Typestring`json:"type,omitempty" format:"uri" default:"about:blank" example:"https://example.com/errors/example" doc:"A URI reference to human-readable documentation for the error."`
// Title provides a short static summary of the problem. Huma will default this
// to the HTTP response status code text if not present.
Titlestring`json:"title,omitempty" example:"Bad Request" doc:"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. This value should not change between occurances of the error."`
// Status provides the HTTP status code for client convenience. Huma will
// default this to the response status code if unset. This SHOULD match the
// response status code (though proxies may modify the actual status code).
Statusint`json:"status,omitempty" example:"400" doc:"HTTP status code"`
// Detail is an explanation specific to this error occurrence.
Detailstring`json:"detail,omitempty" example:"Property foo is required but is missing." doc:"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem."`
// Instance is a URI to get more info about this error occurence.
Instancestring`json:"instance,omitempty" format:"uri" example:"https://example.com/error-log/abc123" doc:"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurence of the problem."`