Igor Pečovnik efa87b1fb8
Bananapi R2 ()
* Initial commit BPi R2:
Currently working/not working:
- u-boot:
	- builds with minor issues
	- patching and cleanup happens on ''
- next (
	- boots with minor issues
	- ETH doesn't work with nm
	- sata works
	- no wifi (needs driver from:
	- USB not working (xhci-mtk 1a1c0000.usb: fail to get vbus) needs investigation
	- appended device tree is needed due to u-boot doesn't work with fdt (kernelpacking needs adjustemts e.g. cat zImage dtb > zImage-dtb
- dev ( master)
	- untested, needs adjustments in config (e.g. CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="")
	- since no defconfig is available config is based on frank-w 4.16 Kernel
	- Kernel builds without issues
	- manual packing of kernel and dtb similar to next
The board boots, serial console is available but everything else must be expected as not working!
- to do:
	- u-boot needs a cleanup
	- binary blobs needs investigation
	- eMMC is **not tested** and needs for sure adjustements! (don't try nand-sata-install!!!)
	- bootscript isn't tested (only manual boot over u-boot console at the moment)
	- both kernelconfigs aren't 'armbian standard' modules need to be adjusted

Only use it when you know're familiar with u-boot commands!

* Small fixes, add bootscript
- add bootscript for patched u-boot (needs patching of u-boot, currently under investigation and not working properly)
- revert cat zImage dtb > zImage-dtb (cause not working)
- first cleanup of dev kernelconfig (remove CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="")

* Minor fixup
-kernelconfig for next was adjustet so that USB is recognized
-firt bootscripts was written to boot with source command (doesn't work 100% reliable)
-slightly adjustd boardconfig (e.g. bootscript)
must still be considered as early wip!

* small update (FDT works now)
-working bootscript
-adjusted boardconfig
-earlyprintk activated in kernelconfig

* First attempt to get ETH working
-all interfaces are bridged together
-performance sucks at the moment (not clear if it's related to insane network configuration or I miss something obvious... :P  )

* Major update (see below for changes):
- 4.14 kernel was dropped due to and following
	- boot.cmd was adjusted to 'clean' mainline behaviour
	- next build opition and its defaultconfg was removed (at the moment dev only)
- rework of the network default configuration
	- default configuration will be over network.d **not** NetworkManager
	- per default all wired interfaces are bridged together to br0 (still wip)
	- old 'interfaces' configuration was removed
- boardconfig is adjusted (no desktop until I've prove that HDMI works)
- what works/ not works:
	- board boots up without manual u-boot hacking
	- SATA, USB3 (massstorage) is tested and works without issues
	- due to rework of network configuration this is still wip and must be considered as 'not working'

* moved to network.d for configuration of wired network
- renamed bsp packages
- blacklist wired interfaces for NetworkManager
- defined all wired interfaces as br0 in systemd/network
- defined networkd als default renderer for bionic (not tested yet!)

* The houskeeping commit:
- BOARDFAMILY was renamed to mt7623 instead of mt7623n (including patchfolders etc.)
- Network.d has no fully control over wired networkes (block NM from controll, start networkd on firstrun etc.)
- Further cleanup kernelconfig
	- CPU temp is visible from userspace
	- missed switch driver loaded
	- cryptodrivers are there (not tested)
	- still a bunch of work

* Add DMA mem alloc patch
-under testing!

* Add next option (4.17.y) stick dev to master (4.18-rc1 untested)

* minor fixes:
- solve kconfig issues between 4.17 and 4.18
- stick next branch to 4.18
- first attempts to bring up gmac2 (doesn't work currently)

* switch to upstream u-boot
- fix ext4 dependency in patch series
- kernelpacking currently broken

* add bootz & cmd_ext4

* resolved merge conflict

* apply ugly u-boot patch, fix bootscript

* remove unneeded stuff, apply forgotten stuff

* update config for dev & clean up boardconf (remove xenial)

* - drop dev and next, move into default. There is no intention to provide stock kernel
- fixed board description, renamed to WIP, where it can be merged later
- packing boot firmware to the u-boot package
- docker dependencies (aufs will be added later. not essential)
- attached to 4.19.y
- loading armbianEnv.txt
- UUID support (tested)
- enabled ZRAM (tested)
- enabled eMMC install (not quite working properly yet)
- Bionic has some issues with systemd networking.

* gov to ondemand (thermals are conservative anyway), remove unneeded kernelconfigs

* Added AUFS, remove debug from kernel boot parameters, add ath10 mPCI support (which works)

* add power-off-key and rtc

* Added onboard wireless, but it's enabling is disabled by default. Too fragile.

