/* * (C) Copyright 2001 * Denis Peter, MPL AG Switzerland * * Most of this source has been derived from the Linux USB * project. * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* * How it works: * * Since this is a bootloader, the devices will not be automatic * (re)configured on hotplug, but after a restart of the USB the * device should work. * * For each transfer (except "Interrupt") we wait for completion. */ #include <common.h> #include <command.h> #include <asm/processor.h> #if (CONFIG_COMMANDS & CFG_CMD_USB) #include <usb.h> #ifdef CONFIG_4xx #include <405gp_pci.h> #endif #undef USB_DEBUG #ifdef USB_DEBUG #define USB_PRINTF(fmt,args...) printf (fmt ,##args) #else #define USB_PRINTF(fmt,args...) #endif static struct usb_device usb_dev[USB_MAX_DEVICE]; static int dev_index; static int running; static int asynch_allowed; static struct devrequest setup_packet; /********************************************************************** * some forward declerations... */ void usb_scan_devices(void); int usb_hub_probe(struct usb_device *dev, int ifnum); void usb_hub_reset(void); /*********************************************************************** * wait_ms */ void __inline__ wait_ms(unsigned long ms) { while(ms-->0) udelay(1000); } /*************************************************************************** * Init USB Device */ int usb_init(void) { int result; running=0; dev_index=0; asynch_allowed=1; usb_hub_reset(); /* init low_level USB */ printf("USB: "); result = usb_lowlevel_init(); /* if lowlevel init is OK, scan the bus for devices i.e. search HUBs and configure them */ if(result==0) { printf("scanning bus for devices... "); running=1; usb_scan_devices(); return 0; } else { printf("Error, couldn't init Lowlevel part\n"); return -1; } } /****************************************************************************** * Stop USB this stops the LowLevel Part and deregisters USB devices. */ int usb_stop(void) { asynch_allowed=1; usb_hub_reset(); return usb_lowlevel_stop(); } /* * disables the asynch behaviour of the control message. This is used for data * transfers that uses the exclusiv access to the control and bulk messages. */ void usb_disable_asynch(int disable) { asynch_allowed=!disable; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * Message wrappers. * */ /* * submits an Interrupt Message */ int usb_submit_int_msg(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned long pipe, void *buffer,int transfer_len, int interval) { return submit_int_msg(dev,pipe,buffer,transfer_len,interval); } /* * submits a control message and waits for comletion (at least timeout * 1ms) * If timeout is 0, we don't wait for completion (used as example to set and * clear keyboards LEDs). For data transfers, (storage transfers) we don't * allow control messages with 0 timeout, by previousely resetting the flag * asynch_allowed (usb_disable_asynch(1)). * returns the transfered length if OK or -1 if error. The transfered length * and the current status are stored in the dev->act_len and dev->status. */ int usb_control_msg(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe, unsigned char request, unsigned char requesttype, unsigned short value, unsigned short index, void *data, unsigned short size, int timeout) { if((timeout==0)&&(!asynch_allowed)) /* request for a asynch control pipe is not allowed */ return -1; /* set setup command */ setup_packet.requesttype = requesttype; setup_packet.request = request; setup_packet.value = swap_16(value); setup_packet.index = swap_16(index); setup_packet.length = swap_16(size); USB_PRINTF("usb_control_msg: request: 0x%X, requesttype: 0x%X\nvalue 0x%X index 0x%X length 0x%X\n", request,requesttype,value,index,size); dev->status=USB_ST_NOT_PROC; /*not yet processed */ submit_control_msg(dev,pipe,data,size,&setup_packet); if(timeout==0) { return (int)size; } while(timeout--) { if(!