
283 lines
8.1 KiB

/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
* See for more details. */
// ---- Compile config -----
// -------------------------
// Intentionally avoid pulling in any other headers
#include <string>
namespace minihttp
bool InitNetwork();
void StopNetwork();
bool HasSSL();
bool SplitURI(const std::string& uri, std::string& host, std::string& file, int& port);
// append to enc
void URLEncode(const std::string& s, std::string& enc);
enum SSLResult
SSLR_OK = 0x0,
SSLR_NO_SSL = 0x1,
SSLR_FAIL = 0x2,
_SSLR_FORCE32BIT = 0x7fffffff
class TcpSocket
virtual ~TcpSocket();
virtual bool HasPendingTask() const { return false; }
bool open(const char *addr = NULL, unsigned int port = 0);
void close();
bool update(); // returns true if something interesting happened (incoming data, closed connection, etc)
bool isOpen(void);
void SetBufsizeIn(unsigned int s);
bool SetNonBlocking(bool nonblock);
unsigned int GetBufSize() { return _inbufSize; }
const char *GetHost(void) { return _host.c_str(); }
bool SendBytes(const void *buf, unsigned int len);
// SSL related
bool initSSL(const char *certs);
bool hasSSL() const { return !!_sslctx; }
void shutdownSSL();
SSLResult verifySSL();
virtual void _OnCloseInternal();
virtual void _OnData(); // data received callback. Internal, should only be overloaded to call _OnRecv()
virtual void _OnRecv(void *buf, unsigned int size) = 0;
virtual void _OnClose() {}; // close callback
virtual void _OnOpen() {} // called when opened
virtual bool _OnUpdate() { return true; } // called before reading from the socket
void _ShiftBuffer();
char *_inbuf;
char *_readptr; // part of inbuf, optionally skipped header
char *_writeptr; // passed to recv(). usually equal to _inbuf, but may point inside the buffer in case of a partial transfer.
unsigned int _inbufSize; // size of internal buffer
unsigned int _writeSize; // how many bytes can be written to _writeptr;
unsigned int _recvSize; // incoming size, max _inbufSize - 1
unsigned int _lastport; // port used in last open() call
bool _nonblocking; // Default true. If false, the current thread is blocked while waiting for input.
#ifdef _WIN32
intptr_t _s; // socket handle. really an int, but to be sure its 64 bit compatible as it seems required on windows, we use this.
long _s;
std::string _host;
int _writeBytes(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len);
int _readBytes(unsigned char *buf, size_t maxlen);
void *_sslctx;
} // end namespace minihttp
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <map>
#include <queue>
namespace minihttp
enum HttpCode
HTTP_OK = 200,
class POST
void reserve(size_t res) { data.reserve(res); }
POST& add(const char *key, const char *value);
const char *c_str() const { return data.c_str(); }
const std::string& str() const { return data; }
bool empty() const { return data.empty(); }
size_t length() const { return data.length(); }
std::string data;
struct Request
Request() : port(80), user(NULL) {}
Request(const std::string& h, const std::string& res, int p = 80, void *u = NULL)
: host(h), resource(res), port(80), user(u), useSSL(false) {}
std::string protocol;
std::string host;
std::string header; // set by socket
std::string resource;
std::string extraGetHeaders;
int port;
void *user;
bool useSSL;
POST post; // if this is empty, it's a GET request, otherwise a POST request
class HttpSocket : public TcpSocket
virtual ~HttpSocket();
virtual bool HasPendingTask() const
return ExpectMoreData() || _requestQ.size();
void SetKeepAlive(unsigned int secs) { _keep_alive = secs; }
void SetUserAgent(const std::string &s) { _user_agent = s; }
void SetAcceptEncoding(const std::string& s) { _accept_encoding = s; }
void SetFollowRedirect(bool follow) { _followRedir = follow; }
void SetAlwaysHandle(bool h) { _alwaysHandle = h; }
bool Download(const std::string& url, const char *extraRequest = NULL, void *user = NULL, const POST *post = NULL);
bool SendRequest(Request& what, bool enqueue);
bool SendRequest(const std::string what, const char *extraRequest = NULL, void *user = NULL);
bool QueueRequest(const std::string what, const char *extraRequest = NULL, void *user = NULL);
unsigned int GetRemaining() const { return _remaining; }
unsigned int GetStatusCode() const { return _status; }
unsigned int GetContentLen() const { return _contentLen; }
bool ChunkedTransfer() const { return _chunkedTransfer; }
bool ExpectMoreData() const { return _remaining || _chunkedTransfer; }
const Request &GetCurrentRequest() const { return _curRequest; }
const char *Hdr(const char *h) const;
bool IsRedirecting() const;
bool IsSuccess() const;
virtual void _OnCloseInternal();
virtual void _OnClose();
virtual void _OnData(); // data received callback. Internal, should only be overloaded to call _OnRecv()
virtual void _OnRecv(void *buf, unsigned int size) = 0;
virtual void _OnOpen(); // called when opene
virtual bool _OnUpdate(); // called before reading from the socket
// new ones:
virtual void _OnRequestDone() {}
bool _Redirect(std::string loc, bool forceGET);
void _ProcessChunk();
bool _EnqueueOrSend(const Request& req, bool forceQueue = false);
void _DequeueMore();
bool _OpenRequest(const Request& req);
void _ParseHeader();
void _ParseHeaderFields(const char *s, size_t size);
bool _HandleStatus(); // Returns whether the processed request was successful, or not
void _FinishRequest();
void _OnRecvInternal(void *buf, unsigned int size);
std::string _user_agent;
std::string _accept_encoding; // Default empty.
std::string _tmpHdr; // used to save the http header if the incoming buffer was not large enough
unsigned int _keep_alive; // http related
unsigned int _remaining; // http "Content-Length: X" - already recvd. 0 if ready for next packet.
// For chunked transfer encoding, this holds the remaining size of the current chunk
unsigned int _contentLen; // as reported by server
unsigned int _status; // http status code, HTTP_OK if things are good
std::queue<Request> _requestQ;
std::map<std::string, std::string> _hdrs; // Maps HTTP header fields to their values
Request _curRequest;
bool _inProgress;
bool _chunkedTransfer;
bool _mustClose; // keep-alive specified, or not
bool _followRedir; // Default true. Follow 3xx redirects if this is set.
bool _alwaysHandle; // Also deliver to _OnRecv() if a non-success code was received.
} // end namespace minihttp
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <map>
namespace minihttp
class SocketSet
virtual ~SocketSet();
void deleteAll();
bool update();
void add(TcpSocket *s, bool deleteWhenDone = true);
bool has(TcpSocket *s);
void remove(TcpSocket *s);
inline size_t size() { return _store.size(); }
struct SocketSetData
bool deleteWhenDone;
// To be extended
typedef std::map<TcpSocket*, SocketSetData> Store;
Store _store;
} // end namespace minihttp