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synced 2025-03-15 11:31:29 +00:00
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Signed-off-by: Sherif Abdel-Naby <sherifabdlnaby@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 124 additions and 8 deletions
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ linters-settings:
- (github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/pkg/logutils.Log).Fatalf
# minimal confidence for issues, default is 0.8
min-confidence: 0.8
min-confidence: 0.1
# simplify code: gofmt with `-s` option, true by default
simplify: true
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ linters:
- varcheck
- bodyclose
- depguard
- golint
- dupl
- govet
- gochecknoinits
@ -14,4 +14,6 @@ require (
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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package job
//ErrorJobPanic Error returned when a Job panics
type ErrorJobPanic struct {
Message string
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ func (e ErrorJobPanic) Unwrap() error {
return e
//ErrorJobStarted Error returned when a has already started.
type ErrorJobStarted struct {
Message string
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import (
//Job Wraps JobFun and provide:
// 1. Creation, Start, and Finish Time
// 2. Recover From Panics
type Job struct {
id string
jobFunc func()
@ -18,10 +21,14 @@ type Job struct {
mx sync.RWMutex
//State Return Job current state.
func (j *Job) State() State {
defer j.mx.RUnlock()
return j.state
//NewJobWithID Create new Job with the supplied Id.
func NewJobWithID(id string, jobFunc func()) *Job {
return &Job{
id: id,
@ -33,14 +40,18 @@ func NewJobWithID(id string, jobFunc func()) *Job {
//NewJob Create new Job, ID is assigned a UUID instead.
func NewJob(jobFunc func()) *Job {
return NewJobWithID(uuid.New().String(), jobFunc)
//ID Return Job ID
func (j *Job) ID() string {
return j.id
//ActualElapsed Return the actual time of procession of Job.
// Return -1 if job hasn't started yet.
func (j *Job) ActualElapsed() time.Duration {
defer j.mx.RUnlock()
@ -54,6 +65,8 @@ func (j *Job) ActualElapsed() time.Duration {
return -1
//TotalElapsed Returns the total time between creation of object and finishing processing its job.
// Return -1 if job hasn't started yet.
func (j *Job) TotalElapsed() time.Duration {
defer j.mx.RUnlock()
@ -66,6 +79,8 @@ func (j *Job) TotalElapsed() time.Duration {
return -1
//Run Run the internal Job (synchronous)
func (j *Job) Run() error {
return j.run()
@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package job
//State Indicate the state of the Job
type State int64
const (
// NEW Job has just been created and hasn't started yet
NEW State = iota
// RUNNING Job started and is running.
// FINISHED Job started and finished processing.
// PANICKED Job started and finished but encountered a panic.
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ func (l logger) Named(name string) Logger {
return logger{SugaredLogger: l.SugaredLogger.Named(name)}
//DefaultLogger Return Default Sched Logger based on Zap's sugared logger
func DefaultLogger() Logger {
// TODO control verbosity
loggerBase, _ := zap.NewDevelopment()
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ func DefaultLogger() Logger {
//NopLogger Return a No Op Logger that prints nothing.
func NopLogger() Logger {
loggerBase := zap.NewNop()
sugarLogger := loggerBase.Sugar()
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ func defaultOptions() *options {
// Option to customize schedule behavior, check the sched.With*() functions that implement Option interface for the
// available options
type Option interface {
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ func (l loggerOption) apply(opts *options) {
opts.logger = l.Logger.Named("sched")
//WithLogger Use the supplied Logger as the logger.
func WithLogger(logger Logger) Option {
return loggerOption{Logger: logger}
@ -56,10 +59,16 @@ func (m metricsOption) apply(opts *options) {
opts.defaultScopePrintEvery = m.defaultScopePrintEvery
// WithMetrics Supply a tally.Scope to expose schedule metrics with. Ex. uber-go/tally/prometheus scope to expose
// schedule metrics via Prometheus endpoint.
