mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 06:11:31 +00:00
XDG cache (or browser cache in RAM) will be tested and implemented later, and this implementation will be available in the git history for reference
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241 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Igor Pecovnik, igor.pecovnik@gma**.com
# This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any
# warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.
# This file is a part of tool chain https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib
# Functions:
# install_common
# install_distribution_specific
# post_debootstrap_tweaks
display_alert "Applying common tweaks" "" "info"
# add dummy fstab entry to make mkinitramfs happy
echo "/dev/mmcblk0p1 / $ROOTFS_TYPE defaults 0 1" >> $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/fstab
# create modules file
if [[ $BRANCH == dev && -n $MODULES_DEV ]]; then
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$MODULES_DEV" > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/modules
elif [[ $BRANCH == next || $BRANCH == dev ]]; then
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$MODULES_NEXT" > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/modules
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$MODULES" > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/modules
# create blacklist files
if [[ $BRANCH == dev && -n $MODULES_BLACKLIST_DEV ]]; then
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$MODULES_BLACKLIST_DEV" | sed -e 's/^/blacklist /' > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-${BOARD}.conf
elif [[ ($BRANCH == next || $BRANCH == dev) && -n $MODULES_BLACKLIST_NEXT ]]; then
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$MODULES_BLACKLIST_NEXT" | sed -e 's/^/blacklist /' > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-${BOARD}.conf
elif [[ $BRANCH == default && -n $MODULES_BLACKLIST ]]; then
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "$MODULES_BLACKLIST" | sed -e 's/^/blacklist /' > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-${BOARD}.conf
# remove default interfaces file if present
# before installing board support package
rm -f $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/network/interfaces
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/selinux
# console fix due to Debian bug
sed -e 's/CHARMAP=".*"/CHARMAP="'$CONSOLE_CHAR'"/g' -i $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/default/console-setup
# change time zone data
echo $TZDATA > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/timezone
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata >/dev/null 2>&1"
# set root password
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "(echo $ROOTPWD;echo $ROOTPWD;) | passwd root >/dev/null 2>&1"
# force change root password at first login
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "chage -d 0 root"
# display welcome message at first root login
touch $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/root/.not_logged_in_yet
# NOTE: this needs to be executed before family_tweaks
local bootscript_src=${BOOTSCRIPT%%:*}
local bootscript_dst=${BOOTSCRIPT##*:}
cp $SRC/lib/config/bootscripts/$bootscript_src $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/$bootscript_dst
[[ -n $BOOTENV_FILE && -f $SRC/lib/config/bootenv/$BOOTENV_FILE ]] && \
cp $SRC/lib/config/bootenv/$BOOTENV_FILE $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
# TODO: modify $bootscript_dst or armbianEnv.txt to make NFS boot universal
# instead of copying sunxi-specific template
if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == nfs ]]; then
display_alert "Copying NFS boot script template"
if [[ -f $SRC/userpatches/nfs-boot.cmd ]]; then
cp $SRC/userpatches/nfs-boot.cmd $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/boot.cmd
cp $SRC/lib/scripts/nfs-boot.cmd.template $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/boot.cmd
[[ -n $OVERLAY_PREFIX && -f $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]] && \
echo "overlay_prefix=$OVERLAY_PREFIX" >> $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/armbianEnv.txt
# initial date for fake-hwclock
date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/fake-hwclock.data
echo $HOST > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/hostname
# set hostname in hosts file
cat <<-EOF > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/hosts
| localhost $HOST
::1 localhost $HOST ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
display_alert "Installing kernel" "$CHOSEN_KERNEL" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb" >> $DEST/debug/install.log 2>&1
display_alert "Installing u-boot" "$CHOSEN_UBOOT" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "DEVICE=/dev/null dpkg -i /tmp/debs/${CHOSEN_UBOOT}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb" >> $DEST/debug/install.log 2>&1
display_alert "Installing headers" "${CHOSEN_KERNEL/image/headers}" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL/image/headers}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb" >> $DEST/debug/install.log 2>&1
# install firmware
#if [[ -f $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/tmp/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL/image/firmware-image}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]]; then
# display_alert "Installing firmware" "${CHOSEN_KERNEL/image/firmware-image}" "info"
# chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL/image/firmware-image}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb" >> $DEST/debug/install.log 2>&1
if [[ -f $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/tmp/debs/armbian-firmware_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]]; then
display_alert "Installing generic firmware" "armbian-firmware" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/debs/armbian-firmware_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb" >> $DEST/debug/install.log 2>&1
