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package huma
import (
type contextKey string
// connContextKey is used to get/set the underlying `net.Conn` from a request
// context value.
var connContextKey contextKey = "huma-request-conn"
// opIDContextKey is used to get the operation name after request routing
// has finished.
var opIDContextKey contextKey = "huma-operation-id"
// GetConn gets the underlying `net.Conn` from a context.
func GetConn(ctx context.Context) net.Conn {
conn := ctx.Value(connContextKey)
if conn != nil {
return conn.(net.Conn)
return nil
// Router is the entrypoint to your API.
type Router struct {
mux *chi.Mux
resources []*Resource
title string
version string
description string
contact oaContact
servers []oaServer
securitySchemes map[string]oaSecurityScheme
security []map[string][]string
autoConfig *AutoConfig
// Documentation, OpenAPI spec, and schemas routing handlers
docsPrefix string
docsSuffix string
schemasSuffix string
specSuffix string
docsHandler http.Handler
docsAreSetup bool
// Tracks the currently running server for graceful shutdown.
server *http.Server
serverLock sync.Mutex
// Allows modification of the generated OpenAPI.
openapiHook func(*gabs.Container)
// Router-global defaults
defaultBodyReadTimeout time.Duration
defaultServerIdleTimeout time.Duration
// Information for creating non-relative links & schema refs.
urlPrefix string
disableSchemaProperty bool
// OpenAPI returns an OpenAPI 3 representation of the API, which can be
// modified as needed and rendered to JSON via `.String()`.
func (r *Router) OpenAPI() *gabs.Container {
doc := gabs.New()
doc.Set("3.0.3", "openapi")
doc.Set(r.title, "info", "title")
doc.Set(r.version, "info", "version")
if r.contact.Name != "" || r.contact.Email != "" || r.contact.URL != "" {
doc.Set(r.contact, "info", "contact")
if r.description != "" {
doc.Set(r.description, "info", "description")
if len(r.servers) > 0 {
doc.Set(r.servers, "servers")
components := &oaComponents{
Schemas: map[string]*schema.Schema{},
SecuritySchemes: r.securitySchemes,
paths, _ := doc.Object("paths")
for _, res := range r.resources {
doc.Set(components, "components")
if len(r.security) > 0 {
doc.Set(r.security, "security")
if r.autoConfig != nil {
doc.Set(r.autoConfig, "x-cli-config")
if r.openapiHook != nil {
return doc
// Contact sets the API's contact information.
func (r *Router) Contact(name, email, url string) {
r.contact.Name = name
r.contact.Email = email
r.contact.URL = url
// ServerLink adds a new server link to this router for documentation.
func (r *Router) ServerLink(description, uri string) {
r.servers = append(r.servers, oaServer{
Description: description,
URL: uri,
// GatewayBasicAuth documents that the API gateway handles auth using HTTP Basic.
func (r *Router) GatewayBasicAuth(name string) {
r.securitySchemes[name] = oaSecurityScheme{
Type: "http",
Scheme: "basic",
// GatewayClientCredentials documents that the API gateway handles auth using
// OAuth2 client credentials (pre-shared secret).
func (r *Router) GatewayClientCredentials(name, tokenURL string, scopes map[string]string) {
r.securitySchemes[name] = oaSecurityScheme{
Type: "oauth2",
Flows: oaFlows{
ClientCredentials: &oaFlow{
TokenURL: tokenURL,
Scopes: scopes,
// GatewayAuthCode documents that the API gateway handles auth using
// OAuth2 authorization code (user login).
func (r *Router) GatewayAuthCode(name, authorizeURL, tokenURL string, scopes map[string]string) {
r.securitySchemes[name] = oaSecurityScheme{
Type: "oauth2",
Flows: oaFlows{
AuthorizationCode: &oaFlow{
AuthorizationURL: authorizeURL,
TokenURL: tokenURL,
Scopes: scopes,
// AutoConfig sets up CLI autoconfiguration via `x-cli-config` for use by CLI
// clients, e.g. using a tool like Restish (https://rest.sh/).
func (r *Router) AutoConfig(autoConfig AutoConfig) {
r.autoConfig = &autoConfig
// SecurityRequirement sets up a security requirement for the entire API by
// name and with the given scopes. Use together with the other auth options
// like GatewayAuthCode. Calling multiple times results in requiring one OR
// the other schemes but not both.
func (r *Router) SecurityRequirement(name string, scopes ...string) {
if scopes == nil {
scopes = []string{}
r.security = append(r.security, map[string][]string{
name: scopes,
// Resource creates a new resource attached to this router at the given path.
