package huma import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) // Locations for input parameters. These are used in struct field tags to // specify the location from which the parameter value gets set. It is also // used to generate JSON Path locations for error reporting. For example, // `` or `[0].baz` might have validation errors. const ( locationPath = string(inPath) locationQuery = string(inQuery) locationHeader = string(inHeader) locationBody = "body" ) var timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) var readerType = reflect.TypeOf((*io.Reader)(nil)).Elem() // Resolver provides a way to resolve input values from a request or to post- // process input values in some way, including additional validation beyond // what is possible with JSON Schema alone. If any errors are added to the // context, then the client will get a 400 Bad Request response. type Resolver interface { Resolve(ctx Context, r *http.Request) } // Checks if data validates against the given schema. Returns false on failure. func validAgainstSchema(ctx *hcontext, label string, schema *schema.Schema, data []byte) bool { defer func() { // Catch panics from the `gojsonschema` library. if err := recover(); err != nil { ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: fmt.Errorf("unable to validate against schema: %w", err.(error)).Error(), Location: strings.TrimSuffix(label, "."), Value: string(data), }) // TODO: log error? } }() // TODO: load and pre-cache schemas once per operation loader := gojsonschema.NewGoLoader(schema) doc := gojsonschema.NewBytesLoader(data) s, err := gojsonschema.NewSchema(loader) if err != nil { panic(err) } result, err := s.Validate(doc) if err != nil { panic(err) } if !result.Valid() { for _, desc := range result.Errors() { // Note: some descriptions start with the context location so we trim // those off to prevent duplicating data. (e.g. see the enum error) if ctx.errorCode <= 400 { // Set if a more specific code hasn't been set yet. ctx.errorCode = http.StatusUnprocessableEntity } ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: strings.TrimPrefix(desc.Description(), desc.Context().String()+" "), Location: strings.TrimSuffix(label+strings.TrimPrefix(desc.Field(), "(root)"), "."), Value: desc.Value(), }) } return false } return true } // parseParamValue parses and returns a value from its string representation // based on the given type/format info. func parseParamValue(ctx Context, location string, name string, typ reflect.Type, timeFormat string, pstr string) interface{} { var pv interface{} switch typ.Kind() { case reflect.Bool: converted, err := strconv.ParseBool(pstr) if err != nil { ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: "cannot parse boolean", Location: location + "." + name, Value: pstr, }) return nil } pv = converted case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: converted, err := strconv.Atoi(pstr) if err != nil { ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: "cannot parse integer", Location: location + "." + name, Value: pstr, }) return nil } pv = reflect.ValueOf(converted).Convert(typ).Interface() case reflect.Float32: converted, err := strconv.ParseFloat(pstr, 32) if err != nil { ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: "cannot parse float", Location: location + "." + name, Value: pstr, }) return nil } pv = float32(converted) case reflect.Float64: converted, err := strconv.ParseFloat(pstr, 64) if err != nil { ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: "cannot parse float", Location: location + "." + name, Value: pstr, }) return nil } pv = converted case reflect.Slice: if len(pstr) > 1 && pstr[0] == '[' { pstr = pstr[1 : len(pstr)-1] } slice := reflect.MakeSlice(typ, 0, 0) for i, item := range strings.Split(pstr, ",") { if itemValue := parseParamValue(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", location, i), name, typ.Elem(), timeFormat, item); itemValue != nil { slice = reflect.Append(slice, reflect.ValueOf(itemValue)) } else { // Keep going to check other array items for vailidity. continue } } pv = slice.Interface() default: if typ == timeType { dt, err := time.Parse(timeFormat, pstr) if err != nil { ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: "cannot parse time", Location: location + "." + name, Value: pstr, }) return nil } pv = dt } else { pv = pstr } } return pv } func setFields(ctx *hcontext, req *http.Request, input reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) { if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { t = t.Elem() } if input.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { input = input.Elem() } if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct { panic("not a struct") } for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { f := t.Field(i) inField := input.Field(i) if f.Anonymous { // Embedded struct setFields(ctx, req, inField, f.Type) continue } if _, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(locationBody); ok || f.Name == strings.Title(locationBody) { // Special case: body field is a reader for streaming if f.Type == readerType { inField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(req.Body)) continue } // Check if a content-length has been sent. If it's too big then there // is no need to waste time reading. if length := req.Header.Get("Content-Length"); length != "" { if l, err := strconv.ParseInt(length, 10, 64); err == nil { if l > ctx.op.maxBodyBytes { ctx.errorCode = http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Request body too large, limit = %d bytes", ctx.op.maxBodyBytes), Location: locationBody, Value: length, }) continue } } } // Load the body (read/unmarshal). data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "request body too large") { ctx.errorCode = http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Request body too large, limit = %d bytes", ctx.op.maxBodyBytes), Location: locationBody, }) } else if e, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && e.Timeout() { ctx.errorCode = http.StatusRequestTimeout ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("Request body took too long to read: timed out after %v", ctx.op.bodyReadTimeout), Location: locationBody, }) } else { panic(err) } continue } if ctx.op.requestSchema != nil && ctx.op.requestSchema.HasValidation() { if !validAgainstSchema(ctx, locationBody+".", ctx.op.requestSchema, data) { continue } } err = json.Unmarshal(data, inField.Addr().Interface()) if err != nil { ctx.AddError(&ErrorDetail{ Message: "Cannot unmarshal JSON request body", Location: locationBody, Value: string(data), }) } // If requested, also provide access to the raw body bytes. if _, ok := t.FieldByName("RawBody"); ok { input.FieldByName("RawBody").Set(reflect.ValueOf(data)) } continue } var pv string var pname string var location string timeFormat := time.RFC3339Nano if v, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("default"); ok { pv = v } if name, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(locationPath); ok { pname = name location = locationPath if v := chi.URLParam(req, name); v != "" { pv = v } } if name, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(locationQuery); ok { pname = name location = locationQuery if v := req.URL.Query().Get(name); v != "" { pv = v } else if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Bool { // name has no associated value, but exists in the map of QueryParams. This is a boolean value _, vok := req.URL.Query()[name] if vok { pv = "true" } } } if name, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(locationHeader); ok { pname = name location = locationHeader // TODO: get combined rather than first header? if v := req.Header.Get(name); v != "" { pv = v } // Some headers have special time formats that aren't ISO8601/RFC3339. lowerName := strings.ToLower(name) if lowerName == "if-modified-since" || lowerName == "if-unmodified-since" { timeFormat = http.TimeFormat } } if pv != "" { // Parse value into the right type. parsed := parseParamValue(ctx, location, pname, f.Type, timeFormat, pv) if parsed == nil { // At least one error, just keep going trying to parse other fields. continue } if oap, ok := ctx.op.params[pname]; ok { s := oap.Schema if s.HasValidation() { data := pv if s.Type == "string" && !strings.HasPrefix(data, `"`) { // Strings are special in that we don't expect users to provide them // with quotes, so wrap them here for the parser that does the // validation step below. data = `"` + data + `"` } else if s.Type == "array" { // Array type needs to have `[` and `]` added. if s.Items.Type == "string" { // Same as above, quote each item. parts := strings.Split(data, ",") for i, part := range parts { if !strings.HasPrefix(part, `"`) { parts[i] = `"` + part + `"` } } data = strings.Join(parts, ",") } if len(data) > 0 && data[0] != '[' { data = "[" + data + "]" } } if !validAgainstSchema(ctx, location+"."+pname, s, []byte(data)) { continue } } } inField.Set(reflect.ValueOf(parsed)) } } } // A smart join for JSONPath func pathJoin(prefix string, parts ...string) string { joined := prefix if joined != "" { joined += "." } return joined + strings.Join(parts, ".") } // ctxLocationWrapper wraps a context so that the error detail `location` field // gets sets appropriately for resolver errors. I.e. the resolver doesn't know // when it runs whether it is the body or deeply nested within the body of an // incoming request. We prefix it so the errors make sense to the end-user. type ctxLocationWrapper struct { *hcontext location string } func (c ctxLocationWrapper) AddError(err error) { if e, ok := err.(*ErrorDetail); ok { e.Location = pathJoin(c.location, e.Location) } c.hcontext.AddError(err) } // resolveFields recursively crawls the input struct and calls Resolve on // any structs it finds as fields, within slices, and as values in maps. This // should be called *after* all other fields are set so the resolver code can // use their values. It processes depth-first so structs have access to the // resolved fields of any contained structs when their resolver runs. func resolveFields(ctx *hcontext, path string, input reflect.Value) { if input.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { resolveFields(ctx, path, input.Elem()) return } if input.Kind() == reflect.Invalid { // Some internal stuff can return invalid, e.g. time.Time fields. We just // ignore those. return } // First, handle any nested stuff (depth-first search) switch input.Kind() { case reflect.Slice: for i := 0; i < input.Len(); i++ { resolveFields(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", path, i), input.Index(i)) } case reflect.Map: keys := input.MapKeys() for i := 0; i < input.Len(); i++ { resolveFields(ctx, pathJoin(path, keys[i].String()), input.MapIndex(keys[i])) } case reflect.Struct: for i := 0; i < input.NumField(); i++ { f := input.Type().Field(i) n := strings.ToLower(f.Name) if j, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("json"); ok { parts := strings.Split(j, ",") if parts[0] != "" { n = parts[0] } } if path == "" { // Check what kind of top-level path there should be, if any. This // will get errors where the location is e.g. or // header.authorization so you know where to look. for _, tag := range []string{locationPath, locationQuery, locationHeader} { if v, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(tag); ok { n = v path = tag } } } resolveFields(ctx, pathJoin(path, n), input.Field(i)) } } // Once all nested stuff has been handled, handle the resolver method if // it exists. if input.CanInterface() && input.CanAddr() { if resolver, ok := input.Addr().Interface().(Resolver); ok { wrapper := ctxLocationWrapper{ hcontext: ctx, location: path, } resolver.Resolve(wrapper, ctx.r) } } } // getParamInfo recursively gets info about params from an input struct. It // returns a map of parameter name => parameter object. func getParamInfo(t reflect.Type) map[string]oaParam { if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { t = t.Elem() } if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct { panic("not a struct") } params := map[string]oaParam{} for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { f := t.Field(i) if f.Anonymous { // Embedded struct for k, v := range getParamInfo(f.Type) { params[k] = v } continue } p := oaParam{} if name, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(locationPath); ok { p.Name = name p.In = inPath p.Required = true } if name, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(locationQuery); ok { p.Name = name p.In = inQuery p.Explode = new(bool) } if name, ok := f.Tag.Lookup(locationHeader); ok { p.Name = name p.In = inHeader } if p.Name == "" { // This is not a known param. May be filled in later by a resolver so // we shouldn't touch it. Skip! continue } if doc, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("doc"); ok { p.Description = doc } if deprecated, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("deprecated"); ok { p.Deprecated = deprecated == "true" } if internal, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("internal"); ok { p.Internal = internal == "true" } if cliName, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("cliName"); ok { p.CLIName = cliName } _, _, s, err := schema.GenerateFromField(f, schema.ModeRead) if err != nil { panic(err) } p.Schema = s p.typ = f.Type params[p.Name] = p } return params }