Use pipewire instead of pulse audio, and work on VPU accelleration

This commit is contained in:
Justin Hammond 2023-05-13 02:15:12 +08:00
parent feb25fc845
commit 4e5b7e86d5
34 changed files with 1015 additions and 63 deletions

View file

@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ DISTRO_FEATURES = " pci \
x11 \
seccomp \
polkit \
kde \
xattr \
kde \
xattr \
acl \
pulseaudio \
DISTRO_FEATURES:remove = " sysvinit \

View file

@ -1 +1 @@
deb [trusted=yes] pinix all riscv64 star64
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pinix.gpg] pinix all riscv64 star64

View file

@ -4,12 +4,25 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
SRC_URI:append:star64 = "\
file://sources.list.star64 \ \
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "8ca5205bcbb703ebe372f40318e748c0b3f1bca64aaf5b8d315eac07e7f95e37"
CONFFILES:${PN} += " \
${sysconfdir}/apt/sources.list \
${sysconfdir}/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pinix.gpg \
FILES:${PN} += " \
${sysconfdir}/apt/sources.list \
${sysconfdir}/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pinix.gpg \
CONFFILES:${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/apt/sources.list"
FILES:${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/apt/sources.list"
do_install:append() {
install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/apt/
install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/apt/trusted.gpg.d
install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/sources.list.star64 ${D}/${sysconfdir}/apt/sources.list
cat ${WORKDIR}/public-key.asc | gpg --dearmor | tee ${D}/${sysconfdir}/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pinix.gpg
DEPENDS += " \
gnupg-native \

View file

@ -8,46 +8,98 @@ PACKAGES = " \
packagegroup-star64-plasma \
RDEPENDS:packagegroup-star64-plasma = " \
packagegroup-star64-minimal \
packagegroup-kde-gear \
wayland \
dbus \
drkonqi \
firewalld-applet \
sddm \
sddm-kcm \
systemd \
liberation-fonts \
ttf-noto \
packagegroup-core-sdk \
packagegroup-kde-frameworks5 \
packagegroup-kde-gear \
packagegroup-star64-minimal \
bluedevil \
breeze \
dbus \
discover \
drkonqi \
cmake \
cups \
firewalld-applet \
git \
gstreamer1.0 \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \
gstreamer1.0-pipewire \
gstreamer1.0-omx \
gstreamer1.0-libav \
gstreamer1.0-vaapi \
kactivitymanagerd \
kclock \
kde-cli-tools \
kdecoration \
kdeplasma-addons \
kinfocenter \
kdeconnect-kde \
kgamma5 \
khotkeys \
kinfocenter \
kirigami-addons \
kmenuedit \
konsole \
konqueror \
kpipewire \
kscreen \
kscreenlocker \
kwayland-integration \
kwin \
kdeplasma-addons \
kpipewire \
kirigami-addons \
ksystemstats \
kvantum \
kwayland-integration \
kweather \
kwin \
libkscreen \
libksysguard \
liberation-fonts \
milou \
pipewire \
pipewire-alsa \
pipewire-alsa-card-profile \
pipewire-modules-access \
pipewire-modules-adapter \
pipewire-modules-client-device \
pipewire-modules-echo-cancel \
pipewire-modules-fallback-sink \
pipewire-modules-filter-chain \
pipewire-modules-link-factory \
pipewire-modules-loopback \
pipewire-modules-meta \
pipewire-modules-metadata \
pipewire-modules-portal \
pipewire-modules-profiler \
pipewire-modules-protocol-pulse \
pipewire-modules-protocol-simple \
pipewire-spa-plugins-volume \
pipewire-spa-plugins-videotestsrc \
pipewire-spa-plugins-videoconvert \
pipewire-spa-plugins-v4l2 \
pipewire-spa-plugins-support \
pipewire-spa-plugins-meta \
pipewire-spa-plugins-journal \
pipewire-spa-plugins-dbus \
pipewire-spa-plugins-control \
pipewire-spa-plugins-codec-bluez5-sbc \
pipewire-spa-plugins-codec-bluez5-faststream \
pipewire-spa-plugins-bluez5 \
pipewire-spa-plugins-audiotestsrc \
pipewire-spa-plugins-audiomixer \
pipewire-spa-plugins-audioconvert \
pipewire-spa-plugins-alsa \
pipewire-spa-plugins-aec-null \
pipewire-modules-session-manager \
pipewire-pulse \
pipewire-spa-tools \
pipewire-tools \
pipewire-v4l2 \
plasma-desktop \
plasma-integration \
plasma-nano \
plasma-nm \
plasma-pa \
plasma-workspace \
polkit-kde-agent-1 \
plasma-settings \
plasma-systemmonitor \
plasma-vault \
@ -57,25 +109,33 @@ RDEPENDS:packagegroup-star64-plasma = " \
plasma-disks \
plasma-browser-integration \
plasma-welcome \
pulseaudio \
pulseaudio-server \
polkit-kde-agent-1 \
sddm \
sddm-kcm \
systemd \
systemsettings \
ttf-noto \
udisks2 \
wayland \
wings-theme \
wireplumber \
wireplumber-modules-default-nodes \
wireplumber-modules-default-nodes-api \
wireplumber-modules-default-profile \
wireplumber-modules-file-monitor-api \
wireplumber-modules-logind \
wireplumber-modules-lua-scripting \
wireplumber-modules-meta \
wireplumber-modules-metadata \
wireplumber-modules-mixer-api \
wireplumber-modules-portal-permissionstore \
wireplumber-modules-reserve-device \
wireplumber-modules-si-audio-adapter \
wireplumber-modules-si-audio-endpoint \
wireplumber-modules-si-node \
wireplumber-modules-si-standard-link \
vlc \
xdg-desktop-portal-kde \
kclock \
kweather \
plasma-desktop \
kdeconnect-kde \
konsole \
discover \
konqueror \
xserver-xorg-extension-glx \
xf86-video-modesetting \
gstreamer1.0 \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \
udisks2 \
cups \
wings-theme \
systemsettings \

