# Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
# Written by Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
# SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+
# To run a single test, change to this directory, and:
#    python -m unittest func_test.TestFunctional.testHelp

from optparse import OptionParser
import os
import shutil
import struct
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest

import binman
import cmdline
import command
import control
import fdt
import fdt_util
import tools
import tout

# Contents of test files, corresponding to different entry types
U_BOOT_DATA           = '1234'
U_BOOT_IMG_DATA       = 'img'
U_BOOT_SPL_DATA       = '567'
BLOB_DATA             = '89'
ME_DATA               = '0abcd'
VGA_DATA              = 'vga'
U_BOOT_DTB_DATA       = 'udtb'
X86_START16_DATA      = 'start16'
X86_START16_SPL_DATA  = 'start16spl'
U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA     = 'nodtb with microcode pointer somewhere in here'
U_BOOT_SPL_NODTB_DATA = 'splnodtb with microcode pointer somewhere in here'
FSP_DATA              = 'fsp'
CMC_DATA              = 'cmc'
VBT_DATA              = 'vbt'

class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
    """Functional tests for binman

    Most of these use a sample .dts file to build an image and then check
    that it looks correct. The sample files are in the test/ subdirectory
    and are numbered.

    For each entry type a very small test file is created using fixed
    string contents. This makes it easy to test that things look right, and
    debug problems.

    In some cases a 'real' file must be used - these are also supplied in
    the test/ diurectory.
    def setUpClass(self):
        global entry
        import entry

        # Handle the case where argv[0] is 'python'
        self._binman_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
        self._binman_pathname = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'binman')

        # Create a temporary directory for input files
        self._indir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binmant.')

        # Create some test files
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.img', U_BOOT_IMG_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl.bin', U_BOOT_SPL_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('blobfile', BLOB_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('me.bin', ME_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vga.bin', VGA_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-x86-16bit.bin', X86_START16_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-nodtb.bin', U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('fsp.bin', FSP_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('cmc.bin', CMC_DATA)
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('vbt.bin', VBT_DATA)
        self._output_setup = False

        # ELF file with a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol
        with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', fd.read())

        # Intel flash descriptor file
        with open(self.TestFile('descriptor.bin')) as fd:
            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('descriptor.bin', fd.read())

    def tearDownClass(self):
        """Remove the temporary input directory and its contents"""
        if self._indir:
        self._indir = None

    def setUp(self):
        # Enable this to turn on debugging output
        # tout.Init(tout.DEBUG)
        command.test_result = None

    def tearDown(self):
        """Remove the temporary output directory"""

    def _RunBinman(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Run binman using the command line

            Arguments to pass, as a list of strings
            kwargs: Arguments to pass to Command.RunPipe()
        result = command.RunPipe([[self._binman_pathname] + list(args)],
                capture=True, capture_stderr=True, raise_on_error=False)
        if result.return_code and kwargs.get('raise_on_error', True):
            raise Exception("Error running '%s': %s" % (' '.join(args),
                            result.stdout + result.stderr))
        return result

    def _DoBinman(self, *args):
        """Run binman using directly (in the same process)

            Arguments to pass, as a list of strings
            Return value (0 for success)
        (options, args) = cmdline.ParseArgs(list(args))
        options.pager = 'binman-invalid-pager'
        options.build_dir = self._indir

        # For testing, you can force an increase in verbosity here
        # options.verbosity = tout.DEBUG
        return control.Binman(options, args)

    def _DoTestFile(self, fname):
        """Run binman with a given test file

            fname: Device tree source filename to use (e.g. 05_simple.dts)
        return self._DoBinman('-p', '-I', self._indir,
                              '-d', self.TestFile(fname))

    def _SetupDtb(self, fname, outfile='u-boot.dtb'):
        """Set up a new test device-tree file

        The given file is compiled and set up as the device tree to be used
        for ths test.

            fname: Filename of .dts file to read
            outfile: Output filename for compiled device tree binary

            Contents of device tree binary
        if not self._output_setup:
            tools.PrepareOutputDir(self._indir, True)
            self._output_setup = True
        dtb = fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(self.TestFile(fname))
        with open(dtb) as fd:
            data = fd.read()
            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile(outfile, data)
            return data

    def _DoReadFileDtb(self, fname, use_real_dtb=False):
        """Run binman and return the resulting image

        This runs binman with a given test file and then reads the resulting
        output file. It is a shortcut function since most tests need to do
        these steps.

