/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc * Copyright (c) 2005 MontaVista Software * Copyright (c) 2008 Excito Elektronik i Sk=E5ne AB * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #ifndef _EHCI_CI_H #define _EHCI_CI_H #include <asm/processor.h> #define CONTROL_REGISTER_W1C_MASK 0x00020000 /* W1C: PHY_CLK_VALID */ /* Global offsets */ #define FSL_SKIP_PCI 0x100 /* offsets for the non-ehci registers in the FSL SOC USB controller */ #define FSL_SOC_USB_ULPIVP 0x170 #define FSL_SOC_USB_PORTSC1 0x184 #define PORT_PTS_MSK (3 << 30) #define PORT_PTS_UTMI (0 << 30) #define PORT_PTS_ULPI (2 << 30) #define PORT_PTS_SERIAL (3 << 30) #define PORT_PTS_PTW (1 << 28) #define PORT_PFSC (1 << 24) /* Defined on Page 39-44 of the mpc5151 ERM */ #define PORT_PTS_PHCD (1 << 23) #define PORT_PP (1 << 12) #define PORT_PR (1 << 8) /* USBMODE Register bits */ #define CM_IDLE (0 << 0) #define CM_RESERVED (1 << 0) #define CM_DEVICE (2 << 0) #define CM_HOST (3 << 0) #define ES_BE (1 << 2) /* Big Endian Select, default is LE */ #define USBMODE_RESERVED_2 (0 << 2) #define SLOM (1 << 3) #define SDIS (1 << 4) /* CONTROL Register bits */ #define ULPI_INT_EN (1 << 0) #define WU_INT_EN (1 << 1) #define USB_EN (1 << 2) #define LSF_EN (1 << 3) #define KEEP_OTG_ON (1 << 4) #define OTG_PORT (1 << 5) #define REFSEL_12MHZ (0 << 6) #define REFSEL_16MHZ (1 << 6) #define REFSEL_48MHZ (2 << 6) #define PLL_RESET (1 << 8) #define UTMI_PHY_EN (1 << 9) #define PHY_CLK_SEL_UTMI (0 << 10) #define PHY_CLK_SEL_ULPI (1 << 10) #define CLKIN_SEL_USB_CLK (0 << 11) #define CLKIN_SEL_USB_CLK2 (1 << 11) #define CLKIN_SEL_SYS_CLK (2 << 11) #define CLKIN_SEL_SYS_CLK2 (3 << 11) #define RESERVED_18 (0 << 13) #define RESERVED_17 (0 << 14) #define RESERVED_16 (0 << 15) #define WU_INT (1 << 16) #define PHY_CLK_VALID (1 << 17) #define FSL_SOC_USB_PORTSC2 0x188 /* OTG Status Control Register bits */ #define FSL_SOC_USB_OTGSC 0x1a4 #define CTRL_VBUS_DISCHARGE (0x1<<0) #define CTRL_VBUS_CHARGE (0x1<<1) #define CTRL_OTG_TERMINATION (0x1<<3) #define CTRL_DATA_PULSING (0x1<<4) #define CTRL_ID_PULL_EN (0x1<<5) #define HA_DATA_PULSE (0x1<<6) #define HA_BA (0x1<<7) #define STS_USB_ID (0x1<<8) #define STS_A_VBUS_VALID (0x1<<9) #define STS_A_SESSION_VALID (0x1<<10) #define STS_B_SESSION_VALID (0x1<<11) #define STS_B_SESSION_END (0x1<<12) #define STS_1MS_TOGGLE (0x1<<13) #define STS_DATA_PULSING (0x1<<14) #define INTSTS_USB_ID (0x1<<16) #define INTSTS_A_VBUS_VALID (0x1<<17) #define INTSTS_A_SESSION_VALID (0x1<<18) #define INTSTS_B_SESSION_VALID (0x1<<19) #define INTSTS_B_SESSION_END (0x1<<20) #define INTSTS_1MS (0x1<<21) #define INTSTS_DATA_PULSING (0x1<<22) #define INTR_USB_ID_EN (0x1<<24) #define INTR_A_VBUS_VALID_EN (0x1<<25) #define INTR_A_SESSION_VALID_EN (0x1<<26) #define INTR_B_SESSION_VALID_EN (0x1<<27) #define INTR_B_SESSION_END_EN (0x1<<28) #define INTR_1MS_TIMER_EN (0x1<<29) #define INTR_DATA_PULSING_EN (0x1<<30) #define INTSTS_MASK (0x00ff0000) #define INTERRUPT_ENABLE_BITS_MASK \ (INTR_USB_ID_EN | \ INTR_1MS_TIMER_EN | \ INTR_A_VBUS_VALID_EN | \ INTR_A_SESSION_VALID_EN | \ INTR_B_SESSION_VALID_EN | \ INTR_B_SESSION_END_EN | \ INTR_DATA_PULSING_EN) #define INTERRUPT_STATUS_BITS_MASK \ (INTSTS_USB_ID | \ INTR_1MS_TIMER_EN | \ INTSTS_A_VBUS_VALID | \ INTSTS_A_SESSION_VALID | \ INTSTS_B_SESSION_VALID | \ INTSTS_B_SESSION_END | \ INTSTS_DATA_PULSING) #define FSL_SOC_USB_USBMODE 0x1a8 #define USBGENCTRL 0x200 /* NOTE: big endian */ #define GC_WU_INT_CLR (1 << 5) /* Wakeup int clear */ #define GC_ULPI_SEL (1 << 4) /* ULPI i/f select (usb0 only)*/ #define GC_PPP (1 << 3) /* Port Power Polarity */ #define GC_PFP (1 << 2) /* Power Fault Polarity */ #define GC_WU_ULPI_EN (1 << 1) /* Wakeup on ULPI event */ #define GC_WU_IE (1 << 1) /* Wakeup interrupt enable */ #define ISIPHYCTRL 0x204 /* NOTE: big endian */ #define PHYCTRL_PHYE (1 << 4) /* On-chip UTMI PHY enable */ #define PHYCTRL_BSENH (1 << 3) /* Bit Stuff Enable High */ #define PHYCTRL_BSEN (1 << 2) /* Bit Stuff Enable */ #define PHYCTRL_LSFE (1 << 1) /* Line State Filter Enable */ #define PHYCTRL_PXE (1 << 0) /* PHY oscillator enable */ #define FSL_SOC_USB_SNOOP1 0x400 /* NOTE: big-endian */ #define FSL_SOC_USB_SNOOP2 0x404 /* NOTE: big-endian */ #define FSL_SOC_USB_AGECNTTHRSH 0x408 /* NOTE: big-endian */ #define FSL_SOC_USB_PRICTRL 0x40c /* NOTE: big-endian */ #define FSL_SOC_USB_SICTRL 0x410 /* NOTE: big-endian */ #define FSL_SOC_USB_CTRL 0x500 /* NOTE: big-endian */ #define SNOOP_SIZE_2GB 0x1e /* System Clock Control Register */ #define MPC83XX_SCCR_USB_MASK 0x00f00000 #define MPC83XX_SCCR_USB_DRCM_11 0x00300000 #define MPC83XX_SCCR_USB_DRCM_01 0x00100000 #define MPC83XX_SCCR_USB_DRCM_10 0x00200000 #if defined(CONFIG_MPC83xx) #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB1_ADDR CONFIG_SYS_MPC83xx_USB1_ADDR #if defined(CONFIG_MPC834x) #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB2_ADDR CONFIG_SYS_MPC83xx_USB2_ADDR #else #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB2_ADDR 0 #endif #elif defined(CONFIG_MPC85xx) #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB1_ADDR CONFIG_SYS_MPC85xx_USB1_ADDR #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB2_ADDR CONFIG_SYS_MPC85xx_USB2_ADDR #elif defined(CONFIG_MPC512X) #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB1_ADDR CONFIG_SYS_MPC512x_USB1_ADDR #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB2_ADDR 0 #elif defined(CONFIG_LS102XA) #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB1_ADDR CONFIG_SYS_EHCI_USB1_ADDR #define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USB2_ADDR 0 #endif /* * Increasing TX FIFO threshold value from 2 to 4 decreases * data burst rate with which data packets are posted from the TX * latency FIFO to compensate for latencies in DDR pipeline during DMA */ #define TXFIFOTHRESH 4 /* * USB Registers */ struct usb_ehci { u32 id; /* 0x000 - Identification register */ u32 hwgeneral; /* 0x004 - General hardware parameters */ u32 hwhost; /* 0x008 - Host hardware parameters */ u32 hwdevice; /* 0x00C - Device hardware parameters */ u32 hwtxbuf; /* 0x010 - TX buffer hardware parameters */ u32 hwrxbuf; /* 0x014 - RX buffer hardware parameters */ u8 res1[0x68]; u32 gptimer0_ld; /* 0x080 - General Purpose Timer 0 load value */ u32 gptimer0_ctrl; /* 0x084 - General Purpose Timer 0 control */ u32 gptimer1_ld; /* 0x088 - General Purpose Timer 1 load value */ u32 gptimer1_ctrl; /* 0x08C - General Purpose Timer 1 control */ u32 sbuscfg; /* 0x090 - System Bus Interface Control */ u32 sbusstatus; /* 0x094 - System Bus Interface Status */ u32 sbusmode; /* 0x098 - System Bus Interface Mode */ u32 genconfig; /* 0x09C - USB Core