UInt32          WriteLen,   /* I: Number of bytes to write */
+        UInt8*          pData       /* I: Data to write */
+        );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+        tmbslTDA182I2Read (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32          uIndex,     /* I: Start index to read */
+        UInt32          ReadLen,    /* I: Number of bytes to read */
+        UInt8*          pData       /* I: Data to read */
+        );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _TMBSL_TDA18272_H */
+// NXP source code - .\tmbslTDA182I2\inc\tmbslTDA182I2local.h
+Copyright (C) 2008 NXP B.V., All Rights Reserved.
+This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the proprietary
+information of NXP B.V. and is confidential in nature. Under no circumstances
+is this software to be  exposed to or placed under an Open Source License of
+any type without the expressed written permission of NXP B.V.
+* \file          tmbslTDA182I2local.h
+*                %version: 9 %
+* \date          %date_modified%
+* \brief         Describe briefly the purpose of this file.
+* Detailed description may be added here.
+* \section info Change Information
+* \verbatim
+Date          Modified by CRPRNr  TASKNr  Maintenance description
+|            |           |       |
+|            |           |       |
+#ifndef _TMBSL_TDA182I2LOCAL_H 
+#define _TMBSL_TDA182I2LOCAL_H
+/* Standard include files:                                                      */
+/* Project include files:                                                       */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+/* Types and defines:                                                           */
+#ifdef TMBSL_TDA18272
+#else /* TMBSL_TDA18272 */
+#endif /* TMBSL_TDA18272 */
+#define _SYSTEMFUNC (pObj->SystemFunc)
+#define POBJ_SRVFUNC_SIO pObj->sRWFunc
+#define POBJ_SRVFUNC_STIME pObj->sTime
+#define P_DBGPRINTEx pObj->sDebug.Print
+#define P_DBGPRINTVALID ((pObj != Null) && (pObj->sDebug.Print != Null))
+#define TDA182I2_MAX_UNITS                          2
+    typedef struct _tmTDA182I2Object_t
+    {
+        tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit;
+        tmUnitSelect_t              tUnitW;
+        ptmbslFrontEndMutexHandle   pMutex;
+        Bool                        init;
+        tmbslFrontEndIoFunc_t       sRWFunc;
+        tmbslFrontEndTimeFunc_t     sTime;
+        tmbslFrontEndDebugFunc_t    sDebug;
+        tmbslFrontEndMutexFunc_t    sMutex;
+        tmTDA182I2PowerState_t      curPowerState;
+        tmTDA182I2PowerState_t      minPowerState;
+        UInt32                      uRF;
+        tmTDA182I2StandardMode_t    StandardMode;
+        Bool                        Master;
+        UInt8                       LT_Enable;
+        UInt8                       PSM_AGC1;
+        UInt8                       AGC1_6_15dB;
+        tmTDA182I2StdCoefficients   Std_Array[tmTDA182I2_StandardMode_Max];
+        // Added by Realtek.
+		TUNER_MODULE                *pTuner;
+    } tmTDA182I2Object_t, *ptmTDA182I2Object_t, **pptmTDA182I2Object_t;
+/* suppress warning about static */
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
+static tmErrorCode_t TDA182I2Init(tmUnitSelect_t tUnit);
+static tmErrorCode_t TDA182I2Wait(ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt32 Time);
+static tmErrorCode_t TDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End( ptmTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt32 timeOut, UInt32 waitStep);
+extern tmErrorCode_t TDA182I2MutexAcquire(ptmTDA182I2Object_t   pObj, UInt32 timeOut);
+extern tmErrorCode_t TDA182I2MutexRelease(ptmTDA182I2Object_t   pObj);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _TMBSL_TDA182I2LOCAL_H */
+// NXP source code - .\tmbslTDA182I2\inc\tmbslTDA182I2Instance.h
+// $Header: 
+// (C) Copyright 2001 NXP Semiconductors, All rights reserved
+// This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole
+// property of NXP Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software
+// License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of NXP
+// Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and dissemination by
+// any party other than NXP Corporation is strictly limited by the
+// confidential information provisions of the Agreement referenced above.
+// FILE NAME:    tmbslTDA182I2Instance.h
+// DESCRIPTION:  define the static Objects
+// DOCUMENT REF: DVP Software Coding Guidelines v1.14
+//               DVP Board Support Library Architecture Specification v0.5
+// NOTES:        
+#ifndef _TMBSLTDA182I2_INSTANCE_H //-----------------
+tmErrorCode_t TDA182I2AllocInstance (tmUnitSelect_t tUnit, pptmTDA182I2Object_t ppDrvObject);
+tmErrorCode_t TDA182I2DeAllocInstance (tmUnitSelect_t tUnit);
+tmErrorCode_t TDA182I2GetInstance (tmUnitSelect_t tUnit, pptmTDA182I2Object_t ppDrvObject);
+#endif // _TMBSLTDA182I2_INSTANCE_H //---------------
+// NXP source code - .\tmddTDA182I2\inc\tmddTDA182I2.h
+Copyright (C) 2008 NXP B.V., All Rights Reserved.
+This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the proprietary
+information of NXP B.V. and is confidential in nature. Under no circumstances
+is this software to be  exposed to or placed under an Open Source License of
+any type without the expressed written permission of NXP B.V.
+* \file          tmddTDA182I2.h
+*                %version: 11 %
+* \date          %date_modified%
+* \brief         Describe briefly the purpose of this file.
+* Detailed description may be added here.
+* \section info Change Information
+* \verbatim
+Date          Modified by CRPRNr  TASKNr  Maintenance description
+|            |           |       |
+|            |           |       |
+#ifndef _TMDD_TDA182I2_H //-----------------
+#define _TMDD_TDA182I2_H
+// Standard include files:
+// Project include files:
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Types and defines:
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+    /* SW Error codes */
+#define ddTDA182I2_ERR_BASE               (CID_COMP_TUNER | CID_LAYER_BSL)
+#define ddTDA182I2_ERR_HW_FAILED          (ddTDA182I2_ERR_COMP + 0x0001)
+#define ddTDA182I2_ERR_NOT_READY          (ddTDA182I2_ERR_COMP + 0x0002)
+#define ddTDA182I2_ERR_BAD_VERSION        (ddTDA182I2_ERR_COMP + 0x0003)
+    typedef enum _tmddTDA182I2PowerState_t {
+        tmddTDA182I2_PowerNormalMode,                                               /* Device normal mode */
+        tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOnAndWithSyntheOn,             /* Device standby mode with LNA and Xtal Output and Synthe on*/
+        tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOn,                            /* Device standby mode with LNA and Xtal Output */
+        tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,                                        /* Device standby mode with Xtal Output */
+        tmddTDA182I2_PowerStandby,                                                  /* Device standby mode */
+        tmddTDA182I2_PowerMax
+    } tmddTDA182I2PowerState_t, *ptmddTDA182I2PowerState_t;
+    typedef enum _tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_t {
+        tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Unknown = 0,                                          /* LPF_Gain Unknown */
+        tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Frozen,                                               /* LPF_Gain Frozen */
+        tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_Free                                                  /* LPF_Gain Free */
+    } tmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_t, *ptmddTDA182I2_LPF_Gain_t;
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Init
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t    tUnit,    //  I: Unit number
+    tmbslFrontEndDependency_t*  psSrvFunc   /*  I: setup parameters */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t 
+    tmddTDA182I2DeInit
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t    tUnit     //  I: Unit number
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetSWVersion
+    (
+    ptmSWVersion_t    pSWVersion        //  I: Receives SW Version 
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Reset
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit     //  I: Unit number
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetLPF_Gain_Mode
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uMode   /* I: Unknown/Free/Frozen */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetLPF_Gain_Mode
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           *puMode /* O: Unknown/Free/Frozen */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Write
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t      tUnit,      //  I: Unit number
+    UInt32              uIndex,         //  I: Start index to write
+    UInt32              uNbBytes,       //  I: Number of bytes to write
+    UInt8*             puBytes         //  I: Pointer on an array of bytes
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Read
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t      tUnit,      //  I: Unit number
+    UInt32              uIndex,         //  I: Start index to read
+    UInt32              uNbBytes,       //  I: Number of bytes to read
+    UInt8*             puBytes         //  I: Pointer on an array of bytes
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPOR
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t    tUnit,    //  I: Unit number
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetLO_Lock
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t    tUnit,    //  I: Unit number
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMS
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIdentity
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt16*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMinorRevision
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMajorRevision
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetTM_D
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetTM_ON
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetTM_ON
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPowerState
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    tmddTDA182I2PowerState_t  powerState    //  I: Power state of this device
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPowerState
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t        tUnit,    //  I: Unit number
+    ptmddTDA182I2PowerState_t    pPowerState  //  O: Power state of this device
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPower_Level
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalCal_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalCal_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RSSI_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RSSI_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_LOCalc_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_LOCalc_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RFCAL_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RFCAL_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_IRCAL_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_IRCAL_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RCCal_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RCCal_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           irqStatus   /* I: IRQs to clear */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalCal_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalCal_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RSSI_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RSSI_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_LOCalc_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_LOCalc_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RFCal_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RFCal_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_IRCAL_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_IRCAL_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RCCal_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RCCal_Clear
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalCal_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalCal_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RSSI_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RSSI_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_LOCalc_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_LOCalc_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RFCal_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RFCal_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_IRCAL_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_IRCAL_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_RCCal_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RCCal_Set
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RSSI_End
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_LOCalc_End
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RFCal_End
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_IRCAL_End
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_RCCal_End
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetLT_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetLT_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_6_15dB
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_6_15dB
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Up_Step_assym
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCs_Up_Step_assym
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Up_Step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCs_Up_Step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPulse_Shaper_Disable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPulse_Shaper_Disable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCK_Step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCK_Step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCK_Mode
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCK_Mode
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPD_RFAGC_Adapt
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPD_RFAGC_Adapt
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Adapt_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFAGC_Adapt_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Low_BW
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFAGC_Low_BW
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Atten_3dB
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Atten_3dB
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFAGC_Top
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFAGC_Top
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Mixer_Top
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Mixer_Top
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGCs_Do_Step_assym
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGCs_Do_Step_assym
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Ana
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Ana
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Level
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_Level
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_HP_Fc
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_HP_Fc
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_ATSC_Notch
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_ATSC_Notch
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetLP_FC_Offset
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetLP_FC_Offset
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetLP_FC
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetLP_FC
