#!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: firstrun # Required-Start: $all # Required-Stop: # Should-Start: armhwinfo # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: PLEASE DO NOT INTERRUPT THE FIRST BOOT # Description: Something needs to be done when is # starting at first time. # regenerate ssh host key ### END INIT INFO # # Create this file to speed up boot process # # Immediately exit if not called by init system if [ "X$1" != "Xstart" ]; then exit 1 fi export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin Log=/var/log/armhwinfo.log # create helper script to set swap settings cat > /tmp/create_swap.sh </dev/null 2>&1 read entropy_after >${Log} MEMTOTAL=$(( $(awk -F" " '/^MemTotal/ {print $2}' /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then dd if=/dev/zero of=\$SWAPFILE bs=1M count=128 status=noxfer >/dev/null 2>&1; fi chown root:root \$SWAPFILE chmod 0600 \$SWAPFILE mkswap \$SWAPFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 swapon \$SWAPFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 if ! grep -q swap /etc/fstab; then echo "\$SWAPFILE none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab; fi if ! grep -q swap /etc/sysctl.conf; then echo "vm.swappiness=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf; fi echo -e "\n### [firstrun] Created 128MB emergency swap as \$SWAPFILE" >>${Log} fi # RAMLOG if [[ "$(apt-cache policy ramlog | grep Installed)" != "" ]]; then service ramlog enable # if we have 1G ram reduce RAMLOG size if [[ "\$MEMTOTAL" -lt "1100" ]]; then if [ -f "/etc/default/ramlog" ]; then sed -e 's/TMPFS_RAMFS_SIZE=512m/TMPFS_RAMFS_SIZE=256m/g' -i /etc/default/ramlog fi elif [[ "\$MEMTOTAL" -lt "600" ]]; then if [ -f "/etc/default/ramlog" ]; then sed -e 's/TMPFS_RAMFS_SIZE=512m/TMPFS_RAMFS_SIZE=192m/g' -i /etc/default/ramlog fi fi fi while [ -f /tmp/firstrun_running ]; do sleep 1; done if [ -f "/var/run/reboot" ]; then wall -n "Performing automatic reboot in 5 seconds" sleep 5 reboot fi rm -f /tmp/create_swap.sh sync & EOT chmod +x /tmp/create_swap.sh collect_information() { # get some info about the board source /etc/armbian-release DISTRIBUTION=$(lsb_release -cs) # enable BT on cubietruck [[ "$BOARD" == "cubietruck" ]] && update-rc.d brcm40183-patch defaults # enable BT on Banana M2+ or NanoPi Air [[ "$BOARD" == "bananapim2plus" || "$BOARD" == "nanopiair" ]] && update-rc.d ap6212-bluetooth defaults # enable BT on Solidrun boards [[ "$BOARD" == "Cubox i2eX/i4" ]] && update-rc.d brcm4330-patch defaults && /etc/init.d/brcm4330-patch start case ${DISTRIBUTION} in wheezy) root_device=$(mountpoint -d /) for file in /dev/* ; do CURRENT_DEVICE=$(printf "%d:%d" $(stat --printf="0x%t 0x%T" $file)) if [ $CURRENT_DEVICE = $root_device ]; then root_partition=$file break; fi done rootfstype=$(blkid -s TYPE -o value $root_partition) ;; *) ROOTFS=$(findmnt / | awk -F" " '/\/dev\// {print $2"\t"$3}') set ${ROOTFS} root_partition=$1 rootfstype=$2 ;; esac } # collect_information adjust_sunxi_settings() { # set some mac address for BT [[ "$(lsmod | grep dhd)" != "" ]] && \ (MACADDR=$(printf '43:29:B1:%02X:%02X:%02X\n' $[RANDOM%256] $[RANDOM%256] $[RANDOM%256]) ; \ sed -i "s/^MAC_ADDR=.*/MAC_ADDR=${MACADDR}/" /etc/default/brcm40183 ;\ sed -i "s/^MAC_ADDR=.*/MAC_ADDR=${MACADDR}/" /etc/default/ap6212 \ echo -e "\n### [firstrun] Use MAC address ${MACADDR} for Bluetooth from now" >>${Log}) case ${BOARD_NAME} in "NanoPi Air"|"Orange Pi Lite") # change serial port for BT on NanoPi Air sed -i "s/^PORT=.