        Raises an assertion failure if binman returns a non-zero exit code.

            fname: Device tree source filename to use (e.g. 05_simple.dts)
            use_real_dtb: True to use the test file as the contents of
                the u-boot-dtb entry. Normally this is not needed and the
                test contents (the U_BOOT_DTB_DATA string) can be used.
                But in some test we need the real contents.

                Resulting image contents
                Device tree contents
        dtb_data = None
        # Use the compiled test file as the u-boot-dtb input
        if use_real_dtb:
            dtb_data = self._SetupDtb(fname)

            retcode = self._DoTestFile(fname)
            self.assertEqual(0, retcode)

            # Find the (only) image, read it and return its contents
            image = control.images['image']
            fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image.bin')
            with open(fname) as fd:
                return fd.read(), dtb_data
            # Put the test file back
            if use_real_dtb:
                TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA)

    def _DoReadFile(self, fname, use_real_dtb=False):
        """Helper function which discards the device-tree binary"""
        return self._DoReadFileDtb(fname, use_real_dtb)[0]

    def _MakeInputFile(self, fname, contents):
        """Create a new test input file, creating directories as needed

            fname: Filenaem to create
            contents: File contents to write in to the file
            Full pathname of file created
        pathname = os.path.join(self._indir, fname)
        dirname = os.path.dirname(pathname)
        if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
        with open(pathname, 'wb') as fd:
        return pathname

    def TestFile(self, fname):
        return os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'test', fname)

    def AssertInList(self, grep_list, target):
        """Assert that at least one of a list of things is in a target

            grep_list: List of strings to check
            target: Target string
        for grep in grep_list:
            if grep in target:
        self.fail("Error: '%' not found in '%s'" % (grep_list, target))

    def CheckNoGaps(self, entries):
        """Check that all entries fit together without gaps

            entries: List of entries to check
        pos = 0
        for entry in entries.values():
            self.assertEqual(pos, entry.pos)
            pos += entry.size

    def GetFdtLen(self, dtb):
        """Get the totalsize field from a device tree binary

            dtb: Device tree binary contents

            Total size of device tree binary, from the header
        return struct.unpack('>L', dtb[4:8])[0]

    def testRun(self):
        """Test a basic run with valid args"""
        result = self._RunBinman('-h')

    def testFullHelp(self):
        """Test that the full help is displayed with -H"""
        result = self._RunBinman('-H')
        help_file = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'README')
        self.assertEqual(len(result.stdout), os.path.getsize(help_file))
        self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
        self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)

    def testFullHelpInternal(self):
        """Test that the full help is displayed with -H"""
            command.test_result = command.CommandResult()
            result = self._DoBinman('-H')
            help_file = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'README')
            command.test_result = None

    def testHelp(self):
        """Test that the basic help is displayed with -h"""
        result = self._RunBinman('-h')
        self.assertTrue(len(result.stdout) > 200)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
        self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)

    # Not yet available.
    def testBoard(self):
        """Test that we can run it with a specific board"""
        self._SetupDtb('05_simple.dts', 'sandbox/u-boot.dtb')
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('sandbox/u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA)
        result = self._DoBinman('-b', 'sandbox')
        self.assertEqual(0, result)

    def testNeedBoard(self):
        """Test that we get an error when no board ius supplied"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
            result = self._DoBinman()
        self.assertIn("Must provide a board to process (use -b <board>)",

    def testMissingDt(self):
        """Test that an invalid device tree file generates an error"""
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
            self._RunBinman('-d', 'missing_file')
        # We get one error from libfdt, and a different one from fdtget.
        self.AssertInList(["Couldn't open blob from 'missing_file'",
                           'No such file or directory'], str(e.exception))

    def testBrokenDt(self):
        """Test that an invalid device tree source file generates an error

