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package huma
import (
// OperationInfo describes an operation. It contains useful information for
// logging, metrics, auditing, etc.
type OperationInfo struct {
ID string
URITemplate string
Summary string
Tags []string
// GetOperationInfo returns information about the current Huma operation. This
// will only be populated *after* routing has been handled, meaning *after*
// `next.ServeHTTP(w, r)` has been called in your middleware.
func GetOperationInfo(ctx context.Context) *OperationInfo {
if oi := ctx.Value(opIDContextKey); oi != nil {
return oi.(*OperationInfo)
return &OperationInfo{
ID: "unknown",
Tags: []string{},
// Operation represents an operation (an HTTP verb, e.g. GET / PUT) against
// a resource attached to a router.
type Operation struct {
resource *Resource
method string
id string
summary string
description string
params map[string]oaParam
requestContentType string
requestSchema *schema.Schema
requestSchemaOverride bool
requestModel reflect.Type
responses []Response
maxBodyBytes int64
bodyReadTimeout time.Duration
func newOperation(resource *Resource, method, id, docs string, responses []Response) *Operation {
summary, desc := splitDocs(docs)
return &Operation{
resource: resource,
method: method,
id: id,
summary: summary,
description: desc,
responses: responses,
// 1 MiB body limit by default
maxBodyBytes: 1024 * 1024,
// 15 second timeout by default
bodyReadTimeout: resource.router.defaultBodyReadTimeout,
func (o *Operation) toOpenAPI(components *oaComponents) *gabs.Container {
doc := gabs.New()
doc.Set(o.id, "operationId")
if o.summary != "" {
doc.Set(o.summary, "summary")
if o.description != "" {
doc.Set(o.description, "description")
// Request params
for _, param := range o.params {
if param.Internal {
// Skip documenting internal-only params.
doc.ArrayAppend(param, "parameters")
// Request body
if o.requestSchema != nil {
ct := o.requestContentType
if ct == "" {
ct = "application/json"
ref := ""
if o.requestSchemaOverride {
ref = components.AddExistingSchema(o.requestSchema, o.id+"-request", !o.resource.router.disableSchemaProperty)
} else {
// Regenerate with ModeAll so the same model can be used for both the
// input and output when possible.
ref = components.AddSchema(o.requestModel, schema.ModeAll, o.id+"-request", !o.resource.router.disableSchemaProperty)
doc.Set(ref, "requestBody", "content", ct, "schema", "$ref")
// responses
for i, resp := range o.responses {
status := fmt.Sprintf("%v", resp.status)
if resp.status == 0 {
status = "default"
doc.Set(resp.description, "responses", status, "description")
headers := resp.headers
for _, name := range headers {
// TODO: get header description from shared registry
//header := headerMap[name]
header := name
doc.Set(header, "responses", status, "headers", name, "description")
typ := "string"
for _, param := range o.params {
if param.In == inHeader && param.Name == name {
if param.Schema.Type != "" {
typ = param.Schema.Type
doc.Set(typ, "responses", status, "headers", name, "schema", "type")
if resp.model != nil {
ref := components.AddSchema(resp.model, schema.ModeAll, o.id+"-response", !o.resource.router.disableSchemaProperty)
o.responses[i].modelRef = ref
doc.Set(ref, "responses", status, "content", resp.contentType, "schema", "$ref")
return doc
// MaxBodyBytes sets the max number of bytes that the request body size may be
// before the request is cancelled. The default is 1MiB.
func (o *Operation) MaxBodyBytes(size int64) {
o.maxBodyBytes = size
// NoMaxBody removes the body byte limit, which is 1MiB by default. Use this
// if you expect to stream the input request or need to handle very large
// request bodies.
func (o *Operation) NoMaxBody() {
o.maxBodyBytes = 0
// BodyReadTimeout sets the amount of time a request can spend reading the
// body, after which it times out and the request is cancelled. The default
// is 15 seconds.
func (o *Operation) BodyReadTimeout(duration time.Duration) {
o.bodyReadTimeout = duration
// NoBodyReadTimeout removes the body read timeout, which is 15 seconds by
// default. Use this if you expect to stream the input request or need to
// handle very large request bodies.
func (o *Operation) NoBodyReadTimeout() {
o.bodyReadTimeout = 0
// RequestSchema allows overriding the generated input body schema, giving you
// more control over documentation and validation.