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetI2C_Clock_Mode
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetI2C_Clock_Mode
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetDigital_Clock_Mode
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDigital_Clock_Mode
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalOsc_AnaReg_En
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalOsc_AnaReg_En
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetXTout
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetXTout
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Freq
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          uValue      //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_Freq
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Freq
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32          uValue      //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Freq
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt32*        puValue      //  I: Address of the variable to output item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Meas
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Meas
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_CAL_AV
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_CAL_AV
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_CAL
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_CAL
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_CAL_Loop
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_CAL_Loop
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Cal_Image
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Cal_Image
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_CAL_Wanted
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_CAL_Wanted
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRC_Cal
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRC_Cal
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetCalc_PLL
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetCalc_PLL
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetXtalCal_Launch
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t      tUnit    //  I: Unit number
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetXtalCal_Launch
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetMSM_Launch
+    (
+    tmUnitSelect_t      tUnit    //  I: Unit number
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetMSM_Launch
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_AGC1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_AGC1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_StoB
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_StoB
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPSMRFpoly
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPSMRFpoly
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_Mixer
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_Mixer
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_Ifpoly
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_Ifpoly
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPSM_Lodriver
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPSM_Lodriver
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetDCC_Bypass
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDCC_Bypass
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetDCC_Slow
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDCC_Slow
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetDCC_psm
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDCC_psm
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetFmax_Lo
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetFmax_Lo
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Loop
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Loop
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Target
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Target
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_GStep
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_GStep
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Corr_Boost
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Corr_Boost
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_FreqLow_Sel
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_FreqLow_Sel
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_mode_ram_store
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_mode_ram_store
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_FreqLow
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_FreqLow
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_FreqMid
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_FreqMid
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetCoarse_IR_FreqHigh
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetCoarse_IR_FreqHigh
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_FreqHigh
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_FreqHigh
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPD_Vsync_Mgt
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPD_Vsync_Mgt
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPD_Ovld
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPD_Ovld
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetPD_Udld
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetPD_Udld
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC_Ovld_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC_Ovld_TOP
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC_Ovld_Timer
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC_Ovld_Timer
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Mixer_loop_off
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Mixer_loop_off
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIR_Mixer_Do_step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIR_Mixer_Do_step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetHi_Pass
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetHi_Pass
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIF_Notch
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIF_Notch
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_loop_off
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_loop_off
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_Do_step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_Do_step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC1_gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetForce_AGC1_gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC1_Gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_Gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_loop_off
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_loop_off
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Do_step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Do_step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC5_gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetForce_AGC5_gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC5_Gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq0
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq0
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq3
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq3
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq4
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq4
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq5
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq5
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq6
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq6
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq7
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq7
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq8
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq8
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq9
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq9
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq10
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq10
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Freq11
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Freq11
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset0
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset0
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset3
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset3
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset4
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset4
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset5
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue   //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset5
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset6
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset6
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset7
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset7
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset8
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset8
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset9
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset9
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset10
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset10
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Offset11
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Offset11
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_SW_Algo_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_SW_Algo_Enable
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Bypass
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Bypass
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_loop_off
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_loop_off
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetForce_AGC2_gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetForce_AGC2_gain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Gv
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Gv
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Band
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Band
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_Filter_Cap
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_Filter_Cap
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetAGC2_Do_step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_Do_step
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetGain_Taper
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetGain_Taper
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_BPF
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_BPF
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRF_BPF_Bypass
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRF_BPF_Bypass
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetN_CP_Current
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetN_CP_Current
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetUp_AGC5
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDo_AGC5
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetUp_AGC4
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDo_AGC4
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetUp_AGC2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDo_AGC2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetUp_AGC1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDo_AGC1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC2_Gain_Read
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC1_Gain_Read
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetTOP_AGC3_Read
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC5_Gain_Read
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetAGC4_Gain_Read
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_AV
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_AV
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Cap_Reset_En
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Cap_Reset_En
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Cap_Val
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Cap_Val
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Ck_Speed
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Ck_Speed
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRSSI_Dicho_not
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRSSI_Dicho_not
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_Phi2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_Phi2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetDDS_Polarity
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    UInt8           uValue  //  I: Item value
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetDDS_Polarity
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetRFCAL_DeltaGain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetRFCAL_DeltaGain
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQ_Polarity
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8           uValue  /* I: Item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQ_Polarity
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_0
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_1
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_2
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_3
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_4
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_5
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_6
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_7
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_8
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_9
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_10
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2Getrfcal_log_11
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt8*          puValue /* I: Address of the variable to output item value */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2LaunchRF_CAL
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit       /* I: Unit number */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2WaitIRQ
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32          timeOut,    /* I: timeout */
+        UInt32          waitStep,   /* I: wait step */
+        UInt8           irqStatus   /* I: IRQs to wait */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,      /* I: Unit number */
+        UInt32          timeOut,    /* I: timeout */
+        UInt32          waitStep    /* I: wait step */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2SetIRQWait
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    Bool            bWait       /* I: Determine if we need to wait IRQ in driver functions */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2GetIRQWait
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit,  /* I: Unit number */
+    Bool*           pbWait      /* O: Determine if we need to wait IRQ in driver functions */
+    );
+    tmErrorCode_t
+    tmddTDA182I2AGC1_Adapt
+    (
+        tmUnitSelect_t  tUnit   /* I: Unit number */
+    );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // _TMDD_TDA182I2_H //---------------
+// NXP source code - .\tmddTDA182I2\inc\tmddTDA182I2local.h
+// $Header: 
+// (C) Copyright 2007 NXP Semiconductors, All rights reserved
+// This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole
+// property of NXP Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software
+// License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of NXP
+// Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and dissemination by
+// any party other than NXP Corporation is strictly limited by the
+// confidential information provisions of the Agreement referenced above.