* Change to CSC target
2018-11-08 18:51:42 +01:00

221 lines
8.2 KiB

diff --git a/scripts/package/builddeb b/scripts/package/builddeb
index 90c9a8a..3c79b90 100755
--- a/scripts/package/builddeb
+++ b/scripts/package/builddeb
@@ -29,6 +29,27 @@ create_package() {
# in case we are in a restrictive umask environment like 0077
chmod -R a+rX "$pdir"
+ # Create preinstall and post install script to remove dtb
+ if [[ "$1" == *dtb* ]]; then
+ echo "if [ -d /boot/dtb-$version ]; then mv /boot/dtb-$version /boot/dtb-$version.old; fi" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/preinst
+ echo "if [ -d /boot/dtb.old ]; then rm -rf /boot/dtb.old; fi" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/preinst
+ echo "if [ -d /boot/dtb ]; then mv /boot/dtb /boot/dtb.old; fi" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/preinst
+ echo "exit 0" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/preinst
+ chmod 775 $pdir/DEBIAN/preinst
+ echo "if [ -d /boot/dtb-$version.old ]; then rm -rf /boot/dtb-$version.old; fi" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+ echo "ln -sf dtb-$version /boot/dtb > /dev/null 2>&1 || mv /boot/dtb-$version /boot/dtb" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+ echo "exit 0" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+ chmod 775 $pdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+ fi
+ # Create postinstall script for headers
+ if [[ "$1" == *headers* ]]; then
+ echo "cd /usr/src/linux-headers-$version; echo \"Compiling headers - please wait ...\"; find -type f -exec touch {} +;make -s scripts >/dev/null 2>&1" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+ echo "exit 0" >> $pdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+ chmod 775 $pdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+ fi
# Create the package
dpkg-gencontrol -p$pname -P"$pdir"
dpkg --build "$pdir" ..
@@ -39,9 +60,11 @@ tmpdir="$objtree/debian/tmp"
if [ "$ARCH" = "um" ] ; then
@@ -52,6 +75,15 @@ fi
# XXX: have each arch Makefile export a variable of the canonical image install
# path instead
case $ARCH in
+ image_name=zImage
+ installed_image_path="boot/vmlinuz-$version"
+ ;;
+ image_name=zImage
+ installed_image_path="boot/vmlinuz-$version"
+ ;;
@@ -65,7 +97,9 @@ esac
# Setup the directory structure
-rm -rf "$tmpdir" "$kernel_headers_dir" "$libc_headers_dir" "$dbg_dir" $objtree/debian/files
+rm -rf "$tmpdir" "$kernel_headers_dir" "$libc_headers_dir" "$dbg_dir" "$dtb_dir" $objtree/debian/files
+mkdir -m 755 -p "$dtb_dir/DEBIAN"
+mkdir -p "$dtb_dir/boot/dtb-$version" "$dtb_dir/usr/share/doc/$dtb_packagename"
mkdir -m 755 -p "$tmpdir/DEBIAN"
mkdir -p "$tmpdir/lib" "$tmpdir/boot"
mkdir -p "$kernel_headers_dir/lib/modules/$version/"
@@ -118,6 +152,11 @@ if grep -q '^CONFIG_MODULES=y' $KCONFIG_CONFIG ; then
+if grep -q '^CONFIG_OF=y' $KCONFIG_CONFIG ; then
+ #mkdir -p "$tmpdir/boot/dtb"
+ INSTALL_DTBS_PATH="$dtb_dir/boot/dtb-$version" $MAKE KBUILD_SRC= dtbs_install
if [ "$ARCH" != "um" ]; then
$MAKE headers_check KBUILD_SRC=
$MAKE headers_install KBUILD_SRC= INSTALL_HDR_PATH="$libc_headers_dir/usr"
@@ -137,7 +176,7 @@ fi
for script in postinst postrm preinst prerm ; do
mkdir -p "$tmpdir$debhookdir/$script.d"
cat <<EOF > "$tmpdir/DEBIAN/$script"
set -e
@@ -153,9 +192,60 @@ EOF
chmod 755 "$tmpdir/DEBIAN/$script"
+## Create sym link to kernel image
+sed -e "s/set -e//g" -i $tmpdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+sed -e "s/exit 0//g" -i $tmpdir/DEBIAN/postinst
+cat >> $tmpdir/DEBIAN/postinst <<EOT
+if [ "\$(grep nand /proc/partitions)" != "" ] && [ "\$(grep mmc /proc/partitions)" = "" ]; then
+ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a "0x40008000" -e "0x40008000" -n "Linux kernel" -d /$installed_image_path /boot/zImage > /dev/null 2>&1
+ cp /boot/zImage /tmp/zImage
+ sync