*/PORT=ttyS3/" /etc/default/ap6212 # relink /etc/network/interfaces on OPi Lite and NanoPi Air cd /etc/network/ && ln -sf interfaces.network-manager interfaces ;; "Orange Pi Zero") # set OPi Zero WiFi address permanently based on a random address using Allwinner's MAC prefix MACADDR=$(printf 'DC:44:6D:%02X:%02X:%02X\n' $[RANDOM%256] $[RANDOM%256] $[RANDOM%256]) echo "options xradio_wlan macaddr=${MACADDR}" >/etc/modprobe.d/xradio_wlan.conf echo -e "\n### [firstrun] Use MAC address ${MACADDR} for Wi-Fi from now" >>${Log} cd /etc/network/ && ln -sf interfaces.network-manager interfaces (modprobe -r xradio_wlan && sleep 1 && modprobe xradio_wlan) & ;; esac # trigger red or blue LED as user feedback echo heartbeat >/sys/class/leds/*red*/trigger 2>/dev/null || echo heartbeat >/sys/class/leds/*blue*/trigger 2>/dev/null } # adjust_sunxi_settings do_expand_rootfs() { # get device node for boot media DEVICE="/dev/"$(lsblk -idn -o NAME | grep -w mmcblk0) if [ "${DEVICE}" = "/dev/" ]; then return ; fi QUOTED_DEVICE=$(echo "${DEVICE}" | sed 's:/:\\\/:g') # get count of partitions and their boundaries PARTITIONS=$(( $(grep -c ${DEVICE##*/}p /proc/partitions) )) PARTSTART=$(parted ${DEVICE} unit s print -sm | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/s//') # start of first partition PARTEND=$(parted ${DEVICE} unit s print -sm | head -3 | tail -1 | cut -d: -f3 | sed 's/s//') # end of first partition STARTFROM=$(( ${PARTEND} + 1 )) [[ ${PARTITIONS} == 1 ]] && STARTFROM=${PARTSTART} # check whether a resizing rule is defined. We will take this value if it's not too low. In # this case the value will be ignored and resizing to the whole card size happens. if [ -f "/root/.rootfs_resize" ]; then read RESIZE_VALUE <"/root/.rootfs_resize" ResizeLog="Resize rule ${RESIZE_VALUE} defined for ${root_partition}" case ${RESIZE_VALUE} in *%) # percentage value, we try to use 16MiB to align partitions since this is # the erase block size of more recent SD cards (512 byte sectors, so we use 32 # as divider and substract 1) PERCENTAGE=$(echo ${RESIZE_VALUE} | tr -c -d '[:digit:]') LASTSECTOR=$(( 32 * $(parted ${DEVICE} unit s print -sm | awk -F":" "/^${QUOTED_DEVICE}/ {printf (\"%0d\", ( \$2 * ${PERCENTAGE} / 3200))}") -1 )) if [ ${LASTSECTOR} -lt ${PARTEND} ]; then unset LASTSECTOR ; fi ;; *s) # sector value, we use it directly LASTSECTOR=$(echo ${RESIZE_VALUE} | tr -c -d '[:digit:]') if [ ${LASTSECTOR} -lt ${PARTEND} ]; then unset LASTSECTOR ; fi ;; esac else # Unattended mode. We run a q&d benchmark to be able to identify cards way too slow easily cd /root echo -e "\n### quick iozone test:$(iozone -e -I -a -s 1M -r 4k -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 | grep '^ 1024' | sed 's/ 1024 //')" >>/var/log/armhwinfo.log # check device capacity. If 4GB or below do not use whole card but leave a 5% spare area # to help older cards with wear leveling and garbage collection. In case this reduced card # capacity is less than the actual image capacity this is a clear sign that someone wants # to use Armbian on a card of inappropriate size so he gets what he deserves (at least he # should know what he's doing) CAPACITY=$(parted ${DEVICE} unit s print -sm | awk -F":" "/^${QUOTED_DEVICE}/ {printf (\"%0d\", \$2 / ( 1024 / \$4 ))}") if [ ${CAPACITY} -lt 4000000 ]; then SPAREAREA=$(( ${CAPACITY} / 20000 )) LASTSECTOR=$(parted ${DEVICE} unit s print -sm | awk -F":" "/^${QUOTED_DEVICE}/ {print \$2 - (${SPAREAREA} * 1024 * ( 1024 / \$4 ))}") if [ ${LASTSECTOR} -lt ${PARTEND} ]; then unset LASTSECTOR else ResizeLog="4GB media so leaving 200MB spare area on ${root_partition}" fi elif [ ${CAPACITY} -lt 8000000 ]; then # Leave 2 percent unpartitioned LASTSECTOR=$(( 32 * $(parted ${DEVICE} unit s print -sm | awk -F":" "/^${QUOTED_DEVICE}/ {printf (\"%0d\", ( \$2 * 98 / 3200))}") -1 )) if [ ${LASTSECTOR} -lt ${PARTEND} ]; then unset LASTSECTOR else ResizeLog="8GB media so leaving 2 percent spare area on ${root_partition}" fi else # Leave 1 percent unpartitioned LASTSECTOR=$(( 32 * $(parted ${DEVICE} unit s print -sm | awk -F":" "/^${QUOTED_DEVICE}/ {printf (\"%0d\", ( \$2 * 99 / 3200))}") -1 )) if [ ${LASTSECTOR} -lt ${PARTEND} ]; then unset LASTSECTOR else ResizeLog="Leaving 1 percent spare area on ${root_partition}" fi fi fi # Start resizing echo -e "\n### [firstrun] ${ResizeLog}. Start resizing Partition now:\n" >>${Log} cat /proc/partitions >>${Log} echo -e "\nExecuting fdisk, fsck and partprobe:" >>${Log} UtilLinuxVersion=$(echo q | fdisk ${DEVICE} | awk -F"util-linux " '/ fdisk / {print $2}') if [ "X${PARTITIONS}" = "X1" ]; then case ${UtilLinuxVersion} in 2.27.1*) # if dealing with fdisk from util-linux 2.27.1 we need a workaround for just 1 partition # https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/issues/353#issuecomment-224728506 ((echo d; echo n; echo p; echo ; echo $STARTFROM; echo ${LASTSECTOR} ; echo w;) | fdisk ${DEVICE}) >>${Log} 2>&1 || true ;; *) ((echo d; echo $PARTITIONS; echo n; echo p; echo ; echo $STARTFROM; echo ${LASTSECTOR} ; echo w;) | fdisk ${DEVICE}) >>${Log} 2>&1 || true ;; esac else ((echo d; echo $PARTITIONS; echo n; echo p; echo ; echo $STARTFROM; echo ${LASTSECTOR} ; echo w;) | fdisk ${DEVICE}) >>${Log} 2>&1 || true fi s=0 fsck -f $root_partition >>${Log} 2>&1 || true partprobe ${DEVICE} >>${Log} 2>&1 || s=$? echo -e "\nNew partition table:\n" >>${Log} cat /proc/partitions >>${Log} echo -e "\nNow executing resize2fs to enlarge ${root_partition} to the maximum:\n" >>${Log} resize2fs $root_partition >>${Log} 2>&1 || true # force reboot if first run is issued on eMMC (bug on C2) [[ $(find /sys -name oemid | grep emmc) ]] && s=1 # check whether reboot is necessary for resize2fs to take effect FREESIZE=$(df -hm / | awk '/\// {print $(NF-2)}') if [[ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "wheezy" || "$s" != "0" || "$FREESIZE" -lt "152" ]]; then touch /var/run/reboot update-rc.d resize2fs defaults >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "\n### [firstrun] Automated reboot needed to let /etc/init.d/resize2fs do the job" >>${Log} fi return 0 } # do_expand_rootfs check_prerequisits() { for needed_tool in fdisk parted partprobe resize2fs ; do which ${needed_tool} >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 done } # check_prerequisits do_firstrun_automated_user_configuration() { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Notes: # - See /boot/armbian_first_run.txt for full list of available variables # - Variable names here must here must match ones in config/armbian_first_run.txt #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Config FP local fp_config='/boot/armbian_first_run.txt' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Grab user requested settings if [[ -f $fp_config ]]; then # Convert line endings to Unix from Dos sed -i $'s/\r$//' "$fp_config" # check syntax bash -n "$fp_config" || return # Load vars directly from file source "$fp_config" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Remove configuration file if [[ $FR_general_delete_this_file_after_completion == 1 ]]; then dd if=/dev/urandom of="$fp_config" bs=16K count=1 sync rm "$fp_config" fi #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set Network if [[ $FR_net_change_defaults == 1 ]]; then # - Get 1st index of available wlan and eth adapters local fp_ifconfig_tmp='/tmp/.ifconfig' ifconfig -a > "$fp_ifconfig_tmp" #export to file, should be quicker in loop than calling ifconfig each time. # find eth[0-9] for ((i=0; i<=9; i++)) do if (( $(cat "$fp_ifconfig_tmp" | grep -ci -m1 "eth$i") )); then eth_index=$i break fi done # find wlan[0-9] for ((i=0; i<=9; i++)) do if (( $(cat "$fp_ifconfig_tmp" | grep -ci -m1 "wlan$i") )); then wlan_index=$i break fi done rm "$fp_ifconfig_tmp" # - Kill dhclient killall -w dhclient # - Drop Connections ifdown eth$eth_index --force ifdown wlan$wlan_index --force # - Wifi enable if [[ $FR_net_wifi_enabled == 1 ]]; then #Enable Wlan, disable Eth