@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void spi_free_slave(struct spi_slave *slave)
int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave)
struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave);
unsigned int scalar, data1_reg_val = 0;
unsigned int scalar;
/* Enable the SPI hardware */
writel(SPIGCR0_SPIRST_MASK, &ds->regs->gcr0);
@ -93,11 +93,6 @@ int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave)
writel(8 | (scalar << SPIFMT_PRESCALE_SHIFT) |
(1 << SPIFMT_PHASE_SHIFT), &ds->regs->fmt0);
/* hold cs active at end of transfer until explicitly de-asserted */
data1_reg_val = (1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT) |
(slave->cs << SPIDAT1_CSNR_SHIFT);
writel(data1_reg_val, &ds->regs->dat1);
* Including a minor delay. No science here. Should be good even with
* no delay
@ -113,8 +108,7 @@ int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave)
writel(0, &ds->regs->lvl);
/* enable SPI */
writel((readl(&ds->regs->gcr1) |
SPIGCR1_SPIENA_MASK), &ds->regs->gcr1);
writel((readl(&ds->regs->gcr1) | SPIGCR1_SPIENA_MASK), &ds->regs->gcr1);
return 0;
@ -127,14 +121,125 @@ void spi_release_bus(struct spi_slave *slave)
writel(SPIGCR0_SPIRST_MASK, &ds->regs->gcr0);
* This functions needs to act like a macro to avoid pipeline reloads in the
* loops below. Use always_inline. This gains us about 160KiB/s and the bloat
* appears to be zero bytes (da830).
static inline u32 davinci_spi_xfer_data(struct davinci_spi_slave *ds, u32 data)
u32 buf_reg_val;
/* send out data */
writel(data, &ds->regs->dat1);
/* wait for the data to clock in/out */
while ((buf_reg_val = readl(&ds->regs->buf)) & SPIBUF_RXEMPTY_MASK)
return buf_reg_val;
static int davinci_spi_read(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int len,
u8 *rxp, unsigned long flags)
struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave);
unsigned int data1_reg_val;
/* enable CS hold, CS[n] and clear the data bits */
data1_reg_val = ((1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT) |
(slave->cs << SPIDAT1_CSNR_SHIFT));
/* wait till TXFULL is deasserted */
while (readl(&ds->regs->buf) & SPIBUF_TXFULL_MASK)
/* preload the TX buffer to avoid clock starvation */
writel(data1_reg_val, &ds->regs->dat1);
/* keep reading 1 byte until only 1 byte left */
while ((len--) > 1)
*rxp++ = davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val);
/* clear CS hold when we reach the end */
if (flags & SPI_XFER_END)
data1_reg_val &= ~(1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT);
/* read the last byte */
*rxp = davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val);
return 0;
static int davinci_spi_write(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int len,
const u8 *txp, unsigned long flags)
struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave);
unsigned int data1_reg_val;
/* enable CS hold and clear the data bits */
data1_reg_val = ((1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT) |
(slave->cs << SPIDAT1_CSNR_SHIFT));
/* wait till TXFULL is deasserted */
while (readl(&ds->regs->buf) & SPIBUF_TXFULL_MASK)
/* preload the TX buffer to avoid clock starvation */
if (len > 2) {
writel(data1_reg_val | *txp++, &ds->regs->dat1);
/* keep writing 1 byte until only 1 byte left */
while ((len--) > 1)
davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val | *txp++);
/* clear CS hold when we reach the end */
if (flags & SPI_XFER_END)
data1_reg_val &= ~(1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT);
/* write the last byte */
davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val | *txp);
return 0;
static int davinci_spi_read_write(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int len,
u8 *rxp, const u8 *txp, unsigned long flags)
struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave);
unsigned int data1_reg_val;
/* enable CS hold and clear the data bits */
data1_reg_val = ((1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT) |
(slave->cs << SPIDAT1_CSNR_SHIFT));
/* wait till TXFULL is deasserted */
while (readl(&ds->regs->buf) & SPIBUF_TXFULL_MASK)
/* keep reading and writing 1 byte until only 1 byte left */
while ((len--) > 1)
*rxp++ = davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val | *txp++);
/* clear CS hold when we reach the end */
if (flags & SPI_XFER_END)
data1_reg_val &= ~(1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT);
/* read and write the last byte */
*rxp = davinci_spi_xfer_data(ds, data1_reg_val | *txp);
return 0;
int spi_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int bitlen,
const void *dout, void *din, unsigned long flags)
struct davinci_spi_slave *ds = to_davinci_spi(slave);
unsigned int len, data1_reg_val = readl(&ds->regs->dat1);
unsigned int i_cnt = 0, o_cnt = 0, buf_reg_val;
const u8 *txp = dout; /* dout can be NULL for read operation */
u8 *rxp = din; /* din can be NULL for write operation */
unsigned int len;
if (bitlen == 0)
/* Finish any previously submitted transfers */
@ -154,63 +259,19 @@ int spi_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int bitlen,
len = bitlen / 8;
/* do an empty read to clear the current contents */
/* keep writing and reading 1 byte until done */
while ((i_cnt < len) || (o_cnt < len)) {
/* read RX buffer and flags */
buf_reg_val = readl(&ds->regs->buf);
/* if data is available */
if ((i_cnt < len) &&
(buf_reg_val & SPIBUF_RXEMPTY_MASK) == 0) {
* If there is no read buffer simply
* ignore the read character
if (rxp)
*rxp++ = buf_reg_val & 0xFF;
/* increment read words count */
* if the tx buffer is empty and there
* is still data to transmit
if ((o_cnt < len) &&
((buf_reg_val & SPIBUF_TXFULL_MASK) == 0)) {
/* write the data */
data1_reg_val &= ~0xFFFF;
if (txp)
data1_reg_val |= *txp++;
* Write to DAT1 is required to keep
* the serial transfer going.
* We just terminate when we reach the end.
if ((o_cnt == (len - 1)) && (flags & SPI_XFER_END)) {
/* clear CS hold */
writel(data1_reg_val &
} else {
/* enable CS hold and write TX register */
data1_reg_val |= ((1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT) |
(slave->cs << SPIDAT1_CSNR_SHIFT));
writel(data1_reg_val, &ds->regs->dat1);
/* increment written words count */
return 0;
if (!dout)
return davinci_spi_read(slave, len, din, flags);
else if (!din)
return davinci_spi_write(slave, len, dout, flags);
return davinci_spi_read_write(slave, len, din, dout, flags);
if (flags & SPI_XFER_END) {
writel(data1_reg_val &
~(1 << SPIDAT1_CSHOLD_SHIFT), &ds->regs->dat1);
u8 dummy = 0;
davinci_spi_write(slave, 1, &dummy, flags);
return 0;