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ IMAGE_FEATURES += "splash package-management ssh-server-dropbear hwcodecs weston
IMAGE_INSTALL += " packagegroup-gnome-desktop \
packagegroup-gnome-apps \
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
packagegroup-gnome-desktop \
packagegroup-gnome-apps \

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ SUMMARY = "A small commandline only image for Star64"
inherit core-image extrausers
IMAGE_INSTALL = "packagegroup-core-boot \
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = "packagegroup-core-boot \
packagegroup-core-full-cmdline \
packagegroup-star64-minimal \
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ IMAGE_INSTALL = "packagegroup-core-boot \
IMAGE_FEATURES += " splash \
package-management \
ssh-server-openssh \
post-install-logging \
@ -28,4 +29,5 @@ PASSWD = "\$5\$svJwM1eWQPV5bb\$CgKgw8mrSVcZEBPR1re37qeShy/scdk5GMbKZaSln74"
useradd -p '${PASSWD}' pine64; \
usermod -p '${PASSWD}' root; \
groupmod wheel -a pine64; \

View file

@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ IMAGE_FEATURES += "splash \
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
packagegroup-star64-plasma \

View file

@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ IMAGE_FEATURES += " \
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
packagegroup-star64-weston \

View file

@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ IMAGE_FEATURES += "splash package-management ssh-server-dropbear hwcodecs weston
IMAGE_INSTALL += " packagegroup-xfce-extended \
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
packagegroup-xfce-extended \

View file

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:remove = "networkd resolved nss-resolve "
PACKAGECONFIG:remove = "networkd resolved nss-resolve"
PACKAGECONFIG:append = "coredump"

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ LICENSE = "MIT"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
SRC_URI = " \
file://99-video.rules \
file://70-vpu.rules \
S = "${WORKDIR}"
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS = "1"
do_install () {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/99-video.rules ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/*.rules ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
SUBSYSTEM=="venc", TAG+="uaccess"
SUBSYSTEM=="vdec", TAG+="uaccess"

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
SUBSYSTEM=="drm", KERNEL=="card[0-9]*",NAME="dri/%k", MODE="0666"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Name: Lua
Description: Lua language engine
Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -llua52 -lm -ldl
Cflags: -I${includedir}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
DESCRIPTION = "Lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed \
for extending applications."
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://doc/readme.html;beginline=307;endline=330;md5=9385b9b86b20cc4490b6c53968f91eec"
SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz \
file:// \
S= "${WORKDIR}/lua-${PV}"
V = "5.2"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "b9e2e4aad6789b3b63a056d442f7b39f0ecfca3ae0f1fc0ae4e9614401b69f4b"
inherit pkgconfig binconfig
DEPENDS += " \
readline \
do_configure:prepend() {
sed -i -e s:/usr/local:${prefix}:g src/luaconf.h
sed -i -e s:lib/lua/:${baselib}/lua/:g src/luaconf.h
do_compile () {
oe_runmake linux
do_install () {
oe_runmake \
'INSTALL_TOP=${D}${prefix}' \
'INSTALL_BIN=${D}${bindir}' \
'INSTALL_INC=${D}${includedir}/${BPN}' \
'INSTALL_MAN=${D}${mandir}/man1' \
'INSTALL_SHARE=${D}${datadir}/lua' \
'INSTALL_LIB=${D}${libdir}' \
'INSTALL_CMOD=${D}${libdir}/lua/${V}' \
install -d ${D}${libdir}/pkgconfig
sed -e s/@VERSION@/${PV}/ -e s#@LIBDIR@#${libdir}# -e s#@INCLUDEDIR@#${includedir}# ${WORKDIR}/ > ${WORKDIR}/lua52.pc
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/lua52.pc ${D}${libdir}/pkgconfig/
mv ${D}${bindir}/lua ${D}${bindir}/lua${V}
mv ${D}${bindir}/luac ${D}${bindir}/luac${V}
mv ${D}${libdir}/liblua.a ${D}${libdir}/lib${BPN}.a
rmdir ${D}${datadir}/lua/5.2
rmdir ${D}${datadir}/lua
FILES:${PN} += " \
${libdir}/lua/5.2 \
${libdir}/lib${BPN}.a \
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[lua] = "${bindir}/lua${V}"
ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[luac] = "${bindir}/luac${V}"