FR_net_ethernet_enabled=0 sed -i "/allow-hotplug wlan$wlan_index/c\allow-hotplug wlan$wlan_index" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "/allow-hotplug eth$eth_index/c\#allow-hotplug eth$eth_index" /etc/network/interfaces #Set SSid (covers both WEP and WPA) sed -i "/wireless-essid /c\ wireless-essid $FR_net_wifi_ssid" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "/wpa-ssid /c\ wpa-ssid $FR_net_wifi_ssid" /etc/network/interfaces #Set Key (covers both WEP and WPA) sed -i "/wireless-key /c\ wireless-key $FR_net_wifi_key" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "/wpa-psk /c\ wpa-psk $FR_net_wifi_key" /etc/network/interfaces #Set wifi country code iw reg set "$FR_net_wifi_countrycode" #Disable powersaving for known chips that suffer from powersaving features causing connection dropouts. # This is espically true for the 8192cu and 8188eu. #FOURDEE: This may be better located as default in ARMbian during build (eg: common), as currently, not active until after a reboot. # - Realtek | all use the same option, so create array. local realtek_array=( "8192cu" "8188eu" ) for ((i=0; i<${#realtek_array[@]}; i++)) do echo -e "options ${realtek_array[$i]} rtw_power_mgnt=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/realtek_"${realtek_array[$i]}".conf done unset realtek_array # - Ethernet enable elif [[ $FR_net_ethernet_enabled == 1 ]]; then #Enable Eth, disable Wlan FR_net_wifi_enabled=0 sed -i "/allow-hotplug eth$eth_index/c\allow-hotplug eth$eth_index" /etc/network/interfaces #sed -i "/allow-hotplug wlan$wlan_index/c\#allow-hotplug wlan$wlan_index" /etc/network/interfaces fi # - Static IP enable if [[ $FR_net_use_static == 1 ]]; then if [[ $FR_net_wifi_enabled == 1 ]]; then sed -i "/iface wlan$wlan_index inet/c\iface wlan$wlan_index inet static" /etc/network/interfaces elif [[ $FR_net_ethernet_enabled == 1 ]]; then sed -i "/iface eth$eth_index inet/c\iface eth$eth_index inet static" /etc/network/interfaces fi #This will change both eth and wlan entries, however, as only 1 adapater is enabled by this feature, should be fine. sed -i "/^#address/c\address $FR_net_static_ip" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "/^#netmask/c\netmask $FR_net_static_mask" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "/^#gateway/c\gateway $FR_net_static_gateway" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "/^#dns-nameservers/c\dns-nameservers $FR_net_static_dns" /etc/network/interfaces fi # - Restart Networking if [[ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "wheezy" || "$DISTRIBUTION" == "trusty" ]]; then service networking restart else systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart networking fi # - Manually bring up adapters (just incase) if [[ $FR_net_wifi_enabled == 1 ]]; then ifup wlan$wlan_index elif [[ $FR_net_ethernet_enabled == 1 ]]; then ifup eth$eth_index fi fi fi } #do_firstrun_automated_user_configuration main() { touch /tmp/firstrun_running check_prerequisits collect_information if [[ "$rootfstype" == "ext4" && ! -f "/root/.no_rootfs_resize" ]]; then do_expand_rootfs fi do_firstrun_automated_user_configuration & /tmp/create_swap.sh & # old distros can't handle allow-hotplug if [[ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "wheezy" || "$DISTRIBUTION" == "trusty" ]]; then sed -i "s/allow-hotplug eth/auto eth/" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "s/allow-hotplug wlan/auto wlan/" /etc/network/interfaces fi # some hardware workarounds case ${LINUXFAMILY} in sun7i|sun8i) adjust_sunxi_settings ;; pine64) if [ -z "$(grep ethaddr /boot/uEnv.txt)" ] && [ -f "/sys/class/net/eth0/address" ]; then echo "ethaddr=$(cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address)" >> /boot/uEnv.txt fi ;; esac update-rc.d -f firstrun remove >/dev/null 2>&1 rm /tmp/firstrun_running } # main main