((volatile unsigned long)dev->status & USB_ST_NOT_PROC)) break; wait_ms(1); } if(dev->status==0) return dev->act_len; else { return -1; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * submits bulk message, and waits for completion. returns 0 if Ok or * -1 if Error. * synchronous behavior */ int usb_bulk_msg(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe, void *data, int len, int *actual_length, int timeout) { if (len < 0) return -1; dev->status=USB_ST_NOT_PROC; /*not yet processed */ submit_bulk_msg(dev,pipe,data,len); while(timeout--) { if(!((volatile unsigned long)dev->status & USB_ST_NOT_PROC)) break; wait_ms(1); } *actual_length=dev->act_len; if(dev->status==0) return 0; else return -1; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------- * Max Packet stuff */ /* * returns the max packet size, depending on the pipe direction and * the configurations values */ int usb_maxpacket(struct usb_device *dev,unsigned long pipe) { if((pipe & USB_DIR_IN)==0) /* direction is out -> use emaxpacket out */ return(dev->epmaxpacketout[((pipe>>15) & 0xf)]); else return(dev->epmaxpacketin[((pipe>>15) & 0xf)]); } /* * set the max packed value of all endpoints in the given configuration */ int usb_set_maxpacket(struct usb_device *dev) { int i,ii,b; struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep; for(i=0; i<dev->config.bNumInterfaces;i++) { for(ii=0; ii<dev->config.if_desc[i].bNumEndpoints; ii++) { ep=&dev->config.if_desc[i].ep_desc[ii]; b=ep->bEndpointAddress & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK; if((ep->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK)==USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_CONTROL) { /* Control => bidirectional */ dev->epmaxpacketout[b] = ep->wMaxPacketSize; dev->epmaxpacketin [b] = ep->wMaxPacketSize; USB_PRINTF("##Control EP epmaxpacketout/in[%d] = %d\n",b,dev->epmaxpacketin[b]); } else { if ((ep->bEndpointAddress & 0x80)==0) { /* OUT Endpoint */ if(ep->wMaxPacketSize > dev->epmaxpacketout[b]) { dev->epmaxpacketout[b] = ep->wMaxPacketSize; USB_PRINTF("##EP epmaxpacketout[%d] = %d\n",b,dev->epmaxpacketout[b]); } } else { /* IN Endpoint */ if(ep->wMaxPacketSize > dev->epmaxpacketin[b]) { dev->epmaxpacketin[b] = ep->wMaxPacketSize; USB_PRINTF("##EP epmaxpacketin[%d] = %d\n",b,dev->epmaxpacketin[b]); } } /* if out */ } /* if control */ } /* for each endpoint */ } return 0; } /******************************************************************************* * Parse the config, located in buffer, and fills the dev->config structure. * Note that all little/big endian swapping are done automatically. */ int usb_parse_config(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned char *buffer, int cfgno) { struct usb_descriptor_header *head; int index,ifno,epno; ifno=-1; epno=-1; dev->configno=cfgno; head =(struct usb_descriptor_header *)&buffer[0]; if(head->bDescriptorType!=USB_DT_CONFIG) { printf(" ERROR: NOT USB_CONFIG_DESC %x\n",head->bDescriptorType); return -1; } memcpy(&dev->config,buffer,buffer[0]); dev->config.wTotalLength=swap_16(dev->config.wTotalLength); dev->config.no_of_if=0; index=dev->config.bLength; /* Ok the first entry must be a configuration entry, now process the others */ head=(struct usb_descriptor_header *)&buffer[index]; while(index+1 < dev->config.wTotalLength) { switch(head->bDescriptorType) { case USB_DT_INTERFACE: ifno=dev->config.no_of_if; dev->config.no_of_if++; /* found an interface desc, increase numbers */ memcpy(&dev->config.if_desc[ifno],&buffer[index],buffer[index]); /* copy new desc */ dev->config.if_desc[ifno].no_of_ep=0; break; case USB_DT_ENDPOINT: epno=dev->config.if_desc[ifno].no_of_ep; dev->config.if_desc[ifno].no_of_ep++; /* found an endpoint */ memcpy(&dev->config.if_desc[ifno].ep_desc[epno],&buffer[index],buffer[index]); dev->config.if_desc[ifno].ep_desc[epno].wMaxPacketSize =swap_16(dev->config.if_desc[ifno].ep_desc[epno].wMaxPacketSize); USB_PRINTF("if %d, ep %d\n",ifno,epno); break; default: if(head->bLength==0) return 1; USB_PRINTF("unknown Description Type : %x\n",head->bDescriptorType); { int i; unsigned char *ch; ch=(unsigned char *)head; for(i=0;i<head->bLength; i++) USB_PRINTF("%02X ",*ch++); USB_PRINTF("\n\n\n"); } break; } index+=head->bLength; head=(struct usb_descriptor_header *)&buffer[index]; } return 1; } /*********************************************************************** * Clears an endpoint * endp: endpoint number in bits 0-3; * direction flag in bit 7 (1 = IN, 0 = OUT) */ int usb_clear_halt(struct usb_device *dev, int pipe) { int result; unsigned short status; int endp=usb_pipeendpoint(pipe)|(usb_pipein(pipe)<<7); result = usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, USB_RECIP_ENDPOINT, 0, endp, NULL, 0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT * 3); /* don't clear if failed */ if (result < 0) return result; result = usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_GET_STATUS, USB_DIR_IN | USB_RECIP_ENDPOINT, 0, endp, &status, sizeof(status), USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT * 3); if (result < 0) return result; USB_PRINTF("usb_clear_halt: status 0x%x\n",status); if (status & 1) return -1; /* still halted */ usb_endpoint_running(dev, usb_pipeendpoint(pipe), usb_pipeout(pipe)); /* toggle is reset on clear */ usb_settoggle(dev, usb_pipeendpoint(pipe), usb_pipeout(pipe), 0); return 0; } /********************************************************************** * get_descriptor type */ int usb_get_descriptor(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned char type, unsigned char index, void *buf, int size) { int res; res = usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR, USB_DIR_IN, (type << 8) + index, 0, buf, size, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); return res; } /********************************************************************** * gets configuration cfgno and store it in the buffer */ int usb_get_configuration_no(struct usb_device *dev,unsigned char *buffer,int cfgno) { int result; unsigned int tmp; struct usb_config_descriptor *config; config=(struct usb_config_descriptor *)&buffer[0]; result = usb_get_descriptor(dev, USB_DT_CONFIG, cfgno, buffer, 8); if (result < 8) { if (result < 0) printf("unable to get descriptor, error %lX\n",dev->status); else printf("config descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i)\n",8,result); return -1; } tmp=swap_16(config->wTotalLength); result = usb_get_descriptor(dev, USB_DT_CONFIG, cfgno, buffer, tmp); USB_PRINTF("get_conf_no %d Result %d, wLength %d\n",cfgno,result,tmp); return result; } /******************************************************************** * set address of a device to the value in dev->devnum. * This can only be done by addressing the device via the default address (0) */ int usb_set_address(struct usb_device *dev) { int res; USB_PRINTF("set address %d\n",dev->devnum); res=usb_control_msg(dev, usb_snddefctrl(dev), USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS, 0, (dev->devnum),0, NULL,0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); return res; } /******************************************************************** * set interface number to interface */ int usb_set_interface(struct usb_device *dev, int interface, int alternate) { struct usb_interface_descriptor *if_face = NULL; int ret, i; for (i=0; i<dev->config.bNumInterfaces; i++) { if (dev->config.if_desc[i].bInterfaceNumber == interface) { if_face = &dev->config.if_desc[i]; break; } } if (!if_face) { printf("selecting invalid interface %d", interface); return -1; } if ((ret = usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE, USB_RECIP_INTERFACE, alternate, interface, NULL, 0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT * 5)) < 0) return ret; if_face->act_altsetting = (unsigned char)alternate; usb_set_maxpacket(dev); return 0; } /******************************************************************** * set configuration number to configuration */ int usb_set_configuration(struct usb_device *dev, int configuration) { int res; USB_PRINTF("set configuration %d\n",configuration); /* set