View file

@ -2,4 +2,8 @@ FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
SRC_URI:append:riscv64 = "\
file://0001-fix-chromium.patch \
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
openssl \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
From 2eaffc9ac8b47c354404075761fe8f76fad0ced4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Khem Raj <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 01:18:25 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] file_sink.cpp: Avoid dangling-reference
Fixes following errors with gcc-13
../git/src/cam/file_sink.cpp:92:45: error: possibly dangling reference to a temporary [-Werror=dangling-reference]
92 | const FrameMetadata::Plane &meta = buffer->metadata().planes()[i];
| ^~~~
../git/src/cam/file_sink.cpp:92:81: note: the temporary was destroyed at the end of the full expression '(& buffer->libcamera::FrameBuffer::metadata())->libcamera::FrameMetadata::planes().libcamera::Span<const libcamera::FrameMetadata::Plane>::operator[](i)'
92 | const FrameMetadata::Plane &meta = buffer->metadata().planes()[i];
| ^
cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors
Upstream-Status: Submitted []
Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <>
src/apps/cam/file_sink.cpp | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/apps/cam/file_sink.cpp b/src/apps/cam/file_sink.cpp
index b32aad24..9f4c5648 100644
--- a/src/apps/cam/file_sink.cpp
+++ b/src/apps/cam/file_sink.cpp
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ void FileSink::writeBuffer(const Stream *stream, FrameBuffer *buffer,
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buffer->planes().size(); ++i) {
- const FrameMetadata::Plane &meta = buffer->metadata().planes()[i];
+ unsigned int bytesused = buffer->metadata().planes()[i].bytesused;
Span<uint8_t> data = image->data(i);
- unsigned int length = std::min<unsigned int>(meta.bytesused, data.size());
+ unsigned int length = std::min<unsigned int>(bytesused, data.size());
- if (meta.bytesused > data.size())
- std::cerr << "payload size " << meta.bytesused
+ if (bytesused > data.size())
+ std::cerr << "payload size " << bytesused
<< " larger than plane size " << data.size()
<< std::endl;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
SUMMARY = "Linux libcamera framework"
SECTION = "libs"
LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later"
file://LICENSES/GPL-2.0-or-later.txt;md5=fed54355545ffd980b814dab4a3b312c \
file://LICENSES/LGPL-2.1-or-later.txt;md5=2a4f4fd2128ea2f65047ee63fbca9f68 \
SRC_URI = " \
git://;protocol=https;branch=master \
file://0001-file_sink.cpp-Avoid-dangling-reference.patch \
SRCREV = "6cf637eb253a68edebe59505bea55435fafb00cd"
PE = "1"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
DEPENDS = "python3-pyyaml-native python3-jinja2-native python3-ply-native python3-jinja2-native udev gnutls chrpath-native libevent libyaml"
DEPENDS += "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'qt', 'qtbase qtbase-native', '', d)}"
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-gst"
PACKAGECONFIG[gst] = "-Dgstreamer=enabled,-Dgstreamer=disabled,gstreamer1.0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base"
-Dpipelines=uvcvideo,simple,vimc \
-Dipas=vimc \
-Dv4l2=true \
-Dcam=enabled \
-Dlc-compliance=disabled \
-Dtest=false \
-Ddocumentation=disabled \
RDEPENDS:${PN} = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wayland qt', 'qtwayland', '', d)}"
inherit meson pkgconfig python3native
do_configure:prepend() {
sed -i -e 's|py_compile=True,||' ${S}/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/mojom/generate/
do_install:append() {
chrpath -d ${D}${libdir}/
chrpath -d ${D}${libdir}/
addtask do_recalculate_ipa_signatures_package after do_package before do_packagedata
do_recalculate_ipa_signatures_package() {
local modules
for module in $(find ${PKGD}/usr/lib/libcamera -name "*.so.sign"); do
if [ -f "${module}" ] ; then
modules="${modules} ${module}"
${S}/src/ipa/ ${B}/src/ipa-priv-key.pem "${modules}"
FILES:${PN} += " ${libdir}/"
FILES:${PN}-gst = "${libdir}/gstreamer-1.0"
# libcamera-v4l2 explicitly sets _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=32 to get access to
# both 32 and 64 bit file APIs.