+ mountpoint -q /boot || mount /boot
+ cp /tmp/uImage /boot/zImage
+ rm -f /$installed_image_path
+ ln -sf $(basename $installed_image_path) /boot/$image_name || mv /$installed_image_path /boot/$image_name
+touch /boot/.next
+exit 0
+## FAT install workaround
+sed -e "s/set -e//g" -i $tmpdir/DEBIAN/preinst
+sed -e "s/exit 0//g" -i $tmpdir/DEBIAN/preinst
+cat >> $tmpdir/DEBIAN/preinst <<EOT
+# exit if we are running chroot
+if [ "\$(stat -c %d:%i /)" != "\$(stat -c %d:%i /proc/1/root/.)" ]; then exit 0; fi
+check_and_unmount (){
+ boot_device=\$(mountpoint -d /boot)
+ for file in /dev/* ; do
+ CURRENT_DEVICE=\$(printf "%d:%d" \$(stat --printf="0x%t 0x%T" \$file))
+ if [[ "\$CURRENT_DEVICE" = "\$boot_device" ]]; then
+ boot_partition=\$file
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ bootfstype=\$(blkid -s TYPE -o value \$boot_partition)
+ if [ "\$bootfstype" = "vfat" ]; then
+ umount /boot
+ rm -f /boot/* /boot/config* /boot/vmlinuz* /boot/$image_name /boot/uImage
+ fi
+mountpoint -q /boot && check_and_unmount
+echo "exit 0" >> $tmpdir/DEBIAN/preinst
# Build kernel header package
(cd $srctree; find . -name Makefile\* -o -name Kconfig\* -o -name \*.pl) > "$objtree/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
(cd $srctree; find arch/*/include include scripts -type f -o -type l) >> "$objtree/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
+(cd $srctree; find security/*/include -type f) >> "$objtree/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
(cd $srctree; find arch/$SRCARCH -name -o -name Kbuild.platforms -o -name Platform) >> "$objtree/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
(cd $srctree; find $(find arch/$SRCARCH -name include -o -name scripts -type d) -type f) >> "$objtree/debian/hdrsrcfiles"
@@ -167,15 +257,19 @@ if grep -q '^CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS=y' $KCONFIG_CONFIG ; then
mkdir -p "$destdir"
+(cd $destdir; patch -p1 < /tmp/headers-debian-byteshift.patch)
(cd $srctree; tar -c -f - -T -) < "$objtree/debian/hdrsrcfiles" | (cd $destdir; tar -xf -)
(cd $objtree; tar -c -f - -T -) < "$objtree/debian/hdrobjfiles" | (cd $destdir; tar -xf -)
(cd $objtree; cp $KCONFIG_CONFIG $destdir/.config) # copy .config manually to be where it's expected to be
ln -sf "/usr/src/linux-headers-$version" "$kernel_headers_dir/lib/modules/$version/build"
rm -f "$objtree/debian/hdrsrcfiles" "$objtree/debian/hdrobjfiles"
+(cd $destdir; make M=scripts clean)
if [ "$ARCH" != "um" ]; then
create_package "$kernel_headers_packagename" "$kernel_headers_dir"
- create_package "$libc_headers_packagename" "$libc_headers_dir"
+ # create_package "$libc_headers_packagename" "$libc_headers_dir"
+ create_package "$dtb_packagename" "$dtb_dir"
create_package "$packagename" "$tmpdir"
diff --git a/scripts/package/mkdebian b/scripts/package/mkdebian
index 6adb3a1..00e12eb 100755
--- a/scripts/package/mkdebian
+++ b/scripts/package/mkdebian
@@ -61,10 +61,12 @@ else
if [ "$ARCH" = "um" ] ; then
@@ -168,6 +170,11 @@ Architecture: $debarch
Description: Linux kernel debugging symbols for $version
This package will come in handy if you need to debug the kernel. It provides
all the necessary debug symbols for the kernel and its modules.
+Package: $dtb_packagename
+Architecture: $debarch
+Description: Linux DTB, version $version
+ This package contains device blobs from the Linux kernel, version $version
cat <<EOF > debian/rules
diff --git a/arch/arm64/Makefile b/arch/arm64/Makefile
index f839ecd9..cd276162 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm64/Makefile
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ core-$(CONFIG_EFI_STUB) += $(objtree)/drivers/firmware/efi/libstub/lib.a
# Default target when executing plain make
boot := arch/arm64/boot
-KBUILD_IMAGE := $(boot)/Image.gz
+KBUILD_IMAGE := $(boot)/Image
all: Image.gz $(KBUILD_DTBS)