        Since this is a source file it should be compiled and the error
        will come from the device-tree compiler (dtc).
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
            self._RunBinman('-d', self.TestFile('01_invalid.dts'))
        self.assertIn("FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree",

    def testMissingNode(self):
        """Test that a device tree without a 'binman' node generates an error"""
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
            self._DoBinman('-d', self.TestFile('02_missing_node.dts'))
        self.assertIn("does not have a 'binman' node", str(e.exception))

    def testEmpty(self):
        """Test that an empty binman node works OK (i.e. does nothing)"""
        result = self._RunBinman('-d', self.TestFile('03_empty.dts'))
        self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
        self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)

    def testInvalidEntry(self):
        """Test that an invalid entry is flagged"""
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
            result = self._RunBinman('-d',
        #print e.exception
        self.assertIn("Unknown entry type 'not-a-valid-type' in node "
                "'/binman/not-a-valid-type'", str(e.exception))

    def testSimple(self):
        """Test a simple binman with a single file"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('05_simple.dts')
        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data)

    def testDual(self):
        """Test that we can handle creating two images

        This also tests image padding.
        retcode = self._DoTestFile('06_dual_image.dts')
        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)

        image = control.images['image1']
        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), image._size)
        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image1.bin')
        with open(fname) as fd:
            data = fd.read()
            self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data)

        image = control.images['image2']
        self.assertEqual(3 + len(U_BOOT_DATA) + 5, image._size)
        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image2.bin')
        with open(fname) as fd:
            data = fd.read()
            self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data[3:7])
            self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 3, data[:3])
            self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 5, data[7:])

    def testBadAlign(self):
        """Test that an invalid alignment value is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment 23 must be a power "
                      "of two", str(e.exception))

    def testPackSimple(self):
        """Test that packing works as expected"""
        retcode = self._DoTestFile('08_pack.dts')
        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
        self.assertIn('image', control.images)
        image = control.images['image']
        entries = image._entries
        self.assertEqual(5, len(entries))

        # First u-boot
        self.assertIn('u-boot', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot']
        self.assertEqual(0, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)

        # Second u-boot, aligned to 16-byte boundary
        self.assertIn('u-boot-align', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot-align']
        self.assertEqual(16, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)

        # Third u-boot, size 23 bytes
        self.assertIn('u-boot-size', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot-size']
        self.assertEqual(20, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.contents_size)
        self.assertEqual(23, entry.size)

        # Fourth u-boot, placed immediate after the above
        self.assertIn('u-boot-next', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot-next']
        self.assertEqual(43, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)

        # Fifth u-boot, placed at a fixed position
        self.assertIn('u-boot-fixed', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot-fixed']
        self.assertEqual(61, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)

        self.assertEqual(65, image._size)

    def testPackExtra(self):
        """Test that extra packing feature works as expected"""
        retcode = self._DoTestFile('09_pack_extra.dts')

        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
        self.assertIn('image', control.images)
        image = control.images['image']
        entries = image._entries
        self.assertEqual(5, len(entries))

        # First u-boot with padding before and after
        self.assertIn('u-boot', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot']
        self.assertEqual(0, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(3, entry.pad_before)
        self.assertEqual(3 + 5 + len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)

        # Second u-boot has an aligned size, but it has no effect
        self.assertIn('u-boot-align-size-nop', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot-align-size-nop']
        self.assertEqual(12, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(4, entry.size)

        # Third u-boot has an aligned size too
        self.assertIn('u-boot-align-size', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot-align-size']
        self.assertEqual(16, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(32, entry.size)

        # Fourth u-boot has an aligned end
        self.assertIn('u-boot-align-end', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot-align-end']
        self.assertEqual(48, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(16, entry.size)