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
--enable-libmpv-shared \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
SUMMARY = "Open Source multimedia player"
DESCRIPTION = "mpv is a fork of mplayer2 and MPlayer. It shares some features with the former projects while introducing many more."
SECTION = "multimedia"
zlib \
ffmpeg \
jpeg \
libv4l \
libass \
LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-or-later"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.GPL;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"
SRCREV = "140ec21c89d671d392877a7f3b91d67e7d7b9239"
SRC_URI = "git://;branch=release/0.35;protocol=https \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit meson pkgconfig mime-xdg
LDFLAGS:append:riscv64 = " -latomic"
LUA ?= "lua"
LUA:mips64 = ""
LUA:powerpc64 = ""
LUA:powerpc64le = ""
LUA:riscv64 = ""
LUA:riscv32 = ""
LUA:powerpc = ""
# Note: lua is required to get on-screen-display (controls)
${LUA} \
${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wayland', 'wayland egl', '', d)} \
${@bb.utils.filter('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', d)} \
${@bb.utils.filter('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'opengl', d)} \
PACKAGECONFIG[x11] = "-Dx11=enabled,-Dx11=disabled,virtual/libx11 xsp libxv libxscrnsaver libxinerama libxpresent libxext"
PACKAGECONFIG[xv] = "-Dxv=enabled,-Dxv=disabled,libxv"
PACKAGECONFIG[opengl] = "-Dgl=enabled,-Dgl=disabled,virtual/libgl"
PACKAGECONFIG[egl] = "-Degl=enabled,-Degl=disabled,virtual/egl"
PACKAGECONFIG[drm] = "-Ddrm=enabled,-Ddrm=disabled,libdrm"
PACKAGECONFIG[gbm] = "-Dgbm=enabled,-Dgbm=disabled,virtual/libgbm"
PACKAGECONFIG[lua] = "-Dlua=auto,,lua luajit"
PACKAGECONFIG[lua5] = "-Dlua=lua52,,lua52"
PACKAGECONFIG[libmpv] = "-Dlibmpv=true,,"
PACKAGECONFIG[libarchive] = "-Dlibarchive=enabled,-Dlibarchive=disabled,libarchive"
PACKAGECONFIG[jack] = "-Djack=enabled, -Djack=disabled, jack"
PACKAGECONFIG[vaapi] = "-Dvaapi=enabled,-Dvaapi=disabled,libva"
PACKAGECONFIG[vdpau] = "-Dvdpau=enabled,-Dvdpau=disabled,libvdpau"
PACKAGECONFIG[wayland] = "-Dwayland=enabled,-Dwayland=disabled,wayland wayland-native libxkbcommon"
python __anonymous() {
packageconfig = (d.getVar("PACKAGECONFIG") or "").split()
extras = []
if "x11" in packageconfig and "opengl" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Dgl-x11=enabled")
if "x11" in packageconfig and "egl" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Degl-x11=enabled")
if "egl" in packageconfig and "drm" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Degl-drm=enabled")
if "vaapi" in packageconfig and "x11" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Dvaapi-x11=enabled")
if "vaapi" in packageconfig and "drm" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Dvaapi-drm=enabled")
if "vaapi" in packageconfig and "x11" in packageconfig and "egl" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Dvaapi-x-egl=enabled")
if "vdpau" in packageconfig and "opengl" in packageconfig and "x11" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Dvdpau-gl-x11=enabled")
if "wayland" in packageconfig and "opengl" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Dgl-wayland=enabled")
if "wayland" in packageconfig and "vaapi" in packageconfig:
extras.append(" -Dvaapi-wayland=enabled")
if extras:
d.appendVar("EXTRA_OECONF", "".join(extras))
-Dmanpage-build=false \
-Dlibbluray=false \
-Ddvdnav=false \
-Dcdda=false \
-Duchardet=false \
-Drubberband=false \
-Dlcms2=false \
-Dvapoursynth=false \
FILES:${PN} += " \
${datadir}/icons \
${datadir}/zsh \
${datadir}/bash-completion \
${datadir}/metainfo \
EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD = "${@bb.utils.contains("LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED", "commercial", "0", "1", d)}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
libmpv \
lua5 \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
faac \
libde265 \
openh264 \
openjpeg \
opusparse \
rtmp \
v4l2codecs \
va \
webrtc \
webrtcdsp \
opencv \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
opus \
qt5 \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
qt5 \
vpx \
wavpack \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
x264 \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
egl \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
SUMMARY = "Multimedia processing server for Linux"
DESCRIPTION = "Linux server for handling and routing audio and video streams between applications and multimedia I/O devices"
AUTHOR = "Wim Taymans <>"
SECTION = "multimedia"