+// FILE NAME:    tmddTDA182I2local.h
+// DESCRIPTION:  define the Object for the TDA182I2
+// DOCUMENT REF: DVP Software Coding Guidelines v1.14
+//               DVP Board Support Library Architecture Specification v0.5
+// NOTES:        
+#ifndef _TMDD_TDA182I2LOCAL_H //-----------------
+#define _TMDD_TDA182I2LOCAL_H
+// Standard include files:
+//#include "tmddTDA182I2.h"
+/* Project include files:                                                       */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Types and defines:
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //
+#define _SYSTEMFUNC (pObj->SystemFunc)
+#define POBJ_SRVFUNC_SIO pObj->sRWFunc
+#define POBJ_SRVFUNC_STIME pObj->sTime
+#define P_DBGPRINTEx pObj->sDebug.Print
+#define P_DBGPRINTVALID ((pObj != Null) && (pObj->sDebug.Print != Null))
+#define TDA182I2_DD_COMP_NUM    2 // Major protocol change - Specification change required
+#define TDA182I2_DD_MAJOR_VER   4 // Minor protocol change - Specification change required
+#define TDA182I2_DD_MINOR_VER   7 // Software update - No protocol change - No specification change required
+#define TDA182I2_POWER_LEVEL_MIN  40
+#define TDA182I2_POWER_LEVEL_MAX  110
+#define TDA182I2_MAX_UNITS                  2
+#define TDA182I2_I2C_MAP_NB_BYTES           68
+#define TDA182I2_DEVICE_ID_MASTER  1
+#define TDA182I2_DEVICE_ID_SLAVE   0
+    typedef struct _TDA182I2_I2C_Map_t
+    {
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 ID_byte_1;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 MS:1;
+                UInt8 Ident_1:7;
+                UInt8 Ident_1:7;
+                UInt8 MS:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx00;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 ID_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 Ident_2:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx01;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 ID_byte_3;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 Major_rev:4;
+				UInt8 Minor_rev:4;
+                UInt8 Minor_rev:4;
+                UInt8 Major_rev:4;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx02;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 Thermo_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+				UInt8 TM_D:7;
+                UInt8 TM_D:7;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx03;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 Thermo_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:7;
+				UInt8 TM_ON:1;
+                UInt8 TM_ON:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:7;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx04;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 Power_state_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:6;
+                UInt8 POR:1;
+				UInt8 LO_Lock:1;
+                UInt8 LO_Lock:1;
+                UInt8 POR:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:6;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx05;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 Power_state_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:4;
+                UInt8 SM:1;
+                UInt8 SM_Synthe:1;
+                UInt8 SM_LT:1;
+				UInt8 SM_XT:1;
+                UInt8 SM_XT:1;
+                UInt8 SM_LT:1;
+                UInt8 SM_Synthe:1;
+                UInt8 SM:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:4;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx06;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 Input_Power_Level_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+				UInt8 Power_Level:7;
+                UInt8 Power_Level:7;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx07;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IRQ_status;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IRQ_status:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_XtalCal_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RSSI_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_LOCalc_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RFCal_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_IRCAL_End:1;
+				UInt8 MSM_RCCal_End:1;				    
+                UInt8 MSM_RCCal_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_IRCAL_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RFCal_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_LOCalc_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RSSI_End:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_XtalCal_End:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 IRQ_status:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx08;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IRQ_enable;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IRQ_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 XtalCal_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RSSI_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_LOCalc_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RFCAL_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_IRCAL_Enable:1;
+				UInt8 MSM_RCCal_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RCCal_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_IRCAL_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RFCAL_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_LOCalc_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RSSI_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 XtalCal_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 IRQ_Enable:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx09;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IRQ_clear;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IRQ_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 XtalCal_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RSSI_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_LOCalc_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RFCal_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_IRCAL_Clear:1;
+				UInt8 MSM_RCCal_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RCCal_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_IRCAL_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RFCal_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_LOCalc_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RSSI_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 XtalCal_Clear:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 IRQ_Clear:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx0A;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IRQ_set;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IRQ_Set:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 XtalCal_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RSSI_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_LOCalc_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RFCal_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_IRCAL_Set:1;
+				UInt8 MSM_RCCal_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RCCal_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_IRCAL_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RFCal_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_LOCalc_Set:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_RSSI_Set:1;
+                UInt8 XtalCal_Set:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 IRQ_Set:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx0B;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 AGC1_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 LT_Enable:1;
+                UInt8 AGC1_6_15dB:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+				UInt8 AGC1_TOP:4;
+                UInt8 AGC1_TOP:4;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+                UInt8 AGC1_6_15dB:1;
+                UInt8 LT_Enable:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx0C;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 AGC2_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:3;
+				UInt8 AGC2_TOP:5;
+                UInt8 AGC2_TOP:5;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:3;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx0D;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 AGCK_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 AGCs_Up_Step_assym:2;
+                UInt8 AGCs_Up_Step:1;
+                UInt8 Pulse_Shaper_Disable:1;
+                UInt8 AGCK_Step:2;
+				UInt8 AGCK_Mode:2;
+                UInt8 AGCK_Mode:2;
+                UInt8 AGCK_Step:2;
+                UInt8 Pulse_Shaper_Disable:1;
+                UInt8 AGCs_Up_Step:1;
+                UInt8 AGCs_Up_Step_assym:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx0E;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_AGC_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 PD_RFAGC_Adapt:1;
+                UInt8 RFAGC_Adapt_TOP:2;
+                UInt8 RFAGC_Low_BW:1;
+                UInt8 RF_Atten_3dB:1;
+				UInt8 RFAGC_Top:3;
+                UInt8 RFAGC_Top:3;
+                UInt8 RF_Atten_3dB:1;
+                UInt8 RFAGC_Low_BW:1;
+                UInt8 RFAGC_Adapt_TOP:2;
+                UInt8 PD_RFAGC_Adapt:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx0F;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IR_Mixer_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:4;
+				UInt8 IR_Mixer_Top:4;
+                UInt8 IR_Mixer_Top:4;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:4;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx10;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 AGC5_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 AGCs_Do_Step_assym:2;
+                UInt8 AGC5_Ana:1;
+				UInt8 AGC5_TOP:4;
+                UInt8 AGC5_TOP:4;
+                UInt8 AGC5_Ana:1;
+                UInt8 AGCs_Do_Step_assym:2;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx11;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IF_AGC_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:5;
+				UInt8 IF_level:3;
+                UInt8 IF_level:3;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:5;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx12;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IF_Byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IF_HP_Fc:2;
+                UInt8 IF_ATSC_Notch:1;
+                UInt8 LP_FC_Offset:2;
+				UInt8 LP_Fc:3;
+                UInt8 LP_Fc:3;
+                UInt8 LP_FC_Offset:2;
+                UInt8 IF_ATSC_Notch:1;
+                UInt8 IF_HP_Fc:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx13;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 Reference_Byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 I2C_Clock_Mode:1;
+                UInt8 Digital_Clock_Mode:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I1_D0:1;
+                UInt8 XtalOsc_AnaReg_En:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+				UInt8 XTout:2;
+                UInt8 XTout:2;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+                UInt8 XtalOsc_AnaReg_En:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I1_D0:1;
+                UInt8 Digital_Clock_Mode:1;
+                UInt8 I2C_Clock_Mode:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx14;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IF_Frequency_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IF_Freq:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx15;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Frequency_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:4;
+				UInt8 RF_Freq_1:4;
+                UInt8 RF_Freq_1:4;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:4;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx16;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Frequency_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RF_Freq_2:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx17;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Frequency_byte_3;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RF_Freq_3:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx18;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 MSM_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RSSI_Meas:1;
+                UInt8 RF_CAL_AV:1;
+                UInt8 RF_CAL:1;
+                UInt8 IR_CAL_Loop:1;
+                UInt8 IR_Cal_Image:1;
+                UInt8 IR_CAL_Wanted:1;
+                UInt8 RC_Cal:1;
+				UInt8 Calc_PLL:1;
+                UInt8 Calc_PLL:1;
+                UInt8 RC_Cal:1;
+                UInt8 IR_CAL_Wanted:1;
+                UInt8 IR_Cal_Image:1;
+                UInt8 IR_CAL_Loop:1;
+                UInt8 RF_CAL:1;
+                UInt8 RF_CAL_AV:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Meas:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx19;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 MSM_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:6;
+                UInt8 XtalCal_Launch:1;
+				UInt8 MSM_Launch:1;
+                UInt8 MSM_Launch:1;
+                UInt8 XtalCal_Launch:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:6;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx1A;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 PowerSavingMode;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 PSM_AGC1:2;
+                UInt8 PSM_StoB:1;
+                UInt8 PSMRFpoly:1;
+                UInt8 PSM_Mixer:1;
+                UInt8 PSM_Ifpoly:1;
+				UInt8 PSM_Lodriver:2;
+                UInt8 PSM_Lodriver:2;
+                UInt8 PSM_Ifpoly:1;
+                UInt8 PSM_Mixer:1;
+                UInt8 PSMRFpoly:1;
+                UInt8 PSM_StoB:1;
+                UInt8 PSM_AGC1:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx1B;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 DCC_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 DCC_Bypass:1;
+                UInt8 DCC_Slow:1;
+                UInt8 DCC_psm:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:5;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:5;
+                UInt8 DCC_psm:1;
+                UInt8 DCC_Slow:1;
+                UInt8 DCC_Bypass:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx1C;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 FLO_max_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+                UInt8 Fmax_Lo:6;
+                UInt8 Fmax_Lo:6;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx1D;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IR_Cal_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IR_Loop:2;  
+                UInt8 IR_Target:3;
+                UInt8 IR_GStep:3;
+                UInt8 IR_GStep:3;
+                UInt8 IR_Target:3;
+                UInt8 IR_Loop:2;  
+            }bF;
+        }uBx1E;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IR_Cal_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IR_Corr_Boost:1;
+                UInt8 IR_FreqLow_Sel:1;
+                UInt8 IR_mode_ram_store:1;
+                UInt8 IR_FreqLow:5;
+                UInt8 IR_FreqLow:5;
+                UInt8 IR_mode_ram_store:1;
+                UInt8 IR_FreqLow_Sel:1;
+                UInt8 IR_Corr_Boost:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx1F;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IR_Cal_byte_3;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:3;
+                UInt8 IR_FreqMid:5;
+                UInt8 IR_FreqMid:5;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:3;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx20;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IR_Cal_byte_4;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+                UInt8 Coarse_IR_FreqHigh:1;
+                UInt8 IR_FreqHigh:5;
+                UInt8 IR_FreqHigh:5;
+                UInt8 Coarse_IR_FreqHigh:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx21;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 Vsync_Mgt_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 PD_Vsync_Mgt:1;
+                UInt8 PD_Ovld:1;
+                UInt8 PD_Udld:1;
+                UInt8 AGC_Ovld_TOP:3;
+                UInt8 AGC_Ovld_Timer:2;
+                UInt8 AGC_Ovld_Timer:2;
+                UInt8 AGC_Ovld_TOP:3;