        # Fifth u-boot immediately afterwards
        self.assertIn('u-boot-align-both', entries)
        entry = entries['u-boot-align-both']
        self.assertEqual(64, entry.pos)
        self.assertEqual(64, entry.size)

        self.assertEqual(128, image._size)

    def testPackAlignPowerOf2(self):
        """Test that invalid entry alignment is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment 5 must be a power "
                      "of two", str(e.exception))

    def testPackAlignSizePowerOf2(self):
        """Test that invalid entry size alignment is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment size 55 must be a "
                      "power of two", str(e.exception))

    def testPackInvalidAlign(self):
        """Test detection of an position that does not match its alignment"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Position 0x5 (5) does not match "
                      "align 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception))

    def testPackInvalidSizeAlign(self):
        """Test that invalid entry size alignment is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Size 0x5 (5) does not match "
                      "align-size 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception))

    def testPackOverlap(self):
        """Test that overlapping regions are detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-align': Position 0x3 (3) overlaps "
                      "with previous entry '/binman/u-boot' ending at 0x4 (4)",

    def testPackEntryOverflow(self):
        """Test that entries that overflow their size are detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Entry contents size is 0x4 (4) "
                      "but entry size is 0x3 (3)", str(e.exception))

    def testPackImageOverflow(self):
        """Test that entries which overflow the image size are detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Image '/binman': contents size 0x4 (4) exceeds image "
                      "size 0x3 (3)", str(e.exception))

    def testPackImageSize(self):
        """Test that the image size can be set"""
        retcode = self._DoTestFile('17_pack_image_size.dts')
        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
        self.assertIn('image', control.images)
        image = control.images['image']
        self.assertEqual(7, image._size)

    def testPackImageSizeAlign(self):
        """Test that image size alignemnt works as expected"""
        retcode = self._DoTestFile('18_pack_image_align.dts')
        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
        self.assertIn('image', control.images)
        image = control.images['image']
        self.assertEqual(16, image._size)

    def testPackInvalidImageAlign(self):
        """Test that invalid image alignment is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Size 0x7 (7) does not match "
                      "align-size 0x8 (8)", str(e.exception))

    def testPackAlignPowerOf2(self):
        """Test that invalid image alignment is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Alignment size 131 must be a power of "
                      "two", str(e.exception))

    def testImagePadByte(self):
        """Test that the image pad byte can be specified"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('21_image_pad.dts')
        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + (chr(0xff) * 9) + U_BOOT_DATA, data)

    def testImageName(self):
        """Test that image files can be named"""
        retcode = self._DoTestFile('22_image_name.dts')
        self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
        image = control.images['image1']
        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('test-name')

        image = control.images['image2']
        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('test-name.xx')

    def testBlobFilename(self):
        """Test that generic blobs can be provided by filename"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('23_blob.dts')
        self.assertEqual(BLOB_DATA, data)

    def testPackSorted(self):
        """Test that entries can be sorted"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('24_sorted.dts')
        self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 5 + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + chr(0) * 2 +
                         U_BOOT_DATA, data)

    def testPackZeroPosition(self):
        """Test that an entry at position 0 is not given a new position"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-spl': Position 0x0 (0) overlaps "
                      "with previous entry '/binman/u-boot' ending at 0x4 (4)",

    def testPackUbootDtb(self):
        """Test that a device tree can be added to U-Boot"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('26_pack_u_boot_dtb.dts')
        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, data)

    def testPackX86RomNoSize(self):
        """Test that the end-at-4gb property requires a size property"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Image size must be provided when "
                      "using end-at-4gb", str(e.exception))

    def testPackX86RomOutside(self):
        """Test that the end-at-4gb property checks for position boundaries"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Position 0x0 (0) is outside "
                      "the image starting at 0xfffffff0 (4294967280)",

    def testPackX86Rom(self):
        """Test that a basic x86 ROM can be created"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('29_x86-rom.dts')
        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA + chr(0) * 3 + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA +
                         chr(0) * 6, data)

