# Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc # Written by Simon Glass # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # # Handle various things related to ELF images # from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict import command import os import re import struct import tools Symbol = namedtuple('Symbol', ['section', 'address', 'size', 'weak']) # Used for tests which don't have an ELF file to read ignore_missing_files = False def GetSymbols(fname, patterns): """Get the symbols from an ELF file Args: fname: Filename of the ELF file to read patterns: List of regex patterns to search for, each a string Returns: None, if the file does not exist, or Dict: key: Name of symbol value: Hex value of symbol """ stdout = command.Output('objdump', '-t', fname, raise_on_error=False) lines = stdout.splitlines() if patterns: re_syms = re.compile('|'.join(patterns)) else: re_syms = None syms = {} syms_started = False for line in lines: if not line or not syms_started: if 'SYMBOL TABLE' in line: syms_started = True line = None # Otherwise code coverage complains about 'continue' continue if re_syms and not re_syms.search(line): continue space_pos = line.find(' ') value, rest = line[:space_pos], line[space_pos + 1:] flags = rest[:7] parts = rest[7:].split() section, size = parts[:2] if len(parts) > 2: name = parts[2] syms[name] = Symbol(section, int(value, 16), int(size,16), flags[1] == 'w') return syms def GetSymbolAddress(fname, sym_name): """Get a value of a symbol from an ELF file Args: fname: Filename of the ELF file to read patterns: List of regex patterns to search for, each a string Returns: Symbol value (as an integer) or None if not found """ syms = GetSymbols(fname, [sym_name]) sym = syms.get(sym_name) if not sym: return None return sym.address