// Use WithConsoleMetrics() to supply a predefined metrics console reporter without the need to implement any
// special metrics reporter scope.
func WithMetrics(metricsScope tally.Scope) Option {
return metricsOption{metricsScope: metricsScope, initConsoleMetrics: false, defaultScopePrintEvery: 0}
// WithConsoleMetrics a predefined console metrics reporter, uses the Logger interface of the schedule to print out
// metrics logs.
func WithConsoleMetrics(printEvery time.Duration) Option {
return metricsOption{metricsScope: nil, initConsoleMetrics: true, defaultScopePrintEvery: printEvery}
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import (
// Schedule A Schedule is an object that wraps a Job (func(){}) and runs it on a schedule according to the supplied
// Timer; With the the ability to expose metrics, and write logs to indicate job health, state, and stats.
type Schedule struct {
ID string
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ type Schedule struct {
metrics metrics
// NewSchedule NewSchedule
// NewSchedule Create a new schedule for` jobFunc func()` that will run according to `timer Timer` with the supplied []Options
func NewSchedule(id string, timer Timer, jobFunc func(), opts ...Option) *Schedule {
var options = defaultOptions()
@ -71,6 +73,12 @@ func NewSchedule(id string, timer Timer, jobFunc func(), opts ...Option) *Schedu
// Start Start the scheduler. Method is concurrent safe. Calling Start() have the following effects according to the
// scheduler state:
// 1. NEW: Start the Schedule; running the defined Job on the first Timer's Next() time.
// 2. STARTED: No Effect (and prints warning)
// 3. STOPPED: Restart the schedule
// 4. FINISHED: No Effect (and prints warning)
func (s *Schedule) Start() {
defer s.mx.Unlock()
@ -96,11 +104,19 @@ func (s *Schedule) Start() {
go func() {}()
// Stop stops the scheduler. Method is **Blocking** and concurrent safe. When called:
// 1. Schedule will cancel all waiting scheduled jobs.
// 2. Schedule will wait for all running jobs to finish.
// Calling Stop() has the following effects depending on the state of the schedule:
// 1. NEW: No Effect
// 2. STARTED: Stop Schedule
// 3. STOPPED: No Effect
// 4. FINISHED: No Effect
func (s *Schedule) Stop() {
defer s.mx.Unlock()
if s.state == STOPPED || s.state == FINISHED {
if s.state == STOPPED || s.state == FINISHED || s.state == NEW {
s.state = STOPPING
@ -119,6 +135,9 @@ func (s *Schedule) Stop() {
_ = s.logger.Sync()
// Finish stops the scheduler and put it FINISHED state so that schedule cannot re-start again. Finish() is called
// automatically if Schedule Timer returned `done bool` == true.
// Method is **Blocking** and concurrent safe.
func (s *Schedule) Finish() {
// Stop First
@ -5,12 +5,15 @@ import (
// Scheduler manage one or more Schedule creating them using common options, enforcing unique IDs, and supply methods to
// Start / Stop all schedule(s).
type Scheduler struct {
schedules map[string]*Schedule
scheduleOpts []Option
mx sync.RWMutex
//NewScheduler Creates new Scheduler, opt Options are applied to *every* schedule added and created by this scheduler.
func NewScheduler(opts ...Option) *Scheduler {
return &Scheduler{
schedules: make(map[string]*Schedule),
@ -18,17 +21,25 @@ func NewScheduler(opts ...Option) *Scheduler {
func (s *Scheduler) Add(id string, timer Timer, job func()) {
//Add Create a new schedule for` jobFunc func()` that will run according to `timer Timer` with the []Options of the Scheduler.
func (s *Scheduler) Add(id string, timer Timer, job func()) error {
defer s.mx.Unlock()
if _, ok := s.schedules[id]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("job with this ID already exists")
// Create schedule
schedule := NewSchedule(id, timer, job, s.scheduleOpts...)