setup command */ res=usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev,0), USB_REQ_SET_CONFIGURATION, 0, configuration,0, NULL,0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); if(res==0) { dev->toggle[0] = 0; dev->toggle[1] = 0; return 0; } else return -1; } /******************************************************************** * set protocol to protocol */ int usb_set_protocol(struct usb_device *dev, int ifnum, int protocol) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_SET_PROTOCOL, USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE, protocol, ifnum, NULL, 0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } /******************************************************************** * set idle */ int usb_set_idle(struct usb_device *dev, int ifnum, int duration, int report_id) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_SET_IDLE, USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE, (duration << 8) | report_id, ifnum, NULL, 0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } /******************************************************************** * get report */ int usb_get_report(struct usb_device *dev, int ifnum, unsigned char type, unsigned char id, void *buf, int size) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_GET_REPORT, USB_DIR_IN | USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE, (type << 8) + id, ifnum, buf, size, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } /******************************************************************** * get class descriptor */ int usb_get_class_descriptor(struct usb_device *dev, int ifnum, unsigned char type, unsigned char id, void *buf, int size) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR, USB_RECIP_INTERFACE | USB_DIR_IN, (type << 8) + id, ifnum, buf, size, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } /******************************************************************** * get string index in buffer */ int usb_get_string(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned short langid, unsigned char index, void *buf, int size) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR, USB_DIR_IN, (USB_DT_STRING << 8) + index, langid, buf, size, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } /******************************************************************** * usb_string: * Get string index and translate it to ascii. * returns string length (> 0) or error (< 0) */ int usb_string(struct usb_device *dev, int index, char *buf, size_t size) { unsigned char mybuf[256]; unsigned char *tbuf; int err; unsigned int u, idx; if (size <= 0 || !buf || !index) return -1; buf[0] = 0; tbuf=&mybuf[0]; /* get langid for strings if it's not yet known */ if (!dev->have_langid) { err = usb_get_string(dev, 0, 0, tbuf, 4); if (err < 0) { USB_PRINTF("error getting string descriptor 0 (error=%x)\n",dev->status); return -1; } else if (tbuf[0] < 4) { USB_PRINTF("string descriptor 0 too short\n"); return -1; } else { dev->have_langid = -1; dev->string_langid = tbuf[2] | (tbuf[3]<< 8); /* always use the first langid listed */ USB_PRINTF("USB device number %d default language ID 0x%x\n", dev->devnum, dev->string_langid); } } /* Just ask for a maximum length string and then take the length * that was returned. */ err = usb_get_string(dev, dev->string_langid, index, tbuf, 4); if (err < 0) return err; u=tbuf[0]; USB_PRINTF("Strn Len %d, index %d\n",u,index); err = usb_get_string(dev, dev->string_langid, index, tbuf, u); if (err < 0) return err; size--; /* leave room for trailing NULL char in output buffer */ for (idx = 0, u = 2; u < err; u += 2) { if (idx >= size) break; if (tbuf[u+1]) /* high byte */ buf[idx++] = '?'; /* non-ASCII character */ else buf[idx++] = tbuf[u]; } buf[idx] = 0; err = idx; return err; } /******************************************************************** * USB device handling: * the USB device are static allocated [USB_MAX_DEVICE]. */ /* returns a pointer to the device with the index [index]. * if