+                UInt8 PD_Udld:1;
+                UInt8 PD_Ovld:1;
+                UInt8 PD_Vsync_Mgt:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx22;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IR_Mixer_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 IR_Mixer_loop_off:1;
+                UInt8 IR_Mixer_Do_step:2;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:3;
+                UInt8 Hi_Pass:1;
+                UInt8 IF_Notch:1;
+                UInt8 IF_Notch:1;
+                UInt8 Hi_Pass:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:3;
+                UInt8 IR_Mixer_Do_step:2;
+                UInt8 IR_Mixer_loop_off:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx23;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 AGC1_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 AGC1_loop_off:1;
+                UInt8 AGC1_Do_step:2;
+                UInt8 Force_AGC1_gain:1;
+                UInt8 AGC1_Gain:4;
+                UInt8 AGC1_Gain:4;
+                UInt8 Force_AGC1_gain:1;
+                UInt8 AGC1_Do_step:2;
+                UInt8 AGC1_loop_off:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx24;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 AGC5_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 AGC5_loop_off:1;
+                UInt8 AGC5_Do_step:2;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I1_D0:1;
+                UInt8 Force_AGC5_gain:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 AGC5_Gain:2;
+                UInt8 AGC5_Gain:2;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 Force_AGC5_gain:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I1_D0:1;
+                UInt8 AGC5_Do_step:2;
+                UInt8 AGC5_loop_off:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx25;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Cal_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog0:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq0:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog1:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq1:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq1:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog1:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq0:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog0:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx26;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Cal_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog2:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq2:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog3:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq3:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq3:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog3:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq2:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog2:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx27;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Cal_byte_3;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog4:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq4:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog5:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq5:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq5:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog5:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq4:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog4:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx28;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Cal_byte_4;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog6:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq6:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog7:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq7:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq7:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog7:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq6:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog6:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx29;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Cal_byte_5;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog8:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq8:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog9:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq9:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq9:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog9:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq8:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog8:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx2A;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Cal_byte_6;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog10:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq10:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog11:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq11:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq11:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog11:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Freq10:2;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Offset_Cprog10:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx2B;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Filters_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RF_Filter_Bypass:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 AGC2_loop_off:1;
+                UInt8 Force_AGC2_gain:1;
+                UInt8 RF_Filter_Gv:2;
+                UInt8 RF_Filter_Band:2;
+                UInt8 RF_Filter_Band:2;
+                UInt8 RF_Filter_Gv:2;
+                UInt8 Force_AGC2_gain:1;
+                UInt8 AGC2_loop_off:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 RF_Filter_Bypass:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx2C;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Filters_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RF_Filter_Cap:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx2D;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Filters_byte_3;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 AGC2_Do_step:2;
+                UInt8 Gain_Taper:6;
+                UInt8 Gain_Taper:6;
+                UInt8 AGC2_Do_step:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx2E;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RF_Band_Pass_Filter_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RF_BPF_Bypass:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:4;
+                UInt8 RF_BPF:3;
+                UInt8 RF_BPF:3;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:4;
+                UInt8 RF_BPF_Bypass:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx2F;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 CP_Current_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 N_CP_Current:7;
+                UInt8 N_CP_Current:7;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx30;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 AGCs_DetOut_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 Up_AGC5:1;
+                UInt8 Do_AGC5:1;
+                UInt8 Up_AGC4:1;
+                UInt8 Do_AGC4:1;
+                UInt8 Up_AGC2:1;
+                UInt8 Do_AGC2:1;
+                UInt8 Up_AGC1:1;
+                UInt8 Do_AGC1:1;
+                UInt8 Do_AGC1:1;
+                UInt8 Up_AGC1:1;
+                UInt8 Do_AGC2:1;
+                UInt8 Up_AGC2:1;
+                UInt8 Do_AGC4:1;
+                UInt8 Up_AGC4:1;
+                UInt8 Do_AGC5:1;
+                UInt8 Up_AGC5:1;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx31;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RFAGCs_Gain_byte_1;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+                UInt8 AGC2_Gain_Read:2;
+                UInt8 AGC1_Gain_Read:4;
+                UInt8 AGC1_Gain_Read:4;
+                UInt8 AGC2_Gain_Read:2;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx32;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RFAGCs_Gain_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:5;
+                UInt8 TOP_AGC3_Read:3;
+                UInt8 TOP_AGC3_Read:3;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:5;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx33;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 IFAGCs_Gain_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:3;
+                UInt8 AGC5_Gain_Read:2;
+                UInt8 AGC4_Gain_Read:3;
+                UInt8 AGC4_Gain_Read:3;
+                UInt8 AGC5_Gain_Read:2;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:3;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx34;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RSSI_byte_1;
+            UInt8 RSSI;
+        }uBx35;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 RSSI_byte_2;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I1_D0:2;
+                UInt8 RSSI_AV:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Cap_Reset_En:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Cap_Val:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Ck_Speed:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Dicho_not:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Dicho_not:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Ck_Speed:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Cap_Val:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_Cap_Reset_En:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I0_D0:1;
+                UInt8 RSSI_AV:1;
+                UInt8 UNUSED_I1_D0:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx36;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 Misc_byte;
+            struct
+            {
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Phi2:2;
+                UInt8 DDS_Polarity:1;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_DeltaGain:4;
+                UInt8 IRQ_Polarity:1;
+                UInt8 IRQ_Polarity:1;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_DeltaGain:4;
+                UInt8 DDS_Polarity:1;
+                UInt8 RFCAL_Phi2:2;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx37;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_0;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_0:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx38;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_1;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_1:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx39;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_2;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_2:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx3A;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_3;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_3:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx3B;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_4;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_4:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx3C;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_5;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_5:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx3D;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_6;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_6:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx3E;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_7;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_7:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx3F;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_8;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_8:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx40;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_9;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_9:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx41;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_10;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_10:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx42;
+        union
+        {
+            UInt8 rfcal_log_11;
+            struct       
+            {
+                UInt8 rfcal_log_11:8;
+            }bF;
+        }uBx43;
+    } TDA182I2_I2C_Map_t, *pTDA182I2_I2C_Map_t;
+    typedef struct _tmTDA182I2_RFCalProg_t {
+        UInt8   Cal_number;
+        Int8    DeltaCprog;
+        Int8    CprogOffset;
+    } tmTDA182I2_RFCalProg_t, *ptmTDA182I2_RFCalProg_t;
+    typedef struct _tmTDA182I2_RFCalCoeffs_t {
+        UInt8   Sub_band;
+        UInt8   Cal_number;
+        Int32   RF_A1;
+        Int32   RF_B1;
+    } tmTDA182I2_RFCalCoeffs_t, *ptmTDA182I2_RFCalCoeffs_t;
+#define TDA182I2_RFCAL_PROG_ROW (12)
+#define TDA182I2_RFCAL_COEFFS_ROW (8)
+    typedef struct _tmddTDA182I2Object_t {
+        tmUnitSelect_t              tUnit;
+        tmUnitSelect_t              tUnitW;
+        ptmbslFrontEndMutexHandle   pMutex;
+        Bool                        init;
+        tmbslFrontEndIoFunc_t       sRWFunc;
+        tmbslFrontEndTimeFunc_t     sTime;
+        tmbslFrontEndDebugFunc_t    sDebug;
+        tmbslFrontEndMutexFunc_t    sMutex;
+        tmddTDA182I2PowerState_t    curPowerState;
+        Bool                        bIRQWait;
+        TDA182I2_I2C_Map_t          I2CMap;
+    } tmddTDA182I2Object_t, *ptmddTDA182I2Object_t, **pptmddTDA182I2Object_t;
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2GetIRQ_status(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt8* puValue);
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2GetMSM_XtalCal_End(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt8* puValue);
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2WaitIRQ(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt32 timeOut, UInt32 waitStep, UInt8 irqStatus);
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2WaitXtalCal_End(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt32 timeOut, UInt32 waitStep);
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2Write(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt8 uSubAddress, UInt8 uNbData);
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2Read(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt8 uSubAddress, UInt8 uNbData);
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2Wait(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t pObj, UInt32 Time);
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2MutexAcquire(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj, UInt32 timeOut);
+    extern tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2MutexRelease(ptmddTDA182I2Object_t   pObj);
+	extern tmErrorCode_t tmddTDA182I2AGC1_Adapt(tmUnitSelect_t tUnit);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // _TMDD_TDA182I2LOCAL_H //---------------
+// NXP source code - .\tmddTDA182I2\inc\tmddTDA182I2Instance.h
+// $Header: 
+// (C) Copyright 2001 NXP Semiconductors, All rights reserved
+// This source code and any compilation or derivative thereof is the sole
+// property of NXP Corporation and is provided pursuant to a Software
+// License Agreement.  This code is the proprietary information of NXP
+// Corporation and is confidential in nature.  Its use and dissemination by
+// any party other than NXP Corporation is strictly limited by the
+// confidential information provisions of the Agreement referenced above.
+// FILE NAME:    tmddTDA182I2Instance.h
+// DESCRIPTION:  define the static Objects
+// DOCUMENT REF: DVP Software Coding Guidelines v1.14
+//               DVP Board Support Library Architecture Specification v0.5
+// NOTES:        
+#ifndef _TMDDTDA182I2_INSTANCE_H //-----------------
+tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2AllocInstance (tmUnitSelect_t tUnit, pptmddTDA182I2Object_t ppDrvObject);
+tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2DeAllocInstance (tmUnitSelect_t tUnit);
+tmErrorCode_t ddTDA182I2GetInstance (tmUnitSelect_t tUnit, pptmddTDA182I2Object_t ppDrvObject);
+#endif // _TMDDTDA182I2_INSTANCE_H //---------------
+// The following context is TDA18272 tuner API source code
+// Definitions
+// Unit number
+enum TDA18272_UNIT_NUM
+	TDA18272_UNIT_0,	// For master tuner or single tuner only.
