Igor Pečovnik 150ac0c2af
Remove K<4, change branches, new features (#1586)
AR-1 - Adding support category for distributions
AR-4 - Remove Allwinner legacy
AR-5 - Drop Udoo family and move Udoo board into newly created imx6 family
AR-9 - Rename sunxi-next to sunxi-legacy
AR-10 - Rename sunxi-dev to sunxi-current
AR-11 - Adding Radxa Rockpi S support
AR-13 - Rename rockchip64-default to rockchip64-legacy
AR-14 - Add rockchip64-current as mainline source
AR-15 - Drop Rockchip 4.19.y NEXT, current become 5.3.y
AR-16 - Rename RK3399 default to legacy
AR-17 - Rename Odroid XU4 next and default to legacy 4.14.y, add DEV 5.4.y
AR-18 - Add Odroid N2 current mainline
AR-19 - Move Odroid C1 to meson family
AR-20 - Rename mvebu64-default to mvebu64-legacy
AR-21 - Rename mvebu-default to mvebu-legacy
AR-22 - Rename mvebu-next to mvebu-current
AR-23 - Drop meson64 default and next, current becomes former DEV 5.3.y
AR-24 - Drop cubox family and move Cubox/Hummingboard boards under imx6
AR-26 - Adjust motd
AR-27 - Enabling distribution release status
AR-28 - Added new GCC compilers
AR-29 - Implementing Ubuntu Eoan
AR-30 - Add desktop packages per board or family
AR-31 - Remove (Ubuntu/Debian) distribution name from image filename
AR-32 - Move arch configs from to separate arm64 and armhf config files
AR-33 - Revision numbers for beta builds changed to day_in_the_year
AR-34 - Patches support linked patches
AR-35 - Break meson64 family into gxbb and gxl
AR-36 - Add Nanopineo2 Black
AR-38 - Upgrade option from old branches to new one via armbian-config
AR-41 - Show full timezone info
AR-43 - Merge Odroid N2 to meson64
AR-44 - Enable FORCE_BOOTSCRIPT_UPDATE for all builds
2019-11-19 23:25:39 +01:00

223 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 Igor Pecovnik, igor.pecovnik@gma**.com
# This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any
# warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.
# This file is a part of the Armbian build script
# Functions:
# compilation_prepare
# Packaging patch for modern kernels should be one for all. Currently we have it per kernel family since we can't have one
# Maintaining one from central location starting with 5.3+
# Temporally set for new "default->legacy,next->current" family naming
if linux-version compare $version ge 5.3 && [[ "$BRANCH" == current || "$BRANCH" == dev ]]; then
display_alert "Adjustin" "packaging" "info"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
process_patch_file "${SRC}/patch/misc/general-packaging-5.3.y.patch" "applying"
if [[ $version == "4.19."* ]] && [[ "$LINUXFAMILY" == sunxi* || "$LINUXFAMILY" == meson64 || "$LINUXFAMILY" == mvebu64 || "$LINUXFAMILY" == mt7623 || "$LINUXFAMILY" == mvebu ]]; then
display_alert "Adjustin" "packaging" "info"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
process_patch_file "${SRC}/patch/misc/general-packaging-4.19.y.patch" "applying"
if [[ $version == "4.14."* ]] && [[ "$LINUXFAMILY" == s5p6818 || "$LINUXFAMILY" == mvebu64 || "$LINUXFAMILY" == imx7d || "$LINUXFAMILY" == odroidxu4 || "$LINUXFAMILY" == mvebu ]]; then
display_alert "Adjustin" "packaging" "info"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
process_patch_file "${SRC}/patch/misc/general-packaging-4.14.y.patch" "applying"
if [[ $version == "4.4."* || $version == "4.9."* ]] && [[ "$LINUXFAMILY" == rock* || "$LINUXFAMILY" == rk3399 ]]; then
display_alert "Adjustin" "packaging" "info"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
process_patch_file "${SRC}/patch/misc/general-packaging-4.4.y-rk3399.patch" "applying"
if [[ $version == "4.9."* ]] && [[ "$LINUXFAMILY" == meson64 ]]; then
display_alert "Adjustin" "packaging" "info"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
process_patch_file "${SRC}/patch/misc/general-packaging-4.9.y.patch" "applying"
# AUFS - advanced multi layered unification filesystem for Kernel > 5.1
# Older versions have AUFS support with a patch
if linux-version compare $version ge 5.1 && [ "$AUFS" == yes ]; then
# attach to specifics tag or branch
local aufstag=$(echo ${version} | cut -f 1-2 -d ".")
# check if Mr. Okajima already made a branch for this version
git ls-remote --exit-code --heads aufs${aufstag} >/dev/null
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
# then use rc branch
git ls-remote --exit-code --heads aufs${aufstag} >/dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
display_alert "Adding" "AUFS ${aufstag}" "info"
local aufsver="branch:aufs${aufstag}"
fetch_from_repo "" "aufs5" "branch:${aufsver}" "yes"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
process_patch_file "${SRC}/cache/sources/aufs5/${aufsver#*:}/aufs5-kbuild.patch" "applying"
process_patch_file "${SRC}/cache/sources/aufs5/${aufsver#*:}/aufs5-base.patch" "applying"
process_patch_file "${SRC}/cache/sources/aufs5/${aufsver#*:}/aufs5-mmap.patch" "applying"
process_patch_file "${SRC}/cache/sources/aufs5/${aufsver#*:}/aufs5-standalone.patch" "applying"
cp -R ${SRC}/cache/sources/aufs5/${aufsver#*:}/{Documentation,fs} .