the device is not assigned (dev->devnum==-1) returns NULL */ struct usb_device * usb_get_dev_index(int index) { if(usb_dev[index].devnum==-1) return NULL; else return &usb_dev[index]; } /* returns a pointer of a new device structure or NULL, if * no device struct is available */ struct usb_device * usb_alloc_new_device(void) { int i; USB_PRINTF("New Device %d\n",dev_index); if(dev_index==USB_MAX_DEVICE) { printf("ERROR, too many USB Devices, max=%d\n",USB_MAX_DEVICE); return NULL; } usb_dev[dev_index].devnum=dev_index+1; /* default Address is 0, real addresses start with 1 */ usb_dev[dev_index].maxchild=0; for(i=0;i<USB_MAXCHILDREN;i++) usb_dev[dev_index].children[i]=NULL; usb_dev[dev_index].parent=NULL; dev_index++; return &usb_dev[dev_index-1]; } /* * By the time we get here, the device has gotten a new device ID * and is in the default state. We need to identify the thing and * get the ball rolling.. * * Returns 0 for success, != 0 for error. */ int usb_new_device(struct usb_device *dev) { int addr, err; int tmp; unsigned char tmpbuf[256]; dev->descriptor.bMaxPacketSize0 = 8; /* Start off at 8 bytes */ dev->maxpacketsize = 0; /* Default to 8 byte max packet size */ dev->epmaxpacketin [0] = 8; dev->epmaxpacketout[0] = 8; /* We still haven't set the Address yet */ addr = dev->devnum; dev->devnum = 0; err = usb_get_descriptor(dev, USB_DT_DEVICE, 0, &dev->descriptor, 8); if (err < 8) { printf("\n USB device not responding, giving up (status=%lX)\n",dev->status); return 1; } dev->epmaxpacketin [0] = dev->descriptor.bMaxPacketSize0; dev->epmaxpacketout[0] = dev->descriptor.bMaxPacketSize0; switch (dev->descriptor.bMaxPacketSize0) { case 8: dev->maxpacketsize = 0; break; case 16: dev->maxpacketsize = 1; break; case 32: dev->maxpacketsize = 2; break; case 64: dev->maxpacketsize = 3; break; } dev->devnum = addr; err = usb_set_address(dev); /* set address */ if (err < 0) { printf("\n USB device not accepting new address (error=%lX)\n", dev->status); return 1; } wait_ms(10); /* Let the SET_ADDRESS settle */ tmp = sizeof(dev->descriptor); err = usb_get_descriptor(dev, USB_DT_DEVICE, 0, &dev->descriptor, sizeof(dev->descriptor)); if (err < tmp) { if (err < 0) printf("unable to get device descriptor (error=%d)\n",err); else printf("USB device descriptor short read (expected %i, got %i)\n",tmp,err); return 1; } /* correct le values */ dev->descriptor.bcdUSB=swap_16(dev->descriptor.bcdUSB); dev->descriptor.idVendor=swap_16(dev->descriptor.idVendor); dev->descriptor.idProduct=swap_16(dev->descriptor.idProduct); dev->descriptor.bcdDevice=swap_16(dev->descriptor.bcdDevice); /* only support for one config for now */ usb_get_configuration_no(dev,&tmpbuf[0],0); usb_parse_config(dev,&tmpbuf[0],0); usb_set_maxpacket(dev); /* we set the default configuration here */ if (usb_set_configuration(dev, dev->config.bConfigurationValue)) { printf("failed to set default configuration len %d, status %lX\n",dev->act_len,dev->status); return -1; } USB_PRINTF("new device strings: Mfr=%d, Product=%d, SerialNumber=%d\n", dev->descriptor.iManufacturer, dev->descriptor.iProduct, dev->descriptor.iSerialNumber); memset(dev->mf, 0, sizeof(dev->mf)); memset(dev->prod, 0, sizeof(dev->prod)); memset(dev->serial, 0, sizeof(dev->serial)); if (dev->descriptor.iManufacturer) usb_string(dev, dev->descriptor.iManufacturer, dev->mf, sizeof(dev->mf)); if (dev->descriptor.iProduct) usb_string(dev, dev->descriptor.iProduct, dev->prod, sizeof(dev->prod)); if (dev->descriptor.iSerialNumber) usb_string(dev, dev->descriptor.iSerialNumber, dev->serial, sizeof(dev->serial)); USB_PRINTF("Manufacturer %s\n", dev->mf); USB_PRINTF("Product %s\n", dev->prod); USB_PRINTF("SerialNumber %s\n", dev->serial); /* now prode if the device is a hub */ usb_hub_probe(dev,0); return 0; } /* build device Tree */ void usb_scan_devices(void) { int i; struct usb_device *dev; /* first make all devices unknown */ for(i=0;i<USB_MAX_DEVICE;i++) { memset(&usb_dev[i],0,sizeof(struct usb_device)); usb_dev[i].devnum=-1; } dev_index=0; /* device 