+	TDA18272_UNIT_1,	// For slave tuner only.
+// IF output Vp-p mode
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_2V    = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_2Vpp_0_30dB,
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_1P25V = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1_25Vpp_min_4_26dB,
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_1V    = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_1Vpp_min_6_24dB,
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_0P8V  = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_8Vpp_min_8_22dB,
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_0P85V = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_85Vpp_min_7_5_22_5dB,
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_0P7V  = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_7Vpp_min_9_21dB,
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_0P6V  = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_6Vpp_min_10_3_19_7dB,
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_0P5V  = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_0_5Vpp_min_12_18dB,
+	TDA18272_IF_OUTPUT_VPP_MAX   = tmTDA182I2_IF_AGC_Gain_Max,
+// Standard bandwidth mode
+// Power mode
+enum TDA18272_POWER_MODE
+	TDA18272_POWER_NORMAL                             = tmTDA182I2_PowerNormalMode,
+	TDA18272_POWER_STANDBY_WITH_XTALOUT_LNA_SYNTHE_ON = tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOnAndSynthe,
+	TDA18272_POWER_STANDBY_WITH_XTALOUT_LNA_ON        = tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithLNAOnAndWithXtalOn,
+	TDA18272_POWER_STANDBY_WITH_XTALOUT_ON            = tmTDA182I2_PowerStandbyWithXtalOn,
+	TDA18272_POWER_STANDBY                            = tmTDA182I2_PowerStandby,
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned long CrystalFreqHz,
+	int UnitNo,
+	int IfOutputVppMode
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	int StandardBandwidthMode
+	);
+	int *pStandardBandwidthMode
+	);
+	int PowerMode
+	);
+	int *pPowerMode
+	);
+	unsigned long *pIfFreqHz
+	);
+// The following context is implemented for TDA18272 source code.
+// Functions
+	tmUnitSelect_t tUnit,
+	UInt32 AddrSize,
+	UInt8* pAddr,
+	UInt32 ReadLen,
+	UInt8* pData
+	);
+	tmUnitSelect_t tUnit,
+	UInt32 AddrSize,
+	UInt8* pAddr,
+	UInt32 WriteLen,
+	UInt8* pData
+	);
+	tmUnitSelect_t tUnit,
+	UInt32 tms
+	);
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tua9001.c b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tua9001.c
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tua9001.c	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tua9001.c	2016-04-02 19:17:52.176066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+@brief   TUA9001 tuner module definition
+One can manipulate TUA9001 tuner through TUA9001 module.
+TUA9001 module is derived from tuner module.
+#include "tuner_tua9001.h"
+@brief   TUA9001 tuner module builder
+Use BuildTua9001Module() to build TUA9001 module, set all module function pointers with the corresponding functions,
+and initialize module private variables.
+@param [in]   ppTuner                      Pointer to TUA9001 tuner module pointer
+@param [in]   pTunerModuleMemory           Pointer to an allocated tuner module memory
+@param [in]   pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory   Pointer to an allocated base interface module memory
+@param [in]   pI2cBridgeModuleMemory       Pointer to an allocated I2C bridge module memory
+@param [in]   DeviceAddr                   TUA9001 I2C device address
+	-# One should call BuildTua9001Module() to build TUA9001 module before using it.
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr
+	)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Set tuner module pointer.
+	*ppTuner = pTunerModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner module.
+	pTuner = *ppTuner;
+	// Set base interface module pointer and I2C bridge module pointer.
+	pTuner->pBaseInterface = pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	pTuner->pI2cBridge = pI2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	// Set tuner type.
+	pTuner->TunerType = TUNER_TYPE_TUA9001;
+	// Set tuner I2C device address.
+	pTuner->DeviceAddr = DeviceAddr;
+	// Initialize tuner parameter setting status.
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = NO;
+	// Initialize tuner module variables.
+	// Note: Need to give both RF frequency and bandwidth for TUA9001 tuning function,
+	//       so we have to give a default RF frequncy.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz = TUA9001_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT;
+	// Set tuner module manipulating function pointers.
+	pTuner->GetTunerType  = tua9001_GetTunerType;
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr = tua9001_GetDeviceAddr;
+	pTuner->Initialize    = tua9001_Initialize;
+	pTuner->SetRfFreqHz   = tua9001_SetRfFreqHz;
+	pTuner->GetRfFreqHz   = tua9001_GetRfFreqHz;
+	// Initialize tuner extra module variables.
+	// Note: Need to give both RF frequency and bandwidth for TUA9001 tuning function,
+	//       so we have to give a default bandwidth.
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode = TUA9001_BANDWIDTH_MODE_DEFAULT;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = NO;
+	// Set tuner extra module function pointers.
+	pExtra->SetBandwidthMode       = tua9001_SetBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->GetBandwidthMode       = tua9001_GetBandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->GetRegBytesWithRegAddr = tua9001_GetRegBytesWithRegAddr;
+	pExtra->SetSysRegByte          = tua9001_SetSysRegByte;
+	pExtra->GetSysRegByte          = tua9001_GetSysRegByte;
+	return;
+	int *pTunerType
+	)
+	// Get tuner type from tuner module.
+	*pTunerType = pTuner->TunerType;
+	return;
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	)
+	// Get tuner I2C device address from tuner module.
+	*pDeviceAddr = pTuner->DeviceAddr;
+	return;
+	)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	// Initialize TUA9001 tuner.
+	if(initializeTua9001(pTuner) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK)
+		goto error_status_initialize_tuner;
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	long RfFreqKhz;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	// Get bandwidth mode.
+	BandwidthMode = pExtra->BandwidthMode;
+	// Calculate RF frequency in KHz.
+	// Note: RfFreqKhz = round(RfFreqHz / 1000)
+	RfFreqKhz = (long)((RfFreqHz + 500) / 1000);
+	// Set TUA9001 RF frequency and bandwidth.
+	if(tuneTua9001(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthMode) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	// Set tuner RF frequency parameter.
+	pTuner->RfFreqHz      = (unsigned long)(RfFreqKhz * 1000);
+	pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet = YES;
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	)
+	// Get tuner RF frequency in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pTuner->IsRfFreqHzSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_rf_frequency;
+	*pRfFreqHz = pTuner->RfFreqHz;
+@brief   Set TUA9001 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int BandwidthMode
+	)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	long RfFreqKhz;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	// Get RF frequncy in KHz.
+	// Note: Doesn't need to take round() of RfFreqHz, because its value unit is 1000 Hz.
+	RfFreqKhz = (long)(pTuner->RfFreqHz / 1000);
+	// Set TUA9001 RF frequency and bandwidth.
+	if(tuneTua9001(pTuner, RfFreqKhz, BandwidthMode) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_bandwidth;
+	// Set tuner bandwidth parameter.
+	pExtra->BandwidthMode      = BandwidthMode;
+	pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet = YES;
+@brief   Get TUA9001 tuner bandwidth mode.
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	// Get tuner bandwidth in Hz from tuner module.
+	if(pExtra->IsBandwidthModeSet != YES)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_bandwidth;
+	*pBandwidthMode = pExtra->BandwidthMode;
+@brief   Get register bytes with address.
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	)
+	// Get tuner register byte.
+	//if(rtl2832usb_ReadWithRegAddr(DeviceAddr, RegAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+	//	goto error_status_get_tuner_registers_with_address;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	unsigned char TunerDeviceAddr;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;	
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;	
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner,&TunerDeviceAddr); 
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);	
+	if( read_rtl2832_tuner_register( d, TunerDeviceAddr, RegAddr, pReadingBytes, ByteNum ) )
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers_with_address;
+@brief   Set system register byte.
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned char WritingByte
+	)
+	// Set demod system register byte.
+//	if(RTK_SYS_Byte_Write(RegAddr, LEN_1_BYTE, &WritingByte) != TRUE)
+//		goto error_status_set_system_registers;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;	
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;	
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);	
+	if ( write_usb_sys_char_bytes( d, RTD2832U_SYS, RegAddr, &WritingByte, LEN_1_BYTE) ) 
+		goto error_status_set_system_registers;
+@brief   Get system register byte.
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte
+	)
+	// Get demod system register byte.
+//	if(RTK_SYS_Byte_Read(RegAddr, LEN_1_BYTE, pReadingByte) != TRUE)
+//		goto error_status_get_system_registers;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;	
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;	
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);	
+	if ( read_usb_sys_char_bytes(d, RTD2832U_SYS, RegAddr, pReadingByte, LEN_1_BYTE) )
+		goto error_status_get_system_registers;
+// TUA9001 custom-implement functions
+int tua9001setRESETN (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int i_state)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned char Byte;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	// Get GPO value.
