boards: amlogic: update documentation for Beelink GT-King/Pro

Update the device matrix and add build instructions.

Signed-off-by: Christian Hewitt <>
Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <>
This commit is contained in:
Christian Hewitt 2020-12-18 08:45:45 +00:00 committed by Neil Armstrong
parent d83316643c
commit 702b8300f0
3 changed files with 234 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
U-Boot for Beelink GT-King
The Shenzen AZW (Beelink) GT-King is based on the Amlogic W400 reference
board with an S922X-H chip.
- 64GB eMMC storage
- 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet
- AP6356S Wireless (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, BT 4.1)
- HDMI 2.1 video
- S/PDIF optical output
- Analogue audio output
- 1x USB 2.0 port
- 2x USB 3.0 ports
- IR receiver
- 1x micro SD card slot
Beelink do not provide public schematics, but have been willing
to share them with known distro developers on request.
U-Boot compilation
.. code-block:: bash
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf-
$ make beelink-gtking_defconfig
$ make
Image creation
Amlogic does not provide sources for the firmware and for tools needed
to create the bootloader image. Beelink have provided the Amlogic "SDK"
in their forums, but the u-boot sources included result in 2GB RAM being
detected. The following FIPs were generated with newer private sources
and give correct (4GB) RAM detection:
NB: Beelink use a common board config for GT-King, GT-King Pro and the
GS-King-X model, hence the "beelink-s922x" name.
.. code-block:: bash
$ wget
$ unzip
$ export FIPDIR=$PWD/amlogic-boot-fip/beelink-s922x
Go back to the mainline U-Boot source tree then:
.. code-block:: bash
$ mkdir fip
$ cp $FIPDIR/* fip/
$ cp u-boot.bin fip/bl33.bin
$ sh fip/ \
fip/bl30.bin \
fip/zero_tmp \
fip/bl30_zero.bin \
fip/bl301.bin \
fip/bl301_zero.bin \
fip/bl30_new.bin \
$ sh fip/ \
fip/bl2.bin \
fip/zero_tmp \
fip/bl2_zero.bin \
fip/acs.bin \
fip/bl21_zero.bin \
fip/bl2_new.bin \
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl30sig --input fip/bl30_new.bin \
--output fip/bl30_new.bin.g12a.enc \
--level v3
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl30_new.bin.g12a.enc \
--output fip/bl30_new.bin.enc \
--level v3 --type bl30
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl31.img \
--output fip/bl31.img.enc \
--level v3 --type bl31
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl33.bin --compress lz4 \
--output fip/bl33.bin.enc \
--level v3 --type bl33
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl2sig --input fip/bl2_new.bin \
--output fip/bl2.n.bin.sig
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bootmk \
--output fip/u-boot.bin \
--bl2 fip/bl2.n.bin.sig \
--bl30 fip/bl30_new.bin.enc \
--bl31 fip/bl31.img.enc \
--bl33 fip/bl33.bin.enc \
--ddrfw1 fip/ddr4_1d.fw \
--ddrfw2 fip/ddr4_2d.fw \
--ddrfw3 fip/ddr3_1d.fw \
--ddrfw4 fip/piei.fw \
--ddrfw5 fip/lpddr4_1d.fw \
--ddrfw6 fip/lpddr4_2d.fw \
--ddrfw7 fip/diag_lpddr4.fw \
--ddrfw8 fip/aml_ddr.fw \
--level v3
and then write the image to SD with:
.. code-block:: bash
$ DEV=/dev/your_sd_device
$ dd if=fip/ of=$DEV conv=fsync,notrunc bs=512 skip=1 seek=1
$ dd if=fip/ of=$DEV conv=fsync,notrunc bs=1 count=444

