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326 lines
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package huma
import (
// ErrInvalidParamLocation is returned when the `in` field of the parameter
// is not a valid value.
var ErrInvalidParamLocation = errors.New("invalid parameter location")
func getParamValue(c *gin.Context, param *Param) (interface{}, error) {
var pstr string
switch param.In {
case "path":
pstr = c.Param(param.Name)
case "query":
pstr = c.Query(param.Name)
if pstr == "" {
return param.def, nil
case "header":
pstr = c.GetHeader(param.Name)
if pstr == "" {
return param.def, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", param.In, ErrInvalidParamLocation)
if pstr == "" && !param.Required {
// Optional and not passed, so set it to its zero value.
return reflect.New(param.typ).Elem().Interface(), nil
var pv interface{}
switch param.typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
converted, err := strconv.ParseBool(pstr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pv = converted
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
converted, err := strconv.Atoi(pstr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pv = converted
case reflect.Float32:
converted, err := strconv.ParseFloat(pstr, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pv = converted
case reflect.Float64:
converted, err := strconv.ParseFloat(pstr, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pv = converted
pv = pstr
return pv, nil
func getRequestBody(c *gin.Context, t reflect.Type, op *Operation) (interface{}, bool) {
val := reflect.New(t).Interface()
if op.RequestSchema != nil {
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithError(500, err)
return nil, false
c.Request.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
loader := gojsonschema.NewGoLoader(op.RequestSchema)
doc := gojsonschema.NewBytesLoader(body)
s, err := gojsonschema.NewSchema(loader)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithError(500, err)
return nil, false
result, err := s.Validate(doc)
if err != nil {
c.AbortWithError(500, err)
return nil, false
if !result.Valid() {
errors := []string{}
for _, desc := range result.Errors() {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("%s", desc))
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(400, &ErrorInvalidModel{
Message: "Invalid input",
Errors: errors,
return nil, false
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(val); err != nil {
c.AbortWithError(500, err)
return nil, false
return val, true
// Router handles API requests.
type Router struct {
api *OpenAPI
engine *gin.Engine
// NewRouter creates a new Huma router for handling API requests with
// default middleware and routes attached.
func NewRouter(api *OpenAPI) *Router {
return NewRouterWithGin(gin.Default(), api)
// NewRouterWithGin creates a new Huma router with the given Gin instance
// which may be preconfigured with custom options and middleware.
func NewRouterWithGin(engine *gin.Engine, api *OpenAPI) *Router {
r := &Router{
api: api,
engine: engine,
if r.api.Paths == nil {
r.api.Paths = make(map[string][]*Operation)
// Set up handlers for the auto-generated spec and docs.
r.engine.GET("/openapi.json", OpenAPIHandler(r.api))
r.engine.GET("/docs", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Data(200, "text/html", []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:300,400,700|Roboto:300,400,700" rel="stylesheet">
<style>body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }</style>
<redoc spec-url='/openapi.json'></redoc>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/redoc@next/bundles/redoc.standalone.js"> </script>
</html>`, r.api.Title)))
return r
// GinEngine returns the underlying low-level Gin engine.
func (r *Router) GinEngine() *gin.Engine {
return r.engine
// Use attaches middleware to the router.
func (r *Router) Use(middleware ...gin.HandlerFunc) {
// ServeHTTP conforms to the `http.Handler` interface.
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
r.engine.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// Register a new operation.
func (r *Router) Register(op *Operation) {
// First, make sure the operation and handler make sense, as well as pre-
// generating any schemas for use later during request handling.
if err := op.validate(); err != nil {
// Add the operation to the list of operations for the path entry.
if r.api.Paths[op.Path] == nil {
r.api.Paths[op.Path] = make([]*Operation, 0, 1)
r.api.Paths[op.Path] = append(r.api.Paths[op.Path], op)
// Next, figure out which Gin function to call.
var f func(string, ...gin.HandlerFunc) gin.IRoutes
switch op.Method {
case "OPTIONS":
f = r.engine.OPTIONS
case "HEAD":
f = r.engine.HEAD
case "GET":
f = r.engine.GET
case "POST":
f = r.engine.POST
case "PUT":
f = r.engine.PUT
case "PATCH":
f = r.engine.PATCH
case "DELETE":
f = r.engine.DELETE
panic("unsupported HTTP method")
// Then call it to register our handler function.
f(op.Path, func(c *gin.Context) {
method := reflect.ValueOf(op.Handler)
in := make([]reflect.Value, 0, method.Type().NumIn())
if method.Type().NumIn() > 0 && method.Type().In(0).String() == "*gin.Context" {
in = append(in, reflect.ValueOf(c))
for _, param := range op.Params {
pv, err := getParamValue(c, param)
if err != nil {
// TODO expose error to user
c.AbortWithError(400, err)
in = append(in, reflect.ValueOf(pv))
if len(in) != method.Type().NumIn() {
// Parse body
i := len(in)
val, success := getRequestBody(c, method.Type().In(i), op)
if !success {
// Error was already handled in `getRequestBody`.
in = append(in, reflect.ValueOf(val))
if in[i].Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
in[i] = in[i].Elem()
out := method.Call(in)
// Find and return the first non-zero response. The status code comes
// from the registered `huma.Response` struct.
// This breaks down with scalar types... so they need to be passed
// as a pointer and we'll dereference it automatically.
for i, o := range out[:len(op.Responses)] {
if !o.IsZero() {
body := o.Interface()
r := op.Responses[i]
// Set response headers
for i, header := range op.ResponseHeaders {
value := out[len(op.Responses)+i]
found := false
for _, name := range r.Headers {
if name == header.Name {
found = true
if !found {
if !value.IsZero() {
// TODO: log warning? This shouldn't be set if it won't get sent.
// Skip this header as the response doesn't list it.
if !value.IsZero() {
v := value.Interface()
if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
v = value.Elem().Interface()
c.Header(header.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if r.StatusCode == http.StatusNoContent {
// No body allowed.
if strings.HasPrefix(r.ContentType, "application/json") {
c.JSON(r.StatusCode, body)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(r.ContentType, "application/yaml") {
c.YAML(r.StatusCode, body)
} else {
if o.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// This is a pointer to something, so we derefernce it and get
// its value before converting to a string because Printf will
// by default print pointer addresses instead of their value.
body = o.Elem().Interface()
c.Data(r.StatusCode, r.ContentType, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", body)))
// Run the server.
func (r *Router) Run(addr string) {