+	if(pExtra->GetSysRegByte(pTuner, GPO_ADDR, &Byte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_system_registers;
+	// Note: Hardware PCB has inverter in this pin, should give inverted value on GPIO3.
+	if (i_state == TUA9001_H_LEVEL)
+	{
+		/* set tuner RESETN pin to "H"  */
+		// Note: The GPIO3 output value should be '0'.
+		Byte &= ~BIT_3_MASK;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* set tuner RESETN pin to "L"  */
+		// Note: The GPIO3 output value should be '1'.
+		Byte |= BIT_3_MASK;
+	}
+	// Set GPO value.
+	if(pExtra->SetSysRegByte(pTuner, GPO_ADDR, Byte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_system_registers;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+int tua9001setRXEN (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int i_state)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	unsigned char Byte;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	// Get GPO value.
+	if(pExtra->GetSysRegByte(pTuner, GPO_ADDR, &Byte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_system_registers;
+	if (i_state == TUA9001_H_LEVEL)
+	{
+		/* set tuner RXEN pin to "H"  */
+		// Note: The GPIO1 output value should be '1'.
+		Byte |= BIT_1_MASK;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* set tuner RXEN pin to "L"  */
+		// Note: The GPIO1 output value should be '0'.
+		Byte &= ~BIT_1_MASK;
+	}
+	// Set GPO value.
+	if(pExtra->SetSysRegByte(pTuner, GPO_ADDR, Byte) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_system_registers;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+int tua9001setCEN (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int i_state)
+	// Do nothing.
+	// Note: Hardware PCB always gives 'H' to tuner CEN pin.
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+int tua9001waitloop (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int i_looptime)
+	unsigned long WaitTimeMs;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	/* wait time = i_looptime * 1 uS */
+	// Note: 1. The unit of WaitMs() function is ms.
+	//       2. WaitTimeMs = ceil(i_looptime / 1000)
+	WaitTimeMs = i_looptime / 1000;
+	if((i_looptime % 1000) > 0)
+		WaitTimeMs += 1;
+	pBaseInterface->WaitMs(pBaseInterface, WaitTimeMs);
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+int tua9001i2cBusWrite (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char deviceAddress, unsigned char registerAddress, char *data,
+				 unsigned int length)
+#if 0
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned int i;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	/* I2C write data format */
+	/* STA  device_address  ACK  register_address  ACK   H_Byte-Data ACK   L_Byte-Data  !ACK  STO */
+	/* STA = start condition, ACK = Acknowledge, STO = stop condition                             */   
+	/* *data  = pointer to data source   */
+	/* length = number of bytes to write */
+	// Determine byte number.
+	ByteNum = length + LEN_1_BYTE;
+	// Determine writing bytes.
+	WritingBytes[0] = registerAddress;
+	for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
+		WritingBytes[LEN_1_BYTE + i] = data[i];
+	// Send I2C writing command.
+	if(pBaseInterface->I2cWrite(pBaseInterface, deviceAddress, WritingBytes, ByteNum) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+	unsigned char ByteNum;
+	unsigned char WritingBytes[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];
+	unsigned int i=0;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridge;
+	struct dvb_usb_device	*d;
+	// Get base interface.
+	pBaseInterface = pTuner->pBaseInterface;
+	// Get I2C bridge.
+	pI2cBridge = pTuner->pI2cBridge;	
+	// Get tuner device address.
+	pBaseInterface->GetUserDefinedDataPointer(pBaseInterface, (void **)&d);	
+	// Determine byte number.
+	ByteNum = length;
+	// Determine writing bytes.
+	//WritingBytes[0] = registerAddress;
+	for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
+		WritingBytes[i] = data[i];
+	// Send I2C writing command.
+	if( write_rtl2832_tuner_register( d, deviceAddress, registerAddress, WritingBytes, ByteNum ) )
+		goto error_status_set_tuner_registers;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+int tua9001i2cBusRead (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char deviceAddress, unsigned char registerAddress, char *data,
+				unsigned int length)
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pExtra;
+	// Get tuner extra module.
+	pExtra = &(pTuner->Extra.Tua9001);
+	/* I2C read data format */
+	/* STA  device_address  ACK  register_address  ACK  STA H_Byte-Data ACK  device_address_read  ACK  H_Byte-Data ACK L_Byte-Data  ACKH  STO */
+	/* STA = start condition, ACK = Acknowledge (generated by TUA9001), ACKH = Acknowledge (generated by Host), STO = stop condition                             */   
+	/* *data  = pointer to data destination   */
+	/* length = number of bytes to read       */
+	// Get tuner register bytes with address.
+	// Note: We must use re-start I2C reading format for TUA9001 tuner register reading.
+	if(pExtra->GetRegBytesWithRegAddr(pTuner, deviceAddress, registerAddress, data, length) != FUNCTION_SUCCESS)
+		goto error_status_get_tuner_registers;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+	return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+// The following context is source code provided by Infineon.
+// Infineon source code - driver_tua9001.c
+/* ============================================================================
+** Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Infineon AG All rights reserved.
+** ============================================================================
+** ============================================================================
+** Revision Information :
+**    File name: driver_tua9001.c
+**    Version:  V 1.01
+**    Date: 
+** ============================================================================
+** History: 
+** Date         Author  Comment
+** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+** 2007.11.06   Walter Pichler    created.
+** 2008.04.08   Walter Pichler    adaption to TUA 9001E
+** ============================================================================
+//#include "driver_tua9001.h"
+//#include "driver_tua9001_NeededFunctions.h"   /* Note: This function have to be provided by the user */
+Local compiler keeys         ( usage depends on the application )
+#define CRYSTAL_26_0_MHZ
+//#define CRYSTAL_19_2_MHZ
+//#define CRYSTAL_20_48_MHZ
+//#define AGC_BY_IIC
+//#define AGC_BY_AGC_BUS
+#define AGC_BY_EXT_PIN
+Named Constants Definitions    ( usage depends on the application )
+#define TUNERs_TUA9001_DEVADDR    0xC0
+/* Note: The correct device address depends hardware settings. See Datasheet
+      and User Manual for details. */
+Local Named Constants Definitions
+#define		OPERATIONAL_MODE     	0x03 
+#define		CHANNEL_BANDWITH    	0x04
+#define		SW_CONTR_TIME_SLICING	0x05
+#define		CHANNEL_WORD        	0x1f
+#define		CHANNEL_OFFSET	    	0x20
+#define		OUTPUT_BUFFER	    	0x32
+#define		RF_AGC_CONFIG_A	    	0x36
+#define		RF_AGC_CONFIG_B	    	0x37
+#define		UHF_LNA_SELECT	    	0x39
+#define		LEVEL_DETECTOR	    	0x3a
+#define		MIXER_CURRENT	    	0x3b
+#define		PORT_CONTROL		    0x3e
+#define		CRYSTAL_TRIMMING    	0x41
+#define		PLL_LOCK	        	0x69
+#define		RECEIVER_STATE	    	0x70
+#define		RF_INPUT	        	0x71
+#define		BASEBAND_GAIN	    	0x72
+#define		CHIP_IDENT_CODE	    	0x7e
+#define		CHIP_REVISION	    	0x7f
+#define TUNERs_TUA9001_BW_8         0xcf
+#define TUNERs_TUA9001_BW_7         0x10
+#define TUNERs_TUA9001_BW_6         0x20
+#define TUNERs_TUA9001_BW_5         0x30
+ Types definition
+ Public Functions
+ * tuner initialisation
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int initializeTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner)
+//  unsigned int counter;
+  char i2cseq[2];
+//  tua9001tunerReceiverState_t tunerState;
+  unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+  // Get tuner deviece address.
+  pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+  /* Note: CEN may also be hard wired in the application*/
+  if(tua9001setCEN    (pTuner, TUA9001_H_LEVEL) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;    /* asserting Chip enable      */
+  if(tua9001setRESETN (pTuner, TUA9001_L_LEVEL) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;    /* asserting RESET            */
+  if(tua9001setRXEN   (pTuner, TUA9001_L_LEVEL) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;    /* RXEN to low >> IDLE STATE  */
+  /* Note: 20ms assumes that all external power supplies are settled. If not, add more time here */
+  tua9001waitloop (pTuner, 20);          /* wait for 20 uS     */
+  if(tua9001setRESETN (pTuner, TUA9001_H_LEVEL) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;    /* de-asserting RESET */
+  /* This is to wait for the Crystal Oscillator to settle .. wait until IDLE mode is reached */  
+//  counter = 6;
+//  do
+//    {
+//    counter --;
+//    tua9001waitloop (pTuner, 1000);      /* wait for 1 mS      */
+//    if(getReceiverStateTua9001 (pTuner, &tunerState) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+//    }while ((tunerState != TUA9001_IDLE) && (counter));  
+//  if (tunerState != TUA9001_IDLE)
+//      return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;   /* error >> break initialization   */
+  // Replace the above check loop with 6 ms delay.
+  // Because maybe there are undefined cases in getReceiverStateTua9001(), we have to avoid using the function.
