Update config for IS140-2

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Justin Hammond 2019-06-02 12:30:08 +08:00
parent ac1eefbfb8
commit 6bafe58186
2 changed files with 99 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -1,40 +1,82 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns='https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave' Revision="1">
<!-- https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/2310/ -->
<Product Revision="2" xmlns="https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave">
<MetaDataItem name="OzwInfoPage">http://www.openzwave.com/device-database/0271:1A72:0002</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="ProductPic">images/steinel/is140-2.png</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem id="1A72" name="ZWProductPage" type="0002">https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/2310/</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="Name">IS 140-2 Z-Wave</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem id="1A72" name="Identifier" type="0002">40111677001</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem id="1A72" name="FrequencyName" type="0002">CEPT (Europe)</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="Description">Are you toying with the idea of fitting a motion detector to your building? The infrared controlled IS 140-2 motion detector gives you all the benefits of a modern detector. Needless to say, we always use the very latest technology for our bestsellers too. For instance, we have given the product in its current generation even more class: larger adjustment angle, even longer reach and even better detection performance. Treat your home to intelligent sensor technology.
Smart home included.
The optional Smart Friends box and the free Smart Friends app make it easy to set the motion detector via smart phone or tablet. The light connected can also be switched ON or OFF via app. Other Steinel products can also be interconnected. If you wish, this also works via remote control when you are out. That completes your own light management system.
Along with STEINEL products, Smart Friends solutions from PAULMANN, SCHELLENBERG and ABUS can also integrated. Smart homes from a brand-name provider.</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="ExclusionDescription">Exclusion = Remove
To start the motion detector's exclusion mode, turn the device's control dial (E) to "Set" and back to "0" within 5 seconds.
Removing IS 140-2 from the Smart Friends system:
1) In the rooms view, activate the edit mode.
2) Select the device in the chosen room and press the "delete" button. Press delete and follow the instructions in the app.
3) To put the device into exclusion mode, turn the device's control dial (E) to "Set" and back to "0" within 5 seconds. The red status LED (F) lights up to show that this mode is selected.
4) The app displays a confirmation message once exclusion has been successfully completed.</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="ResetDescription">Resetting IS 140-2 to factory settings:
Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.
1) Turn the device's control dial (E) to "Set" and move it to "Reset" within 5 seconds.
2) The status LED (F) briefly flashes to show that the light has been reset.
3) The device is now no longer included in the Z-Wave system and has been returned to factory settings.</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="InclusionDescription">Inclusion = Add
To start the motion detector's inclusion mode, turn the device's control dial (E) to "Set" and back to "0" within 5 seconds.
Adding IS 140-2 to the Smart Friends system:
1) Download the Smart Friends app from the app store.
2) In the rooms view, activate the edit mode.
3) Select the chosen room and press the "Add device" button.
4) To put the device into inclusion mode, turn the device's control dial (E) to "Set" and back to "0" within 5 seconds. The status LED (F) lights up to show that this mode is selected.
5) The app displays a confirmation message once inclusion has been successfully completed.</MetaDataItem>
<MetaDataItem name="ProductManual">https://Products.Z-WaveAlliance.org/ProductManual/File?folder=&amp;filename=Manuals/2310/IS140-2Z-Wave_5spr_110050437_11.04.17.pdf</MetaDataItem>
<Entry author="Justin Hammond - Justin@dynam.ac" date="02 Jun 2019" revision="2">Initial Metadata Import from Z-Wave Alliance Database - https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/2310/xml</Entry>
<!-- https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/2310/ -->
<!-- Configuration Parameters -->
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="1" type="short" label="Duration of light after motion detection" units="seconds" size="2" min="5" max="900" value="180">
<CommandClass id="112">
<Value genre="config" index="1" instance="1" label="Duration of light after motion detection" max="900" min="5" size="2" type="short" units="seconds" value="180">
Available settings: 5-900 seconds.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="2" type="short" label="Light threshold" units="lx" size="2" min="0" max="2000" value="2000">
<Value genre="config" index="2" instance="1" label="Light threshold" max="2000" min="0" size="2" type="short" units="lx" value="2000">
2000 - is used as daylight (always night mode).
0 - run Learn ambient light sequence. 2-1999 lux.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="5" type="byte" label="Sensitivity" units="%" size="1" min="2" max="100" value="100">
<Value genre="config" index="5" instance="1" label="Sensitivity" max="100" min="2" size="1" type="byte" units="%" value="100">
Potentiometer State.