func (o *Operation) RequestSchema(s *schema.Schema) {
o.requestSchema = s
o.requestSchemaOverride = true
// Run registers the handler function for this operation. It should be of the
// form: `func (ctx huma.Context)` or `func (ctx huma.Context, input)` where
// input is your input struct describing the input parameters and/or body.
func (o *Operation) Run(handler interface{}) {
if reflect.ValueOf(handler).Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Handler must be a function taking a huma.Context and optionally a user-defined input struct, but got: %s for %s %s", handler, o.method, o.resource.path))
var register func(string, http.HandlerFunc)
switch o.method {
case http.MethodPost:
register = o.resource.mux.Post
case http.MethodHead:
register = o.resource.mux.Head
case http.MethodGet:
register = o.resource.mux.Get
case http.MethodPut:
register = o.resource.mux.Put
case http.MethodPatch:
register = o.resource.mux.Patch
case http.MethodDelete:
register = o.resource.mux.Delete
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown HTTP verb: %s", o.method))
t := reflect.TypeOf(handler)
if t.Kind() == reflect.Func && t.NumIn() > 1 {
var err error
input := t.In(1)
// Get parameters
o.params = getParamInfo(input)
for k, v := range o.params {
if v.In == inPath {
// Confirm each declared input struct path parameter is actually a part
// of the declared resource path.
if !strings.Contains(o.resource.path, "{"+k+"}") {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Parameter '%s' not in URI path: %s", k, o.resource.path))
possible := []int{http.StatusBadRequest}
if _, ok := input.FieldByName("Body"); ok || len(o.params) > 0 {
// Invalid parameter values or body values can cause a 422.
possible = append(possible, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
// Get body if present.
if body, ok := input.FieldByName("Body"); ok {
o.requestModel = body.Type
possible = append(possible,
if o.requestSchema == nil {
o.requestSchema, err = schema.GenerateWithMode(body.Type, schema.ModeWrite, nil)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to generate JSON schema: %w", err))
// It's possible for the inputs to generate a few different errors, so
// generate them if not already present.
found := map[int]bool{}
for _, r := range o.responses {
found[r.status] = true
for _, s := range possible {
if !found[s] {
o.responses = append(o.responses, NewResponse(s, http.StatusText(s)).ContentType("application/problem+json").Model(&ErrorModel{}))
// Future improvement idea: use a sync.Pool for the input structure to save
// on allocations if the struct has a Reset() method.
register("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Update the operation info for loggers/metrics/etc middlware to use later.
opInfo := GetOperationInfo(r.Context())
opInfo.ID = o.id
opInfo.URITemplate = o.resource.path
opInfo.Summary = o.summary
opInfo.Tags = append([]string{}, o.resource.tags...)
ctx := &hcontext{
Context: r.Context(),
ResponseWriter: w,
r: r,
op: o,
docsPath: o.resource.router.DocsPath(),
schemasPath: o.resource.router.SchemasPath(),
specPath: o.resource.router.OpenAPIPath(),
urlPrefix: o.resource.router.urlPrefix,
disableSchemaProperty: o.resource.router.disableSchemaProperty,
errorCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
// If there is no input struct (just a context), then the call is simple.
if simple, ok := handler.(func(Context)); ok {
// Otherwise, create a new input struct instance and populate it.
v := reflect.ValueOf(handler)
inputType := v.Type().In(1)
input := reflect.New(inputType)
// Limit the request body size.
if r.Body != nil {
if o.maxBodyBytes > 0 {
r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, o.maxBodyBytes)
// Set a read deadline for reading/parsing the input request body, but
// only for operations that have a request body model.
var conn net.Conn
if o.requestModel != nil && o.bodyReadTimeout > 0 {
if conn = GetConn(r.Context()); conn != nil {
setFields(ctx, ctx.r, input, inputType)
if !ctx.HasError() {
// No errors yet, so any errors that come after should be treated as a
// semantic rather than structural error.
ctx.errorCode = http.StatusUnprocessableEntity
resolveFields(ctx, "", input)
if ctx.HasError() {
ctx.WriteError(ctx.errorCode, "Error while processing input parameters")
// Clear any body read deadline if one was set as the body has now been
// read in. The one exception is when the body is streamed in via an
// `io.Reader` so we don't reset the deadline for that.
if conn != nil && o.requestModel != readerType {
// Call the handler with the context and newly populated input struct.
in := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(ctx), input.Elem()}