0 is always present (root hub, so let it analyze) */ dev=usb_alloc_new_device(); usb_new_device(dev); printf("%d USB Devices found\n",dev_index); /* insert "driver" if possible */ #ifdef CONFIG_USB_KEYBOARD drv_usb_kbd_init(); USB_PRINTF("scan end\n"); #endif } /**************************************************************************** * HUB "Driver" * Probes device for being a hub and configurate it */ #undef USB_HUB_DEBUG #ifdef USB_HUB_DEBUG #define USB_HUB_PRINTF(fmt,args...) printf (fmt ,##args) #else #define USB_HUB_PRINTF(fmt,args...) #endif static struct usb_hub_device hub_dev[USB_MAX_HUB]; static int usb_hub_index; int usb_get_hub_descriptor(struct usb_device *dev, void *data, int size) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR, USB_DIR_IN | USB_RT_HUB, USB_DT_HUB << 8, 0, data, size, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } int usb_clear_hub_feature(struct usb_device *dev, int feature) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, USB_RT_HUB, feature, 0, NULL, 0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } int usb_clear_port_feature(struct usb_device *dev, int port, int feature) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, USB_RT_PORT, feature, port, NULL, 0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } int usb_set_port_feature(struct usb_device *dev, int port, int feature) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE, USB_RT_PORT, feature, port, NULL, 0, USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } int usb_get_hub_status(struct usb_device *dev, void *data) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_GET_STATUS, USB_DIR_IN | USB_RT_HUB, 0, 0, data, sizeof(struct usb_hub_status), USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } int usb_get_port_status(struct usb_device *dev, int port, void *data) { return usb_control_msg(dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev, 0), USB_REQ_GET_STATUS, USB_DIR_IN | USB_RT_PORT, 0, port, data, sizeof(struct usb_hub_status), USB_CNTL_TIMEOUT); } static void usb_hub_power_on(struct usb_hub_device *hub) { int i; struct usb_device *dev; dev=hub->pusb_dev; /* Enable power to the ports */ USB_HUB_PRINTF("enabling power on all ports\n"); for (i = 0; i < dev->maxchild; i++) { usb_set_port_feature(dev, i + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_POWER); USB_HUB_PRINTF("port %d returns %lX\n",i+1,dev->status); wait_ms(hub->desc.bPwrOn2PwrGood * 2); } } void usb_hub_reset(void) { usb_hub_index=0; } struct usb_hub_device *usb_hub_allocate(void) { if(usb_hub_index<USB_MAX_HUB) { return &hub_dev[usb_hub_index++]; } printf("ERROR: USB_MAX_HUB (%d) reached\n",USB_MAX_HUB); return NULL; } #define MAX_TRIES 5 void usb_hub_port_connect_change(struct usb_device *dev, int port) { struct usb_device *usb; struct usb_port_status portsts; unsigned short portstatus, portchange; int tries; /* Check status */ if (usb_get_port_status(dev, port + 1, &portsts)<0) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("get_port_status failed\n"); return; } portstatus = swap_16(portsts.wPortStatus); portchange = swap_16(portsts.wPortChange); USB_HUB_PRINTF("portstatus %x, change %x, %s\n", portstatus, portchange, portstatus&(1<<USB_PORT_FEAT_LOWSPEED) ? "Low Speed" : "High Speed"); /* Clear the connection change status */ usb_clear_port_feature(dev, port + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_C_CONNECTION); /* Disconnect any existing devices under this port */ if (((!(portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_CONNECTION)) && (!(portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_ENABLE)))|| (dev->children[port])) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("usb_disconnect(&hub->children[port]);\n"); /* Return now if nothing is connected */ if (!(portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_CONNECTION)) return; } wait_ms(200); /* Reset the port */ for(tries=0;tries<MAX_TRIES;tries++) { usb_set_port_feature(dev, port + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_RESET); wait_ms(200); if (usb_get_port_status(dev, port + 1, &portsts)<0) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("get_port_status failed status %lX\n",dev->status); return; } portstatus = swap_16(portsts.wPortStatus); portchange = swap_16(portsts.wPortChange); USB_HUB_PRINTF("portstatus %x, change %x, %s\n", portstatus ,portchange, portstatus&(1<<USB_PORT_FEAT_LOWSPEED) ? "Low Speed" : "High Speed"); USB_HUB_PRINTF("STAT_C_CONNECTION = %d STAT_CONNECTION = %d USB_PORT_STAT_ENABLE %d\n", (portchange & USB_PORT_STAT_C_CONNECTION) ? 1 : 0, (portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_CONNECTION) ? 1 : 0, (portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_ENABLE) ? 1 : 0); if ((portchange & USB_PORT_STAT_C_CONNECTION) || !(portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_CONNECTION)) return; if (portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_ENABLE) break; wait_ms(200); } if (tries==MAX_TRIES) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("Cannot enable port %i after %i retries, disabling port.\n", port+1, MAX_TRIES); USB_HUB_PRINTF("Maybe the USB cable is bad?\n"); return; } usb_clear_port_feature(dev, port + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_C_RESET); wait_ms(200); /* Allocate a new device struct for it */ usb=usb_alloc_new_device(); usb->slow = (portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_LOW_SPEED) ? 1 : 0; dev->children[port] = usb; usb->parent=dev; /* Run it through the hoops (find a driver, etc) */ if (usb_new_device(usb)) { /* Woops, disable the port */ USB_HUB_PRINTF("hub: disabling port %d\n", port + 1); usb_clear_port_feature(dev, port + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_ENABLE); } } int usb_hub_configure(struct usb_device *dev) { unsigned char buffer[256], *bitmap; struct usb_hub_descriptor *descriptor; struct usb_hub_status *hubsts; int i; struct usb_hub_device *hub; /* "allocate" Hub device */ hub=usb_hub_allocate(); if(hub==NULL) return -1; hub->pusb_dev=dev; /* Get the the hub descriptor */ if (usb_get_hub_descriptor(dev, buffer, 4) < 0) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("usb_hub_configure: failed to get hub descriptor, giving up %lX\n",dev->status); return -1; } descriptor = (struct usb_hub_descriptor *)buffer; if (usb_get_hub_descriptor(dev, buffer, descriptor->bLength) < 0) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("usb_hub_configure: failed to get hub descriptor 2nd giving up %lX\n",dev->status); return -1; } memcpy((unsigned char *)&hub->desc,buffer,descriptor->bLength); /* adjust 16bit values */ hub->desc.wHubCharacteristics=swap_16(descriptor->wHubCharacteristics); /* set the bitmap */ bitmap=(unsigned char *)&hub->desc.DeviceRemovable[0]; memset(bitmap,0xff,(USB_MAXCHILDREN+1+7)/8); /* devices not removable by default */ bitmap=(unsigned char *)&hub->desc.PortPowerCtrlMask[0]; memset(bitmap,0xff,(USB_MAXCHILDREN+1+7)/8); /* PowerMask = 1B */ for(i=0;i<((hub->desc.bNbrPorts + 1 + 7)/8);i++) { hub->desc.DeviceRemovable[i]=descriptor->DeviceRemovable[i]; } for(i=0;i<((hub->desc.bNbrPorts + 1 + 7)/8);i++) { hub->desc.DeviceRemovable[i]=descriptor->PortPowerCtrlMask[i]; } dev->maxchild = descriptor->bNbrPorts; USB_HUB_PRINTF("%d ports detected\n", dev->maxchild); switch (hub->desc.wHubCharacteristics & HUB_CHAR_LPSM) { case 0x00: USB_HUB_PRINTF("ganged power switching\n"); break; case 0x01: USB_HUB_PRINTF("individual port power switching\n"); break; case 0x02: case 0x03: USB_HUB_PRINTF("unknown reserved power switching mode\n"); break; } if (hub->desc.wHubCharacteristics & HUB_CHAR_COMPOUND) USB_HUB_PRINTF("part of a compound device\n"); else USB_HUB_PRINTF("standalone hub\n"); switch (hub->desc.wHubCharacteristics & HUB_CHAR_OCPM) { case 0x00: USB_HUB_PRINTF("global over-current protection\n"); break; case 0x08: USB_HUB_PRINTF("individual port over-current protection\n"); break; case 0x10: case 0x18: USB_HUB_PRINTF("no over-current protection\n"); break; } USB_HUB_PRINTF("power on to power good time: %dms\n", descriptor->bPwrOn2PwrGood * 2); USB_HUB_PRINTF("hub controller current requirement: %dmA\n", descriptor->bHubContrCurrent); for (i = 0; i < dev->maxchild; i++) USB_HUB_PRINTF("port %d is%s removable\n", i + 1, hub->desc.DeviceRemovable[(i + 1)/8] & (1 << ((i + 1)%8)) ? " not" : ""); if (usb_get_hub_status(dev, buffer) < 0) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("usb_hub_configure: failed to get Status %lX\n",dev->status); return -1; } hubsts = (struct usb_hub_status *)buffer; USB_HUB_PRINTF("get_hub_status returned status %X, change %X\n", swap_16(hubsts->wHubStatus),swap_16(hubsts->wHubChange)); USB_HUB_PRINTF("local power source is %s\n", (swap_16(hubsts->wHubStatus) & HUB_STATUS_LOCAL_POWER) ? "lost (inactive)" : "good"); USB_HUB_PRINTF("%sover-current condition exists\n", (swap_16(hubsts->wHubStatus) & HUB_STATUS_OVERCURRENT) ? "" : "no "); usb_hub_power_on(hub); for (i = 0; i < dev->maxchild; i++) { struct usb_port_status portsts; unsigned short portstatus, portchange; if (usb_get_port_status(dev, i + 1, &portsts) < 0) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("get_port_status failed\n"); continue; } portstatus = swap_16(portsts.wPortStatus); portchange = swap_16(portsts.wPortChange); USB_HUB_PRINTF("Port %d Status %X Change %X\n",i+1,portstatus,portchange); if (portchange & USB_PORT_STAT_C_CONNECTION) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("port %d connection change\n", i + 1); usb_hub_port_connect_change(dev, i); } if (portchange & USB_PORT_STAT_C_ENABLE) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("port %d enable change, status %x\n", i + 1, portstatus); usb_clear_port_feature(dev, i + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_C_ENABLE); /* EM interference sometimes causes bad shielded USB devices to * be shutdown by the hub, this hack enables them again. * Works at least with mouse driver */ if (!(portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_ENABLE) && (portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_CONNECTION) && (dev->children[i])) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("already running port %i disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling...\n", i + 1); usb_hub_port_connect_change(dev, i); } } if (portstatus & USB_PORT_STAT_SUSPEND) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("port %d suspend change\n", i + 1); usb_clear_port_feature(dev, i + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_SUSPEND); } if (portchange & USB_PORT_STAT_C_OVERCURRENT) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("port %d over-current change\n", i + 1); usb_clear_port_feature(dev, i + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_C_OVER_CURRENT); usb_hub_power_on(hub); } if (portchange & USB_PORT_STAT_C_RESET) { USB_HUB_PRINTF("port %d reset change\n", i + 1); usb_clear_port_feature(dev, i + 1, USB_PORT_FEAT_C_RESET); } } /* end for i all ports */ return 0; } int usb_hub_probe(struct usb_device *dev, int ifnum) { struct usb_interface_descriptor *iface; struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep; int ret; iface = &dev->config.if_desc[ifnum]; /* Is it a hub? */ if (iface->bInterfaceClass != USB_CLASS_HUB) return 0; /* Some hubs have a subclass of 1, which AFAICT according to the */ /* specs is not defined, but it works */ if ((iface->bInterfaceSubClass != 0) && (iface->bInterfaceSubClass != 1)) return 0; /* Multiple endpoints? What kind of mutant ninja-hub is this? */ if (iface->bNumEndpoints != 1) return 0; ep = &iface->ep_desc[0]; /* Output endpoint? Curiousier and curiousier.. */ if (!(ep->bEndpointAddress & USB_DIR_IN)) return 0; /* If it's not an interrupt endpoint, we'd better punt! */ if ((ep->bmAttributes & 3) != 3) return 0; /* We found a hub */ USB_HUB_PRINTF("USB hub found\n"); ret=usb_hub_configure(dev); return ret; } #endif /* (CONFIG_COMMANDS & CFG_CMD_USB) */ /* EOF */