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Minimal Install Guide for OpenZWave!
For Unix's (including Mac, bsd's etc)
execute Make in the Top Level Directory
Libraries to link to (Static and Dynamic) will be in top level directory as
well (but you can change that as detailed below with LIBDIR)
To Install:
make install
Some Options you can set:
"BUILD=(release|debug)" - Build a Release or Debug Version of the Library
(Release is default)
"PREFIX=(path)" - Prefix to install the shared library into - Defaults to
"LIBDIR=/tmp" - Path to place the libraries into after complication. A poor
mans "make install" for simple Applications.
To use the options, specify them on the commandline when executing make eg:
"BUILD=debug PREFIX=/opt/local make"
What Gets installed:
When make install is called the following happens:
* Documentation:
if you have DoxyGen, API documentation is installed into
* Shared Libary (libopenzwave.so.*):
The Shared Library is installed into either (prefix)/lib64 (on 64
bit platforms) or (prefix)/lib/ on 32 bit platforms)
* Header Files:
Installed into (prefix)/include/openzwave/
* pkg-config file:
Installed into (prefix)/lib(64)/pkgconfig/libopenzwave.pc
* Config files and Device Databases (manufacturer_specific.xml et al)
Installed into (prefix)/etc/openzwave/
* MinOZW example program:
Installed into (prefix)/bin/ directory
The Static Version of the library is never installed, but will be created in
top build directory after a successfull make.
Windows Versions
Visual Studio Solution Files and Mingw32 Makefiles are present in
cpp/build/windows/. Select the correct Visual Studio or Mingw32 directory
depending on the versions you have.
(Note, if building DLL's on Windows (currently a option in the vs2010
solution) - You have to ensure you application is compiled with exactly the
same compiler options and versions as OpenZWave - Otherwise strange things
might happen)
For the .NET dll, the solution files exist in the dotnet/build/ directory
Sample Programs
For all platforms, there is a simple example program that will print out
events as they happen on your ZWave network. This sample is called MinOZW
and you can find the source in the cpp/examples directory. By default, these
examples are built during the Make Install Stage. If you want compile them
separately, you can use the "make examples" target.
For the .NET wrapper, there is a OZWForm application in
dotnet/examples/OZWForm/. Please read the README file in that directory for
further instructions