Updates google-api-client to 0.13 along with GoogleCalendarPublishAgent
and GoogleTranslationAgent to newer API signatures. In preparation for
including a google-cloud-bigquery gem and Agent which would otherwise
have dependency version mismatches.
May break backwards compatibility for the GoogleCalendarPublishAgent due to Google's new preferred
authentication method. PKCS12 keys are no longer support by the gem,
in favor of RSA private keys / JSON key files.
The new API no longer uses a discovery method and implements methods in
Ruby, adopting snake case names for object keys. So `dateTime` becomes
`date_time`. `time_zone` also appears to now be required.
Due to a problem in sax-machine's internals, an empty `<link/>` in RSS
would be parsed to JSON as `{ "href": "no_buffer" }`. Now empty
`<link/>` elements in RSS and ATOM are simply ignored just like other
collection elements like `<category>`.
FeedNormalizer is no longer maintained, and its Atom support has flaws
in that it throws away what RSS::Parser returns and falls back to using
SimpleRSS which is not capable of handling XML entities, resulting in
getting ususable URLs such as ones including `&`.
Feedjira is highly customizable as it implements parsers for various
feed formats on its own using sax-machine.
The `clean` option is reimplemented using the loofah gem.
`Feedjira::FeedUtilities#sanitize_entries!` is not used because it
tries to sanitize non-HTML properties too.
A new option `include_feed_info` is added, with which turned on feed
information is added to each event payload.
A new key `links` is added, which lists all `link` elements.
A new key `enclosure` is added.
* Improve Utils.normalize_uri
Globally replacing generally unsafe characters in a URL would not fix
invalid authorities and paths, so use Addressable::URI to normalize them
when necessary.
This should fix#1701.
* Remove an unused function
* Fix the test case to make sure an IPv6 address is supported
* checking in work for glyph upload
* checking in icon selections
* added more icon options
* work on upload icon
* fix issue
* switched to options for select
* removed wrapper and removed commment
* add migration to support icon
* remove right floating
* rm params session add it to model
* rebuilt the menu
* rm extra div
* converted js to coffee
* quick change in indentation
* using the view helper
* submitting icons and loading into form
* added icon to both scenario export and import
* added icon to spec
* low level caching the icons
* tentative work in making a new coffee class
* renamed js page
* switched to cache in memory and worked on coffee class
* made pathsmatching compatible for all scenarios
* switched to rails root
* fixed all rubocop stylings
* fixed line is too long styling
* rm private method definition
* patch to avoid having no icon
* blank or nil?
* reordering the lines
The idea is to have source agents (`LocalFile` and `S3Agent` for now), which just emit a "file_pointer" and consuming
agents (`ReadFile` and `CsvAgent`) which get access to an `IO` object to actually access the file contents. This way we
do not have to pass megabytes of data through the database and the consuming agents can work with relatively unlimited
file sizes.
This changes HuginnScheduler and TwitterStream to use the new
TwitterStream now uses the `twitter` gem to access the streaming API
which removes the `eventmachine` dependency (in production).
Make JabberAgent FormConfigurable and LongRunnable
Expect LongRunnable::Worker#run to be overridden