+  tua9001waitloop (pTuner, 6000);         /* wait for 6 mS      */
+  /**** Overwrite default register value ****/ 
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x65;    /* Waiting time before PLL cal. start */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x12;   
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x1e, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0xB8;    /* VCO Varactor bias fine tuning */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x88;   
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x25, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x54;    /* LNA switching Threshold for UHF1/2 */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x60;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x39, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x00;    
+  i2cseq[1] = 0xC0;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x3b, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0xF0;    /* LO- Path Set LDO output voltage */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x00;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x3a, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x00;    /* Set EXTAGC interval */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x00;               
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x08, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x00;    /* Set max. capacitive load */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x30;   
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x32, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  /**** Set Crystal Reference Frequency an Trim value ****/
+#if defined(CRYSTAL_26_0_MHZ)       //  Frequency 26 MHz 
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x01;
+  i2cseq[1] = 0xB0;    
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x1d, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x70;              // NDK 3225 series 26 MHz XTAL 
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x3a;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x41, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x1C;
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x78;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x40, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+#elif defined(CRYSTAL_19_2_MHZ)   //  Frequency 19.2 MHz 
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x01;
+  i2cseq[1] = 0xA0;    
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x1d, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  // Note: Insert optimised register values for 0x40 / 0x41 for used crystal 
+  // contact application support for further information 
+#elif defined(CRYSTAL_20_48_MHZ)  //   Frequency 20,48 MHz 
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x01;
+  i2cseq[1] = 0xA8;    
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x1d, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  // Note: Insert optimised register values for 0x40 / 0x41 for used crystal 
+  // contact application support for further information 
+ /**** Set desired Analog Baseband AGC mode ****/ 
+#if defined (AGC_BY_IIC)
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x00;                /* Bypass AGC controller >>  IIC based AGC */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x40;                     
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x06, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+#elif defined(AGC_BY_AGC_BUS)      
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x00;                /* Digital AGC bus */               
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x00;                /* 0,5 dB steps    */                    
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x06, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+#elif defined(AGC_BY_EXT_PIN)      
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x40;                /* Ext. AGC pin     */               
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x00;                                    
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x06, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  /**** set desired RF AGC parameter *****/
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x1c;      /* Set Wideband Detector Current (100 uA) */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x00;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x2c, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0xC0;      /* Set RF AGC Threshold (-32.5dBm) */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x13;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x36, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x6f;      /* RF AGC Parameter */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x18;   
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x37, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x00;      /* aditional VCO settings  */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x08;   
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x27, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x00;      /* aditional PLL settings  */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x01;   
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x2a, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  i2cseq[0] = 0x0a;      /* VCM correction         */
+  i2cseq[1] = 0x40;   
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x34, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+ * tuner tune
+ * @param i_freq   tuning frequency
+ * @param i_bandwidth  channel  bandwidth
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int tuneTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, long i_freq, tua9001tunerDriverBW_t i_bandwidth)
+  char i2cseq[2];
+  unsigned int divider_factor;
+  unsigned int ch_offset;
+//  unsigned int counter;
+  unsigned int lo_path_settings;
+//  tua9001tunerReceiverState_t tunerState;
+  unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+  // Get tuner deviece address.
+  pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+  /* de-assert RXEN >> IDLE STATE */
+  if(tua9001setRXEN   (pTuner, TUA9001_L_LEVEL) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;          
+  /* calculate divider factor */
+  if (i_freq < 1000000)    /*  divider factor and channel offset for UHF/VHF III */
+   {
+   ch_offset = 0x1C20;     /* channel offset 150 MHz */
+   divider_factor   =  (unsigned int) (((i_freq - 150000) * 48) / 1000);
+   lo_path_settings = 0xb6de;
+  }
+  else                     /* calculate divider factor for L-Band Frequencies */
+   {
+   ch_offset = 0x5460;     /* channel offset 450 MHz */
+   divider_factor   =  (unsigned int) (((i_freq - 450000) * 48) / 1000);
+   lo_path_settings = 0xbede;
+   }
+  // Set LO Path
+  i2cseq[0] = lo_path_settings >> 8;
+  i2cseq[1] = lo_path_settings & 0xff;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x2b, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  // Set channel offset
+  i2cseq [0] =  ch_offset >> 8;
+  i2cseq [1] =  ch_offset & 0xff;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x20, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  // Set Frequency
+  i2cseq [0] =  divider_factor >> 8;
+  i2cseq [1] =  divider_factor & 0xff;
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x1f, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  // Set bandwidth
+  if(tua9001i2cBusRead (pTuner, DeviceAddr,  0x04, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;         /* get current register value */
+  i2cseq [0] &= TUNERs_TUA9001_BW_8;
+  switch (i_bandwidth)
+    {
+         // Do nothing.
+         break; 
+    case TUA9001_TUNER_BANDWIDTH_7MHZ: i2cseq [0] |= TUNERs_TUA9001_BW_7;
+         break; 
+    case TUA9001_TUNER_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ: i2cseq [0] |= TUNERs_TUA9001_BW_6;
+         break; 
+    case TUA9001_TUNER_BANDWIDTH_5MHZ: i2cseq [0] |= TUNERs_TUA9001_BW_5;
+         break; 
+	default:
+         goto error_status;
+         break;
+    }
+  if(tua9001i2cBusWrite (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x04, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  /* assert RXEN >> RX STATE */
+  if(tua9001setRXEN   (pTuner, TUA9001_H_LEVEL) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+  /* This is to wait for the RX state to settle .. wait until RX mode is reached */  
+//  counter = 3;
+//  do
+//    {
+//    counter --;
+//    tua9001waitloop (pTuner, 1000);         /* wait for 1 mS      */
+//    if(getReceiverStateTua9001 (pTuner, &tunerState) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;
+//    }while ((tunerState != TUA9001_RX) && (counter));  
+//  if (tunerState != TUA9001_RX)
+//    {
+//    if(tua9001setRXEN  (pTuner, TUA9001_L_LEVEL) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;      /* d-assert RXEN >> IDLE STATE */
+//    return   TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;      /* error >> tuning fail        */
+//    }
+  // Replace the above check loop with 3 ms delay.
+  // Because maybe there are undefined cases in getReceiverStateTua9001(), we have to avoid using the function.
+  tua9001waitloop (pTuner, 3000);         /* wait for 3 mS      */
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+ * Get pll locked state
+ * @param o_pll  pll locked state
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int getPllLockedStateTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, tua9001tunerPllLocked_t *o_pll)
+  char i2cseq[2];
+  unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+  // Get tuner deviece address.
+  pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+  if(tua9001i2cBusRead (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x69, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;           /* get current register value */
+  o_pll[0]  = (i2cseq[1] & 0x08) ? TUA9001_PLL_LOCKED : TUA9001_PLL_NOT_LOCKED;
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+ * Get tuner state
+ * @param o_tunerState tuner state
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int getReceiverStateTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, tua9001tunerReceiverState_t *o_tunerState)
+  char i2cseq[2];
+  unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+  // Get tuner deviece address.
+  pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+  if(tua9001i2cBusRead (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x70, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;           // get current register value
+//  switch (i2cseq[1] & ~0x1f)
+  // Note: Maybe the MSB byte is i2cseq[0]
+  //       The original code looks like the MSB byte is i2cseq[1]
+  // Note: ~0x1f = 0xffffffe0, not 0xe0 --> i2cseq[0] & ~0x1f result is wrong.
+  switch (i2cseq[0] & 0xe0)
+     {
+     case 0x80: o_tunerState [0] = TUA9001_IDLE;  break;
+     case 0x40: o_tunerState [0] = TUA9001_RX;    break;
+     case 0x20: o_tunerState [0] = TUA9001_STANDBY;    break;
+	 default: goto error_status; break;
+     }
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+ * Get active input
+ * @param o_activeInput active input info
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int getActiveInputTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, tua9001tunerActiveInput_t *o_activeInput)
+  char i2cseq[2];
+  unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+  // Get tuner deviece address.
+  pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+  if(tua9001i2cBusRead (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x71, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;           // get current register value
+//  switch (i2cseq[1] & ~0x0f)
+  // Note: Maybe the MSB byte is i2cseq[0]
+  //       The original code looks like the MSB byte is i2cseq[1]
+  // Note: ~0x0f = 0xfffffff0, not 0xf0 --> i2cseq[0] & ~0x0f result is wrong.
+  switch (i2cseq[0] & 0xf0)
+     {
+     case 0x80: o_activeInput [0] = TUA9001_L_INPUT_ACTIVE;   break;
+     case 0x20: o_activeInput [0] = TUA9001_UHF_INPUT_ACTIVE; break;
+     case 0x10: o_activeInput [0] = TUA9001_VHF_INPUT_ACTIVE; break;
+	 default: goto error_status; break;
+     }
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
+ * Get baseband gain value
+ * @param o_basebandGain  baseband gain value
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int getBasebandGainTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, char *o_basebandGain)
+  char i2cseq[2];
+  unsigned char DeviceAddr;
+  // Get tuner deviece address.