// Add to managed schedules
s.schedules[id] = schedule
return nil
//Start Start the Schedule with the given ID. Return error if no Schedule with the given ID exist.
func (s *Scheduler) Start(id string) error {
defer s.mx.Unlock()
@ -45,6 +56,7 @@ func (s *Scheduler) Start(id string) error {
return nil
//StartAll Start All Schedules managed by the Scheduler
func (s *Scheduler) StartAll() {
defer s.mx.Unlock()
@ -53,6 +65,7 @@ func (s *Scheduler) StartAll() {
//Stop Stop the Schedule with the given ID. Return error if no Schedule with the given ID exist.
func (s *Scheduler) Stop(id string) error {
defer s.mx.Unlock()
@ -64,6 +77,7 @@ func (s *Scheduler) Stop(id string) error {
return nil
//StopAll Stops All Schedules managed by the Scheduler concurrently, but will block until ALL of them have stopped.
func (s *Scheduler) StopAll() {
defer s.mx.Unlock()
@ -1,12 +1,22 @@
package sched
//State Indicate the state of the Schedule
type State int64
const (
//NEW Schedule has just been created and hasn't started before
NEW State = iota
// STARTED Start Schedule has started and is running.
// STOPPING Schedule is Stopping and is waiting for all active jobs to finish.
// STOPPED Schedule has stopped and no longer scheduling new Jobs.
// FINISHED Schedule has finished, and will not be able to start again.
@ -7,24 +7,33 @@ import (
//Timer is an Interface for a Timer object that is used by a Schedule to determine when to run the next run of a job.
// Timer need to implement the Next() method returning the time of the next Job run. Timer indicates that no jobs shall
// be scheduled anymore by returning done == true. The `next time.Time` returned with `done bool` == true IS IGNORED.
// Next() shall not return time in the past. Time in the past is reset to time.Now() at evaluation time in the scheduler.
type Timer interface {
Next() (next time.Time, done bool)
//Once A timer that run ONCE after an optional specific delay.
type Once struct {
delay time.Duration
done bool
func NewOnce(delay time.Duration) (*Once, error) {
if delay < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid delay, must be >= 0")
//NewOnce Return a timer that trigger ONCE after `d` delay as soon as Timer is inquired for the next Run.
//Delay = 0 means the Timer return now(), aka as soon as time is inquired.
func NewOnce(d time.Duration) (*Once, error) {
if d < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid d, must be >= 0")
return &Once{
delay: delay,
delay: d,
}, nil
// NewOnceTime Return a timer that trigger ONCE at `t` time.Time.
//If `t` is in the past at inquery time, timer will NOT run.
func NewOnceTime(t time.Time) (*Once, error) {
remaining := time.Until(t)
if remaining < 0 {
@ -38,6 +47,7 @@ func NewOnceTime(t time.Time) (*Once, error) {
}, nil
//Next Return Next Time OR a boolean indicating no more Next()(s)
func (o *Once) Next() (time.Time, bool) {
if !o.done {
o.done = true
@ -46,11 +56,13 @@ func (o *Once) Next() (time.Time, bool) {
return time.Time{}, o.done
//Fixed A Timer that fires at a fixed duration intervals
type Fixed struct {
duration time.Duration
next time.Time
//NewFixed Returns Fixed Timer; A Timer that fires at a fixed duration intervals.
func NewFixed(duration time.Duration) (*Fixed, error) {
if duration < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid duration, must be >= 0")
@ -61,6 +73,7 @@ func NewFixed(duration time.Duration) (*Fixed, error) {
}, nil
//Next Return Next fire time.
func (f *Fixed) Next() (time.Time, bool) {
now := time.Now()
if now.After(f.next) {
@ -69,10 +82,14 @@ func (f *Fixed) Next() (time.Time, bool) {
return f.next, false
//Cron A Timer that fires at according to a cron expression.
//All expresion supported by `https://github.com/gorhill/cronexpr` are supported.
type Cron struct {
expression cronexpr.Expression
//NewCron returns a Timer that fires at according to a cron expression.
//All expresion supported by `https://github.com/gorhill/cronexpr` are supported.
func NewCron(cronExpression string) (*Cron, error) {
expression, err := cronexpr.Parse(cronExpression)
if err != nil {
@ -81,6 +98,7 @@ func NewCron(cronExpression string) (*Cron, error) {
return &Cron{expression: *expression}, nil
//Next Return Next fire time.
func (c *Cron) Next() (time.Time, bool) {
return c.expression.Next(time.Now()), false
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