    def testPackX86RomMeNoDesc(self):
        """Test that an invalid Intel descriptor entry is detected"""
        TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('descriptor.bin', '')
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/intel-descriptor': Cannot find FD "
                      "signature", str(e.exception))

    def testPackX86RomBadDesc(self):
        """Test that the Intel requires a descriptor entry"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/intel-me': No position set with "
                      "pos-unset: should another entry provide this correct "
                      "position?", str(e.exception))

    def testPackX86RomMe(self):
        """Test that an x86 ROM with an ME region can be created"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('31_x86-rom-me.dts')
        self.assertEqual(ME_DATA, data[0x1000:0x1000 + len(ME_DATA)])

    def testPackVga(self):
        """Test that an image with a VGA binary can be created"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('32_intel-vga.dts')
        self.assertEqual(VGA_DATA, data[:len(VGA_DATA)])

    def testPackStart16(self):
        """Test that an image with an x86 start16 region can be created"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('33_x86-start16.dts')
        self.assertEqual(X86_START16_DATA, data[:len(X86_START16_DATA)])

    def _RunMicrocodeTest(self, dts_fname, nodtb_data):
        data = self._DoReadFile(dts_fname, True)

        # Now check the device tree has no microcode
        second = data[len(nodtb_data):]
        fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('test.dtb')
        with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
        dtb = fdt.FdtScan(fname)
        ucode = dtb.GetNode('/microcode')
        for node in ucode.subnodes:

        fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(second)
        third = second[fdt_len:]

        # Check that the microcode appears immediately after the Fdt
        # This matches the concatenation of the data properties in
        # the /microcode/update@xxx nodes in 34_x86_ucode.dts.
        ucode_data = struct.pack('>4L', 0x12345678, 0x12345679, 0xabcd0000,
        self.assertEqual(ucode_data, third[:len(ucode_data)])
        ucode_pos = len(nodtb_data) + fdt_len

        # Check that the microcode pointer was inserted. It should match the
        # expected position and size
        pos_and_size = struct.pack('<2L', 0xfffffe00 + ucode_pos,
        first = data[:len(nodtb_data)]
        return first, pos_and_size

    def testPackUbootMicrocode(self):
        """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly

        We expect to see the following in the image, in order:
            u-boot-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the correct
            u-boot.dtb with the microcode removed
            the microcode
        first, pos_and_size = self._RunMicrocodeTest('34_x86_ucode.dts',
        self.assertEqual('nodtb with microcode' + pos_and_size +
                         ' somewhere in here', first)

    def _RunPackUbootSingleMicrocode(self):
        """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly

        We expect to see the following in the image, in order:
            u-boot-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the correct
            u-boot.dtb with the microcode
            an empty microcode region
        # We need the libfdt library to run this test since only that allows
        # finding the offset of a property. This is required by
        # Entry_u_boot_dtb_with_ucode.ObtainContents().
        data = self._DoReadFile('35_x86_single_ucode.dts', True)

        second = data[len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA):]

        fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(second)
        third = second[fdt_len:]
        second = second[:fdt_len]

        ucode_data = struct.pack('>2L', 0x12345678, 0x12345679)
        self.assertIn(ucode_data, second)
        ucode_pos = second.find(ucode_data) + len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)

        # Check that the microcode pointer was inserted. It should match the
        # expected position and size
        pos_and_size = struct.pack('<2L', 0xfffffe00 + ucode_pos,
        first = data[:len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)]
        self.assertEqual('nodtb with microcode' + pos_and_size +
                         ' somewhere in here', first)

    def testPackUbootSingleMicrocode(self):
        """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly with fdt_normal.