Configuration */ u32 genconfig2; /* 0x0A0 - USB Core Configuration 2 */ u8 res2[0x5c]; u8 caplength; /* 0x100 - Capability Register Length */ u8 res3[0x1]; u16 hciversion; /* 0x102 - Host Interface Version */ u32 hcsparams; /* 0x104 - Host Structural Parameters */ u32 hccparams; /* 0x108 - Host Capability Parameters */ u8 res4[0x14]; u32 dciversion; /* 0x120 - Device Interface Version */ u32 dciparams; /* 0x124 - Device Controller Params */ u8 res5[0x18]; u32 usbcmd; /* 0x140 - USB Command */ u32 usbsts; /* 0x144 - USB Status */ u32 usbintr; /* 0x148 - USB Interrupt Enable */ u32 frindex; /* 0x14C - USB Frame Index */ u8 res6[0x4]; u32 perlistbase; /* 0x154 - Periodic List Base - USB Device Address */ u32 ep_list_addr; /* 0x158 - Next Asynchronous List - End Point Address */ u8 res7[0x4]; u32 burstsize; /* 0x160 - Programmable Burst Size */ #define FSL_EHCI_TXPBURST(X) ((X) << 8) #define FSL_EHCI_RXPBURST(X) (X) u32 txfilltuning; /* 0x164 - Host TT Transmit pre-buffer packet tuning */ u8 res8[0x8]; u32 ulpi_viewpoint; /* 0x170 - ULPI Reister Access */ u8 res9[0xc]; u32 config_flag; /* 0x180 - Configured Flag Register */ u32 portsc; /* 0x184 - Port status/control */ u8 res10[0x1C]; u32 otgsc; /* 0x1a4 - Oo-The-Go status and control */ u32 usbmode; /* 0x1a8 - USB Device Mode */ u32 epsetupstat; /* 0x1ac - End Point Setup Status */ u32 epprime; /* 0x1b0 - End Point Init Status */ u32 epflush; /* 0x1b4 - End Point De-initlialize */ u32 epstatus; /* 0x1b8 - End Point Status */ u32 epcomplete; /* 0x1bc - End Point Complete */ u32 epctrl0; /* 0x1c0 - End Point Control 0 */ u32 epctrl1; /* 0x1c4 - End Point Control 1 */ u32 epctrl2; /* 0x1c8 - End Point Control 2 */ u32 epctrl3; /* 0x1cc - End Point Control 3 */ u32 epctrl4; /* 0x1d0 - End Point Control 4 */ u32 epctrl5; /* 0x1d4 - End Point Control 5 */ u8 res11[0x28]; u32 usbgenctrl; /* 0x200 - USB General Control */ u32 isiphyctrl; /* 0x204 - On-Chip PHY Control */ u8 res12[0x1F8]; u32 snoop1; /* 0x400 - Snoop 1 */ u32 snoop2; /* 0x404 - Snoop 2 */ u32 age_cnt_limit; /* 0x408 - Age Count Threshold */ u32 prictrl; /* 0x40c - Priority Control */ u32 sictrl; /* 0x410 - System Interface Control */ u8 res13[0xEC]; u32 control; /* 0x500 - Control */ u8 res14[0xafc]; }; /* * For MXC SOCs */ /* values for portsc field */ #define MXC_EHCI_PHY_LOW_POWER_SUSPEND (1 << 23) #define MXC_EHCI_FORCE_FS (1 << 24) #define MXC_EHCI_UTMI_8BIT (0 << 28) #define MXC_EHCI_UTMI_16BIT (1 << 28) #define MXC_EHCI_SERIAL (1 << 29) #define MXC_EHCI_MODE_UTMI (0 << 30) #define MXC_EHCI_MODE_PHILIPS (1 << 30) #define MXC_EHCI_MODE_ULPI (2 << 30) #define MXC_EHCI_MODE_SERIAL (3 << 30) /* values for flags field */ #define MXC_EHCI_INTERFACE_DIFF_UNI (0 << 0) #define MXC_EHCI_INTERFACE_DIFF_BI (1 << 0) #define MXC_EHCI_INTERFACE_SINGLE_UNI (2 << 0) #define MXC_EHCI_INTERFACE_SINGLE_BI (3 << 0) #define MXC_EHCI_INTERFACE_MASK (0xf) #define MXC_EHCI_POWER_PINS_ENABLED (1 << 5) #define MXC_EHCI_PWR_PIN_ACTIVE_HIGH (1 << 6) #define MXC_EHCI_OC_PIN_ACTIVE_LOW (1 << 7) #define MXC_EHCI_TTL_ENABLED (1 << 8) #define MXC_EHCI_INTERNAL_PHY (1 << 9) #define MXC_EHCI_IPPUE_DOWN (1 << 10) #define MXC_EHCI_IPPUE_UP (1 << 11) int usb_phy_mode(int port); /* Board-specific initialization */ int board_ehci_hcd_init(int port); int board_usb_phy_mode(int port); #endif /* _EHCI_CI_H */