Available settings: 2-100%.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="8" type="list" label="Global Light" units="" size="1" min="0" max="1" value="1">
<Help>External ambient light value.</Help>
<Item label="Enable" value="0"/>
<Item label="Disable" value="1"/>
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="9" type="list" label="Slave Mode" units="" size="1" min="0" max="4" value="2">
<Help>Disable local control.</Help>
<Item label="Normal mode" value="0"/>
<Item label="Slave mode without gateway checking" value="1"/>
<Item label="Normal mode with lifeline error signalisation" value="2"/>
<Item label="Slave mode with gateway checking" value="3"/>
<Item label="Stupid mode - lamp permanently on" value="4"/>
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="10" type="short" label="Off behaviour" units="" size="2" min="0" max="209" value="10">
<Value genre="config" index="8" instance="1" label="Global Light" max="1" min="0" size="1" type="list" units="" value="1">
<Help>External ambient light value.</Help>
<Item label="Enable" value="0"/>
<Item label="Disable" value="1"/>
<Value genre="config" index="9" instance="1" label="Slave Mode" max="4" min="0" size="1" type="list" units="" value="2">
<Help>Disable local control.</Help>
<Item label="Normal mode" value="0"/>
<Item label="Slave mode without gateway checking" value="1"/>
<Item label="Normal mode with lifeline error signalisation" value="2"/>
<Item label="Slave mode with gateway checking" value="3"/>
<Item label="Stupid mode - lamp permanently on" value="4"/>
<Value genre="config" index="10" instance="1" label="Off behaviour" max="209" min="0" size="2" type="short" units="" value="10">
Off behaviour (timeout).
0 - Lamp is switched off and remains so until any new motion event (local or remote) is received.
1 to 100 (Default) timeout: 1 second (1) to 100 seconds (100) in 1-second resolution.
@ -43,9 +85,9 @@
255 Lamp is switched off for TIME (cfg 1).
It does not wait for a motion event and works normally via current motion evaluation.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="11" type="short" label="On behaviour" units="" size="2" min="0" max="209" value="255">
<Value genre="config" index="11" instance="1" label="On behaviour" max="209" min="0" size="2" type="short" units="" value="255">
On behaviour (timeout).
Similar than Off behaviour.
Available settings: 0-255.
@ -53,9 +95,9 @@
It then works normally via current motion evaluation.
Notice - during the day, this mode cannot be ended remotely due to motion events not being transmitted - only via local motion sensor if enabled.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="12" type="short" label="On behaviour time over" units="" size="2" min="0" max="209" value="204">
<Value genre="config" index="12" instance="1" label="On behaviour time over" max="209" min="0" size="2" type="short" units="" value="204">
On behaviour time over (timeout).
Available settings: 0-255.
0 No additional waiting for motion.
@ -64,9 +106,9 @@
201 to 209 (Default) timeout: 1 hour (201) to 9 hours (209) in 1-hour resolution.
255 Never stop waiting before motion.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="13" type="short" label="Sequence On-Off behaviour" units="" size="2" min="0" max="209" value="204">
<Value genre="config" index="13" instance="1" label="Sequence On-Off behaviour" max="209" min="0" size="2" type="short" units="" value="204">
Available settings: 0-255.
0 - Lamp is switched off and remains so until any new motion event (local or remote) is received.
1 to 100 timeout: 1 second (1) to 100 seconds (100) in 1-second resolution.
@ -74,9 +116,9 @@
201 to 209 (Default) timeout: 1 hour (201) to 9 hours (209) in 1-hour resolution.
255 device ignores ON - OFF sequence and uses OFF behavior.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="14" type="short" label="Sequence Off-On behaviour" units="" size="2" min="0" max="209" value="204">
<Help>Available settings: 0-255.
<Value genre="config" index="14" instance="1" label="Sequence Off-On behaviour" max="209" min="0" size="2" type="short" units="" value="204">
<Help>Available settings: 0-255.
0 - Lamp is switched on and remains so until any new motion event (local or remote) is received.
It then works normally via current motion evaluation.
Notice - during the day, this mode cannot be ended remotely due to motion events not being transmitted - only via local motion sensor if enabled.
@ -85,14 +127,14 @@
201 to 209 (Default) timeout: 1 hour (201) to 9 hours (209) in 1-hour resolution.
255 device ignores OFF - ON sequence and uses ON behaviour.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="15" type="byte" label="Sequence timing" units="" size="1" min="10" max="50" value="10">
<Value genre="config" index="15" instance="1" label="Sequence timing" max="50" min="10" size="1" type="byte" units="" value="10">
Available settings: 10-50.
<Value genre="config" instance="1" index="16" type="short" label="Motion Off behaviour" units="" size="2" min="0" max="255" value="0">
<Value genre="config" index="16" instance="1" label="Motion Off behaviour" max="255" min="0" size="2" type="short" units="" value="0">
Available settings: 0-255.
0 (Default) BASIC SET to Motion sensor endpoint ignored, BASIC to root is mapped to relay endpoint, motion sensor still enabled.
1 to 100 timeout: 1 second (1) to 100 seconds (100) in 1-second resolution.
@ -100,18 +142,15 @@
201 to 209 timeout: 1 hour (201) to 9 hours (209) in 1-hour resolution.
255 BASIC SET to Motion sensor endpoint ignored, BASIC to root is mapped to relay endpoint, motion sensor still disabled
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="4">
<Group index="1" label="Lifeline" max_associations="1" />
<Group index="2" label="Control Basic Set" max_associations="16" />
<Group index="3" label="Motion Notifications" max_associations="16"/>
<Group index="4" label="Sensor Luminescence" max_associations="16"/>
<!-- Association Groups -->
<CommandClass id="133">
<Associations num_groups="4">
<Group index="1" label="Lifeline" max_associations="1"/>
<Group index="2" label="Control Basic Set" max_associations="16"/>
<Group index="3" label="Motion Notifications" max_associations="16"/>
<Group index="4" label="Sensor Luminescence" max_associations="16"/>