package huma import ( "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "sort" "strings" "testing" "time" "" ) type CategoryParam struct { CategoryID string `path:"category-id"` } type CategorySummary struct { ID string `json:"id" graphParam:"category-id" doc:"Category ID"` } type Category struct { CategorySummary Featured bool `json:"featured" doc:"Display as featured in the app"` Code []byte `json:"code" doc:"Category code"` products map[string]*Product `json:"-"` } type ProductParam struct { ProductID string `path:"product-id"` } type ProductSummary struct { ID string `json:"id" graphParam:"product-id" doc:"Product ID"` } type Product struct { ProductSummary SuggestedPrice float32 `json:"suggested_price"` Created *time.Time `json:"created,omitempty" doc:"When this product was created"` Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty" doc:"Additional information about the product"` Empty *struct{} `json:"empty"` stores map[string]*Store `json:"-"` } type StoreSummary struct { ID string `json:"id" graphParam:"store-id" doc:"Store ID"` } type Store struct { StoreSummary URL string `json:"url" doc:"Web link to buy product"` } func TestGraphQL(t *testing.T) { now, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2022-02-22T22:22:22Z") amazon := &Store{StoreSummary: StoreSummary{ID: "amazon"}, URL: ""} target := &Store{StoreSummary: StoreSummary{ID: "target"}, URL: ""} xsx := &Product{ProductSummary: ProductSummary{ID: "xbox_series_x"}, SuggestedPrice: 499.99, Created: &now, Metadata: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, stores: map[string]*Store{"amazon": amazon, "target": target}, Empty: &struct{}{}} ps5 := &Product{ProductSummary: ProductSummary{ID: "playstation_ps5"}, SuggestedPrice: 499.99, Created: &now, stores: map[string]*Store{"amazon": amazon}} ns := &Product{ProductSummary: ProductSummary{ID: "nintendo_switch"}, SuggestedPrice: 349.99, stores: map[string]*Store{"target": target}} videoGames := &Category{ CategorySummary: CategorySummary{ID: "video_games"}, Featured: true, Code: []byte{'h', 'i'}, products: map[string]*Product{ "xbox_series_x": xsx, "playstation_ps5": ps5, "nintendo_switch": ns, }, } categories := map[string]*Category{ "video_games": videoGames, } app := newTestRouter() categoriesResource := app.Resource("/categories") categoriesResource.Get("get-categories", "doc", NewResponse(http.StatusOK, "").Model([]CategorySummary{}).Headers("link"), ).Run(func(ctx Context, input struct { Cursor string `query:"cursor"` Limit int `query:"limit" default:"10"` }) { summaries := []CategorySummary{} for _, cat := range categories { summaries = append(summaries, cat.CategorySummary) } sort.Slice(summaries, func(i, j int) bool { return summaries[i].ID < summaries[j].ID }) if input.Limit == 0 { input.Limit = 10 } if len(summaries) < input.Limit { input.Limit = len(summaries) } ctx.Header().Set("Link", "; rel=\"next\"") ctx.WriteModel(http.StatusOK, summaries[:input.Limit]) }) categoriesResource.Delete("delete-category", "doc", NewResponse(http.StatusNoContent, ""), ).Run(func(ctx Context) { ctx.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) }) categoriesResource.SubResource("/{category-id}").Get("get-category", "doc", NewResponse(http.StatusOK, "").Model(&Category{}), NewResponse(http.StatusNotFound, "").Model(&ErrorModel{}), ).Run(func(ctx Context, input struct { CategoryParam }) { if categories[input.CategoryID] == nil { ctx.WriteError(http.StatusNotFound, "Not found") return } ctx.WriteModel(http.StatusOK, categories[input.CategoryID]) }) app.Resource("/categories/{category-id}/products").Get("get-items", "doc", NewResponse(http.StatusOK, "").Model([]ProductSummary{}), NewResponse(http.StatusNotFound, "").Model(&ErrorModel{}), ).Run(func(ctx Context, input struct { CategoryParam }) { if categories[input.CategoryID] == nil { ctx.WriteError(http.StatusNotFound, "Not found") return } summaries := []ProductSummary{} for _, item := range categories[input.CategoryID].products { summaries = append(summaries, item.ProductSummary) } sort.Slice(summaries, func(i, j int) bool { return