LICENSE = "MIT & LGPL-2.1-or-later & GPL-2.0-only"
file://LICENSE;md5=2158739e172e58dc9ab1bdd2d6ec9c72 \
file://COPYING;md5=97be96ca4fab23e9657ffa590b931c1a \
DEPENDS = "dbus ncurses"
SRCREV = "9f7d60c1e84cc0481afc3f6ccf76e127567943a8"
SRC_URI = "git://;branch=master;protocol=https"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit meson pkgconfig systemd gettext useradd
GROUPADD_PARAM:${PN} = "--system pipewire"
USERADD_PARAM:${PN} = "--system --home / --no-create-home \
--comment 'PipeWire multimedia daemon' \
--gid pipewire --groups audio,video \
# For "EVL", look up . It involves
# a specially prepared kernel, and is currently unavailable
# in Yocto.
# Vulkan support is currently (as of version 0.3.44) not functional.
# manpage generation requires xmltoman, which is not available.
# The session-managers list specifies which session managers Meson
# shall download (via git clone) and build as subprojects. In OE,
# this is not how a session manager should be built. Instead, they
# should be integrated as separate OE recipes. To prevent PipeWire
# from using this Meson feature, set an empty list.
# This does not disable support or the need for session managers,
# it just prevents this subproject feature.
# AptX and LDAC are not available in OE. Currently, neither
# are lv2 and ROC.
# The RTKit module is deprecated in favor of the newer RT module.
# It still exists for legacy setups that still include it in
# their PipeWire configuration files.
-Devl=disabled \
-Dtests=disabled \
-Dudevrulesdir=${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/rules.d/ \
-Dsystemd-system-unit-dir=${systemd_system_unitdir} \
-Dsystemd-user-unit-dir=${systemd_user_unitdir} \
-Dman=disabled \
-Dsession-managers='[]' \
-Dlv2=disabled \
-Droc=disabled \
-Dbluez5-codec-aptx=disabled \
-Dbluez5-codec-ldac=disabled \
-Dlegacy-rtkit=false \
# spa alsa plugin code uses typedef redefinition, which is officially a C11 feature.
# Pipewire builds with 'c_std=gnu99' by default. Recent versions of gcc don't issue this warning in gnu99
# mode but it looks like clang still does
CFLAGS:append = " -Wno-typedef-redefinition"
# According to wireplumber documentation only one session manager should be installed at a time
# Possible options are media-session, which has fewer dependencies but is very simple,
# or wireplumber, which is more powerful.
FFMPEG_AVAILABLE = "${@bb.utils.contains('LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED', 'commercial', 'ffmpeg', '', d)}"
BLUETOOTH_AAC = "${@bb.utils.contains('LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED', 'commercial', 'bluez-aac', '', d)}"
PACKAGECONFIG:class-target ??= " \
${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'zeroconf', 'avahi', '', d)} \
${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluetooth', 'bluez bluez-opus ${BLUETOOTH_AAC}', '', d)} \
${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd systemd-system-service systemd-user-service', '', d)} \
${@bb.utils.filter('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'alsa vulkan pulseaudio', d)} \
${FFMPEG_AVAILABLE} avahi flatpak gstreamer gsettings jack libusb pw-cat raop sndfile v4l2 udev volume webrtc-echo-cancelling libcamera \
# "jack" and "pipewire-jack" packageconfigs cannot be both enabled,
# since "jack" imports libjack, and "pipewire-jack" generates
#* files, thus colliding with the libpack package. This
# is why these two are marked in their respective packageconfigs
# as being in conflict.
PACKAGECONFIG[alsa] = "-Dalsa=enabled,-Dalsa=disabled,alsa-lib udev,,pipewire-alsa pipewire-alsa-card-profile"
PACKAGECONFIG[avahi] = "-Davahi=enabled,-Davahi=disabled,avahi"
PACKAGECONFIG[bluez] = "-Dbluez5=enabled,-Dbluez5=disabled,bluez5 sbc"
PACKAGECONFIG[bluez-aac] = "-Dbluez5-codec-aac=enabled,-Dbluez5-codec-aac=disabled,fdk-aac"
PACKAGECONFIG[bluez-opus] = "-Dbluez5-codec-opus=enabled,-Dbluez5-codec-opus=disabled,libopus"
PACKAGECONFIG[docs] = "-Ddocs=enabled,-Ddocs=disabled,doxygen-native graphviz-native"
PACKAGECONFIG[ffmpeg] = "-Dffmpeg=enabled,-Dffmpeg=disabled,ffmpeg"
PACKAGECONFIG[flatpak] = "-Dflatpak=enabled,-Dflatpak=disabled,glib-2.0"
PACKAGECONFIG[gsettings] = "-Dgsettings=enabled,-Dgsettings=disabled,glib-2.0"
PACKAGECONFIG[gstreamer] = "-Dgstreamer=enabled,-Dgstreamer=disabled,glib-2.0 gstreamer1.0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base,,gstreamer1.0-pipewire"
PACKAGECONFIG[jack] = "-Djack=enabled,-Djack=disabled,jack,,,pipewire-jack"
PACKAGECONFIG[libcamera] = "-Dlibcamera=enabled,-Dlibcamera=disabled,libcamera libdrm"
