/* * (C) Copyright 2007 * Daniel Hellstrom, Gaisler Research, daniel@gaisler.com. * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * AMBA Plug&Play information list command * */ #include <common.h> #include <command.h> #include <ambapp.h> DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; /* We put these variables into .data section so that they are zero * when entering the AMBA Plug & Play routines (in cpu/cpu/ambapp.c) * the first time. BSS is not garantueed to be zero since BSS * hasn't been cleared the first times entering the CPU AMBA functions. * * The AMBA PnP routines call these functions if ambapp_???_print is set. * */ int ambapp_apb_print __attribute__ ((section(".data"))) = 0; int ambapp_ahb_print __attribute__ ((section(".data"))) = 0; typedef struct { int device_id; char *name; } ambapp_device_name; static ambapp_device_name gaisler_devices[] = { {GAISLER_LEON3, "GAISLER_LEON3"}, {GAISLER_LEON3DSU, "GAISLER_LEON3DSU"}, {GAISLER_ETHAHB, "GAISLER_ETHAHB"}, {GAISLER_ETHMAC, "GAISLER_ETHMAC"}, {GAISLER_APBMST, "GAISLER_APBMST"}, {GAISLER_AHBUART, "GAISLER_AHBUART"}, {GAISLER_SRCTRL, "GAISLER_SRCTRL"}, {GAISLER_SDCTRL, "GAISLER_SDCTRL"}, {GAISLER_APBUART, "GAISLER_APBUART"}, {GAISLER_IRQMP, "GAISLER_IRQMP"}, {GAISLER_AHBRAM, "GAISLER_AHBRAM"}, {GAISLER_GPTIMER, "GAISLER_GPTIMER"}, {GAISLER_PCITRG, "GAISLER_PCITRG"}, {GAISLER_PCISBRG, "GAISLER_PCISBRG"}, {GAISLER_PCIFBRG, "GAISLER_PCIFBRG"}, {GAISLER_PCITRACE, "GAISLER_PCITRACE"}, {GAISLER_AHBTRACE, "GAISLER_AHBTRACE"}, {GAISLER_ETHDSU, "GAISLER_ETHDSU"}, {GAISLER_PIOPORT, "GAISLER_PIOPORT"}, {GAISLER_AHBJTAG, "GAISLER_AHBJTAG"}, {GAISLER_ATACTRL, "GAISLER_ATACTRL"}, {GAISLER_VGA, "GAISLER_VGA"}, {GAISLER_KBD, "GAISLER_KBD"}, {GAISLER_L2TIME, "GAISLER_L2TIME"}, {GAISLER_L2C, "GAISLER_L2C"}, {GAISLER_PLUGPLAY, "GAISLER_PLUGPLAY"}, {GAISLER_SPW, "GAISLER_SPW"}, {GAISLER_SPW2, "GAISLER_SPW2"}, {GAISLER_EHCI, "GAISLER_EHCI"}, {GAISLER_UHCI, "GAISLER_UHCI"}, {GAISLER_AHBSTAT, "GAISLER_AHBSTAT"}, {GAISLER_DDR2SPA, "GAISLER_DDR2SPA"}, {GAISLER_DDRSPA, "GAISLER_DDRSPA"}, {0, NULL} }; static ambapp_device_name esa_devices[] = { {ESA_LEON2, "ESA_LEON2"}, {ESA_MCTRL, "ESA_MCTRL"}, {0, NULL} }; static ambapp_device_name opencores_devices[] = { {OPENCORES_PCIBR, "OPENCORES_PCIBR"}, {OPENCORES_ETHMAC, "OPENCORES_ETHMAC"}, {0, NULL} }; typedef struct { unsigned int vendor_id; char *name; ambapp_device_name *devices; } ambapp_vendor_devnames; static ambapp_vendor_devnames vendors[] = { {VENDOR_GAISLER, "VENDOR_GAISLER", gaisler_devices}, {VENDOR_ESA, "VENDOR_ESA", esa_devices}, {VENDOR_OPENCORES, "VENDOR_OPENCORES", opencores_devices}, {0, NULL, 0} }; static char *ambapp_get_devname(ambapp_device_name * devs, int id) { if (!devs) return NULL; while (devs->device_id > 0) { if (devs->device_id == id) return devs->name; devs++; } return NULL; } char *ambapp_device_id2str(int vendor, int id) { ambapp_vendor_devnames *ven = &vendors[0]; while (ven->vendor_id > 0) { if (ven->vendor_id == vendor) { return ambapp_get_devname(ven->devices, id); } ven++; } return NULL; } char *ambapp_vendor_id2str(int vendor) { ambapp_vendor_devnames *ven = &vendors[0]; while (ven->vendor_id > 0) { if (ven->vendor_id == vendor) { return ven->name; } ven++; } return NULL; } static