# Release history **v4.5 / 14.10.2015** - vanilla kernel upgraded to 4.2.3 for Allwinner based boards - legacy kernel for Allwinner compiled from new sources (linux-sunxi) - udoo vanilla upgraded to 4.2.3 - cubox / hummingboard upgraded to 3.14.54 - changed kernel naming: A10 = linux-image-sun4i, A20 = linux-image-sun7i - new boards: Banana M2, Orange+(A31S), Cubieboard 1, Cubieboard 2 Dual SD, Lime A10 - fixed Udoo legacy wireless problems - fixed Jessie boot problems by disabling systemd. It’s possible to re-enable within boot scripts - added ramlog to Jessie because we don’t have systemd anymore - changed wireless driver for Cubietruck and Banana PRO (now it’s ap6210) - added ZRAM to vanilla kernel - fixed dvbsky modules and a bunch of small fixes. **v4.4 / 1.10.2015** Images: - vanilla kernel upgrade to 4.2.2 (Allwinner, Udoo Quad), - legacy kernel upgraded to 3.4.109 (Allwinner), - added I2C support and bunch of multimedia modules (DVB) (vanilla Allwinner), - Udoo quad images with fixed legacy kernel 3.14.28, - Cubox and Hummingboard kernel upgrade to 3.14.53, - brcmfmac driver fixes for vanilla kernel (Banana PRO / Cubietruck) - performance tweak: choosing a closest Debian mirror (Debian images) - added Astrometa DVB firmware and dvb-tools - added Nikkov SPDIF / I2S recent patch (legacy Allwinner) - added patch for rtl8192cu: Add missing case in rtl92cu_get_hw_reg (Lamobo R1) - bigger NAND boot partition on install - install script bug fixes Script: - force apt-get update on older rootfs cache, - image harden manipulation security, - packages NAND/FAT/same version install faling fixed, - image shrinking function rework, - better packages installation install checking, - added Debian keys to suppress warnings in debootstrap process, - added fancy progress bars, - added whiptail downloading prior to usage (bugfix). **v4.3 / 17.9.2015** - kernel 4.2 for Allwinner based boards - kernel 4.2 for Udoo Quad - walk-around if ethernet is not detected on some boards due to RTC not set(?) - update is done (semi) automatic if you are using Armbian 4.2. You only need to issue command: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. If you are coming from older system, check Documentation - U-boot on R1 is now updated to latest stable version (2015.07) - Fixed AW SOM. Working with latest u-boot but you need to build image by yourself. - Enabled whole USB net and HID section in kernel for Allwinner boards v4.2 - Fixed upgrade script – only some minor bugs remains. - Fixes to build script that it’s working under Ubuntu 15.04 - Adding Bananapi Wireless driver (ap6210) back to legacy kernel - Udoo official kernel (3.14.28) not updated due too many troubles. **v4.2 / 1.9.2015** Images: - Upgraded NAND / SATA installer. Possible to install to SATA/NAND boot in one step. - Easy kernel switching between old 3.4 and 4.x - Automatic kernel updating (to disable comment armbian repo /etc/apt/sources.list) - Allwinner boards share one 4.x kernel and two 3.4 - All boards share the same revision number - One minimal Ubuntu Desktop per board (Wicd, Firefox, Word) - u-boot v2015.07 for most boards - Aufs file system support - kernel 4.1.6 and 3.4.108 - Added Orangepi Mini, Cubieboard 1 (4.x only), Udoo with official kernel - Repository for Wheezy, Jessie and Trusty - enabled USB audio in kernel 4.x - kernel headers fixed. No need to rebuild when you update the kernel. - fixed boot scripts that can load from FAT partition too - removed Cubox binnary repository because of troubles - Docker support (kernel 4.x). Already here for a while / forget to mention. - nodm change default login Build script: - changed structure: sources now in folder sources, output is what we produce, deb in one folder - expanded desktop part - possible to build all images at once, create package repository - SD card initial size is 4Gb, variable transfered into configuration.sh - Avaliable board