PACKAGECONFIG[libcanberra] = "-Dlibcanberra=enabled,-Dlibcanberra=disabled,libcanberra"
PACKAGECONFIG[libusb] = "-Dlibusb=enabled,-Dlibusb=disabled,libusb"
PACKAGECONFIG[media-session] = ",,,pipewire-media-session,,wireplumber"
PACKAGECONFIG[pulseaudio] = "-Dlibpulse=enabled,-Dlibpulse=disabled,pulseaudio,,pipewire-pulse"
PACKAGECONFIG[pipewire-alsa] = "-Dpipewire-alsa=enabled,-Dpipewire-alsa=disabled,alsa-lib"
PACKAGECONFIG[pipewire-jack] = "-Dpipewire-jack=enabled -Dlibjack-path=${libdir}/${PW_MODULE_SUBDIR}/jack,-Dpipewire-jack=disabled,jack,,pipewire-jack,jack"
PACKAGECONFIG[pw-cat] = "-Dpw-cat=enabled,-Dpw-cat=disabled"
PACKAGECONFIG[raop] = "-Draop=enabled,-Draop=disabled,openssl"
PACKAGECONFIG[sdl2] = "-Dsdl2=enabled,-Dsdl2=disabled,libsdl2"
PACKAGECONFIG[sndfile] = "-Dsndfile=enabled,-Dsndfile=disabled,libsndfile1"
PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "-Dsystemd=enabled,-Dsystemd=disabled,systemd"
PACKAGECONFIG[systemd-system-service] = "-Dsystemd-system-service=enabled,-Dsystemd-system-service=disabled,systemd"
# "systemd-user-service" packageconfig will only install service
# files to rootfs but not enable them as systemd.bbclass
# currently lacks the feature of enabling user services.
PACKAGECONFIG[systemd-user-service] = "-Dsystemd-user-service=enabled,-Dsystemd-user-service=disabled,systemd"
# pw-cat needs sndfile packageconfig to be enabled
PACKAGECONFIG[udev] = "-Dudev=enabled,-Dudev=disabled,udev"
PACKAGECONFIG[v4l2] = "-Dv4l2=enabled,-Dv4l2=disabled,udev"
PACKAGECONFIG[volume] = "-Dvolume=enabled,-Dvolume=disabled"
PACKAGECONFIG[vulkan] = "-Dvulkan=enabled,-Dvulkan=disabled,vulkan-headers vulkan-loader"
PACKAGECONFIG[webrtc-echo-cancelling] = "-Decho-cancel-webrtc=enabled,-Decho-cancel-webrtc=disabled,webrtc-audio-processing"
PACKAGECONFIG[wireplumber] = ",,,wireplumber,,media-session"
PACKAGESPLITFUNCS:prepend = " split_dynamic_packages "
PACKAGESPLITFUNCS:append = " set_dynamic_metapkg_rdepends "
SPA_SUBDIR = "spa-0.2"
PW_MODULE_SUBDIR = "pipewire-0.3"
remove_unused_installed_files() {
# jack.conf is used by pipewire-jack (not the JACK SPA plugin).
# Remove it if pipewire-jack is not built to avoid creating the
# pipewire-jack package.
if ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'pipewire-jack', 'false', 'true', d)}; then
rm -f "${D}${datadir}/pipewire/jack.conf"
# minimal.conf is an example of how to minimally configure the
# daemon and is not meant to be used for production.
rm -f "${D}${datadir}/pipewire/minimal.conf"
do_install[postfuncs] += "remove_unused_installed_files"
python split_dynamic_packages () {
# Create packages for each SPA plugin. These plugins are located
# in individual subdirectories, so a recursive search is needed.
spa_libdir = d.expand('${libdir}/${SPA_SUBDIR}')
do_split_packages(d, spa_libdir, r'^libspa-(.*)\.so$', d.expand('${PN}-spa-plugins-%s'), 'PipeWire SPA plugin for %s', extra_depends='', recursive=True)
# Create packages for each PipeWire module.
pw_module_libdir = d.expand('${libdir}/${PW_MODULE_SUBDIR}')
do_split_packages(d, pw_module_libdir, r'^libpipewire-module-(.*)\.so$', d.expand('${PN}-modules-%s'), 'PipeWire %s module', extra_depends='', recursive=False)
python set_dynamic_metapkg_rdepends () {
import os
import oe.utils
if'nativesdk', d) or'native', d):
# Go through all generated SPA plugin and PipeWire module packages
# (excluding the main package and the -meta package itself) and
# add them to the -meta package as RDEPENDS.
base_pn = d.getVar('PN')
spa_pn = base_pn + '-spa-plugins'
spa_metapkg = spa_pn + '-meta'
pw_module_pn = base_pn + '-modules'
pw_module_metapkg = pw_module_pn + '-meta'
d.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY:' + spa_metapkg, "1")
d.setVar('FILES:' + spa_metapkg, "")
d.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY:' + pw_module_metapkg, "1")
d.setVar('FILES:' + pw_module_metapkg, "")
blacklist = [ spa_pn, spa_metapkg, pw_module_pn, pw_module_metapkg ]
spa_metapkg_rdepends = []
pw_module_metapkg_rdepends = []
pkgdest = d.getVar('PKGDEST')
for pkg in oe.utils.packages_filter_out_system(d):
if pkg in blacklist:
is_spa_pkg = pkg.startswith(spa_pn)
is_pw_module_pkg = pkg.startswith(pw_module_pn)
if not is_spa_pkg and not is_pw_module_pkg:
if pkg in spa_metapkg_rdepends or pkg in pw_module_metapkg_rdepends:
# See if the package is empty by looking at the contents of its
# PKGDEST subdirectory. If this subdirectory is empty, then then
# package is empty as well. Empty packages do not get added to
# the meta package's RDEPENDS.
pkgdir = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg)
