Yocto Images for Star64 and PineTabV Boards from pine64 https://pine64.my-ho.st:8443/
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2023-04-18 16:12:33 +08:00
conf Initial Commit 2023-04-18 16:12:33 +08:00
recipes-core Initial Commit 2023-04-18 16:12:33 +08:00
COPYING.MIT Initial Commit 2023-04-18 16:12:33 +08:00
README Initial Commit 2023-04-18 16:12:33 +08:00

This is a Yocto Image/Layer for the Star64/PineTabV devices from Pine64
Please see the corresponding sections below for details.


Pre-built SD/MMC images can be downloaded from https://pine64.my-ho.st:8443/

The images are configured with deb package management. Additional packages can 
be installed via the apt tool (you should first run ```apt update```). packages 
are hosted at the same above site. 

For additional packages not present, please submit a issue request, i'll do my 
best to find a recipe to include those packages.

The Following Images are currently provided:
 * star64-image-minimal - A CommandLine only image
 * star64-image-weston - A Weston/Wayland "Demo" image. 
 * star64-image-xfce - A XFCE Based Image.
 * star64-image-gnome - A Gnome Based Image.

 All Images contain the necessary patches to the kernel/userspace to support 
 GPU/VPU Acceleration. 

 The Kernel used is 5.15 - This is due to the GPU Model used in Star64 (BXE-4-32 GPU) (img-rouge) driver not 
 available for more recent kernels yet
*Warning* - Right now, these images might be a bit unstable as we finetune the image configurations. 
Running apt upgrade *might* break things. 

 * root
   password: pine64

 * pine64
   password: pine64

Table of Contents

  1. Layer Dependancies
  2. Patches
  3. Adding the meta-pine64 layer to your build
  4. Misc

1. Dependencies

  URI: https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
  branch: mickledore

  URI: https://github.com/riscv/meta-riscv
  branch: master 
  (this is pending patches to be upstreamed - For the moment, please use 
  https://github.com/Fishwaldo/meta-riscv - star64 branch)

  branch: mickledore
    * meta-oe
    * meta-networking
    * meta-python
    * meta-gnome
    * meta-multimedia
    * meta-xfce

2. Patches

This repository will accept patches that are for specific configurations of the Star64/PineTabV
If your patches are to fix builds, they should be submitted upstream to either the Yocto Project, 
or the meta-riscv if they are riscv related. 

These images have "default" configuration of the upstream sources. These upstream configurations 
might not work well on Star64 or PineTabV. If you find a configuration that is incompatible with 
these devices, please submit a issue (or better yet, add a bbappend recipe with fixes)

3. Adding the meta-pine64 layer to your build

Run 'bitbake-layers add-layer meta-pine64'

4. Misc

Discussions around these images takes place in the Star64 Channel on the Pine64 community 
(discord, telegram, matrix, IRC). Please see the Pine64 website for links to join these
online chat.