// The path can include parameters, e.g. `/things/{thing-id}`. Each resource
// path must be unique.
func (r *Router) Resource(path string) *Resource {
res := &Resource{
path: path,
mux: r.mux.Route(path, nil),
subResources: []*Resource{},
operations: []*Operation{},
tags: []string{},
router: r,
r.resources = append(r.resources, res)
return res
// Middleware adds a new standard middleware to this router at the root,
// so it will apply to all requests. Middleware can also be applied at the
// resource level.
func (r *Router) Middleware(middlewares ...func(next http.Handler) http.Handler) {
// DocsPath returns the server path to the OpenAPI docs.
func (r *Router) DocsPath() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.docsPrefix, r.docsSuffix)
// SchemasPath returns the server path to the OpenAPI Schemas.
func (r *Router) SchemasPath() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.docsPrefix, r.schemasSuffix)
// OpenAPIPath returns the server path to the OpenAPI JSON.
func (r *Router) OpenAPIPath() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.json", r.docsPrefix, r.specSuffix)
// DocsPrefix sets the path prefix for where the OpenAPI JSON, schemas,
// and documentation are hosted.
func (r *Router) DocsPrefix(path string) {
r.docsPrefix = path
// DocsSuffix sets the final path suffix for where the OpenAPI documentation
// is hosted. When not specified, the default value of `docs` is appended to the
// DocsPrefix.
func (r *Router) DocsSuffix(suffix string) {
r.docsSuffix = suffix
// SchemasSuffix sets the final path suffix for where the OpenAPI schemas
// are hosted. When not specified, the default value of `schemas` is appended
// to the DocsPrefix.
func (r *Router) SchemasSuffix(suffix string) {
r.schemasSuffix = suffix
// SpecSuffix sets the final path suffix for where the OpenAPI spec is hosted.
// When not specified, the default value of `openapi` is appended to the
// DocsPrefix.
func (r *Router) SpecSuffix(suffix string) {
r.specSuffix = suffix
// DocsHandler sets the http.Handler to render documentation. It defaults to
// using RapiDoc.
func (r *Router) DocsHandler(handler http.Handler) {
r.docsHandler = handler
// OpenAPIHook provides a function to run after generating the OpenAPI document
// allowing you to modify it as needed.
func (r *Router) OpenAPIHook(hook func(*gabs.Container)) {
r.openapiHook = hook
// replaceRef recursively replaces refs in a JSON Schema to point to a new
// location.
func replaceRef(schema map[string]interface{}, from, to string) {
if schema["$ref"] != nil {
schema["$ref"] = strings.Replace(schema["$ref"].(string), from, to, -1) + ".json"
for _, v := range schema {
if m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
replaceRef(m, from, to)
} else if s, ok := v.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, item := range s {
if m, ok := item.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
replaceRef(m, from, to)
// Set up the docs & OpenAPI routes.
func (r *Router) setupDocs() {
// Precompute the OpenAPI document once on startup and then serve the cached
// version of it.
spec := r.OpenAPI()
var schemas map[string]interface{}
b, _ := json.Marshal(spec.Search("components").Data().(*oaComponents).Schemas)
json.Unmarshal(b, &schemas)
for _, v := range schemas {
// Convert $ref links for standalone JSON files.
// #/components/schemas/MyType -> ./MyType.json
replaceRef(v.(map[string]interface{}), "#/components/schemas", ".")
// Register the docs handlers if needed.
if !r.mux.Match(chi.NewRouteContext(), http.MethodGet, r.OpenAPIPath()) {
r.mux.Get(r.OpenAPIPath(), func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/vnd.oai.openapi+json")
if !r.mux.Match(chi.NewRouteContext(), http.MethodGet, r.SchemasPath()+"/{schema-id}.json") {
r.mux.Get(r.SchemasPath()+"/{schema-id}.json", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
id := chi.URLParam(req, "schema-id")
schema := schemas[id]
if schema == nil {
b, _ := json.Marshal(schema)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/schema+json")
if !r.mux.Match(chi.NewRouteContext(), http.MethodGet, r.DocsPath()) {
r.mux.Get(r.DocsPath(), r.docsHandler.ServeHTTP)
r.docsAreSetup = true
func (r *Router) listen(addr, certFile, keyFile string) error {
// Setup docs on startup so we can fail fast if the handler is broken in
// some way.