if os.path.exists(pkgdir):
dir_contents = os.listdir(pkgdir) or []
dir_contents = []
is_empty = len(dir_contents) == 0
if not is_empty:
if is_spa_pkg:
if is_pw_module_pkg:
d.setVar('RDEPENDS:' + spa_metapkg, ' '.join(spa_metapkg_rdepends))
d.setVar('DESCRIPTION:' + spa_metapkg, spa_pn + ' meta package')
d.setVar('RDEPENDS:' + pw_module_metapkg, ' '.join(pw_module_metapkg_rdepends))
d.setVar('DESCRIPTION:' + pw_module_metapkg, pw_module_pn + ' meta package')
libpipewire \
${PN}-tools \
${PN}-pulse \
${PN}-alsa \
${PN}-jack \
${PN}-spa-plugins \
${PN}-spa-plugins-meta \
${PN}-spa-tools \
${PN}-modules \
${PN}-modules-meta \
${PN}-alsa-card-profile \
${PN}-v4l2 \
gstreamer1.0-pipewire \
PACKAGES_DYNAMIC = "^${PN}-spa-plugins.* ^${PN}-modules.*"
PACKAGES_DYNAMIC:class-native = ""
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN} = "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'systemd-system-service', 'pipewire.service', '', d)}"
CONFFILES:${PN} += "${datadir}/pipewire/pipewire.conf"
FILES:${PN} = " \
${datadir}/pipewire \
${systemd_system_unitdir}/pipewire* \
${systemd_user_unitdir} \
${bindir}/pipewire \
${bindir}/pipewire-avb \
${bindir}/pipewire-aes67 \
${sysconfdir}/security/limits.d \
RRECOMMENDS:${PN}:class-target += " \
pipewire-modules-meta \
pipewire-spa-plugins-meta \
FILES:${PN}-dev += " \
${libdir}/${PW_MODULE_SUBDIR}/jack/libjack*.so \
CONFFILES:libpipewire += "${datadir}/pipewire/client.conf"
FILES:libpipewire = " \
${datadir}/pipewire/client.conf \
${libdir}/libpipewire-*.so.* \
# Add the bare minimum modules and plugins required to be able
# to use libpipewire. Without these, it is essentially unusable.
RDEPENDS:libpipewire += " \
${PN}-modules-client-node \
${PN}-modules-protocol-native \
${PN}-spa-plugins-support \
FILES:${PN}-tools = " \
${bindir}/pw-cat \
${bindir}/pw-cli \
${bindir}/pw-config \
${bindir}/pw-dot \
${bindir}/pw-dsdplay \
${bindir}/pw-dump \
${bindir}/pw-encplay \
${bindir}/pw-link \
${bindir}/pw-loopback \
${bindir}/pw-metadata \
${bindir}/pw-mididump \
${bindir}/pw-midiplay \
${bindir}/pw-midirecord \
${bindir}/pw-mon \
${bindir}/pw-play \
${bindir}/pw-profiler \
${bindir}/pw-record \
${bindir}/pw-reserve \
${bindir}/pw-top \
# This is a shim daemon that is intended to be used as a
# drop-in PulseAudio replacement, providing a pulseaudio-compatible
# socket that can be used by applications that use libpulse.
CONFFILES:${PN}-pulse += "${datadir}/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf"
FILES:${PN}-pulse = " \
${datadir}/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf \
${systemd_system_unitdir}/pipewire-pulse.* \
${systemd_user_unitdir}/pipewire-pulse.* \
${bindir}/pipewire-pulse \
RDEPENDS:${PN}-pulse += " \
${PN}-modules-protocol-pulse \
# ALSA plugin to redirect audio to pipewire.
FILES:${PN}-alsa = "\
${libdir}/alsa-lib/* \
${datadir}/alsa/alsa.conf.d/* \
# JACK drop-in libraries to redirect audio to pipewire.
CONFFILES:${PN}-jack = "${datadir}/pipewire/jack.conf"
FILES:${PN}-jack = "\
${bindir}/pw-jack \
${datadir}/pipewire/jack.conf \
${libdir}/${PW_MODULE_SUBDIR}/jack/libjack*.so.* \
# Dynamic SPA plugin packages (see set_dynamic_metapkg_rdepends).
FILES:${PN}-spa-plugins = ""
RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-spa-plugins += "${PN}-spa-plugins-meta"
FILES:${PN}-spa-plugins-bluez5 += " \
${datadir}/${SPA_SUBDIR}/bluez5/* \
FILES:${PN}-spa-tools = " \
${bindir}/spa-* \
# Dynamic PipeWire module packages (see set_dynamic_metapkg_rdepends).
FILES:${PN}-modules = ""
RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-modules += "${PN}-modules-meta"
CONFFILES:${PN}-modules-rt = "${datadir}/pipewire/client-rt.conf"
FILES:${PN}-modules-rt += " \
${datadir}/pipewire/client-rt.conf \
CONFFILES:${PN}-modules-filter-chain = "${datadir}/pipewire/filter-chain/*"
FILES:${PN}-modules-filter-chain += " \
${datadir}/pipewire/filter-chain/* \
FILES:${PN}-alsa-card-profile = " \
${datadir}/alsa-card-profile/* \
${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/rules.d/90-pipewire-alsa.rules \
# V4L2 interface emulator for sending/receiving data between PipeWire and V4L2 applications.
FILES:${PN}-v4l2 += " \
${bindir}/pw-v4l2 \
${libdir}/${PW_MODULE_SUBDIR}/v4l2/ \
FILES:gstreamer1.0-pipewire = " \
${libdir}/gstreamer-1.0/* \
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
wireplumber \
pipewire-alsa \
PACKAGECONFIG:remove = " \
systemd-system-service \
pkg_postinst_ontarget:${PN}() {
systemctl --global enable pipewire-pulse.socket pipewire.socket

