2021-09-08 14:06:13 -07:00

184 lines
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package cli
import (
// CLI provides a command line interface to a Huma router.
type CLI struct {
// Root entrypoint command
root *cobra.Command
// Functions to run before the server starts up.
prestart []func()
// Functions to run after parsing args
argsParsed []func()
// NewRouter creates a new router, new CLI, sets the default middlware, and
// returns the CLI/router as a convenience function.
func NewRouter(docs, version string) *CLI {
// Create the router and CLI
r := huma.New(docs, version)
app := New(r)
// Set up the default middleware
return app
// New creates a new CLI instance from an existing router.
func New(router *huma.Router) *CLI {
viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer("-", "_"))
app := &CLI{
Router: router,
app.root = &cobra.Command{
Use: filepath.Base(os.Args[0]),
Version: app.GetVersion(),
PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
for _, f := range app.argsParsed {
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("Starting %s %s on %s:%v\n", app.GetTitle(), app.GetVersion(), viper.Get("host"), viper.Get("port"))
// Call any pre-start functions.
for _, f := range app.prestart {
// Start the server.
go func() {
// Start either an HTTP or HTTPS server based on whether TLS cert/key
// paths were given or Let's Encrypt is used.
cert := viper.GetString("cert")
key := viper.GetString("key")
if cert == "" && key == "" {
if err := app.Listen(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v", viper.Get("host"), viper.Get("port"))); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
if cert != "" && key != "" {
if err := app.ListenTLS(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v", viper.Get("host"), viper.Get("port")), cert, key); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
panic("must pass key and cert for TLS")
// Handle graceful shutdown.
quit := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(quit, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
fmt.Println("Gracefully shutting down the server...")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), viper.GetDuration("grace-period")*time.Second)
defer cancel()
Use: "openapi FILENAME.json",
Short: "Get OpenAPI spec",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Get the OpenAPI route from the server.
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/openapi.json", nil)
app.ServeHTTP(w, req)
if w.Result().StatusCode != 200 {
// Dump the response to a file.
ioutil.WriteFile(args[0], append(w.Body.Bytes(), byte('\n')), 0644)
fmt.Printf("Successfully wrote OpenAPI JSON to %s\n", args[0])
app.Flag("host", "", "Hostname", "")
app.Flag("port", "p", "Port", 8888)
app.Flag("cert", "", "SSL certificate file path", "")
app.Flag("key", "", "SSL key file path", "")
app.Flag("grace-period", "", "Graceful shutdown wait duration in seconds", 20)
return app
// Root returns the CLI's root command. Use this to add flags and custom
// commands to the CLI.
func (c *CLI) Root() *cobra.Command {
return c.root
// Flag adds a new global flag on the root command of this router.
func (c *CLI) Flag(name, short, description string, defaultValue interface{}) {
viper.SetDefault(name, defaultValue)
flags := c.root.PersistentFlags()
switch v := defaultValue.(type) {
case bool:
flags.BoolP(name, short, viper.GetBool(name), description)
case int, int16, int32, int64, uint16, uint32, uint64:
flags.IntP(name, short, viper.GetInt(name), description)
case float32, float64:
flags.Float64P(name, short, viper.GetFloat64(name), description)
flags.StringP(name, short, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v), description)
viper.BindPFlag(name, flags.Lookup(name))
// PreStart registers a function to run before the server starts but after
// command line arguments have been parsed.
func (c *CLI) PreStart(f func()) {
c.prestart = append(c.prestart, f)
// ArgsParsed registers a function to run after arguments have been parsed
// but before any command handler has been run. It is similar to a PreStart
// function but runs *before* PreStart functions and can be used for more
// than server startup, i.e. custom commands as well.
func (c *CLI) ArgsParsed(f func()) {
c.argsParsed = append(c.argsParsed, f)
// Run runs the CLI.
func (c *CLI) Run() {
if err := c.root.Execute(); err != nil {