cp ${SRC}/cache/sources/aufs5/${aufsver#*:}/include/uapi/linux/aufs_type.h include/uapi/linux/
# WireGuard - fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel
if linux-version compare $version ge 3.14 && [ "${WIREGUARD}" == yes ]; then
# attach to specifics tag or branch
#local wirever="branch:master"
local wirever="tag:0.0.20190702"
display_alert "Adding" "WireGuard ${wirever} " "info"
fetch_from_repo "" "wireguard" "${wirever}" "yes"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
rm -rf ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/net/wireguard
cp -R ${SRC}/cache/sources/wireguard/${wirever#*:}/src/ ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/net/wireguard
sed -i "/^obj-\\\$(CONFIG_NETFILTER).*+=/a obj-\$(CONFIG_WIREGUARD) += wireguard/" \
sed -i "/^if INET\$/a source \"net/wireguard/Kconfig\"" \
# remove duplicates
[[ $(cat ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/net/Makefile | grep wireguard | wc -l) -gt 1 ]] && \
sed -i '0,/wireguard/{/wireguard/d;}' ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/net/Makefile
[[ $(cat ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/net/Kconfig | grep wireguard | wc -l) -gt 1 ]] && \
sed -i '0,/wireguard/{/wireguard/d;}' ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/net/Kconfig
# headers workaround
display_alert "Patching WireGuard" "Applying workaround for headers compilation" "info"
sed -i '/mkdir -p "$destdir"/a mkdir -p "$destdir"/net/wireguard; \
touch "$destdir"/net/wireguard/{Kconfig,Makefile} # workaround for Wireguard' \
# Wireless drivers for Realtek 8811, 8812, 8814 and 8821 chipsets
if linux-version compare $version ge 3.14 && [ "$EXTRAWIFI" == yes ]; then
# attach to specifics tag or branch
local rtl8812auver="branch:v5.2.20"
display_alert "Adding" "Wireless drivers for Realtek 8811, 8812, 8814 and 8821 chipsets ${rtl8812auver}" "info"
fetch_from_repo "" "rtl8812au" "${rtl8812auver}" "yes"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
rm -rf ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8812au
mkdir -p ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8812au/
cp -R ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl8812au/${rtl8812auver#*:}/{core,hal,include,os_dep,platform} \
# Makefile
cp ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl8812au/${rtl8812auver#*:}/Makefile \
cp ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl8812au/${rtl8812auver#*:}/Kconfig \
# Adjust path
sed -i 's/include $(src)\/hal\/phydm\/ $(TopDIR)\/drivers\/net\/wireless\/rtl8812au\/hal\/phydm\/' \
sed -i 's/include $(TopDIR)\/hal\/phydm\/ $(TopDIR)\/drivers\/net\/wireless\/rtl8812au\/hal\/phydm\/' \
# Add to section Makefile
echo "obj-\$(CONFIG_RTL8812AU) += rtl8812au/" >> $SRC/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
sed -i '/source "drivers\/net\/wireless\/ti\/Kconfig"/a source "drivers\/net\/wireless\/rtl8812au\/Kconfig"' \
# Wireless drivers for Realtek 8188EU 8188EUS and 8188ETV chipsets
if linux-version compare $version ge 3.14 && [ "$EXTRAWIFI" == yes ]; then
# attach to specifics tag or branch
local rtl8811euver="branch:v5.3.9"
display_alert "Adding" "Wireless drivers for Realtek 8188EU 8188EUS and 8188ETV chipsets ${rtl8811euver}" "info"
fetch_from_repo "" "rtl8188eu" "${rtl8811euver}" "yes"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
rm -rf ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu
mkdir -p ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu/
cp -R ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl8188eu/${rtl8811euver#*:}/{core,hal,include,os_dep,platform} \
# Makefile
cp ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl8188eu/${rtl8811euver#*:}/Makefile \
cp ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl8188eu/${rtl8811euver#*:}/Kconfig \
# Add to section Makefile
echo "obj-\$(CONFIG_RTL8188EU) += rtl8188eu/" >> $SRC/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
sed -i '/source "drivers\/net\/wireless\/ti\/Kconfig"/a source "drivers\/net\/wireless\/rtl8188eu\/Kconfig"' \
# Wireless drivers for Realtek 88x2bu chipsets
if linux-version compare $version ge 3.14 && [ "$EXTRAWIFI" == yes ]; then
# attach to specifics tag or branch
local rtl88x2buver="branch:master"
display_alert "Adding" "Wireless drivers for Realtek 88x2bu chipsets ${rtl88x2buver}" "info"
fetch_from_repo "" "rtl88x2bu" "${rtl88x2buver}" "yes"
cd ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}
rm -rf ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/rtl88x2bu
mkdir -p ${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/rtl88x2bu/
cp -R ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl88x2bu/${rtl88x2buver#*:}/{core,hal,include,os_dep,platform,} \
# Makefile
cp ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl88x2bu/${rtl88x2buver#*:}/Makefile \
cp ${SRC}/cache/sources/rtl88x2bu/${rtl88x2buver#*:}/Kconfig \
# Adjust path
sed -i 's/include $(src)\/ /include $(TopDIR)\/drivers\/net\/wireless\/rtl88x2bu\/' \
# Add to section Makefile
echo "obj-\$(CONFIG_RTL8822BU) += rtl88x2bu/" >> $SRC/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}/drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
sed -i '/source "drivers\/net\/wireless\/ti\/Kconfig"/a source "drivers\/net\/wireless\/rtl88x2bu\/Kconfig"' \