# Copyright (c) 2017 Alison Chaiken # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Test GPT manipulation commands. import os import pytest import u_boot_utils import make_test_disk """ These tests rely on a 4 MB block device called testdisk.raw which is automatically removed at the end of the tests. """ @pytest.mark.buildconfigspec('cmd_gpt') def test_gpt_guid(u_boot_console): """Test the gpt guid command.""" if u_boot_console.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_gpt', 'n') != 'y': pytest.skip('gpt command not supported') make_test_disk.makeDisk() u_boot_console.run_command('host bind 0 testdisk.raw') output = u_boot_console.run_command('gpt guid host 0') assert '375a56f7-d6c9-4e81-b5f0-09d41ca89efe' in output @pytest.mark.buildconfigspec('cmd_gpt') def test_gpt_save_guid(u_boot_console): """Test the gpt guid command to save GUID into a string.""" if u_boot_console.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_gpt', 'n') != 'y': pytest.skip('gpt command not supported') u_boot_console.run_command('host bind 0 testdisk.raw') output = u_boot_console.run_command('gpt guid host 0 newguid') output = u_boot_console.run_command('printenv newguid') assert '375a56f7-d6c9-4e81-b5f0-09d41ca89efe' in output @pytest.mark.buildconfigspec('cmd_gpt') def test_gpt_rename_partition(u_boot_console): """Test the gpt rename command to write partition names.""" if u_boot_console.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_gpt_rename', 'n') != 'y': pytest.skip('gpt rename command not supported') u_boot_console.run_command('host bind 0 testdisk.raw') u_boot_console.run_command('gpt rename host 0 1 first') output = u_boot_console.run_command('gpt read host 0') assert 'name first' in output u_boot_console.run_command('gpt rename host 0 2 second') output = u_boot_console.run_command('gpt read host 0') assert 'name second' in output @pytest.mark.buildconfigspec('cmd_gpt') def test_gpt_swap_partitions(u_boot_console): """Test the gpt swap command to exchange two partition names.""" if u_boot_console.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_gpt_rename', 'n') != 'y': pytest.skip('gpt rename command not supported') if u_boot_console.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_part', 'n') != 'y': pytest.skip('gpt swap test needs CMD_PART') u_boot_console.run_command('host bind 0 testdisk.raw') output = u_boot_console.run_command('part list host 0') assert '0x000007ff "first"' in output assert '0x000017ff "second"' in output u_boot_console.run_command('gpt swap host 0 first second') output = u_boot_console.run_command('part list host 0') assert '0x000007ff "second"' in output assert '0x000017ff "first"' in output os.remove('testdisk.raw')