if [[ -f $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/tmp/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL/image/dtb}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb ]]; then
display_alert "Installing DTB" "${CHOSEN_KERNEL/image/dtb}" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/debs/${CHOSEN_KERNEL/image/dtb}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb" >> $DEST/debug/install.log 2>&1
# install board support package
display_alert "Installing board support package" "$BOARD" "info"
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg -i /tmp/debs/$RELEASE/${CHOSEN_ROOTFS}_${REVISION}_${ARCH}.deb" >> $DEST/debug/install.log 2>&1
# copy boot splash images
cp $SRC/lib/bin/splash/armbian-u-boot.bmp $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/boot.bmp
cp $SRC/lib/bin/splash/armbian-desktop.png $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/boot-desktop.png
# execute $LINUXFAMILY-specific tweaks from $BOARD.conf
[[ $(type -t family_tweaks) == function ]] && family_tweaks
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/resize2fs $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/init.d/
install -m 755 $SRC/lib/scripts/firstrun $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/init.d/
install -m 644 $SRC/lib/scripts/resize2fs.service $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/
install -m 644 $SRC/lib/scripts/firstrun.service $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/
# enable additional services
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "systemctl --no-reload enable firstrun.service resize2fs.service armhwinfo.service log2ram.service >/dev/null 2>&1"
# copy "first run automated config, optional user configured"
cp $SRC/lib/config/armbian_first_run.txt $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/armbian_first_run.txt
# switch to beta repository at this stage if building nightly images
[[ $IMAGE_TYPE == nightly ]] && echo "deb http://beta.armbian.com $RELEASE main utils ${RELEASE}-desktop" > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list
# disable low-level kernel messages for non betas
if [[ -z $BETA ]]; then
sed -i "s/^#kernel.printk*/kernel.printk/" $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/sysctl.conf
# enable getty on serial console
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "systemctl --no-reload enable serial-getty@$SERIALCON.service >/dev/null 2>&1"
# don't clear screen tty1
mkdir -p "$CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/"
printf "[Service]\nTTYVTDisallocate=no" > "$CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/10-noclear.conf"
# reduce modules unload timeout
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service.d/
printf "[Service]\nTimeoutStopSec=10" > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service.d/10-timeout.conf
# handle PMU power button
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/udev/rules.d/
cp $SRC/lib/config/71-axp-power-button.rules $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/udev/rules.d/
[[ $LINUXFAMILY == sun*i ]] && mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/boot/overlay-user
# Fix for PuTTY/KiTTY & ncurses-based dialogs (i.e. alsamixer) over serial
# may break other terminals like screen
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service.d/
printf "[Service]\nEnvironment=TERM=linux" > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service.d/10-term.conf
# to prevent creating swap file on NFS (needs specific kernel options)
# and f2fs/btrfs (not recommended or needs specific kernel options)
[[ $ROOTFS_TYPE != ext4 ]] && touch $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/var/swap
display_alert "Applying distribution specific tweaks for" "$RELEASE" "info"
case $RELEASE in
# enable root login for latest ssh on jessie
sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin without-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/ssh/sshd_config
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/
cat <<-'EOF' > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99disable-power-management
case "$2" in
up) /sbin/iwconfig $1 power off || true ;;
down) /sbin/iwconfig $1 power on || true ;;
chmod 755 $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99disable-power-management
# enable root login for latest ssh on jessie
sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/ssh/sshd_config
# remove legal info from Ubuntu
[[ -f $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/legal ]] && rm $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/legal
# Fix for haveged service
mkdir -p -m755 $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/haveged.service.d
cat <<-EOF > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/systemd/system/haveged.service.d/10-no-new-privileges.conf
# disable not working on unneeded services
# ureadahead needs kernel tracing options that AFAIK are present only in mainline
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "systemctl --no-reload mask ondemand.service ureadahead.service setserial.service etc-setserial.service >/dev/null 2>&1"
# properly disable powersaving wireless mode for NetworkManager
mkdir -p $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/
cat <<-EOF > $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/zz-override-wifi-powersave-off.conf
wifi.powersave = 2
# remove service start blockers and QEMU binary
rm -f $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/sbin/initctl $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/sbin/start-stop-daemon
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg-divert --quiet --local --rename --remove /sbin/initctl"
chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "dpkg-divert --quiet --local --rename --remove /sbin/start-stop-daemon"
rm -f $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/usr/bin/$QEMU_BINARY
# reenable resolvconf managed resolv.conf
ln -sf /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD/etc/resolv.conf