# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # Copyright 2018 Google, Inc # Written by Simon Glass # # Holds and modifies the state information held by binman # import hashlib import re import os import tools # Records the device-tree files known to binman, keyed by filename (e.g. # 'u-boot-spl.dtb') fdt_files = {} # Arguments passed to binman to provide arguments to entries entry_args = {} # True to use fake device-tree files for testing (see U_BOOT_DTB_DATA in # ftest.py) use_fake_dtb = False # Dict of device trees, keyed by filename, but excluding the main one fdt_subset = {} # The DTB which contains the full image information main_dtb = None # Allow entries to expand after they have been packed. This is detected and # forces a re-pack. If not allowed, any attempted expansion causes an error in # Entry.ProcessContentsUpdate() allow_entry_expansion = True def GetFdt(fname): """Get the Fdt object for a particular device-tree filename Binman keeps track of at least one device-tree file called u-boot.dtb but can also have others (e.g. for SPL). This function looks up the given filename and returns the associated Fdt object. Args: fname: Filename to look up (e.g. 'u-boot.dtb'). Returns: Fdt object associated with the filename """ return fdt_files[fname] def GetFdtPath(fname): """Get the full pathname of a particular Fdt object Similar to GetFdt() but returns the pathname associated with the Fdt. Args: fname: Filename to look up (e.g. 'u-boot.dtb'). Returns: Full path name to the associated Fdt """ return fdt_files[fname]._fname def GetFdtContents(fname='u-boot.dtb'): """Looks up the FDT pathname and contents This is used to obtain the Fdt pathname and contents when needed by an entry. It supports a 'fake' dtb, allowing tests to substitute test data for the real dtb. Args: fname: Filename to look up (e.g. 'u-boot.dtb'). Returns: tuple: pathname to Fdt Fdt data (as bytes) """ if fname in fdt_files and not use_fake_dtb: pathname = GetFdtPath(fname) data = GetFdt(fname).GetContents() else: pathname = tools.GetInputFilename(fname) data = tools.ReadFile(pathname) return pathname, data def SetEntryArgs(args): """Set the value of the entry args This sets up the entry_args dict which is used to supply entry arguments to entries. Args: args: List of entry arguments, each in the format "name=value" """ global entry_args entry_args = {} if args: for arg in args: m = re.match('([^=]*)=(.*)', arg) if not m: raise ValueError("Invalid entry arguemnt '%s'" % arg) entry_args[m.group(1)] = m.group(2) def GetEntryArg(name): """Get the value of an entry argument Args: name: Name of argument to retrieve Returns: String value of argument """ return entry_args.get(name) def Prepare(images, dtb): """Get device tree files ready for use This sets up a set of device tree files that can be retrieved by GetFdts(). At present there is only one, that for U-Boot proper. Args: images: List of images being used dtb: Main dtb """ global fdt_set, fdt_subset, fdt_files, main_dtb # Import these here in case libfdt.py is not available, in which case # the above help option still works. import fdt import fdt_util # If we are updating the DTBs we need to put these updated versions # where Entry_blob_dtb can find them. We can ignore 'u-boot.dtb' # since it is assumed to be the one passed in with options.dt, and # was handled just above. main_dtb = dtb fdt_files.clear() fdt_files['u-boot.dtb'] = dtb fdt_subset = {} if not use_fake_dtb: for image in images.values(): fdt_subset.update(image.GetFdts()) if 'u-boot.dtb' in fdt_subset: del fdt_subset['u-boot.dtb'] for other_fname in fdt_subset: infile = tools.GetInputFilename(other_fname) other_fname_dtb = fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(infile) out_fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('%s.out' % os.path.split(other_fname)[1]) tools.WriteFile(out_fname, tools.ReadFile(other_fname_dtb)) other_dtb = fdt.FdtScan(out_fname) fdt_files[other_fname] = other_dtb def GetFdts(): """Yield all device tree files being used by binman Yields: Device trees being used (U-Boot proper, SPL, TPL) """ yield main_dtb for other_fname in fdt_subset: yield fdt_files[other_fname] def GetUpdateNodes(node): """Yield all the nodes that need to be updated in all device trees The property referenced by this node is added to any device trees which have the given node. Due to removable of unwanted notes, SPL and TPL may not have this node. Args: node: Node object in the main device tree to look up Yields: Node objects in each device tree that is in use (U-Boot proper, which is node, SPL and TPL) """ yield node for dtb in fdt_files.values(): if dtb != node.GetFdt(): other_node = dtb.GetNode(node.path) if other_node: yield other_node def AddZeroProp(node, prop): """Add a new property to affected device trees with an integer value of 0. Args: prop_name: Name of property """ for n in GetUpdateNodes(node): n.AddZeroProp(prop) def AddSubnode(node, name): """Add a new subnode to a node in affected device trees Args: node: Node to add to name: name of node to add Returns: New subnode that was created in main tree """ first = None for n in GetUpdateNodes(node): subnode = n.AddSubnode(name) if not first: first = subnode return first def AddString(node, prop, value): """Add a new string property to affected device trees Args: prop_name: Name of property value: String value (which will be \0-terminated in the DT) """ for n in GetUpdateNodes(node): n.AddString(prop, value) def SetInt(node, prop, value): """Update an integer property in affected device trees with an integer value This is not allowed to change the size of the FDT. Args: prop_name: Name of property """ for n in GetUpdateNodes(node): n.SetInt(prop, value) def CheckAddHashProp(node): hash_node = node.FindNode('hash') if hash_node: algo = hash_node.props.get('algo') if not algo: return "Missing 'algo' property for hash node" if algo.value == 'sha256': size = 32 else: return "Unknown hash algorithm '%s'" % algo for n in GetUpdateNodes(hash_node): n.AddEmptyProp('value', size) def CheckSetHashValue(node, get_data_func): hash_node = node.FindNode('hash') if hash_node: algo = hash_node.props.get('algo').value if algo == 'sha256': m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(get_data_func()) data = m.digest() for n in GetUpdateNodes(hash_node): n.SetData('value', data) def SetAllowEntryExpansion(allow): """Set whether post-pack expansion of entries is allowed Args: allow: True to allow expansion, False to raise an exception """ global allow_entry_expansion allow_entry_expansion = allow def AllowEntryExpansion(): """Check whether post-pack expansion of entries is allowed Returns: True if expansion should be allowed, False if an exception should be raised """ return allow_entry_expansion