require 'open3' require 'io/console' require 'securerandom' module SetupTools def capture(cmd, opts = {}) o, s = Open3.capture2e(cmd, opts) o.strip end def grab_config_with_cmd!(cmd) config_data = capture(cmd) $config = {} if config_data !~ /has no config vars/ config_data.split("\n").map do |line| next if line =~ /^\s*(#|$)/ # skip comments and empty lines first_equal_sign = line.index('=') raise "Invalid line found in config: #{line}" unless first_equal_sign $config[line.slice(0, first_equal_sign)] = line.slice(first_equal_sign + 1, line.length) end end end def print_config if $config.length > 0 puts puts "Your current config:" $config.each do |key, value| puts ' ' + key + ' ' * (25 - [key.length, 25].min) + '= ' + value end end end def set_defaults! unless $config['APP_SECRET_TOKEN'] puts "Setting up APP_SECRET_TOKEN..." set_value 'APP_SECRET_TOKEN', SecureRandom.hex(64) end set_value 'RAILS_ENV', "production" set_value 'FORCE_SSL', "true" set_value 'USE_GRAPHVIZ_DOT', 'dot' unless $config['INVITATION_CODE'] puts "You need to set an invitation code for your Huginn instance. If you plan to share this instance, you will" puts "tell this code to anyone who you'd like to invite. If you won't share it, then just set this to something" puts "that people will not guess." invitation_code = nag("What code would you like to use?") set_value 'INVITATION_CODE', invitation_code end end def confirm_app_name(app_name) unless yes?("Your app name is '#{app_name}'. Is this correct?") puts "Well, then I'm not sure what to do here, sorry." exit 1 end end # expects set_env(key, value) to be defined. def set_value(key, value, options = {}) if $config[key].nil? || $config[key] == '' || ($config[key] != value && options[:force] != false) puts "Setting #{key} to #{value}" unless options[:silent] puts set_env(key, value) $config[key] = value end end def ask(question, opts = {}) print question + " " STDOUT.flush (opts[:noecho] ? STDIN.noecho(&:gets) : gets).strip end def nag(question, opts = {}) answer = '' while answer.length == 0 answer = ask(question, opts) end answer end def yes?(question) ask(question + " (y/n)") =~ /^y/i end end