Dropbox API client to deal with directory listing.

This commit is contained in:
Guilherme J. Tramontina 2014-10-10 15:41:15 -03:00
parent 9dea1fb864
commit 70bb48b295
2 changed files with 102 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ module Agents
def check def check
api = DropboxAPI.new(interpolated[:access_token]) api = DropboxAPI.new(interpolated[:access_token])
current_contents = api.dir(interpolated[:dir_to_watch]) current_contents = api.dir(interpolated[:dir_to_watch])
diff = DropboxDirDiff.new(previous_contents, current_contents) diff = DropboxDirDiff.new(previous_contents, current_contents)
create_event(payload: diff.to_hash) unless previous_contents.nil? || diff.empty? create_event(payload: diff.to_hash) unless previous_contents.nil? || diff.empty?
@ -66,13 +65,32 @@ module Agents
# == Auxiliary classes == # == Auxiliary classes ==
class DropboxAPI class DropboxAPI
class ResourceNotFound < RuntimeError; end
include HTTParty
base_uri 'https://api.dropbox.com/1'
def initialize(access_token) def initialize(access_token)
@options = { query: { access_token: access_token } }
def dir(to_watch)
options = @options.deep_merge({ query: { list: true } })
response = self.class.get("/metadata/auto#{to_watch}", options)
raise ResourceNotFound.new(to_watch) if response.not_found?
JSON.parse(response)['contents'].map { |entry| slice_json(entry, :path, :rev, :modified) }
def slice_json(json, *keys)
keys.each_with_object({}){|key, hash| hash[key] = json[key.to_s]}
end end
end end
class DropboxDirDiff class DropboxDirDiff
def initialize(previous, current) def initialize(previous, current)
@previous, @current = [previous, current] @previous, @current = [previous || [], current || []]
end end
def empty? def empty?

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@ -154,6 +154,88 @@ describe Agents::DropboxWatchAgent do
expect(diff_hash[:updated]).to eq [ { path: '1.json', rev: '2' } ] expect(diff_hash[:updated]).to eq [ { path: '1.json', rev: '2' } ]
end end
context 'when the previous value is not defined' do
it 'considers all additions' do
diff_hash = Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxDirDiff.new(nil, current).to_hash
expect(diff_hash[:added]).to eq current
expect(diff_hash[:removed]).to eq []
expect(diff_hash[:updated]).to eq []
context 'when the current value is not defined' do
it 'considers all removals' do
diff_hash = Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxDirDiff.new(previous, nil).to_hash
expect(diff_hash[:added]).to eq []
expect(diff_hash[:removed]).to eq previous
expect(diff_hash[:updated]).to eq []
end end
end end
describe Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI do
let(:dir_to_watch) { '/my/dropbox/dir' }
let(:access_token) { '70k3n' }
let(:api_url) { "https://api.dropbox.com/1/metadata/auto#{dir_to_watch}?access_token=#{access_token}&list=true" }
describe '#dir' do
context 'when the provided path exists' do
before do
stub_request(:get, api_url).to_return(body: JSON.dump({
contents: [
bytes: 0,
icon: "folder",
is_dir: true,
modified: "Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:41:44 +0000",
path: "#{dir_to_watch}/1.json",
rev: "1",
revision: 14743,
root: "dropbox",
size: "0 bytes",
thumb_exists: false
bytes: 0,
icon: "folder",
is_dir: true,
modified: "Mon, 12 Mar 2013 15:41:44 +0000",
path: "#{dir_to_watch}/2.json",
rev: "4",
revision: 113022,
root: "dropbox",
size: "0 bytes",
thumb_exists: false
some: "other",
things: "we",
dont: "need"
it 'trims down the attributes of the response to our needs' do
dir_list = Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI.new(access_token).dir(dir_to_watch)
expect(dir_list).to eq [
{ path: "#{dir_to_watch}/1.json", rev: '1', modified: 'Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:41:44 +0000' },
{ path: "#{dir_to_watch}/2.json", rev: '4', modified: 'Mon, 12 Mar 2013 15:41:44 +0000' }
context 'when the provided path does not exist' do
before { stub_request(:get, api_url).to_return(status: 404, body: '{"error": "Not Found"}') }
it 'raises a ResourceNotFound error' do
expect {
}.to raise_error(Agents::DropboxWatchAgent::DropboxAPI::ResourceNotFound, dir_to_watch)
end end