list is now created from file configuration.sh - Fixed image shrinking problem - Patching part rework - Using first FAT boot partition now fixes boot scripts - Uboot TAG moved to configuration.sh and differs for some boards - new variables for source branches. Only too remove errors when checking out **v4.1 / 5.8.2015** - Added desktop image - U-Boot 2015.07 with many new features - Added auto system update via repository apt.armbian.com - Root password change is initialized at first boot. - 3.4.108 kernel fixes, 4.1.4 Allwinner Security System **v4.0 / 12.7.2015** - Fixed stability issues, temperature display in 4.x - Kernel upgrades to 3.4.108 and 4.1.2 **v3.9 / 11.6.2015** - Bugfix release - Kernel 4.0.5 traffic control support - SATA / USB install fixed on kernel 4.x - Added 256Mb emergency swap area, created automatically @first boot **v3.8 / 21.5.2015** - Bugfix release: Cubietruck images successfully booted on Cubietruck. I waited for automatic reboot than tested remote login. - Kernel 4.0.4 added support for power on/off button - Both: Jessie fixed, Ethernet init fixed (uboot) - armbian.com introduction **v3.7 / 14.5.2015** - Kernel 4.0.3 some new functionality - Kernel 3.4.107 added sunxi display manager to change FB on demand - Both: Ubuntu and jessie install errors fixed, removed busybox-syslogd and changed to default logger due to problems in Jessie and Ubuntu, apt-get upgrade fixed, documentations update, Uboot fixed to 2015.4 – no more from dev branch - Build script rework - image size shrink to actual size, possible to have fat boot partition on SD card, several script bug fixes **v3.6 / 29.4.2015** - Kernel 3.19.6 - Kernel 3.4.107 with better BT loading solution **v3.5 / 18.4.2015** - Kernel 3.19.4: fixed AP mode, fixed USB, added 8192CU module - Common: apt-get upgrade ready but not enabled yet, serial console fixed, fixed hostapd under jessie, easy kernel switching, latest patched hostapd for best performance – normal and for realtek adaptors, auto IO scheduler script - Build script: everything packed as DEB **v3.4 / 28.3.2015** - Kernel 3.19.3: docker support, apple hid, pmp, nfsd, sata peformance fix - Kernel 3.4.106: pmp, a20_tp - soc temp sensor - Common: console setup fixed, headers bugfix, nand install fix - Build script: kernel build only, custom packets install, hardware accelerated desktop build as option **v3.3 / 28.2.2015** - Kernel 3.19.0: many new functionality and fixes. - Bugfixes: CT wireless works in all kernels **v3.2 / 24.1.2015** - Possible to compile external modules on both kernels - Kernel 3.19.0 RC5 - Bugfixes: install script, headers, bashrc, spi **v3.1 / 16.1.2015** - Kernel 3.19.0 RC4 - Added Cubieboard 1 images - Dualboot for CB2 and CT dropped due to u-boot change. Now separate images. - New user friendly SATA + USB installer, also on mainline **v3.0 / 29.12.2014** - Kernel 3.18.1 for mainline image - Added Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS) image - Bugfixes: auto packages update **v2.9 / 3.12.2014** - Kernel 3.4.105 with new MALI driver and other fixes - Added: Jessie image - Major build script rewrite - much faster image building - Fixed: failed MIN/MAX settings **v2.8 / 17.10.2014** - Added: ondemand governor, fhandle, squashfs and btrfs - Removed: bootsplash, lvm, version numbering in issue - Fixed: custom scripts, Jessie upgrade - Disabled: BT firmware loading, enable back with: insserv brcm40183-patch - Added working driver for RT 8188C, 8192C **v2.7 / 1.10.2014** - Kernel 3.4.104 - Automatic Debian system updates - VGA output is now default but if HDMI is attached at first boot than it switch to HDMI for good. After first restart! - Fixed NAND install script. /boot is mounted by default. Kernel upgrade is now the same as on SD systems. Cubieboard2 - disabled Cubietruck dedicated scripts (BT firmware, LED disable) - Added network bonding and configuration for "notebook" mode (/etc/network/interfaces.bonding) - IR receiver is preconfigured with default driver and LG remote (/etc/lirc/lircd.conf), advanced driver is present but disabled - Added SPI and LVM functionality - Added Debian logo boot splash image - Added build essentials package **v2.6 / 22.8.2014** - Kernel 3.4.103 and 3.17.0-RC1 - Added GPIO patch (only for 3.4.103) **v2.5 / 2.8.2014** - Kernel 3.4.101 and 3.16.0-RC4 - major build script rewrite **v2.4 / 11.7.2014** - Kernel 3.4.98 - default root password (1234) expires at first login - build script rewrite, now 100% non-interactive process, time zone as config option - bug fixes: removed non-existing links in /lib/modules **v2.3 / 2.7.2014** - Kernel 3.4.96 - cpuinfo serial number added - bug fixes: stability issues - downclocked to factory defaults, root SSH login enabled in Jessie, dedicated core for eth0 fix - disp_vsync kernel patch **v2.2 / 26.6.2014** - Kernel 3.4.94 - Added Jessie distro image - Updated hostapd, bashrc, build script - bug fixes: disabled upgrade and best mirror search @firstboot, bluetooth enabler fix - MD5 hash image protection **v2.1 / 13.6.2014** - Kernel 3.4.93 - Onboard Bluetooth finally works - Small performance fix - Allwinner Security System cryptographic accelerator **v2.0 / 2.6.2014** - Kernel 3.4.91 with many fixes - Cubieboard 2 stability issues fix - eth0 interrupts are using dedicated core - Global bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc - Verbose output and package upgrade @ first run **v1.9 / 27.4.2014** - Kernel headers included - Clustering support - Advanced IR driver with RAW RX and TX - Bluetooth ready (working only with supported USB devices) - Bugfixes: VLAN, login script, build script - New packages: lirc, bluetooth **v1.8 / 27.3.2014** - Kernel 3.4.79 - Alsa I2S patch + basic ALSA utils - Performance tweaks: CPU O.C. to 1.2Ghz, IO scheduler NOOP for SD, CFQ for sda, journal data writeback enabled - Avaliable memory = 2000MB - Minimized console output at boot - MAC address from chip ID, manual optional - Latest (Access point) hostapd, 2.1 final release - Login script shows current CPU temp, hard drive temp & actual free memory - Fastest Debian mirror auto selection @first boot - New packages: alsa-utils netselect-apt sysfsutils hddtemp bc **v1.7 / 26.2.2014** - Flash media performance tweaks, reduced writings, tmp & logging to RAM with ramlog app – sync logs on shutdown - SATA install script - Dynamic MOTD: Cubieboard / Cubietruck - Disabled Debian logo at startup - New packages: figlet toilet screen hdparm libfuse2 ntfs-3g bash-completion **v1.6 / 9.2.2014** - Added support for Cubieboard 2 - Build script creates separate images for VGA and HDMI - NAND install script added support for Cubieboard 2 **v1.52 / 7.2.2014** - Various kernel tweaks, more modules enabled - Root filesystem can be moved to USB drive - Bugfixes: NAND install script **v1.5 / 22.1.2014** - Hotspot Wifi Access Point / Hostapd 2.1 - Bugfixes: MAC creation script, SSH keys creation, removed double packages, … - Graphics desktop environment upgrade ready **v1.4 / 12.1.2014** - Patwood’s kernel 3.4.75+ with many features - Optimized CPU frequency scaling 480-1010Mhz with interactive governor - NAND install script included - Cubietruck MOTD - USB redirector – for sharing USB over TCP/IP **v1.3 / 3.1.2014** - CPU frequency scaling 30-1000Mhz - Patch for gpio **v1.23 / 1.1.2014** - added HDMI version - added sunxi-tools - build.sh transfered to Github repository - disabled LED blinking **v1.2 / 26.12.2013** - changed kernel and hardware config repository - kernel 3.4.61+ - wi-fi working - updated manual how-to **v1.0 / 24.12.2013** - total memory available is 2G (disabled memory for GPU by default) - gigabit ethernet is fully operational - sata driver enabled - root filesystem autoresize - MAC address fixed at first boot - Kernel 3.4.75 - root password=1234 - Bugs: wifi and BT not working