// Start the server.
if r.server == nil {
r.server = &http.Server{
Addr: addr,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
IdleTimeout: r.defaultServerIdleTimeout,
Handler: r,
ConnContext: func(ctx context.Context, c net.Conn) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, connContextKey, c)
} else {
r.server.Addr = addr
// Wrap the ConnContext method to inject the current connection into the
// request context. This is useful to e.g. set deadlines.
orig := r.server.ConnContext
r.server.ConnContext = func(ctx context.Context, c net.Conn) context.Context {
if orig != nil {
ctx = orig(ctx, c)
return context.WithValue(ctx, connContextKey, c)
if certFile != "" {
return r.server.ListenAndServeTLS(certFile, keyFile)
return r.server.ListenAndServe()
// Listen starts the server listening on the specified `host:port` address.
func (r *Router) Listen(addr string) error {
return r.listen(addr, "", "")
// ListenTLS listens for new connections using HTTPS & HTTP2
func (r *Router) ListenTLS(addr, certFile, keyFile string) error {
return r.listen(addr, certFile, keyFile)
// ServeHTTP handles an incoming request and is compatible with the standard
// library `http` package.
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if !r.docsAreSetup {
r.mux.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// Shutdown gracefully shuts down the server.
func (r *Router) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
defer r.serverLock.Unlock()
if r.server == nil {
panic("no server started")
return r.server.Shutdown(ctx)
// GetTitle returns the server API title.
func (r *Router) GetTitle() string {
return r.title
// GetVersion returns the server version.
func (r *Router) GetVersion() string {
return r.version
// DefaultBodyReadTimeout sets the amount of time an operation has to read
// the body of the incoming request before it is aborted. Defaults to 15
// seconds if not set.
func (r *Router) DefaultBodyReadTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
r.defaultBodyReadTimeout = timeout
// DefaultServerIdleTimeout sets the server's `IdleTimeout` value on startup.
// Defaults to 15 seconds if not set.
func (r *Router) DefaultServerIdleTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
r.defaultServerIdleTimeout = timeout
// URLPrefix sets the prefix to use when crafting non-relative links. If unset,
// then the incoming requests `Host` header is used and the scheme defaults to
// `https` unless the host starts with `localhost`. Do not include a
// trailing slash in the prefix. Examples:
// - https://example.com/v1
// - http://localhost
func (r *Router) URLPrefix(value string) {
r.urlPrefix = value
// DisableSchemaProperty disables the creation of a `$schema` property in
// returned object response models.
func (r *Router) DisableSchemaProperty() {
r.disableSchemaProperty = true
const (
DefaultDocsSuffix = "docs"
DefaultSchemasSuffix = "schemas"
DefaultSpecSuffix = "openapi"
// New creates a new Huma router to which you can attach resources,
// operations, middleware, etc.
func New(docs, version string) *Router {
title, desc := splitDocs(docs)
r := &Router{
mux: chi.NewRouter(),
resources: []*Resource{},
title: title,
description: desc,
version: version,
servers: []oaServer{},
securitySchemes: map[string]oaSecurityScheme{},
security: []map[string][]string{},
defaultBodyReadTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
defaultServerIdleTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
docsSuffix: DefaultDocsSuffix,
schemasSuffix: DefaultSchemasSuffix,
specSuffix: DefaultSpecSuffix,
r.docsHandler = RapiDocHandler(r)
// Error handlers
r.mux.NotFound(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := ContextFromRequest(w, r)
ctx.WriteError(http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find %s", r.URL.String()))
r.mux.MethodNotAllowed(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := ContextFromRequest(w, r)
ctx.WriteError(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, fmt.Sprintf("No handler for method %s", r.Method))
r.Middleware(func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Inject the operation info before other middleware so that the later
// middleware will have access to it.
req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), opIDContextKey, &OperationInfo{}))
next.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// Automatically add links to OpenAPI and docs.
if req.URL.Path == "/" {
link := w.Header().Get("link")
if link != "" {
link += ", "
link += `<` + r.OpenAPIPath() + `>; rel="service-desc", <` + r.DocsPath() + `>; rel="service-doc"`
w.Header().Set("link", link)
return r