+  pTuner->GetDeviceAddr(pTuner, &DeviceAddr);
+  if(tua9001i2cBusRead (pTuner, DeviceAddr, 0x72, i2cseq, 2) != TUA9001_TUNER_OK) goto error_status;           /* get current register value */
+//  o_basebandGain [0] = i2cseq [1];
+  // Note: Maybe the MSB byte is i2cseq[0]
+  //       The original code looks like the MSB byte is i2cseq[1]
+  o_basebandGain [0] = i2cseq [0];
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_OK;
+  return TUA9001_TUNER_ERR;
diff -rpuN a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tua9001.h b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tua9001.h
--- a/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tua9001.h	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/tuner_tua9001.h	2016-04-02 19:17:52.180066045 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+#ifndef __TUNER_TUA9001_H
+#define __TUNER_TUA9001_H
+@brief   TUA9001 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate TUA9001 tuner through TUA9001 module.
+TUA9001 module is derived from tunerd module.
+@par Example:
+// The example is the same as the tuner example in tuner_base.h except the listed lines.
+#include "tuner_tua9001.h"
+int main(void)
+	TUNER_MODULE         *pTuner;
+	TUA9001_EXTRA_MODULE *pTunerExtra;
+	TUNER_MODULE          TunerModuleMemory;
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE BaseInterfaceModuleMemory;
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE     I2cBridgeModuleMemory;
+	int BandwidthMode;
+	...
+	// Build TUA9001 tuner module.
+	BuildTua9001Module(
+		&pTuner,
+		&TunerModuleMemory,
+		&BaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+		&I2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+		0xc0								// I2C device address is 0xc0 in 8-bit format.
+		);
+	// Get TUA9001 tuner extra module.
+	pTunerExtra = (T2266_EXTRA_MODULE *)(pTuner->pExtra);
+	// ==== Initialize tuner and set its parameters =====
+	...
+	// Set TUA9001 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->SetBandwidthMode(pTuner, TUA9001_BANDWIDTH_6MHZ);
+	// ==== Get tuner information =====
+	...
+	// Get TUA9001 bandwidth.
+	pTunerExtra->GetBandwidthMode(pTuner, &BandwidthMode);
+	// See the example for other tuner functions in tuner_base.h
+	return 0;
+#include "tuner_base.h"
+//#include "i2c_rtl2832usb.h"
+// The following context is source code provided by Infineon.
+// Infineon source code - driver_tua9001.h
+/* ============================================================================
+** Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Infineon AG All rights reserved.
+** ============================================================================
+** ============================================================================
+** Revision Information :
+**    File name: driver_tua9001.h
+**    Version: 
+**    Date: 
+** ============================================================================
+** History: 
+** Date         Author  Comment
+** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+** 2007.11.06   Walter Pichler    created.
+** ============================================================================
+ Named Constants Definitions
+#define TUA9001_TUNER_OK                       0
+#define TUA9001_TUNER_ERR                      0xff
+#define TUA9001_H_LEVEL                        1
+#define TUA9001_L_LEVEL                        0
+ Types definition
+typedef enum {
+        } tua9001tunerDriverBW_t;
+typedef enum {
+        TUA9001_PLL_LOCKED,
+        TUA9001_PLL_NOT_LOCKED
+        }tua9001tunerPllLocked_t;
+typedef enum {
+        TUA9001_STANDBY,
+        TUA9001_IDLE,
+        TUA9001_RX
+        } tua9001tunerReceiverState_t;
+typedef enum {
+        TUA9001_L_INPUT_ACTIVE,
+        TUA9001_UHF_INPUT_ACTIVE,
+        } tua9001tunerActiveInput_t;
+ Public functions
+ * tuner initialisation
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+extern int initializeTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner);
+ * tuner tune
+ * @param i_freq   tuning frequency
+ * @param i_bandwidth  channel  bandwidth
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+extern int tuneTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, long i_freq, tua9001tunerDriverBW_t i_bandwidth);
+ * Get tuner state
+ * @param o_tunerState tuner state
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+extern int getReceiverStateTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, tua9001tunerReceiverState_t *o_tunerState);
+ * Get active input
+ * @param o_activeInput active input info
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+extern int getActiveInputTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, tua9001tunerActiveInput_t *o_activeInput);
+ * Get baseband gain value
+ * @param o_basebandGain  baseband gain value
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+extern int getBasebandGainTua9001 (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, char *o_basebandGain);
+// Infineon source code - driver_tua9001_NeededFunctions.h
+ additional needed external funtions ( have to  be provided by the user! )
+ * set / reset tuner reset input
+ * @param i_state   level
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int tua9001setRESETN (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int i_state);
+ * set / reset tuner receive enable input
+ * @param i_state   level
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int tua9001setRXEN (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int i_state);
+ * set / reset tuner chiop enable input
+ * @param i_state   level
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int tua9001setCEN (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int i_state);
+ * waitloop 
+ * @param i_looptime   * 1uS
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+int tua9001waitloop (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned int i_looptime);
+ * i2cBusWrite 
+ * @param deviceAdress    chip address 
+ * @param registerAdress  register address 
+ * @param *data           pointer to data source
+ * @param length          number of bytes to transmit
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+ int tua9001i2cBusWrite (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char deviceAddress, unsigned char registerAddress, char *data,
+	 unsigned int length);
+ * i2cBusRead 
+ * @param deviceAdress    chip address 
+ * @param registerAdress  register address 
+ * @param *data           pointer to data destination
+ * @param length          number of bytes to read
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_OK No error
+ * @retval TUA9001_TUNER_ERR Error
+ int tua9001i2cBusRead (TUNER_MODULE *pTuner, unsigned char deviceAddress, unsigned char registerAddress, char *data,
+	 unsigned int length);
+ end of additional needed external funtions
+// The following context is TUA9001 tuner API source code
+@brief   TUA9001 tuner module declaration
+One can manipulate TUA9001 tuner through TUA9001 module.
+TUA9001 module is derived from tuner module.
+// Definitions
+// Constant
+#define GPO_ADDR	0x1
+// Bandwidth modes
+// Default value
+#define TUA9001_RF_FREQ_HZ_DEFAULT			50000000;
+// Builder
+	TUNER_MODULE **ppTuner,
+	TUNER_MODULE *pTunerModuleMemory,
+	BASE_INTERFACE_MODULE *pBaseInterfaceModuleMemory,
+	I2C_BRIDGE_MODULE *pI2cBridgeModuleMemory,
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr
+	);
+// Manipulaing functions
+	int *pTunerType
+	);
+	unsigned char *pDeviceAddr
+	);
+	);
+	unsigned long RfFreqHz
+	);
+	unsigned long *pRfFreqHz
+	);
+// Extra manipulaing functions
+	int BandwidthMode
+	);
+	int *pBandwidthMode
+	);
+	unsigned char DeviceAddr,
+	unsigned char RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingBytes,
+	unsigned char ByteNum
+	);
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned char WritingByte
+	);
+	unsigned short RegAddr,
+	unsigned char *pReadingByte
+	);
diff -rpuN a/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig b/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig
--- a/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig	2016-04-02 14:51:42.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig	2016-04-02 19:14:37.716065720 -0300
@@ -422,3 +422,10 @@ config DVB_USB_RTL28XXU
 	  Say Y here to support the Realtek RTL28xxU DVB USB receiver.
+config DVB_USB_RTL2832U
+	tristate "Realtek RTL2832 DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+	depends on DVB_USB && EXPERIMENTAL
+	default m
+	help
+	  Say Y or M to support the Realtek RTL2832 / R820T DVB-T receiver
diff -rpuN a/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile b/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
--- a/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile	2016-04-02 14:51:42.000000000 -0300
+++ b/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile	2016-04-02 19:14:37.680065762 -0300
@@ -109,6 +109,18 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_USB_MXL111SF) += mxl111
 dvb-usb-rtl28xxu-objs = rtl28xxu.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_USB_RTL28XXU) += dvb-usb-rtl28xxu.o
+# DVB-T (Realtek RTL2832 - Rafael Micro r820t)
+dvb-usb-rtl2832u-objs := demod_rtl2832.o	dvbt_demod_base.o dvbt_nim_base.o foundation.o \
+                        math_mpi.o nim_rtl2832_mxl5007t.o nim_rtl2832_fc2580.o nim_rtl2832_mt2266.o \
+                        rtl2832u.o rtl2832u_fe.o rtl2832u_io.o tuner_mxl5007t.o tuner_fc2580.o \
+                        tuner_mt2266.o tuner_tua9001.o nim_rtl2832_tua9001.o tuner_fc0012.o \
+                        nim_rtl2832_fc0012.o demod_rtl2836.o dtmb_demod_base.o dtmb_nim_base.o \
+                        nim_rtl2836_fc2580.o nim_rtl2836_mxl5007t.o tuner_e4000.o nim_rtl2832_e4000.o \
+                        tuner_mt2063.o demod_rtl2840.o tuner_max3543.o nim_rtl2832_mt2063.o \
+                        nim_rtl2832_max3543.o nim_rtl2840_mt2063.o nim_rtl2840_max3543.o \
+                        qam_demod_base.o qam_nim_base.o tuner_tda18272.o nim_rtl2832_tda18272.o \
+                        nim_rtl2832_fc0013.o tuner_fc0013.o rtl2832u_audio.o tuner_r820t.o nim_rtl2832_r820t.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_DVB_USB_RTL2832U) += dvb-usb-rtl2832u.o
 ccflags-y += -I$(srctree)/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core
 ccflags-y += -I$(srctree)/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/