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
PACKAGECONFIG += " gstreamer qt5 vorbis ogg x264 x11"
PACKAGECONFIG += " gstreamer qt5 vorbis ogg x264"
#DEPENDS += " \
# wayland-native \
DEPENDS += " \
protobuf-native \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-- These features require a session DBus instance, which is not available
-- by default in OE generated images. The absence of such a DBus instance
-- causes WirePlumber to fail to start. Turn these off to prevent that.["alsa.reserve"] = false["enable-flatpak-portal"] = false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
SUMMARY = "Session / policy manager implementation for PipeWire"
AUTHOR = "George Kiagiadakis <>"
SECTION = "multimedia"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=17d1fe479cdec331eecbc65d26bc7e77"
DEPENDS = "glib-2.0 glib-2.0-native lua pipewire \
${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "gobject-introspection-data", "python3-native python3-lxml-native doxygen-native", "", d)} \
SRCREV = "6d0c7f7b7f484b3cd2aaf2e2b3cc902c095b4946"
SRC_URI = " \
git://;branch=master;protocol=https \
file://90-OE-disable-session-dbus-dependent-features.lua \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit meson pkgconfig gobject-introspection systemd
# Enable system-lua to let wireplumber use OE's lua.
# Documentation needs python-sphinx, which is not in oe-core or meta-python2 for now.
# elogind is not (yet) available in OE, so disable support.
-Ddoc=disabled \
-Dsystem-lua=true \
-Delogind=disabled \
-Dsystemd-system-unit-dir=${systemd_system_unitdir} \
-Dsystemd-user-unit-dir=${systemd_user_unitdir} \
-Dtests=false \
PACKAGECONFIG ??= " dbus \
${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd systemd-system-service systemd-user-service', '', d)} \
PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "-Dsystemd=enabled,-Dsystemd=disabled,systemd"
PACKAGECONFIG[systemd-system-service] = "-Dsystemd-system-service=true,-Dsystemd-system-service=false,systemd"
# "systemd-user-service" packageconfig will only install service
# files to rootfs but not enable them as systemd.bbclass
# currently lacks the feature of enabling user services.
PACKAGECONFIG[systemd-user-service] = "-Dsystemd-user-service=true,-Dsystemd-user-service=false,systemd"
PACKAGESPLITFUNCS:prepend = " split_dynamic_packages "
PACKAGESPLITFUNCS:append = " set_dynamic_metapkg_rdepends "
WP_MODULE_SUBDIR = "wireplumber-0.4"
do_install:append() {
if ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'dbus', 'false', 'true', d)}; then
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/90-OE-disable-session-dbus-dependent-features.lua ${D}${datadir}/wireplumber/main.lua.d
python split_dynamic_packages () {
# Create packages for each WirePlumber module.
wp_module_libdir = d.expand('${libdir}/${WP_MODULE_SUBDIR}')
do_split_packages(d, wp_module_libdir, r'^libwireplumber-module-(.*)\.so$', d.expand('${PN}-modules-%s'), 'WirePlumber %s module', extra_depends='', recursive=False)
python set_dynamic_metapkg_rdepends () {
import os
import oe.utils
# Go through all generated WirePlumber module packages
# (excluding the main package and the -meta package itself)
# and add them to the -meta package as RDEPENDS.
base_pn = d.getVar('PN')
wp_module_pn = base_pn + '-modules'
wp_module_metapkg = wp_module_pn + '-meta'
d.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY:' + wp_module_metapkg, "1")
d.setVar('FILES:' + wp_module_metapkg, "")
blacklist = [ wp_module_pn, wp_module_metapkg ]
wp_module_metapkg_rdepends = []
pkgdest = d.getVar('PKGDEST')
for pkg in oe.utils.packages_filter_out_system(d):
if pkg in blacklist:
is_wp_module_pkg = pkg.startswith(wp_module_pn)
if not is_wp_module_pkg:
if pkg in wp_module_metapkg_rdepends:
# See if the package is empty by looking at the contents of its
# PKGDEST subdirectory. If this subdirectory is empty, then then
# package is empty as well. Empty packages do not get added to
# the meta package's RDEPENDS.
pkgdir = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg)
if os.path.exists(pkgdir):
dir_contents = os.listdir(pkgdir) or []
dir_contents = []
is_empty = len(dir_contents) == 0
if not is_empty:
if is_wp_module_pkg:
d.setVar('RDEPENDS:' + wp_module_metapkg, ' '.join(wp_module_metapkg_rdepends))
d.setVar('DESCRIPTION:' + wp_module_metapkg, wp_module_pn + ' meta package')
libwireplumber \
${PN}-default-config \
${PN}-scripts \
${PN}-modules \
${PN}-modules-meta \
PACKAGES_DYNAMIC = "^${PN}-modules.*"
CONFFILES:${PN} += " \
${datadir}/wireplumber/wireplumber.conf \
${datadir}/wireplumber/*.lua.d/* \
# Add pipewire to RRECOMMENDS, since WirePlumber expects a PipeWire daemon to
# be present. While in theory any application that uses libpipewire can configure
# itself to become a daemon, in practice, the PipeWire daemon is used.
RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "pipewire ${PN}-scripts ${PN}-modules-meta"
FILES:${PN} += "${systemd_user_unitdir} ${systemd_system_unitdir}"
FILES:libwireplumber = " \
${libdir}/libwireplumber-*.so.* \
FILES:${PN}-scripts += "${datadir}/wireplumber/scripts/*"
# Dynamic packages (see set_dynamic_metapkg_rdepends).
FILES:${PN}-modules = ""
RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-modules += "${PN}-modules-meta"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
systemd-user-service \
PACKAGECONFIG:remove = " \
systemd-system-service \
pkg_postinst_ontarget:${PN}() {
systemctl --global add-wants pipewire.service wireplumber.service

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
PACKAGECONFIG:append = " \
dnn \

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ DEPENDS = " \
libdotconf \
libsndfile1 \
systemd \
pulseaudio \
pipewire \
FILES:${PN} += " \