summaries[i].ID < summaries[j].ID }) ctx.WriteModel(http.StatusOK, summaries) }) app.Resource("/categories/{category-id}/products/{product-id}").Get("get-item", "doc", NewResponse(http.StatusOK, "").Model(&Product{}), NewResponse(http.StatusNotFound, "").Model(&ErrorModel{}), ).Run(func(ctx Context, input struct { CategoryParam ProductParam }) { if categories[input.CategoryID] == nil || categories[input.CategoryID].products[input.ProductID] == nil { ctx.WriteError(http.StatusNotFound, "Not found") return } ctx.WriteModel(http.StatusOK, categories[input.CategoryID].products[input.ProductID]) }) app.Resource("/categories/{category-id}/products/{product-id}/stores").Get("get-stores", "doc", NewResponse(http.StatusOK, "").Model([]StoreSummary{}), NewResponse(http.StatusNotFound, "").Model(&ErrorModel{}), ).Run(func(ctx Context, input struct { CategoryParam ProductParam }) { if categories[input.CategoryID] == nil || categories[input.CategoryID].products[input.ProductID] == nil { ctx.WriteError(http.StatusNotFound, "Not found") return } summaries := []StoreSummary{} for _, store := range categories[input.CategoryID].products[input.ProductID].stores { summaries = append(summaries, store.StoreSummary) } sort.Slice(summaries, func(i, j int) bool { return summaries[i].ID < summaries[j].ID }) ctx.WriteModel(http.StatusOK, summaries) }) app.Resource("/categories/{category-id}/products/{product-id}/stores/{store-id}").Get("get-store", "doc", NewResponse(http.StatusOK, "").Model(&Store{}), NewResponse(http.StatusNotFound, "").Model(&ErrorModel{}), ).Run(func(ctx Context, input struct { CategoryParam ProductParam StoreID string `path:"store-id" doc:"Store ID"` }) { if categories[input.CategoryID] == nil || categories[input.CategoryID].products[input.ProductID] == nil { ctx.WriteError(http.StatusNotFound, "Not found") return } ctx.WriteModel(http.StatusOK, categories[input.CategoryID].products[input.ProductID].stores[input.StoreID]) }) app.Resource("/ignored").Get("get-ignored", "doc", NewResponse(http.StatusOK, "").Model(struct{ ID string }{}), ).Run(func(ctx Context) { ctx.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) }) app.EnableGraphQL(&GraphQLConfig{ ComplexityLimit: 250, IgnorePrefixes: []string{"/ignored"}, }) query := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(`{ categories(limit: 1) { headers { link } links { next { key value } } edges { categoriesItem { id featured code products { edges { productsItem { id suggested_price created metadata{ key value } empty { _ } stores { edges { storesItem { id url } } } } } } } } } }`, "\n", " ", -1), "\t", "", -1) w := httptest.NewRecorder() req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/graphql?query="+query, nil) app.ServeHTTP(w, req) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, w.Code) assert.YAMLEq(t, strings.Replace(` data: categories: headers: link: ; rel="next", ; rel="describedby" links: next: - key: cursor value: abc123 edges: - categoriesItem: id: video_games featured: true code: aGk= products: edges: - productsItem: id: nintendo_switch suggested_price: 349.99 created: null metadata: null empty: null stores: edges: - storesItem: id: target url: - productsItem: id: playstation_ps5 suggested_price: 499.99 created: "2022-02-22T22:22:22Z" metadata: null empty: null stores: edges: - storesItem: id: amazon url: - productsItem: id: xbox_series_x suggested_price: 499.99 created: "2022-02-22T22:22:22Z" metadata: - key: foo value: bar empty: _: null stores: edges: - storesItem: id: amazon url: - storesItem: id: target url: `, "\t", " ", -1), w.Body.String()) // Confirm expected top-level fields in the query API. w = httptest.NewRecorder() req, _ = http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/graphql?query={__schema{queryType{fields{name}}}}", nil) app.ServeHTTP(w, req) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, w.Code) assert.YAMLEq(t, strings.Replace(`data: __schema: queryType: fields: - name: categories - name: categoriesItem - name: products - name: productsItem - name: stores - name: storesItem `, "\t", " ", -1), w.Body.String()) }