View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
U-Boot for Beelink GT-King Pro
The Shenzen AZW (Beelink) GT-King Pro is based on the Amlogic W400 reference
board with an S922X-H chip.
- 64GB eMMC storage
- 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet
- AP6356S Wireless (802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, BT 4.1)
- HDMI 2.1 video
- Analogue audio output
- 1x RS232 port
- 2x USB 2.0 port
- 2x USB 3.0 ports
- IR receiver
- 1x SD card slot
- 1x Power on/off button
Beelink do not provide public schematics, but have been willing
to share them with known distro developers on request.
U-Boot compilation
.. code-block:: bash
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf-
$ make beelink-gtkingpro_defconfig
$ make
Image creation
Amlogic does not provide sources for the firmware and for tools needed
to create the bootloader image. Beelink have provided the Amlogic "SDK"
in their forums, but the u-boot sources included result in 2GB RAM being
detected. The following FIPs were generated with newer private sources
and give correct (4GB) RAM detection:
NB: Beelink use a common board config for GT-King, GT-King Pro and the
GS-King-X model, hence the "beelink-s922x" name.
.. code-block:: bash
$ wget
$ unzip
$ export FIPDIR=$PWD/amlogic-boot-fip/beelink-s922x
Go back to the mainline U-Boot source tree then:
.. code-block:: bash
$ mkdir fip
$ cp $FIPDIR/* fip/
$ cp u-boot.bin fip/bl33.bin
$ sh fip/ \
fip/bl30.bin \
fip/zero_tmp \
fip/bl30_zero.bin \
fip/bl301.bin \
fip/bl301_zero.bin \
fip/bl30_new.bin \
$ sh fip/ \
fip/bl2.bin \
fip/zero_tmp \
fip/bl2_zero.bin \
fip/acs.bin \
fip/bl21_zero.bin \
fip/bl2_new.bin \
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl30sig --input fip/bl30_new.bin \
--output fip/bl30_new.bin.g12a.enc \
--level v3
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl30_new.bin.g12a.enc \
--output fip/bl30_new.bin.enc \
--level v3 --type bl30
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl31.img \
--output fip/bl31.img.enc \
--level v3 --type bl31
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl33.bin --compress lz4 \
--output fip/bl33.bin.enc \
--level v3 --type bl33
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl2sig --input fip/bl2_new.bin \
--output fip/bl2.n.bin.sig
$ fip/aml_encrypt_g12b --bootmk \
--output fip/u-boot.bin \
--bl2 fip/bl2.n.bin.sig \
--bl30 fip/bl30_new.bin.enc \
--bl31 fip/bl31.img.enc \
--bl33 fip/bl33.bin.enc \
--ddrfw1 fip/ddr4_1d.fw \
--ddrfw2 fip/ddr4_2d.fw \
--ddrfw3 fip/ddr3_1d.fw \
--ddrfw4 fip/piei.fw \
--ddrfw5 fip/lpddr4_1d.fw \
--ddrfw6 fip/lpddr4_2d.fw \
--ddrfw7 fip/diag_lpddr4.fw \
--ddrfw8 fip/aml_ddr.fw \
--level v3
and then write the image to SD with:
.. code-block:: bash
$ DEV=/dev/your_sd_device
$ dd if=fip/ of=$DEV conv=fsync,notrunc bs=512 skip=1 seek=1
$ dd if=fip/ of=$DEV conv=fsync,notrunc bs=1 count=444

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ This matrix concerns the actual source code version.
| Boards | Odroid-C2 | P212 | Khadas VIM2 | S400 | U200 | Odroid-N2 | SEI610 |
| | Nanopi-K2 | Khadas-VIM | Libretech-PC | | SEI510 | Khadas-VIM3 | Khadas-VIM3L |
| | P200 | LibreTech-CC v1 | WeTek Core2 | | | | Odroid-C4 |
| | P200 | LibreTech-CC v1 | WeTek Core2 | | | GT-King/Pro | Odroid-C4 |
| | P201 | LibreTech-AC v2 | | | | | |
| UART | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** | **Yes** |
@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ Board Documentation
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1