char *unknown = "unknown"; /* Print one APB device */ void ambapp_print_apb(apbctrl_pp_dev * apb, ambapp_ahbdev * apbmst, int index) { char *dev_str, *ven_str; int irq, ver, vendor, deviceid; unsigned int address, apbmst_base, mask; vendor = amba_vendor(apb->conf); deviceid = amba_device(apb->conf); irq = amba_irq(apb->conf); ver = amba_ver(apb->conf); apbmst_base = apbmst->address[0] & LEON3_IO_AREA; address = (apbmst_base | (((apb->bar & 0xfff00000) >> 12))) & (((apb->bar & 0x0000fff0) << 4) | 0xfff00000); mask = amba_membar_mask(apb->bar) << 8; mask = ((~mask) & 0x000fffff) + 1; ven_str = ambapp_vendor_id2str(vendor); if (!ven_str) { ven_str = unknown; dev_str = unknown; } else { dev_str = ambapp_device_id2str(vendor, deviceid); if (!dev_str) dev_str = unknown; } printf("0x%02x:0x%02x:0x%02x: %s %s\n" " apb: 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n" " irq: %-2d (ver: %-2d)\n", index, vendor, deviceid, ven_str, dev_str, address, address + mask, irq, ver); } void ambapp_print_ahb(ahbctrl_pp_dev * ahb, int index) { char *dev_str, *ven_str; int irq, ver, vendor, deviceid; unsigned int addr, mask; int j; vendor = amba_vendor(ahb->conf); deviceid = amba_device(ahb->conf); irq = amba_irq(ahb->conf); ver = amba_ver(ahb->conf); ven_str = ambapp_vendor_id2str(vendor); if (!ven_str) { ven_str = unknown; dev_str = unknown; } else { dev_str = ambapp_device_id2str(vendor, deviceid); if (!dev_str) dev_str = unknown; } printf("0x%02x:0x%02x:0x%02x: %s %s\n", index, vendor, deviceid, ven_str, dev_str); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { addr = amba_membar_start(ahb->bars[j]); if (amba_membar_type(ahb->bars[j]) == 0) continue; if (amba_membar_type(ahb->bars[j]) == AMBA_TYPE_AHBIO) addr = AMBA_TYPE_AHBIO_ADDR(addr); mask = amba_membar_mask(ahb->bars[j]) << 20; printf(" mem: 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n", addr, addr + ((~mask) + 1)); } printf(" irq: %-2d (ver: %d)\n", irq, ver); } int do_ambapp_print(cmd_tbl_t * cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Print AHB Masters */ puts("--------- AHB Masters ---------\n"); ambapp_apb_print = 0; ambapp_ahb_print = 1; ambapp_ahbmst_count(99, 99); /* Get vendor&device 99 = nonexistent... */ /* Print AHB Slaves */ puts("--------- AHB Slaves ---------\n"); ambapp_ahbslv_count(99, 99); /* Get vendor&device 99 = nonexistent... */ /* Print APB Slaves */ puts("--------- APB Slaves ---------\n"); ambapp_apb_print = 1; ambapp_ahb_print = 0; ambapp_apb_count(99, 99); /* Get vendor&device 99 = nonexistent... */ /* Reset, no futher printing */ ambapp_apb_print = 0; ambapp_ahb_print = 0; puts("\n"); return 0; } int ambapp_init_reloc(void) { ambapp_vendor_devnames *vend = vendors; ambapp_device_name *dev; while (vend->vendor_id && vend->name) { vend->name = (char *)((unsigned int)vend->name + gd->reloc_off); vend->devices = (ambapp_device_name *) ((unsigned int)vend->devices + gd->reloc_off);; dev = vend->devices; vend++; if (!dev) continue; while (dev->device_id && dev->name) { dev->name = (char *)((unsigned int)dev->name + gd->reloc_off);; dev++; } } return 0; } U_BOOT_CMD(ambapp, 1, 1, do_ambapp_print, "list AMBA Plug&Play information", "ambapp\n" " - lists AMBA (AHB & APB) Plug&Play devices present on the system" );