zador-blood-stained b644086987 Convert boot_mode and sun8i machid tou-boot patch
Needs testing on A10, A20, ... with legacy kernel
2017-02-22 15:26:26 +03:00

24 lines
806 B

# -- this file is an example how
# userpatches/ could be implemented.
# The following example assumes you use a Gembird power switch connected
# through USB to be able to power cycle the board you want to fel boot. You
# need the sispmctl package and use 'sispmctl -s' to get the ID of your
# power switch.
fel_pre_load() {
# power cycle socket 1 of Gembird power switch
sispmctl -D01:01:51:23:cb -q -f1
# 5 seconds delay since PSUs don't like be being power cycled too fast
sleep 5
sispmctl -D01:01:51:23:cb -q -o1
# 3 seconds delay since the SoC has to initialise
sleep 3
} # fel_pre_load
fel_post_prepare() {
# currently empty - sun8i-default tweaks were converted into u-boot patches
echo "calling fel_post_prepare()"
} # fel_post_prepare