    def testUBootImg(self):
        """Test that u-boot.img can be put in a file"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('36_u_boot_img.dts')
        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_IMG_DATA, data)

    def testNoMicrocode(self):
        """Test that a missing microcode region is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
            self._DoReadFile('37_x86_no_ucode.dts', True)
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-dtb-with-ucode': No /microcode "
                      "node found in ", str(e.exception))

    def testMicrocodeWithoutNode(self):
        """Test that a missing u-boot-dtb-with-ucode node is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
            self._DoReadFile('38_x86_ucode_missing_node.dts', True)
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot find "
                "microcode region u-boot-dtb-with-ucode", str(e.exception))

    def testMicrocodeWithoutNode2(self):
        """Test that a missing u-boot-ucode node is detected"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
            self._DoReadFile('39_x86_ucode_missing_node2.dts', True)
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot find "
            "microcode region u-boot-ucode", str(e.exception))

    def testMicrocodeWithoutPtrInElf(self):
        """Test that a U-Boot binary without the microcode symbol is detected"""
        # ELF file without a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol
            with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_no_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
                TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', fd.read())

            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
            self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Cannot locate "
                    "_dt_ucode_base_size symbol in u-boot", str(e.exception))

            # Put the original file back
            with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
                TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', fd.read())

    def testMicrocodeNotInImage(self):
        """Test that microcode must be placed within the image"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
            self._DoReadFile('40_x86_ucode_not_in_image.dts', True)
        self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-with-ucode-ptr': Microcode "
                "pointer _dt_ucode_base_size at fffffe14 is outside the "
                "image ranging from 00000000 to 0000002e", str(e.exception))

    def testWithoutMicrocode(self):
        """Test that we can cope with an image without microcode (e.g. qemu)"""
        with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_no_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot', fd.read())
        data, dtb = self._DoReadFileDtb('44_x86_optional_ucode.dts', True)

        # Now check the device tree has no microcode
        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA, data[:len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)])
        second = data[len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA):]

        fdt_len = self.GetFdtLen(second)
        self.assertEqual(dtb, second[:fdt_len])

        used_len = len(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA) + fdt_len
        third = data[used_len:]
        self.assertEqual(chr(0) * (0x200 - used_len), third)

    def testUnknownPosSize(self):
        """Test that microcode must be placed within the image"""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
            self._DoReadFile('41_unknown_pos_size.dts', True)
        self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Unable to set pos/size for unknown "
                "entry 'invalid-entry'", str(e.exception))

    def testPackFsp(self):
        """Test that an image with a FSP binary can be created"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('42_intel-fsp.dts')
        self.assertEqual(FSP_DATA, data[:len(FSP_DATA)])

    def testPackCmc(self):
        """Test that an image with a CMC binary can be created"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('43_intel-cmc.dts')
        self.assertEqual(CMC_DATA, data[:len(CMC_DATA)])

    def testPackVbt(self):
        """Test that an image with a VBT binary can be created"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('46_intel-vbt.dts')
        self.assertEqual(VBT_DATA, data[:len(VBT_DATA)])

    def testSplBssPad(self):
        """Test that we can pad SPL's BSS with zeros"""
        # ELF file with a '__bss_size' symbol
        with open(self.TestFile('bss_data')) as fd:
            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl', fd.read())
        data = self._DoReadFile('47_spl_bss_pad.dts')
        self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + (chr(0) * 10) + U_BOOT_DATA, data)

    def testPackStart16Spl(self):
        """Test that an image with an x86 start16 region can be created"""
        data = self._DoReadFile('48_x86-start16-spl.dts')
        self.assertEqual(X86_START16_SPL_DATA, data[:len(X86_START16_SPL_DATA)])

    def testPackUbootSplMicrocode(self):
        """Test that x86 microcode can be handled correctly in SPL

        We expect to see the following in the image, in order:
            u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin with a microcode pointer inserted at the
                correct place
            u-boot.dtb with the microcode removed
            the microcode
        # ELF file with a '_dt_ucode_base_size' symbol
        with open(self.TestFile('u_boot_ucode_ptr')) as fd:
            TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl', fd.read())
        first, pos_and_size = self._RunMicrocodeTest('49_x86_ucode_spl.dts',
        self.assertEqual('splnodtb with microc' + pos_and_size +
                         'ter somewhere in here', first)

if __name__ == "__main__":