2016-01-21 23:09:53 +01:00

138 lines
5.4 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 Igor Pecovnik, igor.pecovnik@gma**.com
# This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any
# warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.
# This file is a part of tool chain
# Create board support packages
# Functions:
# create_board_package
create_board_package (){
# create .deb package for the rest
display_alert "Creating board support package." "$BOARD" "info"
if [[ $BRANCH == "next" ]]; then
# construct a package name
local destination=$DEST/debs/$RELEASE/$CHOOSEN_ROOTFS
local controlfile=$destination/DEBIAN/control
mkdir -p $destination/DEBIAN
echo "Package: linux-$RELEASE-root$ROOT_BRACH-$BOARD" > $controlfile
echo "Version: $REVISION" >> $controlfile
echo "Architecture: armhf" >> $controlfile
echo "Maintainer: $MAINTAINER <$MAINTAINERMAIL>" >> $controlfile
echo "Installed-Size: 1" >> $controlfile
echo "Section: kernel" >> $controlfile
echo "Priority: optional" >> $controlfile
echo "Recommends: fake-hwclock" >> $controlfile
echo "Description: Root file system tweaks for $BOARD" >> $controlfile
# set up post install script
echo "#!/bin/bash" > $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
chmod 755 $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
# scripts for autoresize at first boot
mkdir -p $destination/etc/init.d
mkdir -p $destination/etc/default
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/resize2fs $destination/etc/init.d
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/firstrun $destination/etc/init.d
# install hardware info script
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/armhwinfo $destination/etc/init.d
echo "set -e" >> $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
echo "update-rc.d armhwinfo defaults >/dev/null 2>&1" >> $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
echo "update-rc.d -f motd remove >/dev/null 2>&1" >> $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
echo "[[ -f /root/.nand1-allwinner.tgz ]] && rm /root/.nand1-allwinner.tgz" >> $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
echo "[[ -f /root/nand-sata-install ]] && rm /root/nand-sata-install" >> $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
echo "ln -sf /var/run/motd /etc/motd" >> $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
echo "[[ -f /etc/bash.bashrc.custom ]] && rm /etc/bash.bashrc.custom" >> $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
echo "exit 0" >> $destination/DEBIAN/postinst
# temper binary for USB temp meter
mkdir -p $destination/usr/local/bin
tar xfz $SRC/lib/bin/temper.tgz -C $destination/usr/local/bin
# replace hostapd from latest self compiled & patched
mkdir -p $destination/usr/sbin/
tar xfz $SRC/lib/bin/hostapd25-rt.tgz -C $destination/usr/sbin/
tar xfz $SRC/lib/bin/hostapd25.tgz -C $destination/usr/sbin/
# module evbug is loaded automagically at boot time but we don't want that
mkdir -p $destination/etc/modprobe.d/
echo "blacklist evbug" > $destination/etc/modprobe.d/ev-debug-blacklist.conf
# script to install to SATA
cp -R $SRC/lib/scripts/nand-sata-install/usr $destination/
chmod +x $destination/usr/lib/nand-sata-install/
ln -s ../lib/nand-sata-install/ $destination/usr/sbin/nand-sata-install
# install custom motd with reboot and upgrade checking
mkdir -p $destination/root $destination/tmp $destination/etc/update-motd.d/ $destination/etc/profile.d
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/update-motd.d/* $destination/etc/update-motd.d/
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/ $destination/etc/profile.d
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/ $destination/etc/profile.d
cd $destination/
ln -s ../var/run/motd etc/motd
touch $destination/tmp/.reboot_required
if [[ $LINUXCONFIG == *sun* ]] ; then
# add sunxi tools
cp $SOURCES/$MISC1_DIR/meminfo $destination/usr/local/bin/meminfo
cp $SOURCES/$MISC1_DIR/sunxi-nand-part $destination/usr/local/bin/nand-part
cp $SOURCES/$MISC1_DIR/sunxi-fexc $destination/usr/local/bin/sunxi-fexc
ln -s $destination/usr/sbin/sunxi-fexc $destination/usr/sbin/fex2bin
ln -s $destination/usr/sbin/sunxi-fexc $destination/usr/sbin/bin2fex
if [ "$BRANCH" != "next" ]; then
# add soc temperature app
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc $SRC/lib/scripts/sunxi-temp/sunxi_tp_temp.c -o $destination/usr/local/bin/sunxi_tp_temp
# lamobo R1 router switch config
tar xfz $SRC/lib/bin/swconfig.tgz -C $destination/usr/local/bin
# convert and add fex files
unset IFS
mkdir -p $destination/boot/bin
for i in $(ls -w1 $SRC/lib/config/*.fex | xargs -n1 basename); do
fex2bin $SRC/lib/config/${i%*.fex}.fex $destination/boot/bin/${i%*.fex}.bin;
# bluetooth device enabler - for cubietruck
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/bin/brcm_patchram_plus $destination/usr/local/bin
install $SRC/lib/scripts/brcm40183 $destination/etc/default
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/brcm40183-patch $destination/etc/init.d
# add some summary to the image
fingerprint_image "$destination/etc/armbian.txt"
# create board DEB file
cd $DEST/debs/$RELEASE/
display_alert "Building deb package." "$CHOOSEN_ROOTFS"".deb" "info"
dpkg -b $CHOOSEN_ROOTFS >/dev/null 2>&1
# clean up
rm -f ../.reboot_required