diff --git a/tools/cleanpatch b/tools/cleanpatch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9680d03ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/cleanpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Clean a patch file -- or directory of patch files -- of stealth whitespace.
+# WARNING: this can be a highly destructive operation.  Use with caution.
+use bytes;
+use File::Basename;
+# Default options
+$max_width = 79;
+# Clean up space-tab sequences, either by removing spaces or
+# replacing them with tabs.
+sub clean_space_tabs($)
+    no bytes;			# Tab alignment depends on characters
+    my($li) = @_;
+    my($lo) = '';
+    my $pos = 0;
+    my $nsp = 0;
+    my($i, $c);
+    for ($i = 0; $i < length($li); $i++) {
+	$c = substr($li, $i, 1);
+	if ($c eq "\t") {
+	    my $npos = ($pos+$nsp+8) & ~7;
+	    my $ntab = ($npos >> 3) - ($pos >> 3);
+	    $lo .= "\t" x $ntab;
+	    $pos = $npos;
+	    $nsp = 0;
+	} elsif ($c eq "\n" || $c eq "\r") {
+	    $lo .= " " x $nsp;
+	    $pos += $nsp;
+	    $nsp = 0;
+	    $lo .= $c;
+	    $pos = 0;
+	} elsif ($c eq " ") {
+	    $nsp++;
+	} else {
+	    $lo .= " " x $nsp;
+	    $pos += $nsp;
+	    $nsp = 0;
+	    $lo .= $c;
+	    $pos++;
+	}
+    }
+    $lo .= " " x $nsp;
+    return $lo;
+# Compute the visual width of a string
+sub strwidth($) {
+    no bytes;			# Tab alignment depends on characters
+    my($li) = @_;
+    my($c, $i);
+    my $pos = 0;
+    my $mlen = 0;
+    for ($i = 0; $i < length($li); $i++) {
+	$c = substr($li,$i,1);
+	if ($c eq "\t") {
+	    $pos = ($pos+8) & ~7;
+	} elsif ($c eq "\n") {
+	    $mlen = $pos if ($pos > $mlen);
+	    $pos = 0;
+	} else {
+	    $pos++;
+	}
+    }
+    $mlen = $pos if ($pos > $mlen);
+    return $mlen;
+$name = basename($0);
+@files = ();
+while (defined($a = shift(@ARGV))) {
+    if ($a =~ /^-/) {
+	if ($a eq '-width' || $a eq '-w') {
+	    $max_width = shift(@ARGV)+0;
+	} else {
+	    print STDERR "Usage: $name [-width #] files...\n";
+	    exit 1;
+	}
+    } else {
+	push(@files, $a);
+    }
+foreach $f ( @files ) {
+    print STDERR "$name: $f\n";
+    if (! -f $f) {
+	print STDERR "$f: not a file\n";
+	next;
+    }
+    if (!open(FILE, '+<', $f)) {
+	print STDERR "$name: Cannot open file: $f: $!\n";
+	next;
+    }
+    binmode FILE;
+    # First, verify that it is not a binary file; consider any file
+    # with a zero byte to be a binary file.  Is there any better, or
+    # additional, heuristic that should be applied?
+    $is_binary = 0;
+    while (read(FILE, $data, 65536) > 0) {
+	if ($data =~ /\0/) {
+	    $is_binary = 1;
+	    last;
+	}
+    }
+    if ($is_binary) {
+	print STDERR "$name: $f: binary file\n";
+	next;
+    }
+    seek(FILE, 0, 0);
+    $in_bytes = 0;
+    $out_bytes = 0;
+    $lineno = 0;
+    @lines  = ();
+    $in_hunk = 0;
+    $err = 0;
+    while ( defined($line = <FILE>) ) {
+	$lineno++;
+	$in_bytes += length($line);
+	if (!$in_hunk) {
+	    if ($line =~
+		/^\@\@\s+\-([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\s+\+([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\s\@\@/) {
+		$minus_lines = $2;
+		$plus_lines = $4;
+		if ($minus_lines || $plus_lines) {
+		    $in_hunk = 1;
+		    @hunk_lines = ($line);
+		}
+	    } else {
+		push(@lines, $line);
+		$out_bytes += length($line);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    # We're in a hunk
+	    if ($line =~ /^\+/) {
+		$plus_lines--;
+		$text = substr($line, 1);
+		$text =~ s/[ \t\r]*$//;		# Remove trailing spaces
+		$text = clean_space_tabs($text);
+		$l_width = strwidth($text);
+		if ($max_width && $l_width > $max_width) {
+		    print STDERR
+			"$f:$lineno: adds line exceeds $max_width ",
+			"characters ($l_width)\n";
+		}
+		push(@hunk_lines, '+'.$text);
+	    } elsif ($line =~ /^\-/) {
+		$minus_lines--;
+		push(@hunk_lines, $line);
+	    } elsif ($line =~ /^ /) {
+		$plus_lines--;
+		$minus_lines--;
+		push(@hunk_lines, $line);
+	    } else {
+		print STDERR "$name: $f: malformed patch\n";
+		$err = 1;
+		last;
+	    }
+	    if ($plus_lines < 0 || $minus_lines < 0) {
+		print STDERR "$name: $f: malformed patch\n";
+		$err = 1;
+		last;
+	    } elsif ($plus_lines == 0 && $minus_lines == 0) {
+		# End of a hunk.  Process this hunk.
+		my $i;
+		my $l;
+		my @h = ();
+		my $adj = 0;
+		my $done = 0;
+		for ($i = scalar(@hunk_lines)-1; $i > 0; $i--) {
+		    $l = $hunk_lines[$i];
+		    if (!$done && $l eq "+\n") {
+			$adj++; # Skip this line
+		    } elsif ($l =~ /^[ +]/) {
+			$done = 1;
+			unshift(@h, $l);
+		    } else {
+			unshift(@h, $l);
+		    }
+		}
+		$l = $hunk_lines[0];  # Hunk header
+		undef @hunk_lines;    # Free memory
+		if ($adj) {
+		    die unless
+			($l =~ /^\@\@\s+\-([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\s+\+([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\s\@\@(.*)$/);
+		    my $mstart = $1;
+		    my $mlin = $2;
+		    my $pstart = $3;
+		    my $plin = $4;
+		    my $tail = $5; # doesn't include the final newline
+		    $l = sprintf("@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s\n",
+				 $mstart, $mlin, $pstart, $plin-$adj,
+				 $tail);
+		}
+		unshift(@h, $l);
+		# Transfer to the output array
+		foreach $l (@h) {
+		    $out_bytes += length($l);
+		    push(@lines, $l);
+		}
+		$in_hunk = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if ($in_hunk) {
+	print STDERR "$name: $f: malformed patch\n";
+	$err = 1;
+    }
+    if (!$err) {
+	if ($in_bytes != $out_bytes) {
+	    # Only write to the file if changed
+	    seek(FILE, 0, 0);
+	    print FILE @lines;
+	    if ( !defined($where = tell(FILE)) ||
+		 !truncate(FILE, $where) ) {
+		die "$name: Failed to truncate modified file: $f: $!\n";
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    close(FILE);